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What does a blogger earn. Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov: biography, facts from life where Ilya Varlamov lives

Ilya was born in the family of Moscow engineers. Parents graduated from MAI and worked in aviation construction for a long time, but in the 1990s they had to change professions: the father went into the logistics, the mother became a cook in the dining room. "All the time I'm trying to attribute some rich influential relatives, but in this sense my family has the most simple - parents still live near MKAD in Tushino, in the house where I grew up," says Varlamov.

As a child, Ilya was well painted and went to art school. The teacher saw in him the talent of the architect and advised to flow into the marchs. He who despose the basic school subjects, I liked the idea: only a drawing, composition and drawing needed to enter the architectural architectural.

Almost from the very beginning of study, Varlamov began working as a freelancer - performed 3D-visualization of architectural projects, and at the third year, together with a familiar graphic designer, Artem Gorbachev launched his own studio "Two in Cuba" (later renamed ICUBE). Business quickly went uphill: According to Ilya, then there were almost no professional teams on the market, working with computer graphics in architecture and design: "There were some small scattered projects with which even the contract could not be concluded. And we immediately did everything in an adult. " In 2004, the company became interested in "a very large customer", whose name Varlamov does not want. "He offered us a lot of work - every ten more than what we did before. And I paid for the hour of each of the eight of our employees for $ 50. Of course, we were stunned, agreed and moved to them to the office - overlooking Moscow, free lunchs and secretaries, "Nostalgic Ilya.

"I can't say that at some point I woke up famous. For many years I hardly created content, only therefore everything happened. "

Large clients appeared in the ICUBE portfolio - Beeline, Domodedovo Airport and other companies that built new offices. Personal income Ilya, according to him, reached 300,000 rubles per month. At 22, he replaced the car on Lexus GS300 and bought an apartment in a multi-storey residential complex, with analogues of which now fights the urbanist.

By 2008, ICUBE approached a large company with 70 employees. But as soon as the financial crisis hit, the volume of buildings under construction sharply reduced: almost all customers "fell off" for the week. Everything else the Bank in which the ICUBE current account was opened was deprived of licenses, and the company lost all accumulations.

Varlamov with a partner reduced almost all employees and "with disgrace fled" from the office on the "Winzoda" - there was nothing to pay for rent. "We rushed, hired" Gazelle "and in quietly brought all the equipment from the office - they were afraid that her landlords would arrest and not release us," remembers Ilya. - Now everyone has already been settled, and [the founder of the "winery"] Sophia Trotsenko complaints about me. " For several months, he wrapped around with Gorbachev and three employees in temporary offices, competing orders from the most persistent customers, but then decided to leave a business. "I realized that until the crisis is over, there will be nothing. I decided to do my projects and to travel, "Varlamov explains.

Online urbanist

A couple of years before the crisis, Varlamov presented the Canon semi-professional camera with a basic "whale" lens. His Ilya and began to take on trips around the world. "I realized that I spend a bunch of time, telling relatives several times the same thing. And I decided somewhere to fix my impressions and pictures, and then just send everyone, "he says. Placing the photo reports decided in LJ: "I scored something like" the most popular blog for a blog "in Yandex, I fell out LJ."

By 2008, when the graphic business was blown away, Varlamov's blog under Zyalt began to gain popularity. This coincided with the growth of political tension in the country - in Moscow, non-systemic opposition regularly conducted "marches of disagreement" and rallies to the 31st days as part of the Strategy-31 campaign. Varlamov decided to dilute with photo reports from these stocks the usual travel-topics of the blog - and guessed: the personnel of police officers and the detentions of activists with an excitement flew around LJ, and later on other blog platforms and social networks. "Thanks to this, readability has grown noticeably. But I can't say that at some point I woke up famous. So that so "Batz, and you have never been a star with me. I wrote hard for many years, created content, only therefore everything turned out, "says Ilya. LiveJournal by 2010 was already divided into political strata, and money from power worked there, "Journalist Oleg Kashin recalls. "Varlamov began to play according to the declared rules, but not perceived as a frontal propagandist. He was a neutral star of social network, which was difficult to suspect in work on the Kremlin, "Kashin believes.

In 2012, Ilya went to Copenhagen, from which he brought a series of travel notes about the city's device. "Courts without cars, individual strips for cyclists - it was easy to go nuts. People were very excited, I saw some incredible response, "he remembers.

Feeling reading interest, Varlamov switched to the theme of urbanistics. He wrote the post "10 steps - Moscow for people," where they listed the main problems of the urban environment in the capital (infrastructure for disabled people and cyclists, traffic in the center, parking, etc.). "Moscow is completely not adapted for the normal life of people. The man in the city should be the main thing, but does this rule comply with us? Unfortunately no. We think about us at the very last moment, "Ilya was outraged. This indignation rallied Muscovites around his blog - Varlamov firmly entrenched in the rating of the most readable LiveJournal authors.

"He first spoke about the city, sincerely shared his impressions - it was this sincerity that prompted people to read it. I made non-bank photos, invented new formats for that time, honestly talking about what sees and wants to change in the urban environment. All this was an order of magnitude higher than the content, which was then published in LJ, "Mikhail Karpsushin, director of Marketing Marketing, is arguing.

Almost mayor

"Why did urbanism theme so bombed? Yes, she just worries everyone, "explains the phenomenon of his popularity Ilya. - The people began to think about how and in which cities it is comfortable to live, began to reflect on ecology, availability and justice of the city. The world changes, cities change, and not only Moscow. Urbanism is a global trend that I managed to catch. "

Varlamov positioned himself in the blogosphere as an enemy of ineffective officials. And even established the "Glass Bolt" award for dubious achievements in the field of Moscow improvement. "I really liked" Silver Kalosha "(a prize established by the radio station" Silver Rain "for dubious achievements in the field of show business. - Forbes.), And I tried to make antipremia for urban officials. It was hoping that them, like people from the showbiz, would begin to stern and everyone would be fun, "says Ilya. But the prize has lived just a year: "I did it on my own, spent a bunch of dough. Only the presenter fee was thousands of 300 or 400. And then we could not find sponsors. It's one thing to fuck - it's one thing, and everyone came across officials, no one was given money. "

The popularity of Varlamov attracted the Person State Structure. In 2011, representatives of the Avtohydricant "KAMAZ", whose largest shareholder is the state corporation "Rostech", offered to the blogger to lead the new socio-political media "Ridus". "I understood that these are obscalog funding and, most likely, on their part there will be some political obligations or something like that. I had the main condition - no one had the right to interfere in our work, "the Ilya assures. According to him, the sponsors for this condition went, but after a few months the scheme gave the crack. "We really did what they wanted: covered protest shares, published cool pictures with [Opposition rally on] Bolotnaya [Square], shot from drones. There was such freedom that any media can only dream. But at some point it became psychologically hard to realize that someone can influence me at all. I have never worked for anyone in my life, and the story with external investors, which is above me, turned out to be uncomfortable for me, "Varlamov admits. In the summer of 2012, not worked out in Ridus and the Year, he left the project. According to Oleg Kashin, Ridus was initially perceived as "just a bright interesting media" and "Only then it became clear that it was made on the money of Rosmolodezh with a gasket in the form of" Kama Kaza ". The then head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko in an interview with the journalist Sergey Minaev was directly recognized in participation in the financing of the media project. True, later the ex-official refused his words, calling them a joke.

Public faith In political unnecessant Varlamov, the scandal with supposedly paid Rosmolodezh posts in his blog. In 2012, the hacker grouping Anonymous hacked mail and posted on the Internet the contents of letters, which, according to cybercriminals, were addressed to Christine Perematik, at that time the press secretary of the Federal Agency. Found in letters and table with the estimated cost of paid posts in blogs of popular users. Agree of "Jeans" allegedly was possible with Varlamov. Ilya then hurried to refute the involvement in the pro-creek propaganda and continues to insist on his innocence: "I don't think that these letters were forged - just some of my real publications that I did, naturally, completely free, and about them stood then amounts. And these amounts were less than I was then worth the official advertising. " The price for one advertising post in his blog was about 500,000 rubles, and in the correspondence he was talking about two publications with a total cost of 400,000 rubles, it resembles a blogger. "If [President of Russia Vladimir] came to me, Putin asked me some kind of advertising, I would certainly not make him discounts," Ilya assures.

