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Where to look for perch in winter in January. Where to catch perch in January. Here are practiced these techniques

Always remember the main rule of any winter fishing: knowledge of the water area is the key to success! Winter is a difficult period for all fish. And the activity of perch in January, as well as many other fish, is very dependent on how much water remains rich in oxygen:

If the oxygen in water is sufficient, then fishing in January will be more efficient in the upper borders of coastal coasts, older beds, flooded ravines. Gathering on fishing in January, consider that the perch prefers a solid bottom-covered corrjer and chooses places closer to the parking lots of petty fish. Catching the perch of saroshikov throughout the winter is possible at the coastline, not far from the zone of the cane.
- If the reservoir is not flowing, then the fish starts to lack oxygen. The perch reduce the area of \u200b\u200btheir movements and are divided into small groups of 5-8 individuals. To catch the perch in January was successful, the fisherman should be very well oriented on the reservoir. Catching perch in January, it becomes a rather time-consuming occupation, because if you do not know the exact parking of the predator, you will have to like little and drill not one meter of ice. The perch in January is moved to the depth of the pit, the water temperature in such places does not fall below four degrees, which at least to some extent supports the fish in the active state.

January is a month of strengths of frost and penetrating cold wind, it delivers a lot of inconvenience not only to fisherman, but also the fish itself.

Tackle for catching perch in January

Arsenal Fisherman, who passes the catch of perch in January, is small.

  • Fishing rod for catching perch

For fishing to perch, you will need a fishing rod with a muddy tackle and the tackle used when sheltered glittering, also catching perch in January can occur on the fishing rods customized on fishing on the float, but it is less likely. Basically, the fishing rods are equipped with coils, such a tackle is much more convenient for use, especially for lovers to catch perch. Of course, small polymatics can be caught on any fishing rod, but if there is at least the slightest probability to catch a decent instance, then the tackle must be appropriate.

  • Leske for catching perch in January

The diameter of the fishing line is mainly selected in the range up to 0.15mm, since the more thin tackle brings more bumps. Chlystik on the fishing rod for catching perch in January should be at least 15 cm long, such a size will sufficiently create the desired depreciation during the cutting, and protect the fishing line.

What to catch perch in January

  • Alcohol fishing in January

Catching perch in January is much better and more efficient, if you use the hamrayshole tackle, but there is no one here. Kivok should not be very tough and up to 10 cm. It is important that the nodes are competently adjusted, it should only bend a little under the weight of the carriage otherwise it will be very difficult to see bippy. With the arrival of the deaf season, the perch becomes, very picking up to the baits and the game them, he is more interested in a more sluggish game or even its complete stop, the mud is better to use a more volumetric, but not a longer than 7 mm. Mormers like "devil" showed well. To increase the efficiency of the Mormushka, you can use multi-colored woollins tied to Zev.

  • Nozzles for catching perch in January

The fishing on the perch in January can occur using various nozzles, mainly the following slopes are used: the moth, the dung worm, the foral, pieces of fillet from fish, the eye of the same perch, but more fishermen use a moth.

  • Catching perch in january on glit
Catching perch in January on the brilliance is slightly worse than on Mermatki, but still, it is impossible to exclude it. All glittering, always begins with a great job with ice. Walls with a dozen holes, first, in the direction of the coast and their faults begins. If the perch with glittering did not find himself in any of the wells, then physical work should be continued by going aside by 200 meters.

You can catch the perch on various glitters with a length of 3-4 cm. In color, they can be red, white or combine several colors in themselves. In bright sunny days, more dull made of brass or copper show itself, in cloudy days, glitters of white metals are effective. More often, the perch is seduced by the glitter, which in water goes, not too fast, therefore, there is no particular need to continuously pull the fishing rod when glittering. Better after a pair of raising, shake brilliantly at the bottom or knock about it.

