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What lichens are found in the middle Urals. Forms of lichens and their names. Geological formation and relief

Lichen is traditionally considered such an association of fungus and algae, which has a thallus. Its “frame” is provided by a fungus, and it also holds the algae with the help of special suction cups (compare with “marine lichen”). An important property is the ability of these organisms to produce their own acids. The association may include 1 species of fungus and 2 species of algae or cyanobacteria. The oldest finds include specimens found in China in marine fossils 550-640 million years ago. The first mentions are found in the illustrated book of Theophrastus of the 300s BC.

In botany, these organisms are not distinguished into a separate taxonomic group. All species are named according to the component of the fungus (for example, xanthoria).

By the nature of the thallus, lichens are distinguished:

  • homogeneous on the cut (colemma). This species includes scale lichens;
  • heterogeneous (cladonia, xanthoria). Representatives of this species are bushy forms. Such forms are often colored heterogeneously.

A variety of lichens are distinguished mainly by life forms.:

All members of this family have symbiotic associations with green algae (trebuxia), which is why they are considered very representative specimens (about 50% of the varieties include this component).

There are representatives of bushy and leafy forms. Parmelias, within the same species, are found in various colors: white, gray, with the presence of green, yellow or brown shades. When cut, they can be homogeneous and heterogeneous. When applied to the thallus of potassium lye, it begins to turn yellow.

Due to the extremely high morphological diversity and complexity, many specimens are difficult to accurately identify to the species level.

The family is distributed in all climatic regions (from the tropics to the Arctic), species can grow on many types of substrate: on the trunks and branches of various tree species (living and dead), as well as on stones. Prefers places with good lighting. Relatively easily adapts to the polluted air of large cities.

The example of parmelia shows that the classification of lichens according to forms does not always correspond to the actual situation.

The name "cut grass" was given to the genus for its hemostatic properties. Red Army soldiers used parmelia powder to treat wounds during World War II. It has also been used as a flour additive.

Problematic and useful reindeer moss

It is often not clear which groups of lichens belong to the reindeer moss. This name may include the following types:

  • representatives of the clans Cladonia and Cetraria;
  • bushy lichens;
  • leafy lichens;
  • scale lichens.

Many "popular sources" consider reindeer moss and "reindeer moss" to be exact synonyms, but this is not the case. In these species, a leafy thallus develops first, which later turns into a bushy one. These are the exceptions to the rule.

Yagel in the service of history

Scale lichens helped to find out the age of the stone idols of Easter Island. Comparison of photographs taken about 100 years ago with modern measurements helped to calculate the average growth of this plant per year. Now, thanks to extreme species, scientists are clarifying data on the movements of glaciers and changes in their size.

Found under the layers of volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius, the orange-colored fabric materials appear to have been treated with dyes based on a local species of xanthoria.

It is known that the Vikings used reindeer moss in baking, so the finds of its components may be evidence of their stay in remote places.

Application in medicine

Due to the high content of usnic acid, sometimes up to 10 percent by weight, many have the properties of antibiotics and analgesics. According to some reports, this substance is able to slow down the development of tuberculosis. But remember, a large amount of acid is a contraindication, not a desirable indicator, as there is a health hazard. For this reason, bearded lichen and many types of reindeer moss need to be soaked in a solution of baking soda or for a longer time in clean running water. Derivatives of this acid are able to kill many types of bacteria and suppress the reproduction of highly resistant ones that have developed resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The peoples of the north use the healing properties of "deer moss" in folk remedies.

Cetraria have found application in the production of drugs against diarrhea, viral and microbial types of colds, to stimulate the feeling of hunger in case of gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications: preparations based on reindeer moss are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women due to the individual sensitivity of young children and the tendency to develop allergies.

If you start using "natural preparations", do not forget to get advice from qualified specialists.

Use in the food industry

During the civil war, due to a shortage of wheat flour, they found use for dried lichens stored in the warehouses of pharmacists.

