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Fishing for bream in the spring. Tackle for catching bream: from the donkey to the rocker arm. Necessary equipment and accessories

Due to artificial breeding, bream is quite common in our country today. It is found in the quiet deep lower reaches of rivers, where the flow is slow and the water is warming up, as well as in channels and backwaters. It can often be found in deep pits and flooded sand or gravel pits with soft bottoms.

general information

This fish prefers bends and places above dams, as well as depressions or holes, always trying to stay away from the coast. In lakes overgrown with vegetation, it stays at depths during the day, and in the evening moves to shallow water to the surface. Bream lives in groups, migrating during the day in search of food. As a rule, he avoids areas where the bottom is rocky.

This fish is caught mainly in summer, although it takes bait in warm autumn. And in some water areas below the reservoirs, it can be fished out even in a frosty winter. In very hot bream practically does not bite. And in the established clear and calm weather, it can be caught both in the early morning and late in the evening, provided that the water at the depths is clear. However, many anglers are interested in bream in the spring. The reason is that it is during this period that this fish can be caught almost near the very shore.

Spring fishing

It was at this time, according to many avid hunters, that it is most interesting to catch this inhabitant of reservoirs. Bream is most active in spring, and this, accordingly, affects both the quantity and quality of the catch.

And although it is believed that it is better to catch this fish in the summer, nevertheless, many go to the reservoirs after the retreat of winter, considering this time to be the most suitable for fishing. Bream in the spring before spawning, huddling in flocks, intensively feeds. This, in turn, also gives anglers a certain advantage. But not everything is so simple: it is not always possible to boast of a notable catch. Fishing for bream in the spring has its own characteristics. You need to know about this in advance in order to properly prepare, because without this you can return home empty-handed.

Fishing time

You can start catching this fish in the spring as soon as the ice melts. The water should at least a little go to its usual level in the reservoir. In order for fishing to be successful, experienced anglers take into account such an indicator as the degree of transparency of the water. Usually this time falls on the end of March or the beginning of April. The nibble of the bream improves with the clarification of the water and an increase in its temperature. The closer the spawning period, the greater the number of the flock and the closer the prey comes to the shore. It is important for the angler at this time not to frighten the fish with rustles or awkward movements. The most stable bream bites in the spring in May.

Catchy places

Prior to the beginning, it feeds on worms and insect larvae at the very edge of aquatic vegetation, especially in shallow bays. If spawning occurs in rivers flowing into a reservoir, then it is necessary to catch it in their mouths. Here, this fish actively feeds, and as soon as the water warms up, it goes upstream to the spawning grounds. Knowing how to catch bream in the spring on the river, you can return home with a fairly large amount of prey.

In large waterways, before spawning, this fish accumulates near dams and near pits, as well as near oxbows, where it then lays eggs. In some rivers, bream remain in their permanent habitats for a long time, heading to spawning grounds at the very last moment. The spawning period, even in one reservoir or river, can stretch for almost a month and begin only in May, depending on weather conditions.

On the donk

Correctly selected tackle for catching bream in the spring is the key to the success of this activity. First of all, this fish is used for fishing, which, in the opinion of many anglers, is the most effective. There are a lot of devices for this method of fishing. Often, spinning rods are used for their manufacture, which is re-equipped in such a way that with its help the bait can be thrown far enough and, most importantly, in the right direction.

The diameter for the main line should be in the range from 0.3 to 0.35 millimeters, and 0.25 mm is usually enough for leaders. Hooks are used with a long shank, sizes 5-7. Donka is equipped with two or three stings. Fishing in spring works best with red dung worms. It is advisable to feed the place of future fishing in advance. Experienced hunters use boiled wheat with the addition of sunflower meal or chopped worms as complementary foods.

Fishing distance from the shore with this type of tackle for catching bream in the spring can be up to twenty meters from the shore. It is very convenient to use the bottom in a strong wind or with a large wave in the reservoir. In this case, the rod should have a length of at least three meters, and the leash should be 0.14-0.16 millimeters in size with a length of up to fifty centimeters. The feeder should be selected depending on the flow rate and on the composition of the complementary food.

Catching bream on a feeder

In the spring on the river, this fish swims close enough to the shore. This circumstance must be taken into account when equipping tackle for catching bream in the spring should have a long rod with a plug.

Considering the rather high cost of such a feeder, many people opt for a six or seven meter telescopic version with flow rings. But it should have two features: lightness and quality.

