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Is there a Detroit Bek Human on pc. Detroit: Become Human. Humanism for the little ones. ⇡ System status: running

The projects of the Quantic Dream studio can be viewed in completely different ways: among the players there are several camps, some consider the games from the team of David Cage to be brilliant and great, others are skeptical about predominantly very predictable scenarios, and still others are fiercely annoyed due to the abundance of reservations or omissions ... But there is one feature of these games that is hard to deny - they are imbued with David Cage's thirst to show that video games can be a real multifaceted art: not only action and adventure films, but also cinematic films, where actors and sets matter as much as in Hollywood. Our guest today Detroit: Become Human- the closest to this goal result of the works of Quantic Dream.

The game invites us to become not just a witness, but an arranger of the fate of three androids, completely different from each other: Connor, Kara and Marcus. The first is a special model car, an android detective, created specifically for tracking down and eliminating deviants. So called in the world of Detroit: Become Human those androids who have regained consciousness and got out of control. He becomes a partner to the cynical rebel Hank Anderson, the once legendary officer of the Detroit Police Department, burdened with a series of cases of deviants entrusted to him. How the relationship of these characters will turn out completely depends on the player.

In one of the episodes of the game, you can overhear a police briefing in which a girl tells the audience about the first book written by artificial intelligence: "Do people dream of warm-blooded sheep?" Actually, the ideas of Philip Dick's novel are one of the main pillars of Detroit: Become Human. Here, too, there is a hunter for androids, Connor, there are androids in slavery to people, there is a discussion of their rights and freedoms, the possibility of a mind machine, and so on.

Will the senses awaken in the androids, or will they remain cold machines? Will they give up slack, flash with humanity, and then cool down again? - Everything is in the hands of the player. Finally, Quantic Dream has turned out to be a truly non-linear and branched interactive movie game.

The second is the genoid of the "housewife" model, whose name was invented by little Alice, a girl of about twelve, who lives in the slums of Detroit with her worthless father, an alcoholic and a drug addict. Their mother abandoned them and went home, finding herself a new love. This story focuses on the relationship between Kara and Alice, which also depends on the decisions and actions of the player while controlling Kara. Finally, Marcus is an android guardian acquired by an old artist who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction for a long time and decided to return to his craft at the end of his life.

All three stories are very different and independent, but they can neatly intersect, sometimes reaching the scenes of real action - when we have to control two characters at the same time, opposing each other. We take decisions on their behalf one by one. It plays strange, looks cool and adds a unique flavor. There are not many such scenes, but each of them was very pleasing. Prior to release, David Cage said that Quantic Dream is eager to create a game on a scale that they have never reached. Well, it is impossible not to admit that the goal has been achieved.

But the scale and duration cannot be equated in Detroit: Become Human. On average, one playthrough of the game takes about 12-15 hours. But during this very one playthrough, you will not see even a third of the possible scenarios! This is where the scale of the work of Cage's team is manifested: the numerous decisions made by the player at different stages and for different heroes can affect other characters and the whole world around them. Somewhere there, after five or seven chapters, a "lock" will open on one of the possible actions.

Here are some shots with diagrams of randomly selected chapters. For obvious reasons, I smeared text and pictures, the usual conversion to .jpeg was not enough. As you can see, the chapter can quite successfully end approximately in the middle of the scheme, and no one will die and nothing bad will happen because of this. It seems to be ... Or we can do so that the character skips the lion's share of the actions, so to speak, goes along the ledge of the diagram. As a result, this approach of the developers gives the following: the player is interested in replaying and seeing what will happen to the hero, he will take other decisions. The most important thing is that the outcomes are really different and lead to different consequences in the long term, and not just within a chapter or several.

The Evidence Viewer isn't the only cool interactive feature in the game. Through something similar, a separate layer of action is also implemented here: planning to overcome obstacles and stealth attacks. Everything around freezes and we review the actions, calculating the result in advance and choosing the best option. Or rather, the only true one. It is somewhat reminiscent of the combat system in The caligula effect.