The perch is quite commonly predatory fish and occurs in almost any reservoir in our country. And even if the fishing failed, the perch will always become a wand-cutter for you. And yet, the catch of perch in January is considered not so already and a simple occupation, since its activity is reduced, and it becomes a low-lift. A great influence on the vital activity of this fish is at how rich in the water, in which it lives, oxygen. It feels perfectly in flooded ravines, in the old rivers, if there is enough oxygen. Prefers a solid bottom and keeps near the parking lots of small fish. The perch also loves the bottom covered with the corrid.
The launch of the oxygen perch can begin to experience in standing reservoirs. In order for the catch of perch in January, it is more successful, the fisherman needs to be very well oriented in the selected reservoir. In January, strong frosts and cold winds occur. They deliver inconvenience not only to fishermen, but also the perch. If it is bad to know the features of catching perch in January and badly know the reservoir, then you have to cut down not one hole. A small perch activity is preserved due to the fact that it is moved to the bottom at this time, where the water temperature does not fall below 4 degrees of heat.
Going on fishing in January is enough to take a fishing rod with him with a mobility. This is the tackle that is applied when sheltered glitter. In more rare cases, you can use fishing rods for fishing on the float. But more convenient for catching perch in January are rods with a coil. It is such a tackle more often used for the consideration of this fish.
Chest length should be at least 15 centimeters. Thanks to this size, you can create a certain depreciation during the cutting and protect the already weak fishing line from the cliff.
For catching small oily, any rod is suitable. But to catch the perch of large sizes, it is necessary to stock up the appropriate tackle.
So that the number of cutes was more voluminous, the diameter of the fishing line should be small. Most often for January fishing, a fishing line is selected with a diameter of up to 0.15 millimeters.
To increase the efficiency of catching perch in January, it is best to apply a hamrayshole tackle. But it is necessary to take into account that this fish in the middle of winter becomes very legible in the bait and she likes a sluggish game or its full absence. As practice shows, it is good for fishing "Damik". It is not bad to use bulk vests with a length of no more than 7 millimeters. For greater efficiency, multicolored wools are added.
Kivok takes hard, and its length should be 10 centimeters. So that the nodes bend only slightly, it is necessary to adjust it well. Otherwise, Pokleka will be badly visible, which will significantly worsen the situation.
The nozzles for catching perch in January are used different. But best of all this fish is caught on the moth. Also suitable as nozzles of Oparysh, Dung worm, fish fillet, eyes of the perch.
The perch in January can be caught on the brilliance, and on the mirosis. But the catch on the gloss is more difficult and begins with the drilling of the wells, which is a labor-intensive work. For starters, approximately ten holes will be closed and their faults begins. If you failed to catch the perch in any of the wells, then you need to move away from them to the side of 200 meters and continue working on the drone hole.
The color of glitter, which is caught by perch, can be different: white, red or combined. In sunny and bright days, fishing will be much more successful on more dull browsing, which are made of copper or brass, and on a cloudy day it is better to catch the perch on a white metal gloss.
The perch is faster to the gloss, which goes slowly, therefore it is not necessary to constantly pull the fishing rod at glitter. Efficiently after a few raises to knock the fishing rod for the bottom.

L.ovva Perching from ice in the middle of winter on the brillons, fabrics, balancing, with a nozzle and without, as well as the universal tactics of the game Mermatka - this is probably a sufficiently universal allowance with which you will get quite a decent knowledge luggage in order not to leave the water branch Without a fair stock of saroshkov.

In winter, the best time for catching perch is considered 2-3 weeks immediately during the installation of ice. Only the period of the preinstant Jora can argue with him, when the fish after a long winter are particularly actively gaining strength, but this period actually falls on the spring. The first ice practically does not scare the perch from the usual parking sites. It starts to leave the shore only with an increase in ice. Intensively peck the perch starts about a week after the ice gets up. Usually a good Klevel keeps until the end of December.

The middle of winter is the time of finding the perch throughout the water. It is no longer moving along a large area of \u200b\u200blarge flocks, but winter in small flocks, no more than 5-7 individuals in each.

Most closed reservoirs are characterized by a capricious and unpredictable cool. Low January frost and burning winds bring inconvenience not only a fisherman, but also perch. Highly cooled water makes it descend to the depth of the pits, where the temperature of the aqueous medium in any case is kept at the level of the four degrees of heat. There is perch and worth it. Attract his attention is very difficult even the most attractive baits.

If the oxygen mode allows, then the flocks are trying to winter at the upper borders of coastal coast, old beds or flooded ravines, giving preference to places with a solid bottom, possibly covered with a corrier. Often they are adjacent to the flocks of small fish. For perch-undercurrent, it is quite natural to spend the whole winter near the coast, near the zones of the cane.

Choosing time for catching perch, it is worth preferring a quiet windless weather with a light, but stable frost. During the day, the intensity of the Kleva can change. In most places, Klev river perch is still better in the morning when stable atmospheric pressure and a slight frost are observed (not lower than -15-20 ° C).

Sometimes there are cases when it is better not to be in the morning, and in the afternoon or in the evening. Therefore, there is no place without a view of a light day, you should not hurry to leave the wells. Fantastic evening Klev on the eve of twilight can complete a bad day, but usually he does not last long.

