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Avast or Avira's opinion of specialists. How to choose a free antivirus? Compare Kaspersky, Avira, Avg and Avast! What we get, thanks to the acquisition of AVG

If You are looking for Premium Protection, Check Out Our Including Avast, Avg, Avira, Eset, And Norton (Symantec).


Information About The Product Features Has Been Obtained from The Official WebSites of Each Vendor. If you Believe We Have Stated Something Not Correct, Please, and We'll Fix It Immediately. Our Intention Is To Offer A Fair and Fact-Based Comparison Of Each Product.

For MEASURING THE BOOT TIME WE HAVE USED A FREE TOOL CALLED BOOTRACER. We Have Tested Avira Free Antivirus 2016 (2016.0.7163) And Avast Free Antivirus 2016 (2016.11.1.2253) Released on February 3, 2016. Both Tests Were Performed On A Windows 7 Professional X64 Computer With CPU Intel Core I7 @ 2.70GHz and 8 GB RAM.

For Measuring The Overall PC Performance We Have Used A Free Tool Called Passmark Performancetest Which Tests Various Areas Including CPU, Graphics, Disk, And Memory.

Written by Paul B.

My Name Is Paul and I Love Avast Since The Home Edition v4.8 (2008). I Am Recommending It to All My Friends, But I Realized They Don "T Know How To Use It. So I Started This Site In Order to Help Others Getting Maximum From This Awesome AntiVirus. Feel Free to contact Me Via

Good day, dear blog readers Website. Surely there is any antivirus protection on your home computer, no? If not, then I strongly recommend getting such, about what it is necessary in one of the previous articles, specifically here in. It can be either paid antivirus or its free analogues, in most cases there are free options for antiviruses, which in terms of protection, by the way, are not very inferior to many paid antiviruses, and you can download them completely free. This is perhaps the most important advantage of free antiviruses (your "CEP is evidence").

Somewhere about a year on my home computer, there was a free version of Avast Anti-Virus (if anyone is not aware, this company also has a paid version of "Avast Internet Security", which in addition to antivirus contains a network screen (Firewall) in itself and before heap all functional). So for this year, not a single virus fell to me! I periodically checked the free Kaspersky utility to cleanse from viruses, she also found nothing. All this brings me to the idea that in most cases, installing a free antivirus is the best solution.Since such an antivirus provides a sufficient level of protection, does not slow down the system (as opposed to ... You know who yourself) and is inexpensive (free of charge).

According to the results of numerous antivirus tests on different resources, I selected four applicants for the title best free antivirus 2014. Of these, only two antivirus have been stood quite a long time on my computer as a primary protection, it is Avast and AVG. The comparison was made with tests (antivirus ratings) + my use experience, I will try to be objective. By the way, do not pay attention to the order of antiviruses in the text, it does not say anything, it's just necessary to start with something.




Many protective program developers produce free antiviruses. Even Caspersky Lab CJSC introduced a free option - Kaspersky Free. How basic functions are enough to prevent infection in real conditions - for example, during web surfing? What do you have to pay for free cheese? Let's find out it.

Testing technique

All participants experiment we ensured the most identical conditions. VirtualBox using a test system was created - a virtual machine with a clean OS Windows 7 in the "Maximum" editor with the first service pack and all the updates. It was then cloned three times and only one antivirus was installed in each of the clones. Analysis of changes and current activity was carried out by a portable software (TCPView, Autoruns with a Virustotal plugin via API, ProcessExplorer, RegShot, AVZ and other types of sysadmine aid kits).

Sources of threats served as sites from the Clean MX base marked as infected and / or potentially dangerous. For the test, only active sites added in the last day were selected. We took them in turns through the IE browser and logged the results of the response of antiviruses (if they were). At the time of test, the antivirus and the firewall in the host system were disabled.

All tests were performed in the default settings. Any free antivirus only reduces the likelihood of infection, but does not exclude it completely. To enhance security, you should use more aggressive settings and additional tools - firewall, proactive protection tools, isolation of potentially dangerous code, antifishing and others. In paid antiviruses, most of them are already integrated, but if you wish, you can independently make a similar set of free utilities.

