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What social package is guaranteed by the state. The employee's social package - what does it include. What is included in the social package

Often in the job description, employers indicate the benefits of working in a company with a social package.

Social package, what is it? Under this concept, it is customary to understand a set of certain compensations, additional bonuses that the employer is ready to provide to the employee when working in the company.

Labor legislation does not contain the definition of "social package", therefore there is no clear list of what the social package includes. Some employers include in this concept sick leave, vacation pay, official "white" salary, overtime compensation.

But do not confuse what a social package is when applying for a job. Despite the fact that not all employers comply with the law, all of the above are not additional bonuses of working in a particular company, but are provided for by labor legislation. Thus, it is more correct to call it not a social package, but social guarantees that are provided to each employee. So what is a social package? Let's figure it out.

What is included in the social package?

You can consider the social package as a set of social guarantees provided for by labor legislation, and bonuses that the employer provides to its employees in excess of these guarantees. In this case, we can say that the full social package is:

  • Guarantees that are provided in accordance with the law;
  • Compensation that is provided to an employee in connection with difficult or harmful working conditions;
  • Bonuses that the employer is additionally willing to provide to the employee.

Many employers believe that the employee’s social package includes precisely additional “care” for the employee, that is, the guarantees provided for by law are not included in this concept. It is worth remembering that the employer is not obliged to provide the employee with additional bonuses. If the employer indicated the presence of a social package in the vacancy, then the employee has the right to ask at the interview what is included in the employee's social package.

For its part, the employer has the right to independently decide what to include in the social package for employees. So, social package: what does it include? Typically, employers provide employees with:

  • payment for a subscription to a sports club;
  • VHI policy;
  • food at the expense of the employer;
  • tuition fees (for example, foreign language courses);
  • granting preferential vouchers;
  • payment, provision of housing, etc.

Why is this method of employee compensation so popular lately? The social package is a powerful tool for motivating employees. Each employer uses their own motivation options depending on a number of factors: corporate culture, strategic objectives and goals. However, when combining various tools when building a general motivation system, it must be remembered that it is advisable to use additional tools only when the basic material expectations of employees in terms of wages are met.

Types of social packages

Often the benefits package may differ for employees: it may depend on the position held by the employee, or on the length of service in the company. The employer has the right to differentiate bonuses and determine in which case the employee receives certain privileges. For example, to establish what includes a full social package and divide bonuses for different categories of employees.

This can be a clear structure of benefits: the employee knows what is included in the full social package, and that after his work experience in the company exceeds, for example, two years, he will be paid for foreign language training and a subscription to a fitness club, and a full social package will be provided to him upon reaching five years of work experience in the company.

In addition, the issue of providing a social package can be decided individually with the employer: for example, a nonresident employee may be offered full payment for housing, and an employee who takes a long time to get to work - a corporate car.

Don't underestimate giving extra privileges to employees - it's actually very important. Employees of the company are the main resource of the organization, the care of the employer about the employee significantly increases his loyalty to the company. In addition, corporate employee training, for example, is beneficial not only to employees, but also to the employer himself.

In Russia, certain categories of citizens are granted the right to receive a set of social services (NSS). In addition to the provided benefits for pensioners, the receipt of which is guaranteed regardless of the disability group or the presence of any additional preferential status, some categories of pensioners are entitled to receive NSI.

  1. Provision of necessary medicines for medical use on prescriptions for medicines, medical devices on prescriptions for medical devices, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for children with disabilities.
  2. Providing, if there are medical indications, vouchers for sanatorium treatment. As a rule, the period of sanatorium treatment in a sanatorium is 18 days (with the exception of disabled children who are entitled to a voucher to a sanatorium lasting 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of injuries of the spinal cord and brain - from 24 to 42 days).
  3. Free pass on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

How can a pensioner opt out of a social package?

  • The first one is the provision of medicines, as well as medical devices prescribed by a doctor. This part also includes the provision of sanatorium treatment or recreation;
  • the second - the transport component - is designed to provide free travel to the place of treatment, both by suburban railway transport and international travel.
  1. Medicines prescribed by a doctor, in the amount of 716.40 rubles.
  2. Sanatorium or resort treatment for medical reasons, in the amount of 110.83 rubles.
  3. Travel by transport: suburban railway or international, in case of need for treatment - 102.86 rubles.

