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Comprehensive analysis for planning pregnancy. What tests do I need to take when planning a pregnancy? Basic tests for men

If you are reading this article, then you are a responsible mom-to-be. Because irresponsible girls first get pregnant and only then think about their health. And since you are trying to find out what tests you need to pass when planning a pregnancy, it means that you take care of the health of the unborn child, and in general you are on the right track.

There are two lists of examinations for a woman who is planning a pregnancy - minimum and extended. The first is recommended for all women without exception. It makes no sense to take tests from the second list for everyone in a row, the doctor prescribes them individually.

What tests must be passed to a woman when planning a pregnancy

The list is quite extensive, but all the points are important. A big plus is that most of the examinations in Russia can be passed under the compulsory medical insurance policy. They are appointed by a gynecologist or a local therapist, he also gives free coupons for examinations.

Gynecologist examination and smear

First of all, go to your local gynecologist or your doctor at a private clinic. He will examine you in a chair, take a scraping from the cervix (cytology). This is an important analysis that will show if the cervix is ​​healthy, if there is inflammation and degenerated cells (erosion, dysplasia). The gynecologist will tell you what tests to take when planning a pregnancy, and give directions. The first item will probably be a smear on the vaginal microflora.

It will show if there is inflammation, thrush and other hostile microflora that can interfere with conception or negatively affect the course of pregnancy. If suspicious "agents" are found, you will be referred for a PCR examination, which will help to identify the specific pathogens. It is important to treat diseases of the genital area before conception so as not to harm the baby.

Complete blood count and blood sugar

The list of mandatory tests for planning pregnancy for women includes the UAC. A general blood test can tell a doctor a lot: whether there are foci of inflammation in the body, whether the tissues are saturated with oxygen (this is evidenced by the level of hemoglobin), and much more.

Blood is taken for the level of sugar (glucose) so as not to miss the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. Indeed, in such a situation during pregnancy, blood sugar will become even higher, which will lead to serious complications.

Diabetes mellitus is an insidious pathology that does not manifest itself clinically, but can give many complications during pregnancy. This analysis also reveals the state of the so-called "prediabetes", when a woman's glucose uptake by tissues is impaired.


Such an analysis may be needed to assess the general functioning of various organs (for example, liver, pancreas, etc.). After all, if there are even initial, imperceptible stages of diseases of internal organs, during pregnancy this condition can develop into a serious illness. Which is extremely bad for both mom and baby. That is why it is important to get these tests done before pregnancy.

General urine analysis

In the list of tests when planning a pregnancy, OAM is necessarily listed. The fact is that during pregnancy, the kidneys experience increased stress, they literally work for two. Therefore, it is so important that they are healthy. A urinalysis can help determine if your bladder and kidneys are healthy.

Blood by blood group and Rh factor

These tests must be done in case of an emergency (for example, a blood transfusion is needed). And most importantly, you need to make sure that the woman has a positive Rh factor (Rh factor). If her Rh is negative, and her husband is positive, prevention of Rh conflict is needed.

The situation is aggravated if this is not the first pregnancy, if the woman has previously had an abortion. In case of Rh-conflict between the fetus and the mother, maternal antibodies will affect the child's body, which can lead to pathologies such as, for example, hemolytic disease of the newborn. To avoid this, the woman is given Rh immunization.

So the definition of the Rh factor is one of the main points of this list. If both spouses have Rh positive or negative, then there can be no conflict.

On RW and HIV

Simply put, this is an HIV and syphilis test - the necessary tests when planning a pregnancy. Alas, the number of HIV-positive young people is growing rapidly, and not everyone knows about their status. A positive HIV status does not mean that conception is prohibited. But it requires special, very serious medical measures before conception and during gestation in order to give birth to an HIV-negative child.

Additional analyzes

In preparation for pregnancy, your doctor will prescribe the tests that are right for you. For example, age over 35 years, the presence of hereditary diseases presupposes the obligatory consultation of a geneticist. If you are characterized by violations of the monthly cycle, you need tests for hormones and so on.

