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Is it possible to drink sesame oil on an empty stomach. Sesame oil useful properties and contraindications. Benefits of sesame oil

The seeds of the sesame plant, cultivated since ancient times (more than 7,000 years ago) to this day in India, Pakistan, Central Asia, China, the Mediterranean countries, have long been used not only as a culinary seasoning, but also as a raw material for the production of famous for its medicinal and cosmetic properties of sesame oil(for example, references to the healing power of sesame seeds are found in the medical tracts of Avicenna, and in ancient Egypt, sesame oil already in 1500 BC was widely used in folk medicine). Another name for sesame is “sesame”, which in translation from the Assyrian language means “oil plant” ( the content of valuable sesame oil in sesame seeds reaches 60%).

Sesame oil, which has a lot of useful properties, is currently widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetology, is used in the pharmaceutical and baking industries, the confectionery, canning and perfume industries, in the production of solid edible fats and lubricants.

The use of sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil is obtained from sesame seeds by cold pressing. Unrefined oil made from toasted sesame seeds has a characteristic dark brown hue, rich sweet nutty taste and strong aroma (unlike light yellow sesame oil made from raw sesame seeds, which has a less pronounced taste and smell).

Fragrant, rich in nutrients, unrefined sesame oil has long been widely used as a traditional ingredient in Indian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Thai cuisines (it is worth noting that before the advent of peanut oil, it was sesame seed oil that was most often used in India for cooking ). In exotic Asian cooking, sesame oil, which is especially well combined with honey and soy sauce, is most often used in the preparation of pilaf, seafood dishes, deep-frying and oriental sweets, marinating meat and vegetables, dressing meat and vegetable salads.

Just a few drops of sesame oil can give an original taste and unique aroma to various dishes of Russian cuisine - soups, hot meat and fish dishes, mashed potatoes, cereals, cereal side dishes, gravies, pancakes, pancakes, homemade cakes. For those who find the aroma of unrefined sesame oil too intense, we recommend that you mix it with a "softer" flavor of peanut butter when using this product in your cooking.

Unlike other edible oils (camelina, mustard, avocado), unrefined sesame oil is not suitable for frying., in hot dishes, this vegetable product is recommended to be added only before serving.

Possessing a high nutritional and energy value, characterized by a high content of easily digestible fats and vegetable proteins, sesame oil can be successfully used as a component of dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Due to the high content of natural antioxidants (and in particular sesamol), sesame oil is highly resistant to oxidation and has a long shelf life.

Composition of sesame oil

Having a high nutritional value and a lot of useful properties, sesame oil is optimally balanced in terms of the content of essential amino acids necessary for the human body, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, C), macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon, iron, copper, nickel, etc.), and other valuable biologically active substances (sesamol and squalene antioxidants, phytin, phytosterols, phospholipids, etc.).

In the composition of sesame oil, the most useful fatty acids are present in almost equal proportions - polyunsaturated linoleic (omega-6)(40-46%) and monounsaturated oleic (omega-9)(38-42%) (the content of linolenic acid Omega-3 acids in sesame oil is negligible - 0.2%). The complex of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, which is part of sesame oil, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems, normalizes fat metabolism and blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of developing cancer, and also neutralizes negative impact on the human body of various kinds of harmful substances (slags, toxins, carcinogens, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals).

Sesame oil is rich antioxidant vitamins E, A and C, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, have a powerful immunostimulating effect, and also have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. In combination with the constituents of sesame oil B vitamins vitamins E, A and C contribute to the improvement of the functions of the visual apparatus, and also have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair (in this regard, sesame oil, saturated with vitamins of "youth" E, A and C, has been widely used for many centuries and various applications in cosmetology).

Sesame oil is also an excellent source of macro- and microelements necessary for the human body. In terms of the content of calcium necessary for the full development of bone and cartilage tissue, sesame oil holds the record among most food products (only 1 teaspoon of sesame oil can satisfy the body's daily need for this macronutrient) . The concentration of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron in the composition of sesame oil is also high (you can find out more about the beneficial properties of magnesium in the article "Redfish oil", and information about the benefits of zinc for the human body is given in the article "Pumpkin oil") .

Sesame oil, like other edible vegetable oils, contains phytosterols(beneficially affecting immunity, skin condition, functions of the endocrine and reproductive systems) and phospholipids(necessary for the proper functioning of the liver, brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as for better absorption of vitamins A and E by the body).

Sesame oil also contains a powerful antioxidant. squalene, which is necessary for the full synthesis of sex hormones, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthen the immune system, which has pronounced bactericidal and antifungal properties. (detailed information about the beneficial properties of squalene is given in the article "Amaranth Oil").

