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Korolevskaya natalia yurievna. Natalia Korolevskaya: "Julia without a braid", the queen of ice cream and a stolen diploma Natalia Korolevskaya instagram

Korolevskaya Natalya Yurievna, whose biography is replete with bright events in almost all directions of life, is a Ukrainian politician, a successful entrepreneur, a deputy of the 5th and 6th convocations of BYuT. Since 2007, she has been the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industry, Entrepreneurship and Politics. He is the Vice President of the Ukrainian Taxpayers Community. Works in the group of inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.

A family

In the town of Krasny Luch on 18.05.1975, Korolevskaya Natalya Yurievna was born. The family of our heroine is as follows: her dad, Yuri Vasilyevich, began working as a simple miner, but was able to move up the career ladder to the director, her mother, Larisa Petrovna, worked as a teacher all her life. There is a brother Konstantin (Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation). Prior to that, he replaced the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Reconstruction of Moscow.

Natalya Yurievna Korolevskaya, whose height is not indicated in any official source, is happily married. She is married to Yuri Solod, a people's deputy and businessman. They met in Cyprus while on vacation. They got married almost immediately after they met. Natalya Yurievna gave birth to two sons.


Natalya Yurievna Korolevskaya graduated from high school in her hometown with a silver medal. Then she entered the East Ukrainian National University at the Faculty of Economics. Received the specialty of a production manager. She graduated from the university in 1997, but did not stop there and entered the Donetsk State Academy of Management. In 2002 she graduated with a second higher education.

Royal and business

Natalya Yuryevna became an entrepreneur thanks to her brother, who introduced her to the family business. At first, from 1992 to 1993, she worked at Etko as a simple manager. This was followed by a promotion. Natalya Yurievna moved to the Meta company as the head of finance. 1998 to 2001 worked as a commercial director in the same place.

In 2001-2006. - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Luganskkholod. During her work, she carried out the modernization of all enterprises of the company. Created departments of logistics, marketing, sales, strategic development and quality. Natalya Yurievna Korolevskaya, a business woman, in 2004 became a laureate of the Medium Business Leader award.

From 2003 to 2005, she worked as a member of the Ukrainian Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers. Coordinated the activities of the regional commission of the same Council. Since 2003 - Executive Director of the WE Association. Supported local producers, coordinated their activities. Established intersectoral areas. She participated in the formation of public opinion and interaction between businessmen and government bodies.

Royal in politics

From 2002 to 2006, Korolevskaya Natalya Yurievna became a famous person in politics, working as a deputy of the regional Luhansk council. She is the secretary for industry, trade, construction and housing and communal services. Participated in the implementation and development of regional programs for the economic development of territories. She headed the commission for analytics and restoration of the Donbassanthracite holding.

Since 2006, Natalya Yuryevna Korolevskaya has been a people's deputy of the fifth convocation (Tymoshenko bloc). Member of the Political Council of the Batkovshchina faction and of the Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Policy. Since 2007, Natalya Yurievna has become a people's deputy of the sixth convocation, the chairman of the Ukrainian parliamentary committee on entrepreneurship and regulatory policy. Co-chairman for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation. Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of Taxpayers.

Political activity

In politics, Natalya Yurievna Korolevskaya began her journey almost from scratch. She was always supportive and eventually turned out to be practically her right hand. She became the leader of the USDP party. But she was "expelled" from the BYuT faction for constant violations of the charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, the exclusion took place without Tymoshenko's consent. So Kozhemyakin and Turchinov decided.

The latter confirmed this information on the air, saying that the decision was made without Tymoshenko's consent, since it is almost impossible to contact her. In March 2012, the USDP party was renamed to Ukraine - Forward! She became the party of Natalia Korolevskaya. But the ideology remained the same. Korolevskaya said that she has always been against Yanukovych and will continue to fight for Tymoshenko's release.

Natalia Korolevska, the (former) Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, drafted and published over 40 bills personally and 175 - as a co-author. Her position is economic patriotism. Natalya Yuryevna believes that this is the political platform where you need to work more than survey your ambitions. Attention should be focused on the Ukrainian economy, industry, and it is necessary to end the disputes that prevent society from uniting around the main goals of the country. You can return to ideology later.

