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Where is Boris Kolesniki now. The death of General Kolesnikova: to all adhere to the same version. And the result Motivated the refusal

In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk Technical Church of the Soviet Trade (in the specialty of commodity). In 1997 - Donetsk Academy of Management (specialty - management in the production sector).

Career.1980-1985 - Seller of the Kuibyshev Department of Working Supplies by Donetskugol. 1985-1986 - Seller of the Donetsk Wholesale and Retail Combine. In 1986, the Donetsk Maintenance Center for Metalworking Maintenance Equipment Center. 1986-1992 - Proberputor, the seller of the Donetsk city association of collective farm markets.

1992-1993 - Deputy Head, Head of the Trade and Procurement Enterprise of Donetsk. 1993-1996 - general director of collective trading firm South.

1996-1999 - General Director, Chairman of the Board of CJSC South. At the same time, Kolesnikov holds the post of the overall by the CJSC from Kiev-Conny, specializing in the release of confectionery products (since 2006, the company is called; today Kondteci's noticeable shares of the Ukrainian and Russian market are controlled, as part - three factories with staff 9 thousand people ).

In 1999, businessman kolesnikov goes to power. Until May 2001, he is the Deputy Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Then five more years is the chairman of the regional council.

In 2006 and 2007 becomes a people's deputy of Ukraine from. He worked in the BP Committee on Economic Policy.

Since March 2010 - Vice Prime Minister for Euro 2012 in the government. On December 9, 2010, as a result of the adminurgist, the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine became the first prime minister.

From December 2012 to November 2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 8 in the list). Head of the Committee of the BP on Transport and Communication.

On May 27, 2016, at the congress of the opposition block, Boris Kolesnikov and, heading the fraction of the opposite in parliament, were elected by the party co-chairs.

On the early parliamentary elections 2019 ranked 49 majoritarian counties (Donetsk region). According to the results of the vote, lost in the districtby giving way to a candidate from the party Valery Gnatenko.

Positions and evaluation. For a long time Kolesnikov - one of the most famous and reputable businessmen and politicians of the Donetsk region. Recently, the inhabitant of the political Olympus of Ukraine. He is included in the circle of the most influential members of the Party of Regions. At the early parliamentary elections of 2007, it was held under the same 10th number of the election list, as in 2006, although, according to observers, this place does not reflect its real weight in the party. He headed the election headquarters. Deputy Head of the Party and Fractions of Regionals in Parliament. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council PR.

Scandals. After the 2004 presidential election and the "Orange Revolution", Kolesnikov got under the scope of political opponents who came to power. As part of the implementation of the pre-election slogan "Bandits - prisons!" Law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the chairman of the Donetsk regional council. In particular, it was incriminated to the establishment with the use of extortion of shares of the fashionable Donetsk shopping center "White Swan". Several months the politician sat in the SIZO. Eminent foreign and domestic lawyers with the support of authoritative politicians-regionalov achieved the liberation of Kolesnikov from custody and closing a criminal case "due to the absence of a crime composition." And later the victim on the "case of Kolesnikov", the former co-owner of the White Swan, he himself was under the investigation - "for the country of false testimony."

Coming out of the Catalago in August 2005, the head of the Donetsk regional council promised to stubcide behind the lattice of "orange", the law enforcement officers on him (the first thing - the ex-chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Nevertheless, having come to power in the parliamentary elections of 2006, the party of regions of any of the high-ranking "orange" competitors was not planted. And the kolesnikov himself was not against the creation of a "wide coalition" with the transcript of our Ukraine.

However, after the victory in the presidential election-2010 leader of the Regionals of Yanukovych, some opponents of the "White-Blue" for the bastard were used - in particular, the ex-prime minister and the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Lutsenko.

At the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation to obtain 10 new interregional electric trains. High-speed trains purchased from the South Korean firm are not withstanding the frosty winter, break and idle for hours. Kolesnikov calls problems with high-speed trains by a technical misunderstanding.

In 2011, Journalist Sergey Leshchenko announced information about Kolesnikov's involvement in opaque building tenders in preparation for Euro 2012.

Condition.According to the magazine Focus, published in February 2008, the condition of Kolesnikov reached $ 470 million, an increase of $ 250 million compared to the previous year. In the ranking of the 130 richest Ukrainians, the co-founder of Conny took the 56th line. And the experts of the correspondent magazine several months later, they had an assets of $ 271 million from him, assigning the 50th place in its ranking of the richest compatriots.

Regalia. Honored economist of Ukraine. The owner of the silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" and the sign of the differences in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Law and Honor". He was awarded the Order "For Merit" II and III degree.

Family, circle of communication.Politician is married. He has a son (1992) and daughter (2004).

Kolesnikov from the young years is friends with the most rich Ukrainian, the owner of the company, and one of the few the most heights in the parties of the regions. It is no coincidence that the oligarch entrusted Kolesnikov's post of vice president of the Shakhtar Football Club - not the most profitable, but one of his favorite business projects.

General Kolesnikov Boris is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the modern MIA. Tragic fate, sudden accusation of corruption, strange death. In his case, there were many ambiguities, he was a significant person in our country, participated in the disclosure of many corruption cases, and ultimately he himself was under investigation and was accused of factories.


Born on June 27, 1977 in the educated family. His father was a professor at the Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so initially the boy's fate was solved. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose biography, like any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is not too announced, received from the Father all the necessary knowledge in order to become a good law enforcement defender.

He began his career as a regular police officer, together with his future leader, Denis Sugarbov, with which in the future side by side revealed a lot of crimes.

I started my career in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern District, Moscow, actively struggling with crime. In the future, it was transferred to the central administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For several years, I worked as an ordinary operative, and then got an increase and became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Professional activity

After reorganization in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in August 2011, was transferred to the position of head of the Combination Department in the Budget Sphere. And even a year later, he became the Deputy Head of the Gueppq, and was now engaged not only in the investigation of crimes in the budget sphere, but also by the fight against corruption. General Boris Kolesnikov, Biographical Biography is saturated with a variety of events, in October 2013, at the age of 36, he received a police rank of major general.

