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Myrtus communis home care. Myrtle is a symbol of peace and quiet. Myrtle reproduction at home

Among the ancient Greeks, myrtle was considered a symbol of youth, beauty and chastity. Even then, the beneficial effect of essential oils was noted. Noble townspeople washed themselves with water infused with myrtle. Wine infusion on the fruits of myrtle was used as an elixir of health and vigor. By releasing phytoncides, myrtle destroys pathogenic microbes, even in extremely small doses, phytoncides kill tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli and other bacteria. A plant with a total leaf area of ​​1.5 m² can purify 100 cubic meters of air by 40-50%, kills up to 22% of streptococci and up to 40% of staphylococci. Helps to cope with influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Myrtle. © Sarah Gregg Content:

Description of myrtle

Myrtle (lat.Myrtus)- a genus of southern evergreen woody plants with white fluffy flowers and dark green leaves containing essential oil. Also, myrtle used to be called a wreath of flowers and leaves of such a tree or its branch - a symbol of silence, peace and pleasure.

Myrtle is a fragrant evergreen tree. It has dark green, polished leaves, beautiful flowers. Myrtle leaves contain an essential oil that is used to make incense. Myrtle was a sign of glory and good deeds. The myrtle wreath with roses in ancient times was a favorite wedding decoration.

Myrtle. © Giancarlo Dessì

Myrtle mythology

In ancient times, myrtle was an attribute of the goddess Venus and her three maidservants - the three graces. During the Renaissance, evergreen myrtle began to symbolize eternal love, especially marital fidelity.

During the Renaissance, evergreen myrtle began to symbolize eternal love, especially marital fidelity.

The word "myrtle" itself is of Greek origin. Legend has it that the nymph Mirsina, whom Athena herself admired and admired, defeated this supreme goddess of Olympus in a race. Envy overshadowed her admiration for her darling, and Athena killed the nymph in revenge for her hurt pride. But when she came to her senses, she was horrified and began to pray for the advice of the Olympic gods to leave her at least some memory of Mirsin. The gods took pity, and a graceful, like the nymph herself, a plant - myrtle - grew out of the body of the deceased.

According to legend, Aphrodite was crowned with a wreath of myrtle during a famous dispute, thanks to which Paris gave her his apple. Since then, myrtle has become the favorite flower of the goddess of love and beauty, sometimes she even called herself Myrthea. Many myrtle bushes were planted around the temples of Aphrodite, and during the annual festivities in honor of this goddess, everyone was decorated with myrtle wreaths.

Features of growing myrtle

Bloom: usually in summer and mid-autumn.

Height: myrtle grows rather slowly: an annual growth of 10-15 cm.

Shine: bright absent-minded; the plant is able to tolerate a certain amount of sunlight.

Temperature: moderate or slightly below moderate in spring and summer, 18-20 ° C; during the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of 5 ° C and no higher than 8-10 ° C.

Watering: from spring to autumn, regular and abundant (as the upper layer of the substrate dries up), in winter it is limited.

Air humidity: from spring to autumn, the plant is sprayed.

Top dressing: from spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with flower fertilizer.

Cropping: Plants tolerate pruning and shearing, so they can be shaped to any shape.

Rest period: in winter; the plant is kept in a bright cool (5-10 ° C) place, watering is limited.

Transfer: young plants are transplanted every year in spring, without burying the base of the trunk into the soil, further transplanting is carried out if necessary after 2-3 years.

Reproduction: the plant propagates by seeds, cuttings.

Myrtle. © Forest & Kim Starr

Myrtle care

Myrtle loves bright, diffused light, tolerates a certain amount of direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At windows in the southern direction in the summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow on the north window, but the flowering will be less abundant. In winter, the myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.

In summer, myrtle can be exposed to the open air, in a place where it is protected from the direct midday sun. The plant should be accustomed to the new level of illumination gradually. Some growers bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

Myrtle loves coolness, in spring and summer it needs a moderate or slightly below moderate temperature (18-20 ° C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of 5 ° C and no higher than 8-10 ° C. At a higher than optimal winter temperature, the plant may shed its foliage.

Myrtle needs fresh air.

Water myrtle from spring to autumn regularly and abundantly (as the upper layer of the substrate dries up), in winter - limitedly, with soft, settled water. In no case should even a short-term drying out of the soil be allowed. If, nevertheless, the substrate is dry, watering is used by immersing the pot in a container with water. At the same time, care must be taken that water does not stagnate in the sump.

You should carefully monitor the humidity of the air. Although in natural conditions of myrtle growth, air humidity rarely exceeds 60%, in rooms with central heating it is usually half as much. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, use only soft, settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

From spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized, as already noted, weekly with flower fertilizer.

Myrtle has a pronounced rest period. Depending on the position in the room, the myrtle is dormant from 3 (on the north window) to 1.5 (on the south) months.

Myrtle easily tolerates a haircut, and can be given a very fancy shape. Several methods of plant formation are given: “If the myrtle (this is how myrtle was called in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century) is left to itself, the plant will take the shape of a pyramid. If you cut off the top shoot, then the shape of a bush, if, finally, cut off the side shoots, then the myrtle takes the form of a crown tree and branches out at the top. "

However, the author does not advise to get too carried away by pruning lateral shoots, especially in young plants, since the stem of the myrtle is not strong enough. Also, do not pinch young shoots too often - this reduces the intensity of flowering. Therefore, when caring for myrtle, it is necessary to decide which is preferable - strongly branching compact bushes or flowering specimens with a loose crown.

Young plants are transplanted every year in spring, without burying the base of the trunk into the soil, further transplanting is carried out, if necessary, after 2-3 years. The following mixtures are recommended as a substrate: 1) sod-humus-peat soil and sand in equal proportions; 2) ordinary greenhouse soil; 3) clay-sod-peat-humus soil and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5). The pH of the substrate should be around 5-6. Provide a good drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Reproduction of myrtle

Myrtle is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Propagation of myrtle by seeds

For sowing, we make a mixture of peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio (you can mix peat with vermiculite (1: 1)). Moisten the substrate (you can spill the substrate with a fungicide).

The seeds are spread over the surface of the substrate, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of the substrate. The container with seeds is covered with glass or a transparent bag (you can use cling film). The temperature is maintained not lower than + 18..20 ° C. Periodically ventilate, removing the shelter. The substrate must be kept moist, try not to overmoisten or overdry.

Seedlings usually germinate in 7-14 days. When the seedlings grow two true leaves, they are dived into pots of the appropriate size. The substrate is made up of sod land - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, peat - 1 hour and sand - 1 hour. After transshipment, the seedlings can freeze in growth for a while, after a while they usually start growing again.

After braiding a lump of earth with roots, a transshipment is made. Further care is the same as for adult plants.

Myrtle grown from seeds blooms at 5 years of age.

Propagation of myrtle by cuttings

Myrtle is propagated by semi-lignified cuttings in January-February and in summer - in July. Cuttings are taken from the lower and middle parts of the crown, the size of the cutting is 5-8 cm; to reduce evaporation, half of the existing leaves are cut off, and the remaining ones are shortened. It is useful to treat the cut with growth stimulants. N. Tsybulya et al. Recommend the use of heteroauxin in a mixture with ascorbic acid (0.25% 0). Rooted in boxes, bowls, wide low pots in a mixture of leafy earth and coarse sand, or sphagnum and sand in a cool (16-20 ° C) shaded place.

The cuttings are watered, sprayed and covered with glass or plastic wrap. Occasionally, the soil is ventilated to avoid rotting cuttings and soil acidification. Cuttings take root within 20-30 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in 7 cm pots. The substrate is made of sod land - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, peat - 1 hour and sand - 1 hour. Water abundantly. Young plants are pinched to stimulate flowering. After braiding a lump of earth with roots, transshipment is given. A plant from cuttings blooms for 3-4 years.

Myrtle. © rafael Jimenez

Myrtle species

To the family Myrtle (Myrtus) belongs to 16 to 40 species of the myrtle family. Species of the genus Myrtle are widespread in North Africa, Western Asia, on the islands of the Caribbean Sea, in Florida (USA), on the Azores, in Europe (Mediterranean region).

