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Face care after 45 years. Basic face care in adulthood

The 40-year-old threshold is considered an ideal age. The woman is self-sufficient, successful, stylish outfits demonstrate an impeccable taste, bright lipstick - self-confidence. It would seem that she has everything to be captured, charming, in love. But often the face gives true age, because it does not youighte, rather, rather the opposite.

At this time, the level of estrogens governing the process of aging responsible for the regeneration of epidermis cells and the stable functioning of the sebaceous glands, rapidly falls - skin surfaces are thinned, lose elasticity, flicker, peel, demonstrating the obvious signs of aging. The culprit of these processes is the serious hormonal restructuring of the body, which is accounted for by the period "40+".

"Is it possible to return youth?" - Surely this question did not once asked him every lady of the Balzakovsky age. Return - hardly, but extend - quite a satisfying task. For this, it is worth the patience, a complex of "the right" cosmetic agents, to study the councils of personnel care specialists for those who "for 40", and steadily to follow them.

Features of the skin after 40 years

Hormonal imbalance is not the only enemy of a woman after 45 years. The overall condition of the skin is also deteriorating as a result:

  • Changes occurring at the cellular level. Collagen ceases to be produced in the necessary quantities, the regeneration of elastin fibers no longer happens, so they are thicken.
  • Lack of proper blood circulation. A number of important blood vessels are atrophy when the age of a woman approaches the "forty" mark, the epidermis is experiencing a deficiency of oxygen and other nutrients, which activates the aging process.
  • Dehydration. The skin suffers to the required amount of natural adhesive lubrication, because the activity of the sebaceous glands after 40 is different. In addition, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is disturbed.
  • The deficit of vitamins, microelements, which is due to irregular / unbalanced nutrition.

Preventive measures and skin care after 40 years should be built on the basis of those signs of aging, which are observed in each case. Among the main:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • uneven tone;
  • the appearance of pigmentation, vascular "stars";
  • deformation oval face;
  • fuzzy contour of the lips;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • extended pores;
  • edema eyelids, circles, permanent bags under the eyes;
  • deepening nasolabial folds;
  • increased dryness;
  • grooves and races on the forehead, nose, in the eye area.

Important! Numerous cosmetology studies have proven that the epidermis aging processes are launched after the onset of the 25th anniversary. Therefore, the earlier the lady begins to care for himself, the more more and younger it will look in 40, and the less will be a list of age-related skin changes at this age.

Personal care procedures

What does the average woman doing, noticing on the face of "goose paws" and other non-relieved markers inexorably approaching old age? Right! Buys a rejuvenating anti-aging cream, which is not at all a panacea in the struggle for youth. Skin care should be systematic and complex, the Council of Cosmetologists is simple - regularly take care of the beauty of the face, observing five consecutive steps.

Do you visit the cosmetologist?



Moching foam, soft cosmetic milk, micellar water - optimal means after forty years. Water water, any variations of soap, cosmetics based on alcohol - under the ban, they are cut, tighten the epidermis, depriving it with the necessary moisture. Effective vessels that feed the vessels that are firroble in ice cubes are considered to be frozen in ice cubes. Improve the overall state of the epidermis will help deep cleaning with breaking the face, its easy scrubbing (avoid major abrasive tools!) And mass production. Conduct them recommended every 3-4 days.


Directed on tightening the skin. Ideally, if home procedures are complemented by professional, performed in the cosmetology office, because only comprehensive actions will help to cope with flabbiness and accusation. Use regular contrast compresses, perform face massage, do not forget about such an effective cosmetic agent as a pull-up mask. It is possible to prepare it at home from the entire natural ingredients.

Tone alignment

Improve the complexion of the face, get rid of pigmentation and irregularities for tonic, which is not containing in the composition of alcohol, bleaching creams, medicinal beams, homemade masks prepared on the basis of fermented milk products.


To take care of the face. Experts are recommended using day and night creams. It is necessary to select them with the type of skin and age features. The daily moisturizer should contain SPF filters (30-50), night - retinol. It is important not to forget that in the cold season, the cream on the face is recommended to apply at least an hour before the exit to the street.

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The skin around the eye gives age stronger. Mimic, decorative cosmetics with aggressive components, thin ...


