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Is the hogweed dangerous. How dangerous is hogweed? There are several of the most famous plant varieties.

June 29, 2018 3:49 pm

In the summertime, a person wants to walk outdoors more. Including in the forest to enjoy the views of wildlife. However, one of the dangers of such a holiday is a meeting with a hogweed. It is a plant that can cause severe burns.

More than 40 plant species are found in Russia, but only some of them are hazardous to health. So, the most problematic regions in the country in terms of distribution are considered to be the northern, northwestern and central. It should be noted that today the hogweed grows in some city parks as well. Therefore, the risk of contact with the plant increases.

Hogweed juice contains a dangerous toxic substance furanocoumarins, due to which the skin's sensitivity to sunlight increases. This is the main danger. However, in cloudy weather, you should not be afraid, burns from contact will not appear.

If it turned out that they did not notice the ill-fated plant and got burned, then this will not be noticeable right away. In about a day, the skin in this place will begin to darken or redden. And only on the fourth or fifth day these places will be covered with small blisters filled with transparent. After some time, instead of small bubbles, several, but large ones, are formed.

Painful sensations occur when the blisters begin to burst. After that, an open wound remains, which constantly makes itself felt - it hurts. Unfortunately, no one has been able to avoid this process. After 7 - 14 days, the pain subsides, the wound heals and bothers less. Unfortunately, after complete recovery, dark spots remain at the site of the burns, traces from which on the body do not disappear for several years.

Let's figure out how to behave when in contact with hogweed juice:

Rinse this area well with a soapy sponge;

If the substance gets into your eyes, then rinse them with water for 15 - 20 minutes;

Dry damp skin and cover this place with a dark dense cloth so that the sun's rays do not get there;

Wear the bandage for several days to prevent sunlight from triggering the hogweed juice.

If there are burns on the skin:

Treat affected areas with dexapanthenol solution, ointment or spray and apply a protective sterile dressing;

Make sure that the bubbles do not burst immediately, wear a bandage and hide the burned area from ultraviolet radiation;

Be sure to consult a specialist for medical help.

Do not refuse hospitalization. Often, doctors offer this option in order to avoid complications in the form of abscesses, because such burns need proper care. With him, in 2 - 4 weeks the problem will go away, as if it did not exist.

The end of June, the time when you want to escape from the city to nature, run around the field, pick flowers, dip your head into the river. Speaking simply, relax and enjoy nature, and here he is waiting for us, welcomingly waving a white bouquet. But this meeting will not please us.

Mid-July to late August hogweed blooms violently - the most dangerous time. And it is sad that people, to this day, are not familiar with the deadly properties of this plant. Young people who come to dachas to have fun, without knowing it, are in terrible danger: none of them, having decided to pluck the plant as a joke, does not realize that a joke can result in a terrible injury. Moreover, a T-shirt, a chintz dress and even a jacket for a hogweed are not a hindrance.

Some believe that the cow parsnip was imported into Russia by the Western revolutionary consumer culture. And they are partly right, but only partly, since it is known that infection does not stick to a healthy body.

The cow parsnip is started as a result of unscrupulous connections, as a result of the destruction of the soil cultivation culture. Where "there is no ruin in their heads," there is no place for hogweed. Regular plowing, the work of the farmer is the best remedy for hogweed.

Hogweed Sosnovsky ( Heracleum sosnowskyi), the umbrella family. A selection mutant based on a mountain forest species imported from the Caucasus. Hercules herb is a tall (up to 5m) perennial. The stem is ribbed. The leaves are very large .. White flowers are collected in large (up to 40-50cm in diameter) 30-75-rayed umbrellas. Fruits are obovate, oblong, up to 10-12mm long and up to 8mm wide. Blooms from June to August; bears fruit from July to September. Mortally dangerous to humans!