Like any programs, virtual machine managers also contain errors. Using various vulnerabilities, malware can go beyond the test system and infect the main operation. Be careful!

1 Kaspersky FREE.

The volume of the distribution version comes 147.8 MB. After installing and updating, Kaspersky Free occupies 232 MB on a disk. It provides basic protection into which the anti-virus scanner is included, a resident monitor, automatic update, quarantine control and reporting tools. Additional features are noted as notic - this is a kind of advertising of the full version of KIS and KTS.

When you first start on the main page of the antivirus, a full-size window appears with a registration offer. You can click on the inconspicuous button with the image of the gear in the lower left corner, and it will disappear. True, then the reminder of registration will constantly appear again in the form of pop-up messages. Additionally, when you first start in the default browser, the Google Play Store page opens with a proposal to donate Kaspersky Internet Security, and Kaspersky Protection Toolbar is built into the browser itself. It is impossible to abandon its integration at the installation phase - there are simply no settings in the installer. However, Tulbar can be deactivated by the browser itself.

In our test, Kaspersky Free did not miss any real threat. Part of the malicious sites was blocked by Microsoft SmartScreen filter, and access to the other forbade antivirus. Sometimes they triggered simultaneously.

However, the Anti-Virus does not prevail hardly prevents the user to "shoot themselves to foot." If you select a potentially dangerous exhesive in the download list of the previously dangerous Eczeshnik and launch it, Kaspersky Free will allow it to do with Buddhist indifference. It allows the installation of a program with an invalid digital signature on which 17 Virustotal online antiviruses swear.

Moreover, Kaspersky himself recognizes it on Virustotal as, but ignores with a local check with a free version. Let it be not a virus, but the means of delivery of "combat load", the user is not easier to the user.

2 Avira Free Antivirus 2016

Antivirus Avira Free also has limited functionality and is quite annoying advertises the transition to the paid version. Advertising of various products Avira loses both from an abundance horns while the web installer is installed. Probably, so she was damn long. Charter to observe the indicator of progress, I managed to add another article.

After installing Avira, took 1329 MB with bases, and only half of this place accounted for a catalog \\ Program Files \\ Avira \\. The rest was in \\ ProgramData \\ Avira and other places. Avira Free includes a software firewall (which is rare for free antiviruses), but its presence does not explain as high appetites for disk space.

The interface itself is also surprising. All installation is displayed in Russian. After pressing the icon in the tray, the language turns into English-English, and in the main window it becomes just English. Not trouble, but it is strange to see such a surface localization.

The executable file with Antivirus allowed to download. With its forced start, a message appeared that the file is analyzed by Avira. After a few seconds, he was rashly recognized as safe.

Finding a malicious Java script, Avira has shown a warning. By chance, it coincided with the design of the site and looked like his part - an inexperienced user may not notice.

After pressing the remove, the script was blocked and the redirect for a phishing page did not happen. Then Avira immediately launched a quick scanning of the system - I think this is a justified additional measure.

Packed in Zip Half Avira also did not first notice and found only after manual unpacking of the archive.

After the compulsory download of the Avira executable enclosed smart screen has determined that it refers to the PUA category (potentially unwanted programs).

When trying to go to a page containing several exploits, Avira immediately shows a warning, but allows you to load content. The infection does not occur.

Just like Kaspersky Free, sometimes Avira anti-virus triggered with the SmartScreen filter.

3 AVG AntiVirus Free Edition

Czech Antivirus AVG has undergone significant changes since last year. Now it is actually a utility for collecting user data with some antivirus functionality. The AVG FREE disk is 192 MB, but this value increases rapidly as the data is cached sent to the company servers. According to the official version, this is done for cloud checking and analyzing suspicious files. That's just that can be suspected of a clean OS, where, in addition to the AVG Free Anti-Virus, there are no third-party applications and user files?

