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How to do dive. Master class on diving. Learning to detain your breath

If you already know how to swim well and even learned to jump into the water "bomber" or "soldier", then it's time to learn to dive! Many people seem to be very difficult, but, having mastered the technique of diving and overcoming fear, you will feel no worse than an experienced athlete. How to learn to dive? Read in our material.

To begin with, you need to get used to the thought that you will dive down your head. Get rid of fear of water and height. To get used to the feeling that the water "catches" you try, standing in the water, fall forward and backward.

Dive need from standing standing. The support leg should stand a bit ahead, the fingers can even hang out from the shore or the edge of the side. Hands straighten and lift over your head. Now you need to push off the ground and dive. Remember, you should not just fall into the water, namely push off and plunge into it. First, the tips of the fingers enter the water. Make sure that your body is always stretched, resembled a string, legs should be together.

It is very important to keep track of breathing. Before diving, take a deep breath and hold your breath. When you dive and begin to move under water, you will want to do inhale, as oxygen will end. To make it easier for you to transfer it, you need to make two swallowing movements, without opening your mouth, and then make a small exhalation. Experienced trainers also advise - this skill will give confidence on the water.

Tips: how to learn to dive.

  • First, learn how to dive from the surface of the water or the coast, and already try to dive from tower or springboard;
  • Get rid of fear of water and height. It is fear that people get injuries due to the fact that they lose orientation during diving;
  • You must be convinced that the depth of water is sufficient for diving;
  • Learn to open your eyes under water. Even salt water will not harm your eyes;
  • To your body immersed in water, lift the legs above;

  • Install a landmark on the shore. This will allow you to sail directly and hold the right course;
  • Floating under water, make a rowing down and forth. Also, do not forget to hold the legs above the head so that the water does not pushed you on the surface;
  • Commit yourself different tests. For example, throw some object into the water and dive for it. So you will improve your own diving skills;
  • Dive only in the familiar area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain, avoid submarines, it will avoid;
  • Remember that in order to learn how to dive correctly and well, you need to train every day.

Many of us already know how to swim very well, but so far they are afraid to dive. Very great and fascinating to teach diving like a fish. You know that many lives managed to save, thanks to this particular ability. Therefore, it is very useful to everyone who is already able to swim still learning and dive, especially since it is not so difficult.

So, let's begin:

1. The first thing to learn is - this Do not close your eyesWhen we are under water.

This is a simple exercise for this: try to fall under the water, then turn your hand before your eyes and try to consider your fingers. Ahead of the question about the eyes, I immediately want to dispel fears: do not fear that the driver will pinch eyes, because even salty sea water, as a rule, will not cause discomfort and irritation.

2. When the confidence appears that under the water you can easily be able to not close your eyes and calmly treat everything, then you can try to plunge into the bottom of the shallow pool or, for example, the lake, try to raise some thing from the bottom, for example, a toy, coin, a piece of chalk.

3. Next, you can use this option: lean forward as much as possible, and your feet pull up, diving heads forward. Try to get the subject from the bottom. At first glance, this method may seem difficult and difficult, but several attempts and everything will fail.

4. The next step is selected a few meters from our desired item and try to dive it from the surface of the water. Initially, it can cause difficulty in the dive of the torso, but as soon as you already raise your legs under water, your torso will dyate down the weight of its own weight.

5. Now you should determine how long in time you can be under water. It may seem amazing, but swimming under water is practically no different from swimming on the surface of water. Although no, it is different, it is perhaps even more interesting to swim under water.

You may encounter a few difficulties!

- One of them is an ejecting force. But the secret is simple: for that water you did not pushed up, just keep the legs above the head, and each of your swabs will be sent first forward, then down.

- The second difficulty with which you will meet: This is when you dive hold a direct course. Of course it is clear that under water, there are absolutely no convenient landmarks, but, for example, you can try to navigate on the river.

Well, we got close to the main thing. When you feel a confident swimmer, it's time to study gracefully and beautifully enter the water, that is, it is correct and safe to dive forward your head. In practice, most newbies are just afraid to dive forward head and just plunge into the water, of course, they are noticeably hitting this water.

7. Let's go to the side of the pool or the shore of the river, where the depth is very small and lean forward, the hands above the head, they should practically touch the water stroit, and gently like the fish slide into the water. In practice as it follows this exercise.

8. Then try to jump into the water from the scene. Rate how far the jump turned out. First with a small height, then with a higher. As exercises and their abilities, adjust the height.

9. Imagine that you have already learned to decently dive from 3 meters, the height of 6 or even 10 meters will no longer scare and disturb. On the contrary, you will start receiving an incredible pleasure from this short flight.

But it's nice, the fact that you can not fall into the water, and this water will be happy to climb and meet you.

Before learning how to dive into the water, take off your nose, because when you jump into the water in the nose can get water and cause very unpleasant sensations in the nasophal.

What to do for this? I have shown the right exercise in my course in Brass. Today I will show it in more detail.

Nose training

Source position: stand on the belt in water. Making your mouth and gently squatted with your head under the water, immediately starting to exhale nose and mouth.

Important moment: Exhale through the nose you need to start before immersion of the face into the water!

Under water, count up to three and start gently climb. When approaching the surface, continue to exhale your nose. So you protect your nose from water from entering water.

First, do the exercise slowly, and then on jumps. As soon as you master it, go to the next.

Why should not learn to jump into the water from the side and bedside tables?

If you still do not know how to dive, then do not learn immediately jump from the side or bedside tables, because you can turn over your back, fall into the water with stomach, breast, hitting the internal organs, but it happens - and damaging. Another option is torturing your head in the bottom of the pool.

So that this does not happen, learn first to jump in the water, standing in it by the belt.

Exercise "Arrogo"

Immediately before jumping, learning to do the exercise "Arrogo".

Right position: the hands are elongated forward, lie on the water. Inhale, omit your face into the water, immediately making the nesting submitted nose and mouth. As soon as they lay and face the water, pull up the second leg to the side and - repel from it with two legs.

The whole of your body at the time of slipping in the water must be located as horizontally: the head between the hands, and the face looks strictly down, in no case is not forward!

If there is no bilge behind your back, then it is necessary to repel your feet from the bottom, while the whole sequence of movements is the same as in the pool.

Mini jump in water

As soon as the "arrow" was mastered, go to the mini jump into the water.

Right position: standing on the belt in the water, keep your hands stretched over the water. Next - inhale your mouth, a small jump up and, as soon as the body goes under the water, quickly tighten your legs to the side and push off from it.

Important! At the time of the immersion of the face into the water, be sure to make a submitted nose, and picked up the chin.

Jumping from the edge of the pool from the situation sitting

Stand on the edge of the pool, hook your feet for the edge of the pool, sneeze. After that, pull your hands forward and mentally note the point in the water (between hands). Remember it.

After that, you take a breath, tip the head and press the chin to chest, make a push with your legs.

First, the fingers of the hands should go into the water - it is in the point that you have planned. Next should go to the head, not the chest or stomach. This is a very important point, so it is necessary to keep the chin with the subsequent slip during the push of the legs and the subsequent slip. In no case do not look forward to the water and do not forget about the submissive nose!

A pinch should be strong, otherwise you just fall into the water with belly and breasts.

Jumping from the edge of the pool and with bedside tables from the classic position

As soon as the jump from the sitting position, you started to get confidently, gradually raise on my feet and jump from semi-boiled legs, straightening them all stronger. Gradually, you will come to the position that is considered optimal when jumping into the water:

The hands are straightened and reserved back at an angle of about 45 ° relative to the back or arms straightened and lowered down, they hold on to the edge of the side;

At the time of the push, the hands need to dramatically throw the hands forward, and head their heads between the hands, tilting it to the chest.

When the leap from the side worked well, go to the jump from the bedside tables. The principles of jumping with it are the same as from the side. Just do not strive to immediately jump as beautiful as possible - learn how to jump technicially and the beauty will come!

The main thing is to enter the water by tangent, creating as little resistance as possible in water. Therefore, it is so important to keep the body stretched into the arrow, and the head is between the hands, with the chin lowered down and pressed down to the chest.

Take care of yourself! How to dive into the water.

On the Internet is full of tips, how to learn to dive into the water. Often you can read this: "Jump into the water from running!"

To put it mildly, these people are not very sacrificed in diving and do not care about your health. If you run on the side and jump from running out, you can jump successfully 100 times, and on the 101st slip and hit your head about the edge of the pool. The consequences can be the most sad.

Never jump into the water, if you do not see, do not know the bottom! According to statistics, about 10,000 people every year in Russia become disabled, jumping in an unfamiliar place and hitting the head of invisible items. It is especially dangerous to dive in the reservoirs over the time: in a few hours the relief of the bottom changes, the water can bring closures with them, stones, construction trash and in the place where you dived yesterday, today it will be dangerous.

Enjoy the right diving and jumping water. And how to dive under the water "Mermaid" or "Dolphin", I will tell you in my learning course on Butterfly. And so far say goodbye to the meeting, and - be healthy!

Having learned to swim over the surface, any novice diver eventually comes to thoughts:

- Do not immerse a little deeper to, finally feel yourself to feel like a real explorer of the underwater world.

In one of the past articles, we met with water for different diving conditions.

Today we will continue the topic and will understand how to properly dive and most importantly - to pop up correctly.

It would also be nice to figure out which it will be necessary for it, and which exist equipment.

Got acquainted? Excellent!

  • Immerse yourself
  • Pop up
  • Dangers when floating

We will continue.

First of all I remind the main commandment of the diver - never dive alone!

Even if there is no partner next to us during the dive, it must be on the surface: watching our actions, and be ready to help at any moment.

On the surface in the sense in the bot or boat, which, for example, in Balaclava, can be rented for quite reasonable value. Who can be interested, you can learn by reference.

At the same time, the partner, of course, should be able to swim, dive and possess the skills to provide first aid.

So, we are already in water and are ready for immersion.

If you are immersed without scuba, in a set number 1, before with your head to plunge into the underwater world, we will make the lungs hyperventilation: somewhat slow deep breaths - exhale.

It is necessary in order to saturate the light oxygen and, accordingly, increase the time of stay under water.

Hyperventing do before the appearance of light dizziness, but not more. With longer ventilation, risk of losing consciousness and "enable" apnea - stopping the respiration due to reduction in the blood of carbon dioxide.

If you are immersed with the aqualung, you do not need hyperventilation - we are already breathing through the device and we have an air reserve in the cylinder.

Immerse yourself

There are two main diving methods: down legs and down head .

Both are suitable for immersion with scuba, and without it.

Down legs

For immersing legs down first we grieve: bend your legs in your knees and pull them up to your chest. The feet are divorced to the sides, and the hands stretch forward or to the sides (as it is more convenient).

Powerful shower and simultaneous rowing hands down, raise the housing over the water. The power of gravity will make his own business and will try to return us back ...

... And we will help her in this.

Straighten your legs and make rowing hands up, even stronger "robbing" yourself into the water.

Fully ending under water, we are grouping again: pressing your knees to the chest, make the known and we guide your hands down. Then the push of legs and rowing of hands rush to the depth.

Down head

To plunge into this way, we grieve: bend your legs in your knees and pull them up to your chest. Hands pull in front of you.

We make a deep breath and, lowering your head into the water, turn over, directing your hands to the bottom. The legs are above the water and give an additional immersion impulse.

We make rowes, even more accelerating.

So we are under water!

Now move (in the sense of immersed) we can in two ways:

  1. A more natural, suitable dive with aqualung. Flexing alternately legs in the hip joint, like the movements with scissors, and helping their hands along the body, go even deeper.
  2. More efficient, but requiring a skill suitable for fridising. Hands in the direction of the bottom and smooth wave-like movements, housing and legs, are also immersed in depth.

More specifically with scuba diving styles, we will introduce one of the following articles. In order not to miss it - subscribe to blog updates.

When diving without scuba, in the first meters, we feel a feeling of excess air in the lungs associated with an increase in water pressure on the chest.

We have a desire to exhale the air, to reduce discomfort.

But we will not do this!

The feeling of overcrowding will quickly pass, and the air reserve will be more useful for us. We will save it.

As you can save air for more stay underwater I recommend wading in the article.

When diving with scuba, discomfort usually does not occur. Pressure in the lungs is equal with an external pressure of scuba, and therefore you can and you need to exhale.

The main rule of aqualant - do not delay your breath!

It is necessary to breathe calmly, deeply and measured.

With the further set of depths, it is worth protecting the ears. They contain air cavities and air, with increased pressure, compressing, pulling the eardrum inside.

If you do not take timely measures, the eardrum can be easy to break.

Also do not forget about diseases associated with pressure change. You can read about them in the article.

Pop up

Timely float is the most important point in a safe diving. It is possible to determine it in several signs.

With diving without scuba

When diving with scuba, except the indicated:

The emergence of any of these signs or signals tells us that it is time to pop up.

Ignoring them can lead to severe health effects, and sometimes life.

We rise to the surface slowly, especially if we were at great depth. No need to strive to jump out the bullet to the surface.

Of course, when climbing with small depths, the risk is not great, but, nevertheless, there is a chance to hit the objects on the surfaces (bot, partner, swim hinge, etc.)

When lifting with large depths with scuba, we will need decompression stops.

If we were at the depths for a long time and try to quickly climb, we can earn a decompression disease (or rather, it most likely earn it).

Nitrogen dissolved in the blood does not have time to exit light and forms bubbles that block the vessels, block the bloodstream and cause their gap.

Breathing when the floodbar is definitely prohibited!

Depth and time of stay on decompression stops, we define special decompression tables or using a underwater computer.

Also, when lifting from depth, you should not throw your head up, trying to consider the surface, it reduces the normal supply of the brain with oxygen.

We look right in front of yourself, slightly raising a look to the surface, so as not to crash into objects above.

Movement support smooth and measured - you should not finally spend the residue of oxygen.

Dangers when floating

As we have already decided, the ascent is the most important process in diving. It is necessary to approach its planning even before diving.

However, it is impossible to foresee in principle.

Therefore, careless, we observe caution doubly (triple, ten times).

What can be a source of danger:

  • passing or standing vessels are dangerous to the strike of them and working screws;
  • fishing nets are dangerous in confusing;
  • the above people or objects are dangerous to the collision with the possible loss of consciousness and damage;
  • insurance lin is dangerous in confusing for bottom items, stones and rocks.

In conclusion, I remind you that for a safe immersion you need to follow certain rules.

Refuse dive:

Transfer the immersion for an hour (two):

Diving is not going anywhere. We rely on when there are more favorable circumstances.

Remember your health and life depend on it.

Successful dives.

Sincerely, Sergey Drozdov.

P.. S.. If you have questions after reading the article, do not hesitate to ask in the comments.

P.. P.. S.. With themes that will be disclosed in the near future, you can find on.

Diving in length will be useful not only to achieve results in the pool. Duck correctly sometimes needed in emergency situations, and sometimes on vacation, swimming in the sea or other reservoir. Proper diving into the thickness of the water: the ability to avoid injuries, dislocate, demonstrate a sports form.

Diving technique

Behind the beauty and coherence of movements at the start is the work of swimmers in training. Diving into water requires preparedness at once in several directions. It is necessary to make faithful, honed movement before and after the start, prepare the respiratory system to the immersion, turn into water technically.

Before swimming, prepare light: make them hyperventilation: Swimmers smoothly and calmly breathe and exhale. In a second before the start makes a deep breath. Extra carbon dioxide is distinguished from blood, muscle work is facilitated. Immersion, swimmers reduce the pressure inside the lungs. Diving, make two or three throats, and then exhale air. This exercise allows you to have the right time under water without air. And he will eliminate the desire to breathe deeply, and then the athlete focuses only on the swim.

Methods of immersion

Diving technique in length provides proper immersion in water or the right start. Dive in two ways, depending on the selected style of swimming and the goals set before the athlete. Head down dive when the bottom of the reservoir is known and during sports competitions in the pools. My legs dive when the depth of the pool or the lake and the nature of the bottom is unknown, as well as with emergency jumps in clothing.

  1. Head down:
  • From the sides of the pool: the feet tightly cut, clasping the edge of the fibers, the legs are slightly bent slightly. Pull your arms and tilt the housing, head and hands will be in the same plane. Pump off the side, smoothly enter the water.
  • From the cabinet: the head of the supporting leg clap the edge of the cabinet, the second leg takes to her edge. Tilt the housing and take up the edge of the cabinet. Throw off, at the same time pulling hands forward, dive. This option is considered optimal for professionals, jumping from the cabinets is called an athletics leap.
  1. Legs down:
  • C Frames of the pool: Stand on the edge of the side, pressing your hands tightly to the body. Make a step with one foot, push off and jump, at the same time putting the second leg. In the process of jumping, stretch socks for better entry.
  • The impetus from the support, usually from the pool wall: to bend legs in the water, leaving the feet to the wall of the pool, strongly push off, stretching the hands and body.

Trainers advise dive with open eyes to outline landmarks at the bottom of the pool. These are usually labels or pictures on the day, the opposite board. This will speed further promotion, will save time.

The diving technique in the pool in length provides for further promotion in different ways:

  • Torpeda: The body of the athlete is stretched as a string, the head is between elongated forward, the promotion is forwarded due to the energetic movements of the legs.
  • Brass: After immersing the athlete makes powerful beads, after which the hands remain at the hip, and at the moment of the pause there is a major movement forward with the help of the body.
  • On the side: the technique is similar to the brass technique, but the body is turned on
  • Combined Method: Performance under the waters of the rowers by the hands of the Brass, and the legs with a roll either by the way Dolphin, and the legs of the breeding method. There are many combinations, they depend on the tasks set in the competition and the possibilities of an athlete.

Physical training

Without apparent physical training, diving in the pool or other reservoir is not possible. No wonder the swimmers train daily for several hours. Their training is not limited to the pool only: these are common exercises in the gym, basketball, other team games, ride and cross-country skiing.

General physical training (OFP) solves a complex of tasks, which leads a swimmer to high results. First of all, it is his health and comprehensive physical development. Endurance, speed, plasticity, dexterity: guarantors of lots of many hours of training and swims in competitions.

About 70% of training belong to the OFP in water. They are aimed at the development of endurance and an increase in the speed abilities of athletes. Classes suggest different types of loads: uniform, interval, control and competitive, etc. To each athlete, the coach finds a special approach based on its true physical form.

The use of additional inventory in training gives a visible effect. Weighing belt, blades, flippers of different lengths, boards, rubber, destroyers: These are elements that help swimmers to strengthen their physical form. For example, an exercise with a rubber simulator is common: when the swimmer, holding the edge of the rubber ribbon tied to the side of the pool, performs rowing movements in place. Or training with shovels that are dressed in arms and a kobrashka held between beer or legs form a stable position in water and the flexibility of an athlete.

OFP on land: integral part of training. Exercises straighten the spine, increase the mobility of the joints, develop muscle tissue, harde the body.

Power exercises on land are carried out with weighing, for example, with a barbell or dumbbells. If you need to add speed to the development of power, then swimmers are invited to play basketball, volleyball or push the kernel.

Exercises for flexibility are necessary to give the joints of the elasticity, which is necessary for stretching and performing reversal. In this case, a set of exercises for stretching muscles is applied, they are performed with both additional inventory and without it.

Speed: One of the decisive factors at competitions. It is achieved by the strengthening of the main muscle groups, their nervous reactions, elasticity. It is achieved by a high level of speed on running training, during group sports games, on treadmills and ellipses.

Endurance: one of the necessary components of the OFP. Endurance requires a swimmer for long-term workouts and overcoming long distances. This is training this quality by performing monotonous exercises in the gym, as well as the strengthening of general physical indicators.

Dexterity is needed in swimming for coordination of movements during the swim and mastering different movements in the degree of complexity. Fast rotation, knuckles, correct start: The results of the training of this ability.

Advantages of ownership skill

For lovers and professionals, diving skills in the pool either in water reservoir are necessary, possession of them has the following advantages.

  1. Strengthening the general physical form. Without possession of the body, it is impossible to competently enter the water, dive. In turn, the competent entrance to the water will ensure impeccable overcoming distance.
  2. The skill is applicable not only in the pools, but also when relaxing on the sea, the lake, another reservoir. In the allowed species, diving will provide comfortable swimming. I need skill and for divers, surfers and other sportsmen engaged in open reservoir. Without the right entry into water, it is impossible to master the complex techniques of these sports.
  3. The aesthetic component: beautiful, athletically folded swimmer, attracts attention to training and competitions, in pools and during swimming in natural reservoirs.

The diving into the water will not only help to overcome the desired distance, but also contributes to the development of force, lightness, flexibility. A person will feel his body will strengthen his health. Before immersion in water, it is convinced of the bottom safety in natural reservoirs, and in the pool - in sufficient depth for immersion.