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Extracurricular activity for earth day in elementary school. An elementary school holiday dedicated to Earth Day. Theme: Talking to the Earth Elementary School Earth Day Theatrical Encounter with the Queen of Biology

Educational lesson "Earth is our common home!". Scenario for younger students

Material Description: I offer you a scenario for an extra-curricular event "Earth is our common home." This event is recommended for children of school and preschool older age, teachers, educators, teacher organizers.
Target: education of respect for the environment and natural resources, ecological culture of behavior in nature, love for the Motherland.
- expand children's knowledge about the negative consequences of human impact on the environment and its activities to protect it; - to repeat and summarize the rules of careful and environmentally correct handling of a person with the environment and his habitat; - include children during the lesson in playing and creative activities in order to correct perception, thinking, attention, memory.
Equipment: pictures of natural objects, natural material, landscape sheets and markers.

1. Organizational moment:
Educator. Guys, today we will go on an unusual, but very serious and important journey. We will not fly with you on an airplane and we will not rush by train, and we will not even go by bus, but we will take our backpacks, gather our ingenuity, our knowledge in them and set off on foot across the expanses of our land. Only in this way can one find out all her secrets, see her beauty, see all her troubles and help her.
We can't just move in a crowd, so we'll break into squads. Units will have names and mottos. In each detachment there will be counselors - older guys and educators who will always help you along the way. For good work and correct answers, the squad will receive a token, and we will find out which squad will receive the title of "Best Connoisseurs of Nature". (The teacher distributes emblems and mottos to the detachments, and in one minute the detachment guesses from them about its name: “Friendship”, “Bonfire”, “Rescuers”, “Spark” and prepares to say the name in unison.) Stand up as a detachment, in unison say the name of the detachment, counselors will read the motto.
Team slogans:
Smile Life without a smile is just a mistake,
Long live laughter and smiles.
Friendship Always be friends, be friends everywhere,
Make friends on land and in water.
Bonfire Burn yourself, light others
Stay ahead period.
Spark Let's sparkle, let's burn
Let's not let planet earth die.

The name of our trip is “Earth is our common home!”
What do you think the purpose of our campaign with this name will be? (We must determine how a person should behave in a common house called Earth in order to preserve it for future generations.)
2. Introductory part.
Educator. We all - people, birds, animals, microorganisms - live on one common planet. And it is the only planet where living beings can live. This is our common home. And nature on earth is our mother and nurse. What is nature?

What is nature like? How to distinguish living nature from non-living? (children's answers) What does a person take from nature? (air, water, food, health, beauty)
How should we treat nature? (children's answers)
For millions of years, all kinds of animals, plants, fungi have adapted to each other, to their habitat and live well next to each other. Man himself is also a part of nature, but he just cannot learn how to behave correctly in the environment. Give examples of the negative impact people have on her. (children's answers)
In my opinion, it's time to hit the road in order to determine on the spot what people should do in order to avoid a catastrophe - the death of all life on Earth, including humans.

3. The main part.

1st halt "Steppe expanses"

Educator: “We put on our backpacks and hit the road. And the first place where we came, you will determine if you make a word from these letters "c", "t", "e", "p", "b". - - What is the "steppe"? (This is a natural area, with a rather hot and arid climate, in which the vegetation is mainly grassy.)
We live in such a natural area. But, to our great regret, the steppe has lost its original appearance due to human activities. Most of the steppe lands are plowed up by man for fields. And so that the winds did not blow the soil from the fields and did not carry it away in the form of dust storms, people had to plant trees - forest belts. And before, the steppe looked like this. (Pictures of the steppe.)

- Which of you went with your parents to the unplowed steppe? What were you doing there? What strikes us steppe? (With its vast expanses, a huge amount of heat and light. This is not in the forest. The air in the steppe is incredibly clean and fresh. You can see the silvery, fluffy sea - this is a sea of ​​feather grass.) What other steppe plants do you know? (Tipchak, wheatgrass, wild oat, bluegrass, timothy, shepherd's purse, kurai, tumbleweed, wormwood, prickly goose, sage, goose onion, buttercups, tulips, irises and others.)
- What animals live in the steppe? (Foxes, wolves, hare, ground squirrels, hamsters, jerboas, mole rats, steppe marmots, ferrets, weasels. The world of birds is rich: predatory: osprey, coccyx, harrier, kestrel, kite, owls, gravedigger eagle, steppe eagle; not carnivores: quails, partridges, cranes, ducks, geese, tits, wagtails... In the steppe, in the hot sky, you can always hear the cheerful song of the lark.)
- How wrong can a person behave in this region? (Continue to plow the land, graze everywhere huge herds of animals that will trample the grass, tear bouquets of steppe flowers, hunt rare animals, take out garbage and throw it in forest belts.)
What rules of human life will we write down?
1. You can not litter nature with garbage. 2. You can not kill animals and birds, especially rare ones. 3. It is necessary to stop the plowing of new lands, 4. It is impossible to pick armfuls of flowers, to pick flowers listed in the Red Book.
Poem. I'm ready to argue with the whole world,
I'm ready to swear on my head
That all colors have eyes
And they look at us with you.
In the hour of our thoughts and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw: flowers, like people, cry
And the dew is dropped on the sand.


Take pictures of flowers and arrange children with them. One student remembers their location. We change children in places or pictures. The student says what has changed.

2nd halt "Water surface"

Educator. We put on our backpacks again and move on. And where we have come, you will know if you solve this problem. You need to arrange these fish in the order of their drawing, then everything will become clear. The word "water".

- What reservoirs do you know? (Pond, lake, river, sea, ocean, reservoir, canal.) Which ones are natural? (River, lake, sea, ocean.)
We all know that water is life. All living things, including humans, cannot live without water. Therefore, a person, basically, arranges his villages near water bodies. What kind of water do we need to live? (Clean and fresh.) We not only drink fresh water, but also water plants with it, wash, wash, wash our homes, use fresh water in industrial production.
Meanwhile, fresh water reserves are very small and make up only 3% of the entire world's oceans. The rest of the water is salty. In some places, there is already a shortage of fresh water. In the summer, in the evening, the water pressure in the water supply system decreases, sometimes the water is even turned off. And in some villages, water is supplied according to a schedule or it is completely imported. We mainly use underground water reserves, large cities consume much more water, so they use water from nearby rivers and lakes. What else do we use water bodies for? In summer, people like to swim in them, go fishing, sitting with a fishing rod on the shore.

