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And this is the leader? Journalists learned about seven conjugation and foreign business Mustafa Jemilev. Mustafa Abduldhmemil Dzhemilev Biography for what was sitting by chowel

The activities of the head of the head of the National Movement of Jellie Clalebi will be described correctly. I want to add his article by a brief biographical certificate of "Hero", compiled on the basis of the memories of its former comrades and some publications in the media.

"The leader of the Crimean Tatar Majlis Mustafa Dzhemilev," said Viktor Yanukovych about him. And this is true, he is the leader only by Majlis, but not the people. Svetlana Chervonna even called him the leader of the Crimean Tatar people. Interestingly, is it her opinion or fee for the fabulous fee? I even heard the comparison of the Mustafa of Jemilev with Nelson Mandela, the actual leader of his nation. But is it really?

Reference. Nelson Rotajlahlah Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. The eldest son of the leader's tribe. He studied at Fort Heyer College. He worked as a student in a law office in Johannesburg, he studied in absentia in South Africa University. He studied the right at Withersrand University. In 1952, together with Oliver Tambo, the leader of the African National Congress (ARC), opened the first African law firm in Johannesburg, contributed to the creation of an ANC youth league. It was among those members of the ANC, which in the late 1940s - early 1950s were in opposition to the ruling nationalist party. He headed the movement for non-violent resistance to the apartheid regime. In 1953 he was elected president of the Transval branch of ANK.

After reviewing the biographies of famous leaders of different countries and peoples, the benefit of the Internet at hand, learned that all the leaders without exception, a certain vital school passed, received a minimum of higher education, advanced by professional service and, incorporating into politics, received well-deserved recognition.

For example, Mohandas Gandhi in 19 years old went to London, where he received a legal education. In 1891, upon completion of the training, he returned to India. In 1893, she went to work in South Africa, where he entered into the struggle for the rights of the Indians living there. There, he first applied non-violent resistance (Satyagrah) as a means of struggle. Great influence on the formation of Mohandas Gandhi's worldview was provided by Bhagavadgit, as well as the ideas of GD. Toro and L.N. Tolstoy, with whom M. Gandhi consisted in correspondence. In 1914, M.K. Gandhi returned to India, where it was actively involved in the development of the country's independence from British colonial dominion. In 1915, the famous Indian writer, the Laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of literature Rabindranat Tagore for the first time applied in relation to Mohandas Gandhi Title "Mahatma".

Recognized among Crimean Tatars leaders of the National Movement of Jeeppar Akimov, Mustafa Selimov, Bekir Osmanov, Bekir died ... Before participating in the national movement, educated education, mastered professions, advanced in service, had labor, party and military merit. Analyzing the state of the Kazanskottar diaspora in Tashkent, one of its leaders, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Tatar Cultural Center of Tashkent Ismail Ishakovich Diveev writes: "I would like to say that our people's problems should solve people highly educated, which have achieved significant success in their lives, leaders of large enterprises, high-ranking officials and very ill people for their people. The decision of our issues can be successful only when the power agrees to this, and people who know this power must speak with the authorities from the Wednesday. Will not be this - we will not achieve anything. If a person in his life did not achieve anything, can he solve issues of state importance as an increase in the status of their people. Everywhere must be professionals. No wonder there is a saying: each cricket should know his sixth ... ".
Now back to our "hero". Mustafa Dzhemileve was born on November 13, 1943 in the village of Bozka in the Steppe Crimea, where his parents were evicted from the village of Ai-Serz (now with. Mezhdrachye) of the Sudak region of the Crimean ASSR. The family of M. Gemilev in 1944 was sent from Crimea and until 1955 lived under the commandant supervision in the Andijan Region of Uzbekistan. After removing some restrictions on the mode of special settlements for the Crimean Tatars, the family moved to Mirzachul (later renamed Gulistan). After graduating from high school in 1959, Mustafa was unsuccessfully tried to enter the Eastern Faculty of Central Asian State University in Tashkent.

She did to work as a student of the locksmith, then the electric surveyor of the Mirzachulsky repair and mechanical plant. At the end of 1961, she comes to a mechanic on the Tashkent Aviation Plant. In August, it is dismissed and entered on the hydro-eleiological faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and the Mechanization of Agriculture (Timsh).

In November 1961, a group of students of the capital of Uzbekistan is trying to create a "Union of Crimean Tatar Youth", which included young workers and students. On April 8, 1962, they are in numbers of 27 people in an extension of the house of Parents Ahmed Asanov in order to organize the "Union". These were students who were mainly served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, Komsomol members, candidates and members of the CPSU. Most of them are still alive, including the initiators of the organization "Union"

Mustafa, who was then recently recently turned 18, was accidentally invited to this meeting, and came there with a toy gun, with whom, by the way, never parted. But, alas, "Union" could not be organized. The next way the most desperate speakers of that meeting were arrested. Among them is the oldest in the age of Marat Omlers 1937. He worked as a master at the Tashkent tractor collector, Seit-Amza died in 1939. He studied at the 2nd course of Jurfak University of Tashkent, Refat Gomezhenov born 1938 A member of the CPSU, was a student of the Physical and Mathematics Faculty of Tashkent University, Ahmed Asanov born in 1939, worked by the chauffeur. It was an exclusion from universities: Esquender Ibraimov Student of the 4th year of Mehmat Tashkent University and Seyran Kurbitdinov, student of the Tashkent Medical Institute (see "Tashkent Process", Amsterdam, 1976, Herzen Foundation, p.59).

