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Yesenin death of the poet. As Yesenin died. Is it possible to jump out of the loop

120 years ago Sergey Yesenin was born. In the USSR he was called a great Russian poet. In Market Russia, he gained the status of a personalized national idea. But here is the oddity. At the present year of the literature of the transfer on various TV channels is devoted not to its poems, but the 90th anniversary of the tragic care of the poet from life on the night of December 28, 1925.

Under the baying and lyrical songs on the poems of the people's pet, the Russians inspire: such a person could not hang, he was killed. Digid. Brutal. TV channels make themselves ratings, spreading, apparently, another myth.

How, you and Yesenina do not love? - Amazed one of the heroes of "Master and Margarita".
In the 30s, when the novel was written, the thought of the rejection of the ceremony poet seemed to be blasphemed even messengers of hell. But now they can be satisfied. The name of the Ryazan nugget, the singer of the Russian village and the peasant life, Meschak, Hardware, Bestnik, Internationalist suddenly turned out to be raised to the banners of anti-Semites, homosexuals, korugvents, democrats, communists, brothers and various marginal groups.

In short, people are the most extreme and opposite views. But his poems, especially those that are filled with the spiritual power of a wide Russian soul, few people quit by heart. After the series "Yesenin" with Sergey Bezrukov (October 4, the first channel will show this film all day) conversations and are completely spinning only around the death of the poet. What did it start?

English mark

According to Alla Marchenko, the author of the recently published book "Yesenin. The path and controversy ", the rumor about the murder of Sergei Yesenin first appeared in the USSR in the spring of 1977. English Slavik Jesse Davis has conceived Roman "Russian Husband Ayedor Duncan" about the love of the Soviet poet and the American dancer. And she began to ask our literary critics and editors if specialists are in the country, who believed that Yesenin was killed. And they killed cruelly, and it is in that the issue of the Leningrad Hotel "Angletter", where the couple in love stayed at the beginning of his legendary Love Store. It was such a finale that demanded the plot conceived by it.

The arguments that the mother of the poet Tatyana Fedorovna and his widow of Sophia Tolstoy, wrapped and dressed as a dead husband, could not not notice the traces of the brutal violence, were noted. Say, bloody Bolsheviks who have unleashed civil war were capable of everything. Close Yesenin could be silent, fearing for their lives.
Tempered in literary circles of the audience "The British is looking for killers of Yesenin" began to face versions. But at the lifetime of contemporaries heavily not at all.

Who needs to "kill" the poet

In 1987, the writer Vasily Belov's writer was openly about the murder of Yesenin, the masted representative of the "Rustic Prose". But in the seal, the rumors splashed only in the summer of 1989, when Boris Yeltsin had already become the idol of Moscow and under the slogan, as you can feed the republic, the RSFSR department began from the center for the subsequent collapse of the Union.

Global processes need bright poets capable of touching them. Powerfully like "Proletarian" Poet Mayakovsky and "Rustic" Yesenin. But there were no such. Therefore, it was these two names of political technologies that made the chief instrument against the "dying" socialism and the USSR. Yesenin approached more, because the Bolsheviks party never joined, and the songs on his poems are now popular. His hit by his name on the psyche of Russians was supposed to sound a housing.

His former police colonel Eduard Chlystalov inflicted, since 1983 served as an inspector
Political Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. He is a glimpse, not explaining, distributed the sensational version - the poet became the "victim of the GPU", whose employees staged suicide.

The democratic community did not pay attention to the small puncture - the State Political Office for the NKVD of the RSFSR existed only until November 2, 1923, and therefore serious documents of the last years of the life of Yesenin did not see the exposure. And demanded an independent investigation of experts.

Of the personal interest in the public basis, the Aces of forensic medicine and forensic were worked. Among them are Alexander Maslov. My book "Mysterious loop. The mystery of the last days of Sergei Yesenin ", the professor wrote as final labor and did not survive before her release.
The verdict of scientists is unequivocal - suicide. Explore its motives are not included in the competence of forensic examinations. Their task is to prove whether the death was violent or not.

The results of a three-year study were known in 1996. But the creators of the myths continue to sharpen them in favor of teleworkers. And therefore, the murder of Yesenin is blamed the Zionists in the face of Trotsky (Bronstein), who allegedly fired to Yesenin did not name his mistress and told him to teach him. That Stalin, which would like to be illustrated by the poet.

Answers on questions

Non-residents of novelists and cinematographers broke off representatives of the tens of sciences, and not just historians, psychologists, and Eseninovdy.
- But, how is it? - readers ask. - What is the photo on which the traces from the beatings and the bullet hole are visible? And the fact that Yesenin simply could not tie a rope knot at such a height, because his legs were almost one and a half meters from the floor, and only a stool was lying around, and how can you hang on a smooth pipe?
In documentaries, we show multiplely referred copies of the first pictures. On the original negative, studied with the help of modern technologies, there are no bruises from beatings during torture, but there are natural changes in the fissionable fabrics of the face caused by, as well as breakdown in severely ill, long-term pressure on the skin of foreign material. In this case, the hot tube of steam heating.
The version of the cruel murder's hiding was crumbling (broke the skull and fired in the forehead, hung, and then pulled out and destroyed a piece from the "act of opening", where the truth was fixed). It turned out that the semi-satisfied act was damaged in many decades, but the scraps of its missing part were not destroyed, but folded into the envelope. In the Vni judicial examination "Lost" text restored. He says: "The eyes and bones of the skull are intact, the brain in preservation and weighs 1920 grams."
The height of the ceilings in Angletter is 3.5 meters. The smooth pipe was attached to the wall in two places. One of them is almost under the ceiling. At the junction with him, and not on the "naked" pipe, and the rope was tightened. When height 168 cm, the poet with stool really could not do this himself. But in the protocol of the precinct it was not a stool, but a certain overturned "Tumba". In the baggage of the poet there was a road chest for costumes. In the vertical position, it turned into a wardrobe - on the left of the hangers, on the right drawers. The height of the chest is one and a half meters, and he could safely withstand the lung poet.
Unusual footprints on the neck, which novelists explained allegedly pounded from the back of the loop, were left not one rope. Part of the loop was from the strap from the chest.

Forgotten version

She appeared in the diary of the "New World" of Alexey Kondovich, December 1, 1967. The essence of it is as follows. When Yesenin lay in the hospital before the tragedy in the "Angletter", and the doctor came out of the office, without locked the door, patients praised the history of their diseases and began to read. At that time, there was a school of psychiatrists in fashion, which considered many hands irreversible. One of these Yesenin diagnoses has read in his hospital history. A week before the death of Essays, Ivan Zykov saw the poet who studied the book of the founder of the school of this very irreversibility. He firmly convinced that soon he would turn into an idiot, in a vegetable and impossible to recover, Yesenin, apparently, and decided on the fatal step.

In love with communism

In the autobiography, Yesenin intentionally created the image of the "poet hooligan".
* "On Sundays, I was always sent to dinner to dinner and, in order to verify that I was for a dinner, they gave 4 kopecks: two kopecks for the prosfora and two for the recess of the priest. I bought a prosfora, and instead of the priest, three characters did on it a peer knife, and on the other two kopecks they walked to the cemetery to play with the guys in a pig. "
* "In Russia, when there was no paper, I print my poems together with Kusikov and Mariengoof on the walls of a passionate monastery or read just somewhere on the boulevard."
* "The best fans of our poetry are prostitutes and bandits. With them we are all in great friendship. Communists do not like to be misunderstood. Only abroad, I understood perfectly clearly, as the merit of the Russian revolution, who saved the world from hopeless meshness. I was even more falling in love with communist construction. "

Philological joke

The poet block comes out of the Kabak with two girls under the handle. Cancer-minded night, the road blocks the road in the mud. The block wondered, girls in vain:
- Ah, Sasha, we ask the expression!
"Laughs a lifeless body on our life path ..." began the poet.
Here the body shrink and stuck:
- Well, what's your business? You go with lutes and go!
"Let's go, girls, this is Yesenin," the block was frightened.

Urge everyone to participate in this action and put your signature

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin's niece, Svetlana Petrovna Yesenin, Popular actor S. Bezrukov, historian Archivist A. S. Prokopenko Investigate the secret of the death of the poet.

The head of the famous historian and archivist A. S. Prokopenko "Pump of State Secrets" is proposed to your attention.

This chapter "My Sorrow ..." is devoted to the secret of the death of the Great Russian Poet S. A. Yesenin. In a fascinating manner, the author talks about the indirect evidence of the murder of the poet, the archives in which, with a thorough search, the information about Esenin's injury is invariably, about the steps taken by the Poet's niece of S. P. Yesenina, A. S. Prokopenko and the popular actor S. Bezrukov to hold At the state level, the official investigation of the death of Yesenin, and in the event of a refusal of the authorities, the inevitability of the exhumation of the remains of the poet ...

In the very near future, she will head the People's Committee to investigate the circumstances of the death of S. A. Yesenin, who will work under the auspices of the Morality Foundation.

A. S. Prokopenko

Her madness "State Mystery"

Soothed my sadness ...

In late autumn, 1997, the case of independently with the founder of a modest, but surprisingly attractive museum S. A. Yesenin, which was attached in one of the courtyards on B. Strochinovsky Lane in Moscow, Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina - niece of an incomparable poet.

Cancer sorrow now, many summer lives with it inseparable. What is she talking about? But what. Visitors of the museum, mostly young people, repulse her and other servants in a constant question, how naive, so and incorrect: - Is it true that Yesenin hanged himself?

You can understand and forgive the questions. In the life of the genius, everything without a residue causes curiosity: creativity and manners of behavior, love and style of clothing and, alas, earthly death. But death Death Retain. For example, the circumstances of the death of A. Pushkin or M. Lermontov did not cause special disputes. The witnesses of their tragic end happened to be a considerable number of fairly famous people (although independent always believed that some plots associated with the death of both poets still remain in the shadows).

But the sad outcome of the earthly yudolie of Yesenin hosted the summand of the legends, many of the koi is not modeled grotesque. And all because no one watched the death miga poet. In addition to the Guardian Angel. And the angels are known to be silent. And literally, after some time after the death of Sergei Alexandrovich, as if by the team, the then newspapers and magazines and the so-called "friends" of Yesenina knew about the poet as a scandalist, a womanik, a non-abuse brand, mentally unbalanced type, per minute of the depressed state of the spirit imposed on Hands hands.

And so long decades. And every new generation of Soviet, and now, already Russian citizens, really not knowing the worldly and poetic milestones of Yesenin's life, comforting his lyrics, bred hands and repeat: - And it's a pity that it hanged himself so early!

The simple Soviet people who did not differ in philosophically inquisitive was accustomed to Bolsheviks to believe everything that he told him leaders. And still most people, the printed word and the word, said on radio or television, is perceived as an immutable truth. The Russian people were presented documents indicating the voluntary care of the poet from life, namely, the act of suicide S. A. Yesenin, composed by the district warden of the 2nd branch of the Leningrad Militia N. Gorbov, an act of opening the Poet's corpse signed by the Matra of Forensic Medical Examination of A. Gilarhevsky, the conclusion of the table of inquisition of the inquisition of the entire 2nd police decline, and finally, as they say, "What a Bole is - an autograph of the poem" Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ... ", drawn by the poet's own blood .

And in fact, what is the greater? What is the dispute? An, no. In the midst of sincere admirers of Dara Sergey Alexandrovich, just freely thinking people, (and there were still no less than the twenties of the last century), it became not enough to approve the opinion of the deliberate political murder of the poet. After all, just so rumors are not born. A. Block, A. Tolstoy, V. Christmas, E. Bagritsky and nothing. No curiosity and passions about their death.

Not news that any, and even more so the villain mystery, known to more than one person, in the end, ceases to be a secret.

For many decades, in the face of the terror installed in the USSR, the ban on the name of Yesenin, it was impossible to take any attempt to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the poet. Only Molva Rustle, only cautious whisper ...

As soon as in the country it was elegne with a political and ideological climate, bold people at their own risk and risk took part of the private investigations of the mysterious death of Yesenin. And the first were the investigator on particularly important cases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of E. Khlystalov, St. Petersburg Writer V. Kuznetsov, Moscow poetess N. Sidorin and always supported their niece of the poet S.P. Yesenin. As mentioned, and the years have not passed, and in the hands of researchers, there were straight kips of indirect evidence of the deliberate murder of Yesenin.

In the light of the new and truthful, which is now known about the last five years of Yesenin's life, in parallel with the monstrous false version invented by the Soviet authorities and by it for almost a century into the consciousness of the masses, the denial of the Russian Efesbaish "Office" at least a single documentary mention Oh Yesenine, (about the involvement of the HCH-OGPU to his death) in the boundless sea of \u200b\u200bpaper folites hidden in the Chekist archive, causes a sincere and angry admiration for a stubborn position engaged in knights of the raincoat and dagger: no, and that's it! And when they are asked: why not? - Another one that is depriving the gift of speech of any normal person: no comments.

Let them be able to - "no comments." The truth about the martyrdom of Yesenin, who was committed to the progenitors of modern security officers, had already gave them a disgraced corner in the long and complex history of the Russian state.

A man who does not believe the word has the right to ask: And what, in fact, proves that Yesenin was killed and why was it to kill him? After all, just a poet.

That's right. Even what is proved with the help of indirect facts, in particularly important, fundamental matters is questioned until the time they do not appear argued, as a rule, documentary evidence.

Who is not deprived of conscience and is able to think soberly and consistently, with a similar package will not agree.

Stefan Stepanovich recalled in this connection in the late 80s and early 90s of the twentieth century, the investigation into the circumstances of the death of thousands of Polish officers under Katyn. The techniques of falsification of history at the Bolshevik-Saugeticusov were worked out until automatism. The USSR authorities declared that the prisoners of the Poles contained (illegally - A. P.) in Soviet camps, on time did not evacuated deep into the country at the occurrence of German troops, shot SSS. It was psychologically that everything was calculated: for the Soviet people who binned military likh, no one else could be the sowing of Polyakov, like these "trailed fretsies."

But, as usual is usually found, there are always witnesses that generate a culmina, which the further reaches into the future, the stronger the imagination. And then, the time marked by fate, the hour of truth occurs, the hour of truth, whose vertex, especially in Russia, are not power, not a state, but again conscientious people. The case with Katyn officers in the literal sense of the word unfolded a group of historians, among which Yu.N Zorya, the Son of the prosecutor, the participant of the Nuremberg process over the fascist leaders of General N.Zor, who was found dead in his hotel room with innumerated circumstances. He is associated with the principal desire of the general to tell the truth about the real organizers of the murder of Polish officers.

Which of the graveters of the truth about the villain, perfect in the Katyn Forest, reliably stared up the main state paper with the resolution on the execution of Poles in the Kremlin and Chekist archival ultrasounds, could assume that in also the secret, as they believed, the State Central Special Archive of the USSR Negazavaya official, independence, Directly directed by the leadership of the main archival department at the Council of Ministers of the USSR leading this impregnable citadel, which not specified in any of the official telephone directories, not asking anyone, will allow historians, in full rummage in the explosive fund of the Main Directorate for prisoners of war and the Intermented USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs?

And what about what they did?

Stefan Stepanovich pulled a thick folder from a huge cabinet with strings from three sides and overflowed the copies of documents twisted from time to time, crowned completely and near the griffs "completely secret."

