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The end of the hunting season for upland game in winter. Game hunting season: every hunter should know this. Hunting in the fall. the most famous types and methods

The first month of summer is the heyday of nature, which has already fully recovered after a long winter, the pruning of trees has already ended, and at the moment the flora is in a state of rapid flowering. The active period of life begins in the world of animals in Russia. By the summer, many young of most representatives of birds and animals have grown up, become more independent, and they want an active pastime. Therefore, hunting for almost all animals is prohibited, with the exception of predators. ...

In summer, bears are very aggressive and extremely dangerous.

Hunting for animals

The Bears

These predators in June should be especially wary of. The first month of summer is the mating season of bears, the time of "weddings", during this period the males show themselves, constantly winning the females from their fellows. It is clear that fights are a mandatory attribute of bear showdowns. In early summer, bears are extremely aggressive and especially dangerous. Young bear cubs, born last year, by this time are separated from the family and enter into an independent life.


By the beginning of summer, the cubs of wolf cubs have already grown up, but it is still too early to call young wolves completely independent. Leaving the cubs in their burrows, adult wolves go hunting in search of food.

At this time, the cubs, want to show independence, carefully emerge from the shelter, look around, in search of food.

Sensing the first signs of danger, the cubs are hiding in a hole, and not heroic. In June, wolves still continue their spring molt.

It is very difficult to find cubs at the beginning of summer. This is most often done with experienced hunting dogs. Some of them use a special "twist"; cubs respond to its sounds, taking them for the call of a she-wolf.


Just like wolves, lynxes leave their growing lynxes when they go hunting. Lynx offspring also show independence, exploring the nearest territory near the "house".


The offspring of martens at the beginning of summer are already more mature than those of wolves and lynxes, so young martens hunt together with their parents.

Hunting is no longer a way of obtaining food. This is human entertainment. Nobody is going to prohibit hunting animals yet. However, today there are a number of rules for hunting in the current year. In 2010, an order was signed "On the approval of hunting rules in the Russian Federation", and during this time it has undergone certain changes. every hunter must know his rights and responsibilities, otherwise it is punishable.

When reading this article, be extremely careful, and if you have any additional questions, be sure to consult a specialist.

General hunting rules in the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology has created order No. 512, which sets certain requirements for hunting. All this is done to preserve natural resources. The official rules do not apply to wild animals living in places owned by legal entities or individuals.

What a hunter should have with him while hunting:

  • hunting ticket;
  • weapons permit;
  • permission for the extraction of hunting resources;
  • if a hunter hunts in hunting grounds, he must have a permit with him;
  • permission for birds of prey.

Each hunter must have these documents with him, otherwise, if they are required by an official, and there are no documents, punishment will follow. If the game was caught illegally, they have the right to confiscate it. You can hunt individually or in a group. In the second case, a responsible person is initially appointed who will control everything that happens, while having the relevant documents with him.

During the hunt, it is prohibited:

  • use weapons at a distance of less than 200 meters from the nearest settlement;
  • use weapons in poor visibility, unless you are absolutely sure that you are aiming specifically at the target;
  • open fire on game near electric wires;
  • open fire on information signs;
  • drive the game in such a way that the other participants in the hunt are located on different sides.

Hunting rules 2019: new edition of hunting rules in the Russian Federation

As you know, a hunting permit has its own expiration date, as well as a limit on the production of a particular type of game. In 2015, an innovation was introduced into the law, according to which the hunter undertakes to notify the employees of the place where the permit was obtained about what kind of game he has caught and how much. I.e. as detailed information as possible
A number of changes also affected the rules for hunting ungulates and bears.

For 2019, the following dates remain relevant:

  • 10.07-24.07 - hunting with the use of firearms and pneumatic weapons is prohibited;
  • 07.25-15.11 - hunting with the use of weapons, hunting dogs and hunting birds is allowed.
  • 10.07-31.12 - hunting for wild game with the use of dogs, without the use of weapons is allowed;
  • starting from 01.08 - hunting for waterfowl with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from -1.08 - hunting for a fox and a hare with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from 25.08 - hunting for foxes and hares with dogs and with the use of weapons is allowed;
  • 01.07-31.07 - hunting for bobak marmot is allowed;
  • 01.10-28.02 - European beaver hunting is allowed.

Check with our consultant for details.

Citizens can train a hunting dog at any time. For this, there are specially designated areas, namely, racing areas and special areas for training animals. Please note that any type of hunting is prohibited in such places.

One of the changes is that it is allowed to be with dogs without a leash in the areas of overtaking and training animals in hunting grounds at any time.
You can train a hunting dog at any time, but without the use of firearms, cold steel or pneumatic weapons.

If you go hunting with a specially trained hunting dog, you must have a document on the origin of the animal and a veterinary passport with a mark from the state veterinary service that the dog is not sick with rabies, vaccinated, etc. The document must be confirmed by the current year.

There have been a number of changes in terms of hunting dates for roe deer, bears, moose, and wolves. Saiga hunting was banned, while the period of hunting for bears in the spring was extended, expanding it.

Those hunters who open fire at information signs will incur administrative punishment.

Hunting legislation

Punishment for non-observance of hunting rules

Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates liability for violation of hunting rules in the Russian Federation.

If the rules were violated once, the hunter faces a fine from 500 to 4000 rubles, depending on the violation. There are also penalties such as deprivation of hunting rights for up to two years and may confiscate hunting weapons.

