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Effective ring conspiracies. Conspiracy on a wedding ring Conspiracy on wealth read on a wedding ring

Complete collection and description: prayer for the ring is a talisman for the spiritual life of a believer.

Jewelry, which are accessories that beautifully complement the look, can become serious helpers and protectors in life. Multiple conspiracies on the ring help bring luck, money, prosperity and love into life. They will help maintain a relationship with your husband and protect yourself from enemies. Jewelry made of precious metals and stones help enhance the magical properties of rituals. They constantly touch you and absorb your energy.

Conspiracy to fulfill desires

A ring that you inherited from relatives or was donated by a loved one is ideal for the ritual. It does not matter what metal it is made of and whether there are precious or semi-precious stones on it. The ring is hidden in a skein of yarn of any color. Read the conspiracy:

“A bird - a titmouse lived beyond the sea, a bird - a titmouse had a nest, a bird - a titmouse found a ring in it, brought it to me, the servant of God (name). I will adorn myself, dress up, good people will come in handy, all the doors will open for me, all the secrets will be revealed to me, everything will be according to my desire. Amen".

After reading the spoken words, they put the ring on the finger and sleep with it all night without removing it. After that, the decoration turns into a strong amulet.

It repels negativity and attracts luck and wealth into the life of its owner. While reading the conspiracy, you need to concentrate on the most cherished desire.

How to attract good luck?

To attract good luck in pressing matters, a simple conspiracy on the ring will help. Early in the morning, just before sunrise, they take the ring and wait for the first rays. They look at them through the decoration and read the text:

"Empress red dawn Ogrofena, give me, the servant of God (name), good health and in everything self-interest and joy, from all people salary and honor and heartfelt love in all days and nights and hours of my belly."

And in order for good luck to always go through life next to you, the ring is wrapped in red fabric. They carry him around the room and read the conspiracy three times in a row:

"As an air cloud soars over the whole earth, doing creative work to the faithful and the unfaithful, so appear to me, good luck, and lead my life from beginning to end."

Good luck ritual for children

All parents worry about their children and try to protect them from life's troubles and hardships. Unfortunately, you cannot be with them all the time. But to make sure that they have good luck in life, you can apply an ancient magic rite with a ring. They squeeze him in a fist, press him strongly to his cheek and read the conspiracy:

“I burst into tears, my own mother, a slave (such and such), in a tall parental chamber, with a red morning dawn in a clear field, looking at the sunset of my beloved child, my clear sun (such and such). I sat there until late in the evening, until the damp dew, in anguish, in trouble. I didn’t beg to destroy myself, but I thought of speaking a fierce, grave melancholy. I went into a clear field, took the wedding cup, took out the wedding candle, took out the wedding dress, drew water from the zagorno-student. I stood in the midst of a dense forest, outlined myself as a discerning line and spoke in a loud voice. I speak to my beloved child (such and such) over a wedding cup, over fresh water, over a wedding dress, over a wedding candle. I wash my little child in a clean face, wipe his sugar lips with a wedding dress, clear eyes, cheeky, red cheeks. I illuminate his wedding caftan with a wedding candle, his posture is sable, his girdle is patterned, his cats are sewn, his curls are fair, his face is valiant, his step is greyhound. Be you, my beloved child, brighter than a clear sun, sweeter than a spring day, lighter than spring water, whiter than bright wax, stronger than a fuel stone, Alatyr. I take away the terrible line from you, I drive away the stormy whirlwind. I move away from the one-eyed goblin, from the stranger's brownie, from the evil water one, from the Kiev witch, from her evil sister Murom, from the morgun-mermaid, from the damned Baba Yaga, from the fiery flying serpent. I wave it away from the prophetic crow, from the croaking crow. I protect you from the kashchey-yadun, from the cunning warlock, from the conspiratorial magician, from the ardent sorcerer, from the blind healer, from the old witch. And be you, my child, my word strong in the night and in the midnight, at one and half an hour, on the way and on the road, in sleep and in reality, hidden from the power of the enemy, from unclean spirits, saved from vain death, from grief, from trouble , kept on water from drowning, sheltered in fire from burning. And be my word, stronger than water, higher than a mountain, heavier than gold, stronger than the combustible stone of Alatyr, a mighty hero. And whoever decides to swoon and decorate my child, and that will hide behind the mountains of Ararat, into the abyss of the underworld, into a seething pitch, into a burning heat. And there will be his charms, his fooling will not be fooled, his patterning will not be patterned. "

Protection from troubles, sorrows and misfortunes

If there is a premonition of an insurmountable misfortune or danger, your favorite jewelry will help. It is enough to take the ring, put it in front of you and clearly pronounce the words of the spell:

"Turf, fight, earth, be strong, and you, misfortune, calm down with the servant of God (name)."

In order to finally ward off the approaching misfortune and protect your home, the ring is wrapped in black fabric. At night they put it under the pillow, and before going to bed they read the conspiracy:

“Bless, father. Be you, a ring, come in handy for everything; You, ring, do not oppose anyone and are silent, lying here, you do not hold your heart or torment to anyone. "

Help in love affairs

For family well-being, for the husband's strong love and harmony in family relationships, people have used a strong conspiracy for a long time. To carry out the ceremony, it is necessary to quietly borrow the husband's wedding ring. Buy 12 candles from the church the day before.

