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Application of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid (20 g) How to dilute and use oxalic acid

Oxalic acid used to soften tap water for watering indoor plants at the following rates: 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon per 5 liters of water. Within 2-3 days after adding oxalic acid, the water should be in an open container to remove the chlorine vapor contained in it and precipitation of insoluble substances. After that, the water must be drained into another container, trying not to stir up the sediment. Water plants with this water.

Concentrate - 20 grams b.c. for 1 liter of water. For watering - 1 tsp. concentrate per liter of water.

I use both methods. At the first I use 5-liter containers for drinking water.

Our water is very hard, as soon as I learned about this softening method, I immediately began to use it.

This is the sediment after adding shchav. acids.

And this is for comparison. In the left container, water was used with the addition of oxalic acid. In the right - filtered, settled ordinary tap water. There is a significant difference as well.

I use a solution of sorrel. acid for about a year. I forgot what a plaque on the surface of the soil is. Plants (in addition to violets, I have about 30 others) do not complain, dieffenbachia even gave out this:

(etaudioic) - a dibasic limiting carboxylic acid, which is a chemical substance in the form of colorless crystals, soluble in water, partially - in diethyl and ethyl alcohol, insoluble in benzene, chloroform, petroleum ether. The esters and salts of this acid are called oxalates. This chemical reagent belongs to strong organic acids, the melting point of which is -189.5 °C. In nature, in a free form, this chemical compound, as well as in the form of oxalates (esters and salts of oxalic acid) of potassium and calcium, is found in many plants: rhubarb, beans, spinach, nuts, soybeans. This acid is formed during oxalic acid fermentation. For the first time, this type of acid was obtained in the process of synthesizing cyanogen by the chemist Friedrich Wöhler (Germany, 1824).

Application of oxalic acid

Like any acid, oxalic acid is used in the following industries due to its unique properties:
- chemical (in the manufacture of plastics, dyes, inks, pyrotechnics);
- metallurgical (for cleaning metals from corrosion, oxides, scale, rust);
- textile and leather (as a mordant, when dyeing silk and wool);
- beekeeping (for processing bees);
- household chemicals (included in many detergents and powders as a bleaching and disinfectant);
- analytical chemistry (precipitator of rare earth elements);
- microscopy (section bleach);
- cosmetology (whitening component for freckles);
- medicine and pharmacology;
- woodworking.

The importance of oxalic acid for the body

This chemical compound in the human body is an intermediate product that is excreted in the urine as calcium salts. In case of violation of mineral metabolism, salts of this acid take part in the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. This organic acid found in raw vegetables is very beneficial for our body. It easily combines with calcium and promotes its absorption. Oxalic acid in boiled vegetables has a negative effect on health, as it becomes inorganic. This leads to the binding of calcium, and as a result - to a lack of it in the bone tissue, which is the cause of its damage. The daily excretion of oxalic acid with urine in an adult is 20 mg, in children up to 1.29 mg / kg.

Precautionary measures

Oxalic acid is a flammable, highly toxic and toxic chemical reagent, therefore, only those laboratory employees who have undergone special safety instructions are allowed to work with it:
- work is carried out in a special laboratory glassware. If the laboratory glassware is made of another material, the acid may react with it;
- in order to avoid getting oxalic acid on the skin, respiratory tract, mucous membranes, all studies should be carried out: in rubber products (boots, rubberized aprons, examination gloves, nitrile gloves), protective equipment (gas mask or respirator, goggles), overalls;
- while using oxalic acid, it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke;
- after completion of work, it is necessary to wash the face and hands thoroughly with warm water and soap or a neutralizing agent (drinking soda solution);
- it is forbidden to transport and store oxalic acid together with food products;
- observe fire safety measures, if there is a need to use heating devices.

You need to know that oxalic acid is a strong organic acid, its use in large quantities can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, intestines, stomach, skin and respiratory tract. If this chemical reagent enters the body, burning, bloody vomiting may occur. First aid in such situations is to rinse the affected skin area with plenty of water. Acid should be stored in closed polyethylene packaging in a well-ventilated area on pallets.

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Oxalic acid (20 g)

Oxalic acid is a highly effective agent for combating varroatosis in bees.

