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The benefits and harms of spices. Useful properties of spices: contraindications, benefits and harms. How to use ginger

Let's remember the words of the famous saying about do not spoil porridge with butter (learn here about)... But what about spices and all kinds of seasonings? Today we will talk about them.

Are spices and seasonings useful for the body and human health in general, or is it better to minimize their use?

Types of spices and seasonings

First of all, you need to know that all spices and seasonings are either natural, or chemically based, or mixed.

natural spices

chemical seasonings

chemical seasonings in their composition include exclusively chemical components, various emulsifiers, dyes, flavors.

mixed condiments

Mixed type of seasonings and spices is an assortment of natural and chemical components.

The benefits of spices

Why are spices needed? This is a completely logical question that requires an answer, of interest to many. Professional chefs will immediately rush to answer you that it is with the help of these herbs and powders that you can not only improve the taste of the cooked dish, but also change its appearance, the main color of the ingredients, and give it a unique aroma that will tease the olfactory receptors and call “well rather, taste and try this dish ”…

Also, seasonings and spices are used as preservatives that can save the housewife's stocks for the winter from rotting and fermentation. For example, star anise is indispensable in the preparation of jam, as it improves the smell and makes the berries fragrant - it defeats fungus and mold. In addition, natural spices contain a sufficient amount of useful substances, minerals and vitamins. And some of them, in addition to their culinary properties to improve the visual and taste of cooked food, also have real medicinal properties and are actively used by non-traditional medicine to treat various diseases.

spice treatment

Harm of chemical seasonings

With such chemical spices and seasonings and mixed options, not everything is as cloudless as it might seem at first glance. Of course, both taste and color and aroma are present, and even in a more intense and rich consistency, but with benefit - quite justified doubts arise here.

These artificial products include sodium glutamine– food additive or neurotoxic substance use, which entails the occurrence of a number of adverse reactions, even in an exceptionally healthy human body. This is obesity, vision problems, brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease. Glutamic acid, which is part of such chemical derivatives and gives them the aroma and taste of meat products - no less dangerous, especially for susceptible people. Hydrolyzed protein- a derivative of the same glutamine with all the ensuing health consequences.

We rarely associate a dinner generously seasoned with spices and seasonings of chemical origin with sudden diarrhea, and even anaphylactic shock. However, there is a connection between this, and the most direct.

Therefore, really if you season porridge with spices, then only natural and natural origin. Then, there will be more benefits for the body. But even here it is necessary to observe a sense of proportion, since the taste and aroma depend not on how many spices we put, but also on our knowledge and ability to use them correctly.

Who among us does not like to eat deliciously or pamper our loved ones with a new, original dish. But have you ever wondered what makes dishes so diverse and makes them take on all sorts of flavors, although the ingredients remain virtually unchanged. Of course, these are spices, without which no housewife and no chef can do. Since ancient times, spices have been used in cooking and have been highly valued. Especially popular, both before and now, are oriental spices, which have a spicy aroma and give the products a great taste. There are several types of spices - these are prepared from natural products and synthetic. Today we will talk about natural spices that can have a positive effect on the body. But spices, like any other food additives, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. This topic worries many, so now we have to figure out whether it is worth eating spices and how dangerous they can be to health.

The benefits of spices

The first advantage of spices, which is simply impossible not to mention, is their effect on the taste of dishes and their aroma. It's no secret that even the simplest and seemingly banal products can turn into a real culinary masterpiece that deserves admiration. To date, there are specially designed combinations of various spices that harmonize as much as possible with certain products. Seasonings for fish, meat, chicken, soup, pilaf, roast, etc., which contain various herbs and dried fruits, are all very popular and are probably in every kitchen. Some chefs prepare their own spicy mixtures, combining individual seasonings, and using them to create incredibly tasty and unique dishes. Properly selected spices can reveal the taste of the product so much that after skillful preparation it will become a real delicacy and will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmets.