Royal and crime

When Korolevskaya Natalya Yurievna (crime at that time was closely associated with metal) plunged into the business that her family created, these were turbulent times. Until now, many ascribe to her the sawing of the Stakhanov refrigeration plant and the bakery. Thus, she received a lot of scrap metal for sale. And this is just the beginning of her activities. A little later, the parents (supposedly ordinary people - a miner and a teacher) bought their daughter the Lisichansky plant. The company was brought to bankruptcy for several years and eventually ended up in reorganization. The wage arrears to the employees of the enterprise were simply enormous.

After that, Korolevskaya owned several more small firms, until Meta appeared, created jointly with foreign partners. It became the basis of Natalya Yurievna's metal business. A number of subsidiaries were formed. One of them (Agro Meta) was bought by businessman Yuri Zhuravlev.

Political funding

After a while, a name appeared in the political arena - Korolevskaya Natalya Yurievna. Who is funding the new political lady now? As indicated in many sources, Korolevskaya pulled out a lot of money from the same Zhuravlev. Besides him, there were a number of other businessmen who sympathized with Tymoshenko. Their Royal, too, unleashed for substantial sums of money.

There are three main sponsors. The first is Zhuravlev. He believed the promises of Korolevskaya that all investments would return to him a hundredfold, and persuaded Zinaida Naden (director of Luganskmlyn OJSC) to follow his example and start investing in politics. From her, the Royal also received substantial sums, which went to no one knows where.

The third sponsor is Igor Chaplygin. He is well known not only at home, but also abroad. I have known him for a long time, since the time of gang warfare. Chaplygin also sawed everything he could into scrap metal. He got coal and metal, and the Royal ones were engaged in sales. As a result, Chaplygin amassed a huge fortune and went abroad.

When Natalya Yurievna Korolevskaya began her political career, he specially came to Lugansk to lead Tymoshenko's headquarters. There were rumors that Chaplygin was promised the place of the mayor. Also, the financing of the Royal was carried out by the headquarters of the BYuT.

Hobbies of the Royal

Natalya Yurievna is fond of horse riding. Favorite horse named Lady Natalie. He regularly travels to horse races in the Emirates, Russia, France and England. He collects hats (especially with wide brims) and souvenir figurines of elephants. He is fond of mountain skiing.

Religion: orthodoxy Birth: May 18 ( 1975-05-18 ) (37 years)
Red Ray (city),
Voroshilovgrad region,
Ukrainian SSR Father: Yuri Vasilievich Korolevsky Mother: Larisa Petrovna Korolevskaya Spouse: Yuri Vasilievich Solod Children: Rostislav and Yaroslav The consignment: Go Ukraine! Education: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
Donetsk State Academy of Management Profession: production manager, economist Site:

Natalia Yurievna Korolevskaya(ukr. Natalia Yuriyivna Korolevska; May 18, Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR) - Ukrainian political and statesman, leader of the party "Ukraine - Forward!", Entrepreneur.


Childhood and adolescence of Natalia Korolevskaya passed in the Red Ray.


She graduated from school with a silver medal. Two higher educations. Author of over 20 scientific papers on economics.

In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in production manager.

In 2002 she graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

Business activities

In 1992-1993 she worked as a manager at the Spanish-Ukrainian joint venture "Etko" (one of the co-founders of which was her older brother), and in 1993-1998 she was the financial director of the "Meta" company. During 1998-2001 she was the commercial director of META Company.

In 2001-2006, she held the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskkholod. During her leadership, a complete modernization of enterprises was carried out, departments of logistics, sales, marketing, quality, strategic development were created.

According to the results of the national program "Person of the Year 2004", Natalia Korolevskaya became a laureate in the category "Leader of Medium Business".

In 2003-2005, he was a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, coordinator of the Luhansk Regional Commission of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine.

Since 2003 he has been the executive director of the Association of Producers of the Luhansk Region "WE" (on a voluntary basis).

