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If a man breaks up Psychology of a man after a breakup. Psychology of men at parting

Probably, there is no such person in whose life there has not been at least one parting, when one of two close (not so long ago) people, with or without reason, suddenly or quite deliberately stopped meetings, communication, life together. The most common situation...

Why can't men break up?

Probably, there is no such person in whose life there has not been at least one parting, when one of two close (not so long ago) people, with or without reason, suddenly or quite deliberately stopped meetings, communication, life together. The most common situation.
After some period of a rather sweet relationship, the man suddenly disappears - he avoids meetings, ignores sms and does not answer calls. Why can't men break up? Is it really that hard to tell someone to their face that a relationship is over? If you do not meet - she will understand everything? Is it really in memory of the relationship that was between them (even if it was only a week), a man can’t just say, they say, I’m sorry, but we don’t fit together ?! It is painfully difficult for the vast majority of men to draw a line in a civilized relationship. Simply because it is difficult for them to understand the reasons for their decision.

It is not possible for men to leave. Well, an ordinary (one might say - typical) man cannot invite a girl to a romantic dinner and, after dessert, honestly admit that everything has passed for him. So he uses a hackneyed reception - he stops ringing. Or trying to create an environment in which the relationship itself comes to naught.

Another situation. The girl leaves. Perhaps, with varying degrees of delicacy, he even tries to make it softer, more painless ... However, there is a strong point of view that ending a relationship is the privilege of the stronger sex. It is not difficult to understand all the negativity that arises in the heart of a man after this stereotype is violated. After all, parting is inevitably associated with a sense of personal failure. These experiences disturb the established sense of comfort so much that men seek to radically resolve the situation. I want to tear, throw and hate. But the question is, who? Myself? Is it worth it? You already feel bad. Hatred and self-torture only exacerbate the situation. Her?

A nightmarish mixture of love and hate can destroy any destiny. Opponent? Do you think that there must always be a rival? This is far from the most popular reason for a woman to leave. It would seem that the man simply has no other choice. Either despise yourself, or pout at her, or curse the situation, or hate the opponent, who, as it turns out, does not always really exist. If you think primitively, then no matter what reason a man considers, in the end, he will blame the woman for everything. So an avalanche of dirt, obscenity, vulgarity and threats pours out on her in response. Or the other extreme - an endless stream of tearful calls mixed with assurances of love, requests to return and an oath promise to hang yourself under the windows. A negative attitude towards a woman has a certain therapeutic effect on an abandoned man.

Love, because of which all his problems, is gradually etched away. But is it the best way out? If a woman initiated a breakup, is it worth being offended by her for this? Perhaps she left you because she had no other choice? Why do men not know how to part beautifully, so that the girlfriend herself regrets the separation, and does not rejoice about the timely break? In modern consciousness, the opinion has been established that a modern man must be calm and self-confident, and all his actions are aimed at achieving a goal. It sounds like a paradox, but women are more attracted to men who know how to break up. Who behave like adults, mature people. Who are able to speak frankly about their feelings and perceive the arguments of the opponent.

Most women perceive such a man as a man who knows what he wants and where he is going, that is, as a real man. Of course, there are men, as well as women, who know how to part. Everything largely depends on upbringing, on the temperament of the person himself, on how strong the feelings were. You can part with gratitude simply for the fact that you had a relationship with a once beloved person in your life, without experiencing either hatred, resentment, or anger ... You should part with love. After all, parting is a kind of outcome in the relationship of two, once mutually loving people.

Behavior of a man after a breakup

Relationships are difficult, unless of course these are real relationships, and not a fairy tale story. Therefore, sometimes feelings give a crack and partings occur. What is the behavior of men after a breakup? Let's try to figure this out.

As paradoxical as it may sound, men are more emotionally similar to women than you might think. It’s just that their emotions are less likely to break out and are more often stored inside. It is more difficult for a man to open up to another person (it is more difficult to admit his weakness), therefore, outwardly, they sometimes behave more easily after parting. Let's look at several types of behavior.

