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Erosion causes a nulliparous girl. Cervical erosion in nulliparous women: how to treat? Erosion: brief information about the pathology

It has long been no secret that cervical erosion in nulliparous is far from uncommon. In our time, medicine does not stand still, and the solution to this issue is considered not only by two methods of treatment - cauterization and a physiological method of destruction, but also by more informative methods of treatment, which will be discussed later. First, let's talk about the disease itself.

Many do not fully understand the problems of this pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the disease in order to fully understand this problem of the disease:

  • Anatomical and pathological signs of the disease;
  • Causes of the disease;
  • How is this disease treated?
  • Medicines for illness.

Erosion of the cervix in a nulliparous girl is divided into two types: pseudo-erosion and true erosion.

  1. pseudo-erosion- this is a change in the structure of the epithelium that covers the cervix as a result of inflammatory diseases or hormonal disorders.
  2. true erosion- this is the destruction of part of the mucous membrane of the cervix due to mechanical injuries (childbirth, abortion, trauma), infections in the genital area (chlamydia, genital herpes).

Clinical picture:

Ectopia of the cervix can proceed latently.

This article should draw the attention of nulliparous women, that it is important to monitor their genital organ from an early age and undergo regular examinations. So you can prevent all the causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women at their initial stage.

The cervix connects the internal genital organs with the vaginal canal. Damage to the epithelium of her vaginal area can cause infertility, and the degeneration of epithelial cells leads to the occurrence of a malignant tumor of the uterus. Often a woman does not even know about the existence of pathology. Symptoms of concomitant diseases that caused damage to the epithelium may be disturbing. When examining for ailments or during a preventive examination, the gynecologist detects erosion. It is required to choose the appropriate method of treatment.


What is cervical erosion

The inner surface of the neck is covered with a mucous membrane. Moreover, the composition of the epithelium in the region of the cervical canal itself and its outer part, which extends into the vagina, is different. The cells of the inner epithelium are cylindrical in shape, and in the outer part they are flat. Erosion is formed when cracks appear on the vaginal part of the canal, into which the cylindrical epithelium from the neighboring area enters. Growing, it narrows and even blocks the opening of the cervix, which leads to infertility. Cancerous degeneration of cells is also possible.

Erosion is often confused with cervical ectopia. Ectopia is a non-hazardous movement of a small part of the cylindrical epithelium into the squamous area. At the same time, at the junction of two layers around the exit from the channel, a bright pink stripe is formed, which is easy to confuse with erosion. Ectopia is called pseudo-erosion.

Is it necessary to treat erosion in nulliparous women

Ectopia often appears in nulliparous young women. It appears as a result of hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes. After the elimination of inflammation and the establishment of a hormonal background, such a violation can pass on its own, the normal state of the epithelium is restored.

Treatment of women, especially nulliparous, from cervical erosion is not required if they are not bothered by any painful symptoms. It is only recommended to undergo regular gynecological examinations in order to prevent complications. Treatment is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. Simultaneously with ectopia, a woman has a chronic inflammatory disease that is difficult to treat.
  2. A woman has a papillomavirus or other infection, there are complaints of unusual bloody discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  3. If abundant mucous discharge appears, there are cysts.
  4. In the presence of cervical dysplasia. Dysplasia occurs due to the fact that the inside of the cervical canal turns outward. This condition often occurs in newborns, but by the time of puberty it goes away on its own. If dysplasia does not disappear, then the cylindrical epithelium remains outside, it can degenerate into cancer. In this case, the pathology requires mandatory treatment, regardless of whether the woman is going to give birth in the future or not.

Warning: A malignant tumor in the vaginal area of ​​the uterus in the initial stage is difficult to distinguish in appearance from erosion, therefore, a regular gynecological examination is not enough to establish an accurate diagnosis, colposcopy is required.

Video: Causes of cervical erosion, the need for treatment

Erosion diagnostics

Erosion is detected during a gynecological examination using mirrors. The area of ​​erosion is distinguished by a brighter color and a granular structure of the epithelium. For a detailed study of the changes and the establishment of their benign or malignant nature, the colposcopy method is used. The colposcope helps to examine the affected area with optical magnification and illumination. This allows you to distinguish real erosion from ectopia, to detect changes characteristic of a cancerous tumor. At the same time, a biopsy of the suspicious area can be taken (a piece of tissue is cut out for this). A smear is also taken to detect infection and study the microflora.

