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Attention games find a match. Didactic game “Find a pair. Semantic pairs - pictures for children

This game is the classic "Memori" or "Match!" - is aimed at effectively developing the ability to memorize and concentrate. The game will also help your child learn to communicate and play together with adults and other children. Recommended age- from 2 to 99 years. 40 cards of 20 pairs Convenient size of cards (60 × 80 mm.) and their thickness (all elements are made of cardboard with a thickness of at least 3 millimeters) make it easy for even the smallest participants to play with them, developing coordination of finger movements, and ensure the long life of this game. All cards also have a special protective coating, which will avoid harm even if they accidentally get into the mouth of an inquisitive kid. The game is packed in a box made of thick cardboard, which can easily withstand several years of active handling. Box dimensions: 200 × 200x35 mm.

Possible game options

The game can be played by 2 or more players. The game consists of 40 cards with 20 pairs. The goal is to collect as many pairs as possible. Lay the cards face down on the table. The youngest player starts the game. The player turns over any two cards. If they are paired, the player takes them for himself and flips over the other two cards. If not, the player puts them back in the same places with the picture down, and the turn goes to the next player in the circle. All participants must carefully follow the moves of other players in order to remember the pictures on the cards for their move. The game ends when all pairs have been sorted out. The winner is the player with the most pairs. For the youngest children: place fewer pairs of cards (e.g. 5 or 10 pairs) and then increase the number.

The game aims to:

  • memory development,
  • development of communication skills,
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • Page with twelve different cards - print in duplicate

    Page with a picture of a shirt - a turn of cards.

    Rules of the game

    The memory game is better known in Russia under the name Find a Pair

    Memori is a set of pairs of identical cards. The essence of the game is very simple. These cards are laid face down on the table. Then, in turn, each player opens any two cards, showing them to everyone. If they show the same pictures, he takes them for himself, and opens the next pair. However, if the images are different, then he returns these cards face down back to their places, and the move goes to the next player. When all the cards have been dealt with, the winner is chosen - the one who collected the most cards.

    In Memory, you can play alone, but then, for fun, you can estimate how much you will open all the pairs.

    It will also be interesting for kids to find the same pictures, you can just simplify the rules of the game (play with open cards). The number of players can be any (from 1, so we train our own memory).

    The game can be made more difficult by adding cards with new images to the set of cards.

    Pictures with logical tasks for children "Find a Pair" will pleasantly delight kids from 5 years old and will serve as an excellent methodological material during developmental activities with a child. Here you can download 7 colorful cards with images of various objects, animals, birds, food, cartoon characters and so on, the kid's task is to find a logical pair for each picture and justify his choice. If your child has never completed such tasks before, it will be difficult for him to understand how the pictures are related to each other and what he needs to do. Help the kid: explain to him the principle of completing tasks, show him with several examples, reasoning out loud, how you unite pairs, and then ask him to join you and reflect. Do not rush your child with an answer, believe me, in the learning process, he will complete each new task faster and faster.

    For a start, take cards with cartoon characters: it will be much easier for the child to understand the meaning of the problem, because in fact on these cards, he must find two characters from each cartoon.

    Pictures of each task can be pre-cut so that the child, connecting the pairs with each other with a pencil, does not get confused in the drawn lines, but can calmly put the separately cut objects in pairs on the table.

    Find a Pair - Pictures "Disney Cartoon Characters"

    As we have already written above, this task is good to perform with children who have not previously solved such problems and it is still difficult for them to find meaningful pairs. Ask the child to name the names of the characters depicted in the pictures, recall the names of the cartoons in which they participated, and then, choosing a certain character, find him a couple (friend or foe).

    In the task, the kid will combine 10 cartoon characters in pairs: Princess Frog, Aladdin, Hercules, Mowgli, Timon and Pumbaa, The Lion King, Rapunzel, Cinderella, New Adventures of the Emperor, Chip and Dale rush to the rescue.

    Download the task - Find a pair of "Disney cartoon characters" - you can attachments at the bottom of the page

    In the second task, as you can see, the kid's task becomes a little more complicated: here he needs not only to combine the cartoon characters, but also to think about which of the heroes owns the golden key, for whom this wonderful cake is prepared, and what does the fish and buckets have to do with it ...