But the ability to change the taste of products and make dishes complete and refined is not the only plus of spices. They can affect not only products, but also your body. When used correctly, spices will only change it in a positive way and will have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. Each of the types of seasonings and spices has its own benefits and affects the body in different ways, so it is recommended to use them in combination in order to get a greater effect.

Among all the properties, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the ability of some spices to fight cancer. Scientists from many countries have proven that a substance called curcumin, contained in spices, prevents the development of cancer cells and blocks biochemical chains, thus preventing cancer. Naturally, this substance is not a universal cure for cancer, but its use during radiation, chemotherapy and after operations brings positive results and alleviates negative consequences.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the positive effect of spices on the state of the cardiovascular system. They accelerate blood circulation and improve blood supply to all organs. The use of spices with fatty foods will not only make it tastier, but also lower the level of cholesterol in your body, which will positively affect its work and eliminate the likelihood of blood clots. Some spices have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and can relieve nervous tension, fear, anxiety and depression. Spices containing the substance capsaicin in their composition speed up the metabolism and remove toxins from the body. Chili, black pepper and ginger have this effect. Their regular use in small quantities normalizes metabolism, and can also get rid of extra pounds. Therefore, during the preparation of fatty or high-calorie foods, it is recommended to give preference to these seasonings. In addition, spices can make you feel full. If you do not want to eat a lot, then before the main meal, eat some spicy snacks. Ginger can also be attributed to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents that help to cope with colds and viruses. Therefore, with flu and colds, you should not run to the pharmacy for medicines and pills, but simply drink tea with ginger, honey and lemon, and in a few hours you will notice significant changes for the better.

Another advantage of spices is that they contain a large number of various antioxidants that can prolong youth and beauty. No wonder spices become the main ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics. So, for example, cinnamon is a part of skin care products, tonic and anti-cellulite preparations. It contains antioxidants and tannins that can reduce subcutaneous fat deposits and increase skin elasticity, which, in turn, helps to effectively fight cellulite. Cosmetics with turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is part of the cleansing and nourishing products for the care of problem skin.

Ginger enhances the regenerative ability of the skin, it is often one of the main components of cosmetics for mature skin. In addition, ginger regulates the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, reduces the number of black spots on the face, relieves stretch marks on the body, normalizes the water balance of the skin, improves its tone and promotes weight loss. Hot pepper, due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals contained in it, is used in various areas of cosmetology. It is part of tonic creams, shampoos and hair masks, as well as anti-cellulite products.

Harm of spices

Unfortunately, spices and seasonings can have not only positive, but also negative effects on our body. Basically, the harm of spices is associated with their excessive use and with the presence of any chronic diseases, so you need to use spices in the cooking process very carefully and not overdo it when using them.

Here are some of the warnings you need to know to protect yourself from unwanted consequences. People suffering from hypertension and hypotension are strongly advised not to abuse salt and hot spices. They retain fluid in the body, thereby causing an increase in blood pressure. Red and black pepper will have a negative effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract in those who suffer from gastritis or gastric diseases. Also, with such diseases, it is not recommended to eat mustard, horseradish and garlic. In large quantities, bay leaf can be fatal for people with kidney, liver and heart diseases, and it should not be used by pregnant women, as the substances in its composition reduce blood clotting. With excessive use of nutmeg, even a healthy person may experience headache, dizziness, nausea and loss of consciousness. We should also not forget about the individual intolerance of some spices, so if you have any chronic diseases or allergies, you should consult a doctor who will make the most suitable and safe diet for you.

Remember that spices are only beneficial when used in moderation. Do not abuse spices during cooking and do not use spices when preparing food for children. Only then will spices become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen and make the dishes incredibly tasty, increase your appetite and improve your health. Try to use only natural spices and avoid synthetic additives, which often have a detrimental effect on the body and cause various diseases.

Ekaterina Makhnonosova
for women's magazine site

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Now it is quite difficult to imagine any cuisine of the world, where food would not be flavored with all kinds of seasonings or spices. Yes, and each of us has at least black and red pepper in the kitchen. Good housewives have at least a dozen different fragrant jars-bottles.

