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How to improve memory for an adult: effective ways. How to improve memory for an adult: tips and methods, drugs and products that optimize brain activity What will help to improve memory

Obfuscation of names? Left your phone in the car? Forgot what's on your grocery list? Or the movie you saw last weekend? You are not alone, so learn how to improve memory and brain function. Everyone loses sometimes, and it's like we're getting old. Our minds and memories don't work like they used to. But is this really true, or are there ways to improve memory? The fact is that some aspects of brain function and memory are not necessarily related to getting older.

Lifestyle choices, whether or not we implement memory enhancement techniques in daily life. This contributes to the overall health of our brain and our ability to remember both new and old information. So we need to ask ourselves: is it possible to counteract the decline in memory that is already happening? How can we improve memory?

So, we have discovered 10 tricks and strategies, so read on to improve your memory and brain function.

How to improve memory and brain function exercises

1. Full sleep

Poor sleep takes a toll on everything from your work to your day-to-day responsibilities and especially your memory. Sleep is a key time when the brain strengthens the connections between neurons, thereby helping us remember our tasks. Rule of thumb: Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Experts believe that if you are doing only one thing to improve your memory, then you need to get more sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, then drink a warm cup of milk half an hour before bedtime. Yes, this age-old cure really works, now stop staring at the ceiling and slip into sleep.

2. How to improve memory and brain function: exercise

Exercise increases your heart rate, which enters the brain, thus keeping your memory sharp. Running, swimming and cycling - any form of exercise - for at least 30 minutes helps, which is considered the brain's "memory center". In fact, physical activities that require hand or eye coordination are especially beneficial for brain development. If you don't have time for a full workout, then you need at least a 10-minute walk.

3. Multitasking - no!

Can't find your keys? Probably because you didn't pay attention when you put them on. When you buzz too many things, you are bound to forget. As it turns out, the brain doesn't actually multitask. Instead, he shifts focus from one thing to another, making it difficult to read a book and have a conversation at the same time. Multitasking will slow you down, so make sure you stay focused on the task at hand. It actually takes your brain about eight seconds to transfer some of the information into your memory. If you're on the phone and carrying groceries when you put your car keys down, then you're unlikely to remember where you left them.

4. Use of mnemonic devices

Mnemonic devices are tools that help you remember words, lists, and concepts in a more convenient way.

Acronyms: these abbreviations use a word that will help you run through memory. For example: CART could be carrots, apples, raspberries and tomatoes, which can be used to memorize your grocery list.

Rhymes: If you need to remember the name, get creative. "Maria loves cherries" or "Simon is a fireman."

Acrostics: especially, they are life savers during exams. Whenever you need to memorize a sentence, combine initial letters and use as a memory marker. For example: how we all remembered the order of the planets in childhood.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: "We All Know - Julia's Mom Sat On Pills In The Morning."

5. Organize

If your home is a mess, you are more likely to forget where your things are. Set tasks, clean your house, and write down appointments. Set aside a special place in the house to keep your keys and limit distractions. Live by your to-do lists, keep them up to date, and check those items you've completed. Physically recording new information actually helps reinforce it.

6. How to improve memory and brain function through meditation

According to a 2015 study, the brain starts shrinking in your 20s and continues to shrink in both size and volume. Meditation regularly delays cognitive decline and prevents neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It produces a positive charge in the super-dry cerebellum, which is important for memory, learning, and self-awareness. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, which can leave a memory imprint.

7. Be mentally active

Crosswords and Sudoku are your new best friend. Challenge your brain, work differently, learn a new language, read a section of the newspaper you usually skip, do something out of the ordinary. Stay connected because mentally stimulating activities help keep your brain in shape. People who are cognitively active have better memory as they age. So try it yourself, bend your brain and improve your memory.

8. Balance your stress

9. Food for thought

Did you know that the brain is a hungry energy organ? Even though it contains only 2% of body weight, the brain absorbs more than 20% of daily energy intake. So a healthy diet can be just as good for your brain as it is for your overall health. Proper nutrition may be more important than you think. After all, you are what you eat.

The brain requires a constant supply of glucose, which comes from recently eaten carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and greens. Because when glucose levels drop, it leads to confused thinking. No, this does not mean that you should only eat sweets. Instead, eat often and in small portions throughout the day. Memorable superfoods include antioxidant-rich, colorful fruits, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains that protect your brain from harmful free radicals. Choose low-fat protein sources such as fish and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, as dehydration can lead to memory loss.

Memory Improvement Products

Vitamin C and B

Vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, is associated with mental mobility. Whereas vitamin B is known to protect against age-related brain shrinkage and cognitive impairment. Eat blackcurrants, fish, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, peanuts, sesame seeds, and eggs to boost your brain power.

Nuts and seeds

A few seeds and nuts can greatly improve your memory. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc, which plays a big role in sharpening your memory.


They are a good source of omega-3s and other essential nutrients important for brain function and memory skills. Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin E. Just sprinkle them on top of a salad to give your brain a boost. Even peanuts are filled with vitamin E and a powerful antioxidant. Almonds and hazelnuts also help boost memory.