You do not need to go through all the examinations from the list, even if you are a hypochondriac and at the same time a perfectionist. First, it's expensive. Secondly, it takes a lot of energy and nerves that will still be useful to you. Do only what a good doctor recommends.

For genital infections

In general, tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs - sexually transmitted infections) are recommended to be taken when planning pregnancy for everyone, without exception. However, these tests are paid, quite expensive, and therefore the district gynecologist cannot oblige you to go to a paid laboratory at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. He can only recommend. But if you are a responsible person, then you should be examined at least for the main sexually transmitted diseases that are dangerous for the child. Usually a smear is taken for PCR. Here is a list of possible STIs:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • human papilloma virus.

If a woman has strong immunity, she may be infected without even knowing it. However, during pregnancy, the infection can be unpredictable and aggressive. Including can lead to miscarriage, hypoxia, infection and fetal deformities.

If a sexually transmitted disease is detected during pregnancy, it will be difficult to treat, because most of the drugs during this period are prohibited. Therefore, it is so important to heal both partners at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

At the slightest suspicion of violations in the reproductive system, the woman will be sent for an ultrasound scan of the pelvis. The timing of the examination will be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The standard examination is carried out on the 5-7th day of the monthly cycle. If endometriosis is suspected, an ultrasound scan is done before menstruation. To track whether the follicles mature, several ultrasounds are performed during the cycle.

This is a very informative study that will help you find out:

  • whether the follicles mature;
  • whether there are polycystic changes;
  • Is the size and shape of the uterus normal?
  • is there ovulation;
  • are there any tumors, foci of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

and much more.

For hormones

The list of analyzes when planning pregnancy for women can be supplemented by a study of the hormonal profile.

Almost everyone needs to have their thyroid hormones checked (at least a TSH test should be done). Hypothyroidism (thyroid dysfunction) is very common in Russia among young women. And in order to give birth to a mentally healthy child with such a violation, it is important to follow the recommendations of an endocrinologist. First you need to at least find out how your thyroid gland works.

About how healthy a woman's reproductive system is, what is the state of the ovaries, female sex hormones will tell. The main indications for the appointment of such analyzes:

  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Weight is very different from the norm (in any direction);
  • External manifestations of hormonal disorders: excessive body hair growth, rough voice, uneven obesity, etc.;
  • History of miscarriages and missed pregnancies;
  • Suspected infertility.

What tests are usually prescribed by gynecologists:

  • Prolactin
  • Progesterone
  • Estradiol
  • Testosterone

Not all of the studies on this list are necessary for every woman. An individual list (indicating which days of the cycle you need to take certain hormones) will be drawn up by a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Genetic analyzes

Not everyone needs a genetic profile test. The main indications for contacting a geneticist:

  • the age of the spouses is over 35;
  • hereditary diseases in the family of any of the spouses;
  • a history of frozen and interrupted pregnancies.

The geneticist will give you the list of necessary tests after consultation.


This test is done to study blood clotting. If there are clotting disorders, during pregnancy this can lead to gestosis and other serious troubles.

Analysis for TORCH - infections

This refers to the following infections:

  • rubella;
  • herpes;
  • toxoplasmosis
  • cytomegalovirus

A test for TORCH infection involves examining a woman's blood for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies in it.

IgM antibodies are synthesized and enter the blood in response to the acute course of the pathology, almost immediately from the moment of infection. An increase in their level in the blood signals that a woman is now suffering from an infection and has contracted it for the first time. You cannot get pregnant during this period.

The next type of immunoglobulins, IgG, indicate that a woman has been in contact with an infection, and in response to this, she has developed an immune response. If these antibodies are found in the blood, this is a good sign. This means that the woman has already been ill, she has developed immunity. And during pregnancy, nothing threatens her.
Why is it so important to pass this test for a planned pregnancy? The fact is that TORCH infections are very dangerous for the unborn baby. They cause serious fetal malformations and can lead to abortion.

