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Riddles about bike, sun, soap and air ball. Holiday balloons. Scenario Entertainment for Kids Middle Group Riddle About Air Ball

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I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


Games with balloons


This game is well done at the very beginning, especially if the children are not very familiar with each other, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children get up in a circle leading - to the center. He throws up a balloon under the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh loud. As soon as the ball goes to the floor, everyone must silence. That's where the most interesting begins. It turns out, silence is not so easy. There is one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then the mixed becomes more - the chain reaction occurs.

Coloring Show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, such as red and blue.

Players are divided into two teams and on the lead signal begin to collect their color: one team is red balls, the other blue.

Balloons on balloons

Who will quickly collect their color, he won.

Air Tir

On a large tight sheet of cardboard, we stick the bands of the two-way tape, and the balloons are inflated. Participants distribute darts and put them in one line (at a distance of about 2 m from cardboard with balls). At the command of the leading children begin to throw darts into balls. The one who can burst more balls is considered the winner.


All participants are in a circle. The presenter launches four balls filled with water. Participants to music transfer balls to each other. He whom the ball will remain in her hands after stopping music, drops out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are detected.

Duel at sea

There are no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put on the right leg of the last, and the ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the ball of the opponent, i.e., clap it.

Finger games

We went to the bazaar
Buy balloon.
Here is green, like a sheet,
Blue, as if Vasileuk.
Red, brighter tomato,
Yellow - lemon crust color

Time is not losing
Quickly choose!
So we need to play
Multicolored balls.

Game "Inflation Balloon"

Left handle finger tips are pressed to the tips of their fingers with the right handle: large to large, index to the indicable, medium to the middle and so on.

I blow on my fingers - "inflation the ball." Without taking apart from each other, the fingers slowly push the "ball".

You can "inflate" a big ball.

Continuing blowing, tear off your fingers from each other, we break the handles to the sides of the imaginary bowl. We say: "Bach!" - And cheese with the handles ("The ball burst!").

⇐ Previous78910111213141516.

did not you find what you were looking for? Use the search:


Warm wave shoulder
In the shores of the cast iron.
Guess, remember:
What kind of sea in the room?

White village
To the floor is friends.

For children: riddles about the balloon

White Lake -
Then fully, then merge,
Clean water from the sky -
Then fill the lake,
And it will disappear without a trace.

Iron house,
Powdows walls in it,
No roofs - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom - window.

I can dive into it to dive
But I can not drown
And if it becomes deep
I will open the cork I easily.


And what was! And what was!
Mom River in the house of letting.
River fun bung
Mom in her underwear was washed.
And then, and then,
I was bought in the rain.

In the house small
Full of people lives,
All honest yes simple
All transparent and clean
And as a guest comes -
Flies people
On the guest throws -
Yes, the guest will not be offended,
It will hug, the other -
Shines cleanliness.

Rain warm and thick
This rain is not simple:
He is without clouds, without clouds
All day to go ready.


Parashka is worth
Holds a cup
Head bowed
Nose was lowered
And out of the nose
Cup of a clean water.

Silver pipe
From the pipe - water,
Water runs and pouring
White well,
On the pipe - two brothers,
Sit Yes having fun.
One in kaftana red,
Second - in blue,
Both friends
Head of water.


I saw my portrait.
Departed - the portrait is not.

And shines and glitters
It does not flatter anyone -
And any truth will say -
All as it will show him.

Although he did not leave a moment
Happy birthday,
His faces you did not see
But only reflection.

There is a portrait in the room,
In everything like you.
War down - and in response
He laughs too.

Did not look into the window -
There was one Antoshka.
Looked in the window -
There is the second Antoshka.
What is this window,
Where did the Antoshka watched?

The sage in it saw the sage,
Fool - fool
baran - Baran,
Sheep saw sheep in him,
And monkey - monkey
But they summed up to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw
Narium shaggy.


When I wash with me,
Then tears shed.

Look, look -
Sun in the river and in the trough!
Why is it always
Only where there is water?

Eludes how living
But I will not let him down.
Clear is quite -
Let me wash my hands.

Bubbles allowed
Foam up closed -
And it did not become
All it disappeared.

Take me,
Wash out, BUY,
What am i like
Early guess
And know:
Big would be trouble,
Whenever I do not even water.

Smooth and scented
Washes very clean
It is necessary that everyone has.
What is it?

Suffals like a living
But I will not let him
White foam foaming
Hands wash not foam.

Pink brick, fragrant
Clean it and you will be clean.


Rubber Akulinka
I went to walk on the back.
And while she walked,
The back is rose.


Bone back
Tough bristle, with
mint paste is friends
We are diligently served.

Tail - from the bone
And on the back - bristle.

Lucky girl -
Tough cheese
During the day is cool.
And in the morning yes in the evenings
Work is accepted:
Head Call
Yes, the wall will wash.


In the cave, the
On the crime comes out -
From the walls everything displays.


Waffle and striped,
Dust and shaggy
Always at hand -
What it is?

I wipe I try
After the bath guy.
All wet, everything served -
No dry corner.

Says the track -
Two embroidered end:
"I will catch a little bit,
Ink Smeat from face!
Otherwise you are half a day
Step me. "

On the wall hangs, dangles,
Everything is enough for him.


Tooty Pila
In the forest, a thick went.
The whole forest went around,
Nothing was cut.

There are many teeth, and nothing eats.

I go, fermenting not in the forests,
And on the mustache, by hair,
And my teeth are longer,
Than that of wolves and bears.

We use her often
Although she, like a wolf, a toothster.
She does not want to bite
She would scratch a teeth.

As many as 25 teeth,
For Kudrey and Khokholkov.
And under each, under teeth -
Fall hair row.

Light field-party
Goes on the Harrow field,
Wheat raises
The order is observing.

Clean, toothy
Clung to chub whirlpool

Hair and comb

Wooden fence
Fencing the courtyard
In the courtyard - Tabun Konya,
And in the fence - one hundred doors,
To get to the will
Yes, run in the pure field.
Horses rushed wave,
We drove a live river.


Loe in pocket and karaulu -
Ripu, plaks and dirty.
They are the morning streams of tears,
I will not forget about the nose.


Where the sponge will not master
No home, not dominated,
I take the work:
Heels, elbows with soap tru,
And rubbing the knees,
I do not forget anything.


Slides along the track
His leg -
In other people's hands
Rides up the leg
Yes, scroll track.

Massage brush

Iron Yezhik
With rubber skin,
Down needles goes
Needles grass rows.

All riddles

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I love my birthday very much. Every year, we adorn our home for the holiday with the whole family. And, of course, an important decoration element is balloons. Usually, with my brother, we compete in who is faster inflated the ball of mouth. We are very in a hurry, everyone wants to win, and suddenly, almost an inflated ball, breaks out of the hands and rapidly flies, staining around the room until it takes away at all. I decided to find out why the air ball flies, if it is not tied and from which its flight is depends.

Experiments with balloon

Hypothesis 1. Suppose the wind helps to fly the ball.

I influence two balls. One of them will establish a thread. Let's go outside in windy weather. Let go balls. They fly. A knitted ball flies from the gusts of the wind. And the one that is not tied, flies faster. And then both fall on the ground. In the apartment where there is no wind, the knotted ball slowly falls on the floor. And unencitted - flies, although slower than on the street. And then falls. Still, the wind helps the flight of the ball. But he flies without wind. So my hypothesis was partially confirmed.

Hypothesis 2. Suppose that gas is lighter than air, so it flies.