The main line with a diameter of 0.25-0.27 millimeters with a leash thickness of 0.2 mm is wound onto a spinning reel. Sometimes a second copy is mounted above the sinker. So, according to some anglers, it is easier to track in which horizon the bream feeds.

The hook must be taken from a thin wire and not very large: such that bloodworms and worms can easily be planted on it. The float should have a teardrop shape with a lifting capacity of one to three grams.

It is preferable to catch in spring from the end of April or the beginning of May. At this time, the prey, having already worked up a little fat near the coast, goes to the spawning grounds. And it is on the feeder that you can catch trophy specimens.

In the wiring

This equally noteworthy method of spring fishing for bream from a boat is suitable for relatively shallow bodies of water, in which there is a calm and even flow. It is preferable to select a place for fishing based on the bottom: it should be dense and sandy-clayey. When fishing with harness, it is obligatory to feed. Red dung worms are used as bait and maggot works well.

In spring, bream prefers peas, steamed wheat, pearl barley as a nozzle. The best time to fish is early morning hours or late evening. Most often, it is during these periods that you can count on a bite of solid specimens.


You need to fish for bream with the following baits of animal origin: bloodworms, maggots, worms and caddis flies. If the first option is preferable in reservoirs rich in this larva, then the rest of the baits are better suited for catching trophy specimens, especially when the water is warm enough. Catchy are also "sandwiches" made from maggots with worms, bloodworms and maggots. As the reservoir warms up and the spawning time approaches - the beginning of May - some experienced breammen also fish for various vegetable baits: steamed pearl barley, peas, canned corn, bread crumb, semolina and even pasta.

There are also artificial catch baits. Bream bites well on foam balls, as well as balls of dough, into which a piece of thread is implanted. Then they are boiled and dried. The pellet is hooked onto the hook using a protruding piece. Such a bait "works" well on the river during bottom fishing.

Bream belongs to the type of river fish that, thanks to their well-developed organs of smell and touch, can find food for themselves, both in poor visibility and in complete darkness.

Large bream is very cautious, so it mostly goes out in search of food at night, and practically does not move during the day. Moreover, it is at night that it is more likely to find something to eat, since benthic organisms are especially active at this time, which makes them more visible to fish.

Breams know in which places the most organisms suitable for feeding live, therefore, as soon as dusk or even night falls, they gather in a flock and go for food. In rare cases, this happens in the early morning. During the day, bream rarely moves, usually it spends this time in pits, where the current is calm. Most aquatic organisms: crustaceans, worms and all kinds of nymphs most often accumulate on the stem and at the roots of algae, as well as on the eroded roots of bushes or trees. Therefore, it is necessary to catch bream with a fishing rod and a half-bottom at night near the steep, washed-out shore overgrown with bushes and grass. Before fishing, this place needs to be prepared.

But, nevertheless, in search of food, bream can also go to shallow rocky ridges, which are located near the channel depths. In such cases, bottom tackle is used for fishing for bream. After all, it can be thrown at a farther distance from the coast.

At night, when the bream goes underwater looking for food, it travels a fairly long distance. If he knows exactly where a large amount of food is, he can swim almost 1000 meters to this place.

In order to understand where the bream will be at night, you need to take into account the depth of the river, as well as the relief and structure of the bottom. Quite often it happens that the bream finds food below the place where the rebound jet flushes the algae. You also need to pay attention to places with a large accumulation of large stones, since there may be food brought by the current stuck between the stones. Bream can also be found in places where the rapid flow of water slows down sharply, because there remains food that was carried by the current. On rivers, such areas should be looked for behind capes, channels or dams. In these places, there are almost always calm water reaches. As a rule, in places where a wide channel flows into a narrow one, and vice versa, eddies or reverse currents appear. It is here that bream most often comes to feed, since this is the border of a fast and slow flow.

Fishing rod equipment for catching bream

A fisherman for fishing usually clears a suitable place on the shore from vegetation. At the same time, it makes a spacious platform and a place for a seat. The coast is strengthened with special stakes, which are braided with a vine. This is necessary in order to prevent a collapse. At the edge of the platform, holders for fishing rods are driven into the ground. When fishing for bream, it is recommended to use 3-5 rods at the same time. This will allow the fish to find the bait faster among the underwater food.