To prepare a 2% solution of oxalic acid, the contents of the package are dissolved in 1 liter of warm boiled water. The interframe space of the hives is treated with a sprayer of the "Rosinka" type at a distance of 25-30 cm, at an angle of 30-400 to the frames, at the rate of 5-10 ml of solution for each interframe space.
Spraying is carried out three times in the spring, with an interval of 1 week, and in the fall, after collecting honey, at an air temperature not lower than +15 0C.

Application practice (research)

Studies have confirmed that the acid solution is most effective at concentrations of 1.4-2.7%. Various researchers note the high acaricidal activity of this drug, used in the form of a 2% aqueous solution by irrigation of bees using an aerosol sprayer.
According to the literature, oxalic acid has no less acaricidal activity against the varroa mite than formic acid, and sometimes even more effective. And in some cases, it acts on the physiological state of bees more gently than formic. The average efficiency of treatments with a solution of oxalic acid is up to 90%.
This technology for the use of oxalic acid has a number of features. In particular, this is a strict temperature regime (the air temperature during treatments should not be lower than 16 ° C), laboriousness, the need to dismantle nests and alternately remove frames, which often leads to cooling of the nest and brood. During autumn treatments, humidity rises in the nests, which contributes to the molding of honeycombs and the development of ascospherosis. In addition, bee pollen is spoiled by mushrooms, and during wintering bees are poisoned.
When storing oxalic acid in solution, it quickly loses its acaricidal qualities.
In literary periodicals there is evidence that the method of treating bees with oxalic acid vapors was obtained while heating the preparation in a special device. At the same time, a good development of bee colonies and their high productivity were noted.
To study the effect of the action of oxalic acid in varroatosis by the method of distillation, studies were carried out in apiary conditions.
To do this, 25 families of bees were selected, which were treated in this way: 2 g of oxalic acid was poured into the working chamber of a special device (for every 10-12 frames), then the working chamber was heated with a blowtorch for 30-40 seconds, and the outlet tube of the device was inserted into entrance of the hive and with the help of a car pump introduced acid vapors into the family of bees. After that, the entrances of the hive were closed for 5-10 minutes.
The control group of bee colonies was treated with a 2% aqueous solution of oxalic acid: the bees were irrigated, taking the frames with bees out of the nest one by one, using a Rosinka aerosol sprayer, the solution was applied to the frames with bees at an angle of 45 °C.
After the experiment, it was found that the efficiency of the method of distillation of oxalic acid is on average 93%, and the method of irrigation with the preparation is 79.5-80%.

Bipin and oxalic acid in the fight against varroatosis
In recent years, treatment of bees has been effective in the barren autumn-winter period, when the tick passes to the bees and attaches itself under the tergites, therefore it becomes inaccessible to the action of the preparations.
To excite the tick, a 20% alcohol tincture of mint is used (before treatment with bipin and oxalic acid, 10-15 minutes before), under the influence of which the ticks become active, come out from under the tergites and are vulnerable to the active substance of bipin and oxalic acid.
Before processing the bees, the contents of the ampoule with bipin are dissolved in 2 liters of water (25-30 gr. C) and thoroughly mixed. You can use a plastic bottle, in the cork of which make a hole with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm. The bees are watered in the streets in a thin stream, passing the bottle from the beginning of the street to the end twice, at the rate of 5-10 ml of solution per street. In the presence of brood in the bee colony, the treatment must be repeated after 7-10 days.
Oxalic acid should be used at a concentration of 2% (20 g per 1 liter of boiled water at a temperature of 25-30 degrees C). The solution is used by irrigation of honeycombs with bees using "Rosinka" (5-6 strokes). Ticks fall off within 3 days.
The effectiveness and toxicity of bipin and oxalic acid were determined in the autumn period, after feeding sugar syrup, when there were no more brood in the families.
Bipin began to act in the first 4-5 hours, causing a massive fall off of ticks. Its action was somewhat more effective than oxalic acid. This was shown by comparative experiments.