"To fuck Celibriti is one thing, and everyone came across officials, no one gave money."

But his arguments did not have trust. Oleg Kashin in 2012 in the magazine "Kommersant-power" paid attention to the fact that the authenticity of correspondence officially no one was denied. "Formal evidence of the participation of Varlamov was not in this - in court it is difficult to sew such letters to business. The people sitting on the budget, and the truth often discharge money on mythical expenses, and then assign them - this is a common practice. Actually, Varlamov tried to hide behind, but it was rather sluggish - no one did not blame him in anything, "the Kashin argues in a conversation with Forbes today. - Whether Varlamov wrote something in the Kremlin pointer - the question of faith. Personally, I believe that he worked for a memo. " In general, the cooperation of bloggers with the state was then common practice, reminiscent of a journalist: "The authorities were seriously interested in social networks. New players appeared - the same memo. The mass work of bloggers for Rosmolodets became a real epidemic and in some sense saved the reputation of Varlamov: if all secretly work on the Kremlin, it is strange to present this to someone. Moreover, on the quality of the Content of Varlamov, his "Murzylchita" ("Murzilki" in the blogosphere called hidden agents of power in media. - Forbes.) did not affect. "

In the same 2012, Ilya suddenly found himself at five minutes by the mayor of Omsk. Once upon a time on Twitter, he was offered to participate in civil primary. Blogger agreed and after some time learned that he won the qualifying round. "I'm in shock, calling [urbanist and polittechnologist] Maxim [Katsu], he is:" Well, we went to Omsk! " And we went, "remembers Ilya. With Katz, he met by chance: "Some hairy boy went to my office, stretches the book on urbanist, says:" I want you to read. " I thought crazy some. And then I read the post of topic Lebedev, who advised everyone to subscribe to Kats, and realized that this is the very Mother Guest. Since then, we work together. " Partners flew to Omsk, organized the headquarters, but did not manage to collect the voices necessary to admit to the election - "there was no experience."

Kashin and in Omsk History saw the prosrelevsky subtext: "A more realistic seems to seems that [Varlams] for that and went [to the election] to demonstrate: do not even try, a normal person, the same as you, there is nothing to do there. Do not push, do not participate, do not climb. " The journalist notes that Varlamov at the same time "was always honest, because he never promised anything to anyone." "I think, at any points of the history of Varlamov did what I wanted. And he wanted to be a star, "concludes Kashin.

Varlamov himself sympathy for state structures - and in the past, and in the present - denies: "I am in opposition to the existing power and always in one way or another it was. There were times when I was apolitical, and when I began to be interested in politics, my sympathies were always on the opposition side. "

Christmas trees and needles

The mayor's career was not asked, and Varlamov continued to blog about urban and travel blog. In 2013, he went to the automotive expedition in Africa, where he met the fellow traveler Alexander Kolesnikov. "Sasha read my blog and spoke French well. It was his ability to save us many times, "says Ilya. In addition to French, Kolesnikov loved bicycles and infected the Varlamov idea to carry the Pepeot bisciles to Moscow. "Peugeot, except the well-known car business, there are three non-obvious directions. This is a construction tool, salt mills and pepper, which are in all decent restaurants, and bicycles. More precisely, the bisciles that still purchased the army of Tsarist Russia for cycle troops, "says blogger. These are the most bisciles, only a modern sample, they are with Kolesnikov and began to sell in Moscow. The company was called "Wheel-Wheel" - consonantly with the name of Alexander.

Bikes at a price of 30,000 to several hundred thousand rubles were perfect thanks to the marketing support for Varlamov. But the crisis of the end of 2014 put the cross on business. "The first year went to the star, we went to the second plus, began to beat the investment and planned the seizure of the world. But here Russia decided to return the Crimea, the ruble depreciated, the course became unpredictable, and it was impossible to fulfill obligations under the contract with European partners. We realized that there was no point to spend time and no strength, "says Ilya.

The vocobusiness was very seasonal. In order not to rent warehouses, Ilya decided to find a product that can be sold in winter. "I thought about skis and snowboards, but I love bicycles, but this is not mine. We sat down, talked to Maxim [Katz] and Vadim [Ginzburg], with whom we during the Mayra campaign [Alexei] Navalny met, and decided to sell the Christmas trees, "says the blogger.

Trees decided to buy in Denmark: Russian, according to Varlamov, quickly tremended and were not at all similar to "those christmas trees from Hollywood Christmas films." The voobusiness eventually closed, and the Christmas tree - no: despite the fact that they purchased trees in the euro, the course jump did not prevent. "The Christmas trees you can sell one and the same customers every year, and bikes are 200,000 - no. In addition, marginality there is much more, "the Varlamov explains.

The sale of the Christmas trees walked very cheerfully. Ilya even launched a franchise, buying, regional entrepreneurs could sell coniferous trees under the blogger brand. True, not all franchisees were satisfied: the Ural entrepreneur Alexey (the surname does not indicate) purchased 300 firs for 1.5 million rubles, but they could only sell six trees. "I spent 1.5 million rubles, purchased 300 trees. This is a rather solid amount for me, took it from relatives. But only six pieces managed to sell, "the entrepreneur portal E1 said. - I thought that at least leave in Zero, I would like experience. But if everything goes like this, you will have to sell the car to cover at least part of the debt. " Varlamov calls this story Faker. "We really sold the Christmas trees to this guy, but they immediately warned that no one will buy such a number in Yekaterinburg. He replied that he had some tricky plan and everything will be fine - well by Okay. As a result, still long but the new year [the text on E1 came out on December 17 - approx. Forbes] He began to distribute the interview that nothing was sold. " According to Ilya, in 2018, his own sale of the Christmas trees in Moscow turned out to be recordedly high - all the trees were joined a week before the holiday. Varlamov began to call partners in the regions to buy back the remaining trees. Including contacted Alexey from Yekaterinburg. "But he did not sell anything back, or he sold quite a bit. What makes the conclusion that he just decided to haip on my name. "

Recently, Varlamov switched to the trees of the American breed, the sale of which brings him, according to him, about 5 million rubles arrived in the season.

BDSM with officials

"Bloggers are all traded by the face, in the good sense of the word. Because their main asset is media and popularity. Ilya attaches an impulse to its business at the expense of fame, "says Mikhail Carpushin from Getblogger. "But at the moment the main business of Ilya is the same blog." Varlamov understood this not worse than expert and in parallel with third-party entrepreneurial initiatives continued to invent new formats for the blog.

One of the most popular formats was "": Varlamov told first about positive, and then about the negative points in the improvement of cities. "So people are easier to perceive criticism," explains the blogger. - When you write about any really bad city, that he is bad, the people immediately begins to bomb. And when you say that today we are talking about the bad, and tomorrow - about good, it is perceived calmer. "

In 2016, for example, he went to Grozny and criticized the work of the local housing and communal services: "If [Head of Chechnya] Ramzan [Kadyrov] will see the garbage - the prefect will fire. Therefore, where Ramzan drives, always perfect purity. And you get over to the neighboring street, there will be dirt there. It's how it turns out - the face washed, and the neck is not necessary? Why does this show? " - Cited Varlamov conversation with a Chechen taxi driver. Kadyrov Post Blogger read, but did not threaten violence or demand apologies for negative response about the republic, but convened a meeting in the mayor's office and punished officials to deal with problems. "The reason for my visit was the publication of blogger Ilya Varlamov. He clearly showed good and negative sides in the work of the Housing and Communist Party of Grozny. For this, I am grateful to Ilya Varlamov, "wrote the head of Chechnya in Instagram (the original post was not preserved). According to Varlamov, this story did not bring Him Glory: "No one presented to me Porsche Cayenne, a clock or something else, I did not grew by traffic. It's just funny that Kadyrov 40 minutes in the assembly hall disassemble my post. "

In 2016, the popularity of LJ began to fall rapidly. Varlamov first of this trend, but in 2019, on the eve of restarting the platform by its owner Rambler, still stated that "Learn is no longer saved." "I don't think LiveJournal can find former popularity. Many top users left there, traffic and audience constantly falls, "the blogger said in an interview with NSN.

