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The project "health-saving technologies in music classes" project on the topic. Respiratory gymnastics in music classes in a dow methodological development on the topic Health-saving technologies in a dow in music classes

Aurika Sergeeva
Health-saving technologies in music classes at preschool educational institutions

“Singing is one of those kinds musical activity, in the course of which an aesthetic attitude to life, to music, enriched by the experiences of the child, are actively formed musically- sensory abilities and especially musically auditory representations of sound relations.

N. A. Vetlugina

adult in that he is very fragile. Therefore, a careful and very careful attitude towards it is required. The singing voice is compared to musical instrument, which the child uses from an early age. The whole complex is successfully formed in singing musical ability: emotional responsiveness to music, fret feeling, musically- auditory representation, sense of rhythm. Therefore, first of all, a song repertoire should be thought out, accessible in content, simple methodically and in text. In addition, children receive various information about music acquire skills and abilities. Attention should be paid to the correct formation of vowels, on which the sound quality depends. In children of younger preschool age, small seals on the vocal cords are sometimes observed, the so-called "screamer knots". The basis of this disease is vocal overstrain and prolonged traumatization of the vocal folds. To prevent this from happening, first of all necessary:

Create a favorable atmosphere for singing hearing;

Prevent children from forcing sound, both during singing and during speaking;

Teach children to talk to each other calmly, without tension and shouting.

If the child speaks in a sonorous voice, then in singing he will have a sonorous sound. It is important that the child can hear and "feel" his voice, then he will begin to sing in a natural voice. If this does not happen, you need to resort to exercises:

speech games (develop hearing and sense of rhythm);

Finger games (connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation);

Play massage (tones the nervous system);

Igro-rhythmic exercises (contribute to the development of imagination);

Valeological songs (prepare voice for singing);

- music therapy(relieves stress and restores calm breathing).

In singing are realized musical needs of the child, since he can sing familiar favorite songs at any time of his own free will.

Compliance with elementary rules of voice and hearing hygiene;

Organization of a favorable sound atmosphere in the group and outside it;

Selection of the repertoire of children's songs, according to the age and physiological characteristics of preschoolers;

Elimination of the causes that cause disturbances in the normal voicing: timely treatment of rhenitis, diseases of the ears, upper respiratory children.

Indeed, children should be protected from colds - do not allow loud conversation in damp cold weather, and also - do not allow them to drink cold water, eat hot ice cream.

Singing is a complex process of sound formation, in which the coordination of hearing and voice is very important, i.e. the interaction of singing intonation (not fake sound) and auditory muscle sensation. Noting that a person is not just worried, remembering musical sound but always sings these sounds "About myself", with muscle tension, the Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov also emphasizes the instinctive onomatopoeia inherent in the child. “The sound or series of sounds clarified in the mind serves as a measure for the child, to which he adjusts his own sounds and, as it were, does not calm down until the measure and its likeness become identical ...”

Studies of the relationship between hearing and voice are being conducted by many scientists. Dr. E. I. Almazov, who studies the nature of a child's voice, emphasizes the special importance of a developed ear for correct vocal intonation. Analyzing the imperfect quality of children's singing, he names the reasons (hearing defects, sore throat, lack of connection between hearing and voice) and speaks of the need for timely medical examinations and treatment of these diseases.


Try to listen as often as possible music with children;

Talk to your child in an even tone without raising your voice;

Do not encourage adult songs to be sung;

Try to keep the speech mode at home and on the street.

Singing is a complex psychophysical process, the result of the function of all vital body systems. Not only "pure singing" organs, but also the cardiovascular neuroendocrine system, which respond to singing by changing the pulse, arterial blood pressure, and body temperature. With the right singing load, these changes are minor and not dangerous to the body. Even more than that, systematic singing lessons play a healing role improves breathing and blood circulation.

Only the joint efforts of the teacher and parents will help solve the problems of developing the child's voice and protecting it.

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Health-saving technologies in music classes Health-saving technologies in music classes Prepared by music director Mashchenko E.V. Musical and health-improving work.

Musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the creative and musical abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child. The system of health-saving musical and health-improving work involves the use of the following health-saving technologies in music classes: - valeological songs - chants, set a positive tone for the perception of the surrounding world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom,

Respiratory gymnastics, increases the diagnostics of the respiratory system, develops singing abilities

Articulatory gymnastics, develops high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, prepares for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

Game massage, increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

Finger games develop the child's speech, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for writing), connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking

Speech games, develop musical and speech hearing, expressiveness of speech, motor activity

Music therapy contributes to the correction of the psychophysical status of children in the process of their motor-playing activity. Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Everything is used taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child, his interests. All work is carried out jointly with speech therapists, a physical education leader, educators and always under the supervision of medical workers of the preschool educational institution.

