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Eclipse of the moon on August 7 at. Eclipses. Why the moon will be "bloody"

From 20.24 to 22.19 Moscow time in the sky you can see a partial eclipse of the moon. In two hours, the natural satellite of our planet will pass through the earth's shadow, plunging into it with its southern edge by a quarter.

Although the Moon will be low enough above the horizon, astronomers say that the celestial phenomenon can be observed with the naked eye and the lunar disc color changes to a burgundy red, according to the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

Who and how does a lunar eclipse affect

The eclipse on August 7 will be felt by everyone to one degree or another. But the negative impact will be stronger for people born under the signs of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

The moon affects the mental and emotional state, so mood changes are possible. On this day, a person will be more irritable, self-critical, touchy, capricious, inclined to conflict behavior and inclined to dismissive of others.

Regular communication with people can lead to scandals, contradictions and nervous breakdowns. The subconscious mind will be hit by uncontrollable emotions, torment and inner fears. You will also want a breath of freedom and new changes, in connection with which the feeling of selfishness will intensify.

On the roads on the day of the eclipse, the number of accidents may increase, and thefts will become more frequent in public places. Serious alcohol, drug and drug poisoning is not excluded.

What can you do on the day of a lunar eclipse

During this period of time, it is necessary to complete everything that has been started. You can close all long-term projects and solve important tasks that were postponed earlier.

Also, on the day of the eclipse, it is easiest to filter out the unnecessary. You can cross out an exhausted relationship and open your heart to new ones. It will become easier to get rid of bad habits - smoking, overeating and drinking alcohol, to get rid of emotional and drug addiction.

It will be useful to look for lost items and new information. It is best to summarize and analyze the mistakes of the past.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, life forces can be directed to moving, rearranging furniture, completing repairs.

You need to make plans for the future, dream, make a wish list.

What can not be done during an eclipse of the moon

On this day, it is better to refuse important meetings, negotiations, showing initiative and taking responsibility. Long journeys and trips are best postponed several days in advance.

Try to be outdoors less and breathe fresh air, as the body is most susceptible to the negative effects of the moon and the sun.

You should not play a wedding on such a day, because a family union can be very problematic.

Better not to give or receive gifts. Set aside large financial deals and organizational issues for later.

Another, last this year moon eclipse will happen in the evening Monday 7 August... In clear weather, a beautiful and fairly frequent astronomical phenomenon will be available for observation almost throughout Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It is expected that the August eclipse will reveal to the world the so-called "Bloody moon"- due to the peculiarities of light refraction of the sun's rays through the Earth's atmosphere, our satellite will be painted in crimson-reddish tones.

Where on the territory of Russia on August 7 it will be possible to observe the eclipse

The partial lunar eclipse, which will occur on August 7, will be available for observation throughout Russia, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, since at the time of its beginning there the Moon will already disappear behind the horizon line.

What time will the eclipse be

Features of the eclipse on August 7

As the astronomers explained, on August 7, the Russians will observe a partial lunar eclipse, during which the lunar disk will be blocked for a terrestrial observer by the northern part of the Earth's shadow for about two hours. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the lunar disk will be overlapped by the earth's shadow by about a quarter.

When is the best time to observe an eclipse in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In both capitals, the most favorable moment for observing the Moon in the shadow of the Earth is about 21.20, when our natural satellite will plunge deepest into the Earth's shadow.

Although at this moment the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, a beautiful celestial phenomenon will be available for observation with the naked eye, as well as through binoculars and telescopes. Also, without additional optics, it will be possible to observe the burgundy red - "bloody" - the color of the "hidden" moon.

Why the moon will be "bloody"

The lunar disk takes on a blood red hue during an eclipse for physical reasons. The fact is that the sun's rays, which pass tangentially to the earth's surface, are not completely scattered in the earth's atmosphere. Some of these rays reach the moon through the earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the Earth's atmosphere is the most transparent for the rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore, it is these rays during a lunar eclipse that mainly reach the surface of the Moon, giving it a red-burgundy color.

Where to see the eclipse through a telescope on August 7

The Moscow and St. Petersburg Planetariums invite astronomy lovers of all ages to admire the partial lunar eclipse through telescopes.

As reported in Moscow Planetarium, there visitors are expected from 19 to 23 hours.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on August 7 from 19.00 to 22.00 at the box office of the Moscow Planetarium. Several telescopes will operate at the astronomical site to observe the amazing natural phenomenon, in addition, astronomers will give all the necessary explanations and give fascinating lectures on solar and lunar eclipses.