Useful properties of sesame oil and its use in the prevention and treatment of various diseases

Sesame oil, which has a wide range of therapeutic effects (anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound healing, analgesic, immunostimulating, antihelminthic, laxative, diuretic properties) has long been used in many countries of the world, not only as a valuable food product, but also as an effective traditional medicine. In particular, it is sesame oil that is quite often mentioned in Ayurveda (the doctrine of traditional methods of ancient Indian medicine) as “warming”, “hot and spicy”, “oppressive mucus and wind”, “strengthening the body”, “removing poisons and toxins from the body” , "nourishing the heart" and "soothing the mind" natural remedy for many diseases.

The benefits of sesame oil for the digestive system. Neutralizing the increased acidity of gastric juice, bringing relief from intestinal colic, having anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, laxative and anthelmintic effects, helping to eliminate erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (due to the “wound healing” vitamins A and E, squalene, phospholipids ) sesame oil can be used in the prevention and complex treatment of constipation, gastritis with high acidity, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, pancreatic diseases, helminthiasis. Due to the high content of phospholipids and phytosterols, which stimulate the process of bile formation and bile secretion, restoring the normal structure of the liver, sesame oil can also be introduced into the diet for the prevention of cholelithiasis and used in the complex therapy of such diseases as fatty degeneration of the liver, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis. In the section, you will learn about the various ways of using sesame oil in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Sesame oil - for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Sesame oil contains a complex of substances that nourish and strengthen the heart muscle, increase the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, normalize blood pressure levels (among such substances are vitamin E, vitamin C, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, calcium, phytosterols, phospholipids, squalene, sesamin). In this regard, the introduction of sesame oil into the daily diet is an effective prevention and a useful component of the complex treatment of such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart attack, stroke. Regular use of sesame oil, which helps to increase blood platelet levels, is also especially useful for people suffering from diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, Werlhof's disease, essential thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura.

Sesame oil is a useful product for people of mental labor. Sesame oil is rich in substances necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system, and in particular, for the normal and coordinated activity of the brain (such substances include phospholipids, essential amino acids, zinc, phosphorus, B vitamins). Therefore, this herbal product, which has a high nutritional and energy value, is useful in the daily diet for intense mental stress, frequent stress, memory impairment, attention disorder. Regular consumption of sesame oil rich in Omega-9 oleic acid is effective prevention of such serious diseases as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Sedative and antidepressant properties of sesame oil. Due to the high content of magnesium, B vitamins, polyunsaturated acids and the antioxidant sesamolin sesame oil perfectly calms the nervous system, protecting it from the negative influence of psycho-emotional stress. Regular consumption of sesame oil helps to eliminate insomnia, apathy, depression, increased irritability and fatigue. Massage with sesame oil contributes to a pleasant relaxation of tense muscles of the face and body.

The benefits of sesame oil for women's health. Sesame oil is optimally balanced in terms of the content of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functions of the endocrine and female reproductive system (among them are Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids, phytosterols with an estrogen-like effect, vitamin E, squalene, zinc, B vitamins, phospholipids). Therefore, regular use of sesame oil can bring tangible benefits to women experiencing physiological and psycho-emotional discomfort in the premenstrual or menopause. And besides, sesame oil, rich in vitamin E, necessary for proper embryonic development and full lactation, can rightfully take its rightful place. in the daily diet of a pregnant or lactating woman.

The introduction of sesame oil into the daily diet will also bring tangible benefits in:

  • Diabetes and obesity(sesame oil, containing in its composition a number of substances involved in the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas (sesamine, manganese, magnesium, zinc, Omega-9 oleic acid, etc.), normalizes metabolism, contributing to the effective "burning" of fat deposits in overweight ).
  • Diseases of bones, joints, teeth(possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, rich in calcium, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C, necessary for the proper development, functioning and restoration of cartilage, bone and dental tissue, sesame oil can be successfully used in the prevention and complex treatment of various injuries of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis).
  • anemia(sesame oil prevents the development of anemia, because it is rich in substances involved in the process of hematopoiesis - iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, phospholipids,)
  • Respiratory diseases(sesame oil is an effective traditional medicine for eliminating dryness of the nasal mucosa, as well as for the complex treatment of ENT diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, dry cough).
  • Diseases of the urinary system(Sesame oil, which has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, is very useful to introduce into the diet for diseases such as urolithiasis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis).
  • Diseases of the organs of vision(sesame oil contains a high content of vitamins A and C, B vitamins, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese - substances that improve the functioning of the organs of vision. You can learn more about the effect of these substances on the functional state of the visual apparatus from the article “Eye Balm "Dragon Eye Blueberry").
  • Diseases of the male genital area(sesame oil contains a complex of substances (vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, squalene, phytosterols) that improve erection, the process of spermatogenesis and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland).

Regular consumption of sesame oil, which has powerful antioxidant and immunostimulating properties (thanks to its vitamins E, A, C, squalene, sesamol, phospholipids, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids) is an excellent prevention of various cancers.

Sesame oil can also be successfully used as an ingredient in sports nutrition.(This muscle-building herbal product is often used by bodybuilders in their daily diet).

