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Bait for bream in May. Secrets of catching bream in May. Gear and methods

Fishing for bream in the spring is the most suitable time of the year for many anglers. Before spawning, fish gather in flocks and feed heavily, which gives the angler an additional advantage. However, it is not always possible to return from fishing with a catch.

Spring bream fishing has its own characteristics that you should be aware of, as well as apply this knowledge in practice. How to catch bream with the greatest probability is the following guide.

Bream spawning time and the beginning of spring fishing

Active bream fishing starts in May

You can go for spring bream immediately after the ice melts from the surface of rivers and reservoirs. This usually happens in late March or early April.

Fish biting improves as the water becomes clearer and its temperature increases.

The closer to the spawning period, the larger the flocks become, the closer the breams come to the shore. It is important for the angler not to frighten away the fish with an awkward movement and the slightest rustle.

The most stable bream begins to peck in the month of May.

Until the moment of spawning, the bream prefers to feed on insect larvae and worms at the edge of aquatic vegetation in shallow bays. If spawning occurs in rivers that flow into a reservoir, then it is necessary to catch bream at the mouths of these rivers. Here, the fish actively feed and, as soon as the water warms up, they will go upstream to spawning grounds.

In large rivers, before spawning, fish accumulate near dams, near pits, near oxbow lakes, in which spawning takes place. In some rivers, bream stays in places of permanent residence for a long time, going to spawning grounds at the last moment. The spawning period, even in one river or reservoir, can stretch for almost a month, starting in May. It all depends on the weather conditions at that time.

The main ways of catching and tackle for catching spring bream

Spring bream is caught in two ways:

  • float fishing rod;
  • bottom tackle (feeder).

Since the bream comes close enough to the shore, this fact must be taken into account when equipping the fishing rod.

When fishing with a float rod, long rods will win, among which the plug is the favorite. Given the high cost of such tackle, you can opt for a 6-7-meter telescopic rod with throughput rings. But it should be light and of high quality.

  • The main fishing line with a diameter of 0.25-0.27 mm is wound on an inertialess reel with a size of 2000-3000, the thickness of the leash should be 0.18-0.2 mm. Sometimes a second leash is mounted above the sinker. Then you can track in which horizon the fish feeds.
  • The hook is not very large, made of thin wire, so that bloodworms and worms are easily planted.
  • A drop-shaped float is selected with a carrying capacity of 1-3 g.
  • Catching bream in the spring on a feeder is preferable in late April and early May, when the bream walks a little fat near the shore and goes to spawning grounds. The feeder allows you to catch a trophy specimen at this time.
  • The fishing distance is 20-30 m from the shore. It is especially convenient to use a bottom fishing rod in strong winds or large waves.
  • The rod must be at least 3 m long, reel size 2000-3000 with main line 0.25 mm.
  • Leash 0.14-0.16 mm, length 20-50 cm. The feeder is selected depending on the strength of the current and the composition of the bait mixture.

For fishing on the river, it is necessary to use triangular or rectangular models of metal mesh feeders. In stagnant ponds, closed feeders should be used if bloodworms or maggots are present in the bait.

Catching carp on a feeder, which also sometimes comes across when catching bream on a feeder - how to increase the chances of catching wild carp.

Bait for bream in spring

In spring, when stationary fishing for bream, baiting is necessary. This fish loves sweet bait formulations, so sugary ingredients should be present in the mixture. Combining canned corn with vanilla, cinnamon, coriander or fennel flavors gives excellent results.

By making the bait light, you can scare away the bream, and only large fish will peck.

An effective way to prepare bait is to mix store-bought formulations with cereals. So, for 1 kg of Unikorm bait, you need to add 300 grams of millet, hercules, peas and pearl barley. And if fishing will take place using worms, then 300 g of chopped worms are added to the bait mixture. Sand and clay are used as binders.

The best results when fishing for bream are baits Sensas, Trapper and Dunaev.

It is good to add to the purchased mixture:

  • bloodworm;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • powdered milk;
  • barley;
  • Hercules.

In order to form a cloud of turbidity when immersing the bait, add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa. To add sweetness to the bait composition, it is better to use fruit essences, for example, pear or banana.

The role of baking powder is performed by ordinary river sand.

It is important not to miss a single moment when preparing for fishing. Carefully prepare the tackle, find a good place for fishing, feed the bream with a delicious mixture, choose the right bait. And then the patience, perseverance and scrupulousness of the angler will be rewarded with worthy trophies of spring bream.

It is rightfully one of the most popular fishing among amateurs - this is catching bream on a feeder in May. You can catch bream both in a stagnant water zone, and in rivers or in artificial lakes. The already beloved feeder is becoming more and more popular, and catching bream on it is getting thinner and more interesting.

The maximum body length is 82 cm, weight is 6 kg, the maximum life expectancy is 23 years. The bream keeps in groups, mainly in deep places, overgrown with plants. Cautious and quite smart.

The convex shape of the mouth is ideal for searching for food in soft mud. The larvae feed on zooplankton. The fry, upon reaching a length of 30 mm, switch to feeding on benthos. It feeds on insect larvae, tubifex, shells and snails. It can also eat algae.

Bream can gather in large flocks, especially in large lakes or strong currents. Such flocks clean out sections of the bottom of the reservoirs without a trace and move on very briskly, leaving the cleaned “roads” behind them. Such movements are easy to notice from the floating bubbles of swamp gas, which are released when a flock of bream “turns over” the next section of the bottom.

The bream reaches sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 4 years. Spawning always takes place on grassy shallows, in shallow bays, and takes place with a loud splash. In the male at this time, numerous small blunt-conical tubercles are formed on the body, first white, then amber-yellow. Spawning time in central and northern Russia is not earlier than the first days of May, in the south from mid-April. The movement of bream to the Volga from the seaside begins in February under the ice, and the gross movement occurs around mid-April. Fertility is from 92 to 338 thousand eggs. The temperature required for spawning is about 21 degrees.

During the spawning season, males form territories in which females spawn. The fry hatch after 3 to 12 days and are attached to aquatic vegetation with a special secret. They remain attached until the yolk is completely used up.

Where to catch bream on a feeder in May

The most active bream is from May to the middle, and then from the second half to the end. Weighty specimens prefer deep sections of the reservoir, and bream usually come across under the shore.

If the goal of the fisherman is trophy prey, then you will have to acquire feeder gear. It allows you to fish in any body of water, but is most effective when there is a current, as it carries the food down and lures the fish.

The bream, like any non-predatory fish in the rivers, moves along the channel edges, explores all the exits to the pits, areas with a weak or counter current, large stones, any places where you can hide.

The best time to hunt this freshwater representative is at dawn. The morning bite lasts in the summer until 7-8 in the morning. In the evening, especially when it is hot, he feeds reluctantly. But decent specimens look for food at night, so the dark time is quite effective.

The pleasure of catching bream on a feeder in May can be obtained if you prepare thoroughly for fishing. Half the success depends on the correct rigging of the feeder. The most used are considered in great detail, depending on various factors.

The basis of the feeder in May is the same as throughout the summer.

Feeder tackle for bream fishing in May:

  • The length of the rod must be at least 3.6 m with a test up to 90 gr. With a rod, you can take longer.
  • It is preferable to use the coil in the range from 3000 to 4000. It will also not be superfluous, especially when fishing at night.
  • The choice of fishing line depends on the recommendations on the rod itself. Moreover, the diameter of the leash must be at least 0.12 mm. Basic on still water, you can use monofilament, for braided. Many anglers use.
  • The size, weight and shape of the feeder is determined by the place of fishing. For a stagnant pond, round, oval, rectangular models made of metal or plastic weighing 40-60 g are suitable. To catch in the course, rectangular or triangular metal feeders weighing 60-100 g are required.
  • not so important, sometimes it can reach 1 meter with a weak biting. But you should start with a leash 30-50 cm long.
  • The choice of hook directly depends on the nozzle used, as well as on the size of the trophy. For bream, the optimal size will be No. 8-14.
  • Of the great variety of feeder snap-ins, the asymmetric loop and has proven itself best of all.

For successful bream fishing, special attention is paid to bait. You need to cook ahead of time so that it has time to swell well. The bait must contain those components that need to be used in bait, whether it be bloodworms, maggots or worms.

To catch large individuals and keep them at the point, the following components are added to purchased ready-made mixtures:

  • bloodworm;
  • maggot;
  • chopped worm;
  • steamed peas;
  • boiled barley;
  • canned corn.

When preparing complementary foods, it is necessary to take into account the speed of the current. It should be located on a certain section of the bottom, and not spread out along the river.

The bream eats almost everything, depending on the season. Red worms, bloodworms, insect larvae are used as bait. Three-component top dressing has proven itself well:

  1. First, a maggot is hooked onto a hook.
  2. Then balls of dough with the smell of garlic (newfangled boilies with various smells, small sizes).
  3. Then another bug.
  4. Large worm.

Herbal baits are also used, such as

  • pasta (asterisk). They are quite easy to prepare. Based on one fishing trip, we need no more than a press of star-shaped pasta. Fill this volume with boiling water and cover with a lid for 45 seconds. Then we drain the water and remove the lid, let the stars brew for 10 minutes. So that the pasta does not stick together, you can add a drop of vegetable oil, both with and without smell.
  • legumes: peas are one of the favorite delicacies of the bream, but only if he is accustomed to it. Peas are used mainly in summer, when the activity of bream on animal nozzles is reduced.
  • cereals: grain, pearl barley.
  • bread . It is certainly not suitable for catching bream on the feeder. But it shows good results when fishing with a regular rod with a float.

The bream distinguishes the bait well by smell, so it would be useful to flavor the top dressing with vanilla, anise, and garlic. The selection of flavor is possible only experimentally, so take a few baits with you, and already on the spot they determine what the bream likes best.

Baiting tactics for bream in May

Having stopped your choice at the place of hunting, determine the casting points, start baiting the likely prey. To do this, take a container, fill it with food and throw it 8-10 times in the desired direction of the water. Try to get into the same circle so that there is a concentration of food.

And only then the worker with the feed mixture is mounted, the bait is put on. After casting, bites wait 10-15 minutes on reservoirs with a strong current. Where it is not available, the time may be extended up to 25 minutes. This is enough to wash out the top dressing, it's time to refill the container. As a rule, scavengers begin to feed first, only then large fish.

When fishing in May on a feeder, a large bream grabs sharply and confidently , the undercut should be the same. He tries to go as far downstream as possible, turning his body across to use the power of the water to help him. The angler should try to stop the prey by moving the rod, gradually pulling it towards the shore.

Do not pull the fish with a reel, let her swallow air, as this will lead to the fact that she will begin to rush about even more, she may break loose. You need to take out the caught bream into the net, as often the catch jumps off the hook already almost on the shore.

Video catching bream on the feeder in May

Catching on a feeder in May on the middle Volga video with Alexei Fadeev

Catching bream on a feeder in spring video

Fishing in general in spring is difficult in itself, you need to find the key to the fish and not make a mistake in bait. Fishing on the Neva River

Night fishing for large bream on the feeder video

Night fishing for bream on the Sheksna River. The night bite of the bream began immediately, as soon as it got dark and continued with short breaks until 7 am, then the bite resumed from about 8 am until lunchtime. This fishing for bream turned out to be very productive, I did everything planned, I caught a decent amount of large bream on the feeder.

Fishing for bream in May attracts a large number of fishing enthusiasts, because it is at this time that you can hope to catch a trophy specimen. This month, the activity of fish largely depends on spawning, therefore, in order to successfully catch bream in May, the angler must take this factor into account.

It is necessary to look for bream in May in the coastal zone, the water temperature there is much higher, and there is more food. When fishing in May in rivers, its favorite habitat is the mouths of the rivers, and on large reservoirs the bream can be located near pits or near dams. When catching bream in March, the angler is also recommended to pay attention to areas with a rocky or clay bottom with a depth of 1 meter.

Among promising places, one can note shallows covered with shells and snags. According to anglers, large-sized individuals in May prefer to stick to sandbanks with a depth of 1.5 meters.

In clear water, rip current zones become good points for catching bream in May. It should be noted that in early May it is better to catch bream in quiet bays with calm water, since it does not like currents. Quite often, you can catch a trophy specimen in May in areas where there are various pits, stones, snags and depth drops at the bottom.

In calm weather in May, the bream can go to shallow water near the channels and pits. As a rule, the peak of bream activity in May falls on the pre-spawning period, and the spawning time depends on the water temperature. As a rule, in May the bream feeds at night, early in the morning or late in the evening. In warm weather in May, bream fishing becomes possible even at night. Bream fishing in May is carried out on a float rod and feeder. The latter, in turn, is most effective in water bodies where there is a current that carries the bait down and lures the bream.

Bait for bream fishing in May

In May, bream fishing is carried out mainly on baits of animal origin, and towards the end of the month, the diet of bream changes, and it becomes more and more interested in baits of plant origin. The most popular bait for catching bream in May is worm, maggot and bloodworm. It is necessary to select a catchy bait taking into account the diet of the bream in a particular reservoir, somewhere the bloodworm works well, and somewhere the worm.

Caddisfly is considered a good bait for catching bream in May. It is especially important to use voluminous baits, that is, 2-3 large bloodworm or maggot larvae are planted on the hook at once.

If the worm is large, then it can be divided into equal parts, but it is not recommended to leave long ends on the worm. Various “sandwiches” can be used to catch bream in May, at the beginning of the month combinations of bloodworm and maggot work well, and when bream switches to vegetable baits, a promising combination will consist of maggot, corn and

Among vegetable baits for catching bream in May, dough and semolina are especially popular. Among other nozzles, peas, corn, pasta (asterisk) and pearl barley are distinguished. You can increase the effectiveness of such a nozzle as semolina and dough by adding flavoring to it. The choice of flavoring depends on the temperature of the water, spicy flavors work well in cold water, among which garlic, dill, coriander and anise can be noted.

Sweet flavors are used in warm water, vanilla, caramel, strawberry and others are suitable. Recently, for catching bream, the bait in the form of a foam ball has become very popular. These baits come in a variety of colors and flavors and work well as a single bait or in combination with baits or baits.

Bait for catching bream in May

Successful bream fishing in May on a float rod or feeder will not do without high-quality bait, which can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. On sale is a wide selection of ready-made mixtures for catching bream in various conditions. A novice angler can recommend the Super Bremes, Super Feeder, Feeder Bream bait mixture from the well-known manufacturer Sensas, which is suitable for both float and feeder bream fishing in May.

The following components are added to the finished bait: feed bloodworm, maggot, chopped worm, steamed peas, boiled barley, canned sweet corn.

It is necessary to add these components taking into account the bait used for catching bream. If bream fishing in May is carried out on a worm, then chopped worms are added to the mixture. It is recommended to add vegetable components to the mixture towards the end of the month; they will not have a special effect in cold water. To increase the effectiveness of bait for catching bream, you can add flavorings and molasses to it. used in small quantities, anise, garlic, vanillin are suitable.

The standard bait for bream fishing in May is a mixture based on soil and bloodworm. If desired, the bloodworm can be replaced with a red worm, and breadcrumbs or steamed barley can be used instead of soil. As a rule, having recovered after spawning, the bream is more and more interested in plant baits. In this regard, the composition of the bait is changing, now it includes components of plant origin to a greater extent.

Catching bream in May on a float or feeder tackle involves starting food. When fishing on a float, 5-6 balls of bait will be enough, and when fishing on a feeder, you can start with 5-7 small feeders. As the activity of the fish increases, the amount of bait required for starting feeding can be increased. It should be noted that sometimes abundant starter food (up to 70% of bait) is the best solution when catching bream in May. The remaining 30% of the bait will serve to feed the fish in the process of fishing.

Fishing for bream in May on a float rod

Fishing for bream in May with a float rod is the easiest and least expensive way to fish.

Tackle for catching bream in May on a float rod

Bream fishing in May is carried out on a Bolognese or fly rod. The Bologna rod is suitable for catching bream in the wiring, in other cases, a fly rod with a blind rig will suffice. Of the basic requirements for a float rod for catching bream, only light weight and a certain margin of safety can be attributed, since the May bream actively resists when playing. The best option would be a carbon fiber rod with a length of 5 to 7 meters, but the Bologna rod can be taken a little shorter.

the fishing rod involves the use of a reel, an inertial or inertialess reel is suitable.

The best choice would be a Shimano size 2000-3000 spinning reel with a properly adjusted friction brake. The diameter of the main line depends on the size of the intended prey, so for catching large bream you will need a monofilament line with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.3 mm, and for angling a skimmer, a line with a diameter of 0.14 to 0.18 mm will be enough. Leads made of fluorocarbon or monofilament take a smaller diameter, and the length of the leash depends on the fishing conditions.

When catching bream in the wiring, a short leash allows you to raise the nozzle quickly, but not high, during the hold. A long leash makes it possible to lift the nozzle high, but slowly. If fishing for bream in May on a float rod is carried out in places that are too short, then due to the high probability of hooking, the leash can not be used. The hook in this case is tied to the main fishing line, while the knot is knitted above the hook itself, so that, having caught on, does not break off the entire equipment.

For catching bream in ponds with stagnant water, an olive-shaped float with a long keel is suitable, and its carrying capacity will be 1.5-2 grams. With intensive biting, the carrying capacity is increased to 4 grams, and with a weak one, reduced to 1 gram. When fishing for bream in waters with a strong current, a flat-shaped float with a thin keel is suitable. The loading is carried out with the help of lead shots and a shed. Hooks for catching bream are taken in sizes from No. 8 to No. 14 according to the international gradation.

Technique for catching bream in May on a float rod

Fishing for bream in May on a float rod is carried out from the shore in a stationary way. Fishing can be carried out both passively and in wiring. Fishing for bream in May in wiring involves a slow movement of the bait near the bottom, since with fast wiring, only medium-sized bream reacts to the bait. Among the promising places for catching large bream in May with a float rod, one can note areas near snags and boulders, as well as sandy shallows about 1.5 meters deep.

Intensive biting when fishing for bream in a passive way can be observed in places with a weak current, where the bottom is rocky or clay, and the depth starts from 1 meter or more.

After the initial feeding, the angler needs to wait until the bream approaches the baited spot. Usually the waiting time is about 15 minutes, but it all depends on the components that make up the bait. First, a scavenger approaches the baited place, and after a while a large bream approaches. When fishing in a passive way, the angler casts the baited hook to a baited point and waits for a bite.

When catching bream in May, the fisherman gradually releases the line downstream and holds it in a baited place. The bite of a bream in May is very confident, when playing it, it will actively resist and, being practically in the hands of the angler, can make a jerk. Landing net in this case will come in handy and will allow the angler to safely pull out a large bream.

Read the detailed instructions for fishing for bream on a float rod for beginners in the following material:

Catching bream in May on the feeder

Catching bream in May on a feeder is of particular interest, since feeder tackle allows you to throw bait to a promising edge, feed the fishing area well and keep the fish there.

Tackle for catching bream in May on the feeder

Catching bream in May on a feeder is a very promising direction, and half of the success depends on the correct equipment of the feeder. Taking into account the peculiarities of fishing for bream in May, a feeder with a length of 3 meters, medium (M), heavy (H) or extra heavy (EH) class with an upper test limit of about 120 grams is suitable.

The best option for a feeder that is suitable for catching bream in May on medium-sized ponds is a medium-sized (M) class rod, at least 3.6 meters long and with an upper test limit of 90 grams.

For fishing on small and abundantly overgrown rivers, a feeder up to 3 meters long will suffice. The feeder rod has a replaceable tip (quiver tip), which has a different degree of rigidity and is a bite signaling device. It is desirable to have at least 3 interchangeable tips available for different fishing conditions (current speed and weight of the feeder).

The selected feeder is equipped with a spinning reel size 2000-4000 according to Shimano classification, depending on the range of intended casts. As the main fishing line, a monofilament with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.3 mm or a high-quality section from 0.12 to 0.16 mm can be used. A shock leader can be used in the rig, which reduces part of the load when casting or playing fish.

The leash is preferably made of fluorocarbon with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.25 millimeters and a length of 30 centimeters. The mass, size and shape of the feeder depends on the conditions of fishing and is selected individually in each case. For catching bream on the feeder, feeders of open and closed type, round, oval, rectangular or triangular in shape, weighing 40 grams, can be used.

The choice of hook when fishing for bream on a feeder is absolutely similar to that used in float fishing. Accordingly, hooks in sizes from No. 8 to No. 14 according to the international gradation are suitable. As a feeder equipment, a novice angler is recommended to use a paternoster (Gardner's loop). In addition, the angler needs to get a stand for the rod.

Technique for catching bream in May on the feeder

The technique of catching bream in May on a feeder is not particularly difficult. First you need to decide on a promising place and conduct a study of the bottom at the place of fishing. When fishing for bream in May, the angler needs to pay attention to the edges and various bottom irregularities. Having chosen a place and having decided on the fishing point, we proceed to the starting feed. To do this, the feeder is filled with bait, and the angler makes the first cast.

Starting feeding occurs without the participation of a leash with a hook. After the first cast, if you hit the right spot, secure the line to the spool with a special clip-stopper.

In the future, all subsequent casts will reach the point where you cast the first time. When fishing for bream in places with a fast current, it is recommended to cast closer to the direction of the current. In this case, the flow pressure on the line will be less. After completing 5 or more casts, you can proceed to the process of catching. Now you can attach a leash with a hook and bait, take a smaller feeder and fill it with bait to cast to the fishing point.

After casting, you must wait for the feeder to sink to the bottom, place the rod on the stand and take out the slack in the sagging line. After that, the angler has to wait for a bite, which can be determined by the tip of the feeder rod. When catching bream in water bodies, after 15-25 minutes, it is necessary to perform a second cast, as the food washes out with the current. As a rule, a strong current for a given period of time completely washes out a fairly viscous bait.

Read the detailed instructions for catching bream on a feeder for beginners in the following material:

Choosing a place for catching bream in May

Among the promising places for catching bream in May, one can note coastal areas with a small current, where bream feed. This month, large bream can go to the depths, where they spend most of their time. In May, bream are also attracted by river mouths, pits and places near dams.

Bream fishing in May will be more successful when catching such places:

  • eyebrows;
  • riverbeds and streams;
  • oxbows and bays;
  • plots with snags and other natural shelters;
  • shallow water areas in the coastal zone.

Find out in which water bodies in your region it is possible to catch bream in May:

Due to artificial breeding, today bream is quite common in our country. It is found in the quiet deep lower reaches of rivers, where the water is slow and warm, as well as in channels and creeks. Often it can be caught in deep holes and flooded sand or gravel pits, characterized by a soft bottom.

general information

This fish prefers bends and places above dams, as well as depressions or holes, always trying to stay away from the coast. In reservoirs overgrown with vegetation, it stays at depths during the day, and in the evening it moves to shallow water to the surface. The bream lives in groups, migrating during the day in search of food. As a rule, he avoids areas where the bottom is rocky.

This fish is caught mainly in summer, although it also takes the bait in warm autumn. And in some water areas below the reservoirs, it can be fished out even in not frosty winters. In very hot bream practically does not bite. And in the established clear and calm weather, it can be caught both in the early morning and late in the evening, but on condition that the water at the depths is clean. However, many anglers are interested in bream in the spring. The reason is that it is during this period that this fish can be fished almost under the very shore.

spring fishing

It was at this time, according to many avid hunters, that it is most interesting to catch this inhabitant of reservoirs. The bream is most active in spring, and this, accordingly, affects both the quantity and quality of the catch.

And although it is believed that it is better to catch this fish in the summer, nevertheless, many go after it to the reservoirs just after the retreat of winter, considering this time to be the most suitable for fishing. Bream in the spring before spawning, straying into flocks, intensively feeds. This, in turn, also gives anglers a certain advantage. But not everything is so simple: it is not always possible to boast of a noble catch. Fishing for bream in the spring has its own characteristics. You need to know about this in advance in order to properly prepare, because without this you can return home empty-handed.

Fishing time

You can start catching this fish in the spring as soon as the ice melts. Water should at least slightly go to its usual level in the reservoir. In order for fishing to be successful, experienced anglers take into account such an indicator as the degree of water transparency. Usually this time falls on the end of March or the beginning of April. The bite of the bream improves with the clarification of the water and an increase in its temperature. The closer the spawning period, the greater the number of flocks and the closer the prey comes to the shore. It is important for the angler at this time not to frighten the fish with rustling or awkward movements. The most stable bream bites in spring in May.

Catchable places

Until the beginning, it feeds on worms and insect larvae at the very edge of aquatic vegetation, especially in shallow bays. If spawning occurs in the rivers flowing into the reservoir, then it is necessary to catch it in their mouths. Here, this fish actively feeds, and as soon as the water warms up, it goes upstream to the spawning grounds. Knowing how to catch bream in the spring on the river, you can return home with a sufficiently large amount of prey.

In large water arteries, before spawning, this fish accumulates near dams and near pits, as well as near oxbow lakes, where it then spawns. In some rivers, breams remain in their permanent habitat for a long time, heading to the spawning ground at the very last moment. The spawning period, even in one reservoir or river, can stretch for almost a month and begin only in May, depending on weather conditions.

On the donkey

Properly selected tackle for catching bream in the spring is the key to the success of this activity. First of all, this fish is fished for, which, according to many anglers, is the most effective. There are a lot of devices for this method of fishing. Often, spinning is used for their manufacture, which is re-equipped in such a way that with its help the bait can be thrown far enough and, most importantly, in the right direction.

The diameter for the main line should be in the range of 0.3 to 0.35 millimeters, and for leads, 0.25 mm is usually enough. Hooks are used with a long forearm, sizes 5-7. Donka is equipped with two or three stings. Fishing in the spring is best for red dung worms. It is advisable to feed the place of future fishing in advance. And as a complementary food, experienced hunters use boiled wheat with the addition of sunflower cake or chopped worms.

The fishing distance from the shore with this type of gear for catching bream in the spring can be up to twenty meters from the shore. It is very convenient to use the donkey even in strong winds or with a large wave in a pond. In this case, the rod should have a length of at least three meters, and the leash should be 0.14-0.16 millimeters in size with a length of up to fifty centimeters. The feeder should be chosen depending on the flow rate and on the composition of complementary foods.

Catching bream on the feeder

In spring, on the river, this fish swims close enough to the shore. This circumstance must be taken into account when equipping tackle for catching bream in the spring should have a long rod with a plug.

Given the rather high cost of such a feeder, many opt for a six or seven-meter telescopic version with through-rings. But it should have two features: lightness and quality.

The main fishing line with a diameter of 0.25-0.27 millimeters with a leash thickness of 0.2 mm is wound on a non-inertia reel. Sometimes a second copy is mounted above the sinker. So, according to some anglers, it is easier to track in which horizon the bream feeds.

The hook must be taken from thin wire and not very large: such that bloodworms and worms are easily placed on it. The float should be teardrop shaped with a load capacity of one to three grams.

Fishing in the spring is preferable from the end of April or the beginning of May. At this time, the prey, having already worked up a little fat near the shore, goes to the spawning ground. And it is on the feeder that you can catch trophy specimens.


This method of spring fishing for bream from a boat, which deserves no less attention, is suitable for relatively shallow water bodies in which the current is quiet and even. It is preferable to select a place for fishing based on the bottom: it should be dense and sandy-clay. Necessarily when catching the wiring lure. Red dung worms are used as bait, and maggot also “works” well.

In the spring, bream prefers peas, steamed wheat, barley as a bait. The best time to fish is early morning or late evening. Most often, it is during these periods that you can count on the bite of solid specimens.


You need to fish for bream with the following baits of animal origin: bloodworm, maggot, worms and caddis flies. If the first option is preferable in reservoirs rich in this larva, then the other nozzles are better suited for catching trophy specimens, especially when the water is warm enough. Catchy are also "sandwiches" made from maggot with worms, bloodworms and maggots. As the reservoir warms up and the spawning time approaches - early May - some experienced bream fishermen fish for various vegetable baits: steamed barley, peas, canned corn, bread crumb, semolina and even pasta.

There are also artificial catch baits. The bream bites well on foam plastic balls, as well as on dough balls into which a piece of thread is implanted. Then they are boiled and dried. The pellet is hooked with a protruding piece. Such a bait “works” well on the river during bottom fishing.

May is one of the best months for bream fishing. Fishing at the end of spring is often unpredictable, but this month in most regions there are two waves of bream zhor - pre-spawning and post-spawning.

Bream spawns in three stages:

  • first, a medium-sized fish spawns;
  • after it, large breams go to spawn;
  • after that, young individuals spawn.
This means that in May there are two periods when medium and large bream are preparing for spawning, and then fattening after spawning. They will be the most promising for fishing. The specific timing of these periods varies from region to region, and also depends on how early the spring was in a particular year. Most often, these two waves of zhora fall on the first and last week of May.


Good catches in May at night can be expected in coastal shallow waters up to a meter deep. The water here warms up the most, in such areas the bream can find a lot of food. During the day, the bream feeds mainly at depth in traditional perspective points - on the edges and pits.

On each reservoir, this fish has its favorite feeding places. If there is no one to ask for advice, it can be difficult to find them, but you need to know such places in order to always stay with good catches.


For bream fishing in the spring at long distances, it is better to use a feeder or a simple donk, which can be made from an inexpensive spinning rod and a spinning reel. The feeder turns out to be more catchy, as it allows you to point-feed a promising place.

If long casting is not required, a float rod will achieve good results. There is no current near the shore, and the exact feeding of the area chosen for fishing can be done by hand. Such fishing in May brings excellent results at night, in order to stay with a good catch, you must be quiet and use fireflies for floats or floats with luminous antennas.

When going to a pond in the spring for bream, it is better to take as many baits as possible with you. In this case, it will be possible to experimentally select a nozzle that will be the most catchy. You need to try baits of both animal and vegetable origin - worm, maggot, bloodworm, steamed grains and so on.

The behavior of bream in May becomes more clear than in April, but there are still many mysteries in it, and it is better to always have freedom to maneuver. In this case, the chances of pleasing this fish, which can be safely called the cherished trophy of any clover or floater, increase noticeably.

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