After the defeat of the "Union", Mustafa Dzhemilev continues to study in Tiims. In those years, the largest number of our youth studied at this institute ... Already then, being a student, he agreed to the rank of the striking himself, allegedly for participating in the "Union of Crimean Tatar Youth."

In the exile period, the Crimean Tatar people of all classes: workers, peasants, a small layer of intelligentsia - everyone tried to teach their children, give them a professional or higher education. According to this indicator, the Crimean Tatars occupied the second place after the Jews in Uzbekistan. Parents of M. Gemilev also received, all their children received various professions with the exception of Mustafa, who did not master the difficulties of study, it was difficult for him to be mathematics and technical disciplines. Nevertheless, by making himself a fiery revolutionary, he began to inspire student young people, which permanent surveillance was carried out, on his heels in day and night, the agents of the All-Fivy KGB go. Nobody treated him seriously. But, as they are taken in the East to relate to the weak, he regretted, was protected, they gave her shelter and food, supplied money. He liked the role of a pursued burden, at some point he himself believed that he composed in his inflamed brain.

Mustafa Dzhemilev threw his studies, as a result, there was a debt on twelve objects, and, as a result, in 1965 he was deals with the institute from the second course. In this regard, according to the laws of Mustaf, the Mustafa Dzhemileve was called up for an urgent service in the army. Not wanting to serve and, realizing that I made a fatal mistake, I decided to recover at the Institute. He was again helped by the means, and he went to Moscow, where it seems to be regretted and gave some kind of paper in the ministry. But by that time was all time. On May 12, 1966, a court was held, which for evasion of military service sentenced M. GEMILEVA under Article 70 of Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Uzvr to one and a half years in prison.

Departing the term of the first term of conclusion, Mustafa Dzhemilev was in no hurry to get a job. At this time, the next rise of the national movement was observed, the Crimean Tatars sent a large number of walkers to Moscow with the requirements of the restoration of their filtered rights. Taking advantage of the case, in January 1968 he travels to Moscow, where, leaning from the delegation of people's representatives, mainly "dangle" in the middle of the dissidents. For almost a year, without working, Mustafa Dzhemileve was dulling between Moscow and Tashkent for folk funds. September 13, 1969, he was arrested in Gulistan. On January 19, 1970, the Tashkent Court, together with the Moscow dissident, Ilya, Gabay was convicted of three years in prison.

Released on September 2, 1972, it does not work again. Prescribed in Gulistan, receives a summons about the call for military service. Refuses. On June 22, 1974, the court sentenced to one year under Art. 199-1 of the Criminal Code for evading the arrivals for military fees. Sent by step in the Omsk region. Being in conclusion, it is found on one-two concluded on the injustice of the Soviet system. On June 19, 1975, based on the testimony of two prisoners against him, a new criminal case is initiated.

Thanks to the efforts of his friend, Moscow human rights defenders are connected in defense of Mustafa. June 27, 1975 Academician A.D. Sakharov sends a statement "In defense of Mustafa Jemilev" to the UN Secretary-General Kurt Waaldheim, Amnesty International, Muslim Peoples, International Public Leaders.

On April 15, 1976, the Court in Omsk on the basis of Article 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of RSFSR sentenced M. Gemilev to 2.5 years of imprisonment in the strict regime camps. Mustafa announces a hunger strike, which, allegedly, continues at 303 days (!?).

Human rights defenders begin violent activities in defense of M. Gemilev. Apply appeals to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, who left the sentence in force. The main thing was created by the hype around his name, which was very warming the soul who seemed by any means to become famous for the ambitious loaf. He drove out "glory" when he was reported that his name was coming in the otherworldly radio collections. After the rumor was carried that he died, reported that Mustafa is rather alive than it is dead and that he will not die, because it is tightly cling to life. It is said that during the "hunger strike" to him by order from the office, left bread in the sort and he fell there. When he very weaker, he was artificially fed to Nynichka at night.

Due to the mainly activity of his friend, the name of Mustafa Jemileva became widely known abroad, among the diaspora in Turkey and Romania. Heated by "friends" and "voices" from abroad, vanity and faith in their own chosenness were strengthened with egoism in it, argued by the behavior behavior. Even his nearest friend decreased, he was often indignant: "I did not once have to listen to various insults from him and feel an arrogant attitude."

On December 22, 1977, M. Gemilev was released from the conclusion and sent at the place of residence of Brother to Tashkent. On December 29, he was announced to establish administrative supervisory on it. Nevertheless, it is not prescribed, refuses the device to work, almost daily is linked to the lobby of hotels "Tashkent" and "Uzbekistan", where foreigners stopped.