How to use sesame oil

For children, the daily dose of sesame oil should be:

At the age of 1 to 3 years - 3-5 drops;

At the age of 3 to 6 years - 5-10 drops;

At the age of 10 to 14 years - 1 teaspoon.

A detailed description of the various methods of home therapeutic, prophylactic and cosmetic use of sesame oil is given in the sections "Medicinal recipes based on sesame oil" and "Cosmetic recipes based on sesame oil".

Contraindications to the use of sesame oil

Individual intolerance to sesame oil. People suffering from increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, varicose veins should consult a doctor before using sesame oil.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life: 2 years

Storage conditions: store in a dark and cool place. After the first use, sesame oil should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed bottle.

Popular goods:

Other edible oils

Translated from the Assyrian "sesame" is translated as "oil plant". In Europe, this plant is better known as sesame, and is famous not only for seeds with a specific taste, but also for oil, which, when cold pressed, has a pleasant taste and a pronounced aroma. When pressed with heat, the intensity of the smell decreases, but sweet nutty notes appear in it.

Ayurvedic followers of ancient Indian medicine are very fond of sesame oil, who are sure that this product is most suitable for people with a pronounced vata dosha (lean and mobile, like the wind).

Composition and useful properties for the body

It is used in traditional and folk medicine. Calorie content - 884 kcal / 100 g. Ingredients:

Such a composition determines the following properties:

  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • wound healing;
  • antioxidant.

Due to its medicinal properties in many countries of the world, the product is used as food and as an effective remedy.

Its regular use heals all systems:

Methods of use

It is convenient to use natural sesame oil - this is a ready-made remedy, which, unlike many others, does not need to be mixed, brewed, insisted with anything.

For diseases it is used in 0.5–1 tbsp. spoon a day, preferably in the morning.

Since this is a folk remedy that does not require accuracy in taking up to a milligram, the dose is selected individually when monitoring well-being.

In cooking it is used in dishes that do not require heating, as it has a low smoke point.

It is forbidden to fry anything in sesame oil.

It's perfect as a salad dressing. If the nutty flavor seems too pronounced, then it can be softened by mixing with another vegetable oil.


Oil is considered a harmless product, but is it really useful? Yet some safety measures should not be neglected when taking, because properties that improve the state in one case may worsen it in another:

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Therapeutic use, indications for use

Massage with sesame oil well warms up the body, relaxes the muscles. The product penetrates well into the skin, cleansing and nourishing it, moisturizing, stopping aging. During the massage, metabolic products are removed.

To improve sleep before going to bed, massage your feet with a little sesame oil.

Warming properties help with a cold. If you rub the chest area, then recovery will go faster during pneumonia, flu, acute respiratory infections, dry cough will be relieved.

If you take the oil inside on an empty stomach, strengthen bones and teeth, the body will begin to rejuvenate, gradually get rid of existing diseases and prevent the development of new ones.

The portion of the drunk oil can be within from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon. The dose is selected individually according to well-being.

The Chinese daily rinse the mouth with sesame seed oil for 3 minutes in the morning. This contributes to the removal of harmful substances used by the body during the night, in parallel the gums are strengthened, and the teeth become more resistant to acids, the sensitivity of taste receptors increases.

And the effect of weight loss will be insignificant due to the removal of toxins, fecal deposits, excess fluid from the body. Waste will go away, but not fat.

As part of complex therapy, these qualities will be a good help in the fight against excess weight and in cleansing the body.

What is the benefit of oil for women? Its healing qualities are used in cosmetology, for example, for skin care.

The ability of sesame oil to penetrate deep into the skin helps in body and hair care.

The skin is moisturized, blood circulation improves, oxygen saturation increases, the skin surface is cleansed of dead cells, regenerates faster. Removes inflammation, peeling, irritation. A cotton swab dipped in oil successfully replaces makeup remover.

The benefits of oil for women also lie in hair care: it is enough to rub a little warm oil into the scalp once a week for half an hour, then wash it off with a neutral shampoo. This will add shine to the hair, strengthen the roots, improve the condition of the scalp.

Selection and storage

Although this product has a nutty smell, it has a much longer shelf life. The active natural substance sesamol in the composition of the oil is a powerful antioxidant that ensures high durability of the product. It has been successfully preserved for 8 years, without worsening its composition, does not go rancid.

But such an effect is possible only with a 100% product, prepared by cold pressing technology. For storage, glass or ceramic tightly closed dishes and a cool place without light are suitable.

If the product is manufactured using a technology that preserves all useful substances and vitamins, the bottle should indicate:

  • unrefined;
  • made by the method of the first cold pressing;
  • not deodorized.

A small amount of sediment is allowed in the product.

Seeds for pressing can be used raw or roasted. They make the oil darker. It is more commonly used in cooking. A product made from unroasted raw materials is applicable for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes, although their composition and effect are approximately the same, and there are differences only in color, smell and taste.

For more about the benefits, harms and healing properties of the oil, how to take it, see this video:

Sesame oil is a wonderful product, which brings great health benefits, removes toxins, normalizes metabolism, puts joints in order, helps athletes in shaping the body, sick people in treatment, and healthy people in disease prevention.