I know than warmer air, the more easier, so the balloon rises up. Maybe carbon dioxide is also easier than air? We will conduct the next experience. Take two identical balls. One influence with carbon dioxide, and the other with air pump. We connect their thread and reinfeit through the wand. We see that the ball, inflated carbon dioxide kicked below. So he is heavier. In the directory, I found confirmation with my conclusion. It turned out that carbon dioxide is 1.5 times heavier than air. This hypothesis was false.

Hypothesis 3. Perhaps the ball pushes the air coming out of it.

When we inflate the ball, the rubber shell is stretched and filled with air. When the inlet is released, the air with force is pulled out. The ball decreases. The air from the ball flies in one direction, and the bulb is the other. They are repelled from each other. The ball path is unpredictable. When all the air leaves the ball, it stops. I asked the physics teacher Sergey Vyacheslavovich about this. He said that the ball flies under the action of reactive power. The reactive movement occurs when its part is separated from the body at some speed. So, the ball pushes the air that comes out of it. My ball is reactive!

Experiments showing reactive movement.

We will conduct some more experiences showing the reactive movement of the ball.

1. Influence the balloon, insert a bent tube and taped. Attach the ball to the small typewriter. The tube must look back.

Riddles about the balloon

We free the tube. Air leaves back. The machine goes forward under the action of reactive power.

2. The same bulb with a tube is lowered into a bowl with water. The tube should look aside. We free the tube. The ball begins to rotate water under the action of reactive force.

As affected by the shape of the ball and the thickness of rubber on the range of flight.

Interestingly, from which factors the range of the ball is depends? Take the balls different in size and thickness of rubber and carry out an experiment. Take the line and stretch it around the room. On the fishing line wear a part of the straw. We will inflate the balls by the pump with the same amount of air (10 stems). Balls will attach to Solominka Scotch and let go. The ball flies on the fishing line some distance and stop. Mimmerize the path passed. For clarity, fill the results table. ( Table 1)

Table 1

Output: The thicker the tires and the greater the size of the ball, the further he flies.

Wilderness Movement

Jet motion is used by many molluscs. Octopuses, squid and cuttlefish have a special bag. In it, they type water and produce her strong jet out. The jet is pushing the animal back. Squid can develop speed up to 60-70km / h.

Examples of reactive movement can be found in the world of plants. The mature fruits of "mad" cucumber with a light touch bounce off the fruits, and from the resulting hole with force, liquid with seeds are thrown; The cucumbers themselves fly in the opposite direction. Shoots "Mad" cucumber for more than 12 meters.

How scientists used knowledge about such a movement.

One of the main inventions of mankind in the 20th century is the invention of the jet engine, which allowed man to rise into space. So the rockets appeared, and then reactive aircraft. Later, engineers created an engine similar to the squid engine. He was called a waterman. Such an engine is on some high-speed boats.

Studying this topic, I discovered the information that the balloons are not only fun, but also useful! It turns out that they "give" health to our easy. The inflation of the balls has a positive effect on our throat (even serves as an anemus prevention tool), and also helps strengthen our voice. Singers often enjoy this help, since such training helps them to breathe correctly during singing.

I believe that this work can be used in the lessons to demonstrate in a simple and colorful form of the reactive force, clearly show that carbon dioxide is heavier than air. After all, when we ourselves are spending different experiments or watching them, it is easier for us to understand the principle of action of something, especially if these experiences are such bright and fun!


1. Aron K. D., Sakharov S. V. We are going. We swim We fly .. - M.: Children's book, 1993.

2. Galileo. Science experienced by. Issue number 1, 2011.

3. Gorez L. A. Entertaining experiences in physics. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

4. Rabiz F. Simple experiments. - M.: Children's literature, 2002.

5. Sicaruk L. L. Physics for kids. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005.

6. What is? Who it? - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.

Riddles about balloons

I am not like a piano
But I have a pedal too
Who is not a coward and not a coward
Pumping so much
I have no motor
I call ...

Answer: Bicycle

I sat down my father
On the iron horse.
Only my horse's horse
Suddenly he is not on the road.
That is left, right
Yama, bump and ditch.
And then I dug like a beast,
What to do now.
On rubber heels
We put a patch with a papure.

Answer: Bicycle

Two wheels and two pedals,
Circling them and go to Dali
I want to go round a whole light
After all, I have ...!

Answer: Bicycle

Spin rings
Top of the little man.

Answer: Bicycle

Spinning pedals
Chasing Dalymi.

Answer: Bicycle

This horse does not eat oats,
He has two wheels,
On the chains he does not sit,
There is a chain, he runs with her,
There is a saddle and two pedals.
Have you learned a horse with the steering wheel?

Answer: Bicycle

Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.
Did the ride transport learned?
Brake - eat, cab - no.
Michu me ...

Answer: Bicycle

Steering wheel, wheels and pedals
I was impacted on the far path.

Answer: Bicycle

Rama is, and where is the window?
I sat in the saddle, you will not say: "But!"
There is a call, but no doors!
Same …

Answer: Bicycle

Clear in the morning along the road
On the grass glitters dew,
On the road ride legs
And run two wheels.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …

Answer: Bicycle

I do not go, but rushing.
I do not go, and twisted.
Click tightly on the pedals:
Pedestrians overtook!
I remember with the breeze, I will go,
On asphalt, on parquet,
Green light: ....

Answer: Bicycle

I'm just on the go,
And if I will fall.

Answer: Bicycle

I am not like a horse,
And I have a saddle.
The needles are. They, confess
For knitting are not suitable.
Not alarm clock, do not tram,
But I call something and know.

Answer: Bicycle

He has two wheels
And saddle on the frame.
Two pedals are downstairs
Twist their legs.

Answer: Bicycle

Run with two legs,
While sits on me rides.
My horns in his hands,
And the speed in his legs.
I'm only stable on the run,
I can not stand seconds.

Answer: Bicycle

Birthday I have -
Gave me a horse.
Wonderful what!
Need to go carefully
For the horns you can stay
Sorry just - there are no hollows ...
What kind of horse? ...

Answer: Bicycle

My friends are not reading.
Among them and the goat is.
He is with a cheerful voice -
Call bell.
Taking him for the horns
Food along the track!

Answer: Bicycle

This horse does not eat oats.
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit down and rush on it,
Only better right steering wheel.

Answer: Bicycle

Round legs run on the road:
Once leg, two legs, three legs,
Ahead - horns.

Answer: Bicycle

Mysteries about transport with answers.

Holiday balloons. Entertainment scenario for middle group children.

Riddles about the metro, about the tram, about a truck, about the motor ship, about the bus, about the aircraft, about the bike, about the helicopter and other vehicles.

Transport riddles

Underground through the capital

This train is proudly rushing

Without congestion overtaking

All cars and trams. (Metro)

Sparks roll out salute,

Over the aisk, the ringing is heard.

It goes on the route

Electric wagon.

Were used rails, wires -

We will sweat without difficulty. (Tram)

In cities deep at night

Sleep the bus and tram.

If transport is needed urgently -

You call the car.

She will arrive: "I am free!

I will bring anywhere! "(Taxi)

He was not elk, but he is twir

Important rides on the road.

If the horns suddenly fly

From two contact wires -

Their driver straightens

And the trailer is ready! (Trolleybus)

Passengers we rolling

On the routes here and there,

And Tourists deliver

To historical places.

We are going to the goal all

For avenue and highway. (Buses)

I am not a simple car,

All aluminum.

And on the wings I take off

In this sky is blue.

Passenger, cargo,

Sometimes supersonic. (Plane)

I am an important car

There is body and cabin.

I drive any cargo

On ribbons roads.

