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Application for setting up an object of negative impact. Registration of the object of negative impact on the environment. Simplified order of service

State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment- is a mandatory procedure in order to comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection. In short, this operation is called - setting on the state. accounting of objects of NVOS.

"Object that has a negative impact on the environment- a capital construction object and / or other object, as well as their totality, united by a single purpose and / or inseparably connected physically or technologically and located within one or several land plots "(Article 1, Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7- FZ)

In accordance with paragraph 1, Art. 4.2 of the Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection", objects that have a negative impact on the environment, depending on the level of such impact, are subdivided into four categories:

  1. Objects of the I category- facilities that have a significant negative impact on the environment and related to the areas of application of the best available technologies;
  2. Objects of the II category- objects that have a moderate negative impact on the environment;
  3. Objects of the III category- objects that have a slight negative impact on the environment;
  4. Objects of IV category- objects that have a minimal negative impact on the environment.

The criteria on the basis of which the objects providing NVOS are classified as objects of categories I, II, III and IV are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 1029.

State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment must be carried out by all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs conducting economic and / or other activities.

Registration is carried out by filling out an Application for the registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, for state registration (hereinafter referred to as the Application).

Application form approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 23, 2015 N 554 (as amended on September 27, 2016) "On approval of the application form for placing objects that have a negative impact on the environment, for state registration, containing information for entering into the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, including in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature ".

An application for registration is submitted to an authorized federal executive body or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Having previously determined to which supervision the object belongs.

If the object does not meet the criteria established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2015 N 903 "On approval of the criteria for determining objects subject to federal state environmental supervision"means this object belongs to regional environmental supervision.

An application for registration is submitted by legal entities and / or individual entrepreneurs after the commissioning of facilities providing NVOS, this must be done within 6 months.

Do not forget that information about objects that have a negative impact on the environment, to be updated in connection with the provision of information by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

  1. On the replacement of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out economic and (or) other activities at an object that has a negative impact on the environment, reorganization of a legal entity in the form of transformation, on changing its name, address (location), as well as on changing its surname, name, patronymic (if any), place of residence of an individual entrepreneur, details of his identity document;
  2. On changing the location of an object that has a negative impact on the environment;
  3. On changes in the characteristics of technological processes of the main industries, sources of environmental pollution;
  4. On changing the characteristics of technical means for neutralizing emissions, discharges of pollutants, technologies for using, neutralizing and disposing of production and consumption waste.

Updating information must be done on time no later than thirty days from the date of state registration of such changes. After submitting relevant information, the category of an object that has a negative impact on the environment may be changed.

Information for registration of NVOS facilities

To submit an application, you must prepare the following documents:

  1. Applicant Information(name; contact phone number; address (location) of a legal entity or place of residence for an individual entrepreneur; date of state registration of a legal entity / individual entrepreneur; certificate of registration with a tax authority; PSRN and the date of its entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / USRIP; position, Name of the manager or his authorized representative; notification of the assignment of statistics codes.
  2. General information about the object(actual location (full address); cadastral number of the land plot on which the NVOS facility is located; date of commissioning of the facility (in the format DD.MM.YY); OKVED; name and volume of manufactured products, sales of goods, type of economic or other activities at the facility (in accordance with OKPD 2), the design capacity; the declared category of the facility; the level of state environmental control (federal, regional); the technologies used at the facilities of the 1st category; the use of recycling water supply in production; coordinates (coordinates are given in the format of decimal degrees, in projection WGS 84, precision - 6 decimal places):
  • angular (including rotary) coordinates of the site;
  • stationary sources of emissions (if stationary sources are available);
  • releases to water bodies (if there are releases);
  • waste disposal facilities (if there is an OSW on the territory of the enterprise).
  • Environmental impact of the facility:(types, quantity and serial number of stationary sources (from the MPE volume); volume and physical characteristics of emissions and discharges of pollutants; information on releases and discharges of wastewater; name of the object of disposal of production and consumption waste; information on the mass of production and consumption waste disposed of) ...
  • Information about permits(passing the necessary procedures) in the field of environmental protection (conclusion of the state environmental expertise; permits for emissions and discharges; waste limits).
  • Information on measures taken at the facility to ensure environmental protection(availability of a program of industrial environmental control; plan of measures to reduce IEE; information on technical means for neutralizing discharges and emissions; information on conservation, liquidation of an object with a negative footprint).

