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How to meet a girl online. There will be no second chance: what to write to a girl in the first message. I never use pick up methods for several reasons.

Modern Internet technologies provide ample opportunities both for obtaining important information and for communication. And you can communicate with anyone - with friends, colleagues, loved ones.

In addition, there is a stormy correspondence on the worldwide network in order to meet and establish closer relationships between men and young ladies. There are many examples when it was with the help of social networks that people got to know each other and connected destinies. That is why it is so important to understand how to meet a girl on the Internet.

At the moment, almost everyone has access to the Internet, since it is no longer necessary to have a stationary computer to access the network - it is enough to get a mobile phone. It is not surprising that communication in the virtual has now become easier. In addition, such correspondence has its advantages over real meetings:

  • you save time for meeting girls, because you can correspond with several interlocutors at once;
  • you save material costs, because for a preliminary acquaintance you do not need to take a young lady to a cafe (for many unsettled young people this factor is extremely important);
  • it is easier for shy guys to take the first step and get to know a girl, because no one sees their embarrassment and awkwardness;
  • you can communicate with representatives of the weaker sex from other regions, cities and even states;
  • if the conversation has reached an impasse or the interlocutor has lost its liking, you can easily end the annoying dialogue without any further explanation.

Despite the obvious advantages of such communication, it also has various disadvantages. These include the following factors:

  • in virtual communication, it is difficult to track the real emotions and mood of the interlocutor (an exception is communication using a webcam);
  • getting acquainted with another beauty, you enter into rivalry with other guys, which means that you need to try very hard to look bright against the background of this crowd of fans;
  • girls usually post their best photos on VK and other social networks, moreover, they are additionally processed with Photoshop, so their appearance in real life is sometimes far from a virtual image;
  • both appearance and behavior are different, since many restrictions are removed on the Internet, which continue to operate in ordinary real life;
  • not all interlocutors are ready for meetings in real life, many agree only to correspond on social networks.

In addition, the illusion of choice often confuses young people who, chasing after a bright appearance and more interesting communication, easily change their interlocutors, among whom there may be a really good girl.

There are specialized dating sites on the Internet, as they say, for every taste. Before registering, clearly define the main purpose of the correspondence. Your task:

  • Looking for marriage or a serious relationship?
  • Looking for a girlfriend for short meetings with obligatory sexual accompaniment?
  • Just chat with a pleasant companion?
  • Pickup and honing the skill of communication with the fairer sex?

As soon as you realize what exactly you expect from dating and communication on the Internet, then narrow down the circle of searches and significantly save your time and nerves. Having studied the opinion about sites for free dating, proceed to register and fill out the questionnaire.

In this case, it is useful to observe the following rules:

  1. The questionnaire is simply obliged to be interesting and informative. In addition to dry facts regarding age, education and marital status, it may contain funny quotes, various interests and hobbies. No need to attach a list of criteria by which you evaluate women, this will only cause irritation.
  2. Post only the best and be sure to post your photos on the sites, especially if your goal is real meetings. A huge number of photos, especially of the same type, is already too much. Nude photos are welcome in one case: if you are the lucky owner of the figure of Apollo. A beer belly will reduce your chances.
  3. If your goal is to communicate for a serious acquaintance, then “knock” on the profiles of normal girls. Nude photos or even videos on a certain topic are reason enough to pass by such a person. Checking a girl without compromising information is quite simple - start another page, from which make her an extremely vulgar offer, and wait for an answer.
  4. Even if the purpose for this acquaintance is a pickup and subsequent sex, do not indicate this in the profile and first messages. First you need to start a conversation, interest the girl, and only then you can move on to probing the soil.
  5. In order for the pickup to be successful and the meeting to take place as quickly as possible, choose girl profiles from the middle of the list. Girls who are higher in the hierarchy, as a rule, are not deprived of the attention of the male half of the site, and those young ladies who are at the end of the lists are not of particular interest or have been here for a very long time waiting for princes on a white horse.
  6. Starting to communicate, be at least half an hour in contact with the girl. Of course, she can read your message the next day, but the specifics of dating and communicating on the Internet is that after a few minutes you can understand whether the interlocutor is nice to you or not. In addition, prolonged communication will cause a decline in the girl's interest in your person.
  7. Do not delay with online correspondence. After talking a little online, try to offer a conversation on the phone, Skype, or invite a girl to a cafe on a date. So you can understand whether she is ready for real meetings, and you yourself will show interest in more serious relationships than correspondence.

