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Sergei "Spider" Troitsky in facts and quotes. Sergei Troitsky (Spider) Troitsky Sergei Evgenievich spider

A family

Sergei Troitsky is a descendant of an ancient Russian family. Sergei's father, Evgeny Troitsky- a well-known scientist, academician engaged in the study of the Russian nation. The ancestor of Sergei, from whom the Spider traces its lineage, was a bell ringer during the Battle of Kulikovo, gathering people for the war. Great-grandfather-priest, grandfather-doctor, awarded the Order of Lenin. In the lists of patients rescued by Spider's grandfather from malaria in Ukraine, there is the name of Savenko. It so happened that Spider's grandfather saved his mother (Savenko) from death.

Sergei Troitsky is divorced and has two daughters.


After graduating from high school in 1983, he worked in the printing house "Krasny Proletary" and in the editorial office of the newspaper "Moscow News".

In 1984 he created the thrash metal group Corrosion of Metal, which in the late 1980s - early 1990s became one of the most popular in the country. During these years, Mr. Troitsky earned a reputation as one of the most scandalous rockers.

In 1985, the band's first concert was held illegally in the basement of the housing office # 2, where about 300 people from the Moscow metal party gathered. After the fourth song, armed militiamen and KGB officers burst into the hall to the teeth. The people were kept all night, and in the morning they were released. Rumors about this concert were circulating for several years, and "Metal Corrosion" became famous throughout the USSR.

Over the years, the group has released a lot of albums, held hundreds of concerts, and was the first to use sex shows at their concerts. During this time, a lot of musicians have outplayed in "Corrosion".

Since 1989, the composition of the group for a long time remained as follows: Sergei "Spider" Troitsky- bass; Sergey "Borov" Vysokosov- guitar, vocals; Roman "Crutch" Lebedev- guitar; Alexander "Lizard" Bondarenko- drums. For some fans, "Corrosion" will forever be remembered in this golden line-up.

In an effort to legalize "Corrosion" in 1989, entered the Moscow rock laboratory, but its fame remained scandalous due to the provocative performances in makeup and aggressive lyrics.

In 1989, two debut magnetic albums, "Order of Satan" and "Russian Vodka", were recorded and were illegally distributed by pirates.

In 1989, Troitsky organized the Iron March festival, during which, for the first time in the USSR, five dozen female fans performed a collective striptease.

In 1989 he created the "Heavy Rock Corporation", the goal of which was to unite all informal collectives in Russia under one "roof".

At various times, KTR has been involved in many festivals (such as: "Iron March", "Russian Metal Ballads", "Rock Against Drugs", "Rock Against AIDS", "Hell Abortion", "Thresh Your Mother", "Thresh Epidemic", "Punk revolution", "Rap is a feces"), the release of various collections ("Iron March", "Russian Metal Ballads", "Punk Revolution", "Anthems of football hooligans", "Skinheads are coming"), and magazines ("Iron March "," Skinheads Are Coming "," Rock Sight "," Moscow Democrat ").

During the existence of the organization, many informal rock groups of the 1990s passed through it, some of which became widely known as a result.

One of the first KTR festivals in 1989 was "Rock Against AIDS", where "naked girls" performed with the group. This so turned on the audience that they completely destroyed the DK MAI. The 1000-seat hall was packed with about 1500 people. After the concert, almost not a single living chair was left. The administration canceled the other three shows. For this, the fans smashed all the doors and windows.

In 1991 "Corrosion of Metal" published its first legal disc at SintezRecords - "Cannibal", which sold over 600 thousand copies in two weeks, and in subsequent years another 800 thousand cassettes, compacts and layers.

After that "Corrosion" traveled several times to Poland, Germany, Yugoslavia and Hungary, as well as across the USSR.

On June 1, 1992, the album "Sadism" was released, released by MorozRecords, which was presented at the "Infernal Abortion" festival.