But in everything you need to know the measure and not overdo it with portions, the average size of which should be 2-3 teaspoons. The main thing is not quantity, but regularity.

In contact with

Sesame oil, which is also called sesame oil (sesame has a second name "sesame"), was previously considered a delicacy. It was known in antiquity and is still very popular in India, China, Pakistan, etc., not only due to its taste, but also medicinal properties. In Europe, sesame oil is usually used as a flavor additive, without even suspecting that it has a lot of useful properties.

Sesame seeds and the oil obtained from them contain vitamins A, D, E, K, C, some B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and other trace elements, as well as a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and many other natural chemical compounds useful for the body.

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

This oil is very useful for the cardiovascular system due to the fact that the substances contained in it normalize cholesterol metabolism, improve blood properties, and also strengthen the heart muscle and vascular wall. It is recommended for use in diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and atherosclerosis. Of course, the use of sesame seed oil is useful not only in the treatment of these diseases, but also for their prevention.

It is very useful to diversify the diet with sesame oil for diseases of the digestive system, especially such as colitis, gastritis with high acidity,. It has a mild laxative effect and helps to naturally cleanse the intestines. Sesame seed oil stimulates the formation and separation of bile, has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps restore its structure in hepatitis and fatty degeneration.

I would especially like to note the beneficial properties of sesame oil for malnutrition, not only for obesity, but also for exhaustion of the body. Even in the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, a lot of attention was paid to sesame oil as a means of cleansing the body, getting rid of excess weight and building muscle mass. Indeed, this oil helps to remove from the body not only toxins, but also salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, so it was considered an effective remedy for poisoning. Due to the substance sesamin, which is contained in large quantities in sesame oil, fat metabolism is normalized and the process of fat burning is stimulated. However, do not forget about the calorie content of the oil: there are almost 900 kcal per 100 g, so you should not abuse it.

This product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain due to its high content of phospholipids, antioxidants and many other compounds. In the presence of sesame oil in the human diet, brain activity, memory and concentration of attention improve, it is much easier for the body to cope with nervous strain, fatigue and depression. To prevent age-related changes in the nervous system, it is enough to periodically add sesame oil to food, this will help reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and other nervous diseases.

Sesame oil can also bring invaluable benefits to the human musculoskeletal system. Due to the high content of calcium, as well as phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin C, this product helps in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints and bones, and it can not only be consumed as a dietary supplement, but also used externally to massage the diseased area. Sesame oil is useful during periods when the body needs more calcium and vitamins than usual, for example, pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents during the period of active skeletal growth.

Sesame seed oil is also useful for immunity, it has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects. This product helps to maintain the youthfulness of the body, prevents premature aging of cells, and also has an antitumor effect. With its regular use, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. With dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, sesame oil can be applied externally.

Sesame oil is useful for the genital area in both women and men. Women centuries ago used it for painful menstruation, to relieve premenstrual syndrome and manifestations of menopause. In addition, its intake in food contributes to the prevention of mastopathy. It is no less useful to add this vegetable oil to the diet of men, since the complex of substances included in its composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate, improves erectile function and stimulates the process of spermatogenesis.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is not as popular as, for example,. However, it is no less useful for the skin, because it nourishes, moisturizes it, improves local blood circulation, has a regenerating effect and protects against ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil can also be used for oily skin, as it helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. Sesame seed oil helps to strengthen weakened brittle hair, especially after dyeing, it can be used in the complex treatment of seborrhea. This oil is rarely used for cosmetic purposes in its pure form, usually a few drops are added to other components of the masks.

Harm of sesame oil

The use of sesame oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to sesame - although very rarely, an allergy to sesame seed still happens.

Sesame oil contains substances that improve blood clotting, so it is not recommended to eat it for people suffering from diseases with increased blood clotting and thrombosis. Therefore, you should abandon this product when taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

It is not recommended to add oil to food while taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, as well as to use it in conjunction with products containing oxalic acid. This can lead to impaired absorption of calcium, accumulation in the body and the formation of kidney and bladder stones. Recall that oxalic acid is found in the greatest amount in sorrel and rhubarb, so you should not add sesame oil to them.

Pregnant women should not abuse sesame oil, it is enough to add 1-2 teaspoons of oil to food several times a week.

Sesame oil is rarely used specifically for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to add it to the diet as a natural healthy product and a means of preventing diseases. It should not be consumed in large quantities, it is enough to include 1-2 teaspoons in your daily diet, you can take it not every day. Children over 2-3 years old can add a few drops of this product to meals a couple of times a week, teenagers over 10 years old are allowed to use 1 teaspoon of oil per day.

How to choose sesame oil?

On sale you can see two types of sesame oil: light and dark. Light oil is obtained by cold direct pressing from raw sesame seeds. It has a less pronounced taste and aroma than dark. If you want to add such a healthy product as sesame oil to your diet, but its aroma and taste are not pleasant to you, then you should choose light oil.