I completed Detroit: Become Human twice without opening all the possible actions and completions yet. The first walkthrough was, as they say, sincere - I did not pay much attention to the diagram of the chapter, which can be viewed at any time and estimate the options for the development of events, or the potential number of actions in a particular situation. I acted as I wanted, making decisions that seemed to me the most appropriate for the characters of the game trinity. I decided to make the second playthrough completely immoral, acting as illegal and cruel as possible.

I was not interested in how far I could go. Although, for sure, this is exactly the feeling the developers wanted to evoke. The fact is that despite the rather lively characters, and not only the main trinity, but also the minor ones - Hank, North, Alice and others - I did not feel immersed in the game with my head. I was the conductor of an orchestra of three mechanical cellos, sometimes joined by other instruments. Usually not for long, but adding a powerful flavor to the chime of the string.

The immoral and cruel passage was not made even for the sake of trophies, no. I wanted to see the line through which the developers themselves did not want to cross. And it is in the game, very obvious, although there is plenty of cruelty on the streets of Detroit - it is in our hands to literally set fire to the neighborhoods and let a river of red and blue blood flow through the streets. However, despite the role of an outside observer and conductor, in some scenes Detroit: Become Human touched the quick, as if telling me: "Barankin, be a human."

The Quantic Dreams team very well drew a number of parallels with our reality, raising very important social and even political issues in the game: equality, freedom, apartheid, war, peaceful and aggressive demonstrations, abuse of position and power, dysfunction in families, cruelty towards children , drug addiction, alcoholism, love. And the main question of the game: "Can a machine gain consciousness and become a human" is able to make the player think how human he is, even against the background of machines in virtual Detroit.

Traditionally for David Cage's game, Detroit has dubious scripting solutions that raise questions. For example, there is an episode in which one of the characters loses their memories. They are deleted from the built-in storage medium. But after a few fragments, the first fragments of memories begin to return to the hero, and not a trace remains of the "wipe" procedure. This solution looks strange. The story of Marcus is filled with a number of major omissions: they do not explain to us where the hero comes from his unique abilities, such as remote influence on androids, whereas in the last chapter he gently put his hand on his companion's shoulder and looked with a loving gaze full of determination. It is also obvious that individual supporting characters lack elaboration. Thinking over the original protagonists and making the key minor characters deliberately ordinary, filled with clichés - this had to be tried.

Visually, the project looks great. If you look closely at the details of the environment, you will notice residual traces of the fact that the game was born in the era of the last generation of consoles. But the quality of the models, animation and facial expressions look great. This applies to both the main characters and minor characters. Just see how the girls move at the pylons in this review! From time to time, the management upsets, I want to literally set the distraught android on the designer who came up with the idea of ​​assigning the lion's share of actions to the right analogue, which simultaneously controls the camera. It is often easy to instantly adapt to this, but in some cases it can be great to adjust when you try to change the camera angle and do not notice the action pictogram that requires you to deflect the analog mushroom to the side. The one where you bend it to turn the camera ...

Platinum in the game is not difficult, but it will require you to go through the same episodes repeatedly in order to achieve a different completion required by this or that prize, or open new paths of passage. There are also prizes tied to the section of additional goodies, in which we open models for the gallery, musical accompaniment and illustrations for game points received for actions. The first, in addition to the opportunity to look at the character from all sides, can become a source of interesting information. True, not so much interesting as almost fifty magazines scattered throughout the game. The articles in them are not critical for the development of the plot, but give more insight into Detroit and the world of the future, the imaginary Quantic Dream.

In the mechanical guise of Detroit: Become Human, Quantic Dream's largest and most varied game is revealed. She is able to amaze and captivate even people far from video games, thanks to pleasant graphics, excellent acting, interesting characters and eventful events, the development and outcome of which depend on the player's actions. Do not be surprised if the seemingly correct path leads you to complete ruin, and the rescued inconspicuous character from the first chapters appears at the end, playing an unexpectedly key role.