In case of repeated violation of the rules, they can be fined in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles with deprivation of the right to hunt for up to three years.

If the established hunting terms are violated, the offender may be prohibited from hunting for a period of 1 to 2 years. The same punishment awaits the hunter if he did not provide the necessary documents and permits at the first request.

If during the hunt damage was caused to the state reserve, the responsibility is doubled.

Employees of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Environmental Safety pay close attention to the prevention of diseases of animals in the wild, as well as to the focus of their occurrence. Therefore, if, as a hunter, you find an animal that behaves unusually, or a fallen animal, you must inform the above authorities about the find. Those, in turn, will try to identify the cause of the problem and its source, after which they will decide how to proceed.

Hunting Rules for Rifled Weapons 2019

A very topical question regarding the use of rifled weapons when hunting. Even today, many seasoned hunters continue to argue about this. However, there is a solution to the basic rules of the law.

Clause 53.3 states that it is prohibited to use hunting rifled long-barreled weapons and combined weapons on game birds, except for hunting for upland and mountain game.

Hunting is a hobby that people fell in love with many centuries ago. But time moves forward, which means the rules of the hunting season change, depending on the era. Modern hunting is not just game shooting, but interaction with nature. In order not to harm the environment, special rules were invented, which every hunter must adhere to. The settings relate to the season and type of animals: when and what kind of game it is allowed to shoot. You can see the seasonal hunter calendars in our article. They are relevant for every year.

Hunting seasons

There is a season for hunting in each period of the year. Some prefer only selective seasons, some are looking forward to everyone. Any of the seasons is wonderful and amazing in its own way. Traditionally, hunting time is divided into four periods according to four seasons:

  1. Spring. The smallest span of ten days.
  2. Summer. Includes the start of shooting at some species of animals / birds. Due to the fact that in the first summer months the animals are busy with a brood of offspring, hunting for some species at this time is prohibited.
  3. Autumn. A generous "catch" season. Together with summer, it is the longest.
  4. Winter. In cold weather, hunting is allowed for thirty calendar days.

Quite often, the calendar combines summer and autumn in one season. This is due to the fact that hunting for some types of game, which began in the summer, continues in the fall. Depending on what time of the year the hunt gets its start, special restrictions are set: in the spring, for example, you cannot shoot female birds, because they are included in the process of giving birth to offspring. The periods sometimes shift depending on the region of the hunt, and some species of animals and birds related to pests are shot everywhere at any time. But such shooting requires special permission.

Spring hunting season

For each region, the terms are different - they are set by the decision of the current government of the region. The margin of error among them is not great.

In the spring, hunting for waterfowl and upland game begins in the Russian Federation:

  • duck drake (with decoy);
  • black grouse;
  • capercaillie
  • mallard;
  • tweets.

In addition to birds, brown bear hunting is updated in spring:

  • The brown bear hunt starts on April 1 and ends on May 31.

Bans in spring

The restrictions were introduced due to environmental protection: during this period, female birds are busy with brood offspring, which means that their killing is strictly prohibited. At this time, only males can be beaten! If you do not know what gender the bird is on your fly, do not shoot. The measures taken contribute to an increase in the bird population and protect small species from extinction.

You should know at what time of the year hunting for species of game birds prohibited in the spring is relevant. In the spring these include:

  • Geese. The plumage of the male and female differs poorly from each other - the risk of error is very high.
  • Partridges. The male mates with the female for life, i.e. the killing of any feathered of the pair dooms the species to the absence of offspring.
  • Woodcocks are also banned in spring.
  • Various types of geese (coots, reeds, hazel grouses, etc.).

Important spring restrictions include:

  • Hunting with dogs;
  • Hunting for birds from the approach (except for wood grouse);
  • Hunting for females is strictly prohibited;
  • Use of floating equipment (allowed only for picking up a trophy);
  • The use of electric devices for luring game, plus, shooting with traps.

Summer autumn

During this period, the time of hunting for water, steppe, field, marsh game, as well as the inhabitants of the mountains, begins. All bans on birds are practically lifted: fans of winged game can afford to shoot at various birds. Plus, the summer / autumn season allows avid hunters to get firearms - during this period, the hunt for ungulates, fur-bearing animals and the king of the forest - the white-breasted bear - opens.

  • The Himalayan bear is available for hunting from August 1 to November 30.

The birds available in summer and autumn

In different terrains and in different habitats, you can hunt for a variety of bird species, which include meadow turkhtans, herbalists, and swindlers, and various steppe grasshoppers. Those who like to shoot can pamper themselves even with mountain ulars and kekliks, and those who are not afraid of difficulties - with bog chasers and shepherdesses. At this time, a real expanse for fans of "meat" game, ie. ducks, quails, geese.

Ungulates and fur-bearing animals in autumn and summer

The deadline for hunting some species of ungulates ends just in summer or autumn. Some animals are available specifically this season:

  • wild boars;
  • deer (noble and spotted with antlers);
  • adult male roe deer;
  • wild reindeer;
  • musk ox;
  • saiga;
  • chamois;
  • Mountain goat;
  • bighorn sheep.

Fur animals for summer-autumn are presented in a smaller variety. This is due to the way of life of the animals. Some species are still available during this game-rich season:

  • moles;
  • marmots, gophers, hamsters;
  • chipmunks;
  • badgers;
  • in some regions it is allowed to shoot hares.

