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How to write and send an application to the credit bureau? Check the credit history of an individual How to get information from the bank

Sooner or later, any active borrower arises. The fact is that even if a person has never taken out a loan in his life, his story may be spoiled. And this is fraught with various unpleasant consequences. And to prevent this from happening, checking your credit history once a year is possible for free.

Where to inquire?

The question that worries most borrowers has a fairly simple answer.

Credit history consists of information submitted by financial institutions. There is a Bureau of Credit Histories, which is filled with information about all credit payments and loans for any person. There are about thirty such bureaus on the territory of our country. Banks can work with one bureau, or with several. The bureau of credit histories does not register passport data, but "subject numbers" are assigned. Using this number, the bureau staff can easily find information about any loan. And the borrower can change the results of this data only in case of error. To improve your credit reputation, it is enough to take out a loan and close it off in a timely manner.

Knowing that the data of one person may be distributed among several bureaus, many ask the question of how to see the whole picture of credit history. It happens in the following way.

First, several inquiries are sent at once to all major credit bureaus. But such an action, as well as a long subsequent wait, can be avoided by leaving a request on the website of the Central Bank of Russia. The answer to such a request will be an indication of the bureau, which contains information on the requested person.

Credit histories persist over a decade. After this period, the information is erased, and this is good news. You can change your credit history no earlier than after 10 years.

Query Algorithm

First you need to take a look at the website of the Central Bank of Russia. Then find an electronic form to fill out and indicate the following data in it:

  • personal information;
  • passport data;
  • subject number from the credit history bureau;
  • E-mail address.

Processing the request takes about three days, after which a list of credit history bureaus is sent to the email address, which contains the necessary data. And requests are sent to well-known credit bureaus.

Obtaining the number of the subject of credit histories

You can get a number for verification only if the borrower knows at least one of the numbers in his history.

How to find out the number if the previous one is lost or is completely unknown?

Usually it is prescribed in loan agreements or loan agreements. Provided that the document is not lost or disposed of, there are no problems with the identification of the number. All this applies only to loan agreements concluded after 2004. Until that moment, no such numbers were assigned.

More than once there were cases when the manager showed negligence or carelessness and simply did not enter this number in the loan agreement. Then the credit check will start with the following:

  1. Go to absolutely any banking organization or credit bureau.
  2. Write a request to the bureau for the issuance of fragments of the loan history of an individual. A passport is enough for this. A credit history check is carried out free of charge, and if this is not the case, then you need to require a free service, referring to the Federal Law "On the Bureau of Credit Histories". Bank employees cannot refuse a request due to the unknown code, because banks have the right to perform such operations without a number.
  3. Wait for a response to the request within three days.

After all the actions taken, the borrower has a list of all credit bureaus in his hands and can send requests to the exact addresses. The second and subsequent requests for credit history are serviced for money - three or five hundred rubles. All credit bureaus receive proceeds only from these payments.

Getting information on a paid basis

If the borrower does not have the opportunity to spend time waiting, and then on repeated requests, then he can get all the information on his credit history at once, but for money. Or you will have to pay in case of a second or third request during the year.

How can I get information about my credit history, but on a paid basis?

  1. Look into the bureau, having with you registration information and an identity document.
  2. Discuss the required services with the bank employee and discard the check.
  3. Return to the credit bureau with the payment document.
  4. Draw up a free-form application for bureau management.
  5. Expect a response within 10 days.

Receiving information remotely

When there is no opportunity to personally go to the credit history bureau or in the absence of its representative office at the place of residence, it is permissible to request data in writing.

  1. Make a call to the organization to clarify the details of the credit history bureau and the amount to be paid.
  2. Pay and endorse by check.
  3. Draw up an appeal in any form.
  4. Notarize the appeal.
  5. Send a certified letter with a request and an attached check.
  6. Wait for a reply letter within ten days.

Who will benefit from a credit history?

First of all, information about the credit history is needed by financial institutions that lend money to individuals. Looking at someone's credit history, the lender forms an idea about the reliability of the borrower and his responsibility. The reputation of the borrower is paramount in loan approval.