The installation itself passes quickly and almost without advertising, but in the installer there are tricks. At the next stage it is proposed to establish a trial 30-day version of paid antivirus instead of the originally selected free. You need to manually select AVG Free and continue the installation.

Immediately after installing AVG Free in the pop-up window, it is proposed to install AVG SafeGuard by ASK toolbar and make ASK by default search engine, and the browser opens a page with an AVG application advertising for Android.

Potentially dangerous Exnector, who ignored Kaspersky Free, AVG blocked while trying to download it. Protection from the fool worked clearly better.

Another malicious executable AVG file allowed to download and only then recognized a threat to it.

In this case, malicious files in the zip archive were detected by AVG only after manual unpacking of the archive.

On web pages there are often malicious java scripts that are trying to redirect the user to another page or infect its computer. AVG will detect them and displays a request for blocking, but after the message "The threat has been successfully deleted" still takes a redirect for a phishing site, which is already blocked by SmartScreen tools ... if you are lucky.

Sometimes there are several threats on sites at once. In this case, AVG shows the total information and usually suggests choosing the desired action. Sometimes he prohibits all elements himself. In this case, the actions are not required - you can only view the description of the found infection.

One of the web pages, which is considered infected with six antiviruses on Virustotal, AVG ignored. He discovered infection only when she was on the hard disk and tried to activate.

4 Avast! Free Antivirus (11.1.2245)

When installing Avast! You also need to be attentive: the default setting is set to Google Chrome and Google Toolbar for IE. After installation without additional components, antivirus occupies 604 MB - a lot, but twice as much as Avira Free.

Hidden advertising is full even in the main window of antivirus. The promised gift turns out to be a formal discount on paid products. On the Tools tab, there are no additional protection modules, and promotional references to their description. It is worth clicking one of them, as a proposal to choose the option of additional paid protection for a long time in the main Avast window.

When you try to manually run the blocked MSS Exnect from Avast! We do not meet any resistance. A potentially dangerous file (downloider) with an invalid signature is ignored by antivirus.

Malicious Java Script and Explitis Avast! Blocks immediately, while infected web pages are not loaded at all. However, the report on the threats found is not informative - it is the same for different malware and does not even allow to judge their quantities.

Archive with malware Avast! allowed to download, but I checked it myself and immediately discovered a threat - even before my attempt to see the download list.

Another executable file that on Virustotal is detected as a malicious 34 antivirus, Avast! ignored. He silently allowed to download and forcibly start it, bypassing the MSS lock.

Traces of Big Brother

With the filing of Microsoft, which has released "", the practice of open surveillance for users becomes the softmakers generally accepted. It is directly indicated in the user agreement, but who reads it? For example, Avira has this item like this:

"We can collect, store and use data that make your identity, your device (as defined below) and interacting your device with other devices (for example, device ID, device IP address, location, content, language preferences, IMEI-code Devices, Brand and Device Model, Battery Status, Device OS version, Telephone number, SIM number, Name of the network provider, Memory status, GEO information based on GPS / Wi-Fi Location / Network and any other technical information ... Some This information can be used for your identification, including, without limitation: Name, address, phone number, Email address, Social insurance card number, credit card information, Facial image, voice sample or biometric data (all together "Personal Information") and It may include data stored on your device. We can also transmit your personal information to other countries where the equipment is located Our Product Roviders.

Other formulation developers are slightly different, but the general principle remains the same. They collect all the data that is technically possible to get. Because the antivirus is deeply integrated into the OS, installs its own drivers and intercepts system calls, it has access to all information - including encrypted, since it is evenly decrypted by the user himself.

Against this background, Evgenia Kaspersky statement is encouraging, which he made, announced the release of free antivirus named after himself:

However, it does not work out without the share of the lucavia. Kaspersky Free himself collects only overall impersonal statistics, like the number of threats found by their types. However, in it by default, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service is enabled, and KSN is known for its appetites for the collection of information. Detailed logs are sent to it, which include a list of installed programs along with ways, detailed monitoring of the user, lists of running processes, application use statistics and other privacy data. You can disable it on the appropriate tab.