Social package 2020: size, what is included and how to refuse the social package

When assigning a pension, the social package is automatically provided in kind, and if the pensioner wishes to receive its monetary equivalent in 2020, the application must be submitted strictly before October 1, 2020. If a citizen has already submitted such an application earlier, a second application to the FIU will be required only if his decision is changed.

For certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, various social packages are provided, which include the right to additional monthly material support. It will go into social package for the disabled WWII, due to an injury received during the hostilities, as well as to minor prisoners of German camps. The right to receive such an additional payment is provided regardless of the place of residence. The amount of the allowance is one thousand rubles.

What is a social package when applying for a job and what does it include

Many successful businesses even create their own gyms for their employees. As a rule, they are located near production or office premises, where employees can work out completely free of charge. But most often for ordinary workers they provide free vouchers and interest-free loans.

Half of what is offered by employers does not fall into this category. So, medical insurance, payment of sick leaves, annual and maternity leave, contributions to the pension fund - these are all requirements indicated by law in relation to the employer. Even spending on personal transport, vocational training and mobile communications is just compensation for the employee's personal funds.

What is a social package and what does it include

  1. Involvement of personnel in cooperation with the company (expressed in the provision of a package of services, such as free medical insurance, travel expenses, communications);
  2. Withholding (providing benefits and services beyond what is a standard set for most businesses. For example: contributions to a pension fund, preferential mortgage lending);
  3. Motivation (providing a service or benefit that will force the employee to stay at the enterprise. This may be paying for vacations, providing vouchers or places in kindergartens for employees' children).

In the difficult conditions of the modern economy, while searching for and applying for a job, a person now looks not only at the level of future income, but also at what the social package offered by the employer will be. Benefits in a company or enterprise are compensatory and mandatory.

Social package when applying for a job: what does it include

In Russia, the provision of professional medical care is organized according to a medical policy, which contains a list of services provided. But situations arise when an expensive operation is necessary, and the policy becomes useless. You can get a quota for treatment. True, this path is not short. The patient must be carefully diagnosed, be registered with a specialized doctor for a certain time, and be sent periodically for hospitalization. All this is necessary to prove the need to provide a quota for treatment. After confirmation, you must contact the local Department of Health and with a package of documents:

  • providing the employee with optimal and comfortable working conditions;
  • provision of annual sanatorium-resort rest and treatment;
  • providing free medicines and paying sick leave to an employee;
  • provision of food at the expense of the company;
  • payment for business trips, transport travel at the expense of the company,
  • payment for employee training or advanced training courses;
  • payment for a mobile network at the expense of a company or firm.

Main parameters of the social package in 2020

If one person is eligible for several benefits at once, then he will not be able to receive all of them, so you will have to choose only one. In this case, such an allowance is usually chosen, the amount of which is the highest. You can receive these payments even if a Russian citizen lives outside the country, and this is done through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the Second World War who received certain injuries while in concentration camps may receive a social package or a payment in the amount of five hundred rubles. To receive these funds, you must apply with a special application to the authorities that are involved in the calculation and payment of various pensions.

What is a social package and what does it include

  • Paid training. This can be either studying at a university (obtaining a higher profile education), or continuing education courses, etc.
  • Compensation for the cost of gasoline spent to get to the place of work, or organizing the transportation of employees to the enterprise, for example, using a bus that brings people to work in the morning and takes them home in the evening.
  • Provision of housing for non-residents. Some employers may even buy an apartment for a valuable specialist with the condition that he will be required to work for the company for a certain number of years.
  • The presence of a canteen with free meals or delivery of meals from a restaurant.
  • Various ways of organizing leisure time - corporate bowling and billiard games, sports events, boat trips, dance evenings, etc.
  • Paid subscriptions to the fitness center, swimming pool.
  • Opportunity to go to a sanatorium or resort at the expense of the organization.
  • Voluntary health insurance - some firms enter into contracts with paid centers, which allows employees to receive free medical care (for example, dental) with virtually no queues.
  • Loans for the purchase of housing. Interest-free loans.
  • Corporate trainings, master classes, as well as additional education, such as foreign language classes.
  • Supplement up to the size of the average monthly earnings for the period of sick leave or maternity leave.
  • Gifts for the holidays, tickets for Christmas trees for employees' children.
  • Cash payments in connection with significant events - a wedding, the birth of a child, the death of a relative.
  • Medicines and preparations, medical devices, specialized medical nutrition for disabled children - the above is issued by prescription, if, for example, the required medicine is included in the legally defined list.
  • Treatment and rest in health-improving institutions - to obtain a voucher, you will need the conclusion of a medical commission and recommendations.
  • Possibility to go for treatment by means of railway transport, both suburban and intercity. It is assumed that the beneficiary has the right to get to the place and return back.