One species is widely known in culture - Common myrtle M. communis.

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis). Grows in the undergrowth of evergreen oaks and pines and in bushes in the Mediterranean region, the Azores, North Africa. Trees or shrubs up to 3-4 m tall; shoots are 4-sided, finely hairy, round, glabrous. Leaves are opposite, sometimes collected in 3, ovoid, lanceolate, 2-4 (up to 5) cm long and 1-2 cm wide, pointed, leathery, whole-edged, smooth, glabrous, glossy.

If you look at the myrtle leaf in the light, you can see small dots filled with essential oil, thanks to which the plant emits a pleasant aroma. The most fragrant are the white flowers of the plant. They are medium-sized (up to 2 cm in diameter), five-petal, located one by one on long pedicels. Numerous golden stamens give them a special originality.

In nature, myrtle reaches a height of 3-5 m.In culture, the plant is low (about 60 cm), rarely reaches 1 m.

Common myrtle has many cultural forms, differing in leaf position and ability to bloom.

Possible difficulties in growing myrtle

If there is not enough light, the stems stretch out, the leaves shrink and turn pale, but in case of excess, they fade, turn yellow, the edges curl. In a dark room with a high temperature, the plant sheds its leaves.

The plant suffers greatly due to overdrying and overflow of the substrate. If the plant has dropped its leaves due to overdrying or waterlogging, the shoots should be cut in half and continue watering (in case of waterlogging, watering is very careful) and spraying. Young leaves may appear in two weeks.

If placed too warm and dark, leaves may fall off. If suddenly leaves began to fly around from the myrtle, then the matter is in improper watering: it is either insufficient or excessive. In this case, you can recommend immersing the overdried plant in water, and replanting the waterlogged plant. However, most often the plant cannot be saved.

Pests primarily affect old specimens. Too high air temperature in winter also contributes to this.

Myrtle is a plant for those who love peace, comfort and tranquility. Myrtle is an evergreen shrub or tree that belongs to the Myrtle family, which has about a hundred species. Native to the Mediterranean, myrtle grows naturally in tropical and subtropical climatic zones. In Crimea, in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast, myrtle is grown in the open field as an ornamental plant. In a greenhouse, it grows up to 2 meters, but when grown in a pot, it is modest in size. The leaves of the myrtle are small, glossy, ovoid, arranged oppositely.

The trunk is ligneous, branches well. Myrtle blooms are small, solitary, white fragrant flowers. They appear in the axils of the leaves, towering on a long peduncle. Blooms from early summer. Pollinate indoor myrtle with a brush. In autumn, pollinated plants bear fruit - juicy, spicy berries of dark blue color appear. The seeds from the fruit can be used for propagation.

Having provided the right one for the plant, myrtle will delight with its decorative effect throughout the year. Unpretentious, can settle with you for a long time. It lends itself well to pruning, which allows you to form a beautiful crown in the form of a pyramid, a ball and other shapes.

Caring for myrtle at home


Home myrtle is unpretentious in care. It will take up little space, growing will not be difficult. Provide timely watering and spraying. The plant loves moisture very much. During the period of active growth - in spring and summer - the soil should be constantly moist. During this period, it is also advisable to spray the myrtle foliage daily. Sometimes a warm shower can be arranged. Use softened, settled water for irrigation and spraying. Reduce watering as temperatures drop. In no case do not allow the earthen coma to dry out, if this happens, then the myrtle begins to dry and fall off.

Excessive watering is another destructive extreme, fraught with root rot. Avoid stagnant water in the pan and pot.


Myrtle loves bright lighting with some direct sunlight, but shade a little at midday. If the myrtle tree is constantly kept in the shade, even if all other rules of care are provided, it will not bloom. Myrtle is not afraid of drafts. On the contrary, air currents will better carry favorable phytoncides.


Will feel good in cool rooms. Moderate or slightly lower than moderate air temperature (within 18-23 ° C) is suitable. Maintain a cool air temperature of 6-8 ° C in winter to obtain abundant flowering. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is possible to winter in a warmer room, but with more frequent watering and spraying.

Why does myrtle shed leaves?

In winter, during the operation of heating systems, the air becomes warm and overdried - this can cause the leaves to fall off the myrtle. Do not despair, continue to water the plant moderately and by spring it will be green again. Myrtle that has undergone a warm winter will most likely not bloom. In summer, myrtle can be taken out into the open air.

Top dressing

For successful growth and good development, indoor myrtle needs to be fed. Apply organic fertilizers every two weeks. During wintering, additional feeding is not needed.

How to trim and shape a myrtle crown

Common myrtle is usually grown in. It tolerates pruning very well. Even if the myrtle does not bloom, the formation of the crown will allow you to grow a beautiful bonsai-type tree. Do not expose the trunk too much, because it is not very durable. Leave as many side shoots as possible. However, if you want the tree to bloom, you should not get carried away with pruning either, otherwise flower buds will not form.

Cropping myrtle on video:


Home myrtle can grow for a very long time, it does not need to be updated every few years, like many other plants, but it is still necessary to transplant. This is done before the start of active growth - in early spring. Young plants will need an additive every year, adults as needed (every 2-3 years). A suitable substrate is a mixture: turf soil + humus soil + peat + sand, mix in proportions 2: 1: 1: 1. Be sure to lay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Growing myrtle from seeds

Reproduction by cuttings is also possible. During seed propagation, varietal characteristics may be lost if the seeds are taken from hybrid bushes. Only fresh seeds germinate well. Wash the seeds without pericarp in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry.

Plant in bowls using light soil. The seeding depth is 0.5 cm. Cover with foil or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Place in a warm, lit place, out of direct sunlight.

Air the seedlings regularly, moisten the soil, but do not flood. Expect seedlings in 1.5-2 months, with their appearance the film must be removed. When the seedlings grow up, they are dived into separate pots. When you reach a height of 15-20 cm, you need to pinch young shoots, stimulating the growth of new ones. Myrtle grown from seeds will bloom by the 5th year of life.

Propagation of myrtle by cuttings

It is easier to grow myrtle from stem cuttings. They take root very well.

  • Cut off cuttings in early summer from the upper, non-flowering shoots.
  • There should be 3-4 pairs of leaves.
  • Approximately 1 cm of the lower part of the cutting should be immersed in a phytohormone solution and kept for about 2 hours, then rinsed with clean water.
  • Plant the cutting in a wet sand-peat mixture, deepen it by three knots at an angle of 45-50 °.
  • Cover the top with plastic wrap or a cut clear plastic bottle and place in a warm, shady place.
  • Air the seedlings. New shoots will appear in about a month.
  • Then the shelter must be removed and placed in a bright place.

In the future, take care of it like an adult plant. Such myrtle should bloom in 2-3 years.

Video about grafting myrtle:

Diseases and pests of myrtle

Myrtle diseases occur due to improper watering. It is important to constantly keep the ground moist, but avoid stagnant water in the flowerpot and pallet itself. Excessive watering can provoke the onset of root decay, which will spread further and the plant will simply die. Due to dry air and insufficient watering, foliage may turn yellow and fall off, but moderate watering will resume the plant. Also during this period spider mites can attack. You will recognize their appearance by the presence of cobwebs. Leaves, especially on the underside, need to be washed with water or a weak tobacco solution, sprayed with ground sulfur, or apply insecticides (spray outdoors).

When scale insects appear on the plant, it can secrete resin, and the leaves and stems become covered with dark spots. The plant can be treated with a soap-tobacco solution. If the scabbards are already clearly visible, soak the swab in vodka or denatured alcohol and remove the pests mechanically. Then treat with an insecticide or, more gently, with soapy water, to completely destroy the larvae.

If the leaves dry up and curl up, most likely, aphids have appeared - small insects of green, black or gray color, located on the lower part of the leaf. They multiply very quickly. Treat immediately with special preparations available from flower shops.

