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The differences between men and women are facts. What is the difference between a man and a man. Attitude to love

It's no secret that a woman and a man perceive the same phenomenon differently. That is why the two sexes often face problems in trying to understand each other. If from childhood every child knows about the physiological difference, then even adults often forget about the psychological difference. How do men differ from women in terms of psychology? Relationship psychology is important enough and must be studied.

A man's worldview can be compared to a mosaic, from which he, as it were, adds pictures of "life", he sees all objects and things in a spatial relationship. A woman, perceiving reality, creates a wider picture for herself, at the same time she neglects the spatial relationship, paying special attention to the details and connections of each mosaic element with the neighboring one.

Life priorities differ radically. A man purposefully achieves all the goals set for himself, conquers all the peaks, strives to take a certain place in society, defeat all his competitors and be the first to cross the “finish”. Women's interests focus mainly on concepts such as love, friendship, communication, harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation. Relationship psychology suggests that the differences between the sexes are so great that it's amazing how they get along at all.

How are men different from women? This question can be answered by tracing the behavior of both sexes in the process of growth. Already at the age of several months, it is clear that girls love people, and boys love objects or things. Relationship psychology clearly indicates how men differ from women and that all the recorded differences lend themselves to scientific definition and affect the perception of the same event or phenomenon by different sexes in different ways due to the different structure of the brain.

A man's self-esteem always depends on the results achieved and victories, and a woman's self-esteem is commensurate with her social position in society, her participation in interpersonal relationships. Relationship psychology states that men and women also behave differently in stressful situations. If a woman feels the need for comfort and care, then a man often loves to work out a solution to the problem alone.

The most detailed answer to the question of how men differ from women is given by John Gray's book entitled "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." In the book, not only all the differences between the sexes, but also the ways of overcoming such sharp differences in views are disassembled and studied in some detail.

On the pages of the book, in simple, intelligible language, the difference between the vision of the problem from the side of a man and from the side of a woman is stated. A man develops a solution without being guided by feelings, while a woman is strongly influenced by emotions. Both sexes perform any actions, guided by completely different motives. If for a woman the engine is the feeling that her actions are approved and supported, then a man needs to know that he is needed.

John Gray claims that men and women speak different languages. Men are more silent than women, whose vocabulary is almost twice as wide (scientifically proven).

The most problematic issue is the difference of interests in the sphere of close relationships. When representatives of an excellent reason, after the approach of prey, try to bind it to themselves and not let go anywhere, the man (prey), in turn, having broken all the obstacles that stand in the way of winning the heart of the object of his passion, tries to move away from the woman at least for some distance. Mutual respect for the interests of each side helps to mutually solve this problem.

How are men different from women? If each person tries to assimilate all of the above information, then this will help to avoid many conflict situations, get rid of unnecessary depression and stress, will allow not so drastically assessing each other's actions, because a realistic awareness of all problems helps to solve them much better than passivity and expectation of what something "more suitable".

The differences between men and women are fundamental. There are gender characteristics at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neural levels.

1. Brain

Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that there are four million more cells in the male brain, but according to tests, women perform 3% better than men. It turns out that the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is to blame. In women, this body is thicker than in men, and there are 30% more joints in it.

The brain of men is specialized and divided into specific departments. Due to the smaller number of connections between the hemispheres, a man can only do one thing qualitatively, fully focusing on him. Let's remind: he is a warrior and a hunter. He chases game or fights. A woman can do many things at home, such as cooking, babysitting, looking after relatives, and knitting.

Because of the additional connections in the brain, girls can actually drive and talk at the same time, while most men, focusing on driving, turn down the radio and ask passengers to shut up. And it is better not to contradict them at this moment. If a man reads, he hears almost nothing. And if you talk to him while he shaves, the likelihood that he will cut himself increases dramatically. Even men and women sleep in different ways: in men, the electrical activity of the brain in a dream will drop by 70% (he is a hunter, and when he comes home, he should have a good rest), and in women, only by 10%, because she always “guards »Home and children.

2. Speech

Men in the left hemisphere have a center responsible for speech, and if a man is injured in this hemisphere, he loses his speech and stops "seeing" drawings "in three-dimensional space. In women, two centers are responsible for speech: more - in the left hemisphere, smaller - in the right. To go numb, she needs to be seriously injured in both hemispheres of the brain. An injured left hemisphere will not prevent the average woman from reading blueprints. True, they see them differently: flat.