Political activity

From 2002 to 2006 she was a deputy of the Lugansk regional council, secretary of the standing commission on industry, construction, housing and communal services and trade. She took part in the development and implementation of regional programs for the creation and development of special (free) economic zones and priority development areas. She was the head of the commission on the analysis of activities and the search for ways to improve the Donbass-Anthracite holding.

Since 2006 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the V convocation, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. Member of the Political Council of the Batkivshchyna Party. Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Economic Policy, member of the Permanent Delegation to the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States.

Since 2007 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.

Vice President of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

On December 23, 2011, she was elected the leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On March 14, 2012 she was expelled from the BYuT faction for systemic violations of the faction's internal charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, her exclusion from the faction took place without the consent of Tymoshenko by the decision of Turchinov and the leader of the BYuT parliamentary faction Kozhemyakin. Later, on the air of the Inter TV channel, Alexander Turchinov confirmed this information and said that there are serious problems in communication with Yulia Tymoshenko.

On March 22, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) was renamed into the Party of Natalia Korolevskaya "Ukraine - Forward!" The corresponding decision was unanimously supported by the delegates of the IX Congress of the USDP.

During her speech at the party congress, Natalia Korolevskaya noted that, despite the renaming, the party's ideology, like the political position, will remain the same. “I am convinced that the social democratic ideology is the only one that is capable of leading Ukraine out of the terrible socio-economic state. Therefore, the ideology of the party will remain unchanged, despite the renaming. In addition, I declare with responsibility: we were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime, and we remain in opposition to the Yanukovych regime. I fought for the release of Yulia Tymoshenko, and we will continue our fight, ”said Korolevskaya. ...

A family

Personal life

Legislative initiatives

Author and co-author of over 215 bills. Topic: increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and the development of the domestic domestic market, stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving the investment climate in the country.

Co-author of the Law "On increasing the prestige of miner's work", author of the Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Simplification of the Conditions for Doing Business in Ukraine", co-author of the Law on Amending the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2009" (regarding financial stabilization coal industry enterprises), etc.

Views and evaluations

Fund "New Donbass"

N. Korolevskaya is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the New Donbass Charitable Foundation, established in July 2008. As part of helping socially vulnerable people, the foundation cooperates with public organizations of disabled people "Danko", "Boguslava", charity organizations named after Mother Teresa, "Sofia", the society of patients with diabetes mellitus, the society of the blind. The foundation also took over the patronage of one of the nursing homes and a children's boarding school; develops volunteer movements in the region, takes part in regional campaigns for the prevention of alcoholism, AIDS and drug addiction, helps children's libraries.


He collects figurines of elephants, candles, and enjoys mountain skiing and equestrian sports.

Notes (edit)

  1. Korolevska ocholila USDP (Ukrainian). Ukrainian Truth (December 23, 2011). Archived from the original on February 11, 2012. Retrieved December 23, 2011.
  2. Royal was thrown out of BYuT (Russian). Ukrainian Truth (March 14, 2012). Archived from the original on June 18, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2012.
  3. Natalia Korolevskaya: "I am sure my expulsion from the faction was not agreed with the leader" - Politics | KP.UA
  4. Turchinov never admitted that Tymoshenko thinks about the expulsion of the Royal
  5. USDP was renamed into the party "Ukraine - Forward!"
  6. Royal Natalia. DOSSIER :: Personal site of Sergei Rudenko
  7. Korolevsky Konstantin Yurievich

Last week . According to the court's verdict, the decision of the State Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to close the case was illegal, and the fact that the current MP from the “Opposition bloc” should be properly investigated. According to preliminary information from the investigation, Natalya Korolevskaya received her "fake" diploma in 1997. It was found out back in April 2013, but due to the presence of influential patrons of the politician, the investigation of this scandalous fact was released on the brakes. As the minister of social policy in the government of Mykola Azarov, Natalya Yurievna worked well for the patronage of the leadership of the Party of Regions, helping them to "rake" the state budget of Ukraine with the help of the Ministry of Social Policy, which she controls. What life circumstances "brought" Natalia Korolevskaya to this?

Businessman from an early age

Natalia Korolevska was born in May 1975 in the town of Krasny Luch, Luhansk region. According to her official biography, in 1997 she graduated from the East Ukrainian National University (now this fact is being checked by law enforcement officers). In 2002, she also studied as an organization manager at the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

At the age of 18, Korolevskaya was hired by the ETKO company, in which her older brother Konstantin was a shareholder. Having started in the company as a manager, she was soon appointed its chief financial officer (approx. After the renaming the company became known as "META"). In 1998, Korolevskaya became the commercial director of the META-Company, whose founders and owners were her and her brother.


"Crime Brother"

Konstantin Korolevsky - Doctor of Economics, worked at the Department of Technical Regulation at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. His highest achievement is the post of Deputy Minister of Regional Development in the Russian Federation. True, he did not work in this position for long. The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against him and his colleagues in the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow. They were accused of “inappropriate” spending of 130 million rubles. Despite this criminal case, Konstantin Yuryevich managed to avoid responsibility and even stay in Russian politics. Apparently, resourcefulness is a family thing with her sister. Today Korolevsky is an honored builder of the Russian Federation, an honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation and a bearer of the Order of Merit to the Patronymic of the II degree.

In 2001 she became the head of the supervisory board of the Luganskkholod company. In this position, she managed to launch her own brand, Royal Ice Cream (a little selfish, but she was proud of it). Later she became a deputy of the Lugansk regional council, as well as the executive director of the Association of Producers of the Lugansk region "We". During the presidential elections in 2004, she supported Viktor Yanukovych.

Smuggled elephant

Around the same time, a scandalous episode occurred with the arrest of Natalia Korolevskaya at the Boryspil airport. Airport customs took her off the plane and interrogated her for almost six hours over a small golden elephant figurine. According to Natalya Yuryevna, this statuette was a gift from her husband. Despite this, the statuette was confiscated, and it had to be redeemed already at an auction.

"Luhansk Julia"

Despite the support of Viktor Yanukovych, Korolevskaya did not go to the elections with the regionals (and no one called). Instead, she received in 2006 the mandate of a people's deputy from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc party. With her passage to the Verkhovna Rada, the most "interesting" stage in her life began. With the coming to power of the "orange" team and Yulia Tymoshenko, political life in Ukraine seethed with intrigue and political betrayal.

In this sense, Natalia Korolevskaya did not lag behind the others. Despite the fact that in the Luhansk region she was called the second "Lady Yu". She worked hard to create her own image of a politician, and even paved the way for taking Tymoshenko's place in power. For the show, of course, she called Yulia Vladimirovna "best friend", but behind her back she was preparing a conspiracy. By order of Natalia Korolevskaya, a commissioned sociological study was even carried out. Its goal was to determine how voters would react if Tymoshenko took her place in power (copies of this study were actively disseminated through the Ukrainian media).

Having passed to the Verkhovna Rada, Natalya Korolevskaya actively lobbied for the appointment of the controversial Minister of the Coal Industry Viktor Poltavets. At that time, he had already twice been the head of this department, but he was dismissed due to the decline of industry and the numerous strikes of miners. Being "by the grave of life" owed Natalya Yurievna, Poltavets helped her to carry out "coal machinations" at the plant "Sverdlovanthracite", which, by the way, was headed by a person close to the business of her husband Korolevskaya. The essence of these frauds consisted in the fact that coal mined from illegal "kopanoks" controlled by Korolevskaya was supplied to the mines, and from there, after being diluted with waste rock, it was sold to the state-owned enterprise Ugol Ukrainy. As a result of such fraud, "legal" coal mined by miners remained in warehouses. The workers simply did not receive salaries, since no one sold the coal they mined, and, as a result, there was not enough money either for new equipment or for improving the safety of mines (in turn, this led to an increase in mortality among miners). Here is such a "butterfly effect" named after Natalia Korolevskaya.

By the way, Poltavets had his own “selfish” interest in coal machinations, because his son, together with Korolevskaya, owned a company through which the money received from the trade in “left” coal passed.