There are reasons why credit history needs to be monitored:

  1. Banking errors, such as missing a note on loan repayment. Due to such seemingly trifles, a loan may be refused.
  2. Fraud protection. Since the process of obtaining a loan is facilitated, the fraudsters have become more active. Anyone can take a loan without checking the credit history on the card, and regular monitoring of information on their history will help not to get into the network to scammers.
  3. The concept of the reasons for refusing a loan. Banking organizations are not obliged to give reasons for their refusal, but you can check the corresponding history and, in the case of low creditworthiness of the borrower, try to correct the situation.
  4. Crossing the borders of the homeland. A person with debts on loans simply will not go through customs. And in order to prepare yourself and protect yourself, it is better to know your credit history in advance.

How to fix?

If the reputation of the borrower does not inspire confidence, and the loan is very necessary, you need to try to rectify the situation. And the correction is possible only in one way - taking a new loan without checking the credit history on the card or in cash and timely overlap.

Correction method # 1

To issue a microloan to the card. You still can't do it without credit checks, and the loan amount will depend on your creditworthiness. It is better to choose the minimum term for such a loan and cover the loan in a timely manner.

Correction method # 2

Get a credit card. There are banks that will take out this type of loan with a bad credit history without any checks. By paying with a credit card and returning money on time, you can improve your reputation and use the banking service for free.

Correction method # 3

An excellent solution is to apply for a consumer loan in the amount of up to one hundred thousand. For example, there is a program for the treatment of credit history at Sovcombank. You can come to any bank and arrange a loan with a credit history check for the minimum possible amount. It is also better to choose a maturity period of no more than six months. Closing the loan on time and payments arriving on time will improve the borrower's reputation.

Correction method # 4

There are organizations that issue microloans on a card without checking credit history. The amount, of course, can be very small, but the purpose of such a loan is not to meet financial needs, but to correct personal credit history.

Where to get a loan with a negative credit history?

The reputation of the borrower is not checked everywhere. A loan, like a microloan, is issued by a few banks without checking the credit history. These are not only young banks, but also those that have a long-standing reputation. Interest in such cases goes off scale, which guarantees bank insurance. The bank will also give consent in the case of permanent registration at the place of request for a loan and a reliable income.

Banks that approve loans and do not look at the credit history:

  1. "Renaissance Credit". A large number of approvals, even with a bad credit reputation of the borrower. To apply for a loan, you need documents confirming income and property that can be used as collateral.
  2. Russian Standard Bank". Provides loans without checking credit history. Urgently and only secured by property.
  3. "Zapsibkombank". Does not check credit history and can approve a loan of up to one and a half million rubles. It is necessary to collect an impressive amount of documents and prove your income.

A refusal to a borrower may be not only due to a bad reputation, but also due to a lack of credit history. Information is not always stored in only one bureau, and banking organizations can cooperate with only one. To prevent this from happening, it is better to have data about your history on hand.

With full confidence in a good credit history and the bank's refusal, it is necessary to clarify with the previous lender whether he entered the repayment data in the borrower's history. This is a very important point.

If the borrower has a need to find out information on his credit history online, then it is better to pay attention to the pillars of this niche. These include:

  • Equifax;
  • National Bureau of Credit Histories;
  • united bureau of credit histories;
  • credit bureau "Russian Standard".

How is credit history checked?

There are a large number of credit history bureaus in Russia, and each financial institution chooses which bureau to cooperate with. The algorithm of the bank's actions when receiving a loan application is as follows:

  1. The application is received and the bank officer sends a request to the central catalog of credit histories. This is done in order to understand in which offices you can find all the information about the borrower.
  2. After answering the request, the bank employee sends to the bureau from the list the next requests for information about the borrower's credit history.
  3. The Bureau verifies the data and prepares a written report.
  4. When a bank employee receives a paper with a report, a decision is made to issue or refuse a loan.

The bank decides whether to approve or refuse a loan based on several factors:

  • the creditworthiness of the borrower;
  • security report;
  • risk managers report;
  • age, experience, salary.