The speech of men is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women in speech rely on intonation and emotions. Building relationships by talking is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. A man utters up to 4000 words a day, makes up to 2000 sounds and makes up to 3000 gestures. The woman speaks with the interlocutor. A man is more often with himself. And at this time he is silent.

3. Orientation in space

The weak point of most women is spatial orientation. Tests by Asian scientists using labyrinths have shown that men have 92% of successful solutions, while women have only 8%! 82% of men can park a car parallel and close to the sidewalk, including 71% on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, and even then two-thirds of them will not do it on the first try.

Serious problems in women and with geographical maps. In 1998, for the sake of experiment, the British issued a map of England with two sheets. One had a standard card, the other had an upside-down image. The map was bought by 15,000 women who liked not having to turn the map over in their minds when traveling south. By the way, there are women who lack one of the X chromosomes. They are generally unable to drive a car, so they have problems with spatial orientation.

4. Vision

The retina of the human eye contains nearly seven million “cone” receptors that are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors that they perceive is wider.

In conversation, they operate with shades: "aqua", "sandy", "light coffee". Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue. True, this does not explain why there are so few women who are brilliant artists. Women have developed peripheral vision. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women, when driving a car, rarely miss side impacts and can, without turning their heads, "count" a rival or follow a child.

The man's brain provides tunnel vision, he "leads" the target, sees only what is in front of him, and is not distracted by trifles. It is because of the narrow field of view that men often become victims of road accidents, and at home they cannot find oil in the refrigerator. But they see better at night and more accurately determine the distance to objects.

5. Hearing

Women are better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds. A one-week-old girl can already distinguish the sound of the mother's voice and hears when another baby is crying. Boys don't need that. Women are better at recognizing changes in tone than men, and therefore know perfectly well when men are lying. Men, on the other hand, specialize in the sounds of the wild (this skill is not so necessary in the city) and perfectly “hear” the direction. If a woman hears a kitten's meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for him.

6. Taste and smell

Men feel bitter and salty better. It is with this that they associate the fact that they love beer. Women, as fruit gatherers, are more sensitive to sweets. This explains the fact that most chocolate lovers are women.

In terms of smell, women have no equal. A woman's nose can catch not only the smell of burning that threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done deliberately. Moreover, a woman's brain is able to "read" the man's smell and decipher it, determining how strong his immunity is. Scientists believe that in most cases, no more than three seconds is enough for a woman.

If a woman's immune system is weaker, she will find a man sexually attractive.

7. Feeling

A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's. Studies by British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not match the most insensitive woman. But men's skin is thicker than women's and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult male, the skin is four times thicker than on the belly. And if a man is busy, then the sensitivity of the skin falls even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" - American psychologist J. Gray tried to figure out how women differ from men. And not only him. Thousands of scientific psychological and anatomical studies around the world are aimed at studying the similarities and differences between the sexes.

Emotional intelligence

The emotional intelligence of women is more developed than that of men. The former are much better at reading and recognizing the emotions of other people, the tendency to experience and empathize. Perhaps this is due to the role of the mother - a woman is taught to catch and understand the facial expressions of her children in infancy, in order to provide him with comfort and normal development.

Men have better developed brain departments responsible for logic.

Also, women more often and willingly express emotions in comparison with the stronger sex.

Who lives longer

The life expectancy of women is higher by an average of 10 years. This is due to the fact that men drink more, smoke more, participate in fights, and work harder. Their professions are more risky, and therefore men die in the workplace 2 times more often. Also, the stronger sex is more often susceptible to various diseases.

Another reason for women's longevity is childcare. The maternal instinct is the driving force that motivates women and nourishes them with vitality.

Color perception

Color blindness is a purely male prerogative. A woman is color blind rather than an exception to the rule.

Women perceive more colors and shades than men. There are fewer cells in the male eye that are responsible for color recognition. Men have only blue, women - blue, azure, aquamarine, indigo and others.

Perception channels of the world

Men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears. This popular saying does not exist for a simple reason. Men really have a more developed visual channel - information is better perceived with their eyes, while women, as usual, perceive the world by ear.