Blueberries are a prime source of substances called anthocyanins, which are brain-boosting antioxidants. Eating blueberries daily helps fight the onset of short-term memory loss. Even strawberries, when consumed regularly, can help slow age-related memory decline.

green vegetables

Broccoli, kale, greens, spinach - all green vegetables are full of iron, vitamins E, K and B9 (folate) and phytonutrients like vitamin C, which are extremely important for brain cell development. Vitamin K is known to be beneficial in cognitive enhancement and increased mental alertness.


Enriched with vitamin E, avocados are loaded with antioxidants that help maintain a healthy and alert brain. Creamy avocados have also been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's.


Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, which acts against brain cell degeneration and helps in the maintenance and production of new brain cells.

Whole grains

Whole grains are considered a powerhouse of energy and help you navigate better. When you consume fiber-rich whole grains, energy is released in the body in the form of sugar, which helps the brain function properly, keeping you alert.

A fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy brain function as well as healthy brain neurons. Include salmon, mackerel, tuna and other fish in your diet.

Red wine

Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found predominantly in red wine, has been shown to protect against cell damage and Alzheimer's disease. Thus, consuming a glass of red wine a day can actually keep memory at bay.

Today in the article you learned how to improve memory and brain function. We wish you health!

There are different types of memory. The ability to memorize various information, emotions and impressions provides the so-called. nervous or neurological memory. Often a person begins to notice that it is difficult for him to remember a phone number or someone's date of birth. If the process progresses, then you can even forget about an important meeting.

Possible causes of memory impairment

A decrease in the ability to memorize is more typical for elderly and senile people, when the disruption of brain activity is due to age-related changes. However, more and more often certain violations are recorded in young people.

There are a number of ways to significantly improve memory and brain function in general. These include regular memory training (auto-training), the use of pharmacological agents and diet correction, which involves the inclusion of certain foods in the diet. Before you start using any means that improve memory, it is important to understand the reasons that caused its violations. There is no universal methodology. Treatment methods in each case are determined by a neurologist, psychiatrist or other specialist.

Significant "gaps" in memory, as well as amnesia, require serious long-term therapy, often requiring the patient to be admitted to a hospital. With minor violations, you can improve memory at home.

Today, the main causes of memory loss that are not associated with serious diseases are:

  • chronic (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • psycho-emotional overload ();
  • bad habits;
  • improper nutrition.

How to improve memory and attention in adults without taking pills?

If problems are associated with chronic fatigue and stress, then you can often do without special pharmacological drugs that improve memory and the ability to concentrate. In such cases, first of all, proper rest and observance of the daily regimen are important. It is necessary to avoid regular lack of sleep and negative emotions. In your free time, it is recommended not to lie on the couch in front of the TV, but to train the brain by solving logical problems. note : neuroscientists recommend starting to learn a new language to improve memory. You can use such simple brain training methods as brushing your teeth with your left hand (for right-handed people), as well as orientation in the apartment blindly.

It is advisable to give preference to outdoor activities; walks in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain, which often allows you to cope with constant absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Memory can be impaired by smoking and alcohol abuse. Bad habits must be abandoned. Nicotine is a psychostimulant that helps some people focus for a while. But it causes a pronounced spasm of cerebral vessels, which most negatively affects the ability to memorize. Ethanol also has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, including cerebral blood vessels. The use of alcoholic beverages over time begins to cause real memory lapses, in which a person does not remember at all the events that occurred the day before after the onset of intoxication.

It is extremely important to watch what you eat. Violation of the basic functions of the brain is often associated with hypovitaminosis (for and vitamins PP and), iron deficiency and lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Avoid fast food: the products offered by the "fast food" chains have everything to impair memory and earn a lot of serious diseases.

Products that improve memory and brain function

If the question "how to improve memory in adults at home without the help of pills" has become relevant for you, pay attention to your diet. It must contain ordinary apples. They will help to fill the deficiency of such an important macronutrient as iron. The fruits contain compounds that protect brain cells from the negative effects of free radicals. With regular consumption of apples, the body stimulates the synthesis of neurotransmitters that are needed to improve memory. Eat more foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are present in large quantities in sea fish (including common), seeds (it is advisable to consume fresh), germinated wheat grains, virgin vegetable oils, and also in leafy vegetables (especially useful). Eat plenty of fresh tomatoes and broccoli. Fresh berries will help you improve your memory in the shortest possible time .

Important:to improve brain function is very useful, also known as the "ground pear". This root crop contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as complex carbohydrates and substances with antioxidant activity.

note: To improve memory and attention, it is preferable to use potatoes in a baked form.

Pasta made from durum wheat is also useful. Of the popular spices used in cooking, sage and rosemary are good for memory.

Important:it is necessary to observe the drinking regime, i.e. avoid dehydration (dehydration) of the body. The brain consists of more than 80% water, so the lack of fluid has a sharp negative effect on the ability to memorize and concentrate. Consumption rate - from 1.5 liters per day (for an adult).
It is recommended to drink water not ordinary tap water, but extracted from artesian wells. Mineral waters (non-carbonated) are also useful. Of the drinks, it is recommended to give preference to tea (both ordinary black and green), but it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

Drugs that improve brain function and memory

We recommend reading:

Of the vitamins that improve memory, folic acid (B9) and other compounds from group B, as well as nicotinic acid (PP), are especially important. It is recommended to start taking vitamin complexes only after prior consultation with your doctor. In some cases, you may need pills that improve memory.