With a depth of 2 to 4 meters near the shore, the rod should be 4-6 meters long. The rig can be chosen either deaf or movable. If it is still a movable rig, then a spinning reel with a small spool is recommended. The line when casting a fishing rod should be one and a half meters longer than the rod. Monofilament with a diameter of 0.22-0.3 mm should be taken as the main line. The required leash should be 20-35 cm long, with a strong current a little more. It should be fastened through a swivel and a carabiner, which is necessary for quick replacement of the leashes. The size of the required hooks should be no less than no. 4 and no more than no. 12, it all depends on the size of the fish that bites in a given place. It will be difficult to catch the borer on very large hooks. Accordingly, it will be difficult to catch large bream on a small hook.

Since the feeding place of river bream is always on the current, it is recommended to use a float “candy” to catch it. After all, he can resist a fast current well. For loading, in this case, you need to take a sliding sinker, an olive is perfect. There should be a phosphorescent firefly mount at the top of the float.

Fishing equipment for night bream fishing on the current is shown in the figure:

Bream fishing rig

The half-boat is different in that it can be used to fish without the use of special floats. To do this, it is necessary to position the half-boat rod so that an ordinary float or a bite indicator located closer to the top, due to its weight, makes the fishing line sag. Thus, by the fluctuation of the float, it will be possible to determine the bite.

To catch bream at night, it would be nice to use several half-breams at once. Their equipment, like fishing rods, can be deaf and mobile. The rod and reel also matches the bream rod.

The lower part of the rig should consist of the following components: a bar, a leash, a carabiner, a swivel and a hook. Their size and other parameters also remain unchanged.

Despite all of the above coincidences of a half-fish with a fishing rod, the pludon still has one advantage. With its help, it is much faster and easier to catch bream at different distances from the coast. But if you fish with a "candy" float, then every time you need to measure the depth to set the float at the desired level.


Any convenient container is fine for making groundbait. To do this, you can take a bait of the type bought in a specialized fishing store, mix it in equal quantities with boiled barley or wheat and put a little baby oat into the resulting mixture. The amount of oatmeal depends on how quickly the lump from the bait will be washed out. The more oatmeal, the longer this process will last. You can also include boiled peas in the bait for bream. Because it has a smell that can spread far. If you have maggot, then it must also be sent to the groundbait. This will make it more attractive to fish, since these white worms tend to move, then the lump of bait will break down faster, and particles that attract the fish will begin to come off from it. In addition, at night, fish can feel even the smallest vibrations that come from living organisms in the water and quickly come to the right place. The ratio of all ingredients included in the bait depends on the flow rate, and is determined empirically.

If fishing is planned at night, then fish bait is carried out in the evening. Balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm are molded from the bait and sent into the water. Their initial quantity is 20-30 pieces. At night, when the fishing itself begins, it is not advisable to throw balls from the mixture, since the bream will hear extraneous movement and leave. Of course, if there is no bite for a long time, you can feed the place a little, but this must be done with extreme caution and very dosed. Throw only 3-5 bait balls into the water.

For bream, which lives in most Central Russian rivers, longer feeding is required. To do this, many fishermen in places where bream is found, lay out a bait in advance, which may consist of boiled pearl barley or wheat. It is thrown into the water every evening in a volume of 1 kg.

Also, in places where bream is found, many fishermen prefer to put loaded mesh feeders, which are filled with dry bread. The bread gets soaked and spreads along the river in the form of crumbs. Such a path from the feed attracts bream. This type of feeder must be installed from the boat. In order not to lose the place where the feeder stands, there is a buoy on it. It is a piece of polystyrene painted in a non-catchy color. The place for installation is chosen a little higher than the place where the fisherman himself sits, this will allow not to cling to the line during casting. You also need to know that the presence of locks on some rivers may affect the bite. For example, there is a small current on Pakhra and closed sluices, so bream can peck badly there at night. But if the current were normal, the bream would actively move along the channel in search of food.

Bite time

At night, the bream leaves the shelter for a short time in search of food. Therefore, the most active biting occurs at this time. And it falls on the period from 23:00 to 2:00 at night. If shortly before your fishing there was a flood that made the water cloudy, or rain, which made the water very cold, then the active time for bream can begin as early as 21: 00-22: 00. This is due to the fact that the above circumstances do not allow the fish to fully feed. Subsequently, the hungry bream goes out in search of food earlier than its usual time. Often during these periods, bream can peck until early morning, then subside a little and recover from 8:00 to 10:00.

Often, with the approach of the bream, the rest of the fish ceases to bite altogether. This is due to the fact that fish have special olfactory abilities, and they easily recognize their relatives by the properties of mucus. In addition, this feature allows the fish to notice the slightest changes in the chemical composition of the water. Often this is the reason for the complete absence of a bite after the water level in the reservoir rises.