In northern countries, reindeer moss is used for feeding small and large cattle and pigs due to its high satiety, which is three times higher than that of potatoes. In Sweden, even today, folk alcoholic drinks are brewed based on lichens.

Recently, an innovative project was launched in Yamal to make bread, spices and even confectionery. They promise that the following fast food menu will appear: croutons, for the production of which yeast is not needed, several types of sauce, buns and other goodies. We must not forget that due to the novelty of products, contraindications have not yet been fully studied.

Determination of the ecological situation

With an increase in air pollution, fruticose lichens first disappear, then foliose, and last - scale (elegant xanthoria). Due to the change in color of xanthoria, the butterflies of industrial territories also change their color, usually to dark gray shades.

The closer to the center of contamination is the indicator organism, the thicker its body becomes. With increasing concentration, it occupies a smaller area and reduces the number of fruiting bodies. With severe atmospheric pollution, the surface of most lichens acquires white, brown or purple hues. The most terrible pollutant for them is sulfur dioxide. If you suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, and found the above features of these organisms, then you can perceive this as a contraindication to further living in such a place.

The Northern Urals is part of the Ural Mountains. Its territories stretch from Kosvinsky and Konzhavsky Stones to the Telposis massif itself. On the north side it is washed by the river Shchuger.

The Northern Urals is quite a deaf and forgotten region. One of its peaks is Bear Corner. There is practically no population here. In the mountains, impenetrable forests and viscous swamps grow.

On the territories of the Northern Urals there are patches of permafrost and small glaciers.

Despite the harsh climate and difficult conditions of stay, the Northern Urals is very popular with tourists. The Dyatlov Pass is one of the most famous peaks, which is constantly conquered by extreme people.

Flora of the Northern Urals

The Northern Urals is a place of formations of taiga forests, subalpine meadows and swamps.

The plains located at the foot of the mountains represent the taiga zone. Coniferous forests grow here, covered with a thick layer of moss. In some taiga regions, spruce and birch forests can be found. They also grow fir and mountain ash. Honeysuckle, wolf's bast and currant grow in the undergrowth. The spruce-fir taiga is famous for its large amount of blueberries, blueberries, cranberries and cloudberries.

The eastern slopes of the Northern Urals are somewhat different from the western. Here, for the most part, pine forests grow, in which birch, cedar and spruce are found. The soil of the eastern swamps is suitable for the growth of polar birch, wild rosemary, heather and sedge. Oriental vegetation is also characterized by the presence of larches, in the undergrowth of which juniper, raspberry, alder and currant grow.

Mountain vegetation is represented by low-growing trees - birch and cedar. And the upper border of the forests is a birch crooked forest, with wild rosemary and blueberries. Behind these forests, alpine meadows and shrub tundra begin, in which only mosses and lichens can be found.

The Northern Urals is rich in medicinal plants. Here grow: medium chickweed, St.

Fauna of the Northern Urals

At times, the taiga can seem completely devoid of life. But it's not.

Kosach live in the swamps of the Northern Urals.

In the taiga forests one can hear the sounds of black grouse and crossbill. Also here you can often hear the loud cry of the nutcracker. Tits are one of the main representatives of the birds of the Northern Urals. There are bullfinches on the tops of the trees. And the main nurses of the forests are woodpeckers.

Of the large animals in the Northern Urals, you can meet brown bears, elks, foxes, lynxes, ermines and reindeer. Also, the conditions of the Urals are suitable for the life of wolverines and wolves.

Sables, martens, weasels, columns and minks have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Northern Urals. The paws of small predators are somewhat wider than those of the inhabitants of the southern forests. However, the number of some of them has significantly decreased due to poaching.

Badger and otter are quite rare species in the Northern Urals.

Squirrels and chipmunks live on the crowns of trees. Most often they can be found in abandoned bird holes and nests.

A large number of rodents live here - a forest vole, a mouse, a baby mouse, but the largest rodent of these places is a beaver.

Also unusual shrew mammals live in the shade of tree trunks. They are very similar to mice, they differ only in the muzzle - they have it extended into the trunk.