And parties and watermelons

I will give you on time. (Truck)

On the Road from Iron

Fast food past the forest,

Past tundra and sands,

Villages and cities.

I already have a lot of years.

The locomotive was my grandfather. (A train)

Old steamer is not in vain

Santa I call.

Through rivers and the sea -

Everywhere sailing.

And along the Volga, up and down,

I will take you into a cruise. (Motor ship)

He spread out Doug

Over the ravine and river.

On him there and here

Trains can ride. (Bridge)

I raised my eyes into the sky -

There is a big dragonfly,

Non-fat, metal,

Everything flew and flew,

Scared and barley

And the propeller twisted. (Helicopter)

Here is a big underground move

But I did not break it with mole.

Three kilometer long

Technique struck.

On it faster wind

Mchat cars. (Tunnel)

Need to buy a ticket here -

And you will unite the whole light.

Kided luggage for a whole powder,

Waiting for a porter, here as here.

And everywhere - on the left, right

Passenger compounds. (Railway station)

To go to the flight,

Liner here runs away.

On chassis wheels

He rushes rapid taxi

And takes off up, on the will.

Name this field. (Aerodrome)

I am a good car

Ring food without gasoline.

Let's take it into any given,

Only you twist the pedals. (Bicycle)

That's so transport, he is alive!

By name - Huzhova.

He drove in the twentieth century

Drows, sleigh and carts. (Horse)

He has two wings,
Like a bird, an eagle.
Housing is brilliant.
It seems to be real.

Answer: Airplane

What a bird:
Songs do not sing,
Nests do not live
People and cargo lucky?

Answer: Airplane

Big bird -
Steel mare.
The sky flies
Inside her people sits.

Answer: Airplane

Took off to the salary
Iron Bird ...
There are wings and tail,
And the trace, like a bridge.
We look at the age of
And there is no track.

Answer: Airplane

Iron bird flies in the sky,
Track leaving, noise and buzzing -
People carry people into distant countries ...
This is not a pigeon and not sparrow.

Answer: Airplane

Took with his saddle,
And soared under the clouds!
So went to the flight
Miracle - Bird ...

Answer: Airplane

Not a bird, but flies,
Not a truck, but from the cabin,
Not bat
And with wings.

Answer: Airplane

What kind of bird brave
Did you rush across the sky?
Only white path
From her remained.

Answer: Airplane

Not bee, not bumblebee,
And buzzes.
Stationary wing
And flies.

Answer: Airplane

Here is a steel bird
In heaven, seeks
And leads her pilot.
What a bird?

Answer: Airplane

Quickly sails in the sky
Oblining birds flight.
Man manages them.

From vet: plane

Riddles about helicopter

From plastics made all,
He has a propeller.
If someone plays with him,
Around the apartment he flies.

Answer: Helicopter.

He dragonfly reminds
From the place in the clouds takes off
Departed in flight

Answer: Helicopter.

He fed, knock,
Require and screw
In heaven ule
All of you pump.

Answer: Helicopter.

Verify, certification,
Straight in the sky.

Answer: Helicopter.

In heaven rinsing thunder
And no cloud circle.
Song rolling sings
Cookery ...

Answer: Helicopter.

Miracle - Yudo - Dragonfly
Glazed eyes.
If the wings rotates
Every wind feels.

Answer: Helicopter.

The car in the air is hanging.
Stands still. Not flies.
She saves souls
At sea and on land.

Answer: Helicopter.

Who is to high heavens
Rises belly to himself.
Instruils are sitting
For a sudden throw.

Answer: Helicopter.

It's what a fan
Over the earth hung guys?
And roar and tahatitis
Although without wings, but flies?

Answer: Helicopter.

Silver belly,
Spinning ear.
Circling, buzzing, shake -
In heaven, like a bumblebee.

Answer: Helicopter.

Riddles about rocket

Neither a pen nor wing
And faster the eagle.
Only release the tail -
Run to the stars.

Answer: Rocket

The wings do not have this bird
But it is impossible not to marry:
Only blossoms the bird tail -
And rises to the stars.

Answer: Rocket

On the ship air
Cosmic, obedient
We, overtaking the wind
We are on ...

Answer: Rocket

Dissolved scarlet tail
Flew into a hundred stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary ...

Answer: Rocket

Riddles about the balloon

With warm air ball
And under it basket,
Under legs Earth -
As if in the picture.

Answer: balloon

We fly under the clouds
We touch them with your hands,
Rises steam to sky
Our big ...

Answer: balloon

I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


Games with balloons


Coloring Show

Air Tir


Duel at sea

Finger games

We went to the bazaar
Buy balloon.
Here is green, like a sheet,
Blue, as if Vasileuk.
Red, brighter tomato,
Yellow - lemon crust color

Time is not losing
Quickly choose!
So we need to play
Multicolored balls.

Game "Inflation Balloon"

Left handle finger tips are pressed to the tips of their fingers with the right handle: large to large, index to the indicable, medium to the middle and so on.

I blow on my fingers - "inflation the ball." Without taking apart from each other, the fingers slowly push the "ball".

You can "inflate" a big ball.

Continuing blowing, tear off your fingers from each other, we break the handles to the sides of the imaginary bowl. We say: "Bach!" - And cheese with the handles ("The ball burst!").

Outcome of the game week

  1. Tasks
  2. Project plan
  3. application

Project Plan:

  1. A balloon riddle like transportation.
  2. Riddle about balloons that they happen.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and lap" on the flannelhemph.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Balloon riddles.
  2. Poem about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country "Charolande". Guys, what do you think, on what transport can we get there?

(children's responses)


With warm air ball

And under it basket,

Under the legs of the land

As if in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a balloon.

Educator: And here is Charlenia. In this country, unusual residents live - this ... Listen to the riddle and guess.

Genium is pumped into us

So that we flew above,

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Keep us for the rope,

And not we fly away.


(children's responses)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. And what are they?

(children's responses)

Educator: Do you know that the balls are made of rubber?

Educator: Who is from the heroes of the fairy tale filled the balloon?

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

Easy ball my air,

Shrew thread naughty

Broken , said: "So far."

AND castle In the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue Ball inflatable
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I watched me piered.

N. Yaroslavtsev

To me ball bought
And we made friends.
House all day
Like snowflakes circled!
Offended fragrance,
I began to be sad.
For it
Dad hung to the chandelier.

A. Malayev

I had a ball.
Bright like a flashlight.
The ball was wow and ah!
And then he is like Ba-Bach!
I sat on the button: Once and - Bam!
In general, the ball burst Himself.
And the flaps remained
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's responses)

Educator: And now we will turn into balloons.

Stop right.

And now turn on the pump,

We swing the air to the ball.


Left, right,

Left, right,

Well we worked out.

We fly under the clouds

And the earth sails under us.

Grove, field, garden and river

And at home, and men.

(Mahi hands, like wings)

We fly tired something

Landed on the swamp.


Educator: Guys, what do you like to engage the balls in our country?

  1. Ball magnet.
  1. Attraction of balls.

Educator: And the balloons love to play. And we will play with them now.

Games with balloons:

1. Congue

2. "Slope's bowl, slap!"

3. Equilibrists

  1. Who will last a ball on the nose longer
  2. Who longer will last a ball on a pencil or pointer

Educator : That's the end of our journey to the country, Charolande. Oh, guys, see what a big unusual ball. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, children consider ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

Educator: Guys, these are gifts from balloons.

(Thank you!)


  1. Balloons on balloons

I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


  1. Fairy Tale "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

Laporn tells a bubble:

  1. Poems about balloons

Easy ball my air
Jerked thread naughty
Broke, said: so far!
And he was tested in the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I looked at me inflated.