Nutrient homemade masks Cosmetologists are called an effective means in the struggle for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, the preservation of its tone and turgora, improving the contour of the face.

Skin care products depending on the problem

Selecting the face cosmetics, it is worth carefully studying the composition of the drug. After all, certain components are aimed at combating dry skin, others - to activate the natural recovery of cells, are third to normalize the pH level. For example:

  • hyaluronic acid - stimulates the production of collagen;
  • glycerin - moisturizes;
  • enzyme Coenzyme Q10 - allows for a long time to preserve the youth of the face;
  • fruit acids - responsible for the production of skin saline;
  • retinol - designed to regenerate epidermis at the cellular level;
  • glycol and salicylic acids - have an exhausting effect;
  • elastin and collagen are toned, strengthen skin covers.

Since on certain sections of the face (chin, cheekbones, an area around the eyes ..) the thickness of the epidermis varies, it is necessary to care for them in different ways. For example, cosmetologists are recommended for the eyes of the eyes around the eyes of the eye, cosmetologists recommend to select caffeine preparations and a large content of vitamin K. for lip balsams based on plant components, with mandatory protection against ultraviolet. For forehead and chin, which after 40 are often subjected to acne, - antiseptic cleansing "Washbasks".

Among the diversity of high-quality leaving media, users allocate the Japanese brand "Shiseido". This is the oldest cosmetics manufacturing company in the world, in which there is a unique anti-aging line for skin care.

Folk remedies

Diversify the shopping preparations will help homemade masks, the basis of which is natural and public ingredients. On the recommendation of cosmetologists, it is not necessary to include them in the daily care, but if you use such funds twice a week, the effect will not make himself wait.

Mask on clay

Cleans, tightens the pores, rejuvenates. Mix to a homogeneous state of 1 tbsp. l. Clay and water (or milk). Drip in the resulting Cashitz some calendula oil. Keep on your face until half an hour.

Fruit mask

Refreshing and nutritious. It has several variations:

  1. Wake up in a blender for 3 berries strawberries and strawberries, add 2 tbsp. l. Grease cottage cheese. Exposure time - 10-15 minutes.
  2. Throw on the grater with a medium apple along with the skin, add 1 crude yolk + 5 drops of apricot oil. Keep your face - 20-30 minutes.
  3. Watch 1 protein, pour it into it 1 tbsp. l. Honey, add a banana flaw. Apply on your face for 20 minutes.

Yeast mask

For lifting effect. Fine milk, extruded yeast - 1 tbsp. l. and 1 tsp. liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed and sent for a while in a warm place. Next, the mixture is applied with a thick layer on the face, withstands 10 minutes.

Mask on chicken egg

Variations are a huge amount. Yolk-based masks are aimed at toning, moisturizing, skin softening, stimulating the restoration of its barrier function. Funds that include egg protein are tightened and dried with epidermis, eliminate the fat shine, struggle with wrinkles and bold points on the face.

Vegetable mask

Tighing the skin, make it more elastic. The scumbed pulp of zucchini, cucumber, cabbage or eggplant is taken as the basis. You can mix all the vegetables together in equal proportions. The finished mixture is applied to the face, leave for 10 minutes.

Life after 45 years is just beginning, you have already acquired children to this age, and some even grandchildren. They were realized as a person, working on the beloved work, and in the personal life of Idyll. Now you can relax and live in your pleasure. The snag is that all life up to this age, sleepless nights, stress, experiences and problems at work, left on your face a trail. And look beautiful, well-groomed and young so I want, you know there is a phrase "grow beautifully". To do this, you do not need to buy cosmetics for fabulous money, or every day to visit the cosmetologist, or even worse for the knife. It is possible to achieve tightened skin without wrinkles with a smooth tone using home care. But first, we will tell you what processes occur in the skin after 45 years.