Thus, men fall in love with the image, shapes, figures, and women with words. Moreover, the female sex is able to pick up sounds of very high tones, which a man cannot hear.

Who has a stronger sleep

The brain activity of men decreases by 70% during sleep, women - by only 10%. That is, women do not lose their vigilance even in a dream, it is more difficult to wake up a man. That is why women hear even children's groaning in their sleep, men may not even hear loud crying.


Men think about sex almost every minute throughout their lives, women think about it once every 2-3 days.


It is believed that men are higher intellectually developed. It is not without reason that the Nobel Prize winners and innovators in various scientific fields are almost without exception men.

Brain differences

The male brain is about 12% heavier. Men have 6 times more gray matter, which is responsible for intelligence. But women have 10 times more white brain matter, which is responsible for communication and distribution of tasks between different parts of the brain.

Women have a better left side of the brain, which is why they begin to speak and read faster. Boys have better spatial and logical thinking, for which the right hemisphere is responsible.


Mental development and puberty: girls begin to walk and talk earlier than boys by 4-6 months. A sharp increase in the former is observed in the period of 12-16 years, in boys - at the age of 13-17.


Male blood is about 10% thicker than female blood. The body of a man contains 5-6 liters. blood, in the female - 4 - 4.5 liters.

The male heart beats 70 per minute, the female 80.


In men, bodily asymmetry is more pronounced. In women, the symmetry of the right and left parts of the body is much higher.

Who speaks more

Women are able to pronounce up to 21 thousand words a day! Men speak 3 times less. That is why men consider women to be chatty.

Disease resistance

Women's immune systems are stronger than men's: they have a better developed thymus gland, which makes women less sick and easier to cope with infections.

The disadvantage of this is that rejection occurs more often in women with organ transplants.

Perception of reality

Men only hear what they are told and nothing else. Women, on the other hand, connect emotions, fantasy, therefore they often exaggerate and dramatize.


The average IQ for men is 119, for women - 113. But among men there are indicators both much higher and much lower. While in women this indicator is more stable.

Orientation in space

The man sees the way, and the woman sees the road sign.

In one American experiment, a man and a woman in separate cars were driven through the city by an unfamiliar road along the same route from point A to point B. After the trip, they were asked what they remembered along the way, could they repeat this route on their own.

Zh. Remembered more landmarks, small details, but the path as a whole, with difficulty reproduced. On the contrary, M. easily repeated the route on their own, but recalled road landmarks with difficulty. Thus, J. notice more details and trifles, M. perceive the picture as a whole better.


The experience of orgasm is very different for both sexes. In women, the brain departments responsible for fear, emotions, logic and control are turned off - she becomes completely defenseless. Areas that are responsible for physical activity remain workers.

Men, on the contrary, control the entire sexual act from beginning to end, not succumbing to feelings and emotions and being conscious.

Starting a family

The nesting instinct is innate in women. Even in childhood, girls, playing with dolls, create a family, equip them with a home and life. With age, the creation of a family, the birth of children becomes the main female "idea".

Men, on the contrary, unconsciously driven by their polygamy, are in no hurry to go to the registry office and prefer to marry later. We are talking about the majority, there are exceptions.


Sex hormones that promote hair growth work differently in men and women: in the former, they stimulate the scalp throughout the body, except for the head. In the latter, they cause hair growth on the head and interfere with the growth of hair on the face and body.

In men, the hair on the head grows more slowly than in the fair half.

Reproduction of offspring

It is a fact that polygamy in men and monogamy in women are at the genetic level. This is confirmed by the peculiarities of their natural reproductive functions: a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child only once a month during the ovulation of a single egg.

One drop of male sperm contains at least 750 thousand spermatozoa, and in the whole ejaculation up to 600 million, each of which is capable of fertilizing. Can you imagine how many children can be born, thanks to just one ejaculation?

A woman can become a mother up to a maximum of 50 years, a man is able to fertilize almost to a ripe old age.

Openness to the world

Only the fairer sex can boast of frankness and openness: it is not for nothing that there are jokes among the people about a friendly female team, where secrets are supposedly kept. Gossip Girl - this is how the most talkative ladies are called. Indeed, they trust their environment more, sharing secrets and secrets. And not only our own.

