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Chickpeas (mutton peas, chick peas, nakhat, shish, nahud). What is the secret of chickpeas, the benefits and harms of which are widely discussed among adherents of a healthy diet Sprouted chickpeas - the benefits and harms

One of the vegetable crops, the history of cultivation and use of which goes back millennia, is chickpeas. Traditionally, it was cultivated in countries with warm climates, but now it is gaining more and more popularity around the world. It is easy to grow it not only in the middle lane, but even in Siberia, and the taste, nutritional value and usefulness make the vegetable a valuable addition to the diet.

Origin and description of culture

Other names for chickpea peas are mutton ( Cicer arietinum), Turkish. One of them comes from the shape of the grain, which looks like a ram's head with a bird's beak. The family of culture is legumes. It is an annual plant with an erect stem 18 to 70 cm long. The pods are short and swollen. Each contains from one to three grains, the color of which is from yellow to dark brown, weighing 0.15-0.30 g (depending on the variety and growing conditions). The crop is self-pollinated, sometimes cross-pollination occurs.

Chickpeas are thermophilic, but hardy: they germinate at 3-6 ° C, and young plants survive short-term frosts up to -3-10 ° C without loss. Nevertheless, during flowering and fruit formation, a temperature of 24-30 ° C is desirable.

It is believed that chickpeas were first cultivated in Central Asia many years before our era: lamb peas were found in the excavations of the sites of the Bronze Age. Now it is cultivated not only there, but also in India, the Mediterranean region, East Africa, China, and Europe. The popularity of chickpea is evidenced by the fact that it ranks third in the world among the legumes consumed in the world, yielding to green peas and beans. Despite the demand for this plant, not all of our compatriots know what chickpeas are. Although this healthy vegetable could be a valuable addition to the diet at any time of the year.

Where does chickpea grow

Almost 90% of the area occupied by chickpea crops falls on the countries of tropical and subtropical Asia - India, Pakistan, China. Lamb peas are among the ten most cultivated crop products in Australia.

In Russia, chickpeas are more often cultivated in the North Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Stavropol Territory, in Western Siberia and in the southeastern regions of the country.

Chickpeas do not make high demands on the quality of soils, but they do not like heavy ones - clayey, loamy. The range of a suitable pH for a vegetable is 6-9.

The benefits of chickpeas

Chickpea grains consist of one third of protein, which is close to egg in quality. They contain high quality fats and proteins, a lot of calcium, fiber, potassium and magnesium, and a number of vitamins. Oils in them - up to 8%, carbohydrates - up to 55-60%. In the legume family, the chickpea plant is the champion in tryptophan, a natural relaxant that improves mood and helps lower methionine cholesterol.

The high nutritional value of the vegetable makes it a quality substitute for meat products for vegetarians and fasting compatriots. Useful properties of chickpea:

  • helps to improve digestion due to its high fiber content. An important feature is that chickpeas, unlike other legumes, do not cause gas formation;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • regulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • saturates the body with energy, without causing a rise in blood glucose and at the same time contributing to weight loss.

In folk medicine, chickpeas have long been used as a product that resists cataracts, a disease that threatens complete blindness due to clouding of the lens.

Turkish peas, helping to cleanse the intestines, liver, circulatory system from toxins and toxins, influences the normalization of the circulation of the intraocular fluid.

In Arab countries, the vegetable is used to make hummus - mashed potatoes, warm falafel snacks, couscous. Chickpea flour is added to various dishes, cookies are made from it, and even used in the preparation of a coffee substitute. Young green pods can be eaten whole.

There are no contraindications to the use of chickpea, but it can cause a feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, which is caused by the presence of oligosaccharides in it, which are difficult to dissolve in gastric juice. Therefore, mutton peas, like all legumes, require 10-12 hours of soaking before cooking and subsequent boiling for 1.5-2 hours.


According to the growing season, chickpea varieties are divided into early ripening (75-90 days), medium ripening (90-115 days) and late ripening (more than 115-140 days). According to the appearance of the seeds, chickpeas are divided into types of kabuli and desi:

  • in varieties of chickpea kabuli, the seed coat is light, thin and is difficult to separate from the cotyledons;
  • Desi chickpea varieties have seeds in shades of black and brown with a thick, coarse seed coat.

According to the different physical properties of the fruits, the directions of use of the products also differ. For use as a whole, kabuli is preferred, for making flour, desi is preferred. There are also forage types of vegetables.