Waiting for a response can also range from several minutes to several days. It all comes down to the speed of the credit bureaus.

Banking organizations show interest not only in the amount of the loan and the timeliness of its overlap, but also pay attention to the interest rates and the term of the loans, approved and valid to date. Only when all the requirements are satisfied, the bank transfers the loan to the card. Credit history checks have been actively used since 2008. Information about the borrower's credit history can only be obtained by the bank that has entered into a cooperation agreement with the credit history bureau.

What should you always keep in mind? The fact that the bank cannot independently begin to collect information on the borrower's credit history without his consent. That is, you can not agree to this procedure. But in this case, you need to understand that at present, without checking your credit history, it is impossible to get a loan for a serious amount, which is sometimes necessary.

If you choose the right algorithm of actions and take a responsible approach to loan payments, then such problems will never arise.

Nowadays, a regular check of your credit history is very important. Today, any organization, whether it is a bank, when considering an application for a loan, an employer interested in hiring a new employee, or another organization interested in how a person fulfills his obligations to other organizations, can request his credit history, having a written the consent of that person. Checking the borrower's credit history is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When a person wants to get acquainted with his credit history - via the Internet or at the office of a partner organization - the bureau must be sure that the credit history is requested by the subject of the credit history himself, and not by the person who owns your personal data. Therefore, before requesting the history of credit payments, it is necessary to go through the identification procedure.

You can get your credit report twice a year for free and unlimited times for a fee.

In order to find out your credit history, you need to follow these steps:


  1. Fill out a request to get your credit report
  2. Contact a notary to certify your signature on the completed request.
  3. If you have exhausted your free requests (2 requests within 365 (366) days), pay for a third credit report here. The cost of the third (and subsequent) credit report to individuals is 450 rubles.
  4. Send your request with a certified signature by letter to the NBKI: 121069, Moscow, Skatertny lane, 20, building 1.


  1. Contact the post office where telegraph services are provided.
  2. Send a telegram to the NBKI indicating the full name, date and place of birth, address, contact phone number, passport data (date and place of issue, series, number) to the address: 121069, Moscow, Skatertny lane, 20, building 1.
  3. The signature upon presentation of a passport or other identity card must be certified by an employee of the post office.

We will respond to you within 3 business days of receiving your request. The credit report will be mailed to you at the address you provided in your request.


  1. Fill in
  2. Sign the request using your enhanced qualified electronic signature
  3. Submit signed request and the signing certificate in a separate file to the email address


  1. A credit report is provided only if there is a confirmed account on the State Services portal.
  2. To find out if your account is verified, you need to go to the website and enter your username and password.
  3. A page will open, on the right side of which the account status is indicated (example page)
  4. If the account is not confirmed, then in order to obtain a credit history, it must be confirmed in accordance with the procedure indicated on the State Services website
  5. If the account on the State Services portal is confirmed, then for the request you need to go to the NBCH website using the link and follow the instructions
  6. If you have exhausted your free requests (2 requests within 365 (366) days), you will be redirected to the Robokassa website for payment (all bank cards, wallets, mobile accounts, etc. are available). After payment, you must return to the website of JSC "NBKI" to receive a report.

Option 5 - get by personal contact with organizations cooperating with the NBCH in your region:

Partners' addresses and phone numbers:

Option 6 - receive a credit report from organizations cooperating with the NBCH in your region with delivery by courier to the location of the subject of credit history:

The service is paid, the cost is determined by the partner independently

Partners' addresses and phone numbers:

Option 7 - get a credit history by personally applying to the office of reception of subjects at the address: Moscow, Novovladykinskiy proezd, 8, p. 4, entrance 1, 2nd floor, office 209, Business center "Beautiful House" (Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00)

It is not a postal address, correspondence is not forwarded. Documents mailed to this address will be returned to the sender.

  1. Obtaining a credit report twice a year is free of charge, and an unlimited number of times for a fee.
  2. If you have exhausted your free requests (2 requests within 365 (366) days), pay for a third credit report here. The cost of the third credit report to individuals is 450 rubles.