He repeatedly make comments, persuade to get a job. But Mustafa persists, he needs to support the imaging of the eternally striking human rights activist regime. That's just unknown, whose rights, and how he defended, but "friends" transmit radioologists about the persecution of Mustafa Jemilev. This period was colorfully described the journalist Yu. Krzilin in the newspaper "Evening Tashkent" on May 4, 1979 in the article "From the courtroom: Profession - Tunes". The patience of the authorities is dried, and on February 8, 1979, Mustafa seeks his new arrest, he is accused of a malicious violation of the rules of administrative supervision. March 6, 1979 Mustafa Gemilev under Art. 197-2 of the Criminal Code of the Uzssr sentenced to 4 years of reference to Yakutia.

Another interesting barcode to the portrait of M. Gemilev. The newspaper "Socialist Yakutia" in 1979 published a letter of the worker A.3. Sharafutdinova from the Yakutsk ASSR, where M. Gemilev was serving the sentence. The author writes: "My son Anvar considered Mustafa with a decent person, was friends with him, and Gemileve turned out to be vigilant and dishonest. Using the confidence of Anvara, Mustafa destroyed his happy family life. Because of this, the scum broke up a young family in which two children. " Turning to the editorial office of the newspaper, the father of Anvara wrote: "Jemilev issues himself for a cultural person and a" fighter for justice. " I ask through the newspaper to show the true face of this scoundrel, so that all residents of the village knew about him. " This does not require comments.

In July 1982, after the expiration of the Links of Mustafa, Gemilev leaves with his wife to the Crimea, from where he was expelled in Abinsk Krasnodar Territory. A month later, Asana Gemilev's brother is stopped in Tashkent. He is offered housing in Yangiyuly, where the relatives of the wife live, but he refuses. Without seeing the meaning and prospects for the continuation of the "struggle" in the Union, on August 18, 1982, Mustafa Dzhemilev writes a statement about the refusal of Soviet citizenship. For the application, two copies of the invitation in the United States of April 22, 1975 and on April 3, 1978 are now the main goal of Mustafa becomes departing to the United States, and all subsequent actions have been subordinated to this only goal.

Probably at this stage and a deal was concluded with special services about the assistance. For how to explain his efforts to assist the authorities in their desire to put on the bench of the defendants as many acquisites familiar to him? This actions of Mustafa Dzhemilev dedicated his detailed analysis on March 22, 1999. The delegate of Kurultaya Enver Ametov in his open letter "Who has entrusted his fate, he must justify his confidence." In my opinion, Enver Ametov missed another very important item. He missed the fact that Mustafa wanted to those who have already been planted, re-plant for the bars specially respected among the Crimean Tatars Jeppara Akimov, who at that time was in the hospital and died on July 22, 1983 earlier than the investigation began.

When Mustafa Dzhemilev sold the soul to the devil, while it was not possible to install. Perhaps it will not be possible, they say, after the collapse of the USSR, Dossier Mustafa Jemileeva from the archives of the USSR special services swallowed in the archives of Mossad. By the way, among the former Dissidants' Dysdafa Dzhemileev, a lot of those who are in the highest elite of the state of Israel, with which he and today supports a permanent close connection. One Nathan Sharansky is worth ...

Another curious detail from the biography of Mustafa Jemilev. As mentioned above, he was born on November 13, 1943 in the Crimea occupied by the fascists. In the film created in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Mustafa of Jemilev, his older sister says that then their father was at the front. Hitlermen entered the Crimea in October 1941. So on what front and on whose side did their father fought? If in the ranks of the Soviet army, the gemina senior in the occupied Crimea should not have been. Then another question arises: Whose son is he?

How could it happen that the people over the centuries have discouraged the well-deserved image of the hardworking with a burden of study and knowledge, managed to put on the leaders of an uneducated person without profession?! All of his "merit", which he saches so so - this is seven conjunctions and 17 years of serving sentences. Moreover, all criminal records are caused by his personal interests and actions.

Not as an example, to him, the participants of the national movement were tried either for the "organization and active participation in group actions" - rallies, meetings, demonstrations, or for the "manufacture and distribution of slanderous fabrications", that is, for the manufacture of information, appeals and documents. Nothing like Mustaf never was engaged, he did not write a single handle, not a single information, did not organize a single meeting or rally. He did not work among the Crimean Tatars, in the masses. What was his dissident activity, we should not know the dissidents themselves. All the voices that disassembled Mustafa Jemilev in the West have motivated their own programs exclusively by the protection of individual human rights and pursued one goal - anti-Soviet agitation.

Now among the people the view is applied that Mustafa Dzhemilev, allegedly, was sitting behind the Crimean Tatars. But what this is expressed specifically, what actions he defended the rights of the Crimean Tatar people - is not decrypted. I was sitting for the people and everything, everything seemed to sit all the people, and he took over the whole cargo and sat for all the Crimean Tatars. In fact, he pursued one goal - to become famous and if you manage to emigrate to the USA, from where he received two invitations.

If you browse the Guinness Book of Records, then the diva is given: People do not gain themselves to achieve themselves for achieving at least some fleshy glory. "Glory" Mustafa Jemilev was created exclusively on myths. At myth, that he contributed to the collapse of the USSR. In fact, the union ruined the simultaneous nomenclature itself ...