The main form of musical activity in the preschool educational institution is music classes, during which a systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of the musical and creative abilities of each child is carried out.
Classes are held - individual, in subgroups and frontal. By content - typical, dominant, thematic, complex, integrated.
- Valeological songs - chants.
I start all my music lessons with them. Simple, kind texts "Hello" and the melody, consisting of the sounds of the major scale, cheer up, prepare the voice for singing.
For instance:
Good morning!
Good morning! (turn to each other)
Smile soon! (spread arms out to sides)
And all day today
It will be more fun. (clap hands)
We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks. (perform movements in the text)
We will be beautiful, (gradually raise their hands up, "lanterns")
Like flowers in a garden!
Let's rub our palms (movements in the text)
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
We will now rub our ears (rub their ears)
And save your health. (spread arms out to sides)
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!

Breathing exercises.
positively affects metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;
- contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system;
- improves the drainage function of the bronchi;
- restores disturbed nasal breathing;
- corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that have developed in the course of diseases.
Peripheral organs of hearing, respiration, voice, articulation are inextricably linked and interact with each other under the control of the central nervous system. Violation of the function of speech breathing is considered: lifting the chest up and retracting the abdomen on inspiration; too much breath; shortness of breath; shortening of exhalation; inability to make imperceptible addition of air; wrong posture. The essence of the developed methods for the restoration and development of this function is the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through the training of the respiratory muscles and the regulation of the respiratory center. As a result of the respiratory gymnastics at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system diagnostics and the development of the singing abilities of children increase.
For instance:
1. "Machine" (learning to gradually exhale air) I.P. - Children stand in line, take a breath ("pouring gasoline") and begin to move forward, while making lips "brrr". Children, as usual, copy the work of the motor. The winner is the one who "left" the farthest in one breath.

2. "Flower". (the exercise is aimed at achieving respiratory relaxation due to a physiological reflex, as a result of which, when inhaling through the nose, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi occurs).
I.P. - standing. Hands down. The eyes are closed. A slow breath is taken, as if the aroma of a flower is inhaled. This exercise is recommended to be performed early in the morning, facing the sun.

3. "Doggy" (hardening of the pharynx)
I.P. - standing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Make quick breathing movements, achieving cooling of the pharynx (as a dog does).
The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons are:
- strengthening the physiological breathing of children,
- Strengthening of inhalation and exhalation
- Development of expiratory duration.
- Articulation gymnastics.
Exercises contribute to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus, orientation in space, and teach imitation of animal movements. As a result of this work, indicators of the level of development of children's speech, singing skills increase, musical memory and attention improve.
For instance:
1. "Toad Kvaka" (a set of exercises for the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx)
Kvaka's toad has risen with the sun, (stretch, arms to the sides)
Yawned sweetly. (children yawn)
Chewed juicy grass (imitate chewing movements, swallow)
Yes, I ate some water.
She sat on a water lily
She sang a song:
2. "Kwa-ah-ah-ah! (pronounce sounds abruptly and loudly)
Que-e-e-! Qua-a-a-a!
Kwaki's life is good!
- Wellness and phonopedic exercises.
They are carried out to strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children, prepare them for singing, and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The developments of V. Emelyanov, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the larynx-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health-improving exercises for the throat, intonation-phonetic (correct the pronunciation of sounds and activate phonation expiration) and voice signals of pre-speech communication, games with sound.
For instance:
Four dinosaurs, hooray, hooray, hooray!
We love to sing and dance, taram-pa-ra-ra-ra!
We are funny, good, we love to fool around!
And we are busy all the time, we have no time to be sad!
Children "draw" a dinosaur with their voice, using the sequence: "O-o-a-s-and-squeak!"

Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, and tones the central nervous system. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole body, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is decreasing.
2.(Game massage)
1st point: "We came to visit the eyebrows, we found them with our fingers"
2nd point: "We found a footbridge with a finger, we jump-jump along it"
3rd point: "We sank a little lower and breathe on our fingers"
4th point: "Here we touched the neck and smiled wider"
5th point: "We need to rub the ears so as not to hurt anymore"
6th point: "Hands must be rubbed so as not to hurt anymore"
7th point: "And don't forget about the back, so that we can be slender"
Finishing the massage, the children say: We want to be cheerful, beautiful, healthy. These words are a kind of setting for them for the whole day.
- Finger games.
An important place in music lessons is occupied by finger games and fairy tales, which are performed as songs or pronounced to music. Games develop the child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for drawing, writing), combine finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking based on oral Russian folk art. The earlier children begin to actively and skillfully move their fingers, palms, show this or that action, the earlier they develop, begin to speak, speech becomes connected, emotional. Folk rhymes and songs have always accompanied the life of children. This genre is close, understandable, interesting to them.
For instance:
We looked out the window (they make a "window" with the fingers of both hands)
A cat walks along the path ("running" with the index and middle fingers of the right hand along the left hand)
With such a mustache! (showing "long mustache")
With such eyes! (show big eyes)
The cat sings a song, (clapping hands)
Calls us for a walk! (called by right hand)
- Speech games.
Speech games allow children to strengthen the vocal apparatus and master all the expressive means of music. Speech games (speech music-making) are necessary, since musical ear develops in close connection with speech hearing. In speech games, children sing or recite rhythmically in chorus, solo or duet. The basis is children's folklore. You can add musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement to the sound. Plasticity introduces the possibility of pantomime and theatricalization into speech games. The use of speech games in music classes effectively affects the development of emotional expressiveness of children's speech, motor activity.
For instance:
Rain, rain, rain in the morning. (claps alternate with slaps on the knees)
The kids are having fun! (light jumps in place)
Slap through the puddles, slap-slap. (stomps)
Clap your hands, clap, clap. (clapping)
Rain, don't water us, (they threaten with a finger)
And hurry up! (run away from the rain)
- Music therapy.
Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.
Music for the meeting of children and their free activities….
01. J.S. Bach. "Prelude in C Major".
02. J.S. Bach. "Joke".
03. I. Brahms. "Waltz".
04. A. Vivaldi "Seasons"
05. J. Haydn. "Serenade"
06. D.Kabalevsky "Clowns"
07. D.Kabalevsky "Peter and the Wolf"
08. W. A. ​​Mozart "Little Night Serenade"
09. W. A. ​​Mozart "Turkish Rondo"
10. I. Strauss "Polka" Backgammon "
Songs for children:
01. "Antoshka" V. Shainsky
02. "Bu-ra-ti-no" Y. Entin
03. "Please" A. Sanin
04. "Cheerful travelers" M. Starokadomsky
05. "We divide everything in half" V. Shainsky
06. "Long live the surprise" Y. Entin
07. "If you are kind" B. Saveliev
08. "Rays of hope and kindness" E. Voitenko
09. "A true friend" B. Savelyev
10. "A song about wizards" G. Gladkov
Music to wake up after a nap
01. L. Boccherini "Minuet"
02.E.Grieg "Morning"
03. A. Dvorak "Slavic dance"
04. Lute music of the 17th century
05.F.List "Consolation"
06. F. Mendelssohn "Song without words"
07. W. Mozart "Sonata"
08.M.Mussorgsky "Ballet of unhatched chicks"
09.M.Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"
10.K.Saint-Saens "Aquarium"
Music for relaxation
01. J.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"
02.L.Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
03.K. Gluck "Melody"
04.E.Grig "Song of Solveig"
05.K.Debussy "Moonlight"
01.N.Rimsky-Korsakov "Sea"
02.G.Sviridov "Romance"
03.K.Saint-Saens "Swan"

The success of classes is impossible without the joint activities of the music director and educator, who actively helps, organizes independent music-making of children in a group.
Thus, the results of musical and recreational work are:
- increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
- the stability of the emotional well-being of each child
- increasing the level of speech development
- decrease in morbidity
- stability of physical and mental performance

1. Arsenevskaya O.N. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" Volgograd, "Teacher", 2009.
2. Vetlugina N.A. "Methods of musical education". (M. "Enlightenment" 1976)
3. Campbell.D. "The Mozart Effect". (M.1999)
4. Kovalko V.I. Health saving technologies. (Moscow, "VAKO", - 2004)
5. Sirotyuk A.L. "Development of the intellect of preschoolers" (creative center. M 2001)

