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How to meet a girl in plain sight. Where and how to meet a girl: tips, examples How to meet a girl situation

Many men remain single because of fear of the opposite sex and ignorance of how to get acquainted with a girl, what to say to her during the first meeting, how to interest and start a conversation. In fact, there is nothing complicated here - following simple recommendations allows you to find your soul mate and improve your personal life.

If you understand psychology, you can find an approach to any, even the most difficult person. But we do not advise you to be too persistent and waste time on a girl who clearly does not show any interest in you. You will only waste your energy and, most likely, will not achieve anything. In this case, just politely end communication with her, saying that you are not suitable for each other.

How to meet a girl on the street?

For many guys, meeting a girl for the first time is a real challenge. They do not know how to start a conversation, and most of all they are afraid of being rejected. After several unsuccessful attempts, a young man or an already mature man may forever stop trying to make such acquaintances. All this from lack of experience and necessary knowledge.

The main sign of the likely success of an acquaintance is a direct eye-to-eye look and at the same time a friendly facial expression. This indicates the interest of the girl and the possibility of starting communication. Many guys miss such signals, get lost, lower their eyes and pass by. As a result, they miss their chance, and subsequently reproach themselves for a long time for their insecurity.

Contrary to stereotypes, meeting people on the street is easy. Moreover, this way to find a soul mate is promising, thanks to a large selection of the fair sex. The main thing is to act assertively, confidently and from the first minutes to interest a new companion. But how to get acquainted with a girl in order to arouse her sympathy? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How should you look to meet a girl?

A neat appearance is a key component of future success when meeting. Go for a classic style with a pressed shirt and trousers and clean shoes. If you went for a walk in a tracksuit and met the girl of your dreams, do not miss the chance. It is important to radiate confidence and be natural in your communication with a girl. Look up, straighten your back and smile. A positive attitude gives a signal about the good intentions of the interlocutor.

How to interest her in a dialogue?

Remember that girls are ordinary people who live with men on planet Earth and are not aliens from other planets. Of course, their interests and goals may differ from men's, but this is not an obstacle to communication, but in the future to closer relationships. Girls like it when attention is paid to them, compliments are said. They appreciate a sense of humor, which should be used in the process of dating.

If you like a girl, smile and say hello. As noted above, a smile disposes to a person and disarms the fair sex. The main thing is that the smile should be friendly, slightly embarrassed and always sincere. It's a simple dating tool, but it works.

What to say in the first dialogue?

The most difficult thing for guys is to find the first words that would help to start a full-fledged communication and start a dialogue. The perception of a guy by a girl, as well as the success of dating in general, largely depends on the first phrase. In this case, the topic has no knowledge. At this stage, it is important to attract attention, start communication.

Consider a few rules:

  1. The first phrase should not be cumbersome - 1-5 words are enough. The simplest and most effective options are to say "Hello" or "Let's get acquainted";
  2. You can’t ask a question, because a girl can ignore it and move on;
  3. Remember that a compliment is the key to a girl's heart. But it is important that it be light and natural. Show that you have identified something special in the interlocutor, her “zest”. The main thing here is not to switch to clichés and platitudes;
  4. Focus on the situation. The spoken phrase should correspond to the surrounding situation. For example, if an acquaintance occurs when trying to cross the road, you can say “Caution, there is a car on the left”;
  5. The appeal should be positive and friendly, because at the initial stage it is necessary to win over a person to yourself, to inspire confidence.

What to talk to her about?

For many guys, the question of how to get to know a girl is a real dilemma. And if you still manage to say “Hello” or “Let's get acquainted”, then you can’t consolidate your acquaintance and start a full-fledged dialogue. And really, what to talk about with a girl if you do not know her interests, life principles and goals?

This is a simple yet effective principle. In the process of communication, focus on the interlocutor, be interested in him and ask questions. Many guys make the mistake of talking about their benefits. In the eyes of a girl, such suitors look like bouncers who are not worthy of attention.

Find out what interests the interlocutor in life, what kind of music she likes, where she studies. Listen carefully and remember the answers, ask related and leading questions to get to know the girl even better.

Here are some simple questions and suggestions to start the conversation:

  1. "How old are you"?
  2. "What is your name?". You can introduce yourself right after the question.
  3. "I'm taking time to get to know you better."
  4. "You have unusual eyes, I have never seen such."
  5. "You have a kind face."

In the process of the first communication, try to describe the girl, confirm her peculiarity. Mention her appearance, clothes, beauty of her face in a conversation. You can start with a joke like “Can you speak?”, “What a big bag you have. It's obvious that you like to carry heavy things.

