Repair Design Furniture

Conspiracy rings to attract money and good luck. Different conspiracies for a simple and wedding ring Conspiracies with a ring

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The word "ring" comes from the Old Slavonic root "kolo", that is, a circle or a wheel.

Ancient people believed that any knot that was tied on clothes, hair or wrist was able to protect a person from evil forces. Being in a drawn circle, for example, made of salt, was inaccessible to evil spirits.

That is, our ancestors used the ring as a talisman, and we today, as a symbol of eternity and marriage, and for magical purposes, for example, you can read the conspiracy carried out on it.

To prevent the newborn from getting sick, a silver ring was placed in the water for bathing; putting the child to bed, the ring lay under his pillow. In order for a woman in labor to give birth easily, she had to wear a wedding ring throughout her pregnancy, under no circumstances removing it.

People also believed that with the help of a wedding ring it was possible to return a leaving husband to the family, one had only to look at the man through him. And if young ladies wanted to see a narrowed one in a dream, they put it under a pillow or put it on the toe of their right foot.

In antiquity, rings in general could only be worn by persons with a certain social status, which emphasized the ring. For example, in ancient Rome, only a senator could afford to wear a gold ring, ordinary people could only wear iron jewelry.

The magic of the ring

In monastic orders and secret political communities, rings were used as a kind of pass to an "event", and they could also prove their identity, like a passport today. Thus, Russian masons used cast iron seals with the image of Adam's head and tibia. Russian tsars liked to wear rings on all fingers.

The tradition of giving rings to spouses at marriage dates back to ancient Egypt. The closed shape of the ring is a symbol of eternity, and the expensive material from which it is made is a precious power of the feelings of future spouses. In Russia, as a sign of engagement, they were put on the finger of the groom and the bride long before the wedding.

Today most of us confuse the concept of engagement and wedding rings, but they have completely different meanings.

The groom presented the wedding ring to the bride during the engagement, which was the official recognition of their union by relatives. They are thinner than wedding ones and can be decorated with stones or engravings. For an engagement, a girl is usually presented with a diamond ring, symbolizing the purity and strength of love.

Conspiracy on a wedding ring

Light a candle, take two wedding rings, put a bowl of water in front of you, put a pinch of salt and a handful of earth, a knife, light incense and say:

“I speak with my heart, in the name of God Vizardas, wedding rings (name) and (name) for love, tenderness and mutual respect. May they be nice to one another all their lives and may they live happily until death do them part.

May failures pass them by, and happiness will always be with them. May their children be born healthy and beautiful, and the family will be strong. Let (name) and (name) see each other as a support, and trust even the innermost. Let them have a common household, and none of them will feel the damage in love and property.

Let them wear their rings as a symbol of eternal love, so that they bring (name) and (name) prosperity and joint happiness!

My conspiracy was witnessed by fire, water, air and earth. They consolidated my words, put them into action, multiplied and sanctified. Advice and love to you, loving hearts. HuntAa ular ".

Conspiracy words must be pronounced exactly as written

Conspiracy to bring husband back

Before embarking on a conspiracy, you must understand how strongly and sincerely you want your husband back. If you resort to the help of a conspiracy to annoy your rival, then it will not help you, but the negative consequences will also harm.

If you, with all your heart and soul, want to become one again and return your spouse to the family, you can try the following conspiracy in action, which helped save thousands of families from disintegration. Know that while your husband wears a wedding ring on his hand, you can return it, since your connection with him is stronger than with a potential rival, you are connected with strong energy threads.

Put your wedding ring in a glass of holy water and say:

“As you, the holy water entered through my wedding ring from above, and went into the distance from below, so let my husband (the name of the spouse) leave the slave (the name of the homeless woman) and put his way back to his house.”

In conclusion, read the prayer "Our Father" three times and drink holy water, and return the ring to its rightful place - on your finger.

Love conspiracy

If you want to bewitch your loved one, try using this conspiracy. But! Only a wife can do it on her husband, not otherwise. With the help of this conspiracy, you will not only restore relationships in the family, but also return peace and love to it.