Joyful hedgehog on the forest fled,

It became dark ... The breeze flew ...
Filin swollen ... and the forest empty ...

Between the trees trails are visible!

If the ball is pumping,
It will then fly.
Need to tie a thread,
To keep the ball.
Created for defones
Multicolored balls.

I bought a blue ball.
He was light and air.
Oh what he was beautiful
But terribly naughty.
He all the time in the sky rushed,
To be submissive did not want.
And, hardly I got squeezed
The ball took - and flew away.
I will lick his palm,
Although it is a sorry for a little.

Carefree balloon ball,
Irrepressible he, naughty,
Everything would fly to him in the blue sky
And about the wind careless dream.

I have a ball air
Bright, light and obedient.
I, when walking go,
Bowl for a string.
The ball is very sorry,
Why does he lose weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

Ball magnet.

Attraction of balls.

  1. Games with balloons


All children get up in a circle leading - to the center. He throws up a balloon under the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh loud. As soon as the ball goes to the floor, everyone must silence. That's where the most interesting begins. It turns out, silence is not so easy. There is one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then the mixed becomes more - the chain reaction occurs.

Coloring Show

Players are divided into two teams and on the lead signal begin to collect their color: one team is red balls, the other blue. Who will quickly collect their color, he won.

Air Tir

On a large tight sheet of cardboard, we stick the bands of the two-way tape, and the balloons are inflated. Participants distribute darts and put them in one line (at a distance of about 2 m from cardboard with balls). At the command of the leading children begin to throw darts into balls. The one who can burst more balls is considered the winner.


All participants are in a circle. The presenter launches four balls filled with water. Participants to music transfer balls to each other. He whom the ball will remain in her hands after stopping music, drops out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are detected.

Duel at sea

There are no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put on the right leg of the last, and the ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the ball of the opponent, i.e., clap it.




Gaming Week Project

On the topic: "Balloons"

  1. Tasks
  2. Project plan
  3. application

Purpose: expand the horizons of young preschool children about a balloon.

Tasks: to introduce children about the simplest generation of static electricity, sound oscillations. Teach use balloons in games.

Project Plan:

  1. A balloon riddle like transportation.
  2. Riddle about balloons that they happen.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and lap" on the flannelhemph.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Balloon riddles.
  2. Poem about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country "Charolande". Guys, what do you think, on what transport can we get there?

(children's responses)

Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot of transport, but we will only get to Charolandy on .... Guess what:

With warm air ball

And under it basket,

Under the legs of the land

As if in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a balloon.

Close more in the basket, flew !!!

Educator: And here is Charlenia. In this country, unusual residents live - this ... Listen to the riddle and guess.

Genium is pumped into us

So that we flew above,

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Keep us for the rope,

And not we fly away.


(children's responses)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. And what are they?

(children's responses)

Educator: Do you know that the balls are made of rubber?

But what the balls were once very, very long ago, we now learn from this fairy tales.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, Solominka and Laporn".

Educator: Who is from the heroes of the fairy tale filled the balloon?

(Bubble, inflated him, tied, he flew away)

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

But in Chicken Balls, adore to work, what do they know how to do? Listen carefully a poem, and then answer what a balloon can do.

Easy ball my air,

Shrew thread naughty

Broke, said: "For now."

And he was tested in the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I watched me

N. Yaroslavtsev

Bought me a ball.
And we made friends.
House all day
Like snowflakes, circled!
Offended, blurted out ,
I began to be sad.
For it
Dad hung to the chandelier.

A. Malayev

I had a ball.
Bright like a flashlight.
The ball was wow and ah!
And then he is like Ba-Bach!
I sat on the button: Once and - Bam!
In general, the ball burst Himself.
And the flaps remained
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's responses)

Educator: And now we will turn into balloons.

Stop right.

Inflation balls "F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F"

And now turn on the pump,

We swing the air to the ball.


Left, right,

Left, right,

Two- three- four (2 times)

Well we worked out.

We fly under the clouds

And the earth sails under us.

Grove, field, garden and river

And at home, and men.

(Mahi hands, like wings)

We fly tired something

Landed on the swamp.


Foured the balls "S-S-C-S-S-S-S-C-S-S-C".

Educator: Guys, what do you like to engage the balls in our country?

They love to show tricks !!!

(Showing experiments with balloons).

  1. Ball magnet.

Throw the ball about the hair. It is better about the rings and about others (try to choose a person who is not sorry, and he is less than you, or runs worse). Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball like shit!

  1. Attraction of balls.

The electrical charges are repelled, the variepetes are attracted. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls from different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction about the hair, then suspended for the threads alongside, they will deviate apart (with friction about the hair we have electrified balls so that they both have acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls to electrify some synthetic tissue, and the other about the hair, then the balls will begin to adhere to each other. Those. They got different charges - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

  1. Burner cutting device.

Educator: And the balloons love to play. And we will play with them now.

Games with balloons:

  1. Kangaroo

This game is probably familiar to you. I played it back in the pioneer camp, and now my daughter plays in her camp.

All players are divided into two teams. The lead denotes the starting line, and at a distance of about 5 m from it puts a stool with a basket (or any other capacity).

The first player gets at the start. He has a bag on her neck (or tied a big handkerchief so that it turns out his pocket, like Kangaroo), in which a soft toy is lying. The player clamps between the legs of the ball and jumps to the stool. Takes out the toy, puts in the basket, jumps back and passes the ball and bag-pocket to the next player. He also jumps to a stool, takes out a toy, puts her to her bag-pocket and jumping back.

That team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

  1. "Cleemon ball, slammer!"

Play paired. For each leg, the player ties two balloons. On the whistle the lead begins the contest. Task: step by foot and slap the opponent's ball, but save your balls.

  1. Equilibrists
  1. Who will last a ball on the nose longer
  2. Who longer will last a ball on a pencil or pointer

Educator : That's the end of our journey to the country, Charolande. Oh, guys, see what a big unusual ball. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, children consider ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

(The ball is bursting a pin, candy fall out of it)

Educator: Guys, these are gifts from balloons.

(Thank you!)


  1. Balloons on balloons

I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


  1. Fairy Tale "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

There were a bubble, straw and lap.

They went to the forest firewood chop. They reached the river and do not know how to go through the river.

Laporn tells a bubble:

Bubble, let's swim on you!

No, lap! Let it be better than the straw drawn from the shore to the shore, we will move on it.

Solominka pulled from the shore to the shore. Laporna went on the straw, she broke away. Laporn fell into the water.

And the bubble laughed, laughed, and I burst.

  1. Poems about balloons

Easy ball my air
Jerked thread naughty
Broke, said: so far!
And he was tested in the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I looked at me inflated.

Joyful hedgehog on the forest fled,
The ball of air for the thread kept.
Birds are twitched! Light and warm ...
Just suddenly the sun for the cloud went ...

It became dark ... The breeze flew ...
Filin swollen ... and the forest empty ...
Hedgehog said: "What are you doing?
Sun, ay! The night on the ground came ...

Birds are not heard, flowers closed ...
Who will help me find a path? "
Hedgehog his ball asked -
He opened his paw, and released the thread ...

The ball over the forest took off and swam ...
He, like a sun, was yellow!
Again light. And flowers revealed,
Between the trees trails are visible!

Found Darkness! My Yozh smiled:
"How my ball in the sun looks like!"

If the ball is pumping,
It will then fly.
Need to tie a thread,
To keep the ball.
Created for defones
Multicolored balls.