The most effective and common drugs include:

Glycine is produced in the form of sublingual tablets. The active components of the drug contribute to the normalization of sleep, improve metabolism and reduce nervous tension. Aminalon stimulates brain activity, improving memory, attention and cognitive abilities.

Phenibut tablets have sedative properties. It allows you to relieve nervous tension and provide the nervous system with a good rest.

Pantogam in the form of syrup and tablets is indicated to stimulate brain activity. The drug is prescribed for epilepsy and mental disorders. Piracetam is sold in capsules as well as injectable solution. The tool significantly improves the blood supply to the brain, stimulates metabolism and promotes the accumulation of energy in the body. Phenotropil is available in tablets. The therapeutic effect is the same as that of Piracetam, but Phenotropil additionally has a psychostimulating effect. Vitrum memory, which is sold in the form of tablets, improves oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the cells of the cerebral cortex, due to increased cerebral blood flow.

How to improve a child's memory?

Memory loss in children is often due to overwork. At primary school age, it is associated with an increase in the load during the development of the compulsory school curriculum. An overload of the nervous system these days is often caused by long-term television viewing and computer games. Make sure that the child does not get tired and rests not in front of the TV, but in the fresh air with peers.

Children with memory impairments and even developmental delays are shown, in particular, the drug Intellan, which is available in the form of syrup and tablets. This remedy for stimulating brain activity can be prescribed from the age of 3 years. Aminalon (in tablets) and Pantogam (in the form of syrup) are also widely used in pediatric practice. To relieve fatigue and improve attention, children can be prescribed a combined remedy Biotredin, the active components of which are pyridoxine and L-threonine. In the body, these components are transformed into glycine, which improves metabolism in brain tissues.

Plisov Vladimir


You are not yet thirty, you are full of energy, and it seems to you that it will always be like this? Not at all, say experts from University of Virginia (University of Virginia). If you are already 27 years old, then the likelihood that your memory will continuously deteriorate is very high. And it all starts with the dulling of the cognitive (conscious) skills of the brain.

On the pages of our site you can repeatedly find advice on how to how to strengthen your memory and increase brain activity. It would seem that we already know everything about this issue. However, the information coming from different parts of the world, from various pillars of medicine, is sometimes very contradictory. And now, experts from the University of Virginia, based on the research, argue - deterioration of brain function associated with age-related changes is inevitable. The good news, according to scientists from this university, is that the negative effects of aging can be reduced.

What are the Virginia specialists based on? First of all, on the statistics obtained from the so-called Alzheimer's associations- an organization that was created to help patients with this disease and study this disease. It is reported that this Alzheimer's disease occurs every 70 seconds from someone living on our planet. This disease is the most common form of dementia in the world. Fortunately, not every person is susceptible to it, and those who are, have every chance of avoiding this disease if they listen to the following 20 tips to improve your memory.

© bairachnyi

Most studies prove that the benefits that physical exercise brings to the human brain are commensurate with the benefits that these same exercises bring to the human body. Exercises that develop the so-called cardiorespiratory endurance(usually expressed in the ability of the body to carry out long-term cyclic work), can reduce the risk of developing factors leading to Alzheimer's disease. We are talking about diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

According to experts (in this they are unanimous!) Routine daily physical exercises should become an integral part of your life. It is not necessary to toss weights for several hours in a row. Build your daily routine so that you move as much as possible. Everything is very simple - park your car, for example, at the end of the parking lot so that it takes longer to go to the exit. Take a nightly routine walk around the house, increasing their duration day by day and so on.

2. Change the picture before your eyes more often! In every sense of the word

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When you perform routine actions day by day, your brain becomes, so to speak, on autopilot. But if you just switch to some other job, so your brain starts to generate a lot of new ideas along with the new information you receive.

What can be recommended in this case? Try to arrange these mini-shake your brain as often as possible. For example, just change the picture that is in front of your eyes. You don't have to fly to Haiti for this.(Although, this is not the worst option!). If you work at a computer, install a program that will change the pictures on your desktop every day, or even every hour. Go to work and come back from work, trying to follow different routes. Brush your teeth at least occasionally with your left hand (if you are right-handed), and vice versa, with your right hand if you are left-handed. Start reading books that will make your brain think about the ideas expressed in them. and generate new ones!

© Moose

As you know, during sleep, our brain collects, sorts and stores the information that you have accumulated during the day. That's why 8 hours of sleep, after all, is so necessary for our brain every day. But sometimes only 5-10 minutes of sleep during the day can be no less effective than an eight-hour night's sleep in order to give the brain a little reboot. And according to German scientists, based on numerous experiments, 90 minutes of sleep is enough to get your brain working again over the perception, collection and accumulation of new information portions.

4. Train your photographic memory

© Dean Drobot

The properties of memory, as such, are not concentrated in any one specific point in our brain. All the data that enters our brain is accumulated and stored in different parts of it. Sometimes it is not easy to extract the necessary information from any corner of memory.. Try this exercise: to force the brain to capture for a long time some event, or a situation that is happening around you, try to photograph it, as it were. In other words, try to remember it, including all your feelings. Take a look around and pay attention to what you see. Try to remember the colors around you and even the texture of the objects around you. What smells do you smell? If you are eating, drinking (or even kissing!), try to identify the taste. This very effective trick will help you maintain a sound mind for a long time even at the most advanced age. And besides, it will let you learn to never forget, where did you throw this time, for example, car keys!