Music lessons contribute to the overall development of the child's personality.
The relationship between all aspects of education is rallied in the process of various types and forms of musical activity. Emotional responsiveness and a developed ear for music allows children to respond to good feelings and deeds in accessible forms, help to activate mental activity and, constantly improving movements, will develop preschoolers physically.
Music perceived by the auditory receptor, affects the general condition of the entire body of the child, causes reactions associated with changes in blood circulation and respiration. V.M. Bekhterev, emphasizing this feature, proved that if you establish the mechanism of the influence of music on the body, then you can cause or weaken excitation. P.I. Anokhin, studying the issues of the influence of a major or minor scale on well-being, concluded that the melodic and rhythmic components of music have a positive effect on a person’s work capacity and rest.
Singing develops vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, improves speech, promotes the development of vocal-auditory coordination. The correct posture of the chanters regulates and deepens breathing. The musical rhythm of the movement improves the child's posture, coordination, develops the clarity of walking and ease of running. The dynamics and tempo of a piece of music require, in movements, to change the speed, degree of tension, amplitude and direction accordingly. Music, accompanying morning exercises and physical exercises, activates children, significantly improves the quality of their exercises. The sounding piece of music increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory systems of the body. When performing exercises with musical accompaniment, pulmonary ventilation improves, the amplitude of respiratory movements increases. Also develops musicality in children, emotional responsiveness, hearing. The child learns to perceive music, to move in accordance with its character, means of expression. Thus, music is one of the means of physical development of children. And the health of a child is not only the absence of disease and physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.
So health improvement of children becomes a priority in kindergarten. The most ancient sources testify to the healing power of music. So Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato believed that music restores the harmony broken by illness in the human body. A thousand years ago, the physician Avicenna treated patients with nervous and mental illnesses with music. Musical and recreational work in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the musical and creative abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child.
Phonopedic exercises
Exercise "Caprice"
I won't clean up! I won't eat!
The whole I will whine, do not listen to anyone!
Then the children first shout: "Ah!",
then they howl: “Whoo!”,
and then they squeal: “I-and!”
We bought a rubber Zina in a store, brought a rubber Zina in a basket. A. Barto.
Consonants are pronounced on the exhale easily and quietly.
She said: -Shhhh!
Then she said: - S-s-s-s!
Then she said: -X-x-x-x!
Then wearily: - F-f-f-f!
Then so strangely: - K-k-k-k!
And so usually: - T-t-t-t!
Then lightly: - P-p-p-p!
And very firmly: - B-b-b-b!
Music therapy
Today, modern scientists identify musical works that have a positive effect on the emotional state of the child.
Music for the meeting of children and their free activities - Classical works:
1. Bach I. "Prelude in C", "Joke".
2. Vivaldi A. "The Seasons".
3. Haydn I. "Serenade".
4. Kabalevsky D. "Clowns", "Peter and the Wolf".
5. Lyadov A. "Musical snuffbox".
6. Mozart V. "Little Night Serenade", "Turkish Rondo".
7. Mussorgsky M. "Pictures at an Exhibition".
8. Rubinstein A. "Melody".
9. Sviridov G. "Military March".
10. Tchaikovsky P. "Children's Album", "The Seasons", "The Nutcracker" (excerpts from the ballet).
Songs for children:
1. "Be kind" (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky).
2. "Merry Travelers" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadomsky).
3. “We divide everything in half” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky).
4. “Where Wizards Live” (from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard”, Y. Entin, M. Minkov).
5. “If you are kind” (from the m / f “The Adventures of the Cat Leopold”, M. Plyatskovsky).
6. "Winged swing" (from the movie "Adventures of Electronics", Y. Entin, G. Gladkov).
7. "Rays of hope and kindness" (element and music. E. Voitenko).
8. “A true friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).
9. "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).
10. "A song about wizards" (V. Lugovoy, G. Gladkov).
11. “Song of a brave sailor” (from the film “Blue Puppy”, Y. Entin, G. Gladkov).
Music for waking up after a nap - Classics:
1. Boccherini L. "Minuet".
2. Grieg E. "Morning".
3. Dvorak A. "Slavic dance".
4. Lute music of the 17th century.
5. Sheet F. "Consolations".
6. Mendelssohn F. "Song without words".
7. Mozart W. Sonatas.
8. Mussorgsky M. "Ballet of unhatched chicks",
"Dawn on the Moscow River".
9. Saint - Sane K. "Aquarium".
10. Tchaikovsky P. "Waltz of the Flowers", "Winter Morning",
"Song of the Lark".
11. Shostakovich D. "Romance".
12. Schumann R. “May, dear May!”.
a set of preventive exercises "FUN FOREST JOURNEY"
The locomotive brought us to the forest.
Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo! (walking with arms bent at the elbows)
It's full of wonders.
(surprisedly pronounce “mmm” on the exhale, while simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with your fingers)
Here comes the angry hedgehog: P-f-f-f, p-f-f-f, p-f-f-f!
(bend over low, clasping his chest with his hands - a hedgehog curled up into a ball)
Where is the nose? You won't understand. F-f-r! F-f-r! F-f-r!
Here is a cheerful bee that brought honey to children. Z-z-z! Z-z-z! She sat on our elbow, Z-z-z! Z-z-z!
Flew on the toe. Z-z-z! Z-z-z! (Sound and look guide through the text)
The donkey scared the bee: Y-ah! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah! He shouted to the whole forest: Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah!
(strengthening the ligaments of the larynx, prevention of snoring)
Geese fly across the sky, Geese buzz to the donkey:
G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u!
(slow walking, raise wing arms while inhaling, lower with sound)
Tired? You need to rest, sit down and yawn sweetly.
(children sit on the carpet and yawn several times, thereby stimulating
laryngo-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity)
Habitual types of musical activities that develop the child's creative abilities and musicality can be diversified with health benefits. Start music lessons with a life-affirming valeological chant that gives a positive attitude for the whole day.
Listening to music and learning lyrics can be interspersed with play massage or finger play, passive music therapy. Before singing songs, do breathing, articulatory gymnastics, health exercises for the throat and vocal cords in order to prevent colds. It is better to accompany speech games with musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments, and combine dance improvisation with music therapy.
Conducting integrated music and valeological classes, Allows you to tell your child about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, about the need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Modern methods of health saving in music classes help to ensure a more careful attitude to the physical and spiritual health of children, to identify and develop the musical abilities and creative potential of each child.
Valeological knowledge gained in the classroom will contribute to the formation of the habit of living in harmony with oneself and the world around.