Some beekeepers use various electric evaporators made from small glass containers, metal tubes of various diameters, or ordinary smokers. The essence of the techniques lies in the use of electricity as a source of heating oxalic acid. Practitioners note that the treatment of bees with oxalic acid vapor has a number of advantages over the use of a 2% solution of this drug, since it is carried out at a later date in autumn or early spring, when there is no or little brood in the families. However, it should be noted that such heaters are available to beekeepers who have certain skills in working with electrical appliances. Such evaporators can only be used in electrified apiaries with the strictest observance of safety regulations - at least two people must work. One of the methods of application is the following: 20 g of oxalic acid is dissolved in 100 g of warm water, then 10 ml (per one family) of the resulting solution is taken with a syringe and passed through a copper hollow blank strongly heated on a primus stove or gas stove. On one side, a medical needle is hermetically mounted into the blank with the cannula exiting to the outside. The vapors formed in contact with the hot walls of the chamber through a fitting and a rubber hose are smoothly injected into the hive through the notch. When checking the internal walls of the evaporator chamber, no deposits of acid crystals were found on it. Treatment against varroatosis in this way is carried out at any time of the active season in the evening. This method is still not recommended for practical use; it can be tested on a small number of bee colonies. You can not use it during the period of honey collection.

Another way to use oxalic acid is by sublimation.
According to the instructions for the use of oxalic acid in varroatosis of bees, approved by the General Directorate of Veterinary Medicine on November 21, 1988, it is used in two ways: by finely dispersed spraying of bees with a 2% solution or acid vapor obtained by sublimation in a special device. To prepare a 2% solution of oxalic acid, boiled water is used, cooled to 30 ° C (20 g of the drug is taken per liter). The solution is prepared before use. In order to compact the bees on the frames, full-honey and bee-bread combs are removed from the hive. Then the frames are taken out of the nest one by one and the bees are sprayed on both sides with any fine spray (“Dewdrop”, “Shine”, garden sprayer, etc.). An aerosol torch is directed directly at insects from a distance of 35-40 cm at an angle of 45 °, spending 10-12 ml of solution per frame (100-120 ml per family). Processing in multi-hull hives begins with the lower housing.

When treating bees with oxalic acid vapors, the upper notch is closed in the hive, and 10-15 puffs of smoke from the smoker are introduced into the lower one. Then, 2 g of the drug is poured into the working chamber of the device 1 (based on every 10-12 frames occupied by bees) and the outlet tube 2 is heated with a blowtorch or other heater for 5-6 s, then it is introduced into the lower notch and then 30- 40 s warm up the working chamber. After that, briefly, for one second, valve 4 is opened on the inlet tube 3 to supply oxygen or carbon dioxide from a cylinder at a pressure of 1.5 atm. In their absence, the supply of acaricidal mixture from the working chamber of the device can be carried out using a car pump (4-5 full strokes). Before filling with a new dose of acid, the working chamber is cooled for a short time (1–2 s) by lowering the bottom onto the surface of cold water.

Packaging: 20 g bag

Item issue unit: 1 bag 20 g

Oxalic acid (ethanedioic acid)- dibasic limiting carboxylic acid.

Physiochemical properties.

Formula of dihydrate oxalic acid: C 2 H 2 O 4 × 2H 2 O. Colorless prismatic crystals. When kept over concentrated sulfuric acid or when heated above 30°C, it loses water of crystallization, about 100°C it is completely dehydrated. Very soluble in water and ethyl alcohol (19% at 20°C), more difficult in diethyl ether (1.4% at 20°C). Density 1.653 g/cm 3 .

The gross formula of anhydrous oxalic acid is: C 2 H 2 O 4 .

Structural formula of anhydrous oxalic acid:


Colorless monoclinic hygroscopic crystals, easily soluble in water, limitedly in ethyl alcohol and diethyl ether, insoluble in chloroform, petroleum ether and benzene. Belongs to strong organic acids. It has all the chemical properties characteristic of carboxylic acids. Salts and esters of oxalic acid are called oxalates. Oxalic acid forms acidic and medium esters, amides, acid chloride. Melting temperature 189.5°C, sublimation temperature 125°C, decomposition temperature 100÷130°C, decarboxylation temperature - 166÷180°C. Density 1.36 g/cm 3 . On contact with hot surfaces or fire, oxalic acid breaks down to form formic acid and carbon monoxide. Reacts violently with strong oxidants causing fire and explosion hazard. Reacts with some silver compounds to form explosive silver oxalates.


The production of rare earth metals is the industry that consumes the largest volumes of oxalic acid. According to statistics, it takes 1 ton of oxalic acid to produce 1 ton of rare earth metal. In second place in terms of consumption is the pharmaceutical industry. The total share of consumption of the above two industries is 68% of the world consumption of oxalic acid.