A cytological examination of the affected area is done. To do this, using a spatula and a brush, a scraping is taken from the surface of the neck (the procedure is painless). The material is then examined under a microscope. The composition and nature of the tissues of the affected area are examined. A cervical smear is taken to detect papillomavirus (a common cause of cancer).

The danger of erosion treatment in women without children

In the treatment of erosion, the affected cells are destroyed. This can also damage healthy tissue. When they are mechanically removed by various methods of cauterization, scars remain on the neck, fusion of the canal walls may occur. This leads to infertility.

Due to scarring, the tissue loses its elasticity. During childbirth, this can cause tears in the cervix. Scarring leads to the fact that the cervix during pregnancy spontaneously opens, a miscarriage occurs. Because of the fear of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, nulliparous women sometimes delay treatment for cervical erosion until the baby is born. However, it is up to the doctor to decide what to do after the examination.

Erosion is treated in two ways: cauterization and chemofixation. For cauterization are used:

  • liquid nitrogen (cryolysis);
  • electricity;
  • radio waves;
  • laser radiation.

Video: What is ectopia. How to treat erosion in nulliparous women

What methods are used to treat erosion in nulliparous women

Cervical erosion in nulliparous women is most often treated by chemofixation. Preparations are used (Vulstimulin, Vagotil, Solkovagin) containing a mixture of acids. When treating the affected surface, they destroy diseased cells without damaging healthy ones. After treatment, the wound heals quickly without leaving scars.

To cure nulliparous women, the non-contact laser cauterization method and the radio wave method are also used. Their advantage is that healing is much faster than with contact methods. Scars do not form.

For the regeneration of the mucous membrane during erosion in nulliparous women, suppositories (Depantol, Hexicon) are also used for insertion into the vagina. Other methods are used for nulliparous only in case of emergency.

Cervical erosion is detected in 85% of women, including adolescent girls.

The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, the clinical manifestations are nonspecific, it is almost impossible to suspect something is wrong. ESHM is diagnosed only after a gynecological examination.

What it is

Visually, ESHM looks like redness around the opening of the cervical canal. The lesion represents multiple cracks in the mucous membrane, into which epithelial cells penetrate, which are not normally found on the surface of the cervix.

This epithelium is called ectopic. Often ectopias develop on intact mucous membranes. Then the patients are given.

Some forms of pseudo-erosion are considered normal when no treatment is required. However, even with this, you should be more attentive to your health, for example, regularly undergo preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

The doctor can notice possible changes in the condition of the affected area in time and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Causes, symptoms of the disease

Extensive erosion is a place for the vital activity of microorganisms, including pathogens. Through the cervical canal, the infection spreads into the uterine cavity and, in advanced cases, reaches the appendages.

ESHM complicated by inflammatory processes, can lead to infertility. Among the most dangerous infections that develop against the background of erosion, herpes should be noted, and.

As the disease develops, the possibility of degeneration of the normal epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix into an unusual squamous epithelium, its replacement with scar tissue is not ruled out.

The scar prevents the normal opening of the cervix during childbirth, which is fraught with ruptures and even asphyxia of the fetus. Women with ESM have an increased risk of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy, respectively, of miscarriage.

Another unpleasant feature of the disease– high risks of complications after treatment with traumatic methods based on the destruction of the ectopic epithelium.

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hexicon;
  • Depantol;
  • Livarol.

Conservative treatment is permissible only with mild lesions of a small area.

Choice of therapy regimen

There is no universal scheme for the treatment of ESM. When choosing methods of therapy, the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs in nulliparous and parous patients, the stage of the lesion, and the woman's plans for the future are taken into account.

After examination nulliparous are prescribed conservative treatment.

For minor lesions detected during pregnancy planning, the doctor may recommend that therapy be postponed until the birth of the child, since the disease sometimes disappears after childbirth.

Cervical erosion is a potentially dangerous disease. The sooner it is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it. Treatment should be prescribed and carried out only by a gynecologist.

Often, nulliparous women learn about such a problem as erosion only after visiting a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that the disease is painless and does not have any specific symptoms. In most cases, even after learning about the disease, many do not take any action, and this is fundamentally wrong. Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous is a mandatory procedure after diagnosis.

Causes of development and types of erosion

The onset of the disease is always the same. First, small cracks appear, then the affected cells begin to replace healthy ones. The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous may be different. The main ones are:

  1. Artificial termination of pregnancy.
  2. Early or, on the contrary, too late sexual life.
  3. The presence of various sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  4. Herpes.
  5. Activation of papillomavirus infection.
  6. Hormonal disruptions.