The myth of the second, allegedly Mustafa contributed to the return of the Crimean Tatars in the Crimea.

The return began at the will of the Union bodies, decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the program of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The actions of the Gemilev Group only delayed for two years the adoption of these fateful for the nation of decisions and the very beginning of the mass return of the people to their homeland. Documents of the organizational and party work department of the CPSU Central Committee can be confirmed. Yours yourself can make sure that this archives are available today.

For twenty years, Mustafa Dzhemilev has been in Crimea, Herzhlis jershum in the status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine.

I give a quotation for reflection: "Americans, considering that it is impossible to leave the same person for a long time in a high post, argue that a person in a high leading manager quickly depletes its energy, loses the initiative, rolls towards dogmatism in his actions. It is accustomed to the nature of his work, and this reduces the effect of the impact of the leader. And the main thing, such a person, taking a long time leading post, is strongly changing, often loses its best qualities, does not enrich the management of new efficient methods and the style of management, turning creativity into a template, stamp "(" Business America "N.N. Mermelakov. M . Politicization, 1967, p. 68).

Permanent and eternal enemies are a necessary condition for the existence of leaders. Without enemies of internal or external leaders are unthinkable. To keep your throne, you need to constantly create enemies or their images. Track all the way, all speeches, GEMILEV statements. In each of them, the image of the enemy is necessarily present. That is the KGB, then participants in the national movement do not agree with him, then former friends, now the image of the global eternal enemy - Russia and all Russians, and not only in Russia, but also living next door to Crimea.

Having experience in survival in extreme camp conditions, Mustafa Dzhemilev brought him to the national movement. This harsh survival experience may have been necessary during the gangster lawlessness. But the time came to create, what Mustafa Dzhemilele is completely unacceptable. The former "merits" no longer work. Today, people need a different leader - creator, with experiences practical activities, professional knowledge that owns modern technologies of creativity.

But it is likely that the survival and development of the Crimean Tatar people in the Crimea are not included in the plans of certain international centers. It seems that they did not refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating in the Crimea and on the territories adjacent to the peninsula. Israel is known to be clamped by a ring of Muslim states, and there is no possibility for expanding and accepting the "chosen" people's scattered people with a number of more than several tens of millions. In this respect, much more promising Crimea and all Ukraine in addition. Creating the most powerful, advanced, prosperous state, dictating and establishing world order as a god of the elected nation - their goal.

Trace the actions of Mustafa Jemileeva and Majlis in the past 20 years: everything is done so that the number of Crimean Tatars on the peninsula decreased, so that the return of compatriots from the reference sites. All sorts of obstacles are created in obtaining housing, land and even in registration ... The means allocated to the arrangement of the Crimean Tatars are assigned and diluted, not reaching in need that in the conditions of physical survival causes many diseases, the terms of life are reduced. Thousands of young people are forced to postpone the creation of families, and marrying, stop at one, rarely on two children, natural demographic processes are braided. The most intellectually developed, promising young men and girls are heading for study, work in Turkey and other more prosperous countries, from where, as a rule, are not returned.

The processes of assimilation, degradation be rapidly occur: dried up drunkenness, addiction, nothing was observed even in the link. The apologists of the Majlis, declaring the need to protect the native language, the development of the state language, the development of Ukrainian schools, sending their children there even their children, calling for compatriots to follow their example. The language of the Crimean Tatars is supplanted from the sphere of everyday communication even on the household level ...

Note, the number of not only the Crimean Tatars, but also the entire population of Ukraine, for the weldities of the West of such a number of Ukrainians are not needed, it is enough to leave no more than 15 million physically strong slaves for subsidiary farms called "Ukraine" and "Crimean California". Unfortunately, few of the living today understands that they involuntarily participate in global plans as expendable material for the future society of the elected.

The few Crimean Tatar people who fell into the most difficult conditions need support, sympathy, political and economic assistance. He is absolutely not needed enemies, he should not be drawn into the opposition, taking one of the parties. However, Mustafa Dzhemilev is trying to perform the world arbiter, but from the only position: Russia and Russians are the enemies of all mankind, the global evil, which he courageously opposes ...

Mustafa Dzhemilev, often driving around the world, participating in various forums, reading lectures at universities, in those who still accept it can cause, except that, sympathy for the Ukrainian leadership, which has to deal with the "wild tribe" of the Crimean Tatars, Soon, in the leaders, it has such a nonentity.

Alim Kutlakla

Born on November 13, 1943 in the village of Ai-Serez near Sudak to the Crimea. On May 18, 1944, together with the whole Crimean Tatar people, he was deported with parents to Uzbekistan. From 1962 he studied at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Agriculture Melioration (N / B), from where it was expelled in 1965 "for unworthy behavior."

Since the 1960s, participates in the Crimean Tatar national movement. It has 7 (according to other data 6) convictions, conducted a total of 15 years for "the dissemination of views of the Soviet stroke". Arrests in 1966, 1969, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1983. In 1975-1976 held a 303-day hunger strike in an Omsk prison.

A family

Safinar's wife - Chairman of the League of Crimean Tatar Women. He has a daughter and two sons.