I bought a blue ball.
He was light and air.
Oh what he was beautiful
But terribly naughty.
He all the time in the sky rushed,
To be submissive did not want.
And, hardly I got squeezed
The ball took - and flew away.
I will lick his palm,
Although it is a sorry for a little.

Carefree balloon ball,
Irrepressible he, naughty,
Everything would fly to him in the blue sky
And about the wind careless dream.

I have a ball air
Bright, light and obedient.
I, when walking go,
Bowl for a string.
The ball is very sorry,
Why does he lose weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

1. Focus with a bulk singe.

It will take an inflated air ball (if there is no one, or is it, but it will come, then alas, the focus will not work), tape, metal needles or a long seer.

Unnoticed for the child, shift pieces of tape for diametrically opposite ball points. It will be better if these points are close to the "Poles" (i.e., the top and the bottom). Then the focus can happen even without scotch.

Announce that now the ball is driven, and it will not burst! Boldly stick a sequel or needle so that they pass through the sections of scotch!

The secret of the focus is that although the hole is formed, then Ideally, the scotch will not give pressure to break the ball. And the needker herself will close the hole, not allowing the air to leave it.

Ball magnet.

You need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper.

Throw the ball about the hair. Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball.

Experience vividly demonstrates the existence of mysterious static electricity. When we are three hair ball, he gets a negative electric charge. And since the variepete charges are attracted, then the pieces are attracted to the ball, which have besides a negative and positive charge. The ball will attract not only the paper, but also hair, dust, stick to the wall and even curb the thin flowing of water from the crane.

Attraction of balls.

The electrical charges are repelled, the variepetes are attracted. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls from different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction about the hair, then suspended for the threads alongside, they will deviate apart (with friction about the hair we have electrified balls so that they both have acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls to electrify some synthetic tissue, and the other about the hair, then the balls will begin to adhere to each other. Those. They got different charges - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

Air ball as a reactive engine.

The principle of operation is that the jet of air escaping from the ball after it was inflated and let go, pushes the machine in the opposite direction.

If the machine is sufficiently light, then it can fly, so close the window in advance, and warn a cat and fish.

Burner cutting device.

Attach an inflated balloon to the ear and listen - the surrounding sounds will be heard much better. If the second person is very quietly whisper at all next to the surface of the ball, then his voice will be heard as quite loud.

The fact is that in this experience the balloon acts as a sound lenses. The shape of its surface collects sound waves and directs them in one point.

  1. Games with balloons

This game is well done at the very beginning, especially if the children are not very familiar with each other, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children get up in a circle leading - to the center. He throws up a balloon under the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh loud. As soon as the ball goes to the floor, everyone must silence. That's where the most interesting begins. It turns out, silence is not so easy. There is one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then the mixed becomes more - the chain reaction occurs.

Coloring Show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, such as red and blue.

Players are divided into two teams and on the lead signal begin to collect their color: one team is red balls, the other blue. Who will quickly collect their color, he won.

Air Tir

On a large tight sheet of cardboard, we stick the bands of the two-way tape, and the balloons are inflated. Participants distribute darts and put them in one line (at a distance of about 2 m from cardboard with balls). At the command of the leading children begin to throw darts into balls. The one who can burst more balls is considered the winner.


All participants are in a circle. The presenter launches four balls filled with water. Participants to music transfer balls to each other. He whom the ball will remain in her hands after stopping music, drops out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are detected.

Duel at sea

There are no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put on the right leg of the last, and the ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the ball of the opponent, i.e., clap it.

Without me, there will be no light,
Without me, there will be no summer,
In the morning, knocking in April:
Wake up, got up ...


So that "dirty" not be,
It follows with me, be friends.
Foam, fragrant,
Pens will be clean.
If you get into the eyes,
Then a little plump ...
But as soon as the foam washed away,
Stopped pinching ...


I am big, but empty.
Pearing in the sky above the earth.
And not proud, but inflated,
Little tolstoy chosen.
I and children, always was friendly,
And I call me ...

Comment Article "Riddles about bike, sun, soap and air ball"

Please tell me any riddles about transport. The answer to the riddle "This is my bike." Write something please. I hip-hop monyak 12/26/2002 14:44:30, 5,98gr.

Well, the thief planted for 2 years, obliged to commemorate our damage (deduct from s / pls on the zone), did not find the bike ((as the police could not find great when the riddle was caught on the spot ...

For the birth of the younger daughter, the work colleagues gave me a whole pack of cosmetic and hygienic equipment Sun and Moon. For me, this cosmetics was not familiar and I, frankly, reacted slightly skeptical. To begin with, I decided to try everything on myself. I am allergic, so if I have a reaction to me, then I will definitely not give such a baby. To his surprise, cosmetics turned out to be more than worthy. In the set were - shampoo, moisturizing children's cream, disposable buttons and ...

First hides the "treasure" with gifts, then somewhere the last prompt is laid away - the riddle leading to the "cland"; Then the penultimate - leading to the place where the last tip is hidden, etc., until the very first "splinker".

December 1 - Phase of the Moon: III quarter (decreasing moon), until 22:23 20 Lunar day: Twentieth lunar days - the best period for buying a sports equipment, from sneakers to dumbbells, from the simulator to T-shirt, from the subscription to the swimming pool before payment personal coach services. Also now favorably buy everything connected with the movement - car, motorcycle, horse, bike, ship, and the like. And finally, today you can buy goods by mail or the Internet. But only in ...

Tip # 2 Come up with the main character of the main character of the fairy tales - the rod, around which events and miracles are spinning. Your child, or a boy or a girl, his behavior, very reminiscent of your baby, can be the main character. The main character can be a favorite toy, a cartoon hero, an animal or a bird, a car, a regular cone, dishes, a table, a computer, telephone. Anything! Deliver the hero with some ordinary and unusual qualities. For example, revive the table - in itself ...

We draw up a room with balloons with Maski Maski Mask and Bear, in the dresser put samovar and jam. Do not forget about cups and medals, put an inflatable bed for jumping. In addition, you can make a house for bees from cardboard boxes. Patch the songs from the cartoon in advance. To create a real atmosphere of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" print in the format and 3 many pictures on the cartoon and decorate the room. A few days before the birthday, you can send guests invitations ...

I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking fruit from balloons. How cute and easy! Buy multicolored balls, glue green leaves to them - and all things. Brightly, colorfully, fun and very pretty. Great decoration for the holiday. Reflect on what we need? Balls Inflatable Scissors Green Colored Paper For Nuts Liste for Testing Balls As usual Inflation Balls, cut out leaves and glit to the ball. We collect fruits for garlands. Based on materials ...

This is already a riddle - manually sawing Podzhka, and if the "Bulgarian", where did he find a socket in the basement? Okay, I open my shed (opened too). I'll get a bike - and it is without the front wheel!

Long wool section where they boast. I collected your whole list of all kinds of need and unnecessaries :) It was thought that it makes sense to lay it out in the open access, so that you could look at all :) If you have your finds, send me a denote, do not write here, I'm trying to somehow streamline Links by category :) Keep in mind periodically links burn, i.e., things ends, shops are closed ... I will add that despite the fact that all links lead to things that have already boasted ...

Invent a really original and creative wedding script is often not easy. A man living in the modern world is usually tempted in all sorts of spectacles, I saw a lot, and a lot where I visited, and therefore it is difficult to surprise and even more like an extraordinary event or an incident. But a person always remains a man and many of us want romance, and the storm of emotions, and something beautiful, but at the same time new, unknown. One example is not only very beautiful, but ...

