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Cissus multicolored. Cissus. Rules of care, pruning and reproduction. Home care

Cissus (Cissus) refers to a very popular unpretentious houseplants. It belongs to the Vitaceae family of over 300 species. Among the people, Cissus is better known as a birch (for the similarity of leaves with birch) or indoor grapes (by species relationship).

General information

Almost all cissus are climbing vines that cling to any support with their antennae and quickly cover it with green mass. Without the use of supports, they can be used as ampelous plants, which will hang beautifully from stands and hanging pots. When choosing a design, one should take into account the rapid growth of the plant - an approximately three-meter liana grows in 2-3 years.

The leaves of indoor grapes, depending on the type, can be dissected or whole. These plants bloom quite rarely, but this flowering has no value, since the flowers collected in false umbrellas are very small and inconspicuous.

Cissus is an excellent solution for a novice florist. The plant is completely unpretentious and has excellent endurance in apartments and offices.

Cissus species and varieties

Despite the large number of species, most often you can find only a few of them.

Or liana kangaroo (Cissus antarctica ) - evergreen liana, with oval or ovoid leaves up to 12 cm long with a sawtooth-toothed edge.

Or rhombic (Cissus rhombifolia ) Is a plant with thin, flexible stems. It is this species that is popularly called birch. Leaves are compound, consisting of 3 rhombic-shaped leaves.

These two types are the most popular, as they are distinguished by their endurance and unpretentiousness. They grow well even in darkened rooms, withstand both a drop in temperature to 10 degrees and heat and dryness.

More whimsical ( Cissus discolor ). He needs a temperature of 15 degrees and high humidity. This view is especially beautiful.

Above, its leaves are dark green with silvery spots, and below - dark pink. A feature of this species is its ability to shed leaves in winter. In this case, the stems are cut off, and in the spring they will grow back rather quickly.

When favorable conditions are created, all cissus plants grow rather quickly and can be used not only as a houseplant, but also for landscaping in the winter garden.

In summer, cissus can be safely taken out to the glazed balconies protected from the wind. The main thing with the onset of colder nights is to return the plant to the room in time to prevent leaves from falling off when the temperature is too low.

Cissus home care

Cissus love diffused bright light, and tolerate partial shade well. The brighter and brighter the lighting, the darker and larger the leaves will be. Plants can be placed both on the windows and at some distance from them. These vines develop normally under artificial lighting.

In summer, the temperature is considered favorable, ranging from +18 to +20 degrees, in winter from +16 to +20. However, Antarctic cissus tolerates well the temperature and +5 degrees. With a significant decrease in temperature or drafts, plants can shed their leaves.

Cissus plants are not particularly demanding on environmental humidity. Still, they should be sprayed several times a week. A multicolored cissus, which does not tolerate dryness, needs daily spraying.

In the spring-summer period, due to the large number of leaves and intensive growth, plants need abundant watering. In winter, it is reduced, while preventing complete drying of the soil. The water should be soft and settled.

Soil and fertilizer for cissus

You can use special soil for vines or mixed in equal amounts of leaf and sod soil, sand, peat and humus. A soil pH value of about 6 is required.

Cissus needs a large amount of nutrients for growth and development. This is especially evident in the spring and summer period. Fertilizing for non-flowering plants is carried out regularly once a week from April to September. In winter, during the period of "stagnation", feeding is not carried out.

Plants are transplanted every 2-3 years into a larger pot that provides good drainage.

Cissus propagation by division, cuttings and seeds

The bushes are divided during transplantation. Cuttings can be propagated at any time of the year. For this, cuttings with 2 buds are cut and planted in small pots, several pieces each.

The temperature regime is maintained in the region of 20-22 ° C. Rooting takes place in 2-3 weeks. Cissus rhomboid root perfectly in water at a temperature of +18.

Antarctic cissus can be propagated by seeds that are sown shallowly into the ground. The dive is carried out in the second leaf phase.

Diseases and pests

  • The main pests of indoor grapes are scale insects, spider mites and leaf aphids ... When processing chemicals for pest control, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations and be extremely careful, since cissus leaves are quite sensitive.
  • Leaf blades are deformed, bulges appear - the plant lacks moisture. It is necessary to spray with water.
  • If the lower leaves curl up and darken - this indicates insufficient watering of the plant.
  • If the leaves lose their color - this indicates the intensive growth of the plant and the lack of trace elements. You need to start feeding.
  • Leaves are covered with mold due to poor drainage. ... In this case, the cissus must be transplanted into another pot with good drainage.
  • Powdery mildew on the leaves indicates excessive watering ... The irrigation schedule needs to be revised.