To carry out a conspiracy, you need to buy a handkerchief in the store, with which you go to church and sprinkle it with holy water. In the shop at the church, buy 7 thick red candles and a ring "Save and Preserve". After midnight, you need to light all seven candles and thread the scarf through the ring seven times. In the process of threading the scarf, say:

“I will go out, the servant of God (name),

Through doors, through gates

I'll go to an open field

Seek your happiness and destiny.

A handkerchief around the ring

There is a ring on the handkerchief,

Help the ring

Servant of God (name of the husband).

To settle down, to fall in love with me again.

Word-lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After completing the ritual, go to bed. Lying in bed read Our Father seven times.

Seven is a sacred number. Follow the conditions of the ritual to get the result

In the morning, get up on your right foot, it is better to wake up early. A handkerchief must be placed on the husband so that he can wear it with him for some time. The ring should be put on your left ring finger and not removed for seven weeks. Exactly this amount of time is needed in order to fully restore relationships in your family.

Wealth conspiracy

If you want to improve your well-being, you just need your own gold ring, which you need to put in a glass of well or spring water. Tap water is not suitable for this ritual.

When it is at the bottom, stir the water with a spoon clockwise and say the conspiracy three times:

“You take good things, but not for a copper penny. And in the stove, and the tub, and in the barn, and in the purse - gold, be with me everywhere. I do not know dashing and troubles, I welcome good to myself, I go out to the doorstep and meet good.

Come, good, to my house, and not by, so that you do not know sorrows and poverty. As a warrior, Anisim walked across the three seas and never knew grief, but only good luck, and I would do it this way, nothing else.

My word is true, my work is strong, the lock cannot be opened, the key cannot be obtained. "

A conspiracy for wealth

For the ritual, any ring of yours is suitable, which must first be cleansed of the past under running water. After that, it is hung on a wire, a church candle is lit, which sweeps under the ring 9 times in different directions. In this case, the flame must pass through it. The candle must be held in the right hand, and the ring in the left.

“The month is over, a crown for my deeds, I am a servant of God (name), daring, groovy. As the ring has no end, so my wealth will not end. Amen".

The charmed ring must be worn on the finger all the time, removing, if necessary, no more than a couple of hours.

Conspiracy to fulfill any desire

Any ring, preferably donated by relatives, is taken. It doesn't matter what metal, with what stones or without them. It hides in a skein of yarn and speaks:

“Across the sea, a bird tit lived, its nest was pitchfork, but it found a ring in it, it brought it to me, a servant of God (your name). I will adorn myself, dress up, I will like good people, all doors will open to me, but secrets will be revealed, everything will be according to my desire. Amen".

You need to put the charmed ring on your finger and go to bed. From the next day it will be your talisman, bringing good luck and prosperity.

A conspiracy to gain strength

A ring made of yellow metal without decorations and inscriptions lies on the stomach, after which it is necessary to say 7 times:

“Belly, give me a cure for the head, and, ring, give my belly strength for this. I release the life force of the ring and ask the Lord to put it on a pure heart, take the pain from the head into the ring, and transfer its power to my soul to get rid of torment and earthly influence. Let the river mud take my pain, and I will gain strength forever. Amen".

After that, it must be thrown into the river with mud.

Words on wedding rings

After the painting and the festive celebration, before entering the house with new wedding rings, say over them:

“For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".

Financial stability and happiness in personal life are very important for every person. But it is not always possible to achieve success in a particular area of ​​life. A person works, but he fails to achieve what he wants. In such moments, you can turn to old magic rituals for help, which everyone can carry out at home. The ring conspiracy is an effective assistant in achieving certain goals.

The ring is a symbol of infinity because it is closed. It is considered a powerful conductor of cosmic and magical energy, personifies the closed cycle of life and the feminine principle. This amulet will help you achieve financial well-being, revive lost feelings, fulfill a desire, and protect yourself from someone else's negative energy impact. This amulet will become an assistant in order to:

  • achieve wealth;
  • get rid of damage and evil eye;
  • get rid of diseases;
  • prevent trouble;
  • preserve youth;
  • attract love into life.

It is very important to always wear a charmed ring, to use talismans correctly, not to give them to anyone. All rituals must be performed only during the growing moon, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for conducting the rituals.

