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How to get to the elk island. Park Losina Island. Read more about loses

Moscow has a national park, which is located on the Loss Island. From him and got the name of the green array. The first mention of the park refers to 1406. The green array, located in the north-east of the capital, was a favorite territory for the royal falconry and robust hunting. Since then, "Losina Island" (Park) has not lost its attractiveness. But now the territory is used for other purposes.

History Park

The Losina Island National Park begins its history from the 15th century, but has acquired his status later. For the first time, the green array is mentioned in written sources during the period when Moscow has become the center of Northeast Russia. At that time, the island referred to the Thainsky parish, located along today's Yaroslavl highway. The park was very loved to hunt Ivan Grozny.

Later on the island there was a royal hunting economy. The park began to be called "sovereign trap" and acquired the status of the reserve. Stay still sat down on this territory, often with foreign ambassadors. The name "Losyina Island" appeared only in 1710 at the 18th century. He began to belong to the statement, and the territory hunt was banned by everyone without exception.

With the advent of St. Petersburg, attention to the park significantly decreased, and he began to overgrow the trees, the trees were mercilessly cut down with peasants for their own needs. In 1804, the position of the island has changed. Again resumed the protection of the forest massif. In 1805, the island again received the status of the reserve.

In 1822, the territory was divided into 55 blocks with their overall boundaries with one land shaft. Organized forestry began only in 1842. Until 1912, the revisions of natural wealth were conducted, and the island was divided into 4 parts: one operational and three reserves. The Losina Island National Park was created in August 1983. The reason for him was the decision of the ministry. Since then, the territory is considered a very valuable natural monument.

Park Description

Today, Losina Island (Moscow) has an area over 116 square kilometers. The forest array takes 80 percent of the territory. He is divided into three zones. The first is a reserved part of the park, in which rare species of birds and animals live. This part of the island is closed for visits and is carefully guarded.

The second zone is called training and excursion. Travel and environmental routes are laid through this territory, accompanied by professional guides. This part contains four visits. The third zone is called recreational. It is designed for a massive rest.

Location Park

Losina Island (Moscow) originates from Sokolnikov. He borders with cities:

  • Queens;
  • Balashikha;
  • Mytishchi;
  • Schelkovo.

Park "Losina Island" is located on the territory of 12,000 hectares, but only 2/3 of the forest array is located behind the Moscow Ring Road. From the southwestern border of the reserve to the Kremlin, only eight kilometers. The length of the park from the south to the north is 10 km, from the east to the west - 22 km.


"Losyina Island" (Park) is very beautiful. In the center of the territory there is a small swamp, which begins r. Jauza. And also in the reserve there are still many streams and water bodies forming a large water network. Previously, there were channels with a length of over 100 kilometers on the territory of the park. Now most of them are abandoned.

The largest channel is called Aculovsky and functions to CIR pores. He appeared in the pre-war years and connects the Pekhorcu River and Jauzu with the Volga. Through the Akulov Canal, water enters the Russian capital.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the Alekseevskaya grove, which for a long time also had the status of the reserve. This is a unique territory whose age is 250 years old. There are many swamps in the park, and they occupy a fairly large area.

Vegetable world

"Losyina Island" (Park) always, even in wartime was under the scrutiny of the country's leaders. Trees were constantly accepted on the territory. Thanks to the work of many volunteer-designers, the reserve acquired a wonderful appearance, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Now there are more than 800 species of various plants in the park: lichens, mushrooms, etc. Many plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In Alekseevskaya Grove, pine grows mainly. Miraculously survived the age-old limes, taiga yelniki and dublava. Herbaceous cover is also distinguished by a variety. In the park grow:

  • prolester;
  • lungwort;
  • hearshanka;
  • anemone ogtica;
  • mainicom Bilic;
  • sedge;
  • zelenchuk.

Many strawberries, blueberries and sour strawberries are growing in the park, what to visitors. Since he is replete with swamps, then in the territory in an excess of a lingonberry.

Animal world

The animals of the "Elk Island" are also different. There are over 280 species of birds and animals in the park. Among them:

  • 180 - feathered;
  • 8 - amphibians;
  • 4 - reptiles;
  • 40 - mammals;
  • over 20 - freshwater fish.