As can be seen from this small experiment, all free antiviruses reacted to the same threats a little differently. Some blocked the following link by displaying the warning at an early stage. Others were not allowed to download an infected file or prevented the launch of a malicious script, and the third was reagent only on the local launch of the malfunction or missed it. The point here is not that the paid antivirus is better free from the same developer - they have the same engine and base. Simply in paid versions, additional protection modules are used, due to which the threats are recognized and blocked not only by signature analysis.

Kaspersky FREE In general, did not cause significant complaints. It is very similar to the trimmed KIS, from which the optional components and protection from the fool removed, adding advertisements and hiding the KSN dealer.

Avira distinguished himself monstrously long installation and voraciousness. She occupied most of all places, and the computer with her significantly slowed down on elementary operations. With archives, it practically does not work. In any case, does not check the downloaded from the Internet to their manual unpacking.

Avast! I ignored a couple of serious threats (the user is enough and one) and also abounds with a cunning advertisement. Detectable malformations it blocks immediately, but it is impossible to understand what happened without a detailed analysis of the log. Anti-Virus messages look at the same name and do not imply a choice from the user - usually it is simply notifications about the decision taken.

AVG as a whole looks adequately, but the company's policy regarding the user's data leaves much to be desired. If it were not for ultimatum about collecting information, it could be recommended as a good free antivirus.

To the choice of antivirus, you should always treat with a great responsibility, because the safety of your computer and confidential data depends on it. For the full protection of the system, there is no longer necessary to buy a paid antivirus, since the complimentary analogues are completely successfully coped with the tasks set. Let's compare the main features of Avira Free Antivirus and Avast Free AntiVirus, to determine the best of them.

Both above applications have a cult status among antivirus programs. The Hermann Antivirus Avira is the world's first massive free program to protect computers from malicious code and attacker actions. The Czech program Avast, in turn, today is the most popular free antivirus in the world.

Of course, the interface assessment is very subjective. However, in the evaluation of the appearance, objective criteria can be found.

Antivirus Avira interface has been left for many years without significant changes. It looks somewhat ascetic and old-fashioned.

In contrast, Avast is constantly experimenting with a visual shell. In the latest version of Avast Free AntiVirus, it is maximally adapted to work in the latest Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems. In addition, the Avast control, thanks to the drop-down menu, is quite convenient.

So, regarding the assessment of the interface, you need to prefer the Czech antivirus.

Avira 0: 1 avast

Protection against viruses

It is believed that Avira has a somewhat more reliable protection against viruses than avast, although also sometimes misses the malware into the system. At the same time, Avira has a very large number of false positives, which is not much better than the missed virus.

Let us give up all the same Avira point as a more reliable program, although in this regard, the gap from Avast is minimal.

Avira 1: 1 Avast

Protection areas

Avast Free Antivirus Anti-Virus protects the computer file system, email and Internet connection, using special screens services.

Avira Free Antivirus has a real-time file system protection and surfing on the Internet, using the built-in Windows Equipment. But the e-mail protection is available only in the paid version of Avira.

Avira 1: 2 Avast

If the Avira anti-virus is not too loading the system too much, then performing scanning, it sucks literally all the juices from the operating system and the central processor. As you can see, according to the testimony of the task manager, the main process of Avira when scanning takes on a fairly large percentage of system power. But, besides him, there are three more auxiliary processes.

Unlike Avira, avast antivirus almost does not strain the system even when scanning. As you can see, it takes a smaller speed of RAM than the main process of Avira, and the central processor loads 6 times less.

Avira 1: 3 avast

Additional tools

With free Antiviruses Avast and Avira have a number of additional tools that provide more reliable protection of the system. These include additions to browsers, own browsers, anonymizers and other elements. But it should be noted that if there is no flaw in some of these tools in Avaste, Avira has everything more holistically and organically.