Types and varieties of myrtle

Common myrtle Myrtus communis

The Russian interpretation of the Latin name -Mirt Communis is an evergreen tree that reaches a height of 50 cm to a meter in indoor conditions. Leaves are small, glossy, leathery, oblong, opposite.

Variegated Myrtle Myrtus Variegata

The foliage is variegated, the edges of the leaves are covered with dots and stripes of amber. The flowers are miniature, beige and snow-white in color with golden stamens, exude a pleasant aroma. Suitable for indoor growing. This species is revered as a symbol of fertility.

The variety Myrta Hymenaeus - the name was received in honor of the God of the Marriage Union, people call him the happiness of the bride. Revered as a symbol of youth and beauty. This is an evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 3-5 m in the natural environment, and about 1 meter in a room. Leaves are miniature, lanceolate, emerald in color. The flowers are snow-white with a large number of golden stamens, 1.5-2 cm in diameter. At the end of flowering, blue-black berries are formed with an intense pleasant aroma.

It has a powerful antibacterial effect, eliminating pathogenic bacteria, bacilli. Helps in the fight against flu, sore throat, sinusitis; in the prevention of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, prostatitis.

The plant reaches a height of 3-4 m. The tetrahedral stems are covered with large leaves (up to 5 cm in length). Leaves are glossy, with pointed edges, opposite. A five-petal flower of snow-white color with symmetrical golden stamens.

Myrtus Alhambra

An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for growing in the wild and at home. Leaves are compacted, with a high content of essential oils. The flowers are small, white, fragrant. Bloom in late spring. After flowering, white, fragrant fruits are formed.

Myrtle Tarentina Myrtus Tarentina

A dwarf form of an ordinary subspecies. Small white flowers cover the plant profusely. The leaves are elongated, reaching 1.5 cm, the edges are serrated, pointed, painted in emerald color, attached to shortened petioles. The plant has a fast growth rate. In nature, it grows about 5 m high, in room conditions - up to 1 meter.

Lemon Myrtle Myrtus lemon

Delivers a pleasant lemon scent. Originally from the tropics of Australia. It is widely used in cooking. It is used to make essential oils, various sauces, dressings, syrups and lemon drinks. Dry leaves are used as a seasoning.

Small-leaved myrtle Myrtus communis microphylla

The small-leaved form of common myrtle conquers with its unique elegance with many small, densely planted dense leaves that completely cover the crown of the tree. Along with abundant flowering, it turns the myrtle tree into a festive decoration for any room.

How to make myrtle leaf tincture?

It's pretty easy to do it yourself Take a liter jar, put about 100 g of leaves there and pour 500 g of 60-70% alcohol or vodka. For two weeks, you need to infuse the mixture in a dark place. It is advisable to shake the jar daily. Then filter the infusion. For the prevention of diseases, 30 minutes before meals, you need to take 20 drops of the infusion 3 times a day.

You can get the benefits of the plant simply by placing it in the room: it will purify the air from various viruses and microbes. It is not recommended to put myrtle in the bedroom. You will love the scent of the tree. Myrtle is ideal for both home and office.

Myrtle is a symbol of a strong, prosperous, friendly family. It will be an excellent gift for newlyweds and already experienced families.

Legends, beliefs about myrtle, its medicinal and other useful properties

An ancient legend says that myrtle was brought from Paradise by Adam. The ancient Greeks considered myrtle to be sacred. Myrtle was also revered by the Romans, Egyptians, Jews. Myrtha was credited with the ability to restore youth to the aging skin of the face, and he gave strength and vigor to travelers. For Catholics, myrtle is the personification of the spirit of the Virgin Mary, therefore the peoples of Northern Europe consider it a talisman for a woman. With the birth of their daughter, a myrtle tree was grown, and at her wedding, a veil, a bride's outfit, and a wedding bouquet were decorated with branches of myrtle. That is why myrtle is sometimes called an unknown tree.

Myrtle means "balm" in Greek. Its flowers and leathery leaves exude phytoncides - useful substances that can not only protect the plant from diseases, but also purify the air around it, relieve fatigue, and create a positive attitude.

Myrtle essential oil is widely used in medicine and perfumery. Tincture of myrtle is used to wipe the face, which refreshes the skin better than any lotion. Myrtle tincture or a decoction of bark and leaves is used in the treatment of diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, treat various suppurations and poorly healing wounds.

In ancient times, the fruit of myrtle was insisted in wine, considering it a good tonic, a real elixir of health.

Be careful with folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor. Treatment with myrtle should be used with caution in elderly people and pregnant women.

The dried fruits and leaves are used as a spice. When baking, smoking, grilling meat or fish, adding a sprig of myrtle will give them a special flavor. Remove the leaves after cooking. By the way, the clove spice is a product of one of the types of myrtle tree.

Myrtle is such a charming plant that you fall in love with it at first sight: fluffy crown, dark green glossy leaves, creamy beads of buds, beautiful white flowers with numerous stamens.

Common myrtle, namely, it is grown at home, in a wild-growing form it is found in the Mediterranean countries. It was known as far back as Ancient Egypt. And in ancient Greece, myrtle was a cult plant. Whole myrtle groves grew near the temples of the goddess of love Aphrodite, symbolizing youth and beauty. And the very name - myrtle came to us from Ancient Greece, which means balm, myrrh.

An interesting custom associated with growing myrtle at home, for a long time existed in Lutheran Germany: a little girl was given a small pot of myrtle. The girl herself looked after the plant, trying to grow a beautiful and fluffy tree out of it. Having become a bride, she weaved a wreath from his twigs, in which she went down the aisle, and a myrtle tree settled in a new family. They say that if the bride's myrtle tree was well-groomed, with a strong trunk and fluffy crown, then the family life of young wives was happy. What was the reason for this?

Hard to say. Maybe that's why there was happiness in a family with a well-groomed myrtle tree, because the ancient goddess of love favored his mistress. Or maybe the whole point was that only knowledgeable, skillful and, most importantly, patient people could grow a good myrtle tree in the room. Such people will be able to establish family life and bring comfort. So there will be happiness in the house. And whether myrtle is the reason for this happiness or not, everyone decides for himself.

But myrtle is valued not only for its beauty. Tear off a leaf of myrtle and rub it lightly. The pleasant, resinous aroma that appears speaks of the essential oils contained in the plant. They are widely used in perfumery and medicine. And even a very small myrtle plant in an apartment will “fight” for the health of its owners with might and main. Its smell calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia. Essential oils of common myrtle have such a powerful bactericidal effect that they destroy pathogenic microorganisms and purify the air in the apartment. Basil has the same effect. For colds, runny nose, sore throat, it is useful to brew myrtle leaves and breathe with the resulting steam.

Grow common myrtle at home not everything is easy. And yet it is worth trying to do it. Knowing the difficulties, you can avoid them or overcome them.

Caring for myrtle in ordinary summer

Myrtle loves bright rooms. Watering is plentiful, but without accumulation of water in the pan. Myrtle does not tolerate even short-term overdrying of an earthen coma: this can lead to yellowing, drying out and leaf fall. Myrtu likes very high air humidity, so spray the leaves more often, up to 2 - 3 times a day, from spring to mid-summer, and also regularly feed him with complex fertilizers or biological fertilizers once every two weeks. For the summer period, it is useful to expose myrtle to fresh air.

Caring for myrtle ordinary in winter

In winter, ordinary myrtle needs a cooler (optimal temperature of the content is 8-10 ° C), but a bright room. Watering myrtle in winter should be very careful, only so that the earthy lump does not dry out. It is rather difficult to create such conditions for myrtle in winter in an ordinary city apartment, so the following can be advised. Place a flower pot with myrtle on the lightest and coldest windowsill, next to the glass the air temperature at night is about +12 + 15 ° С; try to limit the flow of dry and warm air from the central heating radiators to the plant; more often scour its crown; water in minimal doses, but do not over-dry. Under such conditions, myrtle will feel quite tolerable in winter.

Earthen mixture for growing common myrtle consists of turf or leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts (1: 1: 1: 1). Young myrtle is transplanted every year: then, when the plant becomes an adult, the transplant is done once every 3-4 years. But then every year in spring and autumn, you can change the topsoil. This will avoid depleting the soil. For older specimens of myrtle, the earthen mixture is heavier - the ratio of the above components is 2: 1: 1: 1.