"Losyina Island" (Park) not in vain got its name. From the previous time, many horned pitfalls lived on the territory. The number of moose has been preserved to this day. In the post-war period, spotted deer appeared in the reserve.

Kabani began to come back, and now their population has increased significantly. Fully restored the number of beavers. A lot of fur animals are found in the reserve:

  • ermine;
  • squirrel;
  • black ferret;
  • marten;
  • mink.

At night in the park reign owls and bats. Perfectly get along with animals, harmoniously completing the reserve with its presence, rodents.

Biostanization on the "Losina Island"

The biosania in the Park "Losina Island" is located next to the Hsentman. This is the place where it is allowed not only to look at the workshops. You can iron and feed not only adult individuals, but also a cub. Moshi belong to this calmly. It is very cautious animals and in the wild always try to avoid meetings with people.

On the biostancture, man-fated has already become accustomed to the presence of a person and willingly go to contact. Employees of the nature reserve are told those who want the features of animal behavior, their domestication and nutrition. There are separate individual excursions. In winter, you can even watch the spotted deer. Visiting the biostation is carried out by appointment.

How to get to the bios?

Before the biostation will have to have long. From the metro station "VDNH" towards the region there are many regular buses. You need to sit on any of them and get to the first stop after MKAD. Going before turning towards the village of Friendship. Then walking on the main road for another 40 minutes. The path will take approximately 4 kilometers and passes through the village.

When the road rides in the forest array, you must turn left. From there the barrier with the checkpoint will be visible. Go all the time directly, on the fork, turn left and get to the bios, which is equipped with a gate.

Loss Island (Park): How to get?

You can do this in several options. The entrance to the park is located on the side of the streets of Potchchchchik and Rotherta. Nearby are metro stations "Babushkinskaya" and "Medvedkovo". To the park quickly get from the railway platforms elk.

And you can go on buses number 136 and 172, which depart from the metro station "VDNH". To another part of the park tram number 29, 36 and 12. They depart from Art. m. "Podbelsky Street."

National Park "Losina Island"Located in the north-east of Moscow and the Moscow region is the perfect place for those forest lovers and fresh air, who does not want to leave the city. There is a unique opportunity to be one on one with nature, without leaving the metropolis. But to cook kebab or bake potatoes on the fire here will not work here, the territory of the park is strictly guarded.

Loss Island is a paradise for families with children, for athletes and history lovers. It will also be good here to those who want to just relax, wander through the forest paths and to be alone with them.

About Park

The territory of the park is more than 116 km2. The forest takes about 80% of the total area, 25% of which are located in Moscow. Losina Island is one of the first national parks in our country. Ponds (ponds) occupy 2% of the territory, and 5% - swamps. There are several river in the park. Here they take the beginning of Jauza and Puhork. There is also a tiny river, which is called Elk.

Three zones are distinguished in the park:

  • Especially protected area, a little less than half of the whole territory
  • Zone for walking and sports,
  • Recreation area for mass visits.

From one thousand four hundred and sixth year, the territory of the current Elvoy Island was part of the Thair Palace Value, the land of which served as hunting grounds for Russian kings and princes.

Since 1800, the first forest areas appear here, the ordering of the territory begins. And in 1937, the Elk Island became part of the "Green Ring" around the capital.

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-third year, the Elk Island became known as the National Park. In 2004 there was an attempt to reduce the territory of forest plantation for the construction of the fourth transport ring. Fortunately, this idea was not implemented.

What noteworthy Park Losina Island

Connoisseurs of wildlife will find many rare plants on the territory of the reserve, you can also meet the most different animals here. The Losina Island is known for the fact that the moose still live here, which at times come out on the passage of parts of the streets adjacent to the park.

Twenty years ago in zones allocated for a massive rest, you could see spotted deer. Now they are incredible in the regional part of the forest to avoid the extermination of these rare animals by poachers.

One of the most beloved entertainment for families with children is feeding from the hands of a protein. In the park they are apparently invisible, they are not afraid of people, and they are readily taken from the hands of nuts and seeds.

Losina island chose cyclists. Here they are rapidly - many wide and comfortable trail make it possible to ride in the forest without interference.

By the way, one of the main attractions of the park is paper prospect. It was worn in time immemorial for the transportation of the forest, which was going to the manufacture of paper.

