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Who and How Earns on Import Substitution and Innovation in Agriculture R.F. Import substitution in agriculture Yufo import substitution in agriculture

Relations between Russia and the West remain complex. It has been almost three years since the sanctions were introduced. They were supposed to damage the Russian economy. But one thing was left out in Washington. There is a golden rule of success: use any problem as a chance to improve something and reach a new level of development. Since the beginning of the sanctions war, import substitution processes have been launched in Russia. This affected all sectors - from industry to agriculture. Why buy something from ill-wishers if you can do it yourself? Today our program is dedicated to import substitution in the food sector.
When sanctions are imposed on small countries, it is painful and devastating. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Zimbabwe, Iran and many other small states have been hit hard by the sanctions, and their economies have been hit hard.

But for large countries, sanctions have very different consequences. It hurts at first, but there are many resources, and protection mechanisms are immediately activated. As a result, after a few years, the country achieves self-sufficiency and benefits from sanctions. Industries that have been hit by restrictions seek autonomy and eventually become autonomous.

An example is China. In the late 80s, sensational events in Tiananmen Square. Sanctions were imposed on China. Many companies were banned from trading with China, Chinese banks were cut off loans in the West, the Americans imposed an arms embargo and limited access to high technology.

After a while, many sanctions were lifted, but they were introduced against individual Chinese companies for various reasons in the 2000s. As a result, you know perfectly well what happened to the economy of the Celestial Empire. Now it is a financial and industrial giant. Whatever branch of the national economy you take - any is highly developed.

In Russia, import substitution in the food sector began in 2013 - a year before the annexation of Crimea. It is provided for by the program for the development of agriculture until 2020. It includes, among other things, accelerated import substitution for meat, milk, vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries.

Even then it was clear that the West was looking for an excuse to harm Russia and was ready to find fault with anything, remember “ Magnitsky list ", Which means you need to protect yourself. So the 2014 sanctions only accelerated the import substitution process. When Vladimir Putin introduced the food embargo against Europe and the United States, he knew that much had already been done in agriculture, so serious problems would not arise, and the positive effect would be enormous.

In addition, the food embargo did not affect the means of production. For example, fish cannot be brought to Russia, but fry can be, because they are needed for breeding your own fish.

Vegetables and fruits are not allowed, but seedlings are allowed. Seed potatoes, which are not for food, but for planting, are also allowed, because they will already give birth to their own potatoes in the Russian field.

The same goes for sowing onions, live birds and hatching eggs from which chicks will be born. All these are not finished products, but means of production. You can import them. In addition, the import of beef, poultry and vegetables is allowed, from which baby food will be made on the territory of Russia itself.

Last year, Russia sharply reduced the import of food products from abroad: meat, poultry, fish, milk, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, grapes, apples, sugar. The table shows how much we managed to reduce these purchases: for cabbage, potatoes and sugar - by half!

Russian retail chains confirm that the share of Russian vegetables in their turnover is increasing. In particular, the Dixy retail chain has increased the share of domestically produced cucumbers by one and a half times, now the percentage of Russian cucumbers sold here is 89%, and of tomatoes - 73%.

The decrease in imports is associated with an increase in production. Let's see the statistics of Rosstat for individual goods. Cattle meat is now produced 260 thousand tons per year. Compared to 2013, an increase of 10%.

For pork, the rise is more impressive - up to almost 2 million tons per year. For 4 years, the plus was 50%.

Russia was very dependent on pork imports five years ago. Only Japan bought more pork than we did. Now our country has become an exporter itself, although import from other countries still remains, for example from Brazil. The successes of Russian farmers have even brought down world pork prices. This was noted by the USDA.

And here is the table on Russian pork, which is given by the Bloomberg agency. There was an increase in production and a drop in imports.

Growth is also observed for poultry meat. For 4 years, almost a quarter.

And - as a result - an increase in exports to other countries.

Including - halal meat in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Halal means meat prepared according to Islamic traditions.
By milk I will also note growth, albeit modest - only 2% compared to 2013.

But there is a peculiarity here. The main foreign supplier of milk to our country is Belarus. The food embargo does not apply to it, so the conditions on the dairy market have hardly changed. Nevertheless, our dairy exporters are showing success. They are increasing sales to other countries and expanding the list of contractors. Russian milk is sold even to Europe - Germany, Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia.

In crop production, the loudest successes are in the cultivation of grain crops, mainly wheat. Over the past 5 years, grain production has grown by an average of a quarter a year.

Now Russia is actively increasing grain supplies abroad. Last year we became the world leader in wheat exports. Even more. We are winning markets back from the United States. Russia is increasing supplies to Mexico and Brazil. This is the underbelly of the United States, a traditional market for them.

There are also tangible shifts in other areas of crop production. Compared to 2010, it was possible to significantly increase the production of vegetables and potatoes. Rosstat counts them separately.

This is the basis of the diet. Let's take the volume and divide it by 146 million Russians - both children and adults. Now in Russia vegetables plus potatoes are produced according to 1 kilogram per day per person ... Taking into account the positive dynamics, this figure will grow every year.

Another episode of the food embargo. This is a continuation of the thought about the right timing for the response. Initially, there was no ban on the supply of salt to Russia. The food embargo on salt did not apply. The government knew that Russian salt producers were not ready to completely replace imports. But two years have passed. The capacities increased, and in 2016 it became possible to extend the product embargo to this product as well. This happened at the end of the year - in November.

Most of all, these measures hit Ukraine, it completely lost the Russian market of salt, both food and technical. Other suppliers that have closed doors are the Netherlands and Denmark. At the moment, Russian manufacturers occupy 65% domestic market. Complete import substitution does not work, we still buy salt from Belarus and Kazakhstan, but in 5 years import substitution may become 100%.

Intensive gardening plays an important role in import substitution. Its main feature is low fruit trees planted in dense rows.

They begin to bear fruit very quickly - already in the second year after laying, and in the third year you can get a harvest of 35-40 centners per hectare. It is much faster than in conventional - classic gardens. It takes much longer to wait for the first results there.

The collection of fruits and berries in Russia has been growing for the last 5 years, but it has not set records in comparison with the 90s. In this graph, you see data up to 2015.

The curve is at high levels, but did not break the 1996 high. However, now this area is receiving an additional - a very powerful impetus for development. Fruits and berries from Europe have ceased to reach our counters, and domestic producers are in a hurry to fill this niche.

In 2015, a large number of new garden plantations were laid - 14 thousand hectares. Of these, 10,000 are intensive gardens. Last year, farmers continued to expand the area for berries and fruits.

The result is already there - fortunately, intensive gardening yields a harvest the next year.

According to the President of the Fruit and Vegetable Union of Russia Sergey Korolev, the share of imported apples will decrease to 7% by 2020.

Now the shortage of their apples is about 1 million tons ... It has to be closed with supplies from other countries. To reach self-sufficiency, it is necessary not only to lay new orchards, but also to build fruit storage facilities. This will make it possible to sell apples all year round, not just in the fall.

The state allocates a lot of money for the development of horticulture. They go into the hands of gardeners in the form of cash subsidies. The state compensates farmers for part of the costs of establishing new plantations and caring for existing ones, purchasing planting material, construction and reconstruction of fruit storage facilities. In total, for 2017, subsidies are provided for all types of agricultural activities in the amount of 75 billion rubles.

At the end of the program, a few words about import substitution in Crimea. Our conditions for this have developed naturally. Played a role food blockade on the part of Ukraine, and later on the fact that Russia extended a food embargo to Ukraine. The second factor is geographic. Products from the Krasnodar Territory to Crimea are transported by ferry. This increases their value. Another factor. Relations with Turkey improved, but the food embargo was lifted only on Turkish citrus and stone fruit crops. Other fruits and vegetables are still not allowed from there. All this had a beneficial effect on the Crimean producers. Production capacities for all types of traditional agriculture are growing in Crimea. Over the past year, the number of cattle, sheep and goats has increased, and more eggs and milk have been produced. New horticultural and viticultural enterprises are being opened within the Free Economic Zone. The guests of Crimea celebrate the wonderful taste of our fruits and vegetables, because they are environmentally friendly.

Russia continues to buy an impressive amount of meat, fruits and vegetables abroad. This indicates the presence of large domestic demand. There is no doubt that the development of agriculture within the country will sharply reduce the flow of goods from abroad. Our farmers bring this time closer with their labor every day. That's it for today. I wish you great economic success.
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Tea, coffee, exotic crops are successfully grown in Russia, using the experience of other countries' agriculture. Nevertheless, it is not yet possible to speak about the full satisfaction of the country's needs in various spheres.

Traditionally, the most profitable business projects in Russia are considered primary processing of raw materials, trade, and construction. At the same time, our country is firmly connected with the image of a raw materials giant, which on its own is not able not only to dress and shoe its citizens, but also to feed them corny. And although the course towards import substitution in agriculture was announced a few years ago, we never saw a large number of domestic nectarines and pineapples on the shelves. What is really going on in the industry? Are there examples of successful import substitution?

Russia's need for foreign products in agriculture is more than just dependence. The sphere of vegetable growing uses up to 60% of imported seeds, in potato growing - up to 80%. In winter, 90-95% of vegetables consumed by Russians are imported from abroad.


Region: Tula region

The farm supplies a large number of products: potatoes, cabbage, beets. For 11 years of active work, the area of ​​cultivated land has increased from 40 hectares to 11,000 hectares. The enterprise boasts a significant production volume: over 90 thousand tons of potatoes, about 200 tons of meat products, 6 thousand tons of milk. The warehouses of the organization are equipped with equipment from European suppliers, which ensures high quality of goods.

In the summer of 2015, the company made headlines with the launch of the largest sprinkler in Russia. The complex irrigates about 11% of all the company's land (1,100 ha). Experts also note the high yield of grain crops: it exceeds the regional average values ​​by 2-3 times (80 centners per hectare versus 32).

Cheese dairy "Russian Parmesan"

Region: Moscow region

An unusual project by Oleg Sirota, a former programmer, attracted a lot of attention at the very beginning of its creation. The young man sold real estate, cars and left for the village, where in about a year he built a workshop for the production of cheese. Even such meters of domestic journalism as "Komsomolskaya Pravda" paid attention to the implementation of the project. The launch of production by O. Sirota coincided with the anniversary of the "counter-sanctions" and decided to earn popularity points at this event.

It is too early to talk about any profit, since cheeses have been created only since August 7, 2015. However, one cannot fail to note the enthusiasm and stubbornness of the farmer-programmer: it took him only 12 months to make his dream a reality. O. Sirota is going to offer the Russian market not only yoghurts, but also parmesan, which will fully correspond to its European counterpart. As the cheese maker notes, to create a production he used purely Russian equipment, products and technologies.

At the same time, in some of his publications, he told how he traveled to Switzerland for experience, which, as you know, joined the sanctions against Russia. The total investment (personal funds of O. Sirota) amounted to about 12 million rubles. It is planned to sell a kilogram of the finished product for 650-700 rubles.

Do you want to know how a Russian cheese maker made his dream come true? Then be sure to watch the story about his plant on the Russia 24 channel.

LLC "Greenhouse complex" (Mokshansky)

Region: Penza region

The organization became famous for the production of real Dutch roses in Russia. At the moment, the company has a whole network of greenhouses with a total area of ​​24 hectares. Over the past year, the company has grown 23 million roses, the total number of varieties - more than 70 units. Thus, the Penza region is largely provided with fresh flowers of domestic production.

The organization was created long before the imposition of sanctions about 10 years ago. In order to improve the quality of products and achieve high results, the company sends its specialists for training in Holland, uses modern equipment in its work. The plans of "Mokshanskaya Rose" are to master the production of other flowers, which will also be able to decorate the holidays of customers.

Farm "Ostrich Farm"

Region: Leningrad region

Breeding ostriches in Russian conditions has long ceased to be a utopia. Peasant farm V.V. Vigovsky is a vivid confirmation of this. The farm grows and sells various products: ostrich eggs, poultry meat, creams, leather, feathers, souvenirs. In addition, year-round excursions are available to visitors, even in frosty winters.

The high popularity of ostrich meat is evidenced by the fact that a preliminary registration is required for its purchase. The cost reaches 1690 rubles per kilogram, while an egg is about 1.500 rubles apiece. By the way, a bird about 1 month old costs 6-15 thousand rubles, so you can create your own farm with a relatively small start-up capital. However, experts note the high capriciousness of the ostrich and the need to comply with the special conditions for its cultivation. However, poultry meat is in wide demand in Russia: our citizens do not suffer from vegetarianism.

JSC "Adler Tea"

Region: Krasnodar region

The company, founded in the days of the USSR, produces tea in the Adler region. The organization produces its own raw materials and processes imported ones. In addition to tea, the company grows hazelnuts, persimmons, laurel, bell peppers, eggplants and other crops that are difficult to care for even in hot climates.

Despite its long history, a large number of areas of activity, JSC "Adler Tea" cannot boast of high profits. So, in 2014, losses amounted to about 9 million rubles, although just a couple of years ago the organization showed net income. At the same time, the proceeds in 2014 amounted to 21.2 million rubles (for 2013 - 35.6 million rubles). In the near future, it is planned to increase the area for growing subtropical crops to 100 hectares, as well as to build a new greenhouse complex.

One of the consequences of import substitution is a sharp decline in imports in June 2015. Thus, purchases of meat and food in the 6th month decreased by 49.5% compared to the same period of the last, vegetables - by 46%, fruits - by 32.4%, grain - by 66.5%. However, experts note the twofold nature of this event: not only a decrease in imports, but also a decrease in the commodity and consumer market.

LLC "Welle"

Region: Leningrad region

The Velle company is, rather, not pure import substitution, but an example of how Western technologies can take root on Russian soil, bringing worthy fruits. The organization is engaged in the production and sale of products based on oatmeal. So, desserts, cocktails, ready-to-eat breakfasts, drinks and much more are available to customers. The company was founded in 2004, and at the moment has achieved high indicators of financial and economic activity.

Revenue in 2013 amounted to 464.4 million rubles (56% more than in the previous year), net profit - 27.1 million rubles (an increase of 100%). At the same time, the company operated only 9 years ago with an annual revenue of 43.8 million rubles and a loss of 4 million rubles. In 2014 alone, the organization passed 3 different checks and is characterized by a high level of sustainability.

LLC "Agrofirma" Razdolye "

Region: Penza region

The agricultural company has chosen such an import substitution project as strawberry production. 1.5 hectares were allotted for the berries, and 4 varieties of plants went on sale. Their average cost was about 160 rubles in July 2015, which is much cheaper than imported counterparts. At the same time, the buyers liked the taste of the product, which were highly appreciated.

Agrofirm Razdolye has been on the market for a long period of time and has impressive financial performance. For example, revenue in 2013 amounted to about 10 million rubles, net profit - about half a million.

So, import substitution in agriculture is a huge number of projects that surprise with their boldness and diversity. It should be noted that businessmen do not fully use the potential of the information space, and in vain: the domestic consumer is obliged to know their heroes.

Saenko Irina Ivanovna, Ladygina Ekaterina Ivanovna, Chistukha Elena Gennadievna
1. Associate Professor, Ph.D. D., management and marketing
2. Student, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilina
3. Student, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilina
Saenko I. I., Ladygina E. I., Chistuha E. G.
1. Associate Professor, candidate of economic Sciences, management and marketing
2. student Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin
3. student Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin

Annotation: The possibilities and prospects of import substitution of agricultural products in Russia and its regions in the current unstable economic situation under foreign sanctions are considered. Import substitution is one of the mechanisms to stimulate domestic production. With proper use, this mechanism can become an effective measure for the development of the national economy. Whole branches of the Russian economy, which are now in their infancy, with proper support measures, can be a source of domestic goods that are in demand not only in the Russian market, but at least in the near abroad. But for this, such support must be comprehensive, not limited to a ban on the access of foreign goods. In addition, the support of domestic producers should not exclude at least internal competition between them, otherwise they will not be able to prepare for external competition. The article analyzes import-substituting products in Russia.

Abstract: The paper discusses the possibilities and prospects of import substitution of agricultural products in Russia and its regions in the current unstable economic situation in terms of foreign sanctions. Import substitution is one of the mechanisms to stimulate domestic production. With proper use of this mechanism can be an effective measure of development of the national economy. Whole sectors of the Russian economy, which is today in its infancy, with the proper support measures can become a source of domestic goods demanded not only on the Russian market, but at least in the near abroad. But that such support should be comprehensive, not limited only to the prohibition of foreign goods. In addition, support of domestic producers should not exclude at least the internal competition between them, otherwise they will not be able to prepare for foreign competition. In the article the analysis of import-substituting production in Russia.

Keywords: import substitution, sanctions, agriculture, products, production, market, entrepreneurship, segment.

Keywords: import substitution, sanctions, agriculture, production, trade, market, business segment.

The problem of import substitution in Russia is one of the key ones and does not lose its relevance for a long time. To date, this problem is intensifying due to the introduction by some countries of tough sanctions against the Russian economy. First of all, Western embargoes are reflected in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the process of import substitution in the Russian Federation began to be considered as the highest priority in the development of agriculture.

Import substitution is the process of reducing the share of imported products in the country's turnover and replacing it with domestic goods or services, that is, produced domestically.

Import substitution has acquired particular importance due to the fact that in 2014, in response to a number of trade and economic sanctions of European countries, the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan, Russia banned the import of a number of products (meat, fish, crustaceans, milk and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, etc.). nuts). The embargo on these products has opened up opportunities for Russian manufacturers to fill a niche in this segment. Thus, Table 1 shows the dynamics of production of the main types of import-substituting food products in the period from 2013 to 2016.

Table 1

Production of the main types of import-substituting food products in the Russian Federation, thousand tons






in% to the corresponding period of 2015

Bovine meat






Steamed pork, cooled, chilled






Meat and edible offal of poultry






Sausage products






Fish, live, fresh or chilled






Unfrozen crustaceans; oysters






Fish fillet, fish meat






Fish (except herring)






Frozen fruits and vegetables




Dried fruits, berries and nuts




Processed liquid milk






Cottage cheese


















According to the table, it can be concluded that the largest share in the production of import-substituting products in 2016 in the period from January to October is occupied by dairy products, its volumes are 4556 thousand tons, which is 1% more than in 2015 for this year. same period. And the smallest share of production falls on fruits, berries and dried nuts, which amount to 9.7 thousand tons, while the relative growth in 2016 compared to 2015 decreased by 8.6%.

As a rule, import substitution occurs due to an increase in the volume of own production and tariff customs regulation of import purchases. So, already in 2015, Russia began to implement the process of creating a package of regulations to support domestic producers from the state by the government commission on import substitution.

It should be noted that the task of minimizing imports in the agricultural sector was set back in 2010. But the introduction of sanctions lists made it possible for domestic producers to fill the gap in the market with legislative and financial support from the state.

The following achievements in various regions of Russia can serve as an example of import substitution at the moment:

1. According to the results for 11 months of 2016, the Nizhny Novgorod Region is the leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of meat production. The production of poultry and livestock meat significantly increased in the region by more than 17% and amounts to 124.2 thousand tons in kind.

2. The production of biodegradable mulch films has been launched in the Krasnodar Territory. The product will be used to cover the soil in order to protect it in agriculture when growing vegetables, grapes, melons, in horticulture and nurseries. This product is biodegradable in soil and does not require disposal costs.

3. In Crimea, two livestock complexes and a feed mill are being built. The complex will accommodate up to 400 dairy cows, and a dairy farm will also be equipped.

In fact, there are a huge number of examples of such agricultural achievements in the regions of Russia. The state provides support to small and medium-sized businesses, farms and other farms in the form of various subsidies, subsidies, and concessional lending.

According to the results of the import substitution program by 2020, Russia will have to provide itself with food by 90%. In conclusion, we can conclude that the implementation of this program is yielding the first positive results.

Bibliographic list

1. Naydenov AA, Grishin EV Import substitution as an important condition for stimulating the domestic economy // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 8.8. - S. 19-21.
2. Altukhov AI Import substitution in the agri-food complex of the country: problems and solutions // Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 2–6.
3. Saenko I. I. / Topical issues of state regulation of the regional agricultural sector. // Armavir, 2015 - 100 p.
4. Saenko I.I.
5. Federal State Statistics Service, 2016.
6. Postnikova L.V. Problems of import substitution of agricultural products in Russia. - Tver: Bulletin of TVGU. Series "Economics and Management". 2015. No. 1, v.2. S. 44-48.

Four years after the introduction in the form of restrictions on food supplies from North America and the European Union, the statistics of Russian consumption show a noticeable increase in the share of Russian products in the purchases of Russians. The pre-sanctioned share of domestic foodstuffs in 65% increased to 80%. The growth began already in 2015: Russian farmers received cheap loans, access to land, discounts on food transportation by rail.

Import substitution in agriculture is growing. Growth does not stop: at the end of 2018. the number of pigs, for example, on Russian farms may grow by 12%. A large amount of poultry meat has led manufacturers to reduce wholesale prices, and the Russian buyer can feel the effect of this without loss for the wallet.

Russian grain is confidently conquering foreign markets, crowding out European and American exporters: the devaluation of the ruble helped Russian sellers to increase their ruble earnings from external receipts. The increase in the number of cattle (cattle) promises an increase in milk production and a solution to the problem of dairy counterfeit from palm oil. But nobody forbade the import of the notorious "sanction" for personal consumption.