In summer, restrictions on shooting at females are lifted. Plus, it becomes possible to use dogs in hunting, each of which must be registered and entered in the hunting ticket. The use of four-legged is important when catching a bird, corralling ungulates and digging up fur-bearing animals. In autumn, restrictions on hunting with birds of prey are lifted. All assistance animals must be registered and vaccinated accordingly.

Winter season

In the snowy season, all those who like hunting at this time of the year have the opportunity to fully enjoy the shooting of fur-bearing animals, because winter is their time. During this period, the corral of some ungulates is still ongoing:

  • musk deer (until 31.12);
  • roe deer (until 31.12);
  • deer (until 31.12);
  • fallow deer (until 31.12);
  • moose (until 15.01);
  • mouflon (up to 15.01);
  • saiga (from 01.01 to 31.03).

Until the end of December, hunters can enjoy the long-awaited hunt for birds such as duck, gray goose, wild pigeon, gray partridge, pheasant and partridge. All existing fur animals are freely available to hunters until the end of December. To get acquainted with other nuances of dates and seasons, refer to our calendar table, where all the dates and details of the seasonal hunt are indicated.

Terms of opening hunting for ungulates
Boar all age and gender groups from June 1 to 28 (29)
Musk deer all age and gender groups from November 1 to December 31
Wild reindeer all age and gender groups from August 1 to March 15
European roe all age and sex groups adult males from October 1 to December 31 from May 20 to June 10
Siberian roe deer all age and gender groups from October 1 to December 31
adult males from August 25 to 20
Moose all age and gender groups from October 1 to January 15
adult males from September 1 to 30
Deer noble all age and gender groups from October 1 to December 31
adult males from September 1 to September 30
from June 1 to July 15
Deer spotted all age and gender groups from October 1 to December 31
adult males from September 1 to September 30
adult males with non-ossified horns (antlers) from June 1 to July 15
Doe all age and gender groups from October 1 to December 31
adult males from September 1 to 30
Musk ox all age and gender groups from August 1 to November 30
Mouflon all age groups from October 1 to January 15
Saiga all age and gender groups from August 1 to September 30
adult males from January 1 to March 31
Chamois all age and gender groups from August 1 to November 30
Siberian mountain goat all age and gender groups from August 1 to November 30
adult males from April 15 to May 31
Tours all age and gender groups from August 1 to November 30
adult males from April 15 to May 31
Bighorn sheep all age and gender groups from August 1 to November 30
Bison-bison hybrids, livestock all age and gender groups from October 1 to January 15
Terms of the opening of hunting for fur
Chipmunk from the third Saturday of August to 31 October
Sandstone gopher yellow from March 20 to May 20
Mole ordinary, Siberian, small, Caucasian from June 1 to October 25
Marmots steppe, gray, Kamchatka from July 1 to September 30
Gophers large, small, Transbaikalian, speckled, cross-cheeked, long-tailed, American, Caucasian, with the exception of sandstone gopher
Hare hare, hare, tolay, Manchu from September 15 to February 28 (29)
Wild rabbit, raccoon dog, fox, corsac
Muskrat, water vole from October 1 to April 1
Beaver European, Canadian
Sable from October 1 to February 28 (29)
Mink European, American
Columns, squirrels, flying squirrel, lynx, wolverine, harza
Marten forest, stone
Weasel forest, steppe
Weasel, gargle raccoon, saltwort, wild cats
Arctic fox from October 1 to April 1
Badger from August 15 to October 31

Hunter's calendar for august 2017

The hunter's calendar for August is rich: in August, hunting for a duck, hunting for a goose, hunting for capercaillie, black grouse and other wild game opens. The hunting season for waterfowl, upland, bog-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game starts. Our hunter calendar for August 2017 will tell you what hunting is allowed in August, when the summer autumn 2017 hunt will take place, which ungulates can be hunted in August, when the bear hunt begins in August. The hunter's calendar will remind you that hunting for wild boar, as well as marmot, ground squirrels, hamster and mole continues in August. The main event included in the hunter's calendar for August is the opening of the 2017 autumn hunt for the pen.

Hunting calendar for August 2017

August. The fields are gilded, the breads are ripening, the meadows stowed in stacks look spacious, cattle graze, the aroma of ripening apples and pears soars in the air, mushroom pickers go on a quiet hunt. But they are not the only ones. For a hunter, August is the most anticipated month of the year. Broods of marsh, steppe, waterfowl and upland game quickly mature, therefore, according to the hunter's calendar, August is the best time for hunting in the feather. By the end of summer, young ducks grow up enough and stand on the wing, starting their foraging flights. Autumn flights begin from one body of water to another and to the places of fat and geese. Pointing dog will become an excellent assistant when hunting for marsh and upland game, steppe and field game. Lovers of hunting with birds of prey can also go hunting.