Now this is a good asphalted wide road, cutting the forest massif from the north to south, where in the summer you can ride a bike or on the rollers, without fear to get under the car. After all, the entry of transport to the territory of the park is strictly limited.

In the Loss Island there are several playgrounds decorated with wooden animal figures from favorite children's fairy tales. In general, animal figures carved from the tree, are constantly found in the park constantly, in the most unexpected places: they stand along the tracks, and some look out from under the bushes. The kids come to delight, discovering near the path of a bear or a bunny of a tree.

Environmental centers and excursions

In the northern part of the park (near the streets of the alert) there is a horse club, where you can rent a horse and ride through the woods on secure routes. Nearby is the Russian Life Museum, the Reserve of Rare Birds "Bird Garden" and the Biostania.

In the environmental and historical centers of the park, which includes "Russian life", "Red Pine", "Abramtsevo", "tea drinking in Mytishchi", are organized by excursions that will be interested in children and adults. The main topics are history, Moscow studies, ecology. For example, an excursion for children called "Trephas of Fairy Tales" takes place on such interesting forest places as a bear corner, pine grivy and others. Children get acquainted with different plants, learn to understand the bird and animal traces, are watching smaller animals. During the excursion, you can relax in one of the environmental centers, where we will always be treated with a samovar tea, there will be a lot of exciting stories about the Russian hunt in ancient times, about the first plumbing and many others.

It is believed that somewhere in the park the hunting house of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, more precisely, what remains of him. Historians say that the house may be cultural and historical value. There are also rumors that treasures are hidden in it. But most likely, it is only dangerous gossip.

Losina Island is a huge forest having an ancient history. An ordinary person does not have a few weeks to explore the entire territory of the park. Any visitor will find a lesson for yourself. History lovers can visit exciting excursions, the athletes in the summer ride bicycles, and in the winter skiing, children play and learn to understand and appreciate nature. Tourists take hiking transitions to the origins of famous Moscow river. At any time of the year it is well resting to the whole family.

How to get from the subway:

You can get into the park in different ways. One of them is the entrance from the street. Rotherta, ul. Potters. The nearest metro stations - Medvedkovo and Babushkinskaya, you can walk from the "Elk" platform of the Yaroslavl railway or get from the m. VDNH on buses No. 172, 136. In addition, from the metro station "Street Podbelsky" can be reached by another part of the park on trams number 36, 12, 29.

MOWER BIOSTANCE is located in the National Park Losina Island. It was created to support the population of moose living in the forest park. Here are engaged in observation of animals and their treatment. All animals living at the stations are free. The task of employees is to help them recover and adapt to life in a natural habitat.

You can get into the territory of the biostation as part of the excursion group, after posting by phone (number: +7 965 230-60-31). Time for visiting by individual visitors - at 11.00 and at 13.00 on Sundays. Excursion lasts 45 minutes. The cost of 385 rubles is an adult ticket and 220 rubles - children's (2016). In the course of the excursion, visitors talk about the work of the bios and the life and behavior of the moose. It is also possible to feed animals (feeds provide employees of the biostation). However, it is not always possible to catch a large number of animals on the spot. They may be a bit, because most of the time they prefer to move freely on the forest park. In winter, moose (former inhabitants) and deer come to the biostation. Therefore, winter is the best time to visit.

How to get

You can drive to the elk biostation on car: About 1 km after MKAD on the Yaroslavl highway towards the area, then turn to the "Friendship" village. Through the village along the streets of Karl Liebknecht and October to the beginning of the forest park at Kropotkinsky passage. After the gearbox with a barrier - all the time straight to the end of the asphalt road. At the entrance to the emitting biostation there is parking (cost - 220 rubles).

You can also get to the elk biostation public transport.

From the station Metro "VDNH". On any flight bus next to the area. Go to the first stop after the Moscow Ring Road (before turning to the village "Friendship"). Next, you need to walk about 40 minutes along the main road through the village (3-4 km) until the road comes to the forest. Then turn left (a gearbox is visible with a barrier). Further all the time directly (on the fork you need to stay to the left) and you get to the biodecy.

From the railway station "Elk". Bus number 547 (follow the schedule, it rarely goes) to the final stop and then directly.

From the Perlovskaya railway station. Bus and route taxi number 3 to the final stop at the forest. Next - right.