Pruning common myrtle... In order for the myrtle to branch better, in young plants it is necessary to pinch the apical buds on the shoots. Myrtle tolerates both cutting and cutting very well, so its crown can be given any shape: bush-shaped, tree-shaped spherical, fusiform, etc. In addition, with a haircut you will create the dimensions that suit you. During spring pruning, as well as in June, when the crown of the myrtle is forming, many cuttings can be taken and rooted. Common myrtle reproduces by stem cuttings.

For better rooting, cuttings of myrtle can be treated with root formation stimulants, after which they easily root in a mini-greenhouse for 20-30 days at 18-20 ° C. After they take root, the myrtle cuttings are transplanted into small pots. Common myrtle blooms in the 4-5th year of life.


Myrtle needs to be watered regularly.

Myrtle (myrtle tree)

Since the plant has a subtropical origin, it loves moisture, therefore, in addition to constant watering, it needs daily spraying with water. If the myrtle does not get enough water, it will begin to dry out and turn yellow.


Temperature and humidity

Top dressing

Myrtle - transplant - photo


Myrtle grows slowly, so don't replant it too often. It is best to do this once a year, increasing the size of the pot.

Myrtle reproduction - photo



indoor flowers myrtle - photo

  • Singly in leaf axils;
  • Or collected in a brush.

Diseases and pests of trees

Why isn't myrtle growing?

Lack of blooming

Wilting leaves

Myrtle often crumbles after purchase. This is due to the fact that he was kept in more suitable greenhouse conditions, and the adaptation to the room is very stressful for him. In this case, it makes sense to spray with succinic acid or Epin, place the plant under the bag, ventilate it daily, make sure that mold does not form from excess moisture, put it in a place with bright diffused light.

But if problems started with the root, then the matter is more serious. Therefore, it is important how long you have had myrtle.

Plant care:

Myrtle loves bright, diffused light, tolerates a certain amount of direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At windows in the southern direction in the summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow on the north window, but the flowering will be less abundant. In winter, the myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.

In summer, myrtle can be exposed to the open air, in a place where it is protected from the direct midday sun. The plant should be accustomed to the new level of illumination gradually. Some growers bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

Myrtle loves coolness, in spring and summer it needs a moderate or slightly below moderate temperature (18-20 ° C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of 5 ° C and no higher than 8-10 ° C. At a higher than optimal winter temperature, the plant may shed its foliage.

Myrtle needs fresh air.

Water myrtle from spring to autumn regularly and abundantly (as the upper layer of the substrate dries up), in winter - limitedly, with soft, settled water. In no case should even a short-term drying out of the soil be allowed.

Myrtle reproduction at home

If, nevertheless, the substrate is dry, watering is used by immersing the pot in a container with water. At the same time, care must be taken that water does not stagnate in the sump.

You should carefully monitor the humidity of the air. Although in natural conditions of myrtle growth, air humidity rarely exceeds 60%, in rooms with central heating it is usually half as much. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, use only soft, settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

From spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with flower fertilizer.

Myrtle has a pronounced rest period. Depending on the position in the room, the myrtle is dormant from 3 (on the north window) to 1, 5 (on the south) months.

My "Dutchman" is now in bloom

Illumination: Photophilous, shading is needed only in the summer afternoon.

Watering regime: Abundant during the growing season, rare in winter, especially if the plant is kept cool.

Humidity: Requires frequent spraying, especially in warm rooms.

For the summer, it is better to place it in fresh air (in the garden or on the balcony).

Temperature range: In summer the temperature should be moderate, in winter cool 8-10 ° C.

Soil: Recommended soil mixture: 2-3 parts of turf, 1 part of peat land, 1 part of humus, 1 part of sand. During the growth period, it needs additional fertilizing once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers ("Giant", Raduga "Ideal", etc.) For mature trees, humus can be applied once a summer.

Breeding: Stem cuttings, seeds.

Transplant: Young plants are transplanted annually, adults over three years old are transplanted after two years, but the top layer of the earth is replaced annually.

Pests: affected by scabies (brown plaques appear on the leaves and stems, leaving sticky discharge), spider mites (in dry air, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs).

The plant can be helped by treatment with soapy water, warm washing and spraying with actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Once upon a time, common myrtle was very popular in indoor culture, since the conditions of detention ensured its good development and regular flowering. With the advent of central heating in houses, the popularity of myrtle has significantly decreased, because this Mediterranean species needs a very light and cool (about +5 degrees) content for normal growth and development in winter.

- here is a video on the topic, and here is an article on care -.

Read also:

Caring for myrtle at home

Myrtle is an unusual plant from the Myrtle family. The name means "incense". Myrtle prefers to grow in subtropical conditions, mainly in the Mediterranean countries.

The plant got this name due to the fact that its leaves and flowers contain essential oils with a pleasant and soothing aroma. Myrtle looks like a small tree with elongated and pointed leaves. The leaf petioles are short and the color is bright green.

myrtle home care - photo


Myrtle needs to be watered regularly. Since the plant has a subtropical origin, it loves moisture, therefore, in addition to constant watering, it needs daily spraying with water. If the myrtle does not receive enough water, it will begin to dry out and turn yellow.

Like other flowers, myrtle is best watered and sprayed with standing water. In winter, you need to slightly reduce watering to one per week. Spraying remains only if the room is warm.


It is better to put this plant on the south side, since it will be less comfortable on other sides, and it may not bloom. When the sun's rays are intensely shining, it is better to close the plant with a curtain so that it does not get burned.

Temperature and humidity

The most favorable temperature for myrtle is about 22-24 degrees. Periodic presence on the balcony or in the garden will have a positive effect on the plant.

If it is not possible to take out the plant, then it is worth ventilating the room. In winter, myrtle will be more comfortable at temperatures up to 10 degrees, but the humidity level should be lower than in summer.

Top dressing

This plant can be fertilized with complex fertilizers, which are especially for flowering indoor plants. In summer, top dressing should be added once a week, and in winter once a month.

Myrtle - transplant - photo


Myrtle grows slowly, so don't replant it too often.

Myrtle - home care, transplant and reproduction

It is best to do this once a year, increasing the size of the pot.

An already grown plant can live without transplanting for three to four years. The optimal time for transplanting myrtle is the winter season, since during this period the tree is at rest.

The transplant should be started by not watering the plant for several days, so that it is easier to remove it. The pot turns over and the tree slides out easily, so be sure to hold it. If you treat the roots with a stimulant, then it will be easier for him to take root.

In a new pot, drainage is first done, and then it is filled with expanded clay and the substrate is prepared, it will need to be poured to the bottom. Then the plant itself is installed and covered with a substrate. After the transplant is completed, the tree must be watered abundantly and taken to a dark place.

Myrtle reproduction - photo


Myrtle can be propagated in two ways:

With the cuttings method, it is important that the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees. Reproduction is carried out by apical cuttings. Its length should be 7-9 cm, if you choose a smaller stalk, then you cannot cut it off from a flowering shoot.

The leaves are picked and the cut is processed. After this, the cutting must be planted, preferably in a mixture of sand and peat, this is the most favorable environment for the plant. Cover the cuttings with foil on top. Growth is faster at room temperature.

The second breeding method is using seeds. Unlike cuttings, seeds grow for a long time. For this method of growing, the same substrate is used with the addition of soil, all this is covered with a film.

In order for the seeds to germinate, they need diffused light and the temperature should be at 21 degrees. Propagating by this method, the myrtle needs to form a crown; for this, you will need to pinch the sprout at the desired height. Myrtle will bloom no earlier than in the second or third year.


indoor flowers myrtle - photo

In order for the plant to bloom, it cannot be cut off in the spring season, it is best to do this when the flowering is completely over.

Myrtle blooms from early or mid-summer (June-July). In order for the flowers to be beautiful, certain conditions must be observed during this period. The tree should receive proper care and a constant supply of fresh myrtle air.