Waterfowl hunting opening in August: duck hunting in August

Hunting in August 2017

The hunter's calendar for August informs about the opening of many types of hunting this month, so the question of whom to hunt in August is very important, especially for young hunters. Nexplorer has compiled for you an understandable hunter calendar for August 2017, in which you can find a lot of useful information not only about the opening of the autumn hunting 2017, but also about the life of animals and birds in the last summer month. So, the hunter's calendar for August 2017 records:

Hunting opening in August - Hunter's calendar for August

Wildlife hunting 2017

The opening of hunting for waterfowl, upland, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game in August occurs, as a rule, on the second or third Saturday of August, depending on the region. However, due to a fire hazard or other valid reasons, hunting dates may be postponed. According to the Hunting Rules in Russia, the opening of the hunting season takes place at the following dates:
  • 41.1. Hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game on the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Komi Republic, the Vologda Region, the Leningrad Region, the Novgorod Region, the Republic of Karelia, the Bryansk Region, the Kaliningrad Region, the Kaluga Region, the Moscow Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Oryol Region, Penza Region, Pskov Region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region allowed during the period from the second Saturday of August to 31 December;
  • 41.2. hunting for waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, not specified in the previous paragraph, opens during the period;
  • 41.3. upland game hunting on the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad Region, Pskov Region, Komi Republic, Novgorod Region, Leningrad Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Vologda Region, Murmansk Region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma Region, Tver Region, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug , Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous District, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region opens during from the third Saturday of August to 28 (29) February;
  • 41.4. hunting for white and tundra partridge in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) allowed during the period from the third Saturday of August to 20 April;
  • 41.6. upland game hunting in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in clause 41.3 of these Rules, opens during the period from the third Saturday of August to 31 December.
In August, hunting for waterfowl opens with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels (hereinafter - gun dogs), hunting birds:
  • since 2017, hunting for waterfowl with dogs of hunting breeds without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons opens earlier - from August 1, instead of the second or third Saturday of August, as it was before.
The hunter's calendar for August notes that:
  • upland game includes wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridges, woodcock;
  • bog-meadow game includes great snipe, snipe, garshnip, turukhtan, herbalist, lapwing, tules, khrustan, ulits, fowls, curlews, morodunka, turnstones, corncrake, shepherd boy, common carrion;
  • waterfowl include geese, brants, ducks, coots, moorhen;
  • steppe and field game includes gray and bearded partridges, quails, saja, pheasants, pigeons and turtle doves;
  • mountain game includes kekliks and ulars;
  • other game includes loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as game animals in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the implementation of traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Hunting for ungulates in August 2017

According to the Hunting Rules, hunting for many types of ungulates opens in August, the hunter's calendar for August asks you to be careful:
  • Hunting for wild reindeer of all age and sex groups is permitted from August 1 to March 15, 2017.
  • Hunting for Siberian roe deer (adult males) will last from 25 August to 20 September 2017.
  • Saiga hunting (all age and sex groups) is permitted from 1 August to 30 September 2017.
  • Hunting for musk ox (all age and sex groups) is possible from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Chamois hunting (all age and sex groups) from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for Siberian ibex of all sex and age groups is open from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Tour hunting (all age and gender groups) lasts from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for bighorn sheep (all age and sex groups) is permitted from August 1 to November 30, 2017.

Bear hunt in August 2017

According to the hunter's calendar for August, the opening of the autumn bear hunt falls on August 1, and the hunt starts not only for the brown bear, but also for the Himalayan one:
  • Brown bear hunting from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for the Himalayan (white-breasted) bear from August 1 to November 30, 2017.

Hunting for fur animals in August 2017

The hunter's calendar for August emphasizes that in August, according to the new hunting rules, the season for the following fur-bearing animals opens:
  • Badger - from August 15 to October 31;
  • Mink (European, American), squirrels, raccoon dog, marten (forest, stone), polecat (forest, steppe) - from the third Saturday of August to 28 (29) February.

Continuation of the hunt in August - Hunter's calendar for August

  • according to the hunter's calendar for August 2017, the hunt for marsh-meadow game continues;
  • European roe deer hunting (adult males) lasts from July 15 to August 15, 2017;
  • from June 1 to January 15, wild boar hunting (all age and sex groups) continues in the Primorsky Territory;
  • from June 1 to February 28 (29), wild boar hunting (all age and sex groups) continues throughout Russia;
  • From June 1 to October 25, hunting for a mole continues (common mole, Siberian mole, small mole, Caucasian mole.
  • From July 1 to September 30, the marmot hunting season (steppe, gray, Kamchatka, Mongolian (tarbagan)) lasts, the gopher hunting season (large, small, Transbaikalian, speckled, red-cheeked, long-tailed, American, Caucasian, with the exception of the sandstone gopher) ) and a hamster.

Opening of the bear hunt in August: the bear hunt on oats

Animal life in August, hunter calendar for August

August ... At dawn, in the wilderness of the forest, the howling of wolves is heard more and more often. It's time for the roe deer to rut. The opening of the summer autumn hunt begins with the morning duck dawn. And how exciting is hunting with gun dogs - cops, spaniels, retrievers. From duck places, hunters move to the meadow in search of red game - great snipe, snipe, corncrake. Good hunting for both quails and broods of gray partridge. In forest lands, hunters with dogs hurry to bypass familiar grouse broods. In August, the oats grew up, the oats ripened, and the bear hunt begins from the storage sheds.

Bear, bear hunting allowed in August
In August, the bear visits oat fields located in the middle of the forest or at the edge of wilderness areas. A bear hunting store in August is being built not far from the leeward side of the trail of the beast. Hunters can hide in oats. It happens that a bear constantly visits several meadows, then where the hunters will not be on duty, you can put a scarecrow, hang rags, old clothes on poles. In the fall, the bear is especially careful, so sit still and do not raise your gun until you let the animal get the right shot. If you make a noise of it, then the bear will not soon decide to go out on these oats again.