Master Class

"The use of non-traditional forms of health-saving technologies in the musical activities of preschool educational institutions, in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard."


Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the application of health-saving technologies in musical activity.


To reveal the importance of health-saving technologies;

Familiarize yourself with the methodology of their implementation;

preschoolers in musical activities;

To disseminate pedagogical experience on the application

health-saving technologies;

To acquaint teachers with the elements of health-saving technologies in music classes in order to improve their professional competence.

Master class progress

Good afternoon, dear teachers! Today I would like to give you a master class on the use of health-saving technologies in music classes at a preschool educational institution.

I want to start our meeting with an introduction. And so that we get to know each other better, let's play. I suggest you stand in a circle. The one who has the ball in his hands calls his name and an adjective starting with the first letter of his name, which would characterize him in interaction with other people. For example, NATALIA - PERSISTENT, Marina - peaceful, etc.


So, we met, and we can start our master class, I suggest you sit down.

Today, the Federal State Educational Standards dictate new conditions, new rules, the emphasis is on the comprehensive development of the child and, of course, on the use of health-saving technologies in all types of activities.

And we will start with point gymnastics "Be healthy", which we use with children in almost all music classes. This gymnastics is very effective during the period of exacerbation of morbidity in children, especially since children can perform it on their own at home.

Sit back and let's start ... (calm relaxing music sounds)

Children's acupressure is done no longer than 15 minutes. It is carried out with the help of pressure and rotational movements in different directions. If the manipulations have a preventive purpose, then the effect should be weak, the therapeutic one should be stronger.

Dot Area of ​​influence Result
1 It stimulates a speedy recovery and active excretion of sputum when coughing, bronchitis. Improves blood circulation.
2 Thymus region The larynx is strengthened. The work of the thymus gland is normalized, the ability of the body's resistance to infectious diseases increases.
3 Under the ear, in the lower jaw Acupressure of this zone normalizes the child's metabolism, the process of blood circulation, its hormonal and chemical composition. Contributes to: strengthening the protective functions of the pharynx, larynx, the disappearance of hoarseness, improving the voice.
4 Neck behind the ear The protective functions of the posterior surface of the pharynx and larynx are stimulated, the metabolism is activated throughout the body. There is a normalization of vegetovascular tone. Stops spinning and headaches.
5 Zone 1 of the thoracic and 7 cervical joints of the spine

The protective functions of the respiratory organs (bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx), esophagus, as well as the cardiovascular system are strengthened.

6 Two symmetrical areas at the base of the wings of the nose Acupressure of this zone activates the pituitary gland. There is a stimulation of the protective functions of the nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses. The development of the child's speech accelerates, ear pain disappears, stuttering is prevented, and the imbalance of the vestibular apparatus decreases.
7 Paired zones located at the beginning of the eyebrows Improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity, vision. Eliminates strabismus. Headaches go away. Attention and memory are activated.
8 Points on the ears, between the shell and the face With the help of massage, hearing, the nervous system are improved, body weight and height are normalized.
9 "Clothespins" - pinch the ears from top to bottom There is a general strengthening of all organs
10 "Cheburashka" - pull the ears up, down, to the sides general strengthening of the body
11 On the hands, between the index and thumb brain stimulation
12 Point between the eyebrows (third eye) Stimulates mental activity, brain function, strengthens the immune system
13 The point of the "grain" of the bone at the base of the nose Improves nasal breathing, blood circulation
14 Point on the chin from stress and fear Improves the functioning of the nervous system and the whole body

Manipulations must be performed strictly in sequence from the first point to the last. Massage of paired points is carried out simultaneously. If some movements were unpleasant for you, then you need to reduce the force of the impact. If you experience pain, you need to check the organs corresponding to these points, and act on the places themselves more often, bringing their sensitivity to normal.

The next stage of our master class will be kudalini yoga. This form combines several activities - stretching, relaxation and rhythmoplasty. Yoga for kids is very much like a game where kids explore their body by transforming into animals, plants and objects. All exercises are recommended to be performed with your eyes closed.

(Relaxing music playing)

Exercise "Om" - hands are folded at the heart center, we pronounce om and listen to the vibration of the whole body.

1 exercise - “Head” - turns the head to the right and left, inhale to the right, exhale to the left, abdominal breathing is used.

2 exercise - "Riding a camel" - I.p. sitting, on the inhale we stretch and open the chest forward, on the exhale we round the back, imitating the swaying when riding a camel.

Exercise 3 - “Curtains” - we focus only on the otter, crossing the arms in front of us.

Exercise 4 - “Candle” - calm breathing, hands folded palm to palm above the head, palms open, simulating the burning of a candle.