Social assistance for pensioners

The application and income statement must be submitted in original. Photocopies are taken from the rest of the documents, which must be certified by the applicant. A citizen can appear with an appeal to the social protection authorities personally or authorize his legal representative to do so.

As for the allowance, this social assistance can be guaranteed at the federal and regional levels. The federal supplement must equate the payment up to the threshold in force in a particular subject of the federation, but cannot be higher than the minimum pension benefit in the country. The regional supplement is guaranteed by the regional authority, provided with funds from the local budget, and may exceed the average pension in Russia.

Social package: about all sides from all sides

Compensatory - reimburses the staff for the costs associated with the performance of official duties. For example, if an employee, in view of his work, communicates a lot on a personal phone, but the company does not provide a work phone. In such cases, the employer includes a payment point for the services of mobile operators in the social package.

  • additional pension provision;
  • corporate events;
  • raising the level of qualifications;
  • free meals during work;
  • providing vouchers to a sanatorium / recreation center together with family members (or only for relatives);
  • health insurance;
  • the ability to buy company products at a discount;
  • reward with gifts;
  • subscription to the gym, business center, etc.
05 Jul 2018 1398

Social package, provided by the employer, for many job seekers is still not entirely clear phrase. Very often, they take advantage of the fact that the employee does not fully understand their rights, and they include their direct obligations in relation to the employee (providing him with certain benefits), prescribed in the laws, to the social package. Sometimes the reverse situation is also possible - not knowing what can be included and what is not in the social package, the job seeker, having heard that the employer does not provide the social package, or that it is small, the potential refuses promising. In this regard, when choosing a place of employment, it is very important to understand what a social package is, as well as what may be included in it.

The concept of a social package

First of all, it must be said right away that the social package is not provided by all employers, since it is not provided for in the legislation as a direct obligation of the employer. At the same time, if an organization provides its employees with a social package, this indicates its viability, financial reliability, as well as care in relation to.

Thus giving definition of social package, we can say that this is a set (most often, all kinds of material payments) provided by the employer to its employees on a voluntary basis, in order to attract promising employees to their organization, to demonstrate care for them, as well as to form a positive image of the organization in the business sphere and on labor market. I would like to note that the provision of a social package is the right of the employer, and not his obligation, therefore, it is impossible to require the organization to provide a social package to the employee. In addition, it must be remembered that there is no mandatory set of social package - one employer can provide more benefits included in the social package, and the other less. This issue is also left to the discretion of the employer.

In addition, one cannot fail to say that when familiarizing yourself with the list of benefits and payments, you should be careful and remember that sometimes, in order to mislead the potential, employers include mandatory, compensation and provided by law in the list of social package payments. This trick allows you to make the social package more impressive and solid. In this regard, it should be remembered that the employer must provide all categories of employees are paid annually, make contributions to the Pension Fund, pay sick leave for illness and injury from an accident, pay material benefits in case of disability, etc.

This is the legally established minimum that the employer must certainly provide to the employee, and this list is not included in the social package. At the same time, if an employer, for example, pays a sick leave at an increased rate (more than 100%), then this will already be considered a payment included in the social package. Also, it should be remembered that the set of social package within the same organization may vary, depending on the position of a particular employee, as well as on his length of service - some may have more social package, others less.