In the absence of immunity in a woman, vaccination against these pathologies (in particular, against rubella) is indicated. But keep in mind that when planning a rubella vaccine, you must do it in advance - a few months before conception!

Partner compatibility analysis

Such a specific analysis is carried out in order to find out if there is an immunological conflict in future spouses. Such a conflict can lead to infertility and termination of pregnancy. The essence of the survey: doctors determine the number of normally functioning sperm in the cervical mucus of a woman 6-12 hours after intercourse. The analysis is called the postcoital test.

In order for your pregnancy to proceed without complications, and nothing threatens the health of your child, it is important to be examined in advance. Keep in mind, . If the results of all examinations were within the normal range, there is very little left - to get pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

See a detailed interview with your doctor.

One of the main stages of preparation for conception is the passage of a comprehensive medical examination by the future parents.

Identification of possible latent diseases will not only allow a woman to get pregnant faster, but also make it possible to bear a healthy baby.

Therefore, if you are also serious about becoming a mother, we propose to consider what tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy?

The importance of a medical examination

The process of conception is influenced by a number of very different factors. And above all, it is the readiness of the woman's body itself to bear the baby.

Important! Weak immunity, hormonal disorders, chronic pathologies - all this can cause a disruption in the work of the reproductive system and provoke abnormal development of the fetus or spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

  1. The ideal option would be to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body about 6-8 months before the intended conception, or at least 2-3 months before it;
  2. This is due to the fact that if one of the parents is found to have any deviation from the norm, on average such a period of time will be needed for treatment;
  3. If the state of health of the parents turns out to be satisfactory, then nothing will prevent them from speeding up the process of fertilization;
  4. Spouses who have never complained about their well-being can usually do with a standard set of studies;
  5. And in the event that one of them has chronic diseases, then the examination should be in-depth.

Analyzes for a woman when planning pregnancy will be mandatory if she has:

  • any violations of the functioning of the endocrine system (metabolic disorders, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc.) have been diagnosed;
  • in the past there were miscarriages or an abortion was performed by curettage (read the article Pregnancy after an abortion >>>);
  • the previous child had genetic pathologies;
  • there are any genetic diseases in the family;
  • there is a kinship with a partner;
  • there is a suspicion of infertility.

Also, a comprehensive examination should be taken by a woman over 35 years old if this is her first pregnancy.

What tests do I need to take when planning a pregnancy?

The list of tests for planning pregnancy for women may vary. They are selected by the doctor individually for each patient, based on the state of her body. It usually looks like this:

  1. A smear of vaginal secretion, which is subject to bacterial culture;
  • Thus, it is possible to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the female genital organs and to exclude the development of pathogenic microorganisms here;
  • Before collecting material, a woman should refrain from urinating for several hours and using douching or any vaginal suppositories for several days;
  • It is recommended to conduct an analysis 5-7 days after the start of the last menstruation.
  1. A blood test will allow you to assess the general health of the expectant mother, determine the level of sugar, hemoglobin and other indicators;
  2. Urinalysis is necessary to exclude possible diseases of the urinary system;

So the doctor will be able to determine the degree of readiness of the body to bear the baby. Urine for research must be collected in the morning, immediately after waking up and delivered to the laboratory within a few hours.

  1. A biochemical blood test shows the state of the patient's internal organs and the degree of blood clotting;

This indicator indicates the likelihood of bleeding. It is necessary to take venous blood for research on an empty stomach. Before this, a woman should stop consuming dairy products, natural juices and drinks containing caffeine.

  1. Determination of the Rh factor of blood;

This analysis must be passed to both parents in order to exclude the Rh-conflict. If the partners have a different indicator, then immediately after birth, the baby will need to enter a certain drug.

  1. Research on viral and infectious diseases;

These include hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, and gonorrhea. The danger of these pathologies is that they may not make themselves felt for years, while they are dangerous for the developing fetus.

