Repairs Design Furniture

Zamioculcas grows in different directions. Why does zamioculcas stop growing and why does it start to hurt? Measures to save a decayed flower

This is an attractive, exotic flower that is easy to care for, it has taken root well in our country. This plant is not sensitive to dry air, it can be grown in partial shade and on a brightly lit windowsill. Even when the soil dries up and the temperature in the room rises above 27 degrees, the zamioculcas feels good enough. However, sometimes problems arise when growing this flower, some ask the question: why does not zamioculcas grow at home, why does the plant begin to get sick?

Correct care

Although the flower is unpretentious, in order for it to feel great, its conditions must be very similar to natural conditions. If zamiokulkas is grown in apartment conditions, then it is better to place the pot with it on the southern windowsill. To accelerate the growth of new branches and the emergence of shoots, the flower must receive enough sunlight. If the light falls on the bush only occasionally, the leaves will grow more slowly and become smaller. When it is warm outside, it is advisable to keep the plant either outside or on the balcony. Many flower growers recommend placing zamiokulkas in the fresh air.
The soil for this plant should not be heavy, not clayey. It is advisable to plant this flower in a light and loose substrate, in which there should be river sand. A good option is to buy cactus soil from a flower shop. To remove excess moisture, it is advisable to pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, this can be coarse screenings, pebbles or expanded clay.
Zamioculcas grows well on poor soil, but it is advisable to feed the bush from time to time, fertilizers will benefit him. It is necessary to make top dressing only during the period of active growth of this plant. Fertilizers for cacti will be suitable, which must be applied in small portions about once a month, or less often. When the flower goes into a state of dormancy, then it is not necessary to fertilize it, otherwise in the next season the bush will be depleted, it will grow poorly and often get sick. Watering during the dormant period is also necessary to a minimum.
A transplant is necessary for zamiokulkas only when the root system becomes very cramped. In this case, you just need to change the pot for a large pot. In order for the transplant to be successful, and the bush quickly took root in a new place, the tubers do not need to be buried completely, their surface should always be open.
So, in order for the zamioculcas to develop and grow normally, it needs a lot of sunlight, the room should be warm, watering should not be excessive. The plant definitely needs a dormant period when it does not need to be fertilized and practically does not need to be watered. It is necessary to moisten the soil during the rest period once or twice a month.
There are various problems that are encountered when growing this flower, for example, zamiokulkas does not give new shoots or zamioculcas does not grow.

Inadequate, very slow development

Why has zamioculcas stopped growing or is growing very slowly? Because the care of the plant is carried out incorrectly. When the bush has stopped growing, it begins to lose weight, the stems stretch out, this indicates insufficient lighting. It is urgent to put the pot on a brightly lit windowsill. If this is not possible, then you need to buy a special lamp, the light of which is very close to sunlight. Ordinary home light bulbs will not be able to help in this situation.
What to do when zamioculcas does not grow? To solve this problem, you can try to transplant the bush into a large pot, since the zamioculcas can slow down its growth and because its roots become cramped. Why doesn't new shoots appear in zamiokulkas? Often, zamioculcas does not grow and new branches do not appear, since it lacks trace elements. It is necessary to fertilize the bush with preparations with nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. If the plant has stopped growing, then first of all it needs nitrogen.

Spots appear on the leaves and twigs

If spots appear on the leaves of the zamiokulkas, then this indicates a violation of the irrigation regime, namely, an excess of moisture, and also indicates that the temperature is inappropriate. In order for the dark spots on the leaves to disappear, it is necessary to increase the temperature in the room and remove the bush from the draft. In addition, it is necessary to reduce soil moisture, make holes in the pot to drain excess water, and pour drainage material into the bottom of the pot. Sometimes replanting the plant in a new pot helps to get rid of dark spots.
There are several more reasons why the zamioculcas becomes stained. Dark spots can appear not only on the leaves, but also on the stem due to pests. One of the most common pests is the scale insect. It is necessary to deal with it with a solution of fungicides.
In addition, sunburn can cause dark spots on the stem. Although zamioculcas is a light-loving plant, it should not be exposed to the sun after spraying. Water droplets on the stem and leaves amplify the light and act like small lenses, which cause small dark spots to appear.