He moved its activity to Vlog on YouTube. Now Varlamov takes video interviews from famous personalities - a businessman Evgenia Chichvarkina, a journalist of Mitya Aleshkovsky, painter Painting Lampas, and also continues to develop the topic of urbanistics. For example, he came up with the BDSM format - "Big Road with the Mayor", which involves a walk with the head of the city for the route not agreed. "Of course, on YouTube it was necessary to leave before, I was all the fault. If it did it 6-7 years ago, today everything would be much better, "says Ilya. Nevertheless, 1.1 million people have already been signed on the Varlamov channel on Youtube (this is 150,000 more than Ksenia Sobchak, which recently took Varlamov interviews), an account in Instagram - another 484,000. The page in Facebook blogger does not develop consciously: "This is such a digital concentration camp, which I am absolutely not interesting to me. I am not ready to work on the site, where you just can ban on an even place without explaining the reasons. "

"I can not say that LJ died, but the interest of advertisers to the platform, at least among our partners, is practically no. It is lower than interest in "VKontakte", and interest in VKontakte is ten times lower than the interest in YouTube, and the one, in turn, lags behind Instagram very much, - lists the carpsies from GetBlogger. - But I can't call the LJ Varlamov's shot by the pilot - he not only revived a blog on a new platform (at - Forbes.), but also used popularity to launch new businesses. "

"Bloggers are all traded by the face, in the good sense of the word. Ilya gives impetus to their business at the expense of fame

The blogger is still provided by Varlamov main income. The advertising post costs from 50,000 rubles (Storsith in Instagram) to 1.2 million rubles (video on YouTube with departure to the place of filming). According to Ilya, the year advertising brings him about 60 million rubles of revenues. According to the carpushin from GetBlogger, the cost of creating content Varlamov can be from 6 million to 10 million rubles per year.

Recently, Ilya switched to the theme of urbanistics and avoids the political subtext in the posts, Oleg Kashin notes: "Thanks to urbanstik, he became a star - in this area he practically does not have a hero competing, the arrival of which will cause public resonance to any city. Although urbanism is also not without impurity politicians: the phrase [launched by political technologists in the social network in the framework of the election campaign for the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin] "Moscow has praise" has become quite a political meme. "

Varlamov earns not only on its own, but also on someone else's advertising: since 2013, together with Catherine Patwul, with which, as with Ginzburg, met during the election campaign of Navalny, he develops the Agricultural Media Advertising Agency. The company's revenue for 2018, according to Forbes, amounted to about 55 million rubles, profits - about 25 million rubles. Among the Copyright Customers, for example, was the most popular technoblogger of Russia Wylsacom. Publicist Stalinburg (more than 1.6 million subscribers in Twitter, Telegram and YouTube) enjoy the services of the agency (more than 1.6 million subscribers in Twitter, Telegram and YouTube (1 million subscribers in YouTube) and the DROIDER gadget channel (840,000 youtube followers).

There is a Barlamov-Entrepreneur's portfolio and non-commercial projects - since 2013, he has been developing the City Projects Foundation with Katz, who promotes initiatives to improve infrastructure and the appearance of Moscow and regions. Among the most famous ideas of Varlamov and Kats - ashtrays on Tverskaya, the design for which was developed by Artemy Lebedev, a ban on parking on sidewalks and campaign to protect trolley buses. The city projects are indirectly involved in the political life of Moscow: the employee of the Daria Besedin Foundation this year was held in the Moscow City Duma as a candidate from the Apple party (her campaign led all the same Katz).

In the summer of 2018, Varlamov also founded the attention fund, which is engaged in the preservation of historical heritage. For the year of work, he managed to initiate the restoration of the wooden house of the beginning of the 20th century in Chelyabinsk, restore the platbands on the windows of the pre-revolutionary merchant house in Buzuluk, restore the house of the merchant clan in Kirov and participate in several projects. "I'm tired of watching as architectural monuments urgent for the sake of momentary gain: spoil the facades of buildings, the vintage doors are replaced with metal, and carved platbands on the windows are destroyed for the sake of plastic glass windows. And I decided to provide targeted assistance to the owners of buildings, urban activists and authorities to restore historical buildings and elements of the urban environment, "explains Ilya.

Dark side of the kitchen

In 2018, Varlamov became also a caustic entrepreneur. Together with the ex-head of the Uber Eats in Russia, Mikhail Rider and the owner of the Pharmaceutical Company "Hummingbirds", the ex-activist of the election campaign of Navalny Vadim Ginzburg, he launched the delivery of food under the Brendom of Varlamov. The project works in Dark Kitchen format: This is a network of local kitchens at different points of Moscow, from which their own cooking dishes are delivered to the house to customers for 15-20 minutes. Due to the lack of costs for the maintenance of restaurant halls, the retail price of such dishes is lower than in the classic catering, and the business margin is higher.

The raider started with the wholesale trade of newspapers and magazines, sold rolling shutters and blinds, and in early 2000 he received MBA and settled in the consulting of Strategy Partners GROUP. In 2009, in order to develop a HIPWAY client selection service with his wife Irina Raider. After the 2014 crisis and the collapse of tour operators, Irina moved to Uber - led the launch of the service in new regions. Soon pulled up and spouse. "In the time of [the co-founder and the former general director of the Uber Travis] Calanik, it was the best company in the world, which hired the most steep people in the market and showed a giant growth rate. I wanted to see how this car from the inside works, "explains the raider. In Uber, he was taken first to the position of director of the company in Eastern Europe, but soon the position was abolished. He was offered to lead the Russian part of the recently launched Uber Eats.

"We wanted to attract managers and entrepreneurs who are sitting in the central offices. Ilya was well stuck to this idea "

In the summer of 2017, it became known about the merger of the Russian Uber and Yandex, and the Raider decided to leave the company. "When I came, it was not known about this, and, of course, we had a common corporate mourning - it was clear that everything would change. We were offered to stay - the leadership was even in some sense, it is obliged to take us to a new company, but I did not fit this option, "says Mikhail.

Even during Uber, he had an idea of \u200b\u200bcollaboration with well-known persons who would help a new product to promote a personal brand. Through a common friend - Ginzburg - Rider met Varlamov. "He seemed to me the best candidate for such a collab. An Instagram girl with millions of subscribers did not fit us, because it would have been doing at all on our target audience, "Mikhail explains. - We wanted to attract managers and entrepreneurs who are sitting in the central offices, and Ilya read just they. Plus he is not alien to food - travels, tries new, tells about it. In general, it was well stuck to this idea. "

For the launch of Bright Kitchen and delivery under the Varlam brand, the partners attracted several investors. Among the first were the general director of the Literes service Sergey Anururiev and the ex-colleague of the Raider from Strategy Partners Alexey Pisarov. In the second round, a member of the Board of Directors of the newspaper "Vedomosti" Demyan Kudryavtsev and IT entrepreneur Mikhail Ryvkin (owns the company for automation of collector services "Luxbeis"). In total, they have invested in a project a little more than 50 million rubles. "I have long been familiar with the founders of Bright Kitchen. But not only the team attracted me - if the guys did some kind of nonsense, poured water into the cups, I would not have invested in it. This is a big and important market that changes the approach to consumption as a whole, "comments Kudryavtsev.

The first cuisine opened in September 2018. Since then, Bright Kitchen has opened eight points in different parts of Moscow, one - the metro station "Schelkovskaya" - closed. "This room provided us with Yandex, they had such a project with" cloud "restaurants, but disappointed in the model and disappeared these points," explains Mikhail. Representative of Yandex Information about closing a project with "cloud" restaurants denied.