  1. Ultrasound examination will show the condition of the uterus and appendages;

In addition, your doctor will examine your thyroid and breast glands.

  1. Check with lore;

This examination is mandatory, because in the nasopharynx there is a huge number of harmful microorganisms, for example, streptococci or staphylococci, which pose a potential danger to the fetus.

Additional research

  • In some cases, for example, with secondary infertility or a missed pregnancy in the past, the doctor may recommend that you undergo an additional examination, which will reveal the cause of the deviations and cope with it;
  • If the doctor suspects the presence of hidden infections that can be transmitted during unprotected intercourse, he will recommend the TORCH complex.

This study allows you to identify pathogens that do not threaten a woman's life, but the fetus can provoke the development of various abnormalities.

TORCH-panel makes it possible to identify the following diseases:

  1. Toxoplasmosis;
  • In the event that the result indicates a stable immunity against the pathogen, the doctor will conclude that the woman has had a disease in the past and a strong immunity has developed in her body, so there is no danger for the embryo;
  • If no antibodies are detected in her blood, then the body has never met this pathogen.

This situation is dangerous, because during pregnancy, a woman, faced with Toxoplasma, will be unprotected, which can lead to serious disruptions in the development of the baby. In some cases, even termination of pregnancy is required.

You can read more about this infection in the article Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy >>>.

  1. Rubella;

Detection of the virus in the body of the expectant mother leads to the mandatory termination of pregnancy. Therefore, if you have never suffered from rubella, then the doctor may suggest to carry out preventive vaccination even at the stage of preparation for conception.

  1. Cytomegalovirus;

It is capable of being transmitted by airborne droplets. According to statistics, cytomegalovirus occurs in every second inhabitant of the planet over 35 years old. If the virus enters the body of a pregnant woman, it can lead to the birth of a dead baby.

  1. Herpes;

In almost every second patient, doctors detect antibodies to this pathogen. It is impossible to get rid of it completely, but you can put it into a latent state.

By the way! Together with the analysis for TORCH infections, PCR diagnostics may be required, which can detect latent genital infections in the body.

  • If a woman is diagnosed with any disorders in the work of the endocrine or reproductive systems, she must be tested for hormones;
  • If a couple in the past had children with any genetic abnormalities or future parents over 35 years old, it is advisable for them to visit genetics.

After carrying out cytogenetic diagnostics, he will be able to determine the state of chromosomes and the likelihood of genetic mutations.

What tests do not need to be taken when planning conception, and which ones are necessary, the doctor will tell you, based on the specific case.

You shouldn't be too late at the examination stage, because there is a well-known joke that there are no healthy people, there are under-examined people.

It is important to exclude the most common infections and conditions that interfere with carrying a pregnancy and go towards your happiness.

To conceive a healthy child, see the online course

Pregnancy planning begins with a comprehensive examination of the couple. Analyzes, the list of which includes cultural and specific studies, will help assess the reproductive capabilities of future parents. Based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, the doctor will be able to see the true picture of the health status of a man and a woman, to identify factors that can negatively affect the success of conception.

At the Women's Medical Center, you can undergo the entire complex of dispensary examinations to prepare for pregnancy, including an individual program.

Pre-conception examination cost

Why and when to get tested before pregnancy

The reproductive system often fails, even against the background of the general health of the patient. Problems with conceiving or bearing a fetus are a reason to consult a specialist. In this case, both a man and a woman should be examined in the clinic. After passing the tests, it will become clear what causes the infertility, whether it is possible to correct the processes that interfere with the fertilization of the egg and the development of the embryo.

Knowing about chronic diseases, after a frozen pregnancy and undergone operations on the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries, women must undergo laboratory diagnostics at least six months before the desired pregnancy.

If you do not consult a doctor in advance (at least three months in advance), you can skip diseases that can hinder conception and lead to a complete loss of fertility.


What tests should a woman take before conception?