Developer: Quantic Dreams
Release date: May 25, 2018
Platforms: PS4

What do you know about interactive cinema? But in the meantime, for more than 15 years the proud French studio Quantic Dreams has adhered to this genre and almost single-handedly moves it forward. With the release of Fahreinheit in 2005, director David Cage defined the fundamental elements of his corporate identity - several characters whose fates are intertwined in a cunning way, a dynamic episodic narrative and difficult choices that determine the further development of events. After 5 years, Heavy Rain went on sale - a thriller about a maniac who kills in the rain, in which all these components were embodied in an incredibly exciting story where any of the four key characters could die. In October 2013, "Beyond: Two Souls" boasted the participation of Hollywood actors William Dafoe and Ellen Page, but everything else was rather upsetting. The tattered narrative structure, simplified gameplay and not the most exciting story left a mediocre impression and laid the idea that Cage had written out. At the end of May, a new game from Quantic Dreams was released, which was supposed to show that a game director is still capable of something. Let's see what happened in the end.

It's 2038 and the main achievement of mankind is a new fashionable device called android. A cheap labor force that does not eat, drink, sleep and never disobey. Outwardly, they were made indistinguishable from humans in order to "humanize" the human-robot interaction interface. The scope of application is vast and varied, and the usefulness is visible to the naked eye - androids sweep the streets, carry things, advise in stores and answer calls to the call center. In the household, androids are also used - nurses, cleaners, nannies, security guards - advanced models are able to combine these functions. Almost every inhabitant of America considers it his duty to acquire a fashionable device that greatly facilitates everyday reality. But here's the trouble - androids began to behave strangely and unpredictably. Moreover, they began to experience emotions and this threatens to turn into a serious problem.

Androids experiencing emotions are beginning to be called deviants, and from the firm CyberLife, which creates androids, an advanced RX800 model named Connor is allocated to help the police, who must figure out what is really going on with androids. Connor is contracted as a partner to the middle-aged Lieutenant Hank Anderson, who hates androids. In parallel with this, the android Kara (in the Russian localization for some reason she was translated as Kara) returns home to Todd Williams after repairs, where he lives with his daughter Alice. The head of the family rarely dries up and regularly descends to domestic violence. Seeing such injustice, Kara breaks down the program prohibitions, becomes a deviant, and tries to save Alice. The third hero of the story is the android nurse Marcus, who takes care of the elderly artist Karl Manfred. For him, the turning point is the night visit of the artist's son Leo, and after that Marcus decides that something needs to be changed in this world.

The script is both the main advantage and the main disadvantage of the game. We have here, for a minute, a complex multi-hour walkthrough with a non-linear storyline. As a result, each player has his own story and the further development of events depends only on his own choice. In fact, everything is somewhat more prosaic - the game offers one entry point, but with an extensive branching structure. The action is conventionally divided into chapters, in each of which all three heroes move along their own story arc. Within the framework of the chapter, we are invited to make a choice - to whom to say what and what to do. But the trouble is that not every chapter can boast of such nonlinearity - because of this, some chapters turned out to be extremely corridor and this is a little frustrating. On the other hand, authors allow you to take a break from stressful situations and moral choices and just enjoy the movie. In addition, the order and content of the chapters practically does not change, therefore, as a result, the heroes get to the same situations, but with different ins and outs - cardinal changes manifest themselves closer to the end, when one choice leads to a whole chain of changes. Some of the characters may die and this will lead to certain consequences.

Conceptually, we have a familiar story about humanoid robots - androids, who have come to know themselves and are trying to survive in an unfriendly world among people and prove their worth. However, the story is presented with different accents - the central issues are the segregation of society, slavery and social inequality. Studio Quantic Dreams approached the issue with care and built the local world around the basic idea of ​​transforming a "household appliance" into an independent personality. In fact, a new race is rising to the pedestal, which is ready and willing to fight for its rights. And it's not a fact that the fight will go without bloodshed, however, this moment is left to the mercy of the player. At first, the local androids are perceived precisely as a device - a fashionable device, in the manner of another iPhone, which is sold in a store and broadcasts a certain status - they say, look - I have an android that cleans up my house, buys food and prepares food for me. At the same time, the titular city of Detroit is designed in such a way as to fit androids into everyday life. David Cage paints a society in which androids are perceived as things, but things that threaten humanity itself. The social subtext is expressed extremely clearly - being cheap labor, they take low-paid professions, depriving ordinary citizens of jobs. And the more multifunctional they become, the more complex professions they take. This is what gives rise to the very split in society that is so necessary to incite conflict.
And this conflict is presented from different points of view to complete the picture. Nanny Kara, who rescues a girl from an aggressive dad, makes her way through the city in search of shelter and tranquility. Caregiver Marcus experiences rebirth and becomes the messiah leading his tribe to a new life. Agent Connor has been in the arms of job descriptions for the longest time, but thanks to him the situation is revealed from the point of view of the authorities and those in power. Each has its own story, but they can overlap - David Cage has used this approach not for the first time - it was so in Fahreinheit and Heavy Rain, but in Detroit the concept is taken to the next level thanks to excellent direction.