Exercise 5 - “Candle from behind” - hands are folded palm to palm behind the back.

Exercise 6 - “Arrow” - hands stretch forward palm to palm, simulating the flight of an arrow.

Exercise 7 - “Eagle” - hands to the sides, one palm looks up, the other looks down, we change hands in turn.

8 exercise - "Tree" - I.p. - standing on one leg, the second is pressed to the other leg, we press our hands on inhalation, palm to palm above our head, on exhalation, we open, the movements are repeated several times.

Exercise 9 - “Waterfall” - we raise our hands up on the inhale, lower them down on the exhale, imitating a falling waterfall. After doing the exercises, it is recommended to sit quietly and listen to your breathing, driving away extraneous thoughts, like passing clouds.

When developing this complex of respiratory gymnastics, I took into account:

  • the effectiveness of each exercise for the improvement of children in a preschool institution;
  • accessible degree of complexity of exercises for children of different ages;
  • the degree of influence of exercises on strengthening the respiratory muscles, ventilation of all parts of the lungs, development of the upper respiratory tract.

So let's get started... to begin with, let's take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

Exercise 1 - “Breathe through different nostrils” - inhale through the right exhale through the left nostril, in turn close one or the other nostril with your finger.

Exercise 2 - "Breath of Fire" - quickly breathe through the nose, while using the abdominal breathing of yogis.

Exercise 3 - “Kits” - hands in front of the chest, like the paws of a cat, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose, sniff meat, fish, milk.

Exercise 4 - “Pump” - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, imitate pumping up the wheels.

Exercise 5 "Balls" - inhale raise your hands up, exhale lower down to the sound "s".

6 exercise "Shepherd" - blow your nose into a small pipe as loudly as possible to call the cows scattered in different directions; show the child that it is necessary to inhale through the nose and exhale sharply into the pipe.

7 exercise - "Pendulum" - sit down in Turkish, hands on the back of the head; inhale calmly (pause for 3 seconds), lean forward - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale (3-4 times).

Exercise 8 - "Hunting" - close your eyes and determine by smell what kind of object is in front of you (orange, perfume, apple, jam, etc.)

Exercise 9 - “Cannon” - inhale raise your hands up, hold your breath, accumulating all the negativity that has accumulated in you, exhale lower your hands to the fluff syllable, freeing yourself from all negativity.


Dear colleagues, today we have worked fruitfully and got acquainted with some health-saving technologies that I use in my practice. And now I want to give you booklets as a memento of our meeting, which will serve as a hint in your work.

Our memory retains 100% of the information:

10% - what we hear;

50% is what we see;

90% is what we do.

Introduce more actions into your educational activities, create, invent, and only success will always await you and your students.

Good luck to all!

Thank you for your attention!

Evgenia Zakharova
Health-saving technologies in the work of the musical director of the preschool educational institution


The primary task of our state is education healthy lifestyle in children and adolescents. In most educational institutions in Russia, upbringing and education related to protection and development are put forward as a priority. child health.

In connection with the new standards, the optimization of the preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical child health requiring implementation health-saving technologies in all educational areas, including the artistic and aesthetic educational area.

(slide 1)

Care for health is one of the most important tasks of every person. Topic health relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. But even more relevant is the question of the state children's health. (slide 2)

Term « health-saving educational technologies» can be considered as a qualitative characteristic of any educational technologies, is a set of those principles, techniques, methods of pedagogical work, which, complementing the traditional technologies education and upbringing, endow them with a sign health saving. TO health-saving technologies pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies, the use of which is beneficial child health and that do not cause direct or indirect harm.

The teachers of our kindergarten, including us - music directors, we are trying to comprehensively solve the problems of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, actively introducing into this process the most effective health saving technologies. Building OD « Musical activities» , we focus on the special development of the ability of a natural, joyful existence in the process musical activity: removal of internal clamps, setting the breath, motor emancipation of the child. As a result of such pedagogical methods work with children, their interested, friendly attitude towards each other, their openness and readiness to perceive everything new becomes.

Main form musical activities in our preschool educational institution - musical activity, during which a systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of musical and creativity of every child. The system is intended to be used on each music lesson of the following health-saving technologies(slide 3)

Speech with movement;

Finger gymnastics and game massage;


Breathing exercises;

Articulation gymnastics;

wellness and phonopedic exercises;

Valeological songs-chants;

Rhythmoplasty and logorhythmics

Fairy tale therapy and music therapy.

Speech and movement or speech games. (slide 4)

musical Hearing develops in close connection with speech hearing. We use speech games by T. Borovik and T. Tyutyunnikova, children sing or rhythmically recite the text in chorus, solo or duet. The basis is children's folklore. Speech with movement:

Stimulates the development of speech

Develops spatial thinking

Develops attention, imagination

Cultivates quick reaction and emotional expressiveness.