Also, it must be remembered that all benefits and payments listed in the social package must be included in the contract concluded between the employer and the employee, or must be listed in the appendix to the employment contract. Only in this case, if certain benefits are not provided, the employee will have the right to demand that they be provided. Also, only when the list of the social package is included in the employment contract, the content of this list cannot be changed without the consent of the employee. In addition, it should be noted that by providing an employee with an extensive social package, the employer has the right to set the conditions under which the listed benefits will be provided.

In this regard, it seems necessary to get acquainted not only with the content of the social package itself, but also with the conditions for its provision. It must be remembered that some unscrupulous employers may pay for the benefits included in the social package, partially or completely from the employee's earnings - this must be immediately paid attention to when concluding an employment contract. So, let's look at the main components of the social package.

Components of the social package

As mentioned above, the components of the social package in different organizations can be completely different. Therefore, the list below is approximate (the most commonly used payments and compensations are listed) and, accordingly, can be either supplemented by a specific employer or reduced. So, The social package may include:

-medical service. As a rule, this refers to voluntary health insurance. At the same time, the employer notifies its employees that, if necessary, they can go to a certain hospital (polyclinic) for free to receive. Usually, in this case, the employee is provided with the full range of medical services, with the exception of operations and dental services. However, a set of such medical services included in the social package should be checked with the employer in advance. Also, some large organizations may provide voluntary health insurance not only for their employees, but also for their family members.

-learning opportunity at various courses, seminars, classes, etc., contributing to the professional growth of employees, improving their skills. Such classes are paid for by the employer.

As mentioned above, the employer is obliged to make mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund. At the same time, in addition to mandatory payments, the employer can make additional transfers to the pension account employee (non-state pension insurance)

Depending on the scope of the organization and the mode of its work, it can provide:

Availability for employees concessional loans; or provide other assistance in obtaining from the organization
---mobile phone bill if, due to the nature of the professional activity, the employee has to talk a lot on the phone
---payment for fuel(payment for technical inspections, insurance), if the employee uses personal transport at work
---free food on the territory of the organization (or in certain places of food)
---free for an employee (at the expense of the organization) travel to and from work

- if the organization owns a recreation center, it can provide an opportunity for its employees and their families (children) to rest at them at the expense of the organization. Either, it is possible payment for vouchers for employees (in whole or in part) in rest houses, sanatoriums, etc.

-provision of additional holidays, days off and the opportunity to take time off with pay

Providing subscriptions for sports

-assistance in arranging and searching for employees from other cities

Directly cash payments under the social package can be provided in the form:

Bonuses at the end of the year (the so-called thirteenth salary), as well as other types of bonuses
--- Supplement to average earnings in case of temporary disability and the onset of
--- payments on the occasion of the occurrence of certain events (birth of a child, weddings, gifts for some holidays, etc.)
---increased travel allowances

Thus, we have listed the main items that may be contained in the social package provided by the employer. At the same time, the employee should be extremely careful when applying for a job, and take the most serious approach to familiarizing himself with the content of the social package provided, the conditions for its provision and the inclusion of social package items in.

Any person living in the city of St. Petersburg has the right to receive a disability pension or upon reaching retirement age.

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He can independently decide to use the social package or receive a certain amount of money instead.

What it is

A social package is a set of compensations or services that can be provided by both the state and the enterprise.

As a rule, employers very often say that the social package is social insurance, sick leave, official wages.

Photo: statistics of the components of the social package in Russian companies

In fact, all these items are already provided for in labor legislation, which means that this is a direct obligation of the employer, and not a social package.

The Labor Code clearly states that the employer must provide the following types of services without fail:

  1. Annual paid vacation.
  2. Payment for sick leave.
  3. Mandatory social insurance.
  4. Reimbursement of travel expenses.
  5. Payment of compensation for damages at work.
  6. Payment of monetary compensation for the unused number of vacation days, etc.

Article 220 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation of the employer to compensate for harm to health received at work.

Photo: recent cost of benefits

For non-compliance with these provisions of the law, administrative liability is provided. It is also important to distinguish between social packages from government services and those provided by employers.