Why do the leaves dry up and change color

The leaves of this plant turn yellow for natural, natural reasons. First, the lower leaves begin to die off, then all the rest. But if the bush releases leaves that immediately turn yellow, then this is cause for concern. If young foliage turns yellow, this is due to the low temperature in the room, draft or excessive watering.

Plant diseases

Zamioculcas diseases often appear due to pests, for example, a spider mite, when a white cobweb appears on the stem and leaves. This pest is fought with soapy water or insecticide stores. There are other pests, for example, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs, which must be dealt with with special preparations.
Why are the stems of zamiokulkas shriveled? They shrivel due to drafts or due to the fact that pests damage the roots and tubers of the plant. If the stems wrinkle, you need to remove the zamiokulkas from the draft and check its root system.
Why is Zamioculcas crying? This plant cries, often due to high humidity. Also, the bush sometimes cries because of inappropriate fertilizers. When a flower cries, you need to stop feeding it and move it to a room with drier air.

Modern home gardeners are very fond of growing exotic plants. However, many "overseas" species are very demanding on care and maintenance conditions and quickly lose all their decorative effect on the windowsill. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which sometimes can be left without proper attention and at the same time not be afraid for the health of the green pet. Zamioculcas can be safely attributed to the favorites among such flowers.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) is an evergreen representative of the exotic flora, belongs to the Aroid family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herb. Complex odd-pinnate leaves, having the correct shape, form a kind of rosette. The leaf plate is dark green with a strong gloss. The height of a houseplant is usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic sap, which causes a strong burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of zamiokulkas

At home, zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, flowering is not considered decorative
Zamiokulkas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water
The young leaf of the zamiokulkas is, as it were, rolled into a tube and has a lighter color
Breeders develop varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaf color
In the open field, zamioculcas can grow up to one and a half meters and more
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, therefore, zamioculcas is often propagated with a leaf at home.
Zamiokulkas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
Zamiokulkas leaf petioles are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, zamioculcas is often called the dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one of the versions, due to the fact that with round fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the "money tree" - a bastard. Many believe that zamioculcas brings material benefits to the house. The leaves of Zamiokulkas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore are popularly associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and developing well, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment. If the flower is withering, then financially do not expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, zamioculcas occurs in East Africa.... The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows you to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and the scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors, the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in indoor conditions. However, in an enclosed space (however, as in nature), it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African zamioculcas

Another nickname for this plant is the "flower of celibacy." It was entrenched thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. Zamiokulkas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms... And flowering in this species is a very rare occurrence, so you have to wait a very long time for well-being in your personal life.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and thermophilic plant that can withstand prolonged absence of watering. Excessive grooming can even negatively affect his condition. Nevertheless, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the season

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode Top dressing
Summer25-30 ° CDiffuse light, indirect bright raysRare spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Fall16-22 ° CAs the soil dries upNot required
WinterNot less than 16 ° СAdditional hydration is not requiredRare watering
Spring16-22 ° COptional rare sprayingAs the soil dries upOnce a month

When to water and feed

Zamioculcas is drought-resistant. Even in summer, it requires moderate watering.... In winter, zamioculcas should be watered even less often, as the substrate dries. Excessive moisture can lead to decay of the root system and fungal infections.

The tubers of the plant have the ability to store water and consume nutrients at a high rate. In the spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of maintenance.... Top dressing is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made complexes of minerals for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

Zamiokulkas "hibernation" begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to one or two times a month. No fertilization is carried out. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° С.

This flower prefers diffused sunlight at any time of the year.

Is the flower of celibacy worth blooming?

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a sufficiently mature state and with a combination of several favorable factors. A short peduncle forms near the leaf outlet, and subsequently - a nondescript inflorescence in the form of an ear, which, according to numerous reviews on the network, has an unpleasant odor. Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, an ovary may appear, followed by ripening of berries. The berry carries a single seed. However, experienced flower growers note that flowering and ripening of seeds depletes zamiokulkas so much that after that the plant often dies - and forgive me, goodbye, financial well-being!

Planting and transplanting

The dollar tree grows very slowly. A plant transplant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system.... The optimal time for its implementation is the beginning of spring.