  • draw your attention to the fact that most of the refusals in registration are due to incorrectly defined coordinates (objects, stationary sources, releases into water bodies, ORO). For precise positioning you can use one of the following resources: Public cadastral map, Yandex map, Google Maps.

    Submission of an application for registration of the NVOS facility

    The application can be completed and submitted in several ways:

    1. Through your Personal Account, using authorization through the website of the public service. To complete and submit an Application, an Electronic Signature (ES) is required. Important so that the TIN of the Electronic Signature coincides with the TIN of the registered enterprise. When signing the Application with an electronic signature, confirmation in paper form is not required.
    2. If the company does not have ES, then the Application can be made using free software "Natural Resource User Module"... Upload the Application in XML format and submit through the Personal Account. In this case, an additional Application is submitted on paper, signed by the head.

    Regardless of the method, when uploading to the Personal Account The application is assigned a unique number.

    When submitting an Application on paper, it is necessary to issue a cover letter in accordance with the order of Rosprirodnadzor dated November 24, 2016 No. 756 "On the execution of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2016 No. 572".


    Do not forget that failure to submit or untimely submission of an Application for registration or updating of data about an object, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount 5-20 thousand rubles; for legal entities - 30-100 thousand rubles(Code of Administrative Offenses Article 8.46).

    Important clarifications of Rosprirodnadzor on registration

    1. Who does not need to submit an application for registration of an NVOS facility?

    According to the existing legislation, the generation and accumulation of waste are not criteria for classifying an object as an object of one of the four categories of the NVOS, and directly in the application for registering an NVOS object only information about the disposal of waste at the NVOS facility is provided. In this regard, a group of organizations emerged, which in general you do not need to submit this Application... For this 2 conditions must be met simultaneously:

    1. The enterprise generates waste, but does not carry out waste disposal activities on its own (at its own waste disposal sites).
    2. Does not have other types of negative impact on the environment specified in the Criteria in the course of economic and / or other activities.

    Such enterprises may include: separate offices, schools, kindergartens, shops, etc., such organizations are not counted as objects of the NVOS. (Article 69 of Law No. 7 FZ.).

    2. The question of setting the state. accounting of objects under construction as objects of NVOS.

    Entry into the register of facilities under construction and facilities that have not been commissioned, not provided... (letter of Rosprirodnadzor dated 31.10.2016 No. AS-09-00-36 / 22354).

    It will not be superfluous to remind you that during the construction of facilities it is necessary comply with environmental requirements, including obtaining permits in the field of waste management (to develop passports of waste, to develop a PNOOLR and to obtain limits or submit reports to the SME) and in the field of air emissions (to develop a draft MPE and obtain an emission permit), as well as the implementation of environmental measures provided for by the project documentation (letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated October 28, 2016 No. 12-50 / 8692-ОГ).

    For all questions, including if you need help or want order registration of NVOS facilities write to us - our Contacts.

    From the activities of each organization, regardless of the size, production and consumption wastes are generated. According to law for each waste, waste passports must be developed and agreed upon, and the enterprise must also develop a PNOOLR, or annually submit reports to SMEs (reports on waste for small and medium-sized businesses).

    Many organizations require develop a draft MPE and obtain a permit for the emission of pollutants into the atmospheric air. To understand whether you need it, go to the page

    1. State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out in order to obtain reliable information about objects that have a negative impact on the environment, to determine the areas of application of the best available technologies, to apply program-targeted planning methods, as well as to plan the implementation of state environmental supervision.