Business dossier

"IMDAT-BANK" ("Crimea Yurt")


On May 27, 2013, Hayser, the Son of the People's Deputy from the Fraction "Batkivshchyna" Mustafa Jemileva Hayser by negligence of firearms killed a man.

The accident occurred in the Bakhchisarai district in the house of the son of Gemilev. "The bullet fell right in the head, the man died on the spot. There were law enforcement," the source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Hayser, being at home, shot through the window in the worker, also Crimean Tatar, who has been engaged in small repair on the territory of the house for several days. Apparently, the son of Gemileva received a worker who did not look at the window from the outside, for the robber.

The source of the new region noted that at first the Jemilev family voiced the version of the random shot during the cleaning of the gun, and now it says that Hayser walked to a bird and accidentally hit a person.

According to another source of the publication, Hyser deliberately made a shot to a friend solved as a result of an interpersonal conflict. The publication notes that the deceased decisions fall a relative of the head of Bakhchisarai Majlis Ahthey \u200b\u200bChiigoz.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Chairman of the Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples, National Minorities, Ethnic Groups, Deported Peoples and National Minories of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights issues, national minorities and interethnic relations
  • Deputy Member of the Permanent Delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (from 06.1991)
  • Chairman of the Council of Representatives of the Crimean Tatar People (from 05.1999)
  • Honorary Doctor of Law of Seljutsky University (Turkey)
  • Winner of the International Prize. Eagle's pilpe "For the democratization of Ukrainian society" (04.2001)
  • Awards: Nansen Medal (1998, UN); Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise V Art. (08.2001), IV Art. (11.2003); Honorary Mail of Ukraine (12.2003)

Current events

  • November 2011. The head of the Maslis of the Crimean Tairaar people Mustafa Dzhemilev is extremely negatively reacted to the appointment of Anatoly Mogilev Prime Minister Ark Crimea. He expressed such an opinion in Comments "Glavkom".
I at my time, when Jarteas died, assessed the possible candidacy of Anatoly Mogilev to the post of Crimean Premiere. I then said so, and now I insist: of all possible candidates, the most stupid is to appoint the Prime Minister of Crimea Mogilev. Apparently, to my words "listened" in Kiev ... Obviously, the president decided to make the most stupid appointment, "said Dzhemilev

A family

Safinar's wife - Chairman of the League of Crimean Tatar Women. He has a daughter and two sons.


At the end of the school in the city of Gulistan in 1959 he worked as a turner at the Aviation Plant in Tashkent, then a mechanic.

In 1962, Dzhemilev entered Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Agricultural MeliorationFrom where it was excluded in 1965 for "for unworthy behavior."

In May 1966, he was called up to the army, but refused to serve and was sentenced to 1.5 years of imprisonment, was released in November 1967.

In 1969, he became one of the founders of the "Initiative Group of Human Rights Protection in the Soviet Union."

In September 1969, he was arrested on charges of " drawing up and disseminating documents that are disrupted by the Soviet state and public system". It was convicted in Tashkent on January 12, 1970 for three years of conclusion. In 1972 he was released, he worked as an engineer in state farm.

In June 1974, he was arrested and sentenced to one year deprivation of freedom on charges of avoiding military fees. In 1975, three days before the end of the sentence, a new criminal case was initiated against him on charges of the spread of fabrications that disgust the Soviet state and social system, among prisoners.

In protest announced a hunger strike, which during compulsory feeding through the probe lasted ten months. In April 1976, the Omsk Regional Court sentenced him to 2.5 years of imprisonment. This trial is described in the memoirs of academician A. D. Sakharov.

He was released in December 1977, lived in Tashkent.

Total has 7 (according to other data 6) convictions, conducted a total of 15 years for " dissemination of views that are fusing the Soviet system". Arrests in 1966, 1969, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1983

Mustafa Dzhemilev - Honorary Doctor of the Law of the Saljuk University in Turkey, Laureate of the International Prize. P.ORlika "For Democratization of Ukrainian Society", High Commissioner of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees "Prizes Nansen", "Solidarity Awards" named after Lech Valenses.

He was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise V and IV degrees, honorary certificates of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The name of Jemilev is named Park in Ankara, the streets in Ankara, Sungurlu and some other Turkish cities, a lecture hall at the University of Saljuk, the library of the University of Kyrykkale. He is an honorary citizen of Castamon and Kyrykkale in Turkey.


In 1989, Gemilev, together with his family, returned to the Crimea, to the city of Bakhchisarai. Shortly before that, he was in absentia elected chairman of the Central Council Organizations of the Crimean Tatar National Movement (OKDE).

In June 1991, a representative body of the Crimean Tatars was gathered for the first time in a long time, most of which (about 5 million people) live in Turkey, - Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people. At the same time, the Presidium (Executive Body) of this organization was elected - Majlis of Crimean Tatar Narod.

From 1999 to 2010 - Head of the Council of Representatives of the Crimean Tatar people under the President of Ukraine.

Mustafa Dzhemilev - people's Deputy Of Ukraine III (1998-2002), IV (2002-2006), V (2006-2007), VI (2007-2012) and VII (from 2012) convocations.