    In this task, the child must remember and connect with each other the heroes of nine Soviet cartoons and what is connected with them: Gena the Crocodile and his friends, Holidays in Prostokvashino, At the behest of the pike, Golden Key, Kid and Carlson, Vovka in the far-away kingdom, Winnie Pooh and Well, wait!

    Download the task - Find a pair of "Heroes of Soviet cartoons" you can attach

    Logic pairs - tasks for children to print

    In the third task, the child needs to guess that a girl with dresses needs a wardrobe for clothes; baby - stroller; ambulance - to the doctor; a magician works in a circus; a boy with an ax chopping wood; a cloud with snowflakes speaks of the season, so a child on a sled will be a couple for it; boys under an umbrella - hiding from the rain; and, of course, what is Santa Claus without a bag of gifts ...

    Download the task - Logical pairs - you can attachments at the bottom of the page

    Find logical pairs "Products"

    To complete the fourth task, the kid needs to know that dried apricots are made from apricots, chips - from potatoes, croutons - from bread, pumpkin seeds are chosen from pumpkin, sunflower seeds - from a sunflower, jam can be made from raspberries, the first is eaten with a spoon, milk can be poured into a glass, pick mushrooms in a basket, well, and a cake can be brought as a gift to a friend ...

    Download the task - Find a pair of "Products" - you can attachments at the bottom of the page

    Semantic pairs - pictures for children

    In the fifth task, the child must answer that the dog needs a booth, a bee lives in a clue, a giraffe resembles a crane, a butterfly collects pollen from a flower, a birdhouse on a tree is suitable for a bird, a camel lives in a desert, a fish will not give up a worm, a caterpillar - from an apple, and the chicken hatched from the egg that the hen laid ...

    Download the task - Semantic pairs - you can attachments at the bottom of the page

    Find pairs tasks - print for children

    In this fun and colorful task, the child will have to find a logical pair for each picture. To do this, you need to think carefully about what is associated with what. Let the child be sure to explain his choice. When the child finds the next pair, you need to circle these pictures in one color and connect with a line. The next pair needs to be outlined and connected in a different color, and so on. Arm yourself with colored pencils and go!

    Download the task - Find pairs - you can attachments

    Help the monkey and the puppy find a match for each item

    Another task for finding logical pairs. The task is carried out similarly to the previous one - find, circle and connect paired pictures with lines. In the first exercise, the child must help the monkey, and in the second, the puppy.

    Download the task - Help to find a pair of each item - you can attach it

    Logic tasks for printing may also be very useful to you:

    Here, the guys will look for the shadows of underwater inhabitants, funny animals and insects, plants, fairy-tale heroes and many other characters, which will give them a lot of pleasure and impressions.

    Here you will find tasks in which you need to find the differences in two pictures for printing. Tasks develop the child's visual memory.

    In this section, we have collected for you and your little ones colorful picture cards "Find an extra object", which will be a good teaching aid for studying with your child.

    In this material, we have prepared educational cards for your kids, with which you can start learning colors with your child.

    You will also love the logic games from Bibushi the fox:

    Here you will find various logic tasks, which are accompanied by pleasant voice acting and colorful pictures.

    Elena Detkina

    Purpose of the game: to develop observation, attention, subtlety of visual perception, the ability to select a pair picture in meaning to each subject.

    The teacher gives the child cards with the image of objects, among which there is 1 pair in meaning. The child examines the card and finds a couple of each item. The game ends when the child picked up paired cards and explained their meaning.

    Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of children about domestic and wild animals (what they eat, develop thinking, attention, memory, foster a desire to take care of animals.

    The teacher invites the children to "feed" the animals. The teacher calls the children in pairs. One child names an animal and displays it, and the second is looking for food for him, puts a picture next to the animal.

    It would seem that such a completely simple task as didactic game"Find a pair", has a rather multifaceted effect on the development of the brain. With the help of these activities, the child's memory is trained very well, he learns to memorize first a small, and then an increasing number of objects and analyze their properties and qualities. Also, the child's thinking is constantly in search - that's just it seems to adults that game for children"Find a pair"It is very simple and can only take a fidget for a while. In fact, such a developmental lesson has a deeper goal and the children with whom parents and educators conduct such exercises on a regular basis are more intellectually developed.

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