He participated in the disclosure of many high-profile affairs: "Oboronservis", participated in the exposure of the scam with tomographs, the disclosure of the case about the bribery of the head of the Rosreestra, the head doctor of the Polyclinic Anatoly Bronvene and in other high-profile affairs.

A family

About the personal life of Boris Kolesnikov known a little. He was married and happy in marriage. General Kolesnikov Boris, marriage Victoria Kolesnikov, was in marriage three minors. For the family, the former Major General belonged to very trembling, loved his wife and his children.

His wife Victoria did not believe in the suicide of her husband. Immediately after the death of Boris, she repeatedly declared to journalists that her husband was killed.


A decent career of a young Major General broke into one moment. At the end of the autumn of 2013, his department began developing a business against the heads of the FSB. One of the developed FDMS Foundation was the head of the FSB staff, and the other is the Deputy Head of the FSB Department. After that, everything went awry. General Kolesnikov Borisbyl was summoned to the Investigative Committee for interrogation, smoothly crushed into arrest. He was accused of exceeding the powers, bribery and entered into custody. There is information that Boris Kolesnikov and Denis Sugobodov recognized their guilt and tried to bribe the investigative committee.

According to the investigation, Boris Kolesnikov and Denis Sugobodov had property in the amount of 300 million rubles. One of the versions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was even based on the fact that General and 12 more operatives who were in his subordination independently facilitated corruption cases, substituting officials.

Various unpleasant rumors concerning Major General began to appear in the press, as to the fact that he used drugs. Whether it was against a young employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fabricated or not, still remains a mystery. General Boris Kolesnikov, the familycaster was confident in his absolute innocence, was enclosed in custody and placed in the remand insulator.

Press on the arrest and death of Boris Kolesnikov

The case of Boris Kolesnikova received a wide in the press, various theories were put forward regarding the guilty of the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the crimes in which he was accused. It existed that General Kolesnikov Boris was in prison because he was too actively taken into the development of security officers.

However, this version is no more than the theory, documented. In newspapers, magazines, the Internet there has been a huge number of general photos under investigation, in prison, in questioning, behind bars in the chamber.

In March 2014, General Kolesnikov Borisbyl deprived of the title by presidential decree. In April of the same year, he tried to present his version of events to high-ranking officials. And in a month I wrote a statement in the ECHR that his life is threatened. In the same period, being in the SIZO, he began to receive one after another "domestic injuries." There is information that, being under investigation, he repeatedly tried to commit suicide.

Death, funeral

The life of Kolesnikov blunted on June 16, 2014. According to the official version, he was asked to the toilet during the interrogation, but, after going to the corridor, he knocked off the police officer, rested to the window and jumped from the balcony. Crashed to death, jumping from the 6th floor. General Boris Kolesnikov, whose photo is available in the article, committed suicide.

According to the lawyer Boris Kolesnikova, George Antonova, the former Major General forbidden to bury with the honors. There was no escort, nor a volley or a military orchestra. They buried him at the funeral gathered about 150-200 people. But none of the former colleagues came in military uniform.

Versions of death

The death of General Boris KolesnikovanTeeped in the SIZO. However, there was no accurate cause of his death. According to one of the versions, he was brought to suicide. This was told by the father of the deceased newspaper Kommersant.

There is a theory that as a result of the acquired brain injuries in the SIZO, his psyche was broken. In that ill-fated day of the interrogation, he had a pressure, he was very depressed, therefore he jumped out of the window. In the media Boris Kolesnikov, they describe as a drug addict who broke his head and threw out of the window in the chamber.

One of the assumptions is that he was struck in prison in prison, and then dried out of the window. There is an assumption that his death is connected with the change of power in the "deny" sphere, because it is precisely the chariots and snowdrifts "supervised" this market sector.


Anna Stavitskaya lawyer, told about the events on the day of the death of the former general, on June 16. According to her, Kolesnikov and the investigator of Novikov went to the balcony together. What happened there is unknown. But the investigator returned already alone. He said that Major General jumped out of the window.

And a few later, Vladimir Markin, the representative of the SC, voiced the other version, according to which the policeman was defended, rested to the balcony and jumped off him. But here there is a small inconsistency: where did Boris Kolesniki know where the balcony was opened exactly?

The wife of the accused Victoria repeatedly said that she was forbidden to see her husband, and she never met him while he was in the SIZO. Victoria could not believe that her husband had committed suicide, leaving her one and three young children. He loved his family too much and never did it, she said so.

Anton Flowers, Chairman ONK, spoke after the death of a suspect that Boris repeatedly expressed fears and was afraid of something while he was in the detention facility. He even slipped the phrases that he fears someone from loved ones. Boris Kolesnikov died at the age of 37, leaving his wife and children. And the unified version of the cause of his death has not yet been established.

Three years have passed since the death of the general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Boris Kolesnikov. He was Deputy Head of Guebipk Denis Sugobiv, which is now in the SIZO. Kolesnikov died, dropping out of the window in the building of the investigative committee, where he was brought to the interrogation. We publish our material of three years ago, in which Major Police, Ivan Kosomrov, told Boris Kolesnikov's death. He was lucky on that day were taken to interrogation in SC along with Kolesnikov. And he was the last one who spoke with the fallen general.

Contrast employees of Guebipk, as well as about. In one of the materials we promised to talk about the meeting of the Department of Management "B" Guebipk Major Ivan Kosova with general Boris Kolesnikov. Before the last interrogation of Boris Kolesnikov was taken to the building of the Investigative Committee in one car facility with Ivan Kosomrov. It was June 16, 2014, the death of the general. He told Ivan Kourow about some of the details of his stay in Sizo Lefortovo.

Boris Kolesnikov got into Lefortovo SIZO back in February. And at court sessions, and in an interview with journalists, he always stated his innocence. Nevertheless, the Kolesnikovs of the RF IC changed the organization of the criminal community, the excess of the authority and provocation of the bribe. Already these accusations caused moral suffering to General Guebipk.