If the plant is not properly and timely taken care of, then diseases will develop in it, in such conditions it will not bloom. Another reason for the lack of flowers may be stagnant air in the room.

Myrtle flower arrangement:

  • Singly in leaf axils;
  • Or collected in a brush.

As a rule, there are either four or six petals on a flower. Since the plant receives more illumination from above, the flowers are mainly located there.

Diseases and pests of trees

This plant does not have any special diseases, but it is still sometimes found. If the soil is poorly drained, myrtle may develop root rot. Some problems with the tree may arise due to improper care or non-observance of certain important points.

The reason is insufficient lighting, incorrect proportions of watering. Myrtle is a plant that requires constant care, so it is extremely important to comply with all the conditions for caring for it.

The myrtle tree is susceptible to insect hazards. The following insects can harm the plant: thrips, scale insects, spider mites, aphids. Therefore, the myrtle must be carefully monitored. When signs of damage to myrtle appear, it is necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of insects. Most often, pests affect old plants.

myrtle at home - photo

Those housewives who grow this plant have common questions. We'll take a look at the most frequently asked ones.

Why isn't myrtle growing? There can be many reasons for the lack of growth in a tree. Firstly, do not forget that this plant, in principle, grows slowly. You need to try to take good care of him and feed him as needed.

Lack of blooming, may be caused by spring pruning, it will not bloom until next year. Another common cause is a poorly ventilated area.

Wilting leaves can be caused by several reasons. High temperature in winter when the tree is dormant. Violation of the conditions for watering the plant, spraying or feeding. The leaves can wither if the water stagnates in the tree or, on the contrary, the earth is dry. If the leaves of myrtle have begun to fade, then it is necessary to change the care for it.

The leaves of this plant contain toxic substances that can make a person feel unwell.

When choosing this plant, it is important to understand that it requires strict adherence to the rules for caring for it. You can't deviate from proper watering, forget to spray or periodically fertilize myrtle. Also, the tree needs at least a rare transplant. If you follow all the rules of care, then myrtle will delight you with its beauty.

Video: Caring for myrtle at home

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We have already talked about what a beautiful house plant myrtle is on the pages of our Encyclopedia. Here we will talk about how to grow myrtle from a cuttings to an adult tree.

Myrtle tolerates pruning and pinching well at any time of the year, with the difference that in an adult wintering plant that is in the dormant stage, without signs of growth, you can painlessly cut one branch per cutting, well, if you really need it, two, no more. And for a growing myrtle that continues to grow, you can safely cut the crown radically. The best time to cut myrtle branches for rooting is spring, late winter. If you cut off the twigs from the "sleeping" myrtle, they must be immediately transferred to conditions suitable for vegetation: warm (20-25 ° C), humidity not lower than 50% and light (additional lighting if necessary) - several hours of direct sun in the morning or evening.

For rooting, you can use twigs from 7 to 15 cm, the optimal length is not measured in centimeters, but a piece of the stem - rooting occurs at the semi-lignified tip of the cutting. It is clear that a 5 cm branch still has a green stalk, it will simply fade. In a cut cutting, the lower leaves must be cut off and placed in water or wet vermiculite for rooting.

As you can see, in the first version there is one stalk in the cup, it is supported by a circle cut out to the diameter of the cup made of foamed polyethylene and cut to the center. It not only supports the stem, but also prevents the water from evaporating too quickly. You can cut such a circle out of foam rubber.

In the second version, many cuttings are rooted in one jar. Not all of them will give roots.

What is the difference and how best to root? The fact is that if you got one single cutting, you should do as shown in the first photo. Moreover, the water must be very clean, boiled. Observe carefully for the first two days - if the water remains clear, everything is fine, you just have to wait for the roots to appear. If the water becomes cloudy, replace it with fresh one, and add the secret component to it. There is such a drug in the pharmacy Polyphepan - it is an adsorbent (black powder looks like dry earth) that will not allow water to deteriorate, prevents the development of bacteria, but does not interfere with the rooting of cuttings. You need to add half a teaspoon to half a glass of water.

Yuri Aleksandrovich Markin (YUM) shares his many years of experience: If everything is in order with the water and the viability of the cutting, the roots are formed quite quickly - callus is formed in the first week (white cones at the tip of the stem), and good roots grow in 2-3 weeks. When they reach at least 5 cm, more can be, it's time to transplant the cutting into the ground.

In the photo you can see strong roots and the beginning of the growing season in a rooted cuttings of myrtle, but it must be planted carefully in order to minimize injury to the delicate root processes. Therefore, Yuri Alexandrovich ties the handle to the peg. The peg, stuck into the ground, reliably holds the cutting, without deepening the root collar.

If the roots of myrtle are strong, they instantly take root, and grow very quickly in conditions of high humidity. Thickened plantings in a common container require good ventilation of the room and timely planting in separate pots. Perhaps it is more correct to immediately plant the cuttings of myrtle in separate containers, depending on the desired shape of the adult plant. If you plan to grow a dense bush, you can plant 2-4 cuttings together, if you plan to grow myrtle with a stem or as a potency, then each cuttings have a separate pot. Another option is the fusion of trunks, it also implies planting several cuttings in one container, but requires some skill and preparation.

Is it possible to prune myrtle roots when replanting rooted cuttings?

Yes, it is possible, if the root system is well developed, has many lateral roots of the upper part, then the elongated roots can be cut off painlessly. After cutting the roots, sprinkle them with a crushed tablet of activated carbon or ground cinnamon.

Dimensions of the pot for transplanting myrtle

How you choose the right pot for planting a cutting depends on its health, growth rate and appearance. Many tend to take pots with a large supply, but if the pot is large, after watering the earth will dry for a very long time, as a result, a salt effusion forms on the surface - a whitish or reddish bloom of calcium and magnesium salts. In this case, the acidity of the soil shifts to the alkaline side, in such an environment some nutrients are poorly absorbed and the likelihood of root rot is high. In a pot that is too small, especially when planted in clean peat, on the contrary, the root system of the plant can be very dry.

Here is an example, planting a rooted twig (the thickness of the stem was originally 2 mm), which has long grown, and the height has reached 75 cm from the ground.

Myrtle grew in a glass (200 g) for about two years. The thickness of the trunk at the root collar reached 6 mm. The earthy clod is almost completely taken over by the roots. If the roots of your cutting have grown only in the lower part, have formed a "beard", or have crawled out of the drainage holes, and the upper part of the pot has not been mastered by the roots, it makes sense when transplanting to cut off those roots that stick out from the holes of the pot, or those that curl on the bottom in a spiral, displacing all the soil. After that, you need to transplant the young myrtle back into the old pot. You can transplant into a new one only when the roots fill the entire space of the pot.

Myrtle formation

The formation of the myrtle tree is ongoing. Trimming the ends of the shoots can be carried out repeatedly during the spring-summer season. You can grow a myrtle tree in a completely free style, with a shaggy bush. You can form a stem or other style. But first you need to present the image you want to strive for.

A myrtle tree blooming with pink buds (on the right in the photo, Pavel Karpenkov) is so beautiful not because of its extreme unpretentiousness, but because it is grown in ideal conditions for it: it stands in an area where the illumination is close to sunny, the humidity is 90% and the temperature is 24 ° C. It is watered once every 2-3 days (it does not dry out and is not poured). It is planted in the ground from a mixture of akadama with sand and some soil for seedlings. High drainage - myrtles do not like swampy roots. Be sure to spray it every day.

Important: when wintering in cool and, even more so, cold conditions, spraying is not required, and watering is scarce.

With the help of a wire, you can pull the branches in the right direction, they are quite plastic even in adulthood. But old branches covered with brown bark can be bent gradually, smoothly, over several months.

Pay attention, while the myrtle tree is gaining trunk thickness, it does not need to be planted in a bonsai pot, the pot space is needed for the plant to accelerate the trunk.