A huge number of insects live in the Northern Urals. Beautiful and pleasant butterflies - mother-of-pearl Eugene, large forest mother-of-pearl, poplar ribbon, Apollo Phoebus, admiral, blue sash, black marble. And not very pleasant, but numerous representatives of insects - lamellar lamellar, short-tailed bilobed stonefly, uniform articular joint, ant lion, shiny ground beetle and others.

Climate in the Northern Urals

The duration and climate of spring depend on the territories. In the north, spring lasts about 2 months, and in the south, 1 month. The climate is sharply continental, so the temperature can be both low below zero, and warm, and even hot, when spring is abruptly replaced by summer weather.

In summer, the days are very hot with temperatures up to +30°C, but the heat alternates with cool days, abruptly replacing each other.

Autumn in the Northern Urals lasts a little less than 3 months. In September, precipitation begins in the form of rain and snow, and the temperature again drops to -9 degrees.

In the Northern Urals, the longest and most severe winter, closer to the south, the climate becomes more favorable. The average duration of this season is 7 months. The average temperature is -22 degrees.

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Volkova Alla Maksimovna Alpine epilithic lichens on the main rocks of the Northern Urals: silt RSL OD 61:85-3 / 99


CHAPTER I. History of the study of lichen flora of the Urals. 5-12

CHAPTER II . Natural conditions of the study area

1. Geological formation and relief 13-17

2. Petrographic description of the main rocks 17-21

3. Climate 22-35

4. Soils 26

5. Vegetation 27-28

CHAPTER III. Method of work and basic material 29-31

CHAPTER IV. Synopsis of lichen flora on the main rocks of the Kytlym massif 32 -128

CHAPTER V . Taxonomic and geographical analysis of the lichen flora. Taxonomic characteristics 129 -136

6. Features of lichen flora 136 -139

7. Geographical characteristics 139 -145

CHAPTER VI. The main lichen and moss-lichen groups on dunites, pyroxenites and gabbro 146 -184

Conclusions 185 -186

References 187 -205

Introduction to work

Relevance of the topic . One of the most important problems of modern botany is the development of the foundations for the rational use and protection of the plant world, the solution of which is impossible without a detailed study of various groups of plants, including lichens. This is especially important in areas where lichens are poorly studied. Lichenological studies of limited (concrete flora according to A.I. Tolmachev) territories are now gaining significant importance with the clarification of the species composition of the flora and distribution, the ecology of species, the genesis of the flora and the role of lichen groups in plant communities, especially in those where lichens dominate. In the Urals, in a mountainous country with a wide variety of ecological conditions, the study of lichens in high mountains is of particular interest, where lichens participate in the early stages of colonization of bare substrate by vegetation. The study of the flora and vegetation of lichens provides material for the development of issues of conservation of the gene pool of rare species and the protection of unique plant communities. In recent years, due to the increased interest in lichens as sensitive indicators of the state of the environment, the problem of studying lichens has become of great importance for the industrial Urals.

Purpose and tasks of the work . The main goal of this work is to give a comprehensive description of the lichen component of the vegetation cover of the highlands of the Northern Urals (using the example of the Kytlym massif). The tasks of the work included: I) identification of the species composition of lichens on three main rocks in high mountain belts;

    taxonomic and geographical analysis of the lichen flora of the area;

    establishing the confinement and characteristics of the flora of lichens on dunites, pyroxenites and gabbro; 4) phytocenological characteristic

teak of the main lichen groups.

Scientific novelty and practical value of the work . The floristic complex of lichens on the main rocks in the high mountain belts of the Northern Urals was studied for the first time (on the example of the Kytlym massif). Information was obtained on the distribution and habitat conditions of 188 species, varieties and forms of lichens. The characteristics and comparison of the flora of lichens on dunites, pyroxenites and gabbro are given, the confinement of lichens to the substrate is revealed, common and rare species are indicated. Information about the lichen flora of the Urals has been supplemented, new species are given: 168 - for the study area, 95 - for the Northern Urals, 65 - for the Urals, I species - for the USSR. 2 species and I variety of lichens are described - new to science (Volkova, 1966). The ideas about the distribution of many lichen species in the study area and in the Urals have been significantly expanded, which contributes to the resolution of a number of general problems of phytogeography.