What happens to our skin after 45 years

As a rule, with age, all processes in the skin begin to slow down and it immediately becomes noticeable. Any woundings at this age will be enraged much longer than 25 or 30 years. Especially actively needed to monitor dry and sensitive skin, because with age it becomes still land. And on such a skin, all wrinkles and races are becoming even more noticeable. Muscles on the face are becoming less elastic, leather flabby, with age not to avoid the appearance of deep wrinkles. Also, mature skin is susceptible to the appearance of pigment spots, and other small flaws, the tone becomes not even. To carry out the right skin care, you must sometimes consult with a dermatologist so as not to aggravate the existing problems and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Standard skin care after 45 years

The most effective and efficient stage in the care of age-related skin is massage. Thanks to massage in the skin, all natural processes are accelerated, the muscle tone is improved, as well as massage helps useful components to penetrate deep layers of skin. To date, the Japanese massage is very popular, and if you still add breathing exercises, the effect will be double. One important condition is the regularity of all exercises, the massage does not take away from you much time, it will be enough only 20 minutes a day, and you will be surprised how your skin changes.

Just one simple cunning in the struggle for the youth of the skin is ice. You can use ice cube instead of tonic, you can freeze both ordinary water and vegetable beams. Such a technique will help to return the muscles tone, blood circulation to accelerate and improve the complexion.

Use the daily care of essential oils. The most importantly choose quality oil, it is not worth saving on it, they are very economical in use, so even expensive oil you will be enough for a long time. Add a little butter to your favorite cream, and it will become more efficient.

Cosmetologists recommend every year to conduct steam bath courses. This is a simple and harmless procedure that takes only 10 minutes of your time. This procedure will help strengthen the walls of the vessels, improve the skin color, will strengthen the blood circulation, and also will prolong the skin youth. And this is an excellent way to clean the skin from all contaminants, under the influence of hot time, all the pores will open and clean. The course should last at least 14 days.

Our appearance directly depends on the lifestyle. We must adhere to the right nutrition, in our lives there should be exercise, outdoor walks and a dream for at least 7 hours.

Whatever effective, all the above procedures are not, and without high-quality cosmetic products, we can not do. After 45 years, care must necessarily include Anti-Age cosmetics. These funds were specifically designed to preserve and extend the youth. In our store you will find a whole section dedicated to this topic, there you can choose cream, serum, masks, emulsions and capsules that will help make your appearance young and attractive.

We want to draw your attention to several products from this section that you will not definitely leave indifferent.

If you in a short time you need to put the skin in order, this is what you need. Serum, pulls up the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores it, and gives healthy shine.

This cream has a very tender and pleasant consistency. It is actively struggling with pigment stains and other age-related changes. The skin after the cream becomes more elastic and elasticly improves the tone.

This product is also intended to combat pigment stains, it differs them and makes less noticeable. It also seals wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. Serum provokes cells to generate melanin and lipofuscin.

How to care for the skin around the eyes after 45 years

Each woman knows that the skin under the eyes is very subtle and sensitive, and also these sections are first begin to grow old. Every evening it is necessary to remotely shoot makeup. Remove the bags under the eyes of a sleepless night will help the ice cube, you can use mineral water or vegetable ragners. You can also do homemade patches with cucumber juice with berries juiced with juice, for this, cut your cotton disk. Moisten it with cold juice and put the dads under the eyes. For the skin in this zone, it is necessary to test the moisturizing cream. In our store, a great option is presented for the area around the eyes, it is. In addition to moisturizing and feeding the skin. He also smoothes wrinkles, removes the swelling and lights the bruises under the eyes.

Daily face care after 45 years at home is the key to an attractive appearance of a mature woman. Even without the use of expensive cosmetics, without visiting beauty salons and without plastic operations, you can prolong youth. Qualitative home remedies are very effectively fighting with wrinkles and face debris.

Changes in the skin after 45 years

The skin reacts sensitively to age-related changes, especially to reduce the rate of exchange of biologically active substances. Cell updates are also significantly slowed down. Any regenerating process after 45 requires more time than 30 years.

Behind the face you need to monitor especially carefully if the skin is thin, prone to dryness. With age, dryness becomes more noticeable. On this skin, wrinkles look much more noticeable than on fat and moisturized. The elasticity of the facial muscles weakens. It is not difficult to notice: the face becomes sluggish and flabby, deep mimic wrinkles appear.

In addition, pigment spots, moles and other similar education begin to increase in adulthood. Caring for the skin of the face, a woman needs to be advised to be advised to a dermatologist so that non-declarative actions will not provoke a serious illness.