Until 2020, the raider wants to expand Bright Kitchen network to 20 more cuisine. The launch of each costs 2-3 million rubles. Project revenue for August amounted to about 8 million rubles, in just a year of work turnover - about 50 million. Three of the seven kitchens are already bringing profits, in what size, the raider does not specify.

"Consumption patterns are changing, and in the near future tectonic shifts are waiting not only in transport and food, but in general in all spheres"

At the end of September, the company launched the second concept of Bright Kitchen called "Kitchen 420" with a more democratic and inexpensive meal. The third concept will be associated with the newspaper "Vedomosti" - its raider and Varlamov developed together with Kudryavtsev. "It is still conditionally called" Vedomost.lach ". The development of the menu is not yet completed, but we already know that we will send lunch along with a fresh newspaper. Target audience - top managers and businessmen, permanent readers of the Vedomosti. Run, if everything is fine, will happen in November, "comments Mikhail. If Varlamov attracted an audience from 18 to 35 years, then the audience of the Vedomosti is 25-45 years, more secured people, office clerks and entrepreneurs, explains Kudryavtsev.

Bright Kitchen is not the only company in Russia working on the Dark Kitchen model - "dark cuisines" develop, for example, "kitchen around the area" and "Much salmon". "Now we compete, rather, not among themselves, but with the" crossroads "and classic restaurants. It was also with the market of taxi aggregators - even recently it was impossible to imagine that you exchange your own car at all, "the Raider argues. - Consumption patterns change, and, I think, in the near future tectonic shifts are waiting for us not only in transport and food, but in general in all areas. "

How things are going in the Foods-project, Varlamov are pleased, but it does not plan to stop there: "Entrepreneurship gives me financial independence, which allows you to engage in socially significant activities. It is important for me as for a journalist - I remain independent and I can objectively and non-commissionedly show how things are in Russian cities. And as far as possible to influence the situation. "

The most successful bloggers of Russia - 2019. Forbes rating

RIA News

Alexander Karnuhin for Forbes

Sergey Savostyanov / Tass

Persona Stars / Legion-Media

9 out of 9.

  • In 2012-2013, a football talk show "Strike head" was led on the Russian TV channel "Russia-2", from the fall of 2015 to the beginning of 2017 he was the co-host program "Cult Tour" on the "Match TV".
  • In February 2017, he launched on Youtube the author's show "Awet", where interviews the businessmen interesting to him, politicians, journalists, actors, directors, representatives of show business and the Internet, and also removes documentaries.
  • The audience of the channel "DUB" as of the end of July 2019 - more than 5.7 million subscribers. The releases of the show summarized about 664 million times.
  • For the year in front of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the Dory was in charge of Alfa-Bank's promotions, HEAD & Shoulders, Hyundai, Veon, Adidas and other more modest brands.
  • Income: $ 2.7 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:1.7 million

    more than 7.4 million / 1.6 billion

    • Valentine Petukhov
    • Rooshov began with reviews on Apple technique, this is explained by his alias. Wylsa - Abbreviation from "Would You Like Some Apples?" ("Do you want some apples?").
    • In December 2017, Sberbank concluded an exclusive contract with Wylsacom. Blider became Ambassador State Bank. According to the contract, he tests "digital services of the company and talks about their audience." In 2018, the contract was extended for another year.
    • Alexey Navalny appealed to Petukhov with a request to help with the procurement, and he responded, giving the opposition to a number of tips on the launch of the YouTube channel. It was the roosters that suggested the format "Gray Background and White Table", which uses politician.

    Income: $ 0.5 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:7.2 million

    Subscribers / Views on YouTube:more than 6.6 million / over 790.8 million

    • Real name Ekaterina Trofimova
    • Together with the Mac cosmetics brand released lipstick as part of the campaign with Mac Maker Lipstick bloggers.
    • In 2015, he voiced the seagull in the cartoon "Sponge Bob in 3D." "Although little, but left a trace in your favorite cartoon! There you can hear my legendary "Pau-Chik! Pau! Pau! "," The blogger reported to his subscribers in Instagram. In 2016, he received Kameo in the fourth season of the TV series "Molodechka" on the CTC TV channel.

    Sasha Spielberg, 21 years

    Income: $ 0.7 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:5.1 million

    Subscribers / Views on YouTube:6.5 million / more than 1 billion

    • The real name is Alexander Balkovskaya.
    • The number of subscribers of the channel Sasha Spielberg on YouTube exceeds 6 million, account in Instagram - 5 million.
    • I became the first among Russian women bloggers, the number of views on YouTube-channel which exceeded 1 billion.
    • In 2016, he received Kameo in the New Year's Comedy "Tree-5".
    • In April 2017, the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky appeared on Spielberg's blog. In May of the same year, the blogger participated in parliamentary hearings dedicated to youth policy.

    Little Big (Ilya Prussikin)

    Income: $ 1.0 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:more than 417,000

    Subscribers / Views on YouTube (Cupid Little Big and "Klikklak" channels):more than 9.9 million / over 1.73 billion

    • The leader of the Little Big group - Ilya "Ilyich" Prussikin (in the photo).
    • Prosikin created Little Big in 2013. The first album of the WITH RUSSIA FROM LOVE group was released in March 2014.
    • Clip on the song Skibidi, which Little Big was released in October 2018, scored more than 256 million views on Youtube. In the video, the dance that became viral, performed by bloggers Danil cross, Eldar Jarakhov, Morgenstern, Rapper Gone.Fludd and the Soloist The Hatters Yuri Muzychenko.
    • The Little Big canal on YouTube has more than 4 million subscribers.
    • In July, Little Big Family Label Director Denis Glazin filed an application for registration of the Skibidi trademark.
    • The Little Big group gives more than 120 concerts per year in Russia and Europe.

    Income: $ 0.7 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:more than 722,000

    Subscribers / Views on YouTube:10.1 million / more than 2.1 billion

    • The real name is Maxim Holopolos.
    • Acquired known thanks to the rollers, where in humorous form comments on various videos.
    • The number of channel subscribers of Holopolosov on YouTube exceeds 10 million people, the total number of views is 2 billion.
    • It was the co-founder of Karamba TV LLC, which was ruled by the Carambatv online channel of the same name and released the "+100500" show. In January 2015, 51% in the company were sold by "STS Media", in the spring of 2016 the remaining 49% bought Oleg Bratshko, the managing partner of the Typhoon Digital Development Foundation.

    Income: $ 0.8 million

    Subscribers in Instagram:5.6 million

    Subscribers / Views on YouTube:more than 1 million / over 80.1 million

    • Ida Galich has been playing KVN for a long time. He advocated the team "Autumn Kiss", which subsequently replaced the name to "Moscow was not immediately built." In 2015, the team ranked third in the Premier League.
    • Instagram-blogger recorded four music track and took off clips on them, which are more than 20 million views on YouTube. The most popular of them is the comedy roller "Entrepreneur". In it, Ida appeared in the image of the pop star of the 1990s.
    • In the spring of 2019, launched the show "1 - 11" on YouTube, in it stars of show business and schoolchildren check for knowledge of the school program.
    Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov - photographer, entrepreneur, author of creative public initiatives and the most popular blog Zyalt in LiveJournal.

    According to him, he organized his life so that most of the time spends on travel and sports, and only 20 percent - to work. At the same time, he always worked exclusively on himself, adhering to the principle never to do what he was not interested.

    Every year, at least six months he spent in the roadside, sowing to visit more than one and a half hundred countries. He published his impressions and photo reports on the trips in the blog, and the brightest of them united in the book "Travel Notes", accompanied by her with the words of Anatoly France that often "one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home".

    Childhood Ilya Varlamov

    Ilya was born in the capital of Russia on January 7, 1984. His parents are graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Father worked as a logistics, and Mom even participated in the design of the Buran spacecraft. As a child, he loved to draw, so after graduating from school in 2000, on the advice of relatives, entered the architectural university.

    Studying at the Institute, Ilya already began to engage in business activities on the 3rd year. Together with Artem Gorbachev, he organized an architectural studio in design and 3D visualization of objects. The first major order of young businessmen was the presentation in a conveniently visual analysis of the skyscrapers of LCD "Scarlet Sails" GC "Don-Stroy".