What to do if she doesn't like you?

Often guys get lost when a girl goes to a dialogue, but at the same time does not show much attention to their person. Do not despair - the interlocutor can still be interested. It is important to make her smile, to joke, to make her liberate. You can tell an interesting and funny story from life. As a last resort, interest the girl in social status. It doesn't have to be financial. If you participate in competitions or do charity work, gently mention it.

If the efforts do not give results, and the girl communicates “get rid of it”, end the conversation, citing lack of time or urgent business. At the same time, take a phone number to be able to improve the first impression of yourself. Perhaps today the girl is in a bad mood, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, over a cup of coffee, the acquaintance will be more successful.

There are thousands of recommendations in numerous books and the Internet on how to learn how to meet girls, what to do to attract attention, what clothes to wear, and what to talk about. Below we highlight the proven advice of psychologists that help find the other half.

Before meeting a girl, let yourself be considered. No need to jump out from behind and scare a person in this way. It is important to draw attention to yourself, give a small assessment and draw conclusions. All it takes is a quick glance and a smile.

If the girl responded to a smile and also smiled, began to straighten her hair or fuss, you can start an acquaintance, the result of which should be an appointment or a phone number.

Start communication with a light and original compliment. You can praise the hairstyle, evaluate the right choice of handbag and shoes. Do not stoop to banality like "You have great breasts." Believe me, self-confident girls know about it themselves.

In the process of communication, observe around and comment on the situation. It is important that the conversation is natural. If you notice a poster for a movie you've already seen, share your experience and ask if the other person has seen it. If not, this is a great reason to invite a girl to the movies.

Unusual and unconventional phrases are well suited to start communication, for example, “What do you think, who cheats more often - men or women?”, “This is the first time I buy myself a thing and I want to ask for advice.”

Consider a few more important points:

  1. Don't drag out the conversation. Even if everything goes well, tell the interlocutor that you need to run and take the phone number.
  2. Meet everywhere. It can be a shopping center, street, transport. It doesn't matter if a girl is walking or relaxing on a bench.
  3. Be bold and don't be afraid to start a conversation. It is better to do and “lose” than to regret all your life about an unused opportunity. Even if you fail, you gain experience.
  4. In the process of communication, show confidence and do not hesitate. It is important to be persistent, because a girl may not immediately give a phone number. If the interlocutor says “I don’t meet on the street”, answer her in the subject “By the way, I do too, but then let’s go to a restaurant and get to know each other there.”
  5. Imagine that you are playing in the theater, and your task is to interest a girl in yourself, to show the best sides. It's even interesting.
  6. Be yourself. In the process of communication, it is worth being natural, but at the same time improving your skills. It is important that the girl fell in love with you, and not a far-fetched character that does not exist.

Search for motivation

In the process of dating, the psychological attitude of the guy is important, his willingness to make contact with a representative of the opposite sex. If there is no desire to start communication, it will not work to overcome your fear. It is important that there is a sincere desire to get to know a person, make an acquaintance and start a dialogue.

Learn to motivate and "charge" yourself before communicating with a stranger. If you go hunting, listen to your favorite song, set yourself up for a positive result and believe in success. Imagine that the goal has already been achieved - you saw the girl of your dreams, met her and now you are sitting at the same table in a cafe. It is important that an intention is formed in the head, which invariably leads to success.

Active Listener Tactics

If you don’t know how to get to know a girl and what to talk about with her, use a proven and effective tactic - listen to your interlocutor. Ask her questions that she will be happy to answer. The main thing here is not to switch to a “banal” interview, for which it is worth accompanying some of the interlocutor’s answers with small comments. Step by step you get to know a person, and he feels trust in a new interlocutor, and then - "a matter of technology."

Discussion: 12 comments

    To be honest, I don’t understand at all how to meet a girl on the street. No matter how much I tried, I always came across rudeness. I came up with various ways with questionnaires, polls and other options for “tackling”. Apparently, you need to work on your appearance.

    People. If you don’t know how to get to know a girl correctly, start with the most important thing - the external image. Believe me, the first impression is the most important. We are met "on the wrapper", remember. It doesn't matter what I say to a girl at the first moment, if I am dressed stylishly and neatly. The conversation kind of starts on its own.

    I don’t know about you, but for me, starting a conversation is the main problem. I re-read a lot of literature on how to get to know a girl, but so far I have not achieved serious success. Although, I still found one girlfriend, but the matter never came to a serious relationship.