A set of social guarantees from the state

A social package from the state is a set of services for pensioners, disabled people and other persons that are prescribed in the civil and labor codes specified in legislative acts, separate regulatory legal acts and resolutions.

This package includes the following range of services:

  • free travel by suburban, international, railway transport to the place of treatment (in both directions);
  • provision of free medical care;
  • obtaining vouchers for recreation centers and sanatoriums on the basis of medical reports (for disabled children - 21 days, for people with brain or spinal cord injuries - from 24 to 42 days).

Because the price of medicines is constantly growing and not all people can afford a large set of medicines that are required for treatment, you should not refuse this package.

If social assistance for the provision of drugs is accepted, then certain factors must be taken into account:

  • medicines can be prescribed even far beyond the official place of residence;
  • purchases for drugs are usually fixed and for a certain amount, but it also happens that goods can be purchased at a lower price.

These services can be canceled either in whole or in part. In case of refusal of state benefits, monetary compensation is paid in return.

From a legal point of view

The state guarantees a social package for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Children with disabilities.
  2. Minor children who have lost one of their parents.
  3. Disabled persons of all groups.
  4. Citizens who have reached retirement age or those who for some reason do not receive an old-age pension.
  5. Representatives of small northern peoples who live in the respective territories of the north at the time of retirement.
  6. Combat veterans.
  7. Chernobyl survivors and persons equated to them.
  8. In addition, donors and people who have taken part in hostilities or are equivalent to them are also eligible to receive such a benefit.

What is its value in 2020

Having figured out what is included in the social package, it is worth understanding how much each of these types of services costs. The total amount of the deduction provided by the state is 1048 rubles 97 kopecks.

This includes:

Possible ways of registration

The procedure for registration of social services, the provision of which is guaranteed by the state, is established at the level of legislation. To receive them, you need to register with the PF at the place of registration.

The period for the provision of social services to citizens of the Russian Federation is a calendar year and, if you wish to refuse to receive them in kind for the next year, you must contact the territorial body of the PFR before October 1 of the current year.

In addition, you can renew the provision of the package in part or in full exactly the same way until October 1.

Step-by-step instruction

To apply for guaranteed public services, you must write an application and submit it to the specialists of the territorial FIU.

If a person has never received such benefits before, and the application was written within a year, then they can be provided before the end of the year in which the application was submitted.

It must include the following information:

  1. Name of the pension fund, territorial affiliation and its number.
  2. Name in full format.
  3. SNILS number.
  4. Passport data.
  5. Information about the full or partial provision of a social package.

Required documents

When submitting an application, it is necessary to indicate not only passport data and SNILS, but also provide copies of them.

If you choose a full package of services, then you need confirmation certificates about the need for frequent visits to the hospital (to pay for travel) and a referral for treatment to a sanatorium or resort (to pay for a voucher).

When the specialists accept the application, they issue a receipt-notification of the acceptance of the submitted application.

Such a procedure is necessary to register the application, while the registration number and signature of the employee who accepted the documents are written on it.

This is a guarantee that the documents and application will not be lost, and the person will be able to use the benefits.

What are the processing times

A special certificate for receiving social services is issued within three months, i.e. the state guarantees that a citizen will be able to receive either a social package or funds from January 1 of the year following the application.

In case of refusal

It happens that the list of services presented in the social package may turn out to be unclaimed, so many citizens decide to refuse it.

Some do it just because they need money. The amount of payments to be set by the local pension fund.

The following documents are required to apply for a waiver:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of disability (if any);
  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • statement.

An application for waiver of the social package, as well as for the registration of public services, must be completed before October 1 of the current year.

If later a person changed his mind and again wants to receive benefits, he needs to go to the FIU again with a package of documents.

This must also be done before October 1 in order to be able to receive services from January 1 of the next year.

What is included in the disability package

In accordance with the law, the first and second groups of disabled people have the right to receive free medicines according to a prescription issued in a medical institution.

There are goods that are not paid for - these are dressings and products that make life easier for people with disabilities, including prostheses.

There are social state guarantees for the manufacture of certain products.

There is a special instruction for custom-made products, for example, bandages and hearing aids. Prostheses for lost arms and legs are also made free of charge.