But often, chasing taste sensations, we don’t even think about whether this or that seasoning will bring benefit or harm to our body.

But spices not only saturate the taste with pleasant notes, but also affect the functioning of the body and the well-being of a person as a whole. Absolutely every spice or seasoning has its own unique properties. But few people know about it. And in general, few will be able to distinguish seasoning from spice. And that matters too.

So, let's sort it out in order.

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Who is who, or how to distinguish seasonings from spices?

At a minimum, seasonings and spices differ in that the former mainly affect taste buds, while the latter, on the contrary, olfactory and occasionally thermal. However, you need to understand that even when the food is already in your mouth, you get most of the pleasant sensations from the olfactory receptors. Remember how tasteless food becomes with a stuffy nose?

Spices should be added to food according to certain calculations. You can not allow an overabundance of spices - it will spoil the taste. In small quantities, spices will not even be noticeable in your dish. Therefore, you need to look for the golden mean.

With spices, the situation is also very interesting. As a rule, seasonings in their pure form practically do not exist. Most of them are prepared according to a special recipe in combination with other seasonings or spices. Therefore, seasonings are divided into vegetable (their units) and chemical.

So, seasonings include mustard, horseradish, vinegar, tomato paste and even mayonnaise. Bay leaf, cloves, pepper and cinnamon are already spices. And “spices” is what unites them, the common name for spices and seasonings.

What are the main benefits of spices?

The history of spices is deeply rooted in history. Useful properties of seasonings and spices were noticed by ancient healers. They found that spices promote better digestion of food, and in addition, they kill bacteria and prevent the processes of decay in the body. But one important nuance is that spices will bring benefits only with their moderate use.

Spices differ in their composition. Interestingly, nature has enriched some of them with vitamins.

So, just a pinch of seasoning can positively affect the functioning of the body as a whole, in particular, digestion, as well as the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Spices also accelerate the movement of enzymes, absorb impurities in the cells and contribute to the speedy removal of toxins from the body.

Interestingly, most of the useful spices are quite exotic and not easy to find. But there are also useful seasonings and spices among those familiar to us. We have compiled a list of the 10 most useful and at the same time the most affordable spices.

10 healthiest spices

1. Black pepper

Behind the scenes, black pepper is called the "king of spices". He received this title due to his popularity. So something, and black pepper is definitely found in every home. And no wonder people loved him so much. This spice gives not only interesting notes to the dish, but also has many useful properties.

In particular, black pepper stimulates the digestive processes and has a great effect on the stomach. Black pepper also has a positive effect on blood circulation. Also, the "king of spices" prevents the formation of blood clots, removes toxins and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Moreover, black pepper is useful both in its whole form and in the ground. Black peppercorns are added to broths, pickles and even some meat dishes. Ground also appears in meat products, and in addition, in various sauces and soups, adding spice and fragrant aroma to the dish.

2. Cinnamon

It is a natural metabolic catalyst. So it is recommended to all losing weight. But in addition to its "magic" weight loss properties, cinnamon has other equally useful properties. So, the components that make up cinnamon help reduce blood glucose and cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and also produce cartilage lubrication.

In addition, cinnamon disinfects and kills fungi. The most common use of cinnamon is baking and confectionery. But you can also find cinnamon in some sauces. And by diluting tea or coffee with cinnamon, you can plunge into the world of the East.

3. Paprika

A real find for men, because it enhances potency. Paprika also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If you feel any discomfort in the stomach, then paprika will help eliminate cramps, gas formation and flatulence. Paprika also has a positive effect on blood circulation - it thins the blood, improves its outflow to tissues and organs, and in addition, it prevents the formation of blood clots.

Paprika goes well with cheese, seafood, fish and meat. There are several types of paprika that have found their way into Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, Indian and Mexican cuisines.

4. Ginger

Nature has given man one cure for many diseases. And this, oddly enough, ginger. Ginger root acts simultaneously as an antispasmodic, analgesic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, ginger root is an excellent prevention for women's health. The use of ginger prevents infertility, relieves the tone of the uterus, increases libido. Pregnant girls are also recommended to use ginger - so during toxicosis there will be less nausea.