Birthday in the kitchen of homemade animation All children love cartiors! At the celebration, guests under the guidance of multimaster will create a special day-born cartoon! Children and parents have fun and with benefit to spend time and learn to shoot cartoons at home. Camera, TV and a little fantasy - and such a holiday can be arranged at least every day. The program is suitable for children from 4 years (if there is less than 4 years old - call, and we will come up with something) ...

They go without making a step, without stopping and with courage. In them, time is waiting for us, a second moment, and a whole hour. (Clock) If you fall into the forest, there will always be it there. Well, on the holiday, in the New Year we will lead to her dance. (Christmas tree) in winter snow falls, running around the rain. Spring icicle from ice ... Well, in general, different events. (Water) He floats on a sheet, like a motor ship. Only you are not a trunk, it hurts it hot. (Iron) Two wheels and two pedals. Well, where did you see this? Pedals are twist - he ...

help guess the riddle. The child was mysterious at school. Gose the whole family. Opinions diverge. Bicycle.)) Wings - piece of iron, which over wheels. Teeth - on the gear.

All bikes without tires. why? B. Gunlop's mysterious invented in 1887 to put on the wheel of a three-wheeled bicycle of his 10-year-old son wide hoops made from the hose for gardens, and inflate their air.

He does not know a single riddle, so there is no standard answers on them. Very funny :)) "in winter and in summer in one color" - Sunny. In fact, the tree, but why the tree, the sun is also quite suitable.

GM, I'm shocked from such a small child riddles .... we recommend reading: the number of birth of a child. How to choose a bike. 26 years old wedding. View topics in other conferences

Games for rhyming, riddles with rhymes - this is what I'm stubbornly looking for and collecting. I like it very my daughter, but for now ... only a couple of printed pages typed. It is a pity that's just no mane ... what's the horse? (Bike).

The content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the mystery is glued again. And so 10 times, you can more. Playing sit in a circle. The presenter gives one wobbled prize one wrapped in 10 wrapper.

Natalia Ryabova

purpose: Creation festive mood in children; development motor activity; Education of the feeling of mutual execution, friendship.

Funds: balloons in the number of children, hoops, rackets for playing badminton, markers. Record player.

Educator: Hello children! What are you beautiful, merry! how group decorated! Surely you holiday! How much I see aerial balls. And I know about balls riddle. Listen:

I am big, but empty.

Take off in the sky above the earth.

And not proud, but inflated,

Little tolstoy chosen.

I am with children, has always been friendly,

And I call me ...

Children: air balloon.

Educator: What for holiday V.? Holiday balloons? That's lovely!

Someone once came up with the balls,

how entertainment for Death.

Someone once inflated first,

Someone once breathed in them.

No, the carnival will not go without balls

And not decorate festive Hall.

Balloons All of us are mounted for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

Educator: For what is needed air balloons?

Air ball - joy for all, toy that children love, and adults. They are used to design events, they create a fun mood.

Educator: Kids, you know poems about balloons? I suggest you play in the merry game and read poems.

Games "You rolish, cheerful ball…» - (to the music).

Children become in a circle and pronounce such the words:

You rolish, fun ball,

Quickly quickly hands.

Who balloon,

He will tell us a poem.

(balloon passed from one child to another, on whom will stop ball, he tells the poem)


1. Ball, ball

My air,

Fidget, naughty

Ball - Round,


Ball- light,

Ball- soft!

2. Right ball,

Left ball

My glowing lantern

Give you i'm hugging you

And to the cheek of his impression!

3. I am ball pressed

From hand he crashes

Up but I caught him

Thread tied to the finger.

4. Light my balloon ball

Pulled thread naughty

Broke off, said: Until!

And he was tested in the clouds.

5. If ball pumping,

It will then fly.

Need to tie a thread,

To hold the ball.

6. I have a ball air

Bright, light and obedient.

I, when walking go,

Bowl for a string.

7. Today everything is bothering!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


8. I had ball.

Bright like a flashlight.

The ball was wow and ah!

And then he is like Ba-Bach!

Educator: You want to play and have fun with balls? Then forward, to meet joy and fun!

I propose to divide into two teams and come up with the name name. Let's see which team will be today the winner. Children are divided into teams.

The game "Catchers of the balls" - With the help of a cucky, catch balls.

The game "Who is the most deft?"

The game « Ball-smiley» - Sunkens on ball with markers.

The game "Who will throw above ball

The game "Collect balls in bloom" - In multicolored hoops, collect balls of the same color.

The game "Find a similar subject on ball» .

The game "Merry jumping" - with clamping between the knees balls jump on two legs.

The game "Zagon. ball in the knot» - Badminton rackets ball in the gate.

Educator: Well done guys! What a fun got from us holiday! How much joy, laughter and fun can bring ordinary balloon. I think that today both teams coped with the tasks and have fun from the soul, which means friendship won.

In custody holiday Children to music dance with their balls.

Please tell me any riddles about transport. The answer to the riddle "This is my bike." Write something please. I hip-hop monyak 12/26/2002 14:44:30, 5,98gr.

Well, the thief planted for 2 years, obliged to commemorate our damage (deduct from s / pls on the zone), did not find the bike ((as the police could not find great when the riddle was caught on the spot ...

First hides the "treasure" with gifts, then somewhere the last prompt is laid away - the riddle leading to the "cland"; Then the penultimate - leading to the place where the last tip is hidden, etc., until the very first "splinker".

help guess the riddle. The child was mysterious at school. Gose the whole family. Opinions diverge. Bicycle.)) Wings - piece of iron, which over wheels. Teeth - on the gear.

All bikes without tires. why? B. Gunlop's mysterious invented in 1887 to put on the wheel of a three-wheeled bicycle of his 10-year-old son wide hoops made from the hose for gardens, and inflate their air.

He does not know a single riddle, so there is no standard answers on them. Very funny :)) "in winter and in summer in one color" - Sunny. In fact, the tree, but why the tree, the sun is also quite suitable.

GM, I'm shocked from such a small child riddles .... we recommend reading: the number of birth of a child. How to choose a bike. 26 years old wedding. View topics in other conferences

Games for rhyming, riddles with rhymes - this is what I'm stubbornly looking for and collecting. I like it very my daughter, but for now ... only a couple of printed pages typed. It is a pity that's just no mane ... what's the horse? (Bike).

The content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the mystery is glued again. And so 10 times, you can more. Playing sit in a circle. The presenter gives one wobbled prize one wrapped in 10 wrapper.


Outcome of the game week

  1. Tasks
  2. Project plan
  3. application

Purpose: expand the horizons of young preschool children about a balloon.

Tasks: to introduce children about the simplest generation of static electricity, sound oscillations. Teach use balloons in games.

Project Plan:

  1. A balloon riddle like transportation.
  2. Riddle about balloons that they happen.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and lap" on the flannelhemph.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Balloon riddles.
  2. Poem about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country "Charolande". Guys, what do you think, on what transport can we get there?

(children's responses)


With warm air ball

And under it basket,

Under the legs of the land

As if in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a balloon.

Close more in the basket, flew !!!

Educator: And here is Charlenia. In this country, unusual residents live - this ... Listen to the riddle and guess.

Genium is pumped into us

So that we flew above,

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Keep us for the rope,

And not we fly away.


(children's responses)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. And what are they?

(children's responses)

Educator: Do you know that the balls are made of rubber?

But what the balls were once very, very long ago, we now learn from this fairy tales.

Educator: Who is from the heroes of the fairy tale filled the balloon?

(Bubble, inflated him, tied, he flew away)

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

But in Chicken Balls, adore to work, what do they know how to do? Listen carefully a poem, and then answer what a balloon can do.