© vasiliybudarinphotos

Let's not be unfounded, but go straight to the test results. According to information received from German scientists from Wilhelm University of Westphalia (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), a group of physically healthy volunteers, with an average age of 60, ate a 12-week meal that was 30 percent lower in calories than their regular daily food. As a result all subjects increased their performance on memory tests, by 20 percent. Possible cause: a decrease in the level of insulin produced by the body during the digestion of food. Another reason is the decrease in the level of the so-called C-reactive protein, a blood plasma protein whose concentration increases with inflammation. Both factors are directly related to improving the functions of the human brain and, in particular, memory.

The participants in the experiment were given no more than 1200 calories per day. If it seems to you that cutting your daily ration to such an extent is inhuman, then try to at least limit yourself in the consumption of fats, meat and some dairy products. A year earlier, researchers from Columbia University Medical Center reported the results of a long-term study of more than 1,300 people who were adherents of the so-called mediterranean diet. We are talking about a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and so-called monounsaturated oils(e.g. olive oil). The diet almost completely excludes any fats, dairy products and even beef. All subjects who adhered to this diet for a long time showed a reduced risk of developing the so-called moderate cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Join the "What? Where? When?" club! Or just play logic games more often

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Perhaps the chances of becoming members of the international club of experts "What? Where? When?" you don’t have much, but no one can forbid you to watch this program ( and many other logical transfers) on TV, straining the brain on a par with the participants to answer the questions of the presenter. Why, you ask? Then what back in 2009 the results of research published in the journal American Geriatric Society dealing with the problems of aging showed an interesting pattern. People over 65 who used for an hour a day for eight weeks a special computer program for the development of cognitive skills improved their memory and developed attention. This was shown by tests comparing these older people with older people from another group of participants who did not work with the aforementioned computer program.

© RossHelen

Neuroscientist Gary Small, supervisor Memory & Aging Center at University of California at Los Angeles and the author of numerous studies studying the human brain and its functions at different ages, noted that using the worldwide information network Internet is somewhat reminiscent of brain training exercises. To "measure" the brain activity of the participants in the experiment when they were using a computer, the scientists used magnetic resonance imaging method. It should be noted that the participants in the experiment were from 55 to 76 years old. The subjects, when using the Internet, were on average twice as active as usual. Particular bursts of activity were observed at the moments of the need to make decisions.

© Gpoint Studio

Green and black tea have an excellent protective effect on our memory. Perhaps this is the result of the influence of drinks on certain enzymes in our brain. Caffeine is also known to increase the ability to concentrate. And middle-aged people who regularly consume moderate doses of caffeine—three to five cups of coffee a day—are at a lower risk of developing dementia later in life. Such conclusions from their studies were made by Finnish and French scientists.

Don't forget about another benefit of drinking tea and coffee: drinking a hot drink during your lunch break, or simply arranging such "tea breaks" for yourself several times a day, you reduce the likelihood of developing depression.

9. Do you already have all the signs of depression? Be sure to see a doctor!

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Very often we live for years in depression, attributing our condition to a permanently bad mood. But "permanently bad mood" is the first sign of a depressive state. And depression, if left untreated, can significantly impair your memory. Talking therapy and taking appropriate antidepressants can help resolve this issue. It must be remembered that if you suddenly lost interest in those things that you could not tear yourself away from before, and if you stopped enjoying what you once loved, then you probably have depression.

It is noteworthy that such a state as depression is most often affected by those whose ancestors suffered from this disease, and those who have been caring for the sick and the elderly for a long time.

10. Try to fully focus on one task.

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Researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles have shown that people can remember less information if their brain is busy performing several tasks at the same time. Memory is especially difficult to work if such a person is trying to master new material for him.. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, you are studying something (any material for memorization), and the radio is playing nearby. Your memory can later help you remember, or "pull" the necessary information from your brain, if you remember what melody was playing at the time of remembering this information.

Try to constantly learn something new. Use every opportunity to do this, do it regularly, even when you are doing your daily duties at work - drawing up a contract, or just making a photocopy. Try to fully focus on what you are doing., turning off all distracting sources - TV, radio. Turn off the sound notification of programs such as skype, ICQ - this will only distract you from the task.

© Syda Productions

If you do not suffer from a diabetic disease, then you just have to maintain a normal weight and eat a balanced diet in order not to be at risk of this disease. If you have type 2 diabetes ( it affects 85-90 percent of all diabetic patients), you should always strictly follow the advice of your doctor in order to regulate blood sugar levels.

Recent studies show that brain activity gradually declines as blood sugar levels rise in diabetics. This happens due to the destruction of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This process begins as soon as memory problems become apparent. Sometimes, this happens before a person is diagnosed with diabetes.

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Let's say you're trying to learn something by heart or just memorize it well. To better complete the task, periodically break away from this activity and move your eyes from side to side for 30 seconds. According to researchers from Metropolitan University (Metropolitan University)(Manchester, England), this simple exercise helps to unite the two hemispheres of the brain. When both hemispheres work in unison, it is easier for you to restore your ability to remember using your different types of memory. This happens partly due to the fact that such gymnastics for the eyes excites the visual centers of the brain, positively affecting its activity.