In addition, psychological and physical impact were provided in the SIZO to the general. Boris Kolesnikov stated that psychotropic drugs mixed in food and drink, he feels badly.

Boris Kolesnikov

Boris Kolesnikova's father in an interview to one of the publications told: "Boris is 30 kg lost. He terribly looked - the skin remained and bones. When he brought the skull for the first time in the SIZO, it was accurate - his family was scared, they said that the family would suffer. Therefore, the son said that he supposedly soap the window and fell. When he fell into the hospital, lawyers presented medical documents. Of these, it was: how many times had to fall to get such injuries to get and break the skull? Hospital doctors number 5 gave a preliminary conclusion that the blows were inflicted with a blunt solid subject on the fixed head. So he was lying, and it was placed...».

Journalists expressed different assumptions about the causes of the injury of the head received by Boris Kolesnikov in the SIZO. Most editions converged in one: the general "fell from the shone." But the conclusion of physicians, on the one hand, and the nature of the injury - on the other, do not confirm this version. The injury was localized in the frontal-dark area.

It is impossible to imagine the fall of an adult with an increase in adult for this head of the head! How Boris Kolesnikov received these injuries and for what reason - and remained a mystery. However, the curtain of the mystery slightly opened Evgeny Shermanovwhich in one of the interviews Pascha stated: " In the corruption of state structures there are stakeholders" Call these individuals, unfortunately, ne E. Shermanov nor other subordinates Denis Sugobiva Now can not. Boris Kolesnikov, because worried about the safety of his family.

Ivan Kosomrov and Boris Kolesnikov together drove in the car for the transport of prisoners to the building of the investigative committee. The general told a colleague about some details of his stay in the SIZO.

Ivan Kosomrov: " Kolesnikov said that S.A. Novikov And other investigators of the investigative group have psychological pressure on general: they threatened Kolesnikov, which will attract his spouse to criminal responsibility. S.A. Novikov and other investigators inconscepted general to the self-shaft on charged charges, as well as to accusatory testimony regarding subordinate employees of the GEBIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the head of the GEBIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation D.A. Sugobiv and other high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs».

By the way, Denis Sugobov speaks in an interview with Easter, that the most serious experiences of Boris were anxiety for the safety of his wife and children: " It is the threats to bring his wife to criminal liability for the commission of a particularly serious crime, to deprive her freedom for a long time, and three young children are sent to orphanages, and the proposals to avoid all this in exchange for the reservation of their colleagues, became a push for the choice of chariot In his opinion, allowed to protect his relatives not at the cost of lies and loss of honor and dignity, but at the cost of their own life».

Pay attention to one important fact: it is the investigator of the SC of the Russian Federation S.A. Novikov, which refers to Boris Kolesnikov in recognizing Ivan Kosomrov, did not give general the opportunity to see his wife and children. According to Ivan Kosova, S.A. Novikov repeatedly and threatened him physical violence to incline to the self and giving false testimony regarding his colleagues. It is noteworthy that it was S.A. himself Novikov considered all the complaints about the unlawful actions of officials of the investigative committee against the enclosed officers of the GEBIPK.

We give another story. Prosecutor of the Leningrad special footprocket A.E. Kozlov. told I.Yu. Kosomrov (they were mods), that the same style - threats to bring to criminal responsibility to the spouse - S.A. Novikov worked out on it. In addition, Father S.A. Kozlova, who witnessed in the case of the Son, was brought to suicide attempt. After recovery, the father tried to attract the investigator to criminal responsibility for the exceeding authority and for bringing the face to suicide (Article 110, 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). But these complaints did not reach the trial. Guess why? They were considered by the investigator S.A. Novikov.

Obviously, to respond to the exceeding authority in front of the family of the deceased Boris Kolesnikov, in which three young children remained, no one will have to anyone.

Not only people are involved in the fight against corruptioners. They can not do without the help of civilians, and usually make bold and decent people. What happened in this story? Why are citizens who have collaborated with Guebipk's rights doubted the legality of the actions of the Guebovtsev who conducted operational search activities (ORM), although they knew that corrupt officials were taken with political and recognized in the facts of theft and receptions of bribes?! What made S.A. Laskina, A.A. Klashkin and A.V. Leonov Stake up employees of Guebipk? Worked all the same methods S.A. Novikov and other investigators?

Like, Smolensk Court, as before, Odintsovo in the case of S.A. Laskina, made it A.V. Leonov The verdict in which the suspended period appears. Recall that Guebovtsev's lawyers insisted on the return of criminal cases and consideration in the framework of a common business about provocation. Because the allocation of Leonov and Laskina, the allocation of work on "Pupil" and Laskina and sentences violate the rights of the accused employees of Gueppk. This allows the investigative committee to get the right sentence without any problems, in fact, for the automatic further condemnation of GEBIPK employees. Is this the purpose of the investigation?!

But back to what happened on June 16, 2014 (the Day of the death of Boris Kolesnikov). At 11.30, the convoy brought I. Kosova and B. Kolesnikov to the building of the Investigative Committee, and they were delivered to the Cabinets of Investigators.

Ivan Kosomrov said that before entering the office, Boris Kolesnikov wanted to faretle to shaking a subordinate hand in handcuffs, and the convoy allowed that. At the same time, the general managed to say: " They want to get me, they will get me. You should not just suffer. goodbye».

After that, suspected employees of Gueppk were divorced at different cabinets of investigators, but due to the ailment of Ivan Kosomrov was released and sent to the car with a conversion. From the moment of farewell to Kolesnikov, about a half hours passed.

Ivan Kosomrov: " After a half hours after I was placed in a cage of a convoy machine, I saw from the main entrance of the building of the Investigative Committee, one of Kolesnikov's conversions ran out and headed towards the spare exit from the building, located closer to the street. Bauman. From the car, too, ran an escort, which accompanied me. A few minutes later he returned and said: "The general died».

After some time, another employee came to the convoy car, accompanied Kolesnikov, and told Konvoye: " The investigator ordered to convey so that everyone adhered to the same version: General had to be in the toilet, so handcuffs were removed from it. He jumped out of the toilet, pushed the convoy and rushed from the balcony».

Why did the investigator needed a version of the removal of handcuffs before going to the toilet and the wrapper of the convoy, if the media depict a different picture of the death of Boris Kolesnikov? What actually happened on the last interrogation, after which the general did not? Who will be the next victim in this cruel "chess party"? Probably, after the death of Boris Kolesnikov, the arrested colleagues of the deceased often reflect on these issues, and many other operating officers of Guebipk.

Andrey Ryazanov

The editorial office of Eastern expresses condolences to the family and close Boris Kolesnikov.

General Boris Kolesnikov - a famous employee of a scandalous criminal case. In the period from 2012 to 2014, he served as Deputy Head of the Main Department of Economic Security and to Counor Corruption under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Biography Silovika

General Kolesnikov Boris was born in Moscow in 1977. He began to work in the police along with Denis Sugobov, who later became the general and direct chief of Kolesnikov. Together they served in the department to combat organized crime management of the internal affairs of the Northern Administrative District of the capital.

Their work in the 90s noticed and rated direct guidance. As a result, in 1999 and Sugobiv, and Kolesnikov transferred to the Central Regional Administration, which was engaged in combating organized crime.

Up career ladder

In 2001, the future general Boris Kolesnikov became an operational officer of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, supervised the Central Federal District.

Over time, Kolesnikov moved to the position of head of the Division of the Tenth Operational Festival Bureau. He was engaged in directly struggle with organized crime. The Bureau was part of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 2011, a large-scale reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred, after which the hero of our article was the head of the management "b". Its scope included an investigation into the crimes committed in the budget sector. The work was directly related to the identification of crimes among officials, including those occupying very large positions, for example mayors of cities. Kolesnikov entered the new department. It received the name of the main management of economic security and to counter corruption of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2012, he received the rank of colonel and became the deputy head of this department. He began to oversee, in addition to the management of "B", also management "K", which was engaged in the fight against corruption, and the management of "M" (deals with the investigation of crimes in the field of metallurgy and mechanical engineering).

The title of Major Major Police of Kolesnikov received in the fall of 2013.

Among the colleagues and acquaintances were characterized positively, was married, had three minor children.

Service successes

In the track record of General Kolesnikova Boris a lot of successful investigations, major corruption crimes, in the disclosure of which he participated.

In particular, the Hero of our article participated in the disclosure of major fraud of officials in Kabardino-Balkaria, investigating against the chief doctor of Polyclinic No. 2 when managing the affairs of the President of Russia, Anatoly Bronvene, who was accused of obtaining the so-called kickback, which he got for the conclusion of a large state contract with Contractor.

Loud deeds

The general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Boris Kolesnikov investigated the scams associated with the purchase of tomographs with medical institutions, this business was on the control of Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the position of President of Russia. Investigated a criminal case against the acting management of Rossreester Olga Zhdanova, which was suspected of obtaining a bribe in a major real estate registration, dealt with the case against one of the leaders of the South Russian State University of Economics and Service in the mines, which were suspected of receiving a bribe for appointing .

General Boris Kolesnikov investigated the case of Oboronservis, was engaged in the affairs of the Deputy Director of the Herzen Oncology Center named Sergey Bezaev. He was also suspected of fraud with government contracts. He also collected evidence against the director of the Department of the Accounts Chamber of Alexander Mikhailik. He was accused of obtaining a bribe for organizing an unscheduled inspection of the federal state institution "Sport-Engineering".

Case against FSB employees

The loudest work of General Boris Kolesnikova, whose biography in this article, was the investigation into the actions of employees of the Federal Security Service. It was initiated at the very end of 2013, when the department subordinate to the hero of our article, the beginning of the development of Valery Alexandrovich and Igor Leonidovich. Who are these specific employees, what are their titles and positions, while not specified.

The versions were made in the media that it could be about the head of the Public Foundation of Former FSB employees, which Valery Alexandrovich was just called. According to unconfirmed data, Igor Leonidovich is the Deputy Head of the Sixth Service of the Ninth Department of the FSB on the Surname Demin.

According to law enforcement officers, one of the intermediaries, which was involved in the development of FSB staff, passed the operational information with which the Federal Security Service was able to initiate a response investigation. Soon the arrest of subordinates General Kolesnistemova was arrested, and in February he himself received a subpoena with the requirement to come to the investigative committee. Initially, he was given the status of a witness. True, it was very suspected and was arrested.

Under investigation

The hero of our article itself was under investigation, by the decision of the court he was detained. In the spring of 2014, the president deprived Kolesnikov to the general position.

In April, the Ex-General of Boris Kolesniks already turned with an open letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Seak and Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin, in it, he outlined his own version of events. In May, the situation aggravated due to the fact that in the detention facility, which was kept suspect, he began to regularly receive cranopy and brain injuries that the institution's management characterized as domestic ones. His defenders filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that their client threatens danger, he can even lose his life.

Suicide Kolesnikov

On June 16, 2014, a tragedy occurred to which many people still have questions. Once again, the Ex-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Boris Kolesnikov was delivered to the interrogation of the Investigation Committee. Directly during communication with law enforcement officers by unidentified, until the end, the cause of chariots fell from a balcony located on the sixth floor.

As a result of the fall, he crashed to death. According to the official version, a former officer took advantage of a convenient case and committed suicide.

Versions of death

The death of General Boris Kolesnikov struck many. Almost immediately after his death, various versions of what happened began to move.

Some media began to represent Kolesnikov as a high-ranking official who tried to fabricate the case about a bribe, and after arrest, he broke his head about the wall in the detention facility, after hearing from the sixth floor of the investigative committee.

Other publications were represented by Kolesnikov wrestling with corruption, which was arrested after he managed to expose a high-ranking bribe from the Federal Security Service, which had a title of General. After that, he broke through his head in the detention facility, and after the next interrogation in the investigative committee, they simply were thrown from the sixth floor.