How to get from the metro: metro Vladykino, 1 carriage from the center, from the metro to the left, towards the Voskhod hotel along Signalny proezd, go under the flyover of Altufevskoe highway, then to the right to the church, at the next pedestrian crossing after the church, cross the road and move ~ 500 meters along Novovladykinsky proezd to the 5-storey building of the Business Center "Beautiful House".


Get your credit history online from a commercial partner NBCH - Credit information agency

The service is paid, the cost is determined by the partner independently

In connection with cases of fraud on the Internet, we present some recommendations that will help you to ensure the confidentiality of information stored in the credit bureaus and the Central Catalog of Credit Histories:

  • do not transfer your passport data, credit history subject code and additional credit history subject code to unauthorized persons;
  • do not reply to letters sent by e-mail, which, under various pretexts, request your confidential information.

Credit history- information, the composition of which is determined by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of 30.12.2004 "On Credit Histories" and characterizing the performance by a subject of credit history of obligations assumed under a loan (credit) agreement, as well as another agreement or obligation provided for by Federal Law No. 218 -FZ.

Subject of credit history- a legal entity or individual (including an individual entrepreneur) who is a borrower under a loan (credit) agreement, a guarantor, a principal in respect of whom a bank guarantee was issued or in respect of which a court decision that entered into force and was not executed within 10 days was issued on the collection of monetary sums from the debtor in connection with his failure to fulfill his obligations to pay for residential premises, utilities and communication services or alimony obligations and in respect of whom a credit history is formed, as well as an individual in respect of whom the arbitration court accepted an application for declaring him insolvent (bankrupt). The subject of credit history is not a borrower - a participant in the accumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel, who has been granted a mortgage loan (loan) in accordance with Federal Law No. 117-FZ dated 20.08.2004 "On the accumulative mortgage system for housing provision for military personnel."

Credit bureau- a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is a commercial organization and provides services for the formation, processing and storage of credit histories, as well as for the provision of credit reports and related services.

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity that has received the written or otherwise recorded consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report for the purposes specified in the consent of the subject of the credit history.

Credit history an individual consists of four parts, a legal entity consists of three parts:

  • Part I - " title part of credit history"- contains information about the subject of credit history, by which it can be identified (for example, for an individual: full name, data of an identity document, etc.; for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, TIN, OGRN, etc. );
  • Part II - " bulk of credit history»- contains additional information about the subject of credit history, its obligations (including information on the amount and deadline for the fulfillment of obligations), information on bankruptcy procedures and other information;
  • Part III - " additional (closed) part of the credit history»- contains information about the sources of the formation of the credit history, about the users of the credit history, as well as in relation to the acquirer of the right of claim (in case of assignment of the right of claim under the loan (credit) agreement);
  • Part IV of the credit history - " informational part of credit history» ( only for individuals, including individual entrepreneurs) - contains information on the provision of a loan (credit) or on refusal to conclude a loan (credit) agreement (including indicating the reason for refusal), on the conclusion of a surety agreement, information on the absence of two or more consecutive payments under a loan (credit) agreement in within 120 calendar days from the date of maturity of the obligation under the loan (credit) agreement, which has not been fulfilled by the borrower.

For the subject of credit history - a legal entity, the informational part of the credit history is not formed.

The credit history is disclosed to the subject of the credit history in its entirety.

Users of credit histories. Consent of the subject of credit history to disclosure of information

The user of the credit history can read the main part of the credit history of the subject of the credit history with the written or otherwise recorded consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report for the purposes specified in the consent.

The consent of the subject of the credit history to the disclosure of information contained in the main part of the credit history can be obtained by the user of the credit history in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in writing on paper with the handwritten signature of the subject of the credit history if presentation by the subject of the credit history to the user of the credit history of a passport or other identity document.

The consent of the subject of the credit history must contain the purpose and date of registration of the specified consent, as well as the name of the user of the credit history - a legal entity or the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the user of the credit history - an individual entrepreneur.

The consent of the subject of the credit history obtained by the user of the credit history is considered valid for six months from the date of its execution. If, within the specified period, a loan (credit) agreement is concluded with the subject of the credit history, the specified consent of the subject of the credit history remains valid throughout the entire period of validity of such an agreement.

Informational part of the credit history provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of issuing a loan (credit) without the consent of the subject of credit history.

Formation of credit history. Sources of credit history formation

Credit institutions, microfinance organizations and credit cooperatives are required to submit all available information that is part of the credit history in relation to borrowers, guarantors, principals to at least one credit history bureau included in the state register of credit history bureaus, without obtaining consent to submit it, with the exception of cases in which the Government of the Russian Federation has established restrictions on the transfer of information, as well as persons in respect of whom the Government of the Russian Federation has established these restrictions.

The financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual is obliged to provide information on the procedures used in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual, if the arbitration court has accepted an application for declaring the individual insolvent (bankrupt), including information about the illegal actions of an individual in insolvency (bankruptcy), information about deliberate or fictitious bankruptcy in the credit history bureaus, in which the credit history of this individual is formed, and if the borrower does not have a credit history for the individual at the time of acceptance of the application for recognition his insolvent (bankrupt) financial manager is obliged to send such information to at least one credit bureau included in the state register of credit bureaus.

Also, without the consent of the subject of credit history, information from the operative part of a court decision that entered into force and was not executed within 10 days on the collection of monetary amounts from the debtor due to his failure to fulfill alimony obligations, obligations to pay for residential premises can be transferred to the credit history bureau. , utilities and communication services. The specified information can be transferred:

  • the organization in whose favor a court decision, which entered into force and was not executed within 10 days, was issued on the collection of monetary sums from the debtor due to his failure to fulfill his obligations to pay for residential premises, utilities and communication services;
  • a federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of ensuring the established procedure for the activities of courts and the execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies, in the recovery of unfulfilled alimony obligations, obligations to pay for residential premises, utilities and communication services.

Credit history is stored in the credit history bureau for 10 years from the date of the last change in the information contained in the credit history.

The Bank of Russia is authorized to register credit bureaus (enter credit bureaus in the state register of credit bureaus), exclude credit bureaus from the state register of credit bureaus, exercise control and supervision over the activities of credit bureaus, and maintain the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. The Central Catalog of Credit Histories, which is a subdivision of the Bank of Russia, was created to collect, store and present to subjects of credit histories and users of credit histories information about the credit history bureaus, in which the credit histories of subjects of credit histories are formed. In addition, the Central Catalog of Credit Histories provides temporary storage of databases of liquidated (reorganized, as well as those excluded from the state register of credit history bureaus) credit history bureaus.

Obtaining a credit history

To get his credit history, the subject of credit history first needs to find out in which (which) credit history bureaus it is stored by sending a request for this to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of the Bank of Russia, and then contact this (these) credit history bureaus to obtain a credit history ...

The subject of the credit history has the right in each credit history bureau, which stores the credit history about him, no more than twice a year (but not more than once on paper) free of charge and any number of times for a fee without specifying reasons to receive a credit report on his credit history, including the individual rating of the subject of the credit history (if any).

Subject of credit history

without using the code of the subject of credit history:

  • to the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPGU) (for reference: when forming a request for the provision of a service through the EPGU, the details of only a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation are used);
  • to any credit organization;
  • to any credit bureau;
  • to any microfinance organization;
  • to any credit cooperative;
  • to the telegraph office (post office (telecommunication office), in which telegraph services are provided);
  • to any notary;

using the code of the subject of the credit history:

  • to the official website of the Bank of Russia () to fill out the request form

User credit history can obtain information from the Central Directory of Credit Histories by contacting:

without using an additional code of the subject of credit history:

  • through a credit institution, credit bureau, notary, microfinance institution or credit cooperative;

using an additional code of the subject of credit history:

  • through the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" () by filling out the request form "Request for information about credit bureaus", posted in the section "Credit histories".

Pay attention! Response from the Central Directory of Credit Histories “No relevant information was found. Specify the details of the request ”means that there is no information on the details specified in the request in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. This answer can be obtained in the following cases:

  • in the absence of credit history;
  • if an incorrect (non-existent) code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history is indicated (if a request is sent by filling out the form in the "Credit Histories" section of the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet);
  • if, when filling out the request, an error (typo) was made in the information about the subject of the credit history;
  • if the credit history is formed for another identity document (for individuals), for example, for a previous passport. In this case, it is advisable to send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories indicating the details of this particular identity document.

In the event that an error (typo) was made in the request when specifying the full name of or data of an identity document (for individuals), taxpayer identification number or main state registration number (for legal entities), code (additional code) of the subject of credit history, you should re-send the request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, having correctly specified all the necessary details ...

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through EPGU

Part 7.1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ "On Credit Histories"

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) (EPGU):

  • the subject of credit history.

The service "Information about the CRI, which (which) stores the credit history of the subject of credit history" is available in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" at in the section of the Service Catalog "Tax and Finance" in the subsection "All services / Industry references and registers ".

When forming a request for the provision of a service, the details of a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation are used. To obtain information on previous (invalid) passports, it is recommended to use other methods of obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, listed below.

Sending a request directly to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the official website of the Bank of Russia

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1610-U dated August 31, 2005 "On the procedure for sending requests and receiving information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by a subject of credit history and a user of credit history by contacting the official website of the Bank of Russia in the Internet"

The request is sent by filling out the form "Request for information about credit bureaus" posted in the section "Credit histories" of the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", indicating the e-mail address to which a response will be sent from the Central Catalog credit histories and code (additional code) of the subject of credit histories.

The Central Directory of Credit Histories will respond by email only. In addition, in the section "Credit histories" of the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" it is possible:

  • generate an additional code for the subject of credit history (if there is a code for the subject of credit history).

The subject of credit history has the right to generate the code of the subject of the credit history, as well as change or cancel it, when concluding a loan (credit) agreement, as well as later, by contacting any credit organization or any credit history bureau, provided that there is a credit history in at least one credit bureau. stories. The code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history cannot be generated in the absence of a credit history.

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through a credit institution

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3893-U dated December 11, 2015 "On the Procedure for Sending Requests and Obtaining Information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by Contacting a Credit Institution"

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history through the credit institution:

In order to confirm the legality of the provision of information, the credit institution identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau, in which (which) the credit history is stored, on the basis of the documents provided ().

Also, the subject of credit history through a credit institution can:

  • change the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • cancel the code of the subject of the credit history;

Submitting a request to the Central Directory of Credit Histories through a credit bureau

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history through the credit history bureau:

  • by the subject of the credit history (the representative of the subject of the credit history);
  • a user of a credit history (a representative of a user of a credit history);
  • a financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of the subject of credit history - an individual.

In order to confirm the legality of the provision of information, the credit history bureau identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau, in which (which) the credit history is stored, on the basis of the documents provided ().

The financial manager must also submit the original or a copy of the judicial act on the approval of the financial manager in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual certified in accordance with the procedure established by law, information about which is requested.

The user of the credit history must provide the consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 218-FZ dated 30.12.2004 "On Credit Histories".

Also, the subject of credit history through the credit bureau can:

  • generate a code for the subject of credit history;
  • change the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • cancel the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • generate an additional code for the subject of credit history.

Sending a request to the Central Directory of Credit Histories through a microfinance organization and a credit cooperative

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3572-U dated February 19, 2015 "On the procedure for sending inquiries to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories and obtaining information from it about the credit history bureau, which stores the credit history of the subject of credit history, through the credit history bureau"

The subject of credit history (user of credit history, financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of the subject of credit history - an individual) sends a request and receives information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, contacting a microfinance organization or credit cooperative for this, which submit the request through the credit history bureau in the manner prescribed by the Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3572-U dated February 19, 2015 “On the procedure for sending inquiries to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories and obtaining information from it about the credit history bureau, which stores the credit history of the subject of credit history, through the bureau credit histories ".

Submitting a request to the Central Directory of Credit Histories through post offices

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3934-U dated January 18, 2016 "On the procedure for sending inquiries and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by Contacting Post Offices"

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (hereinafter - CCCI) by the subject of credit history and the financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case without using the code of the subject of the credit history by contacting post offices (telecommunications offices), which provide telegraph services , in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 2007 No. 108 “On approval of the requirements for the provision of telegraph services in terms of receiving, transmitting, processing, storing and delivering telegrams” at the conditional address “Moscow CCCI”.

As part of the request of the subject of credit history - an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, as well as a financial manager, it is necessary to indicate the following list of details of the subject of credit history:

  • surname;
  • patronymic (if any);
  • data of the passport or other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (series, number, date of issue of the passport) ();

A telegram containing a request from a subject of credit history - an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, is signed by him personally in the presence of a telecom operator.

When sending a request by the subject of the credit history, the operator checks the compliance of the information indicated by the subject of the credit history with the submitted document proving the identity of the subject of the credit history, and makes a certifying inscription, for example: "The personal signature of the passport data of Mikhail Viktorovich Smirnov is certified by the head of the 26th post office Ivanov."

The telegram sent by the financial manager is signed by the financial manager in the presence of the telecom operator, and the signature of the subject of the credit history is not required. When sending a telegram to a financial manager approved in an insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual, the signature of the financial manager is certified on the telegram after the employee of the post office (telecommunication department) checks the judicial act approving the financial manager in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of the requested subject of credit history - an individual. In this case, a note is made that the request was sent by the financial manager (in any form).

As part of the request for a subject of credit history - a legal entity, the following list of requisites must be specified:

  • full name of the legal entity;
  • the main state registration number of the legal entity (for legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • taxpayer identification number (for legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • e-mail address to which the reply from CCCI will be sent.

A telegram containing a request from a subject of credit history - a legal entity must be signed by an authorized official of the organization and certified by the seal of the organization. Together with the telegram, the submitter - a legal entity presents the originals (or notarized copies) of documents on the unified state registration number of the legal entity and on the taxpayer identification number.

The operator verifies the data of these documents with those indicated in the text of the request telegram and produces a certifying inscription confirming the fact of state registration of a legal entity in the Registration Chamber and the assignment of a taxpayer identification number to it, for example: I certify the taxpayer identification number 774355555 by the operator of the 12th post office of Petrov.

The e-mail address is filled in in Latin script with the obligatory affixing of all the necessary characters. The @ symbol in the e-mail address is replaced by (a) - the letter "a" in brackets, the "_" sign is recommended to be written with the words "underscore".

Attention! When sending a request by telegram, all of the above details must be indicated! All data of the request are given in the text of the telegram on a new line. A response from the Central Directory of Credit Histories is sent to the email address indicated in the telegram.

If the reply of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories to the telegram has not been received within 3 working days, it is advisable for the subject of the credit history, the financial manager to contact the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia. In your appeal, you must indicate the date of sending the telegram to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, full name. (for an individual) or name (for a legal entity), as well as the e-mail address indicated in the telegram.

Sending a request to the Central Directory of Credit Histories through a notary

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3701-U dated June 29, 2015 "On the procedure for sending inquiries and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by submitting a request through a notary"

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history by submitting an application containing the corresponding request through a notary:

  • by the subject of the credit history (a representative of the subject of the credit history by proxy);
  • a user of a credit history (a representative of a user of a credit history by proxy);
  • a financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of the subject of credit history - an individual.

In order to confirm the legality of the provision of information, the notary identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau, in which (which) the credit history is stored, on the basis of the documents provided ().

The financial manager must also submit the original or a copy of the judicial act on the approval of the financial manager in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual certified in accordance with the procedure established by law, information about which is requested.

The user of the credit history must provide the consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 218-FZ dated 30.12.2004 "On Credit Histories", a copy of which remains for storage with a notary.