Siberian roe deer, in August it is allowed to hunt adult males of Siberian roe deer
The hunter's calendar for August suggests that the Siberian roe deer lives in forests, gravitating towards places with rich vegetation along the floodplains of streams or rivers. It adheres to light forests with well-developed undergrowth and undergrowth, with clearings and overgrown clearings and old burnt-out areas. In addition to herbaceous plants, it feeds on shoots and buds of birch, aspen, linden, ash, oak and pine needles. Often eats mushrooms, lichens, acorns, berries, fruits. The rut of the Siberian roe deer occurs in August - September. The most massive horns are in 4-8 year old males. The largest horns are found in the roe deer of the Southern Urals, Altai and Prebaikalia.
Wild boar, wild boar hunting is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar reminds that in August they practice hunting for wild boar from an ambush on forage fields. According to the hunter's calendar for August, at this time of year, wild boars can fatten both oat fields and potato fields. You need to find such a field and carefully examine its edges. Wild boars do not like open places for transitions and exits, so start exploring from the side where the field adjoins the forest or forest as closely as possible. It is best to inspect the field in the morning, wild boars have a very developed instinct, and if you visit the field before the hunt, you will certainly leave your smell there, the boars will smell it and will definitely not come out onto the field.

Badger, badger hunting is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar for August notes that badgers are still kept in a brood, but in some places in the southern regions they are already separated from their parents. Molting in badgers is slow and gradual throughout the summer. In June and July, the badger gradually loses guard hairs, starting from the hind legs, back of the body and tail. In August, the loss of old wool ends and at the same time a new awn appears. At the beginning of October, the fur of the animal reaches its final development. Therefore, hunting a badger for the sake of good fur will be more successful not earlier than October, when you can get a day off skin and when the animal is very fat.

Wolf, wolf hunting in August is determined by regional authorities
The cubs grow up quickly and can now be exterminated on raids. Before the hunt, you need to do a few wriggles to determine where the lair is. The howl of a hardened one is low, viscous and strong; the she-wolf howls in a higher voice; pereyarki - in thin, melodious voices; the newcomers are quite puppy-like, with screeching and cracking. If, when waving (beckoning) with the voice of a mature wolf, the wolves do not respond, they howl in the voice of a she-wolf, to which both arrivals and pereyarki respond. If the raid is organized without an experienced huntsman, and the hunters do not know how to drive the beast or do it not well enough, then it is best to limit ourselves only to overheard.

Lynx, lynx hunting is prohibited in August
The hunter's calendar for August fixes that in August young lynxes go hunting with the whole brood together with their mother. On their fur, which has taken on a reddish tint, darker spots appear noticeably. The lynx is a serious enemy for many animals. This large cat can hunt deer, roe deer can attack, in rare cases, a moose. The lynx moves more often through the trees. The predator feeds on all kinds of animals: from the smallest to deer and elk, inclusive. She hunts birds, which causes significant devastation in the environment of useful game animals.

Fox, fox hunting is prohibited in August
The hunter's calendar for August notes that mature foxes in August hunt mice, game and small animals together with their parents, as well as separately from old foxes. With the end of the harvest in the field, the foxes avoid open spaces where the bread has already been removed, and move into overgrown beams, litters, reeds and shrubs. Fox cubs grow rapidly, and already in August it is difficult to distinguish them from an adult animal from a distance. According to the hunter's calendar for August, in the last days of the month the fur of the foxes gradually turns red. Old foxes also begin to change color.

Raccoon, raccoon hunting is prohibited in August
In August - September, at the age of 4-5 months, young raccoons become independent, but sometimes the brood remains with the mother until winter. Growing up animals require more and more food; in fur color and growth, they are gradually approaching adult raccoons. In the second half of summer and autumn, the raccoon prefers plant foods. The main animal food of the raccoon is insects and frogs, less often reptiles (snakes, lizards), crayfish and crabs, fish, rodents and bird eggs. The plant-based diet consists of berries, acorns, nuts and fruits. Before eating, the raccoon sometimes rinses the food in water.

Hare, hare hunting is prohibited in August
According to the hunter's calendar for August, in the southern regions, and in some places in the middle lane, the time of the third litter is coming for hares. White hares now live mainly in small forests and dry overgrown swamps, and hares, according to the hunter's calendar for August, prefer to stay in breads before harvesting, and then near fields, along forest edges and bushes. The brown hare in Russia and Siberia is considered the largest species. His body weight is 4 - 6 kg. The length of the body is 55 - 68 cm. The yellowish-red color of the fur is characteristic of the hare. He is never white, even in winter.

Opening of the autumn upland game hunting in August: woodcock hunting

Bird life in August, hunter calendar for August

August brings its own changes to the life of birds. Everyone is preparing for winter. As the heat subsided, the birds fell silent. The chicks have grown up. Swifts, cuckoos, nightingales, warblers are leaving us for the winter. Quail and corncrake are getting ready for departure. Usually, in the northern regions, they begin to migrate south at the end of August. In another year, corncrake leaves our region and migrates further south in mid-August. In the last days of the month, city and village swallows begin to leave us. And in the hunting grounds, the 2017 summer-autumn hunting of game birds opens. By the end of August, as a rule, hunting for waterfowl, upland, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game is already open everywhere, if the hunting time has not been postponed for good reasons.