© RossHelen

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a diet that can guarantee anyone protection from Alzheimer's disease. But people whose diet is low in foods containing salt folic acid (folate) and vitamin B12, are more at risk of suffering in old age from the development of dementia. However, research on this topic is still ongoing. Much more is known about the memory enhancing benefits vitamin C, Chinese ginkgo(rare plant, descendant of ancient seed ferns) and vitamin E.

An excellent source of folate is lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnips, mustard greens, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and beets. There is good news for those who hate all kinds of green salads. Foods such as lentils, beef liver, beans and beans are also nutritious and healthy.

14. Short-term cessation of breathing when falling asleep - an alarm signal

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According to researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles, people suffering from sleep apnea(temporary cessation of breathing), usually have some memory problems. During sleep apnea, there is a blockage in the airways that causes people to breathe irregularly. The brain does not receive its portion of oxygen for a long time.

As known, from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome about 12 million Americans are affected. And if you also have such a syndrome, you should consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The doctor may prescribe wearing a special device to correct breathing, or a special mask. In addition, the doctor may recommend weight loss, or even prescribe an operating method of treatment.

15. Learn something truly new for you.

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If you are a Japanese puzzle fan sudoku, and it seems to you that you are already training your brain enough, you are not quite right. There is always an opportunity to master other puzzles, including Japanese ones - ken ken, kendoku, kakuro etc. But in this case, you will not be entirely right. The fact is that even the most "nimble" and inventive mind needs something absolutely different in specifics from what it can do for training. So, if you are good at puzzles and science related to numbers, try to learn, for example, a new language. Or if you are an avid gardener, take up painting - draw the same vegetables!

16. Give up cigarettes completely

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Adding something new to the call to quit smoking is very difficult. In addition, the mechanism of the link between Alzheimer's disease and smoking is not very easy to understand even for scientific minds. However, one thing is clear - in smokers, this disease begins 6-7 years earlier than in non-smokers. If this seems like a weak reason to give up cigarettes, look for other, more convincing ones. Believe me, they are more than enough.

© Jose Manuel Gelpi

Every year, more and more new researchers do not stop finding the wonderful beneficial properties of dark chocolate and do not get tired of praising its virtues! No less laudatory odes were sung to this delicious product for the fact that it has a very positive effect on human memory. However, cocoa is not a panacea. In 2007, neuroscientists announced the results of experiments on rats that were given the substance epicatechin included in plant foods. Further tests showed that this substance affects the brain no worse than chocolate. A person can get epicatechin if they regularly consume grape, different berries and drink green tea. Moreover, all this can be done with dark chocolate.

18. Keep a strict order in everything

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As mentioned above, the brain needs a certain kind of shake-up in the form of new impressions. At the same time, in order for the human brain to function, as they say, smoothly and nothing interferes with it, it is necessary a certain amount of established, familiar information. It is about order, and this order should be in everything. Put your glasses and keys always in the same place. Write yourself reminder notes that will indicate what you need to do today. Even the process of writing these notes involves the part of the brain responsible for memories. Get ready for tomorrow. For example, if you plan to take something with you to work in the morning, put it on the table in the hallway the day before - and you will not forget it in the morning.

19. Don't retire as long as possible

© Robert Kneschke

Good news for those who continue to work at a job they love even after reaching retirement age. Such people allow their brain to remain active for as long as possible., forcing him to cling to his usual way of life and for a certain strict daily routine. Any job that gives you pleasure throughout your life will keep you connected to society for as long as possible, forcing you to regularly make decisions and train your memory.

Even better when it comes to work, for example, in a museum, or in a library, where you can not only communicate regularly with a large number of people, but also constantly replenish your knowledge base new information that makes your brain work.

20. Party more often with friends

© Viktor Gladkov

The very presence of people around us throughout our lives has a positive effect on brain function, reducing the risk of developing dementia. Certainly, provided that you are surrounded by people who are pleasant to you who appreciate you and whom you respect. People who are physically isolated from other people (working alone at home), or people who are mentally isolated from other people (working in a team that is unpleasant for you) is one of the serious factors that can lead to depression. That is why all kinds of parties and receptions are so useful.

However, at these receptions another evil can lie in wait - alcohol. The data given by research on the effect of alcohol on human memory is very revealing. For example, if you drink large doses of alcohol for several years - this is a sure way to dementia. However, short-term heavy drinking can also adversely affect your memory. On the other hand, for people who consume alcohol in moderation, it has a certain beneficial effect.. For example, one study showed that people with mild cognitive impairment (mild forgetfulness that may not necessarily lead to dementia in the future) had an 85 percent reduced risk of developing dementia if they consumed no more than one glass of wine per day.

Living in the information age, a person sometimes does not have time to cope with the powerful flow of new information that is constantly updated. Life is changing so rapidly that you have to literally "grab on the fly." But what if a bad memory fails, and absent-mindedness unsettles? This issue is especially acute for adults and elderly citizens. However, you should not justify your forgetfulness with age or come to terms with the problem. There are many ways to improve memory and attention in adults and the elderly. Why not take advantage of them?

So, how to develop memory? Charging for the brain

The brain is an organ, albeit a very complex one, and it can and should be trained! It is known that people engaged in mental work retain clarity of thought longer than others. This is due precisely to the fact that they actively “moved their brains” throughout their lives, that is, they kept the body in good shape!