In addition, oxalic acid is used in the paint and varnish industry (as a catalyst for curing resole coatings); in water purification systems (chemical method of purification and reduction of water hardness, purification of heat carriers at nuclear power plants); in the chemical industry (organic synthesis, in the production of plastics, inks, in the synthesis of dyes, as a component of pyrotechnic compositions); in chemical metallurgy (as a component of compositions for cleaning metals from rust, scale, oxides); in analytical chemistry (as a precipitant for rare earth elements); in microscopy (as a bleach for sections); in the production of synthetic detergents (as a bleaching and disinfecting agent, a cleaning agent and remover of urinary stone, hardness salts and rust); in the textile and leather industries (mordant in calico printing and in dyeing wool and silk, in tanning leather).

Burnishing or oxidation of steel is a process of formation of a thin finely crystalline and finely porous oxide film on the surface of steel parts. Burning steel kills two birds with one stone: the parts acquire an aesthetically beautiful appearance and receive lifelong protection against corrosion.

Oxalic acid is part of the electrolyte for bluing steel. A feature of bluing with the use of oxalic acid is the blue-black color of the resulting oxide film. The electrolyte consists only of water and oxalic acid. For 100 kg of water, 0.3 kg of oxalic acid is used.

Electrolytic bluing of steel is carried out under the action of an electric current with a density of 1-1.5 A / dm 2, a voltage of 6-8 V. The temperature of the electrolyte solution in the operating mode is 25 ° C. Processing time 90-100 min. As an anode, a lead plate is used, the area of ​​​​which is 1.5 times the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe part. Having finished oxidation, the part is processed by drying at a temperature of 100-110 ° C.

Anodic oxidation of aluminum is the process of obtaining an oxide film on aluminum chemically or electrochemically from solutions of acids and alkalis.

Anodizing in an oxalic acid electrolyte produces films with good electrical insulating properties. They are opaque, painted in decorative golden tones. In this electrolyte, cast aluminum alloys containing up to 5% copper or 4% silicon can be processed. Anodizing is carried out on direct or alternating current. Anodizing with direct current is carried out in an electrolyte composition of 3-5 kg ​​of oxalic acid per 100 kg of water. Operating mode: electrolyte temperature 15-25 °C, anode current density 1-2 A/dm 2 , bath voltage 40-60 V (up to 60-70V by the end of electrolysis). To obtain solid films with good electrical insulating properties, their thickness should be at least 25-40 microns. Harmful impurities that degrade the quality of anodizing are chlorine and aluminum. Their allowable concentration in the electrolyte is 0.04 g/l and 30 g/l, respectively.

The use of oxalic acid for bleaching wood.

Bleaching of wood is usually done before dyeing to remove stains and obtain a lighter surface. In addition, after bleaching, the wood is stained more evenly and cleaner.

Oxalic acid (10% solution) is applied to the surface to be bleached, previously moistened with a 20% solution of sodium hydrosulfite. After no more than 5 minutes, the applied compositions are washed off with plain water.

For light species - linden, birch, maple, poplar - a solution of oxalic acid (1.5-6 kg) in boiled water (100 kg) is recommended.

For accelerated bleaching, you can use the following composition (kg): sulfuric acid - 20; oxalic acid - 15; sodium peroxide - 25 (or hydrogen peroxide - 10); water - 1000.

Oxalic acid easily removes algae, shellfish, mussels, lime, rust from the underwater part of the vessel, engine, shaft. To do this, it is simply applied and left for a while. Then wash off with water.

Oxalic acid easily removes stubborn dirt such as dust, black oxide spots (on duralumin boats), rust and machine oil, limescale from gelcoat, plastic, metal and varnished surfaces. Oxalic acid protects wooden boats from mold.

It is an effective remedy for varroatosis of bees in apiaries (a disease of bees with the Varroa mite). The death of bees and queens after treatment is not observed.

Processing is carried out once with a specially prepared solution by watering the bees in the interframe spaces at the rate of 5 ml of the solution per street.

The working solution prepared can be prepared in one of two ways:

1) by mixing 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of water and 7.5 g of oxalic acid (GOST 22180-76) until completely dissolved. The acaricidal efficacy of a single treatment with oxalic acid is 85% four days after treatment.

2) oxalic acid at a concentration of 3.75% used in 20% syrup. The efficiency of treatment of bee colonies with oxalic acid is 95% and is not inferior to the efficiency of a bivar (92%).