    I never complained about my ability to pick up a girlfriend. At the same time, I never read literature on how to get to know a girl correctly (except for this article). Talking and even getting involved in a conversation is not a problem. At the initial stage, make a compliment and try to contact through a look. It is very important.

    I was looking for information about dating girls and came across this article. What can I say - very informative. It remains to cope with your natural fear of approaching the opposite sex. At least see a psychologist. My knees are shaking, my palms are sweating, instead of words, some kind of nonsense. Please advise what to do.

    I think that the most difficult thing is to start a conversation, and then it’s a matter of technology. Personally, I start with a light compliment (even a banal one), after which I am interested in the girl herself. I always smile sincerely and make a slightly confused look - it works.

    To my shame, I can say that all attempts to make acquaintances and start a conversation failed miserably. I manage to stop the girl, but I can’t keep her talking and interested. But I do not give up, because in this case you need to train.

    From my own experience, I can say that when you first meet and communicate, it is important to leave on time. Here I support the author. If you see that the girl is in doubt, but at the same time shows interest, take a phone number and call somewhere in 2 days in a cafe or just take a walk.

    I slightly disagree with the author regarding the tactics of an active listener. It seems to me that it only works after meeting and starting a relationship. The girl is unlikely to chat about everything with an outsider. Light compliments, short phrases and the beginning of contact are important here. Later, you can use the considered scheme.

    I try to meet girls only through friends. So there is less hassle and a conversation is quickly tied up. I have never tried to start a conversation somewhere on the street - it's scary. But for the sake of interest, you need to try. Moreover, the necessary information is already available.

    efficiency criterion for a higher dating school: this is the number of women (or men) who appeared in the life of students and an understanding of what needs to be done so that they would appear there further.

You can meet a girl under any circumstances, but in some places it is easier to do this. The most common way to get to know each other is on social media. Dating in public places has more advantages, does not require special financial costs and allows you to meet a girl based on common interests. Do not forget about places that are not at all suitable for this.

Good places to meet women

Below are the most non-standard places where it is easiest to meet a good girl.

Online dating through social networks

They often get acquainted through social networks, because they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can meet a real person and immediately find out all the information you need about him.

It’s not worth just writing to the first girl you like: having received a message from a stranger in the format: “Hello!”, She will simply ignore it. First you need to study the page and find what really hooked you (except for photos of yourself). It could be music, a movie, an interesting wall post, or even mutual friends. Start a conversation should be based on the mention of this fact.

For example, having noticed on Instagram a photo of a book that you yourself have recently read or want to do it in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about her, whether she has read other books by this author or from this series. Such correspondence, if the young lady willingly makes contact, can then be transferred to personal messages of another social network, and then turn on all her charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

At the same time, your personal page must be filled out, have real photos and at least a couple of posts on the wall. "Fake" pages are scary, and if a girl is really interested in you, she will be interested in looking at your interests and making sure that you are a real person.

Step by step guide on how to . From this article you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl, what to write when meeting.

After meeting, you need to maintain her interest in communication. For this you need to follow.

free book

Do you want to know a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk about with them, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

Various group classes, circles, master classes, trainings

Dancing. In the dance school, there are more girls among the clients than men, so you can confidently sign up for any courses you like. In order not to spend money, you can be like free open lessons and try to get to know each other there.

In addition, dancing classes help to maintain good physical shape, train posture and develop self-confidence - all this attracts girls.

Young ladies over 25 love paired classical dances, so if there is no partner, they often look for a mate in groups of dance schools or on forums. You can try your luck there and sign up together with a pretty partner, for example, in tango courses.

Psychological trainings. Such trainings, as well as dancing, are mostly attended by girls.

It is worth coming in advance and sitting down with a person you like or even two friends. You can talk about the topic of the training, ask how close this topic is, what the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle they usually take a break, during which you can also get to know each other. But at the beginning it is preferable to do this: often paired tasks are given at psychological trainings, so if you make an acquaintance at the very beginning, then later it can come in handy.

Foreign language courses. Here is a whole scope for creativity: attending language courses reveals a man as a person who is open to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Learning a language allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

Men are increasingly appearing in language courses to learn a language for a specific purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, girls are open to new acquaintances and will be happy to receive attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning the language in the classes themselves, many topics are raised, so even before meeting you can find out some information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn how to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read:. In this article, one of our regular contributors talked about his experience of seducing women.

Various group activities are great to help overcome shyness when communicating with women. If this is your problem, then you will find a lot of useful information in.

After you find the right girl, you need to invite her on a first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - here.

Shops, supermarkets

In girls, nature has a desire to help others, so you can safely use this in stores.