And ginger soothes and relieves fatigue. It goes well with meat and seafood (no wonder sushi is always served with ginger). Very unusual notes appear in tea with ginger root.

5. Garlic

Garlic is popularly called the "killer of microbes and bacteria." It's true, garlic is an excellent cure for colds. And both fresh and dried. Interestingly, garlic also helps lower blood sugar levels, reduces blood clotting, and even fights tumor cells.

Ideally, garlic feels itself in borscht, aspic, all kinds of meat dishes and assorted vegetables.

6. Bay leaf

This is an excellent pain reliever. Bay leaf also relieves inflammation, prevents decomposition, decay and fermentation. The beneficial properties of bay leaf were noticed by ancient people. In ancient times, it was used as a cure for rheumatism, dysentery and diabetes. Bay leaf is also a good remedy for calming the nervous system.

“Lavrushechka for aroma” is added to almost any dish. It is hard to imagine your favorite soup, vegetable stew or stew without the addition of bay leaf.

7. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is especially good for the treatment of male ailments - it helps to cope with impotence and uncontrolled ejaculation. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Useful nutmeg in all forms.

It can be found in all sorts of sauces and ketchups. Nutmeg adds spice to them. And in minced meat, meat pastries, sausages and fish, nutmeg reveals new flavor notes. Muscat will give a pleasant aroma to pastries, desserts and alcoholic cocktails.

8. Carnation

The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium with a burning taste and peculiar aroma are known as cloves. Since ancient times, cloves have found their place in cooking and have become a favorite spice in many cuisines of the world. She was found not only a rich addition to food, but also an excellent cure for many ailments. Even the ancient Chinese chewed cloves to get rid of bacteria and, in addition, to get rid of bad breath. Carnation also has a positive effect on the nervous system - it calms, relieves tension and irritability, fatigue and fatigue. In addition, cloves increase appetite and the production of digestive juices.

In crushed form, cloves can be found in hot meat dishes, minced meat and broths. In general, cloves are an excellent addition to preservation and all kinds of marinades. Clove gives interesting taste sensations in combination with cinnamon in desserts.

9. Turmeric

You can meet turmeric mainly, as mentioned above, in Indian cuisine - this is, first of all, chicken meat, vegetables and legumes, as well as various sauces and broths.

10. Coriander

An excellent remedy for calming the nervous system. This was noticed by Hippocrates, who was the first to use coriander as a cure for epilepsy. Coriander is able to relieve tension and calm the tantrum. But this is not the only useful property of coriander root. It eliminates liver congestion, accelerates regeneration processes, tones the heart muscles and blood vessels, and in addition, improves appetite.

The best companions of coriander are fish and meat, mushrooms and vegetables. Often coriander is added to all kinds of marinades. And the seeds are supplied with alcoholic beverages and even pastries. This gives the dishes a special flavor and interesting notes. Remember the taste of Borodino bread? Coriander plays a very important note in it.

Can spices be harmful?

Like any medicine, spices also have contraindications. But also do not forget about the "dosage". Seasonings and spices are useful only when used in moderation. The key word here is "moderate". If one pinch of spices is good for the body, then two may already be redundant. It is important to understand that it is better not to get carried away with spices.

  • This is especially important when working with nutmeg. The consequences are not the most favorable - headache and hallucinations.
  • Ginger may cause bleeding.
  • Cloves are contraindicated in pregnant women, because it increases muscle tone, and in pregnant women - uterine tone, which can be fraught with negative consequences up to miscarriage.
  • Turmeric should be taken with caution by patients with hemophilia and those who often complain of low blood pressure.
  • Coriander can disrupt the menstrual cycle in women, so ladies should also be especially careful about its use.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and paprika are harmful to those who have problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as patients with pancreatitis.

But do not forget that any dish can become bright if you know the secret of seasoning. Try to add only healthy spices to your dishes. So the food will be both tasty and healthy.