The economic effect of the use of oxalic acid by watering the bees in the interframe space, in comparison with the treatment with a bivar having the same method of application, is due to the difference in the cost of preparations, as well as the fact that acid treatment is carried out once, and bivar - twice. The total cost of a single treatment with oxalic acid is less than a twofold treatment with a bivar by more than two times (taking into account labor, sugar and acid costs).

Oxalic acid is a highly effective, environmentally friendly method of combating varroatosis. In terms of acaricidal efficacy, it is not inferior to the drugs recommended during this period, Bipin and Bivar. Treatment with oxalic acid by this method does not adversely affect bee colonies. The use of oxalic acid improves the sanitary quality of the products obtained.

The use of oxalic acid for the restoration of objects.

Oxalic acid well cleans metals and spaves from iron, zinc, copper. At the same time, it preserves paint and metal. Oxalic acid is used by museum workers and archaeologists to clean coins, buckles, helmets, cartridge cases, utensils, and more.

For cleaning, a 5% solution of oxalic acid is used (50 grams per 1 liter). Depending on the condition of the object, cleaning with oxalic acid lasts 20-40 minutes in a warm solution and up to 3 days in a cold solution. Most often they use a plastic container heated in a water bath. The ability of the spent oxalic acid solution to react weakens over time. It depends on the amount of oxides removed by the solution.

The use of oxalic acid to soften water before watering.

The hardness of water depends on the amount of calcium and magnesium salts. Oxalic acid reacts with these salts. The products of this reaction precipitate.

Softened water does not saline the soil and increases the yield of vegetables and fruits, improves the development of indoor plants.

To soften water, a 1% solution of oxalic acid is used (10 grams per 1 liter). At room temperature, a day is enough for water to settle. Visually, the water will become transparent. Then the precipitate is separated. To do this, carefully drain the water. The sediment with salts is not dangerous, but it is not subject to further use on the farm.

Health risks of oxalic acid.

Oxalic acid is a strong acid which, in solid form or in concentrated solutions, can cause burns to the skin, eyes or mucous membranes; even low concentrations of oxalic acid (5 to 10%) are an irritant with prolonged exposure. Deaths have been reported after ingesting as little as 5 g of oxalic acid. Symptoms of poisoning appear quickly: shock, collapse, convulsions. In such cases, kidney damage is observed with precipitation of calcium oxalate in the renal canals. Convulsions may be the result of hypocalcemia. Prolonged exposure of the skin to solutions of oxalic acid or potassium oxalate causes local pain, cyanosis in the fingers, and even gangrenous changes. Obviously, this is due to local absorption of oxalic acid, resulting in arthritis. Chronic systemic disease from inhalation of oxalic acid dust is extremely rare, although there is a case in the literature in which a person exposed to hot oxalic acid vapor (probably containing an oxalic acid aerosol) experienced symptoms such as weight loss and chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. . Due to the strong acidic effect of oxalic acid dust in the air of industrial premises, its content in the air of industrial premises must be carefully controlled and not exceed concentrations that are safe for health.


In industry, oxalic acid is obtained by oxidation of carbohydrates, alcohols and glycols with a mixture of HNO 3 and H 2 SO 4 in the presence of V 2 O 5, or by oxidation of ethylene and acetylene with HNO 3 in the presence of PdCl 2 or Pd (NO 3) 2, as well as by the oxidation of propylene with liquid NO2.

The varroa mite not only sucks blood from bees, infects the brood, but is also a carrier of viral diseases. It mutates along with viruses and adapts to many acaricides. And if before the processing of bees was carried out only in the fall, now several times in the spring and summer. Oxalic acid has proven itself well in the fight against ticks.

It is marketed as a white crystallized powder. In beekeeping, the product is used in two ways:

  • preparation of an aqueous solution and spraying;
  • powder sublimation and steam treatment.

Application in practice in the form of distillation and irrigation showed that the efficiency of steam treatment is 93%, irrigation - 80%.

The instructions for oxalic acid give schemes and proportions for breeding, depending on the number of bee colonies and their strength.

The acid dissolves in warm water with the addition of sugar or powdered sugar. Experts believe that a solution with sugar is better kept on bees. Dilution is also acceptable in cold water with further heating up to 30ºC.

