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Oxalis cultivation and care in the open field. Oxalis (oxalis): features of caring for a butterfly flower at home. What attracts the oxalis plant

Oxalis is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Kislichny family. This herb is widespread on almost all continents and is even a symbol of Ireland. The plant got this name because of the sour taste of the foliage; translated from Latin Oxalis also means sour. We call this flower "hare cabbage".

General information

There are about eight hundred wild species of sorrel, and among the cultivated ones there are both garden and indoor types.

Kislitsy is difficult to describe in one word, since within the genus there are both annuals and perennials, herbs with tuberous rhizomes and bulbs. The foliage of these flowers is located on a petiole, it is palmate or trifoliate. An interesting feature is that it bends in the evening and opens up in the morning.

The color of the foliage depends on the species and can be green, burgundy or purple. Flowers are small, regular, mostly delicate tones. In the evening, as well as before bad weather, the flowers are closed.

The seeds ripen in a fruit that bursts easily when touched. In addition, the herb is used in cooking - it is added to first courses, teas, kvass. In culture, oxalis triangular and four-leafed are most often grown.

Types and varieties

Or violet the most widespread species in culture. It is a short flower with purple foliage. The flowers are small, usually white or pale pink.

Or Depp can be grown both in the garden and indoors. Its leaves have 4 lobes of pale green color with a burgundy middle. Scarlet inflorescences. This species is called in Europe " lucky clover »

It is a low bush with clover-like foliage and large single flowers.

A delicate flower that is very afraid of cold weather. It has light leaves and delicate lilac flowers.

A very beautiful look, popularized for its white flowers with scarlet stripes.

Also known are tuberous oxalis , carob , poor , succulent but they are not very popular and are rarely grown.

Oxalis home care

A room acidic needs the same conditions as a wild one. The first condition for the health of the plant is bright, but diffused lighting, so that direct rays do not touch it.

The summer temperature suitable for acid is about 25 ° С, and winter temperatures are around 12-18 ° С.

Watering room acid

Kislitsa needs a lot of moisture, but watch out for the dampness of the soil, because if the water stays in the pot for a long time, the roots can rot. With the arrival of autumn, they begin to water the flower less often, and in the winter period watering is carried out only to slightly moisten the soil.

It is generally not necessary to spray the flower, but in case of too hot weather, you can do this using boiled water. In winter, this procedure cannot be performed.

Oxalis dormant period

Some species fall into a dormant period for the winter, which lasts about one and a half months. If, after flowering, foliage begins to fall from the plant, then reduce watering and place the acid in a cool room, where it will stay until the end of the dormant period.

It happens that the foliage remains on the plant, but it stops growing: this also indicates the need to move to a cooler place to rest.

That the dormant period is over, you will know by the appearance of new branches. When this happens, transplant the flower and care for it as before.

Fertilizer for acid sour

In order for the plant to grow well, it needs feeding. To do this, during active growth, complex mineral fertilizers are applied every 15-20 days, but taking into account that they need to be diluted twice as much as indicated in the instructions.

Sour acid transplant at home

When growing sour, young plants need to be replanted every year. For adult flowers, this procedure is carried out every couple of years.

When choosing a container for planting, pay attention to wide pots in which you can fit more than one tuber or onion. This is necessary for the plant to form a bush, and not grow alone.

It is imperative to place a drainage layer in the planting container. In terms of the substrate, oxalis is unpretentious, and you can simply buy a universal soil in the store. The main thing to remember is that the plant will not bloom in too nutritious soil.

It is necessary to transplant the bush very carefully, this is done together with the soil in order to keep the rhizome intact (except for cases when you want to propagate it this year).

Oxalis seed propagation

In nature, oxalis reproduces by self-seeding, but when breeding it at home, this method is usually not used, due to the presence of simpler and more reliable ones. But if you want, you can try to grow a flower by seed method.

To do this, you need to prepare a substrate of deciduous humus, peat and sand (4: 4: 1). Sow seeds over the substrate without covering them. After that, the container is covered with glass to create a greenhouse environment.

In order for the seeds to germinate, in addition to high humidity, they need diffused lighting and a temperature close to 17 ° C. Also, do not forget to ventilate the crop and spray it with water every day.

Depending on how old the seeds are, you will get seedlings in the interval from 7 to 30 days.

Propagation of acid lily by daughter bulbs

The easiest way to propagate acid is by separating daughter formations from the main root. Further, the material is simply seated, placing several roots or bulbs in one pot, and sprinkled with soil a little. After that, the container is placed in a dimly lit, cool place, sometimes watering the soil.

When the sprouts hatch, the pot is transferred to the light. And after 30-40 days you will already have a young fresh bush.

Oxalis reproduction by dividing the rhizome

Dividing the root is also a fairly simple way. At the end of the dormant period, when the plant drives out the young leaf, the rhizome must be pulled out of the soil, cleaned and treated with a light manganese solution. After that, it is divided into parts, the cuts are powdered with charcoal and planted in separate containers.

