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When Hussein overthrew. Saddam Hussein is the biography of the former dictator. Orphans from Tikrita

Former President of Iraq Saddam Hussein (Saddam Hussein, the full name of Saddam Hussein Abd Al-Majid AT-Tikriti) was born on April 28, 1937 in a small village of Al-Audja, 13 kilometers from Tikrit, in the family of a peasant. Brought up in the Uncle's House of the Mother Line Hyrull Tulfach - the former officer of the Iraqi army, a convinced Nationalist. Uncle had a great influence on the formation of a nephew worldview.

After graduating from high school "Hark" in Baghdad, Saddam joined the ranks of the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party (BAAS).

In October 1959, Hussein took part in an unsuccessful attempt by Baasists to overthrow the Prime Minister Iraq Abdel Kerim Kasem, was injured and sentenced to death. Fight abroad - in Syria, then to Egypt. In 1962-1963 he studied at the Faculty of Law of the Cairo University, actively engaged in party activities.

In 1963, Baasists came to power in Iraq. Saddam Hussein returned from emigration, continued education in a law college in Baghdad. In the same year, the Government of Baasist Palo, Saddam was arrested, spent several years in prison, from which he managed to run. By 1966, he nominated leading roles in the party, headed the party security service.

Saddam Hussein took part in the coup on July 17, 1968, who again led to power the Baas party, and became part of the Supreme Body of the Government - the Council of the Revolutionary Command, which was headed by Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr. Being deputy al-Bakra, Hussein oversaw organs and gradually focused real power in his hands.

On July 16, 1979, President Al-Bakr resigned, his successor in this post became Saddam Hussein, who also headed the Iraqi branch of the BAAS party, became the chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command, the Supreme Commander.

In 1979-1991, 1994-2003, Saddam Hussein also held the post of chairman of the Iraq government.

In September 1980, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Iran. The resulting ruining war ended in August 1988. It is estimated that about 1.7 million people were killed during the conflict. In August 1990, Hussein attempted to Annexia Kuwait. The UN has condemned the seizure, and in February 1991, the multinational armed forces were supplanted by the Iraqi army from the Emirate.

In March 2003, US and Great British troops began military actions in Iraq. The pretext for the invasion was the accusation of the Iraqi government in the work on the creation and production of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the organization and financing of international terrorism.

On April 17, 2003, the Government of Saddam Hussein Palo. The Iraqi leader himself was forced to hide. On December 13, 2003, Hussein was discovered near the hometown of Tikrit in the underground cave.

Saddam Hussein, together with 11 members of the Baasist regime, was transferred to the Iraqi authorities.

In Baghdad, the first court meeting was held in the case of the ex-president.

Saddam Hussein in the attack on Kuwait (1990), suppressing the Kurdish and Shiite uprisings (1991), the Genocide of the Kurdish population (1987-1988), the gas attack on the city of Halabjj (1988), the murders of religious leaders (1974), the murders of 8 thousand Kurds of the Barzan tribe (1983), murders of political opponents and opposition.

The process began with studying the circumstances of the extermination of the population of the Shiite village of Al-Dujale in 1982. According to the prosecution, 148 people (including women, children and old people) were killed for the fact that attempts were made at Hussein.

On November 5, 2006, Saddam Hussein was convicted of the murder of 148 shiites and sentenced to the death penalty.

The proceedings in view of the already existing death sentence were not communicated to the end.

Saddam Hussein ABB Al-Majid AT-Ticriti (April 28, 1937, Al-Audja, Salah-Ed Ding - December 30, 2006, Kazimiya district, Baghdad) - Iraqi State and Political Affairs, President of Iraq (1979-2003), Premier Minister Iraq (1979-1991 and 1994-2003), Secretary General of the Iraqi branch of the Baas Party, Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command, Marshal (1979).

I installed the cult of personality in the country and sought to become the informal leader of the eastern part of the Arab world and the master of the Persian Gulf. Thanks to enormous income from the export of oil, there were large-scale reforms, making the standard of living in Iraq, one of the highest in the Middle East. In 1980, he unleashed a ruin war with Iran, which was launched until 1988.

"Arabic socialism is harder and more difficult than ordinary capitalism and communism: we have a socialist and private sector. Our choice is more complicated, because the easy solution is not always correct. "
(From the conversation about the ideology of the Baas party)
Hussein Saddam

During the war, Saddam Hussein carried out the operation of Anfal against Kurds, during which his army applied chemical weapons. In April 2003, they will be overthrown in April 2003, as a result of the invasion of the troops of the multinational coalition, headed by the United States and the United Kingdom and subsequently executed by the sentence of the Supreme Court of Iraq through hanging.

Saddama (Arabic name "Saddam" means "opposing") was not the name in the European sense. Hussein is the name of his father, similar to the Russian patronymic; Abd al-Magheid is the name of his grandfather, and At-Tikriti is an indication of the city of Tikrit, from where Saddam is found.

Saddam Hussein was born in the village of Al-Audja, 13 km from the Iraqi city of Tikrit, in the family of the landless peasant. His mother, Sabha Tulfan Al-Moussalat (Sabha Tulfa or Subhouse), called the newborn "Saddam" (in one of the meanings in Arabic it is "the one who is opposed").

His father is Hussein Abd Al-Magid - on one of the versions disappeared 6 months before the birth of Saddam, on the other - died or left the family. Stubborn rumors walk that Saddam was generally illegitimate and the father's name is simply invented. In any case, for his deceased mother Saddam built a giant mausoleum in 1982. He did not devote anything like that.

The older brother of the future ruler of Iraq died from cancer at the age of 12. In severe depression, the mother tried to get rid of pregnancy and even commit suicide. Depression deepened so much that when Saddam was born, she did not want to look at the newborn.

Uncle on the maternal line - Hayrallah - literally saves the life of the nephew, taking a boy from the mother, and the child lives for several years in his family. After uncle took an active part in the anti-British uprising and put him in prison, Saddam was forced to return to his mother. In subsequent years, he asked his mother many times, where uncle, and received a standard answer: "Uncle Hayrallah in prison."

"You, Americans, you contact the third world approximately as an Iraqi peasant with your bride: three days honeymoon, and then - march in the field."
(at a meeting with representatives of the State Department in 1985)
Hussein Saddam

At this time, Native Uncle Saddam, from the father's side, Ibrahim Al-Hasan on his custom took his mother to his wife and from this marriage there were three consolidated brothers Saddam Hussein - Sabaui, Barzan and Watban, as well as two sisters - Naval and Samira.

The family suffered from extreme poverty and Saddam grew in an atmosphere of poverty and permanent hunger. Stepfather, the former military, held a small peasant farm and instructed Saddam to graze cattle. Ibrahim periodically beat the boy and mocked him. So, he periodically beat the nephew with a stick, wrapped in a sticky resin. According to some information, stepfather forced the boy to steal chickens and sheep - for sale.

Eternal need deprived Saddam Hussein of happy childhood. The humiliation, experienced in childhood, as well as the habit of everyday cruelty, was largely influenced by the formation of the character of Saddam. However, the boy, thanks to his sociability, the ability to quickly and easily converge with people, had many buddies and good acquaintances, both among the peers and adults.

"My life was full of dangers in which I had to lose a lot of blood ... But since this did not happen, I asked someone to write the words of Allah my blood."
(about his blood written by his blood)
Hussein Saddam

In 1947, Saddam, who passionately dreamed of learning, escaped to Tikrit, to enroll there to school. Here he again brought up by Uncle Hayrallah Tulfach - a devout Muslim Sunnith, a nationalist, an army officer, a veteran of the Anglo-Iraq war, which by that time was already out of prison. The latter, according to the testimony of Saddam himself, had a decisive influence on its formation.

In Tikrite Saddam Hussein ends with a school, receiving primary education. The doctrine was very difficult for a boy who was not able to even write his own behalf for ten years. According to some reports, Saddam preferred to amuse classmates with uncomplicated jokes. For example, one day he posted a poisonous snake into a portfolio to a portfolio to a poisonous snake. For this audacious joke Hussein was excluded from school.

When Saddam turned 15 years old, he experienced the first in life a heavy shock - the death of a beloved horse. The shock turned out to be so strong that the boy had a hand paralyzed. Almost half a month was treated by the most different folk remedies, while his hand had no mobility again. At the same time, Hayrallah moved from Tikrita to Baghdad, where he moved to Saddam in two years.

Influenced by Uncle Saddam Hussein, in 1953, attempted to enter the Elitar Military Academy in Baghdad, but falls at the first exam. To continue study, he next year enters the Al-Karh school, which was known as the nationalism and Panharabism citadel.

Hussein's first wife was His cousin Sadzhida (the eldest daughter of Uncle Hayrallah Tulfach), who gave him five children: Sons Route and Cousi, as well as daughters Ragad, Wound and Halu. Parents sucks children when Saddam was five years old, and Sadzhide seven. Before Marriage Sadhid worked as a teacher in primary schools.

They got married in Cairo, where Hussein studied and lived after an unsuccessful attempt at Caasem (see below). In the garden, one of his palaces Saddam personally planted a bush of elite white roses, which called the name of Sadjid and which very much. The story of Saddam's second marriage was widely published even outside Iraq.

"This (Ayatollah Homeney) Mummy"
Hussein Saddam

In 1988, he met the wife of the President of the airline Iraq Eyrues. After a time, Saddam offered her husband to give his wife a divorce. Against this marriage began to object to the cousin and Shurin Saddam Adnan Hayrallah, who took the post of Minister of Defense at the time. Soon he died in a plane crash. The third wife of the Iraqi president in 1990 was Nidal Al-Hamdani.
In the fall of 2002, the Iraqi leader married the fourth time, taking 27-year-old Iman Huvish, the daughter of the Minister of Defense Industry of the country. However, the wedding ceremony was rather modest, in a narrow circle of friends. In addition, due to the constant threat of the beginning of the US military operation against Iraq, Hussein practically did not live with his last wife.

In August 1995, a scandal broke out in the Saddam Hussein family. The native brothers General Hussein Camel and Colonel of the Presidential Security of Saddam Camel, who were coming by the nephews of Ali Khasan al-Majida, with his wives - daughters of President Ragad and Rana - unexpectedly fled to Jordan. Here they told the UN experts all that they knew about the domestic political situation in the country and on the classified works of Baghdad to create weapons of mass destruction. These events have become a heavy blow for Saddam.

"Iraq has no weapons of mass lesion, no. Such weapons are not pills that can be hidden. Understand, there is it in Iraq or not, easy. "
(In an interview with the former deputy of the British Chamber of Communities Tony Bennu)
Hussein Saddam

After all, Hussein is used to trust only relatives and countrymen. He promised his headquarters in case of returning to his homeland to pardon them. In February 1996, Saddam Camel and Hussein Camel with families returned to Iraq. A few days later the message was followed that angry relatives dealt with "traitors", and later with their closest relatives.

During the reign of Saddam, information about the presidential family was under strict control. Only after the overthrow of Hussein on sale came home videos from his personal life. These videos represented for Iraqis a unique opportunity to open the secret of the personal life of a person who led them for 24 years.

Sons of fishing and bite during the reign of Saddam were his most trusted approximated. At the same time, the eldest, dyu, was considered too unreliable and non-permanent and for the role of successor Saddam Hussein was preparing Cousa. On July 22, 2003, in the north of Iraq, during a four-hour battle with American military dyus and bite died. Saddam's grandson, son Kiusa - Mustafa died with them. Some relatives of the overthrown president received political asylum in Arab countries. Since then, Saddam has no longer seen their family, but through their lawyers knew how they are and what with them.

A cousin and Shurin - Arshad Yasin, who was a personal pilot and bodyguard Saddam Hussein.

Saddam Hussein confessed Islam Sunni sense, prayed five times a day, performed all the commandments, walked in a mosque on Fridays. In August 1980, Saddam, accompanied by the most prominent members of the country's leadership, made a Hajj in Mecca. The chronicle of Mecca visits to the entire Arab world was broadcast, where the Saddam-clouded apparel committed a ritual bypass of Kaaba, accompanied by the Crown Prince Saudi Arabia Fakhda.

Saddam Hussein, despite his Sunni affiliation, put the visits to the spiritual leaders of Shiites, visited Shiite mosque, allocated large sums from their personal funds to the reconstruction of many saints shiites, which caused the location to itself and its own Shiite clergy regime.

"If you want to control the world, you must control the oil, and for this one of the main conditions is to break Iraq."
Hussein Saddam

The Iraqi leader, according to Forbes magazine for 2003, divided the third place with Prince Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II century. The list of the richest rulers of the world. He only inferior to the King of Saudi Arabia Fahdu and Sultan Brunei.
His personal state was estimated at 1 billion 300 million dollars. After the overthrow of Saddam, the Minister of Trade in the transitional government of Iraq Ali Alaui called another figure - $ 40 billion, adding that for many years Hussein received 5% of the country's oil export revenues. The US CIA, together with the FBI and the Ministry of Finance, even after the fall of Hussein continued to search for his financial resources, but they could not find them.

The Egyptian revolution was enormous on the situation in Iraq, the Egyptian revolution was provided on July 23, 1952. The Kumir Saddam was then Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of the Egyptian revolution and the future president of Egypt, the founder and the first chapter of the Arab Socialist Union.

In 1956, 19-year-old Saddam took part in an unsuccessful attempt to coup against King Faisala II. Next year, he became a member of the Arab Socialist Renaissance party (Baas), whose supporter was his uncle.

In 1958, army officers led by General Abdel Karim Karemom in the course of the armed speech overthrew King Faisala II. In December of the same year, one of the high-ranking officials of the district administration and a prominent supporter of Kasem was killed in Tikritis. On suspicion of committing a crime, the police arrested Saddam, and at the age of 21 he was in prison. According to another version, Uncle instructed the nephew to eliminate one of his rivals, which he did.

Saddam Hussein was released after six months, for lack of evidence. Baasists at this time opposed the new government and in October 1959 Saddam took part in the attempt at Kasem.

Hussein did not enter the main group of the bold, but stood in the cover. But he did not stand her nerves, and he, putting the entire operation under his blow, opened fire on the car of General, when it was only approaching, was injured and in absentia sentenced to death. This episode of his life subsequently increased legends.

According to the official version, four nights were wounded in the shin of Saddam, then he pulled his knife himself in his foot in his leg, drowned a rustling tiger under the stars, he reached the native village of Al-Audja, where he hid.

From al-Audi, changing Bedouin, he was on a motorcycle (according to another version - stole donkey) headed through the desert in the capital of Syria Damascus - at that time the main center of Baasism.

On February 21, 1960, Saddam arrived in Cairo, where he studied the year at the Central Casser An-Neal, and then, receiving maturity certificate, entered the Faculty of Faculty of Cairo University, where he studied for two years. In Cairo, Saddam from the ordinary party functionar grew up in a noticeable party leader, becoming a member of the Baas Steering Committee in Egypt. One of his biographers so describes this time: Saddam did not hurt night entertainment, spent a lot of time for chess with friends, but read a lot

In 1963, after the overthrow of the Baas party, Kasem's regime, Saddam returned to Iraq, where he became a member of the Central Peasant Bureau. At the VI of the All-Russian Congress of the Baas party in Damascus, Hussein spoke with a bright speech, in which the activities of Ali Salika Az-Saadi, Secretary General of the Iraqi Party "Baas" since 1960, expose the criticism.

In a month, November 11, 1963, on the recommendation of the Obserrab Congress of the Baas Party, the Regional Congress of the Iraqi Baas released AS-Saadi from the post of Secretary-General of the Party, putting responsibility for him for the crimes committed during the months of staying Baasist in power.

The activities of Saddam Hussein at a general studio congress made a strong impression on the founder and Secretary General of the Michel Afilak party. Since that time, strong connections have been established between them, which were not interrupted until the very death of the party.

After two unsuccessful attempts to capture power in Baghdad Saddam, he was arrested, chained in the shackles and was concluded in a single chamber. Some time he spent in prison.

In July 1966, Saddam is organized by Escape, and in September Hussein is elected by the Deputy Secretary General of the Iraqi Party "Baas" Ahmed Khasan Al-Bakra. He is instructed to head the special office of the party under the code name "Jihaz Khanin". It was a secret device consisting of the most devoted personnel and engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence issues.

By 1966, Hussein was already one of the leaders of the Baas party, which headed the party's party service.

On July 17, 1968, as a result of the bloodless coup, the Baas party came to power in Iraq. According to the official version, Saddam was in the first tank, stormed by the presidential palace. Baghdad radio announced another coup. This time, the Baas party "took power and committed himself with a corrupt and weak regime, which was represented by clicks of ignorance, illiterate korestolubs, thieves, spies and zionists."

President Abdel Rahman Aref (Brother of the deceased President Abdel Salam Arefa) was sent to London. Having come to power, Baasists immediately began to get rid of potential rivals. 14 days after the coup, conspiracy participants, Population, Daud and Nasser Al-Hani, who were part of the organization "Arab Revolutionary Movement", were removed from power. The government focused in the hands of Al-Bakra.
After coming to power in the country, the Baas party has formed the Council of the Revolutionary Command led by Ahmed Khasan Al-Bakrom. In the list of the Council of Saddam Hussein was a number 5.

Saddam, Deputy Al-Bakra in the party and state line, was responsible for internal security in the country, in other words, he oversaw party and public special services. Control over the special services allowed Saddam Hussein to focus the real power in his hands.

Starting from the fall of 1968, the Iraqi special services conducted a series of large-scale "cleaning", as a result of which many persons were arrested, which, according to Baas, could have a threat to it, as well as a number of prominent leaders of the Baas itself. Of particular fame received the so-called "Zionist plot" revealed by Saddam.

For many Jews accused of cooperation with Israeli special services, the gallians were built on Baghdad squares and public executions began. Huge crowds of people danced on the streets, celebrating death sentences "traitors."

In 1969, Hussein graduated from Baghdad University Muntasiya, having received a lawyer's diploma and won the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command and Deputy Secretary General of the BAAS leadership. In 1971-1978, with a break, he was trained at the Military Academy in Baghdad.

On August 8, 1971, 22 members of the Baas party and the former ministers were read by the death sentence. In 1973, Saddam reorganized the intelligence agencies, assigning it the name "General Intelligence Management" ("Da'irat Al Mukhabarat Al Amah").

There are numerous evidence that the special services under the leadership of Saddam used torture (electric shock, hanging for hands of hands, etc.), and, according to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, the jailers were awarded for the use of torture.

The electric shock was used on different parts of their bodies, including genitals, ears, tongue and fingers ... Some victims were forced to watch their relatives and family members in their eyes. "

According to Evgeny Primakov, at Saddam, as on a promising leader, made a bid and the USSR, and the United States.
An important milestone on the path of Saddam to the leading position in the party and the state was the signing of a treaty from March 11, 1970 by Mustafa, who proclaimed the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan and, as it seemed that the end of the blood3 of 9-year war with Kurdish rebels.

After strengthening its position, thanks to this Treaty, Saddam Hussein in the next two years focused on almost unlimited power in his hands, more and more pouring to the back plan of the nominal chapter of the party and the state of Ahmed Hassan al-Bakra.