Easy ball my air,

Shrew thread naughty

Broken , said: "So far."

AND castle In the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue Ball inflatable
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I watched me piered.

N. Yaroslavtsev

To me ball bought
And we made friends.
House all day
Like snowflakes circled!
Offended fragrance,
I began to be sad.
For it
Dad hung to the chandelier.

A. Malayev

I had a ball.
Bright like a flashlight.
The ball was wow and ah!
And then he is like Ba-Bach!
I sat on the button: Once and - Bam!
In general, the ball burst Himself.
And the flaps remained
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's responses)

Educator: And now we will turn into balloons.

Stop right.

And now turn on the pump,

We swing the air to the ball.


Left, right,

Left, right,

Well we worked out.

We fly under the clouds

And the earth sails under us.

Grove, field, garden and river

And at home, and men.

(Mahi hands, like wings)

We fly tired something

Landed on the swamp.


Educator: Guys, what do you like to engage the balls in our country?

They love to show tricks !!!

  1. Ball magnet.

Throw the ball about the hair. It is better about the rings and about others (try to choose a person who is not sorry, and he is less than you, or runs worse). Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball like shit!

  1. Attraction of balls.

Educator: And the balloons love to play. And we will play with them now.

Games with balloons:

1. Congue

That team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

2. "Slope's bowl, slap!"

Play paired. For each leg, the player ties two balloons. On the whistle the lead begins the contest. Task: step by foot and slap the opponent's ball, but save your balls.

3. Equilibrists

  1. Who will last a ball on the nose longer
  2. Who longer will last a ball on a pencil or pointer

Educator : That's the end of our journey to the country, Charolande. Oh, guys, see what a big unusual ball. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, children consider ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

Educator: Guys, these are gifts from balloons.

(Thank you!)


  1. Balloons on balloons

I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


  1. Fairy Tale "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

There were a bubble, straw and lap.

They went to the forest firewood chop. They reached the river and do not know how to go through the river.

Laporn tells a bubble:

Bubble, let's swim on you!

No, lap! Let it be better than the straw drawn from the shore to the shore, we will move on it.

Solominka pulled from the shore to the shore. Laporna went on the straw, she broke away. Laporn fell into the water.

And the bubble laughed, laughed, and I burst.

  1. Poems about balloons

Easy ball my air
Jerked thread naughty
Broke, said: so far!
And he was tested in the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I looked at me inflated.

Joyful hedgehog on the forest fled,

Just suddenly the sun for the cloud went ...

It became dark ... The breeze flew ...
Filin swollen ... and the forest empty ...

Sun, ay! The night on the ground came ...

He opened his paw, and released the thread ...

Between the trees trails are visible!

"How my ball in the sun looks like!"

If the ball is pumping,
It will then fly.
Need to tie a thread,
To keep the ball.
Created for defones
Multicolored balls.

I bought a blue ball.
He was light and air.
Oh what he was beautiful
But terribly naughty.
He all the time in the sky rushed,
To be submissive did not want.
And, hardly I got squeezed
The ball took - and flew away.
I will lick his palm,
Although it is a sorry for a little.

Carefree balloon ball,
Irrepressible he, naughty,
Everything would fly to him in the blue sky
And about the wind careless dream.

I have a ball air
Bright, light and obedient.
I, when walking go,
Bowl for a string.
The ball is very sorry,
Why does he lose weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

Ball magnet.

You need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper.

Throw the ball about the hair. Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball.

Experience vividly demonstrates the existence of mysterious static electricity. When we are three hair ball, he gets a negative electric charge. And since the variepete charges are attracted, then the pieces are attracted to the ball, which have besides a negative and positive charge. The ball will attract not only the paper, but also hair, dust, stick to the wall and even curb the thin flowing of water from the crane.

Attraction of balls.

The electrical charges are repelled, the variepetes are attracted. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls from different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction about the hair, then suspended for the threads alongside, they will deviate apart (with friction about the hair we have electrified balls so that they both have acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls to electrify some synthetic tissue, and the other about the hair, then the balls will begin to adhere to each other. Those. They got different charges - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

The principle of operation is that the jet of air escaping from the ball after it was inflated and let go, pushes the machine in the opposite direction.

If the machine is sufficiently light, then it can fly, so close the window in advance, and warn a cat and fish.

Burner cutting device.

Attach an inflated balloon to the ear and listen - the surrounding sounds will be heard much better. If the second person is very quietly whisper at all next to the surface of the ball, then his voice will be heard as quite loud.

The fact is that in this experience the balloon acts as a sound lenses. The shape of its surface collects sound waves and directs them in one point.

  1. Games with balloons


All children get up in a circle leading - to the center. He throws up a balloon under the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh loud. As soon as the ball goes to the floor, everyone must silence. That's where the most interesting begins. It turns out, silence is not so easy. There is one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then the mixed becomes more - the chain reaction occurs.

Coloring Show

Players are divided into two teams and on the lead signal begin to collect their color: one team is red balls, the other blue. Who will quickly collect their color, he won.

Air Tir

On a large tight sheet of cardboard, we stick the bands of the two-way tape, and the balloons are inflated. Participants distribute darts and put them in one line (at a distance of about 2 m from cardboard with balls). At the command of the leading children begin to throw darts into balls. The one who can burst more balls is considered the winner.


All participants are in a circle. The presenter launches four balls filled with water. Participants to music transfer balls to each other. He whom the ball will remain in her hands after stopping music, drops out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are detected.

Duel at sea

There are no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put on the right leg of the last, and the ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the ball of the opponent, i.e., clap it.




Gaming Week Project

On the topic: "Balloons"

year 2014

  1. purpose
  2. Tasks
  3. Project plan
  4. application

Purpose: expand the horizons of young preschool children about a balloon.

Tasks: to introduce children about the simplest generation of static electricity, sound oscillations. Teach use balloons in games.

Project Plan:

  1. A balloon riddle like transportation.
  2. Riddle about balloons that they happen.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and lap" on the flannelhemph.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Balloon riddles.
  2. Poem about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country "Charolande". Guys, what do you think, on what transport can we get there?

(children's responses)

Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot of transport, but we will only get to Charolandy on .... Guess what:

With warm air ball

And under it basket,

Under the legs of the land

As if in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a balloon.

Close more in the basket, flew !!!

Educator: And here is Charlenia. In this country, unusual residents live - this ... Listen to the riddle and guess.

Genium is pumped into us

So that we flew above,

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Keep us for the rope,

And not we fly away.


(children's responses)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. And what are they?

(children's responses)

Educator: Do you know that the balls are made of rubber?

But what the balls were once very, very long ago, we now learn from this fairy tales.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Bubble, Solominka and Laporn".

Educator: Who is from the heroes of the fairy tale filled the balloon?

(Bubble, inflated him, tied, he flew away)

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

But in Chicken Balls, adore to work, what do they know how to do? Listen carefully a poem, and then answer what a balloon can do.

Easy ball my air,

Shrew thread naughty

Broke, said: "For now."

And he was tested in the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I watched me

N. Yaroslavtsev

Bought me a ball.
And we made friends.
House all day
Like snowflakesdried!
Offended, blurted out ,
I began to be sad.
For it
Dad hung to the chandelier.

A. Malayev

I had a ball.
Bright like a flashlight.
The ball was wow and ah!
And then he is like Ba-Bach!
I sat on the button: Once and - Bam!
In general, the ballburst Himself.
And the flaps remained
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's responses)

Educator: And now we will turn into balloons.

Stop right.

