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Educational didactic games for children 5 years old. Didactic games. "What I saw in the forest"

Didactic games for children 5-6 years old in speech therapy

For preschool children
games are of exceptional importance:
the game for them is study, the game for them is work,
the game for them is a serious form of education”
N. K. Krupskaya

The role and importance of didactic games for the development of children's vocabulary is invaluable. The didactic game is one of the effective means of developing the vocabulary of children of primary preschool age, as it performs the function of a learning tool, serves as one of the main means of developing children's speech. It helps to assimilate and consolidate knowledge. The use of a didactic game increases children's interest in speech, develops concentration, provides better assimilation of speech material, and the physical, mental, speech, and moral development of preschoolers is most effectively carried out.
Didactic game creates favorable conditions for the activation of speech and cognitive activity. Cognitive activity takes place in a game context, and is a kind of catalyst for many mental processes associated with the cognition of various subjects in preschool age.

The didactic game creates favorable conditions for the activation of speech and cognitive activity. Cognitive activity takes place in a game context, and is a kind of catalyst for many mental processes associated with the cognition of various subjects in preschool age.
The game helps to solve many psychological problems that arise between children and parents. It relieves tension, anxiety, fear of others, complexes, increases self-esteem, allows you to test yourself in various situations.
The essence of the didactic game lies in the fact that children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining way, find a solution themselves, overcoming certain difficulties, and also contribute to the development of logical thinking and the ability to express their thoughts in a word.
Games and exercises for the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life
"Find the first sound"
Purpose: to learn to clearly distinguish the first sound in a word.
For this game you need a car and different toys, but among them there must be an elephant and a dog.
An adult invites the child to name all the toys and ride in the car those animals whose name begins with the sound “s” (elephant, dog). If a child calls a word that does not have a “s” sound, then an adult pronounces this word, highlighting each sound, for example, koooshshshkaaa.
An adult puts a goose in the car, the car does not go.
- The car will not go, because in the word goose the sound is “s”, and not “s”.
- Developed speech hearing enables children to distinguish between increasing and decreasing the volume of the voice, slowing down and speeding up the pace of speech of adults and peers. Moreover, such exercises can be carried out in parallel with the selection of sounds in words and phrases.
“Loud - in a whisper”
Purpose: to teach children to select phrases similar in sound, pronounce them loudly or in a whisper.
The adult says that a wasp has come to visit the kitten. First, you can say the phrase together: “Sa-sa-sa, a wasp flew to us.” Then this rhyme is repeated loudly - quietly - in a whisper (together with an adult and individually);
Su-su-su the cat drove the wasp away (the text is spoken quickly and slowly).
Invite the child to complete the phrase on their own: sa-sa-sa ... (a wasp is flying there), su-su-su ... (I'm afraid of a wasp).
Particular attention is paid to the intonational expressiveness of speech, children are taught in dramatizations to speak in different voices and different intonations (narrative, interrogative, exclamatory). To develop good diction, clear and correct pronunciation of both individual words and phrases, special material is widely used (pure words, nursery rhymes, rhymes, small poems), which is pronounced by children with different voice strengths and at different tempos. When guessing riddles, children can determine if there is a given sound in the riddle.
“What does Tanya say?”
Purpose: to distinguish between different intonations and use them in accordance with the content of the statement.
The adult takes the doll and begins to tell: “This is Tanya. She goes home from a walk and hears: someone meows plaintively, like this - meow-meow (plaintive intonation). How did the kitten meow? (The child repeats.) Tanya took the kitten in her arms, brought it home, poured milk into it in a saucer. The kitten meowed happily, like this: “meow-meow” (joyful intonation). Then the dog came running and began to bark loudly at the kitten. The kitten got angry and began to meow angrily, like this: “meow-meow” (angry intonation). But Tanya quickly reconciled them. The kitten and the puppy began to merrily ... meow and bark. The child tells the whole story on his own (an adult, if necessary, helps with a single word or sentence), conveying all the intonations according to the content of the text.
In vocabulary work, attention is paid to the correct understanding of words, their use and the further expansion of the active vocabulary.
Work continues to activate the vocabulary of children with the names of objects, their qualities, properties, actions (nouns, adjectives, verbs). Generalized concepts (toys, clothes, furniture, vegetables, utensils) are clarified. Children can name actions related to the movement of toys, animals, find definitions for given words (snow, snowflake, winter).
"Who will say more words"
Purpose: to name the qualities, signs and actions of animals, paying attention not only to the appearance of the characters, but also to character traits.
An adult shows a child a picture, for example, a squirrel and offers to say about her what she is, what she can do, what her character is, thereby giving scope for the selection of words of different parts of speech and naming not only the external features of the character: red squirrel, fluffy, nimble, fast, bold, quick-witted; she climbs a pine tree, gathers mushrooms, pricks them to dry, stores the cones so that she will have nuts for the winter.
Similarly, a task is given about other animals: the bunny is small, fluffy, shy, trembling with fear; mouse with a long tail, curious.
"Who got lost?"
Purpose: to form single-root words, select synonyms for given words.
- Who is jumping along the forest path? (Hare.) How to call him affectionately? (Hare, bunny, bunny.) The bunny stopped, looked around and cried. Why? (Lost, lost, pricked his paw.) Tell me, what is the bunny now? (Sad, sad, distressed.)
- Complete the sentences. If the bunny is lost... (we will help him find his home). If a bunny pricked a paw, we ... (bandage it, treat it, calm it down, console it).
Children learn to understand the meaning of riddles, compare objects by size, color, size; they select not only actions for an object (a watering can, an iron, a hammer ... are needed in order to ...), but also objects for a particular action (you can water ... flowers, beds in the garden; you can iron ... a dress, pants... clothing).
It is necessary to develop in children the desire to learn what a new word means, to learn to notice unfamiliar words in someone else's speech, to make sentences from words and phrases (games “What happens?”, “What can ... wind, blizzard, sun?”) . At the same time, it is possible to develop in children an understanding of a polysemantic word, an orientation in the compatibility of different words (“going” can be said about a person, a bus, a train, a clock, a cartoon).
Children learn to distinguish and select words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms). For example: children, guys, boys and girls; sweet-bitter, old-new.
“What are the needles”
Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the polysemantic word “needle”, to exercise in the selection of words with the same root, to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case.
- What kind of needles do you know? (Sewing, pine, spruce, medical.)
- How are all needles alike? (They are sharp, thin, prickly.)
- What kind of needle do we sew and embroider with? (Sewing.) What is sewn with a sewing needle? (Clothes). What is a medical needle made of? (An injection.)
There is a hedgehog and a Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
The rest of the tree hedgehog
Doesn't look like it at all.
Where does the hedgehog live? What does he need needles for? (Defend yourself.) From whom is the hedgehog protected? Remember the poem by Boris Zakhoder about the hedgehog:
- What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- I'm just in case.
- Do you know who my neighbors are?
- Wolves, foxes and bears.
- Answer my questions: is it possible to stroke a hedgehog with your hand? Why can't you thread a hedgehog needle?
- Finish the sentences: “You better not touch the hedgehog, because he ... (prickly). The fox touched the hedgehog and ... (pricked)”.
- The hedgehog dad's needles are long and thick, and the hedgehogs ... (short and thin).
The needles on the Christmas tree are spruce, and on the pine ... (pine). Answer quickly, which of them is longer?
- Think of a story about a girl who went to the forest for mushrooms and met a hedgehog.
List of used literature
1. A. E. Simanovsky "Development of children's creative thinking", 1996.
2. T. I. Podrezova “Material for classes on the development of speech”, 2006.
3. L. A. Paramonova "Developing activities with children 5-6 years old", 2007.
4. N.V. Nishchev - didactic game "Igrayka".
5 N.V. Nishcheva - "Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten for children with ONR."

Card index of didactic games TRIZ and RTV (preparatory group).

Our kindergarten works using TRIZ technologies. Teachers systematically develop their didactic games using TRIZ technologies.
I would like to present you my developed games.

The game "Let's build a kindergarten"

To acquaint children with a systematic approach to the world around them (component and functional).
Show the dependence of the object on the place of residence.
Brainstorming - built a kindergarten in the water, in the mountain. Discuss work, life in this kindergarten. For clarity, use the resources of the group. For example: mountain - cubes, basket, blanket. Sea - aquarium - bank - box.
The game "Parts - the whole" on the theme of kindergarten.