In February 1972, Saddam Hussein commits a visit to Moscow; The result of this visit and retaliatory visit to Baghdad Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexey Koshygin was the signing on April 9 of the Soviet-Iraqi Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation, which ensured comprehensive Soviet support to the Iraqi regime.

Based on this support, Saddam Hussein nationalized the oil industry, re-equipped the Iraqi army and finally "allowed the Kurdish problem, eliminating the Kurdish national liberation movement.

To achieve the last goal, he had to withstand fierce fighting with the Kurdish rebels (March 1974 - March 1975), which entered Iran's support. The victories over them Saddam managed to achieve, only signing the Algerian Agreement on March 6, 1975 with the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie.

Huge income from oil exports allowed to carry out large-scale reforms (many - under the direct leadership of Saddam Hussein) in the field of economics and in the social sphere. Saddam made a program of transformations, the purpose of which formulated briefly: "Strong economy, a strong army, strong guide."

Trying to cope with the disadvantages of the socialist economy, Hussein decided to encourage the development of the private sector. By the mid-1970s, he in every way stimulated entrepreneurs and more and more attracted private companies, local and foreign, to government development programs.

The construction of universities and schools, highways and power plants, water supply systems and systems of sewage, small and large houses across the country. Multidisciplinary and specialized hospitals opened.

A system of universal education and healthcare was created. Under the leadership of Saddam, an intense campaign to combat illiteracy began. The result of the combination of illiteracy overthrown by Saddam was an increase in the literacy of the population from 30 to 70 percent, for this indicator Iraq entered the leaders among the Arab countries.
However, there are other data showing that in 1980 (in the midst of a campaign) the level of illiteracy of the adult population (over 15 years) in Iraq was 68.5 percent, and the decade later (1990) is 64.4 percent. In accordance with the application of the Council of the Revolutionary Command of March 11, 1970, the Department of Kurdish Education was created on the peaceful democratic settlement of the Kurdish problem in the Ministry of Education.

Electrification is carried out, the network of highways increased significantly. The standard of living in Iraq became one of the highest in the Middle East. Iraq created one of the most modern health systems in the Middle East. Saddam's popularity grew every year.

After the nationalization of foreign oil interests, Saddam began to modernize the rural areas, starting the mechanization of agriculture on a large scale, as well as allocation of land to peasants. According to estimates of international banks and other financial institutions (IBRD, IMF, Deutsche Bank and others), Iraq had a very large currency reserve at $ 30-35 billion.

As a result of the economic boom, a significant number of migrants from Arab and other Asian countries arrived in Iraq in search of workplaces. To lead some high-tech processes in the construction and manufacturing industry, qualified foreign specialists were invited.

By the beginning of the 1980s, Iraq became, along with Egypt, the most developed state of the Arab world.

Saddam Hussein, meanwhile, strengthened his power, promoting the key roles in the government and business of relatives and allies. Eliminating in 1976 the most influential in the army of Baasists - General Hardana AT-Tikriti and Colonel Saliha Majdi Ammasha, Hussein began for the total "bauxization" of the country - ideological and administrative.

With the help of the secret service, Hussein managed to cope with the security forces opposing him in the party and the government, place the key places of loyal people (mainly from the related Tikritsky clan) and establish control over the most important levers of government management.

By 1977, party organizations of the provinces, secret services, the command of the army and the ministers have already reported directly before Saddam. In May 1978, 31 communist and a number of persons accused Hussein were executed in the awareness of the creation of party cells in the army.

Saddam announced the communists with "foreign agents", "traitors of Iraqi homeland", arrested almost all representatives of the ICA in the NPF and forbade all ECP editions. Thus, the front even stopped the formal existence and ICP went underground, and a single-party system was established in the country. The real power more significantly passed from Al-Bakra to Saddam Hussein.
On July 16, 1979, President Al-Bakr resigned, allegedly on illness (they argued that he was planted for home arrest). His successor was announced Saddam Hussein, who also headed the regional leadership of the Baas party. In fact, Saddam Hussein thus assigned a dictatorial authority.

Having become president, Saddam began to increasingly disclaim about the special mission of Iraq in the Arabic and third world, pretending to the Lavra of the Panararabian leader of this scale as Abdel Gamal Nasser.

At the conference of non-aligned countries in Havana in 1979, Hussein promised to provide long-term interest-free loans to developing countries, equal to the amount received from increasing oil prices, thereby causing an enthusiastic ovation of the audience (and really gave about a quarter billion dollars - differences in 1979 prices ).

As noted, by the time of the entry of Saddam, the position of President, Iraq was a rapidly developing country with one of the highest in the Middle East. Two wars, initiated by Saddam, and the international sanctions caused by the second of them led to Iraq's economy into a state of acute crisis.

By the beginning of 2002, it was possible to restore 95% of vital industrial enterprises operating in 1990.

After coming to power, Saddam Hussein immediately collided with a serious threat to his board, which emanated from the neighboring Iran. Ayatollah Homeney, the leader of the Islamic Revolution winning in Iran, was going to spread it to other countries of the Persian Gulf; In addition, he had a personal hostility to Saddam Hussein.

Iran began to support the underground Shiite group of Ad-Daawa Al-Islamia, which launched a campaign of attempted and terrorist shares against representatives of Iraq's leadership.

Saddam Hussein decided to conduct a limited military operation against Iran in order to force the Iranian government to abandon hostile actions. The pretext for the beginning of the war was the failure to fulfill the Iran of its obligations under the 1975 Algerian Agreement, according to which Iran had to transfer some border territories to Iraq.

After a number of clashes at the border on September 22, 1980, the Iraqi army invaded the territory of the neighboring country. The offensive initially turned out to be successful, but as a result of the mobilization of Iranian society to fight the aggressor, by the end of the autumn it was stopped. In 1982, Iraqi troops were knocked out from Iranian territory, and the fighting was transferred to the territory of Iraq. Guidance went into a protracted stage, accompanied by the use of Iraq and Iran of chemical weapons, rocket fans of cities and attacks on tankers of third countries in the Persian bay by both parties. In August 1988, the Iranian Iraqi war, which was worthy of both sides of the huge human and material victims, ceased actually on the terms of Status Quo.

Saddam Hussein announced the victory of Iraq, on the occasion of which in Baghdad the famous arches of "swords of cadisia" were erected. And the day of the end of the war, on August 9, he was declared Hussein "Day of the Great Victory". The foundation began in the country, during which the president was called the Savior of the Nation.

In the course of the war, Saddam's attempt was also ravored to get nuclear weapons: on June 7, 1981, the nuclear reactor purchased to Saddam in France was destroyed by Saddam in France.

The West was afraid of the growth of radical Islamism Ayatollah Khomeini and did everything possible to prevent Iran's victory. In 1982, the United States was drawn out Iraq from the list of countries supporting terrorism. Two years later, bilateral diplomatic relations were restored, interrupted during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. At the same time, Iraq continued to remain an ally of the USSR and to receive arms from him.

However, several Western countries, including the United Kingdom, France and the United States, also supplied Baghdad weapons and military equipment. The United States provided Saddam not only intelligent information about his opponent and loans per billion dollars, but also materials for creating chemical weapons.

After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Kurds who lived there took up arms. In the conditions of war between Iran and Iraq, Iranian Kurds received a valuable ally in the face of Saddam Hussein. In response, Tehran began to provide assistance with money and weapons by Iraqi Kurds. In the fight against his inner enemies, Hussein has entered into an agreement with Turkey on the joint struggle against Kurds.

This agreement gave the Turkish and Iraqi divisions the right to chase Kurdish militants on each other by 17 km. At the same time, the Kurdish rebels under the command of the son of Mustafa Barzani Masuda carried out regrouping of their combat units and established control over most of the border mountain areas in the north and northeast of the country.

In an effort to defeat the Kurdish resistance in the north of Iraq, Saddam sent huge military forces to Kurdistan. This was also connected with the fact that the Iranian army, with the support of Iraqi Kurds, launched hostilities in Northern Iraq.

During the war, Saddam Hussein carried out a share of military special operation on stripping the northern regions of Iraq from the Kurdish rebel detachments of "Peshmerga", the named "Anfal", during which up to 182 thousand Kurds (mainly men, but also some women and children) were It was exported in an unknown direction and, as it turned out, was shot: with the fall of the Saddam regime, their graves began to be discovered. The conclusion of the 1980s for the region of the Middle and Middle East passed under the sign of the obvious downturn, which was associated primarily with the termination of the Iran-Iraq war. After the cease-fire, Iraq began to provide military assistance to the commander of the Armed Forces of Lebanon General Michel Aunu, speaking against the Syrian army deployed in the Lebanese territory.

Thus, Saddam Hussein tried to weaken the positions of the Syrian President Hafez Assad and expand and strengthen its influence in the region. Rapid increasing weight of Iraq in the region caused the alertness of its long-time allies. Created at the height of the confrontation of Baghdad with Tehran Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (ICPP), headed by Saudi Arabia, sought to restore the parity of Iraq and Iran, so as not to get into dependence on any or another.

Small bay countries after the end of the war hastily began to restore relations with Iran. In the new conditions, Hussein decided to accelerate the re-equipment of the army with modern weapons and develop the military industry.

As a result, in just two post-war years he managed to create a military car largest in the Arab East. Almost a million Iraqi army, staffed by modern weapons, has become one of the world's largest (4th largest). At the same time, due to the repression against Kurds, the attitude towards Iraq of Western countries began to change.

On February 16, 1989, on the initiative of Saddam Hussein, an agreement was signed in Baghdad on the establishment of a new regional organization - the Council of Arab Cooperation, which included Iraq, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt. At the same time, the King of Saudi Arabia is invited to Baghdad, and during his visit, the Iraqi-Saudi non-aggression treaty is signed.

Since the second half of 1989, the Iraqi press begins a large-scale propaganda campaign against the policy of CSAAA countries in OPEC, accusing them in the fact that they are guilty that OPEC did not go to an increase in Iraq's quota and thus blocked the restoration of the Iraqi economy.

The personal popularity of Saddam reached his peak to the beginning of the Arab meeting in the tops in Baghdad in May 1990, where he called on its participants to create a united front against the aggression of the West, stressing the importance of improving the coordination of Arabs actions.

However, instead of creating the United Front, headed by Baghdad at the meeting, there were signs that other Arab governments are ready to challenge Saddam's claims to leadership. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak did not share this appeal, saying that "the Arab mission should be humane, logical and realistic, free from exaggeration of his role and intimidation."

Egyptian-Iraqi rapprochement after that sued no. On August 15, Hussein appealed to the President of Iran with a proposal for the immediate conclusion of the world. Iraqi troops were allocated with the Iranian territories employed by them, at the same time the exchange of prisoners of war began. In October, diplomatic relations were resumed between Baghdad and Tehran. In a result of the war with Iran Iraq, significant damage was made. For eight years of combat actions, external debt formed, estimated at about $ 80 billion. The country had no opportunity to pay off; On the contrary, additional financial receipts were required to restore industry.

In July 1990, Iraq accused the neighboring Kuwait in the conduct of economic war against him and in illegal oil production on the Iraqi side of the Rumeile border oil field. Indeed, Kuwait has already exceeded the OPEC quota for it for it for it, and thereby contributed to a decrease in world oil prices, which deprived Iraq to a certain part of profits from oil exports.

However, there are no evidence that Kuwait has reappeared oil from Iraqi territory, no. The Kuwaiti side did not hurry to allocate Iraq, the compensation required them ($ 2.4 billion), preferring to start negotiations with the aim of mitigating Iraqi requirements.

The patience of Saddam Hussein was exhausted, and on August 2, 1990, the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait and occupied it. August 8 was announced about the annexation of the country, which became the 19th province of Iraq called Al-Saddamia.

The invasion of Kuwait caused the unanimous condemnation of the world community. The Iraq were imposed on sanctions, and the UN Mandatudis was created by the International Coalition, which was played by the United States, which enjoyed the support of all NATO countries and moderate Arab regimes. Focusing in the Indian Ocean and Persian bay, a powerful military grouping, the USA and their allies conducted the operation "Storm in the Desert", defeating Iraqi troops and freeing Kuwait (January 17 - February 28, 1991).

The progress of the coalition troops caused an universal uprising against the regime, both in the Shiite south and at the Kurdish north of Iraq, so at some point the rebels controlled 15 Iraqi provinces from 18. Saddam suppressed these uprisings, using the part of the Republican Guard released after the conclusion of the world.

Government troops have shifted the most important Shiite shrines and mosques where the rebels gathered. Western journalists who visited Kerbel after the suppression of the uprising testified: "At the distance of five hundred yards from two shrines (the tomb of Imam Hussein and his brother Abbas) were reminded London at the peak of his bombardments by German aviation during World War II."

Suppression of the uprising was accompanied by torture and mass executions of Muslim-Shiites, shooting suspected of opposition activities in stadiums or using helicopters. Crawing with Shiites, Baghdad threw troops against Kurds.

They quickly crowded the Kurds from the cities. Aviation bombed villages, roads, places of recovery of refugees. Tens of thousands of civilians rushed to the mountains, where many of them died from cold and hunger. During the suppression of the Kurdish uprising, more than 2 million Kurds became refugees. The cruelty, with which the regime was painted with the rebels, forced the coalition to introduce "Mostwise zones" in the south and north of Iraq and begin a humanitarian intervention (Operation "Provide Comfort") in the north of Iraq. Song 1991 Iraqi troops left three northern provinces (Erbil, Dakhuk, Suleymania ), where the Kurdish government was created under the cover of international troops (so called "Free Kurdistan"). Meanwhile, in the regions that returned under his authority, Saddam continued the policy of repression: it was like Kirkuk and other districts of Kurdistan, where "arabization" continued (the expulsion of Kurds with the transfer of their homes and land to the Arabs) and in the Shiite south, where shelters The rebels - the swamps in the mouth of the Shhatt-El Arab - were drained, and the "Swamp Arabs" the tribes living there were evicted into specially built and entirely controlled villages.

Despite the victory of the international coalition, sanctions (both military and economic) were not removed from Iraq. Iraq was put forward by a condition that hard economic sanctions against it will continue to the complete elimination of all weapons of mass lesion, including nuclear, chemical and biological.

Representatives of international organizations were sent to Iraq to control the possible production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. The sanctions regime was somewhat mitigated in 1996, when the United Nations Program "Oil in Exchange for Food" was adopted, providing for sale under the control of the UN Iraqi oil, followed by procurement (the same organization) of food, medicines, etc. This program, however I became a source of corruption for both the UN administration and the Saddam Hussein himself.

Cult of personality
Cyaddam Hussein gradually established his personality cult. It was most brightly manifested in the following examples:
* At the airport of Baghdad, named after Saddam Hussein, portraits of the President of the country were posted, and on the concrete columns of the city station the city was made an inscription: "With us Allah and President, and America."
* Saddam Hussein issued an order that every tenth brick used in the restoration of the ancient buildings of Babylon marked with his name. So, as a result of this order, the ancient Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar was rebuilt: the name of Saddam was captured on bricks.
* On the bricks of many palaces in the Epoch of Saddam Hussein, his painting or an eight-pointed star was raised with the words "built in the era of Saddam Hussein".
* In 1991, a new flag of Iraq was admitted in the country. Hussein posed the phrase "Allah Akbar" on the flag. In addition to this phrase on the flag, three stars were captured, symbolizing unity, freedom and socialism - the slogan of the Baas party. In this form, the flag existed until 2004, until the new Iraqi government decided to get rid of him, as another reminder of the Saddam Hussein era.
* During the reign of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, many of his sculptures and portraits were established, Hussein's monuments stood in all state institutions. The first such monument was opened in Baghdad on November 12, 1989. Monuments on the streets of Baghdad were established a great set, almost in any institution or building, even at the fences, shops and in hotels. The portrait of the country's leader was depicted in a variety of species and forms, Saddam could be in the marshal uniform or a strict costume of the statesman, against the background of hydroelectric power plant dams or smoky pipes of the factories, in a coat with a rifle in hand, in the clothes of a peasant or a Bedouin, etc.
* All the ministries of the country hung huge portraits of Saddam in robes and entourage, relevant activities of a ministry. On the key chains for keys, hairpins, playing cards and wrist hours - almost everywhere, a portrait of Saddam Hussein appeared over time. For the extraordinary courage of Saddam Hussein wrote novels and filmed movies.
* On television, a mandatory presence in the corner of the screen of Saddam Hussein was installed on the background of the mosque. When the time of the next prayer came, the reading of the Quran was certainly accompanied by the image of the president's praying president. And since 1998, a new mosque was opened annually to the birthday of the leader.
* Iraqi media had to represent Saddam as a father of nation, a builder of schools and hospitals. On many video frames, the times of his board can be seen as Iraqis simply approach the president and kiss his hands or himself. Schoolchildren sang laudatory hymns and recited OD, glorifying the life of the president. At the school on the first page of the textbooks, the portrait of Saddam was printed, and portraits Saddam Hussein and his quotes The remaining pages of books praised the leader and the Baas party. Articles in newspapers and scientific works began and ended with the glorification of the president.
* The name of Saddam Hussein were called many institutions, weapons and even areas: Saddam International Airport, Saddam Stadium, Saddam Hussein's Bridge (Renamed in 2008 in the Bridge of Imam Hussein), District of Baghdad "Saddam City", Rocket "Al- Hussein "(before that" Speed \u200b\u200b"), University of Saddam Hussein (now the University Al-Nakhrain), Saddam Mental Art Center, Saddam Dam, and even" Street April 28 "(named after Saddam's birthday; Renamed in 2008 in 2008 Street Al-Salkia). Since Saddam Hussein was considered the "father of the nation", he started a special telephone, according to which citizens could "consult" with him, express their claims. True, after some time, he was canceled.

One of the brightest manifestations of the cult of the personality of Saddam was the printing of the bill and the release of coins with his image. For the first time, the coins depicting Saddam appeared in 1980. Since 1986, the portrait of the Iraqi president began to be printed on all cash bills of the country. Throughout the board, Saddam Hussein in Iraq had two currencies - dinars of an old and new sample.

Dinars with Saddam were finally introduced after the war in the Persian Gulf (1991). The old-sample dinars are the main currency of the autonomous area in the north of Iraq - Kurdistan.

In 1997, on the day of his sixtieth anniversary, Hussein instructed a group of calligraphs to write the text of the Holy Quran, using his own blood instead of ink. As you know, the Quran contains about 336 thousand words. Writing this book took almost three years. On the day of its 63th anniversary at the solemn ceremony, held in the presidential palace of the gift of An-Nasre in Baghdad, the desired gift was awarded Saddam Hussein.

On the birthday of Iraq's president to the Museum of Saddam Hussein, the queue from thirsty to present the gift to his leader was stretched for several hundred meters. For the inhabitants of Iraq, this date was noted as a national holiday: August 26, 1985, Saddam Hussein's birth was officially celebrated by the country as a holiday day of the president. Military parade, the demonstration of workers were the indispensable attributes of this day.