    2. The state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment includes, among other things, the state registration of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air, harmful physical effects on the atmospheric air and their sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric protection. air, as well as state accounting in the field of production and consumption waste management in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of production and consumption waste management.

    3. State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out in the form of maintaining a state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, which is a state information system, the creation and operation of which is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technology and information protection and other regulatory legal acts.

    4. The state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment includes:

    name, organizational and legal form and address (location) of a legal entity or last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence, date of state registration of an individual entrepreneur carrying out economic and (or) other activities at an object that has a negative impact on the environment Wednesday;

    information about the actual location and category of the object that has a negative impact on the environment;

    information on the type of economic and (or) other activity, on the volume of products (goods) produced, on the work performed, on the services provided;

    information on the availability of the conclusion of the state ecological expertise and (or) the conclusion of the state expertise of project documentation when they are carried out in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental expertise, legislation on urban planning;

    information on stationary sources, on the level and (or) volume or mass of emissions, discharges of pollutants, on the disposal of production and consumption waste;

    information about declarations on payment for negative impact on the environment;

    information on integrated environmental permits or environmental impact declarations;

    information about the industrial environmental control program and the results of its implementation;

    (see text in previous edition)

    information on measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment;

    information on the technologies used at Category I facilities and on their compliance with the best available technologies;

    information on technical means for the neutralization of emissions, discharges of pollutants, technical means and technologies for the neutralization and safe disposal of production and consumption waste;

    information on the results of the implementation of state environmental supervision;

    information on the conservation, liquidation of an object that has a negative impact on the environment, on a change in its location, on the replacement of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur operating an object that has a negative impact on the environment.

    5. Collection, storage, processing, provision and dissemination of information characterizing an object that has a negative impact on the environment is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technology and information protection.

    6. Comparability of information contained in the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, and their automated processing is ensured through the use of codes of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, taxpayer identification numbers, all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information.

    The code of an object that has a negative impact on the environment is a unique number that does not repeat in time, assigned to an object that has a negative impact on the environment, when carrying out state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, and which must be preserved until the liquidation of this object.

    7. The state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment consists of the federal state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and regional state registers of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

    8. The federal state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and are subject to federal state environmental supervision in accordance with Article 65 of this Federal Law shall be maintained by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The maintenance of regional state registers of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and are subject to regional state environmental supervision is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Access for officials of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to enter information into the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out using a unified identification and authentication system.

    9. Information on the levels and (or) volume or mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants, on the disposal of production and consumption waste contained in the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, is open for review, with the exception of information, classified in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as information constituting a state or commercial secret.

    10. The procedure for the creation and maintenance of the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    11. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law, are issued, respectively, a certificate of state registration of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment. , on the updating of accounting information about an object that has a negative impact on the environment, on the deregistration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

    In order to determine whether an enterprise needs to register objects with a negative impact on the environment (NVOS) on the State Register, first of all, it is necessary to figure out which of the enterprises belong to this category of objects. In Law No. 7-FZ of 10.01.02, a rather vague definition of this concept is given. The objects of NVOS here are enterprises connected by a common activity and territorial location.

    A more precise definition of the objects of the NVOS is given in the letter with clarifications of Rosprirodnadzor dated 13.12.2016 No. AS-03-04-36 / 25233. If we rely on its content, then the objects of NVOS are enterprises located in the territory of the Russian Federation, whose field of activity falls within the criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation in Order No. 1029 of 09/28/2015, and related to them to objects 1, 2, 3 or 4 hazard categories. At the same time, enterprises can act both in the form of a legal entity and as an individual entrepreneur.

    We will quickly and professionally register NVOS facilities. Cost - from 10 tr. Terms - from 1 day.

    For such enterprises, state registration is mandatory. Requirements for this are established by Order No. 572 dated June 23, 2016. If the object does not meet the criteria of the above Order No. 1029, then, accordingly, it is not an object of the NVOS and is not registered. Those objects that are at the construction stage and have not been put into operation at the moment are not put on the state register. They will issue an application for entry into the register after the start of operation, but no later than within six months.