Defenders and connoisseurs of hogweed:

The evil and dark forces stubbornly for profit are still cultivating hogweed on the silage for calves and pigs. A quote from an Internet apologist commentary…. " Absolutely uncivilized for humans, therefore they do not steal, does not carry away with bags, but it is very well suited for cattle, but only until it blooms, if you feed calves with a wrestler, the effect is just super! Biological additives are resting, in half a year the calf grows to the size of a palutoragodoval bull !!! But if you feed a cow with cow parsnip, then milk will become bitter and tasteless; if you feed pigs with cow parsnip, the effect of this is as powerful as that of stelae - in half a year it grows to the size of a one-year-old pig !! "

Several greedy beekeepers who value hogweed as a honey plant.

Cunning resellers of land, with the help of the spread of the hogweed, take out arable land from the agricultural turnover for subsequent resale for the construction of cottages.

What can not be done categorically :

Walking through the thickets of a cow parsnip, touching it with your hands, collecting its flowers in bouquets, wrapping food in its leaves, using its tubular stem as a "straw" or "air gun",

Allow children to play near it, use the leaves as toilet paper,

Mow the cow parsnip without overalls in dry weather during the flowering period, reuse overalls without thermal and chemical decontamination.

Remember - dried flowers are also dangerous, even in spring when they come into contact with seeds - you risk getting burns

First actions upon contact with hogweed :

The most important thing is when hogweed juice gets on the body or after being in close proximity to plants in warm weather during flowering, you urgently need:

Remove exposure to the agent as quickly as possible before symptoms develop — rinse thoroughly. After several weeks it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, and the skin areas in contact with the agent should be covered with sunscreens (marked with the SPF marking), and protection from the effects of ultraviolet sunlight should be used - long-sleeved shirts, gloves, etc.
- in case of development of lesions, it is possible to use modern and safe antihistamines, for example, cetirizine or levocetirizine (it should be remembered that these medications cannot be given to small children under two years old), Panthenol or Viosept locally (although at this stage it is already possible to make a mistake ....)

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol, will be justified.
- if it is on the face, genitals, or the burn exceeds the size of the palm, large blisters appear, suppuration appears, the temperature rises - a trip to nature should be immediately interrupted and an urgent visit to a doctor.
- before using ANY drug, read the instructions for it twice, paying special attention to contraindications.

In this case, it is advisable in any case, as soon as possible to consult a dermatologist or surgeon to prescribe an individual treatment.

When leaving for nature, buy Pentanol, Veosept, Arnica ointment, cetirizine or levocetirizine, sterile bandages in advance in the first-aid kit.

Remember that treatment after contact with hogweed of the affected area and treatment of burns and blisters are two big differences. When blisters appear, it is absolutely impossible to wet them in water. Burn scars can last a lifetime. After contact with the cow parsnip, the body develops a persistent allergic reaction to the slightest presence of essential oils of the cow parsnip.

Also used for blisters as prescribed by doctors Tselistraderm

I indicate all the names of drugs not for use (it is prescribed by a doctor), but for what would be in the first-aid kits, at least some of them in advance, so that later not to look.

Remember, all people are different and different can be both the burns themselves and their stages!

Ways and methods of dealing with hogweed: There are a lot of materials on this topic on the Internet, there are even recommendations of an international study in Russian.

Means of struggle:

What people use (according to the Internet survey): herbicides Arsenal (Germany), Shkval (Russia, Shchelkovo) "Hurricane", "Roundup", grape snails, swallowtail caterpillar bombardment, digging, salt, vinegar, mowing, battery acid.

Result: with varying degrees of success.

Hagaryan technology : In the beginning, understand what we are doing and why. The hogweed, unlike many plants, does not matter at all how much we destroy the soil. It will catch on and grow where nothing living will become. Therefore, we do not poison the earth with battery acid, vinegar, salt, herbicides in unmeasured quantities, realizing that only the presence of a living culture is the best protection against hogweed.