Medals belonged to Saddam Hussein, glorified him as him and his merit. In particular, some of them praise the President of Iraq for the "mother of all battles" in Kuwait or for the "suppression of the Kurdish uprising". The medals praise not only the military prowess of Hussein. Some are given for services for oil purification, others - for the open cement plant. "Religiousness" of the Board of Saddam was expressed in the medal "The struggle in the name of Allah". One sign of distinction wishes the president of "long life." For awarding Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the "Order of the People", made of pure gold with diamonds and emeralds.

On February 12, 2000, President Hussein as the head of the ruling party "Baas" excluded several part of the party from its ranks that did not pass the exam for knowledge of his biography. The victims on the exam were considered unworthy to take responsible positions and posts in party and government structures.

Saddam Hussein wrote several poetic works in the last years of his reign, as well as prose. His Peru owns two novels about love. Of these, the most popular anonymously published (under the pseudonym "Son of the Fatherland") Roman "Zabiba and Tsar", written in 2000. The action takes place in a certain Arabic kingdom many centuries ago. Hero - King: Almighty, but lonely. And here on his way there is a beautiful and wise girl of the scubia.

The book immediately became a bestseller and entered the obligatory school curriculum. Attentive readers of Hussein's creativity were the analysts of the CIA who doubted that Hussein was the author of the work. Despite these speculations, they tried to penetrate his consciousness, deciphering the Arabic lines of his poems and novels.

In recent months, in front of the invasion of Saddam Hussein wrote a novel called "Posthumous Curse". The story covers the history of Iraq from antiquity to today's days.

He wrote poems to his jailers and court. After he was read the death sentence, he sat down for his last poem, which became his testament to the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein is also the author of a number of works on military strategy and 19-languid autobiography.

UN sanctions, introduced after the 1991 war, caused huge economic damage to Iraq. Destruction reigned in the country: the inhabitants have lack of electricity and drinking water, the sewerage was destroyed in many areas (30% of rural residents lost to modern sewage) and water treatment plants (half of the rural population did not have clean drinking water).

Efforted intestinal diseases, including cholera. For 10 years, children's mortality has doubled, a third of children under the age of five suffers from chronic diseases. To May 1996, the health state and the economic situation of the country worsened, the health care system was destroyed.

In this atmosphere, Saddam Hussein was forced to agree to most of the UN conditions, including the 1/3 of Iraq's revenues from permitted oil exports to compensate for the victims of war in the Persian Gulf, as well as the allocation of up to $ 150 million on the benefits of Kurdish refugees. In 1998, the Program Coordinator Denis Hallidee left his post, stating that the sanctions failed as a concept and hit only in innocent people. The successor Hans von Swamp went in 2000, saying that the sanctions regime led to the "real human tragedy". The difficult economic situation of the country and the regime of rigid power forced many people to leave the country.

According to the report of the human rights organization "Human Rights Alliance France" for 2001, during the reign of Saddam, the country left 3 to 4 million Iraqis (Iraq's population at that time: 24 million people). According to the statements of the UN Commission on Refugees, Iraqis were the second level of refugees in the world.

The witnesses describe brutal violence over civilians without trial and investigation. During the war with Iran, violence of Shiiti Muslims were common. So, a woman from Najah reports that her husband was killed for refused to prayer to support the invasion of troops in Iran. The authorities killed her brother, and she herself knocked the teeth.

Her children aged 11 and 13 were sentenced to prison for 3 and, respectively, 6 months. There is also evidence that the soldiers tied an explosive to the "accused", and then healingly exploded them.

On the other hand, for the Iraqis, Saddam Hussein, the Epoch of Saddam Hussein began to be associated as a period of stability and security. One of the school Iraqi teachers noted that at the time of Saddam Hussein, "there was also a huge abyss between the ruling class and the simple people in the standard of living, but the country lived in safety and people were proud that they are Iraqis."

In the field of education, the state provided a universal free secular education in Iraq at all stages, from kindergarten to the university. At the beginning of 1998 to 80% of the population was able to read and write.

During the years of the reign, Saddam Hussein was made not one attempt. In most cases, the organizers were military or opposition movements. Thanks to the effective measures of the Iraqi special services, all the attempts of the conspiracy were pretended, but not always successfully.

Often, members of the President of the President became the goals of the conspirators; So in 1996, at the eldest son Hussein, an attempt was committed, as a result of which he was paralyzed and could only walk with a cane for several years.

On October 15, 2002, a second referendum was held in Iraq for another seven years of the authority of the President of the country of Saddam Hussein. In the bulletin, where only one candidate was to answer "yes" or "no" on a simple question: "Do you agree to Saddam Hussein to retain the presidency?" According to the results of the vote, Saddam Hussein retained the presidential post, gaining 100% votes. A day after the voting, Saddam brought the oath to the Constitution. At the ceremony, held in the building of the Iraqi parliament in Baghdad, the president was awarded a gold-plated sword and a symbolic pencil - symbols of truth and justice.
In his appeal to parliamentarians, Saddam spoke about the importance of Iraq, who, in his opinion, prevents America's fulfilling of its global plans. From this, Saddam Hussein concludes that the US administration plans are directed not only against Iraq himself, but also against all mankind.

The on-inauguration ceremonies met the speech of the president with a turbulent ovation, and the sound of the applause was drowned only by the melody of the country's hymn, which the military orchestra was performed.

On October 20, on the occasion of his "one hundred percent victory", at the referendum, Saddam Hussein declared universal amnesty. According to his decree, those who were sentenced to death, and political prisoners came to freedom.

Amnesty has spread to Iraqi prisoners within the country and beyond. The only exception was the killer. By order of Saddam, the killers could only come to freedom in the case of the consent of the relatives of the victims. Those who have committed theft must find a way to pay damage to victims.

Back in 1998, Bill Clinton signed an act of liberation Iraq, according to which the United States should have contributed to the overthrow of Hussein and Democratization of Iraq. In November 2000, George Bush Jr. became President of the United States, from the very beginning he had decided to understand that he intends to hold a hard policy against Iraq, and promised to "breathe a new life" into the sanctions regime.

He continued the financing of Iraqi opposition groups started by Bill Clinton, in particular, working in the exile of the Iraqi National Congress, hoping to thus undermine the power of Saddam Hussein. The decision on the invasion was adopted by the administration of George Bush Jr. in mid-2002, and at the same time, military training began.

The pretext for the invasion was the accusation of the Iraqi government in the ongoing work on the creation and production of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the organization and financing of international terrorism. The UN refused to support military intervention in Iraq and the leadership of the United States and the United Kingdom decided to act at their discretion, despite opposition to Germany, France and Russia.

Most Arab and Muslim countries until 2002 were very careful about the restoration of relations with Iraq in the same. Relations with Kuwait continued to remain strained and after the end of the war in the bay. In December, Saddam Hussein appealed to the Kuwaiti people apologized for the invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 and offered to unite in the fight against the United States.

But the Kuwaiti authorities did not apologize to Hussein. However, a number of European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, etc.) returned their diplomatic missions to Baghdad, which was motivated mainly by their economic interests in Iraq.nakanun the beginning of hostilities head of the Chair of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Evgeny Primakov on personal behalf Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Baghdad and met with Saddam Hussein.

As I told Primakov, he said Hussein that he could contact the Government of Iraq and offer to hold elections in the country. Saddam listened to him silently. In response to this proposal, the Iraqi leader said that during the first war in the Persian Gulf, they also persuaded him from power, but the war was inevitable. "After that, he patted my shoulder and gone," said Primakov.

On February 14, 2003, Saddam Hussein signed a decree banning the import and production of weapons of mass lesion. However, for the United States, this did not mean anything. On March 18, US President George Bush delivered to the nation. In his appeal, US President presented an ultimatum Saddam Hussein and offered to the Iraqi leader to voluntarily refuse power and leave the country along with his sons within 48 hours. Otherwise, the American president declared the inevitability of military operation against Iraq. In turn, Saddam Hussein refused to take ultimatum and leave the country.

On March 20, the US and the UK troops began military actions against Iraq, under this day Baghdad bombardments. After a few hours, after the end of the attack of the US Armed Forces, Saddam Hussein acted on television. He called on the inhabitants of the country to resist the aggression of the United States and announced the inevitable victory of Iraq above the Americans. However, everything was different. Within a few weeks, coalition troops broke the resistance of the Iraqi army and approached Baghdad.

Throughout this time, coalition troops reportedly reported on the death of the Iraqi president, hitting the goals in the capital, where, on operational data, Iraqi leader was, but every time Saddam refuted it, appearing in television with the next appeal to the nation.

On April 4, Iraqi television showed frames on which Saddam Hussein was captured, attending places in the western part of Baghdad, who were bombarded, as well as the residential neighborhoods of the capital. He was in military uniform, kept confidently, smiling, talked with the surrounding Iraqis, shook his hands. They were enthusiastically welcomed by waving automata. Hussein took the hands and kissed the children.

On April 7, Saddam Hussein, who changed his location every three hours, began to understand that he had a little chance to defeat him, but Hope did not leave him until the latter and he declared his intention to "meet with the leadership of the Baas party party to mobilize party resources." The capital was divided first four, then for five defense sectors, at the head of each of which Iraqi president put a member of Baas and ordered to fight to the last drop of blood.

According to the memoirs of Tarika Aziza, Saddam Hussein "was already a man with a crushed will." That day the B-1B bomber dropped to the place where Hussein was allegedly located, four bombs, each weighing more than 900 kg. In the evening, Iraq's television last showed Saddam Hussein as president of the country, and at 10:30 am the next day the broadcast of Iraqi television stopped. On April 9, coalition troops entered Baghdad.

On April 14, the US troops seized the last stronghold of centralized resistance to the Iraqi army - the city of Tikrit. According to some reports, there were 2,500 soldiers of the Iraq army. After the fall of Baghdad Hussein, it was already considered dead. However, on April 18, the State Abu Dhabian TV channel Abu Dhabi TV showed a video player on which Saddam Hussein performs in Baghdad before the people that day, when American troops and Iraqis entered the city with the support of Morpekhov demolished the statue of Saddam. Judging by the film, it was the last appearance of Saddam Hussein on the streets of Baghdad, during which residents of the city enthusiastically welcomed it.

A few years later, on September 9, 2006, in the published report of the US Senate Committee on exploration it would be indicated that Saddam Hussein had no connections with al-Qaeda. This conclusion reduces to "no" statements by George Bush on the long connections of the Saddam regime with terrorist organizations. Really refer to the information of the FBI, the report said that Hussein rejected the request of Osama Bin Laden about help in 1995.

In the same report on the basis of captured documents, it was also analyzed how Saddam Hussein was preparing his armed forces, assessed an international situation and commanded troops directly before and during the early 2003 war.

As it turned out, Saddam overestimated the power of the Iraqi army, inadequately analyzed the situation in the world and did not expect the invasion began, assuming that it would be limited to bombardments (as in 1998).

Later, in March 2008, in the published report "Saddam and terrorism" prepared by order of the Pentagon, the authors concluded that the Iraqi regime did not have any connections with Al-Qaeda, but supported contacts with terrorist groups In the Middle East, whose goals were the enemies of Iraq: political immigrants, Kurds, Shiites, etc.

The report notes that before the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the Al-Qaida structure did not act in Iraq, with the exception of the small grouping of Ansar Al-Islam. On the contrary, it was the American invasion that led to the activation of al-Qaeda militants in this region.

Finally, the Government of Saddam Hussein Palo on April 17, 2003, when the remnants of the Division "Medina" under Baghdad are capitulated. The Americans and their coalition allies established control over the entire country by May 1, 2003, gradually identifying the location of all former leaders of Iraq.

In the end, Saddam himself was found. According to the official version, a certain person (relative or the nearest assistant) issued information about his location, pointing to three places where Saddam was hidden. In the rank of operation "Red Sunrise" in capturing the Iraqi president, the Americans involved 600 soldiers - special forces, engineering troops and the Support for the 4th Infantry Division of the US Army.

Saddam Hussein was arrested on December 13, 2003 in the basement of the village house near the village of Hell Daur, under Earth, at a depth of about 2 m, 15 km from Tikrit. It was discovered 750 thousand dollars, two Kalashnikov and a gun; Together with him, two more people were arrested. Responding to the question of journalists, in what condition was the overthrown Iraqi leader, the commander of the US Armed Forces in Iraq Ricardo Sanchez said: "He made the impression of a tired man who was fully speaking with his destiny." According to General, Saddam pulled out from the basement at 21:15 local time. October 19, 2005, a trial began over the former President of Iraq. Especially for him, the death penalty was restored in Iraq, which for some time was canceled by the occupying troops.

The first episode from which the process began - the murder of residents of the Shiite village of Al-Dujale in 1982. According to the prosecution, 148 people (including women, children and old people) were killed here for the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthis village an attempt was made to Saddam Hussein. Saddam acknowledged that he ordered 148 Shiites for court, and also ordered to destroy their homes and gardens, but denied involvement in their murder.

The court was held in the former presidential palace, which is part of the "green zone" - a particularly fortified district of the capital, where the Iraqi authorities are located and American troops are quartered. Saddam Hussein called himself as president of Iraq, did not recognize his guilt on anyway and refused to recognize the legitimacy of the court.

Many human rights organizations and international lawyers also doubted the legitimacy of the sentence made by Saddam. In their opinion, the trial organized at the moment when the presence of foreign troops remained on the territory of Iraq, it is impossible to be called independent. The court also charged the bias and violation of the rights of the accused.

Saddam Hussein was aligned with other prisoners of war. He fell normally, slept and prayed. Three years, Saddam spent in American captivity, in a single chamber 2 by 2.5 meters.

On November 5, 2006, the Higher Criminal Tribunal of Iraq recognized Saddam guilty of killing 148 Shiites and sentenced to the death penalty. According to this episode, Saddam Barzan Ibrahim Avwad Hamid Al-Bandar and the former Vice-President Taha Yasin Ramadan are also sentenced to this episode. In parallel, the proceedings on the episode of the Kurds Genocide began (carrying out anfal operation), but in view of the already existing death sentence, it was not communicated to the end.

On December 26, 2006, the Court of Appeal Iraq left a sentence unchanged and decided to fulfill it within 30 days, and on December 29 published a decree on execution. These days, hundreds of Iraqis - relatives of Saddam's victims turned to the authorities with a request to appoint them to the executioners.

Shiite masses categorically demanded that Saddam hang out publicly, on the square, and broadcast the execution of television live. The government went on a compromise solution: the execution was decided to arrange in the presence of a representative delegation and completely shut down on the video.

Saddam Hussein executed December 30 from 2:30 to 3:00 UTC (6 am in Moscow and Baghdad). The execution took place early in the morning a few minutes earlier than the beginning of the holiday Kurban Bayram (sacrificing day). Time was chosen so that the moment of execution formally did not coincide with the holiday in the Shiite calendar, although he has already begun on the Sunni. According to Al-Arabia, Saddam Hussein was heated at the headquarters of Iraq's military intelligence officer, located in the Shiite quarter Baghdad Al- Hadernia.

In the evening, the body of the ex-president was transferred to the representatives of the "Abu Nasir" tribe, to which he belonged. Closer to the night, the remains of Saddam Hussein were delivered to the American helicopter in Tikrit. In the main mosque of Audzh, in anticipation of the ex-president's body, by that time, representatives of his clan had already been gathered.

Saddam buried at the dawn of the next day in his native village near Tikrita, near (three kilometers) with those killed in 2003 sons and grandson. Hussein himself called two places, where I would like to be buried or in the city of Ramady, or in my native village.

Opponents of Saddam met his execution with joy, and supporters staged an explosion in the Shiite quarter of Baghdad, as a result of which 30 people were killed and about 40 people were injured. The successor of Saddam Hussein as president of Iraq, Iraqi Baasists declared the vice-president of the overthrown regime by Ibrahim Ad-Duri.

Saddam Hussein is one of the most controversial figures of the XX century. In Iraq, he hated, afraid and idolized. In the 1970s, there was no more popular person in Iraq than he.

His popularity Saddam must have a sharp rise in the standard of living of Iraqis, which was based on the nationalization of Iraqi oil wealth, huge income from oil exports that the Iraqi government invested in the development of the economy and social sphere. On the other hand, becoming president of the country, he plunged his country to war with Iran, who destroyed the Iraqi economy.

Occuping the neighboring Kuwait, Hussein, thereby became one of the worst enemies in the face of both the West and the United States. The sanctions introduced into the relationship of Iraq, as well as the deterioration in the standard of living of Iraqis changed the opinion of many people about the president. His Board was noted in the suppression of every dissent, repression against their enemies. He brutally suppressed the rebellion of Shiites and Kurds in 1991, a crushing strikes on Kurdish resistance in 1987-1988, with the help of dexterity and intrigue got rid of real and potential enemies, etc.

Awards and titles
* Order of merit I degree (Visam Al-Jadar)
* Order of the Republic
* Order of perfection
* Order of two rivers I degree (al-Rafidan, Military) (July 1, 1973)
* Order of two rivers (al-Rafidan, Civil) (February 7, 1974)
* Master of Military Sciences (February 1, 1976)
* Marshal (since 1979)
* Order of revolution I degree (July 30, 1983)
* Honorary Doctor of Law (University Bagdad, 1984)
* Order of the people (April 28, 1988)
* Medal for utilities for oil treatment
* Medal for suppressing the Kurdish uprising
* Baas Party Medal
* Order "Stara Planina"

Other facts
* Saddam Hussein became the first chapter state, executed in the 21st century.
* Over the years of his reign, Saddam executed 17 own ministers and two beings.
* According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, during the reign of Saddam Hussein, about 290,000 people disappeared.
* It is believed that in the form of Saddam Hussein there are features of Stalin. Even before the operation of the "storm in the desert" in the Western media, publications appeared, in which it was argued that Saddam - Stalin's grandson, and in 2002 George Bush Jr. called Hussein "Studin Stalin".
* After 1990, Saddam never left Iraq.
* Saddam Hussein entered the Guinness Book of Records as a president, who has the most palaces and relatives in power.
* During the August coup in Moscow, Saddam Hussein supported the actions of the GCCP.
* Saddam Hussein, according to the American magazine Parade, for 2003 she ranked third in the top ten of the worst dictators in modern times.
* The role of Saddam Hussein in several films ("Hot heads" (1991), "Hot heads! Part 2" (1993), "Live Ether from Baghdad" (2002)) Performed by the American actor Jerry Khaleva (English Jerry Haleva) Similarities with the late Iraqi leader.

Saddama (Arabic name "Saddam" means "opposing") was not the name in the European sense. Hussein is the name of his father, similar to the Russian patronymic; Abd al-Magheid is the name of his grandfather, and At-Tikriti is an indication of the city of Tikrit, from where Saddam is found.

Personal life

Childhood, adolescence, youth

Saddam Hussein was born in the village of Al-Audja, 13 km from the Iraqi city of Tikrit, in the family of the landless peasant. His mother, Sabha Tulfan Al-Moussalat (Sabha Tulfa or Subhouse), called the newborn "Saddam" (in one of the meanings in Arabic it is "the one who is opposed").

His father is Hussein Abd Al-Magid - on one of the versions disappeared 6 months before the birth of Saddam, on the other - died or left the family. Stubborn rumors walk that Saddam was generally illegitimate and the father's name is simply invented. In any case, for his deceased mother Saddam built a giant mausoleum in 1982. He did not devote anything like that.