Capercaillie, hunting for wood grouse in August is allowed
According to the hunter's calendar, in August the molt of old wood grouses comes to an end. A black feather is breaking through in young cockerels.
Capercaillie broods are at this time in a high-stemmed forest with dense growth. At dawn, they go out to feed on the berry fields, where they are hunted with a gun dog. However, the work of the cop and spaniel is difficult, because they have to find birds among the tall dense grass, huge ferns and forest thickets. The Capercaillie often tries to take the dog aside, pretending to be wounded, takes off and falls to the ground again. However, an experienced dog does not fall for this trick and continues to search. Capercaillies first run away from the dog, and then take off noisily. But mature males often fight off the brood during feeding, diverging far in different directions. Caught by a dog, they hide in the grass, and then they can be lifted one by one.
Occasionally, on this hunt, an old capercaillie, already molting, comes across. He very quickly runs from the dog and tries to fly far into the forest thicket. But an experienced dog, having made a wide circle, cuts off the bird from the thickets, and the gaping mosquito is forced to take off between the dog and the hunter.

Black grouse, grouse hunting in August is allowed
Fading kosach, changing feathers, emerge from the thickets. Grouses fully fledged and became flightable. Broods keep in summer not far from crops and berry fields, in deciduous and mixed forests, in glades and burned-out areas with elongated succulent growth and dense grass cover. Black grouse are often found in coniferous moss bogs, interspersed with dry manes rich in blueberries, lingonberries and drupes. A prerequisite for the location of the brood should be the proximity of thickets, where you can escape from the predator and there is enough shade to hide from the sun on a hot afternoon. The best grouse shooting is from under a multi-field cop dog or a tireless energetic spaniel. The grouse hunt begins shortly after sunrise, when the dew is no longer so dense and the grouse cubs give a trail. During the day, black grouse climb into a shady thicket, it can be very difficult to lift them, and they fly out in such a support that it is impossible to shoot.
The evening hunt begins at 4 pm, when the broods will feed again. Particularly interesting is shooting at a scattered brood, when the dog finds each bird separately.
If the brood rises in unison and immediately scatters widely through the forest, you need to call the dog back and sit under a tree for half an hour. The grouse will soon call the chicks, and they will again gather not far from the place where they were raised. And then you can start hunting again.
Sometimes an old kosach is raised in the forest near the berry fields. He behaves in the same way as the wood grouse, trying to leave on foot, and shooting him is associated with the same difficulties.
Grouses are light on the wound, and in the summer they are shot with shot No. 7 and 8. For an old mow, a shot with two numbers larger is needed.
The habitat of broods of black grouse and wood grouse is fairly constant. This allows hunters to walk in dewy grass, dropped feathers and pit holes to discover where these birds are most likely to stay.

Hazel grouse, hunting for hazel grouse is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar for August, notes that the hazel grouse at this time keeps the whole brood in the area of ​​its nesting. They look for hazel grouses in meadows, small glades and paths where birds feed on berry fields. Here sometimes it is possible to shoot on takeoff, but, most importantly, it is easier to see where the bird has moved. If the hazel grouses have risen in the thicket, then the hunter goes in the direction where the characteristic noise of the wings stopped, and carefully examines the crowns of the trees.
An unscared brood first flies off a short distance and settles in trees: most often on the middle and upper branches. Young growth sits openly, sometimes steps over a branch or even chirps. Old hazel grouses like to hide, snuggling up to a bitch, and then it can be especially difficult to see them.
Approaching the tree where the hazel grouse has sat down, you must walk slowly, without stopping and, as it were, by the side, until you come up for a shot. It is often possible to approach the moved hazel grouses one or two more times, then they fly away into the forest, and it is almost impossible to find them.
Dogs are rarely walked around the broods, most often they are raised while hunting for other game. The best friend here will be the spaniel: the hazel grouse cannot stand the cop and flies far away from the loud, energetic voice of the husky chasing the bird during its flight. Shoot hazel grouses with shot number 7.

Ptarmigan, Ptarmigan and Tundra Partridge hunting is permitted in August in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the third Saturday of August to 20 April.
Found in pine flyworms, rich in cranberries, cloudberries, gonobel. Often comes out of the swamp to feed on lingonberries and other forest berries, to swim in the dust and sand in the pits; visits the crops located on the outskirts of the flywheels.
Broods in partridges are more numerous than in black grouse, and they do not disintegrate for a longer time. Even at the end of September, you can meet birds in a friendly brood and hunt them with a gun dog. The flight of partridges is even - sometimes for a short time they seem to soar, spread in the air. Partridges are not as difficult to shoot as black grouses, also because they are found in more open places with low vegetation and fly into half a tree.
The male grouse is always with the brood, carefully protecting it from danger. It rises on the wing to the side, diverting attention to itself with a wild loud cackle, which is not characteristic of any of these birds.
Starok should be spared so as not to transfer permanent broods in this swamp.

Gray partridge, hunting for gray partridge is allowed in August
All chicks of gray partridges are already flying, their number in one brood is much greater than in other chickens. Partridges do not like monotonous terrain, preferring alternating crops, fields crossed by ravines, fringes, and groups of shrubs.
Hunting for the gray partridge starts in August, so it is not superfluous to do preliminary reconnaissance without a gun in advance with a good gun dog in order to find out in which places the broods are kept.