The work is of practical importance for detailed studies of the vegetation cover of the boreal highlands. The results of the study are used in Volume I of the "Key to Lichens of the USSR" and in compiling subsequent volumes.

The data obtained can be used in environmental monitoring to substantiate measures for the protection of high-mountain ecosystems.

Geological formation and relief

The Kytlym mountain range is located in the southern part of the Northern Urals and forms a kind of ring - continuous in the north and broken in the south. The northern part of the ring is an arcuate latitudinal ridge, over which individual peaks rise: Konzhakovsky (1570 m), Tylaysky (1470 m), Serebryansky (1302 m) Stones. Kosvinsky Kamen (1520 m) is separated by a small depression to the south-west of this ridge. The eastern branch of the ring is Sukhogorsky Stone (1201 m) with spurs (Fig. 1).

The Kytlym massif can be divided into two parts according to the rock composition: the western dunite-pyroxenite-tylaite and the eastern gabbro (Efimov, Efimova, 1967). Within the massif, several concentric structures are clearly distinguished, created both by banding and by the contours of zones of different petrographic composition.

The studies were carried out in the southern part of the Kytlym massif, which includes two concentric structures: in the west - Kosvinskaya, in the east - Sukhogorskaya (Fig. 2). The structure of Kosvinsky K. has a triangular plan with rounded corners. The central part is composed of monotonous olivine pyroxenites with numerous small and one large, irregularly shaped dunite body - known as the Kosvinsky Shoulder (Fig. 3). From the west and southwest, pyroxenites are bordered by a band of tylaites, which, in turn, is surrounded by another band of pyroxenites, which hosts the meridionally elongated dunite body of Sosnovsky Uval.

The Kosva structure does not constitute a single whole with the Kytlym massif itself and is separated from it by the Kytlymits. The structure of Kosvinsky K. can be considered as a separate intrusion. The Sukhogorsk concentric structure is oriented along the meridian with its long axis and extends from north to south for more than 20 km. Its periphery in the east, southeast and south is composed of gab-bronorites, most of them are banded olivine gabbro and troctolites. The direction of the ridges and spurs within the massif is determined by the direction of the parallel textures in the hypermafic and gabbroids. The peaks of the gabbro mountains are rocky and very dry. Their slopes are covered with fine gravel placers and screes. Gabbro are weakly weathered, the resulting fine earth is carried down and tundras are abundant on the slopes of the mountains (Fig. 4). The slopes of the mountains, composed of piroc-senites and dunites, are usually quite steep. On their tops, there are frequent heaps of boulders up to 3-6 m high. The areas of fine earth on the top and slopes of the mountains are covered with mountain tundra. The slopes of high mountains are steep, covered with large-block placers, which, in the form of individual tongues, sometimes descend to the very foot. The dunites in the area under study are strongly sheared, broken into packs of thin sheets, which, when destroyed, turn almost into rubble (Fig. 5). The weathering products of dunites are characterized by increased water permeability. Fine earth accumulated in crevices between dunite blocks quickly loses moisture, which explains the somewhat xeromorphic appearance of the flora of dunite rocks (Gorchakovekiy, 1975). An indicator of the destructibility of the rock is their fracturing, which determines the shape and size of the fragments, the rate of destruction of the rock, and, consequently, the rate of entry of clastic material into talus and placers. More fractured rocks are destroyed faster. The rocks studied by us make up a series of decreasing resistance to weathering: gabbro-pyroxenites - dunites. Petrographic description of the main rocks Data on the petrographic description and chemistry of rocks are given according to the reports of geological parties (Dibner, Dibner and Chernyak, 1948) and studies carried out by geologists in 1955-1959 (Efimov and Ivanova, 1963; Efimov, 1963; Efimov and Efimova, 1967). The rocks of the study area are classified as ultrabasic (dunites and pyroxenites) and basic (gabbro). They are poor in alkalis and undersaturated in silica.