  • Perform the ceremony all alone. Light candles only when your husband is not at home.
  • Arrange the candles in a semicircle, put your spouse's ring next to it.
  • Concentrate as much as possible. Imagine beautiful pictures of family happiness: how your husband looks after you, how much he loves you, how he helps you. In general, everything that you want to get from your relationship with him.
  • Love is also material. This visualization of the relationship allows you to multiply the effect of the ritual.
  • Next, they read the magic conspiracy:

“I'm talking about the ring for my husband's love, for his attraction and aspiration for me. As the ring has no end, so its feeling will never be interrupted. As the ring has no beginning, so my happiness will not be killed. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen".

  • The words are pronounced in a half-whisper, clearly. You can cast a spell several times. Intuition will tell you their number.
  • After the ceremony, blow out the candles. Throw away the cinders.

After the ritual, the ring charted for the husband can be returned back to him immediately. It is advisable to repeat the ceremony periodically to maintain a positive program. You can perform a ritual after family quarrels. He is able to make her husband forget grievances and look for ways to reconciliation.

Love conspiracy

If family relationships are crumbling, and the spouse is about to file for divorce, a ritual with a ring will help prevent trouble. He will bring harmony to the relationship, return love to the family.

  • A new handkerchief is bought for the ceremony.
  • In the church, holy water is sprinkled on him. They also buy a silver ring with the inscription "Save and Preserve". Plus, they get seven thick red candles.
  • On the same day, after midnight, they put candles on the table. Everyone ignites.
  • The handkerchief is threaded through the ring, saying the words:

“I will go out, the servant of God (your name), I will go into the open field, Through the doors, through the gates, I will seek my happiness. On the ring a handkerchief, On a handkerchief ring, Help the ring, the servant of God (his name). Ostepeniti, fall in love with me. Word-lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Go to bed immediately. In bed, they silently read the prayer "Our Father" seven times in a row.
  • In the morning they get up only with the right leg. The handkerchief is given to the husband. It is necessary that he was constantly with him.
  • The ring is put on the left hand, on the ring finger. Worn for seven weeks in a row. You cannot shoot it.

That is how long it will take for the magical powers to return love to the family and restore relations with her husband. The conspiracy for a wedding ring is completely safe and has nothing to do with love affairs for love.

How to bewitch money

You can bewitch not only a loved one, but also money. But before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to find out the reason for the financial bad luck and eliminate it. It can be either a common evil eye or deliberate damage. But, when the effect of the negative program is eliminated, it's time to conduct an engagement ceremony with money. After it, you will attract money like a magnet. The ritual is performed during the waxing moon. It is possible on the new moon.

  • A ring is required for the ceremony. It is made from a coin. It is advisable to use an old banknote made of gold or silver. If this is not possible, a regular coin will do.
  • If you yourself cannot make a ring out of a coin, do not say why you need it when asking for help. Better laugh it off, but don't give a reason.
  • Next, you need to get to the church during the wedding there of the young. They may be complete strangers.
  • Buy two candles, light (only one) and stand among the guests.
  • As soon as the wedding begins, start reading the words of the conspiracy:

“I was born to my mother, poured holy water in the font, baptized the church, forgave all sins. The servant of God is married with large amounts of silver and gold money. Uncounted wealth, unmeasured profit. Engaged with wealth, married with money. Now, forever, forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

  • They are pronounced only from memory, you cannot read from a sheet of paper.
  • Every time you read it, be baptized.
  • When the young people exchange rings, you also put on your finger, from a coin.
  • Repeat the words of the conspiracy three times, but only starting with the line: "engaged to wealth ..." and then until the very end.
  • The second candle is lit at home. It should burn down exactly half. The cinder is hidden in a secluded corner and stored there; you cannot throw it away.

If the ceremony is performed by a representative of the stronger sex, the words must be pronounced in the masculine gender: born, doused himself, a servant of God, and so on. The ritual is very powerful and effective. As long as there is a ring on your finger, money will flow into your life like a river.

Good to know

Experienced magicians advise, before imposing any program on the ring, first to clear it of past energy. To do this, at night, the ring is placed in salt or simply kept under running water. Carrying out ceremonies and rituals for money, one should carefully use magical powers. It is important to understand here that even magic is not capable of doing something for you. It only opens doors wide, giving you great opportunities to control your destiny.

If you perform a magic ceremony for money, and then sit on the couch and wait for them, nothing will happen. But rituals are very effective when business is not going well, you can't make money, deals are broken and clients disappear, and all income depends on them. A conspiracy for a gold ring to attract money will help you find a promising and high-paying job. If you use magic wisely, many prospects and opportunities in business and love will open before you, and everything you planned will work out.

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One comment

The engagement ring must certainly be a wedding ring, that is, it must have passed the wedding ceremony in the church. You can borrow such a ring from your mother, grandmother or married sister. If close relatives did not find the treasured little thing, ask a friend or acquaintance. In this case, the process of cleaning the ring is simply necessary. Dip it into a container with icy running water, someone else's energy will leave the thing, and the ring will become suitable for fortune telling.

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Ring - an ancient amulet against all misfortunes

One of the most beloved and ancient jewelry-amulets, of course, is the ring. But few people know how power lies in it, and why it is an excellent amulet. This is what will be discussed in our article.

The ring is a wonderful, ancient in origin amulet and even a way to attract good luck. But not everyone knows and understands how it does it. It's all about the shape of a ring - it is always round and, as it were, encloses the finger. It was not for nothing that round dances were carried out around - after all, they have always been part of the most important rituals of the Slavs. The circle is essentially closed, it is designed to keep evil spirits away from the one who outlined it. Remember how in N. V. Gogol's story "Viy" the student-confessor Khoma Brut outlined a circle around himself, defending himself from the witch-lady rising from the coffin. It is the closeness of this form that makes it perfect.

The second thing that gives the shape of the circle magical power is the connection with the infinite beginning. After all, going in a circle, you will always return to the beginning. In this form, one passes into another, and, in fact, there is no end. We can say that you will draw energy from an inexhaustible eternal source, from higher powers that do not know time. This means that your talisman will act constantly, and it will become one of the most powerful amulets.

But for this, the ring must be prepared.

What ring can be a talisman

Of course, the best amulet ring is that made by us. But the purchased one will also do, it will simply take time to get used to your energy, and you will need to learn how to interact with it. The ring does not have to be very expensive and have a precious stone. The most ancient amulet rings were worn by peasants more than a century ago. As you can imagine, they did not speak of any diamonds or gold. The most important detail was the inner lettering. It is this technique that is most often used even to this day by magicians and sorcerers.

What could be on this inner inscription? Most often, a secret name was indicated there. Previously, the child was given a name that was used in life, and a middle name that was baptized. At the same time, this middle name was kept secret; besides the parents and the child, no one had a clue about him. Sorcerers, of course, could have a spell on the inside of the ring. The text on the ring enhanced the effect of the amulet and saved their soul from the devil. After all, if he does not recognize your name, then it will not be so easy for him to spoil you and imprison you in hell. But if you opened your name ring to him, then he can very easily take possession of your soul. Therefore, losing a ring is considered a bad omen.

How to make a talisman out of a simple ring

Of course, first of all, special conspiracies and rituals are used for this. For example, here is one of them.

A ring, necessarily one that either a very close relative wore before you and gave it to you, or a completely clean ring that has not yet been worn, must first be cleaned. This is done with salt or water charged with silver. If you want to clean the ring with salt, put it in a small bowl and immerse the ring completely in it. Then rub the ring with salt, of course, carefully so as not to damage it. Leave it in this salt overnight and the ring will clean up as needed.

To rinse your ring with water, be sure to first allow the water to absorb the positive cleansing energies. Put a silver object in it and keep it there for at least one night. Then gently soak a cotton swab in this water and wipe the ring with it, while saying: "All evil spirits, leave, and come strength and protection." The ring is now ready to be your talisman. Wear it for a week without taking it off (unless you can neglect this rule for washing your hands). Also, periodically fold it in your palms and breathe on it, at least a couple of times a day. So the ring will tune in to your energy and life biorhythm.

After a week, you can conduct a small ritual to activate the protective energy of the ring. It is advisable to do this two to three days before the Full Moon or after it, on the second or third day. Put the ring in your palm and say the conspiracy three times: “Wrap yourself around, sit tight, and if you have to, so protect. From now on and forever, obey my words. Key and lock. May it be so". Now your ring has become a talisman. It will repel trouble from you and reduce the effects of black magic.

In addition to the ring, there are other powerful charms against the evil eye, which you can also use with success. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Ring conspiracy - examples of spells for different cases

The word "ring" has the ancient Slavic root "kolo", which means a wheel or a circle. Our ancestors firmly believed that every knot tied on clothes, hair or wrist is able to save from negative energy. And a person, standing in the inscribed circle, became protected from evil spirits. The ring played the role of a talisman for our ancestors, and today it symbolizes eternity and marriage, and it can also be used for magical purposes, for example, by reading a conspiracy on the ring.

The magical properties of rings

Monastic orders, as well as secret political communities, used the ring as a kind of pass to classified events. In addition, the ring could act as a kind of "passport" that proves the identity.

For example, among Russian masons, the use of cast iron seals was popular, on which the head of Adam and his tibia were depicted. And the rulers of Ancient Russia decorated all fingers on their hands with rings.

The tradition of spouses to give each other rings when concluding a marriage is rooted in the days of Ancient Egypt. The closed shape of the ring symbolizes eternity, and the precious material indicates the enormous power of the feelings of the newlyweds.

In Russia, it was customary to put on an engagement ring for the bride and groom, while the wedding could not be soon. Nowadays, many people combine the concepts of "wedding ring" and "wedding ring", although they have completely different meanings.

The groom gave the wedding ring to his bride for the engagement, which officially confirms their relationship. Such a ring is thinner than a wedding ring, it can be decorated with stones or engraving. Traditionally, an engagement ring should have a diamond that symbolizes the purity and strength of love.

Rules for wearing rings

A ring can make an impact on our lives if you wear it correctly. Depending on which finger the jewelry is on, you can trace its effect on your life.

So, where is the best place to put on a jeweled headband for you personally?

  1. If you are very emotional and have a kind heart, you should wear the ring on your thumb. Thus, you will balance your temperament and get rid of possible aggression.

Another property of the ring worn on the thumb is that it increases the masculinity of men, as well as enhances their sexuality and improves financial well-being.

  1. People who do not really believe in themselves should put the ring on their index finger. This will increase self-confidence, attract Lady Luck to your side, improve self-esteem and such a person will be much more comfortable living in the world.
  2. If you suffer from constant bad luck, any of your undertakings usually end in a complete fiasco - put the ring on your middle finger. Thanks to this, you will quickly get rid of the various difficulties of your life. Ideal - if you wear a heirloom, charged with the power of the family.

4. Do you want to become a more sophisticated person? Strive for art, fame and money? Then the right finger to wear the ring is the ring finger. At the same time, if you are distinguished by a calm temperament, get a thin product, and if you suffer from increased nervous excitability, wear massive rings.

5. If you want to improve your communication skills, become more eloquent, find the right solutions for any issue - put on a jewelry on your little finger. It is best to use silver rings, as silver activates the mental and esoteric abilities of a person.

Now, having dealt with the main properties of the rings, let's move on to an overview of the most popular conspiracies for different occasions, performed on these precious items.

Ring conspiracies

Conspiracy to get rich

You need to take any of your rings, immerse it in running water (to purify from negative energy). Then the ring is hung on a wire, a candle is lit (maybe an ordinary one, but a church one is more suitable for this purpose).

A lit candle sweeps from side to side over the ring 9 times, it is important that the flame seems to penetrate the decoration. The candle is held in the right hand, and the wire on which the ring is hung is in the left.

During the ritual, you need to pronounce such conspiracy words:

Then the jewelry is put on the hand. It is important during the ritual to put as much of your energy into the ring as possible, to represent the final result that you would like to achieve as much as possible. This will help you get what you want in no time.

When you wash your hands, it is better to remove the ring, otherwise the water will wash away the information from it. Also, from time to time, the rite needs to be forged.

Conspiracy to get the attention of men

If you suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex, you need to purchase a ring with an insert - a red stone and speak it with the following magic words:

When you have finished reading the plot, wrap the product in a beautiful silk scarf. Keep the talisman with you all the time, do not show it to anyone around you - otherwise you will give him your attractiveness. A conspiracy will allow you to always remain the center of attention of the opposite sex and will attract a lot of fans to you.

Ring conspiracy to make a wish come true

Take a ring (metal does not matter), ideal if the jewelry came to you from your family. It doesn't matter if there is a stone on the item or not. Wrap the ring with a skein of yarn and read the plot on it:

Upon completion of the reading, the ring is put on the hand and is not removed throughout the night. Now it is your talisman that will help you realize what you want, as well as make you more successful and give you financial well-being.

It is important when reading each of the described conspiracies to concentrate as much as possible on your desires, to represent every detail, every facet of the desired image and, of course, unconditionally believe in the power of the conspiracy. Then your desires will come true quickly, and their fulfillment will bring you real pleasure.

What role do rings play in our lives? You can find out about this after watching the next video.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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The ring is one of the most commonly used (and enchanted) magical attributes - it is comfortable to wear, it does not raise unnecessary questions from colleagues and colleagues, and, moreover, it has good magical potential.

The magic of rings became known to people from the very moment when they learned to smelt metal and engage in woodcarving. And the custom of giving rings is known among all peoples - from the Scandinavians to the Slavs. In addition, among the Indo-European peoples, the ring is a symbol of a snake biting its own tail, a symbol of eternity and eternal value. That is why a conspiracy on a wedding ring, donated with due feelings, is considered one of the most powerful conspiracies.

The conspiracy is best done with a new one, ideally a purchased ring. Rings very easily absorb the energy of the people who wore it, and if the object is a heirloom, passed down from generation to generation, then any conspiracy may not work at all or harm a person who irresponsibly approached the preparation!

  • An exception to the previous rule is wedding rings, with the love spell of the man / girl who wore it / wore it;
  • The ring (even a new one) must be "cleaned" before the ceremony for money or for good luck. How to clean it - see below.
  • All conspiracies must be carried out in secret, otherwise they will lose power.

The last and most important thing: never forget that even the most powerful ceremony is useless if a person does not want to make efforts to achieve the goal. A ring conspiracy will significantly increase your chances of success in matters of the heart, financial and others, but it will not work for you!

Cleaning the ring

You can clean the ring in four different ways, and the method should be chosen not only based on individual preferences, but also on the characteristics of the ring material - some of them, in principle, cannot be heated / left in the light, etc. Therefore, before cleaning, inquire about how the metal of the ring reacts to such procedures.

By fire

The cleansing power of fire has been known to people since ancient times, and this method is the most powerful of all. In order to clean the ring with the help of fire, you need to properly heat it in a candle flame from all sides (either a regular, store-bought candle, or a candle bought in a church will do).

Throwing the ring into a fireplace or other sources of open fire is not recommended! In addition, it is better to hold the ring with tweezers or tweezers, otherwise you will burn yourself.

By the light

A method that requires a minimum of cost and effort - put the ring on the windowsill for three days (the main thing is not in the bedroom), the sunlight and moonlight will clear its energy.

By water

The easiest and most affordable way to clean a piece of jewelry is with running water. Put the jewelry in a bag and keep it under running water for a couple of hours. The longer you hold it, the more reliable the cleaning.


Salt is known as an excellent material with cleansing properties, absorbing negative energies with a bang. Leave the ring immersed in salt (the graininess of the salt does not matter), and then remove it without touching the salt with your hand! After the ceremony, the used mineral must be thrown away urgently, and the farther from home, the better.

Money conspiracies

The beauty of this conspiracy is that not only the owner of the ring, but also any other person can do it. So you can make a nice gift to your friend or loved one.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • Ring (gold is better, because it will work much stronger);
  • Cloth (red is possible, but purple is better).

The ritual is performed at midnight, the moon must be growing.

  1. Place the ring you want to speak on the cloth;
  2. Reach out over the ring and read:

“Our luck is on my hand, and I put the wealth in my pocket.
With me success, with me prosperity.
Money flows like a fast river.
Only to me, only to me.
The key, the lock, it is said - it will come true. "

After that, place the jewelry where the moonlight will fall on it all night. In the morning, the mascot will be ready to go. Girls need to wear such a ring only on the index finger, while men can wear it on both the index and thumb. You cannot wash such a ring or change it to another finger, otherwise the conspiracy will subside, and it is not recommended to remove it for more than 3 hours. In addition, it is impossible for anyone to find out about the conspiracy read (except for the one who performed the ceremony), otherwise he will not have the strength.

Love conspiracies

This ritual has a stronger effect on men, but you can also bewitch the beautiful half of humanity. For him you will need:

  • Photo of the chosen one / darling;
  • Candle;
  • Red silk thread;
  • An engagement ring (instead of it, you can take the one that you want to give in the near future).

The conspiracy should be carried out at night, on the growing moon (this is a prerequisite, on the full moon / new moon the ceremony will not work, and on the waning moon you will only cool the ardor of the chosen one). In this case, the moon should be visible, and it should not hide for a long time behind the clouds.

  1. Open the window, light a candle and put a lighted candle on the windowsill;
  2. Put a photo in front of you on the windowsill, and put a ring on it;
  3. Concentrate on the face and, first of all, on the eyes of the chosen one, because they are the mirror of the soul, imagine this as clearly and vividly as possible.
  4. Remember all the good things that tied or binds you, how you met and spent time together. Think about what connects you and why you should be together. At this moment, it is strictly forbidden to remember anything negative, otherwise you can transfer the wrong energy to the ring and disrupt the ritual.

Simultaneously with point 4, take a ring in your hand, thread a thread through it and carefully and slowly braid a ring with it. After each full circle, say the words of the love spell:

I braid a ring like a thread,
So I connect destinies (my name and the name of my beloved / beloved),
For light love,
For a strong family.
What would we be together always
Happiness to grow stronger day by day.
So be it.

After that, secure the thread by tying it in three knots and remove the photo along with the ring somewhere, until the chosen one returns. The ring must be given or donated, but before that, remove the red thread from it by cutting it (do not untie the knots!).

Good luck conspiracies

Luck is a very vague and vague concept, in which everyone invests something of their own, therefore charging a small talisman for good luck is a frankly useless activity and does not bring anything at all. In addition, this ritual works only for you, so a conspiracy on your husband's ring before a business trip will not help him in any way.

To begin with, decide what exactly you need luck in (business negotiations, an interview, make an offer to your soulmate, in competitions, etc.).

  • The choice of a ring also depends on this - for good luck in matters related to money in any of its manifestations, it is recommended to take a gold ring,
  • for good luck in love - silver,
  • if health and physical strength are required, then it is worth taking a wooden one, but without an incomprehensible thread.

And cheap jewelry made of plastic or base metals will help you find harmony (but do not take iron rings, otherwise it will bind you with your own desires, like a chain).

The plot itself is very simple - hide the peeled ring in multi-colored threads and wait about two hours. Then take it out, put it on that finger and walk with it until the next morning.

In the morning, remove the ring from this finger and put it on the other and read the conspiracy:

“A tit-bird lived across the sea, a tit-bird made a nest, a tit-bird found a ring in it and brought me (name). I will adorn myself, dress up, come in handy for good people, all doors will open for me, all enemies will be afraid. What I'm looking for - will appear and luck will seem like a ring appears on this finger! "

After that, put the ring on your finger and your talisman is ready. Just remember that the items spoken "for good luck" work pointwise, and you need to put them on the "charmed" finger ONLY before an important event (for example, if you made a conspiracy for wealth, then the ring must be worn immediately before an important meeting, signing a contract, etc. etc.). Otherwise, waste the magical energy in vain and the talisman will have to be done again.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat some important points:

  • Talismans don't work for you, they only help you achieve your goal.
  • The rituals must be taken as seriously as possible, doubts or outright disbelief will greatly interfere with the implementation of the desired!

After any serious negative event in life (the death of a loved one, a serious accident or other incident), it is better to clean the ring and reapply the conspiracy on it so as not to carry the imprint of negative energy with you.

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The essence of jewelry and various accessories that complement a person's appearance can be significantly changed, and translated into the form of serious helpers in life's affairs and an effective solution to many problems. A ring conspiracy can help turn luck to face, stimulate the emergence of money, prosperity and love, wealth in money.

In addition, such amulets help to preserve the health of the family, save the family from a split, and also provide powerful protection from external enemies who use strong spells to induce filth. A ring on a finger or other amulet with a stone and jewelry play an important role when magic rituals are performed, since a silver ring can significantly increase the effect that magic has.

A ring for carrying out conspiracies is most suitable for the one that was donated or left as an inheritance by loved ones - your own. At the same time, the material of manufacture, as well as the amount of precious or semi-precious stones, does not play a significant role for the effectiveness of the performance of ritual actions. In order to conduct a magical ritual, to bewitch someone, or to remove the need for money without consequences, you need to carry it out competently, using the advice or services of experienced professionals. It must be remembered that strong magical actions can lead to serious consequences.

Wish fulfillment conspiracies

In order to carry out the ritual, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which in this case consists in hiding your ring in yarn of any color. The following conspiracy text should be read in conditions of maximum silence and concentration:

“The birds of the tit lived across the sea, and they made their nests; they found a ring in them. They brought us, the Servants of God (the names are pronounced) - this ring will adorn us, we will dress up and people will be useful. All the doors will open for us, All the secrets will become known to us, Everything will be the way we want it. Amen!".

It is important that during the conspiracy, the person conducting the ritual, or the one who wished to conduct such a ritual, was as concentrated as possible on the cherished desires. When you have finished reading the conspiracy, you should put your ring on one of your fingers, and go to bed with it. After that, the left ring on the finger becomes the strongest talisman that brings happiness and contributes to the fulfillment of desires: whatever you dream about - love or money. In addition, such rings are able to repel negative moments, as well as attract as much positive as possible to life.

Good luck conspiracies

Talking a lucky ring is also pretty simple. To do this, you need to wait until early morning, and at the moment when the sun has not yet risen, take your ring in your hands, and with the first rays, looking through the decoration, read the following words:

"Madam red dawn, Ogrofena, give me the servant of God (names are listed) good health, success and joy in everything, respect and honor from all people, love of the heart day and night, as long as he lives."

To ensure the presence of success and good luck throughout life, you need to wrap the ring in a red cloth, and moving around the room with it, pronounce the following words:

"Like air clouds hover over the earth, helping those who believe and those who do not - help me in the same way, bring good luck and may it stay with me until the end of my days."

Carrying out such a ritual helps to turn luck and luck, as well as peace of mind and self-confidence, since those who are lucky are not subject to destructive self-flagellation, and there will be no need for money.

Conspiracies to help children

The vast majority of parents worry about their children and want to help them in all matters, no matter how old they become. For many, a serious problem is the fact that their beloved children move to other cities or even countries, as a result of which it becomes almost impossible to provide physical assistance. That is why many loving parents turn to magical rituals for help, which can guarantee the accompanying good luck and love in all life situations and endeavors.

For this purpose, you can also use a gold or silver ring, which was presented by close people, which a person is used to always wearing on his finger, for performing a magical ceremony. A ring with or without a stone must be clenched in a fist, and with a certain effort pressing it with one of the cheeks, read the conspiracy:

“I sob, my dear mother, Raba“ pronounced the name or names ”in her own parental home. From the morning dawn, looking into the open field, at the problems of my child, my beloved, the beloved sun, who suffers and suffers. And I decided to overshadow my sadness. I go out into an open field, take the family bowl, take out the wedding candles, wedding fees, I have drawn water from the well, which is just around the corner. I stand in the middle of the forest, draw a line and call out in a pleading voice, I want to speak to my child (pronounced the name or names) over the marriage bowl, over fresh water, over wedding canvases, over wedding candles. I want to wash my child clean, his mouth, forehead and eyes. I want to consecrate it completely, so that it becomes as clear as the sun, as bright as spring water, as strong as red-hot metal. I would like to take away from him terrible devils, devil one-eyed, strange brownies and other evil spirits that prevent him from living happily. Be my child happy and successful and may my mother's word be heard and perceived correctly. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

In addition to this conspiracy, you can effectively help your child at a distance, when there is a premonition of impending disaster, you can use the ancient spell, which is pronounced with a ring lying in front of a person (you can look at it on your finger):

"Let the Derain twitch, the earth is strengthened, and you, the trouble of the servant of God (the name should be pronounced), calm down!"

To achieve maximum effect, the ring must be wrapped in black cloth or a piece of cloth and put under the pillow before going to bed, after reading the following plot:

“I ask the blessing of the Heavenly Father. Let this ring help you in everything. Let all bad weather and problems go away, let go of all sorrows and leave nothing bad for myself and others. "

With the help of such simple but sincere words, you can bring the child closer to the happiness that fate has in store for him. It will not be superfluous if you give a charmed ring to a child and he will always wear it on his finger.

Love conspiracies

You can charm a married man or woman, as well as solve problems in love, with the help of conspiracies that have long been used by our ancestors. It is with the help of such conspiracies that you can return happiness to the family, revive relationships, so that your husband again has a desire to carry you in his arms. To carry out such a ceremony, you must first prepare:

  • buy twelve church candles;
  • discreetly take the wedding ring from your spouse.

It is recommended to carry out the ceremony in conditions of complete solitude, since it is worth lighting candles only at a time when neither the husband, nor other family members or strangers will be in the house. To achieve the result, maximum concentration is also needed, with the simultaneous representation of ideal family relationships, since such visualization contributes to the materialization of the desired. Strong positive emotions will also carry a certain positive in themselves. In the same way, you can regain your lost happiness. The main elements of such a conspiracy are the ring, and, in fact, the text that must be read:

“I want to talk about the ring of my husband (we say the name) in order to return his attraction to me. I want our love to be as endless as this ring, which has neither end nor beginning. May our feelings never cool down. Let it be. Amen! (we repeat three times) ".

With the help of a ring and conspiracies, you can also solve the problems of an unsuccessful marriage, and make your loved one want to be with you. At the same time, one should not forget that, carrying out ceremonies on someone else's husband, you can stumble upon serious protection, which will turn the conspiracy into a negative direction.

Solving financial problems with a conspiracy

Love spells can be aimed not only at attracting loved ones, but also at finding luck, which will bring wealth to life, help to establish trade, and also bring closer the moment of fulfilling a cherished desire - in other words, a person will have absolutely no need for money ... It is quite simple to speak a lucky ring in such a way as to improve your own well-being, or the state of your loved ones.

At the same time, before carrying out rituals for wealth, it is necessary to find out why it is not possible to achieve the desired result in business or other areas that are chosen to achieve personal wealth. Among the very common causes of such problems, one can single out the evil eye and damage that are imposed by ill-wishers. In addition to problems with money, such a magical effect is manifested by the human body, like weight loss or other ailments, for the elimination of which magical protection is also required.

Only after the damage is removed, you can begin to carry out the ritual of the wedding of a person with money, which ultimately will lead to attracting them financial success.

  1. Such rituals should be performed during the new moon or on the growing moon, while the full moon for such rituals is not the best time.
  2. According to the advice of experienced magicians, before talking money rings (it can be gold, silver or even wooden), it must undergo magical cleaning.
  3. In addition to the ring, you also need a coin, preferably an old one, made of any precious metal.
  4. After that, you need to go to church and buy two candles, put one on the altar with the words "I am married to wealth," and the second must be burned at home.
  5. It is advisable that the moment of visiting the church coincides with the ritual of the wedding of people, and the ring is worn on the finger at the same time as the people to be married, who do not have to be your acquaintances. The most important thing is not to reveal to everyone the true reason for their presence in the church.
  6. It should be borne in mind that only professionals know for certain how to speak a lucky ring in such a way that it will bring maximum benefit, therefore, if there is the slightest doubt, it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.

A ring conspiracy for luck and money is an effective way to solve financial problems, buy new housing, which for a long time remained only a distant dream. At the same time, it is important not to lose your head and remember that you should not flirt with magic. The ceremonies must be performed in full accordance with the norms and must carry specific tasks and messages.

Even the most ordinary ring can be made a powerful talisman to attract wealth and success. Learn how to speak and wear a ring so that you will be successful in all your endeavors.

Money conspiracy

Absolutely any piece of jewelry is suitable for a conspiracy: it is not necessary that the ring is made of precious metal or is a family heirloom. The main thing is that you really like it, and it was pleasant to wear it on your hand. By choosing such a decoration, you can make it a powerful money talisman. The funds themselves will go into your hands, and any financial difficulties will bypass you.
Speak the ring like this. At midnight, lay it on a red cloth: red is a symbol of wealth and helps to enhance the magical ritual. Then say the text of the conspiracy:
“I carry good luck on my hand, but I put the riches in my pocket. With me success, with me prosperity.
Money flows like a fast river. Only to me, only with me. The key, the castle, it is said - it will come true. " Leave the charmed jewelry to lie on the fabric for the whole night, and in the morning you can put on an already strong talisman on your hand. The ring must be worn on the index finger: it is under the auspices of Jupiter, a symbol of victory and leadership. You can also speak a ring for a man, but then it should be worn on the thumb: the powerful energy of Mars is concentrated in it, which contributes to success in life and helps in achieving the goal. The conspiracy does not have to be carried out by the future bearer of the money ring, so you can make a useful gift to your chosen one.

A ring for good luck

As in the first case, the main condition for choosing a ring is the fact that the jewelry is pleasant to feel on the hand every day.
At the beginning of the ceremony, the ring must be hung on a red thread to form a pendulum. Holding it in your right hand, read the words for good luck. This is done in the dark, but on condition that the weather is clear outside.
"Be, ring, happy and successful. I will make a fortune in a circle, never turn away from me, never leave me. Good luck is always with me, for centuries and hand in hand."
A magic talisman will bring success in every area of ​​life, no matter what it concerns - work or personal life. Wearing the jewelry is on the middle finger: thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence. This is facilitated by its ruler planet - Saturn.

Since ancient times, our ancestors gave preference to fortune-tellers and those old women who can speak of love, money, good luck. The ring conspiracy was especially popular. According to ancient beliefs, all jewelry associated with touching the body is necessarily saturated with inner strength, and that is why, using it, it is easily possible to influence all the feelings that may be in the human soul. A wedding ring has a special power, and you can cast a spell on it and everything will end in marriage.

Rules for ring conspiracies

Casting spells on the ring: gold, silver, it is possible to achieve a lot in your life. Jewelry with a stone is especially interesting for a magician. There are many ways to attract good luck using a conspiracy. This way you can restore family peace and get married. When wearing charmed little things, you can save your family or, if there are enemies, put up a protective barrier.

Many believe that it is not worth resorting to such actions, since they are associated with dark forces. In fact, this is not the case, especially if you know the rules for conducting rituals. They need to be remembered and used if necessary.

  1. Any conspiracy, regardless of what purpose it pursues, is read on the growing moon;
  2. Many magicians advise - before reading For a start, it is worth contacting professionals, and rid the ring of evil spirits;
  3. After the rituals, you need to go to the church and buy two candles there. Set one on fire at home, and the second to the church on the altar, and each of them must be completely burned down.

Any spoken words should come from the soul, without evil, but only with wishes for good and happiness.

Which ring is suitable for a conspiracy?

If you need a conspiracy, pay attention to the following points that will definitely come in handy for you:

  • Do not use someone else's ring, as everything you ask him for will go to another person - the owner of the jewelry;
  • For the spell, use your jewelry, or someone who is a member of the family. It is better if it is a family adornment, passed from relative to relative and with a stone;
  • Product weight and material are not important.

Please note: before you start casting a magic spell, you must believe in it. If there is no faith, then everything you ask for will not come true and a person will not be able to solve his problems.

Conspiracy with a ring for the fulfillment of desires

A person's desires often differ from his capabilities, so using magic, you can try to make a pipe dream come true. Professional magicians say that this type of conspiracy will help to fulfill all desires that a person would not want. Be it marriage, happiness, the emergence of love.

Before proceeding with the petition for the fulfillment of desires, hide the ring in multi-colored knitting threads. And only after it has lain there a little, you can begin to read the magic words. Reading should be in complete silence, in addition, you need to concentrate, and you should not allow extraneous thoughts.

We take the ring in our hands and read the cherished conspiracy:

“The birds of the tit lived across the sea, and there they built their nests. They found a ring in it, and then the name or the names of all those for whom these words are designed will bring us the found ring. We will dress up in him and go to the people and perhaps come in handy to someone. All doors open, and secrets come true. Let everything be as we want. Amen".

Please note: pronouncing the magic "Amen!" at the end of each ritual, it testifies that everything is done according to the will of God, and we do not ask for help from the black forces.

We attract good luck with a conspiracy on the ring

Many people think that luck is related to the luck of the person. And if you catch her in time, you can get whatever you want. Good luck spells are fairly simple and do not require much effort. To start talking jewelry for good luck, you need to wait until dawn. The ring is taken in hand, and the conspiracy is pronounced:

"Madam, Krasnaya Zarya, give me: good health, success, luck, from people of respect, love."

For luck to pursue everywhere, it is necessary to wrap the ring in red cloth. And move with him throughout the apartment or house, while pronouncing the words is obligatory:

“Bring me good luck, and may it accompany me to the end of my days, just as clouds float above the earth. They help to believe all those who believe in the realization of a miracle. "

It is believed that such a reading will help to avoid, and financial problems and money in the family will be found all the time.

Ring spells to help a child

Every parent, regardless of the child's age, strives to help morally and financially. But children grow up and do not always stay with their parents, thereby preventing them from providing physical support. To make everything work out for a child, it is enough to read a spell on a silver or gold ring:

“I sob, dear mother, I speak the words. I drive away grief, I attract good luck, the amulet will save you, success will bring you ”.

The child should carry such a charm with him or on himself.

Conspiracy in the distance

Words are pronounced on a ring that can be placed on a table or on a finger. Regardless of where it will be, the main thing is to read the spell and look at the jewelry without taking your eyes off it. You need to pronounce the following words:

"The turf, let it twitch, the earth itself, mother, is strengthened, and you are the trouble of the servant of God (the names of the children are pronounced) calm down!"

The product is wrapped in a black cloth and placed under the pillow.

Conspiracy and ring to attract love

Love is that feeling that you can't buy for any money.

But if you have to periodically face betrayal, then

Of course, getting into someone else's family is a sin. But if you want to bewitch a married man or woman, then the ritual from the ancestors comes to the rescue. In any case, rituals will help you find happiness. In order to perform the ceremony you will need:

  • 12 candles that you must buy in the church. Other candles will not work;
  • Take the wedding ring from the departed spouse.

Above the ring, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I (name) want to speak the ring of my husband (his name) in order to return the old attraction to me. Our love should be endless like this ring. Let our feelings never cool down! Amen!"

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