Men for the most part are more restrained emotionally and verbally, prefer to share less intimate secrets, even with friends.

How are men and women different from each other?

The question is not as naive as it seems. In addition to purely external differences, there are many others related to physiology, psyche, traditions. Marie Claire magazine has counted at least 100 reasons why men and women are different. They are worth knowing, the French colleagues believe, then we will better understand the opposite sex and be more tolerant of each other.

  1. Already in the cradle, HE and SHE behave differently: the boys kick with their feet, the girls carefully study their surroundings.
  2. A man's brain is 200-350 grams heavier than a woman's. However, its weight has nothing to do with intelligence. Suffice it to recall the example of Albert Einstein or Anatole France. As, incidentally, the fact known to medicine when the brain is 1000 grams heavier than usual belonged to a by no means an outstanding thinker. Feminists keep the argument that the gorilla's brain has the most weight in this case.
  3. Girls start talking earlier than boys.
  4. The sense of smell in women is more developed than in men, on average by 20%, especially at the end of the menstrual cycle, which is the result of the activity of the female sex hormones estrogen. At the same time, among the creators of exquisite perfumery and experts who determine the quality of perfumes, 80% are men.
  5. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression, and this is the fault of the same estrogens that affect the secretion of a substance (serotonin), "responsible" for a good state of mind.
  6. Men, when they are interrupted, are embarrassed quite rarely and calmly continue to express the thought they have begun.
  7. Women have a finer ear for music. It has been proven that they are much less likely to out-of-tune by reproducing a melody. Here their superiority is determined by the ratio of 6: 1.
  8. The male character is more hot-tempered, impetuous. At the age of 15-24, young men are 6 times more likely to get into trouble that ends in death, 4 times more likely to provoke road accidents, and they die 3 times more than women of the same age.
  9. At the moment of conception, all human beings are female. And only in the sixth week, the embryo, under the influence of genes, begins to acquire male characteristics. This fact clearly refutes the myth that woman was created from the rib of Adam.
  10. Snoring is 48% of men and only 22% of women.
  11. According to linguist Deborah Tenner (USA), women prefer not to speak directly about their desires and are easier to compromise. Men are more decisive in their judgments and more often take an unambiguous position.
  12. Boys have a more developed ability to be creative, according to the creators of children's toys. New toys, before putting them into mass production, were tested first on a group of children. The boys quickly got used to the new model and came up with new games. And the girls tried to adapt it to the games they knew well and had long been mastered.
  13. Joints in women are more mobile and flexible, especially at the peak of hormonal maturity of the menstrual cycle, at the very end, and also during pregnancy. These are estrogens again, they make the ligaments more elastic.
  14. Women are three times more likely to use the phone and talk, on average, twenty minutes longer than men. The last six minutes are enough.
  15. Nature itself ordered: men are weaker creatures. Boys are more likely to be born prematurely. Moreover, there are 130 to 150 male embryos per 100 female embryos, but only 105 male babies are born. At the age of 20, there are only 98 boys per 100 girls, and in the 65-year-old group, men make up only 40 percent.
  16. In the genetic code of a man, it is laid down that he is, on average, 10 percent taller than a woman and weighs about the same percent more.
  17. The volume of men's lungs is 20% more, and the intensity of the heart is 15% more.
  18. Sociological studies show that 69% of the family budget is in the hands of a woman.
  19. Women stay in public toilets for at least 153 seconds, men - 113 seconds. This is where the long lines to the booths with the letter "D"
  20. Girls grow faster than boys. The growth of girls stops, as a rule, after the first menstruation, boys grow up to 18 years.
  21. It is believed that women are too talkative. Experts say that men are much more talkative, especially in front of an audience. In general, they are more willing to speak themselves than to listen to the interlocutor.
  22. Migraine is the lot of women: three quarters of all cases of this ailment occur in them.
  23. Research from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) shows that women are endowed with more subtle intuitions. By the expression on the face of another person, they are able more accurately than men to guess his mood. They notice more than 10 different emotional states of the interlocutor, such as shame, fear, disgust. Men are mostly disgust.
  24. Women live longer, but their skin ages earlier, since its superficial layers, the epidermis, are more sensitive to the effects of external manifestations.
  25. Among boys, there are three times more cases of dyslexia, that is, violations of the reading skill.
  26. The resistance of the female body to alcohol is much weaker, since the enzymes that decompose alcohol are half as active in them than in the male body.
  27. Scientists believe that the activity of the male brain hemispheres is more differentiated. This fact gives men certain advantages: they have more spatial thinking, it is easier to read maps, diagrams, terrain plans, etc. The hemispheres of the female brain are more closely interconnected, probably due to the greater density of the nerve cord connecting them (the so-called corpus callosum), which is the nerve conductor between both hemispheres. Apparently, this explains the pronounced ability of women to speak languages.