The area where the hogweed has ascended is better in May, on warm, sunny days, treat it on a live leaf with the composition "FM-forum" (in detail about it in a personal) or other multicomponent herbicide solution in the correct concentration, then when the leaves wilted and the composition penetrates into the root, the hogweed mow, plow the soil, cover with a dark garden cloth and arrange a "warm bed" on top using last year's hay.

At the exit, the land is cleared, the cow parsnip burned out under the cloth, an excellent harvest of cucumbers, squash and zucchini.

If it is not possible to deal with a cow parsnip in May, remember that any contact with him on mowing is possible in damp, humid weather and in protective clothing. And spraying, on the contrary, in the rain is useless and therefore very dangerous if it is carried out at the time of flowering. That is why it is better to mow the cow parsnip in the rain, put it in piles, cover it with a film so that it “burns out”, and then, in dry weather, treat only the “pipes” themselves with herbicides, not forgetting to plow the entire plot afterwards.

In the worst case in the spring before flowering:

A deadly cocktail - Hurricane (double concentration) + Roundup (Single) - we pour all this onto the leaves through a sprayer. It is advisable to do this in the spring, when the seedlings are growing. Although now, I have killed also adult, 3-meter plants. After 10 days, the leaves begin to die off. No need to mow! the root must be saturated. Which will die off in another 10 days. A week after the first spraying - it is desirable to carry out the second. After this therapy, the land will not be long, like in the desert. But after a week you need to sow at least green grass.

The hogweed will definitely occupy empty plots again.


The appearance and spread of hogweed, on the other hand, is God's indicator of our consumer attitude towards the land. The hogweed fills the space where the land has ceased to be cultivated, where it does not grow cultivated and useful plants for humans, and uses the land as an object of sale and purchase in order to obtain profit.

The most effective way to actually combat hogweed was to introduce a tax for all, without exception, landowners (including federal and local governments).

One ruble is enough for each July shoot, for each flowering inflorescence. Today, in the European part of Russia, hogweed occupies hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of hectares of land, and this is billions of rubles that could replenish the treasury of our state on the one hand, and on the other, create financial conditions in order to reduce the production tax burden for many domestic producers.

Such a tax did not affect the good owner of the land, the farmer, the aspectator holding the land, without leaving, for the purpose of resale, stimulated the cultivation of bulls. Simply mordant hogweed chemistry is ineffective, it recedes only with over-regular cultivated crops. If the land is held in the ownership of the local or federal authorities, this tax stimulated its quick lease, including on a gratuitous basis, to those who used the land for its intended purpose.

At the same time, the tax on hogweed refers to a tax that stimulates the economy. This tax will not increase the burden on the operating enterprise, that is, it does not lead to an increase in production costs and, as a result, to an increase in prices for products, goods and services. It's just that the one who has leased or owned land plots grows a hogweed, must pay for its existence as a luxury to society, or transfer the land to those whose hogweed does not grow.

I think only in this way and the problem of cow parsnip can be solved.

In many regions of our country, the cow parsnip has bloomed. Scientists are already sounding the alarm: its poisonous thickets are invading ever larger territories. NTV tells about how dangerous he is, why it is so difficult to defeat him and how to protect yourself from burns.

Read below

What is this plant?

The hogweed attracted the attention of breeders in the middle of the twentieth century. Then they expected to feed him to livestock feed. However, it quickly became clear that he was not suitable for this. After the 90s, there was no one to care for the experimental fields, the plant began to rapidly spread and "capture" new territories.

The cow parsnip is a huge plant (up to 2.5–3 m high) with thick stems and large umbrellas of white flowers. Usually it grows along the sides of roads, fences of summer cottages, in forest glades and forest edges. Sosnovsky's hogweed blooms (named after the researcher of the flora of the Caucasus Dmitry Ivanovich Sosnovsky) approximately in June - July, and gives seeds in September. It is at the end of summer that the greatest number of burns from this plant occurs.

What is the danger of hogweed?