In different years, he was part of the fractions People's Roha Ukraine, "Our Ukraine", the "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" block.

In the Verkhovna Rada VII convocation was part of the fraction of the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna". Chairman of the Subcommittee on Ethnopolitics, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities of Ukraine, victims of political repression of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights issues, national minorities and interethnic relations.

In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine showed itself as the most uncompromising supporter of denial armenian Genocide.

March 16, 2014 in Crimea passed referendumwhere most residents of the peninsula spoke in favor of his entry into the Russian Federation, Crimea became part of Russia.

Soon, Gemileva was banned from entering the Crimea for a period of five years. According to Vrio of the head of the republic, the ban was caused by the actions of the Gemilev himself, aimed at inciting an interethnic retail.

However, in the first days of May, Gemilev nevertheless attempted to get into the Crimea. Having tried to get to the Crimea flight of Moscow-Simferopol, Jemilev arrived in Moscow from Kiev, but he did not miss it through the Passport control point, stating that he was prohibited from entering.

Returning to Ukraine, Dzhemilev tried to return to the Crimea through the CAT in Armenian. This attempt also failed. The Armenian-Kherson route was blocked by OMON fighters and other power specials, Ural cars, armored vehicles. The numerous Crimean Tatars who met the numerous Crimean Tatars broke through the chain of Omonovs, but they failed to hold in Crimea.

On August 20, 2014, President of Ukraine established the position of authorized on the affairs of the Crimean-Tatar people and appointed authorized Mustafa Gemilev.

The first thing in the new position of Dzhemilev offered to transform a number of districts Kherson region In the autonomous Republic of Crimea as part of Ukraine. Together with Ahmed Zakayev accused Russia in involvement in terrorist acts in Paris in January 2015.

On February 26, 2015, called President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to introduce a complete blockade of the Crimea, cutting off the peninsula from the supply of energy carriers and food.

Rumors, scandals

On May 27, 2013, Hayser, the Son of the People's Deputy from the Fraction "Batkivshchyna" Mustafa Jemilev by negligence of firearms killed a man.

The accident occurred in the Bakhchisarai district in the house of the son of Gemilev. " The bullet got straight in the head, the man died on the spot. Rulers left there"," said the source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Hayser, being at home, shot through the window in the worker, also Crimean Tatar, who has been engaged in small repair on the territory of the house for several days. Apparently, the son of Gemileva received a worker who did not look at the window from the outside, for the robber.

The source noted that at first the Jemilev family voiced the version of the random shot during the cleaning of the gun, and now says that Hayser walked to the bird and accidentally got into man.

According to another source of the publication, Hyser deliberately made a shot to a friend solved as a result of an interpersonal conflict.

Russia held his own trial in the Krasnodar Regional Court over Hayser, which was sentenced to 5 years in prison on June 10, 2015.

The publication notes that the deceased decisions fall a relative of the head of Bakhchisarai Majlis Akhtyu Chiigozu..

The case of the son of Gemilev was a reason for the third claim of Ukraine in ECHR. The Kiev authorities requested to understand "violation of the rights of the leader of the Crimean-Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev and his son Hyser Gemilev." ECHRs ordered the Russian authorities to release Crimean, but they did not listen to this decision.

In the fall of 2014, billboards were installed in Prague with photos and a statement by GEMILEV, reprehensive President of the Czech Republic Milosh Zemrena For his pro-Russian position in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The phrase of GEMILEV on billboards translated into Russian says " For the expression of disagreement with the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968, I served in prison for three years. Now the President of the Czech Republic calls to accept the annexation of Crimea".

In August 2015, Dzhemilev said on the air "Radio Liberty", which considers the bluff Russian authorities to build Kerch Bridge. However, in the case of its construction, the Armed Forces, in his opinion, they have the full right to bomb it.

The geopolitical situation on our planet is very often, if not always, remains tense. Disputes for the influence and markets for the territory and population - sometimes diplomacy does not help, and such questions begin to solve with the help of weapons.

Hero of this article - The leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev, who, in view of the situation in Ukraine, was hardly in the epicenter of the events that occurred in the spring of 2014 in the Crimea.


Mustafa Dzhemilev was born into the family of Yaryt Nationalists and anti-Sovetchists, November 13, 1943, in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, in a small village of Bozka. Education was religious, in accordance with the strict standards and traditions of the Tatars. Mother was named after Makhfur, father - Abdulgemil. Mustafa Dzhemilev from an early age took the love of her love for native land and dislike for Soviet power from his parents.

In May 1944, the Jemilev family was deported from the Crimea as soon as the peninsula was released by the Soviet troops from the fascist invaders. The new home for the Gemilev family was the small town of Gulistan in Uzbekistan.

Study and exclusion from the institute

Having finished school in Gulistan, Mustafa Dzhemilev has been working at the Aviation Plant in Tashkent as Tokary. Then replaces the specialty on the locksmith and electric bellarge.