The older brother of the future ruler of Iraq died from cancer at the age of 12. In severe depression, the mother tried to get rid of pregnancy and even commit suicide. Depression deepened so much that when Saddam was born, she did not want to look at the newborn. Uncle on the maternal line - Hayrallah - literally saves the life of the nephew, taking a boy from the mother, and the child lives for several years in his family. After uncle took an active part in the anti-British uprising and put him in prison, Saddam was forced to return to his mother. In subsequent years, he asked his mother many times, where uncle, and received a standard answer: "Uncle Hayrallah in prison." At this time, Native Uncle Saddam, from the father's side, Ibrahim Al-Hasan on his custom took his mother to his wife and from this marriage there were three consolidated brothers Saddam Hussein - Sabaui, Barzan and Watban, as well as two sisters - Naval and Samira. The family suffered from extreme poverty and Saddam grew in the atmosphere of poverty and permanent hunger. Stepfather, the former military, held a small peasant farm and instructed Saddam to graze cattle. Ibrahim periodically beat the boy and mocked him. So, he periodically beat the nephew with a stick, wrapped in a sticky resin. According to some information, stepfather forced the boy to steal chickens and sheep - for sale. Eternal need deprived Saddam Hussein of happy childhood. The humiliation, experienced in childhood, as well as the habit of everyday cruelty, was largely influenced by the formation of the character of Saddam. However, the boy, thanks to his sociability, the ability to quickly and easily converge with people, had many buddies and good acquaintances, both among the peers and adults.

They told how once the long-range relatives arrived at the step. With them there was a boy, the peer of Saddam. He immediately began to brag that he was studying in the second class of the preparatory school, he was already able to read, consider and even withdraw his own name on the sand. Vulnerable Hussein rushed to Al-Khasan: "Give me to school, Father!" Schifami once again beat Saddam. In 1947, Saddam, who passionately dreamed of learning, escaped to Tikrit, to enroll there to school. Here he again brought up by Uncle Hayrallah Tulfach - a devout Muslim Sunnith, a nationalist, an army officer, a veteran of the Anglo-Iraq war, which by that time was already out of prison. The latter, according to the testimony of Saddam himself, had a decisive influence on its formation. In Tikrite Saddam Hussein ends with a school, receiving primary education. The doctrine was very difficult for a boy who was not able to even write his own behalf for ten years. According to some reports, Saddam preferred to amuse classmates with uncomplicated jokes. For example, one day he posted a poisonous snake into a portfolio to a portfolio to a poisonous snake. For this audacious joke Hussein was excluded from school.

When Saddam turned 15 years old, he experienced the first in life a heavy shock - the death of a beloved horse. The shock turned out to be so strong that the boy had a hand paralyzed. Almost half a month was treated by the most different folk remedies, while his hand had no mobility again. At the same time, Hayrallah moved from Tikrita to Baghdad, where he moved to Saddam in two years. Influenced by Uncle Saddam Hussein, in 1953, attempted to enter the Elitar Military Academy in Baghdad, but falls at the first exam. To continue study, he next year enters the Al-Karh school, which was known as the nationalism and Panharabism citadel.

A family

Hussein's first wife was His cousin Sadzhida (the eldest daughter of Uncle Hayrallah Tulfach), who gave him five children: Sons Route and Cousi, as well as daughters Ragad, Wound and Halu. Parents sucks children when Saddam was five years old, and Sadzhide seven. Before Marriage Sadhid worked as a teacher in primary schools. They got married in Cairo, where Hussein studied and lived after an unsuccessful attempt at Caasem (see below). In the garden, one of his palaces Saddam personally planted a bush of elite white roses, which called the name of Sadjid and which very much. The story of Saddam's second marriage was widely published even outside Iraq. In 1988, he met the wife of the President of the airline Iraq Eyrues. After a time, Saddam offered her husband to give his wife a divorce. Against this marriage began to object to the cousin and Shurin Saddam Adnan Hayrallah, who took the post of Minister of Defense at the time. Soon he died in a plane crash. The third wife of the Iraqi president in 1990 was Nidal Al-Hamdani.

In the fall of 2002, the Iraqi leader married the fourth time, taking 27-year-old Iman Huvish, the daughter of the Minister of Defense Industry of the country. However, the wedding ceremony was rather modest, in a narrow circle of friends. In addition, due to the constant threat of the beginning of the US military operation against Iraq, Hussein practically did not live with his last wife.

In August 1995, a scandal broke out in the Saddam Hussein family. The native brothers General Hussein Camel and Colonel of the Presidential Security of Saddam Camel, who were coming by the nephews of Ali Khasan al-Majida, with his wives - daughters of President Ragad and Rana - unexpectedly fled to Jordan. Here they told the UN experts all that they knew about the domestic political situation in the country and on the classified works of Baghdad to create weapons of mass destruction. These events have become a heavy blow for Saddam. After all, Hussein is used to trust only relatives and countrymen. He promised his headquarters in case of returning to his homeland to pardon them. In February 1996, Saddam Camel and Hussein Camel with families returned to Iraq. A few days later the message was followed that angry relatives dealt with "traitors", and later with their closest relatives. Hussein's personal doctor as follows as Hussein expressed his position on the further fate of the sounds:

During the reign of Saddam, information about the presidential family was under strict control. Only after the overthrow of Hussein on sale came home videos from his personal life. These videos represented for Iraqis a unique opportunity to open the secret of the personal life of a person who led them for 24 years.

Sons of fishing and bite during the reign of Saddam were his most trusted approximated. At the same time, the eldest, dyu, was considered too unreliable and non-permanent and for the role of successor Saddam Hussein was preparing Cousa. On July 22, 2003, in the north of Iraq, during a four-hour battle with American military dyus and bite died. Saddam's grandson, son Kiusa - Mustafa died with them. Some relatives of the overthrown president received political asylum in Arab countries. Since then, Saddam has no longer seen their family, but through their lawyers knew how they are and what with them.

A cousin and Shurin - Arshad Yasin, who was a personal pilot and bodyguard Saddam Hussein.


It is known that Saddam was an avid gardener and a passionate lover of walks on a yacht. He fell weakness to expensive western costumes, ancient and modern weapons, luxurious cars (his first Mercedes was at the Baas Museum). Favorite entertainment is to ride with the breeze on the car and smoke a Havana cigar behind the wheel. According to some information, even before the "storm in the desert" he had more than two hundred European official costumes, in most two-breasted, and some of them are from the workshop of the famous Pierre Carden, kits of a military uniform (going to the Black Beret), as well as Arab tribal capes "Jellab".

The construction of palaces was also a passion of Saddam Hussein. Over the years of its reign, he has erected more than 80 palaces, villas and residences for themselves and their relatives. According to Arab media, the ex-president of Iraq belonged from 78 to 170 palaces. But Hussein never overnight twice in one place, fearing the attempts on his life. In his destroyed palaces, Americans found thousands of volumes of classical literature in different languages, works on history and philosophy. According to unofficial data, among their books, he gave a greater preference to the story of Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea". Saddam loved to read, and also, according to the data of people who knew the Iraqi leader, loved watching the film "Cross Father" and listen to the songs of Frank Sinatra.

Attitude to religion

Saddam Hussein confessed Islam Sunni sense, prayed five times a day, performed all the commandments, walked in a mosque on Fridays. In August 1980, Saddam, accompanied by the most prominent members of the country's leadership, made a Hajj in Mecca. The chronicle of Mecca visits to the entire Arab world was broadcast, where the Saddam-clouded apparel committed a ritual bypass of Kaaba, accompanied by the Crown Prince Saudi Arabia Fakhda.

Saddam Hussein began in 1997, and in 2000 he finished donating blood for writing a copy of the Quran.

Saddam Hussein, despite his Sunni affiliation, put the visits to the spiritual leaders of Shiites, visited Shiite mosque, allocated large sums from their personal funds to the reconstruction of many saints shiites, which caused the location to itself and its own Shiite clergy regime.

Personal state

The Iraqi leader, according to Forbes magazine for 2003, shared third place with Prince Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II in the list of the richest rulers of the world. He only inferior to the King of Saudi Arabia Fahdu and Sultan Brunei. His personal state was estimated at 1 billion 300 million dollars. After the overthrow of Saddam, the Minister of Trade in the transitional government of Iraq Ali Alaui called another figure - $ 40 billion, adding that for many years Hussein received 5% of the country's oil export revenues. The US CIA, together with the FBI and the Ministry of Finance, even after the fall of Hussein continued to search for his financial resources, but they could not find them.

Revolutionary: Start of Political Activities

The Egyptian revolution was enormous on the situation in Iraq, the Egyptian revolution was provided on July 23, 1952. The Kumir Saddam was then Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of the Egyptian revolution and the future president of Egypt, the founder and the first chapter of the Arab Socialist Union. In 1956, 19-year-old Saddam took part in an unsuccessful attempt to coup against King Faisala II. Next year, he became a member of the Arab Socialist Renaissance party (Baas), whose supporter was his uncle.

In 1958, army officers led by General Abdel Karim Karemom in the course of the armed speech overthrew King Faisala II. In December of the same year, one of the high-ranking officials of the district administration and a prominent supporter of Kasem was killed in Tikritis. On suspicion of committing a crime, the police arrested Saddam, and at the age of 21 he was in prison. According to another version, Uncle instructed the nephew to eliminate one of his rivals, which he did. Saddam Hussein was released after six months, for lack of evidence. Baasists at this time opposed the new government and in October 1959 Saddam took part in the attempt at Kasem. Hussein did not enter the main group of the bold, but stood in the cover. But he did not stand her nerves, and he, putting the entire operation under his blow, opened fire on the car of General, when it was only approaching, was injured and in absentia sentenced to death. This episode of his life subsequently increased legends. According to the official version, four nights were wounded in the shin of Saddam, then he pulled his knife himself in his foot in his leg, drowned a rustling tiger under the stars, he reached the native village of Al-Audja, where he hid.

From al-Audi, changing Bedouin, he was on a motorcycle (according to another version - stole donkey) headed through the desert in the capital of Syria Damascus - at that time the main center of Baasism.

On February 21, 1960, Saddam arrived in Cairo, where he studied the year at the Central Casser An-Neal, and then, receiving maturity certificate, entered the Faculty of Faculty of Cairo University, where he studied for two years. In Cairo, Saddam from the ordinary party functionar grew up in a noticeable party leader, becoming a member of the Baas Steering Committee in Egypt. One of his biographers describes this time:

In 1963, after the overthrow of the Baas party, Kasem's regime, Saddam returned to Iraq, where he became a member of the Central Peasant Bureau. At the VI of the All-Russian Congress of the Baas party in Damascus, Hussein spoke with a bright speech, in which the activities of Ali Salika Az-Saadi, Secretary General of the Iraqi Party "Baas" since 1960, expose the criticism. In a month, November 11, 1963, on the recommendation of the Obserrab Congress of the Baas Party, the Regional Congress of the Iraqi Baas released AS-Saadi from the post of Secretary-General of the Party, putting responsibility for him for the crimes committed during the months of staying Baasist in power. The activities of Saddam Hussein at a general studio congress made a strong impression on the founder and Secretary General of the Michel Afilak party. Since that time, strong connections have been established between them, which were not interrupted until the very death of the party.

Seven days later, the Iraqi army under the leadership of General Area removed Baasists from power. Saddam in conditions of deep underground started creating a actual new party. In February of the next year, the Baas General Guide decided to establish the new Iraqi leadership "BAAS" as part of the five people, among which were popular in the country General Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr and Saddam Hussein, included in the Regional Guide on Afgook Recommendation. After two unsuccessful attempts to capture power in Baghdad Saddam, he was arrested, chained in the shackles and was concluded in a single chamber. Some time he spent in prison.

In July 1966, Saddam is organized by Escape, and in September Hussein is elected by the Deputy Secretary General of the Iraqi Party "Baas" Ahmed Khasan Al-Bakra. He is instructed to head the special office of the party under the code name "Jihaz Khanin". It was a secret device consisting of the most devoted personnel and engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence issues.

Party leader

Second person in the state

By 1966, Hussein was already one of the leaders of the Baas party, which headed the party's party service.

On July 17, 1968, as a result of the bloodless coup, the Baas party came to power in Iraq. According to the official version, Saddam was in the first tank, stormed by the presidential palace. Baghdad radio announced another coup. This time, the Baas party "took power and committed himself with a corrupt and weak regime, which was represented by clicks of ignorance, illiterate korestolubs, thieves, spies and zionists."

President Abdel Rahman Aref (Brother of the deceased President Abdel Salam Arefa) was sent to London. Having come to power, Baasists immediately began to get rid of potential rivals. 14 days after the coup, conspiracy participants, Population, Daud and Nasser Al-Hani, who were part of the organization "Arab Revolutionary Movement", were removed from power. The government focused in the hands of Al-Bakra.

After coming to power in the country, the Baas party has formed the Council of the Revolutionary Command led by Ahmed Khasan Al-Bakrom. In the list of the Saddam Hussein council was held at number 5. Saddam, Deputy Al-Bakra in the party and state line, was responsible for internal security in the country, in other words, he oversaw party and public special services. Control over the special services allowed Saddam Hussein to focus the real power in his hands. Starting from the fall of 1968, the Iraqi special services conducted a series of large-scale "cleaning", as a result of which many persons were arrested, which, according to Baas, could have a threat to it, as well as a number of prominent leaders of the Baas itself. Of particular fame received the so-called "Zionist plot" revealed by Saddam. For many Jews accused of cooperation with Israeli special services, the gallians were built on Baghdad squares and public executions began. Huge crowds of people danced on the streets, celebrating death sentences "traitors."

In 1969, Hussein graduated from Baghdad University Muntasiya, having received a lawyer's diploma and won the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command and Deputy Secretary General of the BAAS leadership. In 1971-1978, with a break, he was trained at the Military Academy in Baghdad.

On August 8, 1971, 22 members of the Baas party and the former ministers were read by the death sentence. In 1973, Saddam reorganized the intelligence agencies, assigning it the name "General Intelligence Management" ("Da'irat Al Mukhabarat Al Amah"). There are numerous evidence that the special services under the leadership of Saddam used torture (electric shock, hanging for hands of hands, etc.), and, according to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, the jailers were awarded for the use of torture.

Arabic journalist Said Aburish in his book "Saddam Hussein: Persian Politics" writes that Stalin was ideal for him. According to Aburisha:

Saddam himself for the question of the correspondent of "Newsuk" about torture and execution answered with surprise: "Of course, it's all. And how do you think it should be done with those who oppose the power? " In his report for 2001, the International Amnesty Non-Governmental Organization described the methods used in Saddam prisons: "Victims of torture were blinded, disappeared with them and for long hours hung them on the wrists. The electric shock was used on different parts of their bodies, including genitals, ears, tongue and fingers ... Some victims were forced to watch their relatives and family members in their eyes. " As Washington Post newspaper writes, at present, Iraqi jailers "in habit" continue to apply the same "interrogation methods", as in Saddam: electric shock, hanging for hands prisoners (torture uses American soldiers), however, such "Eccentric torture forms preferred by Saddam Hussein" as the use of acid, sexual violence, group executions - canceled.

It is worth noting that many methods of torture, which were used in Saddamovsky Iraq, are widely used in the current Iraqi authorities (not only by the "former jalesmen", but also by employees of other powerful departments, including the soldiers of the international coalition).

As the UN Pursuit of Manfred Novak noted in 2006:

According to Evgeny Primakov, at Saddam, as on a promising leader, made a bid and the USSR, and the United States.

On the way to power. Foreign policy

An important milestone on the path of Saddam to the leading position in the party and the state was the signing of a treaty from March 11, 1970 by Mustafa, who proclaimed the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan and, as it seemed that the end of the blood3 of 9-year war with Kurdish rebels. After strengthening its position, thanks to this Treaty, Saddam Hussein in the next two years focused on almost unlimited power in his hands, more and more pouring to the back plan of the nominal chapter of the party and the state of Ahmed Hassan al-Bakra.

After the attempted by the leader of the Kurdish resistance planned by the Iraq authorities, Mulla Mustafa Barzani said:

Modernization of the country

Huge income from oil exports allowed to carry out large-scale reforms (many - under the direct leadership of Saddam Hussein) in the field of economics and in the social sphere. Saddam made a program of transformations, the purpose of which formulated briefly: "Strong economy, a strong army, strong guide." Trying to cope with the disadvantages of the socialist economy, Hussein decided to encourage the development of the private sector. By the mid-1970s, he in every way stimulated entrepreneurs and more and more attracted private companies, local and foreign, to government development programs. The construction of universities and schools, highways and power plants, water supply systems and systems of sewage, small and large houses across the country. Multidisciplinary and specialized hospitals opened. A system of universal education and healthcare was created. Under the leadership of Saddam, an intense campaign to combat illiteracy began. The result of the combination of illiteracy overthrown by Saddam was an increase in the literacy of the population from 30 to 70 percent, for this indicator Iraq entered the leaders among the Arab countries. However, there are other data showing that in 1980 (in the midst of a campaign) the level of illiteracy of the adult population (over 15 years) in Iraq was 68.5 percent, and the decade later (1990) is 64.4 percent. In accordance with the application of the Council of the Revolutionary Command of March 11, 1970, the Department of Kurdish Education was created on the peaceful democratic settlement of the Kurdish problem in the Ministry of Education. Electrification is carried out, the network of highways increased significantly. The standard of living in Iraq became one of the highest in the Middle East. Iraq created one of the most modern health systems in the Middle East. Saddam's popularity grew every year.

After the nationalization of foreign oil interests, Saddam began to modernize the rural areas, starting the mechanization of agriculture on a large scale, as well as allocation of land to peasants. According to estimates of international banks and other financial institutions (IBRD, IMF, Deutsche Bank and others), Iraq formed a very large currency reserve at $ 30-35 billion. As a result of the economic boom in Iraq, a significant number of migrants from Arab arrived in search of workplaces other Asian countries. To lead some high-tech processes in the construction and manufacturing industry, qualified foreign specialists were invited. American explorer Turner wrote:

By the beginning of the 1980s, Iraq became, along with Egypt, the most developed state of the Arab world.

Completion of power struggle

Saddam Hussein, meanwhile, strengthened his power, promoting the key roles in the government and business of relatives and allies. Eliminating in 1976 the most influential in the army of Baasists - General Hardana AT-Tikriti and Colonel Saliha Majdi Ammasha, Hussein began for the total "bauxization" of the country - ideological and administrative. Saddam began with a state apparatus, captivating him with the party. "Cleaning" in the army occurred: all the officers were dismayed to regime or sent to serve in Kurdistan, and only members of the party began to be accepted into military academies and colleges. The functions "Jihaz Khanina" destroyed all independent fractions and groupings inside the Baas itself. The "Baasization" of the army, according to Hussein, was aimed at creating an "ideological army" aimed at defending the government of the party. With the help of the secret service, Hussein managed to cope with the security forces opposing him in the party and the government, place the key places of loyal people (mainly from the related Tikritsky clan) and establish control over the most important levers of government management.