Basic face care in adulthood

The most important part of the skin care after 45 years at home is a massage. With properly performing massage in the skin, blood circulation is enhanced, so nutrients fall into the deepest layers of the skin. Thanks to the massage, facial muscles are pulled, the flabby disappears. Japanese face massage is very popular. A good rejuvenating effect gives a combination of massage with respiratory gymnastics, as oxygen enrichment is very useful. Most of the movements must be performed daily. Homemade massage does not take much time, it is enough to spend 15-20 minutes per day on it.

The prophylaxis of skin aging will be regular use. You can freeze conventional drinking water, and you can - herbal chambers and berry infusions.

The effect of the use of nutrient and moisturizers is perfectly enhanced by essential oils. They strengthen the walls of skin cells, give them health and strength. Essential oils need to choose the best quality. They are economically spent, so even the most expensive oils will not cause tangible damage to the family budget. In a cream or other careser before applying to face, you need to add only 1 drop of oil. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the cream with butter, and only then use the composition.

Every year you can conduct a steam bath course. For this purpose, cosmetologists advise to use the paint potatoes. This is a pleasant and completely painless procedure that continues approximately 5-10 minutes. Steam bath is very useful. It helps strengthen the blood vessels, improves and levels skin color, enhances blood circulation and microcirculation, and also slows down the aging processes. The course lasts 10-14 days.

I have been engaged in plastic surgery for many years. Through me passed many famous personalities who wanted smooth wrinkles and pull the skin of the face. I will recommend you an efficient and budget alternative to Botox injections and other plastic operations.

The drug is easy to use, and the most important thing is that its action you will see instantly.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

The face will help a healthy lifestyle. Without a proper diet, walks in the fresh air, physical activity and sufficient sleep, it is impossible to achieve an attractive appearance, especially in adulthood.

Of course, anti-aging care includes regular use aimed at maintaining youth skin. Cosmetics should be selected carefully taking into account age-related changes and individual skin characteristics.

Special skin care around the eyes after 45 years

The skin around the eye is the gentle and vulnerable. It is she who first gives the true age of a woman. Leave on the night decorative cosmetics in this part of the person is absolutely unacceptable. This rule cannot be violated under any circumstances.

Excellent tones sensitive skin cool mineral water. It should not be choking too much: the cold liquid damages thin skin around the eyes. Instead of mineral water, you can use grasses champs. Chamomile, calendula, nettle, sage is perfectly soothing and refreshing the face. If a woman for 40, such herbs should always be at her hand.

Many do not know how to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes by households. Traditional recipes recommend using juice cucumbers. It can be mixed with fresh berries juice. If you freeze them for the winter, the useful drug for skin around the eyes can be prepared at any time. Cucumber juice is mixed in equal proportions with raspberry juice, strawberries, red currant. 2 cotton disks are wetted in the resulting lotion and put on top of a closed eye. It is desirable that the woman can lie during this procedure, and not sitting. If the body is completely relaxed, the effects of the useful substances will be more noticeable. After 10 minutes, cotton discs can be removed, and the skin to slip mineral water room temperature. Small wrinkles will disappear, and the eyes will be rested and shining.

Masks based on cucumber juice Cosmetologists are recommended to do daily.

Even more useful information about skin care around the eyes after 45 years, watch in the video:


Careful skin care in forty-five years at home can be achieved a stable effect. Any caregating composition rejuvenates the skin and reduce wrinkles. If a mature woman does not regret labor and strength, her appearance will always be enjoyable. Rejuvenation - the result of painstaking work, which always gives excellent results.

The skin after 45 years is changing, it needs additional moisture, it is more difficult to restore, it reacts worse to swelling. Of course, you can say a long time and hard to say that it is necessary for the skin of constant care and if you begin to take care of it, for example, in 25 years it will preserve elasticity and beauty. But we will not come up with a wonderful "Molding Pill" a wonderful "Molding Pill", and therefore, to look greatly regardless of age, efforts will need.

What happens to the skin of the face after 45 years

Dermatologists allocate several types of skin aging after 45:

  1. Small church. The age changes in the skin begin to manifest themselves from small wrinkles, which at first perceived by women with caution, and later philosophically. With this type of aging, smaller components are produced, the skin becomes land. During this period, it needs additional moisturizing and cleansing.
  2. Deformance. With such aging, the sovereigns of the faces are deformed: the cheeks, the cheating of the upper century (PTOS) becomes more noticeable, the edema appear more often or do not leave at all. Minimize age-related changes in this case will help: face massage and lifting.
  3. Mixed. With mixed aging, face deformation occurs and wrinkles appear. Often this type is fixed after 50-60 years. To delay the moment, the skin should be additionally moistened, use cosmetics with a lifting effect and make a face massage.

What to do for skin care after 45

There are many ways and methods for maintaining the beauty of mature skin, starting with home recipes, special cosmetics and ending with a surgeon or cosmetologist for injections. Pick up the right cosmetics - half of the case.

Peeling or scrubbing. Not more often than once a week for greens of oily skin and two or three times a month - dry, we recommend to remove burner cells with peeling or scrubbing. After the procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is released and the skin breathing is improved, including deep layers.

Face masks. The skin needs protection and nutrition. Regularly apply a mask on the face or use a tissue mask. It will moisturize the skin and deliver useful substances for nutrients into the cells .. Including anti-axle masks L "Oreal Paris series" Age Expert "on a tissue basis, which are designed to take into account the needs of the skin.

Makeup remover. Means for removing makeup does not dry the skin and reduces the physical effect on the delicate areas around the eyes. Properly selected micellar water will help clean and refresh the skin of the face ..

Day and night creams.As a basis for makeup, use moisturizing or protective cream, possibly with the SPF factor. In summer, the cream will create an additional barrier between solar rays and skin, and in the winter it will reduce the traumatic impact of the environment. After 45 years, the cream is better to choose with moisturizing and lifting effect.

Night cream will help support the water balance and will provide skin food. When choosing a night cream, pay attention to:

  • texture;
  • absorption;
  • properties (moisturizing, toning, nutritious).

Watch out for discounts in the ruble boom shops and the site, if you plan to buy a purchase at the right time, it will be possible to save on cosmetics and buy a quality facility to care cheaper.

Serum and additional facial care products and eyes. Serum and oil care oils, designed for regular use, will help to deal with age-related changes. For example, serum L "Oreal Paris Revitalift Filler is an anti-aging hyaluronic serum with a record hyaluronic acid content that deep penetrates the skin, returning the volume and equalizing the relief. After applying, the skin becomes optimally moistened, more dense and elastic. Also, serum has an antioxidant effect. .

For intense humidification of the skin, cosmetologists recommend using unique oils and special elixirs. For example, extraordinary oil L "Oreal Paris Luxury food. The oil will help the skin better resist, prevents dryness and peeling. Also, it activates the natural protection and skin resistance to external factors.

Clean the skin around the eyes. Separate attention deserve tools for skin care around the eyes.

  • sensitivity of the skin (it is better to choose an option for sensitive skin);
  • moisture assistance properties (hyaluronic acid holds moisture);
  • toning effect;
  • fighting swelling.

Select skin care products around the eyes you can in the shops "Ruble Bum" and the site.

Body creams and hands. In addition to the face in care and moisture, skin skin and hands need. Therefore, do not forget about their daily care. Also, for additional skin care, use moisturizing cream soap and shower gel.

In the shops "Ruble Bum" and the site regularly pass on the shower gel and various skin care products. Selecting the time to go to the store, it will be possible to save time and money.


Cosmetics are able to help disguise age-related changes, but the main work on improving well-being after 45 will need to be made independently.

Solar baths are not always useful. Excessive solar irradiation negatively affects the state of the skin, and given that regenerative functions are reduced with age, to recover after an unsuccessful tanning after 45 times more complicated and longer.

Move more. The Council "Move more" before the banality is simple, but it works. Take the rule to return home from work on foot. Not all the way, of course, but 40 minutes of fast walking per day will allow the muscles not to "stir" and keep the form. Such cardionloads reduce the risk of diseases of the heart and the appearance of diabetes, and the outdoor walk improves the complexion.

If a little move, the amount of calcium will decrease in the body, so people who are accustomed to sit in one place are quickly tired and over time "grow up" to the chair / sofa.

