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Hot water supply scheme in multi-storey buildings. Water supply for an apartment building. Apartment building water supply rules

Currently, hot water supply is an integral part of the life of most people on the planet. Not a single apartment and residential building can do without it. Arrangement of hot water supply is a difficult process; moreover, there are several types of system connection. In this article we will consider all hot water supply systems, calculation and types of water heaters.

Regardless of the type of hot water supply, a set of equipment is connected, which are designed to heat water and distribute it to various water intake points. In this equipment, water is heated to the required temperature, after which, with the help of a pump, it is supplied to the house and through the pipeline. Distinguish between open and closed hot water supply systems.

Open system

An open DHW system is distinguished by the presence of a coolant circulating in the system. Hot water comes directly from the centralized heating system. The quality of tap water and heating equipment is no different. As a result, it turns out that people use a coolant.

The open system is so named because hot water is supplied from the open taps of the heating system. The DHW scheme of a multi-storey building provides for the use of an open type. For private houses, this type is too expensive.

You should be aware that the cost savings of an open system occurs due to the unnecessary need for water heating devices to heat the liquid.

Features of open DHW

When installing an open hot water supply, the principle of operation must be taken into account. Open hot water supply is of two types, depending on the type of circulation and transportation of the coolant to the radiators. Distinguish between open systems with natural circulation and with the use of pumping equipment for these purposes.

Natural circulation is carried out in this way: an open system eliminates the presence of excess pressure, therefore at the highest point it corresponds to atmospheric pressure, and at the lowest point it is slightly higher due to the hydrostatic action of the liquid column. Due to the low head, the natural circulation of the coolant occurs.

The principle of natural circulation is quite simple, due to the different temperature of the coolant and, accordingly, different density and mass, cooled water with a low temperature and a larger mass displaces hot water with a lower mass. This is how the existence of a gravity system, which is also called gravitational, is explained in a simple way. The main advantage of such a system is absolute energy independence, if the parallel operating boilers for heating do not use electricity.

It's important to know! Gravity pipelines are made with a large slope and diameter.

If natural circulation is not possible, pumping equipment is used that increases the rate of flow of the coolant through the pipeline and reduces the heating time of the room. The circulation pump makes the movement of the heat carrier at a speed of 0.3 - 0.7 m / s.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Open System

Open hot water supply is still relevant, primarily due to non-volatility and other advantages:

  1. Easy to fill open hot water supply and air release. There is no need to control the high pressure and release additional air, since the drain is carried out automatically when filling through an open expansion tank.
  2. Easy to make recharge. Since you do not need to monitor the maximum pressure. It is also possible to add water to the tank, even with a bucket.
  3. The system, regardless of leaks, functions properly, since the working pressure is not large and the presence of such malfunctions does not affect it.

Among the disadvantages, the need to control the water level in the tank and its constant replenishment is noted.

Closed DHW system

The closed system is based on the following principle: cold drinking water is taken from the central water supply and heated in an additional heat exchanger. After heating, it is fed through the water intake points.

A closed system implies a separate operation of the heat carrier and hot water, it also differs in the presence of a return and supply pipelines, which are used for circular circulation of water. Such a system will provide a normal head even with the simultaneous use of a shower and a sink. Among the advantages of the system, they also note the simplicity of regulating the temperature of the hot liquid.

DHW can be circulating and dead-end. The dead-end system consists only of supply water pipes, the connection method of which is the same as in the first case.

The advantage of a closed DHW is the cost reduction by ensuring a stable temperature. There is a possibility of installing a heated towel rail. In a closed hot water supply, water heaters are needed, the types of which we will consider below.

Types of water heaters

All water heaters are classified as follows:

  1. Flow devices. Such heaters heat water continuously, leaving no reserve. Since water has a high heat capacity, increased energy consumption is required to constantly heat it. In addition to this factor, the flow heater must instantly be brought into working condition: when turned on, supply hot water, when turned off, stop heating. The traditional flow heaters include a gas column.
  2. Storage devices. They are distinguished by slow heating of a certain volume of water, at which 1 kW / hour is often consumed. Hot liquid is used as needed. Storage heaters are triggered immediately after opening the tap, but the power is much lower. Among the disadvantages of such devices, large dimensions are also noted, the larger the volume, the larger the device.

DHW calculation and recirculation

The calculation of hot water supply systems depends on such factors: the number of consumers, the approximate frequency of using the shower, the number of bathrooms with hot water supply, some technical characteristics of plumbing equipment, the required water temperature. Having counted all these indicators, you can determine the required daily volume of hot water.

Recirculation of water in the hot water supply system provides a return flow of liquid from the far point of the water intake. It is necessary when the distance from the heater to the far water intake point is more than 3 meters. Recirculation is used with the help of a boiler, and if it is impossible to use it, it is started directly through the boiler.

The hot water supply system can be of two types, which are used depending on the specified parameters. In an open system, a heating boiler is used, and in a closed system, a water heater. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally organize water recirculation. Before installing and purchasing equipment, it is important to calculate the hot water supply.

Almost every Russian sooner or later faces violation of their rights in the field of housing and communal services.

One such violation is non-compliant water pressure level in central water supply systems.

Dear Readers! Our articles tell about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

Why do you need to know?

Knowing the exact pressure data of the water supplied to the apartment is necessary for:

  • preventing failure valves and couplings of plumbing equipment, breakdown of household appliances at high water pressure;
  • finding reasons for refusal to work household and plumbing fixtures with reduced water pressure;
  • connectivity new household and plumbing fixtures with increased water consumption.

What are they regulated by?

The basis for regulating the rate of supply of water supplied to residential premises is SNiP 2.04.2-84, according to which central water supply systems are designed.

According to this SNiP, the minimum input indicator of water pressure on the ground floor is 1 bar (1 atmospheric unit), which makes it possible to create a water column of 10 meters.

In an apartment building

In an apartment building for each additional floor the inlet water pressure must be increased by 4 meters, or 0.4 bar.

For example, in a 5-storey building calculation formula supply water pressure looks like this:

10+ (4 * 5) = 30 meters, or 3 atmospheres,

where 10 (m) is the minimum water pressure supplied to the 1st floor, 4 (m) is the conventionally accepted floor height, 5 is the number of floors.

This is the minimum value of the pressure of the supplied water to the first floor of a 5-storey building, approved by building codes.

In a private house

The water pressure in a private residential building is calculated based on its number of storeys. Since the height of private houses rarely exceeds 10 meters, for most private buildings, the established minimum standards are it is considered to be 1 atmospheric unit.

When exceeding the 10-meter mark minimum value is set at 2 atmospheres.

Exact figures for SNiP standards

What is the water pressure in the apartment? Accurate norms, established by SNiP 2.04.02-84 and SNiP 2.04.02-85 for consumers, are:

These are extreme values, beyond which is grounds for filing a complaint with the management company and the allocation of funds.

What to do if there is insufficient water pressure in the apartment? Find out about it from the video:

To provide a multi-storey building with hot water, it will be necessary to create an increased pressure and a given water temperature in the system, as well as create a whole system of pipelines and equipment. The hot water supply of an apartment building can be connected according to different schemes: the upper wiring and the lower wiring diagram.

Hot water supply scheme for an apartment building

Hot water comes from the boiler house with the help of pumps along the heating main, which are underground or above ground. They are insulated to reduce heat loss. The pipeline runs into the basement of the house, where it branches out to consumers. In addition, a return route is created, along which unused water is fed back to the basement and goes to the boiler room. The water is circulated.

Water temperature

There are certain standards for the temperature of the supplied water, which should be in the range of 65-75 degrees. This temperature is set for the following reasons:

  • the higher the temperature, the faster bacteria die;
  • the upper limit is limited due to the possibility of burns.