Leaving BYuT for Lyovochkin's project

Being an ambitious person, Natalya Korolevskaya aimed first at the role of Yulia Tymoshenko, and then, when it became clear that BYuT would soon come to an end, she initiated the Vperyod public movement, which allegedly defended the interests of medium-sized businesses, fighting against the government. It was at this time that the “Royal brand” began to be actively promoted. Her face appeared wherever it could be logically present. She appeared at all social events, criticized reforms, supported pensioners and Chernobyl victims, etc. After the arrest of Yulia Tymoshenko, Korolevskaya sincerely hoped that she would be at the helm of Batkivshchyna, but no lawsuit was filed, because Yulia Vladimirovna's ardent comrades-in-arms saw her as a threat.

It was financed by all and sundry - from Akhmetov, and, they say, even Pinchuk ( read more about it in the article). But her team consisted of few professional technologists (take the same Alexei Golobutsky). Therefore, the main "issues" were resolved through the power line, while its "technologists" sawed budgets on useless and mediocre outdoor advertising.

Natalya Korolevskaya has mastered the "aziru" and talks about the "gut shop"

Realizing that nothing could shine for her in the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, in December 2012 she headed the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (formerly a member of the BYuT faction). USDPU left BYuT on the same day when Natalia Korolevskaya was expelled from the faction. It should be noted that her transfer to the USDP caused a flurry of indignation from her former colleagues. This is due to the fact that traditionally the USDP was called one of the projects of the "gray cardinal" of the times of Viktor Yanukovych, Sergei Lyovochkin. Here it should be mentioned that together with Korolevskaya, her husband Yevgeny Suslov left Batkivshchyna for the USDP, as well as Alexei Logvinenko, who is directly related to the late adviser of Lyovochkin and Klyuev Yuri Levenets (chief political strategist of the Party of Regions).

"Efremov's mistress"

Some even call them lovers. According to one version, the biological father of the second son of Natalya Yuryevna Yaroslav is Efremov. If this is really true, then it is not surprising that Efremov's wife simply and openly hates her. This is confirmed by an episode that took place in the Luhansk Drama Theater. It so happened that Efremov's wife attacked Korolevskaya, starting to drag her by the hair and insult her. The version that they are lovers would explain the fact that she deliberately failed the presidential campaign of Yulia Tymoshenko in the Luhansk region. Then the thought that she was an "agent of the Party of Regions" in "Batkivshchyna" also has the right to life. In this case, even her appointment as head of the Ministry of Social Policy becomes logical (for which no expert could find an explanation).

Here, it should also be said that Korolevska also has family ties with the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka. Together with his son Artem, she baptized the son of the former prosecutor of the Kiev region, Sergei Mishchenko. She has good connections, doesn't she?

Feats as head of the Ministry of Social Policy:

Today Natalia Korolevskaya is a people's deputy from the Opposition Bloc party. This association is one of the last strongholds of the "Party of Regions" in the Verkhovna Rada, one of the leaders of which, by the way, is Sergei Lyovochkin. In the so-called "alternative Cabinet" of the Opposition bloc, Korolevskaya holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy. Looking at such metamorphoses in her political preferences, I recall her words to Glavred in 2007: “I believe that the most important thing is the goal. And the achievement of this goal depends on our willpower, how much we have enough of it. " It seems that Natalya Yuryevna really acts according to the principle "in the struggle for power, all means are good." Apparently she perfectly remembered from her favorite book Niccolo Machiavelli "The Sovereign" all the principles of "fox" and "lion" management.

Dmitry Samofalov, for SKELET-info

Natalia Korolevskaya. Second Lady Yu or First Lady N? updated: October 11, 2018 by the author: creator


She was born on May 18, 1975 in the town of Krasny Luch, Luhansk region. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in production manager. In 2002 she received a diploma from the Donetsk State Academy of Management. She began her career in the ETKO JV, one of the shareholders of which was her older brother, Konstantin Korolevsky, who is now the first deputy head of the department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of Moscow.