A special place in the work of "Metal Corrosion" was occupied by a sex show. Over the course of 12 years, about 300 different bodies of various types have passed through its ranks.

As the Spider said, “We never tried to recruit stupid, plastic Barbie Girl, like in the Dolls club, who do not evoke any emotions. Our dancers were ordinary girls and their semi-professional tricks drove tens of thousands of fans crazy. joyful girls, we also enjoy the buzz. Therefore, all the activities of the CM was built on giving more joy and intoxication to the Russian people. During the years of the Yeltsin regime, the Russian people were completely robbed, humiliated and trampled. The task of the Russian Rock is to to raise people's courage, confidence in themselves and in the bright future and fight for the Russian National Revolution. Glory to Russia! Glory to Russian Metal y! ".

In 1992 "Korroziya" released its first video on the market, as well as the clip "Sadism", and in 1993 - the clip "ComeToSabbath" and others.

In 1995 the most technically advanced album "1. 966" was recorded. Hitler-Shishkin was involved in the show, who performed the title hit "NihtKaputen, NihtKapituleren". On tour, people went crazy with Hitler, a HellRaiser.

In addition to concerts, "Corrosion" also took part in social and patriotic actions. For several years, CM has headed such actions as "Down with drugs", "Rock against abortion", "Rap is a feces", "In support of Russian refugees", concerts in support of patriotic figures, the army and the Russian fleet in Crimea.

In 1998, KM released an album of dance remixes of the cult hits "Dancing Heaven & Hell", as well as the Spider's solo album "Antichrist".

In 2000, "Corrosion" released on the market a collection of patriotic songs "Hit the Devils - Save Russia!", And in 2002 - the album "Pagan Gods". The album "Pagan Gods" is sustained in the classic, wildly aggressive KM style.

"New Year's UGAR 2012" (2012); "Good in the USSR" (2012).


In the mid-1990s, Spider began to devote a lot of time to politics, supporting the National Bolshevik Party of Eduard Limonov.

In the 1993 elections, his candidacy was nominated by the Radical Party of Eduard Limonov (now the Other Russia) for the post of mayor of Moscow. But the elections were canceled due to the October events.

In December 1998, Troitsky ran for the by-election to the State Duma of Russia in the Lublin electoral district and received the largest number of votes, however, due to the low turnout (less than 25%), the election results were canceled, and re-elections were not scheduled due to the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1999 th year.

In May 2002, a criminal case was initiated against Troitsky under the article "Incitement of national, racial or religious hatred". The reason for the initiation of the case was the possible involvement of Troitsky in the release of audio cassettes and the samizdat magazine Skinheads Go, which contained open calls for reprisals against representatives of national minorities, as well as the presence of signs of inciting ethnic hatred in Troitsky's songs.

In the fall of 2003, Troitsky was sent for a compulsory examination at the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, where he spent three weeks, after which in November 2003 he was declared normal and released.

In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Troitsky said that psychiatrists recognized him as normal, while representatives of the clinic refused to comment on the situation, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

In 2007, Troitsky won the mayoral elections in the village of Zaprudishche, Moscow Region, but, due to the unpromising location of the village, refused to rule.

In 2010, Sergei spoke out in favor of cutting down the Khimki forest, based on the fact that it is dirty there.

In the spring of 2010, Troitsky signed an appeal by the Russian opposition "Putin must go."

In August 2012, he announced his intention to be elected as mayor of Khimki; during the election campaign, he distinguished himself with a number of provocative slogans.

On June 14, 2013, Sergei "Spider" Troitsky submitted documents by self-nomination for the early elections of the mayor of Moscow, which took place on September 8, 2013, but was not admitted to the elections, since he did not present the required number of signatures of the residents of the region to the Moscow election commission, municipal deputies and heads of municipalities.

According to Troitsky himself, he burned his signatures.

Without abandoning attempts to become the mayor of any city, on January 23, 2014, "Spider" submitted documents for nomination as a candidate for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk. Nominated by the "Against All" party.

Rumors (scandals)

In 2008, he was beaten and robbed, according to him, for 30 thousand rubles at the GoldenPalace casino.

In 2010, he approved the clearing of the Khimki forest, arguing that it is littered with garbage, there are constantly homeless people and drug addicts, rabid dogs and foxes attacking domestic animals (a fox killed more than 20 chickens from one village resident).

The election of the mayor of the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow was marked by a scandal with bribery of voters: Troitsky's headquarters offered residents to become paid agitators and conclude contracts (500 rubles before the elections, 500 rubles after). Those who agreed received a card with the name of the candidate. However, a few days before the elections, cards began to be exchanged for others with the name "Voytyuk" ( Andrey Voytyuk eventually won the election). On election day, all cash pick-up points were closed by the police.

In an interview with the BBC Russian Service, Sergei Troitsky said that he had bribed about 5 thousand people, which is not entirely true, since most of the "bribed" did not receive money, and they had nowhere to complain, due to the legal insolvency of the transaction.

In January 2014, he was detained at the Novosibirsk airport. As it was said in the message of the transport police, "during the pre-flight inspection, liquids prohibited for carriage in the aircraft cabin were found in the hand luggage of this citizen. To the proposals of the aviation security officers to hand over the containers with liquid in the luggage, the man, who was in a state of strong emotional what damaged the office equipment of the airline ".

Sergei (Spider) Troitsky was sentenced in Montenegro to 10 months in prison in October 2016.

Rocker was accused of setting fire to the house, where he was resting at the invitation of the owners, as well as escaping from the scene of the crime.

in early March 2017, Sergei Troitsky said on his Facebook page that he had escaped from prison with the help of the Turkish mafia and the Kurdistan army:

"The breakthrough from MONTENEGRO was accomplished. GOING TO THE NEXT LEVEL. All wild respect for facilitating the escape - money, sending letters. And especially the Kurdistan Army! The Guantanomo-2 International Prison, already in the past - is a separate topic about it ... less than 1,500 prisoners from Russia alone, who are left to fend for themselves. Super respect - veterans of KOSOVO-99, without your participation this would not have happened ", - said the odious rocker.

According to Troitsky, who regularly takes part in political elections, Russia has long been awaited in Europe:

"Let's start all over again and soon our fleet will be in Budva and Bar. We are expected as occupiers, but only in a different capacity than in 45, in Europe people are not idiots - no one will tolerate barbarism - only a joyful life. Only Victory! "

"According to our information, he was released from prison and flew from Montenegro to Moscow on March 1.", - said the Russian diplomatic mission in Montenegro.

"To the jubilation of the assembled audience, the permanent leader of the group" Metal Corrosion "Sergei" Spider "Troitsky performed with the program" Spider Orchestra ".

Two plates of borscht

The spider in Tula was very much awaited. The event was planned at the end of last year. However, just a few days before the trip to Tula, Sergei was hospitalized with a serious spinal injury. Almost immediately after the operation, he set the date of the concert in Tula - January 27.
The photographer and I arrived at M2 just during the soundcheck. Sergei looked cheerful. Having learned that the press wanted an interview, Sergei quickly approached me, carefully touched my elbow:
- You're in no hurry, are you? We're fast now. Let's finish here, have a bite. Wait please. Ten to fifteen minutes.

After the soundcheck, the musicians from the "Orchestra" and the persons accompanying the Spider sat down at the table in the hall to eat borscht with mayonnaise. The artists really liked the borscht: some of them happily ate two plates, and some even three. Soon the administrator of the club came for us: "Let's go to the dressing room."

Thank you, Sergei, for example!

We stomp up the stairs.
- Now, now, - Sergey nods to us. Two joyful young men suddenly appear behind our backs. In the hands of one - vinyl "Metal corrosion".
- Guys, let's go later! Now we will change, and there will be autographs! - the musicians warn.
- We don't need any photos, nothing! We wrote off with Sergey in January, when he was supposed to come to Tula! - the guys shout.
- Oh ... - Spider sighs tiredly and goes to the fans. - Let's-let's-let's ...
- It was December! - the young man holds out a plate to Troitsky. - We just sign the record, and nothing else is needed! Is it possible to write: "Eugene and Mikhail"? Michael is my brother ...