    Business projects Ilya Varlamov

    Subsequently, the studio turned into an advertising-developing company ICUBE CREATIVE GROUP, specializing in visualization, computer graphics and animation, with an annual revenue of about three million dollars. The success of this international real estate cycle company also testified also the size of his office in 500 square meters located in the center of Moscow, and a considerable staff of 50 people.

    In the Partnership with Dmitry Chistoprudov, in 2009, Ilya organized the photo agency "28-300", which received its name from the parameters of the focal length of the canon lens. The excellent range and universality of the device were designed to symbolize the high level and ample opportunities as specialists of its founders. Agency was engaged in selling high-quality advertising photographs of shopping centers, plants and other architectural objects.

    In 2011, Varlamov began issuing an online media "Ridus", the so-called public journalism agency. It included two sections of the news. In the first - news materials prepared by editorial reports were published, in the second - articles uploaded by Internet users.

    Ilya also became the founder of the anti-drug "Glass Bolt", awarded for stupid, from the point of view of the Internet audience, the acts of the authorities in the field of urban improvement. The first honoring of antipremia laureates took place with the support of Ridus on the territory of the exhibition complex Design Plant "Flacon" on December 15, 2011.

    The following year, blogger won the primaries on the Internet for the mayor of Omsk and filed a request for participation in the election campaign. However, the headquarters of Ilya could not be collected in its support of the necessary number of voter signatures, so he removed his candidacy. The decision to compete for this post Ilya later explained to the desire to settle passive oomic, whose turnout for the election of the head of administration was very low - about 13 percent.

    Ilya Varlamov in Africa along with Sergey Share

    In the same, 2012, Varlamov came out of the online project "Ridus", after which the editorial staff of the agency was completely updated.

    Among the undertakings of the Ilya of that period was the institution, together with Maxim Katz, the Foundation "City Projects", designed to study existing problems and improve the appearance of cities based on urbanistics.

    LJ Ilya Varlamov Zyalt

    The blog who was led by Ilya, became for readers the source of the most relevant information (for example, about political promotions) proposed with an illustration of what is happening. Therefore, it is quite explained that about 70 thousand representatives of the Internet community were signed on him (to bring a blog to the first line of the rating in the number of subscribers), and attendance per month reached 4 million users.

    In particular, Varlamov covered the riots in the online regime on Manezhnaya Square in 2010, clashes between people of Slavic and Caucasian appearance at the European shopping center, made a report from "Days of Anger" and "marches of dissent."

    Big response among bloggers also found information Ilya in LJ about rising prices for tickets to Tokyo and about events in Maidan in Kiev.

    Ilya Varlamov and Vladimir Putin

    In 2010, Ilya, together with the press service of the government, accompanied Vladimir Putin in several short travels around the country. Then, in his blog, he described the circumstances of the trips, the atmosphere, the rhythm of the activities of journalists who covered the work of the current president of the country, calling such cooperation of a kind of experiment.

    One of the tasks of the blogger was a report after a joint flight to the northern capital. Next year, he participated in Putin's travels to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, to Seliger, where the All-Russian Youth Forum "Ours" was held, and published a report in his online diary.

    By the way, Varlamov confessed in one of the interviews that he had always negatively to the term "blogger", (considering himself a journalist), including him, he was nodded that he was called Putin's personal blogger in the mass media.

    Personal life Ilya Varlamov

    The journalist Ilya Varlamov is married, his wife is called love. She is also an architect for education, came to Moscow from Izhevsk. She was able to build his career in the field of design and architecture and now led ICUBE.

    Spouses raise a common daughter Elena and Son from the first marriage of love. Discuss in an interview with the topic relating to the family, he really refuses.

    On the account of Ilya, a number of awards, among whom, the Grand Prix of the photo contest "Silver Camera 2009-2010", recognition of the blogger of the year in the "Rotor" competition (2011), winning the competition "The Best Photos of Russia" (2012).

    Ilya Varlamov and scandals

    As it turned out after hacking by domestic hackers Anonymous mailboxes Vasily Yaquenenko, heads of the State Committee for Youth, and Christina Watch, his press secretary, Varlamov was among the pro-Western bought bloggers who were paid for the publication of certain posts in their Internet diaries. In particular, for the post about Putin's support for the third time, the presidential candidate and his presence at the Aeroshoux-2011 Ilya allegedly received a remuneration of 400 thousand rubles.

    The evidence that Varlamov's sales promulgated his colleague on Gosnikolay's workshop, suspected Ilya in the work not only to the Kremlin, but also to the west. He found in the replica of a blogger "Who captures the Crimea" indication regarding the coverage of the occurring events, containing the word "add", and concluded that this is the task of foreign customers.

    Ilya Varlamov in Ufa: conflict with police

    The network also discussed rumors about the allegedly unconventional sexual orientation of Varlamov and about his loved ones, more than friendly, relations with Maxim Katz, his business partner.

    Ilya Varlamov today

    Being an active propaganda of bicycles, from 2013 Varlamov became the co-founder of, which is exclusively engaged in distribution of Peugeot in the Russian Federation.

    Among his projects - R & D Group to create software modules for 3D MAX (modeling, rendering in the production of films, games) and "Countries without nonsense" demonstrating the possibility of combating violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

    In the summer of 2015, Varlamov announced the transition of the Zyalt blog in LiveJournal to the media format with the domain name Reformatting, as Ilya explained in one of the interviews, will allow the audience to get acquainted not only with his opinion about a particular event, but also with the statements of others. However, unlike large mass media, where a whole range of different views and judgments are given, only with those of them that Ilya himself considers important.

    Varlamov (31) was born and grew up in Moscow. His parents Elena Varlamov and Alexander Parnas, unfortunately, could not find detailed information about parents. He studied at the Moscow Architectural University, during his studies organized a company that later entered ICUBE. Warlamov's Love Wife (35) General Director, Managing Partner of ICube. There is a native daughter and stepper.

    Ilya is a very positive person and posts writes with humor, in many things he is not very good, so does not claim the rank of expert, it will not be wrong to take everything written seriously.

    The most popular travel theme. Dougal visited many countries around the world, photo reports and reviews can be viewed in his blog, notes both good and negative sides. Of course, the very high popularity acquired posts about the bad city and the country. I agree on this occasion with Ilya, do you nice every day to watch dull landscapes of Russian cities, everywhere dirt, garbage, puddles, frown, in the courtyards cars, don't we deserve the best conditions? Small selection from the heading.

    Bad Tver

    Bad Pskov.

    Bad Syktyvkar

    Bad Novosibirskv is the moment I live in Tyumen and is very unpleasant every day, very unpleasant. By the way, Varlamov, together with each other, Maxim Katz organized the Foundation "City projects", designed to improve the urban environment.

    From the heading is bad, it is worth mentioning bad Israel, after arriving at Tel Aviv Airport, Varlamov had interrogated the border guards for half of the hour, reviewed all personal belongings, viewed materials from electronic devices, and the reason was the reason for the Arab visas. There was a very unpleasant impression.

    Ilya has a very beautiful cat in March of the Bengal breed, which Katz gave. She recently gave birth to kittens from the courtyard Vaska, a girl (sides) and a boy (Omsk), kittens will be sold at auction, and revenue will go to the city project fund.

    Pregnant March with dad


    maxim Katz friend, colorful character. Where only looks at the fashion gurus \u003d), friend clearly needs help

    Mamino coat

    babushkina Kofta.

    something mustache is typing)) I want to notice I do not really approve of his activities, I hate politics, Max writes very straightforwardly and honestly, it does not benefit him. I do not know the status at the moment, but before Katz was a citizen of Israel, in order not to serve in the army returned to Russia. He was a poker player, currently engaged in opposition political activities.

    Dakeda loves family very much

    family photo.

    Daughter Lena, cute girl, hair is not in dad)) Varlam loves bikes

    By the way, information about the extra weight of Castare is outdated, now he has lost weight.