Quail, quail hunting is allowed in August
Broods and adult birds are already kept mostly alone. After mowing and harvesting the bread, the quails are moved to oat fields, buckwheat, millet, and potatoes. They are also found in crops and meadows adjacent to crops. The best hunting is with a gun dog. The quail lets her close, the flight of the bird is straightforward, even, and it is not difficult to shoot her. In the absence of a dog, they used to hunt quail by trampling and with a cord or a long rope. To do this, two hunters tie a 30-meter cord to their belts and pull it with a drag. Weights or bells are sometimes tied to the cord on short leashes, scaring away all sitting quails.

Woodcock, woodcock hunting is allowed in August
Adult woodcocks and flying broods keep during the day in the humid shady black forest, and shooting them with a gun dog is most often done along the way, during other hunts. They also hunt woodcocks during their evening flights. Shooting here is especially difficult because the bird does not fly over the peaks, as in spring, but in half a tree, and the flight begins already at dusk. At the end of the month, woodcocks from the black forest gradually move to damp forest edges, bushy ravines and copses, to the favorite places of their autumn heaps.

Duck, duck hunting is allowed in August
According to the hunter's calendar for August, most broods are already on the wing, although, as an exception, sometimes there are non-flying ducklings - lads.
Summer duck hunting begins with the approach, under the cover of coastal bushes and reeds, as well as watching for ducks near shallow reaches, where broods feed at dawn, or even during the day. The most interesting is the shooting of ducks from under a spaniel or husky - dogs that do not do a stance, but serve broken ducks and catch up with wounded animals. Having let the dog search the reeds and marsh bushes, the hunter walks parallel to it, shooting ducks taking off, or goes ahead and stands near long channels and gaps among the marsh vegetation, which can be crossed by birds that stubbornly do not want to climb their wings.
Among the bogs with unstable grass cover, on which one can walk freely, there are bottomless windows and bogs here and there. Therefore, a young hunter in unfamiliar places needs to be very careful. It is even better to hunt together or in a small group in order to help a friend if necessary.
Hunting on a boat from the entrance is always more successful in windy weather, when the rustle of the reeds makes it easier to approach the game. The one standing at the stern of the boat is shoved off or pushed off with a long oar - a propeller. The hunter, ready to shoot, is in front. Appearing suddenly in the reeds where the bird is resting, or near the open reach, the boat makes a commotion among the feeding ducks. On the rise, the mallard and another large duck are rather slow, and shooting at it is not difficult if the boat goes smoothly, without jolts.
From the second half of the month, duck flights to the fields and fodder backwaters begin.

Goose, goose hunting is allowed in August
According to the hunter's calendar for August, the old geese that have shed their old geese, together with their broods, begin to gather in herds and make flights to the places of the fat and river sands. Here the hunter guards them, hiding behind some shelter. Sometimes it is possible to sneak up or drive up by boat because of the reeds to the birds sleeping on the water or in the lake shallows.

Moorhen and coot, hunting for coot in August is allowed
On lakes and large swamps with a mirror of clear water and reeds, on oxbows and slowly flowing rivers, abounding in quiet backwaters and water thickets, along with ducks, reeds and coots are also shot back. They are distinguished by great caution, deftly hide among marsh plants, and after climbing they fly quietly and low above the water. They are also hunted by concealing and from an ambush near clean reaches, on which birds swim and fly out of the reeds.

Great snipe, great snipe hunting allowed in August
By August, as the hunter's calendar notes, great snipe broods are already moving from swampy thickets, thaws and reeds to more open humid places, with hollows and low grass cover. The bird avoids muddy, rusty and mossy swamps.
From the first days of the season, shooting of the local great snipe begins, and at the end of the month - the classic hunt with a dog on bulk dumps along the flying great snipe.

Snipe, snipe hunting is allowed in August
The snipe that got out of the marsh lining keep in damp, rusty lowlands with peaty marsh soil overgrown with sedge and other marsh grass. It is very common on sedge mows and near pastures located on the outskirts of the swamp. The snipe is less choosy when choosing its place of residence and is found in almost any swamp much more often than the great snipe. The August snipe withstands the dog's stance worse and often breaks out of the shot with a characteristic "smack". The best conditions for hunting are created a little later, during the autumn flight.

Crake, shepherdesses, chasers and hunting for them in August
Along with snipe and great snipe on wet unmown meadows and along the banks of streams, rivers and other bodies of water, you will also come across corncrake, shepherdesses and chasers - marsh hens. These birds always try to escape in the tall dense grass and take off reluctantly. Therefore, it is better to avoid letting a young first-field dog over them, so as not to teach it to chase game, not to spoil its search and stance. Shooting these birds while climbing is not difficult due to their slow, heavy and very even flight.
Waders: curlews, turukhtans, greeters, ulits and all other waders most often they shoot along the way during other hunts. There are very successful hunts from behind on the banks of rivers and near large sandy and mud shoals. The use of profiles cut from tin or plywood and painted for different types of waders will significantly increase the results of such a hunt. Along the banks of narrow rivers, hunting is also carried out together - with a surge. Noticing a flock of waders from afar, one hunter makes a wide circle and, coming out again to the shore, sits down behind a shelter. After that, another hunter enters from the opposite side and scares the birds, catching them on the shooter.
Wild pigeons, wild pigeon hunting is allowed in August
The flights of wood pigs and klintukhs (less often turtles) to grain fields begin; the crops of peas and buckwheat are especially frequently visited. Herds of birds are seated in sheaves and stacks that have not yet been removed, or they feed in the fields and fresh pasture, where they are hunted from the approach and entrance. Wild pigeons also like to rest on the same large and tall, very often dry trees, standing in the middle or near forage fields. Here you can hide or make a hut and shoot birds on the perch and flight. In deciduous and mixed forests, where pigeons nest and keep, hunting from the approach is also possible.