From personal experience, Borya: My myrtle grows on the northwest window, but I can't form a spherical crown without additional lighting. I use this technique: as the branches lengthen, I tilt the largest of them to the sides almost to a horizontal position, and secure with wire. Then, along the entire length of the branch, new shoots begin to appear from dormant buds (before that they were in the shade), and the entire branch turns out to be densely leafy.

The size of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system and grow as the earthen coma is woven. It all depends on how many roots the myrtle has. In my opinion, it is better to take a cramped dish than a spacious one, since in the second case, part of the earth may sour and become unusable even before the roots have time to penetrate it.

I prefer to plant myrtles in a mixture of some kind of peaty soil with coarse sand, in a 1: 1 ratio. From the purchased, you can, in my opinion, use the 'Cactus' mixture, as the most porous and suitable for most plants.

What you need to do to make myrtle look like a tree from a cutting

From personal experience, Borya: You need to choose the largest, central, and, most importantly, the branch of the bush that you like most and cut off all the rest. It is convenient to do this with small nail clippers. On it, you need to remove the leaves and side shoots from below to the height of the proposed trunk. This will create an even trunk that will slowly grow fat.

Since during the growth of a 'bush' the branches touch and, as it were, a little 'propping up' each other, then, being left alone, this twig may bend for any reason (from accidental grazing, or as a result of tilting towards the light, for example ). Therefore, a support in the form of a peg stuck next to it is desirable for it.

As a result, the growth of shoots begins on the upper leafy part. Those shoots that do not appear on the ‘crown’, but on the trunk, must be removed (otherwise, you will get a bush again). When the stem reaches a thickness of about 0.5 cm, the support can be removed.

Bamboo skewers (3-4 mm thick and about 30 cm long) are very suitable for the role of sticks for props. The peg should be located, in relation to the plant, from the side of the room or to the side, so as not to shade.

Myrtle - bonsai

Many people want to have a miniature myrtle tree in a bowl, but before the trunk of the myrtle gains a thickness (from 1.5 cm or more), there is not even a question of transplanting into bonsain plants. And all the plant material with which the work is carried out on the formation is called Potensai.

An example of such work from Yuri Alexandrovich Markin:

Bonsai Sokan style

And this is Potensai - the Sokan style "Twin Trunks". Used 2-3 year old plants grown from rooted cuttings. Rearranged from wintering to prepare for spring vegetation - pruning and shaping to fit bonsai styles. The skeleton and trunks of the first instance of Potensai are shaped in the Sokan style, with ligature and stretch marks applied. Finished workpiece height - 28 cm:

Formation work continues. Myrtle has its own subtleties, says Yuri Alexandrovich - fragile wood and loose bark, although, when broken, it grows together remarkably.

Before all the manipulations, I do a long shower to soak the tissues.

Myrtle - growing, care, transplanting and reproduction

When bending the vertical and rather plump branches at an angle of 90 °, I kind of knead the near-trunk area between the fingers - I wrinkle it like a joint on a finger.

Next, I begin to apply a ligature to the trunk and bring in a wire on the bent branch. Then, the branch along with the wire entwined in two turns, I begin to bend slowly. You can substitute a screwdriver under the branch and create an emphasis at the bend. After bending the branch more than 90 °, I rewind the ligature with the branch fixing in the desired position.

You can also perform a directional bend, i.e. break a branch and wrap it with raffia, and then apply a ligature (the main subtlety is not to break it at all when applying raffia and a ligature, skill and a sensitive tactile sensation of the material is required).

There is another way to apply it to thick branches. Make a crescent cut under the branch, in the place of the intended bend, to the middle or 2/3 of the branch thickness. The cut is made in thin sections with adjustment (bending and refining the position of the branch in the final form), if not enough, then another thin fragment is removed from both sides (such as slices).

Further according to the scheme - wrapping with raffia and applying a ligature. If it is difficult to bend a copper wire in insulation with a cross section of 2.5 mm, then you can impose two wires of 1.5 mm each or several wires of an even smaller cross section folded together - for example, the photo above (lower left corner), a coil of wire in the photo with myrtle. This wire can be used for both ligatures and stretch marks.

Bonsai style Ikadabuki

Another example of the work on the formation of myrtle bonsai in the style of Ikadabuki by Gennady Boronin (Genn). The author also modestly calls it just an attempt to form: "2 years trying to become a bonsai." The height of the myrtle tree is 27-30 cm.

All the details and photos in the topic I'm trying to grow bonsai.

Used photographs and materials: Yu. A. Markin (YUM), Borya, Natali, barsuchok, Alexander, P. Karpenkov (beomaster), G. Boronin (Genn).

Elena Bryantseva asked: “My husband bought a myrtle tree in the store. I transplanted at home, I water it with warm water, I spray it - it still dries up. So pity. Can you tell me what to do to rehabilitate the plant? One does not want to lose such beauty in any way ”.
Indeed, the most serious problem you can face when growing myrtle, an evergreen shrub, is leaf fall. Most often and most likely the reason is low air humidity.
To save the plant:
-It is necessary to isolate the plant from the battery with a transparent screen. The air from the window will now remain near the plant, and dry warm

the air from the battery will rise up and will not harm your green pet.

- You can also use humidifiers in this case. Buy a moisturizer and most plants will thank you.
- You can cover the plant with a plastic bag. This method is really good, the humidity under the bag is quite high. I have some plants sitting in a bag for the whole hzima until the batteries are disconnected.
- If you don’t plant it under the bag and don’t buy an air humidifier - spray, spray and spray again.

Well, now more about MIRTA

Common myrtle is grown both in residential buildings, conservatories, greenhouses, and in offices. In our flower shops, mainly small-leaved myrtle is sold. Some flower lovers have large-leaved myrtle. Myrtle Boethica is quite rare. APPEARANCE Myrtle is an evergreen shrub that has been known for over two thousand years.

Myrtle - how to grow a tree of paradise on a windowsill

It is one of the oldest indoor plants, and one of the most beautiful. Myrtle has small dark green oblong leathery leaves. They have a pleasant aroma. If you rub the leaf, the aroma will intensify. Myrtle blooms in summer. The flowers are white with long stamens. After flowering, if pollination has occurred (with the help of insects or artificially), the myrtle is covered with dark blue berries. LOCATION IN THE HOUSE The best room in the house for myrtle is the kitchen. It is also good to put the plant in the nursery. They say that myrtle has anti-allergenic and anti-cold properties. And this is extremely beneficial for children. He will, as it were, protect your child. Windows on the south, west and east sides are most favorable for the placement of myrtle. There may be a lack of light on a north-facing window. And it is extremely necessary for the flowering of the plant. Myrtle prefers not only bright, but also well-ventilated places. In the summer, he is taken out into the fresh air, on the balcony or in the garden. It is important to know that in dry and warm rooms, leaves may fall off the plant. It is also helpful to place myrtle next to an opening window. Drafts are useful for him, because, thanks to the flow of air, substances that kill microbes are released from myrtle. In winter, in a warm room, it is advisable to put the myrtle away from the batteries and spray more often. Transferring the plant to a glazed balcony in winter is the best way out of the situation. CARE Lighting. Myrtle prefers bright sunlight. However, it is better to shade it from the scorching midday sun. Temperature. Myrtle can tolerate temperatures from 0 ° C to 40 ° C. In summer, the temperature should be room temperature, in winter it should drop to 8 ° С -10 ° С. It is better to transfer the plant to the balcony in winter. The air humidity in myrtle is definitely high. The plant responds well to frequent spraying of leaves. Myrtu can sometimes have a warm shower. Watering. In summer, abundant watering is necessary, in winter - moderate. Myrtle is propagated by apical cuttings in summer. Their rooting usually occurs in a month or a month and a half. Transplant myrtle as needed. Young plants are transplanted every year, and adults - once every two years. The best time of the year to transplant is spring as well as summer. PESTS AND DISEASES Myrtle is quite resistant to pests. For prevention, it is advisable to spray it sometimes with special agents that are sold in flower shops. In order for your green friend to delight with his beauty as long as possible, you need to properly care for him. But this may not be enough for him. It needs regular pruning, which is best done in the spring before growing. You can shape the plant however you like. Pruning is very beneficial, it stimulates the formation of new shoots, and your shrub becomes lush and more beautiful.

