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Sasha and Ilya must run 600. Ilya Chernousov: "I decided in advance that I will run this way at the finish line!" Sergey Ridzik, freestyle

Any specialist would have done the same as the American coach who helped the Russian Alexei Vitsenko during the sprint race by giving him a spare ski. This was stated in an interview with RT by the head of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation. The legendary athlete said that she bows to her charges, Yulia Belorukova and Alexander Bolshunov, and also shared the story of how she saved a fan with the flag of the Magadan City Executive Committee from the South Korean police.

  • Elena Vyalbe © RT

- When was the last time you cheered on the podium as you did during yesterday's sprint?

- Probably never. Although no, when I was an athlete myself, went to hockey and figure skating during the Olympics, then I was present at the podium.

- And in cross-country skiing, it turns out, no?

- You always have to start somewhere, that's why I made my debut the day before. I want to believe that I won't have to anymore, let's put an end to this madness. I wish I could be with the guys, hug them after the race or before the start to wish them good luck.

- Did they recognize you?

- Of course. Moreover, I flew to Pyeongchang not alone, but as part of a delegation of Olympic veterans, and we all stand in the stands together.

- Aren't you offended that you could not get to the Olympic parade during the opening ceremony?

- I could not get there for subjective reasons. Moreover, I did not watch the action even on TV.

- Yulia Belorukova could not hold back her tears when she saw how you supported her ...

- Yes, they sent me a video today. The guys all know me, I don't think I surprised them much. I am a sincere person - if I am upset, then very much, and if I am happy, then from the bottom of my heart.

- Did you enjoy the bronze of Belorukova as you did your awards when you were an athlete?

- No. I perceived my successes differently. I am happy for the athletes in a different way, especially in the current situation with suspensions. I would like to quickly forget these sad days.

  • Alexander Bolshunov and Julia Belorukova
  • Christopher Levy /

- Are you doubly happy that the team does not give up when faced with difficulties?

- Undoubtedly. After the pressure that the athletes faced, it is worth a lot to go to the start with a clean head. I adore the guys.

- Why did Belorukova's finish move you more than Bolshunov?

- It was the first medal, so it was perceived more sharply. We have already approached the men's final a little emotionally cooled, although personally I supported Sasha in the same way, shouted and rejoiced.

Plus, for women, we have not had medals at the Olympics for a long time - we have been waiting for this day for 12 years. This is quite a long time.

- Bolshunov was one of the favorites of the sprint. Didn't his bronze upset?

- Sasha's season was successful, and many rightly ranked him among the leaders in this discipline. But he was knocked down by a severe sore throat, which happened three weeks before the start of the Olympic Games. He was in the hospital, just like Alexei Chervotkin. When I found out that I would have to inject antibiotics, it was a shock for me, because I know perfectly well how a person will feel after that, how much he will recover ... But the young body coped quickly enough, even though Bolshunov had to miss the world championship among juniors and a race right here in South Korea that he could run.

  • Elena Vyalba about Alexander Bolshunov

- How did Alexander manage to come to his senses?

- He and the coach have correctly built a system of preparation for the Games. We have done everything for this. We left them alone with Alexey at the training camp ... Apparently, the presence of a partner and a sparring partner helped Bolshunov. There is always a place for a miracle at the Olympics. If people think that everything is easy here, they are wrong. It happens that people who are not expected from them shoot out and end up on the pedestal. More worried about who is the favorite, who is under increased pressure. But I hope Sasha did not experience it. Seryoga Ustyugov would have had a harder time if he were with us.

- What races are you going to declare for Bolshunov in Pyeongchang?

- For all the rest, except 15 km.

- Coach Nina Moser admitted that she does not want to watch the Olympic Games ...

- I think Ninochka is a little cunning, she probably looks after her skaters. And he also goes to the stands, worries and cheers for them. Yes, she will fly away right after her guys roll.

- And you?

- No. If possible, we will go to support the Russian athletes. We will get out to the same hockey or figure skating.

- Do you communicate with those who were removed by the International Olympic Committee?

- There are guys with whom we are constantly in touch. There are those with whom we communicate from time to time. Yesterday, after the race, many of them wrote and called. I think they showed courage, because each of them could be in the place of Yulia and Sasha and stand on a podium with a medal.

- You've heard a lot about how Americancoach helpedyesterdayin the quarterfinals to Alexei Vitsenko, having given the spare ski?

- I saw this episode with my own eyes.

- This very mentorMatt Whitcomb admitted that he was thanked after. Not you, by chance?