Morms for winter catching perch

The most rational bait for catching perch is a mobile. The perch belongs to those few fishes that react more to the game of Mormushki, and not on its shape. It is best possible to attract the bait with jump-shaking movements, while trying to minimally deflect it from the vertical axis. Smooth movement or smelting planning during the game perch does not interest.

It is best to pull the bait and slowly raise it from the bottom. Sometimes it is worth just moving the bait so that it does not break away from the soil. On or), such a manipulation will lead to a light clutch, which will attract fish. With a deterioration in the oxygen mode, the ochelism increases: it is attracted only to the sluggish bait, and in some cases - even fully stopped. Such behavior makes you choose a dead for a certain form.

The volume of the mamushka can be quite large, but in this case in the horizontal plane it should not be longer than 5-7 mm. The most common in shape are spherical, spherical, rectangular, cylindrical verses, as well as in the form of a truncated pyramid. Additional effect Merizka adds a copper or brass top.

Throughout the winter, the perch is perfectly reacting to miniature vertical vertical verses - "Dams". Maximum in diameter - 3.5-4 mm, while the height is taking into account the hooks - up to 5-7 mm. Mormushka should be with a copper or brass outer shell, filled with lead with crochets, or the lower part of the same metals. Large vertical smelting vertices almost impossible to interest.

You can increase the attractiveness of bait for perch can, having driven into the Tsevier hook of the ringing of colored insulation, removed from the thin radio line. Attracts perch red, yellow and green risks. You can add the effectiveness of the Merizzka and with the help of red woolly tied to the hook travelery, but they should not cover his beards and should not be overly fluffy, so as not to interfere with the game of Mormushka.

Balancers for winter catching perch

Balancing perch. Balancars are better suited for catching the perch, in size exceeding it. Selecting such a bait, you need to be attentive to the magnitude of hooks. Some products are equipped with hooks, vital for perch, so it makes sense to replace them with smaller, the size of which does not exceed the domestic №5-7.

For catching the balancers use a conventional rod used for glittering. Balancer must be combined with a rigid nod. This will allow you to guess the jerk when the fish will hit the first time, as well as the right bait. An experienced fisherman has a balancer can move very diverse, and nodes in this process plays a fairly important role.

Brillons for winter catching perch

The most successful of the domestic glitter used for winter fishing is small-sized products, such as universal and Trofimovskaya. The perch is easier to attract crops, vibrating with high frequency and a wide amplitude and moving vertically to a distance of up to 0.5 m. At the same time, during the season you need to change the magnitude of the glitter. On the first ice, it is better to use large bait, with time gradually moving into smaller.

Fisherman oriented on catching perch, usually aropped by a hamrayshole tackle or a fishing rod for sheer brightness. I catch the perch better to organize with the tackle with the coil, it is much more convenient, because with its help you can make much faster and at the same time it is extremely accurately installed for fishing the length of the fishing length. For fisherman, hunting for perch, it is very important, since in search of mining it often changes the place and makes transitions.

Choosing a smoothness for catching perch, you need to correctly pick it up. It should allow elastic chuck with a set to create some shock absorption to protect the slim alone from the cliff. So that the hlystics itself was able to amortize, its length should be at least 10-15 cm. In this case, it should also be thin and flexible.

The lope for catching perch is chosen with a thickness of 0.08-0.15 mm. Moreover, the frequency of bumps may depend even on hundredths of the millimeter. On winter fishing, it is enough to take a coil or reel with a veil of 5-10 m.

The naval for fishing should be a cone-shaped form, while it should be moderately rigid, and its length should not exceed 10 cm. The most successful structures of nods are structures made from lavsan or copralon, polycarbonate plate or metal plates having an additional edge Stiffness. Kivok such a design is worse than the side wind. Due to the form of the navigation and its stiffness, there is an opportunity to play with mirosis in high-speed mode, very important and fundamental in certain periods.

It is very important to properly adjust the nodes, so that the weight of Morrowcuc only slightly burned it, and not bent at right angles, otherwise the bumping will not be impossible at all.

Winter attacks on perch

Winter catching perch occurs with the following nozzles: mothle, red worm, slices of fresh fish, preferably, designer perch. The classic cannibal nozzle of this kind can be considered an eye with a rideward shell saved. Not every fisherman has enough nerves to extract eyes from still live fish, so such a nozzle is not popular. Another thing is cut in the small perch of the abdominal fin. Effectiveness is such a nozzle fixed on the gloss, may argue with the head of the eye.