To assess the state of women's health in the ILC, various types of laboratory tests are carried out:

  • general clinical;
  • biochemical;
  • hormonal;
  • allergic;
  • immunological;
  • cytological;
  • histological.

Without fail, cytological studies for oncology and genital infections are included in the list of tests for women.

What the tests show

  1. Colposcopy is a diagnostic examination of the state of the cervix.
  2. General urine analysis - allows you to assess the general condition of the body, to suggest the presence of diseases of the genitourinary tract.
  3. A blood test - a general one, is carried out to diagnose inflammatory processes, a biochemical one - to assess the work of the most important organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.), with the help of a coagulogram, blood coagulation is determined.
  4. PCR diagnostics, including for TORCH infections - helps to identify infections that are dangerous for the development of the fetus (hepatitis A, B, C, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, rubella, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis).
  5. Hormone tests - carried out as prescribed by a doctor if indicated (it may be overweight, menstrual irregularities, unsuccessful pregnancies).

List of tests for men

To obtain information about fertility, the patient takes a spermogram according to the Kruger. This is an advanced test that allows you to thoroughly explore the composition and structure of the ejaculate.

The general state of health of a man is no less important for the success of conception and the normal development of the fetus than the willingness of the expectant mother for this process, therefore the patient is asked to pass tests from the mandatory list (general analysis of urine and blood, biochemistry). Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a hormonal or immunological study.

Additional research

Hormonal and genetic tests are prescribed additionally when planning pregnancy. They help to identify pathologies of internal processes - metabolism, cellular metabolism, to identify violations of the DNA structure. Research is extremely important for couples who have an inherited disease in one of their partners.

After evaluating the results, the doctor will be able to establish with a high degree of probability (up to 90-99%) whether conception is possible, how dangerous the identified pathologies are for future children.

Where to get tested before pregnancy

The capabilities of the ILC laboratory allow you to undergo all analyzes without leaving the clinic. We are ready to conduct a comprehensive examination of a married couple striving for the birth of healthy children.

In addition to the mandatory tests, we carry out studies for hormones, genetic abnormalities, as part of the prevention of hemostasis pathologies, patients can be tested for a hereditary predisposition to thrombophilia.

Pregnancy planning has become the norm today. But often the number of tests that a woman is offered to pass before proceeding directly to conception exceeds all reasonable limits. Are they all needed?

Some doctors advise to check the content of trace elements in the blood before pregnancy, others say that you can limit yourself to the TORCH complex, and still others recommend testing for all existing genital infections. He tells about what tests must be taken before pregnancy and why it should be done. gynecologist-endocrinologist, Ph.D. Nosacheva Tatiana Igorevna, head clinic "VitaMed".


Recently, I began to notice that the average age of pregnant women and women wishing to become pregnant who come to our clinic is about 27-30 years old. Women began to give birth later and approach this issue consciously. And this is great, because a planned pregnancy always proceeds more smoothly than a spontaneous one, since proper preparation (replenishment of vitamin deficiencies, examination, identification of predispositions and unfavorable conditions, diagnosis of possible diseases and their correction) prevents most of the complications developing during pregnancy.

There are conditions, the detrimental effect of which on the course of pregnancy can be completely eliminated if identified in advance. For example: lack of immunity to rubella. If a woman becomes infected during pregnancy, then, as a rule (in 50% of cases), this will lead to intrauterine fetal malformations. However, having done just one vaccination in advance (three months in advance), you can completely protect yourself and your unborn child.

Another preventable condition is iodine deficiency. It is diagnosed in 30-40% of Russian women. Taking 150 mcg of potassium iodide daily up to and 200 mcg during pregnancy completely solves this problem. A complication of an iodine deficiency state can be: miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death, mental retardation in a child, etc.

There are conditions that cannot be prevented, but the timely diagnosis and correction of which (before pregnancy or in the early stages) allows you to preserve and bear the desired child. For example, antiphospholipid syndrome, hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones), various endocrinopathies (diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases).