Diet. Hardly the power of the will will abandon the sweet, flour, roasted and salty at the same time. Just try to eat more fresh vegetables and less snacks during the day, limit the saved food and replace the sweet bun with a square of black chocolate. It will not be superfluous and reduced the amount of coffee consumed.

Refuse smoking. Deciding to abandon the bad habit, do not rush to stock up with seeds or other means to replace cigarettes. Meet your doctor. Nicotine is embedded in the metabolic processes of the body and a sharp refusal can harm. Therefore, slowly reduce the dose of harmful substances, reducing the number of buried cigarettes, at least one per day.

Go to sleep on time. A man for the restoration of power is needed sleep for 7-8 hours. So try to go to sleep on time. If you cannot immediately fall asleep, in no case do not take your smartphone and do not turn on the TV. Spend time on reflections or counting sheep. Over time, the skill takes over on time and without a TV.

What should not be done so that the skin looks healthy

Do not abuse peeling.If the skin is abused by peeling and scrubbing, the skin begins to protect against mechanical damage and highlights greashes more, it becomes rougher.

Scrub is better to use not with natural abrasive means, but with artificial, which are more careful to the skin.

Replace the foaming agent for washing. We used to using a washbasin with foam, replace it. Abundant foam is a consequence of an increased content of surfactants trauming skin.

Do not abuse night care. You should not divert with a layer of a night cream for a face. Instead of promised "moisturizing and nutrition", you risk getting greasy skin and closed pores. If the layer of cream is too dense, the skin does not breathe - the secretion of the sebaceous glands begins and the attempt to free the pores from the cream.

Refrain from children's cream. Children's cream really intensively moisturizes the skin of babies, whose skin does not highlight a sufficient number of fat components. The age-skinned components are highlighted, so the children's cream clogs the pores and disrupts the respiration of the skin. Such use is fraught with inflammation. However, the children's cream will help moisten the knees, elbows and heel.

Do not apply the tone immediately after day cream. In the morning, every minute on the account, but the makeup will consolidate better if after applying the cream tone and powder it is 3-5 minutes. If there is no time - blot your face with a paper towel and only then continue to apply makeup.

Do not forget to clean your brushes and change the sponge. Bacteria accumulates in brushes and sponges, so they need to be cleaned regularly. It is also necessary to replace the spongats made from the sponge, because it is completely impossible to clean them.

Start to care for the skin as soon as possible, lead a healthy lifestyle and sincerely rejoice in life!

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Updated: 08/15/2019 14:13:58

Expert: Christina Girsch

Young skin does not need to care, as fading. Hormonal changes, the effects of hard work, stress, poor ecology inevitably reflected on the appearance of a woman. As a result, wrinkles arise with age, the skin becomes a flabby and insufficiently moistage. And if it is impossible to stop the age changes, then slow down quite real.

Journalists Website talked with dermatologists, cosmetologists and found out which face masks will help a woman aged 40-45 years old to rejuvenate the skin of the face, support her health and beauty. Such masks include inexpensive and affordable components - kefir, honey, oatmeal, chocolate, carrot, eggs.

Refreshing face mask after 45 - the best remedy for morning cosmetic procedures

This tool will help the skin to wake up, restore elasticity, healthy color, will save from the traces of insomnia and fatigue. And also activates regeneration processes, eliminates the declaration, will prepare for make-up makeup. The equipment includes homemade cottage cheese (20 gr.), Cosmetic clay (10 gr.), Fresh yolk eggs (1 pc.), Avocado oil (15 ml), lemon essential oil (2-3 drops).

Recipe for cosmetics:

    Cottage cheese to quiet hot water and stretch for a fork to obtain a homogeneous plastic mass.

    Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

    Mass must be applied to the purified face, put a wet compress from above. After 30 minutes, rinse therapeutic composition.

The best recipe for face masks after 45 using kefir, fermented milk products

This tool will help restore and improve, tighten and illuminate the epidermis of the face. Mask components feed, normalize the microflora and reduce the severity of inflammatory processes.

The recipe involves the use of kefir and natural honey:

    Mix 3 tbsp. kefir and 1 tsp. Spoon of beekeeping product.

    Apply on the face by a quarter of an hour, then washed off by heat water.