Inflation balls "F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F"

And now turn on the pump,

We swing the air to the ball.


Left, right,

Left, right,

Two- three- four (2 times)

Well we worked out.

We fly under the clouds

And the earth sails under us.

Grove, field, garden and river

And at home, and men.

(Mahi hands, like wings)

We fly tired something

Landed on the swamp.


Foured the balls "S-S-C-S-S-S-S-C-S-S-C".

Educator: Guys, what do you like to engage the balls in our country?

They love to show tricks !!!

(Showing experiments with balloons).

  1. Ball magnet.

Throw the ball about the hair. It is better about the rings and about others (try to choose a person who is not sorry, and he is less than you, or runs worse). Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball like shit!

  1. Attraction of balls.

The electrical charges are repelled, the variepetes are attracted. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls from different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction about the hair, then suspended for the threads alongside, they will deviate apart (with friction about the hair we have electrified balls so that they both have acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls to electrify some synthetic tissue, and the other about the hair, then the balls will begin to adhere to each other. Those. They got different charges - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

  1. Burner cutting device.

Educator: And the balloons love to play. And we will play with them now.

Games with balloons:

  1. Kangaroo

This game is probably familiar to you. I played it back in the pioneer camp, and now my daughter plays in her camp.

All players are divided into two teams. The lead denotes the starting line, and at a distance of about 5 m from it puts a stool with a basket (or any other capacity).

The first player gets at the start. He has a bag on her neck (or tied a big handkerchief so that it turns out his pocket, like Kangaroo), in which a soft toy is lying. The player clamps between the legs of the ball and jumps to the stool. Takes out the toy, puts in the basket, jumps back and passes the ball and bag-pocket to the next player. He also jumps to a stool, takes out a toy, puts her to her bag-pocket and jumping back.

That team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

  1. "Cleemon ball, slammer!"

Play paired. For each leg, the player ties two balloons. On the whistle the lead begins the contest. Task: step by foot and slap the opponent's ball, but save your balls.

  1. Equilibrists
  1. Who will last a ball on the nose longer
  2. Who longer will last a ball on a pencil or pointer

Educator : That's the end of our journey to the country, Charolande. Oh, guys, see what a big unusual ball. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, children consider ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

(The ball is bursting a pin, candy fall out of it)

Educator: Guys, these are gifts from balloons.

(Thank you!)


  1. Balloons on balloons

I am holding it for a leash,
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke down from a leash
And flew under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Behind the tail tied to us
It flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your tail

I kept in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I am holding it for a leash,

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he broke down from a leash

And flew under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like watermelon ...

Color - any, for different taste.

Kohl let go with a leash,

Will fly away for the clouds.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing


  1. Fairy Tale "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

There were a bubble, straw and lap.

They went to the forest firewood chop. They reached the river and do not know how to go through the river.

Laporn tells a bubble:

Bubble, let's swim on you!

No, lap! Let it be better than the straw drawn from the shore to the shore, we will move on it.

Solominka pulled from the shore to the shore. Laporna went on the straw, she broke away. Laporn fell into the water.

And the bubble laughed, laughed, and I burst.

  1. Poems about balloons

Easy ball my air
Jerked thread naughty
Broke, said: so far!
And he was tested in the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
I did not want to play with me.
He today for some reason
I looked at me inflated.

Joyful hedgehog on the forest fled,
The ball of air for the thread kept.
Birds are twitched! Light and warm ...
Just suddenly the sun for the cloud went ...

It became dark ... The breeze flew ...
Filin swollen ... and the forest empty ...
Hedgehog said: "What are you doing?
Sun, ay! The night on the ground came ...

Birds are not heard, flowers closed ...
Who will help me find a path? "
Hedgehog his ball asked -
He opened his paw, and released the thread ...

The ball over the forest took off and swam ...
He, like a sun, was yellow!
Again light. And flowers revealed,
Between the trees trails are visible!

Found Darkness! My Yozh smiled:
"How my ball in the sun looks like!"

If the ball is pumping,
It will then fly.
Need to tie a thread,
To keep the ball.
Created for defones
Multicolored balls.

I bought a blue ball.
He was light and air.
Oh what he was beautiful
But terribly naughty.
He all the time in the sky rushed,
To be submissive did not want.
And, hardly I got squeezed
The ball took - and flew away.
I will lick his palm,
Although it is a sorry for a little.

Carefree balloon ball,
Irrepressible he, naughty,
Everything would fly to him in the blue sky
And about the wind careless dream.

I have a ball air
Bright, light and obedient.
I, when walking go,
Bowl for a string.
The ball is very sorry,
Why does he lose weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

1. Focus with a bulk singe.

It will take an inflated air ball (if there is no one, or is it, but it will come, then alas, the focus will not work), tape, metal needles or a long seer.

Unnoticed for the child, shift pieces of tape for diametrically opposite ball points. It will be better if these points are close to the "Poles" (i.e., the top and the bottom). Then the focus can happen even without scotch.

Announce that now the ball is driven, and it will not burst! Boldly stick a sequel or needle so that they pass through the sections of scotch!

The secret of the focus is that although the hole is formed, then Ideally, the scotch will not give pressure to break the ball. And the needker herself will close the hole, not allowing the air to leave it.

Ball magnet.

You need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper.

Throw the ball about the hair. Apply to pieces of paper - they stick to the ball.

Experience vividly demonstrates the existence of mysterious static electricity. When we are three hair ball, he gets a negative electric charge. And since the variepete charges are attracted, then the pieces are attracted to the ball, which have besides a negative and positive charge. The ball will attract not only the paper, but also hair, dust, stick to the wall and even curb the thin flowing of water from the crane.

Attraction of balls.

The electrical charges are repelled, the variepetes are attracted. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls from different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction about the hair, then suspended for the threads alongside, they will deviate apart (with friction about the hair we have electrified balls so that they both have acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls to electrify some synthetic tissue, and the other about the hair, then the balls will begin to adhere to each other. Those. They got different charges - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

Air ball as a reactive engine.

The principle of operation is that the jet of air escaping from the ball after it was inflated and let go, pushes the machine in the opposite direction.

If the machine is sufficiently light, then it can fly, so close the window in advance, and warn a cat and fish.

Burner cutting device.

Attach an inflated balloon to the ear and listen - the surrounding sounds will be heard much better. If the second person is very quietly whisper at all next to the surface of the ball, then his voice will be heard as quite loud.

The fact is that in this experience the balloon acts as a sound lenses. The shape of its surface collects sound waves and directs them in one point.

  1. Games with balloons


This game is well done at the very beginning, especially if the children are not very familiar with each other, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children get up in a circle leading - to the center. He throws up a balloon under the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh loud. As soon as the ball goes to the floor, everyone must silence. That's where the most interesting begins. It turns out, silence is not so easy. There is one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then the mixed becomes more - the chain reaction occurs.

Coloring Show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, such as red and blue.

Players are divided into two teams and on the lead signal begin to collect their color: one team is red balls, the other blue. Who will quickly collect their color, he won.

Air Tir

On a large tight sheet of cardboard, we stick the bands of the two-way tape, and the balloons are inflated. Participants distribute darts and put them in one line (at a distance of about 2 m from cardboard with balls). At the command of the leading children begin to throw darts into balls. The one who can burst more balls is considered the winner.


All participants are in a circle. The presenter launches four balls filled with water. Participants to music transfer balls to each other. He whom the ball will remain in her hands after stopping music, drops out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are detected.

Duel at sea

There are no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put on the right leg of the last, and the ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the ball of the opponent, i.e., clap it.