The entrance to the astronomical site of the Moscow Planetarium closes at 22.00, and the event ends at 23.00.

The astronomical platform for observing the lunar eclipse will be open only if the weather is clear, so it is advisable to check everything in advance on the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

Saint Petersburg Planetarium also provides an opportunity to observe the eclipse through telescopes.

Observations of a private lunar eclipse through telescopes will be available at the planetarium observatory on August 7 from 21.00 to 21.50.

It will also be possible to observe the starry sky through a telescope even after the end of the eclipse - from 22.30 to 23.20. Both adults and children from the age of seven are invited to both events.

When is the next lunar eclipse in Russia?

The next lunar eclipse available for observation on the territory of Russia will occur next year - January 31, 2018. The winter eclipse can be observed in all Russian regions, except for the western and southwestern regions. Follow the information on the site Federal News Agency.

The first in a series of August eclipses will be the Aquarius and South Node Lunar Eclipse on August 7th.

The events that will occur in our affairs under the influence of this Lunar eclipse, firstly, will be associated with the disclosure and culmination in the development of past situations, and secondly, they will be related to the processes of involution - that is, to the processes of materialization of ideas and designs, their incarnation into material reality.

The sign of the Lunar Eclipse at the South Node, Aquarius, means that the embodiment of past ideas and designs can be associated with sudden and revolutionary changes in our practical affairs. Perhaps, also under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse, the principles of freedom, independence, some innovative, unusual and non-standard ideas will be embodied in the circumstances of our realities in one form or another.

The eclipse point forms a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in Libra and tense to Mars in Leo. In fact, the lunar eclipse in Aquarius accentuates the beginning of the solar-Martian cycle - a new two-year cycle of self-realization in vigorous external activity.

On the one hand, this means that sharp turns and transformations in the development of our past affairs can be associated with new directions in self-realization, external activities, as well as with new perspectives and horizons. On the other hand, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius and in the South Node, accented by Mars, may indicate that the severing of ties with the past and release from past circumstances can occur against our will, under the influence of external factors, as a result of conflicts and intense changes.

At this time, in any case, changes will come to our realities, but in some cases, as a result of the fact that we embody new ideas and plans into reality, we are freed from previous conditions on our own initiative, in others - against our will, spontaneously and as a result of action external factors.

For those who are involved in their work with new technologies, symbolic systems, artificial intelligence, society, unusual areas of activity, there is a great time to translate their developments and projects into reality. But also in all other activities, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius brings excellent opportunities for development through renewal, innovation and innovative ideas.

In the development of previously begun cases and life plots, issues of cooperation, social activities, associations with those who share our ideas come to the fore. Our past affairs reach a stage at which their development directly depends on interaction with other people, requires new, non-standard solutions and approaches. Therefore, under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, we can decide on changes in life plans and rebuild our connections with other people, groups of people and communities, depending on the community in ideas, goals, position in the world and society.

The periods of Lunar eclipses in general, and the Lunar eclipse in Aquarius especially, are a great time to clarify any situations and obtain all the necessary information for making decisions. In the affairs and situations that have developed so far, all previously hidden aspects appear, former illusions are dispelled, all possibilities and limitations are clearly indicated. At this time, on the basis of the full picture that becomes clear to us, we make pivotal decisions about whether we are ready to move in the same direction or whether something urgently needs to be changed.

Under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, the need for liberation from old frameworks, obligations, previous conditions and problems may mature, and increased needs for independence and freedom can lead to a rebellion against the past, to abrupt breaks in relations and ties with the past. The South Node, in which the eclipse occurs, indicates that all this may have to do with family ties, practical activities, or irreversibly change our material reality.

In negative cases, the transition of conflict situations to a new stage can cause ruptures, distance and cooling in close and family relationships. In addition, transformations in existing relationships (including family ties) can result from sudden crises and emergencies.

Transformations in our practical affairs, directions of activity and work can also occur against our will, and liberation from the past in all this can become the result of sudden turns in the development of external circumstances. As a result, we may be forced to redefine our goals and areas of activity under the influence of changing external conditions. Therefore, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius can bring forced changes in work and our business plans, accompanied by crises and tense situations.