However, unlike previous sites, it is not always clear on VK whether your interlocutor wants to enter into a new relationship or if she is not interested. Therefore, many guys are eager to learn how to meet a girl on the Vkontakte network.

  1. First of all, carefully consider the structure of your own page in VK. It should not be empty, so fill out your account with the necessary information and be sure to upload your own photos - bigger and more varied. So you will have another reason to start dating.
  2. Join communities that interest you and list your hobbies. However, you should not register in specific groups, for example, "The fastest pickup", "Pickup for dummies", "Sex scam", etc. However, one should not reveal too much either, otherwise the girl will very soon lose interest in the process of communication.
  3. Before writing to a young lady in contact, carefully study her profile to obtain the maximum amount of useful information. First, this way you can determine if you have common ground. Secondly, it will help answer the question of what to write to the girl in the first message. Perhaps you will find that you are familiar with this young lady through mutual friends. In addition, you will be able to find out:
    • What groups does she belong to?
    • how popular she is in VK (there is a risk that she will not communicate);
    • what is her appearance like?
    • what are her hobbies.
  4. For a quick acquaintance, you can offer friendship in VK. Usually, girls active in this social network have a positive attitude towards new friendship proposals from the representatives of the stronger sex. Having gained wider access to her page, you can find out the phone number, ICQ, information about the place of work or study (some young ladies post all this on the network). In this case, you can send an SMS or continue to chat on Skype.
  5. It is likely that the interlocutor on Vkontakte will be interested not in personal messages, but in commenting on her photos or other activity on the wall. By the way, the pickup (more precisely, its reception) suggests that "comments" do not have to be positive. You can, on the contrary, leave a provocative review to spark interest in the girl. Of course, it is necessary to do without insults.

It does not matter where you met a beautiful stranger - on a dating site or in contact, your task is to attract girl's attention. And for this you need to know which phrases it is better to refuse.

In order for the dialogue to start positively, the “adepts” of such a phenomenon as a pickup truck advise avoiding the following faceless and banal expressions to the gnashing of teeth:

  • Hello. How are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • You look great.
  • Let's meet?

Such questions must be thrown aside, since they are asked by the majority of men on VK, therefore, they do not cause anything but irritation among lovely young ladies. It turns out that you need to think carefully about what to write girls in contact for a positive acquaintance in order to compare favorably with other contenders for her heart.

Choosing the right phrase will be greatly simplified if you carefully studied its page in VK.

For example, if the potential interlocutor loves dogs, ask how to care for a poodle (terrier, spitz), since you plan to get a dog of the same breed.

If among the photos you found any tourist attraction, write that you were there recently and even seem to have spotted a girl during the tour. The young lady will certainly want to know the details of the "meeting".

Can't figure out what to write to a girl when communicating on Vkontakte? Use ready-made phrases for dating a girl, which can be easily found on numerous pickup resources. The following questions can become such “openers”:

  • I am collecting material for a book in which I describe ways to meet beautiful girls on VK. Can you help me?
  • Girl, do you believe in unearthly love from the first message? Or will I have to write the second and third?
  • Tell me, didn't I see you in Paris (Milan) last month?

Agree, the expressions are not so trivial, but pickup sites are a frequented place, so it is likely that the girl has already read such phrases many, many times.

So, you have already done the main thing - aroused the girl's interest. Now it is important to continue communication and not be blacklisted on VK or any other social network.

Even if your goal is just to sleep with a beauty, you don’t need to make vulgar offers and ask frank questions.

Pickup masters, who know how to please women by correspondence, offer the following recommendations to "newcomers":

  • start communication with a greeting;
  • address the interlocutor by name;
  • do not reveal all the cards, keeping some secrets;
  • do not ask a whole battery of questions, wait for answers and alternate questions with interesting stories;
  • ask the girl about her hobbies;
  • turn the conversation in the direction you need;
  • write without errors.

If you managed to start a full-fledged correspondence in a contact, listen to one more piece of advice from pickup masters: try to translate communication into real without delay.

A date will show how pleasant you are to each other, and if the sympathy turns out to be mutual, communication in real life can be alternated with conversations in VK.

Additional topics for correspondence

Even if you managed to meet, communication will continue on the network, which means that it is necessary to think over topics for subsequent conversations. If the girl is not yet ready for a date, additional conversations will help to better prepare for real meetings.