    Finally, the photo for those who doubt their natural origin hairstyles

    I work with bloggers for more than 5 years. In 2013, Ilya Varlamov founded the company "Copyright", now we present 20 sites.

    Below I wrote a review of the post about how and on what the blogger can make money. The difference in the income of bloggers with the same number of subscribers can reach up to 10 times, because one advertisement sells his girlfriend's girlfriend, which only answers the incoming applications, and for the other 30 professional savors, the base of 10 thousand advertisers is combined, invent different formats and methods to implement Commercial potential.

    I sometimes hurt me, as excellent authors with excellent content earn less office manager and throw your blogs. Especially often it happens with creative authors.

    Read below the review, and if it seems interesting to you, write me on [Email Protected] Or in "Telegram" @patyulina. - I will advise you and, maybe work. In the meantime I tell:

    YouTube-author in RuNet earns on the built-in advertising from 250 to $ 1000 per 1 million view visits on their channel - profits depends on the subject of the channel and the audience loyalty. "Yutyub" pays the author of the video, only if the viewer looked at the advertising-insert at least 15 seconds or clicked on it.

    The built-in tool of monetization is in Yandex.Dzen, but there are still very little data about it. Blider photographer Pavel Kosenko writes that his records received more than 100 thousand views of the month, and "Zen" paid about 5,000 rubles. Others talk about earnings to 30,000 rubles, but income are not predictable.

    In Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and Instagram, there are no built-in advertising tools, and the guys have to sell advertising independently. They offer advertisers embedded contextual blocks, native advertising in the form of posts, digest links (so likes to do Artemy Lebedev). There is no clear system: they say, for 1000 blog properties you will get 1 ₽ or so - as everyone will sell advertising, it will come out. Someone publishes post for $ 2000 and he writes himself, someone places the same post for 300 000 ₽ (depends on coverage, authority and other factors). For example, Mikhail Kafanov, who introduced a fashion on telegrams-channels with digests of articles, declares that advertising accommodations and partnerships with companies can be earned up to 120,000 ₽ per month - only in "Telegraph". But in general, of course, earnings depends on the volume and quality of the audience.

    What I think. Many authors know how to create content well, but it is impossible to sell advertising alone well. It often happens that the blogger comes to us and quickly begins to earn a few times more, because he gives the sale of advertising to us on an outsource, and focuses on content itself. About how much you can earn on advertising, and how it works, I will tell you in the following series (do not switch).


    Donatas most often use stream bloggers. Karina's game stroke can earn up to 20 thousand rubles for the game session - people throw money to her just like this or hoping on Hi from the goddess in the literal air.

    Kozyreva Karina streamer

    Youtyub-blogger and feminist Nika Waterwood earns up to 900 dollars a month on Donatas through the Patreon service. The most popular blogger-schoolboy Ivan Survilo leads a mail newsletter for 40 thousand people, some of which sometimes send him donations (but, according to him, this money is barely enough for the existence of mailing). And Technoblogger Wilsakom during the same broadcast Apple gathered Donatama Over 500 thousand rubles.

    What I think. In Russia, donates are not so developed. First of all, because fans are incomprehensible and unusual. It is strange to pay idol a penny for simply reading it - it has always been free (if we do not consider the game world, where everything is different).

    I believe Donatas is not ashamed and cool. In addition to good financial support, Donatas show how popular the blogger is popular. It's one thing - when you just have a million subscribers in "Instagram", and another thing - when you have a million rubles per month give your readers / spectators so that you just continue to do what you do.

    Public performance

    On the one hand, the authors often organize public speeches themselves, earning on tickets and selling Merchandise. For example, Danya transverse in an interview with a duddy admitted According to one public speech in Moscow, more than 4 million rubles can be reset.

    On the other hand, sometimes the authors call to perform organizations that specialize in public speeches. For example, Anton Noster read lectures on emigration in the "Sitiklass" (though, he listed all profits for charity). Ilya Varlamov spends performances in Azimuth or organized a meeting with readers in St. Petersburg under the auspices of Bilain. Often the company pay in advance the participation of a blogger at a fixed rate, and it is used as a media tool to attract listeners. Also brands attract bloggers to open shops, Public Talks and presentations of goods. Most often in 2017, cosmetic brands were used by this ( NYX. , eg). The fee depends on both the star status and the number of media activity on the announcement of the event. Brands are convenient that bloggers have their own audience, which can be called. And in the case of conventional colebritis, there is always a massive purchase of additional advertising in third-party media, where a known person can not know the known person.

    Speech by Ilya Varlamov in Kazan, the brand is not sponsored

    Creative authors go further lectures and conduct exhibitions, Perfomans - like Lena Sheydlin and its universe. And beauty blogger and makeup artist Elena Krygina holds an annual beauty holiday.

    What I think. In my opinion, public speeches are a fairly monetary part of the blogger, but at the same time a complex sphere. The author must be able to perform, be interesting in public, organize, solve a bunch of problems on the run. There are few people are capable of such a few, so the systemically earn only those who have strong teams. At the same time, advertising performances on the site or under the auspices of the brand are part of the work on the sale of advertising.

    Rights to image

    Of course, I immediately want to remember Jura Duda, who sold his "Alfa" image, which began to print it on a media and lending. "Vedomosti" write that this accommodation brought Yura to 60-70 million rubles. I am glad for Yura, if so, but in such numbers I do not believe, to be honest. They write that Vanya Urgant got a little big money, becoming the face of Tinkoff Business, but Vanya is not a blogger, but a television, but comparison hints that these areas are very close.

    Yuri Dor in Advertising Alpha Bank

    What I think. Sale of rights to the image is a cool thing, but it is only suitable for highly promoted authors, which we have units, for example, participation Big Russian Boss in the advertising campaign MTS "Haip" . There are more internally experiments, for example, Maybelline "Unlike Skin" With pleate authors. I hope that there will be more such examples, and brands will choose creative groups of embers - Ambassador, which will be on an ongoing basis to promote the brand and develop in the media field with it. Of course, brands will have to be ready to pay well for the exclusivity of their relationship.

    It is important to note that in Russian legislation there is no concept of "the right to image". Therefore, bloggers actually buy in the expense of participation in the shooting, integration into advertising campaigns and payment of performances at the brand events. That is, this is a certain amount of the cost of such activities plus payment of alternative costs and expenses on the path and accommodation.


    Pewdiepie, the most popular Yutiubeber in the world, surprised the fans of the line of clothing with inscriptions in Russian.

    Book "Plov" of Stalik Khankisheva

    As far as I know, the fees of bloggers for books are a penny. For example, for the book, the blogger can offer from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. Plus up to 15% of royalties - a percentage of book sales, from wholesale price, which is at least twice the price of the store. And the book still needs to be written months. The same money can be earned in the week a couple of promotional posts.

    However, the book is a cool image thing. It is easier to arrange all kinds of contests, public speeches (see above), it can be given to fans (as Leonid Parfinov in "Parthenone).

    What I think. It seems to me that books are the outgoing trend. Bloggers are young, as well as their fans, and the modern 15-year-old teenager will not sell the book of their memoirs (especially if you are 23 years old). Most successful examples in this area are comics or books with stickers that are understandable to the audience. Although successful seems to be a systematic knowledge from Elena Krygina in the book "Makeup", but I don't know the numbers here.

    Books are complex in production. And if the blogger decides to publish it independently, it is immersed in organizational hell.

    On the other hand, a reason appears to record the vlogs about writing a book. Yes, and it will be that in a meeting with advertisers of old quenching, which are accustomed (and still not fall off) to buy advertising in Glossa.


    Our favorite Ilya Varlamov is a master of creating businesses that are spinning on his media activity. So Ilya sold New Year's trees and bicycles, and together with us arranged selling gift boxes with a surprise-set Varlamovbox. Most of the participating brands fell into a box for advertising - they received media lighting for a small batch of goods. Varlamov sold with us every time to 1000 boxes, each of which cost 3-3.5 thousand rubles. After payment of warehouses, employees, delivery and the site, 1-1.5 thousand rubles remained. arrived. Due to the fact that the last box was not sold out, we frozen the project, but we think to restart it to the new year. I am not sure that the profit compensated for us to communicate with the audience, suppliers and warehouse nerve cells - it seems to me that those who work online are not always ready to face the physical business world, delivery difficulties and the expiration date of goods.