The drug component of the social package can also be changed to receive cash.

For the disabled, there is a certain benefit in paying utility bills - you can pay only half of the amount presented in the receipt.

List of possible drugs

Depending on the disease of a person, he can be provided with a package of medicines established at the state level, which will also be purchased free of charge.

If the state cannot purchase vital drugs, then you can buy them yourself, and then apply to the Pension Fund for reimbursement.

This procedure is established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 57 of January 31, 2011. the compensation also includes payment for banking services and delivery, if any.

To do this, you must provide the following information:

  • a list of medicines and receipts for expenses incurred;
  • individual rehabilitation program;
  • the passport;
  • SNILS.

Payment is made within a month after the consideration of the application.

For disabled people of groups 2 and 3

If an adult or a child is disabled from childhood of the first or second group, then they are admitted to secondary and higher educational institutions without a competitive basis.

Disabled people of the third group, who are not able to find a job, have the right to receive public services as part of a social package.

For working disabled people of the second group, the purchase of medicines will be 50% cheaper.

Social package from the enterprise

Also, a social package can be obtained from the employer. Among these benefits:

  • provision of spa holidays;
  • travel and meals at the expense of the company;
  • treatment of employees on sick leave;
  • payment of childbirth allowances;
  • free medicines;
  • refresher courses;
  • training of their employees in universities;
  • mobile phone payment.

In addition, many employers are trying to provide a more pleasant and comfortable work in the company.

A useful service for many employers is the payment of half the cost of a ticket to a resort or a sanatorium, sometimes it is issued completely free of charge.

New Year's gifts for children, bonuses for the most responsible employees, loans on more favorable terms - this is a great motivation for employment.

Benefits for pensioners

Those who have faced the need to look for a job are well aware of the word “social package”, with which employers generously supply the offered vacancies. Moreover, almost superlative adjectives are usually attributed to the noun “social package”: generous, rich, full, solid, and so on.

So what is the meaning of the concept of "social package" employers, and what it really is. Approximately half of the proposed "social packages" are not. Employers transfer compulsory medical insurance, sick leave, maternity leave, annual leave, contributions to the pension fund. This is what every employee is supposed to do in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, it only means that this company does not violate the laws.

Approximately a third of employers promise to pay for personal transport, mobile communications, and vocational training. But these are not benefits either, but only compensation for the personal funds spent by employees, which they will spend on the needs of the company. Even if you somehow save paid gas or use corporate phones for personal needs, this will not bring you tangible savings, especially since companies usually do not fork out for too large payments.

So what is included in such a seductive "social package"? Only a small part, approximately 15% of employers, offer some additional benefits as an addition to wages and what is required by law for employees. These are free meals, voluntary medical insurance (sometimes even including dental care), a corporate car, gym and swimming pool memberships, housing loans, payment for tourist or sanatorium vouchers, etc. Such components of the “social package” depend on the desire and capabilities of a particular company and therefore may change. With these additional benefits, employers are trying to attract the workers they need, so the “social package” itself is also called competitive.

What is more attractive for you - a high salary or compensation for it with some of the benefits listed above, is up to you. Although it is obvious that the money itself gives you the opportunity to choose, and you may not have to use the benefits of the “social package”. But, nevertheless, when going through an interview when applying for a job, you should ask about the content of the proposed "social package", and only then make a decision.

True, it is best to ask this question when you have already understood that the company is interested in you and is ready to make concessions. It is also useful to know what kind of benefits, depending on the proposed position, companies usually provide.

Thus, the “social package” for top managers includes a representative car, a corporate car with a driver, voluntary medical insurance (a full family insurance package), dental insurance, an additional pension from the company, an apartment (payment for housing for non-residents), vacation vouchers for whole family, mortgage loan.

For mid-level employees, the “social package” includes the following benefits: voluntary medical insurance (partial payment), vouchers, payment for a fitness center, mobile communications, gasoline, meals in an office or cafe, interest-free loan or credit, partial mortgage loan.

And ordinary employees are offered payment for travel, meals at work, overalls, partial payment for mobile communications, as well as payments in case of emergency situations: the death of relatives or a wedding.