To understand how to improve the memory of an adult with the help of exercises, you need to understand how the human brain works with information. In a simplified form, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  • perception of information;
  • consolidation of the received data;
  • extracting the required information.

So how can you improve your memory? Charging for the brain is the conscious repetition of these actions. If you want to activate the cells of your body, choose an exercise to your taste:

  • daily memorize the quatrains of your favorite poet, repeat throughout the day;
  • do crossword puzzles instead of watching TV;
  • play "cities" - by the way, you can do without a partner;
  • choose a book to your liking and read before going to bed, and falling asleep, think about what you read;
  • play checkers and chess.

There is another unusual way to improve memory at home quickly. This method is called "blind walking". To perform the exercise, you need to blindfold and move around your own apartment to the touch. During training, when you are temporarily deprived of one of the main senses that help you navigate in space, your brain will actively get involved in the work, straining your memory and suggesting where obstacles are located on the way. It is good if a friend or relative will keep you company. Then the exercise will turn into a favorite children's blind man's game.

Do you want to know how to improve your memory fast? Daily rinsing of the mouth for 5 minutes, it turns out, has a positive effect on the blood supply to the brain! Why not include this exercise in your morning beauty ritual? And to get a double benefit, use not just water for rinsing, but, for example, an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile or calamus root, which is useful for gums.

Kind with healthy

How to develop memory and attention, children are taught from early childhood. For this, kids are arranged in circles and studios, they help them choose their favorite pastime, which someday can develop into a lifelong business. Here is the answer to the question of how to develop memory in adults! Find a hobby, but not for the sake of "tick", but for your own pleasure.

Your sincere interest in the chosen occupation is important. Let's say you've always dreamed of traveling. Of course, not everyone can afford to fly to the other side of the world on weekends, but visiting different cities of your country is an affordable hobby. And it doesn't matter whether it will be large district and regional centers or a remote province, new impressions are provided to you in any case! And that's all you're looking for! Such brain food is just right.

It's great if you also start making travel notes and photographing places you like. It is possible that you will manifest the talent of a writer or photographer. And earn more! Maybe there will be a person who will share this hobby with you, and you will be surprised at how much the perception of the world will become aggravated, memory will improve.

Whatever you choose, a hobby should have an informational component and bring you real joy.

Captain Obvious speaking!

A healthy lifestyle is everything. If active sports do not cause desire or are contraindicated, you can do without them. However, in any case, you should think about how to start moving more.

A sedentary lifestyle is not only impaired blood circulation, but also three, four (or even twenty-four!) Kilograms of unnecessary fat and a bad memory. Rare walks are oxygen starvation for the brain, therefore:

  • walk about your business, walk just for fun;
  • do exercises in the morning for at least five minutes (preferably fifteen!);
  • climb the stairs around the elevators;
  • ventilate the apartment before going to bed.

All this is of great importance when it comes to how to improve memory and brain function.

You can not ignore the fight against bad habits. Better to end them once and for all. Smoking and alcohol are poisons that not only kill brain cells, but also destroy all organs and contribute to premature aging. That's the reason for bad memory, early wrinkles, flabby muscles. And people pay for it with their own money!

The memory of an adult deteriorates not only due to age-related changes (often this is just an excuse), in many respects its condition depends on the quality of the food consumed. The abuse of salt, smoked meats, fatty and fried foods worsens the general condition of the body and has a detrimental effect on brain function.

Sugar directly affects the quality of memory, and not in the best way. In general, any “fast” carbohydrates (white flour pastries, desserts, sweet soda, fast food) are foods that cause lethargy and drowsiness. What kind of clear thinking or mindfulness are we talking about?

Answering the question of how to improve a person’s memory, nutritionists say that the following foods are good for the brain.

  • Olive, sunflower, flaxseed oils are sources of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for healthy blood circulation in the brain, which is required for its saturation with nutrients.
  • Peas, beans, lentils, corn, brown rice, buckwheat are “slow” carbohydrates (energy for the brain) and proteins (building material).
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits are vitamins, without which normal brain activity is impossible.

Carrot, beetroot, orange and pomegranate natural juices without sugar are useful for improving memory.

Time-tested tools

For people leading a healthy lifestyle, it is no secret how to improve memory with folk remedies. In the first place in terms of efficiency are bee products.

  • Honey. This product is a natural anti-aging agent and stimulator of brain cell activity. The pollen contained in it has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the organ.
  • Royal jelly contributes to the full absorption of oxygen by brain cells. The medicinal product has been successfully used in memory recovery therapy even in the elderly.
  • Dead bee strengthens the immune and vascular systems. Great prophylactic!

Bee products, consumed regularly and moderately, will help strengthen memory, increase tone, and prevent the development of diseases. It is a natural and balanced vitamin food supplement.

Bad memory is not a sentence! Take care of your health, love yourself, develop yourself, enjoy life at any age. And you will have something to remember!

Something with my memory has become .... Familiar? Yes, "here I remember - here not..." is close to almost all categories of people of all ages. Memory and attention often fail and we shake our heads sadly: What to do...?

What is memory?