By 1977, party organizations of the provinces, secret services, the command of the army and the ministers have already reported directly before Saddam. In May 1978, 31 communist and a number of persons accused Hussein were executed in the awareness of the creation of party cells in the army. Saddam announced the communists with "foreign agents", "traitors of Iraqi homeland", arrested almost all representatives of the ICA in the NPF and forbade all ECP editions. Thus, the front even stopped the formal existence and ICP went underground, and a single-party system was established in the country. The real power more significantly passed from Al-Bakra to Saddam Hussein.

On July 16, 1979, President Al-Bakr resigned, allegedly on illness (they argued that he was planted for home arrest). His successor was announced Saddam Hussein, who also headed the regional leadership of the Baas party. In fact, Saddam Hussein thus assigned a dictatorial authority. The Secretary-General of the Council of the Revolutionary Command of ABB Al-Hussein Maskhadi was immediately arrested, who was given testimony about the gigantic conspiracy, allegedly arose in Baas in favor of Syria. At the two days held after two days, Maskhadi was brought to the podium, and he pointed out as its accomplices to 60 deputies, which were immediately arrested.

President of Iraq

Having become president, Saddam began to increasingly disclaim about the special mission of Iraq in the Arabic and third world, pretending to the Lavra of the Panararabian leader of this scale as Abdel Gamal Nasser. At the conference of non-aligned countries in Havana in 1979, Hussein promised to provide long-term interest-free loans to developing countries, equal to the amount received from increasing oil prices, thereby causing an enthusiastic ovation of the audience (and really gave about a quarter billion dollars - differences in 1979 prices ).

As noted, by the time of the entry of Saddam, the position of President, Iraq was a rapidly developing country with one of the highest in the Middle East. Two wars, initiated by Saddam, and the international sanctions caused by the second of them led to Iraq's economy into a state of acute crisis. As a result, as the Air Force notes:

By the beginning of 2002, it was possible to restore 95% of vital industrial enterprises operating in 1990.

Iran-Iraq war

After coming to power, Saddam Hussein immediately collided with a serious threat to his board, which emanated from the neighboring Iran. Ayatollah Homeney, the leader of the Islamic Revolution winning in Iran, was going to spread it to other countries of the Persian Gulf; In addition, he had a personal hostility to Saddam Hussein. Iran began to support the underground Shiite group of Ad-Daawa Al-Islamia, which launched a campaign of attempted and terrorist shares against representatives of Iraq's leadership.

Saddam Hussein decided to conduct a limited military operation against Iran in order to force the Iranian government to abandon hostile actions. The pretext for the beginning of the war was the failure to fulfill the Iran of its obligations under the 1975 Algerian Agreement, according to which Iran had to transfer some border territories to Iraq. After a number of clashes at the border on September 22, 1980, the Iraqi army invaded the territory of the neighboring country. The offensive initially turned out to be successful, but as a result of the mobilization of Iranian society to fight the aggressor, by the end of the autumn it was stopped. In 1982, Iraqi troops were knocked out from Iranian territory, and the fighting was already transferred to the territory of Iraq. The war went into the protracted stage, accompanied by the use of Iraq and Iran, chemical weapons, rocket fans of cities and attacks on tankers of third countries in the Persian Bay of both parties. In August 1988, the Iranian Iraqi war, which was worthy of both sides of the huge human and material victims, ceased actually on the terms of Status Quo. Saddam Hussein announced the victory of Iraq, on the occasion of which in Baghdad the famous arches of "swords of cadisia" were erected. And the day of the end of the war, on August 9, he was declared Hussein "Day of the Great Victory". The foundation began in the country, during which the president was called the Savior of the Nation.

In the course of the war, Saddam's attempt was also ravored to get nuclear weapons: on June 7, 1981, the nuclear reactor purchased to Saddam in France was destroyed by Saddam in France.

The West was afraid of the growth of radical Islamism Ayatollah Khomeini and did everything possible to prevent Iran's victory. In 1982, the United States was drawn out Iraq from the list of countries supporting terrorism. Two years later, bilateral diplomatic relations were restored, interrupted during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. At the same time, Iraq continued to remain an ally of the USSR and to receive arms from him. However, several Western countries, including the United Kingdom, France and the United States, also supplied Baghdad weapons and military equipment. The United States provided Saddam not only intelligent information about his opponent and loans per billion dollars, but also materials for creating chemical weapons.


After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Kurds who lived there took up arms. In the conditions of war between Iran and Iraq, Iranian Kurds received a valuable ally in the face of Saddam Hussein. In response, Tehran began to provide assistance with money and weapons by Iraqi Kurds. In the fight against his inner enemies, Hussein has entered into an agreement with Turkey on the joint struggle against Kurds. This agreement gave the Turkish and Iraqi divisions the right to chase Kurdish militants on each other by 17 km. At the same time, the Kurdish rebels under the command of the son of Mustafa Barzani Masuda carried out regrouping of their combat units and established control over most of the border mountain areas in the north and northeast of the country. In an effort to defeat the Kurdish resistance in the north of Iraq, Saddam sent huge military forces to Kurdistan. This was also connected with the fact that the Iranian army, with the support of Iraqi Kurds, launched hostilities in Northern Iraq.

During the war, Saddam Hussein carried out a share of military special operation on stripping the northern regions of Iraq from the Kurdish rebel detachments of "Peshmerga", the named "Anfal", during which up to 182 thousand Kurds (mainly men, but also some women and children) were It was exported in an unknown direction and, as it turned out, was shot: with the fall of the Saddam regime, their graves began to be discovered. Earlier, in 1983, all men of the Barzan tribe starting from the age of 15 - 8 thousand people were destroyed. Some Kurdish girls were sold to slavery in Egypt and other Arab countries. A number of Kurdish villages and the city of Halabja were also bombarded by chemical bombs (only in Halab, 5 thousand people died). A total of 272 settlements suffered from chemical weapons. The UN adopted a resolution condemned by the use of chemical weapons by Iraq. However, the US governments and other Western countries continued to support Baghdad both political and militarily to almost the very end of the Iran-Iraq war. In addition, in the course of the operation, almost all villages and small towns in Kurdistan (3900) were destroyed, and 2 million people from the 4 million people of Iraqi Kurdistan were resettled in the so-called "exemplary settlements" - in fact concentration camps.

Interwar Time

The end of the 1980s for the region of the Middle and Middle East passed under the sign of an obvious downturn intensity, which was associated primarily with the termination of the Iran-Iraq war. After the cease-fire, Iraq began to provide military assistance to the commander of the Armed Forces of Lebanon General Michel Aunu, speaking against the Syrian army deployed in the Lebanese territory. Thus, Saddam Hussein tried to weaken the positions of the Syrian President Hafez Assad and expand and strengthen its influence in the region. Rapid increasing weight of Iraq in the region caused the alertness of its long-time allies. Created at the height of the confrontation of Baghdad with Tehran Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (ICPP), headed by Saudi Arabia, sought to restore the parity of Iraq and Iran, so as not to get into dependence on any or another. Small bay countries after the end of the war hastily began to restore relations with Iran. In the new conditions, Hussein decided to accelerate the re-equipment of the army with modern weapons and develop the military industry. As a result, in just two post-war years he managed to create a military car largest in the Arab East. Almost a million Iraqi army, staffed by modern weapons, has become one of the world's largest (4th largest). At the same time, due to the repression against Kurds, the attitude towards Iraq of Western countries began to change.

On February 16, 1989, on the initiative of Saddam Hussein, an agreement was signed in Baghdad on the establishment of a new regional organization - the Council of Arab Cooperation, which included Iraq, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt. At the same time, the King of Saudi Arabia is invited to Baghdad, and during his visit, the Iraqi-Saudi non-aggression treaty is signed. Since the second half of 1989, the Iraqi press begins a large-scale propaganda campaign against the policy of CSAAA countries in OPEC, accusing them in the fact that they are guilty that OPEC did not go to an increase in Iraq's quota and thus blocked the restoration of the Iraqi economy.

The personal popularity of Saddam reached his peak to the beginning of the Arab meeting in the tops in Baghdad in May 1990, where he called on its participants to create a united front against the aggression of the West, stressing the importance of improving the coordination of Arabs actions. However, instead of creating the United Front, headed by Baghdad at the meeting, there were signs that other Arab governments are ready to challenge Saddam's claims to leadership. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak did not share this appeal, saying that "the Arab mission should be humane, logical and realistic, free from exaggeration of his role and intimidation." Egyptian-Iraqi rapprochement after that sued no. On August 15, Hussein appealed to the President of Iran with a proposal for the immediate conclusion of the world. Iraqi troops were allocated with the Iranian territories employed by them, at the same time the exchange of prisoners of war began. In October, diplomatic relations were resumed between Baghdad and Tehran.

Invasion to Kuwait

As a result of the war with Iran, the Iraqi economy caused significant damage. For eight years of combat actions, external debt formed, estimated at about $ 80 billion. The country had no opportunity to pay off; On the contrary, additional financial receipts were required to restore industry. In the current situation, Saddam Hussein saw potential prerequisites for the occurrence of social instability and, as a result, threats to their regime. He assumed that the social and economic problems of the country had accumulated during the war, he would succeed in deciding in a short time, relying on the aid of the Arab countries, who stood on his side during the war, and above all the countries of the SSAGPZ. However, it was very soon obvious that no one is going to forgive him a large debt, and even more so, to continue US financial assistance. Several times Saddam asked the Arab countries to write off Iraq's debts and allocate new loans, but these appeals were mainly ignored.

In July 1990, Iraq accused the neighboring Kuwait in the conduct of economic war against him and in illegal oil production on the Iraqi side of the Rumeile border oil field. Indeed, Kuwait has already exceeded the OPEC quota for it for it for it, and thereby contributed to a decrease in world oil prices, which deprived Iraq to a certain part of profits from oil exports. However, there are no evidence that Kuwait has reappeared oil from Iraqi territory, no. The Kuwaiti side did not hurry to allocate Iraq, the compensation required them ($ 2.4 billion), preferring to start negotiations with the aim of mitigating Iraqi requirements. The patience of Saddam Hussein was exhausted, and on August 2, 1990, the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait and occupied it. August 8 was announced about the annexation of the country, which became the 19th province of Iraq called Al-Saddamia.

The invasion of Kuwait caused the unanimous condemnation of the world community. The Iraq were imposed on sanctions, and the UN Mandatudis was created by the International Coalition, which was played by the United States, which enjoyed the support of all NATO countries and moderate Arab regimes. Focusing in the Indian Ocean and Persian bay, a powerful military grouping, the USA and their allies conducted the operation "Storm in the Desert", defeating Iraqi troops and freeing Kuwait (January 17 - February 28, 1991).

The progress of the coalition troops caused an universal uprising against the regime, both in the Shiite south and at the Kurdish north of Iraq, so at some point the rebels controlled 15 Iraqi provinces from 18. Saddam suppressed these uprisings, using the part of the Republican Guard released after the conclusion of the world. Government troops have shifted the most important Shiite shrines and mosques where the rebels gathered. Western journalists who visited Kerbel after the suppression of the uprising testified: "At the distance of five hundred yards from two shrines (the tomb of Imam Hussein and his brother Abbas) were reminded London at the peak of his bombardments by German aviation during World War II." Suppression of the uprising was accompanied by torture and mass executions of Muslim-Shiites, shooting suspected of opposition activities in stadiums or using helicopters. Crawing with Shiites, Baghdad threw troops against Kurds. They quickly crowded the Kurds from the cities. Aviation bombed villages, roads, places of recovery of refugees. Tens of thousands of civilians rushed to the mountains, where many of them died from cold and hunger. During the suppression of the Kurdish uprising, more than 2 million Kurds became refugees. The cruelty, with which the regime was painted with the rebels, forced the coalition to introduce "useless zones" in the south and north of Iraq and begin a humanitarian intervention (Operation "Provide Comfort") in the north of Iraq. In the fall of 1991, Iraqi troops left three northern provinces (Erbil, Dakhuk, Suleymania), where the Kurdish government was created under the cover of the international troops (so-called "Free Kurdistan"). Meanwhile, in the regions that returned under his authority, Saddam continued the policy of repression: it was like Kirkuk and other districts of Kurdistan, where "arabization" continued (the expulsion of Kurds with the transfer of their homes and land to the Arabs) and in the Shiite south, where shelters The rebels - the swamps in the mouth of the Shhatt-El Arab - were drained, and the "Swamp Arabs" the tribes living there were evicted into specially built and entirely controlled villages.

Despite the victory of the international coalition, sanctions (both military and economic) were not removed from Iraq. Iraq was put forward by a condition that hard economic sanctions against it will continue to the complete elimination of all weapons of mass lesion, including nuclear, chemical and biological. Representatives of international organizations were sent to Iraq to control the possible production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. The sanctions regime was somewhat mitigated in 1996, when the United Nations Program "Oil in Exchange for Food" was adopted, providing for sale under the control of the UN Iraqi oil, followed by procurement (the same organization) of food, medicines, etc. This program, however I became a source of corruption for both the UN administration and the Saddam Hussein himself.

Cult of personality

Saddam Hussein gradually established his own cult culture. It was most brightly manifested in the following examples:

  • At the airport of Baghdad, called the name of Saddam Hussein, portraits of the President of the country were posted, and on concrete columns of the city station the city was made an inscription: "With us Allah and President, and America."
  • Saddam Hussein issued an order that every tenth brick used in the restoration of the ancient buildings of Babylon marked with his name. So, as a result of this order, the ancient Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar was rebuilt: the name of Saddam was captured on bricks.
  • On the bricks of many palaces in the era of Saddam Hussein, his painting was raised or an eight-pointed star with the words "built in the era of Saddam Hussein".
  • In 1991, the new flag of Iraq was adopted in the country. Hussein posed the phrase "Allah Akbar" on the flag. In addition to this phrase on the flag, three stars were captured, symbolizing unity, freedom and socialism - the slogan of the Baas party. In this form, the flag existed until 2004, until the new Iraqi government decided to get rid of him, as another reminder of the Saddam Hussein era.
  • During the reign of Saddam Hussein, in Iraq, many of his sculptures and portraits were installed, Hussein's monuments stood in all state institutions. The first such monument was opened in Baghdad on November 12, 1989. Monuments on the streets of Baghdad were established a great set, almost in any institution or building, even at the fences, shops and in hotels. The portrait of the country's leader was depicted in a variety of species and forms, Saddam could be in the marshal uniform or strict costume of the statesman, against the background of hydroelectric power plants or smoking pipes of factories, in a coat with a rifle in hand, in the clothes of a peasant or a Bedouin, etc. Assistant And the Schiewwater Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Shevardnadze Teimraz Stepanov, visiting Iraq at the beginning of 1989, wrote in his diary: "Baghdad clearly ranks first in the world (ahead of Pyongyang and Damascus) in the number of portraits of the first person of the state."
  • All the ministries of the country hung huge portraits of Saddam in robes and entourage, relevant activities of a ministry. On the key chains for keys, hairpins, playing cards and wrist hours - almost everywhere, a portrait of Saddam Hussein appeared over time. For the extraordinary courage of Saddam Hussein wrote novels and filmed movies.
  • On television, the mandatory presence in the corner of the screen of the Saddam Hussein image on the background against the background of the mosque. When the time of the next prayer came, the reading of the Quran was certainly accompanied by the image of the president's praying president. And since 1998, a new mosque was opened annually to the birthday of the leader.
  • Iraqi media should have been submitted to Saddam as a father of nation, a builder of schools and hospitals. On many video frames, the times of his board can be seen as Iraqis simply approach the president and kiss his hands or himself. Schoolchildren sang laudatory hymns and recited OD, glorifying the life of the president. At the school on the first page of the textbooks, the portrait of Saddam was printed, and portraits Saddam Hussein and his quotes The remaining pages of books praised the leader and the Baas party. Articles in newspapers and scientific works began and ended with the glorification of the president.
  • The name of Saddam Hussein was named many institutions, weapons and even areas: Saddam International Airport, Saddam's named after Saddam Hussein's bridge (Renamed in 2008 in the Bridge of Imam Hussein), District of Baghdad "Saddam City", Al-Hussein Rockets "(Prior to this Skad), University of Saddam Hussein (now the University Al-Nakhrein), Saddamovsky Center for Arts, Saddam Dam, and even" Street on April 28 "(named after Saddam's birthday; Renamed in 2008 in the street Al-Salkia). Since Saddam Hussein was considered the "father of the nation", he started a special telephone, according to which citizens could "consult" with him, express their claims. True, after some time, he was canceled.

One of the brightest manifestations of the cult of the personality of Saddam was the printing of the bill and the release of coins with his image. For the first time, the coins depicting Saddam appeared in 1980. Since 1986, the portrait of the Iraqi president began to be printed on all cash bills of the country. Throughout the board, Saddam Hussein in Iraq had two currencies - dinars of an old and new sample. Dinars with Saddam were finally introduced after the war in the Persian Gulf (1991). The old-sample dinars are the main currency of the autonomous area in the north of Iraq - Kurdistan.

Becoming Iraqi President, Hussein opened the museum of his gifts in Baghdad. The building was located in the center of Baghdad, in the Tower, known as the Baghdad Watch. Near the museum there is a grave of an unknown soldier and the area at which during the reign of Saddam Hussein was held military parades. All gifts, as well as some personal soddam personal belongings are located in five halls, each of which was dedicated to a certain topic: weapons, copyright, orders, jewelry and paintings.

In 1997, on the day of his sixtieth anniversary, Hussein instructed a group of calligraphs to write the text of the Holy Quran, using his own blood instead of ink. As you know, the Quran contains about 336 thousand words. Writing this book took almost three years. On the day of its 63th anniversary at the solemn ceremony, held in the presidential palace of the gift of An-Nasre in Baghdad, the desired gift was awarded Saddam Hussein.

On the birthday of Iraq's president to the Museum of Saddam Hussein, the queue from thirsty to present the gift to his leader was stretched for several hundred meters. For the inhabitants of Iraq, this date was noted as a national holiday: August 26, 1985, Saddam Hussein's birth was officially celebrated by the country as a holiday day of the president. Military parade, the demonstration of workers were the indispensable attributes of this day.

Medals belonged to Saddam Hussein, glorified him as him and his merit. In particular, some of them praise the President of Iraq for the "mother of all battles" in Kuwait or for the "suppression of the Kurdish uprising". However, medals praise not only the military validity of Hussein. Some are given for services for oil purification, others - for the open cement plant. "Religiousness" of the Board of Saddam was expressed in the medal "The struggle in the name of Allah". One sign of distinction wishes the president of "long life." For awarding Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the "Order of the People", made of pure gold with diamonds and emeralds.

On February 12, 2000, President Hussein as the head of the ruling party "Baas" excluded several part of the party from its ranks that did not pass the exam for knowledge of his biography. The victims on the exam were considered unworthy to take responsible positions and posts in party and government structures.