Now there will be a skit

According to the plan, the performance was to begin at 20:00. However, almost nine in the evening - the stage is empty. Spectators covered the bar.
On the table in the dressing room are plastic cups and a head of cabbage. The organizer of Tula rock concerts and festivals Nastya Asfandiyarova, who came to host the event, is trying to speed up the process:
- So. Let me go to the stage and start driving some carts.
- Hey, Evgenich, who is this? - One of Troitsky's assistants, Konstantin Volkov, nods in bewilderment at Nastya.
- This is Nastya, she used to do concerts. And now I ran away from the LTP, - replies Spider, pulling a comb out of his backpack.
- I was 15, you were 25! - says Nastya to Spider. - Remember, damn it, how you took me to your place (in the group "Metal corrosion" - Approx. Ed. Site).
- That is, then everything was possible? - Volkov is not appeased.
- I can say absolutely honestly, and Seryoga will not let you lie, - continues Nastya. - While I was in "Corrosion", I was hanging out with them, how many concerts there were - no one touched me even once in my life.
- What, non-sexual ?! - Volkov explodes with laughter.
- In fact, just a different relationship. Humanly, everything, - Nastya is imperturbable. - Friendly, correct team. Not once, no one, never. So, okay, - refers to one of the assistants, - Let's go to the stage. Take this knife, take that cabbage. Now we will have a skit.
- Nastya would still be vody, - offers the Spider.
- No, I still have to work! - Nastya is running away.
From somewhere in the corner, the question is:
- Hey, Spider, do your singers drink already?
- Yes, maybe you will wave champagne? - Troitsky addresses one of the vocalists.
- No, no, no, my head hurts after the champagne, - the girl refuses.
- Do you drink vodka? Will you? - Spider turned to us.
We sigh.
And after 15 minutes Sergei Troitsky answers our questions.

Crank Bear Fight

You were going to come to Tula with this program at the end of last year, but you got injured. What happened?
- In the media there were left-handed carts, that someone was eating something there, with someone ... But in fact, the story was like this. At about the end of November, we went to Altai under the leadership of the Russian Geographical Society. To make the most fashionable photographing of the Ussuri tigers, which our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is wildly lobbying, is called. And, as you remember, last year all the trains were outlined by the Ussuri tigers. But instead of catching hares, the Ussuri tiger sat down with ... a bear in the den, is called. And when cats are with ... ut, they paws so, vshuh-vshuh. Obos ... al the whole den is called. I woke up the crank bear, it's called. The bear ran out and began to catch young Ussuri tiger cubs. FSB officers immediately ... They say: "Spider, what to do?" Naturally, I had to defend the tiger cubs and engage in a fight with the connecting rod bear, they say.
First I had to give a trumpeter, a local Altai balsam, 65 degrees. Mahanul, as they say, took a cudgel from ... hawking a bear. He struck him several terrible blows. He also hit me with his paw - my spine broke in half. But we were quickly taken to a military hospital near Moscow by a helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Where are the great Russian surgeons, after watching the film "Terminator", how it works, they immediately said: "Sergei Evgenievich, why do you need a spine at all?" Let us put you an iron pipe. And you can pee ... with the bears as much as you like, it's called! " I agreed.

Dancing with girls

How are you feeling now?
- I haven't fully recovered yet, it's called. Instead of a spine, like the Terminator, I have an iron pipe called. Now I constantly call wildly at airports.
The operation took place in a military hospital near Moscow. The head physician allowed me to smoke, since I was not allowed to walk, it is called. I smoked right in the ward, it was great - I was on the mend right away. I thank the Russian surgery, they say - it put me on my feet. Although, of course, I am now wearing a special corset, called. But you see, I can even dance and dance with girls already.
What are the limitations with such an injury?
- I can lie, walk and have sex only in a corset, they say. Otherwise, if I have sex without this special German corset, they say, then the iron stick may not grow together with the bones.

Complete Works of the Spider

Your book "ObraDno in the USSR" is unrealistically popular - it is nowhere to find or buy it in print.
- A large circulation of "ObraDno in the USSR" was made. But since I liked this book wildly, the entire circulation is sold, it is called. Some time ago, I accidentally found one copy at home. A lot of people come to us, want to buy. In the spring, in connection with the release of my new book "Escape from Montenegro", dedicated to my stay in Montenegro, in an international prison, a number of my books will be republished, including "Good to the USSR", "New Year's UGAR". But at the moment these editions do not exist on the market.

"Corrosion" will arrive in Tula in the spring. If you like.

Fans of "Corrosion of Metal" are waiting for the new album. When already?
- On March 30, the Korroziya Metala group is releasing a new album, called. It will be a double album, which will include 14 killer tracks, plus 12 dance tracks. Accordingly, on March 30, a presentation will take place in Moscow, it is called. If the administration of the "M2" club agrees, it is called, "Metal corrosion" will gladly come back to the hero-city of Tula in April or in May.

Battle of South Korea

You brought some cool Battle of South Korea 2018 T-shirts for sale. What is this about?
- Yes, today is the first day of sales of Battle of South Korea 2018 T-shirts. I remember that about 3 thousand years ago, when the first Olympiads were held in Greece, people felt comfortable ..., whether the man was guzzled or not, whether he ate meldonium or not. The most important thing is that he had to run forty kilometers, they say. And all that stuff is called. Now they have come up with a fake scheme to carry out all kinds of corruption ... nude. As a result, Russia is prevented from flying its flags in South Korea.
Therefore, the Hard Rock Corporation is holding an action against the boycott of South Korea. You don't need to participate in the Olympics. You just need to occupy South Korea. And then each of us will get 10 naked Korean women. Support our flash mob, called: invasion, victory and occupation!

Honeymoon at the local morgue

Does your first love, Katya, about whom you talk so romantically in the book "Good in the USSR", knows that she has become a literary heroine?
- Hard to say. We have a lot of people in our party who are nearby, and then disappear, and there is no connection with them. Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't. Or maybe she will find out when she has already become an old woman or a witch, she is called. Or it gets on the table to Igor Morg - a man who works as a pathologist in forensic medicine came with us, he is called. He will organize and promote sex tourism in different cities, including Tula. Because tourism needs to be developed.

How will it look like?
- For example, let's say some young couple can come to Tula and spend their honeymoon at the local morgue, they say. And there to have sex, for example, in general. It's great, isn't it?

What other items will be in this tourist program?
- And just that. The rest is not needed, it is called. Only sex tourism and eating Tula gingerbread is called. And what else can you offer good, called?

The best gift for the Spider

On the first day of the new 2018, Sergei Troitsky received the best gift: on January 1 at 16:40, Sergei's daughter Ekaterina Lakhtinen, who lives in Helsinki, gave birth to a girl.
“Good news on the first day of the New Year! And what could be even better ?! -

  • The childhood of the future metalworker was held in Moscow on Sevastopolsky Prospekt. Father Yevgeny Troitsky is a scientist, academician. Mother is a dentist. Sergei Evgenievich is the grandson of a priest who was shot on a denunciation. This fact seriously affected his worldview.
  • Sergei about his childhood and environment: "Terrible poverty, punks and alcoholism."
  • In 1983 he graduated from high school and began to work in the printing house "Krasny Proletary", later - in the editorial office of the international newspaper "Moscow News". Troitsky recalled that he was not taken to the journalism faculty of Moscow State University for ideological reasons.
  • He decided to play metal and initially took up a GDR-made electric guitar. Spider on the creation of the group: “In the spring of 1984, I assembled the first official lineup of the Corrosion of Metal group. I met the guys at a new gathering place for informal youth, which is near the lower entrance of the metro station Kitay Gorod (former Nogin Square). "
  • Sergei Troitsky on the metal parties of Moscow in the 80s: "Usually by six o'clock everyone was wildly overeating and, like in Munich, waving beer mugs, they began to shout the choruses of the group AC / DC and Accept."
  • Sergei Vysokosov “Borov” on meeting Spider: “We were sitting on a bench in the park, I had a tape recorder, listening to old Scorpions records. One of this crowd came up to us and said: "Can I listen too?" We met. It was just the Spider. We found ourselves having common musical interests and common problems. Spider had his own project - Metal Corrosion, and he needed musicians. Spider already had drummer Morg, Sachs and I joined them, and after the first rehearsals we realized that we could do something. Thus, I got into the Metal Corrosion group. We rehearsed once a week in various recreation centers and basements, which were given us 5 rubles each. for the rehearsal. And we somehow immediately organized our party. "
  • On June 28, 1985, the first concert of the group took place in the basement of the housing office # 2. However, he was soon dispersed by the police, who were called by the neighbors. Nevertheless, Metal Corrosion soon legalized itself, joining the Moscow rock laboratory.
  • Spider about the legendary concert: “... the red light turned on, the smoke machine started working, in pants like Bruce Dickinson's, I jumped onto the stage and hacked the solyak, then Crutch, Borov, Morgue and Schizophrenic ran out. The audience waved their hands in ecstasy, on many faces there were smiles of genuine happiness and joy. For the first time in their lives, they heard the roar of metal guitars and the mad chopping of hellish drums. First we killed the Children of the Dragon, the Power of Evil, the Devil is here, and then the Black Ship. "
  • By the end of the 80s, the "golden composition" of Corrosion was finally formed: on vocals and with a guitar - Sergei "Borov" Vysokosov, on bass - Sergei "Spider" Troitsky, guitarist Roman "Kostyl" Lebedev and drummer Alexander "Yascher" Bondarenko. With this line-up, the group recorded the most iconic albums - the Order of Satan in 1988, Russian Vodka in 1989, the vinyl disc Cannibal in 1991, as well as Sadism in 1992. The group literally thundered throughout the post-Soviet space, arranging "most powerful" shows, "trash and frenzy".
  • After 1997, there were changes in the composition. At the moment, the group continues to perform with a renewed lineup and release new albums. At the same time, Troitsky seriously engaged in social and political activities. Over the past years, the musician managed to take part in the election races. Spider ran for mayors of Khimki, Zhukovsky, Moscow and Novosibirsk.
  • Spider about the late 90s: “The collapse of hopes caused a gloomy state and a loss of humor. Now - adult problems, responsibility, struggle with circumstances. And the rich also have something to worry about. "
  • The words "for example", "wildly", "dragging", "frenzy", "fashionable" have long been the brands of the Spider. There are a number of anecdotes on this topic. One of them: “The Metal Corrosion rehearsal is in progress. The Spider has a short combo. - Spider, your combo is on fire! - they shout to him. Spider, continuing to play: - Ah, yes, atlichna-atlichna, more frenzy! "
  • The musician has two daughters. It is known that at the moment the eldest daughter lives in the United States.
  • Sergei Troitsky on the significance of the Korroziya Metala group: “This is a holiday for people. And of course, it's all together - show, music, performance, frenzy. All together. Everyone can express their emotions without harming society and other people. A person accumulates a mass of energy, for example, destructive. A person needs to throw it out somewhere. One person goes in for sports and can go to the gym to beat a punching bag a thousand times, and then everything is fine with him. And another person does not have the opportunity to buy such a fashionable thing as a rubber man who stands on a stand and can be subdued at the Sport-Master store. He will go out and kill someone. Having come to the concert, a person, having completely thrown out his energy, becomes safe for society and feels good spirits. "