The planted containers are placed under diffused lighting and watered as the soil dries up. And from the 15th day after planting, they begin to fertilize twice for 30 days.

Oxalis leaf propagation

You can also propagate a flower by a leaf. To do this, choose a plant at least 10 cm tall and with at least three leaves.

The leaf is simply cut off and placed in the water. Over time, roots will appear, when they become larger, just plant the cutting in the soil. Water a young flower, and soon it will begin to expel new leaves.

Diseases and pests

In general, oxalis is not afraid of diseases and pests, but if it is wrong to take care of it, then the following outcome is possible:

  • Most often, the plant is attacked by spider mites, aphids and scale insects. ... They fight against the tick with actellik, destroy the aphids with a solution of soap or water with tangerine peels, get rid of the scabbard with aktar.
  • With excess moisture, oxalis can get sick with gray rot or fusarium ... Both ailments are eliminated with the help of a foundation.
  • If your oxalis does not open the leaves , then, most likely, the problem is leaving. Most often this happens due to drying out of the soil or when the air is too dry.
  • Oxalis most often begins to wither with excess moisture, as well as with depletion of the soil ... If wilting occurs for the winter and after that she sheds leaves, then this is preparation for a dormant period.
  • It happens that the leaves of the sour cherry dry ... This is usually due to the fact that it is placed in the sun and the foliage gets burned. This also happens due to dry air and too high temperature.
  • In addition, the leaves may dry out because the purchased plant is not yet accustomed to the new conditions. , you just need to wait until it acclimatizes.

The oxalis flower (oxalis) is a herbaceous perennial and annual of the Acid family, numbering more than 800 species and growing in South Africa, South and Central America, and Central Europe.

Homemade clover of happiness

The Irish national Saint Patrick is the most revered righteous man in the country, is characterized by high decorative qualities and is quite popular in indoor growing.

Acid (in Latin oxys) is called for the sour taste of the leaves, in Europe it is called the clover of happiness, in Russia - hare cabbage.

A specific feature of oxalis is its ability to slowly fold leaves and close flowers at nightfall, in cloudy weather, or when touched. In Europe, indoor oxalis is popular as a gift for a New Year tree: it is believed that a flower with purple, green or burgundy leaves will definitely bring good luck and prosperity if it settles in the house a day before the New Year.

Popular indoor types

Having many types, in indoor cultivation, oxalis is represented by two of the most popular: triangular and four-leafed.

Triangular oxalis (otherwise purple), which is native to Brazil, is a tuberous plant with three-lobed purple leaves located on long petioles. It is for the leaves, which are outwardly associated with the quivering wings of a butterfly, that the violet oxalis flower is also called "Madame Butterfly". The flowers of the indoor pet are small, lilac, light pink or white in color. Propagated by the rhizome method.

Four-leafed oxalis (Deppe), called by the British "lucky clover", or "iron cross", is characterized by four-lobed, reverse-heart-shaped leaves of a light green color with a brown-red center.

The flowers are crimson-red, with the base collected in inflorescences. Flowering, beginning in August, four-leaved oxalis pleases a rather long period, until October.

Oxalis in all its diversity

In the open field, you can grow the Oxalis Bowie flower, which is characterized by placed on thin long peduncles and leathery green leaves. Flowering occurs in May.

The trifoliate leaves of the common sour sorrel, a perennial rhizome plant about 10 cm high, are very similar to clover. The flowers are white, singly arranged. Creeping shoots, in the process of growth, they actively fill the free space, therefore the plant is widely used as a ground cover.

Ferruginous oxalis is a winter-hardy culture that forms low bushes, about 15 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in mid-summer (June-July). The flowers are silvery, rather large, with pink veins. Gray-green leaves consist of multiple oval-shaped lobes.

Oxalis multicolored with its white flowers, decorated with a red border along the edge, is very beautiful in cultivation.

Shaggy oxalis is a stemless flower about 30 cm high, forming tubers. The leaves consist of 5-9 leaflets, from the underside of which red spots are clearly visible. Several purple-red flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences. Abundant flowering occurs in August-October.

Poor oxalis stands out with attractive dark pink, yellow flowers in the middle against the background of other oxalis species. The plant is small-tuberous, with trifoliate leaves located on thin petioles. The flower is optimal for growing outdoors, prefers sunny areas.

Red oxalis is a perennial culture, up to 40 cm in height, with trifoliate leaves, fleecy closer to the base, and attractive red flowers.

Volcanic acid is a dwarf (no more than 15 cm in height) plant with small yellow flowers. It grows well, occupying free areas. Forming a continuous grass carpet, ideal for alpine slides and flower gardens. Can be grown in indoor floriculture and open field.

It is considered a weed plant due to active uncontrolled growth. It is characterized by small yellow flowers and cherry-brown leaves.

Of the available species of oxalis, the giant oxalis stands out in impressive size. The crop, capable of reaching 2 meters in height, has straight shoots, drooping branches, three-lobed leaves and attractive yellow flowers.