Pathology can appear in two forms: acquired and congenital. The disease itself is a proliferation of cylindrical epithelium - the lining of the cervical canal.

This process can begin to develop in the womb, and therefore it is quite possible to diagnose erosion in childhood and adolescence. In this regard, many are interested in whether cervical erosion can be cured.

Against the background of puberty, pathology can heal itself. If this does not happen, it is necessary to resort to medical treatment. If the treatment of the disease is not taken in a timely manner, the risk of developing complications increases - the inflammatory process, infection of wounds, and the addition of other diseases.

Treatment is also required in such cases as:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases that are difficult to treat;
  • detection of infections, the appearance of spotting, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • the presence of cysts and the occurrence of mucous secretions;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis of this pathology includes a number of studies that help determine the type of disease, find out why it arose, and choose the necessary treatment. Often, a gynecologist examines the patient using mirrors, collects an anamnesis, takes a smear for microflora and, in some cases, material for histology. A colposcopy is also scheduled. Sometimes there is a need for PCR diagnostics. If the specialist suspects the development of a tumor process, the material is sent for a biopsy. In addition, a urine and blood test is collected, showing the state of the immune system and hormonal levels.

After carrying out all the necessary studies, the doctor can determine the type of erosion:

  1. True slight erosion of the cervix, which in most cases resolves itself and does not require specific treatment.
  2. pseudo-erosion, in which erosive wounds do not heal, and the cylindrical epithelial layer shifts its boundaries.
  3. congenital disease when the woman herself cannot understand where it came from.

Conservative treatment

In most cases, the treatment of erosion in nulliparous is the use of drugs. If infections are found, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents and immunomodulators. And also candles are used, chemicals that cause tissue burns with subsequent healing. This treatment is called chemofixation.

Such therapy is ideal for girls, because it allows you to remove the defect, does not cause further problems with conception, bearing and childbirth.

Cauterization erosion

Quite often, after making a diagnosis, patients are interested in whether erosion can be cauterized for nulliparous girls. The answer to this question depends on many factors. Surgical intervention is performed in cases where the ectopia of the cervix, the treatment of which is necessary for nulliparous, is large. It is also necessary if drug therapy does not work and relapses occur. There are several ways to help remove pathology:

  • Cryotherapy(cauterization with liquid nitrogen). The main advantage of this procedure is that it does not hurt, and besides, the rehabilitation period is relatively short (from 1 to 3 months).
  • Radio wave method suitable for women who are going to get pregnant soon. The essence of this method is the coagulation of soft tissues without their destruction. Under the influence of high-frequency radio waves, the affected cells "evaporate".
  • Diathermcoagulation suitable for women and girls who are not going to become pregnant in the coming year. This is the oldest method, which consists in the effect of electric current on tissues. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that, in addition to pathological tissues, healthy ones are also damaged, and this provokes the appearance of extensive scars.
  • Laser therapy implies the impact on the focus of pathology of laser radiation. This is a quick and painless way to get rid of erosion. Complete tissue healing occurs within a month.

Regardless of which method is chosen, surgical intervention is a burn of pathological tissues in the required area. After cauterization, the doctor prescribes local antiseptics, suppositories and ointments that have a healing effect. Also, the patient must lead a healthy lifestyle, exclude weight lifting and carefully observe the hygiene of the genital organs.

Possible Complications

Radical therapy can cause such dangerous consequences as scars, narrowing or complete reduction of the cervical canal. This, in turn, leads to infertility. Extensive damage can cause isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as a result of which, during pregnancy, the opening of the cervix begins and the patient may lose the baby.

It is very important to choose the right method of treatment and in no case should it be delayed. Nulliparous girls and those who are going to become pregnant in the near future should not do cauterization, because this can lead to scarring, exacerbation of inflammation, and problems with the menstrual cycle.

Rehabilitation after treatment usually takes several months. At this time, it is necessary to exclude sexual relations, visits to saunas and pools, physical activity.

The female body is much more sensitive to diseases than the male body. And especially big trouble can deliver a disease such as erosion of the cervix.

In this article, we will find out the features, symptoms and causes of this disease, as well as methods for its treatment, find out how dangerous it is, and what measures a gynecologist can take.