- No. I didn't have the opportunity to go out on the track. But in general, for our large ski family, this is a common thing. We always support each other, regardless of nationality and what happened: did the stick break, did the ski come off ...

- Nice to hear…

- There was an exceptional case in Lillehammer, when the leading Finnish skier broke a stick and was forced to run uphill with one. No one could help him, since the distance around the ski stadium was much longer than the current ones and there was simply no one on that hill. At the end of the climb there was a Norwegian coach with sticks, who turned away and pretended not to see.

After that story, he became the most "popular" character in Norway, he was shown on all national TV channels, and the local ski federation banned him from working with the national team for life. Fortunately, Mika Mullul had a solid handicap and managed to finish first. The fact that we remember this since 1994 speaks volumes.

- Not in all winter sports you will find such a reverent attitude towards colleagues in the workshop ...

- Very sorry.

- Why then are the media now very surprised by third-party assistance to the Russian skier?

- Now all the news related to relations between Russia and the United States is considered the number one topic of conversation. As for me, I am grateful to Matt and I am sure that if Russian coaches and servicemen were in his place, they would have done the same.

- Yesterday you yourself were involved in another curious, almost political story with the protection of the flag ...

- In the stands, the Soviet banner was developing, the Magadan region of the city party committee, in my opinion. I myself am from there, and I was just wondering who these people are. And before the "flower" ceremony, the young man himself came up to us. A policeman followed him. It was clear that they absolutely did not understand each other. The policeman tried to explain that this flag cannot be displayed, since the USSR no longer exists, and according to the IOC rules, only the flags of the states participating in the Games can be carried into the stands. I explained to him in broken English that this is not a flag of a country, but of a city. The funny thing is that this Komsomol banner in Pyeongchang was taken away from the Magadan guy three times already, but every time he found a way to return it back. This time the policeman understood me, said, "Sorry," and left. Don't make me a heroine . But it would be a shame if the flag was taken away.

  • Elena Vyalbe on the situation with the fan flag

- It turns out that you are a mountain for both athletes and fans?

- If they tried to take away the Russian flag, I would go into a power struggle. A couple of days ago, the tricolors at the biathlon were confiscated from our fans. We were shocked. There are certain recommendations from the IOC on the size of the banners, but they had ordinary small flags. The fans demanded to bring the rules in order to read them on the spot. Apparently, the police are still carrying ...

- Situations with flags- are these the only unpleasant moments that happened to you in Pyeongchang?

- I personally did not attend the biathlon, and the fans themselves told me this story. But we discuss each case. Many come up and take pictures, especially those who still remember how I performed: Norwegians, Swedes, Finns. But I did not see the Germans in the stands during cross-country skiing at all. There are many Russians, especially from the Far East.

- The history of the removal of Russian skiers began with six names, including the Olympic champion Alexander Legkov. After that, Sergei Ustyugov shone, who did not appear in any lists, but the IOC did not issue him an invitation to the Olympics either. Now the youth have opened up as part of the Russian team. Don't you have a sense of déjà vu?

- Of course, it's great that the guys showed themselves so brightly, but the pain for the distant skiers does not subside. After all, when a mother loses a child, another will never replace him. I can imagine how Ustyugov felt on the day of the sprint race. I doubt he watched it. It is very difficult to survive.

- What are your predictions for the team sprint?

- Girls must fight for the podium. It is clear that Yulia Belorukova and Natalya Nepryaeva will run. Men will have to choose a duo of three people, but they can also fight for a medal.

- The coach of the Russian national team, Markus Kramer, said that our skiers have already fulfilled their medal plan. Isn't it too early?

- Before the suspension of our skiers, we planned to win one gold medal, one or two silver and one or two bronze medals in Pyeongchang.

And when it turned out that I would have to go at once without eight people, she said: "If we take at least one bronze medal, it will be a success."

- How do you like the weather in Pyeongchang? On Wednesday, due to strong winds, several competitions were canceled at once.

- This is not the first time I come here, so I was ready for this weather, like the athletes. The city is by the sea, and this is normal here. Skiers, of course, are not biathletes, but bad weather prevents them too. Of course, people get knocked down as they drive along the highway and a hurricane wind blows out. This can affect the result. Well, nothing, now it will rain, and everything will be fine.

- I can only say one thing: when we were preparing for the trip to the Olympics, many fans said that they would not watch it. I hope now they have changed their minds and are rooting for our athletes. For example, we watched figure skating. How can you not worry about athletes from Russia? Guys, cheer for us and believe!

I told you I shouldn't have come.
- Stop! What happened ?!
-Dash, we'll talk later, I have to go now.
"Katya, that's enough! Explain! What are you ... Is this the same Ilya?"
Katya nodded almost imperceptibly.
-But I didn’t know, don’t be offended, forgive me !!!
- Dasha, calm down. I'm not offended. I don't want such a friendship to end on one guy. I'll come later. - Katya threw a hateful glance at Ilya, - with a warning. - The girl left, loudly slamming the front door.
* * *
Perepechko was cleaning his shoes, sitting on the bed. There was no one else in the room. The counselor came in and, plopping down her face into the pillow, began to sob.
-Hey, what are you, crying or what?
- They call horses "hey".
-Well, Katya ...
-I'm not "well, Katya"!
-What happened then ?!
-Not your business!
- Well, okay. By the way, some suck put an envelope under your pillow.
Matveeva put her hands under the pillow and found some kind of rough paper. Leaning on her hands, she sat down on the bed and took out the letter from under the pillow and then opened it.
"Dear Katya, I'm sorry that it happened. That is what I was trying to tell you. I thought you would understand that I have a girlfriend. I wanted it as gently as possible, but it turned out like this ... Don't blame Dasha, it's all my fault . I hope we will remain friends. Ilya.
P.S. Passed through the sosa. "
- He hopes, how!, - the girl threw the letter on the bed of Pechka and he read it.
-What "happened like this"?
- Leave me alone, Stepa !!!
-Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
Styopa put on polished shoes and ran to his friends with a letter.
* * *
- Guys, the leader is roaring there!
-What, really ?! - answered Trofim.
- Because of what? - Asked Makar.
-Here ..., - Styopa held out the letter.
-... passed it through the sos., - read the last lines of Sinitsyn., - those are on! Where is he now?
-The fall ends in 5 minutes, should come soon.
-He is waiting for a serious conversation, -said Trofimov, -patsany, can I go to Katya?
-No, Trofim, while I was cleaning my shoes, she sent me 5 times figuratively.
- Stove, everyone is sending you, I went.
Sasha disappeared into the crowd of other Suvorovites, and the rest remained to wait for Ilya.
Katya lay with her face in the pillow and was already calming down.
-Kat, it's me, Sasha. Can I?
-Yes come on ...
Sasha sat down next to Katya.
-I know what happened ...
-That's the stove yap!
- Well, what are you doing! Calm down and forgive me, I ... Just a fool.
- It's okay. Everyone has ... What time is it?
-Almost 18.00.
- Disco soon ... Dasha will come, we'll talk.
-Dasha? This is your ... The best friend, yes?
-Yes. And Ilya's girlfriend.
- Krivda!
- That's for sure ..., - Sasha sighed and looked at Katya.
Sukhomlin burst into the room, squatted in front of the bed and took Matveyeva's hands in his.
-Kat, I'm sorry, I pray!
-Go away! You're disgusting to me!
-What ?! The fact that I have a girlfriend ?!
-On the first night, when I was on duty with you, you said that you were free, and Dasha is not the kind to give in a week !!!
-I'll explain everything to you ...
-Do not explain anything to me, just leave!
- As you wish, Your Highness! - Ilya, loudly banging his fist on the door, left.
- What's strange? - answered Trofimov.
- Before the guys ran after me, and now ... now it's the other way around.
-Will you go to the disco?
-No ... Probably not.
"No, you have to go! A crowd of guys will run after you! And let Sukhomlin stay with his nose!"
-No, Sash, I won't go. You are such a good friend ...
-Yes, friend ... Just a friend ... Okay, I'll go.
*A week has passed*
-Yes, how many times can I repeat, it happened by accident !!! I've been going to leave her for a long time! '' Sukhoi screamed, but through the door these words barely reached Katya. She overheard this conversation.
-Aha, "long ago", this is when the leader came ?! - Sasha stood up.
-And you still do not shine with her!
-YES?! Do you think that after she found you in bed with another, she will be your girlfriend? !!
Katya leaned closer to the door. The boys were shouting louder, but it was hard to hear.
-Hear Trofim, block it up or I'll clean up a penny for you now! She's mine, got it ?!
-Do not understand! Come on, hit!
POV Katya Matveeva.
I walked away from the door, what should I do? Break in and pull apart? Then they will know that I was eavesdropping. Just leave it? Call for help? The guys will have problems. Here's what I'll do!
-Trofimov! - I rapped out bursting into the room.
-I AM!
-At the checkpoint!
-There is!
Sasha turned around and left, I wanted to do the same, but Ilya stopped me ...
POV Author
The girl turned around and raised an eyebrow inquiringly.
- I wanted to talk to you. - Sukhomlin got out of bed and walked closer to the counselor.
-We have nothing to talk about.
-And I think there is.
-Count on algebra.
- Why are you breaking down, Matveeva, I know that you heard the whole conversation.
Ilya pulled Katya around the waist and hugged him. She didn't resist, just hugged him too.
-Ilya ...
-Shhh ... Be quiet ...
- No, let me make a deal ... I wanted to say that if there is a leave of absence, come in. There is no one at home.
-And you?
-What am I? I won't go out for 3 days. I will be at the competition for 1 day, and then I was given to rest.
- When is the competition?
-Tomorrow. Here in a neighboring town. An hour away. - Katya thrust a piece of paper with the address into the back pocket of the guy's trousers.
Vasilyuk burst into the room and saw Katya and Ilya ... Kissing!