For planting zamiokulkas choose a high pot (preferably ceramic), so that the roots and tubers have enough space. The container should not be too large, otherwise the plant will waste energy on filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There must be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate is purchased in a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal soil composition includes sand, peat and turf in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is purchased in the store. The best option is soil for cacti and succulents.

The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method in this way:

Video: transplant zamiokulkas

Most often, the appearance of the flower deteriorates due to violation of growing conditions and mistakes in care.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause Elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry tipsLack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
Top leaves fallInsufficient or excessive wateringSet up watering regime
Black tubers as well as leavesRot development at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of the development of putrefactive phenomena
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a mode of watering and humidification;
  • rearrange to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas rarely infect diseases and pests, because poisonous juice and wax on the leaves protect it from damage. But sometimes the infection does occur. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat the dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some growers advise very unusual ways to combat zamioculcas pests. One of them is spraying with a pencil solution from cockroaches: grind 1/3 of the pencil, mix with 0.5 liters of warm water and spray the plant and the surface of the soil for 2-3 days, until all pests die. When zamiokulkas is affected by a putrefactive fungus, tubers and leaves darken


Reproduction of zamiokulkas is carried out by dividing the tubers and rooting the leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate a plant by seeds, moreover, they are rarely found on the free market. And the seeds collected from home zamiokulkas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, growers use the tuber propagation method.... It is considered to be the simplest and most effective one. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Often, a young growth of zamiokulkas is formed in a pot. During transplantation, in most cases, it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

Leafy cuttings

A less common breeding option for zamiokulkas is with the help of leaf cuttings. For this, the following procedure is carried out:

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas

Zamiocúlcas, a celibate flower or dollar tree, belongs to a monotypic genus of plants from the Araceae family. The homeland of the plant is tropical Africa, and when cultivated on the territory of our country, flower growers may encounter problems such as zamioculcas dried out, and also does not give new shoots or does not grow and slowly dies. That is why, when growing an ornamental crop, it is very important to do timely prevention of diseases, as well as observe agricultural techniques.

Botanical characteristic

The herbaceous plant has a thick tuberous rhizome and glossy, dark green, complex-pinnate foliage. The average length of the leaves reaches a meter... The leaves are swollen at the base. Less than ten years ago, breeders obtained a miniature cultivar of the plant, represented by a compact bush no more than 0.6 m high, with small foliage.

Zamioculcas are unpretentious plants and easily tolerate low air humidity, as well as partial shading. However, for full growth and development, the plant needs bright rooms and the absence of direct sunlight. Ornamental culture does not react well to excessive soil moisture and moisture stagnation, therefore, irrigation measures need to be strictly regulated. If the houseplant is heavily flooded, it means that it will not be possible to easily save the ornamental culture, and it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of restorative measures.

There are no special requirements for the soil composition of zamiokulkas, therefore the houseplant grows well in self-made soil based on sod, leafy soil and medium-grained sand, which are mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The culture can be propagated by dividing the tuber, as well as by rooting a leaf or a separate leaf plate.

Inflorescences of zamiokulkas are hardly noticeable and not too decorative, they are light cream cobs, formed on shortened and thick peduncles. The inflorescence is surrounded by a light green veil. In home floriculture, it is extremely rare. It should be noted that the plant is poisonous, therefore, when transplanting and pruning or forming branches, as well as dividing the tubers, you need to take increased precautions using rubber gloves.

How to save zamioculcas (video)

Does not give new shoots

The main vital organ of any plant is the root system, which in the zamioculcas includes a large tuber and the actual roots growing from its apical part. At the first stage, the plant assimilates the volume and fills the flower pot, after which the tuber that stores moisture is built up. During this period, there is no development of the aboveground part of the plant.

Among other things, zamioculcas is a southern plant, therefore, the activation of growth processes, accompanied by the formation of new shoots or stems, begins quite late and continues until the last decade of winter. Shoot formation is observed in the so-called reserve buds, and the density indicators of an adult ornamental bush are directly proportional not only to the size, but also to the number of tubers.