Necessary equipment and accessories

One of the most essential equipment for night fishing is a torch. If you plan to fish for bream near the shore, then the light should not hit the water. Therefore, it is necessary to take a small headlamp for such fishing, with the help of which it will be very convenient to bait the hook. To detect a bite, a flashlight is not needed; for this, it is enough to equip the float with a luminous "pilot" or a phosphorescent sticker.

For bait and fishing accessories, it is best to choose boxes that are very easy to open. Place these boxes at the time of fishing on a specially equipped area behind bushes or grass. If there is no vegetation at all on the shore, it is necessary to install some kind of protection against light entering the water. When the protection is very reliable, you can even use a rechargeable bat-type flashlight. Also, just in case when fishing, you should always have a spare flashlight.

While fishing, you need to have nippers, scissors and pliers, so that in which case you can trim the ends of the leashes, remove excess lead or bend the hook.

A landing net and a cage for fishing for bream need to be taken spacious. The cage should be made of soft mesh, which will not injure the caught fish. They lower it into the water a little far from the place of fishing, so that the caught fish does not scare away those walking in freedom.

Night Bream Fishing - Video

Novice anglers are mistaken, claiming that catching bream on a donk is the simplest process, which does not require taking into account tactics, correct equipment, characteristics of complementary foods and other subtleties. On the contrary, bottom fishing is one of the hardest things to do. In this article, we will give tips, recommendations, talk about the rational installation of a donkey on bream, the tactics of catching this fish and other important details.

Tackle used

Not to be confused with an ordinary zakidushka - a wooden or plastic board with cutouts for winding fishing line. Donkoy (folk word) is any device aimed at catching a particular fish from the bottom surface. Bream lives in deep parts of the reservoir, it is considered one of the most capricious representatives of the Carp family, so a fisherman who wants to catch this fish needs the appropriate tackle. Anglers use different devices for fishing:

  • bottom fishing rods with a sinker and a hook;
  • "Eggs" or "ring";
  • zakidushki;
  • dropshot;
  • feeder.

The first paragraph describes the simplest method. An ordinary rod with a reel is taken, a sinker is mounted at the end of the main line. Leashes with hooks go from the main cord. A gate is attached to the base of the fishing rod, it can be a nod, a self-securing device or a sound signaling device - a bell. The fisherman puts on the bait or a nozzle on the hook, aims at the section of the reservoir where the pit is located and waits for a bite. If necessary, he replaces them if the bream does not bite.

Important! A bait is a bait of animal origin: a worm, maggot, beetle or bloodworm. Attachments are means of attracting plant or artificial origin: boilies, silicone larvae, cereal grains.

The second tackle is aimed at similar fishing for bream, crucian carp or carp, but when using a boat (you can from a steep cliff). The fisherman immerses a container with food, casts bait. The device is simple, the installation of the donkey is simple: a special sinker clings to the feeding cord, a leash with a hook goes from the main line. The feeder spreads the smell, the fish swim in and attack the bait.

To rig the "egg", a special short rod is required for the angler to use it comfortably in the boat.

Fishing enthusiasts of the old generation catch with zakidushki. You can make a donk of this type with your own hands in just one hour:

  1. A plank is taken, 5 centimeters wide and 25 in length. At the ends, triangular cuts are made for winding.
  2. A large metal pin is screwed onto the resulting "coil" with electrical tape so that the tackle sticks into the ground.
  3. The sinker is tied to the very end of the main line, followed by no more than 3 hooks (distance - at least 15 cm).
  4. Next, the angler is engaged in installing a nod or bell. When biting, the line will stretch, and the fisherman will understand that someone has grabbed the bait.

Zakidushki rigging options. 1 - with an ordinary winding and a bell, 2 - with an attached coil, 3 (simplest) - the coil lies separately, there is no signaling device.

Dropshot is used mainly for catching bream in the current, both from the shore and from a boat. The rod is spinning. The rig is an oblong sinker with a horizontal hook (sometimes a leash is knitted). In general, dropshots are not intended for fishing peaceful fish, but Siberian fishermen have found a way out:

  1. A carabiner with a swivel is attached to the end of the cord. A sinker is attached to the resulting structure.
  2. Two options: the first - a hook is mounted to the rig with the Palomar knot, the second - a leash with a hook (the latter is fastened with a figure-eight connection).
  3. The simplest lamellar nod is attached to the spinning rod, through the end of which the fishing line is passed. Bream bites - a nod signals.

Instead of silicone bait, a worm, maggot, barley, corn and other means are planted. Dropshot allows you to hold the bait or bait above the bottom, which serves to increase the attraction of bream.