The negative impact of the Lunar Eclipse on health can manifest itself in disorders related to the cardiovascular system, cerebral vessels, nervous system and vision. In the vicinity of an eclipse, the likelihood of pressure problems, strokes, spasmodic events, as well as injuries to the legs, tendons, and especially the ankle joints, will increase.

And, of course, as always during periods of lunar eclipses, nervous and emotional stress increases, and the ability to control your reactions, to adequately assess both opportunities and risks, decreases. All this becomes the reason for the increased likelihood of traumatic, accidents and destructive conflicts. In addition, near the lunar eclipse, the danger of man-made accidents, problems with technology, electricity, fire, communication and transport systems increases.

And especially dangerous from all points of view will be the days immediately near the eclipse - August 6-8, as well as the days of August 10-14, when Mars will pass through the point of the Lunar eclipse. These days we will need maximum caution, restraint and self-control, since the likelihood of unpredictable developments in important matters for us, abrupt violations of plans, accidents, crises and tense situations will be very high.

In addition, on August 10-14, on the days when Mars will pass through the point of the Lunar eclipse, any of our actions can acquire special power - both destructive and constructive. Where and how our energy is directed these days can be of crucial importance in the development of important life situations for us.

A partial eclipse of the Moon in Moscow can be observed from 20.20, the maximum eclipse will come at 21:21 Moscow time, the Moon will be above the southeastern horizon at an altitude of only seven degrees, the Moscow Planetarium said.

In clear weather at 21:21 Moscow time, you will notice a slight reddening of the lower part of the lunar disk. After the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Moon will leave the Earth's shadow at 22:19 Moscow time and begin to leave the Earth's penumbra. During a penumbra eclipse until 22:40 Moscow time, there will still be a noticeable darkening of the southern edge of the moon. At 23:52 Moscow time, the eclipse of the moon will end. The planet will completely come out of the partial shade of the Earth.

At the moment of the deepest submersion, the glow of the southern regions of the Moon will be weakened, they will darken and redden a little. This can be seen with the naked eye in clear, cloudless weather. This darkening effect of the southern part of the lunar disk will be even more pronounced in photographs.

The partial eclipse of the Moon on August 7, 2017 will generally be favorable for observations from Russia, since the field of visibility will cover most of its territory. The only exceptions will be the north-western regions (beyond the line Kaliningrad - St. Petersburg - Arkhangelsk), where there will still be a bright evening and the moon will not have time to rise above the horizon, as well as the Kamchatka Peninsula and Chukotka with the environs, where, on the contrary, the morning of August 8 will already come ...

Those wishing to observe the phenomenon will be able to see how the color of the moon will change, a senior researcher at the P.K. Sternberg Vladimir Surdin.

"The moon will be a little reddish. The fact is that part of the light coming from the sun will pass through the earth's atmosphere. Blue light will remain in the atmosphere, and red light will pass to the moon, and its surface will turn a little red. I advise those who like to observe. for natural phenomena from 21 to 22 pm to find the moon in the sky. To do this, you need to look at the south-western part of the horizon, and not high above the horizon. That is, if there are trees around the house, then you will not see anything. and then you will see the rising moon, falling into the shadow of the Earth. As astronomers say, a partial eclipse will occur: the lower part of the Moon - about a quarter - will be completely darkened, and the remaining three quarters will fall into the Earth's penumbra - will be reddish-reddish, "said Vladimir Surdin ...

According to him, the lunar eclipse will not affect the processes taking place on Earth.

“But this will affect what is happening on the moon. The fact is that now it is noon on the visible side of the moon, and the surface temperature is about 120 degrees. several tens of degrees. In the mid-sixties, when we were actively studying this phenomenon, the eclipse of the Moon and how quickly its soil cools down, helped us figure out that the Moon is covered with dust, that its surface is rather loose. This was a useful scientific observation. this is just an amusing picture for astronomy lovers - a beautiful celestial phenomenon ", - said Vladimir Surdin.

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Vedic astrology about a lunar eclipse ...

From a Vedic point of view, a solar or lunar eclipse is unfavorable in nature, since in the first case the Sun is eclipsed by the disc of the Moon, and in the second case, the Moon is eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth, on which the Sun shines. The Earth is on the axis, between the Sun and the Moon. The sun is our spirit, consciousness, will power, volitional actions, creative energy. It symbolizes a father, a husband for a woman, a man himself, his vital energy, vitality.