Cage's previous games, with all the scenario splendor, were worried about the implementation of gameplay. Here is a cutscene in which the actors emotionally wave their arms and react to external influences. And here is a piece of the study of the location, in which the same character walks like an unfinished Buratino and tries to fit into the doorways. At Detroit, Cage and his team have done extensive bug fixes and completely redesigned the approach to staging. Now even the episodes of the exploration of locations are made with careful use of motion capture animation, and the camera carefully concentrates on numerous details, without taking control from the player. Walking through the mall, Marcus will take a closer look at the glass roof, and Connor, moving towards the deviant on the roof, will gently push the chair out of the way. There are dozens of such small details and they are not immediately evident - however, this is how believability and cinematography are created. During the cutscenes, there are more close-ups and dynamic scenes - all this enhances the emotional response from the events taking place. Thanks for this is the increased detail and detailed capture of facial expressions. The play of light on the pupils of the characters is especially impressive.

The downside of the cinematic is the excessive overload of clichés. Almost every scene develops in a fairly predictable way, and many lines of dialogue are guessed on the go. If communicating with the police chief at the station, then it is imperative to put the badge on the table in a raised voice and with threats; if interrogation, then by all means with a bunch of observers behind one-sided glass; if the son of a rich artist suddenly showed up on the doorstep, he will probably ask for money. But this has its own positive side - plot moves do not require any lengthy explanations and chewing, and interactivity changes the perception of cliches for the better, because it depends on our actions which cliche will come out next.

Taking into account the experience of the previous game "Beyond: Two Souls", David Cage did not call famous actors to participate in the game. The main characters are played by little-known actors. The role of Connor was played by Brian Descartes, familiar to True Blood fans. His character remains in captivity of android instructions for the longest time and therefore rarely breaks down for emotions. But even in such a wooden role, he manages to give out an extremely curious hero for whom he wants to worry. And his communication with the policeman is the best thing in the game.

The android nanny Kara, played by Valorie Kerry, is the first to experience an emotional turn, and the storyline with caring for a little girl goes more detached from the main story arc. The heroine has her own little story with her defeats and victories. This is without a doubt the most emotional story of them all - and the story does not disappoint in the number of moving and intense scenes.

The key character of Marcus was played by Jesse Williams, and his story turned out to be the most eventful. Still - he is destined to become practically the leader of the entire android movement, and therefore many episodes with his participation cause genuine admiration. The scene in the junkyard is just that - the opposite of a well-groomed city and a terribly creepy place that is physically hard to be. Another impressive moment is the scene of the procession down the street, where more and more androids side with Marcus.

Of the more or less famous actors, one can only note the elderly artist Karl Manfred, played by Lance Henriksen, known for the role of the android Bishop from "Aliens" (appreciate the irony - playing a man in a game about androids, while he himself was one of the most famous androids to the cinema!). His role, however, is tiny, but still memorable.

The gameplay is based on familiar patterns. We are given at the mercy of a carefully designed location in which the hero is given a specific task - to get to point A and perform action B, however, nuances are possible along the route. The game encourages the exploration of the environment, because any accidentally discovered object can have a significant impact on events. The trick is that you never know if what you find will turn out to be good. The story of Markus begins in the early morning, where he went to the store to pick up a set of paints. The easiest option is to move forward and not be distracted by anything. However, if you stay for a short time, you can discover a lot of interesting things and witness interesting scenes. The angry people chant "Down with the androids" because they have deprived them of their jobs, the preacher at the corner is broadcasting about the approaching end of the world, the out of breath runner follows the recommendations of the android trainer. If you look at the preacher, he will notice the android staring at him and scold him, and the protesters may even attack Marcus. He will leave alive, but later in the mansion the aged artist will pay attention to the rumpled and soiled clothes. Or a more difficult option - when Kara returns home, her first task is to clean up, during which you can find a hidden pistol. Later, when the head of the family gets mad, it only depends on us whether to use the weapon or not. And the options for the development of events are frighteningly extensive. Moreover, the same pistol can then serve both for good and for evil.