Here is a directive letter No. 5866/5 of 31.12.39 by signing L. Beria, which binding investigators to organize work in this way, "so that during January of the month (1940 - A.P.) to finish the design of investigative affairs on all prisoners of warrant Transmissions for consideration of a special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR ".

For those who know the habits of the Beriyevsky department of that time, this meant unequivocally - death. The road from a special meeting was led, as a rule, to the nameless grave.

For unbelievers little? Let's go further. This is the indication of the direction in April-May of 1940 of these most investigative cases in 1 Special Council of the NKVD of the USSR and the staging of 15 thousand Poles, held in Starobelsky, Kozelsky and the Ostashkovsky camps, at the disposal of the Offices of the NKVD in Kharkov, Smolensk and Kalinin regions.

And here is the so-called political framework about the delivery of prisoners in these regions.

They were charged with orders who prescribed to ensure the highlight of the transportation of prisoners, not to answer more on anyone inquiries, to withdraw all incoming and outgoing letters and petitions from March 1940.

For them - reports on the full liberation of all three camps from the "guests", acts about the destruction of accounting and registration documentation in the camps on the prisoners of war, as well as the letters of their relatives.

The GUPVI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, after 1940, worked for the full power of good 15 years, but after May 1940, in his documents, no line about 15 thousand Polish prisoners of war directed to Smolensk, Kharkov and Kalinin. As if their cow licked their tongue.

And more independent with curiosity studied German trophy documents in the hope of finding at least the bit of evidence of the death of Polish officers. And here they are the papers of the Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda of the 3rd Reich, dated 1943. In one of them, namely, the Directive of Mr. Minister dated April 6th - the following was literally the following: "... Major Balzer gives a description of the well-known massacre of the Councils of Polish officers. Around 19 kilometers west of Smolensk ... There is a hilly terrain of a slaughter from a barbed wire, at a time when the Bolsheviks were still there, the GPU people were shot by some condemned. It was known to the local population, but because of the fear, it never decided to talk about it. Now, by chance, the Ober-Lieutenant of the Field Police of the Center for Army Center "Center" guessed that there, apparently, lie the mountains of the corpses, namely, in the place where two birch crosses are located there a year ago by two Poles, which found corpses; ... At this place, excavations were performed and it was established that in the Rips laying in 9-12 people one above the other great many mainly Polish officers, ... All people were killed by a shot in the head. The population reported that in the period from 1st to 18th of April 1940, 3-4 cars with Polish soldiers, which were then dripped on buses, so-called "black funnels" at the Tamnaya Station, was unloaded at the Tamn Station. Heard and shots, but from fear were not solved to talk about it. Characteristic for the warehouse of the mind of Soviet criminals is the fact that only a few hundred meters from this place of execution on the edge of a pine forest built a holiday home, where the highest ranks used to arrange their orgies. "

In 1992, independent introduced the opportunity to talk with one of the wisest spiritualists of modernity now the late Roman dad John Paul II. Having learned that his guest is an influential archivist, he asked, and did he accept any participation in the investigation of the Katyn tragedy. Having received an affirmative and thorough answer, John Paul said in a quiet penetration voice: "I have longieged for a long time that Polish citizens killed the Bolsheviks and waited with the hope that the archives will speak." You made an awning business. The kind eyes of him slightly moistened.

These were completely unequivocal facts that were completely unequivocal. But "grief-patriots" they did not convince. One of them, desperately defended the power of "Soviet", agreed that the minutes of meetings of the Ministry of Education and Propaganda called the far-calculated falsification, specially founded by the Goebbels department for fooling the future generations of researchers! But, as they say, the fools are not written. On the old square, fortunately, it was not squeezed. There they took a brief, tough and logical argued historical certificate of the historian Yu.N. Dawns.

True, there for a long time "MARAKA" above the note historian. The thrills of her and this and the Edak, painfully thinking, under any "sauce" and which is a politically advantageous Kremya time to tell the truth about the Katyn tragedy. This happened during the visit in 1990 to Moscow of the then Polish President V. Yaruzelsky.

And yet the act of repentance from the Soviet side did not cause complete satisfaction, because the leaders of the USSR were recognized in the crime of the "Stalinist spill committed by their predecessors only on the basis of indirect documents. But absolutely accurately had to exist the main document that prescribed to destroy the Polish soldiers! Indeed, such a document was. Its long before the historians, as if gold miners, were leasing from a variety of dust folirants, these indirect facts and actipes, read and again, until better, put the New Year President of the USSR M. Gorbachev in the secret envelope.

Here it is, the hypocrisy of the authorities, proving with very evidence that it often brings the historical truth to sacrifice the momentary political conjuncture, without realizing that in such cases, he always depends on his people and state dignity in the face of the civilized world! This main document in which Beria requested I. Stalin to eliminate Polish subjects and on which the conciliation autographs of the well-known members of the Politburo WCP (b) are abandoned, but only a couple of years later.

Now, just right back to indirect evidence of unheard of unheard, continuously, the brutal reprisal over the Yesenin, who was committed without a king in the head of vigorous demons from the HCHK-OGPU.

So, in the first folder of the indirect evidence of the mystery of the death of the poet, there was a doubt expressed immediately after the tragedy by many well-known writers. Such clever as B. Pasternak, M. Gorky and others, recognizing the undoubted unique poetry gift of Yesenin, carefully following the transformation of the political views of the poet, from recognizing the Soviet power to the open contempt, as an ominous diguba for the country's birth, could not not see how Slowly, but steadily unfolded by the new power of Esenin's injury. From here, their unbelief in self-effect, hence the questions and guesses. Now, only the lazy minds can take citizens that the poet hanging around the Kabaks, well, let the talented, completely not dangerous for the powerful power of the Bolsheviks.

Yesenin was dangerous for this power and is dangerous armed with the strongest weapon of the Universe - the autumn free spirit of the poetic gift, fascinating the consciousness and souls of fellow citizens during times, when there were no modern means of communications, allowing now even fairness to become idols. The young man, a very young man, - and about him says all the enlightened Russia; He is seen by the royal family, A. Block and V. Bryusov bless him. The admirers of Yesenin, fascinated by his inimitable declaimation of their own poetic pearls, carry genius on her hands along the streets of Leningrad to a hotel where he lived. Who else honored in his time such sincere honors? He becomes famous in Europe and the USA.

It was enough for him to be enough for him to deal with the human alphabetic essence of the ideology of the Bolsheviks and the authorities planted in the country, whose punitive organs and the army were led by the worst representatives of Russian, Jewish, Latvian, Georgian and other nationalities, adventurers and mostly criminals who have been making up power, money , planting on the white light of insane internationalistic ideas.

He could not not indignant dancing on the bones and blood of the Russian people of L. Trotsky, who had a considerable power in the years of death in the years of death, and many well-known Yesenin did not firstly be members of the Board of HCHK-OGPU, distinguished by unheard of cruelty in relation to the so-called "enemies of the people "- Blumykina, Menzhinsky, Sverdlov, Goldin, Zeithin, Kneyfis, Zaksa, Citkina, Daibkin, Agrapov (Sorendzon), Rivka, Rosmovich and others.

Never, Yesenin was not anti-Semite, as trying to persistently assert other poet haters. For people, spiritually sublime, by definition they see in a person of any nationality primarily and always - God's creation, and not the subject of racial hatred.

And if the Trotsky in poetry and journalism Yesenin was subjected to a derogatory criticism, then not because the blood was a Jew, but because, the vigorous idea of \u200b\u200bthe world revolution became one of the main executioners of the Russian people.

Yesenin, as well as any normal-minded person, could not not worry, do not occupy the topic of Soviet power and those who owned this authority. And they owned it, as not verti and not cool, people in the overwhelming majority of the Jewish and other non-Slavic race-tribe. And she could not happen to happen. It is difficult to imagine that, for example, the third gendarme administration of Tsarist Russia by 99.9%, as the TCC board in 1918, consisted of representatives of non-Russian origin (from 34 people alone Antonov Russian). And even this is not the main thing! If these people worked for the benefit of Russia, and not a Bolshevik idea, were humanists (and not waving to exhaustion with bloody axes), no one would have said the words of the bad knife. So Yesenin also did not know the soul.

The Bolshevik leaders wanted to be in the people of powerful titans, and Yesenin was a skillful word, I portrayed them with the figmeals of the spirit, and the political arrangement of the country - as a terrible prisons. The poems of Yesenin "Pugachev", "Country of the National Country", "Song of the Great Hike", "Black Man", his correspondence is filled with pain for the fate of Russia and for their own. But Esenin was not also 30 years old. It is the time of writing and civil maturation, when from under his pen was ready to strengthen no one who were not known and even, maybe, they themselves, perfect on thought, feeling and form of poetic masterpieces.

Indeed remembered how he asked his enough educated buddies about their knowledge of the creativity of Yesenin. Lyrics, lyrics and once again Lyrics - was his answer. Someone heard about the poems, but did not read, he could not say anything about his correspondence. And at the attentive reader, she says, first of all, that around the poet slowly, but inevitably hesitated the atmosphere of vile etching, from which it simply had no place to hide, approximately such as in the famous ballade V. Vysotsky "Wolves Hunt". As it happened, you can learn in detail from the books of E. Chlystalov "13 Criminal Affairs Sergey Yesenin", N. Sidorina "Zlatnoyy", N. Shubnikova - Guseva "Poem Yesenin. From the "Prophet" to the "black man" and many others.

The quintessence of pain for blasting the Bolsheviks Russia is in a letter to Yesenin a friend who lived in Berlin, A. B. Kusikov, apparently, the inquiry agent of the HCHK-OGPU: "As I remember about Russia, I remember that I don't want to return there, I don't want to return. If I were alone, if I had no sisters, I would spit on everyone and went to America or else somewhere. My legitimate son of Russian in my state is a step-down to be. I'm tired of this b ... a condescending attitude of the power of items, and still nauseous to endure the fohymism of his own brethren to them ... Now, when the revolution remained x .. and the tube, now when there are hands on the hands and lick ... who used to be shot, now it became Obviously, we were and will be the bastard on which you can hang all dogs. I cease to understand what revolution I belong. I see only one thing that neither of the February, nor to October, apparently, was hiding in us and hiding any November. "

These lines, like other Yeseninsky, no doubt, became famous to the power of it, and the Trotsky will certainly. Besting, he understood the best of others that Yesenin will return from abroad with a completely different and songwriter of the world revolution will definitely won't be, rather - her mighty poetic grave. Trotsky understood that the spiritual political and poetic power of Yesenin became incomparably more dangerous for the ideology of the Bolsheviks of all together, the shares and threats of bellyamigrants and confusion, who remained in Soviet Russia.

Such as Yesenin, based on the logic of the Bolsheviks, simply did not have the right to exist. When he was uncomfortable, and his poetry was officially declared declared declared and essentially forbidden, without official knowledge, in the will of the soul there were mugs of the talent of Sergei Alexandrovich's talent, which enjoyed not only the hearing of his masterpieces, but also discussed, as they say, "pressing problems". Is this not an example of the powerful spiritual influence of Yesenin on the then Russian youth!

In the entire centuries-old Russian history, there was no such great spiritual and poetic figure as Yesenin, openly politically opposed to state power. In this respect, neither A. Pushkin, nor M. Lermontov, who picked up with a relatively liberal comparison with the Bolshevik Tsarist authorities can not be compared with it.

Independent, chatting more than once with the popular actor Sergey Bezrukov, who was suitable for him, almost in his grandchildren and who seriously prepared for the shooting of a feature film about the causes and circumstances of the tragic death of the poet, constantly inspired his young interlocutor about the fact that in the film in artistic ways It would be necessary to convey to the viewer the idea that Yesenin in the domestic poetic history was essentially the first dissident who spent without fear, according to the natural courtyard of the soul against the most severe regime, ever existing on earth Russian. And therefore was alone. And many sensible sie noted and among them the wise M. Gorky. Excited by the mysterious death of the poet, he wrote to his acquaintance I. Gruzvev in early January 1926: "And the second time I saw him in Berlin, A. N. Tolstoy, was with him an old drunk A. D., he perfectly read the monologue of clapping, And then I hit D. Nagu in her international ass and told her: "Bitch!"

Where and how to live him, Yesenin? It was at that evening Yesenin convulsively, hysterically drunk, but he kept firmly on his legs, only his eyes somehow moved strangely and all the time he threw it in the corners, where darling. Yes, and he was drunk, it seems not from the wine, but from the inevitable longing of a man who came to our world is strongly late, or - prematurely. "

He will be fired by B. Zubakin, who wrote bitter: "I think that the character of His (Yesenin) misfortune has a source - a little slave, but genuine happiness. Remember how Dante? - In the Vyshny World - High Angels sing - the consonant hymn - and on Earth it is heard as a rumble, storm and chaos. Earth chaos of Yesenin's life was an expression of the internal, especially inherent music and harmony. It is happiness - there is a state of special revealed and in-depth humanity, which are not many lucky. But, who owns them at times - they do not know how to keep it in themselves and apply to the case to the surrounding. From here - suffering! "

Sedoy Matcher of Archivistiki, feeling straightforwards to youthful, the interest of Bezrukov, to know the essence of the spiritual appointment of a two poetic idol, and began to be sincere desire for him, finally, to submit to millions of Russians the authentic Great Lick of the Poet, delicately gave to the fact that Sergei Alexandrovich's life should be represented Not through the slaughtered stamps of walking-harmonic, namely through his unique spirituality. Then the legends about his drunkenness will be quite in another perspective. No, he was not drunk in the sense, in which this concept is used. He drank no more, but maybe less than those with whom he was sitting at the table, no more than those writers who, after his death, they were unscrupulous to "remember" about the ever-free Ryazan peasant, no more than A. Blok, A. Bagritsky, V. Bryusov, V. Mayakovsky. Otherwise, when would the drinker Yesenin wrote so much and so beautiful when I found time for thoughtful study and cognition of many religious and philosophical manuscripts? Creative people know perfectly well that in the removed alcohol brain not only the brilliant poems are not born, but also ordinary everyday thoughts are not very well developed, but at the watch of a hangover in the head except for painful emptiness it is impossible to find anything at all.

In the spring of 1925, Yesenin in a letter from Tiflis to a friend to his N. Verzhbitsky, so jokingly explained the temporary ratio of creativity and beyia: "Old man! After all, the years are running, and in the commandments as follows: twenty days write, and ten days from Kakheti. Here all thirty will go on it. "

The topic of wine in the life of Yesenin, according to Independent, it is impossible to perceive childishly naive as the process of physical use of a thick drink, since, for example, many understand the poetry of O. Khayama. Indeed, for the Great Persian Wine for the most part served as a symbol of free spiritually life. And it is quite applicable to Esenin.

"So, Sergey Vitalyevich, - turning to Bezrukov, said independent, - you are in hand cards. If this is how the topic of wine in the life of Yesenin will be interpreted on the screen, "you will remove the wicked label with Yesenin, and for you will be great thanks from the Russian public."

The death of the poet was in doubt and disbelief in the declared version of many and many. Well who knew Yesenin's writer M. Kasatkin in January 1926 wrote his acquaintance: "I have hundreds of guesses about his (Yesenine) end. And nothing clear. Dark". Poet B. Pasternak, the future Nobel laureate, in the epistole, as now it became known, one of the main characters of the grand plan for the destruction of Yesenin, G. Ustinov: "Despite the explanation, which was printed, and for guess, It is impossible to get rid of the impression of some kind of secrets chosening for this death. Maybe you are alone known and its solutions. " The insightful Pasternak chuckled the involvement of G. Ustinov to the happening of the tragedy, but in a letter, I preferred not to insist openly at mandatory recognition of Ustinov in this.