Finger games. (slide 6)

important place in musical classes are occupied with finger games and fairy tales, which are performed as songs or pronounced under music.

Games develop the child's speech,

driving qualities,

Improve attention and memory

Increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for drawing, writing,

Connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation,

Form figurative-associative thinking.

Psychogymnastics. (slide 8)

Psycho-gymnastics is directed on the:

Relieve psychological tension, reduce muscle fatigue;

Reduce aggression, help overcome fear, shyness, develop self-confidence;

Develop communication skills;

Improve tactile memory;

Increase group cohesion;

To develop the ability to coordinate interaction;

Form verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

To form positive personal qualities in the child's behavior (sociability, the ability to calculate one's strength, the education of self-control, courage, determination, initiative, perseverance, modesty, self-criticism, responsiveness, camaraderie, etc.);

To form positive emotions, friendliness, the ability to communicate with peers, work in a team;

To increase the level of arbitrariness of children's actions, motor creativity;

To form the ability to subordinate their desires to general requirements and rules when performing various tasks.

Breathing exercises (slide 10)

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;

Contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi;

Restores disturbed nasal breathing;

corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that have developed in the course of diseases. Peripheral organs of hearing, respiration, voice, articulation are inextricably linked and interact with each other and are under the control of the central nervous system. Violation of the function of speech breathing counts: lifting the chest up and retracting the abdomen while inhaling; too much breath; shortness of breath; shortening of exhalation; inability to make imperceptible addition of air; wrong posture. essence developed methods for the restoration and development of this function - in the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through the training of the respiratory muscles and adjustment work of the respiratory center.

Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body. The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself.

Proper breathing stimulates work of the heart, brain and nervous system, relieves a person of many diseases. Slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability.

As a result of the respiratory gymnastics at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system diagnostics and the development of the singing abilities of children increase. We use the breathing exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

Articulation gymnastics. (slide 13)

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises, some of which help to improve the mobility of the organs of articulation, others - to increase the volume and strength of movements, others develop the accuracy of the posture of the lips, tongue, necessary for pronouncing a particular sound.

Reasons why you need to practice articulation gymnastics:

1. Thanks to timely classes in articulation gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with complex speech disorders will be able to overcome their speech defects faster when they begin to work with them speech therapist: Their muscles will already be prepared.

3. Articulation gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct, but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have "porridge in the mouth".

It must be remembered that a clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to sing and write at the initial stage.

Phonopedic exercises and games (slide 14)

They are carried out to strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children, prepare them for singing, and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Developments B. Emelyanov, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the laryngo-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity.

V health-improving throat exercises, intonation-phonetic (correct pronunciation of sounds and activate phonation exhalation) and voice signals of pre-verbal communication, games with sound.

Valeological songs - chants. (slide 16)

I start almost everything with them. music lessons. Simple, kind texts and major character music cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the surrounding world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom, prepare the voice for singing.

Valeological songs-chants children quickly learn, quickly remember and show more interest in a short song. Available for perception, they play an important role in the prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases, strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children and prepare them for singing.

Fairy tale therapy. (slide 17)

Fairy tale therapy is the treatment of preschool children with fairy tales.

Probably, there is no such child who does not like fairy tales. From time immemorial, people have used the psychotherapeutic effect of fairy tales to convey knowledge about life. The meaning of the fairy tale, its plot, morality and characters of the characters carry a valuable moral value, influencing the consciousness of the kids. Without a fairy tale, a child does not have a dream, there is no that magical land where wishes come true.

This method allows solving a number of problems that arise in children of preschool, primary school and other ages.

Develops the child's intellectual and imaginative thinking;

Reveals the soul of the child, helps to establish contact;

Develops the child's imagination and liberates him;

Helps to correct the child's behavior (remove aggression, guilt, lies, etc.);

In addition, the process of fairy tale therapy allows the child to actualize and realize his problems, as well as to see different ways to solve them.

Perceiving a fairy tale, the child, on the one hand, compares himself with a fairy-tale hero, and this allows him to feel and understand that not only he has such problems and experiences. On the other hand, through unobtrusive fairy-tale images, the child is offered ways out of various difficult situations, ways to resolve conflicts that have arisen, positive support for his abilities and self-confidence. In this case, the child identifies himself with a positive hero. This happens not because the preschooler is so well versed in human relationships, but because the position of the hero is more attractive compared to other characters. This allows the child to learn the correct moral standards and values, to distinguish between good and evil.

Rhythmoplasty (according to A. I. Burenina) (slide 18)

The main focus is the psychological emancipation of the child through the development of his own body as expressive ( « musical» ) tool. Musically-rhythmic movements develop ear for music, and motor abilities, as well as those mental processes that underlie them. Promotes:

Improve communication skills.

Develop endurance, strength;

Form the correct posture;

Increased jumping ability and mobility of the joints;

Improves coordination of movements.