03.06 Hunting in June: Hunting dates in June, who can be hunted in June

Hunting in June

June is, first of all, the month of opening the hunt for wild boar and deer with antlers. However, in June you can still hunt for male roe deer and more. However, when going to the hunting grounds, do not forget that June is a ubiquitous time for raising offspring, so be careful not to upset the delicate balance. Indeed, at this time, chicks hatch and begin to fledge in birds, the growing young animals become more and more independent, so you should not pick up lonely rabbits and other babies. They were not abandoned, the parents are there and are waiting for you to leave.

The life of animals and birds in June goes on as usual:

  • In June at boars molt is completed, at this time they plunge into the mud, covering them with a thick layer that protects them from midge bites.
  • In June, the brown bears rut, males during this period are very mobile and aggressive - as a result, a female bear in one litter may have cubs from different males.
  • Have wolf spring molt continues in June. Growing up cubs in their absence wander around the den, deftly hiding when something threatens them.
  • In the northern regions at the beginning of June, moose calving. The elk brings one or two moose calves, which stay in one place for about a week, hiding in the grass or bushes in danger.
  • At the end of May or in the first half of June Lynx flies two or three kittens. They will be born blind and receive their sight only on the 16th day.
  • Fox cubs more and more often run out of the burrow, and soon they master the forestry literacy of obtaining food. At first, foxes hunt May beetles and grasshoppers, but gradually they become accustomed to catching larger game.
  • In June are born bunnies- spikelets. Immediately after birth, having sucked milk, the rabbits scatter and hide in the grass - after two or three days the female finds them and feeds them again.
  • Capercaillie- slugs keep with a brood of wood grouse chicks near dense forest thickets, where it would be easy to hide from the predator in order to preserve the offspring.
  • Molt has begun black grouse braids, forcing them, as well as wood grouses, to lurk in the thicket. Grouses have chicks.
  • Broods with downy chicks hazel grouse in most areas observed already in the first half of June. Grouse chicks emerge from eggs covered with down and can run immediately after they dry up.
  • Spring drake hunting ends in northern regions ducks... In June, most ducks sit on clutches. Around the middle of the month, young ducklings hatch in ducks.

Elk with calf - photo v-zawyalov

Hunting dates in June

So, the hunter's calendar for June suggests that the hunt for adult males of roe deer ends in June, the spring hunt for game birds in the northern regions of the country, in June, according to the new rules, the hunt for the bear also ends, and according to the new rules in June you can get the opportunity to hunt to the wolf. The beloved wild boar and deer hunt with non-ossified antlers - antlers - opens in June. According to the new hunting rules in Russia, hunting is possible in the following terms:

Hunting opening in June - Hunter's calendar for June 2017

Wild boar hunting starts in June. The hunter's calendar for June reminds that the wild boar hunt in some regions may or may not open by decision on the ground due to ASF:

  • wild boar hunting of all age and sex groups - from June 1 to February 28 (29);
  • wild boar hunting in the Primorsky Territory - from June 1 to January 15;
  • hunting for red deer - adult males with uno-ossified antlers (antlers) - from June 1 to July 15;
  • sika deer hunt - adult males with non-ossified antlers (antlers) - from June 1 to July 15;
  • hunting for a mole (common, Siberian, small, Caucasian) - from June 1 to October 25;
  • on turpanov (hump-nosed and common) on the territory of Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaysky, Megin-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tatty, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky, Vilyuisky, Khangalassky, Verkhnevilyuisky, Tomponsky, Oymyakonsky, Momsky regions of the Republic of Sakha) - (during the Yakut June 1 to June 4.

Hunting Closing in June - Hunter Calendar for June 2017

The hunter's calendar for June suggests that in the first summer month you can have time to hunt adult males of roe deer. In addition, the hunting calendar for June 2017 suggests that hunters have the opportunity to continue the spring hunt for bears in June, the spring hunt for feathered game - waterfowl and upland, and wolf hunting is also possible in June. Naturally, where these hunts are allowed.

  • adult male roe deer hunting - from May 20 to June 10;
  • spring hunting of game birds 2017 - from March 1 to June 16, within 10 calendar days (in the regions of the Russian Federation);
  • wolf hunting is carried out within the hunting periods specified in Appendix No. 3 to the Hunting Rules (September 15 - February 28 (29)), and according to the new hunting rules and during the hunting period for waterfowl and upland game (from March 1 to June 16, in within 10 calendar days) in the presence of a permit for the production of fur-bearing animals and (or) birds, in the information on the hunting resources of which a wolf is indicated;
  • brown bear hunting - from March 21 to June 10 (duration no more than 60 days).

Read more about the life of animals and birds in June in the hunter's calendar: