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What to do if something gets into the eye. How to remove mote from the eye How to turn the upper eyelid

The mucous membrane of the eye is susceptible to external irritants, so it is important to understand what to do if a mote accidentally gets into the eye. A foreign body under the eyelid causes discomfort and causes inflammation.

When a small particle gets under the eyelid, unpleasant sensations appear: itching, discomfort, pain, severe, as the body seeks to remove the foreign body on its own. Penetrating pain is a sign that the mote has not attached to the surface of the eyelid, but to the cornea or sclera.

A person with a mote in the eye can hardly open the eyelid, and the mucous membrane turns red due to blood flow to the vessels. The swelling of the eyelid begins, pain when the pupil moves around. If you find yourself in such discomfort of the eye, you must immediately remove the foreign body.

Before taking action, you need to find out the nature of the mote. A small speck of dust or a midge that has got into the eye is easy to remove at home on your own. But if the symptoms began or the metal was cut, a sharp particle of the material stuck into the mucous membrane. Then you need to go to the ophthalmologist. If you do not get a particle of metal shavings for a long time, a thermal burn of the cornea or sclera will occur.

Mote got into the eye: what to do at home

First you need to understand the threat level. If a foreign body has stuck and damaged the eyeball, it will not be possible to remove it on its own.

Mote that has fallen into an accessible place under the eyelid, you can try to get it yourself. Follow the instruction:

  1. Stand at the mirror, try to look under the upper eyelid, stretching it out, which mote got in and where it attached. If you can't see, move your eyeball.
  2. Blink until a tear is released, maybe you can remove the mote along with it.
  3. If the mote does not come out, make a gentle pressure movement from the corner of the eye to the nose with clean hands. Do not press on this area, otherwise there will be a new injury from a foreign body.
  4. Repeatedly treat the eye with an antiseptic composition, for example, a solution of boric acid, albucid. Drip the drug in large quantities to maximize the outflow of liquid. To get it right under the eyelid, pull it out. When there are no medicines at hand, rinse with boiled water or herbs.
  5. Place your eye under a powerful water jet and your face in a bowl. Try to pull the eyelid back so that water gets on the damaged area. Straighten up and move your eyes in different directions, then the mote will come out faster.
  6. And how to pull out a mote that has fallen under the upper eyelid? Pull it down along with the cilia so that the inside of the upper eyelid comes into contact with the lower eyelid and is cleansed. Look down at this time. Read more,.
  7. Removing a foreign body from under the lower eyelid is simple. It must be pulled back and the mote removed with the edge of a handkerchief or a damp cotton swab, while looking up.

If a day after the removal of the mote, the eye turns red, hurts, there is swelling on it, you need to go to a specialist.

Elena Malysheva and colleagues will tell about the rules for extracting a foreign body from under the eyelid and first aid:

Video: How to remove a foreign body from the eye

Mote Features

Cilia, sand, small shavings of an oblong shape usually do not dig into the ocular mucosa. So, if such a mote fell under the eyelid, it is not difficult to remove it.

What to do if there is debris in the eye:

  1. Close your eyelids tightly.
  2. With your finger, slightly press the eyelid and make horizontal movements from the corner of the eye to the nose.
  3. Remove the mote, shifted to the corner, with the edge of the scarf.
  4. When the eyelash hooks on the upper eyelid, close your eyes tightly so that it moves to the middle of the eyeball.

While doing all of the above, remember that the presence of cosmetics on the face is dangerous. Eyeliner or loose shadows can get on the mucous membrane and increase discomfort. Therefore, before removing the mote, it is advisable to wash.

The most risky case is when metal or wood shavings get into the eyes. It must be removed quickly and carefully. This is especially true of the first option, because the contact of the metal with the liquid of the eye causes metallosis (a process that develops after a long stay of the metal in the eyeball).

If a metal speck just got in, try to get it with a magnet. Place it next to the affected eye and move it from side to side.

If unsuccessful, the person should immediately go to the ophthalmologist. Prior to his visit, it is unacceptable:

  • eye rubbing;
  • active blinking;
  • squinting of the eyelids;
  • instillation of eye preparations;
  • rinsing eyes with water (from the tap).

With unbearable acute pain, it is better to contact an ambulance.

Video: The process of removing scale from the eye

What actions are not allowed

It is impossible in case of contact with a foreign body:

  1. Massage the eyeball with force. So you can damage the conjunctiva - the upper part of the outer shell of the eye.
  2. Trying to pull out glass or wood at home. You need to go to the doctor immediately.
  3. Touch the mote that has entered the pupil.
  4. Bring unwashed hands or objects to the eyelids.
  5. Heat the damaged area.
  6. Squint strongly.
  7. Treat with mucous ointment.
  8. Remove the mote with something sharp, such as scissors, tweezers.

These procedures will only worsen the condition of a very vulnerable organ.

Video: What to do if something gets in the eye

How to remove from a child

Children still do not know how to defend themselves from the influences of the environment. A strong wind, a careless game in the sandbox, an unsuccessful joke of a friend - and a foreign particle gets under the eyelid, irritating the mucous membrane, causing real pain.

Therefore, parents should be aware of what to do if the mote gets into the child's eye. Proceed like this:

  1. Wash your hands clean.
  2. Reassure the baby, do not allow him to touch the eye.
  3. Lift and twist the upper eyelid slightly.
  4. Grab and then remove the mote with a cotton swab.
  5. Treat the eye with saline.
  6. Drop "Levomycetin" or "Sulfacyl sodium".

Eye preparations should be used strictly according to the annotation. If you got rid of a grain of sand that got into your child's eye, and the tears and redness do not disappear, visit a pediatric ophthalmologist.

What to do after extraction

Even from a small speck of dust, the organ of vision can be injured. So after removing it, an eye examination is necessary. With redness and swelling you need:

  1. Bury antibacterial drugs: "Fucitalmik", "Tobrex", "Tsiprolet". They eliminate inflammation and prevent the development of infectious eye diseases.
  2. Use drops: Albucid, Dexamethasone, Taufon. Their active ingredients heal the cornea and relieve redness.

If an adult has discomfort after removing the mote, he can apply folk methods of treatment:

  • wipe the eyelids with black or green tea applied to a cotton pad;
  • drip 3 drops a day of infusion of calendula, sage or chamomile;
  • place fresh cucumber slices on a closed eyelid and hold for 15 minutes or slices of peeled potatoes for half an hour;
  • dissolve natural honey in one tablespoon of warm water and moisten the mucous membrane of the eyelids.

Traditional medicine methods are acceptable only if the foreign body is removed without complications and there are no dangerous signs.


As a rule, foreign objects fall under the eyelid when a person does not follow safety rules when performing plumbing or gardening. They need to be carried out only in special glasses.

To prevent debris from getting under the eyelid on the street, the following prevention is enough:

  • during gusts of wind, especially in a drought, wear sunglasses;
  • check with an ophthalmologist for infections from time to time;
  • in summer, avoid accumulation of small insects;
  • touch your eyes with well-washed hands.

Such, at first glance, a minor inconvenience, like the penetration of a foreign body under the eyelid, can greatly harm vision and human health in general. Therefore, it is better to carefully study the recommendations for eliminating this problem, use them and consult a doctor in time.

One of the pathologies that negatively affect the health of the eyes is ectropion or eversion of the eyelid. Such a pathology is not only harmful to health, but also becomes noticeable to others. Unlike figure defects, facial imperfections cannot be hidden by clothing. This article will help to learn more about eyelid eversion, the causes of its occurrence and methods of effective treatment.

What is an eversion of the century

Eversion of the eyelid (or ectropion) is an ailment in which the position of the eyelid is disturbed, when its skin edge is turned to the side, and does not come into contact with the eyeball. This defect can affect both the upper and lower eyelids. It can appear for completely different reasons.

It is extremely important to identify the cause of such a deformity, since the choice of an effective treatment method depends on it.

Usually the causes of eyelid eversion are associated with the following factors:

  1. With mechanical eversion, the deformity is associated with a tumor that has appeared in the eyelid area. The greater the increase in the neoplasm, the more noticeable is the eversion.
  2. With congenital eversion, the defect is insignificantly expressed and is associated with a congenital shortening of the outer musculocutaneous plate of the lower eyelid. This form of ectropion is rare.
  3. In senile eversion, the process is associated with age-related weakening of the muscles and sagging of the skin. It is most often seen in both eyes at the same time. As a result, there is a sagging of the eyelid, which intensifies over time. The longer the disease lasts, the more noticeable it becomes externally. Pathology is accompanied by lacrimation, thickening and keratinization of the conjunctiva. With this type of ectropion, only surgical treatment is effective, which consists in horizontal truncation of the lower eyelid.
  4. With spastic eversion (usually due to various inflammations), it is accompanied by a spasm of the circular eye muscle.
  5. With cicatricial deformity after a variety of injuries, operations (including) or burns, accompanied by scarring. This type of pathology progresses very slowly and is associated with the formation and enlargement of the scar.
  6. With paralytic eversion due to neuritis of the facial nerve, due to complete (or partial loss) and a decrease in the tone of the mimic muscles of the face. With this form of ectropion, one eye is usually affected. This type of pathology disappears after the restoration of the functions of the facial nerve by a neurologist.
  7. With symptomatic eversion, this manifestation is one of the symptoms of any systemic disease of the body (ichthyosis, lupus erythematosus, etc.)


Eyelid ectropion is difficult to confuse with another eye ailment. Usually the patient himself notices in the mirror that his eyelid lags behind the eyeball. In addition to the fact that the eversion is noticeable externally, the disease also has manifestations:

  • Formation of a pocket between the eyeball and the skin edge. In this case, the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the eyelid becomes visible from the outside (looks like a bright red edging).
  • Incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure. The patient notices discomfort while blinking.
  • Lachrymation, which is non-stop. This is due to a violation of the lacrimal outflow. Loss of good contact of the eyelid with the eyeball does not allow the lacrimal stream to enter the lacrimal punctum. As a result, tears accumulate in the space between the eyelid and the eye, overflowing.
  • Irritation of the skin of the diseased eyelid associated with non-stop lacrimation and mechanical irritation of the mucosa. These complications are associated with constant wiping of tears, redness of the eyelid and its swelling.
  • Feelings of sand or foreign body in the eye. This is due to the fact that the lower eyelid does not close the cornea when blinking, which leads to its drying out.
  • Redness of the eyes due to inflammation of their mucous membrane (conjunctiva). The mucous membrane of the conjunctiva is open when eversion of the eyelid, and the natural mechanism of self-cleaning of the eyes is disturbed. Because of this, drying and gradual thickening of the conjunctiva occurs. A dry and constantly mechanically injured mucous membrane becomes an excellent breeding ground for the development of inflammation.

Features of eversion of the upper eyelid

The upper eyelid is generally a little prone to eversion, which is associated with its anatomy, since the cartilage on the upper eyelid is twice as thick as the lower one.

Dense and powerful cartilage serves as an excellent protection against deformation of the upper eyelid.

When the upper eyelid is turned outward, the ciliary margin is deformed. A similar pathology of the upper eyelid is more common in older people due to the weakening of the condition of the eye muscles. At the same time, patients feel discomfort, as well as a constant feeling of sand or a foreign body in the eye. At the same time, the eye turns red and irritated, the eyelid swells, lacrimation becomes permanent.

Vision in the pathology of the upper eyelid becomes fuzzy. With the aggravation of the diagnosis, keratitis develops, which can provoke clouding of the cornea layer.

Features of the eversion of the lower eyelid

The term "ectropion" is used only for the concept of eversion of the lower eyelid. Due to its anatomy, in most cases it is the lower eyelid that is everted.

Eversion of the lower eyelid is of two degrees:

  1. Mild: the eversion is very slight, with a slight delay and deformation of the eyelid (about a third of the entire eyelid is affected).
  2. Severe: eversion is already clearly visible above the ciliary margin. The conjunctiva of the eye is turned outward, sometimes even on the entire lower eyelid.

With a severe degree of eversion, the diagnosis of "spastic eversion" is often made. This pathology leads to inflammation of the mucosa and complications with visual impairment.


The patient himself can suspect an eversion of the eyelid. To do this, it is enough to periodically examine yourself in front of a mirror. An ophthalmologist usually subsequently confirms the diagnosis, determines the cause of the disease and prescribes treatment.


The type of treatment for eversion of the eyelid is chosen by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease and the degree of its severity. Usually, all types of treatment for ectropion come down to methods:

  • elimination of the cause that caused the pathology;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • surgical treatment.

When surgery is not needed

Not always ectropion is treated promptly. In some cases, conservative treatment is sufficient. Indications for such therapy are cases when:

  • symptoms are mild;
  • there are contraindications for surgical treatment (age, drug intolerance, disease);
  • it is enough to eliminate the cause of the disease (tumors, paresis of the facial nerve, etc.), and the ectropion will pass on its own.

The usual practice of ectropion therapy is the appointment of procedures and medications that help alleviate the patient's condition and avoid complications of the disease (conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, etc.). With this method of treatment, methods are often used:

  • the use of a special patch at night to facilitate the closing of the eyes (in case of non-closure);
  • inclusion of preparations for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyeball (often the type of artificial tears) for instillation several times a day;
  • stitching the edges of the eyelids to protect against drying (with a severe degree of illness).

Surgical treatment of eyelid eversion

Surgical treatment is indicated mainly for these types of ectropion:

  • senile;
  • cicatricial;
  • mechanical (after getting rid of the tumor that caused the change in the eyelid).

The technique of the operation is selected taking into account the age of the patient, the condition of the body and tissues of the eye.

The main points are given to:

  • the reason for this reversal;
  • the presence of scars;
  • the degree of elasticity of the ligaments that support the corners of the eyes.
  • condition of soft tissues, their excess or deficiency (after blepharoplasty for the purpose of rejuvenation).

Ectropion surgery is always performed by an ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon.

The essence of the operation for ectropion is to return the deformed eyelid to the correct position and fix it.

Before the operation, the patient needs to consult a surgeon and conduct a number of studies:

  • blood (general, clotting and biochemical analysis);
  • urine (general analysis);
  • chest x-ray.

Usually, an operation for ectropion is performed under general anesthesia, so an anesthesiologist should be consulted before the intervention.

Sometimes you may also need to consult doctors of other specialties and additional tests.

Operation for ectropion

The operation for eversion of the eyelid lasts from one to three hours, depending on the complexity and technique used. In addition to correcting an external defect, such an operation normalizes the process of abduction of tears and removes the cosmetic consequences of ectropion (excess skin is also removed from the eyelids, the outer corners of the eyes are lifted). Such additional points are specified in advance if the operation is performed by a plastic surgeon.

Incisions during such operations are located in places of natural skin folds using a cosmetic suture. Subsequently, postoperative scars are completely invisible.

For several weeks after the intervention, hematomas and swelling of the eyelids and parts of the face will persist. Already in the first hours after the operation, cooling compresses are used to reduce swelling.

Mandatory inpatient observation on the first day of the postoperative period.

After discharge, patients are scheduled to visit the attending physician to monitor the process of tissue healing.

Often, for the fastest postoperative recovery and resorption of scars, physiotherapy procedures are used (usually in combination with proteolytic enzymes).

Contraindications for surgery

Surgical treatment of ectropion has its own contraindications. It is often impossible to apply surgery for ectropion in the elderly. Also, such contraindications can be serious pathologies associated with:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hypertension with frequent crises;
  • complicated by diabetes;
  • severe thyroid diseases;
  • retinal detachment;
  • dry eye syndrome.

Negative consequences of the operation

Sometimes it is not possible to completely eliminate the defect with ectropion. And after the operation itself, a narrow gap remains between the eyeball and the edge of the eyelid. As a result, the risk of re-development of the eyelid hilum remains high.

Common postoperative complications in this disease can also be manifestations associated with:

  • wound infection;
  • divergence of seams;
  • bleeding from a postoperative wound;
  • the appearance of cysts in the epidermis;
  • dysfunction of the lacrimal glands;
  • blepharoptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid);
  • (inability to close eyes).

An unpleasant surprise for patients is that in order to eliminate all the above complications, it is often necessary to do a second operation.

Reminder for the patient after ectropion surgery

To minimize the risk of complications after ectropion surgery, the patient in the recovery period is usually recommended to:

  • refusal of any visits to baths, saunas and generally thermal procedures on the face for 2 weeks (to reduce swelling and bruising);
  • restriction of any physical activity and exclusion of inclinations for 1 month (for the successful resolution of edema and tissue repair);
  • protection from direct sunlight of the eyes (including the exclusion of visiting a solarium) for 6 months (to prevent the appearance of unnecessary pigmentation on the eye).

Any eye disease should alert. The visual organ is not only extremely important for a full life, but also requires special attention: “Take care of your eyes like a diamond!”. The eversion of the eyelid carries not only a cosmetic defect, but also provokes many visual disturbances. For effective treatment of this disease, it is especially important to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. Often, to eliminate this eye pathology, surgical treatment is required, after which it is important to comply with certain restrictions. A professionally performed operation helps eliminate all symptoms of eyelid eversion and avoid its various complications. Take care of your eyes!

When a foreign body enters the eye, it immediately tries to blink or rotate the eyeball in different directions in order to squeeze out a speck of dust, a grain of sand or an insect from the eye environment if one of these objects has entered the eye. When this does not help, you can close your eyes tightly. This is done in order to squeeze out a tear that can wash the eye and thus remove the mote.

First aid

If a grain of sand has fallen under the lower eyelid, you should move this part of the eyelid with one hand, while taking a piece of moistened bandage twisted into a tube with the other, and in this way try to remove the foreign body.

In addition, some people solve this problem with a clean corner of the handkerchief or clean fingers, which are gently led to the bridge of the nose with the eyelid closed.

When the object falls under the upper eyelid - here the situation is a little more complicated. In such a situation, it is necessary to look down, then take the upper eyelid closer to the eyelashes and gently twist it, while using the other hand and a damp cloth to remove the speck that has fallen.

But the most effective and safest way to remove a foreign object is to wash the eyes with warm water. It is necessary to collect a rubber enema with water and pour a thin stream on the affected eye. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to wash the eyes in this way for at least twenty minutes.


After removing the mote, it is advisable to drip antibacterial drops into the sore eye. These can be drops of "Levomitsetin" or "Albucid", "Tobrex" or "Floxal", "Tsipromed" or "Kolbiotsin". These drugs will help reduce the possibility of inflammation of the affected organ of vision. If these drugs are not at hand, then you can also use other means, such as an antibacterial ointment, which is applied under the eyelid in a small amount.

If, even after these measures and the means used, for some period you still feel discomfort, which only intensifies, you should contact an ophthalmologist. It should be understood that any body - be it a grain of sand, an insect environment - can lead to such negative consequences that sometimes the doctor will no longer be able to help in this situation. That is why it is important not to self-medicate, but to ask for help from a specialist.

The eyes are very sensitive. Therefore, when a foreign object (midge, mote, shavings, grain of sand) gets into them, we experience great discomfort. There is a reflex reaction - tears and a desire to rub or scratch the irritated eye. Sometimes even the victim manages, in this way, to pull the mote out of the eye on his own. But this, of course, provided that it did not get too deep and the hands of the victim are sterile.

However, often the problem arises during the work process - repair or field work, when dust and chips fly in all directions. And then, in order to quickly pull the chips out of the eye, you need to resort to outside help. And, usually, the other person takes a clean handkerchief, opens the friend's eyelid, and carefully removes the obstructing object.

But there is also a situation when there is no one around. Or, worse, everything, so to speak, in the workflow and not a single sterile cloth nearby. And you don't want to get an infection in your eye. So how do you get the mote out of your eye?


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly. Then scoop up a handful of water and wash your face with plenty of water with your eyes open. If it's a speck of dust, it will wash off.
  2. Take a mirror and pull back the lower eyelid - sometimes a foreign object gets there. Did you see? Remove it with a clean, water-soaked cotton swab or the tip of a handkerchief.
  3. If you didn't see anything, it means that something got under the upper eyelid. It is more difficult to extract the mote from there on your own. But you can try to make it “fall” or even “fall out”. To do this, grab the upper eyelashes and pull them a little. You will be surprised - sometimes the problem disappears by itself, because, for example, when you rub your eyes hard, the cilia just tuck in there, causing discomfort. After the procedure, they straighten up, and everything falls into place.
  4. If you continue to experience discomfort, then there is something left under the upper eyelid. Try the same, grabbing the top edge to turn it out a little. If there is a speck, remove it with a prepared cotton swab.
  5. Finally, you can collect cooled boiled water in a small bowl (suddenly left after tea) and immerse your face in it, blink a little. So you can remove the mote easily and painlessly. Unless, of course, she got stuck in the eye.

Metal shavings or a sharp pierced object

If a piece of metal shavings gets into the eye, do not scratch or rub your eyes, it can pierce deeply. It is better to call someone to see how the mote is located. If it is not stuck, you can try to remove it with a magnet. But if she stuck in the eye - nothing can be done. It is necessary to call an ambulance. At the same time, you need to endure all the time until the doctor arrives and try not only not to touch your eyes with your hands, but even blink less.

Unpleasant feelings remain

If, after you managed to safely get the mote, it still seems to you that there is something in the eye, you need to drip your eyes with special means, like Vizin. Unpleasant sensations can occur if you rub your eyes hard while removing something that interferes. No big deal, it's all over. In this case, you can also rinse your eyes with the remnants of strong black tea - it contains tannins that relieve irritation. Besides, something, and there is always tea in the house.