Saddam - Writer

Saddam Hussein wrote several poetic works in the last years of his reign, as well as prose. His Peru owns two novels about love. Of these, the most popular anonymously published (under the pseudonym "Son of the Fatherland") Roman "Zabiba and Tsar", written in 2000. The action takes place in a certain Arabic kingdom many centuries ago. Hero - King: Almighty, but lonely. And here on his way there is a beautiful and wise girl of the scubia. He is fascinated by her, but their happiness destroys inrogenous invasion. Barbarians destroy the kingdom, which was a cradle of civilization. Borrow is brutally raped. This happens January 17 (on January 17, 1991, the first war in the Persian Gulf began. Iraqi critics sang the guard of poetry and prose Saddam, overlooked his work as the top of Arabic literature. The book immediately became a bestseller and entered the obligatory school curriculum. Attentive readers of Hussein's creativity were the analysts of the CIA who doubted that Hussein was the author of the work. Despite these speculations, they tried to penetrate his consciousness, deciphering the Arabic lines of his poems and novels. In recent months, in front of the invasion of Saddam Hussein wrote a novel called "Posthumous Curse". The story covers the history of Iraq from antiquity to today's days.

For three years spent in an American prison, Saddam Hussein wrote not one poem, but entire cycles. At the first court session Hussein wrote a small poem:

He wrote poems to his jailers and court. After he was read the death sentence, he sat down for his last poem, which became his testament to the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein is also the author of a number of works on military strategy and 19-languid autobiography.

Saddam and Iraqi people

UN sanctions, introduced after the 1991 war, caused huge economic damage to Iraq. Destruction reigned in the country: the inhabitants have lack of electricity and drinking water, the sewerage was destroyed in many areas (30% of rural residents lost to modern sewage) and water treatment plants (half of the rural population did not have clean drinking water). Intestinal diseases, including cholera, were widely spread. For 10 years, children's mortality has doubled, a third of children under the age of five suffers from chronic diseases. To May 1996, the health state and the economic situation of the country worsened, the health care system was destroyed.

In this atmosphere, Saddam Hussein was forced to agree to most of the UN conditions, including the 1/3 of Iraq's revenues from permitted oil exports to compensate for the victims of war in the Persian Gulf, as well as the allocation of up to $ 150 million on the benefits of Kurdish refugees. In 1998, the Program Coordinator Denis Hallide left his post, stating that the sanctions failed as a concept and beat only in innocent people. His successor Hans von Swamp went in 2000, saying that the sanctions regime led to the "real human tragedy". The difficult economic situation of the country and the regime of rigid power forced many people to leave the country.

According to the report of the human rights organization "Human Rights Alliance France" for 2001, during the reign of Saddam, the country left 3 to 4 million Iraqis (Iraq's population at that time: 24 million people). According to the statements of the UN Commission on Refugees, Iraqis were the second level of refugees in the world.

The witnesses describe brutal violence over civilians without trial and investigation. During the war with Iran, violence of Shiiti Muslims were common. So, a woman from Najah reports that her husband was killed for refused to prayer to support the invasion of troops in Iran. The authorities killed her brother, and she herself knocked the teeth. Her children aged 11 and 13 were sentenced to prison for 3 and, respectively, 6 months. There is also evidence that the soldiers tied an explosive to the "accused", and then healingly exploded them.

On the other hand, for the Iraqis, Saddam Hussein, the Epoch of Saddam Hussein began to be associated as a period of stability and security. One of the school Iraqi teachers noted that at the time of Saddam Hussein, "there was also a huge abyss between the ruling class and the simple people in the standard of living, but the country lived in safety and people were proud that they are Iraqis."

In the field of education, the state provided a universal free secular education in Iraq at all stages, from kindergarten to the university. At the beginning of 1998 to 80% of the population was able to read and write.

Attempts and conspiracies

During the years of the reign, Saddam Hussein was made not one attempt. In most cases, the organizers were military or opposition movements. Thanks to the effective measures of the Iraqi special services, all the attempts of the conspiracy were pretended, but not always successfully. Often, members of the President of the President became the goals of the conspirators; So in 1996, at the eldest son Hussein, an attempt was committed, as a result of which he was paralyzed and could only walk with a cane for several years. The most famous attempts of the coup and the attempt on Saddam can be attributed to:

  • On July 8, 1982, on the highway, held next to the village of Ed Dujale, unknown militants were committed unsuccessful attempt at President Iraq. Saddam Hussein miraculously stayed alive, killed 11 of his bodyguards. As a result, hundreds of villagers were arrested, of which 250 people were missing, 1500 were in prison, and 148 of them (all Muslim-Shiites) were sentenced to shooting and executed (for this episode Saddam Hussein was convicted and executed).
  • In 1987, members of the DAVA party attacked the Court of Iraqi president - ten of his guards were killed, but Hussein was not injured.
  • At the end of 1988, an attempt was attempting for the president and the organization of the coup, thanks to the security system, it failed. There were executed several dozen officers who were trying to implement it all.
  • In September 1989, T-72 was joined in a military parade to columns of tanks without a number of charged cannon. The tank managed to Militate barriers. But when 50 meters of tank remained before the stands, it was stopped. 19 officers and conspirators were once executed.
  • In 1996, with the support of the CIA, the Iraqi National Consent tried to organize a coup in Iraq. 120 million dollars were provided to the operation, but the plot was revealed. On June 26, 120 conspirators, among whom were members of the Iraqi National Accord and 80 officers were arrested and executed.
  • At the end of September 1997, Iraqi opposition tried to make an attempt on Hussein on the road of Samarra - Tikrit, which Iraq's president should have processed. The car, in which one of the organizers of the attempted attempt at high speed burst the wheel, and he turned over. The security force arrived to the place of the accident subjected the car to a thorough inspection and discovered in it suspicious documents. The arrested admitted to the conspiracy and issued the names of the accomplishers. All of them are 14 people, they were arrested and executed.
  • In January 2000, Iraqi opposition led by the commander of the second Brigade of the Republican Guard by General Abdel Karim's hell-Dules was going to arrange an armed ambush towards the taper of Iraq's president for a festive ceremony on the occasion of the day of the Iraqi army. However, the plot was revealed. All its participants - 38 people were executed without trial and investigations in the military camp west of Baghdad.
  • In October 2002, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas reported on the next attempt on Saddam Hussein. Iraqi military pilot, piloting MiG-23, tried to strike at the Presidential Palace "Tartar", where the Iraqi leader was at that moment. The attempt has failed, but the pilot died.
  • In December 2003, Israel acknowledged that he was preparing a plan for the attempt at Saddam Hussein in 1992. It was assumed to throw deep into the territory of Iraq, the division of the special forces who had to release a rocket specially designed for this purpose on Saddam during the funeral ceremony of his uncle. The plan had to be left after five Israeli servicemen died during training.


In accordance with the 1995 constitutional amendment, the head of state is elected for a 7-year term on a nationwide referendum. On October 15 of the same year, a referendum on Hussein's re-election was held in Iraq for another seven-year term. On the first in the history of the country, a referendum of 99.96% of Iraqis spoke for the nomination of Saddam Hussein for the presidency. In May 2001, he was again chosen by the General Secretary of the regional leadership of the Baasist Party of Iraq.

On October 15, 2002, a second referendum was held in Iraq for another seven years of the authority of the President of the country of Saddam Hussein. In the bulletin, where there was only one candidate, followed "yes" or "no" on a simple question: "Do you agree to Saddam Hussein to retain the presidency?" According to the results of the voting, Saddam Hussein retained the presidency, gaining 100% of the vote. A day after the voting, Saddam brought the oath to the Constitution. At the ceremony, held in the building of the Iraqi parliament in Baghdad, the president was awarded a gold-plated sword and a symbolic pencil - symbols of truth and justice. During the inauguration, Hussein said:

In his appeal to parliamentarians, Saddam spoke about the importance of Iraq, who, in his opinion, prevents America's fulfilling of its global plans. From this, Saddam Hussein concludes that the US administration plans are directed not only against Iraq himself, but also against all mankind. Summarizing your appeal, Hussein said:

The on-inauguration ceremonies met the speech of the president with a turbulent ovation, and the sound of the applause was drowned only by the melody of the country's hymn, which the military orchestra was performed.

On October 20, on the occasion of his "one hundred percent victory", at the referendum, Saddam Hussein declared universal amnesty. According to his decree, those who were sentenced to death, and political prisoners came to freedom. Amnesty has spread to Iraqi prisoners within the country and beyond. The only exception was the killer. By order of Saddam, the killers could only come to freedom in the case of the consent of the relatives of the victims. Those who have committed theft must find a way to pay damage to victims.

US invasion to Iraq

Before the war

Back in 1998, Bill Clinton signed an act of liberation Iraq, according to which the United States should have contributed to the overthrow of Hussein and Democratization of Iraq. (Iraqi's Iraqi crisis that has appeared in 1998.) In November 2000, George Bush Jr. was the US President, from the very beginning to understand that he intends to hold a hard policy for Iraq, and promised to "breathe a new life" in regime sanctions. He continued the financing of Iraqi opposition groups started by Bill Clinton, in particular, working in the exile of the Iraqi National Congress, hoping to thus undermine the power of Saddam Hussein. The decision on the invasion was adopted by the administration of George Bush Jr. in mid-2002, and at the same time, military training began.

The pretext for the invasion was the accusation of the Iraqi government in the ongoing work on the creation and production of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the organization and financing of international terrorism. The UN refused to support military intervention in Iraq and the leadership of the United States and the United Kingdom decided to act at their discretion, despite opposition to Germany, France and Russia. Saddam Hussein declared:

Most Arab and Muslim countries until 2002 were very careful about the restoration of relations with Iraq in the same. Relations with Kuwait continued to remain strained and after the end of the war in the bay. In December, Saddam Hussein appealed to the Kuwaiti people apologized for the invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 and suggested uniting in the fight against the United States:

But the Kuwaiti authorities did not apologize to Hussein. However, a number of European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, etc.) returned their diplomatic missions to Baghdad, which was mainly their economic interests in Iraq.

On the eve of the beginning of hostilities, the head of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yevgeny Primakov, on the personal instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, visited Baghdad and met with Saddam Hussein. At the meeting with Iraqi leader, Primakov said:

As I told Primakov, he said Hussein that he could contact the Government of Iraq and offer to hold elections in the country. Saddam listened to him silently. In response to this proposal, the Iraqi leader said that during the first war in the Persian Gulf, they also persuaded him from power, but the war was inevitable. "After that, he patted my shoulder and gone," said Primakov.


On February 14, 2003, Saddam Hussein signed a decree banning the import and production of weapons of mass lesion. However, for the United States, this did not mean anything. On March 18, US President George Bush delivered to the nation. In his appeal, US President presented an ultimatum Saddam Hussein and offered to the Iraqi leader to voluntarily refuse power and leave the country along with his sons within 48 hours. Otherwise, the American president declared the inevitability of military operation against Iraq. In turn, Saddam Hussein refused to take ultimatum and leave the country.

On March 20, the US and the UK troops began military actions against Iraq, under this day Baghdad bombardments. After a few hours, after the end of the attack of the US Armed Forces, Saddam Hussein acted on television. He called on the inhabitants of the country to resist the aggression of the United States and announced the inevitable victory of Iraq above the Americans. However, everything was different. Within a few weeks, coalition troops broke the resistance of the Iraqi army and approached Baghdad. Throughout this time, coalition troops reportedly reported on the death of the Iraqi president, hitting the goals in the capital, where, on operational data, Iraqi leader was, but every time Saddam refuted it, appearing in television with the next appeal to the nation. On April 4, Iraqi television showed frames on which Saddam Hussein was captured, attending places in the western part of Baghdad, who were bombarded, as well as the residential neighborhoods of the capital. He was in military uniform, kept confidently, smiling, talked with the surrounding Iraqis, shook his hands. They were enthusiastically welcomed by waving automata. Hussein took the hands and kissed the children.

On April 7, Saddam Hussein, who changed his location every three hours, began to understand that he had a little chance to defeat him, but Hope did not leave him until the latter and he declared his intention to "meet with the leadership of the Baas party party to mobilize party resources." The capital was divided first four, then for five defense sectors, at the head of each of which Iraqi president put a member of Baas and ordered to fight to the last drop of blood. According to the memoirs of Tarika Aziza, Saddam Hussein "was already a man with a crushed will." That day the B-1B bomber dropped to the place where Hussein was allegedly located, four bombs, each weighing more than 900 kg. In the evening, Iraq's television last showed Saddam Hussein as president of the country, and at 10:30 am the next day the broadcast of Iraqi television stopped. On April 9, coalition troops entered Baghdad. On April 14, the US troops seized the last stronghold of centralized resistance to the Iraqi army - the city of Tikrit. According to some reports, there were 2,500 soldiers of the Iraq army. After the fall of Baghdad Hussein, for some information was already considered dead. However, on April 18, the State Abu Dhabi television channel Abu Dhabi TV showed a video player on which Saddam Hussein performs in Baghdad to the people that day, when American troops and Iraqis entered the city, with the support of Morpekhov, the statue of Saddam was supported. Judging by the film, it was the last appearance of Saddam Hussein on the streets of Baghdad, during which residents of the city enthusiastically welcomed it.

A few years later, on September 9, 2006, in the published report of the US Senate Committee on exploration it would be indicated that Saddam Hussein had no connections with al-Qaeda. This conclusion reduces to "no" statements by George Bush on the long connections of the Saddam regime with terrorist organizations. Really refer to the information of the FBI, the report said that Hussein rejected the request of Osama Bin Laden about help in 1995. In the same report on the basis of captured documents, it was also analyzed how Saddam Hussein was preparing his armed forces, assessed an international situation and commanded troops directly before and during the early 2003 war.

As it turned out, Saddam overestimated the power of the Iraqi army, inadequately analyzed the situation in the world and did not expect the invasion began, assuming that it would be limited to bombardments (as in 1998). Later, in March 2008, in the published report "Saddam and terrorism" prepared by order of the Pentagon, the authors concluded that the Iraqi regime did not have any connections with Al-Qaeda, but supported contacts with terrorist groups In the Middle East, the goals of which were enemies of Iraq: political immigrants, Kurds, Shiites, etc. The report notes that before the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the structure of Al-Qaida did not act in Iraq, with the exception of a small grouping "Ansar Al- Islam". On the contrary, it was the American invasion that led to the activation of al-Qaeda militants in this region.


Finally, the Government of Saddam Hussein Palo on April 17, 2003, when the remnants of the Division "Medina" under Baghdad are capitulated. The Americans and their coalition allies established control over the entire country by May 1, 2003, gradually identifying the location of all former leaders of Iraq. In the end, Saddam himself was found. According to the official version, a certain person (relative or the nearest assistant) issued information about his location, pointing to three places where Saddam was hidden. In the rank of operation "Red Sunrise" in capturing the Iraqi president, the Americans involved 600 soldiers - special forces, engineering troops and the Support for the 4th Infantry Division of the US Army.

Saddam Hussein was arrested on December 13, 2003 in the basement of the village house near the village of Hell Daur, under Earth, at a depth of about 2 m, 15 km from Tikrit. It was discovered 750 thousand dollars, two Kalashnikov and a gun; Together with him, two more people were arrested. Responding to the question of journalists, in what condition was the overthrown Iraqi leader, the commander of the US Armed Forces in Iraq Ricardo Sanchez said: "He made the impression of a tired man who was fully speaking with his destiny." According to General, Saddam pulled out from the basement at 21:15 local time. Soon, frames were broadcast on the whole world, as an American doctor examines the tired, unfamiliar, entrusted and dirty old man, who once was the omnipotent president of Iraq. Despite this, the story with the arrest of Hussein contradictory. There is a version that Saddam was arrested not 13 numbers, and on December 12 and during the arrest he shot a gun from the second floor of a private house in Tikrite, killing the American infantryman. According to official American data, on the day on December 12, two US military personnel died in Iraq - one in Baghdad, the other in Ramady.

Contrary to the hopes of the Americans, their actions were perceived in Iraq far from unambiguously. They found full support from Kurds, very moderate from shiites and complete rejection at the Sunnis, who saw that they were deprived of their traditionally dominant position in Iraq. The result was the mass Sunni Armed Movement under the slogan "Restoration of Independence of Iraq", directed against the Americans and against Shiites.

October 19, 2005 the trial began on the former President of Iraq. Especially for him, the death penalty was restored in Iraq, which for some time was canceled by the occupying troops.

Saddam Hussein were charged with the following crimes:

  • Kurd Genocide in 1987-88 (anfal operation).
  • The use of mortars when shelling Kirkuk.
  • Suppression of shiite uprising in 1991.
  • Mass massacre in the Shiite village Dujale in 1982.
  • Forced eviction of several thousand Kurd-Files (Shiites) to Iran.
  • The use of chemical weapons against Kurds in Halabge in 1988.
  • The execution of 8000 representatives of the Kurdish tribe Barzan in 1983.
  • Invasion to Kuwait in 1990.
  • Executions of prominent religious figures.
  • Executions of prominent political figures.
  • Crimes against religious movements.
  • Crimes against political parties.
  • Crimes against secular public movements.
  • After 1991, work on the construction of dams, canals and dams in the south of Iraq, which led to the drying of Mesopotamian marshes and turning this area into the salt desert.

The first episode from which the process began - the murder of residents of the Shiite village of Al-Dujale in 1982. According to the prosecution, 148 people (including women, children and old people) were killed here for the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthis village an attempt was made to Saddam Hussein. Saddam acknowledged that he ordered 148 Shiites for court, and also ordered to destroy their homes and gardens, but denied involvement in their murder.

The court was held in the former presidential palace, which is part of the "green zone" - a particularly fortified district of the capital, where the Iraqi authorities are located and American troops are quartered. Saddam Hussein called himself as president of Iraq, did not recognize his guilt on anyway and refused to recognize the legitimacy of the court.

Many human rights organizations and international lawyers also doubted the legitimacy of the sentence made by Saddam. In their opinion, the trial organized at the moment when the presence of foreign troops remained on the territory of Iraq, it is impossible to be called independent. The court also charged the bias and violation of the rights of the accused.

In custody

Saddam Hussein was aligned with other prisoners of war. He fell normally, slept and prayed. Three years, Saddam spent in American captivity, in a single chamber 2 by 2.5 meters. He did not have access to the media, but read books, he studied the Quran daily and wrote poems. Most of the time he spent in the chamber, occasionally was taken out to take a walk in the prison yard. The former leader did not complain about her fate, but he wanted to treat him like him. From the situation, he had only a bed and a table with books, including Koran. On the wall of the camera, Saddam with the permission of the warders hung up portraits of their dead sons by riding and bias, and next to them the prison administration hung the portrait of President Bush. One of the guards of his guards Capral Army US Army Jonathan Reese spoke about the life of Saddam in the chamber. In particular, he said:

Sergeant Robert Ellis, who a year and a half was attached to Saddam to follow the state of his health, also told about the life of the Iraqi leader behind the lattice:

The sergeant also said that Hussein often recalled his daughter and almost never about the sons killed, just once complained that he was not enough for him.

In January 2008, on the air of the American television channel CBS, the FBI Agent George Pyro, who was instructed to interrogate the opposite president, spoke about the content and interrogation of Saddam in prison. To raise the overthrown president and make it more frankly, Piro showed him video recordings, on which Iraqis overturned the statues of Hussein. The prisoner brought a huge suffering, he tried not to look at the screen and was very angry. At such moments, according to Piro, Saddam's face became red, the voice changed, and his eyes glowed with hatred. The FBI agent said that Saddam had never had twins and confirmed one of the versions of Iraq's invasion to Kuwait. According to this version, Hussein defended the honor of Iraqi women, whom Emir Kuwait threatened to make prostitutes.