Something terrible and malicious in the death of Yesenin suspected bitter.

And if you believe B. Lavrenhev, it was known to him about the cause of the death of the poet. After all, Lavrenev in the article on the death of Yesenin said: "My moral debt prescribes me to tell me once in my life, the nude truth is called the executioners and murderers by the executioners and the killers, the black blood of which will not wash the bloody spot on the shirt of the tortured poet." That's just someone's omnipotent in turn, prescribed an angry writer to think carefully about her well-being and in general about the future life before calling black black. And the Lavrenev, until the end of his days, Tired everything could know about himself.

Dozens of true and imaginary friends of Yesenin, who are according to the team, and who is now talking about, from the "Center", rushed to compose memories of the poet and first of all, about the last days and even hours of his life, of course, folding thoroughly Shelves caused it to the tragic end.

The desired among the "memories" - the scoundrels of Erlich, Ustinov or Knyazev, the accomplices of the murder of Yesenin, tied by a subscription on the non-disclosure of all that was worked out under the auspices of the PEC, perfectly understood that, fulfilling the political order about the falsification of the death of Sergey Alexandrovich, it was possible Its true reason to remain in history forever, highlighting the rays of the posthumous glory of poetic genius. Verily, his martyrdom of Yesenin "immortal" his "black people", and otherwise who now knew the same city of Ustinov, V. Erlich and Knyazeva, D. Ushakov and V. Christmas, P. Nikitina and P. Petrova (Makarevich ), L.German and Benislavskaya, I. Tskiri and P. Luknitsky, N, Leontiev and A. Rubinstein ...

Now you can only be grateful, as it sounds paradoxically, these people for their memoirs. Collected together and skillfully compared, they definitely testify to the murder of Yesenin and in no way about selfishness. At the very first comparisons, the memories are immersing in the sea of \u200b\u200blies. It can be assumed that "memories" and did not think about the fact that someone later, many decades will not consider the work to scrupulously shifting the writings of malicious memoirists. They themselves as with a goose water - they have long left the earthly abode.

Stefan Stepanovich recalled in this regard, as he did not once offended his friends to get acquainted with the selection of key fragments of "memories" about the last days of the life of Yesenin. And always the impression was the same thing: confusion and amazement. And indeed.

Here Elizabeth Ustinova, the spouse of Ustinov, the writer a lot and closely communicated with Sergey Alexandrovich: "I met Yesenin's 27th at the site without a collar and a tie, with a washcloth and soap in your hands. He called me confused and says that the bath can explode: as if there is a lot of fire in the furnace, but there are no water in the column.

I went to him. Here he showed me left hand: there were three shallow cuts on the brush.

Sergey Aleksandrovich began to complain that there was not even ink in this lupist hotel and he had to write in the morning in the morning.

Soon the poet Erlich came. Sergey Alexandrovich approached the table, pulled out a poem from a notebook written in the morning and put Erlih to the inner pocket of the jacket.

Erlich reached out with his hand behind the sheet, but Yesenin stopped him: "then read, do not". "

If you believe Ustinova, it turns out everything is somehow impressed. So, somewhere in the morning, summing up a mentally the result of his unsighted life, the poet cuts his wrist with something (or with a pen, or a wand, whether it still knows him than), writes a death poem "Goodbye, friend," Goodbye ... "(This is despite the fact that in December of the same year Yesenin was inspired by the desire as much as possible to prepare for the publication the first assembly of his writings !!), then heats the column to accept, it is necessary to believe, the warm bath, after some Time understands that there is no water in the column and that in general the unit can explode, everything throws and pops up with soap and washbasin on the site (apparently, in the corridor), in order to complain to Ustinova on the riots in the hotel, instead of professionally settle a bunny misunderstanding with duty On the floor.

Madame Ustinova entered the Esenin number. The poet, forgetting about the dangerous column, immediately became her to demonstrate a cut hand, from which he took blood for writing poems.

How much time they were together before the arrival of Erlich unknown and how they fucked the column too unknown. It turns out that Ustinov was needed Esenin as a witness transfer of a sheet with a "gravestone" poem to a friend Erlih, who appeared in Yesenin soon.

The most ridiculous thing is that neither the phone nor the bath in the fifth issue of Yesenin did not happen (it was documented by the glorious researcher V. Kuznetsov).

Therefore, in what place was going to take the poet's bath, - unknown. He could only call on the phone standing next to the on-floor duty officer (the availability of the phone was also recorded in the surviving archival documents). Of course, that another picture! Yesenin with a washcloth and soap in front of the nose of the duty officer complains "Aunt Liza" on the hotel disgrace, and the duty officer is "everything to the lantern".

The facsimile of the confused poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." was placed in 1926 in the magazine "Red Niva". There was a sequet: "The poem is written on a piece of paper, probably the first one that fell under the arm."

So. This hotel is "international", she also "Angletter" treated in the Bolshevik standards to the highest class. According to the same archival documents, the hotel snugressed was just gorgeous. And they were in the room among Esenin and feathers, and ink, and paper, and if they were not, the poet would have requested this items on the first day of their settlement to the room. Well, if not in the first, then in the second exactly. Can not be a prolific writer four days to sit without instruments of labor! Do not write with the blood!

So, with the morning pastime Sergey Alexandrovich everything is understandable. I didn't really wash, I talked with Ustinova, Erlich, but was in a sober state. What's next? "Aunt Lisu" replaces her husband Ustinov: "During the day, before the fatal night, when we were together in his room, gently asked me about my life, sitting on my knees (straight some" blue "erotica. To present a real man Yesenin in the arms of Ustinov with all the non-light fantasy is simply impossible. And Cheng is Esenina, who knew Ustinov as the irradiated, ask George about his life - A. P.). He asked about one girl ... And when I answered him, he cried for a long time, drowning on my shoulder. Sergey was completely sober. "

Then, according to Ustinov's testimony, the Militizer Gorbov, the wife of Ustinov, Erlich and Ushakov, again came to the number to Yesenin: "We seen Yesenin from 2 to 5-6 hours. When it was left - all four went together, Yesenin promised to go to me, but did not go. In the evening, I also failed to go to him: the writer Sergei Semenov came to me, we talked to him for quite a long time, and then my wife and I went to bed. "

Further, judging by other memories, Yesenin, as from the chain, was afraid and went to Kutch, wishing to only the driven death in him as much as possible "fiery water". That's just from what hour? With true few friends, he was definitely not noticed, because they all noted with regret that in those ill-fated four days they could not find a poet. As it is now known, it is clear why. Well, false friends?

Mansurov's memoirs: "On December 27, Yesenin covers a rich table with vodka for dozens of guests." This is despite the fact that, according to Erlich, in the first three days, they basically "talked, drank tea, ate goose" and sometimes drank beer, Since his money (Yesenina) was a bit, but not left for Saturday.

Like this. And, nevertheless, it is on Saturday that Yesenin generously treats dozens of some guests.

Mansurov ends in Lada Chekist - Poet A. Berman: "In December 25 ... I wanted to meet him (Yesenin). Approaching the doors of his number, I heard the disgraced point and movement. I opened the door and entered. Along the window stretches a long table, in disarray stuck with different snacks, ramps and bottles. The room has many people, completely for me alien. Most packed around the room ...

And on the tacht, face up, lay the host of Soli Yesenin's assessment in his former angelic appearance. Only the seal of fatigue was marked his face. The extinguished cigarette was clamped in his teeth. He slept.

The next morning ... I went to Yesenin in the tenth again ... to meet me, from the entrance doors it appeared ... Poet Sadofiev.

- Where are you hurrying, Lazar Vasilyevich? - he asked.

- To Esenin. Sadofiev threw his hands. - hanged himself! "

Here you go. Nasenin's money for Saturday, in the room the royal feast, is full of the barn of some people. Essenin familiar in Leningrad was once or two and turned around, and, it became, he would hardly have seen strangers so generously. And from what kind of wrong?

So everyone goes around the room, they are knocked down by interests in the group, and the owner sleeps, or tired, or drunk. Everyone is awake, and the owner fell.

And what is this long table? This is not a famous writing desk with five boxes? At the famous picture of M. Podpelbaum no long table is not visible, especially with countless decans and bottles on it.

Whatever it was, but in the evening, apparently, Yesenin is sinking, the company diverges. The poet is bored alone, and according to the testimony of the wife of the former commandant of the hotel "Angletter" Nazarova Yesenin shaved (apparently, evening on December 27 was very rubber!) To a member of Petrov's party, who treated him beer. How much time was drowned, it is also unknown. Whether his friend Petrov's beer ended, whether it was not interested in Yesenin became with him, only he left him and headed for his Ustinov to his friend. Here is such a persistent restless.

What was from Ustinov, "recalls" another familiar Yesenin N. Garin, who lived near the Angleter: "For about an hour in my room, a phone call rang ... Voice of Ustinova, who let me tell me that they were going to us with Sergei . Having reworked that Ustinov and Yesenin drunk, she told the tag of Yesenin: "Sergei, tomorrow, come at least at 6 am. I will be very glad, but today it is not necessary. For about five hours, I woke up from a phone call and heard a completely unfamiliar voice: "Yesenin ordered to live long!"

The Ustinov's room was shaped defeat. At the table of Ustinov black and purple color. Gradually, I learned immediately from the deployed tears of Ustinov all the details of this night. According to Ustinov, after a conversation, they did not drink anything else. Yesenin was very nervous ... and soon went to his room. Ustinov to him looked two times; called back - sit with him. Yesenin did not go. And for the third time, when Ustinov went again, looked at her seizure - he was no longer alive ... "

Ustinov and Yesenin, it turns out, they are joined in the Ustinov number. And where did it take on this time a loving poet "Aunt Lisa", wife of Ustinova, who so carefully slapped around the unsembly seryl in the morning? Why did not stop drunk disgraces of her husband and Yesenin? And how are they without the "aunt liza" gathered for the night looking to visit Garina, and she did not hold them? I did not take the phone from Sergei's hands and did not reassure Garina: "You say, Nina, don't worry, I will quickly bring them to feeling."

In the morning, in the room at Ustinov, Garina, who came to the "Angletter" almost in sick, sees the "black-violet" Ustinov, a bunch of other poets and does not see the "Aunt Lisa", the same right household number, like her husband. In Tragic situations usually women find each other sympathy and support.

Another twisted friend of Yesenin A. Mariengof in his "novel without lies" (so chose the name! - A. P.) argued without obsteaders: "The main thing in Esenin is a fear of loneliness. And the last days in the" Angletter "? He ran from His number, sat one to the liquid winter dawn in the lobby, then pounded on the door of the Ustinovsky room, begging to let it. "

But according to Garina on the last night, Yesenin was fearless, I did not want to sit in any lobby, I left Ustinov and not in the lobby, but I did not react to him back to it and repeatedly. Like, I want to be alone.

From official sources, it is known that the door was locked up from the inside from the inside, and on the morning of December 28, the commandant of Nazarov Hotel officially opened it. But Ustinov "When for the third time I went again" to look at the Sergey, he did not find him alive. The door is, it turns out, was open. In the "Angletter" in the evening 27 and night on December 28, the Bulgakovsky Mysteries took place truly.

It's quite ridiculous and sad after the comparison of all these "memories", knowing now that the main characters of the tragedy of the last day of the life of Yesenin, Ustinov and his spouse, who was in a solid divorce with her husband, was not in Leningrad.

It is only possible to find any conscientious and possessing the talent for analytical research of archival and other sources of a person (in our case it is Victor Kuznetsov), as false mountains of the lies are crumbling. Comrade Ustinova, very close to Trotsky, on the eve of the arrival of Yesenin to Leningrad, seriously "peeped" in partmentballs in the Central Control Commission. It is not serious to believe that the Ustinov carved as follows in the Central Committee, it hops the belongings, somewhere on the summer she picks up his own wife (which for some reason it is badly subordinate to him), and almost one train with Yeshenin, go to Leningrad to continue there, Despite the resulting scramble, immediately booins are already esenin.

The reader will consider that this is a nonsense of a dog, and will add - well, you never know what I wanted to imagine people about their connections with Sergey Alexandrovich!

Here I wanted, for example, Garina especially to highlight his approximity to the great poet (although Yesenin never mentioned it) and remembered that it was unknown from the "Angleter" at 5 in the morning it was necessary to report her "friend".


There are one, but a very serious circumstance in history with all mentioned memories, but is simply impossible to dismiss. All authors of messy and contradictory memoirs - or regular Agents of the HCHK-OGPU, or voluntary sex and cowardly accomplices. This circumstance makes it sharply change a trusting attitude to the official version of the selfishness of Yesenin. The most famous cunning of the Action of the National Security Committee of the ICPU is already well known, and something investigated by V. Kuznetsov from the personal and official activity of some authors of the memories invariably brings to the question: But for no accident, Esenin was in Leningrad in the "friendly" arms of the AGP agents? What should this mean? Only one. Create a myth in the public consciousness about personal irresponsibility, disassembly for his fate and the work of a person, chairs and voluntarily and voluntarily in a swamp of drunkenness, debauchery, in the end, practically slept crazy and in a minute weakly climbed into the loop.

This hoax was inflated by diligent for many decades. God forbid, someone will begin to doubt!

Extreme in this matter succeeded always by the talent of Yesenin's standard writer Mariengoof. In another 1953 and 1960 studied book, my eyelids, my friends and friends, he, as if obeying the worst of the fans of Yesenin, who had eased to learn the truth about the reasons for the death of the poet, a barnly and condescendingly throws: "Hundreds of people ask me: "Why did he do it? Yesenin ... Litched everything - the last friend and the beloved woman, and a hat from the head, and the head in the wine quarrel - only no poems. Poems were his breathing. Remember - how many minutes he lived after he wrote his last lines after he wrote his last lines: "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." He wrote this poem leisurely, his usual rounded handwriting, forcing separately living, as if bachelor, Every letter. He had to dip a rusty pen into his own blood. In this there was no ... bad poses. Simply bitter need: in the numerous pockets of the jacket, as a sin, there was no pencil, and in the glass ink was dry ink, as it usually happens In primordial hotels.

I happened to read the biography of the Scottish Princess of the 15th century (her name was Margarita). Dying, the princess said: "Do not care about life!"

No one heard the last words of Yesenin. Yes, and hardly ... at the last minute he spoke with himself. But since 1923, that is, after returning from ... a foreign journey, the whole point of its existence was the same that the Scottish princess: do not care about life! In the last months of his tragic existence, Yesenin was no more than one hour per day. From the first morning glass, his consciousness was already rallied. And for the first, as the Iron rule, went - the second, third, fourth, fifth ...

From time to time, Yesenin was put in the hospital, where the most famous doctors treated him the most modern ways.

The gray-haired professor briefly mixed in Yesenin aged stack of some ultra-personal readiness from the packs: "I ask, sir, drink for my health. Today I, with your permission, 78 knocked.

Yesenin drank. Wrinkled. But no more than from the old Maletel brandy.

And the professor, the golden glasses confused on the nose: "NDA-S ... great ... And, having handed her hand, left the chamber, afraid to look back to his snow-white retinue.

In medicine, my friends, it is not necessary to believe without thinking, as well as in God.

Yesenin wrote her wonderful verses of 1925 when he was man. He wrote almost without blots.