We have put together a kind of drop-shot modification. When biting large bream, the fisherman uses the same tactics as the spinning player: gradually twists the reel, exhausting the aquatic inhabitant.

IMPORTANT! These fish have a well-developed muscular system. The angler should take the fishing as seriously as possible, otherwise the thread will break. Breams always try to go to one side, wagging between snags. The fisherman is advised to calculate their location in advance in order to predict the tactics of the retreat of the aquatic inhabitant.

The feeder is also a donka, or rather, its kind. There are no sinkers at the end of the cord, its place is taken by a mesh or spring feeder, popularly called a "pig". The container is equipped with hooks and a lead plate on the wall.

The finer the net at the trough, the longer the feed is washed out.

We choose the fishing line for the rig in accordance with the body weight of the intended catch, but with a small margin. An experienced fisherman knows that the weight of the fish is indicated on the reel without taking into account the force of its jerks when striking! Hooks should be bought according to the same criteria: the larger the inhabitant, the larger the component. Give preference to quality products - the base should not bend or break easily, and the tip should quickly become blunt.


There are no catchy donuts without the correct selection of baits. Both baits and baits are used. Experienced fishermen recommend adding chopped worms, maggots, mormys to the bait. The principle is that what is put into the feed is put on the hook. Attracting and catching bream directly depends on the food supply.

IMPORTANT! If you know that trees grow near the reservoir, from which they regularly fall, for example, caterpillars, then it is preferable to use the corresponding larvae as bait. This applies to both the main bait and the composition of the bait mixture.

Carp like sweet things. Most members of this family need to eat a lot of foods that contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Breams live at depths, they need cold water, therefore, their bodies need a powerful layer of fat.

Corn kernels are considered one of the universal means for attracting representatives of the Carp family. Most of all, they like sweet canned foods. How many grains to plant - we look at the size of the hook.

Peas are also rich in proteins - a leguminous plant. There are no problems with the choice: half dried peas are suitable for complementary foods. Whole beans can be soaked or cooked as long as they don't fall apart on the hook. Many anglers use canned peas.

If the bait contains worms and maggots, then a similar "sandwich" should be put on the hooks.

Bream also loves pasta. Everything like that at home is suitable for making baits, except for spaghetti - you won't be able to put them on a hook. Noodles, vermicelli are suitable for fishing on a donk with a feeder - after cooking, these pasta are simply stuffed into the feed container.

IMPORTANT! There is a nuance: the pasta should turn out to be strong and elastic, so they should not be overcooked.

Many fishermen believe that fishing for bream with polystyrene foam is a myth. In fact, this material really attracts them! In stores, foam balls are often found. They differ in scale and smell. Fishermen make such balls on their own:

  1. We break the foam, in which the "bubbles" are slightly larger than a pea.
  2. We take the flavoring.
  3. We lower each ball into a container with it, squeeze and unclench.

It turns out a kind of foam boilies. They can be stored in the same container with an aromatic substance - they will be satiated better.

The fishermen of the older generations have such a concept as a "sandwich". The method makes it possible to pick up baits, to increase the catchability of the bottom tackle for bream. "Sandwich" is the simultaneous use of two different baits or baits, you can wear both. Combine the ingredients described above, for example, a worm and maggot, corn - styrofoam, pasta - bloodworms, and so on.


The fisherman has two ways: to use the store or to cook the porridge himself. In this section, we'll take a closer look at both options.

Factory Products

The choice of store baits is huge, there are both cheap and expensive food on sale, from different manufacturers and for almost all types of peaceful fish. You should not give preference to baits that are more expensive: the price is not a sign of efficiency. One of the most catchy and inexpensive products is the food of the Minenko and Dunaev firms. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact of domestic production.

There is always a preparation instruction on the back of the bait - you should follow it!

IMPORTANT! Russian-made baits have been tested on our reservoirs, their composition is adjusted to the preferences of the local aquatic inhabitants.

There are professional (sports) and amateur feeds. The former contain complex compounds, for example,. Experienced anglers try to fish with the latter option: inexpensive baits intended for amateur fishing may not cost even 100 rubles, although their effect is practically the same.

It is important to understand that you will use the donkey for bream - the feed must sink. You will need a primer. Use clay during the course, otherwise the components of the bait will quickly wash out. It is allowed to mix sand in stagnant water.

Attention! Do not worry if the store does not have bait for bream: food for crucian carp, roach or carp likewise attracts target fish.