In 1962, Mustafa Dzhemilev submits documents to the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Agriculture Melioration and, passing entrance exams, comes. Three years later, he is expelled for writing an article about Turkic culture in the Crimea, where the criticism of the Soviet power and Turkic nationalism was involved in the management of the institute. Although for another one of the versions, Gemilev, being a student, began to attend the Union of Crimean Tatar Youth, and after the "conversations" at the rector, simply frightened consequences and stopped going to study. Discovered was deepening.

First conclusion

The first time Ze lattice Mustafa was landed in 1966. In May of this year, he was called to the army, and here two versions: or he refused to serve in the Soviet army, or tritely ignored the agenda and call to the draft board. For evasion, he was sentenced to 1.5 years of conclusion. It was released from custody at the end of the autumn of 1967. After serving a prison opinion, returned to work.

Human rights activist Mustafa Dzhemilev

At the end of the sixties, he became one of the leaders of the initiative group to protect human rights in the USSR, which mainly consisted of dissidents, former or future political prisoners, Soviet intelligentsia. At the same time, he was arrested for the dissemination of documents, which dicked up the Soviet system and the leadership of the USSR. In January 1970, in the city of Tashkent, where Mustafa Gemilev continued to live, a court was held, on which the verdict was carried out: three years in prison.

Released ahead of time, began to work as an engineer. Two years later, he was again enclosed, this time - for evading military fees. While he was in prison, the anti-Soviet agitation among the prisoners was, for which a new criminal case was initiated. In protest, Mustafa Dzhemilev, whose biography from this moment begins to take ships and stages, declares the hunger strike. He was fed under the probe through the probe, since the hunger strike lasted ten months.

In April 1976, the Court of Omsk sentenced Mustafa to two and a half years of conclusion. By the way, the memories of this trial can be found in another prominent human rights activist - Academician Sakharov. After liberation (in December 1977) continued to live in Tashkent.

At the end of the seventies, for violation of the rules of supervision, it was convicted again, this time was sent deep into Siberia - in Yakutia. The court sentenced: four years of conclusion. While I was serving a conclusion, I got acquainted with letters with my wife. After a while she came to him. They got married there in Yakutia. Four years of links newlyweds held hand in hand and, returning from Siberia, left in Crimea. True, a few days later, Mustafa and his wife was again removed from the peninsula and sent to Uzbekistan, to the place of permanent residence.

In 1983 he was taken into custody for the fifth time for his life. They accused him of drawing up and disseminating the documents that the Soviet authorities will deteriorate, and was also named among provocateurs who were preparing unrest in the Crimea. In Tashkent, he was sentenced to three years in prison. At the end of 1986, Mustafa appointed a punishment in the form of three years in the village of Utset (Magadan Region) in the form of three years of imprisonment and released in the courtroom. The restructuring began, and the anti-Sovers began to watch through their fingers. Mustafa Dzhemilev left for Tashkent, where she opened to collect supporters to create the All-Union Movement of the Crimean Tatars.

In the spring of 1987, a meeting was held in Tashkent All-Union initiative groups of the Crimean National Movement, where Mustafa Dzhemilev was nominated among the participants of the central initiative group.

Return to Crimea

In 1989, a very important event was happening for Gemilev - he returned to the Crimea. Together with his family, he settled in Bakhchisara. In 1991, the first Kurultay was convened - the Congress of the Crimean Tatars, and then the chief executive body of Kurultaya - Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people was elected, who was headed by Mustafa until 2013. He led an active controversy with those leaders of the Crimean Tatars who kept themselves opposition to Kiev.

As we can see, on returning to Crimea, Mustafa Dzhemilev is actively involved in the political and social activities of the Crimea, and later Ukraine as a whole.

Political activity

In the mid-nineties, Jemylev began active political activities not only in the Crimea, but also on the scale of Ukraine. Returning with the People's Room of Ukraine, he was elected from him to the Verkhovna in 1998. Four years later, it was running out from the block "Our Ukraine". In 2006, he also became part of Rada.

Mustafa at the congregations of the Rada showed itself not only as an army of Russophobe (which is quite understandable), but also as a supporter of the denial of the Armenian Genocide. This term sends us to the beginning of the twentieth century, when Armenia was under the rule of Turkish yoke. In 1915, there was a massive extermination of the Armenian population and historians still arguing how to relate to this fact - as a cleaning of the population or as a war of the Armenian people for independence, at which large losses were incurred. Mustafa is a supporter of the second option.

He was the head of the Majlis until the end of 2013, transferred his post

The beginning of the "Crimean crisis"

The leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev very sharply opposed Russia's actions during the "Crimean crisis" in the spring of 2014. In March, he even stated that in case Russian troops enter the peninsula, they will receive the second Chechnya. On the same days, his telephone conversation was held with Putin, about which it will be discussed below. Meeting Mustafa Jemilev with Vladimir Putin was planned, but did not take place.

Also in March 2014, Mustafa meets with NATO representatives, calling them to introduce peacekeeping troops in the Crimea. After refusal, he travels to Turkey, where he asks the Turkish government to block the Crimea from the sea. But here it is waiting for a refusal.

Jemileva is denied entry into the territory of Russia, and since the Crimea is also part of Russia, then until 2019 Mustafa will not appear there. In any case, on an official visit.