The plant dries up

When growing zamiokulkas, it is very important to take into account the biological characteristics of this southern ornamental culture, since otherwise the plant becomes ill, and the unhealthy of zamiokulkas manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots, drying of the tips of the leaf plates, and loss of elasticity of the stem part. Failure to comply with agricultural techniques causes yellowing, a decrease in leaf lobes and blanching. Such problems threaten not only a complete loss of decorativeness, but also the death of the plant.

Why is the indoor flower crying

All amateur flower growers who grow zamiokulkas in indoor floriculture are very well aware of such an interesting phenomenon as the crying of a decorative flower, which is accompanied by the appearance of drops of moisture on the tips of the foliage, which really resemble tears. The indoor ornamental plant cries when mistreated, including injured leaves, over-fertilization, and over-irrigation.

Other diseases

Many diseases of ornamental culture are the result of improper care. Excessive watering can reduce oxygen supply and reduce soil drainage, which makes full nutrition of the root system of an ornamental crop impossible. The roots begin to rot and nutrients are not supplied to the plant, which causes the stems to weaken. Thin and emaciated stems descend quickly. Also, the thin trunks of the zamiokulkas grow in low light. There are situations when the trunk disappears, but the plant can still be saved and as a result of compliance with agricultural technology, new shoots appear from the underground part.

If the stem of the zamiokulkas shrivels due to systematic waterlogging, then it is necessary to carry out the following activities as soon as possible:

  • carefully remove the houseplant from the flower pot;
  • carefully, but very thoroughly, remove the soil mixture and rinse the root system;
  • remove all damaged areas of the root system with a clean and sharp garden tool;
  • all sections of the cuts must be sprinkled with chopped charcoal and dried.

If, during the processing, signs of rotting or fungal infections are found, then it is very important to use fungicides when processing the root system. Yellowing of foliage can occur as a result of a natural, age-related aging process in which only the lower foliage falls off. The almost complete loss of foliage is most often the result of improper care and mechanical damage.

Plant pests

Zamioculcas: methods of dealing with the scabbard (video)

It is important to note that indoor zamioculcas needs sufficient competent care, and only in this case a tropical plant is able to delight the surrounding with chic, very decorative dark green leaves all year round.

Despite its unpretentiousness and envy-worthy endurance, zamioculcas sometimes makes its owners seriously alarmed. Why does the zamioculcas turn yellow, and what to do if the stems wither and the leaves dry? The answer to the florist's questions most often lies in mistakes made when leaving or a lack of attention to a guest from tropical, but not too humid regions of Africa.

Not taking into account the biological characteristics of the culture, the florist runs the risk of facing a situation in which the zamiokulkas signals ill health with yellow spots, drying tips of leaf plates, loss of elasticity and juiciness of the stems. The longer the plant is in uncomfortable conditions, the more serious the consequences and external signs of malaise.

If the rules of home care are not followed, the zamioculcas turns yellow, the number of leaf lobes decreases, their color becomes visibly paler. But a lack of attention threatens not only with the loss of decorativeness, but also with rotting of the root system, the base of the shoots, their drying out or wilting due to the attack of pests.

Why does zamioculcas not give new shoots?

The reason that the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, lose their rich green color, or even wither, is often a lack of light. Unfortunately, flower growers forget about the change in illumination in the autumn-winter period.

The pot with zamiokulkas located in the back of the room needs to be rearranged closer to the window, when this is not possible, the culture is provided

The owner of an ornamental plant, who complains that zamiokulkas does not give new shoots, should pay attention to the location of the pot and the quality of the soil in it. Although the plant is not fast growing, the slowdown in young foliage is often attributed to a nutrient-poor substrate or the need to transplant a green pet. In this case, the root system takes up the entire volume of the pot, leaving no room for soil. Because of this, the flower suffers, the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, growth stops, and the existing greenery withers.

To remedy the situation, a pot of the proper size is selected for an ornamental culture, a transplant or feeding of zamiokulkas with a complex composition is carried out.

Zamiokulkas has shriveled stem

What most growers take for the stem of the zamiokulkas and its pointed lanceolate leaves is actually a leaf of a complex shape. If the thickened petioles lose their elasticity, and the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, the reason may lie in a violation of the watering rules.