Homemade porridge

Old fishermen try to use homemade ingredients to make porridge. For bottom gear, special cereals are prepared that can easily sink and slowly wash out. There are three popular recipes. Cooking food with cookies and culinary cubes:

  1. Take a blender or mortar. Grind 1 kilogram of cookies to a sand state.
  2. Add 100 grams of bread crumbs. Stir the ingredients at each step.
  3. Grind 200 grams of sunflower seeds, add to the mixture.
  4. Also chop 25 grams of culinary cubes, add.
  5. Next, add the herculean flakes, crushed to a state of flour.

Grind the cookies literally to dust. The finer the crumbs, the more intense the diffusion (spread in water).

The result is a dry mixture. Already on a fishing trip, you just have to add a little water and soil. You can roll the balls. The bait is also suitable for feeder gear.

Millet porridge with corn:

  1. We wash a kilogram of millet, put it on fire. The porridge should be slightly undercooked.
  2. Add 200 grams of canned corn to the already cooled boiled millet. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Pour the larvae of flies and chopped earthworms into the mixture before fishing, their proportion is 1 to 3.

Attention! Make sure that the porridge does not burn, otherwise the fish will not come to the place!

Dry mixes are good because there are no special requirements for their storage, except for the exclusion of moisture. The fisherman has the opportunity at any time to take the required amount of bait and add soil, water, flavorings to it.

A dry mixture with oil cake is also suitable for catching a bastard, we need the following ingredients:

  1. 1 cup corn grits, crushed is allowed.
  2. 400 grams of crushed shortbread cookies.
  3. 1 cup semolina
  4. 500 grams of compound feed.
  5. 400 grams of sunflower meal.

All components are thoroughly mixed. When fishing, add some soil and some water.

Fishing tactics

Before catching bream on the bottom, the angler must choose the right place. It is necessary to conduct a bottom survey, in two ways: on a boat using an echo sounder and using a ball-shaped sinker. The second method is done like this:

  1. A thread of a certain length is taken.
  2. A load is tied to one end.
  3. It is thrown, the time until the fall is counted (you will feel it), the fisherman pulls the line towards himself.

If the pit is steep and deep, then the lead will fall to the bottom within a few seconds. It will be more difficult to pull it towards the coast. Tackle with bait is thrown. If the bottom is very sloping, then the balls from the bait should not be sculpted - they will just roll away. In such cases, fishermen make cakes - every 20 minutes we throw one at a time, and it doesn't matter if you bite or not.

Feederists do not need to feed the place, they just need to do it every 30 minutes. checking the feeder for the presence of contents. When biting, hook immediately, you can't wait - the bream will quickly feel the hook, and you won't be able to catch it. We carry out the fishing very carefully: it is forbidden to pull the line too quickly or slowly. In the first case, there is a high probability of a break, and in the second, a descent into driftwood or grass. Be sure to take a landing net for fishing: the bream is able to leave right in front of your feet.

The correct donk is able to catch almost the entire flock of bream. This fish feeds strictly in certain places. Each flock has its own pit, so the accuracy of casting gear and lures is important.

Bream fishing tackle is very versatile due to several factors. Firstly, the habitats of this fish are vast, from small rivers to huge reservoirs. Secondly, every angler has his or her favorite methods. Thirdly, the sites of bream representatives of the ichthyofauna: bream, blue bream, silver bream change according to the seasons.

All of the above determines the choice of one or another rod for catching bream. We will try to tell you about the features of their construction and use directly on fishing.

Gear classification

To begin with, let's just list what you can use to catch bream and their accompanying fish:

  • floats: swing, plug, lapdog and match;
  • donkey: zakidushka, half-donka, elastic band, donka with a coil, feeder;
  • boat tackle: nodding rod, ringing.

We have designated tackle for fishing from a boat with only two positions, although fishing from floating equipment can also be carried out with ordinary float or bottom fishing rods.

Fly fishing rod

A fly rod is a simple blank or rod equipped with a line, float, sinker and hook. If a reel is put on such a rod, then it is usually the simplest and is used exclusively as a line storage.

Fishing with a fly rod is carried out either from the shore at a steep edge or pit, or from a boat on bodies of water without a current or in river bays.

The fishing line for the bream swing is selected with a thickness of 0.18-0.22 millimeters with a leader with a diameter of 0.14-0.16. A spindle-shaped float weighing about one gram is attached to it.