Plant myrtle (lat.Myrtus) belongs to the genus of evergreen woody plants of the Myrtle family, the flowers of which contain essential oil. The natural areas of myrtle are the Mediterranean, the Azores and the north of the African continent. It is no coincidence that the name of the plant is consonant with the Greek word "myrrh", which means "balm, liquid incense", because it is precisely as a cult attribute that myrtle essential oil has long been used in temples of different concessions. Legend says that Adam, expelled from Eden, brought a myrtle flower with him to Earth as a memory of the lost paradise. Different peoples have associated with this plant many myths, beliefs, traditions, rituals and signs. The myrtle tree has long been considered a symbol of glory, peace and hope. Our ancestors had myrtle flowers not only for cult, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes, and some preparations from myrtle are popular today. But for plant lovers, blooming and fragrant myrtle is an object of admiration and a source of aesthetic pleasure, especially since home myrtle is undemanding to care for, and those who know how to care for myrtle will easily achieve the optimal shape for a plant that will decorate your home and help preserve To your health.

Myrtle, numbering according to various sources from forty to one hundred species, in its natural habitats can grow up to three meters in height, and indoor myrtle, under the most favorable conditions, reaches only a meter. Usually myrtle at home is a tree with a round crown 30-60 cm tall. Small leathery, like polished myrtle leaves are located on the shoots rarely alternately and oppositely on short petioles, the shape is elongated, the tops of the leaves are pointed. Flowers, simple or double, are either single or collected in a brush. The fruit is a nut or drupe berry. An interesting fact is that myrtle plants include such valuable plants for mankind as a tea tree, eucalyptus, and a clove tree.

How to propagate myrtle by seeds at home? In early spring, myrtle seeds are sown on the surface of a substrate consisting in equal proportions of sand and peat, in a container 7-10 cm deep, sprinkled on top with a layer of the same substrate 3-5 mm thick and, covered with glass, kept at a temperature of about 20 ºC, airing and moistening crops, as well as removing condensation from the glass. Seedlings appear in a week or two, and when 2-3 true leaves grow in the seedlings, they are dived into the same substrate in individual pots so that the root collar remains above the soil surface. A month after the pick, the seedlings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer of a weak consistency.

Myrtle: home care, photo of a houseplant, signs

However, amateur breeders should be aware that myrtle grown from seed:

  • a) bloom not earlier than in 4-5 years;
  • b) is unlikely to retain varietal characteristics.

In addition, the germination of myrtle seeds sharply decreases after a year of storage, and it is problematic to get them, since this will require artificial pollination of the plant.
Caring for myrtle at home includes watering, pruning and feeding the plant, as well as creating optimal or at least necessary conditions for it. The houseplant myrtle prefers southern, western and eastern window sills, tolerant to drafts, temperature extremes and direct sunlight. Moreover, if there is no sun, there will be no myrtle bloom. In summer, myrtle prefers life in the fresh air, in winter, the plant needs coolness - 5-10 degrees Celsius, and the best place for it would be a glazed unheated balcony.

Water myrtle in the warm season, it is necessary abundantly and often, without waiting for the top layer to dry, but excess moisture must be drained from the pallet so as not to provoke root rot. Insufficient or infrequent watering can cause the plant to shed its leaves. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced, but if the plant hibernates in a room with working heating devices, it will have to be watered as abundantly as in summer. In addition, there will be a need to spray the leaves of the plant with water at least once a day, since myrtle needs high humidity, and this should be remembered in winter, if the room with myrtle is above 15 ºC, and in summer. Water for water procedures and irrigation should be settled or passed through a filter.

Once a week or two from March to August, myrtle needs fertilizing. If you grow bonsai from myrtle or you are not interested in its flowering, then feed the plant with complex fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, but if you want to see myrtle flowering, then apply fertilizer for flowering plants.
Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period, the duration of which determines the location of the plant: if the myrtle hibernates in the cool or on the northern windowsill, then it can rest for up to three months, and if in warmth and in bright light, then only for one and a half months.

Caring for myrtle also involves giving its crown the desired shape. The formation of myrtle depends on what you grow it for. Many people like myrtle in the form of a standard tree with a neat compact crown, but there are people who do not care how the plant looks, as long as it “blooms and smells”. In any case, do not get too carried away with pruning the lateral shoots of young plants or pinching them excessively. On the other hand, myrtle grows quickly, regenerates easily, and you always have the opportunity to change your plans for its appearance. The main thing is that the formation of the crown should be performed in early spring or after flowering.

Young plants are transplanted annually, adult myrtles are transplanted as needed, which is determined in this way: if the freshly poured soil dries up within a day, then it is time to increase the amount of substrate, and, therefore, a larger pot will be needed. The pot is chosen only a couple of centimeters in diameter wider than the previous one. It is better to transplant in the spring, using the method of transferring a plant from an old container to a new one, since it does not injure the root system.
If you want to start propagating myrtle, then the best way to do this is cuttings, because it allows you to preserve the species and varietal characteristics of the plant. In addition, this is a much more reliable method of reproduction than seed, and plants from cuttings bloom faster than those from seeds - after three years. Therefore, if you want to grow a myrtle tree in your home, you do not need to buy seeds that quickly lose their ability to germinate, just do not hesitate to ask your friends for cutting after formative pruning. The best result is given by semi-lignified cuttings of the current year. You can take cuttings from January to February, or July, and it is better if they are from the lower or middle part of the crown. Remove the lower leaves from the 8-10 cm segment of the shoot, and shorten the upper ones by a third, and the largest ones by half. Treat the bottom cut with root or heteroauxin and plant for rooting in a mixture of leafy soil (one part) and coarse sand (half part), or sphagnum and sand in the same proportions. It is better to take a low and wide container for rooting, and it is advisable to cover the cutting from above with a glass jar. Rooting takes place at a temperature of 17-20 ºC in a shaded area. From time to time, the jar is removed for airing and so that the soil does not sour. Usually, the roots grow back within a month, and the rooted cutting is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7 cm in the same soil mixture. After a year, transplant it into a container with a diameter of 9 cm in the soil for an adult myrtle and care for it like an adult plant.

Myrtle is damaged by mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects, aphids, thrips and spider mites, which appear as a result of chronic violation of the rules for keeping the plant. The first five pests are destroyed by four times the treatment of myrtle with Aktara or Aktellik for a month. It is advisable to wash spider mites and thrips under the shower before processing with the same actelik. But than poisoning the plant with insecticides, it is better to prevent the invasion of insects, observing very simple rules for caring for it.

A frequently asked question from our readers: "What if the myrtle has dried up?" should sound differently: "What to do so that the myrtle does not dry out?" And the answer to this question is very simple: strictly follow the rules for keeping myrtle. If myrtle leaves dry out, it means that you did not take into account some of the recommendations of plant care specialists. Insufficient air humidity adversely affects the state of the foliage, especially if in winter the myrtle is in a room with a temperature above 18 ºC, where heating devices work, not only heating, but also drying the air. Myrtle also dries up if you forget to water it. Remember the rules for caring for a plant and follow them strictly, because it is much easier to prevent the death of a plant by taking preventive measures than to reanimate it later. Water and spray the myrtle regularly with standing water, keep it on a tray of wet pebbles, but so that the bottom of the pot does not stand in the water.

The leaves, young shoots and fruits of myrtle contain essential oil and active substances with a high antibacterial effect. Soviet scientists have developed a medicinal preparation - myrtle tincture, which is prepared from the mature leaves of the plant. Both the experience of traditional medicine and modern scientific research confirm that the use of myrtle in the treatment of serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis is highly effective. Myrtle tincture successfully copes with antibiotic-resistant strains of tubercle bacillus and staphylococcal infection, as well as purulent otitis media and severe smoker's cough. In addition, a preparation made from myrtle leaves is a natural stimulant of important life processes that increase efficiency and endurance to stress, it has no side effects and is prescribed even to children from one year of age. Doctors and botanists recommend keeping myrtle in bedrooms and nurseries because it makes the air in them cleaner and healthier. One plant is able to purify the air of bacteria in a room of 20 square meters. meters.