    Popular ITIC blogger Vastrica. However, he sells them with tens and packs everybody and sends themselves.

    Another interesting example of assemblies that do, however, are not popular bloggers, but professionals - "capsules", or sets of clothing for men and women collected by stylists. Capsules cost from 30 to 150 thousand rubles. And perfectly fit people who want to dress beautifully, but they do not want to mess around with the selection of clothes. You can also collect a capsule specifically for yourself.

    Elena Gorgina Beauty Boxes

    What I think. I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bassemblies with goods - this can be earned on the condition of the right organization. But there are a lot of work with assemblies: even popular bloggers have to select the goods, form boxes or at least to present their audience to sell. And how many negotiations with warehouses, advertisers and buyers remains behind the scenes - this is generally a separate book!

    I see great potential in capsules, boxes, etc. For example, it is nice to look at the success of the service of things on the subscription LOT2046, which created the Russian start man of Vadik Marmaladov, who sold his previous project of Lapka AIRBNB. I assume that someday the authors will offer not only the boxes with things, but also cars, apartments with repair to their taste and much more - fans will be pleased to copy their lifestyle.

    By the way, if you are ready to develop such a project with one of our authors, then write on [Email Protected] .

    Tours and training

    Specialized bloggers are easier to earn on their knowledge. Blogger-entrepreneur Maxim Batyrev makes motivational tours for businessmen.

    The same exit camps offer fitness coaches and photographers. Olya Marquez here organized a whole network of sect sports schools. Vlada Varlamov and Ekaterina Krasavin sell inexpensive housework and contests. Its loss program is also anfisa Czech. Even entire courses of style and shopping from blogger-stylist Tatyana Timofeeva 30 thousand rubles. For the course.

    School of Shopping Tatyana Timofeeva

    Travel agencies offer CPA-program bloggers: they attract participants to tours, and the agency pays for attracted people. Bild Trevel talks about turnover of 400-700 thousand rubles. from one stock. We only plan to test this type of earnings.

    What to do blogger

    1. Make money on your name - not ashamed. Do not pay attention to people who declare: "Look, sells yourself again." Your fans need courses, books, events with your name.

    2. Before rushing into different activity, first need to build advertising sales. Advertising is the most understandable and monetary of income. When you have a flow of income from advertising, you can do other affairs.

    3. To make money on advertising a lot and without torment, work with managers or come to "Copyright Media". Good salysts will pay you half a day from negotiations and paper, put advertising on the flow and bring more money several times.

    4. If you want to make money on adjacent activities, get ready to plow: learn how much the rental hall for 1000 people, how to visit 10 cities in the week and how to be if your fans have staged a fight in line for autographs. Still in related activities it is important to find experienced assistants, and make them our business partners. If you just want to help us open new business directions, then write me - maybe work.

    5. You think about the pieces of paper as soon as possible. Get out of the IP right now and get money officially, in order not to write tearful posts about card accounts with millions that frozen tax. All agreements with advertisers and partners are documented. You can also have a lawyer (we also have such a thing).

    If you blogger and want to work with us - Write on [Email Protected] With reference to your channel, we will gladly talk.

    I would like to start this article with the quotation of Russian classics about the liberal intelligentsia, because Ilya Varlamov is the most typical representative, even more so, to some extent it can be called and the leader of all this liberal mold.
    So, let's start with the Sun of Russian poetry A.S. Pushkin - this is how he walked in his work about the liberal intelligentsia:
    You enlightened your mind lit up,
    You have seen the truth Lick,
    And gently alien peoples loved
    And wisely his hazard.
    This is what Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev said: "... It would be possible to give an analysis of a modern phenomenon that acquires an increasing pathological character. These are Russophobia of some Russian people ... Previously, they told us, and they really believed that in Russia they are hateful to dislike, the lack of freedom of printing, etc. etc., what exactly is the undispressure of all this in it and like Europe ... And now what do we see? As Russia, achieving greater freedom, is still self-affirming, the dislike of these gentlemen only increases.
    They never hated the previous institutions so much how modern areas of social thought hate in Russia. As for Europe, how we see, no violations in the field of justice, morality and even civilization did not significantly reduce their location to it ... In a word, in the phenomenon that I say about the principles as such, there may be speeches, act Only instincts ... "

    And Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev was generally offended that he was counted for creative intelligentsia:
    - Lev Nikolaevich, are you - an intellectual?
    - God keep me! The current intelligentsia is such a spiritual sect. What is characteristic: do not know anything, they do not know how to do anything, but they are judged about everything and absolutely not acceptance of dissent ... ".
    Alexander Alexandrovich Blok: "I am an artist and, therefore, not liberal."
    Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky joked: "I am an intellectual, yes God forbid. I have a profession. " In addition, he gave a very clear definition of the liberal intelligentsia: "... it is more correct to say the declamic lumpen-intelligentsia, temporarily redistributing material goods."
    Well, the statement of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, probably known to any schoolboy - for this you do not even need to read his books - as this quote is pretty exploited on social networks: "Our liberal is, it is primarily a lacquer who only looks to whom to clean the boots" .
    With the classics of Russian literature completely solidarity V.I. Lenin. This is how he straightforwardly spoke of the intelligentsia in a letter A. M. Gorky from September 15, 1919: "The intellectual forces of workers and peasants grow and stron in the struggle for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectics, lakes of capital by the brain of the nation. In fact, it is not a brain, but shit. "
    Further, Lenin's text expressed the difference between intellectics and true intellectuals: "Intellectual forces wishing to bear the science of the people (and not to send capital), we pay a salary above average. It is a fact. We caress them. This is a fact. These thousands of officers serve as the Red Army and win contrary to hundreds of traitors. It is a fact".
    It is very interesting that in this respect of officers Lenin ranked to the intelligentsia, try to say such a creative intelligentsia.
    As you can see, Lenin shared the intelligentsia, on those who serve capital interests and those who carry knowledge to the simple people who serve as a popular interest.Here, according to V.I. Lenin, those who served capital, are precisely the substance that is allocated as a result of metabolic processes in the human body.Lenin and previously severely spoke in relation to intelligentics, for example, in a letter to Gorky on February 7, 1908, then after the defeat of the first Russian revolution of 1905, the royal regime "spinning nuts" and various kinds of the intelligentsia joined it, Lenin wrote: " The importance of the intellectual public in our party falls: to lead from everywhere that the intelligentsia runs from the party. There and the road of this bastard. The party is cleared of the Meshchansky Sora. Workers are more taken for business. "
    In general, these representatives of the "intelligentsia" march only with the winners, they are revolutionaries, the defeat of the rebels and strengthening the regime - zealous guardians of the order and in general they are moderate conservatives.
    At the same time, it is necessary to draw attention as V.I. Lenin, and Russian classics meant not the whole Russian intelligentsia (doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors, scientists, etc.), and the parasitising, without a certain kind of activity, the work that only comes down to contemporary to his own country, Own people, domestic history.
    So, Ilya Varlamov is the most representative of the liberal intelligentsia - without a certain kind of classes (if the USSR would have received for the tunestry), such as a blogger-photographer, the whole blog of which comes down to watered Russian cities and Russia in general. In any of his tearful articles, drooling about living standards in the West are visible and then there is a doomed statement that in the "this country" is not for people. It is noteworthy of how selectively Varlamov picks up the photo of the Western "paradise" ... to bring any arguments, challenged the stated varlamic position (which is not so much a private opinion as the phenomenon of the entire class of creative Hipster-Liberal Mold, and Hipster-Liberal Molds) is meaningless. I think everyone obviously. That the dispute is purely ideological. Well, in love with the madness of Russian liberals to the West. They pray for him and even if they talk about some of his minuses, it is always condescendingly aside aside, they say you think, and indeed it is not true.
    It is symptomatic here that Varlamov, or simply "hangs on the ears of noodles," or really so fascinated by the brilliance of a comfortable Western life, which does not want to notice her poverty. So, waiting for the arguments that the examples of beautiful life in Europe and the United States shown by him are the lives of the most secured segments of the population (ie minorities) Varlamov resets - "You now say that we have no money for all this. It is not true. Houses and areas in European cities shown above are not always expensive. Social housing looks like this. However, a simple online search will prove to you completely reverse. And here it is not even necessary to look for a photo of Detroit, the inside is fully in Paris, London, Berlin, and the like. But the point is not in this. The point in the ideological position of the alleged uncomfident liberals. Ideology - "West will save us" has become a symbol of faith and everything that does not fit into Western standards should be declared evil, leprosy. Instead of discussing the question of how to do better in your country, such subjects prefer to be killed about how everything is bad, in terms of thinking where to "dump." True, the fact that such "Ostarabeati" in Europe is despite the Turks or Arabs, of course, the liberal varlamous is extremely sad. They understand that there are no worthless and not needed there, but they do not want to live here. They can only appeal and water mud.