In addition, the larva dragonfly is always popular with major perch. You can successfully catch it all year round. For perch, it is even preferable to the moth.

Catching tactics

Morrowless is called a lead droplet with a crochet soldered into it and with a hole for the passage of forests. Fish is probably seduced by this impetuous moving object resembling their "behavior" of many small aquatic animals.

What is said by Mormushka playing in the hands of an experienced fisherman, that is, the more naturally her movement, the disinfoot.

Mermatki tensions are very diverse and easily mastered in practice. Mermatku first lowered to the bottom, then slowly raise up at 5-10 cm, again lowered to the bottom, etc. Sometimes it is useful to raise the mirosis up to 60-90 cm. There is a reasonable question: and how to find the desired skimming speed and fluctuations amplitude? The answer is one - an experimental way. At first, you can give it any speed and any amplitude. If this leads to success, it means the choice turned out to be true. But it happens very rarely. Sometimes you have to try one, second, third speed and amplitude until it becomes clear what kind of fish.

Mermatism game techniques. It is advisable to know them more. But for a start, you can do the most frequently used. By the way, they are suitable for all periods of treated fishing, it is necessary only to adjust the speed of movement and the magnitude of the amplitude.

Here are practiced practices:

1. Thermisma is put on the bottom; A few seconds begin to rise with small twitching; From a height of 15-20 cm again put on the bottom and again raise the same height with twisted; So repeat to the bite, which, by the way, is often happening at the time of the burden of the Mormushka from the bottom.

2. Small twitching milk people are forced to tremble at a certain depth, gradually lifting it with 0.5 m and lowering on the initial position.

3. From the bottom of Morrowchatka, twitching slowly raise the height of an elongated hand sitting on the drawer: then quickly lowered to the bottom and again her slow lift with twitching on the same height.

4. As in the previous embodiment, the moron is slowly raised from the bottom, but without twitching or with twitching on separate lifting segments.

5. With twisted, the moron is raised from the bottom to a height of 0.8-1.2 m, periodically making stops for 3-5 seconds.

6. Sharply dropping the mold, 2-3 times they hit it along the bottom (knocking), then with frequent twitching raises to a height of 0.5 m, after which the operation is repeated. Reception of "coarse movements" attracts a fish raised.

7. When fishing at a small depth, performing any reception, move the fishing line from one wall of the well to another.

8. Raising the chopping from the bottom by 3-5 cm, makes it rotate around its axis. To do this, a big and index finger of a free hand twist the fishing line.

9. The Merzysku touched the bottom slowly raise, every 2-3 seconds of twitching make a little stronger.

10. Mermatki is slowly raised from the bottom by 15-20 cm. Here for 10 seconds give it oscillations, then stop for 3-5 seconds, after which it is slowly raised above 15-20 cm. And so raise with pauses to the height of the elongated hand Fisherman.

11. Morrowzka is watering not far from the bottom, often hitting (drum) by the index finger in the world.

12. Mermyshka is lowered and raised at different depths, tapping a whip on the floating index and middle fingers, left hand.

13. Dothed to the bottom of Morrowcke gives to lie on the ground 3-5 seconds, after which it is raised at first slowly, and then faster and faster. Sometimes the move is delayed for 1-2 seconds.

Experienced fishermen use other techniques of the game with frozen, as well as various combinations described above. If all the receptions of fishing from the bottom are used, the mulk is played or at the bottom surface of the ice. It is only necessary to take into account that the route and under the ice of the bites are not immediately: the fish need time to discover the bait here and get used to the new pressure.

Morms, as you know, attached at the end of the fishing line. Being simultaneously both by the ship, and the crochet, and the bait, it is very sensitive. The perch is grabbed such a nozzle. Will eagerly catched on a mirth with a moth and other fish: hero, roach, Jazus, Guster. Catch on the momens and with a float, immersing in the water. Having lowered the chime to the bottom, the float is fixed in 2-3 cm below the water surface. Many fishermen, constantly engaged in treble, apply bait. The best bait is the small moth, cake, bran, steam oats. The bait is lowered at the bottom in the bait. The bait will be sinking different small fish, and perch are approaching them.