According to statistics, every second representative of the fair sex is faced with this unpleasant disease in reproductive age. Despite the erosion of the cervix, treatment in nulliparous girls is safe and fairly fast.

The disease has very ambiguous symptoms: if the area of ​​damage to the epithelium is small, then erosion can pass without symptoms. In this case, the disease can be detected only at a preventive visit to the doctor.

This once again indicates that regular visits to the gynecologist are very important for your health, because the sooner erosion can be diagnosed, the faster and more successfully the treatment will be.

If the disease is detected in a timely manner and treatment is started immediately, it is possible to get rid of erosion within 7-14 days thanks to modern innovative treatment methods.

If the area of ​​​​the epithelium that has succumbed to erosion is already large enough, then the following signs of the disease may occur:

  • pain that occurs during or after sex. Some girls complain of slight discomfort, but most still experience distinct pain, sometimes reaching the impossibility of continuing sexual intercourse.
  • sometimes the disease is accompanied by the release of ichor from the vagina. They can appear regardless of a woman's menstrual cycle.
  • sometimes patients complain about, characterized by a light color. Allocations can even be purulent.
  • cracks are formed, which overgrow with the epithelium over time. This process is called ectopia, and can cause malignant processes in the cervix.
  • the occurrence of causeless bleeding after sex or visiting a gynecologist.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls

Some experts believe that the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women is not required. This opinion appeared due to the fact that, until recently, gynecologists did not treat erosion in nulliparous girls on an outpatient basis.

The girls were simply offered to be patient until childbirth, in order to subsequently remove the pathology or destruction.

So is it necessary to treat a disease such as cervical erosion in nulliparous?

To date, most physicians are confident that all women need to treat cervical erosion, and innovative advances in medicine have played an important role in changing the minds of gynecologists.

Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous

Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous:

  1. Artificial termination of pregnancy (vacuum abortion).
  2. The presence of venereal diseases.
  3. Papillomavirus infection.
  4. herpetic infection.

Hormonal disruptions in the body

Erosion of the cervix in a nulliparous girl can either be acquired as a result of vital activity or be congenital. The essence of the disease lies in the fact that the cylindrical epithelium, in fact, which is the lining of the cervical canal, grows, expanding its border.

This disease can begin to develop even during the development of a child at the stage of development in the womb, so this disease can be detected even in children and adolescents.

Pathology in girls can be cured on their own at the time of puberty, but if this does not happen, you have to use the services of medical intervention.

How to treat this disease in nulliparous?

If there is erosion of the cervix in nulliparous, then the treatment will depend on the extent of the violation of the integrity of the cervical membrane.

If large-scale erosion is found, then treatment can be both conservative and operative at the discretion of the attending physician.

Initially, the cause of the pathology is determined, and only after cervical erosion is detected, treatment is prescribed for nulliparous girls.

In most cases, for nulliparous girls, treatment includes taking medications that have an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as hormonal agents.

For special cases, other methods of treatment can be prescribed - cauterization with high temperatures (diathermocoagulation) and low temperatures (cryolysis). A clear disadvantage of this method is the presence of scars that remain after exposure.

The importance of treatment and timely identification of cervical erosion cannot be underestimated, since ignoring the disease can lead to serious health problems.

There are several types of treatment, but it must be remembered that the method of treatment is prescribed by the gynecologist based on information about the pathology, the condition of the woman and the type of disease.

A complex treatment is prescribed, which includes both cauterization and the use of drugs. Affected tissues are burned to eliminate the affected cells, and drugs are designed to clog and stop the development of new affected cells.

  1. In the early stages of the disease, it is possible to use cauterization by chemofixation.- an effective procedure at low cost, however, absolutely not effective in the later stages of the disease.
  2. Electrocoagulation- also an affordable method, but not recommended for nulliparous girls, since it forms rough scars, which can subsequently affect the child's exit through the birth canal.
  3. - the safest way to treat the disease on expensive equipment, which has a minimum rehabilitation period.
  4. Cryodestruction- refers to sparing methods, leaving no scars. The bottom line is to burn the affected area with nitrogen, which has a very low temperature.

A person who has given birth can easily get rid of the pathology using any of the above methods, but for those who have not given birth, the consequences of cervical erosion can cause certain problems.

Such a pathology is a fairly common disease that can be easily treated in modern medicine for several weeks if the disease was diagnosed on time, so never neglect preventive trips to the gynecologist!

And be sure to monitor your personal intimate hygiene in order to avoid infection in the uterine cavity.