Dunites in a fresh break are dark green in color. It is a dense rock with no visible graininess. In bedrock outcrops, dunites are always covered with a weathering crust, the color and thickness of which depend on the iron content of olivine: dunites usually have a light yellow crust, which, with increasing iron content, i.e. during the transition of dunite to metadunite, it becomes thinner and acquires a brownish or reddish color. Dunites are composed of olivine and a small amount of accessory chromite. There is no pyroxene in normal dunite; it appears in the marginal zones of dunite bodies, during the transition to metadunites and pyroxenites.

Pyroxenites are medium to coarse-grained rocks that are dark or greenish-gray in a fresh fracture. The color of the weathering crust depends on the amount of olivine: the most olivine-rich rock varieties have a red-brown thin relief crust, the depressions of which are composed of olivine, and the protrusions are composed of pyroxene and titanomagnetite. During the weathering of ore pyroxenites, titanomagnetite appears on the crust in the form of porous slag-like growths. The total iron content of pyroxenites varies over a very wide range.

Gabbro (mainly olivine) are found in the central part of the Sukhogorsk structure. The main minerals of olivine gabbro-basic plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine and titanomagnetite. Olivine gabbro are distinguished by a variety of structures, textures and composition. It is difficult to single out any middle type - there are all transitions. All varieties of olivine gabbro differ from other basic rocks in terms of weathering crust - olivine stands out in it in the form of rusty spots.

Banded structures are ubiquitous. In most cases, the banding appears to be perfectly straight, less often it forms smooth bends that are observed within a single block or a separate outlet. Gabbro and pyroxenites differ from dunites in high content of calcium compounds (Table I). Gabbro also contains a rather high percentage of aluminum compounds, and pyroxenites contain manganese and iron compounds. In dunites, magnesium compounds are predominant.


The climate of the Kytlymek mountain range is continental with cold windy winters and cool rainy summers. The winter is long and severe, from the end of October a continuous snow cover is established up to 3 m thick on the western and 0.7 m on the eastern slope. Snow lies until the end of May. On the southern slopes of the mountains, the snow cover often compacts and settles, forming dense crusts that persist until mid-late July (Dibner, Dibner and Chernyak, 1948). Winter is replaced by a cold long spring with frosts lasting until early June. Summer in the mountains is short, cool and rainy. Summer rains lead to floods. On the rivers Lobva, Tylai, the water level rises by 1.5-2 m. The main source of nutrition is melted snow water - up to 57% (Kemmerich, 1961).

The climatic conditions of the highlands differ sharply from those of the surrounding plains, however, it is necessary to use the indicators of the nearest meteorological stations: Upper Kosva and Rastyos, located in the deep mountain valleys of the western slope of the Ural Range, as well as the Karpinsk (Bogoslovska) meteorological station, located in the eastern foothills (Reference book on the climate of the USSR, 1965, 1968). All stations are located at the same latitude as the study area within a radius of 30 to 60 km.

The average long-term annual temperature in the highlands is below zero, the average monthly temperatures in January range from -17 to -19, in July - from +14 to +17 (Table 2). Absolute minimum temperatures in winter fall from -52 to -55, summer maximum temperatures reach +35 (Moshkin, Olenev and Shuvalov, 1966). The amount and distribution of precipitation during the year is determined by western cyclones and relief features (Table 3). Precipitation in the study area is about 800 mm (Kuvshinova, 1968). Table 2 The amount of summer precipitation is much higher than that of winter (solid precipitation is 20-40% of annual). In winter and summer, southwestern winds dominate here, carrying a large amount of precipitation. The mountain range around the village of Kytlym is an obstacle to air masses coming from the west. Most of the precipitation lingers on the western slope of the mountains; the eastern slopes are poorer in precipitation. Snow in the mountains falls very early. In 1962, we observed the first snow on Kosvinsky K. August 1 (Fig. b). According to the observations of I.K. Bulatova (1978), the formation of a stable snow cover on the peaks of the Kytlym mountains occurs from September 1 to 30. North and northwest winds rage on the mountain passes. The mountains are mostly covered with clouds. In the treeless mountain-tundra belt of the massif, heavy winter precipitation almost does not linger, but is carried away by the wind to the underlying belts. From the flat surfaces of saddles and upland terraces, snow is often completely blown out, with stone blocks and soil exposed (Dolgushin, 1940). The snow cover in the mountain-tundra belt, despite its low thickness, is characterized by high density.

The average value of relative humidity in the mountains of the massif is increased (80%) due to frequent dense fogs and low clouds; the amount of precipitation is about 100 mm more than in the flat areas of the study area. There are no large rivers within the Kytlym massif, since it is located on the watershed and includes the upper reaches: on one side of the river. Kosva with tributaries (Kama basin), and on the other - the Lobva and Kakva rivers with tributaries (Ob basin). Almost all rivers are mountainous; their regime is unstable and depends on the amount of precipitation.

Information about the soils of the highland regions of the Northern Urals is contained in the works of E.N. Ivanova (1947); K.P. Bogatyreva, N.A. Nogina (1962); V.P. Firsova (1970); P.L. Gorchakovsky (1975). The formation of soils in the highlands is closely related to the destruction of stone placers with the accumulation of fine earth, so here you can observe a number of transitions from the very initial stages of soil formation (stone blocks) to well-formed soils of the subalpine and mountain forest belts.

Organic residues accumulated between stone blocks (mainly dead lichens and mosses) form a primitive accumulative soil. It consists of a peaty dark brown mass containing small particles of collapsing rock. On a thin eluvium of rocks under the tundra, mountain tundra soils are developed that have the character of soil eluuvium. The upper horizon of the mountain-tundra soils is humus-peaty, it contains much more decomposed plant residues than mineral particles. There is no clear division into genetic horizons. Soils are highly acidic.

The meadows of the subalpine belt are characterized by soddy mountain-meadow soils. They are characterized by a thickness of up to 40-45 cm, a clear division into genetic horizons. According to the mechanical composition, they are medium or heavy loamy, the reaction is slightly acidic (Mikhailova, Mikhailov, 1967).

The soils of low-growing forests of the subalpine belt and forests in the mountain forest belt are soddy mountain-forest acidic, clayey or loamy, developing on gravel eluvium. They have a uniform profile of brown-brown color with almost no division into horizons, are characterized by the absence of signs of podzolization, and the accumulation of iron in the upper mineral horizons.

The Kytlym mountain range, according to its position in the system of botanical-geographical zonality, belongs to the subzone of the northern taiga of the boreal-forest zone (Gorchakovsky, 1965). On the slopes of the highest mountains, the following vegetation belts can be traced: mountain forest, subalpine, mountain tundra, belt of cold alpine deserts (Gorchakovsky, 1966, 1966a, 1975). We give a description of the alpine vegetation on the example of Kosvinsky Stone (Gorchakovsky, Nikonova, Famelis, Sharafutdinov, 1977). Coniferous forests of the taiga type predominate in the mountain-forest belt: spruce forests, spruce-fir-cedar and bered forests. The forests are sparse, and arctic shrubs predominate in the herbaceous-shrub-bush layer (Famelis, 1977). The mountain-forest belt rises to 850-900 m above sea level. The forest boundary on the southern slope of Kosvinsky Kamen, on average, rises to 961 m above sea level. (Gorchakovsky, Shiyatov, 1970), on Kosvinsky Shoulder up to 761 m a.s.l., on Kolpak mountain up to 805 m a.s.l., on the 1st-4th Hillocks of the pass hill of the Sukhogorsk structure from 828 to 907 m above sea level In the subalpine belt, small forests of birch-spruce and fir-spruce forbs-grass are common in combination with fragments of mountain tundra, sparse cedar low forests of shrub-green power in combination with shrub-lichen mountain tundra, crooked birch birch blueberry in combination with cereal meadows, crooked birch forests are large-grass in combination with tall grass and grass meadows. Stone placers are numerous in the subalpine belt. The belt rises up to 1000 m above sea level. In the mountain-tundra belt - various types of mountain tundra, grass-moss in combination with near-snow lawns (on the flat horizontal surfaces of plateaus, saddles and upland terraces), shrub-moss (on the gentle and even ditch - 28 ny surfaces of saddles and upland terraces of the southern slope ), shrub-lichen and shrub-moss-lichen (on the sloping and gentle slopes of the northern and western exposures), lichen tundra with a predominance of foliose and fruticose lichens (on the sloping slopes of high levels near the summit). The largest area in the mountain-tundra belt is occupied by primary labile plant communities of scale, leafy and fruticose lichens on large boulders and large rubble on steep and moderately steep slopes of different exposures. Fragments of the formed mountain tundra occupy small areas and are located on slopes with a layer of fine earth among large-block stone placers.