By the end of 1925, the decision "to go" became manic. He fell under the wheels of the country's train, tried to throw out from the window, cut the vein in a rubber glass, stick himself with a kitchen knife.

Yesenin tragedy is extremely simple. Doctors are called "clinic". He himself in the "black man" said frankly: "shines the brains of alcohol." Here is the damned alcohol and the shying of the brains, and the life has fallen. "

For some reason, it was Mariengo Afu Yesenin so detailed about his mood during his stay in a psychiatric clinic: "... I am very good here, just a little annoying that the day and night burns the blue light ... You know, wrapping the ears in the blanket. .. I climb your head under the pillow and still - do not allow the door to close ... Everyone is afraid that committing suicide. Here everyone wants to die ...

Then Yesenin led to the reception room, showed chains and shackles in which there were no time for patients.

- Only you do not think it's not a crazy house ... The crazy house is in the neighborhood.

He called to the window: - That's the building.

Through the white snowy foliage of the December park was having fun of the rapid windows of the hospitable landlord.

Poor Yesenin in a striped hospital robe is not able to understand where the normal world (outside the window in the landlord), or in the ward, where he convulsively hides under the pillow, and does not understand the appointment of shackles and chains exhibited in the lobby.

Well, as a Russian trusting simplot, but if he also loves the poems of Yesenin, not to believe in these tearful tremors of the "friend" of the poet.

How well got up in life unprincipled, quasibi-sophisticated mythmakers of the life and death of Yesenin! Knowing the faithful truth about the tragic end of the poet, envying the boundless genius of him, the faithful power of the false lie about Yesenin in the hope of a calm self-esteem and aware of this that their unworthy names will forever remain in the history of Russian literature, as Dantes and Martynov's names.

Indeed, once again, I thought about the fact that these hypocrites - Esenin's false friends need to thank many times for the fact that they took up the lives of Russian genius. After comparing their writings, it is impossible to get rid of the idea that Yesenin was not going to leave so early from the earthly world.

Here is a story with a repeated hit of Yesenin in the hospital. (according to Ustinov exclusively in psychiatric). Craftiness. And he was in such a hospital just once and not about the ever dancing in front of the eyes of green scratchiki, from which it splits in the head, and due to the fact that she sought to hide from an imminent court for the scandal, who was committed to the train-restaurant, which Yesenin returned to Moscow from the south, two diplomats. This challenge could be completed for Esenin very severely, (possibly Solovkov), for even the intercession of Lunacharsky was in vain. Spent by V. Nasvkin, a relative of the poet: "Yesenin was worried and was looking for exit.

"You are soon a court, Sergey, said Catherine in the morning broken brother."

Yesenin has noticed as in agony.

"There is a way out, I continued my sister," goes to the hospital. Patients do not judge! And by the way, you will recover.

Yesenin was sadly silent. A few minutes later, he, as if giving up, said: "Well, yes ... I am a lying.

And after a few minutes he also made the decision of the fun. - True, flashes. I immediately donate with all the affairs.

Three days after the described conversation, Yesenin moved to a psychiatric clinic. He was taken away, a bright and quite spacious room on the second floor. In the windows look a clear rod of the pre-garden garden. "

The doctor P. Zinoviev was engaged in the direct placement of the poet in the clinic.

The psychologically sick Yesenin was not, which was confirmed by Zinoviev himself, according to the memories of his daughter, N. Milonovoy, with which she shared with E. Chlystalov: "P. Zinoviev perfectly understood that the poet was not sick, he needed an elementary vacation and rest From the searching for his bailiffs and Geepiers. To this paper, there is an official letter of Gannushkin: "Sick Yesenin S.A. is in a psychiatric clinic from November 26, C / G to the present, for health conditions cannot be interrogated in court .

This confirms the Soviet official of D. Pisarev repressed for political reasons: "In the department of the clinic (Gannushkin - A.P.), the contingent of the parties consisted of almost healthy people who came from the work. At the same time, Esenin was located there. "

Yes, and the letter of the poet itself from the clinic to a friend to his P. Chagin testifies to the sound of the poet and confirms the true reasons for his shelter in the psychic hospital: "All this I need, maybe only to get rid of some scandals. Get rid of, I will settle, send everyone to whom and probably Mahnu abroad. "

As you know, in the clinic Yesenin composed several of the most tender poetic miniatures and among them - "Kleon you are my fallen ..."

And after all this, it is possible to perceive otherwise than the malicious lies of the impression of Mariengofo about Yesenin, whom he allegedly visited the clinic, as a depressed and clinically hopeless man! But doesn't mariengoof convinces us so much.

The Unnamed Sadist Professor Surrounded by Sadie, as if Yago, suggests the officially sick poet to drink a stalk of alcohol with a mischievous one with a nauseous powder in honor of his 78th anniversary, (for some reason, not on Brucershaft) in order to sarcastically express their attitude To the incorrigible alcoholic Yesenin meaningful: "NDA-C" and in confusion to remove from the Chamber with the same stunned from the saw seen.

This could only emerge in the truly inflamed head of Mariengof himself.

This professor clearly could not be either Hannushkin himself, who lived in the world just over 50 years old, nevertheless Zinoviev, compared the obvious position of the poet.

But the letter Yesenina Chagin, such a short and capacious, testifies to the acute and enesenin articulated thinking. For several days, Esenin was enough to give an absolutely accurate and derogatory characteristic of psychiatric science and practice.

Indeed could not not be noted, since in recent years, cooperating with the International Commission on Human Rights, a lot of time paid to the exposure of the anti-scientific and inhuman activity of Russian psychiatry.

Here are the lines from Yesen's letter to Chagin: "Dear Peter! I am writing to you from the hospital, lean again. Why I do not know, but probably no one knows. You see, you need to treat your nerves, and here Feldfelf on the Feldwebel. Their theory is that the walls are preserved best without any medication.

I am pleased to remember Vartapetta and Mesernitsky and I say that the deaf Beethoven is better than a badly hearing Rubinstein and drunk Edgar at a beautiful sober brand Krinitsky. "

So figuratively compared real medicine in the face of Baku Doctors Vartapettov and Mezernitsky, who treated Yesenin in connection with the disease of the lungs, and psychiatrists who do not know what and how to treat.

Next, Yesenin is frankly ironing about psychiatrists: "I do not understand why Paul did not occur to a medical work. He could. He would cure. After all, his theory is very similar to the problems of modern psychiatrists. "

Yesenin instantly occurred by the associative perception of gross methods of psychiatric "treatment" and passage with patients with the methods of appealing the emperor with his subjects, when officers were punished with arrest and conclusion in the Gaupwaht for insignificant mistakes in the Mashtra.

No, there was no brain alcohol to poet. They were clear with him clear. Yesenin prepared himself not to death, but to the new perception of life. Very often, the enemies were looking for an explanation of the falnial mood of the poet in his own verses. But they did not notice his passion for life. After all, it is literally two months before the death of Yesenin wrote: "Let a rotten dampness, I do not regret and I am not a cookie. I still loved this life, so I loved, as if at the beginning. "

The latter before the death of Yesenin's day in the memoirs of his unfavorable contemporaries appears before an inquisitive researcher as a monstrous misconception of the facts, the time of their accomplishment, and sometimes complete mutually exclusion. These are serious indirect data, they cannot be discarded with annoyance, they can not be examined.

The mansion is the scandalous, relatively established in the consciousness of the inhabitants and adopted for the axioms of the suicide facts of the poet, recognizing people directly confirming the fact of the murder of Yesenin or hinting for killing. Such memoirs are angry or allowed to understand them that the place to them in the psychiatric clinic.


The most loud and famously swirling, cleare of any master detective, the application belongs to the Major of the stock of someone V. Titarenko, published in the magazine "Wonders and Adventures" in No. 6 for 2000. Working on the bama, he alleged somewhere in 1976, a very old man was heard on a modest pirushka that he, this elderly man, named Nikolay Leontyev, together with the famous terrorist and provocator Ya. Blumkin brutally dealt with Yesenin By the orders of Trotsky and for the reason not at all political, but trotlessly love: de Yesenin drove a shrine from the beloved of Trotsky himself.

The investigator of the whistles recalled that someone V. Golovko told him about his teacher V. Shilov, who allegedly late on the evening of December 27 (Esenin's death) knocked on the door of the poet's room and, without waiting for the answer, went to the lobby of the hotels in Nadezhda still meet With Sergey Alexandrovich. After some time, he saw how two came out of the poet's room, closed the door to the key and left the ravoisi by car. And in the morning, Shilov found out about the suicide of Yesenin.

After many years after the death of the poet, the former regular cleaner of the Angletter hotel Varvara Vasilyeva (served the fifth number), told her friend, that in those gloomy December 1925 days did not come across Yeshenin, but he remembers completely clearly, as some personalities On the evening of December 27, it is not the attic, not the body of a person dragged the body from the basement room to the fifth room. Stunned heard, a friend was rummaged to tell this sensational news by scientists on one of the Yesenian readings, who passed traditionally in Leningrad, but only laughed at it, considering that the applicant occurred in the head "phase shift".

What more in such statements - the desire to at least touch the glory of Yesenin at least some sideways, to glorify the entire baptized world by the scandalous statements, the fact of suicide adopted for the axiom of suicide or desire to say, let him be late, but the truth?

Stefan Stepanovich repeatedly thought over the mystery of the psychological feature of a person to believe in the very first version of any sensational event, voiced collectively or one, but in unison with influential, known in society by people, especially the official leaders of the state, and reject any later versions. About the same event, but absolutely opposite to the first, officially accepted, leading always the same argument: And where is the evidence?

The most tragicomic in this collision is that from a legal point of view, neither the first, nor secondly have no weighty, except oral approvals, evidence, is really no. So why it is necessary to unconditionally believe here this hypocritical words of Trotsky: "He, (Yesenin) left himself, with blood saying goodbye to the unfashionable friend, - maybe with all of us. Are striking in tenderness and softness these last lines. He left his life without a shrieking offense, without a posture, without protest, - without slamming the door, and quietly sticking it with his hand, from which blood was the blood "?

Why do you need to believe Erlih, Ustinov, Mariengof and others? Just because they are spitting around Yesenin, were closely in close contact with the last months of 1925 and the days of his stay in North Palmyre?

And why you can not believe Titarenko with Leontiev, teacher Shilov or Caller's cleaner? With an evidential point of view, their approval is equidistant of the truth, as well as the approval of Erlich and K. and if they recall the already marked "first" mastty "eyewitnesses, then more trust causes" Indications "for example," the second "but simple eyewitness - V. Vasilyeva.

The "first" witnesses were much easier: they told people what was needed by the then official power. But what saw the "second" eyewitness - did not fit into the state version. And if she had gained courage to tell what was sketched on the evening of December 27 near the fifth number of Anglets, it would have come out, as they say, her sideways. That is why the "second" sensational memories began to appear in times when it was possible to be sure that nothing threatens your life. The cruel Soviet power made tightly squeeze the lips of all those who knew anything about true causes and the circumstances of the death of the poet Or had the opposite official opinion about it.

And yet, nevertheless ... Despite the factual uniformity of late sensational statements about the murder of Yesenin, they must also be taken at the notes. Why? It was noticed with a large-scale study of any "iconic" events, when a huge number of documentary and factual data is analyzed, tangible contours of the riddle under study or secrets are often opened, and the most incredible, presented before that deliberation and memories are true, and then That was distinguished hard and thoroughly for the continued truth - a monstrous and offensive lies.

In the dossier of investigators, letters and those who insisted on the suicide of Yesenin and those who claimed that the recognition of people from the environment of Yesenin, who knew the mystery of the death of the poet. How, for example, to relate to the strange rows of Erlich from his book "Right to the Song": "I want him to forgive me what I continue to give my hand at meetings ... Double from his friends - poets. This means that in I have not enough feeling of him and your honor. And finally, let him forgive me the greatest guilt before him, the one he knew, and I know. " What did it pull the poet-Chekist so much to smear tears on the cheeks? It is a pity that I did not agree to the end, for it was "paved in consumption" as an allegedly enemy of the people.

The writer N. Yushov in one of his opus claims that Ustinov, one of the sinister figures in the death tragedy of Yesenin, intended to reveal the secret of his death: "I was familiar with the debt, who met with Verzhbitsky. The latter claims that he came to Ustinov with The requirement to tell what happened to Yesenin. He asked to come the next day. But the next day it turned out that Ustinov hanged himself. " This happened in 1932 and, as writer V. Kuznetsov quite reasonably believes, Ustinov "helped" to go to the forefathers.

When investigating such confusing cases, as the death of Yesenin, no evidence, even the most ridiculous, cannot be discarded.

Paradoxically, but the main direct, and indirect proof that Yesenin is not a suicide, are ... confused and recognized by officially reliable "certificate of suicide Yesenin", compiled by a precinct warden of the 2nd police station of Leningrad N. Gorbov and certified by understandable V. Nazarov, P. Medvedev, M. Fomoman and V. Erlich, the act of forensic medical examination of the poet's body, compiled by A. Gilyarovsky, and ... Avtographer poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..."

When familiar Independent tried to corrupter him, as it seemed like that of amateur considerations, he certainly recommended them for full enlightenment to read the books of pioneers in investigating the circumstances of the death of Yesenin, first of all E. Khlystalov "13 of Sergey Yesenin" and V. Kuznetsov "Mystery The death of Yesenin "and in addition to them an eyelid writing poetess N. Sidorina" Zlatnoyy "and journalistic essays S. Kashirina" Black Nimnurry "and I. Lyszova" The Murder of Yesenin ".

Independently occupied the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomenal and unique proof of V. Kuznetsov, falsification of all three of the above-mentioned "basic" documentary "whales". It was Kuznetsov that was fortunate enough to find the official property of business documents written by hand now known to the world Militizer Gorbov. By comparing them with the most illiterate in the literal sense of the word and legally act about self-effect, the researcher with amazement found that the handwriting of the act and newly found papers is not identical, autographs are clearly different from each other. Kuznetsov went further and a doubtful act of Gilyarovsky also diminished with other documents of the professor. The design, the style of presentation, the numbering, the handwriting of Yeseninsky and other acts had more differences, rather than similarities.

The anti-beanists say - a poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." It is written in blood, and other handwriting adds that "... The text is made by the Yesenin itself under the influence of unusual internal and external factors that knock out the usual writing process (excitement, alcoholic intoxication) and bears temporary. " Flight fantasy and only! There is nothing in this passage, except for "blood does not stand any criticism. At least that according to the memories of Ustinova, the verse was written for a lot of hours to death, Yesenin did not show out signs of hangover. So on unusual factors and speech can not be .

The fact that the verses belong to Sergey Alexandrovich, it is known only from the words of Ustinova da Erlich, but their testimonies have long become for serious researchers in the audience. Again there are no documentary evidence of the work time of this work. And what if the poem is written to another and the handwriting was forged? And in general, at least someone gave himself to investigate clinical blood tests of the poet? The poet's killers were well aware that at the beginning of the twentieth century, the blood group had not yet been determined and it was impossible to check the blood supplies to Yesenin. But now! Would take and conduct DNA analysis! And that's it. All disputes end! And, perhaps, the end of lies!


Only an indifferent investigator would not express immediate desire to investigate such phantasmagoric incidents.