Dark sesame oil is made from roasted sesame seeds. It is considered more concentrated, has a very pronounced pleasant aroma and taste, which is not lost even when added to other products with a strong odor. Such oil is not suitable for heat treatment, and it is not cheap, so it is customary to use it for dressing salads and other cold dishes.

Both types of sesame oil have the same beneficial properties, however, it should be recalled that in order for the body to receive real benefits from their use, vegetable oils should not be subjected to heat treatment. When frying or stewing, the oil becomes not only useless, but even harmful to health.

Sesame seeds, cultivated from ancient times (7 thousand years ago) to the present day in Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Mediterranean countries, China, are used not only as a seasoning, but also as a raw material for the production of oil. The first mention of the healing power of these seeds are found in the tracts of Avicenna, and in Egypt, the oil from them already in 1500 BC was used in medicine. Another name for the plant is sesame", which is translated from Assyrian as" oil plant”(in seeds, the content of valuable oil reaches 60 percent).

Possessing a mass of medicinal properties, sesame oil today finds the widest application in medicine and cosmetology recipes, is used in baking and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, it can often be found in the perfumery and canning, confectionery industry, in the production of various lubricants and hard fats.

How to choose

When choosing an oil, make sure that it is unrefined and made using the 1st cold pressing method. This product can have both a dark and lightish color - it depends on the grain from which the oil was pressed. A small sediment at the bottom of the container indicates the naturalness of the oil.

How to store

Shelf life of oil is 2 years. But remember that after opening the bottle and contact with air, this term decreases dramatically. Therefore, try to choose oil in a small bottle.

It is recommended to store sesame oil in a cool and dark place. After the first use, the product should be put in the refrigerator, tightly closing the bottle.

In cooking

Sesame oil is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. The unrefined toasted seed oil has a beautiful dark brown color, rich sweet nutty taste and strong smell (unlike light sesame oil from raw seeds, which has a less pronounced taste and aroma).

Aromatic unrefined oil, saturated with useful substances, has been used since ancient times as an ingredient in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian and Thai cuisines (before the advent of peanut butter, sesame seeds were more often used in food in India). In exotic Asian cuisine, sesame oil, which is successfully combined with soy sauce and honey, is most often used in the preparation of seafood dishes, deep-fried dishes, pilaf and sweets, pickling vegetables and meat, dressing a variety of salads.

Just a couple of drops of sesame oil can give an original taste and unique aroma to Ukrainian and Russian cuisine dishes - first, hot fish and meat dishes, mashed potatoes, cereals and various cereal side dishes, pancakes, gravies, pancakes, pastries. For those who find the aroma of unrefined oil too intense, this product can be mixed with a "softer" flavor of peanut butter for culinary use.

Unlike other edible oils (mustard, camelina, avocado), unrefined sesame oil is not at all suitable for frying. So, it is advised to add it to any hot dishes only before serving.

Due to the high content of antioxidants (including sesamol), sesame oil has good resistance to oxidation and has a long shelf life.


The calorie content of the oil reaches 884 kcal. But at the same time, having a high energy and nutritional value, sesame oil with a very high content of vegetable proteins, as well as fats that can be easily digested, is successfully used as a component of dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of sesame oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Having a very high nutritional value and a storehouse of useful properties, sesame seed oil is well balanced in terms of the content of essential amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, macro- and microelements and other biologically active substances (phytin, antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, etc.).

The composition of the oil contains almost equal proportions of essential fatty acids - polyunsaturated Omega-6 (40-45%) and monounsaturated Omega-9 (38-43%). At the same time, the content of Omega-3 in sesame oil is very small - 0.2%. The omega-6 and 9 oils included in the composition help to improve the functioning of the sexual, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, normalize sugar levels and fat metabolism, and strengthen immunity. They also help reduce the risk of developing cancer, neutralize the negative impact on the body of various harmful substances (toxins, toxins, carcinogens, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides).

Sesame oil contains many antioxidant vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels, have a powerful immunostimulating effect, have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. In combination with vitamins B, vitamins E, C and A help to improve the functioning of the visual apparatus, have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair.

Sesame oil is an excellent source of essential macro and micronutrients. According to the content of calcium necessary for the full development of cartilage and bone tissue, this oil is a real champion among other food products. So, a teaspoon of sesame oil satisfies the daily need for calcium. The concentration of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc in the composition of sesame oil is high.

Sesame oil contains phytosterols, which have a beneficial effect on the skin condition, immunity, reproductive and endocrine systems, and phospholipids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as for good absorption of vitamins E and A.

Useful sesame oil also contains the most powerful antioxidant squalene, which is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, which helps to strengthen the immune system and lower cholesterol levels, which has pronounced antifungal and bactericidal properties.