On the day of receipt of the application, the notary sends a request to the e-mail address of the Federal Notary Chamber for subsequent transmission to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. At the request of the person who submitted the specified application, he is issued a certificate of transfer of the application. The subject of the credit history (the user of the credit history), as well as the financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case, have the right to indicate his address and the method of sending him the answer from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories.

The User hereby gives his consent to the Limited Company "ExpertBusinessConsulting", OGRN 1096673009212, address: Moscow, territory "Skolkovo", st. Nobel, 7, floor 1 room 148, workplace 1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Operator") to the processing, storage and transmission of their personal data via the Internet using cryptographic protection means and confirms that he gives such consent, acting at his own will and in his own interests.

Consent is given by the User for the following purposes: the purpose of uniquely identifying the User as a user of the Company's products requiring identification, use of the System and its functions available in the personal account, including processing an application, generating and analyzing a creditworthiness assessment, both in a judgment format and in digital form (scoring score), including in an aggregated form (assessment based on several information and analytical sources), to timely inform the User about the services provided by the Operator, as well as to include the User in the base of potential Users of the Partners, including to offer the User services Partners by phone, in mail, in sms messages or in the text of emails / messages (push notifications), receiving services from Partners related to prompt access to credit, banking, insurance and other products of Partners.

For the purposes of this Consent, personal data means any information directly or indirectly related to the User, as to the subject of personal data transmitted by the User personally on the website on the Internet, in accordance with the following list: last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, gender, year, month, date and place of birth, residential address, postal address, number and series of the identity document, insurance number of the individual personal account, home, work, mobile phones, e-mail address, data about the user device (including permission, version and other attributes characterizing the user device), data characterizing audience segments, session parameters, data on the time of visiting the Site, user ID stored in cookies, Cookies, IP address, data about the trustee, and other information that is necessary for the specified purposes. This User Consent is provided for the implementation of any legal actions with respect to the User's personal data that are necessary or desirable to achieve the above goals, including, without limitation: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (in including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, processing of personal data for the purposes of statistical accounting and scientific analysis, as well as the implementation of any other actions with the User's personal data within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The processing of personal data is carried out using the following main methods (but not limited to them): receiving, storing, combining, transferring, as well as processing using various means of communication (the Internet) or any other processing of the User's personal data in accordance with the above purposes and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The User hereby consents and permits (including third parties) to combine personal data into the personal data information system and process personal data using automation tools or without using automation tools, as well as using other software tools, as well as process his personal data for promotion of goods, works, services on the market, to inform about ongoing promotions and discounts provided.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide personal data to achieve the above goals to third parties, as well as when attracting third parties to provide services for the above purposes, the Company has the right to disclose information about the User personally to the extent necessary to perform the above actions. (including the User's personal data) to such third parties, their employees and other persons authorized by them, as well as provide such persons with relevant documents containing such information.

At the same time, the Company guarantees the security of the transferred personal data. The user is warned that the Operator has the right to transfer his personal data for the above purposes to third parties only if they comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing.

This Consent to the processing of personal data is indefinite, is valid from the moment it is received by the Operator through the registration of the User on the website, by ticking the box, and can be withdrawn by sending a written application to the Operator at the email address: [email protected] website or postal address: 620041, Yekaterinburg, st. Krasin, 7, P.O. Box 160.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that the User is independently and fully responsible for the personal data provided to him, including their completeness, reliability, unambiguity and relevance directly to the User.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that he has full legal capacity to express this consent and expresses his consent.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that with the rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data", incl. I have read the procedure for withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data.

The user must keep secret the password from the personal account on the Operator's website at:, as well as ensure the security of access to e-mail, to which his personal account will be registered. If for some reason the User is not sure about the safety of his password, the User must immediately contact the administrator of the Operator's website in order to change it. Otherwise, the responsibility for the leakage of the User's personal information will lie solely with the User. For his part, the operator of the Operator's website guarantees the security of User data.

User identification is a procedure for unambiguous identification of the User by the personal data provided by him and is carried out at the user's voluntary application.

In the event of a change in personal data after registration on the site, the User is required to send an application to e-mail [email protected] site