Nine-leaved oxalis is a low plant that forms solid silvery-green carpets decorated with white-pink flowers. The flowering period is May-June.

Oxalis Ortgis is a low herbaceous flower with pubescent stems and trifoliate apical brownish-red leaves characterized by an obverse heart shape. small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences. Yellow. Such oxalis is common in indoor cultivation.

Oxalis: home care

In home cultivation, oxalis is absolutely not capricious and is limited to the activities necessary for normal growth: watering, feeding, spraying, a comfortable temperature, the optimal indicator of which in the summer is 20-25 ºC. In winter, the plant has a resting time (1-1.5 months), at which cool conditions are recommended, no higher than 12-18 ºC. At this time, oxalis (the photo shows all the charm of this plant) stops growing, can shed its leaves, thus prompting about the onset of a rest period.

Lighting should be intensely diffused, without admitting direct sunlight that can cause burns. Tolerably, oxalis at home growing refers to partial shade, however, with a long stay in it, it can lose the decorative effect of the leaves.

Watering and feeding activities

High-quality care for oxalis involves timely fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers. They are required to be applied once every 2-3 weeks, during active growth and flowering; the concentration of the composition should be 2 times less than that indicated on the package.

The plant needs abundant regular watering in summer (without stagnant water) and its reduction with the onset of cold weather. As soon as new shoots begin to appear, the flower should be transplanted into a new substrate, returned to its usual place of growth, and renewed feeding and watering.

Plant transplant

Young flowers are transplanted every year into a mixture consisting of leafy and sod land, sand and humus in equal proportions. In order to avoid stagnation of moisture, the bottom of the pot must be covered with a drainage layer of expanded clay. For adult plants, this procedure should be carried out every 2-3 years.

Diseases and pests

Oxalis is a plant that is quite resistant to disease. With improper care, it can be damaged by arachnoid scabbard, aphids. They should be dealt with by using insecticidal preparations. "Aktellik" is effective against spider mites, aphids can be overcome with a soap solution (for 1 glass of water - 1 teaspoon of liquid soap), the scabbard is removed mechanically (manual collection), after which the plant must be sprayed with "Aktara". After a week, it is advisable to repeat the treatment. It is imperative to protect the soil in which the plant is located from the ingress of drugs.

With too much watering, oxalis can get sick with fusarium or gray rot. In this case, the drug "Fundazol" is effective.

Oxalis: breeding at home

Oxalis is a flower crop that can be propagated in several ways. With seeds that ripen in the easily exploding shell of a plant when touched, oxalis multiplies in natural conditions, and when grown indoors, this method is unpopular due to its duration. In early spring, the seeds of the plant should be scattered over the surface of the soil, consisting of 4 parts of leaf humus and peat and one part of sand. Do not cover seed. The planting container must be covered with glass in order to provide one hundred percent moisture necessary for germination. Lighting should be diffused, temperature - 16-18 ° С, soil - constantly moist. It is recommended to use a spray bottle for watering. An important factor in the success of the event is the daily airing of the crops. Germination of seedlings will occur within a month.

We propagate vegetatively

The easiest breeding method is to separate the oxalis nodules or daughter bulbs during the spring transplant. Disembarkation should be carried out in several pieces in one container, which is then determined in a shaded, cool place. The soil should be moistened occasionally. As soon as the first shoots appear, it is recommended to rearrange the pot with the future plant closer to the light. In a month and a half, a beautiful, luxuriously flowering bush will stand in this place.

Also, the oxalis flower can be propagated by nodules. To do this, after waiting for the appearance of the first new leaf after a dormant period, the tuber should be removed from the soil, cleaned and washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then cut into pieces, cut the sections with crushed charcoal. Planting oxalis, or rather the received divisions, is carried out in separate containers, which should be located in a place with diffused lighting. Twice a month, from the second week of planting, the future plant should be fed; moisten the soil after the soil surface has dried.

Medicinal properties of oxalis

Oxalis (see photo below) is a medicinal plant, the properties of which have been evaluated by folk medicine for a long time.

The ground part of the bush treated scurvy, treated wounds and ulcers, and used it as an antidote for mercury and arsenic poisoning. The high content of vitamin C in acidic acid helps in eliminating colds and strengthening the immune system.

Plant oxalis (Latin Oxalis) belongs to the genus of herbaceous annuals and perennials of the Kislichny family. In nature, oxalis flowers grow in South Africa, as well as in Central and South America and even in Europe. Oxalis is the national symbol of Ireland, the plant of St. Patrick, the most revered righteous man in the country. "Oxys" means "sour" in Latin, and the plant is called sour because its leaves have a sour taste. In nature, about 800 species of oxalis are known, and in culture, some of the oxalis appeared in the 17th century and since then have been grown both as garden and indoor plants. In our country, sour cherry is called "hare cabbage", and in Europe - "clover of happiness." The oxalis flower has become popular in culture due to its undemanding care and high decorative qualities.