In addition, it should be said that the default Avast is installed by all additional tools. And since most users rarely draw attention to the subtleties of the installation, together with the main antivirus, the elements can be installed completely unnecessary to the system.

But Avira applied a completely different approach. In it, when necessary, the user can establish a specific application individually. It installs only the tools you need. This developer approach is more preferable, since it is less obsessing.

Thus, according to the criterion of the policy of providing additional instruments, Antivirus Avira wins.

Avira 2: 3 avast

Nevertheless, the overall victory in rivalry between the two antiviruses remains for avast. Despite the fact that Avira has a small advantage in such a fundamental criteria as the reliability of virus protection, but the separation of this indicator from Avast is so insignificant that it cannot radically affect the overall position of things.

September 30, 2016

CEO AVAST Software Vincent Schemes announces the completion of the process of acquiring a controlling stake in AVG Technologies.

In July, we announced intentions to acquire a controlling stake in AVG Technologies. And today I am pleased to announce the completion of this process. From Monday, on October 3, 2016, we will begin work as a single company. I would like to warmly greet the AVG team, their customers and partners. I would like to tell a little about our plans for the next few months.

For nearly 30 years, AVG and Avast grew side by side, providing great products to hundreds of millions of users around the world for free. Our similarity will allow to carry out the process of combining companies smoothly and without difficulty. At this stage, we will develop products under both brands.

What do we get, thanks to the acquisition of AVG?

Now we provide unprecedented protection to our customers. This became possible due to the expansion of our database to more than 400 million users worldwide, of which 160 million are mobile security solutions. With almost double increasing user base, we get the world's most developed online threat detection network. Our protective technology, for the most part, is in the cloud and is based on a developed machine learning network. Each of our end users plays the role of peculiar malware and activity sensors. In case of new suspicious files for us, they are sent to our cloud servers for careful consideration, and if necessary, startup in a virtual machine, automatic machine analysis and other patented research. Our artificial intelligence technology determines whether the found unknown file is malicious. In the case of a positive response, this information is transmitted to our server, and, moreover, more than 400 million users worldwide will be protected from this threat, almost immediately receiving the database updates of viral definitions.

One person who received this file protects everyone else. Thanks to each of you, we receive valuable information about current online threats and provide more reliable protection of other users. Together with AVG, we prevent about a billion viral attacks, block more than 500 million malicious URLs and reflect about 50 million phishing attacks per month, as well as monthly process more than 9 million new executable files, a quarter of which turn out to be harmful.

The combination of technologies and talents will make us stronger than ever. You can less worry about online security. We have the opportunity to increase the number of special target groups that will track not only current new threats, which are dangerous from mobile devices to elements of the Internet of things, but also classic malicious files, such as extortionate programs.

We also work on the development of our protective opportunities by implementing the penetration detection system (IDP) - the process of monitoring processes in online, which allows us to detect malicious elements before they can apply any damage to the user. Moreover, we add to these technologies and an advanced AVG solution to detect threats in external interfaces.

Thanks to the transaction, we also expand the possibilities for the protection of our mobile users. Malicious files for mobile devices differ from computer viruses for the reason that the IOS and Android infrastructure is more simple, and applications are hidden in the sandbox. However, while the program-extortionists and social engineering methods still bring the problems to the owners of smartphones, there are more serious questions than the presence of malicious software. If you install the antivirus as an ordinary smartphone application, it can be easily removed. Mobile antivirus becomes stronger if it is installed on a deeper level, for example, mobile operators. The AVG location laboratory product is closely integrated with the four largest mobile operators in the United States. This service does not allow adolescents to write messages in the driving process or during school sessions, closes access to prohibited sites, and also protects their personal photos from theft. We will develop this technology and expand partnerships with mobile operators.

Moreover,Avast.will develop relationships with the impressive base of corporate clientsAVG, as well as their resellers and partnersallow us to cover a larger number of enterprises. We combine the portfolio of AVAST and AVG products. This will give partners access to both product rules, and to more customers.