Two months later, Major Major Major Marine Doug Stone, who supervises questions on the maintenance of prisoners in the American military contingent in Iraq, has demonstrated the CNN to the Saddam Hussein camera and excerpts from his records. The camera in which the former President Iraq turned out to be small, without windows, with walls painted in a beige color and gray floors. From the situation in the chamber there are only concrete naps and a combined stainless steel bathroom in the corner. Talking about the last hours of the Iraqi leader, the general noted that Hussein did not show his excitement when he was announced that today he will be executed. Saddam asked to transfer to his daughter, that he was sent to a meeting with God with a clean conscience, as a soldier who sacrifice for Iraq and his people. Hussein writes in his latest records that he feels responsibility before the story for "people saw the facts as they are, and not those who have made them who wanted to pervert them."

Former Iraqi leader in his verses demonstrates the philosophical component of his personality. Hussein, hearing the sounds of shootings and explosions in the city, hearing the sounds of ships and explosions in the city, wrote:

In another, his poetic work Saddam calls on their citizens to change:


On November 5, 2006, the Higher Criminal Tribunal of Iraq recognized Saddam guilty of killing 148 Shiites and sentenced to the death penalty. According to this episode, Saddam Barzan Ibrahim Avwad Hamid Al-Bandar and the former Vice-President Taha Yasin Ramadan are also sentenced to this episode. In parallel, the proceedings on the episode of the Kurds Genocide began (carrying out anfal operation), but in view of the already existing death sentence, it was not communicated to the end.

On December 26, 2006, the Court of Appeal Iraq left a sentence unchanged and decided to fulfill it within 30 days, and on December 29 published a decree on execution. These days, hundreds of Iraqis, relatives of Saddam's victims, turned to the authorities to appoint them to the executioners. Shiite masses categorically demanded that Saddam hang out publicly, on the square, and broadcast the execution of television live. The government went on a compromise solution: the execution was decided to arrange in the presence of a representative delegation and completely shut down on the video.

Saddam Hussein executed December 30 from 2:30 to 3:00 UTC (6 am in Moscow and Baghdad). The execution took place early in the morning a few minutes earlier than the beginning of the holiday Kurban Bayram (sacrificing day). The time was chosen so that the moment of execution formally did not coincide with the holiday in the Shiite calendar, although he has already begun on Sunni.

According to the Agency of Al-Arabia, Saddam Hussein was hanged at the headquarters of Iraq military intelligence, located in the Shiite quarter of Baghdad al-Hadernia. Ashphid was attended by a limited number of persons: members of the American military command (according to other data, there were no Americans at the site of execution), Iraqi officials, several judges and representatives of the Islamic clergy, as well as a physician and a video operator (as planned, the last minutes of Saddam's life were filmed on video).

In addition to the official record, the unofficial shooting made by a mobile phone was also distributed. Before going to Eshafot, Saddam read the confession of faith (Shahada) and said: "God is great. Islamic community (Umma) will win, and Palestine - Arab Territory. " The last request was to transfer the Quran, which he kept in his hands. Present masses? Lee Saddam insults and shouted: "Muktada! Muktada! ", Recalling the leader of the radical Shiites Muktada as Sadre. When Saddam was thrown on her neck, one of the guards said, recalling the Shiites executed them: "So it was with those who pray to Mohammed and the Mohammed family." Saddam ironically objected: "This is bravery, in your opinion?". The surroundings answered: "Down with a dictatorship!", "Go to hell!", "Long live Muhammed Baerker AC-Sadr!" (Uncle Muktada, executed by Saddam).

Later, the information appeared according to which Muktada as-Sadda was one of the rules of Saddam; Official sources are denied. One of the judges urged those surrounding to order. Saddam said "Let Americans and Persians be cursed!", I again read Shakhada, and when I started reading it again, the Eshaphot Platform sank. A few minutes later, the doctor stated death, the body was removed and put in the coffin. The head of the grave of Saddam Hussein's grave subsequently argued that after execution on the body of the president, six knife wounds were made: four on the front of the body and two on the back, but it was officially not confirmed. In the evening, the body of the ex-president was transferred to the representatives of the "Abu Nasir" tribe, to which he belonged. Closer to the night, the remains of Saddam Hussein were delivered to the American helicopter in Tikrit. In the main mosque of Audzh, in anticipation of the ex-president's body, by that time, representatives of his clan had already been gathered. Saddam buried at the dawn of the next day in his native village near Tikrita, near (three kilometers) with those killed in 2003 sons and grandson. Hussein himself called two places where he would like to be buried - either in the city of Ramady or in his native village.

Opponents of Saddam met his execution with joy, and supporters staged an explosion in the Shiite quarter of Baghdad, as a result of which 30 people were killed and about 40 people were injured. The successor of Saddam Hussein as president of Iraq, Iraqi Baasists declared the vice-president of the overthrown regime by Ibrahim Ad-Duri.

At the end of March 2012 there were reports that Iraq's authorities intend to reburo the remains of Saddam Hussein elsewhere in order to put an end to mass pilgrimage to his grave.

Community response to the sentence and execution

  • "This is the smallest thing, which deserved Saddam," said, commenting on the sentence, the Prime Minister of the Government of Iraq Nuri Maliki. The Prime Minister himself spoke with congratulations to the Iraqi people in connection with the execution of Saddam, which says: "Justice has been made on behalf of the people of Iraq. The criminal Saddam is executed and will never be able to return the time of dictatorship to us again.<…> We are talking about a lesson for all despots and dictators committing crimes against their people. "
  • Deputy Prime Minister Iraq Barham Saleh (one of the leaders of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) stated: "In relation to Saddam, justice was carried out, in which he refused to the Iraqi people for more than 35 years."
  • "The execution of Saddam Hussein should not blame the anfal and Halabju," said the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Masood Barzani. The Kurdish leadership found the execution of hasty, since, according to Kurds, the court had to disassemble all the crimes of Saddam.
  • The President of the Kurdish Institute (Paris) Candell independently determined the response to the execution of different groups of Iraqi society: "Shiite majority is convinced that justice triumphed, and Tyran paid for his crimes. They feel that they are resented, freed from a long nightmare, are delivered from the obsessive ghost of the shameful dictator. Hanging, committed on the eve of the great Muslim holiday sacrifice, is regarded by them as a gift of heaven, and not as a violation of the ruler of the truce during the "sacred" period of forgiveness and mercy. Iraqi Sunnis, not all of which are unconditional supporters of Saddam Hussein, consider this hasty execution act of sectarian revenge Shiites who want to demonstrate that from now on, they are new owners of the country. Kurdi.<…> Of course, do not mourn the fate of Tirana, but among them the feeling prevails that they were denied justice [as Saddam was not convicted of anfal]. "
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin about Saddam Hussein said: "Awful. Barbaric execution. "
  • The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said: "Sensiced cruel execution will further deepen the split in Iraqi society. Instead of such a national reconciliation and harmony, the people of Iraq risks to get another turn of a fratricide conflict, new numerous sacrifices. "
  • "Saddam's death sentence is quite an adequate measure," Speaker of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov said.
  • The Council of Muftis of Russia considers the unacceptable execution of Saddam Hussein. The Chairman of the Council Ravil Gainutdin said: "The casting of such a inhuman sentence will discard all the aspirations of the Iraqi people to transform the country."
  • The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov said that the execution of Saddam is the gruel, who was committed to the American government. According to him, it will strengthen the anti-American moods in the world: "I am deeply sorry that the XXI century begins with this kind of unprecedented executions, wars and raising the whole states."
  • The leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, speaking at the protest rally in front of the Iraqi embassy, \u200b\u200burged the Muslims of the whole world to rally in the fight against the United States.
  • Evgeny Primakov, a famous Arabist, personally acquainted with Saddam, expressed an opinion in one of the interviews that the hasty execution is an attempt to the CIA "check marks" in his politics in the Persian Gulf.
  • Press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Andrei Popov believes that the execution can lead to violence in Iraq and neighboring regions: "The logic of the initiators of the former Iraqi leader is difficult to understand. This step risks to become a starting point for expanding the wave of violence in Iraq and have echoes in neighboring states of the region. " Doubt was expressed in the justice and legitimacy of the process over Saddam Hussein: "The moral side of all this is obvious, and the legal impeccability of the process over the former president continues to cause serious doubts."
  • US President George Bush welcomed the execution of Saddam as a manifestation of justice and the will of the Iraqi people to build their lives in the framework of the law: "Today, Saddam Hussein is executed, after a fair trial - this in which he refused to victims of her cruel regime. During the Tirani of Saddam Hussein, such fair courts did not have to dream. This proof of the determination of the Iraqi people move forward after several decades of oppression is that Saddam Hussein, despite his monstrous crimes against his own people, was given such an opportunity. "
  • Later - January 17, 2007 - George Bush in an interview with the PBS television company expressed disappointment by the fact that the Iraqi authorities carried out the execution of Saddam Hussein. He said that the execution was impressed by the "murder of revenge." According to the President of the United States, the actions of the Iraqi authorities in this situation were damaged to their image: "In the consciousness of people, it strengthened doubts that the Government of Al-Maliki is a serious government."
  • Representatives of Islamist terrorist groups sharply condemned the execution of Saddam. Hamas called it the "note of political accounts", "Taliban" - "provocation" and "challenge Muslims of the whole world."
  • In Libya, in connection with the death of the former Iraqi leader, a three-day mourning was declared.
  • "The execution of Saddam, as well as his overthrow - this is the victory of the Iraqi people," said Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Hamid Rez Asefi.
  • In Kuwait, the execution of Saddam Hussein commented on the Minister of Social Affairs and the work of AS-Sabah Al-Halad: "The execution was carried out by judicial authorities and the relevant Iraqi institutes after the official condemnation and sentencing for crimes committed by Hussein against humanity. Perfect for all the laws of the executed president, this is the inner case of Iraq.<…> God's car always comes on time. Saddam paid for crimes committed against their people. Kuwait also suffered a lot from the politics of Saddam Hussein and his dictatorship, we have nothing to regret. "

Officially, Israel's Foreign Ministry refused to comment on Saddam's execution. The Unofficial Defense Minister of Defense Effraim Snev said in an interview: "Justice happened. We must not forget that this story was related to Israel. Saddam Hussein released 39 missiles in Israel, paid at the height of intifada for 20 thousand dollars a family of each suicide bomber and sought to get nuclear weapons to use it against us. "

  • The verdict is a fair Kara Saddam Hussein and his associates for their crimes, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain Margaret Beckett said.
  • The European Union is, in particular, the Finnish presiding in the EU, as well as France and Italy, opposed the execution due to the principal rejection of the death penalty as such. "I do not want to smalle the crimes with which he stained himself and in which he was rightly accused by independent Iraqi authorities, but in any case, Italy against the death penalty," said the Prime Minister Italy Romano Prodi.
  • Vatican: "The execution of Saddam Hussein is the tragic news; There is a danger that it will aggravate the climate of hatred and sends new violence. Such an event causes sadness, even when it comes to a person who is very responsible in grave crimes, "said the representative of Vatican Federico Lombardi. Earlier, Holy See called the Iraqi court not to endure Saddam a death sentence and performed with the condemnation of this sentence.
  • President Nicaragua Daniel Ortega called the execution of Saddam Hussein crime: "Once again, the norm of international law was earthed in Iraq - a country where there are no people who are missing, where the wrong genocide is held under the pretexts, false and frainity of which the world are known ... Saddam Hussein's execution In spite of the calls to mercy on the part of governments and international organizations, calls for the Vatican, suggests that the policies of those who are pending the fate of Iraq, is based on hatred and cruelty ... Condeming this new crime committed in a fraternal country, Nicaraguans join the requirement The peoples of the planet about the immediate conclusion of occupying troops from the territory of Iraq, about the restoration of sovereignty, independence and the world there. "
  • In India, a protest action was held against execution organized by Muslims and Indian Communists, during which the scarecrow of the American president was burned. India Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherji expressed his regret: "We have already expressed the hope that the fulfillment of the death sentence will not follow. We are upset that he took place. "

Saddam as a person

Saddam Hussein is one of the most controversial figures of the XX century. In Iraq, he hated, afraid and idolized. In the 1970s, there was no more popular person in Iraq than he. His popularity Saddam must have a sharp rise in the standard of living of Iraqis, which was based on the nationalization of Iraqi oil wealth, huge income from oil exports that the Iraqi government invested in the development of the economy and social sphere. On the other hand, becoming president of the country, he plunged his country to war with Iran, who destroyed the Iraqi economy. Occuping the neighboring Kuwait, Hussein, thereby became one of the worst enemies in the face of both the West and the United States. The sanctions introduced into the relationship of Iraq, as well as the deterioration in the standard of living of Iraqis changed the opinion of many people about the president. His Board was noted in the suppression of every dissent, repression against their enemies. He brutally suppressed the uprisings of Shiites and Kurds in 1991, the crushing strikes on Kurdish resistance in 1987-1988, with the help of dexterity and intrigue got rid of real and potential enemies, etc. Headdam Hussein once said the following:

Former CIA employee, psychologist and teacher of George Washington University, Gerald post, gives such an assessment of the identity of Saddam Hussein:

The psychologist notes that Saddam from nine years was brought up by Uncle, who instilled him the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a follower of Saladin and Nebuchadnezzar - powerful and cruel rulers of the East.

Analyst Dmitry Sergeev came to the following conclusion:

Five years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, violence in the country will not subsight, and many people will begin to remember its times. So, one woman will say:

One of the Shiites Saad Mukhlif, who suffered during the events in Ed Dujale, said:

Another Irakez - Lifti Saber, performing the functions of the Iraq government coordinator to interact with the forces of the international coalition, which Saddam Hussein sentenced to the death penalty and which at Hussein spent 8 years in the Summer Camera, said:

At the end of 2002, when American troops have not yet invaded Iraq, American journalist Thomas Friedman wrote:

Awards and titles

  • Order of merit of I degree (Visam Al-Jadar)
  • Order of the Republic
  • Order of perfection
  • Arrangement of Member Interrece (Al-Rafidan, Military) (July 1, 1973)
  • Order of Meternrech (Al-Rafidan, Civil) (February 7, 1974)
  • Master of Military Sciences (February 1, 1976)
  • Marshal (from July 17, 1979)
  • Order of revolution I degree (July 30, 1983)
  • Honorary Doctor of Law (University Baghdad, 1984)
  • Order of the people (April 28, 1988)
  • Medal for services for oil purification
  • Medal for suppressing the Kurdish uprising
  • Baas Party Medal
  • Order "Stara Planina"

Other facts

  • Saddam Hussein became the first chapter state, executed in the 21st century.
  • During the years of his reign, Saddam executed 17 own ministers and two inhang.
  • According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, over the years of the reign of Saddam Hussein, about 290,000 people disappeared.
  • It is believed that in the form of Saddam Hussein there are features of Stalin. Even before the operation of the "storm in the desert" in the Western media, publications appeared, in which it was argued that Saddam - Stalin's grandson, and in 2002 George Bush Jr. called Hussein "Studin Stalin".
  • After 1990, Saddam never left Iraq.
  • Saddam Hussein entered the Guinness Book of Records as a president, who has the most palaces and relatives in power.
  • During the August coup in Moscow, Saddam Hussein supported the actions of the GCCP.
  • Saddam Hussein, according to the American magazine "Parade", held a third place in the top ten of the worst dictators in modern times.
  • The role of Saddam Hussein in several films ("Hot Heads" (1991), "Hot Heads! Part 2" (1993), "Live Ether from Baghdad" (2002)) Performed by American actor Jerry Khaleva (English), who resembles Iraqi leader.
  • In October 2011, a bronze buttock was put up for trading - a fragment of the monument to the former president.

Name: Saddam Hussein (Saddam Hissein)

Place of Birth: Tikrit, Iraq.

Place of death: Baghdad, Iraq.

Activity: president of Iraq

Saddam Hussein - biography

In April 2007, Saddam Hussein would have been 70 years old. Before his anniversary, the Iraqi dictator did not live for several months. On the eve of 2007, he was executed. Saddam took death calmly and with dignity. Perhaps she seemed to him with a welcome rest after a long life, entirely filled with desperate struggle for power and power.

The starting conditions in the race for the power of Saddam were explicitly losing. He came from the provincial town of Tikrit. Sultan Saladin was born here in the XII century. However, the family of the future leader had nothing to do with the National Hero of Arabs, and indeed to the aristocracy. His father, a peasant Hussein al-Magid, or died, or she fled in an unknown direction immediately after the birth of Saddam. On the local custom, the mother married his brother Khasan and enriched the family three more sons. All of them lived in the injury, feeding by the union, which mother brought out of the rich houses, where she worked as a maid. Until the TsSi Saddam, Saddam had no shoes.

We do not know the exact date of birth of Hussein. Like other poor children, he was registered in absentia, writing on July 1, the birthday of King Faisala. Later Hussein, wanting to stand out from among the "Children on July 1", pointed out another date in the documents - April 28, 1937, which eventually began to be celebrated as a public holiday.

Rasked Saddam his uncle Hayralla Tulfa. Whose favorite saying was: "Allah was mistaken three times: when he created flies, Persians and Jews." Uncle was a hot fan of Hitler. He, like other Arab nationalists. It was waiting that Führer will free them from the British occupation, which replaced Turkish after the First World War. In 1941, Uncle Heralla was in the ranks of conspirators. Preparing anti-English coup, and for a long time he was in prison.

His nephew At this time, his fists defended his authority in battles with tickrite boys. Later, Western reporters found witnesses of these battles, who argued: Saddam was sickly, unoccupmed, but fought desperately. He got the iron rod and everywhere wore him with him, until he broke his head alone from the offenders. Only age - twelve years - saved him from prison. After this incident, all local hooligans managed him by the party, and even the stepwise, stepfather Hassan ceased to beat the stepper.

I barely learned to read, Saddam was excluded from school for a bold joke: he posted a poisonous snake into the portfolio to a portfolio. After that, he lined up for several years without a thing, I do not break with small steam. His only friend in these years was a horse donated by Uncle Hayralla. When the horse died of illness, Hussein, according to his confession, cried the last time in his life.

In 1958, Iraqi officers killed the king and declared the President of General Abdul Kerim Kasem. The world has not come in the country - the Nationalist Party Baias rushed to power, which heeralla Tulfa entered, and after him and Saddam. The uneducated, but the strong and fearless young people were well suited for the role of a party attack aircraft. Already in 1959, he personally shot the secretary of the Communist Cell Tikrit. In October of the same year, in Baghdad, he with four comrades tried to shoot a car of President Caasem from the guns.

The attempt has failed, and Saddam with a bullet in the leg with difficulty saved from the chase. He managed to twist the Tiger River and hide in his native Tikrite, and then cross the border of Syria. From there he moved to Egypt. In Cairo, former in those years, the informal capital of the Arab Nationalists. Twenty-one-year-old Saddam somehow finished school, and then signed up at the Faculty of Faculty of the Cairo University, but never finished it.