Effective rituals

To attract love

To attract love and happiness into your life, perform the ritual during the full moon. Wait until midnight, put a ring on the windowsill, the moon should illuminate it. Go to bed, and in the morning after waking up, take it in your hands and read the spell:

“I am looking for my love, I attract happiness to life. Let fate send me a betrothed, an ambulance meeting will take place. Let his face be handsome, his hands working, and his heart loving. Let him become a faithful husband to me. May it be so".

Wear the charmed object on the ring finger.

If you have a discord in your family, you can correct the situation with the help of a magical action. For reconciliation with her husband, a ritual is performed during the waxing moon. Take your spouse's ring, hold it in your left hand and say:

“As the young moon grows in the sky, so let the feelings grow in the heart of my husband (name). May love grow stronger every day. As soon as he puts a ring on his finger, he will only think of me. "

Return the enchanted jewelry to its place.

For financial well-being

In order to improve your financial situation, take your golden ring, put it in a glass of spring or well water. Next, take a spoon, stir the water clockwise and say three times:

“You take good things, but not for a copper penny. And in the stove, and the tub, and in the barn, and in the purse - gold, be with me everywhere. I will not know any more troubles or misfortunes. Only goodness comes to me, wealth multiplies, and everything dashing passes by. My words are strong, I will lock them on the lock. Nobody can open it and change it. I will hide the secret key under the magic stone. Nobody will find and will not hinder me in my affairs. "

There is another version of the ritual to attract material well-being. Take any ring, rinse it under running hot running water. Hang on a piece of wire, light a candle. Bring the candle under the ring in different directions so that the flame passes through it, reading the words of the conspiracy:

“As the flame burns this ring, so cash flows are opened for me, the servants of God (name). Let wealth come into my life and stay here forever. I will not know the needs, there will be no poverty and misery. As a ring without end, so my wealth will endlessly. "

Wear a charmed object on your finger all the time, if possible without removing it.

To fulfill a wish

To find happiness, wealth, to fulfill a conceived desire, you can carry out the following ceremony. Put a ring on your left palm, say these words:

“Beyond the distant seas-okians, a magic bird lived, on the island it made a secret nest for itself. I found a magic ring in a secret place. And she brought it to me as a gift. As I put this ring on my finger, so my whole life will change. Everything will work out for me, everything that I have planned will come true. All the secrets are revealed to me, all the people around me will like me. All doors open for me. My desires will come true, all that I have in mind, let it come true. May it be so".

Always carry the charmed object with you, without removing it.

Rules for wearing rings

In order for the plot, which is read on the ring, to start working, the charmed object must be worn correctly. Which finger you put it on will affect certain areas of your life:

  1. If you are an emotional person, it is best to wear it on your thumb. This will help to restrain emotions, balance the temperament. If a man wears a ring on his thumb, this will increase his success in the love sphere.
  2. If you are an insecure person, you should wear it on your index finger. Thanks to this, you will have courage, self-confidence, it will become much easier for you to solve problems.
  3. To attract good luck in life, it is recommended to wear it on the middle finger, so you will more easily cope with difficulties and problems.
  4. Wear it on your ring finger to attract financial well-being.
  5. It is better to wear it on the little finger for those people who lack eloquence to enhance their mental abilities.

To gain strength

Take a gold ring, there should be no inscriptions on it, put it on your stomach. Then say the following words seven times in a row:

“May my body, head and stomach be healthy, may my blood be cleansed. The ring shares its power with me, I will become healthy. May the Lord grant me his blessing, cleansing from ailments, may my soul be freed from torment. Only strength lodges in me. And let the ring take all the ailments, ailments, pains and torments into itself. May it be so".

After uttering the conspiracy, the ring must be thrown into the river. From this day on, you will live a new life, illnesses will go away, you will feel significant relief.

Achieve success

Wake up early in the morning with the first rays of the sun, take a ringlet, hold it in your hand so that the rays of the rising sun pass through it. Look at the sun and speak:

“May happiness and wealth increase, love and respect come. Let success come to me, but he doesn’t linger on the threshold, he enters the house ”.

Defend Against Failure

To prevent trouble, to easily cope with difficulties, to prevent danger, perform the following ritual. Buy a new ring, wake up early in the morning before sunrise. Take the ring in your left hand, say the following words to it:

“All misfortunes pass by, all failures pass me by. There will be no trouble, the problems will go away. "

Wrap in a piece of black fabric, hide under the pillow. Sleep on it for three nights. Next, get it, put it on the middle finger of your left hand. Wear without removing. This will be your personal amulet against problems and troubles.