In nature, the plant encounters drought and accumulates moisture in powerful succulent leaves to maintain life. When the zamioculcas chronically receives less water, that is, watering is rare and superficial, this threatens with yellowing and wilting of all the aboveground parts. A similar situation is observed after the flooding of the soil, which led to damage to the root system.

Asking: "What to do, and why does the zamioculcas turn yellow?", The florist must analyze the care of the plant and find a possible cause of the pet's unhealthy.

If the stem of the zamiokulkas has shriveled due to overflow:

  • the flower is taken out of the pot;
  • carefully remove the soil and wash the roots;
  • damaged areas are removed with a clean, sharp knife;
  • slices on healthy tissue are sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried.

Having found signs of rot or fungal infection, a plant lover should not be limited to charcoal treatment. In this case, it is worth resorting to fungicides, which will destroy one of the causes of the problem, protect the roots and tubers in the future. .

Planting zamiokulkas is carried out in pots, a little more than the volume of a healthy root system. The substrate should be loose, permeable to air and moisture. It is important that irrigation water does not accumulate in the soil, therefore powerful drainage is made in the pot, and sand, perlite or vermiculite and charcoal are added to the soil.

When the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow after transplanting, this may indicate an incorrect selection of the substrate, which turned out to be too dense.

A similar situation awaits a florist if, in an effort to feed the plant, he incorrectly selected the concentration of active substances. Unable to cope with excess nutrition, Zamiokulkas experiences discomfort and weakens. That is why the zamioculcas turns yellow, but what to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, even here you cannot do without transplanting the bush into new soil and flushing the roots.

What to do if the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, and then become covered with dark spots and dry quickly. Such symptoms indicate a too low temperature of the plant's maintenance and excessive watering. Most often this happens when the season changes, when the grower did not have time to adjust the care. If the green pet's malaise is noticed in time, it will be enough to set up watering or transfer the pot to heat.

Zamioculcas pests

If the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, the flower can signal a pest attack.

A plant that is brought out into the open air in summer is at risk of aphid infestation that sticks to young shoots and the back of the foliage. The insect brings the greatest harm to immature plants.

Therefore, after bringing the pot into the room, it is better to arrange a weekly quarantine for the zamiokulkas, and to identify pests, treat the greens with an insecticide.

In addition to aphids, culture is threatened by:

  • spider mites that quickly spread in dry indoor air;
  • scale insects falling on zamioculcas from the street or neighboring plants;
  • thrips and mealybugs.

It is not enough to fight spider mites with systemic acaricides. Chemicals will only give a temporary effect if you do not take care of the yellowed zamiokulkas at home.

Systemic insecticides are used against scale insects, thrips and worms, and in relation to the last two pests, it will be necessary to carry out not one, but several treatments.

To avoid an unpleasant spectacle for the florist, when the zamioculcas turns yellow, the leaves of the flower wither and fall off, you can provide the plant with the optimal temperature of maintenance, lighting, watering, etc. We must not forget about the timely transplantation of decorative culture and careful attention to the selection of the substrate.

Features of caring for zamiokulkase so that the foliage does not turn yellow - video

Hello dear readers of my blog! This guest from Tropical Africa flaunts on the windowsills of many residents of the middle lane, delighting with its luscious greenery. However, despite its unpretentiousness, non-compliance with certain conditions of detention is fraught with the emergence of various problems. Today I want to figure out with you why the stems of the zamiokulkas drop?

What is the reason for this?

The homeland of the plant is hot Africa, so everything must be done to make the flower feel at home. And at home, after all, how? The sun beats mercilessly, and blessed rains irrigate the earth only from time to time. Therefore, it must be watered abundantly, but rarely, waiting for the earthen coma to dry completely and provide access to light. Although I know owners whose zamioculcas feels great on the shady side, but still it is better not to tempt fate and put the pot with the plant where there is enough light.