A brief description of some varieties of chickpea:

  • Krasnokutskiy 36 - used since 1993. Since then, it has continued to hold the leading position in popularity in Russia. Mid-season (vegetation takes 85-90 days), drought-resistant. Immunity to fusarium, ascochitosis is average, but pea caryopsis is not damaged. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm, the attachment of the lower bean is at the level of 25-30 cm. There is no anthocyanin coloration. Seeds of a shade of yellow-pink, almost round in shape. A thousand seeds have a mass of 280-300 g. Their protein content is 25-28%. In the regions of the Volga region, the variety provides a stable yield at the level of 20 c / ha, in favorable periods - above 35 c / ha. Has excellent commercial and culinary characteristics;
  • Roseanne is a tall, medium-ripening variety (95-100 days). It belongs to the Eurasian subspecies (Kabuli type). The plant reaches a height of 50-60 cm with the attachment point of the lower pod at the level of 22-25 cm. Does not lodge. The seed is smooth, light yellow, with a protein content of 25-26% and an oil content of 5%. Resistance to fusarium and ascochitosis is average. A feature of Rosanna - despite the not the largest size of seeds, the weight of 1000 pieces of which is 290-310 g, the variety often shows a higher yield than species with larger fruits;
  • Zehavit is a Canadian variety with a maturity group of 85-95 days. Bushes 45-55 cm high are resistant to shedding and lodging, drought and heat. Immunity to common diseases of chickpea is above average. Allows to collect up to 40-50 c / ha. The mass of 1 thousand seeds is 350-400 g. They contain up to 30% protein;
  • Azkan is an early maturing Turkish variety with a plant height of up to 40-45 cm. Resistant to lodging and shedding. It tolerates heat and drought well. Practically unaffected by diseases. The yield is high - at the level of 30-47 kg / ha. The mass of a thousand seeds is 340-490 g. They contain 23.5-25% of protein.
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Sowing work

Cultural agrotechnology is not difficult. Chickpeas can be grown in almost any soil. It is also undemanding to its predecessors in the garden, being itself an excellent green manure that improves the fertility of the soil on which it grows. Lamb peas are viable, they will not be harmed by either short-term return frosts or dry, sultry weather. But in areas with a cold climate, you should select early varieties that have time to ripen before autumn.

Sowing dates

Chickpeas, despite their thermophilicity, are cold-resistant at the same time. Sowing it can be started when the soil warms up at a depth of planting grains up to 5-6 ° C. Sowing dates differ depending on the regional climate conditions: in the south of the country it is usually the beginning of April, and in the northern latitudes - the beginning of May (with a later planting, the plants may not have time to ripen).

Garden bed preparation

Since mutton peas are sown in early spring, it is better to take measures to prepare the planting site in the fall. This will allow and retain more soil moisture.

The only factor harmful to chickpeas is the clogging of the beds. It is important not only to be free from weeds, but also to have no residues of their powerful roots in the soil. They will prevent chickpea sprouts from developing.

It is desirable that the soil is not acidic. Some gardeners consider the addition of dolomite flour to the soil during the autumn digging of dolomite flour to be a useful measure for the cultivation of chickpeas, even with normal soil acidity.

The earth is dug as deep as possible. Deep plowing creates favorable conditions not only for enhancing aeration and moisture accumulation, but also for the development of special nodule bacteria that significantly affect productivity. So, with an increase in the depth of digging from 15 to 27 cm, one can expect an increase in the volume of harvested products by almost a third.

Preparation of planting material

It is necessary to select for sowing the highest quality, that is, the largest chickpea seeds. The need for soaking depends on the moisture content of the soil during sowing. In the south of the country, the planting depth factor affecting the germination rate is not as significant as in the northern regions. After soaking, the seeds can be sown to a shallower depth even in sufficiently dry soil, if then water the area once.

Sowing technology

Depending on the possibilities and conditions, you can plant chickpeas in different ways:

  • wide-row with row spacing of 45-65 cm allows plants to grow larger, and during drought they are better provided with moisture;
  • with a narrow-row method with row spacing of 15-30 cm, the plants cover the ground faster, so it is easier for them to compete with weeds. In addition, with this option, atmospheric nitrogen is fixed more actively by plantations, which directly affects the yield.

If chickpeas are grown in small quantities, an interval of 30-50 cm between rows is sufficient, between plants in a row - 7-10 cm: crowding of chickpeas does not interfere.

Grains are buried in moist soil to a depth of 6-8 cm. If the soil is dry, it is deeper, reaching its wet layer (maximum 15 cm), but it is advisable to pre-soak them for 10-14 hours.

The sowing technology is simple: grooves of the required depth are made in the prepared soil, seeds are laid in them and sprinkled, leveling the soil. If it is insufficiently moistened, the beds are watered after planting.

Features of growing chickpeas

The agrotechnology of growing lamb peas is quite simple and similar to the technology of cultivation of ordinary ones. In addition to weeding from weeds, it does not require much labor and grows well on its own, accumulating green mass and the weight of future peas. An additional plus of growing chickpeas in the country is its decorative function. The dense bushes of the plant of rich green color are not only pleasing to the eye, but also exude a tart aroma.

Watering mode

Chickpeas are responsive to watering, but, having a low evaporation rate of liquid compared to other legumes, they are much more unpretentious to a lack of moisture in the soil. Its long, almost two-meter root always reaches the wet layers of the soil. This allows you not to waste energy, time and money on watering when growing it, even in dry summers.

If irrigation is carried out, it is better to use drip irrigation or in furrow spacing.

Top dressing

Chickpeas are also undemanding for additional nutrition: one feeding is enough for it, which is carried out a week or two after the sprouts appear. The vegetable does not need nitrogen, and the introduction of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will accelerate flowering and growth. Instead of purchased products, you can use dry or liquid ash.