Allspice ... They can not only make the dish more tasty, but also healthy. However, not always. The benefits and harms of seasonings are a topic of concern to many.

Here, for example, salt, which is in almost every home. It is impossible not to salt the roast or poultry, any side dish or soup. And it's not only delicious. The benefits of spices have been proven for a long time. Salt is the main supplier of chlorine and sodium to the body. Black pepper provides unbearable help to the stomach when digesting food, and bay leaf improves immunity.

But why do many people talk about the harm of spices? The thing is that the benefits of seasonings are manifested only with their moderate use. There are also some contraindications for their use. Salty foods, for example, are not recommended for hypertensive patients - salt retains fluid in the body, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. is not recommended for people with kidney, heart, liver diseases, and even pregnant women, and an abundance of spicy food will inevitably lead to stomach problems. And even despite the fact that all of the listed products are natural, the harm of spices in this category is obvious.

And therefore, it is not in vain that the benefits and harms of seasonings haunt many. At the same time, seasonings can have both a beneficial effect on the body and a detrimental one. And in order to avoid the latter, in the presence of any chronic diseases and other health abnormalities, it is necessary to consult with doctors regarding your diet.

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Just as any medicine can become poison if the dose is violated, so any, even the most useful product in large quantities, can turn out to be harmful. And spices are no exception, writes AiF.

Initially, in the distant Middle Ages, spices served a rather unsightly purpose: to hide the smell and improve the taste of a product that began to deteriorate - for example, meat.

Later, under the strict guidance of the court cooks, all this plant wealth was streamlined and the so-called haute cuisine appeared, where even cheap herbs were not put in a bunch in the pan, if only it smelled stronger and sharper, but they were carefully added in small quantities and in the right proportions to obtain various flavors. and their combinations, especially since the most valuable spices were delivered from afar, and therefore were worth their weight in gold.

Nowadays, even the most exotic seasonings such as star anise and saffron, not to mention dried parsley and dill, can be bought separately and in any desired quantity, but the trend of our time is ready-made packaged mixtures.

“Seasoning for fish”, “Spices for meat”, “Mix for pilaf”, “Hmeli-suneli”, “Provencal herbs” and other vague inscriptions cover, as a rule, porridge-malash from dried and crushed plants, various types of sweet and spicy pepper, ground coriander seeds and other spices, piled in a heap. It is rare that anyone thinks about the detailed composition of the contents of the bag, and it’s not customary to worry about the proportions of the ingredients at all even in the case of separate use of herbs.

Dangerous utilities

Any spices must be handled carefully and in no case should you overdo it: many of them in large doses are simply harmful.

For example, the well-known clove in large quantities can cause severe drowsiness, as it is a real sedative.

Nutmeg and cinnamon, widely used in baking, when abused, can bring a person to convulsions and convulsions, and juniper, tinctures from which are the pride of many housewives, significantly hits the kidneys.

Rosemary, known for its anti-aging properties, is not recommended during pregnancy, as it causes uterine contractions, which means it can provoke preterm labor.

A sprig of sage contains a lot of useful substances - it is not for nothing that the Latin name of this plant - "salvia" - comes from the word "salus", that is, "health".

But it also needs to be handled with care: sage oil contains the active toxin monoterpin, which in large quantities can cause tachycardia, convulsions and even hallucinations.

Peppermint fans, make sure you don't have gastritis or even an ulcer: your favorite plant, which has a huge amount of healing properties, can increase inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Its second minus: in small doses, mint not only calms, but causes lethargy, while a large amount of this plant can cause insomnia and overexcitation, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. So mint tea before bedtime is not the right choice if you approached its preparation without pharmaceutical scales.

In the case of saffron, you should also scrupulously adhere to the amount of this seasoning recommended on the label or in the recipe, otherwise there is a risk of severe poisoning. Five grams of saffron causes vomiting, a sharp decline in strength, as well as bleeding and various hemorrhagic troubles, and ten grams of this spice is enough to provoke a miscarriage at almost any time. At the same time, in small doses, saffron, which is widely used in cooking, is absolutely harmless.