To acquaint children with the method of focal objects, explaining to children the technology of working on this method.
Learn to change familiar objects (or part of an object), constructing completely new ones from them. Thinking through their functions, their relationship with surrounding objects and people.
Conduct a small analysis of the positive and negative in our kindergarten, in a group.
Offer to come up with a completely new kindergarten, explaining how to use the focal object method.
For example: in kindergarten there are different groups - glass, prickly, cloth ... Think over the functions of these groups.
Question: - What can the walls in the group, dressing room be used for, if they are...?
Part of the wall is barbed, part...? What can this wall be used for?
Part of the ceiling, part of the floor...? Furniture, supplies...?
Think about what in the group you can make a model of such a kindergarten for dolls. Use group resources.
Determine the main function of the kindergarten for children, for adults working in kindergarten, for parents.
Enter a new row in the morphological table - kindergarten employees.
Game "Why?"
Why do children need kindergarten? Parents? Educators? Other employees? City - kindergarten, children?
Carry out work on the morphological table, identifying possible changes, situations with a certain choice of cards.
Conduct a comparative analysis of kindergartens for children and kindergartens for animals. Name them, consider illustrations: an incubator, a poultry farm, a calf farm. "Kindergarten" for penguins, ducklings.
Compare what is taught in our kindergartens and birds, animals of their children.
Question: Why do they teach this?
A fantastic situation: the child ended up in a "kindergarten" of penguins, ducklings, calves.
The game "Fairytale heroes in kindergarten"

Introduce the children to the ring of Lull.
Learn to generalize phenomena that do not have obvious connections.
To teach to represent an event in the sequence of its development, to establish a relationship between individual events.
To offer the children a fantastic situation: all the adults in the kindergarten went on vacation, and instead of themselves they left fairy-tale characters who are very much like themselves in everything.
Question: - Who in the group will be the teacher for ...?
Who will be the Assistant Teacher?
Children name heroes of fairy tales, cartoons who will work in kindergarten instead of employees.
Be sure to discuss - why this particular hero will be instead of adults?
Question: - The better and the worse if the group does not have a teacher, but, for example, Vasilisa the Beautiful. Who is better and who is worse?
Show the children a sample (incomplete) of Lull's ring. Offer to make one for yourself in the group and play with it.
Images on the sectors of the rings, children can draw, write or stick on themselves.
1 ring - heroes of fairy tales.
2 ring - employees of the kindergarten.
3 ring - premises of the kindergarten.
Play the ring, considering each option - the sequence of events, the consequences of this change for the hero himself and his people.
Target. To teach children to set an end goal, to approach it, planning a sequence of actions.
Strengthen the ability to use symbolic analogy.
Show the dependence of the system on the environment.
The game "Words - partners".
The teacher calls the word, and the children find two words - a partner, which show the sequence of actions on the topic "Plant World".
For example: Lilac - vase - flowers. Grain - flour-bun. Planted - grown - collected.
Game "Chain of goals".
What goal do you set for yourself ... washing yourself,
eating, planting potatoes, picking berries, apples.
Reveal the sequence of any action of children, breaking it into many small goals, in the correct sequence.
To go to the forest for mushrooms, you need to: get out of bed, get dressed, wash. Have breakfast, collect a basket, get dressed in the forest (put on tights, trousers, socks ...) take a basket. Wait for dad or mom, etc.
Carry out several tasks proposed by children along the chain of goals.
Show that any action can cause an anti-action.
For example: "We dug a deep hole -
We got a tall mountain."
Give a few more examples of a similar action.
Offer to symbolically "write down" the sequence of any case, and then "read" to the children.

The game "Choose products for lunch"

Systematize products of animal origin.
To teach depending on the goal, to combine real objects, creating an unusual object.

Conduct a systematic analysis of food of animal origin. The component diagram is built - it is drawn symbolically on a large sheet of paper.
Meat - animals, poultry (egg), fish (caviar).
Dairy - fresh milk: butter, cheese. Sour milk: sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk.
If the image is difficult, you can use pictures or write.
Name many familiar dishes prepared from these products, revealing the sequence of cooking as you go. Pay attention to the ratio - more - less.
Read "The Cook" by O. Grigoriev
The cook was preparing dinner
And then the lights went off.
Bream cook takes
And lowers it into compote.
Throws logs into the cauldron,
Putting jam in the oven
It interferes with the soup with a stalk,
Ugli beats with a ladle.
Sugar pours into the broth
And he is very pleased.
That was the vinaigrette.
When they fixed the light!
At the request of the children, make a Lull ring or a morph table, combining plant and animal food to create an unusual object.
Target. Learn, connecting familiar animals, come up with someone completely unknown. Show how the size of an animal or its change can affect its life and relationships with others.
Arrange animals in order of size: from smallest to largest.
Find them an analogue in geometric forms. Play: what is more, what is less. First on animals, then on symbols.
For instance. Part of the line: fox, wolf, bear, elephant.
Question: - Who is bigger than a wolf, but smaller than an elephant, etc.
Triton - more elephant or less?
Discuss how the size of an animal or its change can affect its life and relationships with others.
You can read "The Crow and the Cat" by Tim Sobakin.
Big Crow is walking along the path.
The Raven is taller than the Cat!
The cat would start a fight with a crow,
if she were as tall as a dog.
Using morphological analysis, each child (or teaming up in twos or threes) come up with an unrealistic animal. Come up with a name for it. Think about how and where it will live, what to eat.
To educate children in the ability to detect hidden dependencies and connections, and draw conclusions based on them. Show hidden animal resources.
Teach children to evaluate both the process itself and the result.
Game "Ecological balance".

Once nature invented a hare, but for complete happiness he lacked cabbage and ... a wolf. There will be no cabbage - they will die of hunger, there will be no wolf - from diseases.
And if suddenly there was a lot of cabbage, they increased the amount.
So that the whole earth is not overgrown - they came up with a hare. The number of hares was also increased, there were a lot of them - they came up with wolves. But there are a lot of hares, why run around to catch them, they themselves run past.
Question: - If the wolf does not move, what will happen? How to make a wolf move? There were a lot of wolves - what did they come up with? Etc.
A similar situation can then be discussed with another pair of animals of the children's choice.

Game "Forest Mystery"
Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Target. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.
To cultivate the ability to consider familiar objects, situations from an unusual point of view.
Strengthen the mastery of fantasy techniques.
Make a detailed morphological table with the children. To reveal in it the body parts of animals that are vital to them: how they get food, how they defend themselves, how they move. If there are illustrations, consider how the means of adaptation of animals have changed over the period of evolution.
Summarize that everything is vital for animals. Considering, pay attention to the influence of the environment on changes in the body of animals.
Collect from the table an animal that can do everything by itself. Who has all the means just in case. Discuss whether it will be good or bad for him to live now in his usual habitat. What character (whose?) will this animal have. Formulate the contradictions that arise when this animal adapts to the surrounding world. Try to resolve them yourself.
Pre-work: Offer to bring photos of your relatives, yourself and your parents as a child.
Game "I am a robot"

To consolidate knowledge about the structure, functions of a person with the help of a system operator. Show the interdependence of man and his environment. Give the concept of family and generations.
Invite the children to imagine that they are robots, externally and inside of which everything is like a person. Turn on the music and move like robots.
Movement coordination exercise.
Children sit or stand. Touch your right ear with your left hand, and your left ear with your right hand. Now change hands and transfer the left to the right shoulder, and the right to the left. Change hands, touch the waist, then the knees, and then the ankles. We do the same in the upward direction: knees - waist - shoulders - ears. Repeat the exercise three times.
Imagine that there are a lot of buttons in your head, and when you press them, you start laughing, crying...
Question: - Who presses these buttons?
Can you say "stop" - when someone presses these buttons?
Family relationships.
Buttons - business.
Question: - How to raise (spoil) the mood, cheer, upset?
Wake up, meet from work, from the store.
The work was carried out with cards showing the time of day, apartment, enterprises.
How a person can change something in himself using familiar techniques. For example - to become immediately fat, tall ... Remember what technique the hare used - the strong man.
For what a person may need to change something in his appearance.
The game "On the contrary" on the topic: "Family, home, child."
For instance. Big - small, mom - dad, grandmother - grandfather. Girl - boy, older - younger ...
Read "Who to whom who?" Yakov Akim.
- Grandmother - grandmother, and whose daughter?
- You are Fedin's daughter, my son.
- My dad is big, but not a son at all!
- Son. Brother of my four daughters
Do you remember we were with the eldest, Avdotya?
- Did we have a daughter? My aunt has!
- I rocked your aunt in the cradle ...
- Grandma, stop, explain first,
Who to me, Natasha and her two brothers.
- Okay, let's try to figure it out:
Their mother, husband's niece sister,
Oh, and she was a little nimble!
And you bring them up ... Tricky business ...
- Grandma, something is burnt with us!
- Ugh, while I was thinking,
All the milk has run out of the pot
The game "Chain of goals" is the opposite.

Show the children the action of the reception "On the contrary."
Consider the main functional responsibilities in the family and additional ones.
One of the children says the sequence of any action. The second one says the opposite. It is possible to fix each step with some symbol.
Then the first child says the opposite - the second builds the correct chain.
To sum up what we all called the opposite.
Question: - What can we choose as the symbol "On the contrary". Children offer various heroes who do the opposite by nature, or objects (these can be: Petrushka, Ivanushka the Fool, Tumbler, hourglass).
Game "All the way around".