The moon is responsible for intuition, subconsciousness, subtle energies of premonitions, unconscious behavior, symbolizes the mother, maternal instincts, fertility, life, family, wife for a man, real estate. The period of eclipses is extremely unfavorable for any actions and undertakings. But if actions are associated with the spiritual life of a person, with service to God / Absolute, then the time of the eclipse can and should be used for spiritual practice. You can and even need to read prayers or listen to church music, religious chants.

At the moment when the sun's rays are suddenly interrupted, darkness descends on the Earth, both in the direct and in the sense that "absolute evil" comes into its own. At this moment, people, animals and all living things experience extreme suffering, consciousness and logic do not work, the brain, as it were, experiences an eclipse. Wrong decisions are made, intuition does not turn on and does not help in difficult situations. Any events are perceived as life-threatening, an elephant is made of a fly, not only at the level of one person, but also at the level of society.

On the day of the eclipse itself, you should read prayers (which you know), mantras, books on spiritual development, meditate, is in the water (take a bath, swim in the sea, river), and fumigate the room in which you are (stock up on chopsticks in advance). It does not recommend looking at the eclipse itself. It is advisable to be indoors at the time of the eclipse. If you are on a trip, then at the very moment of the eclipse of the Sun or the Moon (find out in advance the time of the eclipse in your area) go into the room, or park the car, sit for 5-10 minutes, interrupt your thoughts, mentally forgive those who offended you, mentally ask forgiveness from those you feel guilty about. It is not recommended to eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse. Do not make transactions, postpone all financial issues for the next day, it is also advisable not to make important purchases. IT IS FORBIDDEN to carry out any operations on the body on the day of the eclipses. Avoid crowded places. You can start to "quit" smoking and work with bad habits.

The influence of the eclipse begins to manifest itself 2 weeks before the exact moment of the eclipse and 2 weeks after it. This is especially felt by aged people, diseases are aggravated, poor health makes them limit their activity and pay more attention to nutrition. Meteorologically dependent people are especially affected.

Considering that the Moon is the image of the mother, the image of the wife, the image of the Woman, it is the female half of the population that will be most stormy in anticipation of the eclipse. However, forewarned means forearmed, therefore, after reading this article, if you wish, you can not only avoid the negative manifestations of a lunar eclipse, but also turn them into a positive, constructive channel that will lead you to new horizons and achievements.

Especially pregnant women are not allowed to go out during solar or lunar eclipses, this is fraught with the appearance of pathologies in the fetus. The moon is a luminary that is very close to us. The sun gives energy (masculine), and the moon absorbs (feminine). When two luminaries find themselves at the same point during an eclipse, their energies have a strong effect on a person. In the body, there is a powerful load on the regulatory system. Especially bad health on the day of the eclipse for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients. People who are currently undergoing treatment will also feel bad.

To avoid discomfort with health, it is recommended to take a contrast shower on this day (which, by the way, would be good to take not only on days of a solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). In the morning douche should be finished with cool water, it tones, and in the evening - warm.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allay, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allé effect, but they could not systematize it. Today, new studies by Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirm this phenomenon, but they cannot yet explain it. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He says that during eclipses, time is transformed.

During a lunar eclipse, the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are very vulnerable. The number of mental disorders in humans is on the rise. This is due to the disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon according to the discovery of Tony Nader (Nader Raja Rama). The hormonal cycles of the body can be disrupted, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, the work of the physiological correspondence of the Sun - Thalamus is more disrupted, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases will also increase, since the Sun controls the heart. The perception of "I", pure consciousness - is clouded. The consequence of this can be an increase in tension, radical and aggressive tendencies in the world, as well as an unsatisfied ego of politicians or leaders of states.

PAUL GLOBA on the eclipse:

“The role and function of eclipses is very serious. They realize the karma that we have accumulated in one way or another and will realize it in the shortest possible time.

Eclipses always reveal our problems and allow them to be realized in the shortest possible time. They drastically squeeze our problems and expose them quickly. Eclipses are purification, they have a medical function, purification, surgical, but they can be terrible, not all of them can withstand them. This is a surgical intervention in our destiny, which is caused by ourselves.

If something bad happens to us during eclipses, it means that it is good that this happened, and not something else.

It is from this position that it is necessary to disassemble eclipses, but not for all these eclipses, many of them may not be recorded at all. "(C)