  28. Women spend 20 percent more money on maintaining their health than men. But they get sick more often, although, as a rule, in a milder form.
  29. Men more quickly notice changes in the lighting of objects and space in general.
  30. Boys are more often left-handed than girls. In addition, boys are generally more free to use their left hand, which is explained by the leading role of the right hemisphere of the male brain.
  31. The main advantage of the partner was the appearance of 22.2 surveyed men. For women, the appearance of the chosen one is not so important (11.9 percent).
  32. Baldness is most often a male problem, and the male hormone testosterone plays an important role here. In women, after hair loss, new hair usually grows.
  33. In women, the right eye sees sharper and the right ear hears better, while in men it is the other way around.
  34. Girls learn to control their bodies earlier: among children over 5 years old who do not control urination, 90 percent are boys.
  35. Men are more often endowed with mathematical abilities. Among American students in the group of the most gifted mathematicians (416 people), there was only one girl for every 12 boys.
  36. 68 percent of men believe that sexual harmony decides everything in love. 50 percent of women agree with them.
  37. Closure, concentration in oneself, isolation from the real world in boys is manifested much more often (four times) than in girls.
  38. Fetishism is almost exclusively male.
  39. Women like sweets more often, men - salty ones.
  40. Orgasm in men is a localized and short-term act. In a woman, it is scattered and more prolonged, it can be repeated without the need to interrupt for rest. A woman is able to play a love game for as long as her partner will last.
  41. The woman is very sensitive to touch. "The least sensitive representative of the fair sex is still more sensitive than the most sensitive representative of the strong," - this is the conclusion reached by American scientists who have specially studied this problem.
  42. Women are more capable of learning foreign languages ​​than men.
  43. "To speak like a woman is to endlessly introduce reservations," says Swiss researcher Edith Slembek. Women are twice as likely to use the conditional mood, five times as often to use words with a restrictive meaning such as "perhaps", "somewhat", "slightly", "slightly", etc. They ask three times more questions, they like to accompany their speech with the phrases "isn't it?" Here is an example of a typical lady's address: "I beg your pardon, if this is possible, if this does not bother you, could you be so kind as to serve me a cup of coffee."
  44. Women are more likely than men to wake up at night (44 percent and 29 percent) and have more nightmares.
  45. 80 percent of transsexuals are men.
  46. Boys are more violent than girls, psychologists say. The 1:15 ratio here is not in favor of the little tormentors.
  47. Among those who suffer from seasonal depression (for example, depression due to lack of sun in winter), 85 percent are women.
  48. Household chores are the lot of women, including those working. After work, 86 percent of women start cleaning the house, 79 percent take care of the children, and 96 percent do the laundry. Men believe that their prestige will suffer if they take up a vacuum cleaner or go to a washing machine. Their dignity will not be humiliated unless some homework.
  49. Adipose tissue makes up 11 percent of the male body weight and 23 percent of the female body weight. The male body burns more calories per 1 square meter of body surface than the female (a 30-year-old man - 40 calories, a woman at the same age - 37 calories).
  50. In early childhood, girls, thanks to better visual-motor coordination, perform complex actions more accurately and clearly than boys.
  51. Women are much less likely to fill the stands of stadiums, making up only one fifth of the audience, and they show less interest in sports TV programs.
  52. Girls acquire motor skills earlier, they begin to walk at 11-12 months, boys - at 12-14.
  53. Women are more likely to suffer from dental caries.
  54. Men and women behave differently when making decisions. The former do it on their own, the latter seek advice. According to the observations of sociologists, the situation has changed recently, and today men do not always dare to make a sole decision, which indicates some of their feminization.
  55. Twice as many men end up in psychiatric hospitals.
  56. For one man at the age of 100, there are 7 of his peers (demographic statistics in France).
  57. Each sex ascribes to the opposite its own ideas about sexual pleasure and erogenous zones. Apparently, this is why a woman caresses the whole body of her beloved, because she herself would like the same, while a man often concentrates on the intimate parts of the female flesh, thereby indicating his preferences.
  58. Between the ages of 14 and 16, 27 percent of boys and 53 percent of girls are interested in books. The former are fond of adventure and fantasy, the latter - romantic, sentimental literature.
  59. Girls are more modest in assessing their capabilities, and failures in school tend to be attributed to lack of ability. Boys in such cases admit that they were not too zealous.
  60. Men are three times more likely to try to commit suicide.
  61. Women are more likely to suffer from varicose veins, especially during pregnancy.
  62. Smoking has always been a typically male habit, but this activity is markedly feminized. Men quit smoking more and more often, women - more and more often take up a cigarette.
  63. Up to 6 months, boys need more sleep than girls. Then the situation changes to the opposite, and the female body requires an average of 1 hour more sleep throughout her life.