To consolidate knowledge of the functions of different parts of the body.
To consolidate the possession of the "On the contrary" technique.
Learn to solve problems using this technique.
Cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to find a way out of non-traditional situations.
The child names some part of the body, the second child names what she is doing, the third child names the thing in reverse.
After a few words, the game is played in reverse - the case is called - there are parts of the body.
For example - a hand - takes - discards. Goes - stands - leg. Nails - grow - decrease, etc.
Discuss options when two opposite properties occur at the same time.
For example: You sit and ride, you sit and fly, sick and healthy, small and big.
Game "I am an adult"

To consolidate the knowledge and ability to use moral and ethical standards in life, to understand the consequences of their non-compliance. To consolidate the systemic vision of oneself in the world around.
On the system operator to beat - a child in the system, with a change in the supersystem. Supersystem: house, street, hospital, bus, kindergarten, shop, etc.
Show how to change the view of the child depending on his location, what he will be called. Show a multifaceted view of the child, his numerous social role.
Pac look at the genetic line - who will be when he grows up in a family, at work.
Relationships with current and future relatives. Dependence of the social (family) role on age, family composition. Relationships, mutual care in the family.
You can read proverbs to children:
"Do not spit in the well - it will come in handy to pour water."
"Before you do, you need to think carefully."
"As it comes around, it will respond."
Game "Broken phone".
Introduce children to the principle of mediation.
Learn to understand the figurative meaning of words, phrases, proverbs.
You can offer a complicated game. The first child says some very familiar proverb, the second says its original meaning, the third also explains what he understood in his own words. The last child must guess which proverb the first child said. For example, the chain could be like this. They count chickens in the fall - if you work well by the fall, many chickens will grow up - you have to do everything well, then there will be a lot of everything - what you sow, you will reap - skillful hands do not know boredom.
For the game, you can take the following proverbs:
If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
Hurry up, make people laugh.
Business before pleasure.
As it comes around, it will respond, etc.
At the end of the game, again consider the advantages and disadvantages of the intermediary.
Game "Chain of words"
Show the children the method of garlands and associations (without naming).
To cultivate an unconventional view of familiar real things, conducting familiar methods of change on a familiar subject.
To bring children to the understanding that in any process there are always two parties involved.
Invite the children to name a few words that they associate with winter.
Carry out the method of garlands and associations on the topic: "Winter", "Snow", "Frost". At the end, summarize that the children spoke a lot of very similar words.
Question: - Why? What unites all these words? Offer to draw the chain again, but end it with the same word that they started with - winter.
During the game, to activate inactive children, use a small toy to pass to the next in the chain. It is great to pass a piece of ice - this allows the game to go very quickly.
Offer the children the game "Chain of goals" (direct and reverse) on the topic - home, winter, work.
The game "Who (what) cannot be without what?" on the same topic.

The game "Announcer - TV"
To consolidate the possession of "storey design".
Introduce the "quantization - continuity" technique.
Cultivate the ability to express yourself in your work. Strengthen the skills of independent creative work.
Add a TV layout to the group. Consider TV by system operator. Invite children to become television announcers for today. The first transfer, which will go on "TV" - acquaintance with him, a press conference. Children from the place can ask questions to the TV (or TVs). But announcers - TVs can speak themselves.
The announcers begin their speeches: "I am a TV, so they turned me on ...
I am a TV, I am very glad to meet you, otherwise in the store ...
In speeches, reflect the past and present life of the TV.
If desired, children can put a "TV" on their heads. Get to know TV. The news began - real and fantastic. Children talk about what happened yesterday and today.
You can include someone with ads. Carry out changes in the floor construction of the "TV at home".
Discuss options for continuous TV operation. Or continuous display of any one transmission. Think about what's good and what's bad. How quantity becomes quality.
Recall in which works the action is continuous or interrupted.
You can first give an example to the teacher, the children find similar examples.

Games with toys.

Learn to systematize games for adults and children.
To teach children not only to change, but also to transform, combine, creating new games for the child.
To cultivate the ability to evaluate both the process itself and the result.
Make with children a morphological table of games that children play. When compiling, think about how you can call in one word the games that are played by running, jumping, etc.
Games that are played while sitting at a table.
Think about how this can be represented on the table. Randomly choosing components from each row, come up with a game. Discuss the rules of the game. Play if possible. If you can’t play in a group, you can already purposefully add something from the table or add it yourself. A slight deviation from the accepted rules is allowed if they are difficult to comply with.
Discuss what games can teach. Try, starting from the function, to come up with a game to learn how to do it.
For example: read. Building from cubes with letters, with syllables, then a house, then a fence, then a path, repeat syllables, make words,
Jump on one leg. A brook appears on the floor, and "pebbles" in it - bricks so small that you can't stand on them with both feet. A friend is waiting on the other side.
The teacher encourages children to come up with games with a variety of functions. Games are different in mobility. For example, you can jump on your toes while sitting on a chair. Only the legs move. Jump while sitting on the floor - only the soles of the feet are involved.
After the game, line up a line of games that adults play. Games can be classified into home, outdoor and television.
Think about which of these games we could play. Discuss what games we play, and adults play these games at work, at home. That is, what is work for them is a game for us.
Auction game.

To teach children to describe objects, games, finding obvious and hidden advantages in them.
To be able to describe not only a real object, but also an object - the fruit of a child's imagination.
A lot of new items, toys are brought to the group. Each child chooses what he will represent at the auction by choosing an item, the children collectively choose words using the focal object method or use fantasy techniques. The main thing is that it turned out to be an unusual object or toy. Children think over its new obvious and hidden Advantages and functions.
Payment for things at the auction is thought out in advance or handouts in mathematics are used.
Children take turns presenting their items, the rest buy or not. The child who bought it should say what he liked most about this subject.
Some of the things may be real, but with an additional set of functions.
After the auction, children play with toys and objects. Toys and objects remain in the group either permanently or for a long time.
The game "Parts - the whole" is direct and inverse in transport.

To acquaint children with the law of increasing the degree of ideality.
To teach to see the claims to the means of transportation, from which certain features of modern transport came out.
Make riddles about transport for children.
Ask if they have guessed what we are going to talk about today.
Consider what types of transport the children know. Group by tables - garages: ground, underground, air, water, space.
Within groups: ground and air sort by type of activity.
Selecting one of the machines, conduct a system analysis.
Pay special attention to the development line.
Post (preferably photographs or illustrations) of how vehicles have changed over the centuries.
Consider the common with modern transport and their difference. Find claims against vintage modes of transport that are allowed by man. What exactly was done and, if possible, how it was done. Pay attention to the fact that a person improved transport all the time, but after some time again something did not satisfy. Discuss this with examples, formulating contradictions and how they were resolved.
Press conference game
To consolidate the understanding of the law of increasing the degree of ideality.
To teach on the basis of analogies and necessary functions to design new structures.
Repeat the names of the vehicles. Recall and discuss what kind of transport the children identified on the street. View and compare the cars in the catalog or from photographs and the one that is on the street. The game "Without which there are no cars"
To draw the attention of children to a systematic approach to the questions asked.
Talk about environmentally friendly transport - in terms of functions and appearance. Find analogues of machines in nature.
Discuss what is good and what is bad.
When discussing, pay attention to how much money was spent on the manufacture of transport and how many functions it performed. How much effort and money a person spends now for the normal operation of transport. List which ones.
Can we say that now the machines are the best; or after some time it will not suit the people.
Question: - What else do you want the car to do? How can you call a car that can do whatever you want?
Question: - Why is there transport for humans, but no special transport for animals, birds, insects, plants? When is such transport needed? How are animals transported now? Why transport birds? Using what principles can you come up with such a transport?
To acquaint children with the technique of fantasizing "changing the laws of nature."
To teach children starting from real situations, to generalize phenomena that have no analogues in nature.
Read to the children "Answer, is it true?" Givi Chichinadze.
At this hour, merry hour,
I've got riddles for you.
The blizzard covered the field,
And plane trees are all the trouble.
In March the snow and ice melted,
This winter is coming to us.
Cat loves for lunch
Grapes and vinaigrette.
At night in the rain, like a shepherd,
The rooster took the chickens out for a walk.
The swan swims in the pond
Sleeping on an apple tree in the garden.
Wool we wound into a skein,
A silk scarf will come out.
Though the snail is small,
The whole house was taken away.
Dog Barbos cackled,
And laid an egg in the nest.
Grab your paw, click your teeth.
Predator - tiger and predator - wolf.
That's right, kids! Well done!
You are rewarded with lollipops.
Here's a melted candy
And the verses came to an end.
While the teacher is reading the poem, the children put as many chips on the table in front of them as they find inaccuracies.
Then the children check how many people correctly found inaccuracies.
Question: - How would it be right? Some moments from the poem are corrected for real ones.
The situations that always happen are discussed and named. For example: the sun always rises in the morning. The tree always grows up. First the egg comes out, and then the chick comes out of it.
The opposite game.
One of the children names some real situation, passes a small object to another child, who says this situation in reverse.
For example: the wind blows, so the cloud flies. The cloud flies, so the wind blows.
Explain the concept of "law" to children. Discuss what we have now done with these laws of nature. We changed them. Therefore, fantastic situations turned out.
Game "Change the story"
Question: - What will any fairy tale look like if we change the laws of nature in it?
If you change the laws of nature in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", how will the fairy tale change?
Make up a story using the changed situations. You can come up with the whole group, you can individually.
To teach, using the techniques of change, to change the fairy tale on their own, inventing a new one.
To consolidate the ability to represent events in the sequence of their development, to establish the relationship between individual events, to create new images, planning their actions, life stages.
To be able to solve the fairy-tale problems that have arisen, if possible, on their own, while using moral and ethical standards.
Children independently choose from a large number of proposed fairy tales, one to change. Briefly retell the main plot lines of the tale.
Characters of her characters.
Next, the children are invited to independently make changes to this fairy tale, using any change methods they wish.
In the course of building a new storyline, solve the problems that have arisen.
Each child "writes down" new fairy tales on their sheets of paper.
At the end of the work, those who wish to tell their tales. Similar situations are found, options for solving similar problems are compared.
If you wish, you can compose one general fairy tale at the end.

The teacher, leading the games of the pupils of the older group, takes into account their increased capabilities. At this age, children are characterized by curiosity, observation, interest in everything new, unusual: to guess the riddle themselves, to express a judgment, to find the correct solution to the problem. Children 5-6 years old do this with great enthusiasm.

With the expansion of the volume of knowledge, the nature of the mental activity of the children also changes. New forms of thinking are emerging. At the heart of the child's mental work is understanding, a process that is based on analysis and synthesis. With the development of thinking, the analysis becomes more and more detailed, and the synthesis more and more generalized and precise. Children are able to understand the relationship between surrounding objects and phenomena, the causes

observed phenomena, their features. The main thing in mental activity is the desire to learn new things: to acquire new knowledge, new ways of mental actions.

When selecting games, the main attention is paid to the degree of difficulty of the game rules and actions, so that when they are performed, the children show the efforts of the mind and will. When selecting objects, material for games, the educator also takes into account the change in the mental processes of children, therefore the main signs of the difference between objects for games are less noticeable, sometimes hidden behind their external similarity. And vice versa, behind the external differences of objects it is necessary to detect their similarity.

Competition motives occupy an important place in children's games; they are given greater independence both in choosing a game and in creatively solving its problems.

During the game itself, the role of the educator also changes. But here, too, he clearly, emotionally introduces the children to the new game, its content, rules and actions, clarifies their understanding of the players, participates in the game with them to find out how much its rules have been learned. Then he invites the children to play on their own, while at first he monitors the progress of the game, acts as an arbitrator in conflict situations.

However, not all games require such active participation of the educator. Sometimes he may confine himself to explaining the rules of the game before it begins. Children of the older group can act independently without the participation of a teacher. This applies in particular to many printed board games.

In the games of children of the older group, the rules become more complicated, there are more of them in number. Therefore, the educator, before offering the children a game, must himself well learn these rules, the sequence of game actions.

How to finish the game? (This is important so that the children want to play it again.) Playing forfeits, honoring the winners, reporting a new version of the game that will be next time.

It is very important for the educator himself to analyze the game: whether it was successfully selected, whether the children have the necessary knowledge, ideas, skills to play it, whether everything was provided for in the organization of the situation and, most importantly, whether all the children were active enough in the game, what moral qualities were manifested and what social, moral qualities have been formed; for example, joy not only from one's own successes, but also from the successful actions of comrades, the ability to subordinate one's behavior to the rules of the game, the desire to communicate with peers.

At the end of the game, the educator will definitely evaluate both the children's correct solutions to game problems, and their moral actions, behavior, celebrate successes, and support those who have not yet succeeded in something.

The organization of didactic games for children of the older group thus requires a lot of thoughtful work from the educator and in the process of preparing for their conduct: enriching the children with relevant knowledge, selecting material, and sometimes making it together with the children, organizing the environment for the game (where they will sit and move children, where they will hide objects, where to put material for games), and in the process of conducting the game itself, where you need to clearly define your role from its beginning to the end.

When selecting material for the game of children of the older group, the teacher provides for its use in a creative, sports game. For example, in the game "Shop" they sell not just toys, but sports equipment: rackets, balls, jump ropes, shuttlecocks, a referee's whistle, a net, etc. Having bought such items, the guys take them with them for a walk and organize sports entertainment there.

Children of the sixth year of life are preparing for schooling. How they are prepared for school depends on their successful assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, the educator, when conducting didactic games, pays special attention to the clear, mandatory observance by children of the rules of the game and behavior in the process of playing activities: organization, discipline, friendliness, respect for playmates, elders. All these qualities are essential for a future student.

Six-year-old children are the oldest in kindergarten, so they must be active, they must have a desire to help the younger ones, make an entertaining game for them, play with them, teach them to play interestingly. The educator takes all this into account when organizing the games of his pupils.

Games with objects

Make no mistake!

didactic task. Exercise children in distinguishing objects by material; consolidate knowledge about such properties of objects as hard, soft, dense, rough, smooth, shiny, matte.

Game rules. Collect items of the same quality in a basket, talk about the properties of items.

Game actions. The search for objects is carried out by links, they compete: whoever finds the most items of the same material, wins. The search begins and ends at the signal of the leader.

Game progress. The game begins with a short conversation between the teacher and the children about the objects that surround them in the group room.

The educator, in the course of the conversation, clarifies the knowledge of the children that there are a lot of objects in the group room and they are all made of some kind of material.

Now look at this toy! (Shows a nesting doll.) What do you think it is made of? (Children answer.) Yes, it is made of wood. What is this item made of? (Shows scissors. Children answer.) This object, you rightly said, is made of metal.

Come, Vika, to the table, pick up a nesting doll and scissors and say which is colder: scissors or a nesting doll. Correctly Vika said that the scissors are colder. Metal is cold, but wood is warmer.

Now tell me, what is this ball made of? (Shows a plastic ball. The children answer.) Yes, it is made of plastic. See how he bounces! How can you say about this property of plastic? (It is elastic. The ball jumps.) But what is this bubble made of? That's right, it's made of glass. What can be said about the properties of glass?

The teacher brings the children to the answer: it is fragile, it beats easily. Therefore, with objects made of glass, you must always be very careful.

- Now, guys, we will play the game "Do not make a mistake!". We will have four links. Let's choose a counting unit. We will give each leader a basket: a ball is pasted on this basket. (Shows a basket with a ball.) Here you will need to find and put all the objects made ... What are they made of?

“Plastic,” the children answer.

“And this basket has a picture of scissors pasted on it. This is where we collect all the items...

— Metal.

- And in this basket (a nesting doll is pasted on it) - we will add objects ...

— Wooden.

- In this basket we put all the items ...

— Glass.

- Start the search and end only on a signal: a blow to the tambourine. Whoever collects the most items wins.

Four linkers are chosen by counting. They take baskets and, together with the members of their squad (they should be equally divided), after the sound of the tambourine, they go to collect items. After the second blow to the tambourine, everyone approaches the teacher's table, lays out the objects in turn, recounts them, checks for mistakes, and talks about the properties of the objects.

At the end, the winning link is announced. The winners are greeted with applause.

The game can be varied by using objects made from other materials: cardboard, fabric, rubber, etc.

Whoever comes, let him take it!

Didactic task. To teach children to talk about the subject, highlighting its most characteristic features: color, shape, quality and its purpose; according to the description, find an object in a room or on a site (if the game is played on a site), recognize tools, machines, by whom they are used in work; develop attention, memory, thinking and speech.

Game rules. According to the description of the object, find it in a room or on a site, correctly name it. Who makes a mistake and brings not the item that was told, he pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Game actions. Guessing, guessing, searching for objects.

Game progress. The teacher reminds the children that recently they had a conversation in class about the fact that different objects, tools, and machines help people in their work. Is talking:

- Today we will play such a game: we have a lot of tools, cars (toys) in the group. You will choose one of them and tell us so that we know which tool or machine you are talking about. But you can't name an object. We ourselves must guess. Whoever guesses first will find this item and bring it here on the table.

— I guessed the item that the tailor needs. It's metallic. You can also make a riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there is a carnation.” These are scissors,” says Vova.

- Go, Vova, bring and put the scissors on the table.

“Guess what it is,” the next participant continues the game. - Car, wheels, like a tank. He knows how to do everything: he plows, he sows, and he carries loads. Works on a collective farm.

The one who guessed (“It's a tractor!”) Comes up first and finds a tractor among the toys and also puts it on the table.

The game continues until many different tools and machines are on the teacher's table. The game ends with acting out the forfeits of those who made a mistake and brought the wrong item.

didactic task. To teach children to compare objects, to notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.

Game rules. Find two objects in the environment, be able to prove their similarity. The person pointed to by the arrow answers.

Game action. Search for similar items.

Game progress. Various items are prepared in advance and discreetly placed in the room.

The teacher reminds the children that they are surrounded by many objects, different and the same, similar and completely different.

Today we will find objects that are similar to each other. They can be similar in color, shape, size, material. Listen to the rules of the game. You need to walk around the room, select two similar objects and sit down. The one whom the arrow points to will tell you why he took these two items, what is their similarity.

Most often, children find similar objects by color, size. The hidden quality is difficult for them to detect. This game helps the children to solve the problem. For example, taking a teaspoon and a dump truck, the child explains his choice by saying that they are similar because they are made of metal. At first, such a combination of objects causes laughter in children.

- What are the similarities between a spoon and a dump truck? - the children are perplexed and laugh. Of course they don't look alike.

But the child who called them similar proves the correctness of his selection.

While playing, children learn to find signs of similarity in objects, which is much more difficult than to notice signs of their differences.

Do you know?

Didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about sports, to arouse the desire to engage in them; educate interest in athletes, pride in their victories.

game rule. When choosing the items necessary for a given sport, correctly name the sport and items.

game action. Select pictures depicting different sports (see fig.).

Game progress. The teacher examines large pictures with the children, which depict sports subjects: games of football, hockey, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, rowing, etc .; talks with children, clarifies their knowledge. After handing out pictures to the children, the teacher invites them to choose the right items for each athlete. He draws the attention of children to objects that lie on the carpet: a hoop, a ribbon, a soccer ball, a stick, a puck, a racket, a shuttlecock, a boat, oars, etc. The children name them.

Now listen to the rules of the game. On a signal (whistle), you will find and put to the picture where one sport is drawn, those items that these athletes need. Be careful!

Gives a signal. After all the items are put to the corresponding pictures, the children check if there are any mistakes.

The game consolidates knowledge about sports, about sports equipment, and also brings up interest in sports. The game can end with a conversation about Soviet athletes - champions of the competition, looking at pictures, photographs on sports topics.

Then the teacher offers the items that were used in the game to take with them for a walk and play sports games on their own.

Whose clothes?

Didactic task. Raise in children an interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; to learn to distinguish people of different professions by work clothes: postman, miner, builder, doctor, diver, pilot, electric welder, etc.

Game rules. By working clothes, determine the profession, find the right picture and show it to children. For a correct answer, the player receives a chip.

game action. Dressing dolls in work clothes.

Game progress. Before starting the game, the teacher clarifies the children's knowledge of working clothes, finds out if they noticed that people work in special clothes and that you can find out who they work by their clothes. Show pictures:

- Look, children (in the picture, a civil aviation pilot), is it possible to find out by the clothes who is shown in the picture? Yes. This is a pilot. How did you guess?

Children talk about the cap, suit, shoulder straps. Then the teacher reads poems from L. Kuklin's book “Who is dressed like that”.

The worker works quickly and dexterously.

The working uniform is called overalls.

Every job has its own clothes

My book will tell you about it.


For work shift

The miner will go to the mine.

Miners wear helmets

Safety helmets.

He will go underground

On the high-speed elevator.

canvas robe

Bumps up on him.

Both blast furnaces and factories

Delivered on time

mining booty -

Choice corner!

electric welder

Have you seen how he controls fire?

He wears an iron mask.

Here a house is being built - look in the morning:

He is sitting in the wind in a quilted jacket.

He cooked the pillars of mighty bridges,

He cooked ships from huge sheets ...

He can weld iron with iron!

He is a good wizard, what can I say!

The teacher shows pictures showing clothing models of people of different professions, and the children will recognize: a miner, a builder, a doctor, a postman, a diver, a pilot, an electric welder, etc.

Then the teacher offers to dress the dolls in clothes that have been sewn and prepared in advance for this game. All dolls are then used in independent creative games. The teacher advises the children how to play with them (depending on the impressions received and knowledge about different professions).

Tops and roots

Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have both tops and roots; exercise in compiling a whole plant from its parts.

Game rules. You can search for your vershok or spine only on a signal. It is impossible to pair up with the same player all the time, you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a couple; composition of the whole plant.

Game progress. Option 1. After harvesting in his garden, the teacher gathers the children, shows them what a good harvest they have grown, and praises them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the knowledge of children that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Today we will play a game called "Tops and Roots". We have tops and roots of plants - vegetables on the table. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; the children of the first group take an apex in their hand, and the children of the second - by the spine. So, did you get everything? And now, on a signal (clap your hands), you all scatter around the site and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, quickly find a pair for yourself: to your top - a spine.

The game is repeated, but it is already necessary to look for another vershok (or spine). You can't pair up with the same player all the time.

Option 2. Tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys runs around the playground. The teacher gives the command: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should become so that the tops and root are one.

The correctness of the task can be checked by the “magic gate” (the teacher and one of the children), through which all couples pass. So that interest in the game does not fade away, you can offer to exchange tops and roots. In the older group, you should take vegetables with subtle differences in tops for this game, such as parsley and carrots, turnips and radishes. You can put sprigs of dill - let the children look for their roots. If the player did not find it, then the dill roots are inedible, which means that he was left without a pair.

Board-printed games for children 5-6 years old

Who built this house?

Didactic task. To systematize the knowledge of children about who builds houses, about the sequence in building a house, about tools and machines that help people in construction; to cultivate respect for the profession of builders, the desire to take on the role of builders in creative games.

Game rules. Pick up small cards according to the pattern on large cards. Whoever closes all the cells on the map first gets a chip. Card exchange. Whoever gets the most chips is declared the winner of the game.

Game actions. Search for cards. Competition.

Game progress. The teacher, together with the children, examines large maps on which architects, builders, and finishers are drawn. A short conversation is held about the content of the pictures, about the stages in building a house, about people, machines, tools used at a construction site. The teacher shows small pictures that show the details of a large map. Then he invites the children to take one large card and, on a signal (knocks the cube on the table), pick up the necessary cars, close the cells on the cards with them. Whoever finds the right cards first and without error and correctly names all the mechanisms wins.

The game can be continued, then the children exchange cards or the composition of the players changes.

You can finish the game by talking with children about caring for your home, for green spaces near it, that is, for everything that was created by the labor of people.

According to the same principle, a game is played on the theme "Transport". It systematizes, deepens the knowledge of children about what means of transportation people use on land, on water, in the air.

For the game, large cards are prepared depicting the earth, sky, sea. To them, children select small cards with different types of transport: for example, for a large card where the earth is drawn, they select pictures such as a bus, trolleybus, bicycle, tram, train, metro, etc.

As in the first game, here the number of pictures must be the same. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly closes all the empty cells on large cards.

Guests of Moscow

Didactic task. Clarify, consolidate children's knowledge about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow (see fig.), cultivate love for the main city of our country, a desire to learn more about its sights.

Game rules. Describe a picture with views of Moscow, guess a part of the city from the description, find the same picture.

Game actions. Choice of guides, imitation of tourists traveling by car around Moscow.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children about how many guests come to Moscow from other cities, union republics and other countries. Everyone wants to see our beautiful city and its sights.

We will play guides today. A guide is a person who accompanies guests, shows them, tells them interestingly about what they will see. I have a car in my hands (a toy Volga). Here on it you will carry guests. Each guide will show only one place, and another guide will take guests to another. Look, I have a cube in my hands. There are numbers on it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And on the playing field, the pictures also have their own number. If the cube falls so that the number 3 is on top, then you will need to take guests to this place, in the picture you will see the number 3. You must drive along the street in a car as indicated by the arrows. Having stopped, it is necessary to tell what kind of building or place it is in Moscow, what guests could see there. Everyone else is listening intently. Whoever guessed this place first finds the same picture on his desk and shows it. If the answer is correct, he becomes a guide; also with the help of a cube determines where to take the guests, what to show, what to tell.

For this game, it is necessary to have two sets of identical pictures (postcards), from which types, places, structures familiar to children are selected.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the guides for their good work, expresses confidence that the guests of the capital were satisfied with their excursion.

Complication in the game is possible by increasing the pictures on the playing field.

This game can be played in order to consolidate knowledge not only about Moscow, but also about your hometown, village. The teacher uses sets of postcards about many cities. If there are two sets of postcards about his city, he will be able to successfully conduct a game-travel with children around his native city, village, state farm. It is only necessary to select plots from sets of pictures that reflect the sights of their native city familiar to children.

Collect the picture

didactic task. Exercise children in compiling a whole picture from separate parts; through the content of the pictures, to consolidate the knowledge of children about different types of labor on the collective farm; to cultivate interest in grain growers, vegetable growers, livestock breeders.

game rule. For a certain time, it is correct to assemble a whole picture from parts.

Game actions. Search, folding parts of the picture.

Game progress. The teacher, together with the children, examines pictures depicting different types of agricultural labor (for example, sowing, harvesting bread, planting seedlings, picking vegetables, making hay, caring for calves, etc.). Explaining the rules of the game, the teacher recalls the already known rule of how to put together a whole picture from separate parts.

- But now we have one more rule: you need to add up quickly. Start folding the picture and finish on a signal: hitting the table with a cube, the teacher clarifies the rules of the game.

Having distributed the pictures according to the number of players, the teacher says: “Begin!” and hits the table with a cube. Children choose the necessary parts of their picture from the box on the table. Whoever put the picture together first gets a token. Then you can exchange pictures and repeat the game. The teacher draws attention to those who cannot yet quickly follow the rules of the game, encourages them, asks those who quickly add up the picture to help a friend.

For this game, you must have two sets of pictures: one consists of whole pictures, the other of their parts (at least 9 - 12).

zoological domino

Didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals; cultivate intelligence, attention.

Game rule. Whoever puts all their cards first is the winner.

Game actions. Be attentive, do not miss a move, put your card on time.

Game progress. The cards depict wild and domestic animals. Four people play. The cards are laid out face down. Children are invited to count 6 cards. Then the teacher reminds the rules of the game: you can only put the same picture next to it. If there is no picture, the child skips a turn. If one of the players is left without cards, he is considered to have won the game. The game is repeated, but at the same time it is necessary to shuffle the cards and take others.

By the same principle, the game "Botanical Lotto" is played, during which children's knowledge of plants is assimilated and systematized.

Travel around the city

Didactic task. Consolidation of knowledge about the native city: who lives in it, works, what kind of transport, how it is decorated.

Game rule. Select only those pictures that correspond to the task for their group: people, transport, labor, decoration of the city.

Game actions. Image search. Signal action.

Game progress. The teacher selects different pictures in advance: some depict residents of the city (schoolchildren, a mother with children, a grandmother with a basket, students, etc.); on others - the labor of people (builders, postman, drivers, painters, etc.); transport (tram, bus, trolleybus, bicycle, motorcycle); buildings and decorations of the city (post office, shop - crockery, books, food, fountain, square, sculpture).

Pictures are laid out on tables in different places in the group room.

With the help of a counter, children are divided into four groups of two or three people. Each group is given a task: one is to see who lives in the city and collect pictures of people; the other is what people drive, collect pictures of vehicles; the third - pictures, which reproduced the diverse work of people; fourth - to consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations.

At the signal of the driver, travelers walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest are waiting for their return, watching them.

Returning to their places, travelers put pictures on a stand (each group is separate from the other). The participants of each group tell why they took these pictures, what is shown on them. The winner is the group whose players did not make a mistake and quickly placed their pictures. The game is repeated, while it is necessary to replace some pictures.

What grows where?

didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.

game rule. Compete, who will quickly select and close empty cells with pictures of plants on large maps, on which a forest, field, garden, orchard is drawn.

Game actions. Children, competing, select pictures and close empty places.

Game progress. Players receive a large map with different landscapes; small cards are in the box. At the signal of the driver, the children select small cards in accordance with the pattern on the large card. The winner is the one who quickly closed all the empty cells and correctly named the plants.

In this game, the names of cereals and mushrooms cause difficulty, so children are introduced to them in advance during classes and excursions. The guys exchange cards, small cards are shuffled, and the game continues.

In order for interest in the game not to fade away, cards with new types of plants are introduced into it.

Didactic games for kindergarten. Senior group

Description: This material is intended to help teachers and educators, students of preschool schools.
Catalog of didactic games for older preschoolers.
Games with objects.
"Make no mistake."
Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing objects by material; consolidate knowledge about such properties of an object: as hard, soft, flat, rough, smooth, shiny, matte.
"Whoever comes, let him take it."
Purpose: to teach children a story about an object, highlighting its most characteristic features: color, shape, quality and its purpose; according to the description, find an object in the room; to recognize the tools of labor, by whom they are used in work; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.
"Similar - not similar."
Purpose: to teach to compare an object, to notice a sign of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.
"Whose clothes?"
Purpose: to educate children's interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; to teach, to distinguish by working clothes, people of different professions: a postman, a miner, a builder, a doctor, a diver, a pilot, an electric welder.
"Tops and Roots".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have edible tops and roots; exercise in compiling a whole plant and its parts.
"What changed".
Purpose: to educate children in observation, the ability to notice minor, subtle changes that have occurred with objects: they replaced the bow on the pigtail of the doll, changed the shoes, unbuttoned the button.
"What is the item for?"
To develop in children intelligence, activity and independence of thinking; to consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of household items, tools, tools; develop respect for them.
"Who bothered?"
To expand, clarify children's knowledge about the work of people, to cultivate interest in the work of adults, respect for them
Desktop printed games.
"Who built this house?"
Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about who builds houses, about the sequence in building a house, about tools and machines that help people in construction; to cultivate respect for the profession of builders, the desire to take on the role of builders in creative games.
"Guests of Moscow".
Purpose: to clarify, consolidate the knowledge of children about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, to cultivate love for the main city of our country, the desire to learn more about its sights.
"Collect a picture."
Purpose: to exercise children in compiling a whole picture from separate parts; through the content of the pictures, to consolidate the knowledge of children about different types of labor on the collective farm; to cultivate interest in grain growers, vegetable growers, livestock breeders.
"Zoological Domino".
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals; cultivate intelligence, attention.
"City Journey".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the native city: who lives in it, works, what kind of transport, how it is decorated.
"What grows where?"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.
"Who to be?".
Purpose: to consolidate, deepen children's knowledge about different types of agricultural labor; to cultivate respect for the workers of the village, the desire to take on roles in creative games on the themes of the labor of agricultural workers.
"From what and by whom it is made."
Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge that their dresses and suits are made of cotton fabric.
"Smart Machines".
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children that different machines help people in their work: to learn to group machines according to one attribute: according to their purpose.
"Who quickly".
Purpose: to clarify and expand children's knowledge about sports: winter and summer; to cultivate the desire to engage in physical education, sports, to develop the speed of reaction to the signal; expand children's vocabulary.
Word games.
"Guess it."
Purpose: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it; identify essential features; recognize an item from a description.
"A toy shop".
Purpose: to teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features; recognize an object by its description.
Purpose: to cultivate the ability to be observant, to activate the speech of children.
"What kind of bird?"
Purpose: to teach children to describe birds by characteristic features and recognize them by description.
Name three things.
Purpose: To exercise children in the classification of objects.
"Birds (animals, fish)".
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify and name animals, birds, fish.
"Who needs what?"
Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to name the object necessary for people of a certain profession.
Purpose: to develop in children auditory attention, speed of thinking.
"Who will name more objects?".
Purpose: to teach children to classify objects according to the place of their production.
"Nature and Man".
Purpose: to consolidate, systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
“And if…”
Purpose: to cultivate intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to apply knowledge in accordance with the circumstances.
"Broken phone".
Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children.
"Flies - does not fly."
Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.
"Where we were, we will not say."
Purpose: to develop in children resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to transform.
"Find a rhyme."
Purpose: to teach children to choose rhyming words.
"Does it happen or not?"
Purpose: to develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.
"Well no".
Purpose: to teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.
"Similar - not similar."
Purpose: to teach children to compare objects, find signs of difference, similarity in them, recognize objects by description.
"Answer quickly."
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.
"Come up with an offer."
Purpose: to develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.



1. "Nature and man."

Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Game progress. "What is man made?" - the teacher asks and passes one of the players an object (or throws the ball). The child answers and passes the ball or object to the next child, and so on around the circle. After completing the circle, the teacher asks a new question: “What is created by nature?” The game is repeated in a new circle; the child, unable to answer, goes out of the circle and skips it, but if he comes up with and names the word, then he is again accepted into the game.

2 . "Vice versa".

Purpose: to develop children's intelligence, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher calls the word, and the children must name the opposite. (Far - close, top - bottom, etc.)

3 . "Name the plant with the right sound."

Purpose: to develop in children phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Come up with plants whose name begins with the sound “A”, “K”, ...”.

4. "Name three things."

Game progress. What items can be called in one word: flowers, birds, etc.

"Flowers!" - says the teacher and after a short pause throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, rose, cornflower."

5. "Add a syllable."

Game progress. The teacher calls one syllable and throws the ball. The one who caught it must complete it to make a word, for example: ma - ma, books - ha. The person who completed the word throws the ball to the teacher.

6. "Say it differently."

Purpose: to teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

7. "My cloud."

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional sphere, figurative perception of nature (the game also serves as a relaxation pause).

Game progress. Children comfortably settle down in a clearing, grass, calm down and close their eyes.

Exercise. Imagine relaxing in a meadow. The voices of birds sound, it smells of herbs and flowers, clouds float across the sky. You need to choose a cloud in the sky and say what it looks like, talk about it.

8. "Find a leaf, like on a tree."

Purpose: to teach to classify plants according to a certain attribute.

Game progress. The teacher divides the group of children into several subgroups. Everyone offers to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." The kids start looking. The members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for.

The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

9. "Finish the sentence."

Objectives: to teach to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; exercise in the correct choice of words.

Game progress. The teacher begins the sentence: “I put on a warm coat because ...”, “Children put on Panama hats because ...”, “It is snowing heavily because it has come ...”

10. "Make no mistake."

Goals: develop the speed of thinking; to consolidate children's knowledge of what they do at different times of the day.

Game progress. The teacher names different parts of the day or the actions of the children. And the children should answer in one word: “We have breakfast”, “We wash ourselves”, name when it happens.

11. "Flies - does not fly."

Purpose: to develop auditory attention.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children: “If I name an object that flies, you raise your hand or catch the ball. You need to be careful, because I will raise my hands both when the object is flying and when it is not flying. Whoever makes a mistake will pay with a chip.

12. "Who knows more?".

Purpose: to develop memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Game progress. The teacher, holding a glass in his hand, asks what it can be used for. Whoever names the most actions wins.

13. "Find an object of the same shape."

Game progress. The teacher raises the circle drawing, and the children should name as many objects of the same shape as possible.

14. "Guess what plant it is."

Purpose: to describe the subject and recognize it from the description.

Game progress. The teacher invites one child to describe a plant or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of plant it is.

15. "Similar - not similar."

Purpose: to learn to compare objects; find signs of difference in them; similarities, recognize objects by description.

Game progress. For example: one child guesses, and other children must guess: “Two beetles crawled. One is red with black dots, the other is black ... "

16. "What is this bird?"

Purpose: to teach children to describe birds by characteristic features and recognize them by description.

Game progress. The teacher appoints a driver who depicts the habits of a bird or describes its characteristic features, other children must guess.

17. "Guess what's in the bag."

Purpose: to describe the signs perceived by touch.

Game progress. The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag. The child must feel what is in his hand and guess a riddle about it so that the children can guess what is in the hands of the leader.

18. "Make it up yourself."

Purpose: to learn how to correctly compose sentences with a given number of words.

Game progress. Give the children reference words: autumn, leaf fall, rain, snowflakes. Ask them to come up with sentences of 3-5 words. The first child to make a proposal gets a token.

19. "Guess it!"

Purpose: to develop the ability to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it, to recognize the object from the description.

Game progress. At the signal of the teacher, the child who received the chip gets up and gives a description of any object from memory, and then passes the chip to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object, passes the object to the next, etc.

20. "Tops and Roots".

Purpose: to exercise in the classification of vegetables (what is edible in them - the root or the fruit on the stem).

Game progress. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what roots. The teacher names some vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it.

21. "Forester".

Purpose: to recall and consolidate the idea of ​​​​the appearance of some trees and shrubs, about the components (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).

Game progress. One "forester" is selected, the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new plantings. The “forester” says: “A lot of ... (birches, maples, poplars) grow on my site, let's collect seeds.”

He can only describe the tree without naming it. Children look for seeds, collect them and show them to the "forester". The winner is the one who scored more seeds and did not make a mistake.

22. with the ball "It happens - it doesn't happen."

Purpose: to develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

The teacher pronounces the phrase and throws the ball, and the children must quickly answer.

Hoarfrost in summer… (can not be).

Snow in winter... (happens).

Frost in summer... (can not be).

Drop in summer... (can not be).

23 "What it is?".

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity.

Game progress. The teacher thinks of an object of animate or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and the children continue. For example: Egg - oval, white, large, hard on top, nutritious, can be found in the store, edible, chicks hatch from it.

24 "Find out whose sheet."

Purpose: to learn to recognize plants by leaf.

Game progress. On a walk, collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs, show the children, offer to find out from which tree, and find evidence (similarity) with unfallen leaves that have a variety of shapes.

25 "Tell without words."

Objectives: to consolidate children's ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination, observation.

Game progress. Children in a circle, the teacher invites them to depict the autumn weather with facial expressions, hand gestures, movements.

Show that it's cold. Children cringe, warm their hands, put on their hats and scarves with gestures.

Show that it is raining cold. Open umbrellas, raise collars.

26 "Find something to describe."

Purpose: to develop the ability to search for a plant by description.

Game progress. The teacher describes the plant, naming its most characteristic features. Whoever identifies the plant first gets a token.

27 "Guessing Riddles".

Purpose: to expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Game progress. The children are sitting on the bench. The teacher makes riddles about insects. The child who guesses the riddle himself guesses. For guessing and guessing a riddle, he receives one chip each. The one with the most chips wins. Children can come up with their own puzzle.

28 When does this happen?

Purpose: to clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons.

Game progress. The teacher names the seasons and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time, and passes the chip to another. He adds a new definition and passes the chip to the third.

29 "What is around us?".

Purpose: to teach to divide two- and three-syllable words into parts, to pronounce each part of the word.

Game progress. On a walk, children look around for something that has one part in the name (ball, poppy, ball, house, garden), two parts (fence, bushes, flowers, sand, grass), three parts (swing, veranda, birch, car ). For each answer, the child receives a chip, the winner is determined by their number.

30 "Say what you hear."

Objectives: to teach to use full sentences in answers; develop phrasal speech.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (rain noise, car signals, the rustle of a falling leaf, the conversation of passers-by, etc.). Children must answer in full sentences. The winner is the one who names the most heard sounds.

31 Who am I?

Purpose: to identify the named plant.

Game progress. The teacher quickly points his finger at the plant. The one who first names the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant) gets a point.

32 "Find a couple."

Purpose: to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention, ingenuity.

Game progress. The teacher gives the children one sheet at a time and says: “The wind blew. All the leaves are scattered. Hearing these words, the children spin around with the leaves in their hands. Then the teacher gives the command: “One, two, three - find a couple!” Everyone should stand next to the tree, the leaf from which he holds in his hands.

33 "Fix the mistake."

Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Game progress. The teacher says to the children: “I will read sentences to you. But they made mistakes, you must correct them. Listen carefully:

The goat brought food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

Gena broke the ball with glass, etc.

34 "Remember different words."

Goals: continue to teach to listen to the sound of words; to exercise children in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. Each child must remember a word and say it to the next one, how to convey it, the next one says the same one word, turning to the third child. Each child takes turns saying one word at a time. After 3 rounds the game stops. The one who did not manage to quickly name the word or repeated what was already mentioned leaves the circle.

Rules of the game. You can't repeat the same word twice.

35 "Stop! Wand, stop."

Goals: continue to teach to listen to the sound of words; exercise in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress. Children become in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher says that they will describe the animal and each child must say something about it. For example: the teacher says: “Bear” and passes the wand to the child, he says: “Brown” and passes the wand to the next. Anyone who can't tell is out of the game.

36 "Who lives where?".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).

Game progress. Children will be "squirrels" and "bunnies", and one (leader) - "fox". "Squirrels" hide behind trees, and "bunnies" behind bushes. "Bunnies" and "squirrels" run around the clearing. At the signal "Danger, fox!" "squirrels" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. Whoever completed the task incorrectly, the “fox” catches those.

37 "Name the bird with the right sound."

Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Come up with birds whose names have letters A, K…»

Whoever names the most wins.

38 "Third extra" (birds).

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children: “You already know that birds can be migratory and wintering. I will now call the birds interspersed, whoever hears an error should clap their hands.

39 "Birds (animals, fish)".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the leader calls a bird (fish, animal, tree, flowers) and passes a small ball to a neighbor, he calls the next bird, etc. Whoever cannot answer leaves the circle.

40 "Who needs what?".

Objectives: exercise in the classification of objects; to develop the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Game progress. The teacher offers to remember what people of different professions need to work. He names the profession, and the children answer what is needed to work in this area. And in the second part of the game, the teacher names the subject, and the children say what profession it can be useful for.

41 “What? which? which?".

Objectives: to teach to select definitions that correspond to a given example, phenomenon; activate previously learned words.

Game progress. The teacher calls a word, and the players take turns calling as many features as possible that correspond to this subject.

Squirrel - red, nimble, big, small, beautiful ...

Coat - warm, winter, new, old…

Mum - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - wooden, stone, new, panel…

42 "Where can I do something?".

Purpose: to activate verbs in speech that are used in a certain situation.

Game progress. The teacher asks questions, the children answer them. Competition game.

What can you do in the forest? (Walk, pick mushrooms, berries, hunt, listen to birdsong, relax.)

What are they doing in the hospital?

What can you do on the river?

43 "What time of year?".

Objectives: to teach to listen to a poetic text; educate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main features of different seasons.

Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, says that the writer and poets in poems sing of the beauty of nature at different times of the year, then reads the poem, and the children should highlight the signs of the season.

44 "What happens?".

Objectives: to teach to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; compare, contrast, select as many items as possible that fit this definition.

Game progress. Let's tell you what is green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree…

wide - river, road, ribbon, street…etc.

The winner is the one who names the most words, for each correctly spoken word the child receives a chip.

45 Seek.

Purpose: to learn to use adjectives correctly in speech, coordinating them with nouns.

Game progress. Children should see as many objects of the same color, or the same shape, or from the same material around them within 10-15 seconds. At the signal of the educator, one begins to list, others supplement it. The person who correctly names the most items wins.

46 "Who will come up with more words."

Goals: activate the dictionary; expand horizons.

Game progress. The teacher names a sound and asks the children to come up with words on a specific topic (for example, “Autumn”) in which this sound occurs. Children form a circle. One of the players throws the ball to someone. The catcher must say a word with a conditional sound. The one who did not come up with a word or repeats what someone has already said skips a turn.

47 Think of another word.

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children.

Game progress. The teacher says that you can come up with another word similar, for example: a milk bottle - a milk bottle.

Kissel from cranberries - cranberry jelly.

vegetable soup - vegetable soup.

Potato puree - mashed potatoes.

48 "Who will remember more."

Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

Game progress. Carlson asks the children to look at the pictures and tell about what they saw.

Blizzard - sweeps, vyuzhit, purzhit.

Rain -

Crow -

49 "What did I say?"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare these meanings, find common and different in them.

Game progress. The teacher says that there are words that are close, there are words that are opposite in meaning, and there are words that are used often and they call many different objects.

The teacher calls the word, the children list its meanings.

Head - head of a child, doll, onion, garlic.

Needle - at the syringe, Christmas trees, pines, sewing, at the hedgehog ...

Nose - a person, a steamer, an airplane, a teapot ...

Eyelet, leg, handle, zipper, neck, wing, etc.

50 "How to say differently?".

Purpose: to exercise children in the name of one of the synonyms.

Game progress. How can you say about the same, but in one word?

Heavy rain - shower.

Strong wind - Hurricane.

Heatwave - heat.

Lying boy - Lier.

Cowardly hare - coward.

Strong man - strongman…. etc.

51 "What does that mean?".

Purpose: to learn to combine words in meaning, to understand the direct and figurative meaning of words.

Game progress. Is it possible to say so? How do you understand this expression?

Fresh breeze - chill.

Fresh fish - freshly caught, unspoiled.

Fresh shirt - clean, ironed, washed.

Fresh newspaper - brand new, just bought.

Fresh paint - not dried.

Fresh head - rested.

deaf old man the one who hears nothing.

Silent night - quiet, deserted, dark.

Deaf barking dogs - distant, hard to hear.

53 "How many items?".

Objectives: to teach subject counting; develop quantitative representations; understand and name numbers.

Game progress. The children are given the task: to find on the street and name the objects that are found one by one. After execution, find 2, 3.

The task can be changed like this: find as many identical objects as possible.

54 "Yesterday, today, tomorrow."

Purpose: to learn how to use adverbs of time correctly.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The teacher says a short phrase, for example: “We sculpted ...” - and throws the ball to the child. The catcher finishes the sentence, as if answering a question when:"Yesterday".

55 Who are you?

Game progress. The teacher comes up with a story in which all the children get roles. The children become in a circle, and the teacher begins the story, and at the mention of his character, the child should stand up and bow. Children should be very attentive, and follow not only their own role, but also the roles of their neighbors. Whoever “oversleep” his role twice, leaves the game.

56 "Do not yawn" (wintering, migratory birds).

Purpose: to develop the auditory attention of children, the speed of reaction to words.

Game progress. The teacher gives all the children the names of migratory birds and asks to carefully monitor him. As soon as their name is heard, they must stand up and clap their hands, who missed their name is out of the game.

57 "Me too."

Purpose: to develop ingenuity, endurance, sense of humor.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that he will tell a story. When it stops, the children should say: "Me too" if those words make sense. If they do not fit the meaning, then they do not need to be said. I go to the river one day... (and I).

Picking flowers and berries...

On the way I come across a hen with chickens ...

They peck at grains...

Walking on the green grass...

Suddenly a kite flew in.

The chickens and the mother hen got scared...

And they ran away...

Once the children understand the rules of the game, they will be able to make up short stories themselves.

58 "Complete the sentence."

Purpose: to develop speech activity, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher says a few words of the sentence, and the children must complete it with new words to make a complete sentence, for example: "Mom bought ...". “...Books, notebooks, a briefcase,” the children continue.

59 Where have I been?

Purpose: to form accusative plural forms of animate nouns.

Game progress. Can you guys guess where I've been? I saw jellyfish, seahorses, sharks. Where was I? (On the sea.)

Now, you ask me riddles where you've been. Tell who you saw. You just need to say who you saw in large numbers. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but guessing.

60 "Is this true or not?".

Purpose: to find inaccuracies in the text.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice fables more, what does not actually happen.

Warm spring now, the grapes are ripe with us.

A horned horse jumps in the snow in the summer meadow.

In late autumn, the bear likes to sit in the river.

And in winter, a nightingale sang among the branches “Ha-ha-ha”.

Quickly give me an answer: is it true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right.

61 "Find the opposite word."

Purpose: to select words that are opposite in meaning in tasks of different types.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: “If the soup is not hot, then what is it?”, “If the room is not light, then how?”, “If the knife is not sharp, then it is ...”, “If the bag is not light, then she…” etc.

62 "It must be said differently."

Purpose: to choose words that are close in meaning to the phrase.

Game progress. The teacher says: “One boy was in a bad mood. What words can be said about him? I coined the word sad. Let's try replacing words in other sentences."

It's raining - pours.

The boy is walking walks.

Fresh air - fresh.

63 "Who can find a short word?".

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that you can find out whether a long word or a short one can be done in steps. He says: "Soup" and at the same time steps. The teacher says that only one step is obtained, since this is a short word. Children line up along the line, and one at a time begin to pronounce the words and take steps. Whoever pronounces it incorrectly is out of the game.

64 "Speak, do not delay."

65 « Guess the word."

Purpose: to develop speech activity.

Game progress. The teacher explains the rules of the game: the host thinks of a word, but only says the first syllable: “Li-”. Children pick up words: fox, lily, linden, etc. etc.

As soon as someone guesses, he becomes the leader and the game starts over.

66 "Speak, do not delay."

Purpose: to develop speech activity, vocabulary.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. One of them is the first to say the word in parts, standing next to him must say a word that begins with the last syllable of the word just spoken. For example: va-za, za-rya, rya-bi-na, etc. Children who made a mistake or could not name a word stand in a circle.

68 "Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend."

Purpose: to consolidate the acquired skills of highlighting syllables.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the teacher in the middle. He has a tambourine in his hands. The teacher hits the tambourine 2 times, the children should name the plants (animals), in the name of which there are 2 syllables, then hits 3 times (animals with three syllables, etc.).

69 "Journey".

Purpose: to find the way by the names of familiar plants and other natural objects.

Game progress. The teacher chooses one or two leaders, who, according to noticeable landmarks (trees, shrubs, flower beds with certain plants), determine the path along which all children must go to the hidden toy.

70 “What else are they talking about?”.

Objectives: to consolidate and clarify the meaning of polysemantic words; educate a sensitive attitude to the compatibility of words in meaning.

Game progress. Tell Carlson what else can be said like this:

It's raining - snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Playing - girl, radio.

Bitter - pepper, medicine.

72 "Yes - no."

Purpose: to teach to think, logically raise questions; make correct inferences.

Game progress. One child (leader) steps aside. The teacher with the children choose an animal, such as a cat.

Leading. Is it a bird?

Children. No.

Leading. Is it an animal?

Leading. Is the animal wild?

Children. No.

Leading. Does he meow?

73 "Hunter".

Purpose: to exercise the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.

Game progress. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the section there is a high chair. This is a "forest", "lake", "pond". One of the players, the “hunter”, goes here. Standing still, he utters these words: “I am going to the forest to hunt. I will hunt for ... ”Here he takes a step forward and says:“ ... Zaitsev ”, takes a second step ... At each step, the child names one animal. Can't be repeated. The winner is the one who reached the specified place first or went further.

74 "Name three things."

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Boots,” and throws the ball to the child, he must answer that these are clothes, shoes, a headdress, etc.

75 "Find an object of the same shape" (2nd option).

Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​the shape of objects.

Game progress. The teacher or one of the players names objects of animate or inanimate nature and asks to name the geometric figure that this object looks like. For example: a mountain is a triangle, an earthworm is a curve, etc.

76 "Guess what's in the bag" (2nd option).

Purpose: to describe the signs of objects perceived by touch.

Game progress. The child describes the object taken in the bag with two phrases, and the playing children must determine what the child felt in the bag.

77 "What is this bird?" (2nd option).

Purpose: to teach to describe birds according to their characteristic features, habits and to recognize them by description.

Game progress. The host calls one bright sign of a bird, the children must guess from it what kind of bird it is. For example: a bird loves fat (titmouse), a bird has a red beret (woodpecker), etc.

78 "Guess, we will guess."

Objectives: to clarify and expand knowledge about trees and shrubs; name their signs, describe and find them by description.

Game progress. Children describe any plant in the following order: shape, number of trunks, height, color. The driver from the description should recognize the plant. Chips are received by the guessing and guessing child.

If the child remembers or comes up with his own riddle, he receives additional chips.

79 "What kind of insect is this?".

Objectives: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of insects; describe insects by characteristic features; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Game progress. Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe an insect, and the other one must guess what it is.

80 "Do you remember these verses?"

Purpose: to develop the speech of children.

Game progress. The teacher reads excerpts from poems familiar to children. Children must say the missing words. For instance:

Where did the sparrow eat?

At the zoo... (animals).

You don't stand too close:

I AM … (tiger cub), but not … (pussy).

Wind across the sea... (walks)

AND … (boat) customizes. etc.

81 "Tell me what you hear?".

Purpose: to develop phrasal speech.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (chirping birds, car signals, the rustle of a falling leaf, the conversation of hallways, etc.).

Rules of the game. Children must answer in full sentences.

82 What happens in nature?

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use verbs in speech, coordinate words in a sentence.

Game progress. An adult, throwing the ball to a child, asks a question, and a child, returning the ball, must answer the question. It is desirable to play the game on the topic.

Example: The theme is "Spring".

Adult. What is the sun doing? Children. Shines, warms.

What are the streams doing? They run, they roar.

What does snow do? It's getting dark, it's melting.

What are the birds doing? They fly, they sing.

What does Kapel do? Ringing.

83 "Good - bad."

Purpose: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children the icons of the rules of behavior in nature, the children should tell as fully as possible about what is shown there, what can and cannot be done and why.

84 "Who knows, let him continue."

Purpose: to develop the ability to generalize and classify.

Game progress. The teacher calls generalizing words, and the children - a specific concept.

Educator. An insect is...

Children. Fly, mosquito...

85 "Who will remember more."

Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

Game progress. Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell what actions are taking place there.

Blizzard - sweeps, vyuzhit, purzhit.

Rain - pours, drizzles, drips, drips, starts, whips ...

Crow - flies, croaks, sits, eats, drinks, sits down ... etc.

86 "What is superfluous?" (1st option).

Game progress. The teacher names four signs of different seasons:

  • Birds fly south.
  • Snowdrops bloomed.
  • The leaves on the trees turned yellow.
  • The harvest is underway.

Children listen carefully, name an extra sign, explain why it is superfluous.

87 "What is superfluous?" (2nd option).

Goals: develop auditory attention; consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons.

Game progress. The teacher names four signs of the weather of different seasons:

  • It is snowing (children put on fur coats).
  • Overcast (children took umbrellas).
  • It is pouring torrential, cold rain (children are sitting in a group).
  • The hot sun is shining (the children put on Panama hats, shorts and T-shirts).

Children listen carefully, name an extra sign, explain why it is superfluous, and name what season it belongs to.

88 "Shop" Flowers "".

Purpose: to learn to group plants according to their place of growth, to describe their appearance.

Game progress. Children play the role of sellers and buyers. To buy, you need to describe the plant that you have chosen, but do not name it, but only say where it grows. The “seller” must guess what kind of flower it is, name it and the department in which it stands (field, garden, indoor), then issue a “purchase”.

89 "Name the animal, insect with the desired sound."

Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher suggests: come up with insects in the name of which there are letters Ah, K.

Whoever names the most wins.

91 "What I saw in the forest."

Purpose: to exercise the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, insects, etc.

Game progress. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the section there is a high chair. This is a "forest", "lake", "pond". A "traveler" is sent here - one of the players. Standing still, he utters these words: "I'm walking through the forest and I see ..." Here he takes a step forward and says: "... a hare." At each step, the child names one animal. Can't be repeated. The second child goes and names insects, the third bird, etc. The winner is the one who reached the chair first or went further.

92 "What does anyone like?".

Purpose: to clarify knowledge about what individual insects eat.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the insect, the child must say what it eats.

93 "Name three birds."

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of birds.

Game progress. The teacher calls the birds to the children. “Migratory birds,” the teacher says, and after a short pause, throws the ball to the child. He replies: "Swallow, swift, lark." "Wintering Birds" ... "Birds of the Forest" ...

94 "Where does what grow?".

Objectives: to teach to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of ​​the importance of plants; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of vegetation.

Game progress. The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow on the kindergarten site. If they grow up on the site, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement), if not, the children are silent. (Apple, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, orange, linden, maple, baobab, tangerine.)

If the children did it successfully, you can list the trees faster: plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee, mountain ash, plane tree, oak, cypress, pine, cherry plum, poplar.

At the end of the game, they sum up who named more trees.

95 "Repeat one after another."

Purpose: to develop attention, memory.

Game progress. The player calls any word (animal, insect, bird). The second repeats the named word and adds his own. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

96 "Third extra" (insects).

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of insects

Game progress. The teacher tells the children: “You already know what insects are. I will now call insects and other living creatures interspersed, whoever hears an error should clap their hands.