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Planting and caring for acid

  • Bloom: from late May or early June to winter.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: during the growing season - 20-25 ˚C, during the dormant period - 12-18 ˚C.
  • Watering: plentiful in summer, moderate to scarce in autumn and winter.
  • Air humidity: common for living quarters, but in extreme heat it is advisable to spray the plant from time to time.
  • Top dressing: during the period of active growth, once every 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers at half the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Rest period: one and a half months after flowering.
  • Transfer: young plants are transplanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: daughter bulbs or nodules, less often seeds.
  • Pests: scale insects, aphids, spider mites.
  • Diseases: gray rot, fusarium.
  • Properties: a medicinal plant with a high content of vitamin C in the leaves.

Read more about the cultivation of sour cherry below.

Oxalis flower - description

Oxides are represented by many species, including annuals, perennials, tuberous and bulbous plants. The leaves of the sorrel are palmate or trifoliate, petiolate, with a complex limb, folding in the evening and opening in the morning. Leaves also react to too bright light and mechanical irritation. The color of the leaves, depending on the type of oxalis, can be green, purple or burgundy. The flowers of the sorrel are medium-sized, regular, the color of the petals can be white, pink, lilac or yellow. Flowers, like the leaves of a plant, close at night or before bad weather. Kislitsa seeds ripen in a shell that easily explodes when touched when the seeds are ripe.

Oxalis at home is most often represented by two types - four-leaved acid and triangular acid. Indoor oxalis is a popular gift for a Christmas tree in Europe, since there is a sign that a plant brings happiness and well-being to a house if it settles in it the day before the New Year.

Caring for sour at home

How to care for sour

The indoor oxalis flower has the same requirements for growing conditions as its wild relative. She needs intense, but diffused light with shade from the direct rays of the sun. Domestic oxalis prefers temperature in summer in the range of 20-25 ºC, which, however, is quite natural for this time of year. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature a little - to 12-18 ºC, otherwise the plant will not bloom.

Watering in the summer should be abundant, but at the same time, stagnation of water in the roots should not be allowed. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter the moistening of the soil in a pot of sour acid should be symbolic so that the soil is barely wet. The oxalis houseplant does not need to spray the leaves, although if the house is too hot and stuffy, you can spray the plant with boiled water. In winter, spraying with acid is contraindicated.

Some types of acid plant rest in winter. The rest period lasts a month and a half. If you notice that the plant begins to lose leaves after flowering, reduce watering and transfer the flower to a cool place where it will be at rest. Sometimes the leaves do not fall off the acid, it simply stops growing, as if frozen - this is a sign that it is time to move it to a "winter apartment" to recuperate. At this time, watering should be minimal. But as soon as you find that new shoots have begun to appear in the plant, transplant it into a fresh substrate, return it to its usual place, resume watering and feeding.

Fertilizer acid

Caring for home acidic acid involves the timely feeding of the plant with complex mineral fertilizers. They are introduced during the period of active growth and flowering every 2-3 weeks, and the concentration of the solution should be half that recommended by the manufacturer.

Sour acid transplant

Caring for room acid requires an annual transplant of young plants, adult plants are transplanted once every two to three years. If you don’t know how to transplant acid, start by choosing a pot. The pot for sour cherry needs a wide one so that you can plant several tubers or bulbs in one container - so you get a luxurious flowering bush. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot so that excess water does not stagnate in the roots of the plant.

Any soil is suitable for acid sour - buy a universal soil in the store or make a soil mixture yourself from leaf, turf, peat soil and sand in equal parts. Keep in mind that if the soil is too nutritious, then the plant will have a lot of leaves and few flowers. Planting acid in a new pot is carried out with great care, along with an earthen clod, if you have no intention of breeding it this time.

Pests and diseases of acid

If it is not possible to destroy the pests at once, after a week the treatment of the plant with medicinal preparations must be repeated. Do not forget that all manipulations are carried out in clean air, and the surface of the soil must be reliably protected from the ingress of drugs on it. The soap solution, a few hours after application to the ground part of the plant, must be washed off with water, covering the soil from soap in the same way.

If you are too zealous with watering and do not bother to place a layer of drainage under the soil, the plant can be affected by gray rot or fusarium. Both diseases in the initial stage are successfully treated with foundation.

Home oxalis - reproduction

Growing sour cherry from seeds

Under natural conditions, acid woods reproduce by seeds. The seed method of reproduction of sour wood at home is rarely resorted to, since there are more reliable methods of reproduction - vegetative. But if it is important for you to cultivate sour cherry from seeds, then we wish you success and offer a list of conditions and measures for successful generative reproduction of sour cherry:

  • the composition of the mixture for sowing: four parts of leaf humus and peat and one part of sand;
  • sour seeds are scattered over the surface of the soil in early spring, without covering, after sowing, the container is covered with glass, since one hundred percent moisture is needed for germination;
  • for seed germination, diffused light is also needed, a temperature of 16-18 ºC and constantly moist soil - crops are irrigated from a spray bottle;
  • daily airing of crops is necessary.