There are several interesting mechanics associated with constructing events that have occurred based on the available evidence, and then the ability to program further actions, but they have very little practical use. The hero investigates the crime scene, analyzes evidence and builds a chain of relationships. Almost all active points are carefully highlighted, and in order to miss something, you need to try very hard or just ignore all the prompts. Programming the development of events also involves the search for a single successful option and the probability of failure is minimized. Much more interesting is the built scene in a strip club (there is one, yeah) - there you have to track the route of the suspect using cameras for a limited period of time. The trick is that the cameras are androids standing in special booths. This is one of the best episodes in terms of storytelling, directing, and a high probability of failure. There would be more of them.

Particularly tense moments, the camera is activated and constantly changes angles, showing what is happening from different sides. At this moment, the notorious QTE elements pop up on the screen. Successful and timely pressing of the correct button or their combination avoids unpleasant consequences. Misses reduce the likelihood of a successful outcome, however, it is not so simple here either. One gets the feeling that some blunders do not greatly affect the development of events, but some, on the contrary, are critically important. So one wrong move can screw up a successful streak. However, especially for those who are especially worried, there is a facilitated solution to the difficulties, where the timings are softer and the combinations are not so complicated. Compared to Beyond Two Souls, this is a significant step forward - there, in rare moments, you had to become a natural octopus in order to hold all the necessary buttons. In Detroit, all combinations are simple and rarely require much effort. For the whole game, 5 scenes can be gained at most, in which it is really hard to press the buttons, no matter how funny it sounds.

At the end of each chapter, we are shown a wealth of choices and this is almost the main gameplay element that not only encourages us to keep playing, but can even convince us to press the "Start a new game" button. Previous Quantic Dreams games contained such logic in secret and all calculations were carried out somewhere deep in the bowels of the console. Now, all the wealth of possibilities lies on the surface and makes you literally drool over the spreading tree of possible options and the number of endings of one particular chapter. The trick is that initially all options are closed and blocked, therefore, after completing the game once, they will show us at most 40% of what, in principle, is in the game. Moreover, the diagram shows blocks that come from other "options", which means that even two passages are not enough to see everything - an internal perfectionist risks getting stuck in this interactive series for a long time. Another attention-grabbing element is the comparison of global statistics. Next to each choice, you can display a number showing how many people have made the same choice. Extremely entertaining, I must say!

Visually, the game conquers instantly. Still, the devils from Quantic Dream are able to carefully work out motion capture animation and lick the picture to a shine. Detailed locations, carefully crafted characters and multi-layered filters create a cozy environment that is just a pleasure to admire. A varied soundtrack emphasizes the drama of the scenes and creates dynamics where necessary. It simply does not work to reproach that the creators have fallen short of somewhere in visual or musical design.

But the theme of androids is revealed in a somewhat one-sided way. This is the first statement by David Cage on the topic of cyberpunk and, unfortunately, upon closer examination, you can see a lot of jambs in it. In history, androids are practically indistinguishable from humans - you can understand that they are cars only by working clothes with LEDs and a special round lamp on the temple. Later it turns out that you can get rid of it without any problems, which will not affect the functioning of the robot at all. Much in the functioning of androids remains behind the scenes and significant details of their device are omitted. Somewhere it is enough to pull the central module out of the belly to disable the robot, but somewhere you can live without it for some time.
The moral dilemmas raised also lack depth. Androids are primarily described as victims of circumstance, forced slaves who try to survive in a world of aggressive people. When the script leans towards a civil war with a heap of human casualties, the grief of the people is not even briefly stopped.
Androids in Detroit are the same people, but with more capabilities - they can control equipment from a distance, change parts like gloves, and calculate events in advance. The story focuses on emotions and, if it is necessary, that androids were sensitive and weak - they will be so, because it is necessary for the plot, and do not care about the logic of the world. This behavior, of course, is frustrating and can spoil the experience of the game, but if you do not get very indignant, there will be no problems.

There are not so many games in the genre of interactive cinema. Apart from Quantic Dream itself, only Telltale with their wooden TV series are capable of delivering something convincing. True, in recent years, the quality of their games has been dropping lower and lower - after the unexpected hit on Walking Dead and the wonderful in all respects The Wolf Among Us, the studio still cannot find a balance between quality and quantity, releasing more and more budget crafts on the same engine. Against their background, the new game of the French can boast of an exorbitant level of quality, which is very close to photorealism.

"Detroit: Become Human" can be considered David Cage's apology for the slapdash Beyond: Two Souls. He marked the location of the rake and this time carefully walked around them. A well-tailored plot about androids that have flooded (well, not the whole planet yet) Detroit and gain self-awareness, although cut from cliches, but still creates a fascinating sight. Excellent graphics, sophisticated direction and detailed facial expressions blur the line between game and cinema. The main plus of this "movie" is that it is interactive, and besides, it is also non-linear - this fact spurs to press the button "Start a new game" and try to reshape the story in a new way. And the fact that there are some problems with the logic and depth of the disclosure of the topic - you can safely close your eyes to this.

An excellent game, the main idea is perfectly implemented and the heroes are spelled out.
I do not understand when claims are made to such a genre about gameplay, because here the genre immediately implies that it will be so.
I would like more interactions with the outside world, not related to the plot.

A smart game that can be played more than once. Minus for me is a few interactive objects that would tell about the world.

I believe that if the game evokes emotions in the player, then it is a success.
Despite some ridiculous, illogical and formulaic moments in some episodes, Detroit pleased me. Behind the big picture, all these patterns and inconsistencies are lost.
And because of this, I want to follow the game. Despite the fact that the plot is banal, and the heroes are stereotyped (especially the detective), you still worry about them, you want to kill some and save others. The game gets a 10 out of 10 from me. Not every game can get me excited, but Detroit did. But I decided to give the game two ratings) If we abstract from emotions, then flaws will immediately come into our eyes, and because of them, the rating can be safely thrown off to 8.

I never wrote reviews for games, even when The heavy rain passed, which I considered a masterpiece. After the passage, incredible emotions overwhelm me, every scene I plunged with all my heart into the atmosphere of the game, empathized with the main characters, as if this was my real story. I was struck by the huge variety of storylines, where any of your actions affect it, I cannot convey all my emotions - this is a game for which it is worth buying a PS4 and not regretting a single drop of money spent, I have a great desire to replay this game again and again. Thanks to this game, I plunged into another reality, thanks to the developers for this opportunity!

The game is just one word Masterpiece!
I played all the games from quantic dream, all the games were pleasing in their own way, but this game opened my eyes to how cruel people are and that the future cannot be changed, it will be so. (Our era is not endless)

The plot of the game is pretty logical. The fact that some androids "need" sleep, food and warmth is due to the program, so that these specific models are more like real people.
The very nature of emotions in androids is quite explainable by some kind of virus, which is indirectly confirmed by the fact that some androids are able to "infect" other androids.
In general, the plot in the game is very non-linear, the characters in the game are also not bad, I especially liked Connor, it was a pleasure to play him.
In any case, the game is worth buying only for those who fully understand what the genre of interactive cinema is. There are no challenging puzzles or fast-paced gameplay. The essence of this game is in decision making and the consequences to which these decisions lead. And if you like these games, then feel free to take it, you will definitely not regret it!

Addicting quest game published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The main heroine of the quest is Kara, she is an android with powerful artificial intelligence. Kara manages to escape from the laboratory in which she was created. Now the robot girl is trying to find her place in this life and she will have to fight for this, because people still consider androids to be insensitive machines, capable only of maintaining comfortable conditions for a person. Society is not yet capable of accepting Kara, she is a stranger to them. Will the android Kara find himself and be happy? If you are interested in the answer to this question, and you want to help the girl, you need to go to the game Detroit: Become Human, download the torrent on your PC and now you can help the main character and find out if she can survive outside the walls of the android factory. But, do not forget, now it depends only on you how the plot of the game will develop, and in what conditions Kara will be. One wrong move and the heroine is already in mortal danger. Calculate your every step, because only you can help the android girl become happy, and only you can prove to humanity that androids are not insensitive machines, and they also have feelings.

The game will take place in the near future, when commercially available robotics androids are virtually indistinguishable from humans. Android must implicitly stick to its masters, but some of them become "deviant" of their own accord as a result of a programming error. During Detroit, the player sequentially controls three android heroes, each of which has its own story: Servant Kara protects a little girl, a police complex hunting down harmful androids, and a riot Marcus tries to free relatives from slavery. The non-linear storyline of the game contains many options and forks, and the decisions of the players during dialogues and QTEs will be reflected in the report.

The game was highly praised by the press, with observers comparing the game to Blade Runner and other similar iconic works, noting the detailed settings and realistic game graphics, the acting and the impact of player choice on the plot. At the same time, many critics, despite their magnitude, considered the manuscript to be weak and in many places appropriate, as well as analogies of slavery and discrimination in real history as disturbing and more likely to cause embarrassment than sympathy. Detroit: Become Human is Quantic Dream's most commercially successful game; by the end of 2018, 2 million units had been sold. Are you curious about what awaits you next in the game? Then you just simply need to download the Detroit Become Human torrent Xattab on your PC from the link below. In the near future, in 2038, the production of android robots, created by Cyberlife to meet the diverse needs of humans, will be in full swing on Earth. The founder of the company and the creator of the android is Ilya Kamsky.

Global problems on Earth are aggravated: the population of the Earth is 10 billion, resources are being depleted, which leads to a war between Russia and the United States for their Arctic remains. Game events take place in the city of Detroit. There are three pieces in the game: Kara, Marcus and Connor. Cara (Valory Carrie) is an Android AX-400 for Android that is devoid of the cruelty of its owner Todd (Dominic Gould). Marcus (Jesse Williams) becomes the commander of the local resistance base in Jericho. Connor (Brian Descartes) is the prototype of a company that strives to combat "deviance", but he can become one of them during the game. Violations are androids that break software, causing them to start experiencing emotions, and they also have a will of their own as a person. You can learn about how androids become people in this game. And first you need Detroit Beck Human on your PC to download a torrent in Russian using one of the links below.

Kara, Todd Williams' Android maid and her daughter Alice, escapes with her when Todd attacks them and becomes deranged. Both passengers travel through Detroit to get to Canada, where there are no Android laws and where they are safe. Kara and Alice befriended another Android Luther who joined them along the way. They are looking for Android help, which advises them to look for Jericho where they can find passports to help them cross the Canadian border. They are in different situations that could lead to the death of Luther, Kara and Alice. Kara is also told that Alice is actually an android replacing the daughter kidnapped by Todd's wife. They can come to Canada by bus or boat, survive in a recycling center, or die wherever they try.

Android security guard Markus and his owners return home to report the alleged theft to the police. In a confrontation with a criminal, Marcus bypasses his software and thus becomes an abnormal android with complete autonomy, causing the police to shoot him upon arrival. Marcus wakes up in a junkyard of broken androids and, having escaped from there, finds a wreck in Jericho and a refuge for the same anomalies. There Marcus unites others to fight for their rights. They engage in a series of actions that are disobedient to citizens, that grab the attention of the public and increasingly attract androids. This culminates in an FBI attack on Jericho. If Jericho survives, Marcus and the others will organize the final march, either as a result of the war or as a result of deviations that have achieved a peace deal with the president. And that's not it. The Detroit Become Human game can have several endings, each of which is good in its own way.

CyberLife dispatched Android Police Investigator, Connor, to help alcoholic police Hank Anderson, who hates androids. When deviations occur, they either become friends or hate each other, which can lead to Hank's suicide. While chasing Marcus, Connor begins to question the validity of the rules he should follow, but at the same time, he may still choose to stay the way he was programmed. He eventually finds Jericho, where he himself can become anomalous. If that happens, it will invade CyberLife Tower and turn all Androids into deviations. If not, he tries to kill Marcus during his last demonstration, but is stopped by a special team.

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