With the formation of Saddam always bjloa is wrong. In Baghdad, he tried to enter the military school, but failed because of the ignorance of mathematics. After many years, already becoming vice president, he appeared at the very school accompaniment to the bodyguards and demanded that they counted the cracked exams.

Of all university disciplines, Saddam especially loved the story. In addition to Hitler, Stalin became his idol, the portrait of which he later held in his office. Saddam collected books about Stalin all his life, considering that he had a lot in common with the Soviet leader - he was also born in the wilderness, grew up without his father, in poverty, but reached the vertices of power.

Stalinist methods of struggle for the power of Saddam studied especially carefully, and was soon able to apply them in practice. In 1963, the Baas party arranged a new coup in Baghdad. Surrounded in his palace, President Kasem surrendered to the promise to preserve his life, after which he was immediately exhausted by bullets. Uncle Heralla became with a new government an adviser on ideology and immediately discharged a nephew from Cairo, who did not get responsible posts from the youth.

However, Saddam himself found himself a business - he quickly fastened from the young strong guys the detachments of the National Guard, raising them on the "internal enemies", primarily the Communists. The attack aircraft destroyed thousands of people. The murders were distinguished by such cruelty that the ruling junta, seeking to avoid international isolation, dissolved the Guard.

However, Hussein has already won a position with the authorities and was not going to lose him. Having taught the post of adviser al-Bakar, he soon subordinated to the elderly suffering from the ulcer of general to his influence. Career Saddama was so rapidly in the mountain that his uncle Heralla finally agreed to give her daughter to Nazhid to his wife.

They knew each other since childhood. One after another in the family Rod or the sons of fishing and bite and daughter Ragad, Rana and Hala. Saddam adored her children. Having become president, he did not miss the case to show the people, what is he a loving father. The Iraqi press of a nape photo of Saddam, playing with his children.

However, in the mid-60s grouping to which Saddam joined, was defeated, and he was in prison. A wife helped him - she came to visit him with a little though, in the diapers of which was hidden a file. And in July 1968, another coup in Baghdad. Two tanks arrived at the presidential palace, on the tower of some of them sat Saddam with a gun in his hand. Frightened guards folded weapons, and General Al-Bakr returned to power.

In gratitude, he appointed Saddam by the head of state security. In this position, Hussein quickly managed to subjugate the army and the device of the Baas party. Opponents Garden Lady one after another dismissed or dressed in strange circumstances. July 16, 1979, in the anniversary of the coup, Saddam removed the ever influence of the Al-Bakra to the time and officially took the presidency.

During the 24-year-old Board of Saddam, the cult of his personality reached all imaginable limits. At every corner it was possible to see his statues and portraits - in civilian clothes and Marshal Mundir, with the Kalashnikov machine and surrounded by happy children. Annecdote went to Iraq: 28 million inhabitants -14 million people and the same monuments of the leader in the country. For narrator, such anecdotes and other dissatisfied, the branched network of prisons was intended. The miracle concerned from there the prisoners told that people in prisons are trying electric and dissolve in baths with sulfuric acid.

As often, the stronger the repression flared up, the stronger the dictator was afraid for his power and life. Saddam rarely spent two nights in a row in one place, constantly cruising in 20 residences. Lined around Baghdad. I didn't even know about the place of his next night. While traveling around the country, near his car was driving the same car with a twin - they say such "clones" Hussein had at least a dozen.

When in 1982, the Shiite village of El Dujale was fired by the president's consignment, he ordered to kill the entire population of the village - 148 people. Casnili and the head of protection - for non-painting. Sometimes executions were held publicly, and even foreigitgs diplomats were called on them. Agived a few. Saddam admitted to American\u003e chickens: "Yes, I kill my enemies. But keep in mind that they would gladly make the same with me. "

Taking care of your health, the dictator established for itself a strict routine of the day. He woke up at five in the morning, dressed and walked around the garden for an hour - gardens with roses were broken in every palace! On these early walks often brought his children who lived separately from the Father and also often changed guarded residences. At six in the morning, the helicopter delivered him a breakfast - a bottle of freshly dodied milk of white camels donated by the Saudi King of Fahd. At 6.55, he was on a suit, under which I had to put on the body armor, and drove into the palace, where I worked with the documents before the evening.

Exactly at 22.00, he sat daily meetings with comrades, which for some of them ended in a torture chamber. Foreign journalists and politicians who encountered Saddam were talked about completely atypical for the Arab functionar, an extraordinary punctuality. Saddam could well deal with the minister or general who was late for him to the audience. On Fridays, the sacred for Muslims the day, Saddam went to the mosque, and then loved to visit the houses of ordinary Iraqis, the truth, who was carefully selected by the security service, and give them gifts.

He smiled, joked, but after all this was hidden a permanent fear of genuine and imaginary conspirators. Especially Saddam was afraid that it could be poisoned or infected with a deadly disease. The security not only tried any food that Saddam was served, but even checked for the presence of poisoning substances soap and toilet paper with which he used. And all visitors who took the diet-torus not only searched, but also forced their hands in three special solutions.

If you compare the stories of approximate and family members of the dictator, it seems that two Saddam existed that there were two Saddam. A strict, but loving husband and father capable of romantic feelings with fierce tyrant. It is said that he often presented his wife and daughters of the bouquets of roses, self-cut during the morning walk. It seems that his, like many politicians, spoiled power, forcing the enemies to intimidate enemies to pretend to be a bloodthirsty monster, and then actually become them.

Hussein brutally suppressed the rising of the Kurds who demanded the creation of their state. Against the rebels applied chemical weapons. In only the village of Halabjj, 5,000 people died. Following the "enemies of the Iraqi people", shiites were announced, for which Iranian Ayatollah wrapped the curse on Hussein, nicknamed His "Small Satan", unlike "Big Satan" - America. So the demonization of Saddam began, to which the Western media later joined. So far, they praised the dictator, seeing the shield against the "Islamic fanatics" in it from Tehran.

The conflict with Iran turned around the bloody war, which lasted eight years and ending in a draw. With the usual virtuosity, Saddam laid the blame for failures on their approximations, shooting them one after another. Over the years of his reign, he executed 17 ministers and without an account with a strange helicopter accident. His father, who held the post of Mayor Baghdad, died, eating something bad. So happened to all comrades, who resoluted to criticize Saddam or claimed part of his fame. Hussein well remembered the lesson of Oriental despot and beloved Stalin - one sun in the sky, one leader on earth.

The only people with whom Saddam rushed everything was his sons. He closed his eyes to the fact that they performed in the maternal clan of Tulfahov. Having received entire sectors of the economy from his father to full disposal, he copied considerable wealth, including a park of 1300 luxury cars. At the same time, he, like his father, wanted to look Robin Hood - a defender of humiliated and offended. Without limiting the distribution of the poor grocery soldering, he began through controlled newspapers to expose corruption among the father's approximations, on what and regained. After the mysterious attempt at the end of 1996, Dove moved for a long time on the crutches, and the role of the "heir to the throne" passed to the youngest, more obedient Kice.

He strongly spoiled the reputation of the Father and his favorite daughters - Ragad and Rana. They were married to Saddam brothers-generals close to Saddam. In 1995, Saddam's daughter with families fled to Jordan and gave there sensational interviews about the orders in the family of the leader.

Sadjid went to Amman - it was her first visit abroad - and persuaded her daughters to return. A week after their arrival in Baghdad, photos of bloody bodies of both generals were separated, which the Family Council sentenced to death.

By that time, Iraq was already in the center of attention of the whole world. Back in the 1980s, Saddam began to buy Soviet tanks, French aircraft and American missiles at the petrodollara. The United States still willingly armed Iraq, but the Israelites who learned that Saddam secretly develops nuclear and chemical weapons. A nuclear reactor built with France near Baghdad could well be used to obtain a "filling" for atomic bombs, and Israeli planes wound it every case.

Then the Americans condemned this act, but in August 1990 there came the turn to recover them. 300 thousand Iraqi soldiers without warning crossed the border of neighboring Kuwait - the largest oil producer - and occupied it. In response, the Anglo-American forces began the operation "Storm in the Desert". The huge and volatile army of Iraq was dissected on the part and broken. At the last moment, Saddam managed to accept the terms of the coalition and maintain power.

During the operation of the "Storm in the Desert", everything built over the years of Hussein was destroyed. It was here that it turned out how fragile was the myth of the power and prosperity of Iraq, created by Saddamovsky propaganda. Nadezhda for support from abroad - for Saddam, only the most bad politicians, like Vladimir Zhirinovsky, were encouraged.

Returning from Iraq, the leader of the LDPR shared his impressions: "Hussein eats for breakfast: a whole ram and a huge rice dish. This is the leader! " But no Zhirinovsky could force Washington to abandon the elimination of the Iraqi leader, which became a real "idea of \u200b\u200bFix" for Americans.

Hussein was still brave - he threatened the aggressors of the last final battle, in which every Irakez will become a soldier. The secret police grabbed anyone who resigned to doubt the right of the leader and his state wisdom.

State problems, however, during this period, Saddam is not enough. He fell in love. His new choices was the 27-year-old Iman Havivash - the daughter of the director of the State Bank and one of the first beauties of Iraq. In the heat of love, Saddam even wrote a novel "Zabiba and King" - about the love of the monarch, that is, himself, to the young girl who sacrifices himself, turning his chosen one from enemy bullets. Later, the dictator wrote the novels "fortified castle" and "People and the City". He produced his writings anonymously - on the covers a "the book was written by its author." But the secret very soon became clear, and - the books of Saddam were included in the school curriculum and even gathered to be shielded.

The last novel "Clean. Damned "about the Zionist-Christian conspiracy against Muslims, Hussein finished in 2003, shortly after Washington, fearing the Union of Saddam with Al-Qaida terrorists, decided to make a decision on the new invasion of Iraq. On March 17, 2003, the coalition troops began military actions. The Army Saddam did not want to fight with air blows, Iraqi ministers and generals moved to the side of the enemy, residents of cities and villages happily welcomed Americans and their allies.

These days, the worst thing happened to Saddam, which could wait for the leader of the warring country, - not expecting such a mass betrayal of his, he was confused. After leaving the bombs, the presidential palace, Hussein hid in the bunker at a depth of 60 meters. The approximate recall that he looked lost, did not respond to the words of the interlocutors and translated a conversation to the abstract topics.

Later, the former head of the protocol service of the Iraqi leadership Issam Rashid Valid, now living in London, said that this state of Saddam may have been due to the fact that he used drugs. Valid argued that the order for the attack on Kuwait Hussein gave, being in a state of drug intoxication. According to the official, Hussein was addicted to Marijuana back in 1959, and after the arrival of heroin began to consume heroin in 1979.

On April 9, the coalition troops entered Baghdad, and Saddam disappeared for a long time. It was believed that he heads scattered resistance. But it was not. It was trying to rally the partisans and bite his sons, but in July they were tracked in Mosul and killed with arrest. Survived only the younger son Saddam, Ali, who left in Lebanon, along with her mother Samroi Shahbard. The last beloved of the dictator Iman also did not want to experience fate and moved to the West.

After the fall of the Saddam regime in Iraq, chaos reigned, which the interventories tried to curb - and immediately turned the blow to themselves. Accustomed in many years to demonize Saddam, the Americans accused of their failures. He was searched throughout the country - was looking for the CIA and military intelligence, Iraqi opposition and traitors from among the approximations. December 14, 2003 Hussein was caught. It turned out. That all these months he was hiding in the peasant house on the outskirts of his native Tikrit. At the first signs of danger, he hid in a skillfully disguised cellar.

Hussein looked tired and exhausted, hit a long gray beard, but held firmly. He visited him in the jail of the members of the puppet government, he called "traitors", and the accusation of mass murders answered: "All those killed were criminals." He again denied that he created a weapon of mass lesion: "It was only a reason to unleash the war against us." After that, he refused to speak. The Americans were disappointed: they hoped to bring the address of secret chemical warehouses from the prisoner, bin Laden channels or, at worst, the numbers of his accounts in Swiss banks. He cut off: "All my property is in Iraq and belongs to the people of Iraq."

Year after year, the prisoner remained in a close chamber in a strictly protected military aircraft in Baghdad. He divided his time between reading his favorite books - among them was the story of Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea" - and the essay of poems. War in Iraq meanwhile did not wash. Some American politicians have already suggested returning Hussein to power - "Only he knows how to manage with this nation." But such an outlet did not suit Bush, and Saddam decided to betray a court. For almost two months, the court in Baghdad heard witnesses who performed virtually enough. Some were afraid to revenge the partisans, others managed to regret that Saddama overthrew. As a result, the dictator was condemned for the murder of the villagers of El Dujale.

On December 30, Hussein was brought out of the chamber and taken to the former building of military intelligence, where he was already waiting for the gallows. There were no Americans nearby, and Shiite's guards gave the will of their hatred. They spoiled their victim's face, shouted insults. "You destroyed the country!" - stated one. "I tried to save her," Raddam objected. Then he quietly said himself: "Do not be afraid" and whispered prayer.

He was put on the hatch cover, put the rope on the neck, and the hatch opened. Death was instantaneous. The scene of execution saw the whole world, because one of the guards filmed her camera of his mobile phone. A little later, the last words of Hussein were known, said on the eve: "I am glad that I was destined to take death from the hands of enemies and become a martyr, and not to stir in prison."

In the century of high technologies, it is impossible to hide anything, but everything can be distorted. It was that such a thing happened to Saddam, who turned into the efforts of the media from a spent oriental despot into the embodiment of world evil, to fight with which not only does not yet reborn, but simply necessary. Then the opposite happened - the Americans did everything. To raise the dictator into the rank of martyr and make the inhabitants of Iraq refer to him as a hero.

There are already talking about the fact that Saddama did not execute. " The book under the name has become a bestseller at a recent literary fair in Egypt. Her author, writer and researcher Anis al-Dranidi, argues that the former Iraqi dictator is alive, like his sons of fishing and biting. Dranidi refutes the coalition statements about the conduct of DNA test, allegedly confirmed that the captives and Kaznen were Hussein, and claims that one of the twins of the former dictator hung.

Another version of the biography appeared - Saddam died back in 1999, and his place was taken again. This, they say, and explains the strange weakness and the indecision of the dictator during the war. It seems that such rumors will not sneak soon, and this suggests that the dictator reached its goal - in Iraq, and in the whole world it will be remembered for a very long time.

One of the brightest politicians of the last century is Saddam Hussein. Who was he really? Is the Grozny Tyran who was considered to be considered a victim, a great political scientist and a nationalist? A man who loved money, whose would be or still their country?

Real name of this person Saddam Hussein ADB al-Majid AT-Tikriti. He was born on April 28, 1937 in the small village of Al - Audja, not far from Tikrit. Mother gave him the name of Saddam, that in translation means "the one who can resist." The identity of his father is shut-off secret. It is said that he was a peasant, but for 6 months before the birth of his son, he was either disappeared or was killed. Someone believes that Saddam was at all an illegitimate child. His older brother tragically died of cancer at the age of 12.

Saddam's mother fell into depression, as otherwise a woman who lost his child can behave. She tried to commit suicide. And at that moment she was least awaiting news about pregnancy. I am not surprised that she did not want her son, and therefore did not even look at him when he was born. She did not want to do the baby. All the same depression is severe psychological disorder. Seeing this situation, Uncle Saddam Hayrallah took him to her upbringing. Hayrallah was an active politician, he took part in the Anti-British uprising, for which he sat down in prison. After such a turn of events, Saddam was forced to return to the mother.

I think his life was not like honey gingerbread. As is found in the traditions of Muslims, the native brother of Father Saddam Ibrahim took his mother to his wife. So Saddam received three summary brothers and two sisters, and in the appendix to everything else and hunger. To feed such a large network Ibrahim was not affordable. Boy growing. I think I'm not mistaken if I say that all his thoughts and dreams were aimed at a desire to have a lot of money. In addition to all his troubles, the rudeness of his native uncle was also attached. Ibrahim often beat Saddam, humiliated, found to steal. Surprisingly, but despite this, Saddam grew up a sociable person. He always easily converged with people. But in childhood his favorite friend was horse. When an animal died, Saddam's shock even paralyzed her hand.

When Saddam turned 15 uncle, insisted that he came to the Baghdad Military Academy. But the boy failed exams. However, knowing his childhood, it can be assumed that he was not bothering persistence. A year later, he entered the Al-Karh school, which was famous for his nationalism. Nevertheless, Saddam was a believer. He professed Islam Sunni sense, prayed 5 times a day, went to the mosque.

What influenced this boy and led him to a new life? Perhaps the Egyptian revolution of 1952. He was peeling at the Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian leader, the man of cold ingredients. Imitating him Saddam went to politics. And at the very beginning of his way, he even participated in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the king Faisal II.

For the first time Saddam was put in prison in B1958 on suspicion of murdering prominent political figures. And although after 6 months he was released for insufficient evidence, everyone knew everyone around that Saddam was guilty. He killed these people by order of his uncle.

Already very, very soon, Saddam was sentenced to the death penalty for the attempt on the leader of the state of Kerim Kasem. It was a well-thought-out ambush, but Saddam's nerves could not stand, and he opened fire on the car Kerim when she had not approached the appointed place. He was wounded in the shin, and four days he jumped on one leg to the native village, in which she took from prison and death.

After recovering Saddam went to Cairo. Here he was able to become a famous party figure, becoming one of the head of the Baas Committee. After the death of Kerim Saddam could safely return to Iraq. However, there, the domain of Baas was announced outside the law. Virtually underground conditions, Saddam organizes a new batch. Together with his like-minded people, Ahmed Al-Bakrom Saddam made attempts to seize power in the country several times, but they were arrested. For some time, Saddam conducted a single chamber enclosed in shackles. And again his perseverance helped him to withstand and do not break. He organized the escape and was free. The party appreciated all his efforts, and soon Saddam was able to become a real leader of Baas, and soon political promotion led him to power in the country.

But, contrary to all expectations, Saddam took up the country. He carried out a number of economy and social reforms. He encouraged the development of the private sector - stimulated entrepreneurs, private companies. Saddam paid a lot of attention to education. By his decree, institutions, schools were built. He cared for the life of his citizens: water pipes, sewers, power plants were built throughout the country. In general, Saddam was not so bad as the president, as it could seem.

True, a big mistake was to untie the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam seemed that a wave of aggression comes from the neighboring Iran and he untied the war that Americans actively supported. Only here they were supported by Iran.

In 2001, after the events of September 11, Saddam suddenly became a terrorist. He probably did not expect such this. His links with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda never have been proven. Also Saddam accused of creating nuclear weapons. In fact, it was the reason for the invasion of the American troops in Iraq. In fact. Everything is real reason for oil. Here I want to note the most important thing that I characterized Saddam as a good ruler. Having learned the official cause of the upcoming war, and even despite her absurdity, Saddam was signed by the official document for the prohibition of import and use weapons of mass lesion. But is that it will stop the Americans. They walked behind their oil.

On April 17, 2003, the Americans broke the Iraqi resistance and the regime of Saddam Hussein fell. He was arrested on December 13 of the same year. The accusations were presented to him: genocide, the use of chemical weapons, murders. This was enough to sentence him to the death penalty. His executed on December 30, 2006.