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Candle magic: rituals and rituals of candle magic. The benefits of wax candles: creating a favorable aura Passionate candle what to do with it

A love spell on a red candle is very strong and can connect the destinies of two people for centuries. After all, candles are conductors to the other world and work just like a gate to mysticism, they attract the close attention of supernatural and dark forces.

Need to know!

It must be borne in mind that such love spells are mostly based on black magic, and not on light magic, so you should think about the consequences of these rituals. Therefore, you need to choose materials for rituals very carefully and carefully, be sure to tune in to a positive result and not let gloomy thoughts into your soul.

It is possible to pay off dark forces during a love spell, in order to then reduce the influence of negativity and save yourself and your chosen one from unpleasant consequences in the future. Where to buy a red candle for the ritual? To do this, it is better to use the services of specialized stores in order to exclude the influence of someone else's energy.

fire element

Fire is one of the most powerful components of the Universe. In all types of esotericism, he is one of the four world elements. Fire can destroy all living things on the way, but it is also able to warm, cleanse and make any person think, to plunge into the spiritual world. Also, fire has a very strong energy, so it is often used in mystical rituals and rituals.

Love spell on a red candle and its fiery amplification

Love rituals often involve the use of red lit candles, because with their help you can significantly enhance the mystical and magical effect that helps to attract love into a person’s life.
When performing an independent ritual using red candles, you need to know that a person invokes a fiery and very strong element, which significantly increases the magic of words. You need to think carefully, and then perform the ritual with great care and attentiveness so as not to confuse anything. It is best if, before the ritual, a person turns to a professional and receives the necessary advice.

Ceremony with a red candle

You can independently make a love spell with a red candle. First you need to purchase two candles, and then carve the names of the bewitching and beloved person on them. Then you should light them and say the following:

"The candles burn brightly,
Two hearts will connect
The candles are burning
Hearts connect
Candle with a candle
We are with you forever."

When pronouncing these words, you need to connect two candles together and burn them with a flame with each other, then extinguish them and put them together. If they stick together tightly, then the rite will work very strongly, so it's worth trying. The chosen one will immediately begin to be interested in the bewitching.
It is necessary to store candles very carefully and consider them a symbol of love and fidelity. Well, if it suddenly turns out that the chosen one has cooled down a bit, then it is worth repeating the ritual.
Another love spell is intended only for its implementation on days that are considered male. You need to wait for the full moon, completely undress, and then take a red wax candle in your hands. You need to drive it over your own body and say:

"The candle burns with fire,
Glowing with love,
I'm beautiful and he knows it
He will burn himself out of longing,
Let him come and want me."

Fire makes magic very strong, so the chosen one will receive the maximum amount of energy from the bewitching one and will begin to think only about him, inflame with passion and love. It is also recommended that you give the chosen one a candle cinder to hold or throw it in his pocket or bag, into the room, so that the cinder is at a close distance from a loved one and gives him the necessary energy message.

Red tones of passion

There is another love spell for a red candle, but here you will need to directly turn to the dark forces. It is imperative to prepare a ransom in front of them, so that later you do not have to regret what you have done. It is best to take a few coins and smear them with your own blood. After the candles burn out and wax forms on them, it is necessary to glue the money together. After the ritual, you need to hide the coins in the ground in a deserted place.

The spell is performed on the full moon at midnight. You need to write the names of yourself and the bewitched on red candles, and draw rings intertwined with each other a little lower. Next, you need to light candles and bring your hand to the fire in order to clearly feel its warmth. You should constantly imagine the image of the chosen one and think only about him and about what kind of life awaits him. The main thing is to forget about all extraneous emotions, imagine passionate nights with your loved one and life with him. All this will help to make the result better and more efficient. You need to touch the candles, and then say the words:

"Passionate candles, red candles,
Quench my thirst
I wish he was always with me
To kiss your feet and hug tightly,
So that everything burns in it with candle fire,
Forever and ever, Amen!”