Develop musically rhythmic ability, sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, ability to coordinate movement with music.

short-term musically- rhythmic movements music, cause excitation of other parts of the brain, increase blood circulation and create favorable conditions for rest for previously excited parts.

Liberates the child psychologically;

Helps to enrich the emotional sphere of preschool children;

And finally, in rhythmoplasty, how health-saving technology, include special relaxation classes. This is necessary to ensure the rest of the child's body in a short time.

Music therapy and relaxation. (slide 19)

Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, restores calm breathing. Music therapy conducted by preschool teachers throughout the day - children are met, put to bed, raised after a daytime sleep

under the respective music, use it as a background for classes, free activities.

Music, which sounds in the classroom, is specially selected, arranged for children, the instruments are also selected, soft-sounding, beneficial, with quiet dynamics. Relaxation involves all the senses in children;

Music therapy will have a beneficial effect on the general emotional state of children, increase the emotional status of children, if will:

1. Favorable conditions have been created for classes with children music therapy;

2. Thought out methodological tricks: special musical exercises, games, tasks;

3. Installed integration musical impact with other activities.

We have selected special musical works and recommendations for use music therapy in the daily life of the kindergarten.

Morning reception in kindergarten Mozart's music. Being an exception to

exceptions music Mozart has a releasing, healing, healing effect. This music encourages close contact between an adult and a child, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, love and ensures psychological well-being.

Options music for the morning reception may be the following works:

1. "Morning" (music by Grieg from the suite"Peer Gynt").

2. "Scherzo" (modern pop orchestra)

3. Musical compositions(Paul Mauriat Orchestra)

4. Processing for Russian folk orchestra ( "Lady", "Kamarinskaya", "Kalinka")

5. Saint-Saens "Animal Carnival" (Symphony Orchestra)

Musically-therapeutic session (lesson health, five minutes health, wellness break).

Each musically- Therapeutic session consists of 3 phases:

1. Establishing contact.

2. Relieve stress.

3. Relaxation and charge with positive emotions.

Accordingly, each of these stages includes characteristic musical works, games, studies and exercises. Musical works must be chosen in such a way that music contacted the child, corresponded to his emotional state ( "isoprinciple"- a similar emotion is treated with a similar one music). That is, if we are dealing with excited children, then the emphasis should be on the exciting music.

First musical the work creates a certain atmosphere, establishes contacts between adults and children, prepares for further listening. As a rule, this is a calm work that has

relaxing action. For instance, "Ave Maria", Bach-Gounod, "Blue Danube", Strauss Jr.

The second work is tense and dynamic in nature, which shows the general mood of children, bears the main load, stimulates intense emotions, and provides emotional relief. In particular, "Summer. Presto" from the cycle "Seasons" Vivaldi, "Little Night Serenade" Mozart, which contribute to the removal of aggressive impulses and physical aggression.

The third work relieves stress, creates an atmosphere of peace. It is usually calm, relaxing, or energetic, life-affirming, giving a charge of vivacity, energy and optimism. For instance, "Minuet" baccherini, "Ode to Joy" Beethoven "Spanish Capriccio" Rimsky-Korsakov. I select specific works for my program based on the matrix of coding emotional states through music, developed by. AND. Petrushin:

Daytime sleep passes under a quiet, calm music. It is known that sleep

is considered as a manifestation of the complexly organized activity of a number of brain structures. Hence its most important role in providing neuropsychic children's health. Music provides during sleep healing therapeutic impact. Daytime sleep may be accompanied by the following musical works:

1. Piano solo (Kleiderman and Symphony Orchestra).

2. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

3. Beethoven, Sonata No. 14 "Lunar".

4. Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria".

5. Lullaby melody "For the dream to come"(series "Good music for children» ).

Music for the evening time contributes to the removal

accumulated fatigue, stressful situations during the day. It calms, relaxes, normalizes blood pressure and work nervous system of the child's body. For this you can use the following melodies:

1. "Classic melodies for children and their parents"(a series "Good music for children» ).

2. Mendelssohn "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra".

3. Music for health("Lungs").

4. Bach "Organ Works".

5. A. Vivaldi "Seasons".

results musical and recreational work(slide 20)

Increasing the level of development musical and creative abilities of children;

The stability of the emotional well-being of each child;

Increasing the level of speech development;

Decreased morbidity;

Physical and mental stability performance in all seasons of the year, regardless of the weather.


1. System musical and recreational work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises / ed. - comp. O. N. Arsenevskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

2. Health saving preschool educational space institutions: designing, trainings, classes / comp. N. I. Krylova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

3. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institution aut. E. V. Mikheeva.

5. Health modern preschoolers. ed. M. A. Rudnova

6. Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises for children. M. N. Shchetinin - Iris-press, 2007.

7. Vetlugina N. A. "Method musical education» . (M. "Education" 1976)

8. Kostina E. P. Program "Fork" (Nizhny Novgorod, 2001)

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