If you notice that the stems of your dollar tree have begun to drop, then the main reasons may be:

  1. Insufficient illumination. Often, our compatriots purchase indoor flowers to decorate the interior, placing the pots on the floor near sofas and other pieces of furniture. If the wall opposite is not made of glass, then the flower will be dark and it will start to wither.
  2. Failure to comply with temperature and humidity conditions. The flower tolerates air temperature up to +30 ᵒС and above, but its decrease is already undesirable. And if we take into account that in the summer we save ourselves from the heat with the help of air conditioners, then it is quite natural that the plant does not like it. Make sure that the air in the room does not cool below +18 ᵒС and do not try to humidify it too much by spraying around the flower.
  3. Waterlogging. Are the stems black and shriveled? Most likely you have filled in zamioculcas. This is very dangerous, as the roots can rot and it will be harder to save the plant. Remove it from the pot and inspect it for rotten roots. If there are any, remove them, treat the cuts with coal, and in more severe cases, you can apply "foundation" or "epin". Dry the tuber for 2 hours, and then transplant it into a new substrate and do not touch it for a day or two. Then start watering little by little.

What if you do not water the plant often enough, and the earth does not have time to dry out and even becomes moldy on the surface? First, the soil must be suitable for such an arid climate lover. Add more sand to it, or even better, get a special one for succulents. Secondly, the pot itself must be breathable, so plastic containers will not work for this. There is nothing better than clay. In such a pot, you will not even notice how quickly the soil dried out - you checked it yourself. And mold will never appear. Don't forget about the thick drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

By the way, the plant can react in a different way to abundant watering. If you notice that the leaves wither and dry, then the reason may be just excess moisture, but until you examine the root system, you will not understand this. But if the stems fall, falling apart, then the plant is just cramped in a small pot and needs to be transplanted.

Pest infestation

You should not sweep aside the risk of infection with various pests - aphids, scale insects, ticks, etc. Here are the signs by which this can be determined:

  • aphids cause wilting and twisting of leaf plates. If you see droplets of sticky secretions, then this is definitely it. First of all, wash the plant with soapy water, and then use any fungicide - "Akarin", "Aktaru" or "Karbofos". Some are struggling with the problem with folk remedies. Aphids are afraid of strong odors and tobacco, garlic, onions, etc. can help you get rid of it.
  • dark brown spots on the leaves in the form of growths may be nothing more than a scabbard. Use some kind of insecticide after cleaning with soapy water;
  • thin spiderweb threads indicate spider mite activity. What to do in this case? From time to time give him a soapy bath, apply insecticides and put under an ultraviolet lamp.

He who is warned is armed, and now you are armed with knowledge and will not let your pet go to waste. See you soon!

Why did zamioculcas get sick, and how to help your beloved plant

Zamioculcas needs adequate care. Zamiocúlcas, a celibate flower or dollar tree, belongs to a monotypic genus of plants from the Araceae family. The homeland of the plant is tropical Africa, and when cultivated on the territory of our country, flower growers may encounter problems such as zamioculcas dried out, and also does not give new shoots or does not grow and slowly dies. That is why, when growing an ornamental crop, it is very important to do timely prevention of diseases, as well as observe agricultural techniques.

Botanical characteristic

The herbaceous plant has a thick tuberous rhizome and glossy, dark green, complex-pinnate foliage. The average length of the leaves reaches a meter. The leaves are swollen at the base. Less than ten years ago, breeders obtained a miniature cultivar of the plant, represented by a compact bush no more than 0.6 m high, with small foliage.

Zamioculcas are unpretentious plants and easily tolerate low air humidity, as well as partial shading. However, for full growth and development, the plant needs bright rooms and the absence of direct sunlight. An ornamental culture does not react well to excessive soil moisture and moisture stagnation, therefore, irrigation measures must be strictly normalized. If the houseplant is heavily flooded, it means that it will not be possible to easily save the ornamental culture, and it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of restorative measures.

Zamioculcas are unpretentious plants and easily tolerate low air humidity.

There are no special requirements for the soil composition of zamiokulkas, therefore the houseplant grows well in self-made soil based on sod, leafy soil and medium-grained sand, which are mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The culture can be propagated by dividing the tuber, as well as by rooting a leaf or a separate leaf plate.

Inflorescences of zamiokulkas are hardly noticeable and not too decorative, they are light cream cobs, formed on shortened and thick peduncles. The inflorescence is surrounded by a light green veil. In home floriculture, zamiokulkas bloom extremely rarely. It should be noted that the plant is poisonous, therefore, when transplanting and pruning or forming branches, as well as dividing the tubers, you need to take increased precautions using rubber gloves.