When fishing on a mold on the water bodies with a strong current can be tied to the fishing line at a distance of 10-12 cm above the carrot thin leash with a length of 20-25 cm with a moth-crochet. With this equipment, the fishing rods are often increasing the cases of simultaneous catching fish and on the hook, and on the twiser. But there is an inconvenience - when digging a large fish, which fell on a hook with a nozzle or merch, the free part of the tackle is sometimes clinging behind the lower edge of the ice, and the fish breaks down. So that this does not happen, the wells need to be tailored and thoroughly chop down the lower edge of the ice.

The best fishing fishing fishing racks, of course, housing without nodules. A fishing line with nodes cannot be caught on Mermatku: with the most insignificant frost near the nodes, ice floes are formed. The fishing line is heavy, loses elasticity, bone becomes poor. Even when fishing on the fishing line without knots on its surface part, ice is formed - they must be constantly removed.

The article is talking about how to prepare for catching perch in January. Where to look for a predator, from which it depends the choice of place for his catch. What tabs are carried out perch in January, which bait are used.

Fishing on gloss. This version of the bait is used in January mainly when catching an active predator when its parking lot is defined. Starting catching perch on the shore from the shore, that is, with a shallow water. If there are no predator biting, then it should be shifted to the side at least 20-25 meters. One hole should not be given for more than 10 minutes, we note that if the predator will be present on the site, it will not be necessary to wait for his bite for a long time.

For catching perch, it is recommended to pick up glossy up to 4 cm long, relative to the color it is better to stop the choice on white, red or combined versions. In cloudy weather, the perch with a greater hunting attacks light baits, and in the sunny - glossy bright tones. This moment is important to remember and take into account when choosing bait relative to the color shade.

In the process of catching, the bait should not drag sharply, all movements should be smooth, only in this case will be able to attract and provoke a predator to the attack. The bait from the bottom is needed to pull up to 20 cm to 20 cm, and when the lift is performed, it is necessary to withstand pauses (2-4 seconds). At the top point, the pause can be increased to 10 seconds. It is often possible to attract the perch with light twitching glitters directly on the bottom surface or in several centimeters from it.

Okun is a fish that can be found in almost any reservoir of Russia. His prevalence in vast territory makes any fishing catch.

BUT B. winter time perch becomes a little active, so successful catching perch in january Depends on the knowledge of places where these fish can be found. It is important for the lifestyle of perch, it is important that the water of winter is saturated with oxygen. In rich oxygen water, the perch choose places such as the upper borders of coastal shafts, flooded ravines, places with solid, accorround bottom and parking lots of small fish.

Features of catching perch in January

If the reservoir is not flowing, then the oxygen is very small in it. As a result, the perch stops to seek prey at long distances, are knocked in small pieces of six individuals, on average. Therefore, fishermen need to know exactly the location of such ages, otherwise the fishing process jankan bass It will become very uncomfortable and time consuming, as it will have to drill, most likely, not one hole. In order for this frosty time to maintain activity, the perch is lowered to a depth, where the water temperature is about four degrees.

Tackle for January fishing is quite simple, jankan is usually caught on the tackle used when sheer glitter , murdrated tackle and, less likely, on the float fishing rod. Very comfortable tackle - Fishing rod with a coil.

A hlystics on the fishing rod, not less than 14 centimeters long, will help protect the lining from the cliff. The thinner the tackle, the more bumps it will be, so the fishing line needs to be selected up to 0.14 mm.

The nominal size should not exceed 11 centimeters. Also nod can not be too tough. It is important that the severity of the carrot is not flexing the nods very much, otherwise it will be difficult to see bite. In January, the madness tackle must be used with some conditions: the mobile should not exceed 6 mm in the volume.

To Zevyu for greater efficiency mormushki You can tie a furry of different colors. This is due to the winter feature of the perch, in the winter it prefers to play with low-wear, or even fixed baits.

Widely used by the nozzle from experienced fishermen is a moth. But also effective bait are the eyes of perch, pieces of fish fillet, worships and dung worms.

Litness It is considered less effective than fishing on the mold, but also distributed. For this you will have to drill around ten holes, and then start their faults. If none of the wells brought a catch, you should move 200 meters and continue drilling.

Blossoms for catching perch in january Must have a length of 2-5 cm. The colors are glittered are usually red, white or include several colors. Depending on the weather and sunlight, it is recommended to use different brilliance. On cloudy days without the Sun, it is more efficient to use bright metal bright metal, and in bright days, filled with light - dull copper or brass.

When glittering should not constantly pull the fishing rod, since the perch prefers a slowly running gloss. It will be more expedient to raise the brillina a couple of times, and then shake at the bottom or hit it 2-3 times.
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