You need to surround the tackle with a system of three or four pellets, the smallest of which should be located directly in front of a short, ten-centimeter leash. The rig should be adjusted in such a way that the slightest touch of the fish to the support is immediately transmitted to the float and causes its horizontal or vertical displacement.


The modern plug rod is used exclusively in coastal fishing, both on the stream and without it. This tackle works especially well on the river, when you need to hold the rig at a specific point.

Equipped with a plug for bream as follows:

  • rubber shock absorber - 1-1.4 mm;
  • main line - 0.12-0.16;
  • leash - 0.10-0.14;
  • flat float for strong currents or spindle-shaped for standing water;
  • spaced load.

The choice of specific parameters of the rig depends on the fishing conditions and the size of the intended trophy.

Bolognese fishing rod for bream fishing is used in several cases:

  • the need for a longer cast than when using a swing or plug;
  • fishing in the wiring on rivers with a slow or medium current from the bank;
  • fishing with a vacation from a boat.

The telescopic rod 3-5 meters long with guides is equipped with an inertia-free or easy-moving wire reel. A working line is wound on it, most often it is a monofilament with a thickness of 0.18-0.20 millimeters.

Most often, such a rod is equipped with a sliding rig, it includes:

  • stopper knot;
  • sliding float;
  • sliding olive with shears;
  • a leash with a diameter of 0.10-0.14 millimeters;
  • hook for a specific bait.


It is convenient to catch with a match at a great distance, as long as the float is visible. Moreover, they are used for both wiring and stationary fishing. Depending on the conditions in which fishing is to be carried out, the rod is equipped with:

  • long-distance casting in still water at shallow depths - blind rigging;
  • the same at great depths - sliding with spaced load;
  • wire fishing - with a sliding olive and paddle.


The simplest donk, consisting of a reel, fishing line, sinker or feeder, as well as leashes with hooks, is used on any body of water. The casting distance of the tackle depends on the chosen sinker and the strength of the angler's hand. Fishing is carried out by the fishing line, so the main cord is taken quite thick, with a diameter of 0.30-040 millimeters, leashes 0.14-0.18.

Currently, zakidushki are almost never used; they were replaced by more advanced rubber bands and donks with coils.


A donka with a rubber shock absorber is in a very advantageous position compared to a conventional zakidushka, here are its advantages:

  • there is no need to pull the tackle out of the water with any bite;
  • the ability to compensate for the jerks of the caught fish;
  • the equipment lies in one place, which means that the bait is more effective.

Rubber bands are powerful for delivery from a boat on a large river or reservoir. Other designs involve throwing a hand, like a zakidushka.

Donka with reel

This rod is a variant of the advanced zakidushki. This tackle allows you to cast the rig not from your hand, but using a rod and a non-inertial reel. Moreover, a Chinese spinning crocodile and a cobra reel are considered classics of the genre.

A hanging swinger is used as a beacon. It is better to fish with such tackle on reservoirs without a current, because the jet pulls the line and raises the signaling device to the blank, interfering with the visualization of the bite.

Feeder motives are already used in rigs of such a donkey.

Before the advent of the feeder, this tackle was very popular when fishing for bream in the current. Unlike the previous rod, it uses a long rod from four to six meters in length. It is installed on the shore at such an angle that there is a distance of about one meter from its tip to the surface of the water.

On a fishing line with a diameter of about 0.20 millimeters, a float is put on, which is located 15-20 centimeters from the water, and the rig, like the previous tackle, is located in the right place at the bottom of the reservoir.


The English donk is currently the leader in its class of tackle. Exactly the same tackle structure as the feeder allows you to perform the following work:

  • perform point casting;
  • to cope with any wind, both when casting and when observing the gear;
  • track the slightest touch of fish to the bait;
  • perform a clear play of trophies.

The feeder rod is equipped according to the following scheme:

  1. A rod from 10 to 15 feet in length, depending on the reservoir, with replaceable flexible tops - quivertips.
  2. Braided cord with a diameter of 0.12-0.14 millimeters.
  3. Shock leader made of monofilament with a diameter of 0.2-0.28 millimeters.
  4. Rigging.
  5. Leash 0.10-0.14.
  6. The hook is sized for a specific bait.

The following rigs are used in the feeder and other bottom rods:

  • paternoster;
  • Gardner loop;
  • helicopter;
  • inline;
  • garland;
  • spring with leashes;
  • method.

For fishing from a boat in a slow current, an onboard rod with a nod is used as in ice fishing. It is easy to assemble it with your own hands from the following elements:

  • fishing rod about one meter long;
  • a reel for storing a stock of fishing line;
  • semi-rigid whip sufficient to cut the lip of a fish;
  • a nod under the chosen jig;
  • fishing line with diameters of about 0.20 millimeters;
  • a leash of 0.14 millimeters;
  • jig with a hook, its weight depends on the magnitude of the flow.

Fishing is done from the side of the boat in the direction of the current. The tackle is lowered into the water so that the jig, equipped with a bait, lies on the bottom and strains its nod. At the slightest flexion or extension of the nod, a sweep is made.


This tackle, on the other hand, works only in a sufficiently strong current. Here is the order in which its installation will also be clear:

  • a large loaded net, its volume is 5-7 liters, we fill with bait;
  • we swim on the river bed;
  • we will anchor on guy lines across the stream;
  • we lower the feeder on a thick monofilament, one millimeter in diameter from the side facing downstream;
  • we equip the fishing rod with a reel with a line of 0.22-0.25 millimeters;
  • at the end of the fishing line we put on the eye of the lead ring, and then we attach a carabiner for attaching the garland with hooks;
  • insert the cord from the feeder into the cut of the ring and lower the tackle into the water.

Now our garland of hooks is in the bait train, which is washed out by the current from the feeder. When fishing the tackle, the carbine rests against the eye of the ring and the tackle with the fish is pulled to the boat along the feeding line.

Summer tackle ringing. Catching it in spring and autumn is impractical, since a large amount of porridge and crackers in cold water can scare off cautious bream.

Donka is a type of tackle that has a large number of followers among anglers. There are a lot of options for donkey designs and, probably, every experienced fisherman makes some of his own improvements to this tackle. One of the objects of fishing with this tackle is bream. This fish, as you know, loves to stay at great depths, in pits. With the help of the donkey, it is possible to deliver the bait to the bream habitat with its subsequent extraction from its native element. One of the undoubted advantages of the donkey is the ability to fish in windy, inclement weather, when the bream sinks deeper and fishing with a rod is not successful.

Bottom tackle for catching bream

Donka, in its classic and simplest form, consists of a line, hooks, a sinker, a small rod with a reel for the line, and a gatehouse for marking a bite. A somewhat improved version of the tackle will be a donk with a spring. The spring serves as a feeder to attract fish, and is also a sinker that holds the hooks in the right place on the bottom of the reservoir. The spring is made of thin wire up to 1 mm in diameter. Stainless steel wire is best suited for this purpose.

Bottom sinkers can be of very different shapes and weights, their choice depends on the nature of the bottom, the speed of the current and other circumstances. As a rule, if the bottom is covered with a deep layer of silt, then round-shaped sinkers are chosen. For hard bottoms, pear-shaped weights are good. Flat ones are best used in strong currents, as they will reliably hold the bait in one place.

Usually, the lead is attached to the very end of the line, while the leads with hooks are located slightly higher - closer to the rod. Attach weights either in a rigid way, or make them slide along the line. Sometimes they are attached to the main cord on a separate leash.

There are usually no more than three leads on the donk, up to 50 cm long. A larger number of leads can lead to entanglement, so 2-3 pieces are the best option.

When fishing on a donk, it is assumed that the fish will hook itself, therefore, the choice of hooks must be approached with special attention, choosing the sharpest of them.

A bell, or the tip of a rod, serves as a gatehouse on a classic bottom.

Groundbait for catching bream on the bottom

Bream is usually caught using bait, for which you need to take peas, corn, millet porridge. You can add something strong and pleasantly smelling to the groundbait, for example, roasted and ground sunflower seeds.

A prerequisite for complementary foods is its viscosity, due to which it crumbles along the bottom. To achieve the desired viscosity, oatmeal is often added to the preparation of complementary foods.

After the feeder has been abandoned, it needs to be allowed to lie on the bottom for some time, after which, with short, sharp movements, drop the complementary food to the bottom and then get the tackle. Usually, the feeder is thrown twice, due to which a lot of tasty treats for bream appear at the bottom, which contributes to an increase in the frequency of bites.

Casting range and accuracy when fishing for bream on a donk

Accurate casting of the donkey plays an important role in bottom fishing. A fairly large number of fishermen - donochniks, use a spinning rod for casting. Some people use a small stick for casting, on which they put a load and hooks, after which they send the tackle a decent distance with such an "elongated hand". The place of casting, at which the fisherman should aim, is a point located upstream than the place where the hooks should go, since after casting, they will certainly be blown away a little by the current. Of course, for each reservoir with different flow rates and different depths, the correction for the drift of the bait with a sinker should be different.