In 1993 JV ETKO was engaged in the trade of coal and metal. One of the business partners of Konstantin Korolevsky was Vadim Gurzhos, the current deputy chairman of the Kiev Regional State Administration. My brother and I are independent people. I started to build a career in his business, but I had to do a lot so that I was not considered his protégé. However, Konstantin is still my advisor, - says Natalya Yurievna (Contracts, July 16, 2007). In 1993-1998, Korolevskaya was the financial director of CJSC META (this is the name of JV ETKO after renaming. - S.R.). Then - the commercial director of the JV META Company, which was owned by her together with her brother Konstantin. The company was engaged in the sale of scrap metal. For some time Korolevskaya lived and worked in Moscow.

In 2000 she started producing ice cream. Natalya Yurievna claims that the regional administration offered her to buy out the shares of Luganskkholod. I bought the plant only out of love for my native region: I don't eat ice cream, - Korolevskaya admitted (Kontrakty, July 16, 2007). In 2001-2006 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskkholod (TM Korolevskoe Ice Cream), an enterprise that is one of the five ice cream producers in Ukraine. Coordinated the Oxford investment and construction project. She was a deputy of the Luhansk regional council, executive director of the Association of Producers of the Luhansk region WE, a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers. In the 2004 presidential elections, she supported Viktor Yanukovych. In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

Natalia Korolevska took 66th position in the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2006 by Focus magazine. In the 2007 elections, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (No. 65). In the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2007 by Focus magazine, Natalia Korolevska took 40th position. Chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Natalia Yurievna Korolevskaya was born on May 18, 1975 in Krasny Luch, Luhansk region. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University (VNU) with a degree in Industrial Management. In 2002 she graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management and received a retraining diploma in management of organizations.

Diploma scam

In early 2013, a scandal broke out in the media regarding the fact that Natalya Korolevskaya did not receive higher education and forged her own diplomas. This happened after People's Deputy Gennady Moskal announced that Natalya Korolevskaya turned to the police with a statement about the loss of her diploma of graduation from the East Ukrainian National University after she was appointed to the post of Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine. In a few days, Natalia Korolevskaya provided journalists with copies of her higher education documents, among which was a duplicate of the VNU diploma dated January 8, 2013. However, during 2013, journalists conducted their own investigation into the fact of training Natalia Korolevskaya. According to their version, according to the documents, Natalya was transferred to the VNU on a fake certificate from a non-existent educational institution, the documents on studying at the VNU also have signs of fictitiousness. According to the teacher, whose signature is on the Korolevskaya student's record-book, she was not among his students. In October 2013, journalist Oleg Peretyaka filed an application addressed to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka about the commission of a crime by the Minister of Social Policy of the Royal and officials of the Ukrainian National University. However, this statement was not considered by the General Prosecutor's Office, but returned for investigation by the Luhansk district police.

From opposition to power and vice versa

During 1992-2001, Korolevskaya worked as a manager at the company "Etko", the financial director of the company "Meta" and the commercial director of the "Meta Company".

In 2001-2006, she held the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskkholod.

In 2002-2006 - Korolevskaya was a deputy of the Lugansk regional council, where she worked as a secretary of the standing commission on industry, construction, housing and communal services and trade.

In 2006, she went to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc party and became the secretary of the parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy.

In the 2007 early parliamentary elections, Korolevskaya was again elected people's deputy from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and she headed the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

On March 14, 2012, Korolevskaya was expelled from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc faction through a systemic violation of factional discipline.

On December 24, 2012, Royal was appointed Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine in the government of Mykola Azarov.

In the early parliamentary elections in 2014, Korolevskaya passed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Opposition Bloc party.

Apartments, houses, cars and money

Natalia Korolevskaya owns an office in occupied Luhansk with an area of ​​545 sq. m (acquired in 2000) and rents a land plot with an area of ​​more than 2 thousand sq. m. The family of the People's Deputy has an apartment in Kiev, which is registered with the husband of Korolevskaya, People's Deputy Yuri Solod, with an area of ​​264 square meters. m and a cost of more than UAH 8 million. The People's Deputy also declared 9 trademarks for which she has intellectual rights, more than UAH 75 thousand as an annual salary and UAH 80 thousand of funds associated with the implementation of parliamentary powers. There are more than 108 thousand hryvnyas in the bank account of Korolevskaya, in cash - 118 thousand hryvnias, 27 thousand dollars and 18 thousand euros.