  64. If a woman says "yes" during a conversation, it means that she is listening to you. A man, in this way, unequivocally approves of what he hears. Therefore, gentlemen, be careful, and when the lady says "yes", think if you understood her correctly.
  65. According to sexologist Lew Harris, 67.6 percent of his patients and 22 percent of patients admitted to masturbating from time to time.
  66. Body paralysis in men is three times more likely to cause speech dysfunctions; in women, a closer relationship of the cerebral hemispheres allows the healthy department to take over the functions of the affected one.
  67. There are 6 times more men with AIDS than women (in France).
  68. Girls are more obedient than boys, they concentrate more easily and are able to first think about their actions. Boys act without thinking.
  69. 59% of women and 44% of men like to look at themselves in the mirror for a long time. However, they do not feel the same feelings. American tests show that 68% of men and only 22% of women are satisfied with the results of this picky examination. Here's proof of male complacency and the source of their well-being!
  70. Psychologists, who offered a choice of two colors - red and blue, found that men prefer red, women - blue.
  71. The resistance of the female body to certain diseases is much weaker.
  72. Biologically, girls mature about three years earlier than boys.
  73. Newborn boys are superior in height and weight to girls.
  74. Among those suffering from osteoporosis (a decrease in bone density), 90 percent are women, which is due to the influence of estrogens.
  75. Men are more aggressive than women, which is due to the influence of testosterone.
  76. From the cradle, girls have more outfits than boys. At the age of 17-24, women's wardrobe has on average 44 more items than men's (in France). Later, the man begins to closely monitor his appearance, and the quantitative difference in the wardrobe decreases, but the man manages to catch up with the woman in this competition only by the age of 75.
  77. Insomnia is reported by 42 percent of men and 62 percent of women; 41 percent of women and 23 percent of men take sleeping pills.
  78. Each sex responds differently to impotence. A man treats his body as a car, in which certain parts "flew", and the sexologist is obliged to "repair" them. The woman sees the reason in the unfavorable intimate relationship and makes all kinds of concessions, tries to satisfy the requirements of her partner.
  79. Women, of course, are physically weaker than men, and their performance in sports is much lower, but they pass the endurance exam better, for example, in long-distance swimming.
  80. The female body is less likely to undergo atherosclerosis, since estrogens inhibit the narrowing of blood vessels and facilitate the removal of cholesterol from the liver. It is understandable why men, without such a protector, are twice as likely to get heart attacks.
  81. Erotic dreams of men are often reduced to the imagination of the female body or some of its parts, while a woman builds a whole scenario of a love game, with its prelude, culmination, denouement.
  82. Women more often than men suffer from rheumatism.
  83. Women live longer and the gap is widening. But even 200 years ago, men and women died at about the same age, and those who reached the age of 28 had an equal chance of continuing their life.
  84. Women react more calmly to stress, emit less adrenaline, and their pressure does not jump as sharply as in men. The explanation should be sought in the historically formed properties of the male psyche: once the life of our ancestors entirely depended on the quickness of the reaction of men to aggression or the ability to get food. Today a man wins a victory thanks to his intellect rather than the strength of his muscles, but the reflex, impulsiveness subconsciously works. More frequent cases of peptic ulcer disease in men are also a consequence of historically fixed heightened reactivity.
  85. Women are more sensitive to pain, but also more patient.
  86. Women are more likely to initiate divorce (in France, for example, in 7 cases out of 10).
  87. When asked "what attracts you the most in a person of the opposite sex", 45% of women answered: eyes, 31% of men: breasts.
  88. This is how the brain of a man works, it is more difficult for him to express his feelings than for a woman.
  89. Boys, later than girls, make their first attempts at reading on their own.
  90. The vital interests of women are richer and more diverse; men limit their range of interests mainly to work, politics, and sports.
  91. Women more often speak in the first person ("I"), men more often - in an impersonal form.
  92. There are 9 men for every 10 convicts.
  93. In the sphere of intimate relationships, sexologists argue, a man is required to be lusty, and a woman is required to be lusty.
  94. Men (including homosexuals) have more partners than women.
  95. The female driver is safer for the environment and is much more careful when driving (in France, women make up 30 percent of drivers, but cause only 14 percent of road accidents).
  96. Polls show that 47 percent of men prefer intimacy, more likely in the evening, the same percentage of women - more likely in the morning. Could this be the reason for the low birth rate in Western Europe?
  97. The already mentioned Deborah Tenner made the following conclusion from her observations: women, as a rule, start and maintain a conversation, but men control and direct it, either by showing their interest (and then agreeing), or wanting to change the topic (and then expressively silent).
  98. Women more often smile and look their interlocutor in the eyes, men more often avoid direct gaze.
  99. Four out of five stutters are men.
  100. Four out of five substance abusers are men.
  101. This, the 101st difference, each of you will name himself.

Let's talk about one of the key differences between the sexes, which is often forgotten or simply refused to be understood. This difference is especially evident in the behavior of a couple during a quarrel due to misunderstanding.

Women want constancy and full-fledged intimacy in a relationship, and a man's happiness depends on freedom (they do not want to have restrictions and obligations in a relationship). And the point is not at all about the difference between the male and female brains.

Closeness and freedom

Source: iStock

The differences between male and female psychology are obvious. Girls in relationships strive for deep and mutual love. They want to forget with a partner in receiving love and giving it. Feel valuable and know that she is special in his eyes. This is a direct belonging to feelings and emotions.

Men, on the other hand, avoid love and a strong bond in relationships with the help of a "male cave", various occupations at work, games on a console, sports or men's gatherings in a pub.

The freedom that many people seek throughout their lives is actually a fear of love and intimacy disguised as freedom. What is the difference between a man and a woman in the perception of this freedom?

Most men take things and women literally. This is why they often cannot read what women think or feel - logic reigns in men's thinking. Therefore, when a woman says to a man: "Don't you understand what exactly I need?" the answer is most often "No ...".

"Be a man!"

Source: iStock

Many men are new to their emotions. The most common example is programming from an early age.

Boys hear and remember: "Boys don't cry" or "Be a man!" This is how boys learn to be afraid of their feelings, to deny them. It’s a feeling of freedom for them, but in reality it’s just tragic programming from childhood.

We compete, go to work and sometimes even go to war, where feelings don't matter. “Feelings” will not give a competitive advantage, and being too emotional will kill us on the battlefield.

Achieving dynamics

The dynamics of love and external freedom, if not recognized and understood, in relationships is often one of the main causes of problems and conflicts.

How does a man differ from a woman? When a man is more drawn to "freedom", and a woman is moving towards rapprochement and love, no one will achieve his goal. A man eschews intense female love, and a woman does not understand his need for freedom.

The key for a man is to understand the desire of women for intimacy and love, to learn how to treat her tenderly, without unnecessary humor, but with romance.

If you spend too much time in the garage, in the office, or with friends, she will be unhappy, angry and feel unnecessary and unloved.

The day when she stops pulling you out of the office, the company of friends - this is the day when she put an end to you. This may even mean that she has a new romance and you, as a man, are now indifferent to her.

Sex and dynamics