There are hot water dead-end schemes. At the same time, water does not circulate, and if it is not used, it will cool down.

Piping in the apartment

The pipelines are laid next to cold water. Hot water pipes are laid at the top, and cold water pipes are laid at the bottom. Pipe laying can be hidden in the wall, or open, laid on the floor or wall.

The rapid development of technology allows a modern person to equip his home as comfortable as possible. This requires various kinds of installations: engineering networks, household plumbing equipment, etc.

Consider the basics of arranging a water supply system in an apartment building.

Providing water to a multi-storey building is a rather difficult task, since the house includes a large number of apartments with autonomous sanitary equipment.

The water supply system is an engineering system with piping, water pressure control devices, as well as metering units and filters.

Residents of multi-storey buildings often use a central water supply system.

Components of the central water supply system. Types of schemes

Typically, the water supply system consists of:

  • Distribution channel;
  • Intake structure;
  • Cleaning plant.

Before water is supplied to the room, it goes a long way directly from the pumping unit to the reservoir. After the complete cleaning and disinfection of the water has been completed, it enters the distribution channel. The distribution channel ensures the flow of water to special installations.

Note that the water supply system is divided into 3 types:

  • Collector;
  • Consistent;
  • Mixed.

Often, collector wiring in the house is used if the apartments are equipped with a huge amount of plumbing equipment. The collector circuit ensures the stable operation of all sanitary installations and appliances.

Water supply system risers

Risers - vertical arrangement of pipes in the water supply system.

They are classified into three types:

  • Heating riser;
  • Water supply stand;
  • Sewer riser.

Maintenance of such installations is provided by representatives of such organizations as ZhEK, ZhES and others serving the house.

Let's consider some legal aspects:

  1. The serviceability of the communications of a residential apartment building must be ensured by the management company. Therefore, the organization should replace the risers at its own expense (if we are talking about pipes that have become unusable after their useful life has expired);
  2. The city or district administration is obliged to replace the risers in the municipal building;
  3. In the event that the communication systems are privatized, the residents pay for the repair work.

In some cases, responsible persons try to get away from their duties or demand money for the work done.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that responsible persons fulfill their direct duties. It is necessary to complete and send an official application. If there is no reaction, a complaint is filed with the housing department. As a rule, such actions are quite enough to restore justice.

Features of hot water supply to a residential building

The hot water supply system in the house includes two types of wiring - lower and upper.

To maintain the optimal temperature regime in the pipeline, looped wiring is often used. With the help of gravitational pressure, water circulates in the ring, even in the absence of a draw-off.

In the riser, water is cooled and directly enters the heating unit. With an even higher temperature, water is supplied through the pipes. Thus, a continuous process of circulation of the coolant is carried out.

In addition, the hot water supply system is subdivided according to some criteria:

  • Local;
  • Centralized;
  • Open thermal;
  • Closed thermal.

Important! In accordance with SNiP, it is strictly forbidden to supply non-potable hot water to pipes containing technical liquid.

Description of the closed-type heat supply system

In recent years, the use of a closed water supply circuit has become more and more popular. The closed system is based on the use of a heating main with a completely separate, autonomous circuit, into which cold water is pumped for subsequent passage through heat exchangers.

The latter, however, take heat from the main water, which is heated in a CHP. In addition, other heat sources are available, but the most common among them is the direct transfer of heat from an open-type hot water supply.

In this case, the quality of the hot water supplied to the house does not depend on the condition of the pipes that the central heating system has in itself. The closed circuit implies the use of heat exchangers and additional pumping units.

A closed-type hot water supply system has undeniable advantages in comparison with an open one: quality indicators and bacteriological properties.

A closed circuit for providing hot water provides a stable temperature regime regardless of the air temperature in winter.

Modern engineers are increasingly resorting to the use of a closed-type system, since this scheme is characterized by the highest reliability rates for consumers.