Weeding and loosening

As already noted, chickpeas poorly compete with weeds, therefore, it is especially important in the first time after the emergence of shoots to suppress the encroachments of weeds to occupy its territory. The first weeding is carried out almost immediately after the emergence of shoots, the subsequent ones - as needed. Growing up and closing in rows, the bushes will push out the "uninvited neighbors" more strongly.

Chickpeas are susceptible to herbicides, and the plants suffer not only from freshly applied chemicals, but also from the remaining in the soil after the treatment of precursor crops. Therefore, there are no options for removing weeds other than weeding. Loosening allows you to destroy the upper crustal layer of the soil and destroy possible deposits of chickpea pests in it.

Diseases and pests

Among the list of diseases that chickpeas are potentially susceptible to are ascochitis and fusarium wilting. The main measure in the fight against crop diseases and pests is the observance of the correct crop rotation. Chickpeas are returned to their previous beds no earlier than 4 years later, if during this time there were no other legumes, including perennial ones. Sowing chickpeas near perennial grasses is not allowed.

An important factor is the use of healthy seeds - harvested from plants in your garden or certified purchased. Since mutton peas do not tolerate the use of herbicides and insecticides, it is better to choose a variety with a high immunity to diseases to ensure a good harvest.

Unfortunately, the uncontrolled import of uncertified products leads to the spread of diseases unusual for domestic varieties on the territory of Russia, in particular, rust and gray rot.

Almost all the enemies of legumes are pests of culture - pea weevil and aphids, moth, chickpea miner fly. From the latter, spraying with the Fury preparation is carried out when damage appears on the plants, but no later than 10 days before harvesting. Loosening the row spacing helps to destroy pupal deposits.

Harvesting and storage

Chickpea varieties are distinguished by amicable ripening at the appropriate time. The beans do not crumble or crack, the plant does not lodge. It is advisable to harvest even late types of lamb peas before rainy weather.

The seeds are husked from the shells, dried, spread in a thin layer, and then stored in any suitable containers. The storage place should be dry - wet grains quickly rot. Subject to the storage rules, chickpea seeds do not lose their germination for up to 10 years.

This unpretentious vegetable finds various uses in cooking and is a natural remedy that gently cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. It deserves to be found more widespread in the gardens of Russians.

Every year, on our site, one bed was necessarily allocated for ordinary peas. Both adults and children enjoyed ripening green peas, we added them to salads and soups, and a little ripe peas remained for the winter. Over the years, there has been some disappointment in this culture due to pest infestation. It was worth a little time to lose and write wasted: half of the harvest was gone. And one more thing: he matured too amicably, already half amazed. Now, this previously irreplaceable representative of legumes has replaced chickpeas.

Chickpea fruit. © Soul Bridging

Chance helped to renounce green peas. Somehow a neighbor came and, watching me sort out the peas, separating the healthy from the afflicted, sympathetically called me “Cinderella”, declaring at the same time: “Eugene, if I were you, I would replace this culture with another pea called Nut. Pests don't like it, because it contains a lot of oxalic acid in greens. "

Further, demonstrating her knowledge of medicinal herbs with great pleasure, she did not hesitate to list all the healing properties of chickpea. At the same time, it took me a lot of patience to listen to her to the end. Yet, despite her tedious lecture, I thanked her for the information and promised to "take note."

Chickpeas, or chickpeas, or lamb peas ( Cicer arietinum) is a plant of the legume family. Chickpea seeds are especially popular in the Middle East; base for hummus.


Useful properties of chickpea

We will list the useful properties of chickpea not from the words of my dear neighbor, but according to the conclusions of specialists. Some of them believe that thanks to the tryptophan contained in chickpeas, which significantly improves the functioning of the human brain, the transition from prehistoric chaos in the minds of people to a highly organized mind was prepared.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that people have "grown wiser" thanks to this amino acid, which is directly related to the production of the most important hormone serotonin, which ensures the transmission of electrical impulses from cells.

Chickpeas are rich in vitamins and minerals. He "pulls out of the ground and drives into a pea" almost the entire periodic table. It contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, lecithin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic and pantothenic acids, choline. Vitamin C is also present in chickpeas in sufficient quantities, and its amount increases significantly in germinating seeds. It also contains healthy fats (from 4 to 7%).

But the most important thing is that it accumulates such a valuable trace element as selenium. This is especially important for regions with a selenium deficiency. Selenium deficiency causes a number of serious diseases in humans - weakness, increased fatigue, diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, dystrophy of the heart muscle, multiple sclerosis, oncological and other equally dangerous diseases. It is believed that eating chickpeas can reverse the disease, renew the blood, and protect your body from neoplasms.

Practice has repeatedly proven that chickpeas help diabetics, those who have been exposed to radiation, as well as with anemia, cardiac arrhythmias, nervous diseases, dental diseases and inflammation of the gums, acne, skin rashes. In addition, it helps dissolve stones in the gall and bladder, cleanses blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure. As you can see, chickpeas help in many cases, including in the prevention of diseases, and, importantly, it will not harm anyone.