We can talk about the joy of motherhood only when the child is born healthy. To do this, you must take very seriously your desire to have children.

So, what needs to be done for a woman who plans to become pregnant in the near future?

  1. See a gynecologist. The doctor must conduct an examination, assess the condition of the cervix using colposcopy and a cytological smear. You also need to make sure that you do not have infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. To do this, you need to pass the following tests: culture for flora and PCR analysis for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes, HPV) and their sensitivity to antibiotics from the vagina. If infections or inflammations are identified, then you cannot become pregnant at the moment. It is necessary to be treated and get negative tests, after that - the green light to the cherished goal. It is recommended to take tests for infections not only for you, but also for your husband.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs on days 5-7 and 21-23 of the cycle. In the first case, the general condition of the pelvic organs is assessed, in the second - the presence of a corpus luteum (whether ovulation has occurred) and the transformation of the endometrium.
  3. Blood hormones. In the first (5-7 days of the menstrual cycle) and in the second (21-23 days) phases of the cycle (TSH, T3, T4 free, ATTPO, LH, FSH, PG, T, estradiol, DHA-S, 17-OH, etc. .). Only a doctor can prescribe which hormones and in which phase of the cycle you need to pass it.
  4. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram - features of blood coagulation.
  5. Blood chemistry.
  6. Find out the blood group and Rh factor of a woman and her husband. If a woman has Rh-negative blood, and her husband is Rh-positive and does not have a Rh antibody titer, then before the planned pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out Rh immunization. If the antibody titer is detected (in quantitative terms), then it is necessary to monitor the increase in the titer during pregnancy. If a woman has 1 blood group, and her husband has any other, then, during pregnancy, once a month it is necessary to donate blood for group antibodies.
  7. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to phospholipids, antibodies to cardiolipin, to chorionic gonadotropin - they are factors of miscarriage.
  8. General clinical blood test.
  9. General urine analysis.
  10. Dentist consultation - for solving dental problems outside of pregnancy. If a problem with your teeth occurs during pregnancy, you will not be able to get an X-ray if you need it, in addition, doctors will be limited in the choice of medications.
  11. TORCH-complex - a group of infections that are dangerous to the fetus: rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. Any of them in a woman "in position" is a direct indication for abortion. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to determine antibodies to toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia , rubella and herpes pathogens - quantitative analysis (with a titer). The presence of IgG antibodies means immunity to these infections and is not an obstacle to pregnancy. The presence of IgM indicates an acute stage of the disease - planning in this case should be postponed until recovery. If there are no IgG antibodies to rubella, you need to get vaccinated. Do not ask your parents if you have had rubella, it is impossible to know for sure - the disease can proceed under the guise of acute respiratory infections and vice versa. Only a blood test for antibodies can give accurate information. The rubella vaccine is live, immunity is developed for 2-3 months, during which strict protection is necessary. In case of an accidental vaccination in the early stages of pregnancy, it is not necessary to interrupt it - the vaccine strain is safe for the fetus. It is also safe for a pregnant woman to communicate without immunity with newly vaccinated people, including children, in contrast to people who are really sick. When cytomegalovirus infection is detected, antiviral treatment is necessary, and in some cases, immunization is mandatory. This infection is very dangerous. It causes various abnormalities in the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy - polyhydramnios, hydrocephalus, hepatomegaly, abortion, intrauterine fetal death, etc.
  12. Blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, RW.

Finally, I would like to wish all women who are preparing to become mothers: love and trust - your body, husband, unborn child, doctor, fate. Everything will be when and how it should be with you.

Pregnancy is a very important moment in the life of any woman. This is a complex physiological process and the health of the unborn baby directly depends on how it proceeds.

For this reason, it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of conception and undergo a complete examination of both the expectant mother and the father.

So what tests need to be done when planning a pregnancy and why?

Why do you need an examination before conceiving a child?