For residents of the northeast, the Moscow region meetings with the gigners of the forest - not uncommon. In our areas, moose often goes to large roads, and will be credited to residential neighborhoods. And the people are inquisitive; It is worth it to appear near the road, as a traffic jam is formed, people get mobilies and try to capture. Even if you see the beast not the first time. But I personally understand that the moose still wild animals, and if the leg will rise forward, frightened, it will not seem little ...

This is so, lyric retreat. One more thing. To see a bunch of wonderful near Moscow places, my profession allows me. I am a journalist. For almost 10 years she worked in the queen, who also borders with the "Losina Island", and therefore at one time visited all the ecocenters in the National Park. On the biostation was more than once. And every time - the most positive emotions from communicating with elms. The extreme visit took place within the framework of the autocale of journalists in the Moscow Region, which was dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia. By the way: the overwhelming majority of residents of the capital and the region do not even know that in close proximity to have the opportunity to communicate with elk in a safe atmosphere ...

Now (June 2017) on the "Losina Biostanition" Meet Boniface Visiters (or just Bonia), which is a little over a year, and a three-year-old Dina (pupils change, so it's not a fact that, for example, next year they will still be on the biostanosis) . They will see the guests from afar and hurry to meet in anticipation of treats.

While Moos is shunting with carrots, the staff of the National Park is talking about the features of animal behavior, nutrition (never offer lump white bread! Carrots are their favorite delicacy), how they are struck by orphaned kids, and then contribute to their adaptation in the wild.

Until this visit, I was not on the biostandification of the year 3 or 4, something has changed. In December 2015, reconstruction was completed here. The territory is enlarged, there is a parking lot, convenient paths are laid for visitors so that they do not have to jump on certain grass. There are even viewing platforms. The head of the bios is enough young by age. But it can be seen that his job loves, tells himself. And I am ready to talk about loses for hours.

Of course, we listened to listen. However, everyone (adult uncles and aunt!) I really wanted to feed and pierce Losyash. Dina to stroking on the head belongs quite calmly. But the petty out of excess attention begins to be nervous and goes to the safe distance from people.

For those who have not yet met with elms, knowledgeable man, there is a small fear - and suddenly will bite when it will take food from the hands. Such things are rare. I noticed that they take food gently lips.

Despite the fact that the "MOWER BIOSANCE" is a regime object, anyone who wants to get here by ordering an excursion. In addition, there are also boys that do not mind to enjoy black bread. And if it is lucky enough, you can also watch careful spotted deers, for which subcortose courts are organized in the vicinity of the biostation.

Good afternoon friends!

Today I want to drive you on an excursion to one wonderful place - a mallean biostanization in the National Park "Losina Island". Excursions to the elk bosanization are carried out only in the winter, since it is at this time moss and herds of spotted deer come to the territory of the biosantication.

Only stopping into the territory, we see a huge flock of spotted deer.

The entire population of spotted deer on the territory of the Losina Island has more than 200 individuals, of which half of them comes to the biotancut behind the feeding (and approximately so much deer we saw during the excursion). In the hungry winter months in the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe National Park, sub-barker sites for elk, deer, boars are arranged.

Brief certificate of Spotted deer from Wikipedia:

Dappled deer (Lat. Cervus Nippon) is a mammal from the deer family (Lat. Cervidae). In the summer, there is a red-red color with characteristic white spots, in winter dull. Height in the withers 95-115 cm, body length 160-180 cm, weight 75-130 kg. Males are much larger than females. It dwells in the southern Primorye, brought to the middle lane of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus. The deer is powered by grassy plants that felt aches, nuts and fruits, leaves of trees and shrubs, mushrooms, berries, in winter eats bark and young branches. The number of deer in a wild state - less than 3000 heads, assured the status of the disappearing species (I category).

Female spotted deer do not have horns.

The larger and stronger the male, the more horn he has. Typically, the length of the horns does not exceed 80 cm, approximate weight is 1.3 kg.

Spotted deer resets the horns at the end of April - early May. Almost immediately, new horns begin to grow. Growing, non-refined horns are called Pants. Pants are covered with velvety skin with short soft wool. If, during the growth of Pants, the deer hit them about something rigid or somehow otherwise injured, the horns can grow deformed. For example, this deer is asymmetric horns and there is no lower hand of the right horns, which does not prevent him from being the chief male in herd. See how many free space around it? Around the females and young deer prefer to give him a sneakers.