Thanks to simple but very effective magic rituals, you can achieve success, find financial well-being, love, and help desires come true.

The conspiracy on the ring will help strengthen the health of its owner and loved ones, save the family, improve financial condition, and bring good luck.

Ring in Old Church Slavonic means "kolo" - a circle or a circle. The ancient Slavs believed that any object tied to clothing, hair or hand protects a person from evil spirits. For example, a circle drawn from salt protected from evil forces.

In ancient times, only people with a certain social status could wear rings. Ordinary people wore iron jewelry. In a variety of monastic and political communities, the rings served as meeting passes and identified the owner of the ring.

The ring has wide applications:

  • serves as a talisman;
  • is a symbol of marriage;
  • possesses magical properties, for example, it is used to read various conspiracies.

How to speak a lucky ring in all areas of life

When performing rituals, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • you should not ask for the impossible, since magic rituals help to fulfill only real life goals and dreams;
  • desire should not harm anyone;
  • you must firmly believe in the power of a magical rite;
  • it is necessary to think over and clearly formulate the desire in advance.

Unless otherwise indicated in the description, the period of the new moon and full moon is the best time for ceremonies.

Ring cleaning rituals

Energy field experts are convinced that it is imperative to clean all jewelry. Not only other people's, but also purchased jewelry should be cleaned, since they are already saturated with the energy of those people with whom they came in contact.

The process of cleaning jewelry is simple, does not require any special skills and abilities. Cleaning with the following elements is possible:

  1. Cleaning with running water. Attach a piece of jewelry (any pouch is suitable for this) and hold it under running water. The longer the jewelry is under the stream, the better the cleaning.

    Important! Copper alloys and some uncoated colored stones cannot be cleaned with water.

  2. Cleaning with light. For cleaning, put the jewelry on the windowsill for a couple of days. They are waiting for the product to be cleansed by sunlight and moonlight. This method is also not suitable for all jewelry. You should ask in advance how the stone reacts to sunlight hitting it.
  3. Cleaning with fire. The flame of a candle has cleansing properties. Not all products can be cleaned with a flame.
  4. Cleaning with sound. Sound waves have cleansing properties. They go to the church and stay there while the bell rings, turn on the recording of the bell, or ring a small bell.
  5. Cleaning with salt. Salt has long been used as a cleansing agent that can absorb negative energy. Place the decoration in salt for a day. Then, without touching the salt, they take out the product. The salt is thrown away immediately, preferably away from home.
  6. Cleaning using a complex method. To do this, take a wooden bowl, fill it with clean water and pour 3 tbsp into it. l. salt, better than sea. Place the rings in a bowl, put them on the windowsill during the full moon. Leave for two days. The waning moon actively helps in drawing out negative energy.

Then they take out the decorations from the bowl, hold them over a burning candle. After that, the rings are placed in a pot of earth, in which there is a living plant, and left until the new moon. After a while, the decoration is washed under running water. The jewelry becomes energetically clean and does no harm.

Conspiracy on a ring to make a wish come true

For the conspiracy, you need yarn, it is better if it is gray or white. They take any ring from the available ones, best of all donated or received from relatives.

A church candle is lit with the right hand and placed in front of oneself. They put a skein of yarn in which the decoration is hidden so that it cannot be seen. They say the following:

They wait until the candle burns out. They put a ring on their finger, they sleep with it all night. The yarn is placed under the pillow. The ring will protect, bring good luck and financial well-being.

Conspiracy for a ring for luck and money

You can talk a ring for money and luck. In the early morning, while the sun has not yet risen, they put the decoration on the palm and with the first rays, looking into the ring, they say:

To attract success and luck into your life, you need to conduct a conspiracy. They wrap the ring in a red cloth and move around the room with it, say:

A prerequisite for the next conspiracy is the presence of jewelry on the hand every day.

Hang a ring on a red thread to make a pendulum. When it gets dark, they take the thread in their right hand and read:

The ring is worn on the middle finger. It will help you gain self-confidence.