If all these conditions are met, seedlings, depending on the freshness of the seeds, will appear a week or a month after sowing.

Vegetative methods of reproduction of acid

The easiest way is to separate the daughter bulbs or nodules that have formed around the taproot, and plant them in several pieces in one pot, sprinkling them with a small amount of soil, placing the container in a cool shaded place and occasionally moistening the soil during the annual spring transplantation of sour cherry. When shoots appear, the pot is moved closer to the light, and after a month and a half, the young plant will turn into a lush blooming bush.

After a dormant period, as soon as the first new leaf appears, the tuber is removed from the ground, cleaned of soil, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, cut into pieces, the cuts are processed with crushed charcoal and the cuttings are planted in separate pots. Pots with planted parts of a tuber are placed under diffused light, watered after the earthen coma dries and fed twice a month, starting from the second week after planting.

Oxalis properties

For a long time, oxalis was considered a medicinal plant. The ground part of the plant was used to treat scurvy, to treat ulcers and wounds, as an antidote for poisoning with arsenic or mercury. Traditional medicine has successfully used the antihelminthic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and wound-healing properties of the plant.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in the leaves of acidic acid, its use helped to cope with colds and strengthened the immune system. Oxalis is also in demand in cooking: tasty and healthy tea was prepared from it, added to cabbage soup, green borscht or kvass.

Types of acid

Triangular oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)

Or purple oxalis, more often than other species grown in room culture, it is a short tuberous plant with dark purple spotted three-lobed leaves on long petioles. A purple sour leaf looks like the quivering wings of a butterfly, for which it was named "Madame Butterfly". The flowers of this species are small, white, light pink or lilac.

Four-leafed oxalis (Oxalis tetraphylla)

Or deppe's oxalis (Oxalis deppei) grown both in the garden and at home. Its leaves are four-lobed, light green with a reddish-brown center. Blooms for a long time with red-crimson flowers, forming inflorescences. It is this species that the British call "lucky clover".

Kislitsa attracts the attention of flower growers with an exotic structure of leaves and unpretentious care. The plant is known all over the world as an ornamental crop "Oxalis" and ... a weed. The perennial is grown on balconies, gardens and flower beds. He is also found in the wild. Do not confuse sour cherry with clover. In all these cases, we are talking about different plants.

Popular types

So, oxalis is an indoor, garden flower or weed.

At home, the following types are most often cultivated:

  • on the windowsill:
    • triangular (with purple leaves)
    • triangular moth (otherwise Regnell's oxalis with light green leaves)
  • in the garden
    • ferruginous (with feathery glaucous leaves)
    • Depp's oxalis (with unique green leaves and a dark spot in the center)

In addition, in recent years, the bright white-scarlet buds of variegated (multi-colored) sour cherry, which is actively grown as a house or greenhouse plant, have been of increased interest to flower growers.

And, finally, an annoying weed does not give rest to summer residents - carob oxalis with small brownish leaves.

Description and basics of agricultural technology

The Latin name is Oxalis triangularis. It is grown exclusively as an indoor or container ornamental crop. It is characterized by a clawed arrangement of ternary dark purple leaves that fold and fall depending on the time of day.

It is noteworthy that many florists compare this flower with purple triangular leaves to a butterfly. The lowering and straightening of the colorful plates really resembles the flapping of the wings of this wonderful insect.

With the onset of evening or from the touch of human hands, the leaves are pressed against the stem and open only after the night changes to morning and the flower feels sunlight and warmth.

Not only leaves, but also small flowers are decorative in purple sour. The structure of the buds is standard: five pink, white or yellow petals are gathered around long or short stamens. In cloudy weather, the flowers close, with the advent of the sun, they open.

Care features

Triangular oxalis is undemanding to care for, does not have a pronounced rest period. Indoor oxalis is able to grow and bloom all year round. The main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out in the pot or, conversely, stagnation of water.

To help the acid plant build up its vegetative mass, you can forcibly provide it with a dormant period in the autumn-winter period. To do this, reduce watering as much as possible, cut off all the stems "under the stump" and transfer the pot to a cool room for 1-2 months. After the plant returns to the sunny windowsill, it will sprout and grow much prettier.

Violet oxalis loves south, east and west windows. However, it is important to shade it during peak hours, otherwise the leaves may get burned.

On a note! Triangular oxalis is a frost-resistant species, unsuitable for cultivation in the garden!

Oxalis triangular moth

This species is also known as oxalis regnellii (botanical name Oxalis regnellii). The plant attracts the attention of flower growers with 3-lobed bright green leaves and small white flowers.

Externally, the triangular moth oxalis resembles the previously described species. Differences are only in the color of the leaves and petals.

Care features

This plant is considered more unpretentious than the purple relative, and relatively winter-hardy. Easily tolerates lack of watering for up to 10 days. It reproduces well by dividing rhizomoks (pink-beige root cones) and by rooting the leaves in water.