Myrtle has long been considered a strong amulet. But the plant will fulfill its purpose only under two conditions:

  • if it was planted by a woman - the mistress of the house;
  • if the owners of the plant are proud of their myrtle.

The signs of European peoples say: if myrtle grows in a house, there will be peace and love in it, but if the plant dies and is thrown away, happiness will leave this house along with the dead plant. Myrtle is not suitable for offices - it needs a family hearth.
But Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, believing that it condemns young boys and girls living in the house to loneliness.

In home floriculture, common myrtle (Myrtus communis) is most often grown with a short branched trunk covered with peeling red-brown bark scales. Leaves are green, oval-lanceolate, glossy, leathery, with a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white or pale pink with protruding stamens, the fruits are red-black berries. Blooms from June to August. Popular cultivars: "Tarentina" - a compact bush with smaller berries than the original form, but there are much more of them than common myrtle; the variegated variety has a creamy white pattern on green leaves.

Lush myrtle (Myrtus apiculata) is also interesting - a bush or tree with peeling brown bark, under which the trunk is creamy white. Leaves are dark green, elliptical, matte. White single flowers bloom in July-August, black and red fruits are edible.

- a tree with shiny green leaves with a wrinkled edge. This species is the most resistant of myrtle.
- an erect shrub with pinkish flowers and edible red berries. It has a variegated variety with a white-cream border around the edge of the leaves.

Under natural conditions, Myrtle communis usually grows up to 3-5 meters in height. In apartments, this flower has a height of 50-60 centimeters, occasionally it can grow up to 1 meter.

The plant is a tree with solid, dense leaves up to 5 centimeters long, from which essential oils are obtained. The latter are widely used in the perfumery and medicine industry.

Myrtle is popular for interior decoration in apartments and offices, for landscaping in personal plots. It grows slowly, relative to other indoor plants - under favorable conditions, its annual growth can be only 10-15 centimeters.

It tolerates pruning well, so flowers that are too overgrown can be cut, including to give the crown the required shape.

Myrtle communis has medicinal properties. Essential vapors can kill up to 80% of indoor microbes, including those that cause sore throat and tuberculosis. It is actively used in homeopathy.


You can visually familiarize yourself with the Myrtle Communis flower in the photo below:

Home care

Myrtle communis does not particularly require home care. The flower is demanding in terms of creating optimal conditions for it, and may not forgive the owner for forgotten watering, lack of feeding or too dry air.

Features of care after purchase

Myrtle is very sensitive to conditions during the adaptation period. So, the flower often sheds its leaves after purchase, due to the change in greenhouse conditions to indoor conditions. In this case, it is recommended to spray it with succinic acid or Epin, and temporarily place it under the bag.

Further, the plant needs to be ventilated every day (avoid drafts!), Ensure the supply of diffused bright light. During the adaptation period, try not to change either the lighting, or the irrigation mode, or the spraying frequency.


For the successful development of common myrtle, it needs to ensure the supply of a large amount of scattered light. It will tolerate short-term exposure to direct rays without problems, but when placing the pot on the south side of the apartment, you need to think about additional protection in the summer.

ATTENTION! The optimal location of the myrtle is on the west or east side. There he will receive enough light without the risk of burns. You can put it on the north window, but this can affect the quality of flowering.

By the flower, you can immediately determine the lack of light - its branches will be thin, the leaves will become small, sparse and acquire a light green hue. When transferring myrtle from a dark zone to a more illuminated one, it cannot be done abruptly - it must be gradually accustomed to the increased amount of light.


For growth in the summer, a moderate temperature is needed - within + 18-20 degrees. And here in winter, on the contrary, it is desirable to provide myrtle with a temperature of + 6-8 degrees. In this case, it will bloom profusely and beautifully in the summer.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to create such conditions for the wintering period, then the plant may well spend this time in an ordinary room, but then it must be thoroughly watered and sprayed.

Without it in winter, the flower will most likely lose all its leaves, but this is not dangerous. It is important to continue watering and in the spring it will turn green again, however, it will not bloom this year.

Air humidity

Myrtle communis loves humidity, and therefore it must be constantly sprayed from spring to autumn. In winter, if the room temperature is observed, it is not required.


It is necessary to produce only with separated water, do not use chlorinated or hard water. In the period from spring to autumn, abundant watering is carried out when the topsoil dries up. In winter, subject to the conditions for temperature (+ 6-8 degrees) - watering is rare, limited, otherwise thorough. The earth must not be allowed to turn into a dry ball, but if this happens, then it is recommended to immerse the entire pot in water.

Also excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot is detrimental to myrtle- this can lead to rotting of the root system, its defeat by bacteria and fungus. After watering, the water from the sump must be drained.

ATTENTION! A good guide to the need for watering is the tips of the branches. The moment the earth begins to dry out, they go down. If you skip watering, the branches will finally droop and the plant will shed its leaves.


Myrtle blooms with fragrant white flowers that appear in early summer. The flowering intensity can be reduced from unfavorable wintering conditions, excessive shearing of young plants. Raised from a seed, he begins to bloom from 3-5 years of age.

Pollination can be done with a brush. If the procedure is successful, dark blue juicy berries appear in the fall. When ripe, seeds can be obtained from them, which are later used for reproduction.

Fertilizers (top dressing)

To stimulate growth, top dressing can be done from spring to autumn, once every two weeks. In this case, organic or mineral fertilizers are used. There is no need for top dressing in winter. It is not advisable to use mixtures containing lime. After transplanting, fertilization must be suspended for 1-1.5 months.


The best time for this is early spring, before the beginning of the flowering period. Young plants need to be replanted every year, choosing a pot 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one. It is important not to bury the base of the barrel in the ground during the operation. In the future, you can carry out the procedure once every 2-3 years, changing the upper and lower layers of the soil, filling up fresh drainage. The optimal composition of the soil is one part of peat, humus and sand, and two parts of sod land.

ATTENTION! For drainage, it is best to use expanded clay or washed pebbles. In no case should you use foam for these purposes - it compresses under the pressure of the soil, preventing it from breathing, which leads to acidification and decay of the roots.


It is carried out with the help of seeds and shoots. Seeds are sown on top of the soil, after which it is poured over it in a thin layer. Germination of myrtle seeds is carried out 1-2 weeks after sowing.

Planting by cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. To do this, take semi-lignified cuttings 5-8 centimeters in size, the cut is processed with a root formation stimulator.


After planting the seeds, the pot is covered with foil or glass, periodically ventilated and the temperature is maintained at about +19 degrees. After 1-2 leaves appear on the shoots, they can be planted in individual pots. It begins to bloom in 5 years.

If the cuttings are planted in a pot, it is covered with foil or glass and placed at a temperature of + 18-20 degrees. The cutting takes root within 3-4 weeks... After that, young plants can be planted in separate 7 cm pots. When the roots have filled the entire container, the lump is transferred into a new large pot.

Diseases and pests

Myrtle cannot be called too picky, but nevertheless it is sensitive to air temperature, humidity and light. Violation of this may result in the following problems:

  • leaves turn yellow, begin to curl- the flower gets sunburn, it is necessary to protect it from direct rays or move to a more shaded place;
  • leaves are small, pale in color- there is not enough lighting, it is necessary to move it closer to the light;
  • the plant has dropped its leaves is myrtle's standard defensive reaction to adverse conditions. These may include lack of light, high air temperature, lack of watering.

With a strong overflow, rotting of the base of the stem and root system begins, and a fungal disease occurs. Unfortunately, in this case, it is almost impossible to cure myrtle and it dies.

Due to a violation of the conditions, some types of pests may appear - spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects or aphids. All of them, except for the scabbard, are treated by rinsing with running water and treatment with insecticides.

In the case of the scabbard, it is necessary to find unaffected processes and use them for grafting. The rest of the flower will have to be destroyed.

Myrtle is a wonderful evergreen that can be used to grow bonsai. It does not require excessive maintenance, however, it may not forgive forgotten watering.

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