Useful and medicinal properties

Sesame oil has a fairly wide range of healing effects, including anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, bactericidal, antihelminthic, immunostimulating, laxative, diuretic properties. It has been used since ancient times not only as a food product, but also as an effective means of traditional medicine. So, it is sesame oil that is often mentioned in Ayurveda as “warming”, “oppressive mucus and wind”, “hot and spicy”, “strengthening the body”, “calming the mind”, “removing toxins”, “nourishing the heart” and a natural remedy for many ailments.

Sesame oil helps to quickly neutralize high acidity, brings relief from colic, has anti-inflammatory, laxative, anthelmintic and bactericidal effects, helps to eliminate all kinds of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is used in the prevention and treatment of gastritis with high acidity, constipation, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, pancreatic diseases, helminthiasis. Due to the content of phytosterols and phospholipids, which stimulate the process of bile formation, restore the structure of the liver, oil can be introduced into the diet for the prevention of cholelithiasis and used in the treatment of such ailments as fatty biliary dyskinesia, liver dystrophy, hepatitis.

Sesame oil is extremely beneficial for the health of blood vessels and the heart. The oil contains a complex of substances that strengthen and nourish the heart muscle, increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and normalize the level of pressure. In this regard, oil should be introduced into the daily diet as an effective means of prevention and a useful component in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary diseases, arrhythmias, tachycardia, heart attacks and strokes. Regular use of this product, which increases the content of platelets in the blood, is especially useful for those who suffer from diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis, Werlhof's disease, hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, essential thrombocytopenia.

Sesame oil is considered a useful product for people of mental labor. This product is rich in substances necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. Therefore, sesame seed oil, which has a high energy and nutritional value, is useful to use daily with intense mental stress, memory impairment, constant stress, attention disorder. Also, the constant use of oil rich in Omega-9 is the prevention of such ailments as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Sesame oil also has sedative and antidepressant properties. Due to the content of magnesium, vitamins B, sesamolin and polyunsaturated acids, this product calms the nervous system, protects it from the negative effects of stress. Regular use of oil will help eliminate apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue and irritability. Massage with this oil helps to relax tense muscles.

Also, sesame oil is balanced in terms of the content of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functions of the female reproductive system. Therefore, its use may benefit women who experience discomfort before menstruation or menopause. Also rich in vitamin E, sesame oil is necessary for the proper development of the embryo and full lactation, so it can take its rightful place in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

The introduction of sesame oil into the diet will bring considerable benefits in diabetes and obesity, since it contains substances involved in the synthesis of insulin, as well as the ability to normalize metabolism, effectively "burning" body fat with excess body weight.

Sesame oil is also useful for diseases of the joints, bones, teeth due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They ensure the proper development, functioning and rapid restoration of dental cartilage and bone tissues. Therefore, sesame oil is used in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis.

It will help to take sesame oil for anemia, as it is rich in substances that are involved in the process of hematopoiesis - manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, phospholipids, zinc.

Sesame oil is also effective in respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and dry cough. It also helps to eliminate dryness of the nasal mucosa.

It is advised to use this oil for diseases of the urinary system, such as urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Diseases of the organs of vision can also be treated with sesame oil.

And for men, this product is useful in that it improves not only erection, but can also establish the process of spermatogenesis and favorably affect the functioning of the prostate gland.

The constant use of oil is an excellent prevention of various cancers.

Sesame oil can be successfully used as a component of sports nutrition.

For children, the dose of sesame oil is:

  • 3-5 drops for babies 1-3 years old;
  • 6-10 drops for 3-6 year olds;
  • 1 tsp for a child 10-14 years old.

Use in cosmetology

Possessing wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and important immunostimulatory properties, sesame oil is a common remedy for treating various dermatological diseases and various skin lesions and improving skin condition.

This oil can penetrate deep into the skin and contribute to its nutrition, excellent softening and moisturizing. The biochemical components of the product, which promote the synthesis of collagen, give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Also, sesame seed oil helps maintain the normal water-lipid balance of the skin and restore the protective functions of the epidermis.

The product perfectly cleanses the surface of the skin from dead cells, dirt and harmful substances and promotes the most rapid skin regeneration.

With bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, and an excellent source of zinc, the oil is useful for acne, skin irritations accompanied by flaking, redness or inflammation.

Sesame oil is able to prevent premature aging of the skin, including that associated with hormonal disorders or exposure to sunlight. This oil contains sesamol, which absorbs UV radiation, and substances that contribute to the normalization of hormonal balance.

Due to its properties, sesame oil is used in cosmetology as a basic component for creams, lotions, balms, masks for the care of dry, aging, flaky and sensitive skin of the hands, face and neck, eyelid skin creams, lip balms.

You can use this oil as an integral component of all kinds of cosmetics for oily skin, as it can normalize the sebaceous glands.

Sesame oil is used both as an ingredient in sunscreen cosmetics and as a base oil for aromatherapy. So, it is best combined with essential oils of lemon, myrrh, bergamot, frankincense, geranium, etc.