Regnella literally needs regular pinching of the leaves. This measure will make the bush more lush and attractive.

Oxalis adenophylla is considered the most popular type of garden soil plant, reaching a height of no more than 10 cm. Ferruginous oxalis is presented in the form of compact bushes with decorative bluish-green leaves. One leaflet contains from 9 to 23 elongated lobes - feathers. In summer, the perennial actively throws out pinkish-lilac buds. On the open petals, crimson veins are clearly visible.

Flowering period: June-July. The frost-resistant species tolerates not too harsh winters well.

Care is standard, as well as for other species of this family.

Horticultural culture is unique in that it differs from other species in the structure of the leaf - the location on the handle is not 3, but 4 green plates with dark patterns at the base. The flowers of oxalis deppei are crimson in color, collected in a neat inflorescence.

In growth, the plant is ahead of the ferruginous acid lily and reaches a height of 35 cm. The bulbous species is planted in the garden in spring, and dug up in the fall. Depp cannot stand the snowy winters. Suitable for growing in pots as an indoor crop.

Needle foliage with unusual striped buds - this is how flower growers characterize another representative of the popular garden and indoor culture - variegated sour.

White petals, effectively twisted into a candle, are crowned with a scarlet border. Because of the amazing combination of colors, oxalis received the unspoken nickname "Christmas candy" or "Caramel". However, the similarity between the flowers of sour cherry and candy in appearance ends. The perennial blooms, like other oxalis, in the summer, and not at Christmas.

This non-decorative crop has attractive brownish cherry leaves and modest yellow flowers. Despite its interesting appearance, carob oxalis belongs to the weeds.

Sometimes gardeners successfully use Oxalis corniculata for landscaping the local area. However, it is necessary to breed perennials with caution. Leaving it unattended is fraught with uncontrolled total growth. Getting rid of a plant is very difficult!

Planting and caring for all types of oxalis

The soil

Preferred formulations:

  • a mixture of earth, compost and sand (2: 1: 1)
  • light substrates for decorative deciduous plants
  • a mixture of leaf, turf, peat, humus and sand (1: 1: 1: 1: 1).


The acid is propagated:

  • seeds
  • rhizome (root cones)
  • bulbs
  • cuttings.


The fruit of any bulbous or rhizome oxalis is a capsule. When fully ripe, its valves open and throw several seeds on the ground. This is how self-seeding occurs.

When buying seed, acid is planted in the same way: the seeds are not deepened into the ground, but scattered on the surface, immediately spraying them from a spray bottle.

Tubers - rhizomes

If the florist plans to reproduce oxalis by nodules, then the best period for this is the end of February. Nodules (rhizomes) are individually planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. Ideal conditions for plant rooting:

  • moderate watering
  • room temperature + 10 (up to + 15⁰С)
  • dry air
  • shading
  • rest (immobility of the pot).

At the end of March, after the appearance of greenery, the sorrel is taken out on a sunny windowsill. Provide long-term diffused light, warmth (average + 25 ⁰С).


Florists note that some types of sour cherry are capable of propagating by leaves. To do this, the pinched stems are not thrown away, but placed in a glass of water for 10-20 days. The sheet should not touch the bottom of the container. After the indicated time, oxalis can be rooted in the ground.

This method cannot be called popular. The plant survival rate is quite low, but successful examples are known in practice, so it's still worth the risk.

On a note! Depp, who started to grow in spring, is able to bloom in a pot until late autumn!


Caring for acidic sour at home consists in observing just a few rules:

  • organization of intense scattered light
  • ensuring moderate watering
  • providing a rare but regular rest.


Any oxalis loves uniform illumination from all sides. If the pot is left in one position for the season, the flower will stretch out, become one-sided. Conclusion - periodically the plant should be turned on the windowsill, for example, clockwise. Then the bush will turn out to be evenly lush and beautiful.

The scorching sun leaves burns on the leaves. If necessary, the acid is shaded at noon.


During active growth and flowering, oxalis really needs moisture. The frequency of watering the soil and spraying the leaves is determined by the dried topsoil.

In the fall, even a slight drying out of the substrate is permissible. If the moment of watering is accidentally missed, and the leaves of the sour cherry wilted, it's okay. Water will quickly bring the flower back to life, the vegetative mass will become elastic again.

In case of regular waterlogging, the plant may die. Noticing the lethargy of the leaves, it is better to play it safe and transplant (plant) oxalis into a new dry substrate.

On a note! During the dormant period (1.5 - 2 months), the sour onions are not watered!


The plant is very thermophilic during active growth and ejection of buds.

However, if the oxalis decided to rest (on its own or at the behest of the grower), it is better to put the pot in a cool room for 2 months, where the air temperature does not exceed 14-15⁰С.


From spring to the end of summer, both garden and pot culture are fed with mineral complexes. Usually use half the dosage of the indicated amount in the instructions for the drug.

In principle, oxalis will also survive without top dressing. If the characteristics of the soil, the amount of watering and the lighting conditions are normal, then the plant will do without fertilizers. At the same time, the appearance will remain decorative and attractive.