If there is a strong wind outside, wear sunglasses or lower your head down, turn it to the side so that the air currents are not directed directly to your face. When you see “flocks” of midges, mosquitoes, go around them, covering your eyes with your hand just in case. Fanning them does not help much, on the contrary, they become more active, and, gaining momentum, fly just in the eyes.

When doing repairs, defend yourself, at least by wearing a hat with a visor, then dust, whitewash, paint flying from above will get into your eyes less. Glasses, of course, protect more reliably. They may be inconvenient to work in, but much safer.

Everyone knows the sensation that occurs when a foreign body enters the eye. Immediately there is a feeling of discomfort, pain, difficulty blinking, lacrimation. Such a nuisance can happen at any moment. A speck, midge or eyelash may unexpectedly get into the eye. When working with metal, wood without the use of protective equipment, small chips can damage.

In such a situation, one should not hesitate so as not to injure the eyeball and prevent the inflammatory process. This article proposes to consider how to pull a mote out of a person's eye.

Actions that cannot be done

  • Eye rubbing. When an unpleasant sensation appears, a person instinctively begins to rub the eyelid, involuntarily trying to get rid of the mote. It is necessary to keep him from this, because through unwashed hands one can easily introduce an infection, and when rubbing, inflammation of the mucous membrane will inevitably appear.
  • Washing with tap water. The tap liquid that most Russians consume today has a rather low quality score. It may contain microorganisms, microscopic specks or grains of sand. Treating the eyes with such water can cause great damage to vision.
  • Use of sharp objects. Trying to remove a foreign body, some people resort to tweezers, toothpicks, matches with a wound cotton swab. It is doubtful that such actions will bring relief, but the harm can be irreparable.
  • Forced blinking. Trying to get rid of an extra particle in the eye, a person begins to blink rapidly. As a result, discomfort and pain can only increase.
  • The use of folk remedies. Do not resort to dubious methods such as instillation of eyes with honey or aloe juice. It is also unacceptable to remove a foreign body with the help of the tongue. Such actions are unlikely to help, but it is very possible to introduce a foreign protein and thereby cause a severe inflammatory process.

What to do first

First of all, you need to pull yourself together and not succumb to panic. Then wash your hands with soap. If this is not possible, then clean them with wet or drinking water from a bottle.

How to get a speck out of your eye? Gently pulling the eyelid, start a slow rotation in a circle in different directions. As a result, the mote will move to the inner corner of the eye, and it can be removed with a corner of a paper tissue or a clean handkerchief. It is convenient to do this if a mirror is at hand.

If the previous steps did not help, then the question arises of how to pull the mote out of the eye on your own in another way. You can collect warm water in a wide container and lower your face into it. Opening your eyes under water, you should move them in different directions. Small particles will definitely come out.

How to get a mote out of the eye with a beaker? In home first aid kits, many people will probably have special containers for washing their eyes. There are such improvised means and every motorist. With their help, the procedure is much more convenient.

After filling the beaker with water, press it firmly against the eye area and tilt your head back. While in this position, open and close your eyes several times.

Attention! Water for washing should be used only purified or boiled.

What to do if a speck gets into a child's eye

With children in a similar situation, it is a little more difficult to act. A small child may start crying, rubbing his eyes, and thereby cause further harm to himself.
How to get a speck out of a baby's eye painlessly? You need to try to calm him down and gently wipe the sore eye with a wet cosmetic swab in the direction from the outer corner to the inner. A tampon can also be made from gauze, bandage or handkerchief.

It is good if a decoction of chamomile flowers is at hand - it can quickly relieve pain and relieve inflammation. You can also dampen the washcloth with warm tea or clean water.

If these simple measures do not help, then do not hesitate, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

How to remove shavings from an eye

You should not think about how to pull a speck out of your eye if it got there as a result of careless handling of metal or wood. In this case, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Rigid particles with sharp corners are dangerous because they can easily scratch or puncture the eyeball. Trying to remove a foreign body on your own, you can only aggravate the injury.

In what cases should you contact the doctor

There is a situation when a particle was safely removed from the eye, but the feeling of its presence still remained. How to remove the mote from the eye, if it is not already there? Most likely, an unpleasant feeling arose due to rubbing or irritation of the eyelid. If within a few hours the unpleasant symptoms do not go away, it is better to go on a visit to the ophthalmologist.

If you managed to safely get rid of it on your own, then you can further protect yourself from possible inflammation. To do this, drip the eye with special eye drops that have antibacterial properties.