On the threshold of the 90s, taking advantage of the coming in Russia, but the freedom, a passionate devotee of Yeseninsky creativity, the late Yu. Procushev, personality, must be recognized, ambiguous and to some extent mysterious, being chairman of the Yesenin Committee of the Union of Writers and Commission To clarify the circumstances of the deaths of S. A. Yesenin, it was removed to put the end of the speculation and overwhelms about the mysterious death of the poet. The initiative of this was public. Prokushev turned to the cigriers of Russian forensic examination and forensic critically evaluate the official documents on the death of Yesenin, in order to reflect them, so that there were undoubted arguments to be found, or confirm their indisputable correctness.

Unfortunately, the prosecushev in the simplicity of naive or for some one just known intent allowed a fatal mistake. She concluded in the wrong approach to solving the good intention. This was notified by A.I. Tolstoy, the greatness of the Yaspolyansky replacement. In his opinion, the presumption of innocence of Yesenin in suicide was originally discarded. It has long been known that the answer content very often depends on how the question is raised. And the proxushev investigation was familiar exclusively in the police version of 1925. And, in fact, was doomed to failure. Experts are not fundamentally new to clarify the circumstances of the death of the poet, restricted by professional, technical or medical interpretations illiterate and, surrender, fake documents, or did not want to do this. The commission is not a state, not from the prime minister, and even more so not from the president of the country. Did you never know what unpleasant story you can hone! Therefore, they were only conscientiously able to state that there were characteristic traces of the deceased, testifying to hanging. But for the first time, the poverty of the descriptive part of the "Gorbovsky" act was noted, a significantly imperative objective interpretation of some facts of the tragedy that happened in the hotel "Angleter". At the same time, other experts did not fail to emphasize that the explanation or investigation into the inferiority of the act in their competence is not included. This is de-bread of investigators.

Yes, resting stupidly only in the "Gorbovsky" and "Gilyarovsky" acts, without analyzing the inconspicuous number of documentary, oral and other real sources, which most of the experts did not have any idea, really difficult to interpret the facts that happened in the "Angeler" of troubles.

Furiously arguing about the fact that the rope (belt from the trousers?) He wrapped her neck so that there was no loop, and she was attached on a straight line as a trunk of a ship's pipe at the same ceiling. How it drank pretty, according to legend, Yesenin, who cut his hands, could have a certain and delusito, expired by blood, does not rush to fix a means for hanging on a decent height? Here are the students of the literary institute, in full health and a sober mind, how many did not try to "hang" on the damned pipe, "to reduce the scores" with life could not: once over again, together with the loop, they broke down down. Apparently, it was not necessary, not as an example of Esenin.

On the negative photos of the posthumous photographs, the "platoon" over the right eye is clearly visible, and on the forehead - the "pressed groove", which coincides with the deepening on one of the five available post-mortem masks. Supporters of the murder of Yesenin explain the reason for their occurrence from violent actions of unknown villains with metal objects. Jewelpersperts, in the peak of them, suggest, but definitely do not claim that indulgence is just the result of pressed the head to the hot tube. The "platoon" is the same (in their own language "round spot in the upper eyelid") can be explained, for example, drying the peak of the skin fold, the errors of the glass negative, and the like. And all as an irrefutable argument, refer to the words of elders from Sissenina Yesenina Catherine: "I did not see, leaning over the coffin along with my mother, traces of injury, the forehead was clean."

Yes, I will say that Catherine Aleksandrovna says, in the mountain she could not discern damage on the face of the drock. And maybe I did not want to put anger on myself and relatives. None of the close in the morgue was not when they were preparing the body of Yesenin to the funeral. And about the wonders of the ancient art of the grimicle is known from biblical times. What a confidence in the statements of type "may be", "possibly".

But another "friend" Yesenin, Vadim Schenevich, contradicts Catherine Aleksandrovna: "I stood in my head: poorly smeared abrasions on his face were visible. This Seryozh beat about steam heating, already hanging. "

Well, sin and laughter. Such a suicide as Yesenin, if he listen and read that on this occasion, the official authorities and their halter, which was removed on the sadist, to slaughter their departure from life, did not see the light of God. For some reason turned everything upside down in the room, drove off, poured the carpet with blood, ripped my lip myself and I was tied to tie a dead knot at the height ceiling, hanged himself and in a hanging position, it became so furious to twitch that he had a bunch of abrasion, and then grabbed himself for the pipe.

Although it is known that firmly decided to hang out people submractive followed by the chosen intention and do not change his mind. Yes, and their hands are always limp.

In a word, killed by Grief of Catherine, was a clean face of the deceased, and Schelzhevich - "badly smeared scratches on the face."

Such anyone came to mind such a normal thought: And why Yesenin, a merry, caring son and brother, and a friend, from under whose pen, contrary to the evil naval, in 1925, the poetic masterpieces, full of new ideas, was sparkling, won such absurd, Such a painful way of suicide?

And it was not easier to get a gun (it is known that the weapon among Yesenin was there, after I. Blumkin wanted to shoot him in Baku) and instantly go to the forefathers. And it was not necessary for this that it was necessary to rush to Leningrad. It was possible to make this sin somewhere in Moscow. Here V. Mayakovsky in such a situation did not go anywhere from the capital.

Serious debates divorced scientists and unaccustomed men and aunt about the details of Yesenin's selfishness. Wait, wait, but also evidence of the Agent of the National Security Service of the NESEEV. And he is what the height? Something clearly contradictory version. Yeah, he claims that he saw the corpse of Esenin hanging not on the pipe under the ceiling, but stripped to the battery of steam heating. Here, at the battery, Yesenin, with all his abilities, walked well, would not have succeeded.

Of course, about Evseeva will say that the agent clearly imagined, wanting to seem original, it is impossible to believe. And why should you believe the policeman Gorbov and his crying illiterate act? Just because everyone is obliged to believe that the representative of the authorities affirms? And also the power of power? The history of the former Soviet state and especially its plain bodies, especially the "deep drilling offices", eloquently testify to their monstrous, in fact and the skill of falsifications, who ordered to take the truth to be intimidated by them, for the truth.

After all, besides Gorbov, none of those who have already been understood as already proven, the hanging body of Yesenin did not see. They arrived when the corpse was already put on the bed. And one of the witnesses, the poet V. Christmas, in episristolar paper to a friend of his V. Luizov Pafosno describes the terrible details of the deed not in # 5, and ... in №41. Everything can be seen in life, but not only sign events, whose witness to you happened to be.

Nevertheless, the prosecution initiative to investigate the circumstances of the death of Yesenin gave an extremely important, but not all selected the result. Experts did not disgust themselves to make conclusions both about the suicide of the poet and about the murder of him with the subsequent imitation of self-effect. This is something yes mellow!


Extractive hopes of the Yesenian Commission associated with the appeal to the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation (the current FSB). Well, how will the Silver confirmed about the involvement of the HCH-OGPU to the death of Yesenin! Suddenly somewhere, on the far archival shelf, the cherished dossier, the secret of the death of the Great Poet and the citizen hurt the mystery. Empty hopes! The answer was about the complete absence of this agency in the archives of both direct and indirect evidence of the operational interest of Chekists to the personality of the poet.

Yesenian Commission did not make the final trace under all his sorrowful surveys. It was stated, "that in the event of the detection of any new documentary data related to the death of S. A. Yesenin, they will be immediately considered with the message about it in the press."

Indeed, I remember, was not satisfied with this statement. What, will we wait until the second coming, when does anyone anemny somewhere detect a sensational? Not. As once sang an unforgettable V. Vysotsky "... Everything is wrong, guys ..." The time is going and goes, and more and more people, and very worthy, sincerely urge not to caring the topic of the death of the poet. They say, it's still not to return the past. Yes, and Sergey Alexandrovich itself is now everything is without necessary. There is his wonderful poetry, poetry that connects the Earth with space, heating the souls in the brutal peripetles of life.

Easier, above Yesenin all nobility perekov. Like Pushkin "... He got higher than the head of the dismissed Alexandrian pillar."

So people can say unknowingly staying always in Lada with their own conscience or sanitizers, koi in the Russian domestic, the Bolsheviks contrived in non-daynous quantities, or individual persons who have impaired themselves with spiritual guides of the flock and never doubting onceed by them conclusions. Such as the writer E. Radzinsky or the investigator for all hands from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation V. Solovyov. They, as if clairvoyants, have long been confidently put all the points over I and in the matter of royal remains, and in the death of Yesenin. At a convenient case, they are ironically ridiculed doubting. With this, they do not notice that not all of their points are symmetric the notorious letter.

Recognize the indisputable fact of S. Yesenin's self-sufficiency is a grave sin, first of all before, in the poet's soul, which for almost eighty years old, watching the Besnowian pride of those who need zealously and protect the myth about his weakness and sin. No wonder the poet somehow bitterly joked in the circle of relatives: "Here I will die - all dogs are hung on me."

Indeed recalled how they are with S.P. Yesenina in 1997 decided, without waiting for the best times, to apply to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation to initiate, finally, the present, for the first time official, investigating the old and newly discovered and hidden circumstances and the facts of the death of Yesenin. They counted that the General Prosecutor's Office, which is free from the political press of the recent Totalitarian Soviet State Machine, Although a difficult, but unbiased investigation.

The magical property of the name "Yesenina" played, as always, his positive role. The petitioners were almost immediately adopted by Assistant Yu. Skoratov. I saw them with tea-coffee, supported all initiatives ... But the general prosecutor, as you know, soon "grown up", and Svetlana Petrovna received from the then vice-prosecutor of the country of Mr. Katysheva, from which the Prosecutor General definitely does not see the reasons to excite criminal case. Since they are there, in the General Prosecutor's Office, a long time ago, everything is clearly with the circumstances of the death of the poet. Haired - and that's it!

But most of the Russians, it turned out, everything is far from clear. And the best minds that are ill for Russia, proud of it by mighty culture and spiritual geniuses, do everything to purify one of the brightest such geniuses - Yesenin - from the foul lie. All new and new books appear, there are performances and among them the play "Yesenin", the midst of the nineties of the twentieth century, where the theme of the murder was touched, only touched on, radiant, quite then the young Lyediemi Sergey Bezrukov.

It is noted that like-minded people in God's fishery certainly find each other to combine efforts in the implementation of their ideas and ideas.

The mature, who has gained wisdom and became the most popular in Russia and adjacent lands in the early twenty-first century, thanks to its television series "Brigade", "Plot" and sparkling roles in theatrical performances, Bezrukov, all the years that have passed since the premiere of the play "Yesenin", Inged the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a grandiose television artistic canvase about the life and death of his poetic idol, the death of violent.

Bezrukov was familiar with the late investigator E. Chlystalov, who was not interested in the murder of the poet, was handed over to the young actor.

God's will reduced Bezrukov with independent, who, in turn, introduced him to S.P. Yesenina and very worthy Yeseninovdami. Such a meeting on the eve of 2004 was held at the apartment S.P. Yesenina. Bezrukov was delighted with a meeting with the Poet's niece, with genuine curiosity greet his granddaughter Svetlana Petrovna Alexandra, as if he wanted to say: "It is interesting, I wonder what they are, distant descendants of Sergei Alexandrovich," considered family photos, wipe on the walls of the room.

Then, behind the bottle of excellent Georgian wine, brought from Tbilisi, Svetlana Petrovna's home cake told about his creative idea associated with the creation of a multi-sized film about the poet.

Svetlana Petrovna, already scientified by bitter experiences of the failures of many creators and artists of Yesenin's image in the cinema and the theater, carefully listened to him, and then the motherly said: "Seryozha, you should be built and build in the image of Yesenin, to dismay from the terribly offensive standards that Sergey Aleksandrovich was slaughtered on all sides. Come in the summer to me in Konstantininovo and for yourself, without a suite, catch on your favorite danest places. There, alone with nature, think, reflect, raise the air of Yesenin, go to its trails. "

A few months later, sometimes meeting with Bezrukov, in order to discuss certain nuances of the future film, independent realized that this talented man was truly ill with Yesenin, that he like a sponge absorbs all the delight advice, and that the film, God forbid, will succeed and will be a revelation for The viewer, especially the young, and, for sure, will host the Russian public consciousness, and maybe the minds of the ruling state husbands to the steps to investigate the causes of the tragic death of the Great Poet.

The film, of course, is good, but it does not set the final legal points over "I" in Yesenin.

According to Independent, the mysteriousness of the death of Esenin is obliged to abandon the highest state power, just as it arranged with the search and identification of the remains of the royal family. Then, the specialists of all masses were prior to achieving a beneficial goal for the Scepter and the Masters, "a lot of money dismissed, the loud information company in the media unfolded. Accomplices of the story through "television" made almost every Russian.

State commandment is required solely for the initiation of the official criminal case on the circumstances of the death of S.A. Yesenin. After all, most Russians are unknown that the former Prosecutor General of the USSR did not have such a criminal case. Thus, this department voluntarily or unwittingly supported the version of 1925 on suicide.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was not wanted to make this on his own initiative. Former President B. Yeltsin was not to restore the honor and dignity of the poet of a long time to recover in the world.


Now hope only at the current president of the country V. Putin, whom the Chinook of the Chelyant, if he does not respect him, will be afraid of the same as Stalin. Undoubtedly, the appointment of Putin State Commission to investigate the deaths of Yesenin will provide the president to confidence and even more hot support for Russians and will become, if you please, the real part of the most painful foundation of the national identity, pride and unity.

And who are the judges? Only the authoritative legal professionals, historians, archivists, criminologists, free from conscious dogmatism, extreme points of view, the shameful properties of protection of interest to whose uniforms. Under these conditions, the shoulder commission is to develop a conceptual investigation program and as it were from the "net sheet" to start it. Make efforts authorized by the presidential patronage to study secret and other documentary funds in state and departmental archives. After all, the archives have a magical property to surprise the world from time to time exclusive finds.

It will break the head over. After all, the consolidated conclusion of the Procedure Yesenian Committee gave rise to dozens of problems, issues explained by ridiculously dilettank or at all left without attention.

And what, in fact, must necessarily establish such a commission? Prove that Yesenin did not hang? Or prove someone committed violence over the poet and call the killers? Good and more. In the mid-90s of the last century, Stefan Stepanovich believed this way. Consciously worked, the feeling of exposure, compulsory establishing and inevitable punishment of criminals of any properties - criminals or so-called "enemies of the people" in the Soviet state.

As an experienced archivist, he understood that the decision of one of these two desired mysteries is impossible, namely, not to establish direct documentary evidence of the physical destruction of the poet. Although in the immense paper ocean of Russian archives, which have millions of sheets, hidden Cruppers with an unknown society of information about the last years of Yesenin's unfortunate Being, who led to death in the northern capital. The search for these grains is a considerable, painstaking and condition only to skillful researchers. And the matter is not even in the fact that in the current wild market times will not make the archivists for just so engage in such research. Order V. Putin and the Chefs of the Federal Archival Agency and the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will rush to fulfill his order without caress. Others are confident that the former officer of the KGB, the current president of Russia, or for any rugs will not give such an order to the archivistors.

The history of the conflict relations of Yesenin and the Soviet authorities does not give grounds to agree with a common statement that the cause of the death of the poet was his own moral destruction that purely everyday domestic troubles brought him to the grave. Causes are significantly more serious, political properties.

It is known who specifically possessed power in the period from 1920 to 1925, when Lenin was physically and mentally, it was undoubtedly Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Kamenev. It is known which non-identity associations conducted in his work of Yesenin between the Trotsky and the authorities of the Bolsheviks, who gave the team to their ghosts to harde the opponents and opponents. Who were these ghosts? In those days, only the HCHK-OGPU - the forerunner of the future of the NKVD - the KGB of the USSR. And nowhere, except in the archives of this organization, documents on the specific punitive shares of its people have not been postponed.