This problem was offered to pupils in grades 7-8 at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in 2013-2014 in mathematics in Moscow.

The task

Sasha, Lyosha and Kolya started at the same time in the 100 m race. When Sasha finished, Lyosha was ten meters behind him, and when Lyosha finished, Kolya was ten meters behind him. How far apart were Sasha and Kolya when Sasha finished? (It is assumed that all boys run at constant, but certainly not equal, speeds.)

The solution of the problem

Reasoning (almost without formulas).

Consider the moment of Sasha's finish.

By this moment Sasha had run 100 m, and Lesha in the same time - only 90 m. This means that Lesha's speed is 90/100 = 0.9 of Sasha's speed.

Now let's consider the moment of Lesha's finish.

By this time, Lesha had finally run 100 m, and Kolya - only 90 m. This means that Kolya's speed is 90/100 = 0.9 of Lesha's speed.

Then it turns out that Kolya's speed is 0.9 · 0.9 = 0.81 of Sasha's speed. And when Sasha completed his 100 meters, Kolya managed to run only 81 meters. Kolya will be 19 meters behind at the time of Sasha's finish.

Solutions to other tasks

Later I will lay out the solutions to the rest of the problems of the school round of the 2013 All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics (Moscow).

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I will be grateful if you send the link to friends - to those who may find useful information about preparing for admission to strong schools and for participation in mathematical olympiads.

Distance of 600 meters refers to medium distances. This distance is not relevant at the Olympic Games and tournaments, it is not prestigious, but more often than all others it is used as a starting or test distance. Most interesting to those athletes who have not yet achieved their full physical form, a kind of first step on the ladder of sports achievements.

Among the world leaders at this distance are American Johnny Gray (05.24.1986, 11.12.81) among men and Cuban Anna Fidelia Kirot (25.07.1997, 11.22.63) among women.


Bit standards for running at 600 meters among guys and men

Youth ranks Junior ranks
600 m. 1:22,0 1:27,0 1:33,0 1:40,0 1:46,0 1:54,0 2:05,0

Discharge standards for running at 600 meters among girls and women

Youth ranks Junior ranks
600 m. 1:36,0 1:42,0 1:49,0 1:57,0 2:04,0 2:13,0 2:25,0

Recently, it is difficult to surprise with good results at a distance of 600 meters. Among the many great runners, it is important to grasp their strengths and weaknesses, as well as to know some of the intricacies of this type of athletics in order to get the palm. Most of the winners at this distance are able to develop high speed, but lack the stamina for longer distances. However, there are some athletes who are good at both 600 meters and 3000 meters.

A few simple tips will help you achieve what you want.

  • It is impossible to move equally fast for all 600 meters. Therefore, you will have to correctly distribute forces. It is necessary to keep a very high pace of running in order to keep up with the rivals, but at the same time maintain strength for a decisive spurt at the finish line.
  • It is important to quickly identify the leader and stay no more than half a step behind him at all times. This will allow you to get ahead of him as a result of a decisive spurt before the finish line. True, it should be borne in mind that the leader is also going to make an equally decisive leap forward.
  • Keep track of your competitors. You need to keep your opponents in sight so that it is convenient to get ahead. Don't let yourself be pushed back to the curb, keep the window on the right free. Even very strong runners lose their operational space.

You can calculate your potential result at a distance of 600 meters in such a simple way: take as a basis your best result at a distance of 200 meters, multiply this figure by 3, then add another 3.5 seconds to the resulting figure. This will be your approximate result. You can improve it with the help of well-planned daily workouts aimed at overcoming oxygen deprivation. The more accustomed the body is to stress, the better it tolerates stress conditions associated with them.