    Specific examples of registration of objects of NVOS.

    Also, registration is required for those organizations whose activities comply with Government Decree No. 903 of 08/28/2015, according to which they are objects subject to state environmental supervision.

    In addition, the maintenance of a state register is also necessary for such data as information on emissions, discharges and waste generated at production facilities.

    State registration of enterprises is carried out by controlling organizations free of charge.

    Registration is not required for such enterprises, whose activities are accompanied only by the formation, transportation and accumulation of waste, provided that there are no other possible spheres of negative impact on the environment.

    The direct requirements for maintaining state accounting are set out in Article 69 of Law No. 7-FZ. Responsibilities for its conduct are assigned to the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor and the executive authorities located at the location of the subordinate objects of the NVOS. The register is maintained in electronic form, which allows other government services and structures to receive information.

    Registration of an application for setting up an enterprise.

    The basis for the inclusion of an enterprise in the NVOS register is an application submitted by the enterprise to the controlling organizations. The application is submitted by the direct owner of the production facility. If the object is operated on the basis of a lease agreement, the tenant acts as the applicant.

    Making an application on paper is undesirable, since the register is kept in electronic form. It is preferable to fill out applications in the software package "Natural Resource User Module".

    Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 554 establishes the required application form. The application must be certified by the electronic signature of the representative of the organization. Each application is assigned an individual number.

    The application is required to indicate such information as

    • name of company,
    • location address,
    • information about state registration,
    • manager's data.

    The next section of the application is information about the object. These include:

    • start date of the enterprise,
    • field of activity,
    • production technology data,
    • information about the products and production capacity of the NVOS facility,
    • data on the hazard category of the object in relation to the environment,
    • information on the level of state environmental supervision.

    When do you need a draft MPE, VAT?

    When filling out the application, you will need information that characterizes the enterprise as an object of environmental impact. This information includes data

    • about stationary sources of emissions,
    • about emitted pollutants,
    • about the amount of discharge,
    • and data on the waste generated and how it is handled.

    The next part of the application is a list of permits for the enterprise, such as permits for emissions, discharges or waste disposal. Also, the data on the environmental expertise of the enterprise are sanctified here.

    This information is usually found in the relevant environmental projects: MPE (emissions project), VAT (discharge project), PNOOLR (waste project).

    Often the organization does not have an MPE project. Can you do without it?

    The answer is YES. However, in this case, a part of it will be required, namely a draft inventory of emissions, from where it will be possible to obtain information on the nature of sources, pollutants, geographical coordinates, etc.

    At the same time, the natural resource user will still be responsible for the development of the MPE project.

    The same applies to the VAT project.

    The last section of the application is information about the measures and means developed and implemented at the enterprise directly with the aim of protecting the environment and reducing the negative impact of the production process. This is an approved program of production control or monitoring of an enterprise, a list of environmental protection measures, as well as technical means and equipment. All of this is designed to reduce the harmful effects of dumping, emissions or waste disposal, or aimed at their complete neutralization.

    Filling out an application for registration of NVOS facilities.

    The required information is collected directly at the enterprise by the forces of its structures and divisions. Responsibility for the information provided is borne by the head of the enterprise with the NVOS object.

    When filling out an application, do not forget that deliberate concealment of information or distortion of real data can result in significant fines for an enterprise in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 8.5 - up to 80 thousand rubles for an eagle). Also, the provision of incorrect information on the part of the enterprise may serve as a reason for refusal to register the enterprise with state registration. The refusal can also be justified by the incompleteness of the information provided by the production facility.

    After receiving the application by the territorial authorized bodies of Rosprirodnadzor, the information provided is checked. Self-registration of an object is made within 10 days. The result of the registration is the receipt by the enterprise of an electronic certificate of registration of the objects of the NVOS.