There is also a version according to which this confrontation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB originated due to the redistribution of the so-called profound market, which oversaw the cash payment terminals. If you believe this hypothesis, the market was supervised just representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, including Kolesnikov and his associates of snowdrifts.

The fate of Sugobiva

Kolesnikov's associate Denis Sugobodov also became a law enforcement of a criminal case of exceeding official powers. It was the most loud corruption scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years.

According to the official version, which the investigation, snowdrifts and chariots were tried to provoke the FSB officer for a crime. Under the guise of businessmen, they asked for general patronage for a solid remuneration - 10 thousand dollars a month.

Additional resonance of this case gave the fact that the snowdrifts was one of the youngest generals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, promising and submitting hope. Major General he received in 36 years.

In April 2017, he was sentenced to 22 years in colony, and also deprived of all the titles received. Later, the Supreme Court softened the sentence for 10 years.

In 2001-2006 - Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Since 2001, the press secretary of Boris Kolesnikov was Elena Bondarenko, who over time he rose in an independent major Ukrainian policy.

Since the end of 2003, the Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Party of the Region Party. Known as one of the organizers of the congress of deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk on November 28, 2004.

At the 2006 and 2007 parliamentary elections, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the list of the Party of Regions (both times went on the tenth number in the list).

In 2010, Vice Prime Minister on Euro 2012 was appointed. December 9, 2010 was appointed Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

At the 2012 parliamentary elections, he was elected on party lists of the Party of Regions (No. 8). Head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on transport and communications. Being the secretaries of the Presidium of the Party of Regions, in 2014 refused to participate in early parliamentary elections in connection with the war in the Donbas.

In March 2015, he received a post of premiere in the Shadow Cabinet of Ministers, created by the Party "Opposition Block".

Political activity

Boris Kolynikov's political activity began in 1998 since its election to the deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council. At the same time, he headed the Permanent Commission on Socio-Economic Development, Foreign Economic and Investment Policy, Small and Medium Business Development.

From May 1999, he was elected deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, and in a year he became his chairman.

In March 2002, he was re-elected by Kolesnikov, a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

In November 2004, in the midst of the "Presidential Race", the Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, is one of the organizers and an active participant in the All-Ukrainian Congress of People's Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk. At the congress, he called on the audience "to solve the issue of creating a new Ukrainian southeastern state in the form of a federal republic," for which she subsequently "came under the sight of political opponents who came to power" and became the "first prisoner of the Orange Revolution."

According to the official version voiced in the press, Boris Kolesnikov was arrested on charges of extortion of the shares of the Donetsk Shopping Center "White Swan", but after several months the politician was released, and the "Kolesnikov case", initiated by Boris Penchuk, was closed due to the lack of The composition of the crime. Boris Kolesnikov commented on the situation as follows: ".. I found half a million dollars in the accounts in the accounts after I told the prosecutor's office. So it's good that they, "smart" guys, put money on the same bank, where they received, otherwise we would have to have much more difficult. " Because of the arrest acquired special fame in the country.

As the 2010 Renat Kuzmin stated in the summer of 2009: "The case of Kolesnikov was falsified, with high officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and GPU."

In 2006, Boris Kolesnikov - becomes a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

State activities

On March 11, 2010, Boris Kolesnikova appointed Vice Prime Minister for Euro 2012. And in December, he also joined the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Kolesnikov became the first statesman who brought Ukrainian-speaking EuroNews to Ukraine. On October 21, 2010, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov and General Director of the EURONEWS Executive Board Michael Peters signed a Memorandum on the creation and dissemination of Euronews international news in Ukrainian.

Thus, Ukraine became the first country of the world, which was entitled to the production of local Ukrainian news and distribute these news on a regular basis within the broadcast of the Ukrainian version of Euronews.

The head of the Ukrainian branch of the EuroNews Valid Arfus in his account on Facebook on this occasion wrote: "... This project would not be possible without will, support and perseverance Boris Kolesnikov and Anna Herman, for which they thank you so much !!!".

Nestor Shufrich in July 2010 noted about him: "Kolesnikov really very big innovator. He is ready today to make decisions and on liberalization of the economy, to reduce tax pressure - and it really sees the mechanisms for this. "

Euro - 2012.

Ambitious and large-scale project Euro 2012 got Boris Kolenikov in a very poor condition.

According to UEFA estimates in January 2008, the Ukraine's infrastructure remained in the same form as at the time of the country's proclamation by the Euro 2012 hostess (April 18, 2007). UEFA's leadership, headed by President Michel Platini, warned Ukraine about the possible tournament in another country, if during 2008 the pace of preparation for euro will not increase.

Challenge number one for Kolesnikov - as a curator for the preparation for Euro 2012 - was the defense of Ukraine's right to hold the European Football Championship.

In June 2010, the UEFA Supervisory Board decided to approve the right to hold the 2012 European Football Championship in all four Ukrainian cities - Kiev, Donetsk, Lviv and Kharkov, in connection with this, Boris Kolesnikov said the press: "Ukraine may no longer be afraid that Some of its cities will be excluded from among the host cities of the 2012 European Football Championship. "

The subsequent work of Boris Kolesnikova on the preparation for the euro was associated with the construction and reconstruction of Ukrainian stadiums and airports, as well as the development of the country's infrastructure.

According to the data voiced by Boris Kolesnikov, the total cost of preparation costs for the European football championship amounted to about 5 billion dollars.

"We have built 4 airport of international standard for only 18 months. In Kiev, we completed the runway and the new terminal. Fifty million euros were aimed at current expenses, among which - translators, selection and preparation of service personnel, "said B. Kolesnikov in an interview with the Italian edition of Ilsole24ore.

UEFA President and the Executive Committee of the Union thanked the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov for the impeccable organization of Euro 2012 in Ukraine.

Evaluating the work on the organization for Euro 2012, UEFA Operational Director Martin Callen noted: "It was a great tournament that set new standards for the future organization."

According to the French edition of Lechercle.lesechos, during the tournament, Ukraine visited a huge number of tourists who were satisfied with the organization of Euro 2012. The championship allowed to attract the attention of foreigners to a previously unknown country, which will allow in the future to develop a tourist business.

According to a survey of researchers Research & Branding Group, almost two thirds of the Ukrainians received positive impressions of the championship. Three quarters of Ukrainians believe that in their country, Euro 2012 was organized at a high level, and only 12 percent believe otherwise.


"When I go to the office to Boris Kolesnikov, I see that all the construction sites on the computer are withdrawn, and he follows them in online mode," said Mr. Tigipko, adding that Mr. Kolesnikov's efforts to prepare Ukraine EUROMEMPIONATE. "It is very good that they entered UEFA graphics, and now we are fulfilled by the obligations, which previously had serious concerns. I believe that this is a personal merit of Boris Kolesnikov, because it is actively engaged in the issues of Euro 2012, "says Sergey Tigipko.

For the rapid pace of construction and reconstruction of stadiums and airports, UEFA General Secretary of Jianny infantino nickned him super-Boris.

According to the newspaper "Comments" "After Euro 2012, Kolesnikov can become the most popular" white-blue "politician. From how successfully Euro 2012 will be held in Ukraine, the assessment of all the activities of the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov for the entire period of his work in the Cabinet "will be dependent.

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Having headed the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in 2010, Boris Kolesnikov outlined the main priorities of the activities and development of infrastructure in such areas:

Work with the public

During the period of working under Kolesnikov, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine increased its presence on social networks: since June 2011, the Ministry is an active user of the Facebook social network.

Removed a ban on the shooting at the railway stations and at airports.

A single ticket is introduced: to Euro 2012 in Ukraine it will be possible to purchase a ticket for any kind of transport of long-distance communication.

From June to pay railway and bus tickets purchased via the Internet, it became possible through payment terminals.

Insurance payments to passengers from accidents on transport increased by 2 times, in 2011, the insurance amount increased to 102 thousand UAH. In 2011, a contract was signed with a leasing company Ilyushin Finance CJSC for the supply of the first An-158 aircraft.


Speaking about the reform of "Ukrzaliznytsi", at the reporting press conference on the topic "Results on the results of work in the first half of the year. Plan of development of the industry, "Boris Kolesnikov identified three priorities. "The first is for six years to completely get away from the night trains: within Ukraine, you can get to anywhere in the afternoon. Again, thanks to new trains. The second is the electrification of the movement ("now from 22 thousand kilometers of roads is electrified half, it is necessary to bring this figure to 15 thousand"). The third is the modernization of the fleet of locomotives: the obsolete park of the Soviet period is still used. "

To carry out the planned plans - to combine Kiev and Ukrainian cities, hosting Euro 2012, at the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation to obtain 10 new interregional electric trains.

At the same time, the first six trains will allow organizing high-speed movement between Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov and Lviv. For example, it will be possible to get to Kharkov in 3.5 hours, to Lviv - for 4.5 hours, to Donetsk - for 5.5-6 hours.

According to the magazine "New Time" by high-speed trains of Interssiti and Intersiti + transported a record number of passengers. Now it is the largest indicator from the moment of start in Ukraine.

Also in the focus of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikova - the maritime industry of Ukraine, roads and cars.


According to official data, the assets of Boris Kolesnikova - APK-Invest and CONTI CJSC.

In 2006, the "Top 100" of the most influential people of Ukraine, which annually defines the magazine "Corresponding", Boris Kolesnikov took the 24th position.

According to the magazine "Focus", in 2006, Boris Kolesnikov took the 10th position in the rating of influence among representatives of the Donetsk region.

In 2007, Boris Kolesnikov took the 20th position in the Top 100 of the most influential people of Ukraine.

In 2007, in the ranking of the magazine Focus, the "200 most influential Ukrainians" took the 20th place. In April 2011, the Journal of Forbes, when drawing up a rating of a hundred richest Ukrainians, estimated the condition of Kolesnikov at $ 230 million, which caused his indignation. "Why did they indicate my state of $ 230 million, if I only spent $ 200 million for animal breeding! And "Conti" - what, not considered?! And we also open a factory in Kursk for $ 250 million, "said Kolesnikov.

The total turnover of "Conti" and "APK-INVEST" last year exceeded 4 billion UAH. And the state of Boris Kolesnikov himself is estimated at $ 810 million.

In 2015, the influential edition of Forbes called the TOP-10 taxpayers of Ukraine, among whom Boris Kolesnikov was in second place, which paid 164, 081 million hryvnia NDFL.


In 2008, Boris Kolesnikov founded a personal charitable foundation.

Prior to that, his charitable activities were carried out in the format of individual address assistance: so, since 2004, veterans' trips were organized on the initiative of Boris Kolesnikov, the reconstruction of the Olympic "Olympic" in the city of Donetsk was carried out, there were significant funds in the recovery of needy children, retirees, and Also supporting the cultural heritage of the country.

According to the results of 2010, the Foundation Boris Kolesnikov for charity was spent over 8 million hryvnia. In 2011, at the implementation of charitable programs, the Fund allocated about 11 million hryvnia, including funds were aimed at supporting the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Solomia Crushelnitsky, the best Ukrainian athletes, health care. In 2012, the size of charitable investments exceeded 18 million hryvnia, of which more than 10 million hryvnia were invested in the development of sports. In 2013, Boris Kolesnikov Foundation was recognized as the leader of the national rating of benefactors in the nomination "Support for Sports and Physical Education".

Boris Kolesnikov himself about her patronage responds very modestly: "I think that the activities of the Foundation will be useful to Ukrainians. It will be public, understandable and, I hope effective. But I will not speak for myself. I want my work to be rated people. "

Since 2014, the Fund's activities have focused on the implementation of charitable educational projects and competitions for students. Their goal is to support talented, active youth, develop the intellectual potential of society, to revive interest in engineering specialties.

All-Ukrainian charitable programs "Aviator", "Railwayman" and "Architect" are held for the future elite of Ukraine - students of technical, aviation, architectural and construction universities. The winners of these projects attend the best sectoral exhibitions of the world, where they get acquainted with advanced technologies and innovations of industries, meet with specialists, communicate with students from other countries of the world, are visited by master classes. All this stimulates young people to get new knowledge and career growth.

The priority project of the charity foundation is the annual All-Ukrainian Open Competition "Aviator". He is intended to support future Ukrainian designers and engineers, pilots and air traffickers; Motivate and encourage talented guys; Help them implement the most original projects. The prestigiousness and popularity of the competition is evidenced by his geography (all of Ukraine) and a huge number of students' registrations in the project.

For the first time, Aviator was held in 2012. Over the years of its existence, more than 11 thousand students of technical specialties from 44 universities and colleges of Ukraine took part in it. The 300 most talented, creative and purposeful of them became the winners of the project and, thanks to the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation, visited the world's leading aircraft forums - Farnborough in the UK and Le Bourget in France. There, they attend the stands of the giants of the world air industry, see new items and receive invaluable experience and knowledge that are introduced in their native Ukraine. During visits to London and Paris, students also get acquainted with the sights of the capitals and attend the amusement parks - Disneyland and Torp Park.

Aviator lasts half a year and consists of 5 stages: testing in English technical language, history and theory of aviation, accurate sciences, presentations of the business case and their own investment project. The jury of the competition includes the best representatives of the aviation industry, and he heads his hero of Ukraine, the legendary aircraft designer Dmitry Kiva.

The project "Railway" was implemented in 2014 and 2016. 50 best students from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V.Lazaryan and the State Economic and Technological University of Transport went to the Berlin International Exhibition of Innotrans Transport Technologies, where advanced technologies from Alstom Transport, Bombardier Transportation GmbH, Siemens AG , Pesa Bydgoszcz SA, etc., met with industry experts.

The Architect project was held in 2014, and 20 of its winners from the Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture and the Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture visited a week of design and architecture in Tokyo. In addition to visiting the exhibition itself, the students went to the architectural tour of the city with the famous architect Ulf Meyer, who spoke about the peculiarities of Tokyo urban planning and conducted a master class right on the streets of the capital of Japan. The guys also visited the Best Japan University of Japan - Tokyo City University, talked with peers and the dean of Yashiya Yamaoka.

Since 2014, the priority for the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation is the program to restore Donbass. The program provides support for students of secondary educational schools by the Donetsk region and pupils of boarding schools; Restoration of the work of the Ice Arena "Altair" and the organization of hockey and figure skating sections for children 5-12 years; Providing material assistance to residents victim during ATO.

According to the current tradition, on the day of the knowledge and day of St. Nicholas, a charity foundation, together with the HC "Donbass", congratulates children of the Donetsk region with the holidays, gives them branded backpacks, stationery, sweets. Every year, the benefactors help 60,000 children of Donbass and their mentors.

In 2016-2017, Boris Charitable Foundation Boris Kolesnikov supported several Ukrainian rehabilitation centers for children, regional hospitals, nursing homes, provided them with necessary technical equipment and life objects.

Hockey Club "Donbass"

In 2010, Boris Kolesnikov became the owner of the Donbass Hockey Club, which allowed the Donetsk region to become the most real hockey capital of Ukraine. In the first season, headed by Boris Kolesnikov "Donbass" for the first time in its history won the gold medals of the championship, issuing a record for the country a victorious series in 27 matches in a regular stage, and then in the final beat the capital "Falcon" (1: 0 and 3 : 2). Subsequently, Donbass was confirmed by the Country Champion title twice by twice, raising the FSU's head in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons. In the summer of May 31, 2011, in Moscow, at the general meeting of the Highest Hockey League, the HC "Donbass" was adopted by a unanimous decision in the members of the NHL non-profit partnership. To prepare for the performance in the highest hockey league for the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, the domestic club went to Canada. And on the return to Ukraine, I organized and spent at the highest level the first international tournament "Open Cup of Donbass", which also took part three clubs of the Continental Hockey League - Cak (St. Petersburg), Dynamo (Minsk) and Dynamo (Riga ). Season 2011/12 in VHL Donetsk team completed in a step from the Brother Cup final, giving way to the future champion - Neftekamsky Torosu. In July 2012, the decision of the Continental Hockey League leadership, the Donbass HC was adopted as part of the participants in the strongest hockey league of Europe. According to the results of its first regular season, the club took the 9th place in the Western Conference and did not manage to get into the playoffs, giving all the Atlanta.

In January 2013, Donetsk Donbass was the first and so far the only Ukrainian club who won the prestigious European tournament under the auspices IIHF is the continental Cup of the season 2012/13. In the superfinal, whose matches were held on the Donetsk arena "Friendship" from 11th to January 13, at that time another two-time champion of Ukraine, the Belarusian "Metallurg" beat (1: 0), Italian "Bolzano" (3: 0) and French Rouen Dragon (7: 1) by typing the maximum possible 9 points.

Improve your results in KHL "Donbass" was already the next season. Lots of 54 matches, the first part of the championship in the fourth place of the Western Conference completed the first part of the championship in the fourth place of the Western Conference, becoming a record holder on the minimum number of missed sails per season - 99. As a result, on March 7, 2014, Arena "Friendship" for the first time in the history of Ukrainian hockey took the game Playoff Round KHL . At stage 1/4 of the final, Denamians were knocked out from the further struggle of the Riga Dynamo, but in the semifinals of the conference as a result of the sixymaticheye series they missed the Prague Lion in the final. It is noteworthy that then "Donbass" only once was able to play on the home stage - due to the tense political situation in Ukraine, the KHL Board forbade Games in the Friendship Arena in Donetsk.

Another record KHL "Donbass" was already installed in the playoffs, playing with Prague "Lvom" the longest match, which lasted 126 minutes and 14 seconds. Then the decisive washer scored a defender Donbass Andrei Konev, and the game itself entered the story as "Prague Marathon."

In 2013, HC "Donbass" created the largest school fan sector in the KHL, which he had more than 1,500 fans from 22 schools by Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Fan association participants along with the Donetsk club visited different cities of six countries - Russia, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia and Croatia.

In the summer of 2014, due to the enlightened political situation in Donetsk, the club was forced to refuse to participate in the seventh seasons of the KHL, and the main team of the club was sent to the "Academic Vacation". The same fate waited for the team "Young Guard", which took part in the youth hockey league, and Donbass-98.

In the same summer, Boris Kolesnikov decided to preserve the Ice Children's Youth Sports School, transporting it to the city of Druzhkovka with training on the basis of the Ice Arena "Altair". From September 1, 2014, more than 900 children from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka and Druzhkovka, which began to engage in hockey and figure skating, were involved in the DOSSSH HC "Donbass". The club provided every young athlete with the necessary equipment, a qualified coaching train, as well as comfortable club buses, which are brought and dismissed children in La Altair and back to their settlements. The set of children continued in 2015.

In the 2015/16 season, the three teams of the DSSS HC "Donbass" were transported to the La Terminal Base in Brovary. Such a change in the permanent site of training was due to the participation of the teams "Donbass 2003", Donbass 2004 and Donbass 2005 in the Championships of Belarus and the appropriate reduction in the time spent on visiting the tournament's field matches. Most of the ice school continued its activities in Druzhkovka, a new season in its ranks over 300 pupils in the hockey and figure skating section. To date, the Sports School of HC "Donbass" is the most numerous in Ukraine, in which more than 1,100 pupils are engaged. In the summer of 2015, it was decided to revive the first team of HC "Donbass", which submitted an application for participation in the Championship of Ukraine of the 2015/16 season. In a short time, the club's management managed to collect the team that took the second "gold" at the traditional pre-season tournament Donbass Open Cup, adding to triumph in 2013 also win in 2015, and then won the fourth set of gold medals Donbass in Championship of the country.

On the eve of the start of the 2016/17 season, "Donbass" for the third time in its history won the home pre-season tournament DONBASS Open Cup. The Krivbass Krivbas, Kharkov "Vityaz", Belotserkovsky "White Bars" and Kremenchuk beat the Donets, alternately beat. Also, as part of the preparation for the Country Championship, Dontschuk took part in friendly tournaments in Kremenchug (Open Kremenchug Cup) and Zvolen (Paul Memorial). In Slovakia, the Donongs met with the Belarusian Shakhtar (4: 7), as well as Slovak "Zvolenom" (3: 2 OT) and "Distah" (4: 3)

According to the results of the National Ukrainian Championship of the 2016/17 season, Donbass became a five-time champion of Ukraine.

Season-2016/17 became the new round of development for the Donbass club school - the children-youth sports school expanded her geography. On January 22, children from Bakhmuta made their first steps on ice. And already on February 5, young athletes from Pokrovsk and Mirnograd joined them. The end of the season turned out to be particularly successful for the team of the Sports School of HC "Donbass" of 2004 - Donbass 2004 became the champion of Ukraine, as well as the Bronze medalist of the Belarusian Open Championship.

In addition to the sports component, the Hockey Club "Donbass" participates in various social and charitable projects. Since 2014, together with the Boris Charitable Foundation, Boris Kolesnikova, the Club implements a social project dedicated to the World Wide Vental Day. In 2014, the first-graders of Slavyansk, Nikolaevka, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka received 2,500 gift backpacks. A year later, the branded backpacks of HC "Donbass" received 2,400 first-graders from the schools of Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, as well as Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka. Also annually new backpacks and educational supplies receive pupils of the Sports HC "Donbass". On September 1, 2016, these gifts received 2,300 children from Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, settlements of Konstantinovsky district, Pokrovsky district, as well as from the northern part of the Donetsk region.

Every year on the day of St. Nicholas and on New Year's Eve, the Donbass Hockey Club, together with the Boris Charitable Foundation, congratulates students and teachers of schools and boarding schools in the Donetsk region with the winter holidays. This tradition takes its beginning since 2013, when in Donetsk HC "Donbass" began to congratulate his fan clubs around the city and beyond (Bakhmut, Druzhkovka, Zugres, Konstantinovka, Chistolyakovo and Yasinovaya).

In 2014, despite the fact that the main team of HC "Donbass"; I missed the sports season, this did not affect the project. On the eve of the Day of St. Nicholas Ex-players of the "Young Guard" Ruslan Romashchenko, Vladimir Cherdak and Maksim Martyshko congratulated students and teachers of 11 educational institutions of Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Kokrovsk, Nikolaevka, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, giving more 55,000 New Year's sweet gifts and souvenirs.

In 2015, the scale of the project increased, and already 60,000 children and teachers of schools, boarding schools and lyceums of Donetsk region received New Year's gifts from HC Donbass and Fund. The project was attended by players of the first team of the Donetsk Club, among them there were repeated champions of Ukraine, hockey players of the national team, ex-players NHL, KHL and VHL. The official delegations of HC "Donbass" and the Fund personally visited 43 educational institutions of Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Pokrovsk, Kramatorsk, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as settlements of Konstantinovsky and Pokrovsky districts.

In 2016, gifts received 58,000 children from 150 schools, children's homes and boarding schools, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Nikolaevka, Pokrovsk, Slavyansk, Svyatogorsk, as well as the Pokrovsky and Konstantinovsky districts. On December 19, the official delegations of the Donbass Foundation and the Hockey Club visited the educational institutions of the Donbass region, where sweet kits were presented with children and teachers.

A family

Kolesnikov married (Svetlana Kolesnikov), has two children - daughter Catherine, (born in 2004), and son of Constantine (1992).

Awards and titles

Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.

Member of the Political Council of the Party of Regions.

Deputy Chairman of the Party Faction in the Verkhovna Rada.

Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy.

Member of the Provisional Special Parliamentary Commission for Project Projects on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.

Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Cooperation of the Verkhovna Rada and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Head of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Member of the Parliamentary Group on Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Japan, Germany, France.

President of the Football Federation of the Donetsk region.

Awarded the Order "For Merit" I, II, III degree.

Honorary citizen Donetsk