Instead of kefir, you can use any fermented source base - yogurt (natural, without additives), sour cream, yoke, serum or cream.

Recipe face masks from cosmetic paraffin

The use of this drug will allow to obtain a warming effect. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed. And the blood supply of fabrics is stimulated. This contributes to the improvement of epidermis food, faster cell regeneration.

Recipe Paraffin face mask after 45:

    Paraffin needs to melt on a steam bath and cool a little to not burn.

    Apply any cream (nutritious, moisturizing) with a thin layer.

    Tassel apply paraffin to the forehead area, nose, cheeks and chin, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips.

    After the mask is freezing, it needs to be carefully removed.

You can buy cosmetic paraffin in a pharmacy or online store. There is a large selection of such cosmetic preparations - with dairy proteins, with extracts of medicinal plants (lavender, green tea, eucalyptus), with vitamin E, with fragrances of different fruits (orange, peach, raspberry, lemon). Specific additives make paraffin masks even more useful and effective in the struggle for skin rejuvenation after 45 years.

Best Mask for Deep Cleansing

    This tool will help not only to clean and remove toxins from the epidermis, but will contribute to its update, lightening, restoration.

    The recipe lists such components: orange juice (20 ml), activated carbon (1 tablet), acetylsalicylic acid (1 tablet), rice flour (10 gr.).

    Tablets of coal and aspirin to be confused into powder. Then mix with rice flour and dilute with freshly fruit juice to the consistency of thick sour cream. Before applying the drug, skin must be displeps. When applied to avoid the area under the eyes, prevent falling on the lips. Leave the mass on the face for 7-9 minutes. If before the expiration of this time there will be an unpleasant feeling of tingling or burning, you can remove the mask with wet sponge before. After that, rinse the face with cool water and apply the recovery cream.

Best Recipe Facial Masks after 45 with Lifting Effect

A mask, which perfectly pulls up, improves metabolic processes, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes and rejuvenates, is made of bitter chocolate with a maximum content of cocoa (55-99%).

Recipe for cosmetics:

    Half chocolate tiles chopped with a knife, melt on a water bath.

    When the chocolate mass is slightly cool, add ingredients that are at hand - cosmetic clay, seaweed, oatmeal, cream, fresh fruit or vegetable juice.

    With the help of the brush, apply a mass on the face for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water.

While the mask is on the face, you can lie to rest and enjoy the second half of the chocolate. Bitter chocolate is very useful for the body. After such a comprehensive health procedure, fatigue and bad mood will be wondering.

Best face masks to eliminate declarations and earthy shade

    First recipe: We take a young carrot, press juice. Several teaspoons of juice should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of cream or fatty homemade cottage cheese. The last component is a fresh chicken egg yolk (or several fervor yolks). Apply a mixture for 20 minutes, after which it is possible to remove with a cotton swab, which is moistened in unrefined sunflower, and is better than olive, repen with flaxseed oil. The last stage is to rinse the face with water using the alternation of contrast temperatures.

    Second recipe: take the apple half, grate on a small grater, add shredded on a coffee grinder or in the kitchen combine oatmeal, as well as a bit of natural honey. If the mass turned out too thick, you can add the juice of the second half of the apple or warm boiled water. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes, after which it needs to be washed.

Mask for softness and velvety skin after 45

This mask will help eliminate the peeling and dryness of the epidermis. The recipe uses honey (15 gr.), Cranberries (10 grams), sour cream (1 tbsp. L.), Bergamot essential oil (2-3 drops).

Sequence of preparation of the medicinal mixture:

    Wash the cranberry, grind a blender or grind through a sieve.

    In the berry mass introduce sour cream, essential oil, honey, mix the components thoroughly.

    Equally distribute the mixture on the face surface. You can apply therapeutic mass and on the throat area, on the zone of neckline. Leave for 30 minutes and wash off.

Best mask from deep wrinkles after 45 by the recipe of Tibetan healers

Mask, eliminating deep age wrinkles, is preparing for such a recipe:

    Make a decoction of 3 laurel leaves. They need to pour 100 ml of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes, then the liquid is cooling to room temperature.

    Take 10 ml of olive oil, beat in it 1 chicken egg protein, add 1-2 teaspoons of the beam.