With proper care, which is not laborious at all, cissus plants will delight you with their beautiful appearance and at the same time absorb toxic substances from the air.

Cissus, a houseplant more commonly known as “ birch" or " indoor grapes". If the first name is purely folk, associated with the similarity of cissus leaves with birch leaves, then the second is purely specific. Cissus belongs to the numerous "Grape" family, numbering more than three hundred species. The plant is simple and unpretentious. The most inexperienced, novice florists willingly undertake to grow it. And the point is not even that cissus at home does not require particularly diligent care, but that special conditions are not required to grow it. It can be easily positioned both in a pot with a ladder on the windowsill and in a hanging planter. Indoor grapes are one of the favorite plants of florists - designers. They willingly and successfully decorate offices, reception rooms, halls, sales areas of shops.

In indoor floriculture, three types of this vine are most often grown: Cissus rhomboid, C. multicolored and C. Antarctic.

Cissus care


The most demanding lighting is the rhomboid cissus. This plant requires a lot of light and will grow poorly in low light. But if you do not have a place with good lighting, then choose Antarctic cissus. This species easily tolerates a lack of light. It is successfully grown even in semi-dark hallways and reception areas. Cissus multicolored prefers lighted places, but can put up with light partial shade. All types of cissus grow well under artificial lighting.


The main thing to remember is that cissus does not tolerate cold drafts. They affect him very negatively, up to the shedding of all the leaves. Otherwise, the usual room temperature (optimally +18 - 25 degrees) is quite acceptable for him. In the summer, if possible, it is best to take it out into the fresh air. In winter, a slight decrease in the temperature of the content is desirable. And although the plant is able to withstand a temperature drop of up to +10 degrees, and Antarctic cissus up to +5 degrees, there is no need to create such extreme conditions for it. A sufficient temperature for keeping cissus in winter at home is +16 - 20 degrees.

Watering and humidity

Indoor grapes grow very quickly and soon acquire an abundant mass of leaves, which promotes intensive evaporation of moisture. For this reason, the soil in the pot dries out quickly and new watering is required. Watering in the warm season will require frequent and abundant, but without overdoing it. Do not over-wet the ground. Let the top layer of the earth dry out slightly. Cissus will tolerate light, short-term overdrying more easily than waterlogging. This is especially true in winter when the temperature of the cissus is low. During this period, the frequency of watering the plant is reduced.

The increased air humidity for cissus is perhaps the most important condition for keeping it at home. It should be sprayed necessarily and often! If in winter it is kept at normal room temperature, and the air is dry by heating devices, then it must be sprayed twice a day. It is advisable to use additional methods of increasing air humidity.

Top dressing

Cissus is fertilized only during the growing season, in spring and summer. For its feeding, universal fertilizers are used for decorative deciduous plants, which contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the plant. This fertilizer can be fed to cissus weekly. When using a specialized fertilizer, you should follow the instructions for it.

Cissus transplant

While the plant is young, it grows quite vigorously and will need to be transplanted into a larger pot annually. From the age of five, the frequency of transplants can be reduced to once every two to three years.

For transplanting cissus, a ready-made earthen mixture for vines is quite suitable, but it is not difficult to compose it yourself at home. It is composed of equal parts of peat, humus, sand, leaf and sod land. In order to avoid waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water, high-quality drainage is required.

Reproduction of cissus

To get a new, young plant, it is enough to cut off the apical stalk of cissus, which has at least two buds, and place it in a glass of water. You can plant the cutting directly in light soil. In any case, propagation of cissus by cuttings is the simplest and most effective way. To make the plant look the most decorative, it is better to plant several young plants at once in one pot. Cissus also reproduces well by dividing the bush. Antarctic cissus is sometimes propagated by seeds.

Pruning cissus

For indoor grapes to always look attractive, they must be pruned. Pruning is carried out before the start of active growth, in the spring. First of all, sanitary pruning is carried out, dry and damaged shoots are removed. You can then prune all overgrown and old branches. In general, cissus lends itself very well to shaping, it can be given any desired shape. From cut shoots, you can pick up cuttings suitable for reproduction.

Some difficulties in growing cissus

Of the pests, indoor grapes are favored by scale insects, leaf aphids and spider mites. If possible, you should refrain as much as possible from the use of too aggressive chemicals. Cissus leaves are quite delicate and sensitive to chemistry.

You can often find that the tips of the leaves begin to dry on cissus. This is a clear sign of dry air.

Insufficient air humidity can lead to the fact that the leaves are deformed.

The lack of nutrients and the need for fertilization is evidenced by the pale color of the leaves of cissus and its slow growth.

From lack of moisture and systematic drying out of the earth, the lower leaves of cissus curl up and darken.

About caring for cissus - video

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Grows naturally in Vietnam, found in India, New Guinea, Malaysia, Australia. This vine is a good representative of ampelous plants.

Cissus striata.

Types of Cissus:

  • Cissus Rhombolic(Cissus rhombifolia).
  • Cissus Antarctic or Liana kangaroo (Cissus antarctica).
  • Cissus Multicolored(Cissus discolor).
  • Cissus Quadrangular(Cissus quadrangularis).
  • Cissus Striped(Cissus striata).

About caring for Cissus:

Temperature: The optimum temperature for cissus in summer is 18-25 ° C, while in winter the temperature should not drop below 16 ºC. It is unacceptable to place the plant near heating devices or under the cold air currents of an air conditioner. Cissus is very sensitive to temperature changes and various kinds of drafts. In the summer, the plant can be taken out into fresh air.

Cissus discolor.

Lighting: Cissus needs soft diffused lighting and does not tolerate direct sunlight, this is fraught with leaf burns. A western or eastern window sill will suit him well, a northern one is a good option. Cissus is shade-tolerant and can be easily placed at some distance from windows. In general, the plant is not particularly whimsical in terms of illumination and gives complete freedom of action in choosing a place of growth. The plant responds to favorable conditions of the place of growth with rapid development, bright color and large leaves.

Watering: Cissus needs regular and abundant watering. It is necessary to water it with soft, settled water, it is not permissible to use tap water, as this affects the beauty of the leaves. The water should be at room temperature or warmer. Watering with cold water, even once, can cause foliage to fall. Watering frequency depends on the temperature of the content. The water should not stagnate in the pot, but at the same time it should be constantly moist. It is necessary to constantly monitor the degree of drying out of the soil, and watering should be done when the top layer dries out by 1-2 cm. After watering, the water must be drained from the pallet. If in winter the temperature in the room is low, it is necessary to reduce watering and maintain a slight moisture content of the substrate, but if the cissus is warm, watering is not reduced and is carried out in the same way as in summer, when the topsoil dries out by 1-2 m.

Сissus Rhombifolia.

Air humidity: Cissus needs high humidity and a daily procedure for it should be light spraying of the leaves twice a day in the morning and in the evening with soft, settled water, especially in the summer period. Spraying in the heat has a beneficial effect on the plant. It is necessary to regularly clean the leaves from dust and periodically arrange a shower for the plant. The use of leaf shine sprays is not recommended.

Crown formation: Cissus responds well to shaping, which can be done by either trimming or pinching to shape. During the transplantation of the plant, it is necessary to inspect the shoots and remove the old, thinned, bare up to hemp.

Fertilizers: It is necessary to fertilize Cissus during the period of active growth from spring to autumn, once a month with fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants in a half dose. In the fall, all fertilization is stopped.

Cissus antartica.

The soil: For Cissus, it should be light, loose and nutritious. Suitable soil for decorative deciduous plants, a universal substrate. Good drainage is required at the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to add perlite and charcoal to the substrate. Grows well in hydroponics.

Transfer: It is necessary to transplant a young specimen of cissus only when necessary, when the roots have completely mastered the earthy lump. Large plants can be transplanted into a larger pot every 3-4 years. The pot must be selected high and wide, about 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. The support is installed before planting the plant itself. After transplanting, the plant needs adaptation, it is placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days and is not fertilized for a month. If the transplant is not carried out, it is necessary to change the topsoil annually.

Cissus. May be attacked, and. Insecticides are used very carefully in pest control, since the leaves of this plant are very sensitive.

Reproduction of Cissus:

Cissus propagates by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

In order to propagate Cissus by cutting it is necessary to cut it off and process the cut site with crushed coal. The stalk should have 2-3 internodes. It easily takes root both in the ground and in a container of water. If rooting is carried out in the ground, planting must be carried out so that one of the buds is above the level of the substrate and it is imperative to install a greenhouse. The greenhouse is aired daily and the level of humidity is monitored; if necessary, spraying is carried out. The stalk must be treated with root stimulants. The main thing is to provide it with stable heat of 20-25 ºC and humidity.

Сissus Rhombifolia.

When propagating by layering, part of the stem is dropped into the ground in the same pot or immediately into a separate one and the roots are expected to appear. When the roots on the shoot are formed, the stem is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

The division of the bush is carried out during transplantation.

Cissus. Growing problems:

  • Dry tips the plant speaks of very dry indoor air.
  • Leaves become curved due to the lack of moisture in the air, it is necessary to spray the plant more often.
  • Slow plant growth with a lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Pale color of leaves indicates that the plant lacks fertilizer or in excessively bright light.
  • Twisting the foliage with a lack of oxygen in the soil. It is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Shriveled leaves, the appearance of spots indicates that the plant does not have enough moisture.
  • Mass fall of foliage indicates that the plant is exposed to drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
  • Rolling the leaves in combination with the appearance of brown spots, the soil is waterlogged.
  • Leaves fall off in combination with drying of the shoots occurs when the soil and air are waterlogged.

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Young plants - annually, adults - every 3 years Summer 22-27, winter 16-18 In summer - when the top layer of the earth dries up, in winter - less often Only in dry and hot weather, at temperatures above 25 indoors Shade-tolerant plant Shower recommended monthly


Cissus is a shade-tolerant plant, it lives in partial shade and even in the shade without visible changes in the state of the leaves.

The optimal lighting for cissus is diffused light and partial shade..

If the flower is taken out into the garden in summer, it must be placed under the cover of large trees.

Do not place the flower in direct sunlight: this can lead to burns. But most often the sun does not burn the leaves, just their color fades.


In summer, cissus grows well at the usual air for our latitudes of 22-27ºС. But it can also withstand heat over 30 ° C.

Do not leave cissus in a draft: cold air will lead to the appearance of dark spots on the leaves.

In winter, the air temperature can be reduced to 16-18 ° C... But if it is not possible to organize a cool winter for the plant, you can keep it at room temperature in winter.

In the cold season, the temperature of the content can be reduced to 10 degrees. This applies to all species, except for cissus bicolor and rhomboid. For these thermophilic species, the winter minimum is 16 degrees. The most cold-resistant is Antarctic cissus - it can withstand temperatures down to 5 degrees.

If possible, in the warm season, indoor grapes can be taken out into the fresh air: on a balcony, loggia or veranda. In this case, it is important that he is not in a cold draft.


In hot weather, the plant should be watered abundantly. However, soil moisture should not be excessive.

Water the cissus when the soil surface dries up in a pot.

In winter, watering should be reduced. However, even at low temperatures, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

The plant is not demanding to the composition of water; it can be watered with both hard and soft water. Tap water is allowed to stand for at least 3 days.

The soil

Indoor grapes are not picky about the composition of the soil. It grows equally well in both alkaline and acidified soils.

Cissus can be planted in regular soil brought from the garden.

It is desirable that sand or other baking powder is present in the soil. so that the water does not stagnate in the pot after abundant watering.

For cissus, you can buy ready-made soil. It is better to purchase a universal earthy mixture for deciduous plants. To mix the soil yourself, you need to take humus, sod land, leafy soil, sand and peat in equal parts.


The cissus houseplant is fed from mid-April to the end of October. Liquid mineral mixtures are suitable for fertilizing the soil. The procedure is carried out every 2 weeks. Fertilizers are diluted with water to the consistency specified in the instructions., and applied to wet soil.

At the end of summer, feeding is gradually reduced. In September and October, the plant is fed once a month. Then the feeding is stopped before the onset of spring.

Since indoor grapes grow very quickly, they actively use nutrients, thereby depleting the soil. If you want the plant to develop quickly, it needs high-quality feeding twice a month. For this purpose, any mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy indoor plants are suitable, for example, "Pokon", "Etisso", "Flower Paradise", "BonaForte".

From time to time, mineral dressings can be alternated with organic ones. The rhomboid cissus especially needs additional nutrients as it builds up a very lush green mass.


Cissus does not require humidification at room temperature... Only in very intense heat does its leaves begin to dry. At this time, it is useful to humidify the air by spraying.

During cool wintering, high humidity can lead to fungal infections of the plant. If the flower is in a heated room, the air near the plant should be humidified.

The plant is sprayed only in very dry and hot weather. Spraying is not required at room temperature below 25 ° C.

Cissus should be washed monthly under the shower.

Shower washing is done for hygienic reasons. The leaves of the grapes are gathering dust, and it is possible to clean them well of dust only under running water at room temperature.

Trim / Support / Garter

Indoor grapes are needed annually. This procedure stimulates the emergence of many new side shoots. The plant is pruned in mid-April before active growth begins.

When cissus shoots are located on a vertical surface(on the wall) cut the tips of the shoots. Usually several cuttings are planted in a pot.

After the shoots reach 30-50 cm, they are pinched. This is how 10-12 main lashes are formed. Then they are annually shortened by 10-15 cm so that they form side shoots.

If the plant is grown by the ampel method in a hanging pot, very long lashes do not need to be left. All branches should be no more than 50 cm in length so that the entire bush looks compact and luxuriant.

In such a plant, every year, long shoots are cut in half, the rest - by 1/3, so that they hang beautifully around the pot or pots. Then, after pruning, additional lateral shoots are formed, making the bush more beautiful and lush.


Cissus is a plant that is very resistant to various diseases. It can only be affected by root rot, but this is due to improper irrigation and poor soil composition.

The watering schedule of the plant should be observed, it should be planted in loose fertile soil. Through the drainage holes in the pot, excess water should go into the sump.

They very rarely attack cissus. Sometimes a spider mite settles on it, but this insect does not multiply on indoor grapes in large numbers.

Sometimes, with mistakes in leaving, cissus can grow poorly, and its leaves dry out and fall off. What should you pay special attention to when caring for cissus?


Under indoor conditions, cissus plants do not bloom, therefore they only grow vegetatively - with apical cuttings. Cuttings for reproduction of cissus are harvested in the spring when pruning the plant.

For rooting, cuttings with 3 buds are taken. They need to be cut from semi-lignified shoots, since parts of young shoots rarely take root.

Root cissus cuttings in boiled water. You need to put them on rooting immediately after cutting, they do not need to dry.

In the spring, they form roots in 2-3 weeks. You can cut your favorite stalk at other times of the year, but it will take a long time to take root - at least 1-1.5 months.

After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots 2-3 pieces and watered abundantly. After that, they are looked after in the same way as for adult specimens.


Young cissus plants are best annually in the spring, as their root system grows rapidly. For this, a pot is taken, the size of which should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

A drainage layer of broken bricks and shards is poured onto the bottom.

The plant is removed from the old pot and planted in a new one by transferring it. The voids are filled with fresh earth, and after transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly.

Large cissus plants are transplanted no more than once every 3 years.... The transplant is carried out in a larger pot or in the same one if the roots of the plant have not grown too much.

Cissus are transplanted by the transshipment method.

Now you know everything about caring for cissus or indoor grapes at home.

Description of the species and varieties

Cissus, or indoor grape, is a vine native to the tropics and subtropics, belonging to the Grape family. The plant is very unpretentious, provides a lot of greenery, turning the room into a greenhouse.

Cissus leaves are similar to birch, for which he received the nickname "birch". It clings to the support with the help of special antennae. Shoots can be up to several meters in length. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Cissus is grown in hanging pots as an ampelous plant, or it is directed upward using supports for vertical landscaping.

About 300 plant species are known, however, only a few are grown in indoor floriculture:

  • Cissus rhomboid - has very thin shoots, reaching a length of 1.5 meters. Leaves are green, consist of 3 rhomboid parts. The stem, petioles and antennae are covered with red pubescence, which adds decorative value to the plant.
  • Cissus Antarctic - has small, heart-shaped green leaves. Green flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences.
  • Cissus bicolor - has large ellipse leaves. Their color is dark green with silvery spots, and the back of the leaf plate is burgundy.
  • Cissus quadrangular - has thick tetrahedral shoots and three-lobed green leaves. It grows slowly.

Cissus (indoor grapes, grape ivy, birch) is an evergreen shrub with elastic, resilient, climbing stems. The name of the plant is translated from Greek as "ivy". Belongs to the grape family. Inhabits the subtropics, tropics of Asia, Africa, Australia, South America. It is decoratively grown as an ampelous plant. Cissus is beautiful, unpretentious in care, very often found in homes, offices, and various institutions.

The plant has a spectacular appearance. Thin shoots of a reddish hue are covered with leaf plates in the shape of birch or grape leaves. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color, there are varieties with a spotted pattern.

In indoor conditions, flowering occurs very rarely. It is not very decorative, therefore, peduncles are disposed of when they appear. Flowers of a creamy, greenish hue are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Propagation of cissus by cuttings

How to cut cissus photo

At home, cissus is most often propagated vegetatively (by cuttings, dividing the bush).

  • Cut apical cuttings 10-15 cm long, with at least 2 growth buds, at any time of the year.
  • Root in water with a rooting stimulant at an air temperature of about 18 ° C or in a sand-peat mixture, covered with a jar or cut plastic bottle.
  • In the latter case, keep the air temperature within 22-24 ° C, ventilate daily, periodically moisten the soil.
  • transplant into a separate container with soil for mature plants.

How to cut and propagate cissus by cuttings, the video will tell:

How to split a cissus bush

Spend during the transplant. You can divide at the age of 3-4 years. Remove the cissus from the pot, carefully divide it into parts (2-3), each of which contains a full portion of the rhizome and an adult shoot. Place in separate containers.

Growing cissus from seeds

Cissus antarctic and quadrangular can be propagated by seeds. Sow in pots with loose soil in the spring. Moisten, cover crops with foil. Ventilate daily, spray the soil periodically. At the stage when 2 true leaves appear, plant them in separate containers with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.

To make the bush more lush, you can immediately plant 2-3 young plants in one pot. The capacity should not be large - cissus grows better in cramped conditions.

How to transplant cissus

Young plants (up to 3 years old) need annual, then replant every 3-4 years. For mature plants, replace the topsoil with a new one (5-8 cm thick). Perform all procedures in early spring.

Transfer along with an earthen lump: remove the plant from the pot, move it to a new container of slightly larger diameter, add fresh earth.

If the roots are rotten, they need to be cut off, treated with a fungicide, in this case, replace the soil completely.

Be sure to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, consisting of expanded clay, pebbles. So the water will not stagnate at the bottom, which will save the plant from decay. The drain should take up 1/5 of the capacity.

The plant requires a loose, air and permeable soil of a neutral reaction. You can use a universal substrate or, if possible, prepare a mixture of the following composition: 1 part each leaf, sod land, peat and 0.5 part sand, add shrubs of charcoal.

How to care for cissus at home

The plant is quite unpretentious to care for.


Lighting should be diffused, without direct sunlight. An ideal place would be windows of east and west orientation, you can place them in the back of the room on interior items - the cissus will adapt to such conditions. The south window will require shading. It can grow under fully artificial light, but the duration of daylight hours should be at least 16 hours.

Air temperature and ventilation

Cissus can withstand a temperature range of 10-25 ° C, even a short-term drop to + 5 ° C is possible. Variegated species are thermophilic: they require a temperature range of 18-25 ° C.

In summer, move the plant to fresh air (balcony, veranda, terrace, backyard). If this is not possible, ventilate the room more often. Protect from cold air currents, otherwise the vine will shed its leaves.

Watering and humidity

Like most houseplants: more abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Water as the earthen coma dries up. In the summer, it should dry out by half, in the winter - by 2/3.

Lush greenery intensively absorbs and evaporates moisture, the air in the room should not be dry. Spray the plant daily, place an aquarium or any container of water nearby. Periodically place the liana pot on a tray with damp expanded clay, moss, pebbles. Bathing under a warm shower has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant. Place away from heating systems during winter.

Trimming and pinching

To limit the growth of vines, it is necessary to prune and pinch the tips of the shoots. Old, long shoots begin to bare: shorten them by 2/3. Pruning is usually done in the spring.

Top dressing

In spring and summer, apply complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants every two weeks. In winter, the plant slows down all processes, so it is not needed during the cold period.

Diseases, pests, other difficulties


Interveinal chlorosis- a disease arising from a lack of nutrients. The leaves turn yellow between the veins. It is necessary to apply an iron fertilizer or a complex of mineral fertilizers in half the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Leaves and stems turn black, leaves become stained, fall off- this is how root rot manifests itself, provoked by waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to carry out an emergency plant transplant, cutting off all damaged roots. After transplanting, the plant is sprayed and watered with a phytosporin solution.

Possible pests:

  1. Mealybug (rounded insects, covered with a whitish coating).
  2. Scale (insects with brownish shells).

Mealybug and scale insects are located on the leaves of the plant. First, remove them mechanically: moisten a cotton pad with soapy water and wipe the leaves. Then apply an insecticide treatment.

  1. Podura (small white insects located on the surface of waterlogged soil).
  2. Spider mite. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with aktara every two weeks if you notice pests in your apartment. Their presence is manifested by yellowing and drying of the leaves, and a barely noticeable cobweb is visible on the reverse side.

It is necessary to carry out an insecticide treatment. Adjust watering.

Why do cissus leaves dry and fall off

  • The sheet plates curl, dry, fall off - the air temperature is too high. Move to a cool area or spray more frequently.
  • The stems are lignified, the plant has stopped growing - the root system has completely filled the pot, it's time to transplant.
  • If young plants grow slowly, the container is most likely too bulky.
  • Leaves become shallow, fall off from excessive watering or high humidity.
  • From a lack of moisture, the lower leaves will begin to become covered with yellow spots, and eventually fall off.
  • The leaves are curled, covered with a gray bloom or brown spots - the soil is waterlogged.
  • Growth rates are slowing down due to lack of nutrients.
  • From too intense lighting, the color of the leaves becomes pale.
  • The leaves are covered with brownish spots from a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • The leaves become smaller, their shape is curved, black spots appear - there is not enough phosphorus.

Types and varieties of cissus with photos and names

There are about 350 species of cissus, but only a few are cultivated with bred varieties.

Cissus rhombic or rhombic Cissus rhombifolia

Cissus rhombic or rhombic Cissus rhombifolia cultivar Helen Danica Ellen Danica photo

The name is given due to the shape of the leaf plates. Shoots are long, flexible, curly, green in color, pubescent with a brownish pile. Leaves are glossy, dark green in color. This species grows very quickly, the shoots are attached to the support with the help of antennae.


  • Ellen Danica - dissected leaf plates;
  • Fionia - carved leaf plates.

Cissus mandiana Cissus mandaiana

A variety of rhomboid cissus with dense leathery leaves with a glossy sheen and red-brown shoots covered with short villi. Differs in a larger size of leaf plates, the plant is resistant to temperature extremes.

Cissus antarctic or liana kangaroo Cissus antarctica

Oval-shaped leaf plates with jagged edges, painted green, reach a length of 12 cm.

Cissus multicolored Cissus discolor

The leaves are oblong, whole, the surface is colored dark green with silvery spots, the reverse side of the leaf is lilac-red.

The following species are rare, mostly seen in botanical gardens.

Cissus quadrangular Cissus quadrangularis photo

It has thick tetrahedral shoots with a diameter of about 1 cm. The leaves are small, oval in shape, quickly fall off.

Cissus cactus Cissus cactiformis

Cissus cactus Cissus cactiformis photo

It has articulated tetrahedral stems. Leaves are few, small.

Cissus round-leaved Cissus rotundifolia

Liana with tough stems. The leaf plates are rounded with jagged edges, have a green-gray color, their surface is covered with a waxy bloom.

Cissus glandular cissus adenopoda

Fast-growing liana-like plant. The leaf plates are divided into 3 lobes, strongly pubescent, the surface has an olive tint, the reverse side is burgundy.

Cissus striata Cissus striata

Beautiful with three-toed or five-toed bright green leaves and red-brown shoots. The leaves are miniature, the liana itself grows up to 10 m in length. The name is obtained due to the pronounced veins that line the leaf plates in stripes.

Useful properties, signs and superstitions about cissus

The plant is able to purify indoor air, providing antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Some believe that the energy of the plant drives men out of the house. Other feng shui experts argue that placing a plant in the house helps to increase vitality and relieves fatigue.

Traditional medicine cissus quadrangular is used as an anesthetic and tonic for the regeneration of bone tissue, tendons, cartilage. Contraindications to use are individual intolerance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.