The independent was firmly offended in the Central Archive of the FSB for the fact that he publicly suspected the archiving security officers in concealing certain documents explaining the death of Yesenin. - We have no documents, "they assured him. How to know how to know. The experience of a fairly close communication of independent with the archives of the former KGB of the USSR in the period after the August revolution of 1991, when Stefan Stepanovich was appointed Chairman of the Working Group of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on the transfer of archives of the USSR KGB into public use, he taught him a common distrust of the unverified personally explanations and certificates Complete colleagues. This was independently described in detail in one of the chapters of his memoirs dedicated to this department. It employs the guys very independent from public opinion, much led by anyone, especially those who are alien to convictions. Here, for example, they did not "appear" to them in their time, the new mimic chief of the bicking department and his faithful "Pancho" of Nikonov and under different, sometimes mocking essentially pretexts, they felt the pleasure of seeing the secret files who were competent: there is no mole of such.

No doubt that Native Yesenin and foreign Matters of the history of archival business, forensic examination and forensics will take a hot participation in such a mission. By the way, they would bring psychological confidence in the investigation process into the actions of their Russian colleagues.

The main thing is the secret documentary funds that are not managed by federal state archives. And, above all, Materials of the HCHK-OGPU, all sorts of other dossiers (analytical, information references, reports, cipherromegrams, correspondence, observant, investigative works) and other, other ...

So that members of the Commission personally, would turn the cards in exemplary chasing cards and scroll through the dossier. Only it can be provided a little-old successful success. Because now the current procedure for obtaining any information from the archivistov-Efesbists is vicious. Its formula is simple and Lukava: Tell me, what is needed, and we will see. As a rule, due to heavy archival doors, it is often coming: looked, nothing. Although in fact there is.

Independently remembered the mimolement meeting, already retired, with the new head of the Archive of the FSB, who told him, however, as a private person, that the "workers' affairs" agents of the life of the life and death of Yesenin are more in nature, because they are by order of the Chef KGB of the USSR from Sin was destroyed away and there is an instruction in general, according to which many types of service documentation have a limited shelf life.

If independent did not know the chairs of archivists in blue pursuit (as he was told in the chapter dedicated to the mysterious disappearance of Raul Wallenberg), he, like other innocent settlers, would take such an answer for the truth, as they say, in the last instance. But not in this case. The fact is that the last, real chief of the Ukrainian KGB of the USSR, now the History Pensioner of Hooks, Waves was to give orders in his department - well, as a last resort - until the end of August 1991. And independent, being the chairman of the Working Group of the Parliamentary Commission of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on the transfer of archives of the KGB of the USSR to maintain the people (and did not consist), inspected the archival ultrasound of the state security in the fall of the same year and looked through the self-independent of the Agents' work affairs. An interesting information contains: who and what order gave the agent and how he performed it. Upon the abundance of fiction and frank lies in these dossiers abound and reliable facts.

In memory of Stephen Stepanovich and his colleagues on the Working Group, an indistinguishable picture of the unknown society of the Chekist archival world was clearly postponed. No, no, not all papers were destroyed there! Even those archival funds that managed to see, and another number of others remained them not shown), captured the imagination by their informational wealth.

Here is the Fund of Affairs of Operational Accounting. Drop them during the existence of the "Office" of at least two million! True, most of them were destroyed by the established departmental storage term. But in the archive of the KGB of the USSR, highly educated people were in service, which perfectly understood the historical value of many papers. They carefully preserved them, combining in the so-called "utility fund". And in it at least ten thousand cases. There are still huge layers of criminal cases and secret office work. It is not at all interested in the funds of the so-called special storage and collection funds, and in them - materials of liquidated divisions, personal paper, photographic materials, orders for the HCC-OGPU, documents of a special inspection of personnel management, prison department and much, much more ...

During the parliamentary inspection, it was not possible to establish all funds stored in the Archive of the KGB of the USSR. Something hidden in them? Of course, a lot of documents of the Fund of Operational Accounting are destroyed, but not all. It is impossible to believe that there are no specific dossiers or any other information about Ustinov, V. Erlich, Benislavskaya, Ya. Blumkin, F. Ivanov (Agent, leaving inquiry on the fact of the death of Yesenin, and then mysteriously disappeared) , Agents of the active secret branch of the Leningrad Throat M. Zalkin, D. Teitel (living in December in Angletter), Caller V. Vasilyeva, M. Froyan, P. Lucnitsky, V. Christmas (Whose archive is not available and for now ), P. Medvedev, Kolobov, I. Tskiria (manager of the house 823 at Majorov Ave. - former secret prison of Chekists), V. Knyazev, G. Essayev (Agent, who claimed that Yesenin's corpse was "strip" to the battery) , I. Grona (informative), I. Hanese (Agent visiting the 5th Angeler Room on December 28, 1925, L. Sosnovsky (involved in the repristed over the royal family and a loan of creativity Yesenin), A. Kusikov, Egorov (provokator, convinced Yesenin to escape from the Hannushkina psychiatric clinic), N. Leontiev (recognized allegedly in in particular to the murder of the poet), and so on.

Here is the material for studying, analyzing and conclusions!

But the former central archive of the KGB of the USSR is far from the limit of dreams. There are still extensive branches, territorial offices, especially in the Leningrad and Moscow regions.

More unknowns for the death researchers Yesenin archives of the former Republican KGBs, especially Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan.

Refer to the fact that by law no one has access rights to the documents of the FSB archive, except for its archivists. Even investigators of the General Prosecutor's Office can only request information. State de mystery! Secrets! Allashes will take and divide them. Maybe if you make anyone in the documents. How many years have passed since independent of the associates from the unloved Lubyanka of the Society "Memorial" by the Arzeny Roginsky, Nikita Petrov and Nikita Hunitric I inspected Cagabev's archival ultrasound. So what? And nothing. Until now, none of them rustled to fade into the entire Ivanovskaya about some of the secrets recognized by them, for the honor of them is inherent, and they respect the relevant laws.

Probably, learning about the objectives of the work of such an emergency commission, the descendants of the true and imaginary friends of Yesenin, (and their great many were rotating around the poet), they take place in family archives and something archiving in relation to Yesenin and will be deleted. Here, for example, Y. Prokushev, until his death, did not burn with the desire to publish his archive, in which the dossier of the funeral commission S.A. is stored Yesenin. Oh, how many non-pieces are folded about this dossier!

Perhaps there is some information that shed light on the circumstances that led to the tragedy.

Well, at least this is a hasty inexplicable flight of S. Yesenin from the Hannushkin clinic. It is known that with him in one chamber "treated" someone who can be characterized as a "messenger duck" from the HCHK-OGPU, allegedly by the names of Egorov.

It is absolutely unknown as and what "treated" the poet in the clinic.

Now we know about the long-standing book of Chekists and psychiatrists in the prosecution of dissent and ways of impact on the psyche. One can only guess that I found this regular "black person" Sergey Alexandrovich. But definitely inspired him that a mental hospital is a trap that you need to escape from it. Speak, Gannushkin hid Yesenin from Layek? Maybe. But he was not so omnipotent to resist Chekistam. They are due to the need to eat any authorities from the way.

One can only guess, were not temporarily suppressed by psychotropic drugs the consciousness and will of the poet. We are unknown the content of the medical case Yesenin, headed in the Hannushkin clinic.

Sustaintly and the fact that some of the environments of Yu Procushev hints at the inadequate behavior of the poet in the last two weeks before the tragic junction. And threatens while the truth is in a private conversation, to prove it with the help of psychoportist Yesenin, which can be recreated with the help of the newest technology somewhere in the West. It is interesting to know based on what data?

The bitter smile touched Man Stephen Stepanovich, when he noticed to me that it would be possible to learn about the causes of the death of Yesenin and his killers, and, without resorting to the help of a large number of researchers, without spending their efforts and time and considerable funds, finally.

At one time he heard from two people, the former deputy head of the Central Archive of the MGB V. Gusachenko, tragically with the strange circumstances of the victim in the center of Moscow several years ago, and the former officer in high rank from the former fifth (ideological) management of the KGB of the USSR, now, Thank God, Healthy, Curious Information. So, the nice guy of Hussachenko during one friendly break said independently, that, no matter how much Democrats (and this happened in the midst of their euphoria) did not hear, they still will not be able to get from the home-grown knights of the raincoat and darkened information about many mysterious events of the domestic Stories without the "royal" command. And some of them will never be promulgated.

"Esenina too?" Asked Indeed.

"And according to him and suppressed," Gusachenko responded.

- So, it means something is stored for Esenin?

- It can be stored, and maybe not, - embarrassing from the frank response to Hussachenko.

Another, not named independent in his memoirs, a mysterious retirement claimed that the documentary about the death of Yesenin in the archival annals of the KGB of the USSR.

Can the All-industrialist president of Putin now dispose of this dossier, if there is actually? Question questions. It would seem that the mysterious death of Yesenin is not a state secret in the current understanding; Damage to defense capability does not cause, and the secrets with an ideological session now seem to be even prohibited as a rotten product of the ratio of the Soviet Past.

It is possible that the disclosure of the Russian FSB of Russia, naturally, on the instructions of Putin's president, the elimination secrets of Esenin would be the brightest freight operational operation in the history of this organization, which would have to certainly discard her respect and confidence of the people if, of course, the security officers in this confidence need .

Axiom is the fulfillment of the instructions of the president? Again the question. Perhaps security officers can know something about the circumstances of the death of Yesenin and post-mortem peripeties associated with his name that such an indication will try under any pretext, referring, as always, in the absence of specific information. Famous special services failure receiver. For them who will check?


If you assume, only assume that on some far shelf, such a dossier is still kept or after a scrupulous analysis of many other secret documents, the fact of physical violence over the poet people of the HCH-OGPU will be revealed. To whom on Lubyanka wants after the shocks, comprehended her in the postputchevsky times, after, with the silent approval of the president's silent, slowly, but the subsidized image of the special services, the images of Dzerzhinsky and Andropov, suddenly, are so rapidly recognized as "Iron Felix" and was killed by his name from the HCC-OGPU. One of the rarest geniuses of Russia. Truly you need to be crazy to decide on that!

The mystery, which is stored for seven locks, can be revealed by a completely different way. After all, the event may occur very extremely emergency. The sorrowful event, but, perhaps, the only one, who finally will forever break the exhausting souls to the riddle of the death of Yesenin. This is the exhumation of the remains of the poet. The current generation of the genus Yesenin does not exclude such a move of events. Painfully patiently dozens of years they carried the cross of the sin of suicide into themselves the sin of suicide. Yes, his sisters, being in the Chekist vice, did not raise the death of his brother at all, and later they performed against exhumation. Times have changed, and be alive now, for sure would be supported by such a decision. Svetlana Petrovna Yesenin and the son of the poet - A.S. Yesenin-Wolpin, living in the United States. According to his judgment, "there was a lot of contradictions relating to the death of Yesenin. Therefore, exhumation can achieve the goal, unless it is carefully prepared."

Oh, what cries rang out in the village of Yesensky Committee! They began to convince relatives and everyone who supported them about the futility of exhumation. And the false patical patient and the absurd arguments of the materialistic sense: it is not necessary to put an unhappy danenic head on the flaw, the unfortunate enesensk head; Even if damage is detected on the skull, (clearly visible in photographs - a hole and a deep dent), it will still be impossible to determine - they have been pronounced or posthumously. And in general, they say, for 70 years with the remains could occur such changes that will not allow to judge something serious.

From such spells, a completely intolerable shade of anxiety occurs, if not nervousness. After all, relatives have the right to exhumation if they bowed to that. Doubts about the preservation of the remains by and large are ghostly. The exclusive experience of creativity of the famous domestic anthropologist, now somewhat subsided, M. Gerasimova proves that people's skeletons are well preserved not what hundreds, but even thousands of years. It all depends on the geological conditions of the siblings. If there is no water, if the soils are sandy, preservation is guaranteed with a high degree of probability. The coffin with the ashes of the poet was lowered in the grave precisely with such characteristics of the soil.

If a person has been made deadly wounds, they do not remain not observed by anthropologists even after 800 years, as it happened during the survey of the skeleton of the deadly forcibly Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.

What happens to public opinion if the exhumation will be detected by breaks on the skeletal skull? Indeed presented very clearly nationwide shock. What can I say about Mont Blancs about Esenin? And in whose direction to turn with the anger and the irony of millions of the eyes of compatriots in the flour of the deceased poet?

After all, the power of the pre-war will have to keep the answer before the nation.

But the autopsy of the grave can bring another simply that does not fit the sensation in the head. S.P. Yesenin, who was present at the burial next to the ashes of the poet of his mother in 1956, noted that she did not see in the revealed grave of the dark varnish coffin Yesenin. Only part of the light yellow coffin of the unknown dead man was viewed in the grave. What, the headquarters were mistaken in calculations or something else? What? And if, reflected on this occasion of independence, the poet's dust disappeared. Among those who were extended by the powerful and only authority to accompany the secret of Yeseninskaya death in time, could well grow up about the fact that someday, when the times and morals, relatives and all sorts of human rights defenders would require exhumations and everything will become clear. So ahead of the progress of possible unwanted events.

And in order to hide the sacrant, after the burial of the mother of the poet, they concretely concreted the grave to disappear all the desire to open it.

Of course, if the special services for some other known circumstances do not want or have the right to publish, remove documents from their hidden slabs that shed light on the circumstances of the death of Yesenin, then no power will make them do it. And it is best not to join them into an unequal and useless fight. You can only harm the good cause.

Therefore, according to Stephen Stepanovich, the future commission, having received it as usual, from the FSB another disappointing answer about the complete absence of any documents about Yesenin, directly or indirectly shed light on the stroke of the poet, the causes and circumstances of his death, is obliged Once and forever forget about the existence of this "office" and focus on the study of the already considerable number of available information and facts. Pessimists and cynics were repeatedly asked independent: without documents of the former KGB, the PSHIC will certainly be released from your investigation. You will move the entertainment on many respected people. He assigned these fears. If the Commissions do not even present in the current times to establish the fact of the intentional killing of the poet, then the verdict of it that is not confirmed, is not proved, it is not determined by the fact and the fact of suicide (and the unbiased investigation will inevitably lead to this conclusion), will be the basis for moral rehabilitation. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin in the eyes of the Russian and world cultural community. The Great God's grace will take off at that moment to Russia. And the "black people" of Yesenin and those who cut the wonderful earthly life sent by the sky of poetic genius will be resolved.

And then people passing by the new building of the Angletter hotel, stopping a look at the shy-ambiguous inscription on a memorial playboard "In the former building of the Angletter Hotel on December 28, 1925, the life of the poet Sergey Yesenin was tragically broke out, sighed, remembering the villainous murder 27 December 1925 of the great Russian poet Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin.

Anatoly Stefanovich Prokopenko, famous Russian historian and archivist. In the past, he was the director of the famous special archive of trophy documents, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Archives of the Government of the Russian Federation, a consultant to the Commission on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression under the President of the Russian Federation.

1990, together with a group of historians, introduced numerous documents from a special archive in the Central Committee of the CPSU, testifying to the execution of the Katyn of Polish officers with the Soviet authorities.