    If in the information provided by the company the hazard category is incorrectly defined for it, it can be changed. In the future, the category corresponding to the direction of the enterprise's activity is entered in the register and in the certificate of state registration received by it.

    Changes to the information provided earlier and the removal of the enterprise from the state register.

    The rules on changes to the information provided or the removal of an enterprise from the state register are regulated by Law No. 219-FZ.

    In the event of a change in the information of a production facility that was previously registered, information about them must be provided to the controlling organization no later than 30 days from the date of entry into force of the changes. These changes include:

    • change of legal entity, address of location, form of ownership, as well as changes in the technological process or in the processes and technical means to ensure the reduction of environmental impact.
    • for individual entrepreneurs, the changes also affect the data of the identity document.

    After changing the information provided earlier in the register data, the company is issued an appropriate certificate of updating the data of the NVOS object.

    When the owner of the production facility submits documents on the conservation or liquidation of production, the NVOS facility is removed from the state register. In this case, the owner receives a certificate of the established form. These functions are carried out by a subordinate state organization located at the location of the enterprise,

    Responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements for mandatory registration of NVOS facilities.

    The Code of Administrative Offenses also provides for an article for failure to comply with the requirements for state registration of enterprises. This is Article 8.46, the amount of penalties for which for a legal entity is up to 100 thousand rubles. For an official, this violation can cost up to 20 thousand.

    An example of filling out an application for registration of NVOS objects

    If you have any questions about filing an application for the registration of an object that has a negative impact on the environment, on state registration, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the example of filling out this application using the "Registration of objects" module. In this example, we will consider the execution of an application for registration of objects of the company Example LLC.

    1. In order to form an application for registration of an object, you need to open the register of documents "Registration of objects" and add a new application. To do this, Press the key<-insert->or click on the button - "Add document (Ins)". The screen form "Registration of objects (New)" will open. In the field "Registration of object No." and "from" enter manually the number and date of the application. The "from" field, when creating a new document, is filled with the current date by default. Select in the TIN field the company LLC "Example" (you can enter the TIN manually or select "Personal account" from the document journal by clicking on the button). When entering the TIN manually, the program checks whether there is a natural resource user with such an TIN. If a natural resource user is found, then the fields "Organization", "Main. No. in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities "," Date EGYURL "," Full name of the Head "," Position "," OKTMO "," OKPO ", table" Types of activity "," Date of state. registration "," Date of registration "," KPP "" Phone "," Address ". The data is taken from the document "Personal account". If any of the values ​​are not filled in automatically, then enter them manually. If the user of natural resources is not found by TIN, then the journal of the document "Personal account" opens, from which it is necessary to select the user of natural resources. Next, you need to fill in the fields: "Sea", for this, use the directory opened with the button, "Territory type" is selected from the drop-down list (areal, point, linear), "Date of object commissioning" is filled in using the drop-down calendar, or manually ... The coordinates of the corner points of the object are entered in the "Corner points coordinates" table. It is necessary to specify the coordinates of the extreme boundaries of the object. To find out these coordinates, use the appropriate services on the Internet. In the table "Name and volume of products, goods sold, services rendered", in order, enter the relevant data. The unit of measurement can be selected from the drop-down list. In accordance with it, enter the volume and power. If there is a conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise (SEE), enter its number, date in the appropriate fields, the authority that issued the SEE Conclusion is selected from the Rosprirodnadzory directory using the button. The basic information about the object is filled in, go to the "Registration" tab.

    2. On the tab "Registration" it is necessary to indicate whether the use of recycled water supply is used. After that, in the table "Criteria for assigning an object to I-IV categories", you must specify the relevant criteria. They are selected from the "Criteria" reference book, compiled on the basis of the Resolution of the Russian Federation on September 28, 2015 No. 1029 "On the approval of criteria for classifying objects that have a negative impact on the environment to objects of I, II, III and IV categories." Based on the criteria that you have chosen, indicate the declared category of the object. To do this, select the desired category from the drop-down list. Rosprirodnadzor will subsequently assign a category to the facility based on your Application. The level of state control must also be selected from the drop-down list (Federal or Subjective). You can find out which one to choose in your Rosprirodnadzor. The last thing to fill in on this tab is “Information about the technologies used at Category I facilities and their compliance with the best available technologies.