With excessive overgrowth of the bush, when pinching is not able to correct the situation, the sour cherry is seated in different containers. It is preferable to use wide and shallow pots, containers.

The time of the event is spring. Drainage is required.

The main mistakes of cultivation

Common problems:

  • lack of light. Oxalis stretches, blooms sparingly, loses its decorative effect
  • excess watering. Roots rot, leaves are affected by gray rot
  • direct sunlight. Leaves get burned
  • lack of watering. The leaves are pressed against the stem and are not aligned horizontally.

On a note! Oxalis loves air baths very much. In the summer, when you take the pot out into the street, the flower just comes to life!


Rarely, but the defeat of acid pests is still possible. This is about:

  • spider mite
  • shield

In all cases, the plant is treated with a solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Interesting! The aphids in the garden will be scared away by the marigolds planted next to the sour!

Is it okay to eat sour?

Florists define oxalis as a sour plant. Indeed, the petals and leaves of perennials taste like sorrel. Some experimenters successfully cut greens into salads, speaking about the harmlessness of the product.

But! It should be noted that oxalis is an ornamental plant, not food. The presence of calcium oxalate in the chemical composition can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Video about the features of caring for triangular purple and green sour here:

(Oxalis) is considered an unpretentious plant, famous for its large collection of annual and perennial species (about 800). The foliage of the sorrel is multi-fingered, the color range varies from gray-green to dark-burgundy shades. Oxalis flowers have a variety of color combinations and sizes: small yellow, large pink or medium white.

The peculiarity of this plant is that charming pink veins are located on its petals and fruits. In addition, at dusk in cloudy humid weather, with mechanical irritation, Oxalis flowers close smoothly, and the leaves gently fall down, having previously folded. Cold-resistant species of this plant are used in landscape design: they decorate curbs with sour, decorate alpine slides.

Varieties of acid (Oxalis)

Ferruginous oxalis(Oxalis adenophylla) is the most common garden plant species as it is winter hardy. The plant is a small neat bush, 7-8 cm high, the diameter of which varies within 10-15 cm. The leaves of the sorrel are gray-green in color and they consist of many (10-22) lobules. On the large silvery flowers of the sorrel, you can find unusual spots and streaks of a pinkish hue.

Oxalis ordinary(Oxalis acetosella) - is a small perennial plant that can be found mainly in mixed or coniferous forests in Europe. In Russia, this type of acid is very well known under such names as "Kislichka" or "Hare cabbage". The height of the plant is on average 7 cm. The rhizome of the sorrel is thin and the shoots are short. Perennial covered with red leaves. They are scale-shaped and frustrate at the base. The length of the leaves is on average 2 cm, and the width is 2.5-3 cm. The flowers of the common sour cherry are white, have purple or pink veins on their surface.

Depp acid(Oxalis tetraphylla or Oxalis deppei) is a thermophilic species, whose homeland is Mexico. One leaf includes 4 simple leaves, on which there are specks of a brownish-red hue. It is thanks to this feature that this type of acid is very easy to recognize among others. The flowers are crimson red. The height of the plant is on average 30 cm. The corms of the depp sour cherry can be eaten.

Poor oxalis(Oxalis inops) - considered a frost-resistant and perennial species. Small tubers transform into leaves on thin petioles, after which they become dark pink flowers with a snow-white core. Poor oxalis reproduces with the help of tiny tubers. The flowering period occurs at the end of summer and the first decade of autumn.

Carob oxalis(Oxalis corniculata) is primarily a hardy weed with beautiful cherry-brown leaves and small yellow flowers. It is better not to allow the uncontrolled growth of carob sour, as its numerous shoots on the ground can clog a large area of ​​beds and flower beds.

Nine-leaved oxalis(Oxalis enneaphylla) - It is a miniature perennial plant that is very moody when grown. The fact is that this type of acid requires a bright sunny side, good drainage, fertile soil rich in humus, as well as an acidic environment. Plant height averages 7-8 cm and forms 10-15 cm clumps. The leaves of a nine-leaved acidwood have a long-lobed petiole and a silvery-green hue. In the first decade of June, the plant pleases with its white or pink flowers.

Volcanic acid(Oxalis vulcanicola) is a short plant that can grow very well in width. Central America is considered the birthplace of this type of acid. On the shoots, green-brown leaves grow, which form a curtain. Flowers are yellow. This type is perfect for home floriculture, as well as for cultivation in the open field.

Milky white oxalis(Oxalis lacteal) - this species is the smallest of the genus Oxalis. The plant is perennial. The leaves are brownish-green in color, and the flowers are snow-white. It grows quite easily and quickly in the allotted area.

Lone Hecker(Oxalis Lone Hecker) is a hybrid bred by E.B. Andersen from two species of North America: nine-leaved acid and milky white acid). This species is more resistant than its parents. A distinctive feature of the plant is its large charming pale purple flowers with purple veins and the most delicate aroma. Oxalis bloom occurs in the first ten days of June.