How to save zamioculcas (video)

Does not give new shoots

The main vital organ of any plant is the root system, which in the zamioculcas includes a large tuber and the actual roots growing from its apical part. At the first stage, the plant assimilates the volume and fills the flower pot, after which the tuber that stores moisture is built up. During this period, there is no development of the aboveground part of the plant.

Among other things, zamioculcas is a southern plant, therefore, the activation of growth processes, accompanied by the formation of new shoots or stems, begins quite late and continues until the last decade of winter. Shoot formation is observed in the so-called reserve buds, and the density indicators of an adult ornamental bush are directly proportional not only to the size, but also to the number of tubers.

Unhealthy zamiokulkas manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots

The plant dries up

When growing zamiokulkas, it is very important to take into account the biological characteristics of this southern ornamental culture, since otherwise the plant becomes ill, and the unhealthy of zamiokulkas manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots, drying out of the tips of the leaf plates, and loss of elasticity of the stem part. Failure to comply with agricultural techniques causes yellowing, a decrease in leaf lobes and blanching. Such problems threaten not only a complete loss of decorativeness, but also the death of the plant.

Why is the indoor flower crying

All amateur flower growers who grow zamiokulkas in indoor floriculture are very well aware of such an interesting phenomenon as the crying of a decorative flower, which is accompanied by the appearance of drops of moisture on the tips of the foliage, which really resemble tears. The indoor ornamental plant cries when mistreated, including injured leaves, over-fertilization, and over-irrigation.

Other diseases

Many diseases of ornamental culture are the result of improper care. Excessive watering can reduce oxygen supply and reduce soil drainage, which makes full nutrition of the root system of an ornamental crop impossible. The roots begin to rot and nutrients are not supplied to the plant, which causes the stems to weaken. Thin and emaciated stems descend quickly. Also, the thin trunks of the zamiokulkas grow in low light. There are situations when the trunk disappears, but the plant can still be saved and as a result of compliance with agricultural technology, new shoots appear from the underground part.

Zamioculcas cries when mistreated, including injured leaves, over-fertilization, and over-irrigation

If the stem of the zamioculcas has wrinkled due to systematic waterlogging, then it is necessary to take the following measures as soon as possible:

  • carefully remove the houseplant from the flower pot;
  • carefully, but very thoroughly, remove the soil mixture and rinse the root system;
  • remove all damaged areas of the root system with a clean and sharp garden tool;
  • all sections of the cuts must be sprinkled with chopped charcoal and dried.

If, during the processing, signs of rotting or fungal infections are found, then it is very important to use fungicides when processing the root system. Yellowing of foliage can occur as a result of a natural, age-related aging process in which only the lower foliage falls off. The almost complete loss of foliage is most often the result of improper care and mechanical damage.

When infected with spider mites, a thin cobweb forms on the foliage and stems

Plant pests

Zamioculcas: methods of dealing with the scabbard (video)

It is important to note that indoor zamioculcas needs sufficient competent care, and only in this case a tropical plant is able to delight the surrounding with chic, very decorative dark green leaves all year round.

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Zamioculcas - dollar tree

The popular name for zamiokulkas is a dollar tree, I learned about this quite recently. Last year I chose a flower for my friend's birthday. I tried to take into account the peculiarities of her apartment.

The seller advised me to take a dollar tree. I was at a loss and asked to clarify what it was, they showed me to zamioculcas. This plant had already been in the store for several months, and since it was January, this fact played a decisive role (it was a cold winter and the flowers could be damaged during transportation).

At home, I noticed that the zamiokulkas seemed to "jump out" of the pot. The seller advised him to transplant. I chose a slightly larger pot. When transplanting, the plant was divided into several pieces. As a result, one part remained with me. Later she regretted that she had started a transplant during the cold period.

The plant, which she gave to her friend, has partially disappeared - some of the cuttings have rotted. After a while, the share that remained with me also rotted away. So much for the dubious guarantees - staying in the store for several months. Everything was decided by the untimely transplant.

Almost a year has passed. Recently I noticed that my friend had two dollar trees. The second was given to her by a scion. It was summer, and it got accustomed well.