    So, who is Ilya Varlamov, except that he is a top blogger of the Russian Internet?

    Born and grew up in Moscow . He studied in, in the period of study at the university, organized the company, which subsequently became the group of companies ICUBE with an annual turnover of $ 3,000,000.
    According to the newspaper " Vedomosti ", His company" D. V.A. In Cuba, "who worked in the field of 3D visualization, he created in 2002 with Artem Gorbachev. In the same year, its turnover amounted to $ 50,000, and the most large order was the visualization of the residential complex of the skyscrapers "Scarlet Sails" of the Don Stroy company. In 2006, she was renamed icube. . In 2008, the Firm Varlamov held an office in the center of Moscow with a total area of \u200b\u200b500 m², and 50 people consisted in her state. The company does not take orders worth less than $ 10,000 and is an advertising-developing agency of the full cycle.
    On some circumstances of the organization and the formation of their business, Varlamov himself told in one of the interviews:
    He also owns a company engaged in computer graphics.
    In my opinion, already on this information you can make some conclusions. The guy is clearly not from the working family. Yes, and not from teachers of doctors-engineers too. He studied in architectural, but the diploma wrote for him for him. And at the same time, heavieves anasamble, over which the best architects of the country worked in Soviet times. It does not appreciate the story - always, when visiting every city, says that the monument to Lenin is extra.
    Further. "Businessman - founder of an advertising and development agency icube. . More famous as blogger -Photos - author of the blog in " Live magazine "Under the title" Emptyness and animal grinding of being ... ", where it stands under the nickname zyalt.. Leads human rights social activities, being one of the organizers of the project " Country without stupid " In 2011, established antipremia " Glass bolt. " Together with Maxim Katse is the author of the project " City projects
    - leads human rights social activities - and where is the achievements? - in vain trying to find a list of families that this, so to speak "human rights activist" helped. Any lawyer or admissible, a doctor or fireman, bring much more benefit to society than this empty blogger.
    - Together with Maxim Katse is the author of the project " City projects ", Whose activities are aimed at studying the problems and improvement of the conditions of the cities of Russia." - Yes, nothing to say! Do you know, Ilya Aleksandrovich, that in the cities of Russia is one problem - they all work on your cluttering Moscow, which not only devours all our resources, but also sews thieves and best, to lead regions. It is certainly good, jump over the gods-slums, to shifts the expensive camera, then it is lying in a blog "how to help these people ...", etc. I can advise. There is such an already forgotten word - a patronage. And we are weak, dear Ilya Aleksandrovich, sell a business and build a couple of high-rise buildings, break the park or repair the hospital? Savva Morozov more than 100 years ago was not weak. He is not only factories-plants built, but also hostels, hospitals, schools, theaters, and the railways too. And you, apparently weakly! On this score, I can still give a quotation from the classics of Soviet cinema: "Do not teach me to live, better help materially."
    "Businessman - founder of an advertising and development agency icube. ». - And at the same time, it is still indignant by advertising on urban streets. So, dear, there would be no advertising agencies - there would be no promotional garbage. Let it sound and cynically, but such a perturbation can be compared with the perturbation of a drug dealer about the lying syringes.
    So, urban projects - it seems, at first glance a good idea. Having painted trips around the cities of Russia Varlamov writes the "bad city" - "good city". Let's think about it, but does he have a flying-span, yes in the additives typical who had a typical Muscovite Snob, in general the right to reason about what city is bad or good? He reading his opuses about traveling around the cities of Russia, sometimes it seems that he does not believe that he may have a life at the Moscow Ring Road. For example, photographed in some major city pointers, and they are duplicated in English. And he writes in a mockery tone that, this is the case, if foreigners suddenly get here (Yeah, such a god forgotten village). Or writes about Vladivostok, something like that: here, apparently, the architects will not reach Moscow from Moscow. He is what, thinks that architects are only in Moscow there? And foreigners can only be there? Whether it is not a snob! And the highest sample! And this manner is also lowered by the city just because he personally would not want to live there, all these lists of cities' ratings ... "Bad city is a good city" - in order to reason, you need to live in this city at least a couple months, and it would be desirable to work Yes, in addition in some creative realm of the real sectorand not come for 1.5 days by a tourist. Pleaspel - Critic, who did not make absolutely nothing in the field of creative labor. Mnet from myself luminous world architecture, but in fact, not designed by any house. Why there is a house - I think that he is not even a barn at the cottage. The guardian for the landscaping, not landscounted by a single yard and not a single playground. In his blogs alone only the yedking from the cycle "how badly". So we move the brains - develop a project, put your money, roll up the sleeves, find people and make it good.
    This is what the visiting visit of Varlamov mayor of Krasnoyarsk Edmham Akbulatov: "I do not know what to appreciate the blogger. What did he do in life? Therefore, I am not particularly close to the heart I accept statements by some guest touring, "the mayor resums.
    And the political views of Mr. Varlamov? It is "Putin's personal blogger" and drags with him in Seligera, then suddenly sharply changes the views and finds himself in the "liberal opposition". This is all called not otherwise as political prostitution. About the sale of this blogger, all smart people have long understood. This is what they say about his visit to Arkhangelsk in May 2015 some of our journalists: "On the fact of the trip, Varlamov made an explicitly custom-made photo report, removing exclusively garbage and emergency houses. At the same time, the photographer followed a jeep cover with toned glasses. Later, the blogger inserted the Arkhangelsk district of sulfate into his rating of the most terrible places on the planet. From this point on, the inhabitants of the district really want to communicate with him personally ... Presented with natural ghetto: the profession of Ilya is such - to look for Chernukhu and negative. Among dozens of photos there is no one, where the Northern District of the city is represented in its ordinary form: Let the shabby - but the good five-story buildings; Let the battered sidewalks - but without a pile of rotting garbage at every step; Let both the puddles are in some places - but not marsh-horror-blood swamp-mud. But the top blogger joined the most disgusting - and extrapolated for the reader to the entire village. By overgrowing it is called. There are similar point slums in other areas of the city, in other settlements of the country; To argue that the entire sulfate is as in the report of Ilya - completely unfair. Yes, there are disadvantages, - and they are even a bit too much - but to call the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe city with tens of thousands of residents "the most terrible place in the world" is somehow too, in my opinion. "
    At the end of April 2017, Varlamov arrived in Stavropol. In Stavropol, people already knew who such Varlamov, and to his arrival were prepared thoroughly: they met his flour, green and cake. This is what the Stavropol launches in social networks about the arrival of Varlamov, and his manners are lowered the city:

    And in conclusion, this is what you can say: Varlamov does not see people during his trips living in the cities and towns, and which, despite all the difficulties of life, remain decent, kind and responsive. What can not be said about Muscovites. But this is not a topic for a steep blog, it is unlikely that it will collect record traffic. Therefore, Ilya Varlamov and it's ilk with him to mock the Russian province. And even if you indulge yourself, as they say, everyone has their own job. That's just what work is likely and fee.