The main danger of Sosnovsky's hogweed is that it can provoke a severe burn on the skin. This is due to the presence of special substances in the hogweed juice: coumarins and furocoumarins. It is they that increase the body's sensitivity to the perception of sunlight. The juice, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, enhances its pigmentation, causes severe dermatitis, which is often called specific burns. Such burns are extremely painful and may take a long time to heal.

Hogweed juice in contact with the eyes can lead to blindness. There have been cases of loss of sight by children who played with hollow plant stems as with telescopes.

If 80% or more of the surface of the human body is affected by hogweed juice, then this can lead to death.

In order to get a burn, a short and weak exposure to the sun of the area of ​​the skin, on which the hogweed juice has gotten, is enough. It should be noted that the most severe burns occur on sunny days.

A few hours after the hogweed juice comes into contact with the skin, the affected surface becomes red, hot to the touch, and blisters appear.

It is worth remembering that for some time after touching the plant, you may not feel any unpleasant symptoms - they will appear in a few hours.

In this regard, it is necessary to avoid contact of open areas of the body with the juice and leaves of this plant.

What if the burn could not be avoided?

If you still touch the cow parsnip, then try to wash off the plant sap from the skin surface as soon as possible. For this, ordinary laundry soap is suitable. Then the skin must be wiped with an alcohol-containing liquid. It is also necessary to change clothes: there may be hogweed juice or its seeds on it. Remember not to go out into the sun until you have taken precautions.

If you notice that your skin is starting to blister and redden, use a burn product and then apply a sterile bandage.

Alternatively, you can take pain relievers; You can also take any antihistamine to prevent a severe allergic reaction.

Remember that you should never pierce the blisters - this can infect the wound.

If you see that the condition is worsening, then you should seek qualified medical help.

Pigmented spots that appear after a burn with hogweed juice do not disappear within a year.

Poisonous hogweed: what is a dangerous plant

So, the hogweed plant is perennial poisonous flower, which has become famous today for its healing effect. It helps to cope with many ailments and problems of the body. This plant was brought from the Caucasus, and spread throughout Russia.

What is hogweed, where did it come from?

There are many types, here are the most common ones:

Did you know that hogweed has been used since ancient times to cook borscht?

The leaves of the young plant were added to various vegetable and meat soups. The hostesses marinated the shoots, and harvested candied fruits from the stems. Before the leaves were dried, they were first soaked to remove all essential oils and coumarins... Sugar was also obtained from the plant, and vodka was then driven from it. Until now, in the Caucasus, hogweed is the main food plant. The trunks of grass are scalded with boiling water and served as a separate dish. Sometimes the trunks are served toasted. Shaggy cow parsnip is a very famous seasoning. It is used in the production of cheeses in the Caucasus. But before using it, it is customary to scald, salt, boil.

What does a hogweed look like?

The trunk is hollow inside, ribbed outside and covered with many hard hairs unpleasant to the touch.

Its branches are on top, creating a large, white, fluffy flower... The herb has a pleasant scent that can be confused with the scent of flowering houseplants.

Common hogweed differs from other plant species in that it has rather long and powerful roots. These roots penetrate quite deep into the ground and are saturated with groundwater.

Its leaves are very large. One such leaf grows over the summer by 0.5 meters in length. Hogweed stalks common are covered with scales, exactly the same as on the trunk. The plant begins to bloom at the end of June or July. The white flowers of the plant are collected in a high umbrella, and its seeds are located in it.

The fruits of the plant are fully ripe by mid-August. Before this time, it is not worth collecting fruits, since they will not have time to fully collect vitamins and nutrients for the treatment of internal organs and skin diseases.

Where does the hogweed grow?

This is a rather thermophilic plant that lives in central Russia. And also often the grass is found in Altai, the Caucasus, the Urals and Siberia. Due to the fact that common hogweed reproduces by self-seeding, you can meet him on the road, and under fences, and along houses, as well as in heavily overgrown bushes in a dense forest.