Any woman planning to have a child must undergo a certain set of examinations. and pass the necessary tests, even if she considers herself perfectly healthy. This is necessary for:

  • Estimates of the state of health and readiness of the body for the forthcoming pregnancy.
  • Identification of some infectious or somatic diseases that can lead to problems during gestation.
  • Analysis and assessment of problems with conception - some studies can establish their causes and select quality treatment.
  • Detection of abnormalities in the structure of organs or systems in a woman's body, which can lead to problems with gestation and childbirth.

Early diagnosis and prevention of the development of the disease is the goal of modern medicine. Performing all diagnostic procedures before conception is the key to a calm course of pregnancy. and childbirth, as well as the birth of a healthy baby.

What are the terms of passage?

All tests and examinations must be taken and passed in the period from six months to three to four months before conception. This is due to the fact that all analyzes are taken gradually and some of them take some time to get the results. Another point is that if any deviations in the analyzes are found, time is needed to re-check them or correct the state of health with certain drugs.

Most of the test results remain relevant for six months, and some even longer. For this reason, these terms are optimal for starting the survey.

List of diagnostic procedures that are required

The number of tests and diagnostic procedures required for each woman may be different, it depends on many factors (age, obstetric history, chronic and past diseases, etc.), but there is a common complex that all women, without exception, must go through.

This complex includes the main:


A general blood test is the most common research method, but at the same time, it is very informative. The KLA is highly studied and includes a large number of indicators that may indicate inflammatory processes in the body, the presence of bacterial, viral and helminthic invasions in the body.

It is impossible to establish a diagnosis only by a blood test. however, it allows suspicion and further diagnostic search. It is necessary to take it in the morning on an empty stomach (it is allowed during the day if at least 3 hours have passed after eating), it is not recommended to drink alcohol (within 24 hours before the analysis), smoke for 1 hour.

When using any medications, you must warn your doctor. Unlike other blood tests, this one can be taken both from a vein and from a finger.

Blood biochemistry

It reflects the biochemical processes in the body. With the help of it, you can judge the state of internal organs and their function. Before performing the analysis, you must adhere to a diet (avoid eating fatty, fried foods, alcoholic beverages), as this can affect the results of the analysis.

Preparation for the Bhak is the same as for the UAC, however, if the analysis is submitted during the day, then food intake is prohibited for 4 hours before delivery. Prohibits the use of any chewing gum, candy, sugary drinks, you can use plain water. Blood is donated from a vein.


This is a chest x-ray. It does not require preparation and allows you to assess the state of the bronchopulmonary system (most often used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.). Before conducting the study, it is necessary to remove all jewelry and pin up long hair, it is also recommended to remove the bra, as all this can create extraneous shadows in the picture.

General urine test

Requires special training. Urine should be collected outside of the menstrual cycle. The patient gets up in the morning and goes to the toilet, it is necessary to carry out the toilet of the external genital organs, after which she begins to urinate in the toilet, and the middle portion should be collected in a sterile container. It is very important that the urine was in the morning, since it was in the body during the night, it most qualitatively reflects the state of the urinary system.

The material should be submitted for research within 2-4 hours. OAM allows to establish acute or chronic diseases of the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the excretory system. This is a very important point, because during pregnancy, any infection of the urinary system can lead to serious consequences.

Gynecological smear for microflora

A very frequent analysis in antenatal clinics. It is carried out at any visit to the gynecologist. It is very important as it allows you to monitor a woman's reproductive health.

With the help of it, you can determine the microflora of the internal genital tract, take material for cytological examination, identify infections of the genital tract, precancerous and other pathological processes. Material for analysis is taken outside the menstrual cycle(before the start or 2-3 days after the end).

Before the procedure, a woman is advised to avoid sexual intercourse (within 1-2 days), do not use any intravaginal drugs (ointments, suppositories), intimate hygiene products. The swab is taken with sterile instruments in the gynecological chair. The procedure is painless.


Human immunodeficiency virus is an incurable disease that can be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy if not treated properly. The disease can be asymptomatic for many years, without giving other opportunities to identify it.

For this reason all pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy are screened for HIV... With proper treatment and adherence to all recommendations, an HIV-infected woman is able to bear to give birth to an absolutely healthy child.

Preparation for the analysis is the same as for most others: blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach, before delivery it is forbidden to eat, smoke and drink alcohol. Venous blood is taken.

Hepatitis B, C

They are very dangerous viral diseases that can lead to the death of mother and child, as well as AIDS, therefore, screenings are carried out along with other infections already indicated and discussed below.

Preparation: the analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, the day before it is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke... When using any medications, you should consult your doctor. Blood is taken from a vein.

RW (syphilis)

It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Due to the fact that the bacterium can easily penetrate the placenta, it can cause severe damage to the fetus, up to its death. Syphilis is an easily curable disease, therefore it is necessary to undergo treatment before having a child.

Preparation: when taking blood at RW, the requirements are similar to those for the above infections, the only caveat is that the analysis is carried out before starting antibiotic therapy. The analysis is taken from a vein.

Blood type and Rh factor

It is also a mandatory analysis. Knowledge of the group and rhesus is necessary in the case of blood transfusion, in addition, with their help, one can assume the blood group of the unborn child. Determination of the Rh factor is also needed to assess the possible Rh-conflict between mother and child. The preparation is the same as for the UAC. Venous blood sampling is also carried out.

Hemostasiogram or coagulogram

Allows you to assess the state of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems. They are in constant balance, and an imbalance in this balance may indicate the presence of some pathological process in the body. It allows you to suspect hidden bleeding, blood diseases and much more.

Preparation: the same as for the UAC, but it is necessary to exclude taking medications that affect blood clotting... It is advisable to collect blood for this study in the first place in the presence of several directions, since prolonged pressure of the tourniquet on the arm can distort the results of the analysis due to the incipient blood coagulation processes.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

An irreplaceable diagnostic method. It allows you to assess the state of the internal organs of the female reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix), the state of the endometrium. On ultrasound, various neoplasms and pathological processes are easily visualized.

Also, the ultrasound method allows you to assess the condition of the fetus for any day at all stages of its development, it is quite accurate to establish the date of conception. A few days before the study, it is necessary to refuse food and drugs (after consulting a doctor) causing an increase in gas formation. Empty the bowels and bladder 1-2 hours before the study.

The procedure can be performed both transabdominally (through the abdominal wall) and intravaginally(through the vagina). Both procedures are completely painless.

This group of studies is the most important, since it has a great diagnostic value and allows you to identify even asymptomatic current pathological processes.

Additional research

In the event that the doctor has any doubts, then he prescribes additional tests:

  • Homocysteine ​​test. What is it, homocysteine? It is an amino acid produced in the human body. It is not often prescribed, usually with suspicion of diseases of the vascular system, kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases and other serious pathologies. Before taking the analysis the day before, you should stop exercising, drink alcohol, smoke, and follow a low-fat diet. For this analysis, blood is taken from a vein.
  • Blood for TORCH infections: toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus - they can cause serious fetal pathology, up to its intrauterine death.
  • STI test: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, HPV, gardnerellosis, candidiasis - can be hidden, they also pose a serious threat to the child.

What should be taken after 35-40 years?

Women of this age group are more susceptible to diseases than younger ones., therefore, they need to undergo, along with the entire list above, a number of additional examinations for hormones and genetic diseases:

  1. Determination of hormonal levels.
  2. Genetic tests.

If a woman is absolutely healthy, then she does not need to pass any more tests, however, if any problem is found, then additional studies and specialist consultations are prescribed, based on the results obtained.

Every day in medicine, new methods and ways of analyzing the condition of a pregnant woman and a woman or man planning a pregnancy are created. Each analysis provides more and more information, and in combination, all the data obtained make it possible to prevent many undesirable consequences and preserve the health of the child.