Memory and problems with it

Memory- the mental form of the nervous and mental activity of a person to retain, accumulate, store and reproduce all the information that the body passes through its organs of perception.

The process of memory loss is called hypomnesia. Usually the problem occurs with age or as a result of some kind of brain disease (sclerosis of cerebral vessels, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and so on).

However, healthy and young people often complain about the weakening of memory. Here it is important not to confuse the disease with the selectivity of our memory and attention.

You noticed that when you meet, you immediately forget the named ones, this is because at this moment, we read information about the person we see. A stereotype is triggered: almost everyone is familiar to us, and the brain turns off in this direction, clinging to and dwelling on other facts. Here you should only slightly concentrate your attention on the right points.

So, if you just talked to a person and forgot his name or the address he gave, this is not a reason to run to the doctor. Often this is the ability of the brain to sort out more and less important aspects of information for us. But if, after talking with a person, and after a while you can’t remember what he asked you to talk about, you should be wary and think about treatment ...

Memory and attention test

Or another quick memory test with Schulte tables used for speed reading. Look at the table for 10 seconds. Then close it and write down the numbers you remember:

Test results:

  1. If you managed to remember 10 or more numbers, you can be congratulated, you have an excellent memory!
  2. A person with a satisfactory memory remembers 6-7 numbers.
  3. If less, the memory is reduced.

A simple and always accessible exercise is the solution of mathematical examples.

Count "in your mind" everywhere: in front of a supermarket checkout, calculating a discount from price tags for promotions, tipping in a restaurant, or considering a monthly budget - all this trains the brain.

For two minutes, try to memorize as many of the words below as you can. Then write down all the words that you remember and count. Repeat the exercise every day, follow the progress.

Causes of memory impairment

There are several reasons for memory impairment, as well as for any physiological process of the body. Here are those well-known external causes that adversely affect the general health of a person and, in particular, the weakening of memory:

  1. Bad ecology the pollution of the air we breathe. Brain cells need oxygen to function, which is becoming more and more problematic in our gassed city.
  2. Poor quality sleep, frequent manifestations, because it is in a dream that all recovery processes occur in the body. Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is especially important, which must necessarily begin before 24:00 and end at 6-8:00 in the morning.
  3. Information overload that we all experience: the Internet, radio, television. An endless stream of information suddenly falls on the brain, or the person himself clogs it with unnecessary “trash”.
  4. Psychological fatigue, nervous overload - sources of memory impairment.
  5. Many familiar banal laziness when a person, the same student, who until recently kept a lot of information in his head, after graduating, stops reading, counts with a calculator, keeps all records of cases through a notebook. The brain stopped receiving signals for memorization, it completely turns off and a person sometimes already forgets his name 🙂.
  6. Poor nutrition, deficiency, lack of natural products, eating food, in which there are a lot of preservatives, food additives, dyes.
  7. Smoking does not contribute to the quality of health, impairs memory. Moreover, it was experimentally established that people who reduced the daily number of cigarettes or quit smoking noticeably improved their memory.
  8. Age the phenomenon of memory loss, due to the difficulty of blood flow in the vessels of the brain, poor blood circulation. No matter how regrettable it may sound, but doctors consider it quite acceptable - age-related weakening of memory.

As you can see, all causes are external, not a word about genetics, so the memory given by nature , anyone can improve if they want.

How to improve memory and attention at home

Train your memory the best way to improve it.Easy, just like we train our muscles, we can exercise and focus.

Look carefully for 3-5 seconds at two or three people, turn away and ask yourself what you managed to remember: what color is the jacket of the first, the hat of the second, and how long is the hair of the third.

You are going to the Hypermarket, make a shopping list, afraid to forget. Not bad, put it in the back pocket. Walk around the hall and remember what you need to buy, and just before the checkout, check the contents of the basket with the list.
The following is a summary of the technique for improving memory I.I. Poloneichika- Head of the Center for Intelligent Technologies, recognized today most successful in the post-Soviet space. It's called the accumulation system. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Wake up your brains, change your occupation, expand your sphere of interests, hobbies. If you are interested in investing, switch to politics, culture, healthy eating, or the arts.
  • Read books, learn poetry, memorize passages of prose that are especially difficult to remember. And it is important that the poems are good, better than the classics, because our brain is very selective, but it is equally important that you like these poems.
  • Solve crosswords. It is important here that the process brings pleasure, brings joy to you, then there will be success.
  • Calculate the calendar date by day of the week and vice versa. For example, today is Wednesday, May 1st, and on Friday, in a week, what will be the date? (19!) Or what day will May 23 be?
  • Name 30 names of countries, cities, capitals of states, rivers and lakes in 30 seconds. Or think of 30 words in 30 seconds in alphabetical order. Speed ​​is very important here. Let 30 for 30 fail, but the brain will work and this will already give results.
  • It has been established that it is very important to diversify your occupation, which stimulates the establishment of new connections of nerve cells in the brain, and even causes the growth of these cells, contributing to an increase in the level of memory.
  • Remembering dreams and replaying them while awake improves brain function.

Our memory is inertial, at first you will forget about these exercises, you will be overcome by laziness, but take it under control and after two, maximum three weeks you will notice the results.

Computer games for the development of memory and attention

Well trains memory, develops thinking and attention computer games. It is important that these are not simple toys, but designed by specialists and meeting medical requirements. Such games can be found on the project. their simulators were developed jointly with scientists from Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

No less effective are the memory training methods shown in the picture below. They are more fun, which means it will be more interesting to make them. Pictures are clickable.

Acupuncture - an ancient way to improve memory

Acupuncture is a massage of biologically active points on the human body that activates blood circulation.
It is recommended to act on the following points:

"Middle of a man" (renzong point) - a point between the upper lip and nose,

“Union of a hundred” (baihui point), located on the top of the head.

"Gate of the mind" (shenmen point), at the wrist at the level of the little finger.

P alchik gymnastics for memory

Exercises with the fingers of both hands increase memory and develop intelligence. It is useful to massage the base of the thumbs.

Japanese memory exercises

Everyone knows that the Japanese are record holders in life expectancy. Japanese doctors devote a lot of time to the memory and attention of their patients and develop special techniques.

The Japanese have proven that mental counting improves memory well, children who count “in their minds” at school are much smarter and have a better memory than their peers with calculators.

So mental counting among the Japanese is recognized as the best way to improve memory. In this case, not only the brain experiences an additional load, but the memorization process also improves.

Sports and active recreation for brain activity

Do morning exercises, sports, visit a fitness center, any physical exercise enhances the metabolic process in cells, in which more oxygen enters the blood. Walk outdoors more.

Excite your memory, do not let it sleep and relax, but do not overdo it in your experiments!

Nutrition to Improve Focus

For brain function and good memory, everything is very important in the human diet.

  • , those same 1.5-2 liters (important, the very best, structured that is contained in berries, fruits, vegetables). Its quantity depends on the organism of each, and 1 liter is enough for someone. Read about how much water everyone needs at the link
  • Good supply of oxygen to the body. It is he who nourishes the brain, providing memory. And here those products that accelerate blood flow and gently stimulate blood circulation are especially important here.
  • Antioxidants will protect the brain from aging, while amino acids and carbohydrates will provide nutrition. Vitamins C, E - as the main antioxidants. group B and vitamin K, all vitamins with which plant foods are rich.
  • omega-3 fatty acids,
  • Trace elements - selenium, iodine, phosphorus.

Products for brain function and memory improvement

Nature has taken care of products that improve memory and brain function. Their list is quite extensive. So, what products can improve memory.

  • Drink blueberry juice! Previously it was called a product of vision, now it turned out that the berry has a positive effect on memory. And by the way, frozen blueberries work just as well as fresh ones.
  • Black grapes, currants are very beneficial for the brain due to the content of antioxidants.
  • Garlic improves blood circulation in the brain, just 1-2 cloves will remove forgetfulness. A slice or twig will help to avoid the smell, if you chew garlic with them.

Infused with alcohol, it perfectly enhances mental activity, improves blood circulation in the brain.

  • Nuts are leaders among products for memory and brain. Fatty acids, which are so rich in nuts, vitamins and amino acids, zinc and magnesium, develop brain activity and stimulate brain function. Especially useful for nuts in the amount of 5-7 pieces daily; It is no coincidence that they look like hemispheres of the brain.

  • Dairy products and milk due to cottage cheese,
    • containing Omega-3 acids are especially necessary for brain activity;
    • Seaweed, whose iodine maintains mental clarity and forms IQ.
    • Horseradish has a beneficial effect on improving memory, especially in combination with lemon;
    • Ginger is useful in these cases, according to the Chinese, it is simply irreplaceable. Decoctions of ginger are good: insist and drink 10 g per glass of boiling water; You can use dry powder with half a teaspoon of water. Yes, and simply, add ginger to dishes;
    • Include dried fruits, baked vegetables and fruits, stewed carrots in your diet;
    • White meat chicken in terms of improving memory is the most useful. Whoever eats little meat has an excellent memory! 🙂

    People who are too keen on diets suffer more from a lack of attention and memory, as well as those who not has breakfast.

    Herbs and plants to improve memory and brain function

    Traditional medicine in its arsenal contains a whole storehouse of recipes, using various plants available to everyone that have a beneficial effect on memory.

    • Ginkgo biloba plant - a leader in the protection of capillaries and blood vessels of the brain. Thus, it improves not only memory, but also vision, improves sleep, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and their walls, and thins the blood. On its plant basis, drugs are sold that perfectly relieve many health problems.
    • Rosemary is an aromatic herb rich in antioxidants and carnosic acid, which dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and improve memory. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary enhances memory.
    • Ginseng - the root of life, perfectly stimulates the brain.
    • Schisandra chinensis - improves tone, stimulates brain activity, promotes ingenuity.
    • Aronia chokeberry - especially helps with memory loss caused by atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

    The best drugs to improve brain function

    If, nevertheless, the above methods did not give noticeable results and your memory still does not please you, you can turn to medications that improve brain function, increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

    Ginkgo biloba- a medical preparation with natural ingredients, normalizes the state of cerebral vessels, improves mental activity and normalizes blood flow. The drug has an antioxidant effect, normalizes metabolic processes and improves blood circulation in the brain.

    Glycine- a drug with a calming, anti-stress and tranquilizing effect, relieves fear and increased anxiety, contributes to the normalization of the psycho-emotional state and improves brain function. Can be taken by adults children.

    Be always healthy, with a wonderful memory and a clear mind.