Experimentally, it was determined that the most effective against the Varroa mite is a 2% solution prepared from 20 g of powder and 1 liter of water. The treatment solution must always be fresh.. After 2 days it becomes unusable and even dangerous for bees.

Spray technique:

  1. Honeycombs with bee bread and filled with honey are removed from the hive so that the location of the bees is more crowded.
  2. The uterus is isolated.
  3. Each frame with bees is taken out and sprayed from a sprayer from a distance of 30-40 cm and at an angle of 45º.
  4. In multi-hull hives, spraying starts from the lower sector.

The atomizer can be mechanical or with electric air pumping.

On average, the processing of one frame consumes 10-12 ml of solution. A prerequisite is dry weather with an air temperature not lower than +16ºC.

How effective the result will be when spraying depends on the size of the drops: the smaller they are, the better.

Evaporation method

Another way to use oxalic acid from a tick is sublimation. When heated, the powder turns into steam, which acts on the varroa mite detrimentally.

Pairs of oxalic acid are injected through the lower notch. In windy weather, the hive is sealed before the procedure.

The condition for steam treatment is that the air temperature is not lower than +10ºC. Therefore, work can begin in early spring, while ticks have not yet begun to multiply. The interval between treatments is the same as for spraying (1-2 weeks). It is better to apply acid smoke in the evening, when all the bees have returned to the hive.

In the presence of brood, fumigation is carried out for 4 days. On the first day, 4 servings are introduced: 2 immediately, 2 after 10 minutes. Then a break for a day and again re-fumigation, and so on 4 times.

Warm smoke penetrates into the cells with bee products. Acid molecules are able to absorb water from the air, which is deposited on the surface of the cells. A large amount of moisture leads to the formation of mold, souring of honey and disturbance of the microclimate in bees. Therefore, if the area where the apiary is located is characterized by high humidity, processing in the fall is not recommended.

Fumigation tools

Treatment of bees from varroa mite is carried out using home-made devices, or a factory-made smoke gun. The principle of their action is the same:

  • 2 gr. is poured into the evaporator compartment. acids (designed for 10–12 frames);
  • the compartment itself and the outlet pipe are heated, through which the vapors will go;
  • the tube is inserted into the lower notch, where smoke is supplied under pressure.

The smoke gun works like a smoker, but with a more advanced design.

The main elements of the device:

  • flask;
  • a heating element;
  • liquid container.

The principle of operation of the gun is simple:

  • the gas burner turns on;
  • a solution is supplied with a lever, which, passing through the tube, heats up and turns into smoke (for one pressing of the lever, 1 ml of solution enters the tube);
  • the tube is inserted into the notch and five portions of smoke are supplied.

The evaporator can be made independently, focusing on the device of the factory smoke gun. But more often, beekeepers adapt simpler, improvised means for these purposes.

Here are some of them:

1. A smoker with a long tube and a metal can for powder placed in it.

2. A soldering iron, the tip of which is riveted to a thin plate, and then a powder mold is made from it or a teaspoon is attached. This option is possible on an electrified apiary.

The acid absorbs moisture well, it can not be stored both in an open package and in a transparent container, and under the sun's rays. From such conditions, it loses its properties by 3-4 times.

During the active season, oxalic acid treatment is carried out at least 5 times. The first time in the spring after the first flight of bees. Then, according to the number of dead ticks, the degree of infection is examined, and, if necessary, the treatment is repeated after 1–2 weeks.

In the interval after the pumping out of honey and before the start of feeding the bees, the fight against mites is carried out 2 times with the same interval. In autumn, the procedure is carried out after the release of the bees from the brood. This will ensure a healthy build-up of young bees.

Due to the ability of the varroa mite to adapt to the components of the substance, and also due to the fact that bees have reduced immunity from increased acidity in the nest, the use of oxalic acid is limited to 2-3 years in a row.

Treatment with oxalic acid is unacceptable if there is a foulbrood, ascospherosis (fungal disease) in the nest.

Precautionary measures

  1. Before working with oxalic acid, you must undergo special instruction.
  2. When processing bees, protective equipment is used: a rubberized apron, gloves, glasses, boots, a respirator.
  3. Do not eat or smoke while working.
  4. After finishing work, remove all protective equipment, wash hands and face with warm water and soap. In case of accidental contact with the skin of acid, it should be immediately washed off with water and neutralized with a solution of soda.
  5. It is forbidden to transport and store acid together with food.