- What kind of violations does a person commit using water?
Discharges untreated sewage, often containing toxic substances, into water bodies; washes dirty cars on the banks of reservoirs, throws garbage on the banks of reservoirs. Wastelessly uses the water resources of the Earth - water can flow in vain from an open or faulty faucet. In pursuit of profit, some people are engaged in poaching, putting nets on fish, crayfish, where such fishing is prohibited. Sometimes they kill the fish with dynamite.
Let's continue the list of rules of human behavior in dealing with nature.
4. Use natural resources carefully. 5. Do not wash dirty cars near bodies of water. 6. Do not dump wastewater into waterways. 7. Only hunt and fish in permitted ways.
Let's take off our backpacks and take a little dip in such a wonderful lake. Raise your hands, who among you can swim. And who will show how he swims. What is the name of this style, when hands, like oars, alternately row water? "Krol" And when you work with your feet like a frog, and throw your hands in front of you and spread the water in different directions. "Breaststroke" What kind of style is when a swimmer waves his arms like a butterfly? "Butterfly" Let's swim in different styles.

3rd halt "Forest clearing"

Educator. And where we will make the next halt, you will determine by guessing riddles.
What kind of girl is this: In the spring she turned green, In a white sundress Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, Sunbathed in the summer. We got up in the field. She doesn’t sew anything herself, In autumn she put on Tits flew, And in needles all year round. Red corals. Sat on pigtails. (Spruce) (Sorbus) (Birch)
What kind of tree is standing - Curly Vanya is standing in a clearing in the forest, There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? The rich man is small, but he will give you nuts. (Aspen) (Halnut)
A green bush grows, if you touch it, it will bite. (Rose hip.)
It takes from my flower. I have a longer needle than a Christmas tree. Bee is the most delicious honey. Very straight I grow in height. But they still offend me: If I'm not at the edge, They tear off the thin skin. Branches only at the top. (Linden) (Pine)
- Where did we come, guys, where do these trees grow? That's right, we came to the forest.

Who inhabits the forest? (There are many animals, birds, insects and other animals in the forest.) Guess riddles about them.
He slept all winter in a fur coat, She is more cunning than all animals, In a clearing near the fir trees, she sucked her brown paw. She has a red coat on. The house is built from needles. And when he woke up, he began to cry. A magnificent tail is her beauty, He is not visible behind the grass, This forest beast is ... a bear. And her name is ... fox. And it has a million residents.
She flickers like a snake in the grass, wags her tail, (Ants in an anthill) The tail will break off, the other will gain. (Lizard.)
Sleeps during the day, and flies at night, Blacker than all migratory birds, Palace on a pole, He knows a lot about. (Owl.) Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields, In the palace - a singer, Vereshchunya, white-sided, Jumping back and forth across the arable land And his name is ... (starling). And her name is ... (magpie). And the bird is called (rook).
Starling is a caring father, Starling is a caring father,. But how to appease the screeching? And everything that is on the menu, As soon as the starling leaves the house, From the grove the starling carries into the house Again they scream. And feed the kids!
The game "I accept - I do not accept" Let's play a little now. I will offer you something to do, and you decide if you can do it in the forest, then clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.
- you can find a comfortable clearing and sit down for a rest;
- you can play, throw dry leaves, build a hut from branches lying on the ground;
- whoever sees the mushroom, tear it up by the roots so that others do not get it;
- you can pick up delicious berries and treat your friends;
- you can break flexible young twigs and forest lilies of the valley, weave wreaths;
- you can make some noise, shout, hawk in the forest, we are not in the village;
- water bottles, disposable cups, I will put the bags under the bush so that they do not spoil the view of the clearing, I no longer need them;
- bug-eyed frog, creeping snake, nasty caterpillars can be driven away or crushed;
- see what color they have; each of them performs its own role in nature. All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed.
Did you know?
1. The wood of this tree is the most durable, does not rot for a long time even in water, therefore it is used in construction. (Larch.)
2. This tree absorbs the most radiation and purifies the air better than others. (Poplar.)
3. There is a herb for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort.)
4. Above all birds flies ... (eagle).
5. The grasshopper's ear is on ... (leg).
6. The largest bird in the world ... (ostrich), and the smallest ... (hummingbird), and in our country - ... (kinglet).
7. There is a sweet tree in our forests. (Linden.)
8. Multi-colored mushrooms grow in the forest. (Russula.)
9. Penguin is ... (bird) and eats fish.
!0. The tallest grass ... (bamboo).

Let's continue our list of rules of conduct in nature:
8. Do not break young trees, it is better to plant trees yourself;
9.People should reduce the amount of trees cut down;
10. Do not make fires in the forest, especially under trees;
11.Do not throw glass objects into the grass, they will cause a fire.
12. Do not destroy bird nests, anthills, do not trample poisonous mushrooms;
13. Do not make noise in the forest.
Take care of the Russian forest, squirrel, marten, hare, fox
He is the source of all miracles! The forest is home.
To make the bird and the beast turn green everywhere, I want to believe
Pines, elms, maples, spruces, In peace and quiet.
Take care of the forest!

Educator. Unfortunately, we can't travel long distances and it's time for us to return home, but we've done a good job of compiling a whole list of rules to follow in order to stop the ecological disaster. (photo of the village)

Let's check how you remember our rules. You will listen to the verse "Merry Walk", and then say which of the rules of behavior in nature have been violated.
fun walk
Sat on the edge, Two students left,
On a sunny meadow, Two young townswomen...
Two girl friends, birds sing, as before
Two young townswomen. On a sunny meadow
Bird trills rang, Birds' hubbub rushes,
And the girls looked, But the whole oak tree was broken off,
How everything around shone, And the grass under the alder
Sparkled, rustled, covered with husks.
How the tops are splashing What is there only here!
With a green wave ... Packages from seeds,
Two girlfriends said: Tram tickets,
- How good it is in the spring! Toffee papers...
What a clean air! (You can continue the list.)
What a branched oak tree! Everything seemed to fade!
Two townspeople left -
Now they don't care
To a sunny field.
Noisy oak branchy
leftover foliage,
Shakes his head: “What egoists! What egoists!
- Receiving from nature everything necessary for life, a person must be careful and economical so as not to damage nature, not to disfigure it.
- In order for nature to have time to replenish its strength and restore what has been lost, a person must take a reasonable amount of its wealth and help nature replenish its resources. Plant as many trees as possible, restore cut down forests. Build treatment facilities for discharged industrial waters, exhaust gases.
- Build waste recycling plants so that landfills do not grow. It is more careful to use what has already been produced. - Switch to the production and use of such household items that are less toxic, able to decompose in a natural way (with the help of bacteria living in nature).

And the guys will end our journey with these words:

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science, We want the birds to sing,
And there is also a temple of nature To make noise around the forest,
With forests reaching out for blue skies
Against the sun and winds. To make the river silver
He is holy at any time of the day, so that the butterfly frolic
Open for us in the heat and chill. And there was dew on the berries!
Come in here, be a sensitive heart,
Don't desecrate his shrines.

Ecological event scenario for grades 1-2

for Earth Day

Adult host:

I live on a beautiful planet

Under the name of the good Earth. (Slide 1)

I love sunsets and sunrises

I love hills and fields. (Slide 2)

I love when the sun is in the sky

And when the rains drum, (Slide 3)

And when everything is covered in snow

And when streams do not stop. (Slide 4)

I love silver dew

And fogs over clear water,

Muted colors for autumn

And golden starfall from heaven. (Slide 5)

And please believe me

I consider myself happy

That I live on a beautiful planet

Under the usual name Earth. (Slide 6)

adult presenter :

Guys, what do you think, what will we talk about today? (listens to children's responses).

The planet is our home, and the home must be kept clean. Right? Is it clean in our common house? (children's answers)


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Towards the sun and winds. (Slide 1)

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and chill,

Come in here

Be a little heart

Don't desecrate her shrines. (Slide2)

Student : Why are we friends with the forest,
Why do people need it?

(Listen to the children's answers)

1st reader: The forest is our wealth! (Slide 3)
2nd reader: The forest is the green dress of our Earth. Where there is a forest, there is always clean air. (Slide 4)
3rd reader. The forest is a home for animals and birds. (Slide 5)
4th reader. The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps a person to grow a good crop. (Slide 6)
5th reader. The forest is a pantry that generously gives its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms. (Slide 7.8)

Game 1 "Guess the word"

How well do you know the name of the birds, animals and plants that are found in our area. Now the screen will display words in which vowels have disappeared and only consonants remain. Your task: to think about which vowels you need to insert. If you inserted all the vowels correctly, you get the name of a plant, animal, or bird.

Bird - s.n.c., tree - b.r.z., animal -, bird - v.s.n., flower - r.m.shk., animal - .

Well done!

Lesovichok enters.

I love walking in the forest

I go to the forest every day.

Everything in the forest is interesting to me:

Every bush and every stump.

I'm a cheerful old man, old man - Lesovichok

Like a page of a fairy tale book

The forest opened, ringing with foliage.

I understand both the beast and the bird,

And they understand me.

It became very dangerous in the forest,

Why I can't understand!

Who throws bottles and garbage? (Slide 9)

Who kindles fires endlessly? (Slide 10)

Who exterminates animals and birds?

Who is stopping you from living quietly in the forest?

So, friends, soon the whole forest will die,

And trouble will overtake all people!

Just listen guys

Animals live very poorly.


I'm really sick right now. The hunting dog decided to play pranks with me. I curled up into a ball to protect myself. He pushed me so hard with his paw that I rolled down the hill and fell right on the hot coals that some idler had left in the fire. He barely got out, but the needles and legs were badly burned. It hurts so much that I want to cry...

Magpie :

And they shot me with a slingshot. The wing hurts, but at least I can fly somehow, but the woodpecker was not lucky. This hornman killed him on the spot. For what? After all, woodpeckers bring so much benefit to the forest. They heal trees and make hollows for many animals and birds.

Bear :

I went to the water to get drunk and stepped on something terrible. It sank into my paw. Lost so much blood! I couldn't take a step. Thanks to the heron, she washed my paw and pulled out a sharp fragment from the bottle with her beak. My leg still hurts, I can hardly walk. How could this happen?


What kind of elephant came to us in the forest,
Only noise is worth crackling!
He trampled all the flowers,
Broke my wing!
Stepped on a worm
Almost crushed a bug!
How can I fly now
I need to see a doctor soon!

Lesovichok . Every day I hear these complaints

And I don't know what I need to do.

I ask: “Help! Save!"

You will protect my forest from enemies!

Lead Adult:

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest? (children's answers)

Game 2 "Find a couple"

The rules of conduct in the forest are divided into 2 parts. The task is to find the continuation of the sentence.

Do not break branches / trees and shrubs

Don't Ruin / Bird's Nests

Do not burn / grass in the meadow.

Do not leave in the forest / garbage

Don't take wild/animals home


Evil people littered

Both lakes and ponds.

Almost no now in Russia

Clean drinking water. (Slide 12)

Fish, birds are killed,

Groves are cut down, forests are sawn.

The atmosphere is polluted

They destroy many miracles (Slide 13)

It hurts us to look at

We are so drawn to beauty.

And we want our forest

Kept clean. (Slide 14)

It is necessary to protect nature.

Rivers, groves and fields.

And then a flowering garden

The Russian land will become. (Slide 15)

adult presenter :

Guys, you all drove a car and you know that in order to avoid an accident, there are Road signs on the side of the road. One sign shows how fast you can go, the other that there is a dangerous turn ahead. To comply with the rules of behavior in nature, their own signs were invented.

Game 3 "Security sign"

I will ask six people to come to me. Each of you will take one token. The names of signs are laid out on the table. I call one person at a time from the hall. The task is to find the correct written name for the sign and stand up holding that name next to the student holding the sign.

1. Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home.

2. Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

3. Do not pick flowers in nature.

4. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

5. Do not kill frogs and toads.

6. Do not destroy bird nests.

Guys! Take a look around
Istrian nature is so beautiful!
She needs your care
So that her beauty does not fade. (Slide 16)

The Christmas forest is our beauty!

These are pure pine forests.

There is the river Istra, Peschanka, meadows and fields (Slide 17)

Everything that surrounds us is our land! (Slide 18)

People, remember
We live here!
Russia is our Motherland,
Rozhdestveno is our home. (Slide 19)

Let's take care of him together
Then we will save our land from adversity.
And the native village will flourish,
And we glorify him in our poems! (Slide 20)

Game 4 "Nature of the native land"

Student : If on the slide you see a plant or animal that lives with us, then you clap your hands, if not, you stomp your feet.

Hippo, palm, birch, chamomile, banana, giraffe, beaver, fox, nightingale, peacock, bullfinch, titmouse, oak, mountain ash, crow, elephant, orchid.

Lesovichok . Nature must be respected
Protect, love and protect.
In the forest we have our own laws,
And you, friends, they are familiar.

Garbage, friend, do not leave

In the forest in the meadow

Don't pollute the rivers

We will declare the battle to the bottle.

Don't bring food home

Don't touch the butterfly

Schoolboy, you always remember

There are not so many of them.

Without special need, out of boredom,

Even if you are in the forest for the first time,

Don't break the trees

They are alive, after all.

Ant house - in the wilderness,
You don't bother him
Help the ants
Fence their house!

Help all the birds in the forest
And don't destroy bird nests!
Chicks grow to the joy of all,
Nature's sonorous singers!

Do not tear flowers and do not trample the grass,
Do not pick leaves from the bushes,
Do not wrinkle a green blade of grass,
Walk only along the path in the forest!

Game 5 "Who is superfluous?"

Student: Find the superfluous living beings offered below. And explain why?

Student: If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

To save plants and flowers,

Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded

They are protected by the Red Book.

The Red Book is a book of anxiety.

Know that all the plants in it are touchy.

You don't need to tear them, friends!

Protect them always.

And how many animals have disappeared from the planet,

Plants, and this cannot be replenished.

And if now, we do not save the remnants,

We'll wake up in the desert tomorrow, guys!

adult presenter : (story about the Red Book)

adult presenter : And I have a gift for each of you. And he is in this room. And what kind of gift you will find out by guessing riddles:

Fluffy white ball

I show off in a clean field.

A light breeze blew -

And the stalk remained.

Breaking through the snow

Amazing sprout.

The very first, the most tender,

The most velvety flower!

white bells

In my garden

On a green stem

Hiding in the shade.

Amazing Sun:

This sun has a hundred windows,

From those windows they look

Hundreds of black jackdaws.

Lead Adult:

So, what do I want to give you? (children's answers). Right. This is flowers. And they are here in this room. (It is very interesting to see the reaction of children who start looking for gifts)

The host takes out a beautifully designed bag of sunflower seeds.

I would like to give each of you the seeds of the most amazing flower. This flower turns to follow the sun as it crosses the sky. These are sunflower seeds.

The leader distributes the seeds.

Plant this flower and you will always have a little sun.




Scenario of ecological erudition "Let's save our planet!" for grades 3-4.

Annotation: The event is timed to coincide with the most important environmental date - World Earth Day - and is held as part of the annual action "Days of protection from environmental hazards". For the event "Save our planet!" an unconventional form of ecological erudition was chosen, which allows to significantly expand and intensify children's knowledge about the harmful effects of municipal solid waste on the environment, biological species listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo region, and also to develop the creative activity of schoolchildren in solving environmental problems.
Target: promoting the formation of an ecological culture of the younger generation by drawing attention to topical issues of environmental conservation.

Event progress:

Leading: Hello, dear children and dear teachers! Today we have gathered in this hall to talk about our common home - the planet Earth and how to keep it beautiful, amazing and rich for many centuries.
On April 22, we celebrate not just a big, but a truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day, held under the auspices of the UN. The tradition to celebrate Earth Day on April 22 originated in the United States in 1970, in 1990 this day became an international action. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.
In the northern hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in the spring, and in the southern hemisphere in the fall. The main goal of this global action is to attract the attention of society and every person on the planet to the problems of the Earth, to the problems of its environment. Every year, scientists from around the world gather on this day at a round table to discuss global environmental problems. A wide variety of events and promotions are organized in different countries. These are conferences, exhibitions, the closure of traffic on the busy streets of large cities, cleaning the territory and planting trees.

In Russia, traditionally, International Earth Day is considered the day of public organizations that hold various environmental events and actions on this day. On this day, everyone can take part in the improvement and gardening of their yards and streets. What our Earth is like, what amazing things our planet hides, what neighbors surround our house - let's try to remember by answering the questions of the "Warm-up".
1. Warm up.
1. Time of day when the earth's surface gives off more energy than it receives? (night)
2. What is the closest star to us? (The sun)
3. Which continent has no rivers? (Antarctica)
4. Earth - a planet or a star? (planet)
5. Who is said to have stopped the Sun and moved the Earth? (Nicholas Copernicus)
6. Natural satellite of the Earth? (Moon)
7. Source of life on Earth? (The sun).
8. What shape is our Earth? (spherical, ball flattened laterally)
9. What is more on the globe - land or water?
10. What is the name of the model of the Earth? (the globe)
11. An imaginary line that divides the globe into two hemispheres (equator)
12. The structure of the earth's surface, that is, mountains, lowlands, hills, etc. (relief)
13. The galaxy in which our planet is located (Milky Way)
14. Molten mass of rocks located in the bowels of the Earth (magma)
Well done guys, you know a lot about the Earth, space and the features of our planet. Now let's get to know your teams.
2. Presentation of commands.
Thank you, friends, for the interesting, creative and informative presentations of the teams! It is up to you, the young generation, the future of your native planet, and it depends on each of us what it will be like in decades. After all, today our fragile living planet is in danger! It is threatened by many environmental problems and almost always their cause is the unreasonable consumer attitude of man towards nature.
Pollution of the planet with garbage has become one of the global environmental problems today.
Every year, humanity produces almost one and a half billion tons of household waste. According to the report of the Washington Institute, by 2025 this volume will increase at least twice. The largest amount of waste falls on economically developed countries, and the United States is the absolute leader. According to some calculations, each inhabitant of the Earth “produces” about 300 kilograms of garbage annually: in the USA - about 600, in Moscow - up to 360. There is so much garbage accumulated on Earth that if it is not processed, but leveled over the land surface of our planet, it will cover the entire planet with a 3-meter layer!

An exceptional example of ocean pollution is the existence of the Eastern Garbage Continent in the Pacific Ocean, located between the coast of California and Hawaii. Over the past 50 years, at least 3.5 million tons of floating household waste have been brought there by ocean currents, and the area of ​​​​the ocean dump area exceeds the size of such a state as Belarus! The existence of a garbage island is the cause of the death of millions of living beings!

What is garbage made of? Let's find out in the next task. You should find out from the description what type of household waste is in question. Each description gives five characteristics of solid waste, if you guess the encrypted word by the first sign, you get the maximum number of points - 5, if two - 4, etc.
3. Questions of the quiz "What is garbage made of"
1. It was invented by the Chinese.
2. It is obtained from wood.
3.It burns well.
4. This produces a lot of garbage.
5. This is usually painted and written on.

1. It is made from sand.
2. If it is heated, it becomes viscous, like dough.
3. If this is left in the sun, it may become a source of fire.
4. Most often it is transparent.
5. When it falls, it breaks.

1. Previously, instead of this, people used wet sand, clay, or a mixture of animal fat with water and wood ash.
2.It kills fish in the water and plants on the ground.
3. We all use this every day.
4. With the help of this, things and objects become cleaner.
5. When it gets into the water, it will form a lot of foam.

1. It was invented in England in the middle of the 19th century.
2.It is produced from oil and natural gas.
3. It makes up most of the garbage on Earth.
4.It hardly decomposes in nature.
5.Food packaging is often made from this.

1. It has been mined on the surface or in the bowels of the earth since ancient times.
2.It's strong enough, it's shiny and bends most of the time.
3. It can be light, heavy and even noble.
4.It can often oxidize or rust.
5. A lot of things are made from this: building frames, tools, decorations, food containers, etc.

1. These wastes appeared the very first, at the dawn of mankind.
2. They take up most of the trash can.
3. They can be of animal or vegetable origin.
4. Some of them can be used as fertilizers.
5.It decomposes quickly in nature.

1.It's made of plastic and gas so it's very light.
2.It is applied for heat and sound insulation.
3.It is highly flammable and, when lit, emits highly toxic smoke.
4. It consists of grains and is most often white.
5. Various goods (especially fragile ones), household appliances and food products are packed in this.
In addition to the problem of municipal solid waste, one of the most acute environmental problems is the extinction of biological species. About three species of flora and fauna disappear on Earth every hour. This conclusion was made by experts from the Iberoamerican Center for Biological Diversity. Since the death of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, species on Earth have not been destroyed at such a high rate as in recent decades. From 1970 to 2000, the number of wild animal species decreased by 40%. According to the "Red Book", over the past 500 years, the extinction of 844 species of animals and plants has been recorded.
4. Types of the Red Book of the Kemerovo region.

1. Perennial herbaceous plant, over 1 m high, with numerous erect stems that end in a beautiful large flower with five petals. It grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, often found in Siberia. It has a variety of healing properties: it is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, various gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, diseases of the nervous system, etc. The people call the plant Maryin root, Marya Korevna, zhgun-root. (PEONY EVOIDING)

2. This is one of the very beautiful spring plants, with rather large lush golden flowers, which blooms in late April and blooms until the end of May. A beautiful legend about this plant is repeatedly mentioned in literature: the ancient Greek goddess of love Aphrodite fell in love with a beautiful young man and often wandered through the forests with him. Once he went hunting alone and died from the fangs of a wild boar. The goddess bitterly mourned her beloved, and then turned him into a flower, sprinkling the young man's blood with nectar. According to another legend, the flower got its name in honor of the Phoenician and Assyrian sun god, who died every year in autumn and rose again in spring. The people call it adonis, the more ancient name is the starodubka, Montenegrin, which indicates that the plant lives on the slopes of the hillocks, well warmed by the sun. Preparations from the plant are used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels, have a calming effect. (ADONIS SPRING).

3. A tall beautiful tree with a spreading crown and heart-shaped leaves, an excellent honey plant. On the territory of our region it is a relict species, since the islands of these trees in mixed forests are about several million years old. Not far from our city, you can find a grove with this tree, unusual for our forests, preserved from the pre-glacial period! In the people, this wonderful tree is called the black-bark birch. The leaves and flowers of the plant have medicinal value as a means to strengthen the immune system, as well as a cosmetic. (SIBERIAN LINDE)

4. This is a freshwater river and lake large fish, up to 2 meters in length, living in the river basins of Siberia. The appearance of the fish is very characteristic: along the back, sides and belly there are rows of hard protrusions - bugs, the body between them is covered with stellate plates. The fish hibernate in river pits 20-30 meters deep, and in spring they migrate to spawning grounds under the ice. The fish feeds on benthic invertebrates - aquatic larvae, worms, mollusks. Until the 1930s, it was one of the common fish in our rivers and served as an important object of fishing. The number of this fish has sharply decreased due to pollution of rivers and poaching. (SIBERIAN STURGEON)

5. A non-venomous snake, most often no larger than a meter in size. It differs from other snakes in "yellow ears" - pronounced marks on the head, often yellow, but sometimes white and orange. It feeds mainly on live frogs, rodents, less often fish. It is well tamed and endures captivity: in Ukraine and Belarus, there are frequent cases of domestication of crouching mice for the destruction. Due to capture by tourists, fishermen, vacationers, as well as disturbance and pollution of habitats, it is a rare species

6. A large feathered night hunter with a wingspan of 160 to 188 cm. It is easily determined by its size, dark beak, paws pubescent to the claws and feather ears tilted outward. A mysterious bird that avoids the proximity of a person, which can be found in the taiga, forest-tundra, steppes and desert. It easily adapts both to northern frosts and to the sultry climate of deserts. The bird is sometimes classified as a harmful animal due to the reduction in the number of hunting resources. But these ideas are easily refuted by the fact that these predators do not eat so much - no more than half a kilogram of meat per day, but their use for agriculture as exterminators of rodents is invaluable (FILIN)

7. A small artiodactyl animal, body length up to 1 m, weight - 11-18 kg. The Latin name of the species translates as "bearing musk". On the belly of the male animal there is a musk gland filled with a special secret - musk - the most expensive product of animal origin. Another distinguishing feature of the males of this peaceful herbivore is the presence of long curved fangs protruding from under the upper lip by 7-9 cm and acting as a tournament weapon. Because of the musk, this animal is an object of hunting, therefore it needs special protection (musk deer)

Due to unreasonable human activity, our planet is in danger: this is not only the problem of solid waste and the disappearance of biological species, but also the exhaustion, destruction of natural resources - forest, water, etc. However, each person is able to do a lot to keep our planet alive, rich, unique and beautiful. After all, for this you should follow the simplest rules of behavior in nature. What are the rules, all of you, of course, know. But in addition to observing these rules, you, the younger generation, can call on others to comply with them! Our latest competition is called "Save the planet for many years!". Each team is invited to come up with a bright, memorable slogan that reveals this rule using a picture depicting a rule of behavior in nature.
5.Slogan competition "Let's save the planet for many years!"
Slogan - an advertising formula, a constant advertising motto. A clear, concise and concise statement of the main theme of the appeal. A slogan is a key phrase that identifies either a specific organization or an advertising campaign carried out by it. Translated from English, a slogan is a slogan, call or motto.
For instance:
Remember your human duty and know
Garbage in nature - do not allow!
A clean forest is the conscience of a tourist.
A small spark is a big problem. Put out the fire!
Take care of other people's ears - just listen to the singing of birds in the forest!
Thank you guys for the creative slogans! If you publish them and call your parents, friends, classmates to their execution, perhaps many of them will listen and take one more step towards preserving our common home!
We have one Earth.
We have one Earth, one,
She is so blue.
She calls us to help
Such an unprotected...
Do not respond - at the same moment
She will blame us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, people, your Earth!
On it alone flowers bloom,
On it alone children laugh,
And there is no greater beauty
And there are no doves of the planet.
She gave us joy
Gave dews and dawns,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

The script of the holiday "Earth Day"

The purpose of the : deepening environmental knowledge, developing attention, cultivating a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on earth

Class: 2b

Equipment :

  • poster "Protect these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small bylinochka,

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you"

E. Evtushenko

  • costumes for children - butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, lily of the valley.
  • Exhibition of books about nature
  • bells
  • Phonogram of the song "Wounded Bird"
  • Recording "Sounds of the Forest"

The course of the holiday


Our holiday dedicated to World Earth Day takes place on the day when this day has been celebrated all over the world for 30 years. It was proclaimed by the UN on April 22, 1970 and since then has been celebrated annually in our country and around the world.

Student : The earth has always been and remains the breadwinner of man, the source of his existence.

Everything from the Earth:

And satiety loaf,

And the honey of spring, and the bitterness of the feather grass

My land is a storehouse of treasures,

And the deck of a human ship.

(Song "Chamomile Russia")

Leading: There are miracles in the world

It blooms like a poppy dawn in the distance ...

On my blue planet

Meet the children, Earth Day!

Love your native land since childhood

Passionate love without borders

And know that at the call of the heart

The little prince has come to you

(Music sounds. The prince enters.)

Little Prince I left my asteroid

To help you in a good deed,

We should work hard, children,

Until night falls in Moscow!

For the sun to shine bright

And our Day did not fade in the mist,

We have a lot to do

In the name of life on Earth!

(Children ring bells. Earth comes out.)

Leading: Guys, with our ringing we woke up the Earth.

Land: Spinning in space, in the captivity of its orbit,

Not a year, not two, but billions of years,

I am so tired. My flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place!

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,

All that I had and have

Man considers his goodness.

Why are people so afraid of each other

What was forgotten about the Earth itself?

'Cause I can die and stay

A charred grain of sand in a smoky haze.

And it is no coincidence that formidable volcanoes

Throw out the pain of the Earth with lava!

Wake up, people, call on the countries,

To save me from death!

(Song of the Earth)

Leading: Good land. She gives us bread

Living water and a tree in bloom.

Under this ever restless sky

Let's fight for kindness!

1 reader: Nature welcomes us cordially.

She gives us her beauty.

Enjoy it, take care of it!

Come in here as a caring friend,

Attentive, sensitive.

2 reader: There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolds stretching their arms

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and cold

Come in here

Be a little heart

Don't desecrate her shrines.

3 reader: Come into the hazel. The nuts are ripe.

Bend the hazel. Do not break without purpose.

Don't pick all the nuts.

Leave for protein.

There is no better joy for them

Than hazelnuts.

Leaving the hazel

Say thanks

The hazel smiles

Will tell you "Happily" on your way

Leading: Each broken twig, each plucked flower, each butterfly caught is a small wound inflicted on nature. But it is now very difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds.

Leading: I bet guys

What's enough for you to do

Do good, who has not yet had time, -

Love animals, people and flowers,

Please don't hide your kindness.

Splendor, idleness - drive them away!

The planet is in trouble!

You must help her.

Of course, the tasks are not at all simple,

But in every heart

There is a ray of kindness!

Boy: We, the zealots of nature,

Gather around the waste -

Both bottles and boxes

And cups and corks...

And rubbish unnecessary to people,

Is it difficult for us?


I'm ashamed, friends, for those people

that destroy nature.

Tree, grass, flower and bird,

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading : It's no secret that every year hundreds of thousands of plants, animals, birds die due to insane human activity.

(children enter - dragonfly, ladybug, butterfly) - read poetry

(Children dance)

1 student: Everything, everything in the world

Needed in the world!

And midges are no less needed than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters

And even without evil and ferocious predators

Everything in the world is needed!

Everything is needed -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

(Song "Lost dog")

2 student: Bad things in a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat is no better business

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other.

(Song "Don't tease the dogs")

Leading: The amazing world of nature. He meets us with a sea of ​​sounds and smells. Makes you think, listen, look. In the morning, afternoon and evening, you can hear a huge number of sounds in the forest.

(Sounds of the forest sound)

3 student : Flowers disappear on the ground,

This is more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves us every summer.

4 student : In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure,

I saw flowers, how people cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

(Song "Don't Pick Flowers")

The melody of the song "Lilies of the valley" sounds. A boy dressed as a lily of the valley enters.

Lily of the valley : And I have an amazing request to the guys.

They tear us everywhere in the spring,

We wilt in a bouquet in vain.

Widespread extermination threatens us now, friends!

I must tell you all that you can not collect us!

(Song "Lilies of the valley")

Leading : Many plants and animals are becoming rarer. The main reason for the extinction of plants and animals is excessive mining, hunting, deforestation, and pollution of rivers.

5 student : Did you see swans being shot at?

Did you see them fall?

Tell me, if the birds knew

And if only they understood

That their flight will be farewell,

People will shoot them at dawn,

Say they wouldn't fly?

Probably if you knew

And even if they understood

It would still be soaring up.

After all, the sky is their element!

After all, the sky is their freedom!

After all, the sky is their whole life!

(Soundtrack of the song "Wounded Bird" sounds)

Land: Today we will hold a quiz dedicated to Earth Day.


(the class is divided into three groups)

The first competition - warm-up "Fish", "Birds", "Animals"

(drawing team chooses a section and answers questions)

Questions to the section "Pisces"

  1. Which fish puts on a fur coat on holidays? (Herring)
  2. What kind of fish helps us clean bottles? (Ruff)
  3. What city is named after the fish? (Zander)
  4. Which fish is armed better than others? (Swordfish)
  5. What fish bears the name of a person7 (Carp)

Questions to the section "Birds"

  1. What bird is the state symbol of Russia? (Eagle)
  2. What birds saved Rome? (geese)
  3. Which bird is the symbol of wisdom? (Owl)
  4. What bird is called the winged postman? (Pigeon)
  5. What bird can count years? (Cuckoo)

Questions to the section "Animals"

  1. Who is considered the king of animals? (lion)
  2. What animal helps to cross the road? (Zebra)
  3. What animal is the emblem of the chess federation? (Horse)
  4. What animal is recognized as the best lumberjack? (Beaver)
  5. Which wild cat is a sportswear trademark? (cougar)
  6. How can you help protect animals?

The second competition is "homework".

(Each team had to prepare a presentation by zoologists, biologists, ecologists)

Every day the fauna of the globe becomes poorer by one animal species. Every week we lose one plant species. Five billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere every year. This depletes the ozone layer.

The third competition - questions of the color sector.

(Students take turns throwing the dice. The color of the face of the dice corresponds to the color of the question)

Green sector (about plants)

  1. How can you tell how old a tree is by looking at a tree stump? (According to annual rings)
  2. What is the herb that even the blind know? (Nettle)
  3. Tree, a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch)
  4. Which berry is black, red, white? (Currant)
  5. What medicinal herbs treat colds? (Linden, mint, oregano)

Blue sector (about birds)

  1. Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)
  2. What role do birds play in nature (Destroy pests)
  3. Which of the forest birds is called the forest flute and the forest cat? (Oriole)
  4. Name winter birds. (Sparrow, magpie, dove)
  5. From the arrival of what birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

Red sector (about animals)

  1. Who changes their fur coat twice a year? (hare, squirrel)
  2. What animals sleep in winter? (Bear, hedgehog)
  3. What predator looks like a cat? (Lynx)
  4. What animal is called elk? (Elk)

Black sector (finish the phrase)

  1. Try not to use Styrofoam because…. (it does not decompose in nature)
  2. Do not throw away unnecessary paper, because .... (can be recycled)
  3. Do not make fires in the wrong places, because .... (may cause fire)

Teams are awarded

Leading : We will protect our Earth, we will not have another planet. It is in our power to ensure that in our city, around our school, on our street, at our house it is always clean.

6 student : I look at the globe - the globe of the earth.

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive.

And the Continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass, like a tear!

And the Springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deep river is sad,

Losing their shores

"You take care of us, take care!"

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

"I will save you, I will save you!"

(Song "Beauty lives in the world")

Leading: Only by protecting nature, humanity will save life on Earth. Only by observing the rules of behavior in nature, we can become her true friends and helpers.

1st LEADING: Hello, dear guys! Hello dear teachers! Hello our viewers! We all live in a great vast country - Russia.

2nd HOST: We all love our country very much. But, unfortunately, not all inhabitants of our planet protect the surrounding nature, the beauty of our forests and coasts.

1st LEADING: Everyone here knows, you and me!
Nature cannot be offended!
So let's say together one, two, three,
Let's open a holiday - Earth Day!

Children reading poetry are already standing on the stage.

From Ladoga to the deceptive Baltic
on the shores of Karelian blue lakes
my land lies like a wonderful butterfly
in the meadows of northwestern Russia.

For centuries we meet white nights,
making enthusiastic speeches
and the city above the majestic Neva
stands, leaning on our shoulders!

The Baltic opened a window to Europe,
and Ladoga gave way to Life,
and over the wave a white-winged gull
my dreams and thoughts ascend!


1. We are talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home.

Our kind house, spacious house -

We all live in it from birth.

2. More about that we are talking about,

That we must protect our home,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth is relying on us.

1st LEADING: Dear guys! Our planet is in trouble. Since the appearance of man, he has tried to conquer, to subdue nature. That only he did not invent to improve his life!

Children enter the stage, they have red bandages on their shoulders, caps on their heads.

1st CHILD: Man! Created terrible poisons that kill insects and other animals.

2nd CHILD: Man! Created cars that poison the air with harmful gases.

3rd CHILD: Man! It cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the Earth with a huge layer of garbage.

4th CHILD: People! Come to your senses! Our planet is facing a terrible disaster!

2nd HOST: Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. We hope that after our holiday your hearts will respond and you will take care of nature

It turns out "Earth" with a large ball (layout of the earth).

Good people, wake up

Yes, take a look:

You will have nowhere to live,

If the Earth is not loved!

You protect me

And protect from dirt!

I want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest,

To have blue skies

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

I want the sun to warm

And the birch turned green

And under the tree lived a prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

To always pour a cheerful rain.

Presenter 1:

Dear planet, do we offend you?

Birds disappear on me

Flowers disappear on me.

This is more noticeable every year.

Forest joys, a world of beauty

Leave me forever

I get dirtier

and poorer day by day.

Look at the globe - the globe of the earth -

After all, he sighs, as if alive.

And the continents whisper to us:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass, like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deep river is sad

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

You take care of us, take care!

And now, guys, take a break and watch the "Tale of the Oil Fish"

“Once upon a time there were an old man and an old woman by the very blue sea. Grandfather threw a net into the sea and pulled out, no, not one sea mud, but also rusty cans and bottles, torn plastic bags.

The grandfather threw a net for the second time - he caught a torn shoe and a worn tire.

The third time, as expected, the old man caught a fish. Yes, not simple, but a well-known case, gold.

She spoke with a human voice. But here is a miracle: the goldfish did not ask, they say, let me go, old man, into the sea. On the contrary, she pleaded: “Just don’t let me go back to sea waters! Better throw it into an aquarium with clean water - I will serve you any service for this. I don’t want to turn into an oil fish, but I want to remain a gold fish!”

And now the question is: Where does oil get into the seas? What harm does it cause to marine life?

The artist painted only the shadows of various marine life. Guess what? (jellyfish, dolphin, whale, seahorse, star, shark)

EARTH: Guys, I came to your holiday not alone, but with my friends, fairy-tale characters who are somehow connected with nature. Meet! Malvina, Pinocchio, Forest Fairy, Crocodile Gena, Goldfish! (children play roles)

MALVINA: Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person must behave in the forest and teach this to your friends.

FISH: A well-mannered person does not break branches of trees and bushes, does not tear forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and gives shelter to a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.

FOREST FAIRY: Don't shoot down poisonous mushrooms you don't know or even know. Many of them are medicine for forest dwellers.

CROCODILE GENA: You should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house, for them our "entertainment" often ends in illness, torment and death. These are not toys.

BURATINO: Do not accidentally or on purpose destroy anthills! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their house before frost. And they will die!

MALVINA: And, of course, a polite person who comes to rest in a forest or a meadow will not leave a dump

2nd HOST: Thank you guys. Now we will try never to offend nature. We must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

1st HOST: Unfortunately, we often violate these rules. Truth? Let's now, together with Malvina, ask for forgiveness from nature and try not to make such mistakes again.

All the children stand up, Malvina is in the center of the hall.

MALVINA: Forgive us, little bug,
And the ant and the bees
Excuse me, slender poplar
And cut down trees.
Forgive us, captured animal,
You are so cramped in a cage.
Sorry for not saving
And now you have become so rare.

1st LEADING: Let's hope that nature will forgive us.

2nd LEADER: And as a sign of a truce with nature, we will sing a cheerful song "Mushrooms".


A whistle is heard outside the door, a STRONG WHISTLE appears in the hall with a large backpack
HOST: Who are you?
Strong whistle. I am a disturber of the peace of rivers and lakes, a destroyer of bird nests and a violator of forest paths - Krepkosvist

HOST: You have such a big backpack, what's in it??

Strong whistle. For such good kids

I don't feel sorry for anything.

I have gifts for you

No one has those. - gets and gives to children

Here's a slingshot for you guys.

To shoot birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you.

To scare each other!

This heavy stone

You can break windows!

With this lifesaver

Wave in all directions! Like this!

Are my gifts good?

HOST: And not at all good, take them back.

These are not gifts. but very bad things.

They need to be thrown out immediately!

Children, return everything back to him! ... - children return all things.
Strong whistle. You are bad children, I will not be friends with you! And here are my gifts...

Strong whistle. Scatters debris
Look how dirty you are, and garbage-ah

It was you who littered Krepkosvist.

It's not me, it's them ... (points to the guys).

Oh, how you don’t want to be so littered on such a festive day. What are we going to do now?

Children offer to take out the trash. - cook - 4 trash cans

Thank you for your help, but let's sort the garbage into different baskets: put paper in one, and branches, cones and plastic bottles in the other.

Competition: "Who will quickly clean up the garbage." .

Krepkosvist - Yes, I behave badly, but your children know how to behave correctly?

HOST: Of course they can, you can ask them any questions.

Strong whistle:
Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together! I open my forest book.
If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And throw out the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)
If I make a fire,
Am I not going to simmer? (No)
If I mess up a lot
And I'll forget to remove it. (No)
If I take out the trash
Bury a bank? (Yes)
I love my nature
I help her! (Yes)

VED. Well, Krepkosvist, our children know how to behave. And they collected all the garbage, how clean and beautiful it is here.

Strong whistle. I won't hurt anymore

I will forget evil, deceit.

I will help people

Don't offend anyone!

And now guys, I'm leaving you.

I'll take the gifts, I'd better throw them out, I'll go! walks away, waving his hand.

Ved. Yes, our Earth is beautiful in winter, and in spring, and in summer, and in autumn. The earth is a common home for all. Living in this house, a person should be kind, should take care of all living beings. And what are these living beings?

Child: Fish, birds, animals look into the soul of people.
As if they are asking us: people, do not kill in vain!
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
Land without animals is not land,
And we can't live without land

HOST: Everyone agrees?

EARTH: Who can answer my question: What should be the planet?

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

We will scatter clouds and smoke over it

We will not give it to anyone to offend

Decorate the whole earth with gardens of flowers

We all need such a planet

EARTH: Yes, I agree, we will bring beauty to my planet. But how?

HOST: Mother Earth, we ask you to open your gift boxes and see for yourself!

Opens the first box - FLOWERS

Of course, they must be on my planet! Please decorate!

Opens the second box: - BUTTERFLIES

These fabulous insects can't live without flowers, please decorate

Unlocks the third box: BIRDS

Of course, without birds singing, my planet will be sad and sad. Release them to the ground.

Unlocks the fourth box: FISH

May these goldfish always grant your wishes. Launch them into the seas and oceans

LEADING: Look, friends.

How beautiful you are the earth!

The song "The Earth is full of wonders"

EARTH: Thank you guys. I was so interested in you.

Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole universe
There is only one in the whole universe

For life and friendship to all of you I am given

Dance composition "Cornflower Country"

EARTH: Nice fun we had.

We became very close friends.

They danced and played.

All around became friends.

It's time for me to say goodbye

I will part with you.