The first type of behavior. Boomerang.

As they say, sometimes they come back. Men are generally incomprehensible creatures and sometimes, after parting, they continue to call and try to start a new relationship, not paying much attention to women's disagreement, they continue to achieve. And sometimes this happens, even after the break was initiated by himself.

The second type of behavior I don't need you, I easily found a replacement.

As it is not difficult to guess, this happens when the ex-man literally on the "next day" after breaking up finds himself a new girlfriend (as a rule, what turned up). This does not mean that his feelings disappeared at the same moment, just a man needs protection, he needs confirmation of his status as a male. He just needs someone to be around.

The third type of behavior. Magpie on the tail brought.

As everyone knows, men are even bigger gossips than women. And if a woman and her ex are in the same social circle, then suddenly she may find out that someone is spreading dirty rumors. This someone, of course, is her ex, and I must say that this is very vile. In this case, this is not just a fear of losing one's face as a man (although he is not worthy of this name), but also a petty revenge and dirty tricks. The person is just trying to annoy and expose himself as a victim.

The fourth type of behavior. Respect and serenity.

One can only dream of such behavior of a man after parting. This, as they say, “parted as friends”, in this case, after the breakup, there was no man - as a partner in a relationship, but a great friend appeared who understands and supports. And sometimes it's much better than a relationship. As a rule, this indicates internal maturity.

Fifth type of behavior. Unfamiliar people.

This is the case when, after parting, people suddenly realize that there was nothing in common between them, in a relationship. Then the man behaves like a stranger, there are no calls, no gossip, no friendship, communication is reduced to a minimum. In this case, one can only regret that there were such relationships, because they are very different people and nothing connected them in life.

Of course, these are not all types of behavior, because in fact every breakup is unique. These are just general examples and common features. Also, the reasons for parting are not taken into account at all, and they also have a strong influence on the behavior of a man after a breakup.

Xenia Ivanova

So, how to stay just friends with a man?

How to do it?

First, you need to make it clear to the man that they want friendship from him, and not something else.

That is, you need to talk to him and explain that he is only interested as a friend, that he is not suitable as a future spouse.

Do not go into details, do not humiliate his manhood.

Suffice it to say that he's just not your type, for example. To say that you really appreciate his kindness, eloquence, etc.

Of course, there is a chance that after these words of yours, the man will simply turn around and leave. Such an option is also possible. But there is a chance that he will agree with such a situation and really become a friend to you.

You will call back, chat, perhaps go somewhere together, and such relations will be friendly. That is, there will be no hints of a future life together and intimacy. Here you clearly outline your position. At the same time, stop flirting with him, refrain from gestures that a man can regard ambiguously. Do not dress enticingly around him and try to behave more modestly with him.

That is, translate the relationship into the category of friendship. Almost like a girlfriend, one might say, treat.

The same men who do not like the role of a friend will turn around and simply leave you. And you don't have to take it personally. Since all people are different and you can not keep absolutely everyone around you.

Therefore, if a man makes such a decision, then you should not blame him for it. Some will stay with you, some won't. And this is absolutely normal.

Friendship means mutual pastime, mutual support. Of those men who agree to become your friends, it is unlikely that all of them will become friends in the full sense of the word.

Most will simply go into the category of friends with whom you periodically call back, periodically communicate at the “hi-bye” level. It's quite normal.

Or do you want to be friends with absolutely every man you've ever crossed paths with? I don’t understand why you need all this male harem? The fact that some of the men will leave forever is completely normal, so be it.

Therefore, I advise a woman in such a situation to just talk to a man, explain the situation, but leave the choice to him. As he decides, so be it.

Law life harsh and strict: everything has its beginning and its end. And eternal love, alas, is more a dream than a reality. Flowers and sweets, signs of attention, tender meetings. Time passes, and only bright memories remain from all this, and in the present, a chill of alienation begins to appear. There is nothing to be done, apparently we will have to share the bitterness of parting as once sweet love.

That's just be everything in the world is so black and white, we would probably be chess pieces. But this is not so, and sometimes clarifying the relationship, even the most detailed and thorough, the result of which was an inevitable, it would seem, breakup, is not enough to actually dot the i's. And in the soul there remains either some kind of omission, or a pale hope, or understatement.

In one form or another, we continue communication and behavior of our now former partner becomes incomprehensible to us. Yes, and our own feelings are sometimes unclear to us. Vague doubts hovering somewhere in the soul do not give rest. Maybe we really feel bad without him? Maybe we want him back? Then it seemed that love had died out for good, and this relationship had no future, but a little time had passed and the impressions were already somewhat different. Who can guarantee that the same turmoil is not sown in the soul of our yesterday's (or still today's?) beloved? Maybe he, too, is languishing in uncertainty and rushing between Scylla and Charybdis, not knowing which is worse: to return or leave everything as it is.
Strange behavior absolutely normal in such an emotional state. There are several types of such behavior. Let's take a look at the most typical of them.

Passive reminders of yourself

It would seem that nothing such not in this, because you agreed to continue to communicate normally, as befits two adults. The gap passed relatively calmly, without a fight of dishes and too loud words. That's just what kind of communication is so strange: SMS at an inopportune time, a phone call that evokes some kind of sadness, a careless glance. It can be seen that he visits your page on the social network, leaves seemingly meaningless comments under meaningless (or vice versa) photos. What is it - simple politeness, a sense of guilt for initiating your break with him, sad nostalgia or a desire to return everything, a timid attempt to provoke reciprocal steps?

Beyond all doubt, is an expression of sadness about your breakup. Sad sentimentality in such cases is completely natural. This is definitely not politeness and not an attempt to turn into a friend from. The first time after a breakup, a person closes, moves away from the object of his love. Be sure that he looks at your joint pictures for a long time and remembers your relationship.

Is this just an attempt return? Unlikely. Although, perhaps, he is still ripe for her, but for now he is only deciding. And maybe you should really take some kind of reciprocal step. It all depends on whether you still want to restore relations. But in that case, be prepared to take responsibility for this "attempt #2".

Aggressive behavior

He tells all in a row nasty things about you. Climbs on your page in order to leave a couple of caustic and offensive comments. Disheveled the most intimate details of your personal life to everyone. Perhaps he even posted your home video or a photo that you took "only for him" on the Internet a long time ago.

Malice and aggression always speaks of a wounded feeling, of weakness and impotence. This is how a person who considers himself abandoned and deceived behaves. Even if during the parting he looked calm and kept the conversation in a peaceful way, a storm raged inside. He is a clear opponent of your breakup, considers it stupid and unfair to him.

What is the reason for this behavior- you decide. Maybe you really played with his feelings, hurt him painfully (on purpose or by accident, it doesn’t matter), hurt, broke? Or was your betrayal or a new relationship the reason for the breakup? Aggression is often caused by jealousy.

In this case, no one blame. The only real way out is another frank conversation. You will have to apologize, explain that you are sorry that he hurts. This is the only way to calm the aggressor and force him to retreat.

Of course, no less likely option- he is aggressive because he is a petty, spiteful and vindictive little man. In any case, it must be said, the behavior is not male. But there's nothing you can do about it - you just have to leave everything as it is or sue. Well, stay away from such types in the future.

Stormy new relationship

Another mysterious guy behavior. Of course, you broke up and both have the right to re-arrange their personal lives. But why this show? Why do you need to make sure that you constantly come across various references to his new happy relationship with his new passion? He tags along with her everywhere you go and constantly parades the "new" one.

Here are possible options. Firstly, it is quite possible that this is an attempt to return you, through jealousy. You slammed him, and he is such a prominent gentleman, all the brides from the district immediately ran to him, just the first guy in the village! The behavior is naive and childish, but common.

Secondly Perhaps this is a form of aggressive behavior. Attempt to take revenge through jealousy. It's all clear what to do with it, read above.

Well third option- you really accidentally stumble upon all these references, and they seem to you non-random only because they cause bouts of jealousy. They are sharp or prick just a little - it doesn’t matter, it’s important that all these are just coincidences that you carefully string on the skewer of your own suspicion and jealousy.

Alien soul darkness, and it can be quite difficult to understand someone else's behavior. But how much is it really necessary? Isn't it better to look into yourself and decide what you want exactly? And from these conclusions to build their further actions.

The feeling of falling in love is wonderful, and the realization that a woman has reliable support and protection in the form of her man gives additional strength and a sense of peace. The hardships of life are much easier to bear together. Relationships fill life with new colors.


But no one is perfect in this world, and it happens that in one moment everything changes. It would seem that just yesterday the chosen one looked at his woman with a look full of love and passion, but today he is cold and as if completely closed to communication. Sometimes cooling in a relationship occurs temporarily, but it happens that this leads to the fact that the couple ceases to exist. and, left alone, a woman can only think and guess what the man will decide. Will he return?

Why did it happen?

Having the fact of discrepancy, one should initially understand the reasons for what happened. It's no secret that the atmosphere in a relationship directly depends on the woman. So what often leads to a breakup? The reasons are different:

  • The feeling that everything has come to pass. Feelings lose their sharpness over time - this is inevitable, but every woman can try to refresh them.
  • Absorption by life. Many ladies put chores much higher than the need to devote personal time to their chosen one. Even in the cleanest and most tidy house, it is unlikely that anyone will like it. A man can afford a housekeeper, a cook, as well as the rest of the household staff, he needs a chosen one for spending time together and feeling.
  • Communication with a lover in a pretentious tone. Sooner or later, even the most resilient will escape from such moral oppression. No man makes any claims.
  • Conflicts with relatives on the part of a woman in which she does not take his side.
  • The fading of passion, for the restoration of which no action is taken.
  • Lack of love and deep feelings.

What should a woman do if she wants a man to return?

After a period of emotional distress, pouring tears into the pillow and several evenings spent in the company of girlfriends, discussing how ungrateful guys are, there comes a stage when something needs to be changed. Whether men return after a breakup depends mainly on the woman's attitude - what measures will be taken and what result will follow.

The first thing to do is take care of yourself. Left alone, a woman gets a little more free time, which is not worth spending bursting into tears, reveling in her own grief and complaining to everyone she meets about her tragic fate. This period can be perfectly filled with useful activities. First of all, calm down, listen to yourself, understand what you want, and not what you need. It's time to love your nature. This is where building healthy and happy relationships with other people begins. A woman who values ​​and loves herself will definitely attract a worthy partner.

Men's thoughts

I wonder what men think after a breakup? As a rule, they also try to understand themselves, their feelings. Some try to just take a break from living together, devote time to hobbies, meet friends. Those who immediately jumped into new ones from previous relationships enjoy the novelty of communication, burning passion, etc. In the initial period, there comes a time when a man makes a choice - to remain single, develop a new relationship, or return to an ex-woman.

Actions and feelings of a young man

The behavior of men after parting is sometimes surprising. Especially if the initiative to break lies with him. Instead of completely disappearing from the life of the former, he begins to look for meetings, regularly reminds himself, tries to attract attention. It is not uncommon for a man to call after a breakup, catching his ex by surprise. Such actions take place when the culprit of the gap feels confused. After all, he is not used to being alone, making any decisions on his own, especially if the couple has been together for a long period of time.

The feelings of a man after parting are ambiguous. On the one hand, he is seized by a feeling of freedom and lightness, on the other hand, he often becomes a hostage to such a situation. At first this is not a problem. However, the situation gets a little more complicated later on. When a man is left just alone with himself, it is much easier for him to figure it out.

If a young man has another girl ...

If at this moment he is in the company of a new chosen one, he most often wants to just run away. It seems that the relationship captures him, but it’s one thing to see his mistress furtively, enjoy intrigue and passionate meetings, and it’s quite another to live with her on the same territory. In everyday life, a person is known as best as possible. And once a sweet stranger can turn into a grumpy roommate in a moment. It happens that having caught your chosen one in communication with the former, the current passion for the first time shows its true face.

Possible Scenarios

Further events develop according to several scenarios:

  • If the reason for the breakup is leaving for another woman, then, despite all the pain and tragedy of what happened, you need to try to save your own face, and also disperse on a friendly note. You never know how life will turn out and what will happen in time. Perhaps a new relationship is not destined to develop into something more, then there is a chance to do everything so that the man returns after parting.
  • When a young man goes nowhere, simply because the passion has faded. Often this happens after many years when the children become adults, and nothing connects him with his wife. In this case, you can try to get your husband back by simply talking to him honestly. Maybe we should give him more freedom. Older men like to devote their free time to their favorite activities, such as fishing, hunting, etc. During this period, it is better to support a partner, with his permission, you can join his hobby. Then, perhaps, common interests and topics for communication will arise.
  • If a man is tired of watching his chosen one in an untidy form, always dissatisfied and offended, then you need to take care of yourself as efficiently as possible. And do not complain about the lack of time. Now there are many ways to make life easier. Put yourself in order, visit a beautician, a hairdresser, do a manicure and pedicure. Find time for a session After transforming, tune in to a friendly way. Ask your chosen one to help you improve your relationship. So you better understand why men return after a breakup. The psychology of the act will become more understandable. This means that in the future it will be possible to exclude all the causes leading to

If you look at it, it becomes obvious that the answer to the question of whether men return after parting depends largely on the woman herself. If she sees the point in continuing the relationship, there are unsaid kind words and not everything has yet been done together, then this, of course, should be. Further, at the initiative of the woman, everything will happen so that the union is reunited. If there is no point in further efforts, as well as in the relationship itself, then it is not worth trying.

When a man returns after a breakup, a woman has a choice - to take him back or burn bridges and let him float freely. In any case, after this moment, life will change forever. After the events experienced, none of the couple will remain the same.

Why is it returning?

There are many reasons why men return after a breakup. Human psychology is arranged in a complex way, so it is worth understanding everything in order. Men are returning because:

  • It is uncomfortable for them to be without a chosen one, her role in their life is quite large.
  • In comparison, truth is born. It often happens that the former, in the opinion of a man, has better qualities than a new passion.
  • A representative of the strong half of humanity sometimes needs time to understand how deep his feelings for the former chosen one are. When they are serious enough, the relationship is rekindled.

This is the most common return after a breakup. Psychology is a complex thing, it is not so easy to understand it. There are actually as many reasons to return to the old relationship as there are personal views. However, some hints can be found in the above.

If he comes back to you...

When a man returns after a breakup and a woman decides to take him back, the stage of restoring trust and relationships as a whole begins. Now it is important to take into account all the reasons for the gap and prevent the repetition of mistakes. It does not hurt to always find time to put yourself in order, to establish it in a house or apartment. Also, from now on, all claims, reproaches and accusations should be replaced with requests. Praise your man more and say nice words to him more often.

Old relationships in a new way

Now it’s clear why men return after a breakup. They need a new relationship, but with an already proven partner. During this period of attention, he receives more reproaches and less pressure. Life is getting better, relationships get a new breath. Now a woman needs to show all her wisdom and establish a connection with her beloved. An important component of a full-fledged relationship in which both partners are happy is, of course, intimacy.

In this, you should show your imagination, buy linen for special occasions, at least sometimes create a suitable atmosphere and often please your loved one with bodily caresses. The same goes for tactile touch every day. You can make a relaxing massage after a working day, which will relieve fatigue and stress. Give it more attention and effort, and soon life will begin as if anew.


When the relationship returns to its previous course with renewed vigor, it is no longer particularly important why men return after breaking up. Human psychology is arranged in such a way that if at first there was an interest in the analysis of the root cause, in the future it is lost. Partners are just trying to improve their relationship.

When the outcome of a breakup is not so rosy, you just have to put up with it. This happens in life, and it is better to really let go of the person, and with it the situation, although this is not easy. Over time, life will show that such an act was the best decision possible.

There is a gender stereotype that men are cynical and do not acutely experience a breakup. Is it so? The myth of cynicism comes from society, the stronger sex is often not allowed to show their emotionality and pain. In fact, the male sex can be both weak, and romantic, and vulnerable. So how do men deal with a breakup?

Features of male psychology

  1. After divorce, women are more prone to depression, and men tend to abuse alcohol.
  2. Men find it harder to cope with stress after breaking up with a loved one. They experience stress longer and harder after separation, because they do not pronounce the experience verbally, but drive it inside.
  3. The stronger sex after a painful separation is less likely to go to friends or relatives for consolation than girls. This makes it difficult for them.

Other authors argue that it is difficult for men to leave because of the peculiarities of communication in their environment. The male sex rarely shares their problems; in a friendly male company, there is rather light competition than mutual assistance. Parting with a beloved woman, all the difficulties of divorce and the emotional aspects of relationships are an example of weakness, and men do not want to “lose face”.

How does a man who left a woman feel?

Life situations are different, sometimes there is annoyance, fatigue from conflicts at parting, joy at the fact that a “bored relationship” has ended, guilt, shame or relief.

After the betrayal

Do men get over their infidelity? Sex with another woman for many husbands does not equate to betrayal or the fact that his love has passed. What does the man experience in this case? It all depends on the environment, upbringing, values, moral principles. A break in relations with a mistress may indicate a change in priorities, a desire to save a family. A married man will think through different options so that his wife does not find out about his betrayal. But psychologists assure that emotions during infidelity depend on a particular person. Someone will be tormented by a strong sense of guilt, but for someone, betrayal is an excuse to diversify their lives.

How men experience a breakup if a woman cheated

For the most part, men rarely forgive a woman for infidelity. The main emotions are resentment, aggression, hatred. The deceived husbands suffer, besides there is an imposed competition.

Stages of separation in men

The male sex often experiences a painful breakup in silence. But researchers from the University of Königsberg have established seven stages and found out how men experience a breakup. Stages:

  1. "I do not believe". The stronger sex denies what is happening. He cannot believe that his beloved woman left him, there was a break.
  2. Manifestation of negative feelings. At this stage, a man experiences the whole range of negative emotions - from aggression to resentment towards women.
  3. Depression. At this stage comes the awareness of separation. How is it at this time? Self-esteem decreases, longing is present, happy moments of life together are remembered.
  4. Awareness of the problem. After reflection, a feeling of guilt comes, for example, if you had to leave on your own initiative.
  5. Attempts to solve the problem. Some men drown out the pain with alcohol, someone goes headlong into work. Many try to start new relationships, but at this stage, novels are short-lived. Meeting girls can be to boost your self-esteem.
  6. After a painful period, the meaning of life appears, new desires appear, self-esteem returns.
  7. . The separated couple has already found or is looking for new partners. A man accepts the situation, he is ready to enter into a new relationship.

Psychological type and behavior at parting

Psychologists claim that people behave according to their psychotype when a relationship breaks up. They divide the strong sex into four types. What is the difference?


This type always fights for leadership, including in relationships. He is charismatic, self-confident, he has high self-esteem. During a divorce, the husband will put pressure on the lady; in such a marriage, a woman is rarely the initiator of a separation. He rarely cares about the feelings of his wife, he is authoritarian and cruel. If such a type will suffer, then only about missed opportunities.


Soft, kind, sensitive person. He rarely initiates a breakup, never puts pressure on a woman, makes sacrifices for the sake of the family. When a break falls into depression, long worries. He really needs the help of friends and relatives with a divorce.


This type is able to build mature relationships based on trust and understanding. When parting, he experiences a range of feelings, goes into violent activity. After a divorce, he can maintain friendly relations with his wife.


This type needs constant care. He perceives any gap as a situation of betrayal in relation to himself. He cannot live alone, often blackmails a woman, throws tantrums.

So how does a man deal with a breakup? The stronger sex may be silent, but this does not mean that they do not care. Usually their experiences are hidden, they are not used to sharing their pain, but they also need support.

You broke up with a man and you are very interested in how he feels, what he thinks about and what to expect from him? We have to be honest, there are as many options for reactions as there are gaps. However, there are some schematic patterns that can be divided into 3 groups. First - you broke up on your initiative. The second - the gap occurred by mutual agreement. Third, he left you. In each of these cases, the psychology of a man's behavior after parting differs almost dramatically.

Your initiative

According to statistics, men suffer from depression due to the breakdown of relationships three times

Psychology of a man after a breakup

more often than women, but the algorithm of their behavior depends on what they can afford. If a guy has been taught since childhood that he is a man and should not cry, he will grieve in silence, but alone with a bottle. The period of binge drinking after parting in men is most common.

Some daredevils are saved from grief by extreme sports. An adrenaline rush is provided by driving at breakneck speed, exhausting workouts, original sports. Another common stereotype of behavior is to urgently find a replacement for an ex-girlfriend. This is either a relationship with the first girl that comes across, or promiscuity. It all depends on what the sufferer needs more - in reckless oblivion or in female care and care.

It should also be noted here that for the most part, men do not know how to part and rarely go on a break themselves. This decisive step is often the prerogative of the weaker sex. Either the partner herself leaves the man, or another woman, a lover or mother, pushes him to take this decisive step. Keep this in mind.

How else do guys break up? The most unpleasant, but not rare reaction of a man to a break is tears, snot and drool. He will whine, ask for a return, promise mountains of gold and a new life, and, which is especially disgusting, blackmail you with suicide. "If you don't come back, I'll hang myself, drown myself, throw myself out the window."

You must be prepared for all this. Of course, sometimes in life there are men who behave with dignity, but women usually do not leave such women.

Common decision

If the decision to leave was common and did not happen suddenly, but was discussed for a long time, then the man will experience it easier, but all of the above types of behavior are not excluded. Often, a calm parting rarely leads to a final break in relations.

If you are like-minded people, then you will surely be able to remain, if not friends, then “kind of” relatives or friends. This is especially facilitated by joint children and common interests. However, this variant of rupture is very rare. Usually parting by mutual agreement occurs in a state of passion.


After such a skirmish, a man needs to let off steam, and if he loves you, then after a while, most likely, he will try to improve relations. If he does not love, then he will use this quarrel as an excuse to break the connection.

He left you

If your lover left you himself, then in 95% of 100% he has another woman. Guys rarely go nowhere. How does such a man behave after breaking up? Most often not. His current passion will do everything possible so that you meet as rarely as possible and under her control.

In such situations, abandoned ladies often have questions: “Why does a man insult a woman when parting?” or “Why does a man not want to communicate after breaking up?”. Everything is very simple - he is ashamed. In the first case, he cannot say to himself: "I am a scoundrel, I betrayed such a good woman."

He will look for the cause not in himself, but in you. To go over your shortcomings, to slander you or even insult you. So it will be easier for him. A similar reason is in the second situation. He not only does not want to communicate with you, he cannot see you. Because you are living proof of his betrayal.

He would like to think well of himself, completely dissolve in the happiness of a new relationship, and here you are, like a shadow from the past, reminding him that the price of his well-being is your grief and pain. So if a man insults you or avoids you, don't take it personally. You are nothing.

belated reaction

By the way, psychologists have noticed that sometimes men begin to react to the gap not immediately, but after a year or two. This phenomenon even has a medical term “delayed depression”. Even those men who broke up with a woman on their own initiative are subject to it. The norms of behavior can be as in the first paragraph, just with a delay in time.

A man's reaction to breaking up a relationship can be anything. There are as many options as there are individuals of the stronger sex. Do not pay attention to these pirouettes. Just think about what happened. If a breakup was inevitable, tell yourself: "Everything that is done is for the better." If you regret breaking up, your phrase is: "I will return you."