Zamioculcas belongs to the aroid family - these are the well-known dieffenbachia, philodendrons, monstera, etc. Over the past ten years, zamioculcas has become widespread among florists.

It ceased to be exotic and, accordingly, began to be in less demand. There is no chic and beauty in his appearance, so I always postponed the purchase until later. And after I bought it for a gift, I completely lost interest.

But a friend gave me a leaf from zamiokulkas (accidentally broke). The leaf was at least 30 cm long, with a thick petiole and juicy leaves. She cut off the top, separated several lower leaves, and began to root. I placed a large leaf in a vase with slightly damp vermiculite.

The rest of the parts are also rooted in vermiculite, but in a closed container. All parts took root in a month and a half. But the smaller ones - the top of the leaf and the leaves quickly fell into a dormant period, i.e. their leaves turned yellow. I found several nodules 1 cm in diameter in vermiculite. The large leaf took longer to take root.

I put him in a tall, narrow pot with good drainage. It was a warm period. I rarely watered. I also planted nodules, but in a small pot. They never germinated.

The large leaf did not grow at all in the first year. Stood and stood. Then something incomprehensible appeared at the base. It even seemed to me that it was a bud, but a leaf appeared, only of a small size. His leaves were also small. During the spring-summer period, zamioculcas gave three more large leaves, and the first one remained juvenile.

Zamiokulkas stood on the kitchen window. He did not suffer from the heat. Closer to winter, I had to move it to the other, darker, side of the window sill. This immediately affected the color of the new leaf - it grew light green.

I don't know if the color will change in the summer. I noticed that in many institutions, zamioculcas are placed quite far from the windows, from this they stretch out and the "bush" falls apart.

The summer was hot, so I didn't feed it. Only sometimes added to the irrigation water "Baikal-EM1". I watered only when the topsoil was completely dry. In winter, I adhere to the same theory.

On a note:

Streptocarpus. Care, reproduction Compared to Saintpaulia and Gloxinia, other members of the Gesneriaceae family do not enjoy such universal fame, although among them there are no less charming plants, for example, Streptocarpus and Achimenes.

Zamioculcas | Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree) - Flowerpot Zone

Aroid family. Homeland about. Madagascar. Zamiaculcas is an evergreen tuberous plant with dark green fleshy leaves, pointed at the end. The surface of the sheet is glossy. The stems are thick, the leaves sit on them symmetrically, alternately. The plant is large, grows in an apartment to a height of about 1-1.5 meters. It blooms in indoor conditions, if it is provided with the appropriate conditions for keeping white flowers, but at a fairly old age. Undemanding in culture.

Temperature: Moderate, preferably 16-18 ° C in winter, but not below 12 ° C.

Lighting: Bright place with diffused light. In summer, he prefers outdoor accommodation - on the balcony, in the garden, etc. In winter, you will have to rearrange the zamiokulkas closer to the window.

Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but at the same time no water should remain on the pallet, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry out well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some overdrying more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to root rot and the formation of stem rot.

Fertilization: From April to August, fertilizing is carried out every two weeks, since the zamioculcas quickly consumes nutrients. You can use fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to arrange washing so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, rain showers are sufficient in the open air.

Transfer: Annually in the spring. The soil should be fairly nutritious. For young plants - 1 part of sod land, 1 part of leafy land, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand. You can add a little well-rotted humus earth. Transplantation of old copies of zamiokulkas is carried out every two years in the spring. The pot for zamiokulkas should be commensurate with the root system. Good drainage is a must.

Reproduction: By dividing the bush, leaf, cuttings. It is better to dry the leaf a little before planting. Rooting cuttings or a leaf, preferably with soil heating and using phytohormones, for better root formation. Rooting can take up to 2 months.

Pests: Spider mites, aphids.


The only species is Zamioculcas zamifolia. Strong leaves grow to about 60 cm in height. Afraid of waterlogging.

Most often, zamioculcas suffers from excess moisture, if watering is too frequent, the roots rot, the plant dies. They also often suffer from a lack of sunlight, especially in winter. At the same time, their stems are stretched, the leaves are smaller and sit on the trunk less often. Excessive direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. Does not benefit these plants and planting in heavy clay soil. Moisture evaporates poorly in it, and there is no aeration.