If we are talking about a clothing store, then you can get advice on whether a particular item suits you or not. In a grocery supermarket, you can clarify the quality of a particular product, ask if it is not difficult to cook what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse to help.

Just do not ask for help in choosing women's clothing or baby food: you may be misunderstood and the acquaintance will not continue.

Acquaintance in such places does not require additional financial investments, but there is a high risk of not continuing communication outside the store.

Libraries, bookstores

Since there are consultants almost everywhere, you should immediately stop questions regarding where you can find this or that book. If there is a girl standing by the shelf with a volume that you have already read, you can come up and give advice on whether to buy this book or not.

It is good to get acquainted in thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main advantage of such an acquaintance is that you can find a young lady according to your interests.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At mass events, everyone is in a good mood, people come to relax and communicate with random strangers with pleasure.

In such a situation, you can easily strike up a conversation with your chair neighbors, come up to talk to the common table and invite a pretty girl to participate in the competition with you. People willingly go to socialize, and acquaintance after the event can be moved to a quieter place.


The beach is another great place to go to relax. The resort atmosphere is conducive to easy acquaintances and easy communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her, what to say, how to behave.

Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

If you are into history or art, then museums and exhibitions are also good places to explore. The principle here is the same as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place is that, as a rule, adult, wealthy women over 30 come here. Therefore, if you want a stable, mature and serious relationship, then such places are ideal for making acquaintances.

If you understand painting or some area of ​​art, you can interest a woman in a story about a particular exhibit.

In large cities, there are also unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. Acquaintance at an exhibition or in a theater can immediately develop into a first date.

Night clubs

There are many girls in nightclubs who are not against dating for one evening.

You can meet at the bar, just saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such acquaintances almost never develop into long-term relationships, and you also have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for each girl.

Of all the dating sites, this one can be the most expensive.


In order to meet a beautiful girl, it is not necessary to choose any special place. Sometimes it’s enough just to step out of the house and look around.

It is best to get acquainted on the central streets of the city, squares, parks and squares, i.e. where people come just to walk and breathe fresh air.

There is an opinion that girls have a negative attitude towards dating on the street. Actually it is not. Most girls are totally fine with guys who approach them in public. If you are positive and confident, she will probably chat with you for a few minutes, agree to a date and give her phone number.

Public transport

You can also start a new relationship right on public transport. All it takes is a little self-confidence, perseverance and a couple of suitable first phrases. We talked about all the tricks in the article:.

Dating websites

The easiest option that does not require any extra gestures at all. It is enough to fill out the questionnaire correctly and post some beautiful photos.

However, it has its own specifics. Often there are girls who cannot meet in ordinary life. Often this is due either to an unattractive appearance, or to oddities in character and behavior. This way of dating requires a serious time investment, as well as a reserve of patience: it will take a long time to search.

A serious disadvantage is the fact that many sites require financial investments: in order to access the full information in the profiles of girls and have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how not to meet and why

There are also not the best places for dating.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, shop assistants

Girls who work in the service industry constantly attract male attention. They develop a kind of "immunity" to customers.

Most often, shop assistants and waitresses fall into two categories:

  1. Those who not allowed to have a relationship with clients according to the rules of work in the institution. Managers often do not want problems at work, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants. Tippy young men can cause problems if other visitors give their girls increased courtesies;
  2. Those who themselves made a rule for themselves. Due to the large number of male clients, girls simply get tired of attention to their person and stop all attempts to get to know each other.

If you want to get acquainted with such a girl, then it is best to “watch out” for her immediately after the end of the shift on the way home.

In a state of intoxication

No normal woman would introduce a tipsy young man. It is better to approach a girl in a sober head and in a positive mood, and not staggering with a fume.

So, to get to know a girl, they turn to social networks or go to places where you can find a girlfriend of interest. Financial costs are often not required, unless you go to a nightclub. And you should avoid saleswomen in stores, do not embarrass girls by trying to get acquainted in public transport and do not waste time on dating sites.

Getting to know a girl in front of everyone is quite difficult. But if you pay attention to the girl's gestures and respect her personal space, you are unlikely to be considered abnormal. Most importantly, treat others with respect and follow the instructions below.

The beginning of the search

1. Go to a crowded place. To get to know someone, you need to go out in public. Meet girls only in public places. If you approach a girl in a dimly lit alley, at an abandoned gas station, or in an empty subway, your attempts are doomed to failure. Do not do this.

Go to a coffee shop. During the day, this place is visited by a lot of people, so you will have more opportunities to start a conversation.

Go to places that interest you, such as a comic book store, a bookstore, or a renaissance fair. There you will surely meet a girl with the same interests.

Go to a bar or club. Don't forget to follow the instructions below for meeting girls at a bar. Not every girl wants to meet you. Pay attention to body language, although the very atmosphere of such establishments is not very conducive to acquaintance.

2. Make eye contact. If you like a girl, try making eye contact before talking to her. Keep looking into her eyes as soon as you catch her eye.

If a girl looks at you every now and then, this is a sure sign that she does not mind meeting you. If a girl looks at you three times, she is most likely interested in you.

Why is the gaze so powerful? Scientists hypothesize that eye contact activates the brain's pleasure center, the ventral striatum. What does this mean? Our DNA tells us that if they look at us point-blank, then this is a reason for joy!

Smile. A friendly smile is a great way to show a girl that you care about her. A good sign will be the answer with a smile for a smile, and thus she shows that she is also not averse to getting to know each other.

Once you've exchanged a few glances and smiles, start watching her gestures. This is the best way to find out if a girl likes you.

3. Watch your body language. While it is NOT easy to accurately interpret another person's body language, whether it's a girl or a guy, there are a few things that can help determine if a person is interested in dating. Respect the girl's right to be alone.

Does the girl have her back turned to you? Are her arms crossed over her chest? Is she listening to music or reading a book? Does she frown? Is she deliberately turning her back on you? Although these are not entirely correct indicators, such facial expressions and gestures rather indicate that the girl wants to be alone.

Body language isn't everything. Women are taught from childhood that they must be polite no matter what happens. If you are going to meet a girl, pay attention to her reaction and response.

4. Approach the girl you are interested in. Start with common phrases. Perhaps the girl is reading the same book as you, or is wearing a T-shirt with your favorite band on it. Or maybe the bus is late, which will give you a reason to talk to her.

Leave her alone if she's not in the mood for a conversation. There are many ways to determine this: the girl does not look into your eyes, answers in monosyllables, looks around and looks for an excuse to avoid continuing the conversation.

If a girl is interested, you will immediately understand it: the girl looks into your eyes, smiles or moves closer.
As soon as you meet a girl and realize that she is interested in you, go directly to communication.

5. Talk to the girl. The conversation will start by itself as soon as you say the first phrase, but if not, here are some ways to start a conversation.

Ask her if she made her own dress, earrings, or other accessory. You can even say something like "I couldn't help but notice that this dress matches the amazing color of your eyes perfectly." So she will feel attractive regardless of her appearance. Like all people, girls prefer to be liked not only for their appearance.

If you're at a bookstore or comic book store, ask the girl what kind of books she likes.

Listen carefully to what she says. So you will learn more about her, and there will be an opportunity to continue the conversation. In addition, she will understand that you are interested in you as a person.

6. Make plans for the future. Make plans for future dates if you are interested in her and are determined yourself.

Give her your phone number or email address. This will make her feel like she is in control of the situation. You will know for sure if she likes you if she calls or texts you.

Ask her for a phone number or email address. If she refuses, leave everything as it is. After all, she doesn’t owe you anything, even if she liked talking to you.

Immediately ask her to go on a date with you. Ask her if she would like a cup of coffee. Always choose public places for spontaneous dates, because the girl should feel safe. Mentally choose a suitable coffee shop or ask the girl if she knows where you can sit quietly and drink coffee. This will let her know that she is in control of the situation.

7. Be polite. This is the most important aspect of meeting girls in public or in any other situation. If she is not interested in you, give up your idea.

Remember that different girls have different requirements for guys, or lack thereof. A girl may just feel like you're not her type. But there are other girls who might be crazy about you.

Hygiene is very important. Bathe regularly, brush your teeth and ears, trim your nails, and so on.

Don't be discouraged if your original plan didn't work. This is life, and this does not mean at all that something is wrong with you.

Try not to talk about obscure hobbies, unless it will be interesting for both of you. For example, if you both love sports, you could talk about sports teams or watch a game together on a date.

Be yourself, especially when you first meet. After all, you don’t want to show yourself to be different from what she liked at the first meeting.

Don't be stingy. If things go well, pay for drinks, meals, or taxi rides home. If she insists she wants to pay herself, say, "I'll pay for this one and you'll buy the next one." But if she really wants to pay, don't push it. Just say you'll pay next time. Hint: this is a good excuse for the next date.

Ask your sister, mother or girlfriend for advice, because only women can give you the right advice.

Try to make sure that both of you participate in the conversation. There is nothing worse than talking to a person who is focused solely on himself. Ask her what she thinks about this or that, and listen carefully to her answer. This is a sure sign that you care about her opinion and that you know how to listen.


If you are rejected in public, do not react negatively, just smile at her and leave.

If you meet a girl who is surrounded by friends, be prepared to impress the whole company.

Don't ask a girl to smile if she doesn't. Women are constantly told this, and it does not at all encourage communication.

Don't be a fool who thinks you're an expert on female psychology. If a girl says that she is not interested, she does not try to play with you at all, she really IS NOT INTERESTED!

DO NOT meet girls at the gym. They go there for sports, not for flirting.

Want to approach and meet a girl on the street but don't know how to do it? We will tell you everything about street dating: how to dress, how to choose a girl, original first phrases, examples of successful dating and much more.

Let's start with the appearance: what girls pay attention to when meeting

When meeting with an unfamiliar young man, the girl first of all pays attention to the appearance. Here are some helpful tips to help you make a good first impression on a woman:

  • Cleanliness, personal care. Clothing and shoes should always be clean. Do not forget also that if you wear a shirt or T-shirt, it must be ironed. In addition, you need to regularly wash your hair, cut your hair, and cut your nails.
  • Clothing size. T-shirts, shirts, and jeans that fit the wrong size are a very common mistake. If you are not sure that the size is suitable, be sure to consult the seller before buying.
  • Fashion style. If you want to make a good impression . This does not mean that you have to look like models from the glossy covers of fashion magazines. It is quite enough to immediately decide on the style of clothing and in the future adhere to it without allowing inappropriate combinations. You don't know which style suits you best. We recommend .
  • Perfume. If you use perfume, then you should give preference to well-known brands. Girls easily identify cheap fragrances by smell.
  • Posture. Beautiful posture adds a lot to attractiveness. If you have back problems, you need to go in for sports. Swimming is the best.

How to draw attention to yourself

Most people on the street go about their business focused on their thoughts. If you want to get to know each other, you first need to draw attention to yourself.

First of all, you need to be in her line of sight. The best option is to approach her from the side. You should not “sneak up” on the girl from behind or block her path. This will only scare her.

As soon as you are in the zone of her visibility, you need to "catch" her eyes and smile. That's all. She noticed you.

What can you say to get acquainted: examples of successful phrases

The ideal phrase to start a conversation is “Hi.” If the girl answered your greeting, then half the work is done and the most difficult is already behind. Now you can start communication. What to talk about? In fact, it doesn't matter that much anymore. There are no universal correct phrases that work wonders. The girl has already appreciated your appearance, the ability to behave, confidence and naturalness. She has already made a decision for herself whether she wants to continue the acquaintance and if she likes you, she will support any conversation that you start.

Here are some real examples of successful dating.

"Hey. You look very stylish. Surely you know the best places where you can sit and have a cup of coffee in peace. Any advice?"

"Hey. My name is Danil. I really liked you, I wanted to come up and talk to you ... "

"Hey. You just smiled at me so much that I even forgot where and why I was going. My name is Aleksey…"

"Hey. I saw you and immediately wanted to come up and talk. Unfortunately, I don't have any free time at all right now, but if you give me your phone number, I'll definitely call you."

For dating, you can use the props. For example, you can buy flowers or colorful balloons and give them to passing girls with the words: “Hi. You are so beautiful that I wanted to give you this flower.”

The only thing to avoid is formulaic, hackneyed phrases like: “Hello. Let me get to know you."

Here are some more videos with examples of successful dating on the street:

Interested in dating girls? Then be sure to read our article. You will find a huge amount of useful information about dating and seducing girls.

How to conquer your fear

If you are worried and nervous when meeting a girl, this is absolutely normal. But sometimes the fear of dating is so great that you can’t bring yourself to approach a girl at all, or you feel so uncomfortable that you can’t communicate normally.

There are two basic approaches to dealing with fears. They can be conditionally called "shock therapy" and "step by step."

The fastest result gives "shock therapy". The main idea of ​​this approach is that you need to "look your fear in the eye." You need to gather the strength to do what you are most afraid of. This method can be compared to jumping into cold water.

The algorithm of actions is simple: I saw a girl, threw aside all thoughts, immediately approached her and said the first thing that came to mind. This method is good because it allows you to get rid of fear very quickly. However, it requires very strong motivation and willpower. Not everyone can force themselves to do this. For such cases, the second method is more suitable.

The step-by-step approach is to achieve the goal step by step. For example, first you need to approach the girls and just ask how to get to the library or to the street. Pushkin (probably in every city there is such a street). After this does not cause any discomfort, we set ourselves a new goal - to start a conversation and compliment the girl so that she smiles. There can be many such steps. The very last step is to approach the girl, get to know her, invite her on a date and take her phone number.

A gradual movement towards the goal will take more time, but it will give an excellent result with a minimum of effort.

If you are still in doubt, then be sure to watch the video with a female point of view:

As you can see, the girls are not at all opposed to being approached and introduced to them. And they will definitely appreciate your courage and self-confidence.

free book

Do you want to know a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk about with them, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

All that is needed for a successful acquaintance on the street is a decent appearance, and a little courage and self-confidence.

This article is only for 9% of men

My parents met when they were in college. That was the way it was in their time. Grandma and Grandpa met at a dance. And it's absolutely normal that young people ask themselves questions: how and where can I meet a good girl. And for everyone the concept of "good girl" will be different.

Where is the right place to meet? We, pick-up artists, answer this question like this: anywhere! On the street, in a cafe, in public transport, in a nightclub. Good girls are everywhere, and you never know where next time you will meet the one you like.

In general, the desire to get acquainted is normal. Everyone has seen a situation a thousand times when men turned around after a spectacular beauty. And, I'm sure, he also turned around, and inside there was a desire to talk with this girl. It is a fact.

Another fact is that almost all men will turn around, but pass by. They will be shy, they will discuss with their friend that "her legs are crooked" and come to the conclusion that there is no need to approach. This is how the myth “I can meet if I want” grows stronger.

Almost all men - according to our estimates, about 90% - never approach and get acquainted on the street, in cafes, in public transport. These men are adrift, inert, and we will not be able to get through to them. One percent doesn't need our entire pickup truck. These are athletes, celebrities, handsome men. Girls stick to them themselves, they are fine with this (I'm talking about dating - when it comes to relationships, they consult with us). I want to write an article for the remaining 9% of young people who want to learn how to get acquainted and are ready to do something for this.

What kind of men do girls like?

If you ask a question on our forum: how can I meet a girl, with a probability of 99% you will receive an answer: come up and get acquainted. Those who answer you this way are trying to assert themselves, because at one time they were answered the same question in exactly the same way. They answer absolutely correctly, although not in the way that the questioners would like. But for now, a few words about why it is important to be able to meet girls.

Most men are limited to their social circle. Classmates, classmates, colleagues from work, 2-3 companies of acquaintances. And it turns out that they are in the position of the “chosen one”, since there are few girls in these companies, and even fewer of those who are liked. And if a man falls into such a position, he initially loses to a woman in a relationship. He will not be the leader, but he will be led. This is due to the lack of alternatives, many men agree to relationships because: it's more comfortable, there is regular, albeit mediocre, sex, now there is no better option, and so on, add your reason.

When you are interesting as a man to only one or two girls, you become dependent on their opinion. If not them, then who? Such uncertainty scares many, because you will need to do something, and you refuse more, being content with less.

If you don't care, close our site, you are not on the same path with us.

If you know how to get acquainted on the street, do it regularly, do not hide your desires - you are sincere with yourself. Girls feel it, they love hunters, they love winners. Yes, and it becomes more pleasant. No matter what anyone says, it is important for us to feel confident.

But how do you get to know each other? How to take the first step, what to say, how she will react. On the Internet you can find a bunch of answers to these questions, a huge number of first phrases, analyzes of various situations, examples, but this does not make it easier. After reading motivating articles, you run out of the house into the street, and it begins. The girls are not the same, the mood is not right, the clothes are bad, and indeed ...

Understand. It's really hard. And here I have two news. Good - I'll try to help you now. The bad news is that it will still be hard. And if at trainings I would say: contact our support, they will help, in the article I will tell you this: resist, but do it. But first, help.

The first and most important task

Write on paper the first phrase you say to a girl. Find it on the Internet, come up with it yourself - it doesn’t matter. Personally, I like phrases composed by structure.

<приветствие> <что ты тут делаешь> <что ты хочешь>

EXAMPLE: Hey! I'm waiting for my friends here, I just liked you, let's talk. like itlet's get acquainted.

So, learn this phrase by heart and rehearse 20 times in front of the mirror. Pay attention to your posture, smile, gestures. Make sure the phrase sounds good. You will probably miss this task, but it is extremely important. Do you want to feel comfortable when meeting? Then do not be lazy, rehearse. You must like how you pronounce it.

Now to the street. Fearfully? I'm not going to write about fears here. I don’t know exactly how you will get through to yourself: maybe you will argue with yourself or call a friend to help. I do not know. But if you want to get acquainted - start acting. Do not bring these workouts to the point of absurdity, but try to get to know each other regularly.

Even Einstein defined insanity as the performance of the same actions in the hope of a different result. So change, try something different, do something. And remember - keeping your usual way of life, not going beyond your comfort limits and only reading articles on the Internet, you will not find your love. We need to act!

There are two components in the ability to get acquainted: motivation and technology. We talked about motivation, and if you are re-reading this article not for the first time and already have experience of approaching strangers on the street, then let's talk about technology. What is important here?

It is important to understand that you are not a hundred dollar bill to please everyone. This is the favorite phrase of our coach Mikhail Shirin. Mikhail teaches mostly individually, they bring him a lot of money to learn how to communicate with girls (in particular, get acquainted). And even he has misfires. I personally saw that Mikhail was sent off. But, firstly, this rarely happens. Secondly, he does not worry much about this and continues to meet regularly. Now about you. If you make acquaintances, you will be rejected. Just take it. It may be that you will be rejected 20 times in a row, but a normal acquaintance will turn out only 21 times. And if you stop at 5 times, then there will never be a successful acquaintance.

5 rules that will increase your efficiency at times

Here are the basic rules of the approach, following which it will be easier for you to get a positive reaction from a girl:

  • When you approach a girl, do not get into her personal space - be on its border. This border is easy to find: in front of a person - an outstretched arm, on the sides - a palm, behind - growth. Therefore, if you approach a girl from the front, stop at arm's length. It's even better to approach from the side. At the same time, approach from the side where the girl does not have a handbag.
  • Before you speak, try to get your attention. Pause, look into her eyes. If she is in the player, show that you want to tell her something. The fact is that if you appear out of nowhere and immediately start talking, you will simply frighten her. Everything can be fixed, but why create unnecessary problems for yourself? The first impression is difficult to change, so try to do the right thing right away.
  • When you approach, pay attention to your posture: your back should be straight.
  • Smile, look into her eyes. A smile shows your good nature, and a look into your eyes shows confidence.
  • Gesticulate. Do not hide your hands, subconsciously they will be afraid of this. It’s also bad in pockets. If you feel that your hands “weigh with whips” and it’s not convenient for you, take them with a bottle of mineral water or a girl’s hand.
  • Speak loudly enough. If a girl is forced to ask you again, this is bad both for dating and for you as a man.

Now about your goal. Acquaintance is considered successful if she agreed to meet with you again. You usually exchange phone numbers while doing this. We will leave the simple “shooting of telephones” to other projects. Therefore, when meeting, it is important to create interest and a desire to meet, which means you need not to “squeeze out the number and dump”, but to chat. Although there are exceptions: if you are in a hurry somewhere, you can come up and say that you are in a hurry, but you saw her and could not pass by. What would be great to meet again, when no one is in a hurry and over a cup of coffee, calmly get to know each other again. This is Direct Style (direct way) - one of the types of dating.

EXAMPLE: Hello, wait. I'm here with friends and we're already wildly late, but I don't want to miss you, let's meet with you in the week, drink tea and get to know each other normally, what do you say?

The last and most important tip

Only after any answer from the girl, take out the phone and start writing down the number 8 ... 9 ...

Everything is simple. In direct style, you immediately open the cards and get the answer: either yes or no.

Psychologically, it is easier, but there is practically no opportunity to interest. Here it is extremely important to fulfill 5 signs of a man’s behavior, I will not dwell on them in detail, this is the topic of another article. For now, use the rules I wrote above.

What to communicate? Yes, about anything. It is important that you speak emotionally, tell her, ask her opinion. After you start a conversation, if you like her, offer to meet again, exchange contacts.

Please note that you can approach both directively - immediately indicate your intentions and offer to meet again - and contextually: start a conversation about something, and then translate into a question about the next meeting (this is longer, more difficult, but usually more effective) ).

But the most important thing is action. That is why the advice from the forum “come up and get acquainted” is so true. Knowing all this theory is empty garbage in your head without applying it.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. In fact, it will be harder, but this can also be dealt with, if there is a desire.

My work is over, yours has begun. You just have to go and do it all. If it doesn’t work out on your own, I can offer you our trainings. The downside for you is that the trainings cost money. The advantages are that it has been verified over the years, and we will not leave you behind until you either learn or send us and leave for those 90% that I wrote about at the beginning of the article (this also happens, but rarely) .

If you want to find the girl of your dreams, start acting. "How" is not so important, it is important - "when". Personal life is not something that should be put off until later.