Protective solutionsAvast.andAVG.will remain the same for their users.After all, for one reason or another, some of you prefer one brand in front of others. The underlying antivirus engine will be stronger than ever, for both groups of users. In general, customers will receive more functions, as we integrate the best solutions from the programs of programs. Our first joint antivirus we plan to release early next year.

In the end, we increase our geographical coverage. AVG were traditionally strong in English-speaking countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, while Avast is popular in other markets. We occupy a leading position in ensuring the protection of home users in Russia, France, Brazil, and most Latin America and Europe. By uniting, we will effort our presence in the United States, serving more than 58 million users in the country. The combination of both companies will make us stronger and more stable, allowing you to withstand various fluctuations in the economy.

AVAST Ahead is awaiting interesting events, and I am glad to be part of this unified company, which, more than ever, is able to provide online protection to people around the world.

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Forward-looking statements

This Communication Contains Forward-Looking Information That Involves Substantial Risks and Uncertainies That Could Cause Actual Results to Differ Materially From Those Expressed or implied by Such States. All States of Historical Fact Are, Or May Be Deemed to Be, Forward-looking States Within The Meaning Of The Federal Securities Laws, And Involve a Number of Risks and Uncertainties. IN SOME CASES, FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS CAN BE IDENTFIED by The Use of Forward-looking Terms such as "Anticipate," "Estimate," "Believe," "Continue," "Could," "Intend," "May," " Plan, "" Potential, "" Predict, "" Should, "" Will, "" Expect, "" Are Confident That, "" Objective, "" Projection, "" Forecast, "" Goal, "" Guidance, "" Outlook, "" Effort, "Target," "Would" Or the Negative of These Terms or other Comparable Terms. There Are A Number of Important Factors That Could Cause Actual Events to Differ Materially From Those Suggested or Indicated by such Suggested or Indicated by Such Forward-Looking Statements and You Should Not Place Undue Reliance On Any Such Forward-looking Statements. These Factors include Risks and Uncerties Related to, Among Other Things: General Economic Conditions and Conditions Affecting the Industries in Which Avast and Avg Operate; The UNCERTAINTY OF REGULATORY APPROVALS; Avg's Delisting from the New York Stock Exchange and Suspension of Avg's Reporting Obligations Under the Exchange Act and to Consummate The Transactions and their Plans Described in this Communication; And Avg's Performance and Maintenance of Important Business Relationships. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE FACTORS TOAT MAY CAUSE ACTUAL RESULTS TO DIFFER MATERIALLY FROM THESE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS IS AVAILABLE IN AVG'S FILINGS WITH THE U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Including Avg's Annual Report On Form 20-F for the year Ended December 31, 2015. These forward-looking states Speak Only As of the Date of this Release and Neither Avast Nor Avg Assumes Any Obligation to Update or Revise Any Forward-Looking Statement, Whether As A Result of New Information, Future Events and Developments or OtherWise, Except As Required by Law.


This Communication Does Not Constitute An Offer to Purchase Or A Solicitation of An Offer to Sell Any Securities of Avg. The Solicitation and Offer to Purchase Ordinary Shares of Avg Is Being Made Pursuant to a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule To, Including An Offer to Purchase, A Related Letter Of Transmital and Certain Other Tender Offer Documents, Filed by Avast With The Sec ON JULY 29 , 2016 (AS Subsequently Amended, The "Tender Offer Statement"). AVG filed a Sochadule 14D-9 WITH ON JULY 29, 2016 (As Subsequently Amended, The "Solicitation / Recommendation Statement"). AVG shareholders are urged to read the Tender Offer Statement and Solicitation / Recommendation Statement, as they may be amended from time to time, as well as any other relevant documents filed with the SEC, carefully and in their entirety because they will contain important information that Avg Shareholders Shld Consider Before Making Any Decision Regarding Tendering Their Securities. The Tender Offer Statement And The Solicitation / Recommendation Statement Are Available for Free at The Sec's WebSite at Copies of the Documents Filed Will Be Available Free of Charge on Avg's WebSite At