Nasturtium oxalis(Oxalis tropaeoloides) is a small plant great for carpet beds or curbs. The leaves have an unusual dark purple color, and the flowers, blooming throughout the summer, delight with their bright yellow sunny or white shades.

Oxide for open ground

In order to grow oxalis in an open field garden, it is best to pay attention to the following types:

  • On Depp's acid;
  • On the nine-leaved acid sour
  • On the common sour

How to choose a place on the site for planting

In nature, oxalis grows in a coniferous forest with a fairly high humidity, so the soil for planting should be well endowed with humus and have a slightly acidic environment. Kislitsa very poorly tolerates dampness, but loves moisture very much, in this regard, it is necessary to pay close attention to perfectly drained loose soil.

Experts advise: To make the oxalis feel better in the garden, it is necessary to add peat and compost to the bud. When preparing a flower bed, it is best to place a drainage consisting of caramzite and small stone at the bottom of the hole.

It is best to place the oxalis in the shade, but the nine-leaved oxalis, on the contrary, on the sunny side of the garden.

Purple oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)

Purple oxalis - indoor culture. She is quite picky about leaving. It grows in the form of a lush lilac bush with many small lilac leaves. The plant has small flowers that can be yellow, pink or white. Plant height is on average 30 cm.

Oxalis triangularis

It is interesting: In some countries, Violet Oxalis is considered a symbol of good luck and goodness in the house. It is she who is considered the best gift for the new year.

In Russia, oxalis received the second name "butterfly flower" due to the fact that its leaves, when the illumination changes, fold, like in insects.

Care for purple sour

Despite all the individual features of the image, such a plant needs classic care. Care in the first place consists in the fact that the acid plant must be transplanted periodically, watered and fertilized in a timely manner.


loves the sun very much therefore, lighting should never be neglected. Despite this need, the plant normally tolerates the lack of sunlight. This type is required protect from direct sunlight and long time in partial shade... The ideal place for purple sour is western or eastern part of the apartment.

Temperature regime

In summer, the temperature regime should be maintained at an average of 22-24 degrees. In winter, the temperature can be lowered to 15 degrees, since it is at this time that the plant is preparing for flowering and it needs coolness.

The soil

This type of acid is well tolerated by universal soil mixtures: nutritious and light.

For those who like to independently prepare the substrate, there is an excellent recipe: in equal proportions (1: 1: 1: 1) you need to mix peat, sand, leaf and turf soil... A small drainage layer must be placed on the bottom. For purple sour, it is best to take a shallow but wide pot.

Watering mode

In spring and summer, the plant needs abundant watering. About once every 3-4 days will be enough. However, do not forget about spraying. Purple acid should be moistened every 2-3 days, focusing on the temperature and humidity in the room. Starting in autumn, watering must be reduced, and by the beginning of winter, it must be completely reduced to minimum indicators.

Top dressing

During the period of active growth (spring and summer), every 2-3 weeks, purple sour cherry must be fed. However, excessive feeding should be avoided, otherwise the plant will not bloom well. Top dressing is best done with liquid complex fertilizers in half a dose.


It is necessary to transplant purple sour cherry every year for the first four years. After that, this process can be performed every 3 years.

Pests and diseases

In order to protect the purple sour from diseases and pests, it is periodically necessary to inspect the plant with a magnifying glass. Like any other culture, oxalis can be affected by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites. If pests are found during inspection, then the plant should be immediately treated with an insecticidal agent. Secondary treatment should be carried out after 7-10 days.

Reproduction of purple acid

Oxalis reproduces very easily and quickly with the help of:

  • seed,
  • tuber,
  • rhizomes,
  • daughter bulb.

Seeds can be sown directly into open ground. At the same time, you should not deepen them. It is enough just to scatter on the soil surface.

If the seeds are sown in boxes, then in this case it is also necessary, without deepening the seeds, to scatter them on top of the earth. After that, they should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene or glass. It is best to do this no later than April 15th. The air temperature should be at the level of 18-21 degrees. A kind of "greenhouse" must be periodically ventilated to prevent fungal diseases. With proper planting, the first shoots will appear in 1.5 weeks.

Planting seedlings in a flower bed should be done in the second half of May (residents of the northern regions may shift the date until early June). To do this, you need to dig small holes at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other. Plant a sour cherry in them, after which it needs to be watered and in the first couple of days very carefully monitor the soil cover - it should not be dry.

It is recommended to plant acidic tubers as in the spring and in September - October... But, it is worth remembering that they are only suitable for planting in the fall. cold-resistant plant species... For planting, the tubers must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant should be planted to a depth of 7-10 cm, depending on the density of the soil they encountered.

Reproduction of acid is also carried out using cuttings, which must be placed in a small container with water for a certain time. After that, when the first shoots are formed, they must be planted in the sand.

Video consultation

The authors of the AzFlora video channel tell about the reproduction of acid wood and its care.