Love spell on a red candle and its consequences

A love spell on a red candle is fiery, therefore its action flares up instantly. The feelings of the chosen one arise unexpectedly and are not subject to control, he begins to literally go crazy with passion. All this can happen over several years. If real affection and feelings arose between partners in the process, then negative consequences may pass. Well, if this did not happen, then people will definitely disperse. It is impossible to attract fire magic several times for a love spell of the chosen one.

A mixture of piety and superstition

Thursday candle (four, passionate, terrible candle, gospel fire) - a candle endowed with special properties, lit on Maundy Thursday in the church at the evening service, consisting of Thursday evening and Good Friday matins, during the reading of 12 Gospels. The Orthodox Church sees in it a sign of the ardent love of believers for the Savior.

Among the people, the light of this candle was considered holy. At the end of the service, the candle was not extinguished, everyone carried it home burning. They believed that if the candle went out, misfortune would happen to a person, and the one who brought the light to the house intact would live quietly until the next year. To protect from the wind, the candle was sometimes surrounded by a paper lantern in red, yellow or orange. At home, they first lit a lampada from it, and then they put crosses on the matitsa with soot or smoke, above the front door and windows, "so that the grace of the Lord does not fade in the house." With a candle in his hands, the owner walked around the house, yard, barn, looking into every dark corner, illuminating it. Bypassing with a candle and baptism were designed to protect the household and family from the evil eye and evil spirits, to reinforce and redefine the boundaries of the inner space, inaccessible to evil spirits, to protect it from the dangerous influences of the outside world at a time when the border between the otherworldly and real worlds was revealed.
The greatest magical power was attributed to a candle, which was lit during the church service not only on Thursday, but also on Friday when the shroud was taken out, as well as on the morning of Bright Sunday (Easter). The stub of the candle was kept all year, on the next Maundy Thursday, firewood was set on fire in the oven in the morning from it. It was lit in front of the icons in the morning on the day of the first pasture. They blessed the young with a passionate candle, lit it during a fire and big thunderstorms to protect the house from lightning, during difficult births or during illness, they gave it to the hands of those suffering from pain to ease the torment. For the same purpose, the patient was given water to drink, which was poured over the cinder of a candle. But if no means helped, and the patient was dying, the stub of the candle was lit when the soul began to fly away.

In the Perm province, in order to protect livestock from misfortunes and get a good offspring from it, with the cinder of a Thursday candle, they saw him off on Yegoriev's day for the first time to the pasture. In some places, the peasants believed that on Midsummer Night, with the cinder of this candle, you can get a fern flower and an invisibility hat, with which you can become rich. The water that was poured over the candle was also used as a love spell. If the husband did not love his wife or husband's wife, Perm peasants advised him or her to drink this water.

Cold Vera Georgievna
Ethnographical museum

It should be understood that attributing magical properties to the Thursday candle is superstition and runs counter to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, according to which help and healing is given not through some magical actions, but through prayer and turning to God, with a willingness to accept His will, whatever it may be .

At the same time, the pious custom of treating with special trepidation the fire of a candle that burned during the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels, bringing it home and lighting household lamps from it does not contain anything bad.

Candles have a certain mystery and mystery. They have been used from time immemorial in various rituals, they played the role of symbols and made it possible to comprehend the truths of distant worlds. Candle magic is an art that is associated with natural phenomena.

Everyone knows the custom - on a birthday, we blow out candles on a birthday cake, while making cherished wishes. The sincere performance of this magical action affects the level of communication with cosmic forces. The stronger your faith, the sooner you will feel the result. Thus, we use candle magic without even knowing it.

The magic of candles does not require long preparation or training. Literally everyone can resort to it and take advantage of the effect. Its peculiarity is the fact that during the ritual it is necessary to have several candles, pure thoughts and faith in its effectiveness. That's all.

The choice of candles in stores is varied. Candle magic is most effective if you use ordinary candles that are easy to find at any time. We are accustomed to lighting them when the electricity suddenly cuts off. Church candles also establish a good connection with the Universe. They are initially charged with powerful positive energy.

Remember one very important point: candles must be brand new. Those that have already been lit (even briefly) carry a certain amount of information that will spoil the entire ritual process. Used candles give vibrations to the Cosmos and can no longer fulfill your desires. The magic of candles has power only with the complete purity and transparency of the rite.

Handmade candles are imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you know how to sculpt them yourself, prepare a few for candle magic. So you will receive a powerful energy charge that will fill you with confidence in the realization of any dream.

The magic of candles in rituals

The process of "dressing" is an important detail in establishing a person's contact with the outside world. We can say that candle magic is based on the relationship of our air vibrations and vibrations with the vibrations of the Universe. It is “dressing” that helps psychologically establish such a dialogue.

The essence of the process consists in the following steps. Prepare natural butter. Any will do: sunflower, olive, burdock, etc. Then take a candle. Mentally determine that the top of it is the North, and the bottom is the South. Oil the top of the candle first, then the bottom.

While dressing, focus your thoughts on the process. You must fully feel every detail, feel the softness of the wax and the tenderness of the oil. Use your inner sensations to charge the candle with your vibrations.

The simplest ritual with a candle for the fulfillment of a wish

Take a regular blank sheet of white paper. Use a ballpoint pen or ink (not a pencil) to write your wish. Think over and write down all the details. For example, if you want a car, describe the make, model, color. Next, light a candle. Bring the twisted sheet close to the fire, draw the entire surface along the tongue of flame. This will allow the candle to read your wish. While the paper is burning, brightly draw images of your dreams, concentrate on it. When only ash remains instead of a leaf, let the candle burn out completely.

Candle color magic

Each color carries its own unique meaning and has its own unique vibration. Different colors have different effects on our lives. That is why you should carefully select the appropriate color for the candle.

Candle magic loves to prepare well and thoroughly for the ritual. This is the only way the Universe will see that you are serious.

If your relative or close friend is very sick, and you decide to use candle magic to help him overcome the illness, you can do it yourself.

The strength of the ritual will not suffer from this at all. You just need to use the symbol of the presence of another person. This will make an additional candle. You are required to know exactly the date and year of birth of the patient. This fact is important, since different signs of the Zodiac and their elements have different symbolic colors.

Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) prefer red and orange colors, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will suit cold shades - blue, purple or blue, earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are associated with green or black, air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) - with yellow or silver.

  • Red candles are directly related to magical rituals for love. They allow you to be filled with passion, energy, courage. The magic of candles helps to overcome the fear of starting a relationship, to renew past feelings, to gain strength to recreate a family.
  • Using orange candles you can absolutely turn your life around. Candle magic will help build confidence, and as a result, you will achieve everything you want. This is a new position, and a successful business, and the fight against the disease.
  • If you lack the respect of others, take pink candles. They will fill you with an energy charge, sensuality. With the help of pink candles, you yourself will become softer, stop being nervous and upset over trifles. The soul will be cleansed of excess garbage, and only peace and freshness will remain in thoughts.
  • Purple candles will lead to successful business, business development and wise decisions. Thanks to such candles, you can get the ancient knowledge of the ancestors, which contains many secrets of nature and our existence.
  • The golden color is associated with victory, so golden candles will reveal special energy flows that are useful for developing strength and masculinity.
  • Yellow candles are used for rituals that expand knowledge, help to assimilate new material, and develop creativity. The magic of candles will reveal all the secret sources of intellectual resources.
  • Rites with brown candles connect our mind with natural processes. They will help you overcome financial problems.
  • To get calm, strong body, healthy thoughts, use blue candles. Blue ones have the same effect. Candle magic will pacify your mind.
  • Indigo has long been considered a magical color, so it can stop time. Thanks to this color, you can easily immerse yourself in a meditative state.
  • Green candles in rituals contribute to personal growth, climbing the career ladder, and increasing financial well-being. This color is directly related to nature.
  • Silver-colored candles provide stability, build relationships, help to come to a compromise. If you decide to play sports, they will help improve your physical fitness.
  • With the help of black color, you can give away all the negative energy of the universe. Such candles easily absorb serious diseases, banish evil from life and destroy all life's obstacles.
  • White candles are associated with cleanliness and order. They fill us with sincerity, wisdom and truth.

Fire is very sensitive and reproduces all energy flows passing through it. That is why the tongue of the candle flame is important during the ritual. So:

  • If the fire is swaying all the time, it means that the Universe is reacting intensely to your desire.
  • The flame is even and calm - all the details of the ceremony are fully consistent with the rules. You can proceed with confidence.
  • If you could not light the wick the first time, then external forces are unhappy with what is happening.
  • The level and strength of fire directly depends on the obstacles to the realization of a dream. The stronger the fire, the less obstacles.
  • If the flame is colored in any color, then find out what meaning this color has. This is how the Universe sends you a message.
  • Using two candles in the ritual, you may notice that one of them burns more strongly. This is due to the influence of various biofields. Some have it stronger, some have it weaker.

friends, please use candle magic only for good! Do not forget that all bad deeds aimed at harming people will definitely return to the one who committed them. enjoy rituals with candles for the fulfillment of desires, attracting love, health, finances, success and luck.

Let your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina



Have you noticed how pleasant it is to be in a room where wax candles are burning? A slightly trembling flame evokes warm associations, the room is filled with intoxicating smells of honey, and flickering lights take you to a completely different magical reality. Did you know that candles are not only beautiful, but also very useful? If you can't wait to learn how to change your life for the better with the help of such wax "lamps" - this article is for you!

Option 1

We rid the house of harmful energy

People have long believed in the power of fire, considered it a symbol of domestic wealth, prosperity and renewal - nothing purifies like a sacred flame. That is why the best way to protect your home from negative energy is to perform a ritual with a wax candle.

It is very simple:

Light a natural wax candle (best to take) and go around the whole house clockwise. Stay in the corners - this is where negative energy can accumulate. The flame will burn heavy energy and at the same time fill the house with new, beneficial energy;

If you find that in some parts of the room the candle starts to go out or smoke, be sure to linger and stand longer;

When passing by mirrors, cover the candle with your hand - the reflection of the flame is considered a bad omen.

Using a wax candle, you can independently find out about the state of your aura - you need to carry out such a ritual in a state of complete peace. Put a candlestick with on the table, light it and sit opposite. Gaze into the flame and mentally take a look at your body. The flame itself will give a signal - when the inner eye detects damage to the aura, the candle will begin to smoke and crack. If it goes out at all, hurry to contact a specialist!

By the way, it is useful to light wax candles (you can buy them now in our boutique) before special occasions - for example, in a room where you plan to spend an evening with loved ones. The flame will help create an aura of trust and set the audience in a positive mood.

Option 2

Create an aura of love

Probably every girl knows: nothing contributes to creating a romantic atmosphere like flickering candles! And if candles made of paraffin or gel become only a decorative decoration, then bee wax will have a truly magical effect!

Indeed, not a single ritual of love magic could do without candles. If you want to attract this wonderful feeling, use a simple recipe - every evening, light wax candles in the corners of the room. The main rule is that candles should burn in pairs, symbolizing you and your betrothed. To enhance the effect, you can take colored wax candles, for example red - the shade of Damascus rose symbolizes passion and attraction!

Option 3

Fighting illnesses

It has long been a proven fact that wax is useful not only for mental health, but also for physical health. High-quality wax contains a lot of natural substances: propolis, natural resins and balms. It is these active ingredients that, when heated, have a detrimental effect on microbes. Lighting just one candle every night helps our immune system fight disease. In addition, the vapors emitted by the wax candle have a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and the nervous system.

Option 4


It is difficult for a person of the 21st century - behind gigabytes of information, important negotiations and constant stress, we still hope to maintain inner harmony. At one point, it suddenly begins to seem that we do not live a full life, we surround ourselves with artificial things and lose our own “I”. There is a good way to put the nervous system in order - and ordinary beeswax candles will come to our aid again.

When you get home, put away your smartphone and laptop, pour a cup of good tea and light a wax candle. You can choose a candle with the addition - the natural smells of wormwood or basil help to relax, evoke pleasant childhood memories and return the taste for life. You will feel how such "sessions" will have a beneficial effect on your consciousness - the right decisions will come by themselves!

Option 5

Magic on schedule

For those who love accuracy and graphics in all their manifestations, this method of using wax candles will come in handy. Spend a few minutes every night alone of the proposed rituals:

√ Sunday should be devoted to love magic, kindling candles for personal development and career growth (red candles);

√ On Monday, experts advise to meditate and conduct rituals aimed at self-knowledge (yellow candles);

√ On Tuesday, clean your home and remove obstacles (black candles);

√ On Wednesday, you can conduct rituals dedicated to the development of your own business and the activation of talents (green candles);

√ Rituals performed on Thursday will help increase your own attractiveness, as well as overcome stress - use orange candles for this;

√ Friday is the best day for love magic, as well as the right time to clarify interpersonal relationships (red candles);

√ On Saturday, candles are lit to remove obstacles - it is best to choose blue candles.

Instead of a conclusion

Why wax and not paraffin?

Probably, many who have read this article will have a question: why are paraffin or gel candles not suitable for cleansing rituals? The answer is simple - compared to synthetic materials, wax "absorbs" and retains information better. That is why wax candles have great power - paraffin analogues simply cannot help you in magical or meditative practices.

Where to buy real wax candles?

You can order candles for any of the described rituals right now - in the Candle Boutique. We produce natural candles from Altai wax in Shipunovo and provide delivery throughout Russia! The products are of high quality - we create candles by hand, without the use of chemical additives. Please note: colored candles are completely stained (partial coloring may not give the desired result).

The custom of placing a candle in front of an icon is very ancient. Everyone knows that this should certainly be done, but not everyone knows about the reasons why this ceremony is performed. . A passionate candle after the Thursday evening service, what they do with it. Why is it needed and what benefits can be obtained.

Easter customs and rituals are very diverse. Many of them come from pre-Christian times, and were among the main holidays of our ancestors. Later, they very organically entered the Christian holiday and have survived to this day.

The tradition of lighting candles in churches appeared in Russia in the Old Testament times and came from Byzantium. The lamps served as a symbol of God's guidance; they were lit in the evening before the Lord during the period of the priesthood. The law of God is a lamp to man in his life.

Over time, the rules for lighting candles in temples were formed. Initially, a candle was lit before the Gospel was taken out, and at the hour of the reading itself, it was customary to light all the candles.

After the lit candles began to be placed in front of the tombs of the martyrs, sacred objects, and icons.

This tradition still exists today. Many do not even think why they put a candle, what it means such actions.

A candle is a symbol of prayer; it is lit in front of the icon as a sign of aspiration to God. The wax itself, from which church candles are made, is a symbol of repentance for one's sins. Willingness to obey God.

The candles themselves should not be thoughtlessly placed at all the shrines of the church, it is worth realizing, feeling love in the heart in front of the one to whom the candle is placed. A candle bought in a church is a symbol of faith.

Passionate candle after evening service on Maundy Thursday

Thursday candle (quadruple, passionate, terrible candle, gospel fire) - a candle that is endowed with unusual properties. A candle lit on Maundy Thursday, at the evening service during the reading of the 12 Gospels, consisting of Thursday evening and Good Friday morning.

A sign of the believer's ardent love for the Savior himself.

The flame of such a candle is considered holy, and after the service they try to bring it home, burning. There is a sign who can bring a burning candle home all year will be happy, but no, there will be trouble with a person.

The candle was surrounded by a yellow or red flashlight in the hope of sheltering from the wind.

In the house, the first thing they lit was a lamp, and put a cross with soot from a candle on the door, “so that the grace of the Lord does not fade in the house.” To protect their entire household and family, cleaning from evil spirits, they went around with a lit candle all corners of their yard.

The magical power of candles lit during church services as on Thursday, on Friday when the shroud is taken out, and on the morning of Bright Sunday (Easter).

The cinder from such a candle was set on fire in the stove, lit in front of the icons in the house.

They blessed the young with a passionate candle, lit it when they were sick, or protected from lightning, it was given to alleviate suffering in difficult childbirth. Such a cinder was lit even when a person was dying.

In the villages, to save the livestock, they escorted the Thursday candle into the field.

Some believed that with the help of this candle, the color of the fern is shown on Midsummer Night.

It is worth remembering that the church is against all magical properties, and all this is rather superstition. According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, healing comes through turning to God and accepting his will, and not through magical actions.