    3. Let's move on to considering the tab Environmental Measures... If the enterprise has a program of industrial environmental control, then you need to enter information about it in the program. There is a corresponding field for this. If the enterprise is taking measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, then they must be listed in the appropriate table, indicating the start date of the event, the date of its end, the costs incurred for the event and the direction. The direction is selected from the drop-down list: reduction of emissions, reduction of discharges, reduction of waste generation.

    Further, information is entered on technical means for neutralizing, measuring and accounting for emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as on the disposal of production and consumption waste (I-V hazard class), if the waste is not transferred for use to specialized enterprises.

    4. Consider the tab "Emissions"... On the left side of the form there is a list of emission sources. Let's enter data on "Shop 1". First, you need to specify the geographic coordinates of the emission object. Specify the Type of source (organized or unorganized) and the type of territory (areal, point, linear) using the drop-down lists. Further, it is necessary to indicate the geometric parameters of the emission source: the height of the pipe in [m], its diameter (or length and width in [cm]). Then the data on the Thermodynamic characteristics of the gas-air mixture (DHW) are entered: DHW outlet speed [m / s], temperature [C] and flow (volume) [m3 / s]. The share of associated petroleum gas (APG) flared is indicated as a percentage, the actual mass of carbon dioxide emissions - in tons / year. In the table "Substances" substances are indicated by source: their code, name, mass and power. The substance is selected from the appropriate directory. Weight and power are filled manually. It remains to fill in the table reflecting the technological processes and technologies at the facility. Similarly, the data on "Shop 2" and other sources of emissions that are available at the facility are filled in.

    5. Tab interface "Discharges" similar to the Emissions tab interface. On the left side of the form, there is a table showing the list of discharges. It indicates the name of the release, the river basin where the discharge is made. For each issue, the data on its geographic coordinates, location, on the volume of MPD [m3 / year] and the volume of WSS [m3 / year] are filled in. We enter information on the Decision on the provision of an object for use, then using the drop-down lists select the purpose and type of water use and the category of fishery value. It remains only to enter data on substances by release in the table "Substances by release". This is done using a reference book, and the mass of substances must be indicated in the column "Mass", it is measured in [t / year]. If there are more issues, then you need to add them to the list and fill in the data in the same way for each issue.

    6. Tab "Waste"... On this tab, you must specify a list of waste disposal facilities. To do this, add the serial number and the name of the waste disposal facility (ODP) in the table. If the ORO is present in the GRODO, then it is necessary to indicate the "GRORO Code" from the directory and enter and indicate its geographic coordinates. Below is a table in which it is necessary to provide a list of the enterprise wastes disposed of at this RWO, their hazard class and actual weight [t / year].

    7. The last tab is called "Permissions"... It includes a table containing information on three types of documents: emission, discharge, limits. The following data must be entered in the table: number and date of the document, start and end date of the permit (or limit). The authority that issued permits and limits is selected from the directory using the button in the right corner of the cell. If you are the owner of PC "EKO-Expert", then the tabs on emissions, discharges, waste and permits can be created in a semi-automatic mode using the function "Generate by calculation of fees", specifying the required year. In this case, most of the data will be filled in automatically based on the payment calculations that were made in the PC "ECO-Expert" for the selected year. This will greatly simplify and speed up the preparation of an application for registration of objects.

    8. This completes the entry of the document, press the button ... To print the application, click on the "Print" button in the "Registration of objects" document journal. A window with a list of printable forms will open. Select the report "Application for registration" and click the button .

    The application will be generated automatically, a text editor with the text of the application will open. All that remains is to print it, sign it and take it to the RPN. We wish you every success!