Chickpea fruits and seeds. © Vishvagujarat

Chickpea history

Since chickpea is a very ancient culture (people knew about it several millennia ago BC), it has a rich world history. It was first introduced into the diet by the Greeks and Egyptians. In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were depicted on frescoes with chickpea sprigs, symbolizing power, might and masculinity. Believing in the afterlife, the Egyptians accompanied their rulers to another world with the seeds of this plant. They write that they were found by Japanese archaeologists in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Chickpeas have a very extensive geography of distribution: North America, Iran, India, Burma, Italy, Tanzania, Australia and many other countries.

The number of human lives saved thanks to chickpeas during periods of severe droughts and other natural disasters is incalculable. Among leguminous crops, in terms of nutritional value and medicinal properties, it is considered to be out of competition.

Another important useful property of chickpea: it has a pivotal root that penetrates the soil to a depth of 2 m, a branched root. On it, nodules are formed as a result of the symbiosis of plants with nodule bacteria, due to which the roots are good suppliers of nitrogen fertilizers for the soil (about 50 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha, which corresponds to 150 kg of ammonium nitrate). What a powerful "investment" of chickpea for the future harvest of other crops!

Chickpeas, or chickpeas, or lamb peas (Cicer arietinum). © Victor M. Vicente Selvas

Growing chickpeas

First of all, and best of all, a plot is suitable for these peas, on which all previous years there was the least amount of perennial weeds. The soil must be loose and soft before planting. Chickpeas tolerate crowding well, so the beds can be placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. True, there are recommendations to plant chickpeas more spaciously, with a distance of up to 50 cm in order to get a better harvest.

The bed depth should be at least 10 cm (there are recommendations - up to 15 cm). If you plant so deeply, then it is probably advisable to treat chickpea seeds with drugs before planting to improve their germination and increase yields. The optimal time for sowing the seeds of this crop is the period when the topsoil warms up above +5 ° C.

Chickpea care is carried out taking into account some of its features. Chickpea is a self-pollinating plant, "long day", does not twist like peas, does not crumble or lodge, although it reaches 50-60 cm in height. Not all gardeners consider it to be high-yielding, although it is quite realistic to get harvests per hectare of 3 tons or more in private gardens. The plant is resistant to heat and drought, seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 7 ° C. However, it is not recommended to subject it "unnecessarily" to freezing tests.

All plants love warmth, so planting chickpeas in early June is recommended by many summer residents. It is believed that chickpeas grow well and bear fruit even on poor soils, therefore, in order to get a good harvest of this crop, it is not at all necessary to seriously care about fertilizers. Nevertheless, it is recommended to feed chickpeas with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (and he himself has enough nitrogen).

This culture almost does not tolerate herbicides at all, and plants can destroy not only newly introduced chemicals, but also residual chemical elements that remain in the soil for a long time. For this reason, it is best to select a site for chickpeas that has not been treated with "chemistry" for more than 2 years. It is clear that the dacha is exactly the place where God himself ordered to grow these peas, since summer residents, as a rule, use chemistry very carefully in their garden.

It is believed that harvesting chickpeas is possible as early as 80 days after planting, but for some varieties this period can be about 100 or even 120 days. Of course, you should not miss the moment of ripening, since it is undesirable for chickpeas to fall under the autumn rains, which will lead to damage to the crop.

Grains of white (European) and green (Indian) chickpeas. © Sanjay Acharya

Using chickpeas

Chickpeas are used as food, like ordinary peas, for preparing various dishes: soups, salads, vinaigrettes, side dishes and pies.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases, you can use the following recipe: rinse half a glass of beans twice and add water overnight. In the morning, chickpea grains will approximately double in volume. This is the daily norm for an adult.

The beans swollen in water can be eaten raw, if the stomach allows, or boiled: pour water again and cook for half an hour, periodically adding water to the original volume. Use 3-5 tbsp cooked chickpeas. spoons and the same amount of broth half an hour before meals for 20 days. Then they take a break for ten days, then the procedure is repeated, and so on 2-3 times a year.

Everyone knows such popular legumes as beans, peas, beans, lentils, but few people know about chickpeas. This culture is quite widespread in the Middle East in countries such as Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria. In the countries of the East, hummus is prepared from chickpeas, which in taste and structure resembles pea, but with the addition of seasonings, nuts, lemon juice and garlic. Chickpeas are gaining popularity in other countries among people who practice vegetarianism and raw food diet. Despite growing crops in hot countries, in this article we will consider the technique of growing legumes in Russia in ordinary summer cottages and fields.

Preparing the soil for planting, how to grow chickpeas

Chickpeas are an annual crop that does not require special care and attention. Growing is not difficult even in the field on a large scale. The main criterion for the successful cultivation of peas is a low degree of weediness of the site for planting and the absence of weeds with an extensive root system.

Quite often, chickpeas are planted before sowing winter wheat, since it is essential improves soil fertility, which means it increases productivity. This is due to the formation of nodules, they have a beneficial effect on the yield of crops that will be planted on this site in the future.

And also after planting lamb peas - this is another name for chickpeas - moisture accumulates and retains in the soil better. The cultivation of this crop is an effective way of cultivating the soil on the site. Before planting peas, you need to plow the land thoroughly, level the surface in the fall before planting, and in early spring, when the snow melts, harden it, then the moisture will be closed and stored in the deep layers of the soil.

Since for sowing chickpeas a weed-free area is important, it is necessary to first carry out disking, due to which the roots will be destroyed, they will not germinate in a short time and will not destroy the culture. If the area is heavily clogged, the procedure should be carried out several times at intervals of one to two weeks.

Chickpeas are grown from quality seeds, carefully sorted, and treated with a special preparation designed to increase yields. Such treatment will avoid contamination of seeds with diseases and pests that can damage seeds during prolonged or improper storage.

Description of lamb peas

In addition to well-known names such as vegetable peas, chickpeas have additional popular names such as turkish, lamb peas, blister and shish... The Turkish culture is called for the place of original growth in nature, and the mutton because its seeds are similar in shape to the head of a ram.

The plant is erect and reaches 20–99 cm in height. This variety of peas cold-resistant, the seeds will germinate even at a temperature of + 4- + 5 degrees Celsius. The growing season is 80–120 days. But also culture well tolerated drought, and in conditions of abundant moisture does not require additional watering.

The plant is covered with short glandular hairs that have a protective function. The inflorescences of chickpea are spike-shaped, and the fruits are short and swollen, containing from one to three seeds-grains. Seeds are 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter, the color can be different, the most common is yellow, but the seeds can be white, black, pink, orange, brown and dark green, it all depends on the degree of maturity.

The grains of this plant have a high nutritional value. They are composed of vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and amino acids. In cooking, side dishes, first courses, second courses, desserts, canned food and even baked goods are prepared from this product. It will be interesting to know that chickpea flour is added to bread and even infant formula.

The plant is adapted to growing in hot tropical countries, but thanks to years of selection, it can now be grown in the middle lane. There are varieties called "steppe", "Dnieper" and "tall", they can grow on a standard suburban area of ​​a Russian.

Planning and planting chickpeas in fields and summer cottages

Chickpea cultivation technology. The culture is very resilient and can withstand without harm to itself, even an average frost of -5 degrees Celsius. Drought will not hinder crop growth either, but even in the absence of irrigation, crop yields will remain high. Ram's horn grows well on any soil and for a stable and large yield, you do not need to make a lot of manipulations on the care and treatment of plants.

In industrial cultivation, peas, as a rule, are sown on impoverished, after other plants, hectares of fields that are planned to be sown with wheat in the future. They do this to enrich industrial hectares of soil, since chickpeas have a unique ability to improve the soil, it is worth using these properties of the plant to improve the condition of the soil at their summer cottage.

And also summer residents and farmers noted that growing chickpeas on the site increases soil fertility and retains and accumulates moisture. This plant grows well and bears fruit even on poor soils, therefore it does not require significant expenditure of energy and fertilizers.

Unfortunately, this culture is highly susceptible to the influence of herbicides, plants can kill only the introduced chemicals, but also residual compounds that remain in the soil for a long time. Look for an area that has not been treated with herbicides or weed killers for more than two years. In this case, the suburban area is ideal because herbicides are rarely used on it to remove weeds. The only important criterion is a properly selected area for growing chickpeas, where no soil herbicide is used, otherwise maintenance is minimal.

At the summer cottage, the place must be properly prepared, since the peas must be planted in loose, well-moistened soil. During the preparation of the site, it is possible to remove the roots of the weeds. The site is dug to the depth of the shovel, all the remaining clods of earth must be crushed with a hoe and leveled with a rake.

For planting, it is better to use long beds close to each other. Chickpea beds can tolerate crowding well, so 15cm spaced apart should be sufficient. At the dacha, planting peas at a depth of 10 cm will be optimal. The planting depth directly depends on soil moisture, the higher the moisture, the deeper the crop should be planted.

You can sow a crop in an ordinary way and in a belt or wide-row method. The seeding rate of chickpea will depend on the selected sowing technology. With the row method, the seeding rate will be 500 thousand hectares of germinable seeds, with the belt method - up to 400 thousand hectares of germinable seeds, with the wide-row method up to 300 thousand hectares of germinable seeds. Thus, the seeding rate per hectare of area directly depends on the seeding method.

Homemade chickpeas will be no different from their industrial counterpart with a properly processed and prepared area.

About 80 days will pass after the sprouts appear in the country and the harvest and preparation for storage. When the crop is harvested, you need to clean the grains from the pod shell and lay them out to dry in a well-ventilated room, protected from direct sunlight.

A number of features of the lamb pea culture

  1. Due to the presence of oxalic acid in leaves and stems, pests do not touch the plant.
  2. Peas produces nitrogen in the root nodules, which means that next year the planted vegetables will give a high yield.
  3. It grows in the form of a bush with an average height of 20 cm to half a meter.
  4. Culture self-pollinates.
  5. The root is vertical and penetrates the soil up to two meters deep.