If, after this deer, this deer reset the horns and starts to grow new, he will no longer hurt them again, they will grow smooth and beautiful. As, for example, other representatives of this herd.

By the spring, the processes of the horns are abruptly (the photos can be seen white ends of the processes). During Gon (October), males fight for females. Spotted deer infrequently wounded each other in battles. But it may occur so that two male, arguing with horns, can not break down. If it does not succeed, deer can die.

The female shelters one, less than two two, young 7.5 months. Olenyata is born in June-July.

During the first year of life, the deer grows small straight horns without processes - a shock. They can be seen on the head of the left deer.

During Gona, the male holds a herd out of 10-20 females. Later the herd breaks down, and males are combined into small men's groups. In winter, due to lack of food, spotted deer of the "Elk Island" is combined into large groups, which can be observed on excursions. In the spring they will differ in the surrounding area.

Of course, we went to the elk bosomation to see the beautiful Sakhanty. Elk - the animal is single, it is not going to the herd, therefore it is not so much moose on the territory of the biosantication. Adult sals are placed in large enclosures, and young allow you to freely walk around the territory.

There is no one else than another year. He has two major tuberca over his eyes - they will subsequently grow horns.

Elk(Lat. Alces Alces) - a wooden mammal, the largest type of deer family. The growth of the male in the withers to 2.3 m, the body length is up to 3 m, the mass of 360 is 650 kg. Females smaller. On the territory of Eurasia, the largest subspecies - Far Eastern. The vopotoxic horns of males are huge - up to 180 cm in motion (from the leftmost edge to the rightmost), weighing 20-30 kg. The males dump the horns every year in November-December, the new horns begin to grow in April-May. Females fights. Moose feed on wood-shrub and herbal vegetation, as well as mkhami, lichens and mushrooms, in winter they are moving to diet with branches and bark. Moose quickly run (up to 56 km / h) and perfectly float, looking for aquatic plants, can keep their head under water for more than a minute.

Losich Mashka is a frequent guest on the biostation. She has a radio transmitter on her neck, who helps to learn about all the movements of the idle. Many moste reserves wear similar collars. For an animal, they do not deliver any inconvenience, and scientists help to better explore the life of beautiful forest giants.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are two elk farms where extremely useful elk milk are obtained. On the territory of the USSR, such farms were seven, they tried to use elk on them not only as a dairy animal, but also as a driving. Due to difficulties in the breeding of animals, these projects were recognized in economically ineffective.

And the daughter of the Mushki.

Also on the territory of the biostancture lives in the aviary, one rose, she was still brought to the Losinai Island, they left, they were raised, but it is impossible to release it - stray dogs can bold. In general, dogs are a big problem for the National Park. Every year, the dogs kill up to 20 spotted deers. And not for food, but for hunting. The moose they are afraid, because Elos easily can kill the dog with a blow of the hoof. But the tiny roofing chances will not be.

The excursion was wonderful, and I really liked. I not only learned a lot of new and interesting about the horned inhabitants of the forest, but was able to chat with them. And to stroke the beauty-loss and feed it with the hands - incomparable pleasure.

I would have very much recommended to go on a tour of the mowing biostation, and you, and your children, it will probably like it very much!

Power biostancture
tel: 8-965-230-60-31
Yutkin Ivan Aleksandrovich

Visiting time: 11:00 and 13:00
(Due to the peculiarity of the content of animals on the bios: feeding time, rest time)
Excursion duration: 45 min

Pre-record required

from m. VDNH : Any busing bus going to the area. To go to the 1st stop after the Moscow Ring Road (~ 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road - before turning to the village. Friendship). Further on foot about 40 minutes along the main road through the village (~ 3-4 km) until the road rests on the forest. Then turn left (visible gearbox with a barrier). Further all the time directly (on the fork to hold the left) - we get straight to the gate of the biostancture.
from the railway station "Elk" : bus number 547 (rarely walks - you need to know the schedule), or
from the railway station "Perlovskaya ": Bus or minibus №3 to the final stop (at the forest itself), then the checkpoint and all the time directly (on the tool for the left).
by car - You can travel directly to the territory of the bios, travel as from m. VDNH.

Cost of excursion: 220 rubles - an adult, children's ~ 100 rubles, parking on the territory (after the barrier) - 200 rubles.