The following recommendations will help you communicate productively with young ladies on VK:

  • ask about the girl’s plans for the weekend or tell us about your ideas;
  • regularly make pleasant compliments (too often - mauvais ton);
  • find out how the working or school day went, what interesting things happened to the interlocutor during this time;
  • share some secret;
  • exchange culinary recipes, at the same time you will find out if the girl knows how to cook;
  • discuss hobbies;
  • talk about your own successes (just don't boast);
  • share childhood memories;
  • offer your help if the girl has any difficulty.

If you don’t know how to meet a young lady on dating sites, in contact, other social networks and what to write to a girl in the first message, try using our recommendations.

The main thing is not to forget - virtual correspondence will never replace real, live communication with real smiles, embarrassment and timid touches. Therefore, use the tips described above in order to invite the beauty on a date!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on the upbringing of children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Do you have absolutely no time and opportunity to get acquainted on the street? Or maybe you don’t have the courage to dare to approach and talk to an unfamiliar girl? Or are you just too lazy to tear off your fifth point, because sitting at a computer is much more comfortable? Then I will tell you how to meet the best girl on the Internet, how to interest her and smoothly translate your communication into a real relationship.

Did you know that today 60% of couples are those who first met on the Internet? Impressive number, isn't it? You can talk about luck or luck, but if you know the rules of conduct for online correspondence, then the chances that you will be able to catch a really worthwhile girl increase.

Depending on where communication will take place, there are rules and features of a particular Internet space. Let's look at all this with examples and in more detail.

It would seem that if a girl registered on such a site and created a profile, then she is clearly aimed at getting to know each other and there can be no problems with this. But there is a big catch here. These acquaintances may not be of interest to her for a hundred years, because:

  • she had a fight with a guy and wants to prove to herself that she still enjoys the attention of men and is interesting to others;
  • relations with her husband (yes, everything is serious there) have cracked, and she is looking for evidence that he is not so bad after all;
  • pure curiosity.

All these three types of girls will never agree to a meeting, but they can talk to you and powder their brains endlessly. But this is so, a lyrical digression, now let's talk about what to do and how to interest a cool girl.

Profile tricks on a dating site

1. Photo

The optimal number is 4-10 photos. It’s not worth it anymore, otherwise it will give the impression that you didn’t come here to get to know each other, but to brag about yourself beautiful, or you live and catch “fish” for several years, in short, you are not quoted. They should depict the positive moments of your life, it is also desirable that the photos be original (and not “I am standing by a tree”, “I clung to it”, “I hugged him”, “and here I am at the tree photo from below” and so Further).

A high-quality and successful photo is 65% of success. How about some examples? I specifically registered on a dating site and scrolled through the tape.

So many mistakes guys make! So:

I don't know why, but a lot of men have such photos. Do they think they're sexy in bed? I thought they were sick, in the truest sense of the word. I wanted to send medicines, let them get better, poor fellows. But there is no desire to get acquainted with such a man.

The joy of owning a bottle is incomprehensible to a woman, and a wedding photo too. You come to get acquainted, not to brag about your wife or invite you to a drinking party. This is unacceptable.

Here, both guys probably think they are macho. The first is naked against the backdrop of a chic interior (probably he will invite home after the first meeting, an enviable place), the second is wearing dark glasses against the background of the sofa and the curtains in the room reflected in the glasses. The face is not visible. By the guys, by.

The photo should normally show the face, figure, surrounding an adequate environment. Better if it is nature. Let even the local river and barbecue, but you stand there and smile. Here I have poor quality displayed, on the site you can see the photos better.

2. Questionnaire

Here you are free to write whatever you want. Of course, boring texts and enumerations make you no less boring person, so you can joke, be original, or make you foggy. Girls love mystery in men.

– I help to promote business to large companies of our city (marketer, designer);

– I am lifting the country from its knees, increasing industrial volumes (engineer, designer, technologist);

- The patron of secret digital codes (programmer) and so on, depends on your imagination and sense of humor.

It’s just not worth getting carried away strongly, prescribing the same in each item of the questionnaire, otherwise they will think that you are a little more than that.

Honesty, humor, brevity - these are the three main principles of a successful profile on a dating site.

As for your qualities, here you can use the resume trick: write a negative quality, which in fact is a virtue. For instance:

  • Emotionality;
  • inability to deceive;
  • Lack of experience in a serious relationship.

Or ones that don't make sense for relationships:

  • Fear of air travel;
  • Excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightness;
  • principle and so on.

Strategy for choosing a girl on a dating site

Dating sites are a collection of photos with the illusion of choice. It seems there are countless of them, but when you start to seriously approach the consideration, it turns out that not everything is so simple. In addition to cutting off fake beauties, it is important to have the right strategy for selecting the right girl:

1. When setting a filter in the search, it is better to place above not those who are online, but those who have recently registered.

2. Don't click on all the photos in the feed. Look carefully at the photo and choose the one that you really like. Don't waste your time on people who are not your type. Go to 2, 3, 4 pages, look.

3. When you find the one you like, look carefully for the presence of artificial eyelashes, painted eyebrows, an obvious photoshop with a figure or filters for the face (retouching, underlined eyes, reduced nose, etc.). You can be quite loyal to the eyelashes as the wings of a butterfly, but keep in mind that when you meet her appearance can be significantly different.

4. Then we look at the questionnaire. And here is an important point. It is the correct use of her profile that will allow you to stand out from everyone and achieve your goal - a meeting.

After getting acquainted with her, you should understand her intentions and write to her from a position of interest in her as a person, and not as a person from a photograph.

See hobbies, cling to them and unfold the thought:

"Hey! I see you like to travel (knitting / walking at night / riding a bike). Where did you last go (what did you knit / where did you walk / on what bike)?

"Hello! I see you have photos from the festival of colors in your profile. Is that when you were there? Maybe we met there?

"Hey! Why are you looking for a tall (thin/fat/romantic) guy?”

Take all her "I want", "I'm looking for", "I love" from the questionnaire. Even if your question is not so hot, how original is the one fact that, firstly, you read her profile (and almost no one does that!), And secondly, you became interested not in her eyes and figure, but precisely as a person - will give you 100 points ahead and highlight all sorts of: "Hi, beauty", "Wow, what a look", "Mmmm, panther" and other nonsense.

5. If after you started a conversation, the girl seemed interesting and you got excited about the continuation of the acquaintance, then feel free to invite to meet. Don't delay this moment.

To be fully prepared, read (opens in a new window)

How to recognize fakes and other dummies

A clear indicator that the young lady did not register here for real dates can be:

1. Only 1 profile photo.

2. An empty or almost empty questionnaire.

3. The period of stay on the site is several years.

Features of dating apps

The largest dating sites have their continuation in the form of applications, the database of profiles is no different, but you can get acquainted while sitting on the couch with a smartphone in your hands.

There are also independent applications, such as Tinder (Tinder). The basic principle in it is the same as described above. So the formula works:

Your high-quality and good photo + Interest in her as a person = Quick and easy meeting in real life.

How to meet a girl on the Internet through social networks

What should your page say about you?

It also has its own conditions, the fulfillment of which will help you to be more attractive to girls on the Internet:

1. Your main page.

The status "actively searching" scares the female gender, change it to a neutral "single". Examine your photos and photos in which you are tagged by friends. Let there be nothing compromising, vulgar, aggressive, repulsive.

Many pickup trainers (I would say all of them) advise you to fill out your profile with status photos, from cool places, restaurants, travels, cool cars near you and more.

Guys, do you know who's into this? Kept women and dynamos that will spin and throw. Those who only care about your wallet and the status that you showed them here.

Normal girls are interested in normal guys. Of course, if you really have some merit or status property, then you can light up a piece. But it is better if a good and sincere girl in relation to you finds out about this when she is already in love with you.

And it happens that men splurge, but in reality there is nothing to show off and begin to tear the veins to match the invented image. God forbid.

Let's get back to the photos. The avatar should have your positive photo, no left pictures. You are a confident, successful, self-sufficient person. And hiding under the hood is ridiculous for you.

2. Wall. Scroll through your wall, remove the echoes and confessions of your ex, or some other unpleasant (or for whom it may be vice versa - pleasant) things from there. Rest assured, after you show that you exist and are interested in her, the girl under the microscope will examine every detail on your page.

3. Friends. A huge number of beautiful girls in friends for 10% of men will greatly strain anyone. Also the number of friends exceeded several thousand. Pay attention to this.

Behavior strategy

  • Find the girl you like, like a few of her photos, it is desirable that some of them be from albums, and not from the recent photo feed. So you will show that she is very interesting to you, and in order to admire such beauty, you sat and watched her albums.
  • While looking at these images, notice for yourself some details on them, so that later you can ask questions about them.
  • When writing your first message, remember that you need to follow 2 points:

- show that you are interested in her as a person, and not as a sexual object;

- voice your desire or goal (to get to know each other and meet).

What the first phrase might look like (after you have completed all the steps above):

"Hey! You seemed to me a kind and gentle girl, I would really like to talk with you and get to know you better.

You have trump cards in your hands - evidence of her kindness (from the photo) or originality, or fearlessness, or activity (bicycles) or ... In general, any trait.

When your conversation gets interesting - ask for a date, don't delay it. Pull it into real life and already look closely there.

To make the conversation interesting, read (opens in a new window)

What mistakes should not be made when dating on the Internet

1. Don't like yourself. This is narcissism and looks very funny from the outside.

2. Do not write anything on the wall of the girl you like. It's like marking territory that no one has invited you to yet.

3. Don't write impersonal messages like "how are you?", "what are you doing?" and others.

4. Don't ask for a photo. Everything she would like to show you - she posted in free access.

6 Essential Principles for Successful Online Dating

1. Try to understand the girl's goals from her profile.

2. Do not write:

“I don’t know what to write, tell us about yourself, ask questions,” is a manifestation of your self-doubt.

3. Write only the truth, do not pretend to be someone you are not.

4. Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts. Why such a girl if you cannot share with her what is in your head and soul.

5. Be original. Imagine how many platitudes, similar questions and messages she received. Try to stand out from the crowd and be remembered by her.

6. Don't be afraid of rejection, it's natural. Don't take it personally.

7. Communicate the way you used to communicate with friends. Be yourself when talking, this is the most important thing in the question of how to meet a girl on the Internet.

Communication in modern society can be verbal and non-verbal, that is, live and via the Internet. As practice shows, correspondence in social networks is gradually squeezing out live communication, which leads to various consequences, including the loss of communication skills. Despite this, the question of how to meet a girl on a social network is the most relevant among guys today.

If earlier an acquaintance could be made with a banal message “hello, how are you?”, today girls are much more demanding and selective in choosing interlocutors. In this regard, experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of competent and promising communication, with the pros and cons of correspondence on the Internet and online dating, as well as with the most exciting and interesting topics.

If earlier a person needed a connection and a stationary computer to access the Internet, today any owner of a mobile phone can get into social networks. The popularity of online dating and non-verbal communication is due to its simplicity, even if young people are inherently too shy and reserved. Psychologists name several advantages of online dating, in connection with which they have become so popular.

So, there are several advantages:

  • saving free time and the ability to communicate with several people at once;
  • saving material resources, since for an ordinary acquaintance a man needs to invite a girl to any institution, buy flowers, etc., which is not required in correspondence on the Internet;
  • communication on the Internet is not as exciting as live, which helps shy and inexperienced guys a lot to get acquainted with girls;
  • you can communicate through social networks with girls from any country and city;
  • if suddenly the communication became uninteresting, and the guy lost interest in the girl, it is not necessary to explain himself to her, you can easily stop the correspondence.

In addition, thanks to the Internet, young people can keep in touch almost around the clock, while at this time at school, work, with friends or on vacation. Despite such a large list of advantages of online dating, they still have weaknesses, namely:

  • correspondence is not able to convey the full range of emotions and spiritual impulses, as a result of which communication often turns out to be dry and, as it were, crumpled;
  • on the Internet, competition in the struggle for a beautiful girl increases significantly when compared with the same situation in real life;
  • many girls tend to post edited photos and only from their best angles, so the virtual and real images may differ slightly;
  • communication on the Internet is significantly different from the real one, since there are no restrictions, constraints on the network, and young people can try to make a better impression of themselves than in real life;
  • some girls easily make contact on the Internet, but refuse real meetings and building relationships.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

The main distinguishing feature of online dating is that the illusion of choice and a large number of beautiful girls confuse and purposeful search for a girl, as a result of which guys change their interlocutor like gloves, losing a really worthy girl among them.

Basic rules of social networking

The most popular place for dating different girls today is social networks, which are so fond of the fair sex. Here you can find girls for every taste, of all ages, single or married, beautiful and successful. To find a worthy girl and start fruitful communication, a guy needs to set himself a clear goal of dating. Namely:

  • acquaintance for a fleeting romance, serious relationship or marriage;
  • you need a girl just for a pleasant pastime;
  • a man needs only communication;
  • dating will be a tool to hone your communication skills and pickup.

By determining the purpose of communication on the Internet, a young man will significantly narrow the search for the right girl, saving his time and effort. Only after that you can fill out the questionnaire, add good photos, and also adhere to the basic rules of online dating:

  • The questionnaire of a young person should be informative, interesting, not only with personal facts from life, but also with funny and philosophical quotes, indicating interests, hobbies.
  • On your page in social networks, you need to upload different high-quality photos. If a man pursues the goal of transferring acquaintance from the network to life, you need to add purely personal photos. No need to add a lot of the same type of photos or those where there will be visible figure flaws. It is good if the pictures show the interests, activities and hobbies of a man.
  • For a serious relationship and promising communication, you need to write to those girls who have completed questionnaires. Before you write to the person you like, you need to look at her account for incriminating facts.
  • If a man aims to hone his pick-up skills or is looking for a girl for intimate meetings, you do not need to immediately report this. Any girl needs to be interested, and only after that to test the soil in this direction.
  • When looking for girls in the top list, a man should not write to the leaders, because due to their demand, they are unlikely to answer. It is worth giving preference to the average positions of the rating.
  • Any online correspondence on the network should not be long and tiring, you can quickly switch to talking by phone or video. When a girl makes contact and new conditions of communication, a man can invite her to a real meeting.

Any communication on the network can be delayed until the moment when the girl simply loses interest in her interlocutor. Therefore, experts advise using the Internet purely for the first acquaintance and attracting the interest of women towards men.

How to meet in Vkontakte?

Any person can communicate through social networks, regardless of age, religion, nationality, type of activity and goals. The most common among people of all ages is the social network Vkontakte (VK). Young people often prefer to post photos on Instagram, older people communicate via video calls, audio recordings and WhatsApp calls.

Do you meet on social networks?


  1. Before meeting, you need to think over the structure and appearance of your own page, providing detailed information about the man.
  2. In order to show his versatility in advance, a man can join different interest groups, subscribe to educational publics, or join those communities in which the object of sympathy is a member.
  3. Before the first message, the guy needs to familiarize himself with the girl’s page and profile in order to find common ground and common interests. You can know which groups she is interested in, the degree of her popularity on the network, external data and hobbies. This information will help you find an original way of making acquaintances.
  4. Before communication, you can offer friendship to a girl, and if she responded positively to the request, you should immediately start a conversation. If the girl refused, it is worth considering whether it makes sense to seek her favor, or you can look after a new interlocutor.
  5. You can attract the attention of a girl by commenting on her photos, likes and messages on her wall. The main thing here is not to overdo it with compliments, but also not to seem arrogant and rude.

Advice! A man's page should contain only truthful information without embellishment of reality, photoshop and fake photos. Sooner or later, communication with the girl she likes will turn into real meetings, where the girl will have to be disappointed in the fan.

The first phrases for communication on the Internet

To find a girl on a social network for simple pleasant communication or with the prospect of a real relationship, a man must think through. Girls, due to the large number of fans and boyfriends, do not tolerate banality and superficial jokes, so you need to show originality and wit. Also, experts advise discarding stop phrases that repel the interlocutor.

For instance:

  • "Hi, how are you?";
  • "You look great";
  • “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”;
  • "What are you doing?";
  • "Let's get acquainted".

Surely she has to read such questions every day, so you should not be like everyone else so as not to cause her complete irritation. You can easily find interesting and effective phrases for dating if you study the girl’s page. For example, if her page has a photo with a dog of a certain breed, you can ask her how to properly care for a pet.

If a girl recently posted a photo from a trip, you can write that the man also had to go there, and that he seems to have seen the girl. On the Internet, you can find many ready-made texts and phrases for meeting girls online, for example:

  • "Good day. I'm writing a book on how to pick up beautiful girls the right way. Is there any chance you can help me?”;
  • “Do you believe in love from the first message? Or will I have to write to you again until I can prove the veracity of this?
  • “It seems to me that we already met last month in Milan?”.

Such blanks can not be used in direct entry, but only as inspiration for writing your own phrases. If a girl is in demand, most likely she has already seen such texts from other boyfriends. Repeating, a man immediately risks losing all interest in his direction.

Rules for communicating in social networks with girls

To make communication in social networks with girls exciting and interesting for both parties, and most importantly, to realize the plans and goals of a man, you should heed the important advice of experts. The rules of communication in social networks with the fair sex are as follows:

  • communication should always begin with a greeting;
  • it is better to address a girl by her name, since different nicknames like “bunnies” and “sun” will seem familiar to her;
  • in the course of communication, you should not lay out all the information about yourself, some secrets and understatement fuel interest;
  • do not ask several questions at once in a row, without waiting for answers from the interlocutor;
  • there should be interesting stories and jokes between questions and answers so that communication does not look like an interrogation;
  • most of the dialogue should be devoted to questions about the dreams, interests and activities of the girl.

A man needs to pay special attention to his spelling, as lexical, grammatical and punctuation errors will spoil the impression of a person. If communication has begun, and the girl responds with mutual interest towards the man, the pickup masters strongly recommend transferring it to real life. A date will dot the “i”, show the possibility of a relationship or incompatibility of characters.

Additional topics for correspondence

Psychologists advise choosing from the following list of top topics for Internet correspondence:

Variants of interesting topics for both interlocutors will be shown by the publics and communities in which the girl is a member. The main thing is that the conversations should be direct and relaxed, without a load of negativity and drama. The forbidden topics of communication include talking about politics, religion and nationalities, since the risks of inciting conflicts and disputes are quite high.


Communication on the Internet differs from live communication in its advantages and disadvantages, which every person needs to know about. Despite this, many guys prefer to make acquaintances through social networks, as there are a huge number of beautiful interesting girls in them. It remains only to figure out the rules of online dating, the advice of psychologists and pickup masters in order to prove yourself from the best side in the eyes of the lady you like.

The age of high technology obliges a person to use advanced ideas and modern opportunities. To a certain extent, this also applies to the sphere of personal relationships, namely, the ways and means by which young people of today get to know girls. Gone are the days when personal relationships were established mostly in public transport or, for example, in the library. Today, perhaps, the most popular place for communication is Runet. At the same time, not all young men know how to start dating a girl on the Internet. A few tips below will help them with this.

It should be noted that the banal options to get acquainted with the young lady will be ineffective, since written messages like: “Hi! How are you?" - the girl receives in an incredibly huge amount. She can simply ignore the next such message. Have no idea how to start dating a girl on the Internet? Know that one way to keep her interested is to show originality and creativity. However, it should be emphasized that it is not necessary to speak abstruse, sometimes incomprehensible phrases - the young lady may simply not understand the meaning of your words.

If you, like no one else, are interested in understanding how to start dating a girl on the Internet, remember: you need to carefully study her data indicated in the questionnaire. So you can find out the circle of her hobbies and hobbies - and this is an excellent "hook" in order to start communicating with the fairer sex online.

In particular, if a girl likes to swim and she has a pool membership, then you can report that you devote a lot of time to crawl and breaststroke classes, and invite her, for example, to compete.

Do not forget that the main thing in the question of how to start dating a girl on the Internet is to interest her. If you succeeded, develop your success: the topics on which you are talking with her, “dilute” with stories from your life, as funny as possible.

During the first virtual communication, there is no need to tell all your ins and outs, however, you can specify personal information.

Remember that dating a girl via the Internet should not start with a lie - do not impersonate another person, positioning yourself as someone who is incredibly rich and has made dizzying success in his career.

Know: in the real world, deception is sure to be revealed.

Give more compliments. No wonder they say that a woman loves with her ears. However, do not openly flatter - it is important to know when to stop.

There is another proven method of dating a girl - this is the creation of intrigue. How to do it? For example: “Can you guess the riddle?” - will be the first phrase. 85% of young ladies like dating on the Internet in this way. Even beauties with parameters 90 x 60 x 90 do not remain indifferent to him. At the next stage of online communication, a young man should not forget to take a girl’s phone number, since talking on a mobile phone is usually easier and more productive than on the Internet.

In any case, you must remember that when meeting a girl you need to be sincere and not lie.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “magic pill” is now being promoted in the world (pump up the press in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you will become cool), there are things that really work.

They just work not because they are mega cool, but because they are obtained by experience and some work.

Put this new knowledge into practice, and you will close your questions about what to write to a girl when meeting in contact and any other social networks.

You understand that if you do not lift a finger, then things do not happen by themselves around.

And if you just read this article and do nothing, or if you act half-heartedly, then nothing will come of it, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer her top 3 questions in the first messages

Any girl whom a stranger writes to asks the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you need, what do you want from her?
  3. Why is she?

Any person when communication with a stranger begins, always these 3 questions in my head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you need to write after the word “Hi” to the girl.

1. "Who are you?"

Let's analyze these questions in more detail.

The girl does not know you and she is interested to know who you are.

Maybe someone she knew sent you, or you're from some real estate agency.

She has a lot of options running through her head. Explain the situation to her.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?” and write to her about it.

Know for yourself the answer to this question, and then you will know your the value that you will broadcast through messages when meeting her.

The following illustrative example will give you a clearer idea of ​​​​what to write to a girl to get to know her.

2. "What do you want from her?"

This is the second question, the answer to which the girl wants to know from you.

Maybe you want to sell her a plasma TV over the Internet or call her to some kind of network marketing or financial pyramid.

The Internet is full of all kinds of people.

You can reply with one first message to three at once question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to a girl when meeting in a contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions at once.

Sometimes it is enough to answer only one question out of three and she is ready to meet you. See screenshot.

3. "Why did you choose her?"

Here you need to write about what attracted you to her, and why you chose her among other girls.

That is, you write to her about what did you like about her and why did you decide to write to her: “because you are pretty”, “I am attracted to you”, “I like you” and others.

These are all pretty good examples for you of what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte or on Facebook.

You may have your own unique reasons why you chose her.

At this point, girls very often check on guys.

Here they want make sure you are the guy you say you are or you're lying to her.

Precisely on whether you can pass her tests or not depends on whether you can meet her or not.

Pass the tests, do not be afraid of them, accept them, and meeting with her will not take long.

With practice and over time, you will learn to shuffle these techniques, swap the answers to these questions.

You will have such a certain flair when you can immediately ask for a number and call on a date, and when it is still early and it is worth getting to know each other better.

Be absolutely sincere and congruent with her.

Very detailed and detailed article.

Some guys have a big problem with what they don't know what to say and what topic to choose for conversation when meeting a girl.

Why doesn't she answer you

  1. Most men write platitudes to girls like:"Hello how are you what are you doing?".
    But it doesn't work at all.
  2. Some guys are just offer to "buy" the girl's attention with the help of entertainment or even openly- money. This is mistake.
    This will push the girl away from you even more. She will turn on the protective mechanism "I'm not like that."

We also have a detailed article for men on our website about college, at work and in other places, without making any effort and without trying to please her.

What should be done with your profile?

1. Upload good photos

I recommend first delete ABSOLUTELY ALL photos where you look tired, annoyed, drunk to a pig squeal, in the company of stoned friends. Well, you understand.

If thoughts come to your mind that this will seem incorrect in relation to your friends or even to yourself (it may seem so), get these lousy thoughts out of your head and start acting.

You go to a life filled with beautiful girls and your personal happiness in the end!

So don't hesitate to delete.

When you take 6 - 10 photos with a professional, you will find out why it was necessary to delete the former ones.

2. Fill in information about yourself in the profile

It will also be useful to fill in information about yourself in the profile.

This will create more trust to you.

Fill in the items in the "interests" section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, your favorite movies and music.

The time when she was attracted to pictures

You don't have to write a lot. If you feel that you can already ask for a date, do it.

There you can already flirt face to face.

We have a detailed article on when meeting and dating.

When you have good photos and a trusted account on social networks, then you don’t really worry about what to write to a girl in the first message on a dating site.

The next screenshot is proof of that.

Girls first look at your photos and what kind of life you live

When you get to the page of a pretty girl on social media, what is the first thing you look at?

Of course, photographs.

Do you think girls do things differently?

Of course, appearance is not a determining factor, but people define it whether they want continue acquaintance with this person.

If the first photos discourage all desire, then communication will not work out - here you can be sure.

Therefore, initially have an album with attractive and pleasant photographs. And only then you can correspond and think about what to write to the girl you like on VK.

Girls will look more, what photos do you have and what kind of life do you live, rather than information in your profile!

After all, they are skilled craftswomen in creating images., who attract the opposite sex, and reliably know that most are trying to appear cool and cool to others.

And this is a common thing.

Indeed, from childhood, society dictates to men and women what they need to do in order to please other people if they want to be successful.

However, truly successful people do not try to please, they are just themselves - with no desire to impress and impress.

Think about it.

Video with my live acquaintance with a girl who walked with her mother

“Why are real live dating so much better than virtual ones, and why do I love them so much?” - you ask.

The answer to this question is in the video below.

The beauty walked down the street with her mother, but this did not stop me in any way.

Don't make the following common mistakes

Don't make things difficult for yourself. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about what to write to a girl when meeting through the Internet.

Feel free to write to girls in classmates, contact, facebook and any other social networks.

You have a pretty pumped profile on the social network, as well as a positive development!

We continue to move towards success!

You can also get even more unique content and advanced knowledge in my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and dating girls.