Today, there are about 70 species of this plant, each of them has toxic substances, acids and trace elements. It is possible to get rid of such diseases as: burns, blisters, gastrointestinal diseases only after the attending physician makes the correct diagnosis and writes a prescription. In other cases, hogweed is dangerous to health, which is why it is not recommended to take decoctions and infusions of this plant on your own.

What harm can a hogweed cause?

For the first time, people faced a big problem when it began to grow outside the experimental plots. This is because it is almost impossible to remove it, and if you try to get rid of it, you can earn serious damage.

Destruction of the plant has become more like to the war with wounds, burns and even death. People often underestimate the damage caused by mere contact with the plant; they think it is similar to a nettle burn.

Even a layman cannot distinguish a poisonous plant from a safe one. Cow parsnip is not only harmful due to contact with it, it is also a very strong respiratory allergen. It contains substances that can increase the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation hundreds of times, thereby causing severe burns. Because of this, it is on a sunny day that it is dangerous to "get burned", even if you are wearing trousers or a thin summer dress, this will not be an obstacle to a burn. To get burned, a simple contact with the sap that is released from the breaks of the plant is enough.

But how does this happen if you do not deliberately break the plant? The leaves and stems of the plant break even from a simple push when you walk through the thickets. If you saw him on your site, take action immediately... Even if he is on foreign territory, but not so far from your home. You can be sure that the hogweed thickets will soon reach your site. Let's go back to the burns, they may not appear immediately, but after an hour, or even several days.

I will give as an example several signs by which you can understand that you have burned yourself:

  • Severe redness will begin.
  • You will feel a slight itching and burning sensation in the area of ​​the injured area.
  • The redness will give way to enlarging blisters, with a clear fluid inside.
  • The body temperature will rise.
  • Feeling of slight malaise in the body.

According to the given symptoms, injury after contact with hogweed, resembles an ordinary burn second degree. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, in no case do not self-medicate, otherwise an infection may get into the blisters that burst, suppuration will begin and scars will remain for life.

In any case, it is necessary to carry out several actions, even if you do not feel any discomfort:

Call your doctor, especially if you suspect burns to your eyes, mouth, mucous membranes, or groin. In order to warn against danger, when leaving the city or in those places where hogweed grows, tell children and friends what it looks like in order to minimize the risk of injury. Despite all the disadvantages of the plant, it has several advantages let's take a look at them.

What helps to treat hogweed?

The plant helps to cope with many pathologies and disorders in the body. It is important to remember the following: treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor who will take into account the characteristics of the patient's body and make an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

So, the diseases that are treated with hogweed:

Various decoctions, teas, baths are prepared from the plant. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the condition of the patient. This plant also has contraindications. Pregnant women and children , can not be taken internally hogweed products, without indications for use. And it is also important to remember that everyone is obliged to comply with the prescription prescribed by the attending physician, otherwise an overdose threatens the complete failure of some internal organs.

How to deal with an uninvited guest?

On the territory of our country, measures are underway for the mass destruction of hogweed. Citizens who allowed the spread of hogweed on their plots are liable to fines. But so far the struggle has been unsuccessful. This is explained by the fact that not all people know how to remove a plant once and for all.

The most powerful weapon in the fight against him is the scythe. It is advisable to mow in the dark, or in cloudy weather, when the air humidity is high. Be sure to also wear waterproof clothing, a mask, goggles, and gloves (preferably not fabric).

The second effective weapon is fire. Hogweed fruit burn very well, due to the resin content. It is advisable to first dry the fruits in advance. To avoid a large overgrowth of hogweed, its seedlings are dug up in the spring. Its seeds can be stored in the ground for many years. They can be "expelled" by weeding, plowing, plowing, disking, etc.

If you act decisively and persistently, the result will not be long in coming. Sooner or later, humanity will make the hogweed disappear once and for all. Here's a little story about this plant. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!