    Add to a mixture 1 teaspoon of lugged quasans, mix to creamy consistency.

    After that, from flannel fabric, it is necessary to cut an oval piece in the form of a face, without forgetting about the holes for the mouth, nose and eye. Such a reusable product can be used, for example, in the online store.

    The final stage of the procedure is to impregnate the tissue mask with a cooked mixture, impose on the face, leave for the night. In the morning, rinse the remains of the mixture with warm water, and then apply a moisturizing cream.

Additional measures to help restore fading face skin after 45

In addition to feeding the skin with masks, other aspects of care are important:

    Cleansing. If a woman at the age of 18-25 can afford to go to bed, without flushing makeup, then after 40 it will cause harm to the skin. Remove the makeup and make cleaning procedures it is desirable immediately after returning home. For this purpose, you can use purchased tools, for example, special fifts, gels or mycelter water. Or milk serum, artesian water, water of oak bark or linden flowers. The main thing is not to use the usual soap, as it dries the skin, and the level of its moisturizing after 45 years and is so reduced. For the same reason, lotions and other means based on alcohol are not suitable for cleansing.

    Toning. It can be carried out both in the morning, before applying makeup, and in the evening, after cleansing the face. To do this, it is enough to make a decoction or aquatic infusion of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile or calendula. And then profil on, pour over the molds and freeze. In the morning and in the evening you need to take the ice cube and wipe the face, the neck, neckline. The cold tones, and the nutrients of vegetable beam contribute to the overall recovery of the epidermis.

    Relaxing (before bed) and toning (in the morning) massage. In the evening it is recommended to make a massage, using the nutritious, moisturizing cream. And before applying makeup - moisturizing and sunscreen.

    Peeling. Prepare a means for exfoliation and regeneration is not difficult. Recipe - take coffee thick or crushed oatmeal, semolia, mix with several spoons of sour cream. First, apply careful circular movements on the face, then hold the remedy for 5-10 minutes and wash off with warm water. Then you can apply cream.

    Of great importance to the health of the skin after 45 years has lifestyle, the quality of the woman's nutrition. It is necessary to place more in the fresh air, but do not forget to protect your face from direct sunlight (a hat, large sunglasses). In the diet should include not only vegetables and fruits, but low-fat meat, fermented dairy products, porridge. It is important to use a sufficient amount of water (1.5-2.5 l / day) to ensure that the body, and respectively, skin cover has not lacked moisture.

    It is better to abandon alcohol and especially smoking. Harmful habits after 45 years are extremely negatively reflected in the state of the epidermis. But a good habit that will contribute to rejuvenation - healthy nightly sleep lasting at least 8 hours. In the afternoon, after cosmetic procedures, it is also useful to take off for 10-20 minutes. Reception of vitamins for women after 45, biologically active food additives, phytopreparations will help restore the health of the body, immunity, which will necessarily affect the state of the face cover.

Every woman is individual, like her skin. Therefore, to get an effective result and not harm yourself, consider the advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists:

    The recipe for a cosmetic means there should be no products for which you are allergic. As well as products or plants that you have never used. To ensure that the mask unfamiliar component is safe, you can spend a home test for allergies.

    Products from which the mass is prepared should be fresh and high quality.

    Before applying the mask, the skin must be prepared. At least clear from any contamination, and it is better to unpack with the help of a compress.

    The mixture must be applied to the face with a clean cosmetic brush or cotton swab, sponge.

    After removal of the drug mass from the face, it is not necessary to wrap a towel, it is better to get a wet with a napkin.

    Use time until the mask is on the face to relax, relax. You can muffle the light and listen to pleasant music.

    How to understand that the use of anti-aging mask is really necessary:

    The color of the face is dim, with a gray tint (with normal well-being and health condition). Or occurs hyperpigmentation.

    Permanent dry skin.

    The occurrence of wrinkles and folds on the face, neck.

    Swimming, omission, deformation of the hotel's hotel zones - century, cheeks, corners of the mouth.

    Deepening nasolabial folds.

    Blurred contour of the face.

    Skin declarations, extended pores.

The presence of these signs, even if not pronounced, says that it is necessary to start care of the skin of the face.