Rich in "anti-stress" magnesium, well relaxing facial muscles, sesame oil is an effective tool for relaxing massage.

It is also used as a stabilizing antioxidant for other base oils because of its good oxidation stability this product is often used with fast oxidizing oils. For example, almond oil increases oxidation stability when combined with sesame oil by 28%.

This oil is also suitable as a means for caring for children's skin, for removing makeup and gently cleansing the skin, for caring for nails. The external use of this oil in the form of baths promotes nail growth and prevents their delamination and brittleness. In addition, due to the antifungal properties, sesame oil is used in the treatment of nail fungus.

Sesame oil is also a very effective remedy for hair loss and brittleness and an excellent regenerating and nourishing component in masks for colored or damaged hair. Normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, this herbal product is very useful in the treatment of seborrhea.

Dangerous properties of sesame oil

People with a tendency to thrombosis, increased blood clotting, varicose veins should consult a doctor before using sesame seed oil. Of course, you can not use it with individual intolerance to this herbal product.

Sesame (sesame) oil is an ancient healing agent used by healers since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. It was even included in the Ebers papyrus, compiled by the strongest healers of Egypt in the 16th century BC! It was also used in China, and in India, and in Japan ... However, why was it used? Sesame oil is still successfully used by many Eastern healers today. For this product allows you to achieve such results that are difficult to achieve or completely unattainable by means of orthodox Western medicine.

However, as we already know, sesame seed oil has not only medicinal properties, but also excellent culinary characteristics (taste, smell, calorie content). And our ancestors, of course, also noticed this. After all, if they guessed how to make wine from sesame (and in one of the Assyrian myths, the ancient gods even started creating the world only after they drank sesame wine), then they learned to get sesame oil at least not later.

By the way, sesame oil has a much greater potential for long-term storage than the seeds themselves. With proper storage, it does not oxidize and retains all its properties for up to 9 years! Seeds, as a rule, are stored for no more than a year. After that, they become rancid and it is highly undesirable to eat them.

The chemical composition of sesame oil: the content of calcium and other minerals

The benefits and harms of sesame oil, as well as all its culinary virtues, depend entirely on its chemical composition.

It is generally accepted that the chemical composition of sesame oil contains a lot of all sorts of micro and macro elements (especially calcium), vitamins and even proteins. So this is all nonsense! In fact, there are not even hints of minerals and proteins in the composition of sesame oil. And of the vitamins, there is only vitamin E, and even then not in a “fabulous”, but in a very modest amount: according to various sources - from 9 to 55% of the daily intake.

In all likelihood, this confusion is due to the fact that sesame oil is often referred to as a paste of sesame seeds, which actually contains everything the same as whole seeds (with minor losses). Nothing but fatty acids, esters and vitamin E passes into the oil. Therefore, to the question: “How much calcium is in sesame oil?” there can be only one answer: there is no calcium in sesame oil at all. And hoping to cover the body's daily need for calcium with 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil (as some "experts" promise) is simply pointless.

If we consider the fat composition of sesame oil, we get the following picture:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids (mainly linoleic): about 42%
  • Omega-9 fatty acids (mainly oleic): about 40%
  • Saturated fatty acids (palmic, stearic, arachidic): about 14%
  • All other components, including lignans (not just fatty acids): about 4%

We have indicated approximate values ​​because the composition of each particular bottle of sesame oil depends on the content of fatty acids in it, which in turn depends on dozens of factors (soil, storage conditions, weather, etc.).

Calorie content of sesame oil: 899 kcal per 100 grams.

What is useful sesame oil?

First of all, I would like to note lignans (sesamin, sesamol and sesamolin), due to which sesame oil oxidizes very slowly under natural conditions and behaves more stably during heat treatment. But this is not the benefit we wanted to talk about. The main advantage of lignans, which are part of sesame oil, is their estrogenic activity, as well as the ability to fight cancer cells (they have a powerful antioxidant effect).

The presence of lignans in sesame oil suggests that people who regularly consume it significantly reduce the risk of prostate, breast and reproductive system cancer. Moreover, more recently, scientists have discovered that sesame oil helps to treat any type of cancer, including melanoma.

You can often hear recommendations for the use of sesame oil for weight loss. Do they have a right to exist? They definitely have, because sesame oil is actively involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism in the body, which ultimately directly affects body weight. In addition, including sesame oil in your diet, you thereby eliminate the causes of overeating (it saturates and nourishes the body well).

On the other hand, if you add sesame oil to a salad, pour it over a side dish, bake meat with it, and then, to be sure, decide in addition to drink a spoon or two of this wonderful remedy, then additional grams will definitely appear on your sides, stomach and buttocks. and even kilograms. In doing so, you will greatly harm your body as a whole.

The benefits of sesame oil for mature and elderly women are obvious (mainly due to lignans). After all, even a small amount of this product helps to normalize hormonal levels and alleviate the condition of women suffering from hot flashes.

Useful sesame oil during pregnancy and lactation. For during these periods, the woman's body experiences an increased need for vegetable fats, and sesame oil helps to satisfy it. Moreover, the effect of sesame oil will be visible both with internal and external use. Because the nutrition of skin cells occurs on both sides. If there are not enough vegetable oils in the diet, then stretch marks will inevitably appear on the woman’s chest and stomach.

Speaking about pregnant and lactating women, we should probably mention children, but there are no specific features of the effect of sesame oil on children. And the fact that vegetable fats are necessary for normal development and growth, in our opinion, is obvious. It should be borne in mind that the needs of children for oils are minimal, and it is very easy to overdo it. "Overdose" is fraught with a rash and irritation on the skin.

Clinically proven that sesame oil:

  • slows down the aging of body cells (especially skin cells, hair and nails)
  • reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation
  • improves blood clotting (especially important for patients with hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombopenia, etc.)
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure and prevents spasms of cerebral vessels
  • lowers bad cholesterol (low density) and helps the body get rid of plaque in the blood vessels
  • enhances blood supply to all parts of the brain, thereby increasing its ability to memorize and reproduce information
  • helps to recover from physical and mental stress
  • has a slight laxative effect, cleanses the human digestive system of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals
  • stimulates the formation and release of bile
  • eliminates dysfunctions of the liver and pancreas, stimulates digestion, and also protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the negative effects of digestive juices and harmful substances that get inside with food

In addition, sesame oil increases the absorption of vitamins that come with food. Therefore, with hypovitaminosis, you should eat more vegetable salads richly seasoned with sesame oil.

But what is useful sesame oil from the point of view of traditional medicine:

  • raises immunity
  • helps to treat lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis)
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • strengthens teeth and gums, reduces pain and eliminates inflammation in the mouth

Sesame oil also has other medicinal properties, but their disclosure requires the external use of this product. Our article is limited to the use of sesame oil inside.

How to take sesame oil?

Traditional medicine gives many recommendations in this regard. Moreover, here, as elsewhere: how many recipes, so many opinions. Therefore, let's leave the subtleties of taking sesame oil to healers and healers, and here we formulate the main ideas regarding the use of sesame oil:

  • To obtain a therapeutic effect, you should take sesame oil on an empty stomach.
  • Sesame oil should not be too much. Two or three spoons a day (depending on age and build) is the maximum.
  • The total amount of fat that enters your body per day should not exceed 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. If there are so many fats in the diet, then a certain amount of animal fats should be excluded to take sesame oil.

Harm of sesame oil and contraindications to its use

Sesame oil helps to increase the level of blood clotting. It also does not tolerate long-term heat treatment (carcinogens are formed, and in the end, healthy oil will turn into a decorative coating like drying oil).

In this regard, contraindications to the use of sesame oil are as follows:

  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis
  • individual intolerance (including sesame)
  • tendency to thrombosis
  • increased blood clotting

With a tendency to allergic reactions, sesame oil should be tried with extreme care, gradually increasing volumes.

If you have any doubts about the benefits and harms of sesame oil, as well as about folk recipes that include this component, be sure to contact your doctor or family doctor. This way you will avoid unnecessary nervousness and possible health problems.

Sesame oil in Ayurveda

There are often statements on the net like this: “Ayurveda recommends drinking sesame oil in the morning in order to be healthy and never die.” However, they have nothing to do with reality. Because Ayurveda treatment involves a very individual approach to each specific case.

For example, Ayurveda recommends using sesame oil only for people with a predominant Vata dosha (and even then no more than 1 tablespoon per day). For those who have Kapha or Pitta as their predominant dosha, taking sesame oil orally is strongly discouraged.

At the same time, for cosmetic purposes (externally), sesame oil can be used by everyone. True, people like Pitta and Kapha do it better with caution and not often.

How to choose and how to store sesame oil?

Sesame oil is made from raw, roasted and roasted seeds.

Raw-pressed sesame oil is the lightest and most delicate of all. Has a light nutty aroma.

The most intense taste and aroma has oil pressed from roasted sesame seeds.

The benefits and harms of various types of sesame oil are approximately the same. The differences relate mainly to taste and smell. So, only you can determine which sesame oil is best for you, focusing on your own feelings.

In fairness, we note that there is also refined sesame oil, but it is not even worth considering seriously. Because there are much cheaper and equally safe options for "tasteless" oils suitable for frying.

It is better to store sesame oil in a dark, cool place in a well-corked glass or ceramic container.

The use of sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil is a must have where Asian dishes are prepared at least occasionally. Spicy Chinese appetizers, seafood salads, pickled vegetables, meat, meat salads, deep-fried foods and even oriental sweets - all this goes well with sesame oil, which, in turn, perfectly "gets along" with honey and soy sauce.

If the taste of sesame oil is too rich for your dish, then it can be mixed with any other vegetable oils. As a rule, oriental culinary masters recommend mixing it with peanut butter, because it is softer than sesame oil in all respects.

And once again: do not fry in sesame oil - take care of your health!