Chick peas

All people who care about their health want to eat foods that not only nourish the body, but also protect against health problems, contribute to longevity and prolong human life.

Chickpeas contain nutritional components of animal products, therefore can fully replace meat in the diet. Compared to other legumes, golden peas does not cause increased gas formation in the intestines. In order to reduce the effect of gas formation to a minimum, marjoram, caraway seeds, dill, fennel and anise seeds should be consumed simultaneously with peas. To prepare food, you need to soak the debt crop overnight with the addition of baking soda.

Vegetable pea varieties are divided into shelling and sugar peas. Hulling varieties have a coarse parchment layer on the inside of the bean, and they only eat grains. Sugar varieties have juicy fleshy shells, without a parchment layer, they are used on a shoulder blade - as a whole or in the form of green peas. Within these groups there are varieties with rounded, smooth and wrinkled grains (brain peas).

Peas are the most cold-resistant vegetable plant (tolerates frosts down to –4 C), especially varieties with round, smooth seeds. Such seeds germinate at 1-2 C, cerebral seeds at 4-8 C. The optimum temperature for seed germination and subsequent growth of pea plants is 16 -20 C.

Peas are a crop that is demanding on soil moisture, especially during the period of seed germination and in the first growing season, it tolerates excess soil moisture well, but does not withstand high standing of groundwater. Optimum soil moisture for peas is 75-80% PPV (full field moisture capacity). At the same time, peas are resistant to short-term droughts. Thanks to the powerfully developed root system, plants can provide themselves with moisture, extracting it from deeper layers of the soil.

Vegetable peas are grown after any predecessors, but the best ones for them are those under which manure was applied - root crops, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes. You can return vegetable peas to the same area no earlier than after 4 years. The best soils for peas are well-cultivated and fertilized light loamy and sandy loamy soils. You can also grow peas on heavy and drained soils, however, plants on such soils are more suppressed and do not provide the maximum possible yields.

Depleted acidic, saline soils with a high level of groundwater are unsuitable. The main cultivation of the soil for peas consists in the autumn destruction of plant residues of the predecessor and weeds and subsequent deep autumn plowing or digging to a depth of at least 22-25 cm.

In early spring, the fall is leveled.

Seeding rate (planting) - 16-24 g / m2 (depending on the variety and size of seeds).

Peas are sown early, but in ripe soil, first early-maturing varieties, and then medium and late. This work must be completed no later than April 1 - 5. Later dates sharply reduce the yield of peas. Sowing can also be carried out during the February-March thaws.

Peas carry out relatively little nutrients from the soil. In addition, the pea root system can assimilate nutrients from mineral compounds that are hard to reach for other plants, fix nitrogen from the air with the help of nodule bacteria.

Therefore, on fertile soils, the effectiveness of fertilizers applied under peas is low. On such soils, fertilizers are best applied under the previous crop. On marginal soils, the effectiveness of both organic and mineral fertilizers increases. In addition, the introduction of mineral fertilizers contributes to an increase in sugar content, inhibition of the accumulation of starch in green peas, which improves its quality.

The main task of caring for vegetable pea plants is to keep the soil clean from weeds, provide plants with moisture and fight pests and diseases. Creation of optimal growing conditions - from the beginning of flowering of vegetable peas to its end, when there is an intensive

the formation of ovules and seeds. This creates good conditions for a high yield.
During the period of plant growth, as the soil dries up, watering is carried out. When growing peas "on a shoulder" or green peas, it is watered 2-3 times, and watered 3-4 times on mature grain during the growing season. Irrigation rate is 3.5-4.5 liters per 1 m2.
Sugar varieties include:

Zhegolova-112- the variety is mid-late ripening, with a tendency to a slight reduction in the growing season in conditions of increasing temperatures. From germination to flowering 35-45 days, to technical maturity - 50-60 and to ripening - 90-110 days. The ripening of the beans on the plant is quite amicable. The yield of beans is up to 14.5 kg / ha. The taste of unripe fruits is good. Unstable to lodging, in wet years it is affected by pale-spotted and dark-spotted ascochitosis. Seeds are rounded-angular, somewhat flattened, light gray-green, light scar.

Inexhaustible-195- the variety is mid-early ripening, from germination to flowering 35 - 38 days, to technical ripeness 46-60, to maturity 70-90 days. The ripening of the beans on the plant is quite amicable. The yield of beans is 65 - 80 kg / ha (65 - 80 kg per one hundred square meters). Unripe beans taste good. Seeds are angularly compressed, yellow-green (bicolor), fading to yellow under high temperature conditions, light scar.
Adagumsky- mid-ripening variety, from germination to flowering 50-56 days, to technical ripeness 68-73, to maturity 77 - 80 days. The yield is high, beans in technical ripeness are 150-160 c / ha, peas - 72-96 c / ha. Peas in technical ripeness are dark green, even in color and size. Taste qualities are high, slightly affected by powdery mildew and ascochitosis. Seeds are square-compressed, yellow-green (two-colored), yellow when overripe, unripe - gray-green, light scar.

BUTlfa (Gloriosa improved)- early ripening variety, from germination to flowering 28 - 35 days, to technical ripeness 45 - 53, to maturity 63-71 days. The yield of green peas is high. Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 85-108 and peas 48 - 90 c / ha. Maturation is amicable. Peas in the phase of technical ripeness are dark green, even in color and size. The taste is high. Weakly affected by ascochitis and fusarium. Seeds are square-compressed, yellow-green (bicolor), scar is light.

Jubilee-1512- mid-late ripening variety, from germination to flowering 51-62 days, to technical ripeness 69-79, to full maturity 74-89 days.

Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 120-150 and green peas - 55-71 c / ha. Peas in technical ripeness are dark green. Good taste. Weakly affected by ascochitis. Seeds are square-compressed, mostly light gray-green, with some overripe - yellow-green (two-colored), light scar.

Kubanets-1126- early ripening variety, from germination to flowering 37 - 45 days, to technical ripeness - 55-69, before ripening - 71 - 80 days. The yield of beans in the phase of technical ripeness is 138-145, of green peas - 55-58 c / ha. Peas in technical ripeness are dark green, taste is good. Moderately affected by ascochitosis and moderately by aphids and moths. Seeds are angular and square-compressed, yellow-green (two-colored), light scar.

Vegetable-76- the variety is mid-early ripening, from germination to flowering 35 - 42, to technical ripeness - 58-69, before ripening - 68-77 days.

Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 120-190, green peas - 52 - 95 c / ha. Peas in technical ripeness are light green and green. The taste is good and excellent. Not resistant to ascochitosis and pea moth. Seeds are square-compressed, yellow-green (bicolor), light scar. Pod straight or slightly curved, with a pointed apex, in the phase of technical ripeness, dark green, 8-10 cm long, 1.3-1.4 cm wide, seeds in a pod 8-10 pieces.

Late cerebral improved- late ripening variety, from germination to flowering 54-55 days, to technical ripeness - 76-84, before ripening - 90-106 days. Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 82-90, green peas - 35 - 52 c / ha. Peas in technical ripeness are dark green, even in size and color. Good taste. It is affected by ascochitis. The moth is affected during the years by the mass of the pest development. Seeds are angularly compressed, light gray-green, with an excess of fading to greenish-yellow, the scar is light. There are 7-9 seeds in a bean.

Superb-240- mid-ripening variety, from germination to flowering 41- 51 days, to technical ripeness 64-70, to maturity 69 - 80 days. Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 120-170 and green peas - 53-78 centners / ha. Differs in amicable crop formation. Peas in technical ripeness are intense green, even in size and shape.

Good taste. Strongly affected by ascochitis and powdery mildew. Seeds are angular-square, yellow-green (bicolor), sometimes fading to greenish-yellow, light scar. The flower is white, of medium size, mainly two per peduncle. The pod is curved, with a pointed apex, in the phase of technical ripeness, dark green, 8 - 9 cm long, 1.2 - 1.4 cm wide, seeds in a pod 6 - 9 pieces.

Early canning-20/21- early ripening variety, from germination to flowering 45 - 54 days, to technical ripeness 58-67, before ripening - 65-70 days. Productivity of beans in the phase of technical ripeness 85-112 and green peas - 42 - 61 c / ha.

Ripening of beans amicable. Peas in technical ripeness are dark green. Good taste. It is prone to defeat by ascochitosis, the moth is affected moderately, in some years above average. Seeds are angular-square, yellow-green (bicolor), fading to yellow, light scar. The flower is white, of medium size, mainly one per peduncle. The pod is straight or slightly curved, with a blunt or, less often, almost rounded apex. The parchment layer is somewhat less developed than that of other peeling varieties, in the phase of technical ripeness it is dark green, 5.5 - 8.0 cm long, 1.2 - 1.4 cm wide, more than 7 - 9 seeds.

Early mushroom II- a variety of early ripening. The stem is low (35 - 40 cm), resistant to lodging, internodes are short.

The flowers are white, the first inflorescence is laid at the 9-10th node. The beans are large, pointed, in the phase of technical ripeness they have a dark green color. Seeds are greenish yellow, medium to above medium size. The mass of 1000 seeds is 220-250 g.

Vega- a variety of medium early ripening. The stem is simple, indeterminate growth type, with short internodes, the number of nodes up to the first pod is 12-13. D

lina of the stem up to 65 cm. The flower is white. A peeling pod, straight, with a pointed apex, up to 8.4 cm long, with 7 - 8 seeds. In the phase of technical ripeness, it has a dark green color. Seeds are cerebral, with a wrinkled surface, angular-square, weight of 1000 seeds is 220 - 247 g. The skin of the seed is colorless, the color of the cotyledons is yellow. Productivity under production conditions is 7 - 8 t / ha.

Sowing pea is an annual plant that has six subspecies and many varieties. In agriculture, summer residents and gardeners cultivate various types of this vegetable, which differ in their taste and cultivation techniques. We will tell you in more detail about what kinds of peas exist and the peculiarities of their cultivation on a personal plot.

Sowing peas are usually divided into two large groups - shelling and sugar peas. The most widespread is the sugar variety, which has a delicate sweet taste. Growing this variety of this vegetable is not difficult, you can plant the seeds in open ground. And given the excellent gastronomic performance, such varieties are popular with summer residents and gardeners.

Sugar seeded varieties: Their feature is the absence of a parchment layer on the beans, so they can be eaten whole. Whereas hulling varieties have a corresponding protective parchment layer, therefore, before eating them, it is necessary to clean the inedible layer. Of the popular peeling varieties, we can distinguish the following types: Telephone, Winner G33, Late-ripening cerebral improved, Excellent 240 and others.

Sowing sugar peas are usually divided into dessert and soup varieties. Soup varieties have small fruits and at the same time they can easily withstand heat treatment. These soup varieties include Sugar Oregon, Ambrosia, Henry 15, Soup spatula 181, Mouse, Chickpea and others. Dessert varieties have a sweet taste and can be eaten both fresh and after heat treatment. Of the most popular varieties, we can note the sugar Fairy tale, Sugar peas, Slider, Zhegalova 112, Inexhaustible 195.

Turkish chickpea

In recent years, chickpeas have become popular with summer residents - chickpeas, which are easy to grow and at the same time have an unusual taste. Chickpea grains are irregular in shape with different growths and beads. The delicate taste that chickpeas have makes it an excellent gastronomic product. In the homeland of chickpeas in Turkey, there are hundreds of different delicious recipes for preparing dishes from this product.

The stem of the Turkish chickpea is erect with unpaired leaves. Each chickpea pod usually has one to three seeds, which can range in color from yellow to dark. When cultivating chickpeas when planting seeds in open ground, it should be remembered that chickpeas are a thermophilic plant, the growing season of which can range from 90 to 220 days. In summer conditions in central Russia, chickpeas can be grown exclusively with early maturing varieties.

Green pea

Green peas are a common variety of this vegetable that has a sweet, delicate flavor. It is green peas that have received the largest variety today among domestic gardeners and summer residents. The excellent taste of this variety is combined with its calorie content and the content of all the necessary nutrients for the human body.

Growing green and mouse peas is not difficult. It is planted through seeds into the ground, after which the gardener will need to provide a minimum of care for the plantings. It is only necessary to tie up the growing stem, and also build an appropriate support for the plant growing upward.

Mouse peas

The mouse pea is a perennial plant in the legume family that has a stem height of up to 120 centimeters. In recent years, many gardeners, having appreciated the excellent properties of this mouse pea variety, have grown it on their personal plot. An adult mouse pea pod can contain up to six beans with a diameter of about 6 millimeters.

Mouse peas are widely used in folk medicine. This plant has a calming and hemostatic effect, it relieves stress and inflammation. Mouse pea seeds are edible, however, we would not recommend using them as food in large quantities, since the mouse vegetable contains hydrocyanic acid, which can be dangerous to human health. Growing a mouse variety is not particularly difficult.

Vegetable peas

Vegetable peas are a common agricultural crop that has a pleasant taste and contains a large amount of protein and other beneficial trace elements. This vegetable has excellent nutritional value, which makes it quite popular among domestic gardeners. Green peas can be eaten fresh or canned, which allows for a long time to preserve all the beneficial properties of the grown crop.

When growing seeds of a green vegetable variety, it should be remembered that this crop is capable of growing at low temperatures, however, any frost can destroy the planting. That is why the seeds are planted around mid-May. In the future, vegetable peas do not require any complex care. You just need to pinch the main stem, tie the growing stem to a solid support. The vegetable variety is not picky about the quality of the soil. At the same time, this plant shows the best results when grown on soils fertilized with organic matter and mineral fertilizing.

Peas Uzbek

Mash, or as it is also called Uzbek, is a nutritious vegetable that is successfully grown by domestic summer residents. The peas of this plant are distinguished by their excellent calorie content, and their excellent taste makes it an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of various dishes. Recent studies indicate that Uzbek green peas contain a large amount of various vitamins and minerals. It is one of the healthiest varieties and tastes great.

The cultivation of the Uzbek variety is not difficult. Today, in gardening shops you can find various early-ripening pea varieties, the cultivation of which through seeds can be successful even in central Russia. It is only necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting, regularly loosen the soil, and water the plantings abundantly. All this will be the key to getting an excellent harvest.

Field peas

Field peas are a valuable fodder and green manure crop, which allows obtaining the required amount of green mass. Initially, these varieties of peas were planted exclusively as green manures during the crop rotation of the land. Later, however, farmers learned to grow field peas for livestock feed. The grown grains contain a large amount of protein, which is easily absorbed by livestock. That is why this plant is considered one of the best types of forage crops.

One of the advantages of growing field green peas is the minimum requirements that this plant places on the quality of the soil. A vegetable grower, especially when using this plant as a green manure, is completely free from the need for any planting care. It is not even required to remove the grown plants; in the fall, you simply dig them up together with the earth, thereby supplying the earth with nitrogen and other useful microelements.