In August, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko appeared the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "autonomous Republic of Crimea", giving up part of the Kherson region under it, and transfer the leadership of the Jemilev there. In February-month, Mustafa called Poroshenko to introduce the full blockade of the Crimea, interrupting the flow of water, electricity, gas. Also Mustafa was one of the supporters of the full economic blockade of the peninsula.

On January 21, the court of the city of Simferopol in abandoned Mustafa for undermining the basics of state power and terrorism.

A family

With his wife Mustafa met in Yakutia when I left there a link. Its name is Safinanar and she is the head of the League of Crimean Tatar Women.

Senior Son Mustafa Jemilev - Eldar. The youngest name is Hayser and he became known to the fact that he shot his comrade, working at him at home. Hayser was convicted and sentenced to the conclusion, although the defense insisted on the recognition of Heiser crazy and at the premises of him in a psychiatric hospital. Interesting is the fact that the Son has committed a crime on the territory of Russia, where the father has been banned. In a conversation with Putin Mustafa, this question concerned that Russian President promised Hyser to release, provided that the Crimean Tatars, Mustaf Gemileve, and the Crimean, and the symbol, will not make any provocative actions that may affect the Crimea On the situation in the Crimea. Recall that the conversation took place in the spring of 2014.

The granddaughter of Mustafa hanged himself in the Ten-year-old. Causes establishes the prosecutor's office.

Conversation with president

According to Mustafa, he spoke with Vladimir Vladimirovich about half an hour. During this time, they discussed the situation in the Crimea, where everyone expressed his position and his mind on the situation. And Putin, and Gemilev did not want any bloodshed in the Crimea, so it was necessary to find some way out of the situation that was glowed every day all the strongest. Putin, as you can put it, made a move by a horse - he suggested Mustafa to let go of his son, but only under the condition that there will be calm in the Crimea during the referendum. Dzhemilev promised that he would fulfill everything that depends on it. Initially, politicians wanted to meet, but the telephone conversation showed that nothing more about what. The meeting was canceled.


To date, Mustafa is one of the most radical politicians of Ukraine. The hatred of Russia is caused not only by the voltage of relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also by a fee for the loss of the Crimea - Mustafa's Motherland.

The politician was awarded dozens of orders and medals, which were issued to him with the agitation and propaganda goals of governments of various pro-Western countries. In his interview with Mustafa, the fate of Germany prophesies to Russia, comparing the annexation of the Crimea with the seizure of the German troops of Poland and Austria before the Second World War.


Mustafa Dzhemilev, like any politician, public and ideological leader, the figure is very complex. And depending on whose side you have to occupy in conflict, on the same events you have to look different. In this article, we disassembled the biography of the leader of the Crimean Tatars, the Ukrainian policy, the former Soviet dissident of Mustafa Jemilev.

In 1962-1965, she studied in the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Agriculture Melioration Engineers. It was excluded "for unworthy behavior."

In 1959-1961, he worked as a turner, a mechanic, an electric believer at the Mirzachulsky repair and mechanical plant in the Tashkent region, to the Tashkent Aviation Plant.

In 1961, Mustafa Dzhemilev became one of the founders and leaders of the Union of Crimean-Tatar youth union in Tashkent.

In 1969, he became the founder of the "initiative group of human rights protection in the USSR".

In the period from 1966 to 1983, Mustafa Dzhemilev was arrested six times, according to media reports, it has seven tributes, conducted in conclusion for 15 years.

In 1975-1976, the protest held a 303-day hunger strike in an Omsk prison. Was released in 1986.

In 1983, Jemilev founded and was the editor of the illegal "newsletter of the initiative group of the Crimean Tatars. Musa Mamut.

In 1987-1989, he was the head of the Central Initiative Group of the National Movement of the Crimean Tatars.

In 1989, Mustafa Gemilev moved to Bakhchisarai.

In 1989-1991, the head of the organization of the Crimean National Movement.

In June 1991, at the National Congress of the Crimean-Tatar People - Kurultai - Mustafa Dzhemilev was elected chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people. He held this post until October 2013.

On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea, on which most residents of the peninsula spoke in favor of his entry into the Russian Federation, Crimea became part of Russia.

Soon, Gemileva was banned from entering the Crimea for a period of five years. According to Vrio of the head of the Republic of Sergei Aksenov, the ban was caused by the actions of the Gemilev himself, aimed at inciting an interethnic retail.

On August 20, 2014, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko established the post of Commissioner for the Crimean Tatar People and Mustafa of Jemilev.

Mustafa Dzhemilev - Honorary Doctor of the Law of the Saljuk University in Turkey, Laureate of the International Prize. P.ORlika "For Democratization of Ukrainian Society", Human Rights Prize of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees "Award Nansen",

He was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise V and IV degrees, honorary certificates of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The name of Jemilev is named Park in Ankara, the streets in Ankara, Sungurlu and some other Turkish cities, a lecture hall at the University of Saljuk, the library of the University of Kyrykkale. He is an honorary citizen of Castamon and Kyrykkale in Turkey.

Mustafa Dzhemilev is married. There is a daughter and two sons.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources