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What do men differ from women in terms of psychology? What is the difference between a man from a man: whom to choose a woman what distinguishes a man from a woman

It's no secret that a woman and man perceive the same phenomenon in different ways. That is why two sexes often face problems that arise in attempts to understand each other. If since childhood every child knows about the physiological difference, even adults often forget about the psychological difference. What do men differ from women in terms of psychology? Psychology of relations is sufficiently important and mandatory for study.

The worldview of a man can be compared with a mosaic, from which he seems to make pictures of "life", all objects and things he sees in a spatial relationship. The woman, perceiving reality, adds a wider picture for himself, at the same time she neglects spatial interconnection, paying special attention to the details and links of each mosaic element with the neighboring.

Life priorities differ radically. A man purposefully reaches all the goals set in front of him, conquers all the vertices, seeks to take a certain place in society, to defeat all of its competitors and first cross the Finish. Women's interests focus mainly on such concepts as love, friendship, communication, harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation. The psychology of relations suggests that the differences between the floors are so great, which is surprising how they all get along together.

What do men differ from women? You can answer this question, tracing the behavior of both sexes in the process of growth. Already at the age of several months, it is clear that girls love people, and boys are objects or things. The psychology of relations clearly indicates that men differ from women and that all fixed differences are amenable to scientific definition and affect the perception of the same event or phenomenon with different floors in different ways with a different brain device.

The self-assessment of the man always depends on the results achieved and victories, and the self-assessment of the woman comes with its social situation in society, its participation in interpersonal relationships. The psychology of relations states that men and women also behave in different ways in stressful situations. If a woman feels the need for consolation and care, then the man most often loves to develop a solution to the problem.

The most detailed answer to the question than men differ from women, gives John Gray Book called "Men from Mars, Women with Venus." Not only all differences between the sexes, but also the ways to overcome such sharp discrepancies in their views, are quite detailed and studied in the book.

On the pages of the book by a simple, intelligible language sets out the difference between the vision of the problem of man and from a woman. A man develops a decision without guided by feelings, while a woman is strongly influenced by emotions. Any acts of both sexes are committed, guided by completely different motifs. If for the woman the engine is the feeling that her actions approve and support, then the man needs to know that it needs.

John Gray claims that men and women talk in different languages. Men are more silent than women who have vocabulary almost two times wider (proved scientific).

The most problematic question is the difference of interests in the field of close relationships. When the representatives of a wonderful reason after approaching the extraction, they are trying to bind her to themselves and not to pay anywhere, a man (mining), in turn, breaking all the obstacles on the way to conquering the heart of the object of his passion, trying at least for some distance to move away from the woman. The mutual respect for each side helps to fully solve this problem.

What are men different from a woman? If each person tries to learn all the above information, it will help to avoid many conflict situations, get rid of unnecessary depression and stress, will not make it difficult to evaluate each other's actions, because the realistic awareness of all problems helps to solve them much better than passivity and waiting for what -to "more suitable."

Everyone familiar a little rude saying "The man said - the man did,", however, most of the representatives of the same sex are not too complaining such a definition of a man. The term "man" sounds rude and even slightly dismissively. What is the difference between a guy and a man? What are these words like? It is worth understanding.

Guy and man: Definition of terms

Man - outdated designation russian peasant, The consumption context is historical. Also, this term is the integral designation of a man, in its lexical meaning that makes focus on its strength and rudeness.

The man is the modern name of the representative of the strong floor. It is used most often to designate adult "individuals". Connotation values \u200b\u200bhas no.

What is the difference between a man and a peasant?

Both words - and the "man", and the "man" - are used to designate a strong sex in colloquial speech. Only here is the word "man" more literary, can also meet in writing speech, consumed in business communication and so on. The word "man", on the contrary, carries a distinct dismissive, negative or mumbling character.

If we consider the historical context, the word "man" is used to designate an uneducated, a coarse Russian peasant or a leaving from other lower estates of society. The man is busy exclusively by simple manual labor that do not require special skills or knowledge. Representatives of the highest estates were called her husbands.

Today in society it is customary to contact a man "man". Why? In all "to blame" the Soviet power, the Soviet ideology, who had given this term distinct heroic meaning. That is why initially dismissive naming was so tightly arrived in Russia and the CIS countries, especially in rural areas and remote regions. Rustic residents today often use this word in everyday speech instead of a more correct term "man."

Often from not too developed female representatives you can hear phrases like "What awesome man! I want the same! ". In this case, this is a compliment of the masculinity of the object chosen by such a "lady" regardless of its intellectual or creative qualities. Such a designation of a man - rather praise a beautiful, strong male from more than the middle female.

Developed, self-sufficient, intellectual men, by the way, such naming offend. Perhaps one of them came up with a sarcastic saying in retaliation: "God created a woman for a man. For the man he created the Babu. "

Most people believe that a man of a priori has such qualities as the will, endurance, durability and courage, easily evaluates the surrounding reality from the mind position, summarizing the facts. Also, men are considered more active, delusted and inclined to control everything around than women. Women, on the contrary, have better communication abilities, they have more advanced intuition.

Opponents of such a tough separation of gender roles believe that the aforementioned qualities are not inherent in all men necessarily, but rather are imposed on them with the historical peripetias and cultural traditions of many centuries.

Before making an opinion on this issue, it is necessary to take into account that every representative of strong sex is a person with its own history, its own peculiarities of psychological and physical development. The personality and nature of modern men is formed under the influence of a large number of hereditary and public factors, many of which are not too "courageous" color.

That is why it is not necessary to contact a stranger man "Man" - this is a word, even if only positive connotation is folded into it, it can hurt a person and show the speaker not at all on the side with which he or she wanted to appear.

Conclusions. Differences of a man from a man

  1. The man is a common name for all representatives of a strong sex. A man is a spurable, negligent naming of a coarse, unhappy man.
  2. The word "man" due to its general meaning is devoid of emotional color. The word "man", on the contrary, is often endowed with negative connotation, wearing mocking or dismissive character.
  3. Previously, before the formation of the country of Soviets, the men were called simple, coarse people from the lower estates. Male or husbands, on the contrary, called representatives of the Society of Supreme Echelons.
  4. The word "man" today is very often replaced by the name "Male" residents of rural areas or areas where ancient customs have been preserved. The word "man" is more often heard in cities, in business centers or intellectual activity.

Joke finally. With a share of truth ...

The words "man" and "man" have the same root - husband-. In the first case, the ancient designation of the representative of the male is attached suffix " iK", In the second - - chin-. What would this mean? Science etymology suggests that words in the historical context are not formed as it fell, but on clearly defined principles. Therefore, each part of the word has its own, an additional value, from which you can learn about the origin of the term under consideration.

So it turns out that a man is a husband with rank (succeeding, ambitious, developed man), and a man is a husband with ICOM (probably, from a large amount drunk on the eve of cheap vodka).

Let's talk about one of the key differences of the floors, which are often forgotten or simply refuse to understand. Especially this difference is manifested in the behavior of a couple during a quarrel due to misunderstanding.

Women wish constancy and full proximity in relationships, and the happiness of a man depends on freedom (they do not want to have restrictions and obligations in relations). And the point is not at all unlike the male and female brain.

Proximity and freedom

Source: iStock.

The differences in male and female psychology are obvious. Girls in relationships seek deep and mutual love. They want to forget with a partner in receiving love and her donation. Feel valuable and know that she is special in his eyes. This is direct affiliation to feelings and emotions.

Men avoid love and strong communications in relationships with the help of the "male cave", various employment at work, games on the prefix, sports, or male gatherings in a pub.

Freedom is looking for many people during their lives, this is actually fear of love and intimacy, disguised as freedom. What is the difference between a man and a woman in the perception of this freedom?

Most men perceive things and women's speech literally. That is why they often cannot read about what women think or feel - logic reigns in men's thinking. Therefore, when a woman says a man: "Didn't you understand what exactly do I need?" The answer most often will be "no ...".

"Be a man!"

Source: iStock

Many men are poorly familiar with their emotions. The most common example is a programming from an early age.

The boys hear and remember: "Boys do not cry" or "be a man!". So the boys learn to be afraid of their feelings, deny them. This is a sense of freedom for them, but in fact it is just a tragic programming since childhood.

We participate in competitions, go to work and, sometimes, even at war, where feelings do not play roles. "Feelings" will not give a competitive advantage, and, being too emotional, we will be killed on the battlefield.

Achieve speaker

The dynamics of love and external freedom, if not recognized and not to understand, is often one of the main causes of problems and conflicts.

What is the difference between a woman from a woman? When a man stretches more to "freedom", and a woman moves to rapprochement and love - no one will reach its goal. A man will keep together intense female love, and a woman does not understand his need for freedom.

The key for a man is to understand the desire of women to closeness and love, learn to treat her gently, without too much humor, but with romance.

If you spend too much time in the garage, in the office or with friends - it will be unhappy, angry and will feel unnecessary and unloved.

That day when she stops you to pull you out of office, the company of friends is the day when she put a cross on you. It may even mean that she has a new novel and you, as a man, she is now indifferent.

Sex and speaker

Incredible facts

Gender gap is the difference between men and women, in addition to obvious anatomical discrepancies, reflected, above all, in the social, political, intellectual, cultural and economic spheres.

However, this list of differences is concentrated on the biological aspects associated with both sexes, such as, for example, about a well-known fact that men are more resistant to alcohol, than women, because women have a higher fat content in the body, and Their stomach contains a smaller amount of enzymes, which can "digest" alcohol, as a result, with an equal volume of drinking alcohol, women will, as a rule, will be 30 percent drier.

10. Navigation and orientation in space

The way we perceive the surrounding validity depends largely on our floor, however, it was proved that men are much better oriented in space. Men, as a rule, use the kilometers and sides of the world in their calculations, while women are often focused on natural landscapes and in the directions of "left-right." Moreover, men are also more developed by the part of the brain, which controls the perception of speed and mental ability to perceive three-dimensional objects.

The roots of these differences lie in the distant past, when people were engaged in hunting and gathering, and when a man who led meat prey, it was necessary to have all these features for successful hunting. As for tests on the perception of three-dimensional objects, the boys showed their spatial abilities much better than girls (4: 1), while the best result in girls was the worse of the boys.

The male brain is programmed to effectively focus on one thing at a time, while the female brain is adapted to work in multitasking mode. The reason for this may be the fact that neural fibers connecting the right and left hemisphere are much more contained in girls.

9. Intellect.

The male brain is larger than women, it contains 4 percent more cells, and it weighs 100 grams more than the female brain. However, each floor has a brain weight ratio with a body weight equal. The female brain is more compact, it is more densely "stuffing" with neurons. Women also have a brain region responsible for language and social interaction, located in both hemispheres, and not only in the left, like men. Although men exceed women in terms of spatial navigation and geometry, women in language abilities exceed men even more. The study of eighth graders showed that girls are ahead of boys in this regard in a ratio of 6: 1.

Since the linguistic centers in men are less, and they are only in one hemisphere, men are more at risk of developing language disorders, such as dyslexia. Stuttering and speech defects for the most part boys suffer. But despite this, when testing tests on IQ, men are gaining an average of 3-4 points more than women.

Curiously, Dr. Luann Brizhendin (Louann Brizendine) claims that every brain starts its development as female, and only if the fruit becomes a man at 8 week, a testosterone splash, the language centers slow down their development, and several regions responsible for aggression begin to grow.

8. Health

In most countries of the world, women live longer. This may be associated with a safer lifestyle, or with the fact that workplaces with a high mortality rate mainly belong to men. Although men and women are equally exposed to the risk of developing mental illness, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases, which may be due to the presence of two x-chromosomes, so first women can be just a negligence carrier, before the development of symptoms, it is It may also be due to the reduced effect of testosterone. Men immediately manifest symptoms of the disease, if their only X-chromosome is damaged.

For this reason, some diseases are much more common in men. Examples of diseases dependent on the X-chromosome are hemophilia and daltonism. There is a possibility that Asperger's syndrome is also a genetic disease, moreover, it is 4 times more often in men.

7. Aging

Women, unfortunately, are not aging as men. In the female body there are especially dense neurons that are aging unevenly. This, in turn, can lead to more rapid development of dementia than a man. But women are usually a faster flow of blood flowing to the brain, so with age they lose less brain tissue.

Men's leather ages more slowly than women's, wrinkles in men appear later than women, because the collagen level in their cells does not dry up as quickly as in women. Nevertheless, the baldness is another X-linked recessive sign that men inherit from their mother. And all due to the fact that the androgen receptors, the hormone, playing a key role in the infrared process, are in the X chromosome. Therefore, if you want to know how your hair will look like a few decades, look at your grandfather, a man who gave your mother one of her X-chromosomes. Chronic diseases are also more often observed in women in old age, and not in men (especially such as arterial hypertension and arthritis).

6. Obony

Women are more sensitive to smells than men, and it can be associated with hormone estrogen. The structure of female and male nose is the same, they have the same number of receptors in the nose, but studies have shown that the smells activate the large region in the brain of women. Research has repeatedly been conducted, which showed that women are better oriented in odors and better distinguish their intensity.

In one of the research, men gave clean cotton t-shirts in which they slept for two nights. Subsequently, they were packed in pure polyethylene packages and gave women to appreciate how well, in their opinion, is a carrier of a particular T-shirt. As a result, women were attractive to men with the strongest immune system.

5. Tolerance to pain

Women have more nervous receptors that make them feel more pain than men. On a square centimeter, the woman's skin has 34 nerve fibers, while men are only 17. The man simply does not feel pain with the same intensity as a woman feels.

This has far-reaching consequences, since in the treatment of chronic pain, the highest doses of painkillers may be required. Moreover, about 70 percent of those who are tormented by chronic pains are women. However, all their sensitivity and tolerance to pain differ significantly from each other. Women have more mechanisms designed to cope with pain, which helps them easier to go through such vital events like childbirth.

4. Vision

When it comes to view, there are also significant differences between men and women. While men can read the most finely written lines, and they see better in the dark, women better feel colors, they have a wider periphery of vision and they have more chances to become trichromates. Trichomat implies a wider range of visions between green and red and their 100 shades, theoretically, it allows a woman to see 100 million different colors. Only women can be trichromates. This is due to the fact that the genes of red and green pigments lie on the X-chromosome, and since only women have two x-chromosomes, it allows one pigment to settle on one x chromosome, and another one.

Unfortunately, the mechanism does not work well in the body of a man, because men inherit either two green pigments, or two red, along with blue, so the colors of the spectrum between red and green, they do not distinguish. 8 percent of men in the world suffer from "color deficiency" compared with 0.5 percent of women.

3. Communication

Everyone knows that men and women communicate in different ways, and some observations from the scientific community clarify the situation. Women better manage their facial expressions. However, everything is completely the opposite when it comes to an expression of anger. Among women there is a tendency to "intercept" other people's emotions, a phenomenon known as emotional infection, although men are better than women to suppress their emotions.

Women more often looking into the eye partner in conversation. Men look around. At the same time, women more appreciate more communication than men. Men tend to discuss several topics during debates, while women can lead a long conversation on one topic. Thus, when it comes to conversation, each sex has many of its trends, and it helps to understand why some phrases are understood by each floor in different ways, such as, for example, "Let's talk about us."

2. Friendship

Friendship is also an important aspect in which the female and male approach is different. For men, friendly relations are a kind of competition. They avoid communicating about weakness and vulnerability, as well as personal and emotional problems. For women, the same communication for such topics is granted, they are looking for friendly help during difficulties. For this reason, we can say that women are emotionally closer to their friends than men.

Women, as a rule, are very valuable with their friends, they listen and speak, provide support and help a friend feel comfortable. On the other hand, men get closer to each other, engaging joint activities and providing each other services. Boys at school play more energetically and occupy more space on the playground than girls. Girls choose seating games, they are easily ready to accept a new "participant" in the game, while in order to be accepted by a boy, he must demonstrate its utility for the group.

1. Orgasm

During orgasm and female, and men's genital organs are poured with blood, and the muscles are involuntarily reduced with an interval of 0.8 seconds. It is during the orgasm, our blood, and men's, and female filled with a hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin, produced by a female organism, forces women for some time lying motionless, which increases the likelihood of conception.

Nevertheless, the difference between male and female orgasm is the time required in order to achieve orgasm, and its functionality. According to the sexologist Alfred Kinsley (Alfred Kinsley), 75 percent of men can reach orgasm within 4 minutes after the start of the sexual act. For women, this time varies from 10 to 20 minutes.

It was also suggested that due to the physiological similarities of the men's and female genital organs, the female orgasm is "echoing" male. As the Biologist-Evoluctionist Stephen Jay Gould noted, the clitoris is an analogue of the penis, this is the same body endowed with the same anatomical organization and reaction potential.

Moreover, after orgasm, both sexes often happen a surge of creative thought, since the orgasm causes activity in the right, creatively thinking of the hemisphere of the brain.

How to distinguish a man from a boy in his behavior, and not by age factor and the presence of sexual experience

Almost all women dream of seeing a strong shoulder, reliable rear, a loving person, a caring friend, a financial and stable source of money and a passionate lover. The main thing is that all these qualities have concluded in one person. In the most beloved, the right and only hero. Of course, for all women, the sequence and dosage of these criteria are different, but in principle the essence remains unchanged.

The world has changed very much over the past 20 years: marriages no longer conclude immediately after graduation, the first children appear after thirty, women increasingly began to earn more of their men.

Modern woman became more demanding about choosing her partner. She is no longer so naive, but still wants to get his portion of "noodles on the ears." She knows that "all the men His ..", but stubbornly looking for his only and unique. A woman from modern society has achieved success in his career, but already tired of going ahead one. The period of her "Everything needs to try" is already on the outcome, but to limit yourself, it is still not used to it. She is for the relationship "without masks", but still all in his armor.

A modern man is a classic style of self-confident male. He has its own principles and rules, one can say "Code of Honor". He knows what he wants from life, and boldly takes his own. It is difficult to "dilute" and he knows exactly how to lean the scales in his side. He is strong, confident in his abilities, but his main feature is that it can solve any problem.

According to the laws of attraction, the girl attracts the boy, and the woman attracts a man. By their nature, a real man will not be able to pay attention to the infantile, stupid person without any signs of adaptability to life. It can not all, because his favorite woman should approach his status and be a worthy motivator for future exploits.

In this article we will consider the differences between the "real man" and the "boy". Age and sexual experience is not an indicator of distinction between data types. You can be a 35-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man.

Consider the following version of the differentiation of boys and men:

1. Behavior in critical situations

  • The man does not always say a lot, It rarely uses beautiful words and many epithets, but he knows exactly when it came to act. Men have no habit of fussing and panicing. He has a sober view of the situation and an already deliberate behavior strategy. Male - rock.
  • Boy can only speak beautifully And absolutely does not know how to behave in critical situations.

2. The ability to recognize your guilt

  • A real man is not afraid to recognize his guilt, he understands when and what was wrong. He is not afraid to bring his apologies publicly. Perhaps a man will not necessarily say the usual "sorry". Instead, he can make a gift, create a pleasant situation for his woman, instantly suggest ways to solve the task of its partners. His way of solving a conflict situation is more effective than ordinary words.
  • The boy will insist until the latter and build your defense in the "attack" position.

3. Life principles

  • Men have the unlawful code of honor and behavior. There are principles that they are true for years. A man will not go against his will, he always puts priorities correctly and the main thing will be able to find alternative ways with greater benefit for his prospects. This concerns friendship, personal sphere and business.
  • The boy in its temperament is quick-tempered and cannot adequately respond to the situation. He has no clear position of behavior - there is only a desire to be noticed. His course on life is to "swim downstream."

4. Reaction to the female "no"

  • A woman in his nature got used to capricious, crave the moment when it will be persuaded, to force, convince. In short, "Kakeketny". A man adequately reacts to this desire. He in his genes laid the ability to "bring" a woman to the desired decision. After all, a person is pleased when he independently makes decisions, and men have a special gift to persuade, convince, argument without excess pressure, but always get what they want.
  • Boys do not want to complicate their lives with new problems. For them, the quantity is important, and not the quality of his "feats". The boy will never fight for being noticed by some particular woman, he will warm up in the rays of the glory of his fans.

5. Attitude to the family

  • Men are building strong relationships. They spend their free time with their family, not because they are households and do not know how to have fun, but because they are good fathers and husbands. Everyone can become dad, but not everyone can become a good father. No wonder the majority of women when choosing their men subconsciously imagine what he will be a father for her child.
  • The boy will be led, he will not make decisions, And will look for all sorts of ways to "disappear" from their duties. Family for a boy is a special cargo that is needed for society, but in a burden to him personally.

6. Respect for the female floor

  • Women sometimes bend a stick, too clock or behave frivolously, but a man will never allow himself to strike a woman or insult her publicly. Men can discuss their "conquests", but will never "suck" the situation with everyone in a row, exposing their exploits in all its glory. Men are always respectful to the woman, and not only their own. He will miss his colleague forward, a neighbor, just a stranger (sometimes, of course, to estimate her fifth point, but this is not the main reason). Good manners are more important than any flirting.
  • The boys boast their exploits stable. They constitute the lists of their "victims", allow themselves incorrect attitude towards representatives of weak gender.

7. Behavior during sex

  • A man knows how much poses, places and tacts are ideal for him and his partner. Yes, he tried a lot in his time, but now he is no longer an experimenter, he takes only the best from life, refusing to Mishura. Of course, sometimes he needs something new, but it is not a search for something exotic, but rather the fleeting desire for diversity. Physical proximity he prefers to have with a woman who is able to excite it mentally, and it stands dear.
  • The boys will study "Kamasutra", without thinking about the pleasure of the partner. It is important for him only a variety in terms of poses and partners. Eternal period of knowledge of the world.

8. Attitude to the world

  • A man knows exactly what he wants. He is confident in himself and predicts the behavior of others in one situation or another. A man aware that the world does not spin around him, he independently moves forward to improve his life and the life of people close to him. For men, the process of self-improvement and conquest is important.
  • The boy hopes that he is lucky. No confidence and control over the situation. Some hopes and desires.

9. Plans for the Future

  • A man puts the goal and goes to her He strategically thinks over his steps to achieve the goal.
  • The boy lives today, Having ideas and not having a desire to realize them.

10. Choosing a woman

  • A man will always be able to see the smart woman among the rich assortment. And the wiser is a woman, the better her choice. Intellectual Woman has a number of requirements that she sewnly places her man. Real men will never choose a infantile and weak woman. He needs a confident girl with a rare gift - to be his personal muse. A spiritually rich woman will help him in a business in an unobtrusive advice, in his personal life with a comfortable life, and in bed with maximum relaxation.
  • The boy will be with the brightest and crazy girl of the party. It is important for it the shine and popularity, and not the depth and ability to inspire.

During the cognition of the world, girls meet different types of men: "Romantic", "Man for the weekend", "Businessman", "Eternal Skeptic", "Apollo", "Lovelaks", "Tusover", "Mentor", "Athlete", "Stranger", "Superman". Perhaps this list is incomplete, but these are the most memorable categories of those men who are found to girls.

So, those whom still can be attributed to the "man" type, will always help when they are asked for help, and notice, they do not beg about it, but only once they ask. The type "Boy" always seeks to see or delay this help before the "Never" period. There are doubts if the type of "boy" will be able to become a "real man"? But it must be faith in people, that each of us is able to change under the condition of personal desire for personal growth.

Dear girls, please do not get married to change your man then. After all, still a few years later you will say: "Where is the wonderful person for whom I got married?". Try to determine the "man" or "boy" next to you. And if you are comfortable next to the "boy", feel free to this, because this is your choice, your life and your future. Take it today as it is, and just be happy right now.

Marina Poznyakov