One of the largest merit A. Prokopenko before the world public is the disclosure and disclosure of them in 1989-90s about the existence in the USSR for decades of the giant secret archival of the trophy documents of almost 20 European states. Thanks to this extraordinary step, researchers and historians around the world have received the opportunity to in a new way and reliably comprehend many historical events of the twentieth century.

And A. Prokopenko found in the secret archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the deposits of documents on punitive psychiatry, on the basis of which he wrote the book "Mad Psychiatry", published in 1997. For the first time on the Russian reader's court, irrefutable documents on the birth and formation of psychiatric gulag in the USSR were presented to the court.

In the twentieth century, there was a lot of "great" Lenin and Stalin, and Together with them, and Staliks, Beria, Andropov. Solva about death with the help of medical profession M. Frunze, S. Ordzhonikidze, V. Bekhtereva, N. Krupskaya, A. Gorky, V. Korolenko still excites the imagination of people.

But every killing with the help of physicians gave birth to curvitors, especially abroad. Then the power began to look for externally more decent diagnoses and treatments. And found "diagnoses were such:" Paranoia "," schizophrenia ", etc., the psychdispeance was becoming a place of treatment."

A. Prokopenko believed sincerely, with the collapse of the USSR psychiatry could be humane.

However, acquaintance with the work of the International Commission on Human Rights, which for more than 35 years consistently leads an implacable struggle with abuses in the field of psychiatry, convinced him that humanism and psychiatry are absolutely incompatible that psychiatry is Lzhenauka that psychiatrists have not cured their barbaric methods man, but thugged hundreds of thousands of souls.

Becoming a consultant to the International Commission on Human Rights, it was filled with a task in the foreseeable future to end with psychiatry, as with a phenomenon in the social life of people.

This is evidenced by his new book "Lekari" Souls "(about the neravas in Russian psychiatry), which will be released in the second half of 2005.

The topic of the harmfulness of state secrets in many of its hypostatas for the state itself, society and a separate person also occupies A. Prokopenko as a historian and a citizen.

On the basis of so far only indirect facts, the author leads the reader to the thought of the villainous massacre of the OGC-OGP officers over the poet and on the immorality of the defaults about this in the current Russian authority, indifferent to the fact that the name of the Russian genius is blurred by unfair spirits of suicide.

Disputes on the death of the great poet do not subside

120 years since the birth of the Great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin was shown this year. But still not ceased fierce disputes about whether he committed suicide or was killed. The official version, the one, which is given in Encyclopedia, the former - is talking about suicide. She was in Soviet times, such remains now.

However, after the collapse of the USSR and the disclosure of archives, many publications appeared, books, documentaries that spend another version - Yesenin was killed. Moreover, some researchers, in particular, St. Petersburg writer Viktor Kuznetsov, managed to get such documentary evidence that the murder version looks more than convincing.

However, this is later - and now we will discuss what many previous researchers for some reason have paid little attention, or did not pay attention to generally. Yesenin was not just killed, he could not not be "liquidated," as they said in those times. And not at all for their "bold" conversations, numerous scandals and robes, ... And for the poems that he wrote. Recall how only one poem about the "Kremlin Highlander" was erased into the camp dust Osip Mandelstam. And Yesenin has such verses, where he, with hatred and contempt, speaks not only about the leaders of the communist regime, but also about this mode, there was a lot. Why didn't they pay attention to this? And, probably, for a very simple reason: these poems in Soviet power were not published, and if something was printed, then with bills that were preserved to our times.

This challenge of the Communist Power was his poem "Country of Nogria" - so he called the USSR in it.

Empty fun.

Some conversations!

Well what?

Well, we took in return?

They came those crooks, the same thieves

And together with the revolution, everyone was captured ...

Gang! Gang!


Wherever you look, wherever you go -

See how in space,

On horseback

And without horses,

Scap and go Zapgraded gangsters ...

One of the main characters of this poem is Labeman's Chekists, in which the powerful Lab Trozzky is easily guessed. In this Esenian poem, he speaks about Russians:

Lived the whole century

And built temples of God ...

Yes, I would have them long ago

Rebuilt in the place of the village.

Ryazan Scandalist allowed himself sharp attacks against members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), described a civil war as "wildness of a submit and evil", which thwarted thousands of beautiful talents:

In them Pushkin,



And our necracis in them.

I am in them.

They even Trotsky,

Lenin and Bukharin.

Do not be so my sadness

Verses verse

Looking at them

Non-sculished hary.

All these crazy lines were steadily thrown out of the collections of the poet from 1926 to 1990, and today without them the poem of "Rus Neftless" in many collections.

It is possible that the Phrase Yesenin could also get to Trotsky, said in Berlin, an emigrant writer Roman Gulu: "I will not go to Russia, until it rules Trotsky-Bronstein.<...> He should not rule. "

Trotsky about all such attacks in his address, of course, knew how he could then treat Yesenin? Moreover, in the "country of the villain" the poet called Trotsky even sharply. And in those days, anti-Semitism was a criminal offense in the USSR, for such attacks could well put on the wall. Any other and set, but the famous poet decided to remove in another way.

However, in the environment of our liberal historians, there is a tendency to depict Trotsky almost the patron of Yesenin. As this makes, for example, Nikolai Svanidze, who made a documentary film about Yesenin. In the justification of Trotsky Svanidze, the fact that after the death of the poet Trotsky published a laudatory necrologist about him in the truth. But it was nothing but an action to cover the perfect crime. Trotsky-Chekistov could not like the poetry of the Russian peasant poet, such he hated and despised. After all, it is not by chance that after the lush funeral poems poet were banned in the USSR. Enemy Yesenin did not suit him alone by October the poetry of recent years, about which the "architect of the revolution" himself and wrote in the "truth": "the poet died because there was not a revolution."

In short, "Hari" remembered everything and did not forgive anything. No wonder Lenin, his politician himself, called Trotsky, "Judushka," spoke of his "Jesuitism" and "sophisticated treachery." After the return of Yesenin because of the border, Trotsky even wanted to "tame" him, offering him to lead a new literary magazine, but it was not possible to negotiate with the poet. Yesenin perfectly understood that he was waiting for such poems from the "unwashed Khar" and wrote, sighting his tragic fate:

And first

I need to hang me

Crushing my hands behind my back

For the song

Hoarse and offeen

I interfered with me to sleep my dear ...

So hung ...

Was full of creative plans

Many facts evidenced that Yesenin was not at all, as they claim, in a state of manic depression during his arrival in Leningrad. According to the testimony of contemporaries, the poet was set up to work, read poems to friends, told about the new magazine. For 1925 he had 8 books, they prepared a complete collected work. Yesenin's material situation was successful - and not only due to future well-paid work. There was a treaty with the stateizep for the payment of the fee for the full collection of works for one and a half years. The first translation of 640 rubles has already arrived. Even in Moscow, Evdokimov's publisher Yesenin talked about his plans - work in the magazine "Polyana", the leadership whose leadership promised him Kirov. The niece of the poet Svetlana Yesenin told: "Soon in Leningrad Yesenin was supposed to be transported by the family, as he shows by his telegram dated December 7, in which the poet asked Wolf Erlich to find him a three-room apartment." All this talks about his positive setting.

There is another circumstance that could not configure the poet to optimistic way. In Baku, he met Sergei Kirov, who reacted very well.

On December 18, 1925, the XIV Congress of CPS (b) began in Moscow. It unfolded a grandiose political drama. Opposition L. Kamenev and G. Zinoviev lost to Stalin. Kamenev was transferred to Politburo Candidates, Zinoviev lost control over Leningrad Patorganization, whose cleaning was assigned to Kirov. Kirov is about to translate to Leningrad, appointing Zinoviev to the place. In addition, Trotsky has already lost its power.

Supporters of suicide versions invariably lead as evidence of the tendency of Yesenin to suicide, the fact of his stay in the psychiatric clinic of Moscow. They say, moved by the mind of the poet on the soil of drunkenness, left the mental hospital, came to Leningrad and immediately hanged himself. In fact, Yesenin was in the clinic not at all for health. He was arranged there, saving from the trial, who wanted to arrange over him after the scandal on September 6, 1925 on the train Baku - Moscow, where he dramatically quarreled with the diplomatic courier Alfred Rog and Yuri Levit, close to the familiar all-center Lion Kamenev. The horns and Levit through the office of the People's Commissariat on foreign affairs filed a poet to court, demanding "retaliation". Secretary of the court of V. Goldberg Rucked Yesenin formidable regulations. From him they took a subscription of the wrong season. The position of Yesenin became threatening.

The sister of the poet Katia and Shura will suggested from a complex position - "hide" in the clinic of Moscow University. The poet did not agree for a long time, but after all I was forced to go to the hospital on November 26, 1925. Professor Peter Gannushkin, guarding him from judicial performers and all those who sought him to "stop" him in prison. He even gave him a certificate for this:


The reference of the psychiatric clinic of SIM certifies that the patient Yesenin S. A. is on cure in a psychiatric clinic from November 26 p. at present; As of their health, it cannot be interrogated in court.

Assistant Clinic Gannushkin.

Chekists came to the clinic to arrest Yesenin, but his doctors did not give out.

The fact that Yesenin in the sense of the state of the psyche was completely healthy, says the fact that it is in the clinic that he wrote some of his poetic masterpieces: "Maple you are my fallen, the maple is zaelen ...", "You do not like me, do not regret .." , "Who am I? What am I? Only a dreamer ... "and others have a version that for the same reason is escaping from the court, he left hastily in Leningrad.

Certificate of Svary

Contrary to statements in the encyclopedias as if, after the death of Yesenin, no one about the murder of "several decades" did not speak, they began to speak about it immediately. The artist Vasily Svarog, who made the drawing of the Dead Yesenin still without a grima, wrote in 1927: "It seems to me that this Erlich Something he sat down at night, well ... maybe not poison, but strong sleeping pills. Not in vain, he "forgot" his portfolio in Yesenin's room. And he didn't go home to sleep - with a note of Yesenin in his pocket. He spun not in vain all the time nearby, probably, their whole company sat and waited her hour in the neighboring rooms.

The situation was nervous, in Moscow there was a congress, in the "Angletter" people in the leopard walked all night. Yesenin was in a hurry to remove, so everything was so clumsily and there were many traces left.

The frightened janitor, who worn firewood and did not enter the room, heard what was going on, rushed to call the commandant of Nazarov. And where is this janitor now? At first there was a "rent" - the right hand of Yesenin tried to loosen her, so the hand and crippled in convulsion. The head was on the armrest of the sofa, when Yesenin hit the above-handed naughty to the nagan handle. Then he rolled him into the carpet and wanted to launch from the balcony, the car was waiting around the corner. It was easier to kidnap. But the balcony door did not open well enough, left the corpse at the balcony, in the cold. Drank, smoked, all this dirt remained ... Why do I think we rolled out in the carpet? When I painted, I noticed a lot of the smallest soda on the trousers and somewhat in the hair ... I tried to straighten your hand and slaughtered the razor "Vestivat" on the tendon of the right hand, these cuts were visible ... They took the jacket, rummaged and chopped, put valuable things in pockets and All then they took ... Very hurried ... "hung" in the hurry, already in the night, and it was not easy on a vertical riser. When they fled out, Erlich remained to check out and prepare for the version of suicide ... ".

Certificate of Svarog, who was one of the few still unaccounted Yesenin's corpse, did not come to the case in violation of the legislation.

There is another mysterious personality in the death of Yesenin's death, someone L. Sosnovsky, a friend of Trotsky, a fechelonist. It was on his charge that the case of 4 poets accused of anti-Semitism (Yesenin, Klychkov, Oreshin, Ganin) arose. All poets died with a violent death, as well as, how, and Sosnovsky (it was his name that appears in the execution of the royal family), shot in 1937. Another victim - A. Sobol, who interceded for poets, "anti-Semites". Shortly after Esenin's funeral, he was found near the monument to Dostoevsky with a shot-blind head.

In Angletter did not live?

However, the most sensational discovery made the St. Petersburg writer V. Kuznetsov said already mentioned: refuting the version of suicide, studying the documents of the Angletter Hotel, he discovered that Yesenin did not live in her at all!

The poet's names are not in the list of residents of this hotel at that time when it seemed to be discovered on the tube of steam heating his corpse. Those who remember Soviet times well know what was meant then to get a room in a prestigious hotel (and Angletter, located next to the most prestigious hotels in Astoria, was exactly the same). Each settled was registered, the receptionist recorded his passport data. The authorities watched this very strictly. On each floor there were special corridors associated with GPU, so that nameless tenants without registration could not appear in this hotel.

And it did not appear, because none of the staff of the hotels and those who lived there for guests Yesenin did not see these days. And all the "Witnesses", which then gave testimony to communicate with the poet in his room "Angeler", including Erlich, were secret agents of the GPU and said that they demanded from them. Moreover, we note that I was followed by the then, in Moscow, a criminal case was instituted, and his appearance in Leningrad could generally be considered as escape from justice. And with such a conversation in the USSR, the conversation was short.

According to Kuznetsov, a short conversation was with Yeshenin. As soon as he appeared in Leningrad, he was immediately arrested and brought to the investigative house of the GPU on Majorova Street, d. 8 \\ 25. There he was interrogated with the addiction. The operation was led by the famous Chekist Yakov Blumkin. The meaning of interrogations was that Yesenin wanted to recruit as a secret Employee of the GPU.

There is another version, according to which the poet demanded to give the document, which was compromised by L. Kamenev.

In Moscow, Khmelny Yesenin told Tarasov-Rodionov, after renounce Nicholas II in 1917, the throne offered Brother Mikhail and Kamenev from the Siberian link immediately sent a telegram with congratulations to the new king. And Mikhail refused the throne. Yesenin (he served under a sanitary train in the royal village) boasted that this dangerous for Kamenev telegram allegedly stored with him: "She is reliably hidden." Prose, informant GPU, immediately knocked where it follows. And Yesenin was waiting in Leningrad ...

It is unlikely that Trotsky personally gave an order to kill the poet, but it really happened. Apparently, Yesenin, habitual to fights, resisted and pushed Blumik with force, he fell. Then he thundered the shot. The photo shows a trace from bullet injury, and after that Blumikin hit Yesenin with a revolver handle in the forehead.
Blumikin after the murder of Leningrad contacted Trotsky and asked what to do with the corpse of Yesenin. He answered him that tomorrow his article will appear in the newspaper that the unbalanced, the fallen poet imposed on his hands, and everyone will silenced. We decided to make a drainage of suicide - the benefit of the sinister house 8 \\ 25 was not far from Angletaer. The corpse was transferred to the room in which no one lived.

Of course, direct evidence that the case was exactly the case, no, and there can be no. All witnesses have long been dead, and documents are destroyed. However, Kuznetsov managed to get acquainted with a friend who worked in Angletter Vasilyeva Vasilyeva. Before the death, she managed to tell her that late in the evening on December 27, some drunk louds were dragged or the attic, or from the basement labyrinth a dead body. It is not excluded that this was the corpse of Esenin.

Murder speaks many other facts. So, for example, it is argued that the famous death verses "Goodbye, friend, goodbye ..." The poet wrote in blood, because in the room it was not ink. However, in the photo of the room where the poet was hanged, the ink was visible on the table. In addition, it is unknown where the handle disappeared, which he supposedly wrote these verses. Differently disappeared from the number and jacket Yesenin. Where did these things disappeared that there are no inventory if it was about suicide?

Moreover, cuts, of which Yesenin seemed to take blood for writing poems, were made on his right hand, although the poet was not left at all.

How could he make a handle in them? It is very uncomfortable! Such cuts should be on his left hand. So, these are traces of torture or beatings. And how, for example, explain the bruise under Yesenin's eye? And abrasions on the body, which are clearly visible in the photo? The dent on the forehead was explained by having having fun, he pressed his forehead to the hot heating tube, because they were, and was this terrible burn. However, at that time, the battery in Leningrad, including in Angletter, was barely warm. It was cold. The same Erlich testifies in his testimony that coming to the room, he found Yesenin sitting in the fur coat!

It turns out that the only documentary evidence of suicide was the farewell poem of the poet himself. However, Herlich unveiled him, who called himself "Yesenin's friend,", and in fact, the former only twisted near the poet "six" (and as long as long ago, the secret agent of the GPU). It is impossible to believe that the poet could entrust him his tragic "message to descendants."

They argue that the graphological examination then confirmed that the handwriting belonged to Yesenin. But this is another quite logical explanation. Mastery for fake Hand writing was Jacob Blumkin. In his "Gulag Archipelago", Alexander Solzhenitsyn leads the fact that Blumkin in the chamber admitted that he made a fake letter of Savinkov, and so deftly, that then everyone believed. For GPU, fakes of other people's letters was generally ordinary.

Contribution "Friends"

A considerable contribution to the approval of the myth about the "suicide" of Yesenin, alas, made it and its counterparts on the poetic craft. In 1926, the book A. Klychey "The Death of Yesenin" was published. In it, this by no means annealed by the Soviet government, then the poet wrote: "A stupid, hopeless whining of Yesenin and Yesenist makes them" poetry "we will have a suicide candidates! Yes, so live, as Yesenin lived, of course, not new. Modern poets should live a new life and must be done so that they want and could live this life and that anything from the dying old world remains in their work ... ".

But here's a paradox, about the twisted and other ill-wishers of Yesenin have long forgotten, and the bright name of the Russian genius of Sergey Yesenin and his amazing poems are still with us!

Especially for the "century"

Here the death of Yesenin is described. With the events of the last day of life, the reason, date, time and place of death are indicated. Answered photos, a photo of the funeral and grave. Therefore, all people with an unstable psyche, as well as persons under the age of 21, this information is not categorically recommended for viewing.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin
21/09/1895 — 28/12/1925

The cause of the death of Sergei Yesenin

According to the generally accepted, the official version of Yesenin, at the age of 30 hanged himself. However, the scale of Yesenin's personality is so large, and the odious deeds and habits of Sergey Aleksandrovich, complex relations with the current government and the Criminal Code open a wide field for disputes about the causes of the death of the poet. Perhaps even less than the adept alternative version of death. With the light hand, Edward Chlystalov in the masses took a number of questions and contradictory facts regarding the death of Yesenin. At the disposal of anyone wishing to be very high-quality posthumous images and posthumous masks of Sergei Alexandrovich, the documents of the criminal case, witness testimony, which allows each person who looked at the series with Bezrukov, to make a real "truly right" idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture of the tragedy.

Court. honey. Gilar Expert:

Based on the autopsy data, it should be concluded that the death of Yesenin followed by asphyxia made by squeezing the respiratory tract through hanging.

Act of Dissection of the Yesenin Body

Date and place of death

Yesenin died on December 28, 1925, in Leningrad, in the Angleter Hotel. The act of death occurred presumably at 5 am.

A little about the place of the tragedy: With French Hotel d'Angleterre translates as Hotel "England" in our time is located in the heart of Peter, overlooking the Iseakiev Park and St. Isaac Cathedral, ul. Small marine, d. 24, Isaac Square.

In 1987, the hotel building was completely destroyed, respectively, was not preserved room No. 5, where Sergey Alexandrovich died. However, in 1991, the hotel rebuilt again. Now functions, takes guests. In the time of Yesenin, Room No. 5 was something akin to modern "Lux". That is, not for everyone, but for party functionaries, outstanding people, elites.

Room No. 5 of the Angletter hotels, after the death of Yesenin.
Photo of Moses Solomonovich Podrebauma.

Death of Yesenin. Parting

The farewell ceremony with the poet was held in December 29, Leningrad, and then in Moscow, where Yesenin's body was taken by train. It is known that Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin fled on the Christian rite, contrary to the rules of the Church, who forbidding suicide. The funeral took place on December 31, 1925.

Funeral S. Yesenin. Right mother and sister Sergei Alexandrovich

Sergey Yesenin burial place

Sergey Yesenin is buried on the 17th plot of Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. At the moment, his mother Yesenina Tatyana Fedorovna, who died in 1955, was buried next to Sergey Alexandrovich.

Mogila S. Yesenin, Moscow, Vagankovsky cemetery, our days.

Previously, Sergei Alexandrovich's grave looked different:

Esenine's grave before the installation of the monument. Mother of the poet on the grave of the son.

In the 1980s, the grave looked like this:

First monument on the grave of S. Yesenin

Death of Yesenin. Circumstances.

The certificate of suicide Yesenin was the district supervisor of the 2nd branch of the Leningrad Police on December 28, 1925. Hand of the district supervisor N. Gorbova.

On December 28, 1925, a real act of me, a precinct overseer of the 2nd depth. LGM N. Gorbov in the presence of the manager of the hotel "INTERNATIONAL" TOV. Nazarova and understood. According to the telephone message of the hotel manager of a citizen Nazarov Vasily Mikhailovich about the hanging citizen in the hotel room. After arriving in place, I was discovered by a man hanging on the pipe on the pipe in the following form, the neck was tightened not dead loop, but only one side of the neck, the face was drawn to the pipe and the brush of the right hand captured for the pipe, the corpse hung under the ceiling, and The feet from the floor were about 1.5 meters, near the place where he was found hanging, lay the tilted stand, and the candelabr standing on it was lying on the floor.

When removing the corpse from the rope and during an examination it was found on the right hand above the elbow, under the left eye of a bruise, dressed in gray pants, a night white shirt, black socks and black lacquered shoes. According to the submitted documents, Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich, a writer, who came from Moscow, was from Moscow on December 24, 1925. Certificate of shopping center No. 42-8516, and power of attorney to receive 640 rubles in the name of Erlich.

Manager - Nazarov

Understood (signatures of illegible)

Militizer (signature of illegible)

Plot warder 2nd off. LGM - N. Gorbov

To judge the reasons that caused the death of Yesenin we leave you, our readers. We only give the facts:

  • At the time of death in Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin, 13 criminal cases were instituted, including the "case of 4 poets".
  • On December 21, 1925 (a week before death), Yesenin came out of the psychiatric hospital of Gannushkin. Whether Sergey Alexandrovich was hiding there from the court or he treated the depression now nobody will not say. But the fact remains a fact: Yesenin passed a course of treatment in a psychiatric clinic.
  • Nikolay Leopoldovich Brown refused to sign the protocol, where the death of Yesenin was directly called suicide, arguing that the poet was killed. And Boris Lavrenev, who was also in Angletter the next day, published an article "executed by degenerators".
  • All eyewitnesses of those events celebrate depression, depression and fatalism of Sergei Alexandrovich before death. Dr., who treated SERGEA Alexandrovich, who had treated drinking drunkenness, repeatedly spoke to relatives about the suicidal intentions of the poet.

Death of Yesenin. Details

All apologists of the murder version recommend a rather curious book of Viktor Kuznetsov, which is called "The Mystery of the Death of Yesenin". This is a whole scientific research, the sources of which served as archival-documentary Funds of the HCHC GPU-NKVD.

Kuznetsov - a supporter of the murder version. In his book, he cites arguments convincingly proving this version.

"Killed" or killed?

Each genius has life - and there is fate. Real biography with dates and facts - and many legends and myths with versions, speculation and fiction. Especially if the genius did not die in his bed, "with a notary and the doctor," and killed himself or was killed. This is "or" since the end of the 80s of the 20th century and the subject of discussions and research, the reason for approval, which in 1925 in Leningrad in the hotel "Angletter" a 30-year-old poet killed security officers. Although this version was born almost immediately after his death. The newspaper "The Word" immediately announced the murder Yesenin, Writer Boris Lavrenev In the obituary called "to call his executioners and murderers," even the book "Murder of Yesenin" came out.

Russian poet Sergey Yesenin (3 on the right) among Cedian-Konstantinovtsev. 1909 year. Photo: RIA Novosti

In addition, the poet then secretly sent off the homeland, in the village church, although suicide is prohibited. And on October 3, 1991, on him already "officially" served a memorial service in Moscow, Leningrad and Konstantinov. Another fact "for" murder.

But why was the "remove" Yesenin? Yes, and leave traces and creepy posthumous photos of the poet with a disheveled face, wounded on her hand? Did he disturb power? However, in 1929, it closes his museum, and in the 50s Yesenin was "forbidden", my father was kicked out from the university for reading his "falncal" poems. At Yesenin (by the way, the "case" from September 6, 1925, closed only posthumously, and Chekists were afraid of the Chekists in the last years of life, although he was friends with them. After the death of the poet, his sister was repressed CatherineAnd in 1937-1938 his coming friends, especially recent years, and the Son from the first marriage, 22-year-old Georgy (Yuri) are shot. And there was also a disgrace in 1939 with Zinaida Reich, his second wife ... She was going to write memoirs, the whole truth about Yesenin, who, how she screamed at his funeral, no one knows.

"When I'm drunk, it seems to me God knows that," the poet himself admitted. That's just that he could have disliked him alone (in Moscow, they tried not to leave him one), in an unspoiled cold Leningrad number? Yes, and whether he was drunk - not to drink in Leningrad, but to work, asked to send the first to the first in the life of the essay meetings. And in general he wrote a lot in 1925, and everything is the best.

It can be said that Nobody knows the truth about the death of Yesenin and is still, after so many years: the other version also cause too many issues. The poet himself wrote: "In a green evening under the window on the sleeve, I will hang out." But there are other lines: "And I need to hang my first to hang me, crosant my hands behind my back: for the fact that I interfered with the song of a hoarse and no longer."

Sergey Yesenin with Mom Tatyana Fedorovna. 1925 year. Photo: RIA Novosti

From "Cherub" to hooligan

The individuals of this scale inevitably under lifetime are subjected to "retouching", and even "painting". So, a rustic boy with Ryazanchina, who arrived in the capital for glory, quickly began to paint "under the lubok": rural cherub, a cherish-shelter, "yellow-haired, with blue eyes", writing poems "ringing and clean", according to Alexandra Bloka, the first to the peasant nugget. Yesenin, taped by the "Men's" rusticist writers, willingly played at first - spoke, I walked on "Oh", baptized, wearing lapties, boots and shirts, pounds, adored tea from Samovar, played on the harmonica-Talianka and sang Ryazan chastushki. Then Yesenin did not drink so much. Early married, in 19 years old became a father.

Yesenin was perceived as the Peasant Orpheus, a Light, Pure Singer of Russia, Village, Pokucchy Yves, who fell kleons and white birch, poet "for good gentle girls." And the crowd of girls screamed on his speeches: "Dushka Yesenin!" He later called "God's Dudka": "This is when a person spends out of his treasury and does not replenish." Togo, Early Yesenin Mayakovsky called the "decorative man", the creep, butfoot, and his voice is "revived with lamp oil." Yesenin soon threw "Lapty and Petushki-scallops." Yes, and "Divine" ... He wrote a pile of poems on the wall of the passionate monastery and, breaking the icon, could turn her samovar, could and searcate from the lamp.

He headed the IMAZHINISTS (a new volunteer current in poetry), began to wear a jacket and a tie, cylinder, cane, hats and trendy stages. He performed a lot with verses and poetic declarations, edited, read a lot, wrote smart, brilliant articles on style.

There are friends around him again, more often - in quotes, who sought them again to make it "their own", - the IMAZHINISTS, WAPPOVTS, LEFOVTSE ... Where are they with their "creativity" now? His all his life was dragged in all directions - the halipers, adhesives, the evidence and those who drank, provoked it to the noisy Kabatsky scandals and with a smogless, small pleasure, contemplated awaken in him in Hmly "Black Man", and then spreading gossip about him all over Moscow. He was jealous - the idol of the public, the lovers of the ladies, married Aidedore Duncan, I went abroad, returned fashionable, elegant.

"No wife, nor friend"

In essence, all his life he was alone and with all his publicity and the overthrone of real devotees did not have: "And there is no wife, no wife, no friend," he predicted. And in the last poem, he turned to a friend with an unknown and desired than the real: "Goodbye, my friend ..." And before I wrote: "I have no friendship, I have no friendship."

It was even more difficult with women and wives. He loved him all and always, of any - brown, black and hangover, loved both tender, and Ham (and he, alas, could be: "Sergey - Ham," said Galina Benislavskaya, who shot his grave). "Despite all the wounds, for the whole pain, it was still a fairy tale," this girl admitted in the memories, which became close to Yesenin in recent years. She was nobody to him - and all: a friend, assistant, mistress, nannika, wanted on the kabaks and beer and literally a wolf trusted her home - he had heard her and never raised her hand on her. He lived at her, until the death of the apartment, of their own angle, - before marriage S. A. Tolstoy, granddaughter "Great Leo."

This marriage surprised many: no beauty and clearly not for the Yeseninsky taste. But she was the granddaughter of "beard" - this was not without irritation of Yesenin Tolstoy: in the apartment of Sophia, there were portraits of a grandfather, and she, according to the comment of friends, was poured, only without a beard.

Sergey Yesenin performs at the opening of the monument to the Russian poet A.V. Koltsovo from the Kingwall. 1925 year. Photo: RIA Novosti

However, she loved Yesenin devotionally and deeply - as the first civilian wife, modest worker Typography Anna ForerozhanovaAs a frantic aging isideor, like the beauty of REYIX (despite marriage with her "serious clever husband" - Meyerhold). Sophia Andreevna was kept all his life all his life (which actually broke up with her before leaving Leningrad in December 1925), became the keeper of his archive and his cheap copper ring was worn before his death, he gave her to her.

Yesenin in everyday life, in love was, to put it mildly, not easy. I performed real pogroms, killed the furniture, beat the dishes, fought and sometimes I got insane and unmanage. Three children were not interested in (was the fourth, extramarital, Alexander, from Hope Volpin, dissident subsequently). "The black man", whom he with such a terrible, terrible realism described in the poem, lived and in it always, and especially tormented him into the crumpled periods.

Posthumous photo of Sergey Yesenin. 1925 year. Photo:

According to his friend (others consider - an evil genius and a distorter of his image) Anatoly Mariengofa, the author of the sensational "novel without a lies", in recent months of his tragic existence of Yesenin "there was no more than one hour per day" and "went down under the country train, tried to throw away from the window, cut the glass into the vein, stuck with a kitchen knife." That's just in these recent months, Yesenin and Mariengoof almost did not communicate. And close to Yesenin, including sisters and Galina Benislavskayawho lived with him in the same room belonging to Benislavskaya, did not mention anything like this. There are no evidence about this and the last wife of the poet Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy.

What to judge - he was a great poet, and poetry, according to Pushkin, above morality, and to the poet "you can not approach the same measure, with what suitable people are prudent" - this has already argued Anatole France. "I wanted a rose white with a black toak on Earth," I wrote to Yesenin himself, as if trying to justify the fact that "Kohl devils in the soul nestlish, it means that the angels lived in it."