With the help of the following ritual, performed on the growing moon, you can speak a ring of luck and luck. Water is poured into a transparent container and the decoration is lowered there, and a mirror is placed opposite. The moon, which will shine on the ring in the water, will endow it with strong energy. Pronounced:

Then the ring is put on a finger, and they are washed with water and in no case wiped off.

With the help of a conspiracy, they get rid of problems, attract luck and luck.

There is one more of the most powerful good luck conspiracies. To carry it out you will need:

  • church candles - 12 pcs.;
  • holy water - 1 tbsp.;
  • ring (preferably gold) - 1 pc.

The time of day for the conspiracy is not important, but it is advisable to spend it late in the evening. There should be nothing on the table during the ritual. They put candles on the table. Move the table to the window. A glass of holy water is placed in the middle of the table. Look at the candles for a few minutes. The decoration is dipped into water and said:

Important! The words of the conspiracy must be read by heart.

Conspiracies can be aimed not only at luck, but also at attraction. Any ring is suitable for the ritual, the main thing is that it is pleasant and pleasant to wear.

The ring can be used to make a powerful financial talisman. To do this, at 12 o'clock in the morning, they put the ring on a red cloth and say:

The ring is left to lie on the fabric until morning, and in the morning they put on a talisman - a talisman.

For the next conspiracy, take any of the available rings, clean it with water (as described above). The ring is hung on a wire, a candle is lit (any will do). The candle is in the right hand and the wire is in the left. They say nine times, passing a lighted candle over the ring:

“The month is over, we are making a crown for me, am I a slave (name), am I not a daring, am I not a fine fellow. The ring has no end, so my wealth has no end. Amen"

The ring is put on the hand.

Important! It is better to remove the ring when washing your hands. Otherwise, the water will wash away all the information contained in the jewelry.

Correctly protects against the evil eye. It is necessary that the spoken piece of jewelry be presented as a gift.

Conspiracy on the ring from all sorts of troubles

This conspiracy is used in the case of a constant sense of danger. A ring conspiracy will help protect against bad events. They take a new ring early in the morning, say:

"Turf, fight, the earth be strong, and calm down the misfortune."

The decoration is hidden until the evening. In the evening they get it out, they say:

"You will save from trouble, you will protect from failure, you will take away the evil, you will return it back to your enemy."

The jewelry is wrapped in a dark cloth and placed under the pillow. Sleep with a ring under the pillow for three days. Then they take out the jewelry, put it on the middle finger of the left hand and wear it without removing it.

If you adhere to all the rules, trouble will always bypass.

Important! So that the ring does not lose its effectiveness, it is necessary to clean the ring once a month and carry out the ceremony again.

Ring conspiracy for health

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. The plot is read on a silver ring.

Squeeze in the palm of your hand, say:

The ring is worn on the index finger of the left hand.

Conspiracy for love on the ring

The conspiracy is very effective for men, but it is also used effectively for women. You will need a photograph of the chosen one (s), a candle, a red thread (preferably silk), a wedding ring.

The conspiracy is carried out at night, necessarily on the growing moon (it must be seen, and it must not be hidden by clouds). They open the window, light a candle, put it on the windowsill. A photograph is placed in front of you, a ring is placed on it. They concentrate on the eyes of the chosen one and remember everything positive that is or was associated with him.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to remember the negative, otherwise there is a high probability of charging the ring with negative energy.

Thread the thread through the ring, slowly wrap it with the words:

The thread is fixed, tied in three knots, the photo is removed along with the decoration until the chosen one returns. The ring is given, after having cut (cannot be untied) the red thread.

There is another love conspiracy, performed with a ring. You will need 12 church candles, a husband's ring (you must take it discreetly). Conspiracy is carried out all alone and in a positive mood. They take a ring, say:

With the help of a conspiracy, you can solve the issue of an unsuccessful marriage. Do not forget that when performing ceremonies on someone else's husband, you can face serious protection, which will result in negative consequences.

Conspiracy on a ring with a red stone

They carry out a conspiracy on a ring with a red stone on any big church holiday.

Take the ring, read the following words:

The ring is worn, without removing, on the middle finger of the left hand.

Conspiracy on wedding rings

Wedding rings have tremendous magical power and energy. They carry out a ceremony on the growing moon all alone, turning off all electrical appliances.

They take wedding rings, light a candle (turn off the light). It is necessary to think about the relationship with the second half (what feelings and emotions I would like to experience with my spouse), they begin to unite the rings with a red thread, they say:

Then they tie a strong knot and squeeze the bandaged rings in a fist. They hide the rings from prying eyes. They put them on after a week. The main thing is not to rely only on the ritual, but to show more love for your soulmate yourself.


Conducting a conspiracy on a ring, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on desire and mentally imagine the result. It should be remembered that the most powerful and universal means are the prayers "Save and Preserve" and "Our Father".

The roots of the tradition of wearing jewelry go back to ancient times. Initially, their purpose was not just the desire to decorate themselves and show their worth, but to protect and attract all kinds of benefits into their lives. To attract luck, love and money into our lives, we read special words for jewelry. The ring conspiracy was used most often. Will a conspiracy on your own lucky ring help?

The most common rituals with rings

Ring conspiracies can help protect the house, family from enemies and negative influences, stay always with money, be in the spotlight. The material from which the ring is made plays an important role. In esoteric circles, it is believed that a silver ring can enhance the effect of a spell many times over.

It is best to read a conspiracy on a ring, donated or heirloom, passed down from generation to generation, as an active amulet. In this case, the material from which the jewelry is made does not really matter, the ring can even be wooden, the main thing is its energy. To bewitch a person or attract good luck into your life, without consequences, you need to properly carry out the ritual and find a suitable decoration for yourself. You can use the help of a professional, or you can conduct the ceremony yourself at home.

Among other things, you need to know when to cast spells on the rings. Rituals to attract all kinds of benefits into your life are carried out in the growth phase of the moon. There are also spells about jewelry that should be read on a full moon. The main thing to remember is that you need to follow all the instructions described, and not change the day of the event, that is, you cannot read the text intended for the full moon on the new moon.

How to make your dreams come true

Is there a conspiracy to fulfill desires? In order for the ring to fulfill wishes, you must first prepare it for the ritual. To do this, they hide their product in a box with multi-colored threads for a couple of days. And the performer himself during these couple of days also prepares for the ritual, setting himself up for success morally, with the help of visualization and concentration. After several days (the timing depends on how long it takes a person to prepare to make him feel comfortable), they begin to read the text to fulfill the desire:

“Birds from the south flew in, brought us a present in their beaks. They gave us a shiny ring, burning in the sun. For the servants of God (names), all desires will come true, and sorrows will be forgotten. "

The conspiracy magic of jewelry is very powerful. This simple ceremony will not only help to attract wealth and love into your life, but it will also be able to protect you and your loved ones from negative outside influences. During the ritual performance, the performer must concentrate his attention to the maximum on the desired. After reading the conspiracy words, you need to dig out the ring and put it on your finger, go to bed with it, and try to take it off as rarely as possible. The conspiracy on a gold ring makes it a powerful talisman and performer of a wide variety of desires. You will see how fate itself will throw signs at you that will help you achieve your goals.

How to turn the wheel of fortune in your direction

How to speak lucky ring? The conspiracy for a ring for luck and money is read early in the morning, before sunrise. When the first rays of the sun appear, you should take your ring and bring it to the window so that the ray passes through it and start reading the conspiracy:

“Red dawn, you get up early, you see everything. My luck ran somewhere, probably, she couldn't get out of the gates. Your rays reach the darkest corner. They passed through the ring, but they found my luck and tied it to it forever.

If fortune turned away from you, and money began to flow away, how can water speak a ring of luck in another way. For this you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • your ring;
  • transparent glass;
  • green ribbon;
  • green thick candles, can be replaced with church ones.

Candles are placed on the table, tied with a green thread, and set on fire. A vessel with water is placed in front. A conspiracy for a gold ring to attract money and good luck should be read on a full moon. As soon as midnight strikes, sit down at the table, with pre-prepared attributes, pick up the ring and, looking through it at the moon, start reading the conspiracy words:

“Lunnitsa, mother, your soul knows all the secrets. You walk across the night sky, you look down on everyone. You will find my luck, but you will return it back to me, it will not walk through the doorways, and stir up someone else's sleep, but will only serve me with faith and truth, bring innumerable wealth. I will swim in money and live happily. "

After such a ceremony, your talisman in the form of a ring must be worn constantly, taking off as little as possible.

Family preservation rituals

It often happens that after several years of married life, men begin to walk. In this case, a conspiracy on your husband for a ring will help. Such rituals for returning the attention of a loved one are the most powerful. Wedding rings are a symbol of loyalty and love, will become the most important guardian of your family happiness.

For the ritual you will need:

  • your ring and your husband's;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • red thread made of wool.

The conspiracy to return the husband's love is read on the full moon. The rings are tied with a thread and placed in a glass of water, pronouncing the conspiracy words:

“Luna, mother, I hope for your help. Your magic is strong. A chill in the heart of a loved one stuck a thorn in. To return my beloved, help me and drive the evil homewoman away. Do not shine on her at night, let her forget the way to my doorstep. "

The conspiracy is read for three days. On the fourth day, the rings should be removed from the water and put on a burning thick candle, light it and wait until it burns to ashes. All this time, you need to read prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. Strong conspiracies on rings allow you to return a married man to the bosom of the family, and to secure a joint future from such unpleasant incidents once and for all.

How to get a dream figure using ring spells

Not everyone dreams of getting wealth, achieving love, recognition. For some, a pipe dream is a beautiful figure. There is a special conspiracy on a weight loss ring that allows you to lose extra pounds and never gain weight again. In order for a fast-acting weight loss ritual to pass without consequences, you need to follow some rules for its implementation:

  • read conspiracy words for weight loss, after sunset or before sunrise;
  • it is very important on which finger you will wear the ring, it should be the little finger of your right hand;
  • the ritual should be performed on an empty stomach.

A silver protective ring with the words "save and preserve" is best suited for such purposes. They read conspiracy words in the phase of the waning moon. At midnight, you need to take the ring so that you can see the lunar disk through it and start reading the ritual words:

“The moon is cheerful, and has hung its sickle on the sky. As the moon went across the sky, I lost my sides. As the fullness of the moon has gone, so mine will never return to me. As long as the ring is on my finger, my health is with me, and I am doubly losing weight. "

When all the ritual actions have been completed, the ring should be put on the little finger. You should wear the jewelry until you reach your ideal weight. After reaching the goal, the ring must be thrown into the fast-flowing river.

How to use a charmed item

In order for the rituals to give a quick result, you need not only to be able to carry out ritual actions, but also to know how to speak and wear a ring. Everything will directly depend on the final result. If you give a charmed ring, then this should be done only with good intentions. By bringing misfortune into someone else's life, you thereby spoil your karma, dooming yourself to cruel retribution. Previously, very often people gave each other different amulets. Before a long separation, a person could remove the ring from his hand and give it to a friend or beloved, in order to leave a part of himself next to his family.

The silver ring enhances the effect of conspiracies a hundredfold. A new decoration must first be cleaned before reading a plot on it. The cleansing rite is very simple. The signet is simply put in water with salt for a day. It's great if you manage to leave it on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on the product.

After carrying out the appropriate preparation, you can begin to conduct the rituals. With the help of charmed things, you can establish trade, return lost happiness. Not everyone wants wealth, love; for many, losing weight is an unrealizable dream. Those who are desperate to lose weight can use a slimming ring spell, and both a woman and a man can use the ceremony. It is very important to know on which finger you need to wear jewelry in order to enhance the effectiveness of conspiracies:

  • if you wear a ring on your thumb, you will never need money;
  • the ring on the index finger helps to awaken leadership qualities, to achieve the goal, to fulfill the most cherished desires;
  • family jewelry is worn on the middle finger, this is a very strong amulet;
  • for a successful marriage, they put rings on the ring finger;
  • the rings on the little fingers are responsible for the emotional background.

Now you know that a conspiracy to attract big money for a ring will help you in solving many of your problems and desires.

One of the most ancient magical items is the ring. The decoration embodies the feminine principle, the infinity of what is happening in the world and at the same time the logical completeness of all that exists. The most effective and powerful magical rites are associated with it. Ring plots are needed to acquire wealth and success, personal happiness, fulfillment of desires and protection from the evil eye or damage.

What is the magic of the ring

For centuries, the ring has played an important role in the life of individual people or even entire states. This decoration was one of the most socially significant items that tell about a person's professional affiliation, was an attribute of power and status, and could also be used as a healing item or as a weapon to eliminate the unwanted.

The history of the origin of the ring goes back to antiquity, when carved seals were used as a sign that carried information. They were worn on the fingers, attached to a wire or leather rim. Such seals were first made from bone, and after the development of casting technologies, in various metals.

In philosophical schools, giving a ring to a student from a teacher was a kind of completion of training, when the student himself passed to the rank of teacher.

Purification ritual

The cleansing procedure must necessarily undergo rings purchased in a store, found somewhere by accident and from relatives along the line of a spouse, mother-in-law, as well as from acquaintances, girlfriends, work colleagues.

Rings inherited or donated by the mother have the additional powerful force of the clan. Such decorations do not require cleaning.

The rite of purification is necessarily carried out on the growing moon. You can remove negative energy from jewelry by cleaning with soda, soap, tooth powder. Do not change the order of actions.

  1. Place in a container of salt for 5-7 days.
  2. After the time has elapsed, wash under running water and soap.
  3. Place it in a glass of clean water for a day, and put a consecrated cross in it.
  4. After a day, the product is washed again and left in clean water for another 3 days. Every morning, as early as possible, they change the water, the ideal time is at sunrise.
  5. On the fourth day after sunset, the ring is washed again and placed on the window sill where the moonlight penetrates as much as possible. During the night, there is a final cleansing and a charge of powerful lunar energy.

After the cleansing procedure, they begin magical rituals. A peeled piece of jewelry in itself will not only improve the quality of life, but also protect against bad people and the evil eye.

The most powerful rites

For wealth

To carry out a magic rite to raise money using a ring, it is necessary, in addition to the product itself, to prepare:

  • piece of wire:
  • church candle.

A candle is lit and taken in the right hand, and the jewelry is strung on a wire and held with the left palm. Without taking their eyes off the ring, they are guided through the flame from side to side 9 times. At the same time they read the conspiracy:

“The month is over, my work is a crown, I am a servant of God (name), daring, lively. As the ring has no end, so my wealth will not end. Amen".

In order for the magic of the object to work, the jewelry must be put on the finger immediately after the ritual and worn constantly.

For money and good luck in business

Another ritual will help to attract money and good luck at home:

  • you will need a piece of red cloth and a piece of jewelry;
  • place the ring in the center of the flap and speak it:

“Our luck is on my hand, and I put the wealth in my pocket. With me success, with me prosperity. Money flows like a fast river. Only to me, only to me. The key, the lock, it is said will come true. "

  • the fabric with a ring is removed to a secret place for a day, and then worn as a talisman.

A conspiracy for a ring for luck and money works better if the jewelry is worn constantly, without removing it.

To strengthen marriage

They take the husband's ring in the left hand (the jewelry must be made of gold or silver) and clamp it tightly, saying:

“As this young month grows, so the feeling in the chest of the servant of God (name) will grow to me, the servant of God (name). When he puts this ring on his finger, he will only think of me alone and desire me alone. The longer he wears it, the more he will love me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the conspiracy, the ring is placed in the place where the spouse can easily find it and put it on the finger.

This ritual not only helps, but also enhances the female attractiveness for the spouse.

Another strong love spell on her husband from Siberian healers is carried out on Pokrov Day - October 14. To do this, the spouse's wedding ring is placed in a container with consecrated water and placed next to the bed. And at night, during love joys, they whisper the words:

“The ring has no end. My husband has no other crown forever. I am the first for him, I am the last for him. Amen".

In the morning, the ring is returned to the spouse.

For rejuvenation and beauty

A magic ritual with a ring will help. For the ceremony of rejuvenation, they choose products made of precious metals, gold or silver, bought in a store or made to order.

Take a piece of jewelry and a nice glass of clean water. The product is placed on the bottom of the container and the following is said:

“My beauty walks around the ring and has nowhere to go. As it dazzles with its brilliance, so I will be dazzling. My attractiveness is dearer than silver and gold, neither age, nor envious people, nor evil enemies will take it away from me. "

The charmed object is left in water for a day. After 24 hours, the product is removed from the glass, and washed with water. The adornment is worn for 6 months, renewing the ritual every six months.

How to wear an enchanted jewelry

It is important not only to carry out the ritual, but also to wear the charmed object correctly. It makes a huge difference which finger you wear the ring on.