Our research was carried out in the high mountain belts of the Kytlym mountain range in 1962-64. Using the geological map of the study area, we laid out routes for the most complete identification of the lichen flora on dunites, pyroxenites and gabbro; samples were collected on rocks of different composition, at altitudes from 700 to 1520 m above sea level, on slopes of different exposures, in various habitats. In our work, we adopted the following division of habitats: I. on stones, 2. on fine earth up to 2 cm thick, 3. on fine earth up to 5 cm thick.

When describing lichen vegetation in the studied massif, generally accepted methods were used (Oksner, 1927, 1961, 1962). Sample areas 20x20 cm in size were described in the amount of 15-35 for each grouping. In the characteristics of the habitat, the following were consistently indicated: geographical position, height above sea level. m., position in the relief - steepness and exposure of the slope, exposure of the stone on which the test site is located, location of the site (on vertical, horizontal or angled surfaces of stones), environment, moisture conditions (visually), rock or fine earth.

In each description, the species composition of lichens and mosses (as well as higher plants, if any) was noted. Particular attention in the work was paid to the projective cover, since in lichen groups it is one of the important quantitative indicators. The projective cover was estimated using a square frame with a grid stretched every 2 cm (the cell was 4 cm), which ensured the determination of the cover with satisfactory accuracy. For each species, the average coverage was calculated. Groupings were distinguished according to dominants and constant characteristic species.

To characterize the phytocenotic role of individual species, we determined their constancy or the degree of constancy, which is estimated, according to the generally accepted methodology, as the occurrence of a species expressed as a percentage in a series of descriptions. We used a constancy scale of 10 classes with a class interval of 10%.

The ecological similarity between the species in each grouping was determined by the method of correlations, or constellations, by De Vries (De Vries, 1953), which made it possible to identify (without mathematical proportionality) species in each grouping that are equally demanding on the habitat. encounters of 2 types, c is the number of sites where the 1st type is present, c is the number of sites where the 2nd type is present. The obtained values ​​of K were grouped by classes, and all the results of data processing by this method are presented in graphical form (see Chapter b).

In order to assess the floristic proximity of the groups, we calculated the value of the coefficient of commonality of the species composition according to Jacquecard (Jaocard, 1901): Q.j = - . 100% a + b - c where C is the number of species common to the two groupings, a and b are the number of species in the compared groupings. Regarding the communities of higher plants, there are indications (Norin, 19b5) that if Q is 51%, then the floristic composition is almost identical. For lichen groups, there are no such attachments yet.

In cases where the same grouping was represented on two different species, we used a more rigorous method for assessing the degree of floristic commonality - calculating the upper critical limit for the number of common species in a pairwise comparison of plots, taking into account the total number of species in a given series of descriptions and comparing the actual number of common species with the theoretically expected

In total, more than 3000 lichen samples were collected on rocks of different composition, 223 geobotanical descriptions were made (55 on dunites, 68 on gabbro, 100 on pyroxenites), including 80 lichen species, 5 bryophyte species and 7 species of higher plants. A total of 10 groups were identified.

Features of lichen flora

To clarify the general botanical and geographical patterns and for purely floristic purposes, the method that A.N. Oksner (1974) designated as statistical and floristic has recently become widely used. It requires an accurate count of the number of species, genera, and families of the flora under study. These indicators make it possible to draw a conclusion about the greater or lesser floristic richness of the compared floras in general, and especially the floras of territories that are similar in their features and area. Comparative floristry was developed by the works of A.I. Tolmachev (1931,1970). The analysis of the systematic structure of floras (composition and sequence of arrangement of families leading by the number of species in compared floras) is used in the works of many botanists (Zaki and Schmidt, 1972; Schmidt, 1974).

An interesting analysis of the possibilities of using this method in comparative floristics was made in the recently published book by N.S. Golubkova (1983) "Analysis of the lichen flora of Mongolia". On the example of the analysis of the quantitative ratio of various systematic groups of flowering plants in the floras of various floristic regions of the globe, it was shown that, on the whole, the set of "leading families" is very stable (Tolmachev, 1970). Obviously, there is a parity that regulates the number of species of certain systematic groups of plants within a vast floristic region. At the same time, the constancy of the systematic structure of floras within the limits of natural floristic regions is noted even for territories that differ in area. In addition, it is revealed with sufficient certainty even with a relatively incomplete inventory of regional floras. Some quantitative relationships that characterize the systematic structure of the flora seem to have very deep roots and reflect significant botanical and geographical patterns (Tolmachev, 1970). Quantitative ratios between species of different families naturally change depending on the latitudinal position of the corresponding spaces; they are specific primarily for certain floristic areas and should undoubtedly reflect their inherent features of florogenesis and the relationship between it and a complex of natural factors (Golubkova, 1983). A comparative analysis of the systematic structure of the boreal (Arctic and forest) lichen floras of the temperate Holarctic was given in the works of Soviet lichenologists (Golubkova et al., 1979; Makarova, 1979, 1979a; Andreev, 1980); Sedelnikova, 1977).

To identify the features of the lichen flora studied by us, we used the data on the composition of the leading lichen families (Table 7) in the floras of the Chukotka Peninsula and Mountain Shoria, given by N.S. Golubkova (1983). Being well aware of the unevenness of the compared regions in terms of area and natural conditions, we note a certain similarity of lichen floras, due in the 1st case to the abundance of tundra species in the compared floras and high-mountain lichens in the 2nd case. The three leading families in terms of the number of species in all compared floras are the following families: Leoideaceae, Parmeliaoeae, Cladoniaoeae. Table 7 Composition of the leading lichen families in some boreal floras (given after Golubkova, 1983) is very high. Family: Chukotsky Peninsula: (Makarova, 1979) : Gornaya Shoria: (Sidelnikova, 1977) : High-mountain: of the Urals: (Volkova,! i North-EYA4ya) west east: USU±a / families (on the Chukotka Peninsula and in Gornaya Shoria about a third of the species, we have almost half). The poorer the species of the flora, the fewer families contain half of its composition. Correspondingly, with an increase in geographical latitude (as well as in height above sea level), the structure of floras undergoes successive simplification in parallel with the impoverishment of the species composition (Tolmachev, 1970). Our data conform to this "general law". The flora of lichens in the high-mountain belts of the Kytlym massif is more moderate in comparison with the arctic floras (family Lecideaoeae ranks 3rd in it). The lichen flora studied by us differs from both compared ones in the high position of typical epiliths from the fam. Umbilioariaoeae (4th place) and typical xerotic lichens from the fam. Aspioiliaoeae (7th-8th place). The remaining families occupy almost the same places with compared lichenofloras: fam. Lecanoraoeae u Pertusariaceae (4-5-6), Physoiaceae (6-7-8), Telosohistaoeae (6,9,10) . Among the differences in the compared lichen floras, we include the absence in our collections of representatives of the family. verruca giaoeae and representatives of forest floras from the fam. Caliciaceae.